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Victors in the all-union socialist competitions

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V I C T O R S IN T H E A L L - U N I O N S O C I A L I S T C O M P E T I T I O N S

UDC 658.387.62 : 666.76.001.8

The Central Committee of the Communist Par ty of the Soviet Union (CPSU), the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the All-Union Central Committee of the Trades Unions, and the Central Committee of VLKSM, having examined the results of the socialist competitions for attaining productivity increases, work improve- ments, and successful completion of the 1978 targets, have decided to award the leads red banners of the Central Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the trades unions and the VLKSM to collectives of a number of enterprises, and to record their names on the All-Union board of honor at the Moscow Permanent Exhibition of National Economic Achievements of the USSR (VDNKh).

Among the winners was the collective at the Lenin Magnezit Combine.

Completing the historic resolutions of the Twenty-Fifth Congress of the CPSU, and the November 1978 Plenum of the CPSU, the collective of the Magnezit Combine (director Ya. G. Gaponov, party secretary V. P. Vylomov, trade-union chairman V. V. Rygalin, and Komsomol secre tary S. V. Samarkin) hit the target for the 3 years for all technicoeconomic indicators and socialist commitments on Dec. 29, 1978, in good time.

Having widely developed the socialist competitions for early completion of the 1978 targets and early celebration of the anniversary of the new Constitution of the USSR, the combine' s workers had fulfilled the annual plan by Dec. 30, and met their socialist commitments for ref rac tor ies production. Over and above the plan they made 6400 tons of magnesia goods, and 10,600 tons of magnesite powder. They also sold an extra 1,526,000 rubles of products, and obtained 632,000 rubles profit in excess of the target.

The output of new, progressive types of ref rac tor ies was substantially increased, tunnel kiln capacity was exceeded, and this, together with the use of the latest working methods, made it possible to boost production volumes following the higher labor productivities.

During 1978 the output of grade-one goods rose by 0.9?0, and four types of product received the State Label of Quality. Against the fixed norms the Combine saved 3400 tons of standard fuel, 13.7 millions kW" h of electricity, and 450 tons of metal. By r e d u c i ~ downtime it was possible to re lease 1713 main railway wagons. Savings were obtained amounting to more than 1 million rubles due to rationalist ideas and inventions.

The completion of the all-round plan for work safety meant that the sanitation-hygiene conditions for more than 1800 workers were improved. Mechanization and automation, better technology, and the use of 11 scientific management plans released 154 people. One interfactory and 26 departmental advanced-working method seminars were held, involving 7~/0 of the work force. The dwelling space target was exceeded by 2.490.

About 10,000 people took part in the communist-atti tude-to-work competitions. Competitions for personal creativity plans aimed at improving efficiency, for the right to work with autonomous control (check- ing the quality of goods by oneself), for achieving the greatest personal savings, and competitions for adjacent collectives all received a further boost. An important contribution to the early completion of the plans and socialist commitments in the third year of the f ive-year plan was made by remarkable production leaders and innovators. More than 800 workers and 90 collectives, shifts, brigades, and sections completed and third- year plan by the 61st anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution.

The initiator of the socialist competition for reaching the highest utilization coefficient and outstanding technical servicing of equipment, brigade-chief of the Komsomol-Youth brigade, working on excavator No. 10, V. I. Komarov, was one of the f i rs t at the quarry to complete the annual task and socialist commitment. The brigade led by himloaded 35,000 m "~ of mining products against the 20,000 m 3 in the target.

Big work successes were achieved by the brigade of p resse rs , led by M~ A. Shcheglov. In August 1978 this brigade finished the work set for the third year. This eollective was awarded the title "Best brigage at the Combine." A locomotive driver , F. F. Mulyukin, is becoming a shockworker, making rational use of every working minute, using the latest experience in his job, fulfilling the plan, and exceeding it by 10-1270. For success in the socialist competitions he received the title ~Best workers in the trade. "

Translated from Ogneupory, No. 4, pp. 1-3, April, 1979.

0034-3102/79/0304-0197507.50 �9 Plenum Publishing Corporation 197

Page 2: Victors in the all-union socialist competitions

The firing operators r brigade led by N. P. Volkov with 1. 5 months to spare completed the third year of the plan. Against that plan they handled 1800 tons of high-grade magnesite powders.

Workers throughout the ref rac tor ies industry have been successful in completing the State plans and competitions. The 1978 target for re f rac tor ies production was surpassed by 0.5%, commercial sales by 1.4%, the winning of re f rac tory raw mater ia ls by 2.4%, and labor productivity by 1.6%.

The collegiate of the Ministry for Fer rous Metals of the USSR and the Presidium of the trade-union central committee in that industry, having examined the results of the All-Union socialist competitions and the working results of the collectives in the ref rac tor ies enterpr ises for the fourth quarter of 1978, decided to award the leading red banners of the Ministry and trade unions and to award monetrary prizes to the follow- ing collectives:

Bogdanovich Refractories Factory (director V. G. Sivash~ party secretary A. N. Bafanbanova, trade- union chairman L A. Prigul 'nov, and Komsomol secre ta ry V. L. Golovanov);

Vnukovo Refractories Factory (director L V. Grigor 'ev, party secre tary V. S. Alimov, trade-union chairman V. D. Kara, and Komsomol secre tary E. L Krivov);

Balaclava Gorkii Mining Commission (director N. L Semiglazov, party secre tary M. K. Kurochkin, trade-union chairman E. S. Zyabkin, and Komsomol secre ta ry V. I. Kul'kov).

The collective of the Bogdanovich Refractories Factory fulfilled the fourth-quarter plan for ref rac tor ies output and mater ia ls production by t00.8%, and the anniversary plan by 100.4%. The quarterly plan for product sales was surpassed by 2.2~/0 and the anniversary plan by 1.7%. Production worth an extra 259,000 rubles against the target was obtained, They have also fulfilled all other technicoeconomic indices.

During the fourth quarter the construction of a department for making pure-oxide art icles was com- pleted~ work was continued on building a department in the ~econd phase of the high-alumina fibers section, the double-channel tunnel kiln ~o. 3, and an accommodation block for the magnesite powders and products division.

Victors in the socialist competitions operating in the fourth quarter surpassed the targets for work norms by more than 120%. Among them were p re s se r A. M. Savina, press foreman T. Ya. Bykova, se t ter - packer T. L Smorzhevskii, se t ter N. A~ Chernyshov, and many others.

The collective of the Vnukovo Factory completed the plan for ref ractor ies manufacture in the fourth quarter by 101.0%. Against the target they sold commercial goods worth ].24,000 rubles, and obtainedprofits of 30,000 rubles over and above the target figure. They saved 3.1 tons of ferrous metals, 316,000 kW- h of electr ic power~ and 199 tons of standard fuel.

Excellent results were obtained in the competitions for the production of high-quality goods by the collective of Shop No. 1. The highest labor productivity was achieved by a team of set ters headed by E. A. Chebrikova. The team of A. V. Belyaeva was awarded the title "Brigade of guaranteed work." Outstanding production factors were recorded by the production leaders E. V. Katalkin, V. A. Borisov, A. I~. Burlakov, and others.

Workers at the Balaclava Mining Commission completed the fourth-quarter plan for production of raw materials by 100.7%, sales by 105.4%, profits by 105.6%, and labor productivity by 104.9%.

The best resul ts in this area were obtained by the quarry collective led. by V. L Gorbatov, and the collective in the nonrail t ransport section headed by L R. Semigiazov. Much was done in getting these work- lug successes by the leaders in the mines; excavator dr ivers N. I. Semenets and L M. Nikitin, dr i l ler V. N. Skobin, dr ivers N. V. Veretel 'nikov, G. D. Maslyanyi, V. A. Petunin, A. V. Smolin, and others.

Important problems now face the re f rac tory workers in the fourth year of the f ive-year plan. It will be necessary to c a r ry out a lot of work on the building of new projects and the reconstruction of existing plant in order to ra ise technical levels still further, and this will increase the production of effective ref rac tor ies and materials.