Varela 2009

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  • 7/30/2019 Varela 2009


    Rsidncy Docunts o A! Nots

    to Undstnd th Movnto Mignts in Bcon

    Amarela Varela

    AbstractTis text ocuses on a concrete example o the politicalstruggle o migrants which, beginning in the last decadeand continuing to the present, occupies Catalan publicspace in the orm o an extremely novel social movementled by migrants rom the post-colonial peripheries Tesemigrants, upon installing themselves in the Spanish stateand more specifcally in the city o Barcelona, choose toescape the position o victim assigned to them by the mis-erablist representation o immigration to become agentsand political subjects Tis article is a socio-analytic recon-struction about this social movement which demandsthe unconditional regularization o all migrants without

    papers who live in Spain

    AbstractCe texte tudie un exemple particulier de la lutte politi-que des migrants qui, depuis la dernire dcennie jusqulheure actuelle, occupe lespace public catalan sous la

    orme dun mouvement social extrmement novateurmen par des migrants issus de la priphrie postcolo-niale En choisissant de sinstaller dans ltat espagnol, et

    plus prcisment dans la ville de Barcelone, ces migrantsse soustraient au rle de victime qui leur est assign par

    la reprsentation misrabiliste de l immigration afnde devenir des agents et des acteurs politiques Le prsentarticle propose une reconstruction socio-analytique autourde ce mouvement social qui exige la rgularisation incon-ditionnelle de tous les sans-papiers vivant en Espagne

    It is bsud to xpct won to oby, whn inquityis iposd with th oc o w

    Ft Mnissi, El harn en Occidente

    IntroductionTis soci ovnt is d up o ognizd igntswho iv, wok, nd consu in th titoy o th Spnish

    stt ik its oth inhbitnts Tough wving wbso undstnding with oth ctos on th oc, stt, ndEuopn v nd tking ctions incuding ock-ins, hun-g stiks, donsttion, nd ssbis, thy dndtht th Spnish govnnt guiz, without conditions,th sitution o thos who kpt in igu sidncysitutions by iigtion poicis

    In this pp, I psnt synthsis o th sociognsis othis soci ovnt, th dvopnt o its poitic dis-cous, nd its dnds s w s th vious sttgisusd to chiv n outco wh ppoxity 1 i-ion pop obtind thi pps, nd with th, ctinights1

    T gunts usd in this tic hv bn dvisd nddvopd in th contxt o y docto sch pojct, onth ovnt o docuntd nd undocuntd ii-gnts in Bcon, bsd on quittiv ppoch to thovnt, though twnty-th biogphic intviws,invstigtiv jounis, nd ctivist o iitnt schnd obsvtion ov six ys unintuptdy2

    In ts o th thotic s, th d o studybout soci ovnts o ignts is tivy young nduss th bsis o tnsntion undstnding o soci

    phnon T stuggs o ignts, ik nw kind osoci ovnt, I popos, cn b nyzd o th int-ptiv s, o th socioogic discouss bout coct-iv ction nd soci ovnts3 W so hv cdicntivs bout th ight to igt nd in tht usu to undstnd ths stuggs o ignts4 A con-sidb nub o schs consid poitic ction oth ignts s nw kind o soci ovnt, nd thyo nytic ppochs o xps o ths ovntso its dnds in dint countis5


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    We Are Not Washing MachinesFo ov dcd Bcon, th cpit o Ctoni, hsbn th scn o thousnds o ignts, with nd without

    pps, pticipting s th potgonists o nw sociovnt6 whos dnds tht th Spnish govn-nt guiz thos who iv, wok, nd consu inits titoy

    Tis ovnt consists o ignts who poiticsubjcts nd who, though thi dnds nd poiticpctics, tnspot thsvs o th position o vic-ti, which th miserablist intpttion o iigtionhs ssignd th, to th position o gnts7 Tis owsth to ttpt to tnso thi ity nd s pt o this,intpot th Euopn Union in ts o th tions odointion which sustin its ib doctic gis sgis bsd on th spct o hun ights

    As such, ths sin papeles (undocuntd ignts)

    ctivists nd ignts Ty co o ov thpost-cooni piphis nd ogniz thsvs in tho o soci ovnt dnding papeles para todos(sidncy docunts o vyon), do o cicution,th ight to in in th pc wh thy hv chosn toiv gdss o thi woking i, nd qu ights o thos bon insid o outsid Euop gdss o thi th-nic oigin, gnd, o soci css

    A o th bov hs bn sid kping in ind thipotnc o qustioning th wok-cntd instunt-is nist in th ngnt o igtions ov thwod, but bov in Euop8 Such qustioning gs

    o th xpincs o ignts Fo this son, ignts,ognizd in soci ovnts, us th pis o bingttd ik dostic ppincs by sying, W not wsh-ing chins As stng s it y sound, this is thi wyo xpssing tht ignts not disposb chins9

    Ov th pst tn ys pop o th Indin subcontin-nt, Pkistn, Sng, Ltin Aic, Moocco, Roni,nd swh hv ognizd in divs coctivs withdivs ptos nd hv dndd th ight to gxistnc nd with it th ight to hv ights, s HnnAndt poposs10 Tis dnd is sn s thi du ndsts o thi undstnding tht thy pop who

    hv co o oth titois tht continu to b intn-sivy pundd by cooni nd no-cooni xpnsion oth co countis In shot, ths poitic subjcts dndo th Euopn doccis th ight to dcid on thipc o sidnc without hving to u ny conoicunction s o o supposd copnstion

    Te Protagonists o the ext and o the MovementEchoing th popos o A Syd,11 this pp ttpts toundstnd th ignt poitic stugg o th point o

    viw o its potgonists T nysis is o thi i histo-is, thi stois, incuding th cuss which ocd th toigt, thi xpinc o igtion, nd how thy hvbco poitic potgonists in Bcon

    Futho, th pp is psntd s constuctionwhich dws on th tstionis, voics, ois, nd p-

    spctivs which th ctivists o pticipnts o sin papelesshd duing vious piods o obiiztion Howv,s ost wys hppns with such ots, I hv hd todvop o ths histois sing ccount

    T histoy o th ovnt in qustion is pticuydicut to tc pcisy bcus th joity o ctivistsck sidncy docunts Tus, th is continuous ov-nt though this ovnt T potgonists nwds th voics which giv it continuity Whi th is stb nucus o ctivists who intin ov ti th bsicstuctus which intin th ovnt, in ch obiiz-tion th joity o th potgonists invnt th coctivoy o th stugg

    I bgin by highighting tht th ovnt o undocu-ntd ignts in Bcon is sustind by coctiono ogniztions tht intin, ofn pciousy, th con-tinuity o thi poitic idntity Ti poitics is on whichis opposd to pticipting in th poitics o intgtionngnt o thos cnty iving to Ctn titoyTt is to sy tht th sin papeles ovnt dos not opt o th bod ntwok o ssocitions, oundtions, ndcoctivs which, though pubic unding, iz tskstd to soci/g/bou suppot o ignt coctivs

    Rth, it is poitic ovnt which cts in coodin-tion with ovnts opposd to th no-ibiztion oth wod syst Tus, it pusus th dismantling o thcunt bod gi

    In od to ct inks o soidity, it ks intn-siv us o nw tchnoogis It is ipotnt to tk intoccount tht this is ovnt which occupis bothphysic pubic spc nd cybspc Evn though thjoity o its ctivists ck g xistnc nd dpivdo thi poitic ights, thy k thi cts pubic Tisis th o stik ing sinc ccoding to cunt Spnishiigtion ws, ths ctivists ck th ight to gth

    nd donstt, th ight o ssocition, nd th ight tounioniz nd stik

    T sin papeles ovnt is so spc o tnsions, whpoound dbts sovd, ost wys with ugncy,nd th ost bsic ncssitis wys pioitizd; oxp, g sidncy It is ovnt, its potgonists tus, which gths togth n indtint nub o popwho hv dcidd to igt, ofn bcus o th dstic-tion o thi nd, th pivtiztion o pviousy pubic con-ois o th cosu o tnsntion copnis

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    Oths t us tht thy igt o oth sons: ip-tinc; winss; o bcus thy d up with thinstitution couption (o xp, within bnks o thpubic dinisttion) Ts k it ipossib o soto sty Oths otivtd bcus thy hv non-no-tiv pncs, in ts o thi otion o poitic

    ivs So xps incud th ssiv bzznt byEuopn bnks in South Aic, th dstiction o thSh, th cosu o chin o maquiladoras (ctois)in Cnt Aic, bibing by poic gnts ginst sPkistni businsss, punding o ntu soucs bySpnish copnis, ptich ws which pohibit ctini pncs, tc In suy, ny ignts f thicountis o oigin bcus th gob conoy hs no pco th in its ccount books o in its ptich poiticgis o vn in its nvionnt which is bing dstoydthough citic chng Tus, th ight which thy oststongy dnd is, in ity, th ght o th ight to sty,not th ight to igt; bcus ignts ognizd inBcon consid th ight to igt nd sty in ny t-itoy s undnt, but so biv tht thy ust ghto th ight tht nobody is ocd to igt o hung opoitic pscution, just s xps

    Upon iving in Bcon, th ctivists t, thy ndthsvs in th s poitic spc s oth Aicns,Asins, nd Ltin Aicns, so o who hd co di-cty o thi county o oigin whi oth ctivists hdco to Bcon hving ivd in two o th oth citisAs such, w y us th t tnsignts It is in ths

    shd poitic spcs tht thy invntd thi poiticcutus though th xcis o cting coon dndsnd sttgis Ty so dptd thi coctiv oy,th histoy o thi pvious stuggs, in od to idntiywith tht o oths

    Tis ws how s s o southn Moocco,s businss owns o th Indin subcontinnt, t-ists o Estn Euop, sing oths, nd studnts oth o coonis o th Euopn topoiss ctogth in ssbis to ovco thi igtoy pin Aspt o this pocss thy ointd thsvs in ts othi vydy i nd thi undstnding o th poitic,

    nd th o o ignts in SpinTis, thn, is ovnt which cts soci ti nd

    spc nd ows o th intgtion o ignts withoutsubvntions o cpigns Instd, this is n intgtionwhich dos not sipy intgt pop s woks, consu-s, o txpys but s poitic ctos in th city in whichthy hv dcidd to iv Nvthss, s cognizd inthi ois, th ost stb ctivists o this ovnt,th ons who k th continuity o th ovnt possib, osty fist ctivists o dint pts o th f

    spctu nd who updt thi f poitic pctic uponiving in Bcon

    In intviws conductd duing th docto sch,bs o th ovnt o ignts potd ndctd ound thi xpincs o pvious poiticinvovnt Aong thos intviwd, th w thos

    who bongd to td unions opposd to Fnco in th stpiod o his dicttoship; oth intviws dscibd thiiitncy in studnt ovnts nd coctivs tht ghto th ight to s-dtintion o indignous popsin Aic o Aic Aong th won in th ovntth thos who pticiptd, o pticipt, in coctivinist o wons goups Aso pticipting in th ov-nt, th xtpinty poitic pty ctivists,counists, nd sociists, bs o nighbouhoodssocitions, ignt coctivs o Bcon, tht ghtin tnsntion pctic, in th doctiztion pocssin thi oigin countis ik Pkistn, Moocco, Mxico,Agntin

    Tos who pticipt in obiiztions nuousnd o divs bckgounds Howv, th vg poo n ctivist in th ogniztion o this soci ovntis tht o Noth Aicn psnts who hv suvivd thStit o Gibt; Ltin Aicns who hv voidd thpoic t th ipot bods; Mooccn studnts who hvbndond thi univsitis nd conoic ugs ndwho, s w s bing poiticy ctiv s ignts, o nctiv pt o th Azigh o Bb dispo nd dndth cognition o thi pop nd th Azigh ngug

    Anoth coon po o ctivists in this ovnt istht o Ctns nd oth Euopns who invnt dis-couss, poitic psusions, nd objctivs with wok-s o oth countis, tists who nd in th hybidityo poitic cutus powu nts o ction, nd, ocous, th ubiquitous nthopoogists who con o thssbis th tnsntionis o ignt pctics

    A o ths pop th potgonists o soci ov-nt which is uniqu in ts o its potgonists, dnds,nd thods, o which id t chiving th ightto hv ights nd which hv thi oots in th sistncwhich th ignts bing with th Ts us with th

    sistnc tht pop nd goups in Bcon ctd tosist th Fnco gi nd which thy ct to stuggwith ignts

    On c xp o this is tht todys undocuntdignts undtk ock-ins in chuchs to dnd thgnting o sidncy docunts Ony w dcds go

    Spnish woks, nighbous, nd ciinizd poiticctivists ockd thsvs into chuchs to potst thFnco gi12

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    T ctivists so t us tht this is soci ovntbuit on th bsis o nighbouhood ssbis, on tht isin co-option with igious counitis, both Cthoicnd Musi, g nd bou ccopnint nd cp-tion wok with nw ivs Aost thos invovd inthis ccopnint phsiz tht it cnnot b sn ony

    s n ssistnc svic but s sttgy to pow thoswho hv just ivd

    T ovnt is so buit on th pnnd soci ncoun-ts btwn its ctivists, incuding dinns, dinks, nddncs, sotis u o nostgi o thi oigin td-itions On ctivist points out tht ths vnts not novbcus thy intcutu Instd, sh sks, thny cutus o tsts which not th sut o xchngnd ixtu?

    Accoding to its potgonists it is so soci ov-nt tht hs bn condnd to dt by its dtctos,incuding so sn s intctu voics Ts voicsncoug th ovnt to consid it unistic todnd papales para todos (sidncy docunts o )in Euopn Union which uss igtion s ptxt onw os o govnnc Tis is soci ovnt thths bn bd s ciin not ony by govnntinstitutions but so by ssocitions which povid ssist-nc to ignts nd th g td unions W so todtht whn this ciiniztion hs not bn ctiv thoswithin th institution spcs hv dscibd thos in thovnt s niputd o dspt

    T ost xpincd o th ovnt spond to th

    st o ths citiciss by guing tht thy just s id-istic s won whn thy dndd th ight to vot, justs bsud s th ntiv Aicns whn thy dnddthi g cognition s pop, just s unistic shoosxus whn thy ought o thi ight to b di-nt, just s dic s thos who usd to do iitysvic nd usd to o pt o th Spnish stts wchin

    Movnt ctivists so point out tht th nith thundining no th ciiniztion o thi stuggis nw o ny o th ignts in this ovnt Tsctos hv dy sud th undining o thi po-

    itic gncy whn thy stuggd in thi countis o oi-gin Moov, in thi spctiv bck th, ch tithy disobyd th iposd od thy w tod thy w

    bing niputd o w y pt o th dspthods Nvthss, sotis thy won, bcus this son why todys igtions post-cooni

    W so tod tht thi ovnt, ik ny o todysovnts, hs invntd its possibiitis by ioingoth ovnts T ovnt in Bcon cosy o-ows th obiiztion o thi qus in th Unitd Stts,

    such s whn its igs dcidd to giv th US a day with-out immigrants on th 1 My 2006 It so ds with snso ugncy th txts nd poposs o th sans papiers inSkozys Fnc It hs so oowd by tphon th ock-ins o igizd ignts in Bgiu in 2006 And ny,ctivists ttnd soci ous ik th ou in Athns, in

    which coon pn o ction ws outd togthwith th t-gobiztion ctivists who t t th stEuopn Soci Fou

    Te History o a Movement Which Fights or theRight to Migrate and to StayT Cubn nthopoogist Ccii Bobs, ong with nyoth thoists o citiznship,13 gus tht citiznshipis not n ontoogic o sttic condition, th it xists intion to poitic stuggs nd soci ovnts whichdnd tht th stt intin nd vn piy th ights

    o citizns,14

    within th ning o citiznship s pc-tic tht is dnd s th poduct o soci tnsions, whnignts qui citiznship not to b bsd on ownshipo ntionity but th on sidnc, th soci contctcting tht citiznship is xpndd o th poitic co-unity s who Tt is why so uthos, incudingLiin Suz, Rqu Mc, nd ng Mon s pion-s in Spin, popos tht th pctics o bod disobdi-nc by ognizd ignts xtnd citiznship15

    Tis is th cs, I popos, o th ignt stuggd by undocuntd ignts ognizd in BconUndstnding this histoy is ipotnt, not st bcus it

    vs th Euopniztion o th tions o dointionnd os o soci contos opting in Spin tody

    T ovnt os in th 1990s whn th Fdtiono Iignt Coctivs in Ctoni (FICC) cystizds ting spc o host o thn incipint iigntssocitions16 Coing o Sng nd Gbi, thPhiippins, Moocco, nd Ltin Aic, th st ogn-izd ignts dndd papeles para todos (sidncydocunts o )

    Accoding to th odst bs o th o stuctuso th ovnt, btwn 1996 nd 2001 th ctions o thFICC w suppotd by hundds o ignts Ti ost

    ipotnt ctions w donsttions in Bcon, stt-v obiiztions, nd g suppot nd ointtion s-

    vics o thos who hd just ivd Howv, s th gog-phy o igtions in Ctoni bc o copx sodid th incs nd possib soidity btwn iigntssocitions

    As th donsttions nd ssbs continud, thPapeles para odos pto ws stbishd Tis ws soth piod in which th jo td unions, ccsisticstuctus ik Cits nd thid-scto ogniztions

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    consoidtd thi ctivitis in tion to ignt wok-s Howv, it ws in Dcb 2000 tht th ssbycd Papeles para odos ognizd ting pcs whignts nd oc ctivists c to discuss potstctions ginst th 2000 Iigtion Lw Appovd by thtwo gst poitic ptis, this w, ong oth things,

    ducd th poitic, soci, nd conoic ights o non-EUignts nd pid th quints o g sidncyin th kingdo o Spin Tis w, ong with shockingbou ccidnts in Muci, gnizd th obiiztionscoss th stt17

    Tough this pocss, btwn Dcb 2000 ndJnuy 2001, gy undocuntd ignts d tivyspontnous ood o ock-ins18 ogth thy occupidchuchs nd pubic pcs in dnd o th unconditionguiztion o ignts sidncy sitution, with hpo soci ogniztions woking on th issu o igtionTough ock-ins, hung stiks, nd syboic cucix-ions, ignt ogniztions so dndd th p o thbov-citd Iigtion Lw Muci, Vnci, Zgoz,Mdid, Ai, nd Bcon w th citis nd soci-tis tht unxpctdy discovd th psnc o th sin

    papeles dnding n nd to th poduction o igityby th stt19 T ovnt constnty supisd vn thctivists s it piodicy ppd in pubic spc, bov in Ctoni nd Andusi Ts obiiztions (eg,th wvs o ock-ins in 2001, th occuption o BconsCthd in 2004, th occuption o th Univsity o PboOvid in Svi in 2002) w possib bcus thy w

    ccopnid by n intns pocss o gssoots ogniz-tion nd dibtion, which w singy invisib to civi socity itt concnd with th issu T pctico chuch ock-ins onc gin occupid cnt stg in thntion pss Howv, this ti thos who ppd in thphotogphs ccopnying th nws bout poitic ctionwith histoy in th Spnish tt, w Bck, Asin, Indin,nd Ltin Aicn ignts Tis ws th bginning o ovnt which ought o th ight to igt nd to sty,to cicut nd to in, o th univs ight to hvights

    Logbook o a Journey or Synthesis o Many EfortsT soci ovnt o ou intst, I popos, hs dygon though th constitutiv stgs T st nd ostuitu o th is tht which gos o its gnsis in thdcd o th 1990s, in which th ovnt woud bknown s th sin papeles ovnt, nd spns tpoyup to th wv o ock-ins in 2001 T in dnd o thisst stg o th ovnt woud b th pto Papelespara odos

    T ovnt thn undwnt scond stg, consoi-dtion o poitic idntity, in which it tnsod oth sin papeles ovnt to migrantes con o sin papeles(ignts with o without sidncy docunts) ovnto 2001 to 2004 T ost signicnt spct o this stgis th xpnsion o th notiv id o th ovnt,

    which xpndd its st o ptitions o sidncy docu-nts o vyon to th dnd o sidncy docu-nts nd rights o vyon

    A thid nd cunt stg o th institutiv pocss othis nw soci ovnt covs obiiztions o 2006up to th psnt whn, unik th pvious two stgs,Spin is no ong govnd by th ight-wing pty but byth Ptido Sociist Espos soci docts A stgin which th ovnts notiv id, o th indnds o which ignts obiiz, hv hd to b ngo-titd t Euopn v, but bov , hv bn poducdin th contxt o gob conoic cisis in which th oo ignts, s woks nd nw sidnts, is thtnd byinstitution nd soci cis o Spin tht is nting,itt by itt, sious conoic cssion; tho thovnts dnds nd its ctions to chiv th hvxpincd ipotnt tnsotions

    Nvthss, th piod o study o this ovntconstuctd in y docto sch is iitd to th sttwo stgs o th pocss, to constitut th ovnt upto 2006

    o xpin ths piods in chonoogic ts, t usb in ind tht, s I hv dy notd, though w

    cn tc th s-ogniztion o th sin papeles bckto th 1990s,20 it is not unti 2001 tht this ovntchivd th suppot o g nubs o pop, inddup to 50,000 pop in stt-wid donsttions Toughthis, th ignts ngd to inst th issu o th sttspoduction o igity into th institution nd poiticgnd In th ock-ins o 2001, spcicy in Bcon,th ignts who wnt on hung stiks in nin igiouscnts c o South Asi, bov Pkistn, but thw so Indin nd Bngi citizns Aicn pticipntsc o Moocco s w s o th cnt nd wst-n pts o th continnt Fo Estn Euop th w

    Ronins, Russins, nd Bugins T ws so vys nub o Ltin Aicns T cnt dndsw th gunt tht th woud b no piss o thpticipnts o th obiiztions, th nd o poic buso ignts in th city, th guiztion o th sidncysitution o ignt sidnts in th Spnish stt, nd,bov , cognition o dict intocutos o ngoti-tions btwn ignts nd stt uthoitis

    On o th nin occupid chuchs housd th wonsock-ins which dndd, in ddition to th gn

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    dnds, wons utonoy in thi cipt o sidncy;ie, tht wons ight to in not b subodintd toth g concpt o iy gouping Moov, th p-ticipnts dndd th cognition o postitution s o o wok nd s such th guiztion o sx wokswho nd thsvs in sitution o g inxistnc, vn

    ciiniztion o thsvsAf twv dys, th st indictions o voub

    soution o th pticipnts d to th nding o th hun-g stiks but th continution o th ock-ins Duing thispiod Azigh ignts o th woking-css oCon, who w in th ock-in in th Pi chuch, bgnto co togth Lt thy woud ound th ogniztionCon Without Bods (CWB), which tody psnts soci botoy o nw os o poitic pticiption dby ignts

    Tis is n ogniztion st up by th ignts ovntin Bcon with th pupos o tking ction to cobtdisciintion in its os nd which, to this nd, stivso voction o th spci gistion outwing ins

    As ong-t poitic bition CWB thus st itsth boition o gistion tht stbishd dincsbtwn cs o tht, by stiputing gdtions in thcquisition o citiznship, iitd pops ights in Spin

    T id-t i o th CWB bs ws to chividit nd u giztion o undocuntdignts siding in Spin; in oth wods, to dnd -do o ovnt nd th ight to in in th county o pop iving nd woking in Spin

    In th shot t, by ns o dy-to-dy sttgis, thCWB ctivists conduct ctions dsignd both to is w-nss nd to bing pop o diing idntitis togth inod to dus nd disnt cis, xnophobi, ndxcusion As shown by docunts in th CWB chiv, thisction is oundd on th wnss tht cnty ivdignts not o o chndis but psons who,

    just ik th scond-gntion ignts who hv bcointgtd s Ctonins, in possssion o wid ngo cutu tditions, histoy nd oots tht nich nd nichd by th Ctonin hitg

    By ns o vious obiiztion sttgis, which y

    incud donsttions, sit-ins, o hung stiksthsttgis poyd par excellence by th ignts ov-nt in Spinth CWB, in thos ys o wok, hs gindcognition ong oc nd gion pubic uthoitis s consuttion ptn nd psnttiv voic, nd ongth Azigh (o Bb) counity o Mooccns iving inBcon s n ogniztion b to suppy soucs ointgtion

    ody, ong th th hundd bs o th sso-cition, th joity o CWB bs young pop o

    Mooccn oigin who hv bco invovd though thibship in th Mooccn studnt ovnt in Spino though th stugg o cognition o Azigh cutuidntity

    T ogniztions pioity is to o csss inSpnish o cnt ignts to th city nd g dvic s-

    vics o thos who undocuntd, nd t th s tito ogniz ng o cutu vnts dsignd to psvnd nhnc th ixd cutu idntity o th Bbs iv-ing in Ctoni, thoughout th y

    On o th jo tsks o th CWB ctivists is, ccod-ingy, to spd wnss o nd giv xpssion to Azighcutu idntity in sitution o conoic xi o this nd,thy ogniz gu ctivitis to poot ights nd cog-nition o th Azigh, nd o thi ngug nd cutu

    A this wok tks pc on diy bsis in th oo conct tsks t th oc v At th ntion ndEuopn v, nwhi, CWB coodints its ctivitiswith viw to nsuing th dnuncition o nd stug-g ginst unjust cuss tht giv is to iigtion, sw s suppot o dvopnt pojcts un on bsis oinvovnt o pop concnd nd tking ccount othi nds (CWB chiv)

    Moov, CWB ctivists tk pt in cpigns to po-tst ginst th dtntion cnts nd dpottion o igu- ignts, nd this spct o thi ctivity is conductd incoodintion with oth coctivs nd nti-cist ogn-iztions in Spin In ts o ny ipct on th joitytd unions, CWBs cpcity o diogu o inunc on

    td union poicis o ction sttgis is vituy niHowv, CWB dos wok cosy with th CondcinGn d bjo d Ctuny (CG-Ctuny, Gn Condtion o Lbou o Ctoni) in tts con-cning th pubic dnuncition o nd g cis tingto bou w iningnts o thos gny d tos wokpc ccidnts Tis is pticuy qunt ndpobtic issu ong th ignt woks who, insos thy dpivd o g cognition, so ck th possi-biity o cous to th w o to hth nd sty povisionin thi wokpc

    Evn so, th is n bsnc o poitic tust btwn

    CWB nd th jo td unions such s CoisionsObs (CCOO) o th Unin Gn d bjdos(UG, Gn Woks Union) povidd tht, o thpspctiv o th CWB ctivists, th jo td unions ong th gnts invovd in ngotiting xtodinyguiztion pocdus tht dcd by th Spnishgovnnt vy so ofn nd which y down spcic con-ditions o obtining pps Tis pctic is in btnt con-tdiction with th stnc o pps o n nd woniving nd woking in Spin doptd by CWB

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    Going bck to th ntiv o th ovnts histoy,in 2001, th s ont studnts took to th stts ndth cssoos to suppot th dnds o th ignts Inth st dys o Fbuy 2001, th w ock-ins in thcutis in th Poytchnic Univsity o Bcon nd thPopu Fb Univsity

    As sut o th bov, s w s o poitic pssuo th Ctn Lf, NGOs, nd pubic gus, oty-ightdys f th bginning o th ock-ins, th govnnt oth Ptido Popu (Popu Pty) ws ocd to cognizth pticipnts o th stugg s g subjcts Toughhunitin pocdus dd to b xcption, thpticipnts obtind sidncy docunts nd wok vissAs such, i th pticipnts o th ock-ins id to chivth p o th Iigtion Lw, thy succdd in put-ting in otion pocss o th guiztion o thi si-dncy sitution Tt is to sy, s soci ovnt, thyw b to sttgicy cogniz th cotion o ocsnd chiv soutions to th conict

    Afwds, th potgonists o th 2001 ock-ins, s thiscitiznship ovnt bc known, od stt-widpto which ws, howv, quicky dissovd T -son o th pid dissoution, s so ofn hppns with gobiiztions which subjctd to xt pssus, wstht th ock-ins f th ovnt dpy ctud

    Why? As Iv gud bov, th idoogic tix oth ctivists is not hoognous, nd thi poitic pc-tics uch ss so Howv, noth ky son is whtins on o th in pdoxs o this poitic pojct:

    upon obtining sidncy pits nd woking viss thpticipnts ound thsvs obigd to intin stbwoking i, with th consquncs tht this ns ints o ti o poitic pticiption Eith thy wokdnd pid txs o ost thi sidncy pits Tis ctu-ing o th ovnt psntd o o n oppotunitythn pob, o so o th ost constnt ctivists, sit dissintd th dnds nd poitic idntity o th sin

    papeles into dint spcs Howv, this ctuing didhv ngtiv consquncs

    In Juy o th s y, o thn 200 ignts osub-Shn Aic nd Moocco cpd in Bcons

    in squ, th Pz Ctuny, dnding th gu-iztion o thi sidncy sitution

    Howv, thity dys t, nd f onths o spingoutdoos, ths ctivists w victd by n od o thunicip govnnt Attckd by th poic, thy ovdto th dint squs to continu thi cp untiny, on th 17 August, 2001, f chg by th poic,115 ignts w intnd in th Vnd IigntDtntion Cnt In th oowing dys ny o th w

    dpotd to thi spctiv countis T di gv thsincidnts itt covg

    T gion govnnt justid th poic ction,ciing tht th dnds w unsustinb odyw know, owing to th dction o high-nking civisvnt, tht th pssiv spons ws y pt o

    potoco o ction in css o ignt obiiztion Tock-ins o 2001 took th uthoitis by supis; fwds ignt obiiztions w oowd by sii ps-siv ctions

    In covy o such pssiv stik nd with thovnt spit into ost dozn soci ogniztionswith itt coodintion, in Api 2003 th ignts, withsuppot o th pto Papeles para odos, izdnoth cp whos i ws to siutnousy gitt oth guiztion o thi sidncy sitution nd potstth w in Iq

    Months t, th s pto suppotd o thn 600ignts o Aic, Ltin Aic, nd Estn Euopwho occupid th od iity bcks o Snt Anduin Bcon nd tund it into thi ug Tis ws nunpcdntd stp s th occupnts o th bcks n-gd to tun spontnous occuption into physic spco which thy coud coodint thsvs nd dndboth th ight to housing nd th ight to g xistncHowv, f sv onths, conontd by th pssivityo g pt o th ntwok o ssocitions in Ctoni,th ignts w victd T ignts w xpd oth nd th bcks w doishd On o th d-

    ing gus ws jid in th Vnd Iignt DtntionCnt o oty dys21

    It is in this obiiztion cyc tht th st stg o thinstitutiv pocss o th ignts ovnt in Bconcuints

    T scond stg o this pocss bgins, I popos, onthst, s pt o n ttpt to intin psnc on thstts o Bcon, whn donsttion o 8,000 popon th 31 Jnuy, 2004, took to th stts dnding th

    Uncondition Rguiztion o ignts sidnt inEuop With this Euopn Dy nw sogn gd,which is o notiv id thn poitic pxis:

    i th bod gi is Euopn, th sistnc ust sob Euopn

    In Fbuy o th s y th Assby oUncondition Rguiztion (AUR) ws st up Tis pt-o unitd nd novtd th incs btwn igntcounitis, ogniztions, nd pop woking in thntwoks o ssocitions T ptos go, ccoding toits pss ss, is to stugg o u ccss to civi, co-noic, soci nd poitic ights nd dutis o iigntsin th Spnish stt

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    Fo its otion up unti th occuption o BconsCthd on 5 Jun, 2004, th pto hd ssbis,tings, vnts, nd donsttions with oth coctivsnd goupings in od to nd coon gound within thstuggs

    T ys f th 2001 ock-ins nd oowing onths

    o ogniztion, 1,500 ignts occupid th Cthdto pssu th cnt govnnt into tking thi kydnds siousy: uncondition guiztion nd thp o th Iigtion Lw Howv ony ight houst, th poic ntd th Cthd nd vionty victdth ignts Athough no on hs bn b to con thisct, it hs bn potd tht vn ignts w dtindnd dpotd th oowing dy

    T tstionis o th potgonists o th ov-nt insist tht th viction took pc with th consnt oth cognizd NGOs nd ssocitions o o o ignts,s w s th td unions nd th Ctn poitic p-tis T sociists Jos Lus Rodguz Zpto hd justbco psidnt o th Spnish govnnt nd, s wsccptd ys t, ny o th ogniztions who bckdth pssiv poic ction hd gnizd bi tht hisgovnnt woud xibiiz th iigtion gi

    Dspit this th ignts kpt tking to th stts,sting outsid th Cthd with th suppot o gss-oots Chistin goups, hoding ssbis, nd schingo incs In Dcb 2004 sv Ltin Aicnsipisond in th Vnd Iignt Dtntion Cntbgn hung stik tht std ony w dys T sin

    papeles ptos suppotd th ction with cp outsidth Vnd T govnnt quicky pocdd to dpot th pticipnts

    At th s ti, th pssu o guiztion wsounting Accoding to vious soucs, t th ti thw 2 iion sin papeles in Spnish titoy Fo thisson, in th st dys o 2005 th ignts o th AURonc gin bgn ock-in Fo th conscutiv dys thydndd uncondition guiztion, n nnunto dtntions nd dpottion ods o undocuntdignts, th cosu o th Iignt Dtntion Cnts,th p o th Iigtion Lw, but bov , th stb-

    ishnt o tks with th nw sociist govnntIn this contxt o ssbis, donsttions, pti-

    tions, nd hung stiks, 2 Api 2005 ivd nd with itth Euopn Dy o th do o ovnt nd thight to in On 2 Api in Bcon, s in o thntwnty Euopn citis, ost 5,000 pop donsttdto dnd th uncondition guiztion o igntsiving in th Spnish stt, to dnd th ight to th -do o cicution, nd to dnd th ight o pop toin in th pc wh thy choos to iv At th nd o

    th donsttion, s pnnd, o thn 500 iigntsbgn chin o ock-ins in Bcon nd its outskits, sp-cicy, LHosptt, Con, Snt Vicn d Hots, SntCoo d Gnt, Snt Boi, nd ss As pt o ths ction th sin papeles so bgn hung stiks

    Tis ws to b th st g-sc obiiztion o th

    ovnt in this scond piod o th constitutiv pocsso th ovnt In it th ignts cid out ock-ins intn dint pcs such s td union ocs, univsitis,chuchs, squts, nd counity cnts Chuchs wincudd bcus, t th ti, th Cthoic Chuch cosdits doos to th ignts nd, s cognizd onths tby snio in th hichy, this ws don pty s suto th condtions o th gion nd stt utho-itis Tis cn b xpind, I popos, bcus good pto th ssocitions o igtion which hv by now con-soidtd thsvs s thnic gouping in Spin winvovd in obbying which, ong with igious ssoci-tions nd ipotnt unions, w stiving o igtoyo tht th soci doct govnnt hd poisdits vots duing th cto cpign o psidncy thpvious y

    T ws no igtoy o but n xtodinyguiztion pocss, o n nsty o ignts who hdivd in Spin pvious to 2004; this ws th sixth pocsso this kind Accoding to th ognizd ignts, this po-css ws bdy ngd s it f 1 iion o th 2 iionsin papeles in th s sitution o g non-xistnc nd


    In this nw chin o ock-ins th ignts dndd thxibiiztion o th quints o obtining sidncypits In od to obtin sidncy it ws ncssy tohv pnnt job (in n conoy in which nin out otn contcts tpoy), to b gistd on th citygist (vn f th tst gistion on iigtion hdgntd ccss to th city gist to th ntion poic d-ing ny ignts to not gist), nd to b b to don-stt cn ciin cod (yt noth dicut qui-nt o th citizns o countis in conict situtions, s ny o th countis o oigin o Aicn ignts)

    Fo this son, hundds o ignts nd ntions

    pticiptd in th ock-ins o fy-th dys, nd 20 oth undtook hung stiks Nvthss, o thbginning o th ock-ins, th govnnt ony considdxibiizing th quint to b gistd on th citygist Ty intoducd typ o pocdu which ctdn bity sitution in which ot ws f to th disctiono th city govnnts

    In ths ock-ins th suppot o Spnish civi socityws scc Accoding to th vtn bs o ConWithout Bods, th ky nts poducd this ck o

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    suppot: th chng to sociist govnnt, th dipsnttion o igtion s pob, nd th opop o Abic o Musi oigin which, o th p-spctivs o so o th ctivists, ws intnsid f thtoist ttcks o 11 Mch in Mdid Onc o, thin goupings which sustind th obiiztions w

    Pkistnis, Azigh o Moocco, Sngs, ndGbins Moov, Ltin Aicn ignts w not-b o thi bsnc in this pocss, though thy thjoity o ignts in th Spnish stt

    Accoding to th AUR, o thn 800 pop pticiptdin th pocss Aong th w ignts who hd bn inBcon o uch o thn six onths but w unbto donstt it ccoding to th quints, igntswho hd co o oth pts o th Spnish stt, sp-ciy Andusi, nd vn ignts who hd ovd ooth pts o Euop

    T 2005 ock-ins w oowd by n ssby ntitdRsidncy nd Rights o A in Ribs, Mdid Tis wsn ipotnt dt s pt o which th sin papeles ov-nt o Bcon pticiptd in stting up th stt-widcoodinto o th Rights o Mignts22 Tis ptopticiptd in th coodintion o th siutnous c-btion in oty Spnish, Euopn, Aicn, nd US citiso th Intntion Dy o th ights o ignts on th 7Octob 2006

    ody, th cnt dnd which sustins th sin papelesis signicnty o bot thn sidncy docuntso nd it chs byond th ntion-stt to th tns-

    ntion v:

    W dnd dint poitics: Rspct o ntu wth nd

    its gitit owns Dop th dbt nd nd suppot o th co-

    upt gis o th wod End th xtnistion o bods

    End poic butity nd th dtntion nd dpottion o ii-

    gnts Cos th Iignt Dtntion Cnts, th psnt on

    t th Vnd nd th utu on in Zon Fnc Uncondition

    guiztion o th sidncy sitution o ignts Rspct

    nd quity o bou, soci nd poitic ights o ignts

    nd o thos who iv in th titoy o th Spnish Stt A

    spct which ks bsouty ncssy th boition o th

    Iigtion Lw23

    Tt is th son why I popos tht, in th thid stgo th ignts ovnt in Bcon, not nyzd inth docto sch sustining this tic, th notivid o th ovnt hs bn bodnd to o copxbids thn sipy th guity o th g sttut, such sth dispping o od spci ws stbishing dincsbtwn individus bon in Spnish titoy in thos whoivd s ignts in it

    It is ipotnt to not th scnios tht cn b osnin wht, in this tic, is cd thid stg o th institu-tiv pocss o th ignts ovnt in Bcon, po-

    vidd tht vn i its nysis nd undstnding not pt o th ot o th docto thsis sustining th txt, itis intsting to ty nd discn th vn s pognosis o

    soci pocss o this sizCtiny, f th ipss in 2005, th hs bn

    conotion o nw ssocition in this cs divn byth Pkistni, Hindu, nd Bngi counitis sttd inBcon, which cs itsPapeles y Derechos Para odas

    y odos (sidnc docunts nd ights o vyon)Oth histoic ctivists o pto Papeles para odosnd good pt o individu bs o th Assby oUncondition Rguiztion (AUR) hv dhd to thisnw ogniztion

    On th oth hnd, th Azighsssocitd in ConWithout Bods sti tk pt in th AUR vn thoughth hs bn n ipotnt chng in diction in tso wht th ssocitions ctivists pioitiz In this stgth bs o th CWB, cornelloneros, s thy knownwithin th ovnt, ound in th constuction oogniztion nd ting spcs o Azighs iving inBcon, pt o th Spnish csss nd donst-tions nd ctions dnding th ovthowing o od wstht kp on disciinting ginst th s oign

    Bcus o pson dcisions, but bov s c-tion o th tnsntion Azigh ovnt, CWB -bs hv bgun to stbish diogu with th Ctn

    dinisttion nd with Azigh thnic ogniztions ndssocitions, in od to buid coon pth And th,th AUR nd oth ignt ovnt ogniztions ygo ong with th cornelloneros in pubic cts, but not inbuiding with th tht divtion o thi iitncy

    In this thid stg so, th nticist Ctn ovntnd oth soidity goups with th ignts hv buitthi own discous, o copx copd to th pvi-ous stg, bout th bods gi o th Euopn Union;nd its o in th ignts ovnt is n ctiv nd ch-nging on vis--vis th cnt govnnt

    In ddition, n xposion o th dnds by th ignt

    coctivs is poducd in this stg nd nw inititivsg, which do not t to th ignt ovntogniztions s dscibd so , whth bcus o utuignonc o poitic dincs

    It is thn th subjct o utu sch pojcts, o othschs, to ccopny th ging pogss o igntss soci ovnt, nd to do so in socio-nytic wy,o th pticipnt-ction sch point o viw

    In this nw stg, th soci tnsotions bingbought bout by th gob conoic cisis both in Spin

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    nd t gion o vn gob v wi, without doubt,intvn in nod wy At th ti o cosing th witingo this tic, ou iion unpoyd bing potdin this county nd th sctos wh th cisis is dp pcisy thos in which o ignt bou hndis usd, such s constuction, c svics, hosting, nd

    gicutu, o th sctos with no possibiity to ovtowds th piph gions outsid Euop, nd po-

    vidd th gob scnio, sctos tht wi vy iky sttto b occupid gin by Spnish woks with citiznshipsttut tht is not subjct to thi woking o

    To, o y socioogic pspctiv, th ch-ng o th ignts ovnt is to dpn th discouson ininb hun ights, th thn putting th co-noic nd soci o pyd by ignts in th Spnishconoy bo th

    Tus, th dignosis o th sociopoitic tjctoy oignts who dcidd to ogniz thsvs s ov-nt is ctd on this tiin o th conict; th pog-nosis o wht is to co o th ovnt cosponds to dint sch wok, ong oth sons, bcus itwi spond to contxt cy dintitd o thtwhich ws ivd in th potst cycs tht w hv tid tonyz so

    By Way o ConclusionIn this tic I hv ntd tht, s soci phnonon,

    viwd o th pspctiv o th socioogy o dissidncsnd th socioogy o igtions, th ignts ovnt

    in Bcon vs nov coctiv poitic idntitywhich is not to xpi with th obtining o th pps,but this dnd is y th stting point o uchg tjctoy incuding th univsiztion o vy cit-izns ights

    By cting biogphy o this ovnt I discovdtht, viwd s who, th ignts ovnt tns-od th initi poitic idntity o bing undocu-ntd in Spin towds n idntity sustind in ti, sit is ctd in th th stgs o th ovnt, whichis sustind o its gnsis nd hs consoidtd duto stb ogniztion stuctus tht xpnd thi st o

    dnds, ccoding to th sitution nd poitic ont,nd tht cogniz thsvs s th ignts ovntin Bcon

    In nutsh, though this wok it hs bn shown thtth ignts ovnt in Bcon is iving n institutivpocss, sustind by th soci ctos who sypthiz octivy iitt in it, nd who c togth in coct-iv poitic idntity conod by two cnt nts: thpui-thnic coposition o its bs nd, pticuy,th hybidiztion o thi individu poitic cutus

    Tis coctiv idntity is institutd in th Ctn sociovnts iginy though stbishing stb coodin-tion stuctus, such s th AUR which gths sv co-ctiv ctos, ong which th ogniztions Papeles yDerechos para odos nd Con Without Bods stnd out

    A soci ovnt o nw kind hs bn buit though

    dcision-king chniss in dibtiv tings ndwith vy high dg o copxity, nd by th wy co-unity nd ctiv inks ong ignts opt to su-on th ovnt nd k it wok

    Tis is stt d poitic idntity which pidy nws itscoposition, ost s st s th igtoy ows to Spin,bcus th in sons o coctiv ction o thosognizd in th ignts ovnt to k visib,to dnounc, nd to tnso o vn suppss th int-n nd xtn bods syst dtining th vydyxpinc o thos who iv with ignt sttus, with owithout pps, in Bcon, Spin, nd th southn pto th Euopn Union, bcus o th in chcts itis within this bods syst wh cis gs in itsinstitution nd soci dinsions, nd this bods systis pcisy wht thi ovnt opposs

    o iustt this institutiv pocss o th poiticidntity o th ignts ovnt in Bcon nd thtnsotion o this idntity ov ti, so o th p-otiv pctics nd th soucs though which thisovnt is chiving its institution, s poduct o po-itic tctics ngotitd intcutuy, hv bn dscibdin this tic

    T soci usunss o this txt ttpts to contibutso tht th notiv id o this ovnt is considdby soci nd institution ctos s bivb nd vibtntiv to disticut th soci nd institutioncis with which th consquncs, not o th igtoyphnonon its but o th hun igtions dinis-ttion poicy, ppochd nd dt with

    Tis cts two cnt thoughts: to consid igntsognizd in soci ovnt s undnt spknd countpt to think citiznship s g sttut nds n xpssion o soci pticiptiv tionships ndto consid thi ogniztion sttgis s n xcis to

    xpnd citiznship in its


    1 I ivd t this ppoxition by coping dt oth Ntion Sttistics Institut o 1 Jnuy 2009,which stts tht ppoxity, 55 iions o pop onth city gist non-ntions On th oth hndth sttistic butin (31 Mch 2009) o th Sctyo Stt, Iigtion nd Migtion puts th gu o

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    non-ntions sidnt in Spin t 45 iions o popCIE (Area Migraciones o th Spnish d Union

    Coisions Obs) cognizd in 2005 th xistnc o1,200,000 undocuntd ignts

    2 My docto thsis consists o v chpts tht xpin ththodoogic od o sch, th in sons o co-

    ctiv ction o thos ignt woks ovnt ogn-izd, chonoogic dtiing o th stgs nd cycs oobiiztion o ognizd ignts; it psnts suygnsis bout this soci ovnt, nd th voutionydvopnt o poitic discous nd dnds, in ddi-tion to th dint sttgis tht ths ctivists cidout, ccoding to th obiiztion nd poitic contxt, tonsu tht psons who ck g cognition s subjctsobtin thi pps nd with th so ights Finy,it cts bout so cus tht th poitic pctics oignts contibut to th dbt on citiznship ights s dvic, bcus it is to undstnd this soci ov-nt s n xtnsion xcis o citiznship tht xtnds

    this notion S Jnik A V Hut, Poqu ciuddn s consigu jcindo Un poxicinsociogic pocso instituynt d oviinto dignts n Bcon (T Citiznship Is Gind byExcising, socioogic ppoch to instituting pocss oth ovnt o ignts in Bcon), (docto diss-ttion, Univsitt Autono d Bcon, 2010), onin:http://wwwigctct/docunt/3c14dc26b41772pd

    3 S Doug McAd, Mcos intpttivos y tctics utii-zds po os oviintos: dtugi sttgic n Moviinto Aicno Po-Dchos Civis, in AAVV

    Movimientos sociales Perspectivas comparadas (Mdid:Isto, 1999); Antonio Mucci Asui un copoiso:idntidd y oviizcions n os oviintos socis, inMis Rvi (d) Movimientos sociales, accin e identi-dad, (Zon Abit No 69 Mdid, Sigo XII, 1994): 153180; Xvi Gods, Poltica del disenso Sociologa de losmovimientos sociales, (Bcon,Ici, 2007)

    4 S Etinn Bib, Wht W Ow to th Sns Ppis,in Social Insecurity, d Gunth nd Hsts (oonto:Annsi, 2000); Sy Bnhbib, Te Rights o Others: Aliens,Residents and Citizens (Cbidg: Cbidg UnivsityPss, 2006); Sndo Mzzd, Derecho de uga: migraciones,ciudadana y globalizacin (Mdid: cnts d Suos,2005)

    5 S, s xps: Pt Nys, Abjct Cosopoitnis:T Poitics o Potction in th Anti-dpottion Mov-nt, Tird World Quarterly24, no 6 (1993): 10691093;Ntsh Pc, How Cn Mignts Ogniz Tsvs?(pp, in Futu Conditions o Woks: d Unions-Mignts- Won, Hbug, 2526 Novb 2000);Hn Schwnkn, RESPEC o A: T Poitic S-Ogniztion o F Mignt Dostic Woks in thEuopn Union, Reuge:Canadas Periodical on Reugees21 (2003): 4552; s Hyt, Open Borders: Te Casesagainst Immigration Controls (London: Puto Pss, 2000);

    Cynthi Wight, Monts o Egnc: Ognizingby nd with Undocuntd nd Non-citizn Pop inCnd f Sptb 11, Reuge: Canadas Periodicalon Reugees 21 (2003): 515; In Spin th two kyuthos, Liin Suz nd Pio Aib; o th Fnch css Abdh, Ciss, nd Diop; o ths uthos n-

    tiond bow6 T d o study on th stuggs ignts is tivyyoung nd uss th bsis o tnsntion undstnd-ing o soci phnon T ignt stuggs, ik nwkind o soci ovnt, I popos, y b nyzd oth intptiv , o th socioogic discouss boutcoctiv ction nd soci ovnts; s McAd;Mucci; Gods

    7 T miserablist intpttion o iigtion in Spin,s concpt, hs bn dvopd by Eniqu SntIt poposs tht th hgonic cdic discous oundstnding igtion in Spin ssigns o th igntsth ctgoy o ciins o tnsgssing th Euopn

    xtn bods without g docunts, o ths dis-couss choos to psnt ignts s victis o th ggi without ny kind o utonoy In ny cs, in bothpspctivs th ignt subjct is intptd s ciino victi nd not s potgonist o his own igtionpojct S Eniqu Snt, d, Retos epistemolgicosde las migraciones transnacionales (Mdid: Anthopos,2008); so Eniqu Snt, Sob utiidd d osinignts, in V Congso d Inigcin n Esp(Vnci: Univsidd d Vnci, 2006), onin: http://wwwdituvs/inigcion2007/indxphp (ccssdJun 2010)

    8 As is known, to gin ccss to sidncy pits in Spino in Euop it is condition sin qua non to b woking,s such sguding th tions o poduction T othpossibiity is to obtin pits though iy goupingwith wok nd in this wy to inoc th tions opoduction, cing, nd n ctiv tun on bou

    9 T is n intsting ction o this discous in thobiiztion o ignts with nd without docuntsswh Sinc 2006, s pt o cpign cd Uni(e)s contre une immigration jetable, on goup hs dnddtht th Fnch govnnt bndon its cunt instu-ntis s cition o th gnting o ights to

    non-ntion o non-Euopn subjcts Fo o ino-

    tion on th contnt o th cpign s: http://wwwcontiigtionjtbog/ (ccssd Jun 2010)10 Hnnh Andt, Los orgenes del totalitarismo (Mdid:

    uus Edicions, 1998)11 Abdk Syd, Limmigration, ou les paradoxes de

    lalterit(Busss: D Bock-Ws, 2001)12 It is ipotnt to stbish th continuity o this obiiz-

    tion sttgy Ctin popuizd txts hv considd,ost s n xio, th ock-ins d by ignts in Spin,bov in 2001, s ioing th chuch ock-ins o thSns Ppis in Fnc In y own intviws th

    Residency Documents or All!


  • 7/30/2019 Varela 2009


    o idntictions with th ock-ins duing th dictto-ship in th Kingdo o Spin thn with th Sns PpisIt is ipotnt to highight this so s to k c thtboth points o nc in th coctiv oy oth ignt stugg Fo th Sns Ppis ovnt, s:Mogniss Abdh, Te Sans Papiers Movement: A Climax

    in the History o French Immigration, http://wwwnobodog/without/ncht (ccssd Jun 2010); MdjigunCiss, Palabra de sin papeles (Donosti: Gko, cpns, 2000); Abdbc Diop, Dans la peau dun sans-

    papers (Pis : Editions du Sui, 1997)13 S Jvi D Lucs, L ciuddn p os inignts:

    un condicin d Euop doctic y uticutu,Eikasia Revista de Filosoa, No 4 (2006): 119; so LiinSuz, Ciuddn y igcin: un oxion? Puntosd Vist, No 4 (Ayuntinto d Mdid, Mdid, 2005):2947; Liin Suz, Rebordering the Mediterranean:Boundaries and Citizenship in Southern Europe (Nw Yoknd Oxod: Bghhn Books, 2004)

    14 Ccii Bobs, Ciuddn, in Lxico de la poltica, dBc, Boks, nd Cstd (Mxico City: FLACSO, 2000),5053

    15 S Liin Suz, Rqu Mc, nd ng Mono, ds,Las luchas de los sin papeles y la extensin de la ciudadana:Perspectivas crticas (Mdid: cnts d Suos, 2007)

    16 I hv inotion on oth obiiztions, such s thock-ins by Mooccns nd Agins in Vnci in 1990dnding guiztion W so hv inotion onogniztions ik th Assocition o Mooccn Iigntsin Spin Howv, h w ding with th tstioniso th ctivists who sti ctiv tody

    17 S Bb Lubnth, L gnci d s potstsd inignts sin pps n Esp: cso d gind Muci, in L condicin inignt: xpocin

    invstigcions dsd Rgin d Muci, d Pdo,Hnndz (Muci: Univsidd d Muci, 2005),159174

    18 Suz, Mc, nd Mono, ds19 Pio Aib, L iupcin d os sin pps, Mugak 14

    (2001): 1416

    20 Tis pocss is so pd by th updting o th gis-tion on iigtion nctd by th Spnish govnntwhn it ntd th Euopn Union

    21 La Jornada sin Fronteras; 30 Novb 2003 nd 22Fbuy 2004, http://wwwjondunx/2003/11/30/s-cht (ccssd Jun 2010)

    22 Fo inotion on th ctivitis o REDI, s http://disttwodpssco/ctgoy/di-stt/ (ccssdJun 2010)

    23 Mnisto o th AUR, Jun 2006, http://bconindydiog/nwswi/dispy/265981/indxphp(ccssd Jun 2010)

    Amarela Varela, doctorate in sociology rom the AutonomousUniversity o Barcelona, is a lecturer at the AutonomousUniversity o Mexico City and also a journalist An earlierversion o this text was presented at the conerence AlienConfnement in Europe: Field Perspectives, during September2007, cole des hautes tudes en sciences socials, Paris

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