Ill BOAT, .11 HI 26. 1951 IIAKH.UKJS ADMKATK Vestry Turn Down Government's Request Too Many Flood Victims Omitted Prom List THE VESTRY of SI. Michael al their meeting yesterday declined Government's request lo distribute funds amount- ing to $10,862.02 to 1949 flood victims of the parish. Of this amount $5.150 20 are from voluntary subscriptions and $5,711 82 from Government. Members complained that many of the victims that had been recommended by the Vestry to Government as worthv of help had been omitted from the Governments list while others had been put on. THREE FISHING BOATS HousinglnJamaica Is A Big Problem .. _. less on °* aaturdaj <v> u iom milos away from 11s nooi alga, I had c ugm about SOU R The vrew worn brought The latest or the boats which „!" ^ f ^^J°° r ^" y V '"f ""fl * »"»n«°u»l>- 'or year, for Cecil Ya'rd/ of ".' ' raapecUn amount! for a livelihood, and wnose Dint- 1S ,„„. „, ,,„. ,„ distribution asset out l.y QonrB, rooted house and everylhm. aht , , „1, vent. Ihe, ,lid n.* consutw fair she had had been swept aw,, hj ,,JS.. .,_,, I they imdenook the responsi- the wale,. Sstvaral „>..,„i..„ of dlstributinic thu nionev the Vestry knew Mr«: Coward: Hi, % am eartala to be accused l>> how hard she had worked and the I eupie of some unjus. dealing. It great loss she had suffered at the was better not to have anything time of the flood. to do with It .| wwlln Mr Mo,Uev no. II was unanimously decided on to have anything to do with the the motion of Mr. E. I> Mottley distribution of these funds as we ••SUUariK, ih.,i much would surely be blamed lor these «nuM like U, see the IhitlH, ." ;''•,' '•'' ''" "> MM ... pafat- Hi Uultley said that MI HUS- tile. Uley winild strongly suggest bands who lived above Miss that the Social Welfare Offleer's Ferny who had been drowned m Department be asked to distribute the flood, had lost everything ex- 00 Friday. They them as they were uiw.i.i,. i,, d„ ...pl his house. Ho was not going »»-ne and Dlalrnr so. to gc| any help debut Ihi. scssoi, (isod liar* Ml. Mottley said that afU'r close Mr. Tudsr said that as Church- Ume is one ol the boats ol the on to two years sonic llnality warden at the time, he had given Foul Bay fleet. She went down lo have been reached by Miss Forde substantial help He after encountering contrary winds Ciovenment on this matter of had given her material lo build In Dldene's case the « :he flood victims. He had back her house and was surprised light and her crew war. .mine expressed the view in the House to see that she would be receiving She was suddenly »tru ly at the lhiie when the |M0 as against U*0 for Mrs. puff of wind and ... ic rands m l>eing Coward "I think the quicker the Snillire Krouohl IU,\ dealt with, that.It ... vestry get out of this thin,, the «..?„" ," , aSSUSS iud MOO M ,.M botttr.-arid Mr Tudor. . V, ,';"";•; ?r p , , , u;";«r thematUI He Who tssapsd quick. The Churchwarden Mr. Mcll J U often helped twice," he had 8,mmonds said that when the l,.l,l (...v.ininent then. Hurrteana Relief Committee had _,_,, There was a „„ o, ,:,-,.,.„.„ gj* ^'UZZZSTSi ^' M «« about these ex-gratl, grants-- ^ ""' "«•'» b ?^ °" '^ Walter Bynoe o[ Silver Bands. for they wee „..l,,„„ eis.— '&*¥ \T, *2SS2\ "I"S Christ Church. looked 01 now ben., msda b. r,„vei,iment wh f h had ""T" supplied to flood lo the Hood Victims, said Mr. <"•* house.1 " the Pine. Mottley. As far as th Michael Veal vs.. cono , mg help had hewn sol LOST LAST WEEK During Haze And Rain THREE PISHING BOATS wm km durtn| the bad weather last week. The majority ol boat-. went out fishing yesterday. On 9 prom the Reef and Wharf moorings went out lishin,; They all re turned with Hying tish. \nd Nou—Dual From Sahara . , KINGSTON, .1 i I Jamaica blotting oul niin. buiidniit ,i mountain ol epei ;hmg bo.it Angela People sto.*. among hill folk. A wild run oui on Ihe bead) and wttnMMd the «"«hed through the Blue Hi Miikini: uf the boat. Small boat* » '"* •*« «*» •"•" ">.n puahed off with the intention of l,nct volcano had , le to ill* raving the Emma C ii -' ' I '"' ' " ' float. She however sank pnmi- ak and aad Mo*n IU I diatcly. ' ers *-WQ feet up the side- lunar The other two buau went down P**trtPI Mf •« dMO "' ' h «' M 1 *'" ,.,,. <,IMMj fox— "*" lo, e " <• luinoiir was wotcoen ' Ptlburj aaid the nan mifkl b due to sjnil8torm>i in the Sahar;i il atng blown nrovBiiini win i ; BUOY ADRIFT THE akippri ai Ui* afl ••Hera" h«- repurted that «fchted a conical ml 1MIO>. adrift In poMtion ij t: Nartli -..'i - u Tha local Harbour and Hhlp P-i>l Dopartnent got a maa -*a« to tile affect yeatardar. cent, was brought bOCfe t< liland on Saturday by MM B I AjMTOfS. ONIONS C0MC A ahipinent o[ 3.130 civic* ol onion* and 2.K0 crates of potatoe* arrli id bora or Bur I ty bi thu N'oursr IhMt llughll ( Th.> Haghll itoppod it i' Ha when* she loaded for Bai 1 .T1-, chaaU of Rlnck tea Other cargo arriving by the nhi Included TOO cartons of canned that Depart men, told th longing eye M , .rtons of pennut butter call s. When theae recommendHtions The SpUhre left Ui and nippllet ol brand* aharry " mows from «rcd pd^ were turned down by Government, to go fishing nn M..> 2. Her m«. wine, pinejipplc Julee rv- l»'» Boaid^cifcCuardian* agreed to Walter Bynoe. sk.pp*-i. Jothan |om j. llv crvstal . i " «i-virs i.i the CuxcuU < ' which .O OoV- •*•*<] Mr H.irprr th.:r As-islunt WlUon of Silver Suuii- aiui Kr-vH i - | - ... !•,-, , .„...,... f, .;.,.,,,..., THE HEMANO (bf housing accommodation in Jama great In the corporate area of Kingston and St it is not posaible to meet the dem.ind. rotwith Ing UM annual expansion of their bulldlnj pro gramme. Mr. E. N. Bird. Mar..i«cr of the Central Houaim Authority of that colony told the Advocate yaaterday Mr. Bird ...rived on B ^ VU I Hou tag C ind is -t.ning at the Hotel He wnd that tite Central Houring ion i'"i.« ' nil i i to i. ngj m iwn; and thej ataareta a^rouf&oul th» i the Ten Yeai Developmani pi OptatJ to spend nilllion imunds on houatng ale They .tie ..I..MH nid-waa UM i>»nn-(Xvu|ii.i Bet* i dealing »uh impi the rural areas It ta estimate*. thai aHa. ifhWoi will Invotvi aa lisndJtun. ol M0M00, Bx-Sen Icemen Prantantiiw , n.,r Af—ii-o 1''" •*"''' ln "' t»i* year, Ihey « L. ' Nh ,hl " l*ntin«t»eooipwU a houatng p \clin\vish. pauisitic vine which iramm« tor ei imen, Ap- pears no leaves, bui iun ' 1*8.000 la itself around other pi Alroadv. ti„ . t..m«t,.ss,- i ii .L ., hl,vr ,,onp cotiMderabu- work in M.moinnes kill them. At the Mi«,, v.-.,- to, th, i * the growth of Low Vine in Barbs-Kins |g on the ttimn Ii ra^ueal to Oowi [ncrean I Ihal titii procranuni in* extendwi and U would Involve There is an Act which Btel addll onal fundi thai tha owner of i.in'i on whifh Thlg matter ta rtW ittni Lsitve Vine is found i . l>\ flux !Illllalll ; ! <" 'hi- -,,ti-f ,. -mil i.f ii.- Mi Itird s.ud Ui.it there la al.. ' I Of 8 MM in.I ASH- " small annual .iH'tviiUon foi Hurt. Mr ii. H i) v uj granti to linlHaiii people In "ii.- inttance no granl < -• 0l |ll lo any 000 taMIlt Love Vine Flourishes -IN RAIN sight of stcr and other canned goodi. The Hiuhlf cot Meaan Da Cotta & Co. Ll L Hvrv For Sugar Two itc i .1 ben ft terday lo load a total of 3.981 ton of SIIKHI for England and I The Alcoa IVmtani eniment When those recom- Welfare OtTlcar, and Mr. Ashby. ick Liniun uf Oistins, lo rnandatlona [rare made, it was to interview as many coaes v.* the island. They arrlv. made dew that .til the people poaalble in the flood area » a see- Vincent on Saturday, May 5 The deserving help were not on the ond check upon the claims made, crew returned to Barbados by the lint a* time did not permit to A r.-port was made out after KhOOOar rlelqaeen on May 10. 'body. and in It was stated that all the These accidents do not Now other people who ht.d victims were not mentioned us crews of the local fleet. Laf! \vr.k made inveatigiitlong had put on contact had not been made with they could not go very tin oui unes, but the list then be- all. It was found that some of because of the heat t ' ' ' ' V.-u ctnitained some ihcsi- people hud removed said Mr. they an* on their UMial inn whom they had recommended and Symmonds, while others when Irvln K">ti of B-.thshcl Visited were not at home of the flshina boat Mac Hrd, i must he..i the criticisms This second list was lorwarded the Advocate that they ;o air to Government and it wa* made ln| pUntv of flvlnR fish nl Bath- clear that everybody had not been sheba. The majority of the boots "wed. ore equipped with the gill net. "During last year. Mr. Weather- King's boat also has a gill net. '" . V.C Gale and I agreed King .aid: -The gill net ,s U,,u ' '" M '"' Costa fc ,. ' "" ''oloni.t Si-. H t;n v snould net we hava tvet had '"' , ,.„-, ...... ttc. ,„IH ,,0w Ihut " f* 1 "** °' lne **' funds »•* hauled up until the end of July ihl.r a s.-i;d wVlfare l^pTrt: l VJ, '"; u ' «J *• J*J ll "'"f ££ « '- >»*"'^ up to thai i moot? What does that Depart- lc " ,a, ' y , lhe VD ' un,ar >' *£**}* >*<*P »" "-"'"K »«« * moot exist for? Are you conscious JXj** ^ ubhc :. .L. b *J!^ e ... 1 ' ,l ,ink .^ ' * l11 f" no insurance rrotn th< rootlet which comea from the Tin- MOdUng i i in a circtv in -. an h ol plant i hi roots go into the opening! of I'.nks of plants. on dunk hedge* 'Pho vlnr groi island, regularly i d thai there la i i , for resettling tpprOXl' . ton 171 squatter IttnuUi ' started on a new setieii" Ni I..-, .mi HO aem ol land wtm.- will give in the regtoii of near- ly soo BUotmanft ror peepu the working eliuwea. in Uus pineme the work of the luttiorlUea ui inmie.1 FOR A SMALL PREMIUM votit PROPERTY ttftmi^i eg HURRICANE. '""-"'I I'hf INSURANCE DEPARTMENT at A.S. BRYDEN&SONS (••*•> LTD. Agents for I'hf National Employers Mutual General Insurance Association Ltd. II lUtea to frow Out of the area and the tieiiple .ill that aie going around," told the members. "It .i peciili.ii' trni- thai you ore asked ( to be rekponslb.e for the distrtbu- tton uf this money, when later 00 haan Hon 1 '•*•*.?. *. I^.* a '.f'.;-. aw ib. a- 1.481 ions of .sugar tor London " h*i a m trine " nnd Harrison linei iManter Z >oo ers and is r i n...n i 1ng during Ihe rainy aM port m leave the Wand . Th " v ' n ' ..' -'"" fSl '"' " f '" fter m.d-w^k. Thev .,•,- | ,., ";"";• ' '< "" ''" 1.. H«- 1... ^-... a. "hlctl It may be gTOWil roots would remain and il w.niM , I.M Alcoa Thr eight Haanar am* one nilr Mil make thou- own -1 riingWlienLs fi»: 1 iniding Tha a "iv populei and ll adll tnafct '1 Ibutton towai d i ln| the housing slim t Si\ New .chrnie- Work Is iirogresaing in t. nth. pariahes ami In that rnrrent ilium i.ii roar, tin. aatlmnto to do IVIIII.HU engen brought cme landing [| H-; it Ml S3SE m 1 begun t. OUld b< IH-.«; lo cut off the 1 nn which il has l-'gun of" he' facV-ha, irT.'.axwTr. of J? ",'«"• ?'lh«. repro»m.„o„. monoy . . - * lltnt l\n„ fn».l. sis. .si.... pnUi'ici'il II- . that thaao funds are 1 1 rttoaaad tha paiish pay a handsome sum Injl ,nPSO ,UDa * are w raiaaaoo. He satd thai the red fl I annually 'o carry on this Depart- Al ,hc mecling of the SL Mi- are insured for the wh-.|- ment? Is it too much to ask that ehael's Vestry yesterday ., letter They will oontlnui that Department distribute this , 'n ***• Acting Attorney General July. money? Do vou realise that what- informed the Vestry that thrre will ever "you do in this matter there anortly he hckl on Enquiry under is .;-niig to be put a dishonest " if Commission of Enquiry Act. twist to it bv some peop'e? 190*. in connection with th,, estab- lishment of the Princess Alice No Cat's Paw Playing Field, and the expend 1- - Vr "• J - Waal". < " " lure ol funds granle<l the Vestrv Statistician of Trinidad is now in "I say to you ."rom the depth of tor that purpose. Barbados fa my heait and Hltfa all aaniaatCsaai II would be of assistance to him t-'Tibbcan Housing «-XI>.-II- win ' and in the interest of your own ,n ascertaining any facts which "P*""" 1 Jl "> ' * reputation, that you should not be should be placed before the rnm. terday morning undi STUDYING T'DAD HOMES Labourers Can Get Loans For Houses But They Muttl Have Armwers Ready •Vfamn j —. .iinmiu m- jum.'i ut-llfllT llir I •i\: - , ,-— . , made a cat's paw for Government, minion, he stated if the Vestrv mansn, P of Mr. C. A. Grossmith. You should no^ allow the Gov- ZZSA ,1in,,i. hm. u,i.h .11 Z5Z Admmistrativ,- Beeretai lo CD pmgi'ammi' in ehernai which . 1} laid out. There It 1 greal (aeUnf in .laiua.i a as leg'" ' ay'i outlook, aovornmai 11 a hit lit attl varmiis i ''-1 > 1 I ifrvrlimii nil .ii.iii-.tr v and agricultui For i-v . ' thai ti (Marendon Irrigalmn Kehcine >\, bung undar cuWvatton aoo kt able aereaaa which wasted. Loam lo " wnan 1 lands are nOOl Rs«UMrnplated ' ordai thai fcej atay i n ii 1 "f Ina ta, Th»> tiHiii.st Induati > . nig and thoie Is a great moVOmei tablishment of varin should not allow the Gov- wou|d supply him with all ..»*.! In nma lW. tii.nU las UI.I1 * . . to pass the buck to you. u(M etc periaining to the The Vestry h?d made a contri- „„,, ln8truc, Ihclr »mcers bution of over $10,000 in assisting Krvmls ,„ KIV,. hi I ihe time of Iha BOM ,••.- 1 and any informa- tion In their possession and an? and W. He arrived B.W.I.A. and 1 Marine HoU'l. Mr. Steer said that he i: 1 Sunday aaying M at- -nd hnd not asked for the rcim- „„., Imr .emem of a cent Thev felt it tt **""" nt *- templing lo lanj vas^ their duty and hid done «o ^understood that a comm.ttoe ncw buDdlnfJ In Trlnlda. . Of this amounrover 551*25 W—^ . ,n : connection hopltlK that.thll Conferenco will WHEN an agricultural labourei » ' theLaboui Welfare Houainsj Loang I 'rp.irtmcni m Pinfold Streel to borrow he must know his plans f.n building (us hou n tv< II. j 1 dei tl Ptoneei End Law, there Is asaistami- |tvaa 1 lo^ranunonl QovenuneM ui b* family COnaldatrlng the queaUim of Indu had not Irial development f..i s..me via w and many propoaals will I an anted had been flth ihe Princess Alice Playing hefp ~to decide on some re .iski'd by Mr, W. Haynei "i tha Departrnenl lay morning al aboui 10.? "But vou told ma M O'clockj Mr Haynei was busy in- reminded. •'that your family I labourer! rrom ia the^would not be so lug Y itold me of your grandmoiher then The borrower provide! .1 , .ai-fcAnyhow . . ." tcr of the 'Hitl.iv (in buililmi: In H Tha man than produced man% (ji house and tin- Dapartrneol fur-' bills to prove that he had bought form rir '" ; ' ""' remamder. The >»» --'luarlrr of the lumhei ni-eded and rower must nol just show the had started to build Mr. HII.MII-. but must have l>cgiiu was not quite satisfied with the w. that when prepared llgur« are pu | > m n* w » Ul h " <l"ait«n. When bills and told the man bf w.iil.i "VVeari-nnt shirking ear M- Thi * "*«* •«* instructed to produced in Trinidad, thev will '" "* interviewed, he get them .lucked. M^m.lhU.tv hut we are not golna P*y offering all the assistance then be easily comparable with •>"» ° br ' n « "''""'f lo *** be Neat was a v-ung to have he Imch pUrd an to iu asked for. The Vestry 00 tlM Hfures in the othc, W-st Indian has bought matorial fo. the houae. from Holder's 11,11 lb I therefore appealTyou most motion of Mr Mottley also ap. territories. 7^1*^,.^ fiL'h^l. ...nouslv not to accept the re- pointed a small committee to deil At the present moment, the to vheck ;on the hour* sponsibihty of d.stnbut.ng this with the Vestry's side of the -crim house or flat mean- quite ^ has begun to build. . ".peclally as several_reii- question. Members of thu O dent* of the flood areas whose mittee are: The Churchwarden. M8T \RRIYHD VIM'S\ IIIMK vi Allrt;\\ & tmmeM Obtainable from H. JASON JONES & Co.. Ltd. HARRISON'S Broad St. Aluminum Alloy Sinks Snliil CM Mrlnl Smooth I'ollshrd finish With llsalBS Drailirr—12" i.vi'nill KM M 11..nl,I. —«4' 7H.M OMI'l.DTl: WITH ITTTINdS Galvanised Garbage Bins wilh f'ovi'r II" IB" IK" l>iu. $7.»G *9.IK IttJt Wood Handled Cutlasses Th" DOpulU "Ci'.ciliU'" Brand wtlk 18" Uada 95 cams I'.AC 11 t.,000 from Ihe Sanitary Depart- """ "" '.'""'" """\ "'>'"' ncl P ,0 """^ °n some ment had been used fo- ssnitsry r, ' ,d •"'',' D ?" "'*>'!"» "'"' °. nd fla-'leatlons * n„ H, urdM!iw"by thc"»iI3 "ould Ilk. th. name, of the tser- types „t new buildings In"order ""'"i* , ..."-- ...Vs.» .—slis (ha. aAinmlf taut >k_1 _J^__ -J H^.s—o ClUllainiC Wltll MANURE GIVES MORE CORN 4 Prong Garden Forks Ovmli lAMimh—:i8" ONLY $3.6.1 Dncli "Heron" All Steel Hoes 4 aim in ttock From M In !1H (VnU Mi nisines do not i.ppcar on this list Mr. Mottley. Mr. Weatticrhead are most deserving cases." Mr. and Mr. Miller. Mottle) than made his motion. i :orn plantar! un now a«'t nil ..lira buahi Ii -•( corn ! .»• i tha ctaieluaton 1 1 Mi J it. o Robtnaon of 11 tdy begun 10 build Th- fi nent of Sdenee and Agi sayt of the house was up. he tuld III ruMure llaynes. This man satisfied 1 '" »" '"*'••' " M "" .. different thing in the various Too "Elaborate" interviewer ami when be M ' ' •\XnuTc,,U islands and U ioma untfenn Onaof tha flrat man to bi nter- ...iriad away a cheque for a hun- I niethiKi ..I ,..... tall man dred dollars. Ijiler he will «e: tin tided on, it will be much eaatet *lio had begun to build ' 2D by n*m,nnd'i urlal Trial -With 11 "DOMO" Butter Churns Mr, II. A. Tudor seconded the motion. On the list, he said, he ihal $240 were to be given lo Mrs. Coward who had lost her house nnd everything she had. He considered that a d.s- NEW CARIBBEAN CHIEF ARRIVES to Judge which of Ihe colonies 11 house with a shed roof is making good progreV; towards "Why are you building such an solving Its housing problem* and elaborate house'" he wm. asked. ulnili of them are lagaini: IK-- Well »n. m> I hind. There will br. KINGSTON, Jamaica. The new Commander for the grace Caribbean Area. Brigadier A. C. F Mr. T. W. Miller *aid that he Jackson. ORE, arrived thi* week n on the list that one Miss from the United Kingdom. accOm- Many -, j- e ol Britton'i Hill wal going panled bv his wife and son. He have told the Ad to receive $3*). He thought that Why The Water Tastot of Chlorine . Duehel of m> Ibf aim sulphai of ammonia »t jus.oo pai ion the aOODOrnk application ill both Not For Clerk* eanlrea 2 The man who now can < acre This dreaalnf ward was a llMla lldgcty a. he when the crop »- aPOUt tln"< began lo make replies. When he weeks old. can be expected was first interviewed ha had (In page 1 Cream Separators (rapacity 10 gallon*, per $30 74 S58 27 hour) . of nlna buaheli I HARRISON'S Ha t Iware Store I 2364 U ,'*-,%*-***,*,','-*-'*'-'-*-'- SSSS.'SS* 4 every member of the Vesiry knew that nobody at Bntlon's Hill had much al those people a.ofig the Itridae Road, Hall's «.. 1 'm.'.iiUiiioii Itoad and the lUmlini; area. I'ompartaon He was not prepared to say that Mill Forde w. $380 or even St. Jamc* I'lniiiiinin. ohloi te that tha atei 1 :,..rt, ,h<- 0*a* from Brigadier E. K water has a taste of chlorine. The Pumping Page, I) SO MC, C.B.E. who Chief Engineer of the Waterworks IHW I taat for the UJC., this week. lam uello _. . cok. Dcpartmern told the Advocab It] faaterday: "ContarninidWn of «.t for jcifidual chioi 1 water anpali 1!.;. r: counteracted by ehh.i ination " amourrl roq ndai UM He said- "The new well :it tin- •rater lafl Motor vess*'l Daarwoo* sailed in Belle and the new udit joining has shown 0 pohitive n .„, from St. Lucia with a cargo ->! this ncw well with tha eaUatang avary leal not entitled to the 'ruit. cocoanuls, copra and tama- underground sheet wnti that the amount el Una .. ..\orc but how did rinds yesterday. She is consigned have lately been connected this compare with Mr* Coward to the Schooner Owners' Aaaocia- To eliminate any possibility »{ irmned and the witter should be who along with her husband had tlon. __ u^'esinble effect- from . -, 1 by the end of tha weeA Fruit Arrives ROBERTSON'S SILVER SHRED MARMALADE per Jar ITALIAN TOMATO KITCHUP l*' Bottle TOMATO PUREE per Tin SURF MAID GRAPES in Tins—Large 50c. Small ESCOFFIEN FRENCH PREPARED MUSTARD —per Jar Al'SIHAIJAN LIGHT HONEY i-cr Jar UPTON'S FRENCH COFFEE per Tin BUT! BPAOKBTT1 in Rich MEAT SAUCE-per Tin BAHAMAS CRUSHED PINEAPPLE per Tin WI.MKItS PORK *, BEANS per Tin MMh\IM IIV.K UI M 33c He. 28c. 15e 24c 25c. STAJVSFEL0 SCOTT S < 00: LTD. WITH COUCB SYRUP Here's a Lilt of Items you have been awaiting Absorbine dr \h-i»rhln»* Veterlnar>' Irradol—A Hallvrr MaJl with Vio*terol Millrr% Wcrm Powdrr. Dr. Kinita Kulphur Bitter Robert* OaesfB , *>rup l'erto«Alr» (for Wh'Hipiiic i »ii ' Olympfne KNIGHTS DRUG STOKES I it if trlu'i-4- in III*' II or hi GLOBE i nor11:its adff make your Travelling Easier and Safer Ai Klxr ihlpnwnl ol ttw sin strong IUIICMO. ind rrived Th.-. m- ! ' lollj con Irucli I . . I,I,..V,III., ..ml . iniii-l li <'* ' ' I ha unallMl one without making .my imp,, I v vour belonnlriKs »" "wll prot«ct4xl and you can br Ihal •" an sTlil itand up to Ihi I ' aannani in I siill WP.-.I well ( MM Each W rdrubo six. Ksch J21.33, H5 27 & «50.8S -71,. IS Cave Shepherd & Co., Ltd. 10. II. 12 & 13 Broad Street

Vestry Turn Down Government's Requestufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/09/89/64/02615/00425.pdf · Vestry Turn Down Government's Request Too Many Flood Victims Omitted Prom List THE

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Vestry Turn Down Government's Request Too Many Flood Victims

Omitted Prom List THE VESTRY of SI. Michael al their meeting yesterday declined Government's request lo distribute funds amount- ing to $10,862.02 to 1949 flood victims of the parish. Of this amount $5.150 20 are from voluntary subscriptions and $5,711 82 from Government. Members complained that many of the victims that had been recommended by the Vestry to Government as worthv of help had been omitted from the Governments list while others had been put on.

THREE FISHING BOATS HousinglnJamaica Is A Big Problem

.. _. less on * aaturdaj u iom

milos away from 11s nooi alga, I had c ugm about SOU R The vrew worn brought

The latest or the boats which

!" ^f^^Jr^"y V'"f ""fl* "nul>- 'or year, for Cecil Ya'rd/ of ".' ' raapecUn amount! for a livelihood, and wnose Dint- 1S ,. , ,,. ,

distribution asset out l.y QonrB, rooted house and everylhm. aht , , 1, vent. Ihe, ,lid n.* consutw fair she had had been swept aw,, hj ,,JS.. .,_,, I they imdenook the responsi- the wale,. Sstvaral >..,i.. of

dlstributinic thu nionev the Vestry knew Mr: Coward: Hi, % am eartala to be accused l>> how hard she had worked and the I eupie of some unjus. dealing. It great loss she had suffered at the was better not to have anything time of the flood. to do with It .| w wlln Mr Mo,Uev no.

II was unanimously decided on to have anything to do with the the motion of Mr. E. I> Mottley distribution of these funds as we

SUUariK, ih.,i much would surely be blamed lor these nuM like U, see the IhitlH, ."

;'',' '''''""> MM ... pafat- Hi Uultley said that MI HUS- tile. Uley winild strongly suggest bands who lived above Miss that the Social Welfare Offleer's Ferny who had been drowned m Department be asked to distribute the flood, had lost everything ex- 00 Friday. They them as they were uiw.i.i,. i,, d ...pl his house. Ho was not going -ne and Dlalrnr so. to gc| any help debut Ihi. scssoi, (isod liar*

Ml. Mottley said that afU'r close Mr. Tudsr said that as Church- Ume is one ol the boats ol the on to two years sonic llnality warden at the time, he had given Foul Bay fleet. She went down

lo have been reached by Miss Forde substantial help He after encountering contrary winds Ciovenment on this matter of had given her material lo build In Dldene's case the

:he flood victims. He had back her house and was surprised light and her crew war. .mine expressed the view in the House to see that she would be receiving She was suddenly tru

ly at the lhiie when the |M0 as against U*0 for Mrs. puff of wind and ... ic rands m l>eing Coward "I think the quicker the Snillire Krouohl IU,\

dealt with, that.It ... vestry get out of this thin,, the ..?" ," , aSSUSS iud MOO M ,.M botttr.-arid Mr Tudor. . V, ,';"";; ?r

p, , , u;";r thematUI He Who tssapsd quick. The Churchwarden Mr. Mcll J

U often helped twice," he had 8,mmonds said that when the l,.l,l (...v.ininent then. Hurrteana Relief Committee had _,_,,

There was a o, ,:,-,.,.. gj* ^'UZZZSTSi ^' M about these ex-gratl, grants-- ^ ""' "' b?^ " '^ Walter Bynoe o[ Silver Bands. for they wee ..l,, eis. '&* \T, *2SS2\ "I"S Christ Church. looked 01 now ben., msda b. r,vei,iment

wh fh had ""T" supplied to flood lo the Hood Victims, said Mr. l Dopartnent got a maa -*a to tile affect yeatardar.

cent, was brought bOCfe t< liland on Saturday by MM B I


A ahipinent o[ 3.130 civic* ol onion* and 2.K0 crates of potatoe* arrli id bora or Bur I ty bi thu N'oursr IhMt llughll (

Th.> Haghll itoppod it i' Ha when* she loaded for Bai 1 .T1-, chaaU of Rlnck tea

Other cargo arriving by the nhi Included TOO cartons of canned that Depart men, told th

longing eye M , .rtons of pennut butter call s. When theae recommendHtions The SpUhre left Ui and nippllet ol brand* aharry " mows from rcd pd^ were turned down by Government, to go fishing nn M..> 2. Her m. wine, pinejipplc Julee

rv- l' Boaid^cifcCuardian* agreed to Walter Bynoe. sk.pp*-i. Jothan |om j. llv crvstal . i " i-virs i.i the CuxcuU < ' which .O OoV- **nn-(Xvu|ii.i Bet* i dealing uh impi the rural areas It ta estimate*. thai aHa. ifhWoi will Invotvi aa lisndJtun. ol M0M00,

Bx-Sen Icemen Prantantiiw , n.,r Afii-o 1''" *"'''

ln"' ti* year, Ihey L. 'Nh ,hl" l*ntinteooipwU a houatng p

\clin\vish. pauisitic vine which iramm tor ei imen, Ap- pears no leaves, bui iun ' 1*8.000 la itself around other pi Alroadv. ti . t..mt,.ss,- i ii .L .,

hl,vr ,,onp cotiMderabu- work in M.moinnes kill them. At the Mi,, v.-.,- to, th,

i * the growth of Low Vine in Barbs-Kins |g on the ttimn Ii ra^ueal to Oowi [ncrean I Ihal titii procranuni

in* extendwi and U would Involve There is an Act which Btel addll onal fundi

thai tha owner of i.in'i on whifh Thlg matter ta rtW ittni Lsitve Vine is found i. l>\ flux!Illllalll ;! * LTD. Agents for

I'hf National Employers Mutual General Insurance Association


II lUtea to frow Out of the area and the tieiiple


that aie going around," told the members. "It

.i peciili.ii' trni- thai you ore asked ( to be rekponslb.e for the distrtbu- tton uf this money, when later 00 haan Hon 1

'**.?. *. I^.*a'.f'.;-. aw ib. a-

1.481 ions of .sugar tor London " h*i a m trine " nnd Harrison linei iManter Z >oo ers and is r i n...n i 1 ng during

Ihe rainy aM

port m leave the Wand . Th" v'n' ..'-'"" fSl '"' "f '" fter m.d-w^k. Thev .,,- | ,., ";"";' '< "" ''"

1.. H- 1... ^-... a. "hlctl It may be gTOWil roots would remain and il w.niM , I.M

Alcoa Thr eight

Haanar am* one nilr

Mil make thou- own -1 riingWlienLs fi: 1 iniding Tha a "iv populei and ll adll tnafct

'1 Ibutton towai d i ln| the housing slim t

Si\ New .chrnie-

Work Is iirogresaing in t. nth. pariahes ami In that rnrrent ilium

i.ii roar, tin. aatlmnto to do IVIIII.HU

engen brought cme landing [| H-; it Ml

S3SE m 1 begun t. OUld b< IH-.; lo cut off the 1 nn which il has l-'gun

of" he' facV-ha, irT.'.axwTr. of J? ",'" ?'lh. reprom.o. monoy . . - * lltnt l\n fn.l. sis. .si.... pnUi'ici'il II- . that thaao funds are 1 1 rttoaaad tha paiish pay a handsome sum Injl ,nPSO ,UDa* are "w raiaaaoo. He satd thai the red fl I annually 'o carry on this Depart- Al ,hc mecling of the SL Mi- are insured for the wh-.|- ment? Is it too much to ask that ehael's Vestry yesterday ., letter They will oontlnui that Department distribute this ,'n *** Acting Attorney General July. money? Do vou realise that what- informed the Vestry that thrre will ever "you do in this matter there anortly he hckl on Enquiry under is .;-niig to be put a dishonest "if Commission of Enquiry Act. twist to it bv some peop'e? 190*. in connection with th,, estab-

lishment of the Princess Alice No Cat's Paw Playing Field, and the expend 1- -Vr " J- Waal". 1 I ifrvrlimii nil .ii.iii-.tr v and agricultui

For i-v . ' thai ti (Marendon Irrigalmn Kehcine >\, bung undar cuWvatton aoo kt able aereaaa which w wasted. Loam lo " wnan 1 lands are nOOl RsUMrnplated ' ordai thai fcej atay i n

ii 1 "f Ina ta, Th> tiHiii.st Induati > .

nig and thoie Is a great moVOmei tablishment of varin

should not allow the Gov- wou|d supply him with all ..*.! In nma lW. tii.nU las UI.I1 * . . to pass the buck to you. u(M etc periaining to the The Vestry h?d made a contri- ,, ln8truc, Ihclr mcers

bution of over $10,000 in assisting Krvmls , KIV,. hi I ihe time of Iha BOM


and any informa-

tion In their possession and an?

and W. He arrived

B.W.I.A. and 1 Marine HoU'l.

Mr. Steer said that he i:

1 Sunday aaying M

at- -nd hnd not asked for the rcim- ., Imr .emem of a cent Thev felt it tt**"""nt*- templing lo lanj vas^ their duty and hid done o ^understood that a comm.ttoe ncw buDdlnfJ In Trlnlda.

. Of this amounrover 551*25 W^ .,n: connection hopltlK that.thll Conferenco will

WHEN an agricultural labourei 'theLaboui Welfare Houainsj Loang I 'rp.irtmcni m Pinfold Streel to borrow

he must know his plans f.n building (us hou n tv< II. j 1 dei tl Ptoneei End

Law, there Is asaistami- |tvaa 1 lo^ranunonl QovenuneM ui b*

family COnaldatrlng the queaUim of Indu had not Irial development f..i s..me via

w and many propoaals will I an anted

had been flth ihe Princess Alice Playing hefp ~to decide on some

re .iski'd by Mr, i W. Haynei "i tha Departrnenl

lay morning al aboui 10.? "But vou told ma M O'clockj Mr Haynei was busy in- reminded. 'that your family

I labourer! rrom ia the^would not be so lug Y itold me of your grandmoiher then

The borrower provide! .1 , .ai-fcAnyhow . . ." tcr of the 'Hitl.iv (in buililmi: In H Tha man than produced man%

(ji house and tin- Dapartrneol fur-' bills to prove that he had bought form rir'";' ""' remamder. The > --'luarlrr of the lumhei ni-eded and

rower must nol just show the had started to build Mr. HII.MII-. but must have l>cgiiu was not quite satisfied with the

w. that when prepared llgur are pu|>mn* wUl h" iu. $7.G *9.IK IttJt

Wood Handled

Cutlasses Th" DOpulU "Ci'.ciliU'" Brand wtlk 18" Uada

95 cams I'.AC 11

t.,000 from Ihe Sanitary Depart- """ "" '.'""'" """\ "'>'"' nclP ,0 """^ n some ment had been used fo- ssnitsry r,',d "'',' D?" "'*>'!" "'"'.nd fla-'leatlons * n

H, urdM!iw"by thc"iI3 "ould Ilk. th. name, of the tser- types t new buildings In"order ""'"i* , ..."-- ...Vs. .slis (ha. aAinmlf taut >k_1 _J^__ -J H^.so ClUllainiC Wltll


4 Prong

Garden Forks

Ovmli lAMimh:i8"

ONLY $3.6.1 Dncli


All Steel Hoes 4 aim in ttock

From M In !1H (VnU


nisines do not i.ppcar on this list Mr. Mottley. Mr. Weatticrhead are most deserving cases." Mr. and Mr. Miller. Mottle) than made his motion.

i :orn plantar! un now a't nil ..lira buahi Ii -( corn !! . i

tha ctaieluaton 1 1 Mi J it. o Robtnaon of 11

tdy begun 10 build Th- fi nent of Sdenee and Agi sayt of the house was up. he tuld III ruMure

llaynes. This man satisfied 1 '" " '"*'' "M"" .. different thing in the various Too "Elaborate" interviewer ami when be M ' '\XnuTc,,U islands and U ioma untfenn Onaof tha flrat man to bi nter- ...iriad away a cheque for a hun- I niethiKi ..I ,..... tall man dred dollars. Ijiler he will e: tin tided on, it will be much eaatet *lio had begun to build ' 2D by n*m,nnd'i

urlal Trial -With 11

"DOMO" Butter Churns

Mr, II. A. Tudor seconded the motion. On the list, he said, he

ihal $240 were to be given lo Mrs. Coward who had lost her house nnd everything she had. He considered that a d.s-


to Judge which of Ihe colonies 11 house with a shed roof is making good progreV; towards "Why are you building such an solving Its housing problem* and elaborate house'" he wm. asked. ulnili of them are lagaini: IK-- Well n. m> I hind. There will br.

KINGSTON, Jamaica. The new Commander for the

grace Caribbean Area. Brigadier A. C. F Mr. T. W. Miller *aid that he Jackson. ORE, arrived thi* week

n on the list that one Miss from the United Kingdom. accOm- Many -, j- e ol Britton'i Hill wal going panled bv his wife and son. He have told the Ad to receive $3*). He thought that

Why The Water Tastot of Chlorine

. Duehel of m> Ibf aim sulphai of ammonia t jus.oo pai ion the aOODOrnk application ill both

Not For Clerk* eanlrea 2 The man who now can < acre This dreaalnf

ward was a llMla lldgcty a. he when the crop - aPOUt tln"< began lo make replies. When he weeks old. can be expected was first interviewed ha had

(In page 1

Cream Separators (rapacity 10 gallon*, per


S5827 hour)

. of nlna buaheli I HARRISON'SHat Iware Store I 2364 U ,'*-,%*-***,*,','-*-'*'-'-*-'- SSSS.'SS*4

every member of the Vesiry knew that nobody at Bntlon's Hill had

much al those people a.ofig the Itridae Road, Hall's .. 1 'm.'.iiUiiioii Itoad and the

lUmlini; area. I'ompartaon

He was not prepared to say that Mill Forde w. $380 or even

St. Jamc* I'lniiiiinin. ohloi te that tha atei 1 :,..rt, ,h