Vol. XIII PABK,. NEW JERSEY, SEPTEMBER IrrtM S io n a l (Earflfl. A. W. HEtHiCK, M. D. 7 ~ JHomooopathlo Physleiah andSuwroonT Cor, Cookman A Bangs avs., Asbnry Park, N. J. Hours : until 10 a.m ., and after 4 p. m. ;o | J # 6. KlNHONTH, M. D., \- ' Comer Grand and Asbnry Avenues, ,yOffice Hours—7 to o a. m., 1 to a p. m., 6 to p. m / TiK. BRUCE 8. KEATOR, • . ’ ' ~ Homoeopathic Physician and Surgeon. Graduate Of both schools. *, .. . __ Cor. Asbury avenue ahd Bergh street-' Honre-^HntH Da. mi., 7 to 9 p. m. —-Telephone bonnections. ........ ^T M . I. GILL, A. M., P. D., ^ Pnenmatopathfst, or Mental Healor, 400 Sewail avenue. Cor. neck streot. Ofllce hours 7. tO:10,18 to-8,6-to 0. — -~ ^ P. PAWLEY, ; -r— ’ ^ - D EirnST, • G15 B a n g s a v e ., , Asbnry Park, N. J. .J ) R . S. T. SLOCUM** DENTIST* * " •• Office—204 Main fit., opposite Railroad Station, ■ Gas administered. Asbnry Park, N, oL A. s. bcrton, d. jd,_ b, ____L.a*BimTONyivD.~flI— nURTON BROTHERS, V " , R e s i d e n t Dentlnt*. 600 Cookman avenne, comer Emory st., Asbnry Park, N. J. Office Honrs :0 a: m. to Rp. nv Gas administered. -Appointments made by tolo* s. *. ' " phone or by mall. <" M’rrs of *• ZOZO” —the now preparation for oieanslnff and preserving tbe Teeth. ' j . N . SBYMOUR. D. D. B. 7"~“ • - 3DE2iTTXS1V • ’ #■ Office 46 Cookman avenuo, near Emory .street. •*~Mbchanloal work a specialty.*' Difficult operations sollolted. TRANK nuaAND. J.T. HAWKINS. J J A WHINS & DURAND, A ttorn eys-at-Law, Solid tors A Masters In Chian- oery, Mikado BulUUn», Cookman Av., Asbnry Park, N. J. ' T8AAC 0. KENNEDY,*. Attoroeyvat-Law. Solicitor, Master In'Chancery /. • . dnd Notary Public. I Special attention glyento examination of Titles, ^ Offlifle in’Cook’s Buildinjf, Asbury park, New. Jersey. , A LFRED D. BAILEY, -**■ Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor and Master in Chancery and Notary Public. Special attention given to collection of claims. •* Office in Mikado Building, Asbnry Park, -gttSltKJiS ROBERT T. GRAYATT, i v XMeAtWfhl-:- / '■ y^ Stoves, Heaters, Ranges, TIN W A REjic. C ookm an av., n e a r B ond Ht., :y ; ASBUBT PABK, NTifc : -V'■ TIII RaOFIIS, LEADERS, RUTTERS, At. OOPPHI, TIN AID SHEET I SOI WORf OF AU ' kikdb. ■ / taT'First-oLass work at low rates, y LIPPING0TT, TAILOR - 727 Cookman Ave. . Qents? TRENTON STEAM DYEING WORKS, ESTABLISHED 1849. Ladles' dresses dyed tn all the newest shades. "Feathers dyed to au colors. Gentlemen’s cloth* Ing cleaned, dyed and pressed o^nal to new. Agefat for Asburv.P£jk. HENRY DOREN. '{Successor to Q. W. Read,) MERCHANT TAILOR, 718 COOKMAN AVEN0E. Suita mado to order guaranteed to fit. Cleanli and Repairing. GEORGE W. LEE"' JOBBING HOUSE CARPENTER -Hardwood work a specialty: orders promptly attended to qnd work done In first-class mtttfner. Manufacturer of Storm Doors, Window and Door Screens.' Orders loft at I). H. Wyokoff’fl paint store, or received by mall, will be promptly attended to, . < Residence—N. E. Cor. Asbury avenne nnd Mam street. P. O. Box 605, ASBURY PARK, N. J. Bargains in Real Estate LOTS AND IMPROVED X'KOP- ERTYAT NORTH SPKTNG^LAKE. Iliiproved Proporty and Lots at Point Pleasant °j£o&flat^£ahaaset for Sale or E jo ^k o ?J'S0& ' 7eet of Bay front, suitable for a wharf. The only Bay front In the market for sale In that vicinity. Will be sold cheap. Lot-25xl25 feet on Sixth avenue, near the ocean, AsburyPark. If yon want to buy or rent any property any* ’where alongthe.coast Apply to R M. WORTHINGTON,- Cor. Sowall av. and Emory ut, Asbnry Park. Of W. T. Stokkt, Point Ploasantr N. J. W. H. P ottkb, Spring iAke, N. J. J)AV1D HARVEY, JrM Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor, Master and Examiner tn Chancery, Notary Public. v< S' .. Asbury Park, N. J, • Q.EORGE W. BYRAM, Attorney-dt-Law and Bolloltor in Cbanoery, Ad(lressI\“O:^arl00i, A8bury~Park,N. J. Henrv M^Nevios, : EnxtiNii W iuok, Coonsellor at Law. -: Attonjoy at "^“^KTWlUS & WILSON, • L Law OfUces, A. A. TAYLOR, Mason and Builder, Bricklaying and Plastering in all branches ' 67 Masonry work. Jobbing promptly attendod to. _ P, O.BOX.CD7.__ _Offlce^783-Mattlson avenue SAMUEL WraRKBBIDE, £OKXKAX)3CO»r— RED BANKrN. J. ^L IO E K. HARRISON,. , ; ___ ___ __30U’lilrd;avcnue,.A8bnryJratk TEACHER OF MUSIC—Plano, Organ andTheory pRANK V. BODINB, ___ __________ ___ _ ARCHITECT, MIKADO BUILDING, P.O. Box 865. ASBURY PARK. N .J, jyjB S. BOSAMNE V. ELPIiEY, TEACHER 0FJ>lAtW, 0RDAH Adfi THE0RT. Foreign and AmoHcah flngorlng. Terms—f 15 for 20 lessons, payable at 10th lesson. ATI33 M. E. COLEMAN, D R E S S -M A K E R . , OOTTINO AND yiTTIKOASrECIALTV. >* v Tbontt of cutting and fitting taught. ^ - COR. BOND STREET AND Ba S g S AVENUE, Asbury Park, N. JL' H. B. JOHNSON, Practical Watchmaker, Dealer in Fine Watohes, Jew el^, Spectacles Ac. Watches and Jewelry repaired at City Prices. Main streot, near Cookman avenue, ASBURY PARK, N. J. . GEO. M. BENNETT, HOUSE JBAINTING In all Ita branches. Hardwood finishing, Grain- ........... ing^CalcUnininR, ----- ^ ----- ^ Eatlmatea fnrnlshed on appllontlon. L. Box 2183. Ocean Grove, N. J, COOK HOWLAND, Architect & Builder. Building plans executed and all work promptly s'*'Vsdone. -; . Office In Cook’s Bnlldlng, Main street and __ ^-Cookm&n-avenue. AsburyPark. - Carpenter &' Builder. Plans and specifications furnished. Jobbing promptly attended to. Best of reference given. Residence—First avo., bet Bond and Emory sts. Shopand-Office—Flratave.-dndMaln st, P .O . BOX 748. ^ASBURYPARK. The-Old and Reliable Brand. Vane, Calvert. & Co. An ImracESC Stoclt on All Desirdblc ShaflBs ofColor. N. E. liuclianoii & Co. Solo Agents for State ofNow Jersey. |S7”prlceB low to painters and Consumers. Liboral arrangements made with dealers. MAIN 8T. AND ASBURY AVE. GROCERIES. William beames , 8necossor to J-Honry Applegate, P L O U Ii A Jfl) FE ED . Mattison Avenue, near Bond Street, A SB U R Y PA H E JOHN W. SUTPHEN B lacksm ith and Horseshoer, Carriage work In all Its branches. CARRIAGE PAINTING AND TRIMMING In tbe finest stylo of decorative art. Main street- and First avenue, ABBURY PABK.______________ ADOiN LIPPINCOTT, Carpenter & Builder -Jobbing in all branches promptly and carefully attended to. Residence—602 First avenne, P. O. Box 282. ASBURY PARK, N. J. FRED. B. GOWDY. CIIA8. II. PITCIIBR. COWDY & PITCHER, Carriages, and Manufactu- rers of Harness. ficnoiiltorics^AHlinry Park, Red Bnnk ... v nndT«in«„Klspr.v DANIEL C. COVERT, No. 27 Pilgrim Pathway, Ooean Grovi?, N. J., 'G E W B K A t A G EH T ----- roll THB--- r . Purchase, Sala and Renting of Real Estate. Alao Property ■ Insured in firflt-cl ass ^ com pan! u3._ ~ Imnrovbmonw made for non-rcsldonta. Proper* tv cared for, Loans negotiated and .Colloetrons made. Corresportdonoe solloltod. P. 9 -Box 2180. Tents, Awnings, Flags. FeUing for boilers and steam pipes. §.HiMMENWAY, 615 CookmaTi Ave:. Asbury Pork, N. J, Soli lofts. 00 Boutfl St.. Mew Yom.Clty.- -■■ ^J3S T E 3 in ^ T J X T S , C O N FEC TIO N ER Y , s n u arall tlnda, riorld> Of»ow.i*fe aod.H nlugn GrapCH, and luxuHoa o ^ /^ p M o n B . ean bo fonnd W ashinoton w hite , ^ jLAiNBTREET. ASBURYPARK. M. M. CROSBIE, Sneueaaor to David Cartwright, Plain:and Ornaments.! Bocfsr. ' Tar Paper, Sheathing Paper, Two and Three-ply Roofing PapeK"- P .«. Box 802. Asbury Park, N* 3. SANITARYPLUMBiNG B. CROWELL & CO. No;v occupy tho now brick building of J. Henry - • Applegate, on ^ - « Mattison Avenue, -near Bond Street, where they are prepared to estimate on all kinds cnLM flM M mHrnm ’~Thiy- do none otfier than first-class work, and all-plumbing will bo done after the meet approved sanitary methods.' ■ - ' -. - - v Bepalriny promptly attended to. H. C. IWIARRYOTT, Contractor and Builder, Estimates' fbrnlshjod for every description of work. Jobbing attendod to promptly. • Reaiddnuo— , ' Cor. Se«Ml Ave. and Emory St., IM k gox7i9 A H B in tV P A B K . IV. J . JOHN HUBBARD, Practical House Painter, AND . PAPER HANGElt. Kesldonce Cor. Fifth avettue and Bond stpeet, Look Box ttTS. ASUUP.V pXKK, N. 3. JOS. L. DURRAH, ^ l a - s t e i e z , 5Q§ THIRD AVENUE. J- _Jpbblflg Promptly attended to, CEO. C. ORflflEROD, CONTRAGTOR ANDBBILBER , ^ 7 ^ , ’ : A B b w R if pabk , KpipbllBlied 1873^ - - Jobbing promptly attended; J-? ; . ^ to ^ Bestof reforeneo givei^ -.J r . ‘ r " bflice and Residence, ' ' : T;’ i; ; J. COR. BKWAI.L AVE. AHD liOHD ST. F .C . BRAEUTIGAM, Real Estate; and Insurance, Hotels, Boarding Houbcs and Cottages to I/st, for Sale and Exchange. Special attention given to drawlogmortgagos, leases and deeds at short notice. Oflloo) ; . .. 710 COOKMAN AVBNUB, P. O. Box 17. Near Main at, Asbnry Park, N. J. pENNfiVLVAPHAUAliROAD, On and after. October, 1, 1888, . TOAIHB MAVB ABDtrnV rABg For Now York, Nbwaik, BlLtabolb. Ruhway: Red Bank, Long Branch and intermedlato . , otatlons, at 0.50, 0.10 a. m., l.lo, B.80 p. m. Expreafl for New York. Ncwarb, Bllzabeth nnd Long Branch, a t 7.45 a* m. •->- Ftar. MSaWan, 0.D0, 0.10 a.m ., 1.10, 6.00 n. mi For Long BrOnoh, 6.60, 7.4S, 9.10 a. m.» 1.10,;5.aO p. m.‘ V - ' For Philadelphia, (Broad St. ,)Trenton .Prlnooton, Monmouth Junction, Freehold and Sea Girt, 7.42a. m., 12.27. 4.00,0.83 p. m. For Phlladeljmla, Through Express, at 7.30 a. m. For Camden. BurllngtQnvBordent6wnaad points on the Amboy Division, via. Berkoloy and Toms River, week days, at C.41 a. m. Por Camden, Burlington, and Bordento^n, (via. Trenton,) 7.20 a. m., 13.27, . 4.00 p. ni. Via. Jamesburg, 8.83 r — H. B. BEECLE, " (Uto H. B. Bcegio * Son) KEAIi ESTATE and INSURANCE AGENT, '48 Kain Avenae, Ocean Srore, H. J. Loans Negotiated aqd Legal Papers Drawn H. B. BEEGLB, Notary **ubllo and Commissioner of Deeds lor Now Jersey, Pennsylvania and the DlBttiot ot Coldmbla. For Point Pleasant, and lntermodlatoBtatlons.at 6.65, 0.41,11.05 a , m ., 3.01, o.oo, 7.00 p. m. nuxnft fcxAvn wm io ia (via. Desbrossea and1 Cortlandt Sts. ferries) von asbubt fabk At 8.80, *0.10 a. m., 12.00 noon, 4.S0,5.00 p. m. tra in s u u v i ru uLA.paT.rHiA (Broad St.) ton ASBUBT PAAK _At 0.60, 8.00, 11.80 a. m.,' aso, 4.00 p. m. Mar* ket St., via. Camden and Trenton—, 10.80 a. m., 3.80 p, m. Via. Jamdsburg, 7.90 a, m., 4.00 p. m. Yia. Toma lUver and Berkeley, 8.80 a. m., 4,00 p. m. r f J. R. WOOD, Gen'l Pats. Agt. CHAS. E. PUGH. Giit'l Manaaer. ASBURYPARK, OCEAN BEACH, SPRIND LAKE AND NORTH SPRING LAKE. Persona wishing to Bent, Purchase or Sell at the above places, or owners having cottagea to rent for season of 1880, and desiring to place, them In my hands, will receive special attention. For further particulars or maps, address K. WRIGHT, Box 168, Asbury Park. Cor. Cookman and Sewail Avs., A. Park, o m c o s . -j o , jj . Brown’s store. North spring Lake. N. B.«~I havo some cottages and lota for sale cheap, easy terms; also a number of cottages for-rent. Jig EW YORK * LONO BRANCH R. It. Time Table, In effect October 1,1888. Stations In New York—Central R. R. of New Jer- sey, foot of Liberty Street; P. R. R., foot of Cortbmdtand.Desbrosses streets; N. J. South- ern Railway, foot ofRector St. uiTS mnr roBi job' asbubt pabk,'A c. Central R. R. of N. J.--4.00,8.15, *11.15 a. m., 1.00, *8.80,4.00, *4.80,0.16 p. m. j, , Pennsylvania—3.80, *0*10 a. m.» 12.00 m., *4.20, ^ 6.00 p. m. N, J. Southern Railvyay—10.15 a. m., *3.45, 6.00 p. m. . ^------ Leave Newark, Broad St. Station, for Asbnry Park, Ac. — 8.35, .11.20 a. m „ 1.85, 4.00, 4.85,6^0 n. m. Market 8 t Statlon-8.50, 0.88 а. m., 12.26,4.4t, 6.28 p. m. UUVB ASBUBT PABK fOB m r took, Ao. Central R. R. of N. J.-0.16,7.25, *8.00,10.60 a. m.y,7.16 p:m7-....... —- Pennsylvania—6.60, *7.45, 0.10 a.- m ., 1.10, ‘0.80 - p.m. N. J. Southern—0.10,7.40 a. m., 4.45 p. m. For.Piilladelphia and Trenton, via. Bound Brook ■Route—6.15,7.25 a.m ., 13^15,3.00,4.10 p.m. For Ocean Beaoh, Spring Lake and Sea Girt— -6.66, ,0.14, 0.41. 7.30, 7.42. 10.20, 11.00 a. m.. W.20,13.27,1.00, 3.01, 8.45, 880, 4.00, 6.02, 6.33, б.88, 6.65, 0.00, 0.11, 7.00, alO p. m. For Manaaquan and Point Pleasant—6,66, 0.14, 0.41, lojw, 11.06 A. m.. 12.20, 1 00, 2.01, 2.45. a30, 6.02, 0.88, 5.65, 0.00, 0.11, 6.64, 7.00, a id Pop^Pbiladolphla. rla. Soa Olrt-»7.SO, 7.4S. a .m ., 12.21,4X0, *6.83 p. m. ' For stations on P. It R. to Camdon and interme- diate points, 0.41 a. m., 2.46p. ra. For Toms ..., River,0.41,11.06a. nw.8.45p.m . *—Express. RUFUS BLODGETT, Supt, H. P. BALDWIN, O. P. A . O. R. JR. d fN .J . 3. H. WOOD. Gen'l ra t. Apt. P. R.Jt. ASBURY PARK ELECTRIC LIGHT CO- MAIN STATION: Railroad, near First avenue. Fnrnlshos Electric Aro and -Incandescent lights at uhy.location. OFFICERS: V Presidont-MYRON S. GOULD, Vice Preset—EDMUND G. HARRISON, —Treasurer—JOHN* ROC KAFE IitBR^777~ Seo’y and Sup’fe—GEO. M. LANE. DIRECTORS: Myron S. Gould, • ■ Goo. F. Kroehl, Rumund Q.-Hamson, - John C. MaoMurray, . “Jbhn Rockafcller, • Goo, A.-Smock, .• Geo. M. Lane. .Wh^n it Isa well-known fact that BOURNE’S English Tonic wilt not only glvo case, bnt permanently cure Indigestion, Dyspepsia, or any gaBtrlo trouble. For Sale by all Druggists. 1 WESLEY HUGGINS, Contractor, Carpenter & Buildi Plana and speclflcatlona furnished. Jobbing promptly attended to. Best of 'reference given, ktesldencerrlOO Mt. Carmol Way, Ocoan Grove. P. O. Box 70, Asbury J‘ark. N, J. •. ~ LADIES! , bo Tour Own Dyeing, nt llom o, w ith PEERLESS DYES In Packages or for Fastness of Color, or non-fad- lug Qualities. They do .not crook orsmUt For sale by R._TustIng,"M* D«, Woolley & Rood, W-. B*. AanUBT PABK. Hugh 8. Kinmonth to Henry W. Lake—lot at Asbury Park. ?3,020;. y-\; OOBAW QBOVH- n ' Maiy M. Jones and husband to Matilda Mor- row— l o t 1231. *1. Tho Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association to Matilda Ivins—lot 650, South, Ocean Grove. $75. . Matilda Ivins and husband to William C. Rob- inson—lot 650, South, Ooean Grove. $1,050. r !,/ WfiPTUNB TOWNSHIP. , - ,, _ Caroline Goldrick to Stephen J. Goldrlck—lot » p; f nnor- ' f t J P L * *_*____ Louisa IJrown and husbanu to Martha A. Six- son—part of lot 33, Wcsfc l’arkr $200. - ABhor D* Thpmas to Nathan J. Conover—deed TjyEST shore railroad . For Saratoga, Lake George, CntskiH Mountains and Ruason River. -Only all'rall lino, Djraw- ing-rooril cars'through without change. 1.80, Leave' Branch, P. R. R., at 0.8d a. m., 1,8 p. m . ' Leavo New York, foot of Jay Streot, N. R., at __ _iL40r-lLl5 a^4n.r 8.35r 6.40 p, m. ----- - Leavo New York, foot West 42d St,, at 0.65. 11.80 a. m., 8.45, 6.00 p. m. Leave Jersey City, Penn. R. R. Station,- ILflO a. m.. aso p. m. Arrive-Kingston (Catskill Mountains) at 13.60, 3^0.385,3.33 p, to. Arrive Phmnecia, 8.80,7.51 p. m. Arrive Grand Hotel, at 4.25, a45 p. m, Arrive Catskill, atl.40._3.14,7.08,0.15 p. m. Arrive Cairo, af4.a5,800 p. m. Arrive Mountain House station, at 4.16,8.00p. m. Arrij»b PWenvllle, a t 4.90, aOG p. m. Arrive Albany, a t S.00,4.40, aio. 10.25 p. ra. Arrive Saratoga. D. Jb II. Co’s i t IL, a t 4.130, 9.26 p. m ;, 1.10 a. m. Arrive Caldwell (Lake George) D. & H. Co'fl R.R., at8^l0p..m. ..... .......... Arrive Utica, at 6.20,7.^20J). m., J2.45 p, m. ' Through tickets sold from all stations on N.VY. & L. B. R. IL Baggage clrocked through to des- tination; Magnificent drawing-room ears for Saratoga, Caldwell (Lako George) and Catskill Mountains, aud from Jersey City for Phcenocia (Hotel Kaat- ersklll and Mountain- House), and Lontr Branch to Saratoga. Drawing-room car on 9.10 a. m. train from Asbury Park to Saratoga without change. Daily ejoept Sunday. Saratoga specials run to and from Jersey City station of Penn. ,3LWIL Saratoga and Lake George specials ron via.TAlbany. C. E. LAMBERT, Gen'U'cut. Agt. 6 Vahderbilt ave,. New York. Itcal Instate Conveyances. List of convoyoncoB,:Monmouth County Olork’a oflicoi for the week ending Bept. JS, general assignment. $1. , Phebo K. Dunham and hnBband to Clark Dan* liam—lot W a t Ocoan I*ark.-*500. Mary B. Rosa and husband to Ed ward Batche- lor—lot 187 at Hoy East. .$1. UISOELLANEOOa. John W/Ghivorand wlfe to John T. Roynolds —2 tracts of land, D acres aud 8 08-100 acres in township of HowolL $000. John T. Roynolds and wife to Mary H, Grover —3 tracts of laud, o acres add 608100 acres in township of Howell. 8000. . Agnes Conover and- husband to. Jacob Bee- crort—ocean aiIII b property, township.of Ocean.- ♦36.. *■ - Lawaett Cade to Jacob Beecroft—Ocean Mills property, township of ocoan. 520. ' JohnM. Allen to Eliza Campbell—O traata of land, 08*100,0 12-100. 30,20 08-100,1, 44 23-100 acres in township of WaiL $1 and other consideration. Nathan. Campbell and wife to John M. Allen— ,0 tracts of land, 00-100. 013-100, 10,20 08-100, l. 41 28-100 acres In townaulp of .Wail. $1 and other consideration. John T-Roaell and wife to James P. McChea-, ney—lot at Freehold. $260. .. . The Hightatown and JUanalapanvUlo Turnpike Co. to the Inhabitants of MiUstorfe township-- laud in Millstone township, 81. • M. Howard Maps et al. to Dewitt B. Bcarmore— Cemetery lot No. 172 Eatontown township. 850. , Warren Brown to Joseph Carman el oi.—8 lots Matawan township. 8130. Charles H.' ElUs cl al., Ex’ra, to Charles Whor— 817-100 acres Manalapan township. 83C0. Theddorc Fields, ShoriiL to Cbas. H, Ellis el al., Ex’ra—a 17-100 acres Manalapan township. 8100. - Wm. L. Ward and wife to Vanburen Leland— lot near Branchport, Oceau township. 8200. Lilia.Thompson and husband to vanBuren Le- land—lot near Branchport, Oceau township. 8250. -John C-Thompson and wife to VanBuroar Le-' land—lot near Branchport, Ocean township. 8200. . Chris. Sculthorp to Androw (Jilsey—lot at Pleas- ure Bay, Ocean township, 8LGOO. -‘Lawrence B. Newman to (/tiarlcs8culthorp—lot at Pleasure Bay. 81.100. Tho Atlantio Highlands Association to John H. Geary—lots 454 and 465 Atlantio Highlands. 8200. Bertha Honser and husband to Rebecca C. Mor- ris—lot Middletown township. 8116. *3 Daniel Frost to Ban lei Coyne—lot Middletown township. 8100. Samuel T. Hendrickson cl al. to John 8. Tilton and Daniel Ahern—lot Raritan township at tho yearly rent of 8G0. Emily M. a ' ________and James E, Lake to John L.‘Perrine —lo t m Atlantic Highlands. 8350, James M. 8in 1th to Mary Htewart—tbo undl- vfiled half of lot in the town of Union, Raritan township. 820. Mary dtowart and husband to John L. Mount— tho undivided half part of lot in the town of Union. Raritan township. 8'260. • •..v T^ftve^AHbury pi^r^ pf Ocoi*^, (jyftv^ atQ tQn-i . r- •^H^ n^i^Y ard'taBnton oltiUnE^lot 1701 Ocean --------------* - -* ' Edw W Irw in to Frederick J. Anspach—30 lota at Spring Lako. 81. Kuwacd Irwin to Frederick J. Anapach—60 lota at Spring Lake. 8L '.. ^ Gcorgo Hance, Jr., to Martin Schrenkefsen—lot 158 at oceonlo, Shrewsbury township, 8150.— Smith C. Pitcher to illchael Creighton—lot at Long Btanch. 8000. J$lsa LeJand and hnaband to John L&ao—Jot- ■ Ocean township;-S240. VanBuren belaud to John Lane—lot Ocean township. 8180, VanBuren Leland to Mary Maghn—lot Occam townahip. $ 180. Daniel Wilson to Wm. and Mary McGrail—lot ot salt meadow, Bliddletown township. 830. Jeannette C. and Wilmot I, Hussey to Augusta Wilson—lot of land Raritan township. $10.- Carollno C. Jordan and husband to Thomas H. Robbins—106-100 acres Itaritan township. 54,000. M. Howard Maps el al., to James L. Morris—lot 125, Mechanicaville, Ooean townahip. 826. Anthony Browu to Sarah Applegato—lot Wall township. 8100. .......... ...... ......... ----------- Alexander w. Gaakill to David Quinn—lot at Long Branch. $!.■-». ^ David Quinn to Irene M; GaskllP3ot at Long Branch. 81. : - Briello Land Association to William H, Turner -lots 17 and 18, Wall townahip. $230. Henry Kroener to Margaret A, Chadwick—2 lots at Red I&fik. 86,000. . Charles Morria, collector, to William G HaU tl al,—2 lots at Long Branch, assessed to L. Rothen- bcrg, 8^)0 44. _.. -Theodore Fields, sheriff, to Will lain Pintard— .1 acre. Howell township. 820 60. Briello Land Association to Charles K. Woghcr et a t—lots 8a 35. 74, 76, Wall township. 81, 066. Theodore Fields, sherlfF, to Tho Long Branch pB E EH O LD ANP IfgW YORK H. K* ^ In offCot Sept. 11,1888. TRAIXa V E L UUVB TOB ^BBKBOtD AS TOliOWB*. Leave Asbury I»ark—7.36, 10.60 a. m.,1.10, 4.10 .p.m. Leave Xong Branoh—7.40,11.10 a. m., 1.30, 4.80 -« : p.’-in. j "________ —: ------------- - Leave Branchport—7.43, 11,14 a. m ., 1.33, 4.83 Leave *Uttle SUrer-7.48,11.19 a, m., 1.38, 4.38 Leife Bed Bank-7.63. tl.M a. m.. f u n Mtaaietown-aoo, 11.87 a. m„ 1.60, 4.W p. m. LBAVS MATAWAN »OU TOKBUOLO. ' 6.80, a tti 0.88 artn.Ti2.16,2.89,6.80,6.10,7.36p. m. OtlCAVB TRKIHOLD FOB BKD BAKU, BTO. ’ &.00l lLUa.m.,a06,4.80,6JW V.m. J. E. RALPH, Bnp’t. riuiuo,nutiiu, tv iuu w Banking Co.—lot. wall township. $250. H. William SChutt to Meta Stock—-2 lots at Farmlngdale, Howell township. $1. Talbot Leo to Richard P. Walling—lot of land at Keyport'. 81. . Richard 1*. Walling to Mary Leo—lot at Key- port 81 C H & H O B d F T IM E . f Steamer —Elberon.” ►n_aud after" September 16tb, tbe ateamer «lbeiron” will Irave New York, Franklin street -pierrforSea*^ Bright,-Pleasure Bay^nd Branch- port (Long Branch)* on Mondays; Tuesflays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, 0 a. m. Leave Branchport on Mondays at 11,80 a. m,;. Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thnrsdaya and Fridays at 2.30 p.m . This boat .will not leavo New York on Mon- days, nor Branchport on Saturdays. FARE, 40cts. EXCURSION, GOcta J. Lawronce Marcellus to Daniel R. Davis—lot at Freehold. 8125.. -Jaions H. Homer, collector, to Mrs. C. Kellar 33acres Matawan township, term Of30 yearer888.18 - The Trustees of tbo Manalapan Church to Mary jainkel-^ccmetoiyJot...$8^..... ................... s- ---------- Theodoro FicldiB, shcriiT, to John E. Williams et al., ox’ib—3 tracts land, Middletowh ’ownahip. 81,000. __ ____________ ____ Brl^lbiTJiiid ASaiclallon to Jamea R. Turuer— lots 10 and 20. Wall townshlpr 8210. . Ileriry W, Morford et al., to The New Jersey Foundry and Machine Co.—lease of lands at Red Bank, yearly rent of $600. , „ Thomas n. Field to Francis M, Wpld—1-0 part in 301 acres, Ocean township. 8250. . ZilphaSchrotder to Charles J. Jones—release of dower, lands in Ocean townahip. $1. Lewis Switzer d al., to Charles J. Jones—release" of dower 364 acres, Ocean township. 81.* Robert Kcnrno to Henry C. Wade—undivided % part 2 tracts of land, Howell townahip. 83,000. —William HrDotyto GeorgoC^HoUerlth—2tractr land Howoll townahip, $1 &o. Tho Spring: Lake Beach Improvement Company to William Lucas et al.t trustees—part of Block 50, Wall townahip. $1. James H. Leonard to Edward H. Fro^t—lot 377 at Atlantic Highlands. $200. Artistic Printing. M aterial—ti><= bat. W orkmanship—hiw - ci « m . . Delivery—proiopi. Charges^moaetai.. ASBURY PARK PRINTING HQUSE. John B. Thompson to Jamea 8. Parker—122 58- 0 acres, Howell township. 87,000. HolmesEari dal.,lo Margaret M.Campbell- Margaret M. Campbell and husband to {lolmea —* -* — tract or land Manalapan township. Earl el al.- 81,000. October Harpeifs Ifisacs from tbe Franklin Square presses fall of inter eating matter for nil classes of read- ers. Artistically, and from a literary point •ot view, no old friends will bo dlsappolntijd* Thc frontlspiece Is an lHiytralIgn^.JB,.. A. Atibey, ” Early one Morning.” Into the' Initial art|cle,.“ Llmogea and its Industrios,” Mr, Theodoro Child has con- densed a vast amount of information about ceramics, not oply as they; relate to this -re - nowned old French town, but from a blstori cal and general'point of view. It coutaliur ton exceUcnt illustratlona of porcelains and enamols. * " Western JonrnallBln,, Is a Bumman;^1 what can bo said on ifiis sabjCct by that im- partial and fair-minded newB^apcr men, Z. L. White, a lohs-tlmo correapondont of the New. York Tribune at Washington. There are ,many(1portraits of Weatern .editors Incofpo- fated In the article, the valunof wlilcb la thus immenfiely. Increased. —There aremoKhpages than usual of Action In this dumber. In Far Loebaber,n by Mf. Black, ia continued, as well as Mr. Howells’ “Annie Kllburo,” and botb aro of marked in- terest. ■“.Neptune’s Shore” la liberally illus- trated, and la ono pf Mies WooJeon’8 beat ahottstories.. « Bt. Ltonia ana Kansas 01ty arejhe main trip* lea of Mr. Charles Dudley 'Warners article on “ T^he Qroat West ” in this. Number. The ar- ticle Is particularly noteworthy for the fulness o flta lntormationj "statistical and otherWSao. Our Journey to the Hebrides ” ia tbo'sec- ond paper on_ tbia babject by Mr. _and Mrs. Pennell. Thera are sixteen illustrations of exoepUdnal m erit * . V .: Tho Departments aro foil of vigorous road- Ing—even thO fun of the Dramr shows the good eftcota of summor vacations. .-Mr. Onr- tia in tho JHasy Uhaii' la grave and gay, and writes of Partisan Misrepresentation of 1’nb* Ijo Mon, of the Wild West 8bow, and of Browning and of Browning'Clubs in: Amer- ica. W. D- Howolb lu tbo Study, reviews many rccont books, Tbero is feuch else In the Daiuw that la bright 2 Tlio lXf^erence* “ Let mo lUustfnto, by my expcrlonoe, th e difference between, the" wopklngman'a po&*_ Blbllitlca in I^reO Trade England and in Prt^ tected Amorlca,,» eald Wm. E, MeyerO, of Jersey Olty* a rotited paper hiahu focturer, to a ta r te r yesterday. ) V' • ••.* : •//-» 41 Thirty, years ago my brother and I were employed in a factory In Liverpool at five dollars por Week. l eama to Araenca in 1868, and obtained employment In a factory en- gaged* In tbe same, line of trade,' while my brother remained Iff England; Two'; years ago I retired from 'buslnefia worth $300,000,. Two of my Bons, who succeeded me, have an annual Income of $15,000 eaoh ;-another son ia a successful lawyer, while another la study- ing'medicine. My daughter, wh o I* a col lego graduate la engaged to be married to a prom- inent minister^” . ' “ Wbat about your brother in Liverpool f” II e JS 8TriiL EMPI^OYBDj W TH E 9 AMK FAO- T o n r 'A f PiYK Dor;LAn9 r a n week, and ub can NEITHER I£EAD NOIl WRITE.” —N . Y . PrcifM. . Slade the Colonel I>lBmdunt. ' „■ Amopg the mniiy. stories and army Incidents told arotlud tho G.^A.IL Oamp-flrtrlast Tb uraj day evening, at C. K. ifail Post rooms, was that by Major Patterson relative to the Llcut.- Colonel of.the 14th Regiment, after whom the PoBt was named. The Major has an Interest- ing Variety of these, remlnlacencee^ond has a ^appy faculty of relating them. .. The story ranisnbatantlally as follows: Col. Truex, of the old 14th llegiment, as may net be genolally known, during the early yearaof iho-war, was detailed to look after several regiments and.tbo Immediate command of the 14th devolved on the Liont.-Colonol. ^Thoso whb wero' out in that command know well tbo rigorous discipline 'exacted during camp duties as well as in the more actlv'o act vice, especially With rbferenco* to thowofllcor of tbe guard and tUoao on picket duty. Among tbo other orders was one that was imperative, that any person mounted, ap- preaching a sentinel,-mu*t bc'ohallonged and ordered;io dismount, advance and give the coanterefgn. Tho Major, who was officer of thoguard, and though' bIgbly respecting his superior officer and his orders, yet -he. has-a susceptible side,‘for fun and ttfu^ludicrous. Ho had been watching for some time a il|tle by-play golDg on, In vvhlch a;coinely maiden on a neighboring plantation was" nn-lntereat- ed party. . - It was noticed that Col. Hall, who waa at that time a bacholor, would oftch don his t>est Buft, with low patent' leather shoes, and mounting his horse, hlo himself to the bofore- mentloned residence, outside tbe camp. Tho sentinel on the line where It was known the Colonel'would-return; Waa posted with refer - ence to the challenge, and ' was told t'o accept no exouse. ~ About 13 p’cldck tfio ofilcer of tho guard— thb narrator himself—made bis rouoda ’and stopped in a friendly clump of bushes near by to witness the outcome. In a short ttmd the CqlpnePs charger,was heardapproacbjng, slump,, slump, through anklo deep, of ao^t Virginia mud. Nearing the sentmol, a.sharp challenge rang out on the midnight air,' “Halt, who cornea there?” “ A friend, with counter- sign I” was the reply. “ Dismount and ad- vance with countersign.” _ y l ' . Here was a prcdlcarnent the Colonol had not counted on when iaauing hla orders. He began (o parley with hls sentinel, telling him that he was hla commanding ofllcer, but all to no purpose^ the sentinel know no ono while on duty ; bia orders were imperative and no o)3e could pass without, complying. ThojColr. onelloekcd at bis shinning slippers, his Immac- barn, make a hayrack .or doctor a sick' hog. ulate hoso and then atJhe^epjt^ogxJOJUL. 4t-waa aate*fcriesve fctm tO WSfK SIonwT ' Tlie 01<l«Fasliione<l H ired M an. This la the day when the “ hired man” who Is engaged tp work on a farm for the season reports for duty, provided, pf course, j hat there Is somewhere a farm on - which siich a relic of a bygone ago aa: the hired man la to 'betoohd tbis year. W hat an-instil ntloo lie used to be in the days-when we wero yoUng 1 thoroughbred. Yankeo j not a drop of Irn^ ported blood In hla veins ; strong and lithe, and active and tlrelesa^lntelllgcnt, fairly well educated, skilled in hla business,*.aad as a rule Industrious beyond the belief of this ten-, hour generation.' From the tlme he drove his axolnto the woodpile In tho dooryard on tho first of April, until the close of tho season, after harvesting, he expected to work, and he did work, not from” sun to sunr bnt from .dawn to darkness, and then did the milking and-fed the -pigs Afterward; nia day was fourteen^ flftoan^von al k teen, hours 1ong, *and oeyor oconrred to him that It should, be: shorter. ». . Ho was no specialist.- He could .do any - thing. ffe was amart with a aoytho, bandy with a hoei cute with a cradle, and experi- enced with ah ax. Ho knew how much grain apd grasa seed were required to the acre, when1 grass was fit tp cnt, atid' when Ifc waa bayed“enongh to “ go in,” and hodld not need to bo told when tp drop turnip aeed in the corn,field orhow to; put corn in tho shock. He could tiulid wall, make cldcT, shingle the rldo on but tho bayonet was brought to guard, and the horae refoscd to meet the cold ateel. At length the dlacomflted officer concluded to make-ibaJj^t, of .lt, and with a smothered- anathema loud tmotigh to ho hoard by the secreted guard officer, Col. Hall dlamount- •ted-tnta’fcbe olliriy' m ad,1 and aftor gfvlng the proper sign was permitted to fioss on to his tent. It never came out until after CoL Ilali’n death who It was-that was Infltrumental in carrying out hlB own ironclad orders, bnt he always fonnd In Major Patteraon a warm per- sonal friend and among tho first lo corry ont his orders in camp or iu battlo. None to day speak more highly of_ Col. Hall’s uTorlt, his courago and bravory, than the man Who cans»l_hUn tp dismount in.tho mud,' 1------- “Mother's Jack.” . Alter a traiupifi*TmllP„ and a half across the sandy neck of land wo struck the ocean beach, and "here we got the sight In all-ita. grandeur. A northeaater hod- been blowing for forty lion rs; and the ooean waa laahed to fury.' One needs to be down a t. a level with- the snrfaeo to jndgp the height and jiower of a wave. They "came thundering in fifteen feet hlgh—BolId walla j-of green water, with crowns of foam, and' when thoy broke tho crash was llko tho fall of a great building. hegotfor his. services $ 10, $13, possibly $16 nionth for elght montbs, and f saved threo- fourths of it, Then, when he had worked eight o^ ten seasons,, apd accumulated la few hundred dollars, he prQbnbJj' ,married the hired glrl. whd had beoiflt worlt/or_a doI-_ lata week and.saved half of tha^ bought a' farm, got out of debt little 1 by little, edu- cated his children and sent thom to the city to preach or practice law, or wprkjn* the atore or shop, while he Btayed on the old home stead.—J/ancAcsfer Mirror. Flfty fcet abovo hlgirtidtnine the'water raced after every- fall, and aa far aa. one could see down the boactUhoro were great balla of foam being whirled along Inland by the gale. It -wasusoless toshoutto eachother.- ^Tho'galo,' against whloh we could hardly stand and whlehnow-and then blew usUat dPWU, would have drowned tbe report of a cannon. But the awe was too strong upon na for speech. Nature waa fighting hojcaolf. 8 ho bad let loose pnd terror to battle .with another, and tho sight was terrlflo. . " ^ By and by, aa I cleared my eyea again of tho apray, I saw sometbing hoavo up on a great w’ave, Tho othera qaw lt, too, and pol nteditout.—Itdlsappeared foraraom ent, came Into view again, and as It rapidly opr proached the breakers wo saw that It was a body. It cpme straight In toward us until it aljnost touched iho amother dfthojoara, and then the undertow^ pulled It back. As It met a wave coming in it roared itself, waiat high abovo tha surfaOo, and wo saw that Its arms were raised above Ita head. Onco again It ro- tdrned, coming on the croat otagwHtt- which tnrned it end for end in savage glee, and onoo again tho. undertow put forth Its iron grip and pulled It; back. The sea bated to give tip Its dead. We , lost it now in the' smother, but pretty sooo'B’wave which stood ti^. to the height of a two-story houeo and whloh. bad a bonnet of foam whiter iban any snow, came roaring and crashing .and hung- ering from Soaw ard.it toro the dead from tho cluch of the undertow, lifted him up, up, up, until |t shrouded him in tho foam on the croat, and then It bronght hft%to our foot. As the wave broke tho body was hurled upon the fianda-and rollod ovor and ovor, and when thp waters receded; it lay there in a great heap of foam—the shroud whloh tho. breakers give to their dead. v We fragged the body higher up. It was that of a oailor—a fair young nlau with chestnut ourla and honest faco. When the. coroner came’and we sqarcbo^ the dead noth- ing could, bo found to idontlfyjhlm. On the right arm, bowover, was a bit, of something ro make the be^rt aeho. Tho needles had prick- ed in tho Iddla Ink to read: • ’ MOTHER'S JACK, : • 1885. - ' And Bbe m.nijt have been a dear old mothor, and he mpst havc loved her well to have re- membered her-thda.. ~Lost at sea when-por- hatja another day woujd.have [brought him. homo , to her—dashed dead .-upon tbe ahnds when porhapa. she was tlatoiilng for hta' fpot- stepa. And how will aho.oyer know? -.We burled hlmHu the eanda in that doaolato and stormr8wept' neck, but wo raised no' stono. Ho wlaa; unknown,. Tlie shifting ikands aro blotting out hla rostlfftf plaoo as I writo. ; And. the inothor 'WiH walt .and walt, and if othor’s"*?lifek will como no moro on earth. $he may fear he la dead, but sho can never know whoro hej^oeps.~Jrtw Pr^a.1' o The Laurel Houso at I^akowood opens on Commissioners’ Mcetirijy. , .. Sopt. 34, 1888,. . . ntfSlNK88 AND DREVIT1 T—TUB 8HOUTB8T 8KS- I SION ON ltBpOltlt—ST1KRINO UP THE BLBO- ' • TniC RAILROAD PEOPLE—VARIOUS COM Ml/- ‘ ! ' ; " . nidations. •; . •- • Jnet aa tbrw lonesome Commlssldnbrs, the v '■ Clerk and. The JouRNAii man, weary of wait- i 5 KiPJfii'ho others,' wore discuMlng tho pro- , i priety of going home last Monday night, a ' >• fourth'Commissioner ermerged from the dim ' - twilight of Liberty Square and completed tho quartette which our. law givers have estab- lished os the necossary number to constitute, a quoruha. Thirty minutes Jatcr they, had . ' v-.:. completed their business and departed. \ 1 The Stroet. Committee reported that it had • completed .arrangements with Mr. Barflno Brown to store the BprInkling wagons for the winter and bad; also engaged' him to wash them beforo storing, for 25 cents each, A loiter was” received from President Child, : of the Bea Shoro Electrlo Railway Co., re]a- . tive^o raising tho tracks in cerlaln localities. He bald that w jiM i(^..ttiioks' wero!la«e.iiow-.-..'-- it waa because the grade of. tho strOeta had .> been raised since the tracks had^been laid. The company laid the xalla in 1 accordance with grades gl von by the- Borough^ own en - gineer and the present, .ctrcumsfahce-w^a no. faul t or'tho company. The clerk was Instruct- , ed to Inform Mr. Child that the Borongb Would bear no part of the expense of raising tho tracks; Tho surplus clay will-probabfy ^bo tAken off the fllreet. The clerk was instrncted to serve notice oh tho Eloctrlc Railway Co. that It was violating : Its charter and tho ordinance in running lia 7 car aJn one dircctlbn. only. Thamattercamo---- np at the last meeting, but §s the Company represented that It was only waiting for new overhead switches to replace those burned out, no action was taken. A s thore wero yet no^ signs of a change the Board concluded it was time to act. ^ , J - A communlcatloh from Mrs. D. W. Robbins & and others asked for a street crossing at Seventh avenue and Webb street. • s, . ; . , Another from Mrs! Coleman and others re- quested an electric light on Third avenue be- tween Klngsloy and Bergh'streets. Another from Mr. Philip IIIldrlch,called at- tentfon to serious defects In the grade of Fourth avenue near Kingsley street. « All thoso were referred to the ^reetCom- 7 mittee. ' The BoartJ .then adjourned to meet next Mbnday night, Oct,'I.-* - . m Virginia Industrial Exposition. The Virginia Agricultural, Mechanical and Tobacco Exposition will be held i at Rich- mond, beginning Oct. ft-antf closing NovT217 lBSQj Tils exposUlon wlIl bo^ tho bcst ox- hlblt of tho industrial and agricultural .re. sourCos of the upperJ3onth ever held.. Be- sides an extensive display of agricultural pro- ducts and fineafocK^a,special section will-be devoted to tobacoo, illustrating all fts-phases from t$ the plant to the pipe. The special, features embrace a bench show, running and trotting, races, and numerous''other forms ojf Interesting entertainment. Tho capital of the Old pomlnion Is an exceptionally interest- ing place, and with tbe extraordinary attrac- tions offered by the exposition, and tho de- lightful climate of this Beason, the pleasure of vielt lsgTeatlyenhanced. —-----' —: --------- For the beneBt of the hosts of people w^io will desire to visit the city under these favor- able circumstances, the Pennsylvania Rall- road Company will sell exonrslon tlwets to Richmond every Monday t^nd TKursday dii^' Ing th^ cqntlnnaneQ of lhQ exposItlon, good to return until Nov. 20th' inclusive, from all principal stations on Ito syfltem at a . single fare for tho round trij^ r4terAverafire-iCodnutrou xrick. “ Thero are various ways of playing tho aver- . agd reduction trick. This Is one of them: ' v * “ My bill Is not a free trado bill,” said Roger Quixote-Mills, prancing kround in a recent speeoh: “ It provides for an average reduction of only MVerTfier^cent.” ^ “ Will the gentleman allow me to aak hlin a question ? ” said a quiet man In the audi- ence. “"Of courso.” “ Your Balary as Congressman, I bolleve, Is $5,000 p year?” stated the quje£ man. « “ It Is,” replied the great orator. “ And tho President’s la $50,000 ?” “ Yes, sir.” “ M aMng tORothor $55,000 . '• MOf course,” said thb - great-oralor,- itnpa- tlentiy. . "u ^ow,” continued the qbiot man, “ If we - put you on tho freo Hat without.disturbing - tho President’s pay—just as you have done with wool without disturbing rice—that \ would be an average reduction of only a trifle over nine per cent. ITow wouid you stand ,{hat kind of average redaction ?” Oh, you go home and Boak yo' head,”: feltcltoualy replied the great orator.—PAifad’a. l*rm. "• ■ " . w>' - ICeception to tiio Kearny Brigade; * On Thursday, 8 ept. 20, Gen. E. Burd g^nbb tendered ”a . reception' to the Burvlvora of ' Koarny’s First New Jersey Brigade, at his resldenco, Edge water, Park.- Thp duelling was beautifully decorated''With* flags and bunting, and the various corps addiptd battle flags were placed on ’staffs at different polnta on’the'lawn, whore eight. ‘wall tents were.. Fijfufo lit for Y ourself. There is no need to ask the Pirss to refute tho Ho about the the reduction of thosMills bill belfig only flve or seven t*?r cent,. aS: alleged, by the free trade organa. Figure It ont for yourself. Tho total customs duties collected In 18&7 w ere tfil2,OTO,000. Now Jive p $ ‘ cent, of this amount would be $10,000,000. In round flgnres, and ttevJn j>ei' c m t. would be about $14,000,000. - . --------- ' Yet Mills admits himself in his official re^- roport that ho remits about $00,000,OOO, or nearly one qnartgr qf all tbo customs duties. w Xnd’suppose the reduction was 6nly $10,- 000,000, how wouid^t.WJduee tbo sufplus.f As a matter'of factthOuMllla bill abolishes at one sweop one-quaftcr of our customs'duties and makes onjb’sixth of all dutiable prodhota free. The Pro* challonges'any free trado organ to contradict this statement. Print It in every nowspaper andZccfio it pn evory platform.— N. Y. Pm t. ' ~ ‘ ; '- ." i Very Easily Understood. ‘ Mrs. Penn—William j I .read an advertise- ment In one of the pppers stating that for $1 in stamps the advertisor would sopd by return J- mail a -sure way to get rid' of rats in the ! house. Mr. Ponn—Weil ? - Mrs. Penn-^I seat $l^ih: stamps, Wiliiam/ anti receiyed an answer. Mrs TP^nn—W hat wa&it K V . Mrs. Penn—Wiuiam, tlnr cheat’ told me to. movo.^PhiiadelpMa Call.; ' . .The pecnllar interpretation of Christ’s teaching made by,Count Tpfstol and hla'ex- ampleln reriohnetng hls former military, sen da! and literary habits of life for tho llfo of a' Russian peasant, have .mado aa deep an'ftn- pros^lon on tho thought of .tho timo as hla groat novels. Is this tbe proper Irllerpreta- tion of Christ’s teaching .anij -is the Christian^ World |n .efrortv Canon ^aitar has powered ’ thlsjnqulry in a revlow of Tolstoi’s writings and rallglous faith and .manner of life In an essayi' which Has both a Utefary and. a deep rollgiods interest. It has been proonrod'b’ y the Ibntm and wiU.appeax in the/numbor for October.*'•«/ „ . 7 * . -. . Over 100 of the strongest Domocirats of Put- ehess county, N. T.» b ^ ; come out against the Free Trado.messago U>f Cloveland. The' t^mlng -of • C^rus Swan/ Jacpb Carpenter, fld ward Storm • and others of;like. repute^ ereoted. wiilch gave too grounds the appear- ance of a tented field. Jennings 1 Sixth Kegl- •. ment Band played promonado iriuaic at Inter- vais during the day. One of tho bid veter- ans enjoyed a smoke from a pipe which Gen; Grubb had made of the last shell thrown against the brlgado while in the service.. '* A,meeting was held-lo the morning In which 260 of the veterans took part. ' Gen.^Grnbb,. _ who-was clad Ih-thtrsame cPatrand haVdllap*. Idated from the many battles in which he en- ' ' gaged, that ho woro daringsjbevwar, was elected presiilbntlof the AsBOclattb^v Among the list of vic6*preflldenjs ,eloct^ waa\D^JJ. v D. Osborne, of Newark, welt IfljRwn a summer resldont of Asbnry Park. Rldgway Pont, No. 31, Grand Army of the Republic, of Beverly, ot which Gen. Gmbb is a menihor^ did guard duty and had charge of the arrangements on tho grounds. A United States silk flag, inscribed “,23d N. J. Volunteers, ♦Yahoos,* ” the regiment Col. Grubb commanded, which was faded and badly worn with ago, formed a conspicuous part In tho decorations. Gen. Grubb alnO ex- hibited^ a sword he carried .throughout the Rebellion, whl^ch waa atruck by a ptepe of _ ... shell and badly sbattered'On the hilt. . A t 4.15 a brigade dress parade was given on tho Bpa- blons lawn, the various regiments being drawn In line of battlo and commanded by GeneraK. .■ Grubb, who Sblected a number of the veter-- ana to represent his staff. This over, the - brigade formed a hollow square, and General •-. Grubb gavo an Interesting, account of the. battlo of Crompton’s Passvl in which ho , ; olalmod the tiotpry was gajuud by tbo First New Jeremy Brigade, althougji notcjfetjited in- the history of the Robolllon. Tho next reunion Will be.held^t'tbeiom e : p l tho lato Gon. Kearny,.at Beigrove, Hudson oounty, on Sept. 1,4^188,6. ' * , j “ The other afterhpdnfaid a down-towh merchant to a roporterpfthe Chicago Jler<Udt ° “ it was quite dull at the store, and I Set^out V to maketaveral^buslncas calls that I had nog- . looted fo^somo days. Went first to my law- yer’s. ' Found on his door a card saying that ‘ ho bad gone to court for **ra baur. Then l— went to seo my family, physician^ Hls slato ' boro a notlco to tho effect that he woald .‘bo back at 5,’ as ho had gone to attend a sCrlons ' case. My coal man left word with hla office boy that ho had gone homofto look after a . Biok ohlld, and Ivconldn’t flnd any one’in. _ hated to go. back to,tho store, so, I, decided to take in the afternoon baaebajl game. Iq the grand atand at the gtpuuda I saw my lawyer yelling at Ewing/my doetot keeping -ecore on a prescription blank, and my coal maUsitting over in tho emokera’ soctlon. Oyer bn what they call tbe *bleaching bcaKls*' I saw, threo of my own clerks who had gone home at noon " with sick bcadacbcs. But say I It was a great ,me. Did you see that homo-run ot Krock T \thatflilly V',, .r_*r7 ... .. . ; ...... t* a m : - \

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I r r t M S i o n a l ( E a r f l f l .

A. W. H E tH iC K , M. D. 7 ~

JHomooopathlo Physleiah andSuwroonT Cor, Cookman A Bangs a vs., Asbnry Park, N. J .

Hours : u n til 10 a .m ., and a fter 4 p. m.

;o | J # 6. KlNHONTH, M. D., \- '

Com er G rand and Asbnry Avenues,,y Office Hours—7 to o a . m ., 1 to a p. m ., 6 to p. m /

T iK . BRUCE 8 . KEATOR, • . ’ '~ Homoeopathic Physician and Surgeon. G raduate Of both schools. *, .. .

__ Cor. Asbury avenue ahd Bergh street-' Honre-^HntH D a. mi., 7 to 9 p. m.

— -Telephone bonnections. ........

^ T M . I. GILL, A. M., P. D., • ^

Pnenm atopathfst, o r Mental Healor,400 Sewail avenue. Cor. n e c k streot.

Ofllce h o u rs 7. tO:10,18 to-8,6-to 0. — - ~

^ P. PAWLEY, ; - r — ’ ^ -

D E i r n S T , •G15 B angs ave., , Asbnry P ark , N. J .

.J ) R . S. T. SLOCUM**

• ‘ DENTIST* * " • •Office—204 Main fit., opposite Railroad Station, ■

Gas adm inistered. Asbnry Park, N, oL

A. s. bcrton, d .jd,_b, ____L.a*BimTONyivD.~flI—nU R T O N BROTHERS, V ■ "

, R e s i d e n t D e n t ln t * .600 Cookman avenne, co m er Emory st., Asbnry

P ark , N . J . Office Honrs : 0 a : m. to R p. nv Gas adm inistered. -Appointm ents m ade by tolo*

s. *. ' " phone o r by mall.<" M ’r r s o f *• ZOZO” —the now preparation for

oieanslnff and preserving tbe Teeth. ' j

. N . SBYMOUR. D. D. B. ’ 7"~“ •• - 3D E 2iTT X S1V • ’ #■

Office 46 Cookman avenuo, n ea r Emory .street. •* ~ M bchanloal w ork a specialty.*'

Difficult operations sollolted.TRANK nuaAND.J .T . HAWKINS.


A tto rn eys-at-Law, Solid tors A M asters In Chian- oery, M ikado BulUUn», Cookman Av.,

Asbnry P ark, N. J .


■ Attoroeyvat-Law. Solicitor, M aster In 'Chancery/ . • . dnd N otary Public.

I Special a tten tion g lyen to exam ination of Titles,

■ ^ Offlifle in’Cook’s Buildinjf,Asbury park , New. Jersey.

, A LFRED D. BAILEY,-**■ Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor and M aster in

Chancery and N otary Public.Special a tten tion given to collection o f claims.

•* Office in Mikado Building, Asbnry Park,

-g ttS ltK J iS

R O BERT T. G R A Y ATT,■i v XMeAtWfhl-:- / '■ y ^

Stoves, Heaters, Ranges,T I N W A R E j i c .

C o o k m a n a v . , n e a r B o n d H t . ,

:y ; ASBUBT PABK, NTifc : -V '■


' kikdb. ■ /taT'First-oLass w ork a t low rates,


- 727 Cookman Ave. .Q ents?TRENTON STEAM DYEING WORKS,


Ladles' dresses dyed tn all the newest shades. "Feathers dyed to a u colors. Gentlemen’s cloth* Ing cleaned, dyed and pressed o^nal to new .

■ Agefat fo r Asburv.P£jk.

H E N R Y DORE N .'{Successor to Q. W. Read,)


Suita m ado to o rder guaranteed to fit. Cleanli and Repairing.

G EO R G E W . LEE "' JOBBING HOUSE CARPENTER-Hardwood w ork a specialty: orders promptly

attended to qnd w ork done In first-class mtttfner.M anufacturer of Storm Doors, W indow and

Door Screens.' Orders loft a t I). H . Wyokoff’fl pain t store, or received by mall, will be promptly a ttended to , . <

Residence—N. E. Cor. Asbury avenne nnd Mam street. P . O. Box 605, ASBURY PARK, N. J.

Bargains in Real EstateLOTS AND IMPROVED X'KOP-

ERTYAT NORTH SPKTNG^LAKE.Iliiproved Proporty and Lots a t P o in t Pleasant

°j£o& flat^£ahaase t fo r Sale o r E j o ^ k o ? J'S0&' 7 e e t o f Bay fron t, suitable for a wharf. The only Bay fro n t In the m arket fo r sale In th a t vicinity. Will be sold cheap.

Lot-25xl25 feet on Sixth avenue, near the ocean, A sburyPark.

I f yon w an t to buy o r ren t any property any* ’where a lo n g th e . coast

Apply to R M. WORTHINGTON,- Cor. Sowall av. and Emory u t , Asbnry Park.

O f W. T . Stokkt, Point Ploasantr N. J .W. H. Pottkb, Spring iA ke, N. J .


Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor, M aster and Exam iner tn Chancery , N otary Public.

v< S ' .. Asbury Park , N. J ,


Attorney-dt-Law and Bolloltor in Cbanoery, A d(lressI\“O :^ a r l0 0 i , A8bury~Park,N. J .

H e n rv M^Nevios, : EnxtiNii W iu o k , Coonsellor a t Law. -: A tton joy a t

" ^ “^K T W lU S & WILSON, • LLaw OfUces,

A . A. TAYLOR, Mason and Builder,

Bricklaying and Plastering in all branches ' 67 Masonry work.

Jobbing prom ptly attendod to._ P, O.BOX.CD7.___Offlce^783-Mattlson avenue

SAMUEL W raRKBBIDE, £ O K X K A X ) 3 C O » r—


^ L I O E K. HARRISON,. , ;

___ ___ __30U’lilrd;avcnue,.A 8bnryJratkTEACHER OF MUSIC—Plano, Organ andTheory

pR A N K V. BODINB, ___ __________ ___ _


P .O . B ox 865. ASBURY PARK. N .J ,

j y j B S . B O SA M N E V. ELPIiEY,

TEACHER 0FJ>lAtW, 0RDAH Adfi THE0RT.Foreign and AmoHcah flngorlng. Terms—f 15 for

20 lessons, payable a t 10th lesson.

A T I 3 3 M . E . C O L E M A N ,


T b o n t t o f cu tting and fitting taught. - COR. BOND STREET AND B a S g S AVENUE,

Asbury P ark, N. JL'

H . B. JO H N SO N , P ractica l W atch m ak er,

Dealer in F ine Watohes, J e w e l^ , Spectacles Ac. W atches and Jew elry repaired a t City Prices.

Main streot, near Cookman avenue,ASBURY PARK, N. J . .

GEO. M. BENNETT,HOUSE JBAINTINGIn a ll Ita branches. Hardwood finishing, Grain-

........... ing^CalcUnininR, ----- ^----- ^Eatlm atea fnrnlshed on appllontlon.

L. Box 2183. Ocean Grove, N. J ,

COOK HOWLAND,Architect & Builder.

Building plans executed and all work promptlys'*'Vsdone. -; • . •

■ Office In Cook’s Bnlldlng, Main stree t and __ ^-Cookm&n-avenue. A sburyP ark . -

Carpenter &' Builder.Plans and specifications furnished. Jobbing

promptly a ttended to . Best of reference given. Residence—F irst avo., b e t Bond and Em ory sts.

Shopand-Office—Flratave.-dndM aln st, P .O . BOX 748. ^ASBURYPARK.

The-Old and Reliable Brand.

Vane, Calvert. & Co.An ImracESC Stoclt on

All Desirdblc ShaflBs ofColor.

N. E. liuclianoii & Co.“ Solo A gents for State ofN ow Jersey.

|S7” prlceB low to painters and Consumers. Liboral arrangem ents m ade w ith dealers.


GROCERIES.William beames,

8necossor to J-H o n ry Applegate,

• P L O U I i A J f l ) F E E D .

M attison Avenue, near Bond S tree t,A S B U R Y P A H E


Blacksmith and Horseshoer,C arriage w ork In a ll Its branches.

CARRIAGE PAINTING AND TRIMMINGIn tbe finest stylo o f decorative art.

Main street- and First avenue,ABBURY PABK.______________

ADOiN L IPP IN C O T T ,Carpenter & Builder

-Jobbing in a ll branches prom ptly and carefu lly a ttended to.

Residence—602 F irs t avenne,P . O. Box 282. ASBURY PARK, N. J.


C O W D Y & P IT C H ER ,Carriages, and Manufactu­

rers of Harness.f i c n o i i l to r ic s ^ A H lin r y P a r k , R e d B n n k

. . . v n n d T « i n « „ K l s p r .v

D A N IE L C . C O V E R T ,No. 27 Pilgrim Pathway, Ooean Grovi?, N . J .,

' G E W B K A t A G E H T■ ■ -----ro ll THB--- r ■ .Purchase, Sala and Renting of Real Estate.Alao Property ■ Insured in fi rflt-cl ass com pan! u3._

~ Imnrovbmonw m ade for non-rcsldonta. Proper*‘ tv cared for, Loans negotiated and .Colloetrons

m ade. Corresportdonoe solloltod. P. 9 - Box 2180.

Tents, Awnings, Flags.FeUing fo r boilers an d steam pipes.

§ .H iM M E N W A Y ,615 CookmaTi Ave:. Asbury Pork, N. J,

Soli lofts. 00 Boutfl St.. Mew Yom .Clty.- -■ ■ ■

^ J 3 S T E 3 i n ^ T J X T S ,C O N F E C T I O N E R Y ,

s n u a r a l l t l n d a , r i o r l d > O f » o w . i * f ea o d .H n lu g n G rapC H ,an d luxuHoa o ^ / ^ p M o n B . ean bo fonnd

W a s h i n o t o n w h i t e , ^jLAiNBTREET. ASBURYPARK.

M . M . C R O SB IE,Sneueaaor to David Cartw right,

Plain: and Ornaments.! Bocfsr.■' Tar Paper, Sheathing P aper, Two and

Three-ply Roofing PapeK"- P . « . B o x 8 0 2 . A s b u r y P a r k , N* 3 .


No;v occupy tho n ow brick building of J . Henry - • • Applegate, on - «

M attison A venue, -near B ond S tree t,where they a re prepared to estimate on a ll kinds

c n L M f l M M m H r n m’~Thiy- do none otfier th an first-class work, and all-plumbing w ill bo done after the meet approved sanitary methods.' ■ - ' -. - - v

B e p a l r i n y p r o m p t l y a t t e n d e d to .

H. C. IWIARRYOTT,Contractor and Builder,Estim ates' fbrnlshjod fo r every description of

w ork. Jobbing attendod to promptly.• Reaiddnuo— ,

' Cor. Se«Ml Ave. and Emory St.,IM k g ox7 i9 A H B in tV P A B K . IV. J .

JO H N HUBBARD ,Practical House Painter,

AND . P A P E R H A N G Elt.

Kesldonce Cor. F ifth avettue and Bond stpeet, Look Box ttTS. ASUUP.V pXKK, N. 3.

JOS. L. DURRA H,^ l a - s t e i e z ,

5Q§ T H IR D A V EN U E .J- _Jpbblflg Prom ptly attended to,

CEO . C. ORflflEROD,CONTRAGTOR AND BBILBER,^ 7 ^ , ’ : A B b w R if p a b k ,KpipbllBlied 1873 - - Jobbing prom ptly attended;J-? ; . ^ t o ^ B esto f reforeneo givei^ -. J r . ‘r " bflice and Residence, ' ' : T;’ i; ;


F .C . BRAEUTIGAM,Real Estate; and Insurance,

Hotels, Boarding H oubcs and Cottages to I/st, for Sale and Exchange. Special atten tion given to draw logm ortgagos, leases and deeds a t short notice. Oflloo) ; . ..


P . O. Box 17. N ear Main a t , Asbnry P ark , N . J .

p E N N f iV L V A P H A U A li R O A D ,

On an d after. October, 1, 1888,. TOAIHB MAVB ABDtrnV rABg

F or Now York, N bw aik, BlLtabolb. Ruhw ay: Red Bank, Long Branch and interm edlato

. , otatlons, a t 0.50, 0.10 a. m ., l.lo , B.80 p. m. Expreafl for New York. N cw arb, Bllzabeth nnd

Long Branch, a t 7.45 a* m. •->-Ftar. M SaW an, 0.D0, 0.10 a .m ., 1.10, 6.00 n. mi For Long BrOnoh, 6.60, 7.4S, 9.10 a. m.» 1.10,;5.aO

p. m .‘ V - 'F o r Philadelphia, (Broad St. ,)Trenton .Prlnooton,

M onmouth Junction, Freehold and Sea Girt,• 7.42a. m ., 12.27. 4.00,0.83 p. m.

F or Phlladeljmla, Through Express, a t 7.30 a. m. For Camden. BurllngtQnvB ordent6w naad points

on th e Amboy Division, via. Berkoloy and Toms River, week days, a t C.41 a. m.

P or Camden, Burlington, an d B orden to^n , (via. Trenton,) 7.20 a . m., 13.27, . 4.00 p. ni. Via. Jam esburg, 8.83 r —

H. B. BEECLE," (U to H. B. Bcegio * Son)


'48 Kain Avenae, Ocean Srore, H. J.Loans Negotiated aqd Legal Papers Drawn

H . B. BEEGLB, N otary **ubllo and Commissioner o f Deeds lo r Now Jersey , Pennsylvania and th e DlBttiot o t Coldmbla.

For Poin t Pleasant, and lnterm odlatoB tatlons.at 6.65, 0.41,11.05 a , m ., 3.01, o.oo, 7.00 p. m.

nuxnft fcxAvn w m i o i a (via. Desbrossea and1 Cortlandt Sts. ferries) von a s b u b t f a b k

A t 8.80, *0.10 a . m ., 12.00 noon, 4.S0,5.00 p. m. t r a in s u u v i r u uLA.paT.rHiA (Broad St.) to n

ASBUBT PAAK_At 0.60, 8.00, 11.80 a . m.,' aso, 4.00 p . m. Mar*

k e t S t., via. Camden an d Trenton—, 10.80 a . m ., 3.80 p, m. Via. Jam dsburg, 7.90 a , m ., 4.00 p. m . Yia. Toma lUver and Berkeley, 8.80 a. m., 4,00 p. m. r

f J . R. WOOD, Gen'l Pats. A gt. CHAS. E . PUGH. Giit'l Manaaer.


Persona wishing to Bent, Purchase o r Sell a t the above places, o r owners having cottagea to ren t for season o f 1880, and desiring to place, them In m y hands, will receive special a ttention. F o r fu rther particulars o r maps, address

K. WRIGHT, Box 168, Asbury Park .Cor. Cookman and Sewail Avs., A. Park,

o m cos. -j o , j j . Brown’s sto re . N orth sp ring Lake.N . B.«~I havo som e cottages and lota fo r sale

cheap, easy te rm s ; also a num ber of cottages for-rent.

J ig E W Y O R K * L O N O B R A N C H R . I t .

Time Table, In effect October 1,1888.

Stations In New York—Central R . R. o f New J e r ­sey, fo o t of Liberty S tre e t; P . R. R., foot o f Cortbm dtand.Desbrosses s tree ts ; N . J . South­ern Railway, foot o fR ecto r St.

■ u i T S m n r r o B i jo b 'asbubt pabk , 'A c .Central R. R. of N. J.--4.00,8.15, *11.15 a. m., 1.00,

*8.80,4.00, *4.80,0.16 p. m. j, ,Pennsylvania—3.80, *0*10 a . m.» 12.00 m., *4.20, ^ 6.00 p . m.

N, J . Southern Railvyay—10.15 a . m ., *3.45, 6.00p. m. . ^------

Leave Newark, Broad St. Station, fo r Asbnry Park , Ac. — 8.35, .11.20 a. m „ 1.85, 4.00, 4.85,6^0 n. m . M arket 8 t S tatlon-8.50, 0.88а . m., 12.26,4.4t, 6.28 p. m.UUVB ASBUBT PABK fOB m r took , Ao.

Central R. R. o f N. J .-0 .1 6 ,7.25, *8.00,10.60 a. m.y2.00.4.10,7.16 p:m7-....... — -

Pennsylvania—6.60, *7.45, 0.10 a.- m ., 1.10, ‘0.80- p .m .N. J . Southern—0.10,7.40 a. m., 4.45 p. m. For.Piilladelphia and Trenton, via. Bound Brook

■Route—6.15,7.25 a.m ., 13^15,3.00,4.10 p.m.For Ocean Beaoh, Spring Lake and Sea Girt—

-6.66, ,0.14, 0.41. 7.30, 7.42. 10.20, 11.00 a . m.. W.20,13.27,1.00, 3.01, 8.45, 880, 4.00, 6.02, 6.33,б.88, 6.65, 0.00, 0.11, 7.00, alO p. m.

For Manaaquan and Point P leasant—6,66, 0.14, 0.41, lojw, 11.06 A. m.. 12.20, 1 00, 2.01, 2.45. a30, 6.02, 0.88, 5.65, 0.00, 0.11, 6.64, 7.00, a id

Pop^Pbiladolphla. r la . Soa Olrt-»7.SO, 7.4S.— a .m ., 12.21,4X0, *6.83 p. m. 'For sta tions on P . I t R. to Camdon and interme­

d iate points, 0.41 a . m ., 2.46p. ra. F or Toms..., R iver,0.41,11.06a. nw.8.45p .m .*—Express. RUFUS BLODGETT, Supt,H. P. BALDWIN, O. P. A . O. R. JR. d fN .J .

3. H. WOOD. Gen'l r a t . A pt. P. R.Jt.



C O -


Railroad, near First avenue.

Fnrnlshos Electric Aro and -Incandescent lights a t uhy.location.



—Treasurer—JOHN* ROC KAFE IitBR^777~ Seo’y and Sup’fe—GEO. M. LANE.


Myron S. Gould, • ■ Goo. F. Kroehl, Rumund Q.-Hamson, - John C. MaoMurray, .

“Jbhn Rockafcller, • Goo, A.-Smock,.• Geo. M. Lane.

.Wh^n it I sa well-known fac t th a t

BOURNE’SEnglish Tonic

w ilt n o t only glvo case, b n t perm anently cure Indigestion, Dyspepsia, o r any gaBtrlo trouble.

For Sale by all Druggists.

1 W E S L E Y HUGGINS,Contractor, Carpenter & Buildi

Plana and speclflcatlona furnished. Jobbing prom ptly a ttended to. Best of 'reference given, ktesldencerrlOO Mt. Carmol W ay, Ocoan Grove.

P. O. Box 70, Asbury J‘ark . N, J . •. ~

L A D IE S ! ,b o T o u r O w n D y e in g , n t l l o m o , w i t h

P E E R LE S S D YESIn Packages o r fo r Fastness o f Color, o r non-fad- lu g Qualities. They do .not crook o rsm U t For sale by R._TustIng,"M* D«, Woolley & Rood, W-. B*.

AanUBT PABK.Hugh 8 . Kinmonth to Henry W. Lake—lo t a t

Asbury Park. ?3,020;.y - \ ; OOBAW QBOVH- n '

Maiy M. Jones and husband to Matilda Mor- row —lo t 1231. *1. •

Tho Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association to Matilda Ivins—lo t 650, South, Ocean Grove. $75. .

M atilda Ivins an d husband to William C. Rob­inson—lot 650, South, Ooean Grove. $1,050.

r !,/ WfiPTUNB TOWNSHIP. , -,, _ Caroline Goldrick to Stephen J . Goldrlck—lot

» p ; f nnor- 'f t J P L * *_*____ Louisa IJrown and husbanu to M artha A. Six-

son—p art of lo t 33, Wcsfc l ’a rk r $200. - ABhor D* Thpmas to N athan J. Conover—deed

T j y E S T s h o r e r a i l r o a d .

F o r Saratoga, Lake George, CntskiH Mountains and Ruason River. -Only a ll'rall lino, Djraw- ing-rooril cars'through w ithout change.


Leave' Branch, P. R. R., a t 0.8d a. m ., 1,8 p. m . '

Leavo New York, foot of Jay S treot, N. R ., a t__ _iL40r-lLl5 a^4n.r 8.35r 6.40 p, m. ----- -Leavo New York, foot W est 42d St,, a t 0.65. 11.80

a . m ., 8.45, 6.00 p. m.Leave Jersey City, Penn. R . R. Station,- ILflO

a. m.. a so p. m.Arrive-Kingston (Catskill M ountains) a t 13.60,

3^0.385,3.33 p, to.Arrive Phmnecia, 8.80,7.51 p. m.Arrive Grand Hotel, a t 4.25, a45 p. m,Arrive Catskill, atl.40._3.14,7.08,0.15 p. m.Arrive Cairo, af4 .a5 ,800 p. m.Arrive Mountain House station, a t 4.16,8.00p. m. Arrij»b PWenvllle, a t 4.90, aOG p. m.Arrive Albany, a t S.00,4.40, a io . 10.25 p. ra.Arrive Saratoga. D. Jb II. Co’s i t IL, a t 4.130,

9.26 p. m ;, 1.10 a. m.Arrive Caldwell (Lake George) D. & H. Co'fl R.R.,

at8^l0p..m . ..... ..........Arrive Utica, a t 6.20,7.^20J). m ., J2.45 p, m . '

Through tickets sold from all stations on N .VY. & L. B. R. IL Baggage clrocked through to des­tination;

Magnificent drawing-room ears for Saratoga, Caldwell (Lako George) and Catskill Mountains, aud from Jersey City fo r Phcenocia (Hotel Kaat- ersklll and Mountain- House), and Lontr Branch to Saratoga. Drawing-room car o n 9.10 a. m. train from Asbury Park to Saratoga w ithout change. Daily e jo ep t Sunday.

Saratoga specials run to an d from Jersey City sta tion of Penn. ,3LW IL Saratoga and Lake George specials ron via.TAlbany.

C. E. LAMBERT, Gen'U'cut. Agt.6 V ahderbilt ave,. New York.

I t c a l I n s ta te C o n v e y a n c e s .L ist o f convoyoncoB,:M onm outh C ounty

Olork’a oflicoi fo r the w eek en d in g Bept. JS,

general assignment. $1. ,Phebo K. Dunham and hnBband to Clark Dan*

liam—lot W a t Ocoan I*ark.-*500.Mary B. Rosa and husband to Ed ward Batche­

lo r— lo t 187 a t Hoy East. .$1.UISOELLANEOOa.

John W /G hivorand w lfe to John T. Roynolds —2 trac ts of land, D acres aud 8 08-100 acres intownship of HowolL $000.

John T. Roynolds and wife to M ary H, Grover —3 tracts of laud, o acres add 608100 acres intownship of Howell. 8000.. Agnes Conover and- husband to. Jaco b Bee-

crort—ocean aiIIIb property, township.of Ocean.-♦36.. *■ - ‘

Law aett Cade to Jacob Beecroft—Ocean Mills property, township of ocoan. 520.■ ' JohnM . Allen to Eliza Campbell—O traata of land, 08*100,0 12-100. 30,20 08-100,1, 44 23-100 acres in township of WaiL $1 and o ther consideration.

Nathan. Campbell and wife to John M. Allen— ,0 tracts o f land, 00-100. 013-100, 10,20 08-100, l. 41 28-100 acres In townaulp of .Wail. $1 and o ther consideration.

John T -Roaell and w ife to Jam es P. McChea-, ney—lot a t Freehold. $260. .. .

The Hightatown and JUanalapanvUlo Turnpike Co. to the Inhabitants o f MiUstorfe township-- laud in Millstone township, 81.• M. Howard Maps et al. to Dewitt B. Bcarmore— Cemetery lot No. 172 Eatontown township. 850. ,

Warren Brown to Joseph Carman el oi.—8 lots M atawan township. 8130.

Charles H.' ElUs cl al., E x’ra, to Charles Whor— 817-100 acres Manalapan township. 83C0.

Theddorc Fields, ShoriiL to Cbas. H , Ellis el al., Ex’ra—a 17-100 acres M analapan township. 8100. -

Wm. L. Ward and wife to Vanburen Leland— lot near Branchport, Oceau township. 8200.

Lilia.Thompson and husband to vanBuren Le- land—lot near Branchport, Oceau township. 8250. -Jo h n C-Thompson and wife to VanBuroar Le-' land—lot near Branchport, Ocean township. 8200.. Chris. Sculthorp to Androw (Jilsey—lot a t Pleas­ure Bay, Ocean township, 8LGOO. •-‘Lawrence B. Newman to (/tiarlcs8culthorp—lot

a t Pleasure Bay. 81.100.Tho Atlantio Highlands Association to John H.

Geary—lots 454 and 465 Atlantio Highlands. 8200.Bertha Honser and husband to Rebecca C. Mor­

ris—lot Middletown township. 8116. *3Daniel Frost to Ban lei Coyne—lot Middletown

township. 8100.Samuel T. Hendrickson cl al. to John 8. Tilton

and Daniel Ahern—lot Raritan township a t thoyearly ren t of 8G0.

Emily M. a '________and James E, Lake to John L.‘Perrine—lot m Atlantic Highlands. 8350,

James M. 8in 1th to Mary Htewart—tbo undl- vfiled half of lot in the town o f Union, Raritan township. 820.

Mary dtowart and husband to John L. Mount—tho undivided half part o f lot in the town of Union. R aritan township. 8'260. • •..v —

T^ftve^AHbury pi^r^ p f Ocoi* , (jyftv^ atQ tQn-i . r- •^H^ n ^ i^ Y a rd 'ta B n to n oltiUnE^lot 1701 Ocean

--------------* - -* ' ‘ E d w W Irw in to Frederick J. Anspach—30 lotaa t Spring Lako. 81.

Kuwacd Irw in to Frederick J. Anapach—60 lota a t Spring Lake. 8L • ' . . ^

Gcorgo Hance, Jr., to Martin Schrenkefsen—lot 158 a t oceonlo, Shrewsbury township, 8150. —

Smith C. Pitcher to illchael Creighton—lo t a t Long Btanch. 8000.

J$lsa LeJand and hnaband to John L&ao—Jot- ■ Ocean township;-S240.

VanBuren belaud to John Lane—lot Ocean township. 8180,

VanBuren Leland to Mary Maghn—lot Occam townahip. $ 180.

Daniel Wilson to Wm. and Mary McGrail—lot ot salt meadow, Bliddletown township. 830.

Jeannette C. and Wilmot I, Hussey to Augusta Wilson—lot of land R aritan township. $10.-

Carollno C. Jordan and husband to Thomas H. Robbins—106-100 acres Itaritan township. 54,000.

M. Howard Maps el al., to James L. Morris—lot 125, Mechanicaville, Ooean townahip. 826.

Anthony Browu to Sarah Applegato—lot Walltownship. 8100. .......... ...... ......... -----------

Alexander w . Gaakill to David Quinn—lo t at Long Branch. $!.■-». ^

David Quinn to Irene M; G askllP3ot a t Long Branch. 81. : -

Briello Land Association to William H, Turner -lots 17 and 18, Wall townahip. $230.

Henry Kroener to Margaret A, Chadwick—2 lots a t Red I&fik. 86,000. .

Charles Morria, collector, to W illiam G HaU tl al,—2 lots a t Long Branch, assessed to L. Rothen-bcrg, 8 )0 44. _.. •- Theodore Fields, sheriff, to Will lain P intard—.1

acre. Howell township. 820 60.Briello Land Association to Charles K. Woghcr

et a t —lots 8 a 35. 74, 76, Wall township. 81,066. Theodore Fields, sherlfF, to Tho Long Branchp B E E H O L D A N P Ifg W Y O R K H . K*

^ I n off Cot Sept. 11,1888.

T R A IX a V E L U U V B T O B ^ B B K B O tD A S T O liO W B *. Leave Asbury I»ark—7.36, 10.60 a . m .,1 .10, 4.10

. p . m .Leave Xong Branoh—7.40,11.10 a . m ., 1.30, 4.80-« : p.’-in. j "________ — :------------- -Leave Branchport—7.43, 11,14 a . m ., 1.33, 4.83

Leave *U ttle S U rer-7 .48 ,11.19 a, m., 1.38, 4.38

L e ife Bed B an k -7 .63. tl.M a. m.. f u n M taaietow n-aoo, 11.87 a. m „ 1.60, 4.W


6.80, a t t i 0.88 artn.Ti2.16,2.89,6.80,6.10,7.36p . m.OtlCAVB T R K IH O L D FO B BK D B A K U , BTO . ’

&.00l lL U a .m .,a0 6 ,4 .8 0 ,6 JW V .m .J . E . RALPH, Bnp’t.

riuiuo ,nutiiu , tv iu u wBanking Co.—lot. w all township. $250.

H. William SChutt to Meta Stock—-2 lots at Farmlngdale, Howell township. $1.

Talbot Leo to R ichard P. W alling—lot of land at Keyport'. 81. .

Richard 1*. Walling to Mary Leo—lot a t Key- p o r t 81

C H & H O B d F T I M E . f

Steamer —Elberon.”►n_aud after" September 16tb, tbe ateam er

«lbeiron” will Irave New York, Franklin street -pierrforSea*^ Bright,-Pleasure B ay^nd Branch- port (Long Branch)* on Mondays; Tuesflays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, 0 a . m.

Leave Branchport on Mondays a t 11,80 a. m,;. Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thnrsdaya and Fridays a t 2.30 p .m .

This boa t .will n o t leavo New York on Mon­days, n o r Branchport on Saturdays.


J. Lawronce Marcellus to Daniel R. Davis—lot a t Freehold. 8125..-Jaions H. Homer, collector, to Mrs. C. Kellar

33acres Matawan township, term Of 30 yearer888.18 - The Trustees of tbo M analapan Church to Mary

jainkel-^ccmetoiy Jot...$8^..... ...................s - ----------Theodoro FicldiB, shcriiT, to John E. Williams

et al., ox’ib—3 tracts land, Middletowh ’ownahip.81,000. ______________ ____

Brl^lbiTJiiid ASaiclallon to Jamea R. Turuer— lots 10 and 20. Wall townshlpr 8210.. Ileriry W, Morford et al., to The New Jersey

Foundry and Machine Co.—lease of lands a t Red Bank, yearly rent of $600., „ Thomas n . Field to Francis M, Wpld—1-0 part in 301 acres, Ocean township. 8250.

. ZilphaSchrotder to Charles J. Jones—release of dower, lands in Ocean townahip. $1.

Lewis Switzer d al., to Charles J . Jones—release" o f dower 364 acres, Ocean township. 81.*

Robert Kcnrno to Henry C. Wade—undivided % part 2 tracts of land, Howell townahip. 83,000.—William H rD otyto GeorgoC^HoUerlth—2 tra c tr land Howoll townahip, $1 &o.

Tho Spring: Lake Beach Improvement Company to William Lucas et al.t trustees—part o f Block 50, Wall townahip. $1. „ •

James H. Leonard to Edw ard H. Fro^t—lot 377 a t Atlantic Highlands. $200.

Artistic Printing.

Material—ti><= bat.

W orkmanship—hiw-ci«m. .


C h a r g e s ^ m o a e t a i . .



John B. Thompson to Jamea 8. Parker—122 58- 0 acres, Howell township. 87,000.Holm esEari d a l. ,lo Margaret M.Campbell-

Margaret M. Campbell and husband to {lolmea —* -* — tract or land M analapan township.Earl el al.-


O ctob er H a rp e ifsIfisacs from tbe F ran k lin S quare presses fall o f in te r eating m atte r fo r nil classes o f read ­ers. A rtistically , a n d from a lite ra ry po in t

•o t view, no o ld frien d s w ill bo dlsappolntijd* T hc frontlsp iece Is a n lH iy tra lIg n ^ .J B ,.. A.Atibey, ” E a rly o ne M orning.”

In to th e ' Initial a r t |c le , .“ Llmogea and its In dustrios,” M r, Theodoro Child h a s con­den sed a v as t am o u n t of in fo rm atio n ab o u t ceram ics, n o t oply as th e y ; re la te to th is -re­now ned o ld F rench tow n, b u t from a blstori cal an d g e n e ra l 'p o in t of view. I t coutaliur to n exceUcnt illu stra tlona o f porcelains an d enam ols. *

" W estern JonrnallB ln ,, Is a B u m m a n ;^ 1 w h a t can bo said on ifiis sab jC ct by th a t im ­partia l and fair-m inded newB^apcr m en, Z . L . W hite, a lohs-tlm o correapondont o f th e New. York Tribune a t W ashington . T here a re

,many(1 p o rtra its o f W eatern .editors Incofpo- fa ted In the article , the v a lu n o f wlilcb la th u s immenfiely. Increased.

— T h ere arem oK hpages th a n usua l o f Action In th is d u m b er. In F a r L oebaber,n by Mf . Black, ia continued, a s well as Mr. H ow ells’ “ A nnie K llburo ,” and botb aro o f m arked in ­teres t. ■ “ .N eptune’s S h o re” la liberally illus­tra ted , an d la ono p f Mies WooJeon’8 beat a h o tts to r ie s . . «

Bt. Ltonia ana Kansas 01 ty arejhe main trip* lea of Mr. Charles Dudley 'W arners article on “ T he Qroat West ” in this. Number. The ar­

ticle Is particularly noteworthy for the fulness o flta lntormationj "statistical and otherWSao.

O ur Jo u rn ey to th e H ebrides ” ia tbo 'sec­o n d p ap er on_ tb ia ba b je c t b y M r. _and M rs. Pennell. T hera a re s ix teen illu stra tio n s of exoepUdnal m e r i t * . V.: Tho D epartm en ts a ro foil o f v igorous road- Ing—even thO fu n of th e D ra m r show s the g ood eftcota o f sum m or vacations. .-Mr. Onr- t ia in tho JHasy Uhaii' la g rav e a n d g ay , a n d w rites o f P a r tis a n M isrepresentation o f 1’nb* Ijo Mon, o f the W ild W est 8bow, an d o f B row ning a n d o f B ro w n in g 'C lu b s in : A m er­ica . W. D- How olb lu tbo Study, reviews m any rccont books, Tbero is feuch else In th e D a iu w th a t la b right

2 T l io l X f ^ e r e n c e *

“ L et mo lUustfnto, by my expcrlonoe, t h e difference betw een, the" w opklngm an'a po&*_ Blbllitlca in I^reO T rad e E ng land and in P rt^ tected A m orlca,,» eald W m . E, MeyerO, of Je rsey Olty* a ro tited p ap er h iahu focturer, to a t a r t e r yesterday. ) V' • ••.* : •//-»

41 Thirty, years ago m y b ro th er a n d I were em ployed in a fac to ry In Liverpool a t five dollars p o r Week. l e a m a to A raen ca in 1868, and obtained em ploym ent In a fac to ry en­gaged* In tbe same, line o f trade,' w hile m y b ro th e r rem ained Iff E ngland; Two'; years ago I retired from 'buslnefia w orth $300,000,. Two o f m y Bons, w ho succeeded m e, have an annual Incom e o f $15,000 eaoh ;-a n o th e r son ia a successful law yer, while an o th e r la stu d y ­ing 'm edicine. My daugh ter, wh o I* a co l lego g ra d u a te la engaged to b e m arried to a prom ­in en t m inister^” . '

“ W bat a b o u t y o u r b ro th er in Liverpool f”“ I I e J S 8 T r i iL EM PI^O Y B D j W T H E 9 AMK F A O -

T o n r 'A f PiYK Dor;LAn9 r a n w eek , and u b canNEITHER I£EAD NOIl WRITE.”—N. Y. PrcifM.

. S l a d e t h e C o l o n e l I > l B m d u n t . '

„■ A m opg th e mniiy. stories and a rm y Incidents told a ro tlu d tho G.^A.IL Oamp-flrtrlast Tb uraj d ay evening , a t C. K . ifa i l P o st rooms, was th a t b y M ajo r P a tte rson re la tiv e to the Llcut.- Colonel o f.the 14th R egim ent, a fte r whom the PoBt w as n am ed . T h e M ajor h a s a n Interest­in g Variety o f these, rem lnlacencee^ond has a ^ap p y faculty o f rela ting them ... The story ran isnbatan tla lly a s fo llow s: Col.T ruex , o f th e o ld 14th lleg im en t, a s m ay n e t b e genolally known, d u ring the early yearaof iho -w ar, w as detailed to look a fte r several reg im en ts and .tb o Im m ediate com m and o f the 14th devolved on the Liont.-Colonol. ^Thoso w hb wero' o u t in th a t com m and know well tbo r igo rous d iscip line 'exac ted d u rin g cam p d u ties a s well a s in th e m ore actlv'o act vice, especially With rbferenco* to thowofllcor o f tbe g u a rd an d tUoao on p ick e t duty .

Am ong tbo o ther orders w as one th a t w as im perative, th a t any person m ounted, ap- p reach ing a sentinel,-m u*t bc'ohallonged and o rd e re d ;io d ism ount, advance and give the coan terefgn . T h o M ajor, who was officer of th o g u ard , an d though ' bIgbly respecting his su p e rio r officer a n d h is orders, yet - h e . has-a suscep tib le s ide ,‘for fun and ttfu^ludicrous.H o h a d been w atching for som e tim e a i l |t le by-play golDg on , In vvhlch a;co inely m aiden o n a neighboring p lan ta tion was" nn-lntereat- ed party . . • -

I t w as noticed th a t Col. H all, who waa a t th a t tim e a bacholor, w ould o ftch don his t>est Buft, w ith low p a te n t ' lea th er shoes, and m oun ting h is horse, hlo him self to th e bofore- m entloned residence, outside tbe cam p. Tho sen tine l on th e lin e w here It w as know n the C olonel'w ould-return; Waa posted w ith refer­ence t o the challenge, and ' was to ld t'o a ccep t n o exouse. ~

A bou t 13 p ’cldck tfio ofilcer o f tho g u a rd — thb n a rra to r himself—m ade bis rouoda ’and sto p p ed in a friendly c lum p of bushes near by to w itness the outcom e. In a sh o rt ttm d th e CqlpnePs ch arg er, was h ea rd ap p ro acb jn g , slum p,, slum p, th ro u g h anklo deep, o f ao^t V irg in ia m ud. N earing th e sentm ol, a .sh a rp challenge ra n g o u t on the m idnight air,' “ H alt, w ho cornea th ere?” “ A friend, w ith co u n te r­s ign I” w as the reply. “ D ism ount an d a d ­vance w ith co un tersign .” _ y l ' .

H ere was a prcdlcarnent the Colonol had n o t counted on when iaauing hla orders. He began (o parley w ith h ls sentinel, telling h im t h a t he w as h la com m anding ofllcer, b u t all to n o purpose^ th e sen tine l know no ono while on du ty ; b ia orders w ere im perative and no o)3e could p ass w ithout, com plying. ThojColr.o n e llo ek cd a t b is shinning slippers, his Imm ac- barn , m ak e a h ay rack .or d o c to r a s ick ' hog. u la te hoso a n d then a tJh e ^ e p jt^ o g x JO JU L . 4t-w aa aate*fcriesve fctm tO WSfK SIonwT '

T l ie 01< l«F asliione< l H i r e d M a n .This la th e d ay w hen th e “ h ired m an” who

Is eng ag ed tp w ork o n a farm for the season reports fo r d u ty , provided, p f course , j ha t th ere Is som ew here a farm o n - w hich siich a relic o f a bygone ago a a : th e h ired m an la to 'b e to o h d tb is year. W h a t a n -in s ti l n tloo lie used to be in th e days-w hen w e w ero yoUng 1

thoroughbred . Yankeo j no t a d ro p o f Irn^ p o rted b lood In hla v e ins ; s tro n g and lithe, and active and tlre le sa^ ln te lllg cn t, fairly well educated, skilled in hla business,*.aad a s a ru le Industrious beyond th e belief o f th is ten-, h o u r g e n e ra t io n . ' F rom th e tlm e he d rove his a x o ln to th e w oodpile In tho d o oryard o n tho first o f A pril, u n til th e close o f tho season, a fte r harvesting , h e expected to w ork, and he d id w ork, n o t from” su n to su n r b nt from .dawn to d arkness, an d th en d id th e m ilking a n d -fe d th e -p ig s Afterward; n ia day was fourteen^ flfto an ^v o n al k teen, hours 1 ong, *and

oeyor oconrred to him t h a t It sh o u ld , b e : shorte r. ». .

Ho was no specialist.- He could .do an y ­th ing . ffe was am a rt w ith a aoytho, bandy with a hoei cu te w ith a c rad le , an d experi­enced w ith a h ax . Ho knew how m uch g rain a p d grasa seed w ere required to th e acre, w hen1 g rass was fit tp cn t, a t i d ' w hen Ifc waa bayed“enongh to “ g o in ,” an d h od ld n o t need to bo to ld w hen tp d ro p tu rn ip aeed in the corn,field o rh o w t o ; p u t co rn in tho shock. H e could tiu lid w all, m ake cldcT, sh ingle the

rld o on b u t tho b ayonet was brough t to guard , a n d the horae refoscd to m eet the cold ateel.

A t length th e dlacom flted officer concluded to m ak e-ib aJj^ t, o f .lt, an d w ith a sm othered- a n a th em a lo u d tm otigh to ho h o a rd b y the secreted gu ard officer, Col. H all dlam ount- •ted-tnta’fcbe olliriy' m ad ,1 an d a fto r gfvlng the p ro p er sign w as perm itted to fioss o n to his ten t.

I t never cam e o u t u n til a fte r CoL I la li’n d ea th w ho It w as-th a t was Infltrum ental in carry in g o u t hlB ow n ironc lad orders, b n t h e a lw ays fonnd In M ajo r P atteraon a w arm per­sonal friend a n d am ong tho first lo corry o n t his orders in cam p o r iu battlo . N one t o day speak m ore highly of_ Col. Hall’s uTorlt, h is courago an d bravory, th an the m an Who cans»l_hUn tp dism ount in .tho m ud ,' 1-------

“ M o th e r 's J a c k . ” .A lte r a traiupifi*T m llP„ an d a h a lf across

the sandy neck of lan d wo s tru ck the ocean beach, a n d "here we g o t the s ig h t In a ll-ita . g ran d eu r. A northeaater hod- been blow ing for fo rty lion rs; and the ooean waa laahed to f u ry . ' O ne needs to be dow n a t . a level with- the snrfaeo to jndgp the height a n d jiow er o f a wave. T hey "came th u n d erin g in fifteen feet hlgh—BolId walla j-of green w ater, with crow ns o f foam , a n d ' w hen thoy broke tho c rash w as llko tho fall o f a g rea t building.

h e g o t f o r his. services $10, $13, possibly $16 n ion th fo r e lght m ontbs, and f saved threo-

fou rth s o f it, T hen, w hen he had worked eig h t o^ ten seasons,, ap d accum ulated la few h u n d red dollars, he prQbnbJj' ,m arried the

hired glrl. whd h ad b e o if l t w o rlt/o r_ a doI-_ l a t a week and .saved half o f t h a ^ b o u g h t a ' farm , g o t o u t o f d e b t little 1 b y little , ed u ­ca ted h is ch ildren and sen t thom to th e city to p reach o r p rac tice law , o r w prkjn* th e atore o r shop, w hile h e Btayed o n th e o ld hom e s tead .—J/ancAcsfer M irror.

F lfty fcet abovo h lg ir tid tn in e th e 'w ater raced a fte r every- fall, an d aa fa r aa. o ne cou ld see down the boactU horo were g rea t balla o f foam being w hirled a long Inland by th e gale. I t

-w asuso less t o s h o u t to eachother.- ^Tho'galo,' ag a in st whloh we could hard ly s tan d and w hlehnow -and then blew usU at dPWU, w ould h ave drow ned tbe rep o r t of a cannon. B ut the aw e w as to o s tro n g upon na fo r speech. N atu re w aa fighting hojcaolf. 8 ho bad le t loose pnd te rro r to b a ttle .with ano ther, a n d tho s ig h t was terrlflo. . "

^ By and by, aa I c leared m y eyea again of tho apray, I saw som etbing hoavo u p on a g rea t w’ave, Tho o thera qaw lt, too, and pol n te d i to u t .— I td ls a p p e a re d fo ra ra o m e n t, cam e Into view again , an d as It rap id ly opr proached the breakers wo saw th a t It w as a body. I t cpm e stra ig h t In tow ard u s u n til i t a ljn o st to u ch ed iho am other d f th o jo a ra , and th e n the undertow^ pulled It back. As I t m et a w ave com ing in i t roared itself, w aiat high abovo tha surfaOo, an d wo saw th a t Its a rm s w ere ra ised above Ita head. Onco ag a in It ro- td rned , com ing on th e croat otagw Htt- which tn rn ed i t end for end in savage glee, and onoo a g a in tho. und erto w p u t fo rth Its iron g rip a n d pulled It; back . The sea bated to g ive tip Its dead. W e , lost i t now in the' sm other, b u t p re tty so o o 'B ’wave w hich stood ti^. to the h e igh t o f a tw o-story houeo and whloh. bad a b on n et o f foam w h ite r ib a n any snow , cam e ro arin g an d crash ing .and h u n g ­erin g from S o a w a r d . i t toro the dead from tho c luch o f th e undertow , lifted h im up, up , up , u n til | t shrouded him in tho foam o n the croat, and th en I t b rongh t hft% to o u r foot. As the wave b roke tho body was h u rled upo n the fianda-and rollod ovor and ovor, a n d when thp w aters receded; i t lay th ere in a g rea t h eap o f foam —the sh roud whloh tho. breakers g ive to th e ir dead. v W e frag g ed th e b ody h ig h er up. I t w as t h a t of a oailor—a fair y oung n lau with c h estn u t ourla an d h o n est faco. W hen the. c o ro n e r cam e’a n d w e sqarcbo^ the d ead n o th ­in g could, bo found to id o n tlfy jh lm . O n the r ig h t a rm , bowover, was a bit, o f som ething ro m ak e the b e ^ r t aeho. Tho needles h ad p rick ­e d in tho Id d la Ink t o r e a d :

• ’ MOTHER'S JACK, :• 1885. - '

A nd Bbe m.nijt h ave b een a d e a r o ld m othor, a n d h e m pst havc loved h e r w ell to have re­m em bered her-thda.. ~Lost a t sea when-por- hatja an o th e r d ay w o u jd .h av e [brought him. hom o , to her—dashed d ead .-upon t b e ahnds when porhapa. sh e w as tlatoiilng fo r hta' fpot- stepa. A nd how w ill aho .oyer know ? -.We b u rle d hlmHu th e eanda in th a t doaolato a n d storm r8w ept' neck, b u t wo raised no' stono. H o wlaa; unknow n,. T lie sh ifting ikands aro b lo ttin g o u t h la rostlfftf plaoo a s I writo. ;

A n d . the ino thor 'WiH w alt .a n d w alt, and i f othor’s"*?lifek will como no moro o n earth . $ h e m ay fea r h e la dead , b u t sho can never know whoro h e j^o ep s.~ Jrtw P r^ a .1' o

T he Laurel Houso a t I^akowood opens on

C o m m is s io n e rs ’ M cetirijy ., .. Sopt. 34, 1888,. ’ . • .


• TniC RAILROAD PEOPLE—VARIOUS COM Ml/- ‘ ! ' ; "•. n idations. •; . •- •

J n e t aa tb rw lonesom e Commlssldnbrs, the v '■ C lerk and. T h e JouRNAii m an, weary o f w ait- • i 5 KiPJfii'ho o th ers ,' wore discuM lng tho p ro - , i p rie ty o f going hom e la s t M onday night, a ' >• fourth 'C om m issioner erm erged from the d im ' - tw iligh t of L iberty Square an d com pleted tho q u a rte tte which our. law givers have e s tab ­lished o s the necossary num ber to constitute, a quoruha. T h irty m inutes Jatcr they, had . ' v-.:. com pleted th e ir business and departed . \ 1

The S troet. Com mittee reported th a t i t h ad • com pleted .arrangem ents w ith Mr. Barflno B row n to s to re the Bpr Inkling wagons for th e w in ter an d b ad ; also engaged ' him to wash th em beforo s toring , for 25 cents each,

A lo ite r was” received fro m President Child, : o f the Bea Shoro E lectrlo R ailw ay Co., re]a- . tiv e^o raising tho track s in cerla ln localities.He bald th at w j iM i(^ ..t t i io k s ' wero!la«e.iiow-.-..'-- i t waa because the grade o f . tho strOeta h ad .> been raised since the tracks had^been laid . • The com pany laid the xalla in 1 accordance with grades gl von by the- B orough^ ow n en ­gineer an d the present, .ctrcum sfahce-w ^a no. faul t o r 'tho com pany. The clerk w as Instruct- , ed to Inform Mr. Child th a t the Borongb Would b ea r no p a rt o f the expense o f raising tho tracks; Tho su rp lu s clay w ill-probabfy

^bo tAken off th e fllreet.T he clerk was instrncted to serve notice oh

tho Eloctrlc Railw ay Co. th a t I t w as v iolating :Its ch a rte r and tho ordinance in ru n n in g lia 7 car a J n one d ircctlbn. only. T h a m a t t e r c a m o - - - - n p a t the la s t m eeting, b u t §s the Com pany rep resen ted th a t I t was only w aiting fo r new overhead sw itches to replace those burned out, no action was taken . A s thore wero yet no signs o f a change the Board concluded i t w as tim e to act. ‘ ^ , J

- A com m unlcatloh from Mrs. D. W . R obbins & a n d o thers asked for a stree t crossing a t Seventh avenue and W ebb street. • s, . ; . ,

A no ther from Mrs! Colem an an d o thers re­quested a n electric lig h t on Third avenue be­tw een Klngsloy and Bergh'streets.

A no ther from Mr. Philip IIIldrlch,called at- tentfon to serious defects In the g rade of F o u rth avenue near Kingsley s tree t. «

All thoso were referred to th e ^ re e tC o m - 7 m ittee. '

The BoartJ .then ad journed to m eet n e x t M bnday n ight, Oct,'I.-* • - .


V ir g in i a I n d u s t r i a l E x p o s i t io n .T he V irg in ia A gricu ltural, M echanical an d

T obacco E xposition will be held i a t R ich­m ond, beginning Oct. ft-antf closing NovT217 lBSQj T i ls exposUlon wlIl bo^ tho b cst ox- h lb lt o f tho industria l a n d ag ricu ltu ral .re. sourCos o f th e u p p erJ3 o n th ever h e ld . . Be­sides a n ex tensive d isp lay o f ag ricu ltu ral p ro ­d uc ts a n d fineafocK ^a,special section will-be devoted to tobacoo, illu stra ting a ll fts-phases from t$ th e p la n t to th e pipe. The special, fea tu res em brace a bench show, ru n n in g an d tro ttin g , races, a n d num ero u s ''o th er form s ojf Interesting en te rta in m en t. Tho cap ita l o f the Old p o m ln ion Is a n exceptionally in te rest­ing place, a n d w ith tb e ex trao rd in a ry a ttrac ­tio n s offered by th e exposition , an d tho de­ligh tfu l c lim ate o f this Beason, the p leasure of

vielt lsg T ea tly e n h a n c e d . — -----' —:--------- —F o r the beneBt o f th e hosts o f people w^io

will desire to visit the c ity u n d e r these favor­ab le c ircum stances, th e P ennsy lvan ia Rall- ro a d Compan y will se ll exonrslon t lw e ts to R ichm ond every M onday t^nd TK ursday d i i^ 'Ing th ^ cqntlnnaneQ o f lhQ exposItlon , good to re tu rn u n til N ov. 20th ' inclusive, from a ll p rinc ipal s ta tio n s on Ito syfltem a t a . single fa re for tho ro u n d t r i j^

r4terAverafire-iCodnutrou x r ic k . “Thero a re various ways o f p lay ing tho aver- .

agd reduction trick. This Is o ne o f th em : ' v * “ M y bill Is not a free trado b ill,” said Roger Quixote-M ills, p rancing k ro u n d in a recen t sp eeo h : “ It provides fo r a n average reduction o f only MVerTfier^cent.” “ W ill th e gentlem an a llow m e to aak hlin a question ? ” said a qu iet m an In the a u d i­ence.

“"Of courso .”“ Y our Balary as C ongressm an, I bolleve, Is

$5,000 p y ea r?” s ta ted the quje£ m an. «“ I t Is,” rep lied the g rea t o rato r.“ A nd tho P resident’s la $50,000 ?”“ Yes, s ir .”“ M aM ng tORothor $55,000 .

'• M O f course ,” said thb - g rea t-o ra lo r,- itnpa- tlen tiy . .

"u o w ,” co n tin u ed the qbio t m an, “ If we - p u t you on tho freo Hat w ithou t.d istu rb ing - tho P residen t’s pay—ju s t a s you have done with wool w ithout d istu rb in g rice—th a t \ w ould be an average reduction o f only a trifle over nine per cent. ITow w ouid yo u s tan d

,{hat k ind of average redac tion ?”O h, you go home and Boak y o ' head ,” :

feltcltoualy replied th e g rea t o rator.—PAifad’a. l*rm . "• ■ " . w > ' -

ICeception to tiio K e a r n y B r ig a d e ; *On Thursday , 8 ept. 20, Gen. E . Burd g ^ n b b

tendered ” a . recep tion ' to the Burvlvora o f ' K oarny’s F irs t New Jersey B rigade, a t his resldenco, Edge water, Park.- Thp d ue lling w as beautifu lly d e c o ra ted ''With* flags and bu n tin g , a n d the various co rps add ip td b a ttle flags were p laced on ’staffs a t d ifferent polnta on’ th e 'la w n , w hore e ig h t . ‘wall ten ts w e re ..

F i j f u f o l it f o r Y o u rs e l f .T here is n o need to a sk th e Pirss to refu te

tho Ho a b o u t the the reduc tion o f th o sMills b ill belfig only flve o r seven t*?r cent,. aS:alleged, by th e free tra d e organa. F igure I t o n t for yourself. Tho to ta l custom s d u tie s collected In 18&7 w ere tfil2,OTO,000. N ow Jive p $ ‘ cent, o f th is a m o u n t would b e $10,000,000. In ro u n d flgnres, a n d ttevJn j>ei' cm t. w ould b eab o u t $14,000,000. - . --------- '

Y e t M ills ad m its him self in h is official re - roport th a t ho re m its a b o u t $00,000,OOO, o r nearly one qna rtg r qf a ll tbo custom s duties. w X n d ’ suppose th e red u c tio n w as 6nly $10,- 000,000, how w ouid^t.W Jduee tb o su fp lus.f As a m atter 'o f factthOuM llla b ill abolishes a t one sweop one-quaftcr o f o u r cu sto m s 'd u ties an d m akes onjb’s ix th o f all d u tiab le prodhota free.

T he Pro* challonges'any free trado organ to co n trad ic t th is sta tem en t. P r in t It in every nowspaper andZccfio it pn evory platform .— N . Y . P m t . ' ~ ■ ‘ ; '-

. "i V e r y E a s i ly U n dersto o d .‘ M rs. P en n —W illiam j I .read a n advertise­

m en t In one o f the pppers s ta tin g th a t fo r $1 in s tam p s the advertisor would sopd by re tu rn

J- m ail a -sure way to g e t r id ' of ra ts in th e ! house.

M r. Ponn—W eil ?- M rs. P e n n -^ I s e a t $ l^ ih : s tam ps, W iliiam / anti receiyed a n answ er.

Mrs TP^nn—W h at wa& it K V .Mrs. P e n n —W iuiam , t ln r c h e a t’ told me to.

m ovo.^PhiiadelpM a Call. ; ' .

.The pecnllar interpretation of Christ’s teaching made by, Count Tpfstol and hla'ex- ampleln reriohnetng hls former military, sen da! and literary habits of life for tho llfo of a' Russian peasant, have .mado aa deep an'ftn- pros^lon on tho thought of .tho timo as hla groat novels. Is this tbe proper Irllerpreta- tion of Christ’s teaching .anij -is the Christian^ World |n .efrortv Canon ^a ita r has powered ’ thlsjnqulry in a revlow of Tolstoi’s writings and rallglous faith and .manner of life In an essayi' which Has both a Utefary and. a deep rollgiods interest. I t has been proonrod'b’y the Ibntm and wiU.appeax in the/numbor for October.*'•«/ „ . 7 *. -. .

Over 100 o f th e s trongest Domocirats o f P u t- ehess county, N . T.» b ^ ; com e o u t a g a in st the F ree T rado.m essago U>f Cloveland. The' t^ m ln g -of • C ^rus S w an / Ja cp b C arpenter, f ld ward S to rm • a n d o th ers o f ; l i k e . repute^

ereoted. w iilch gave too grounds the appear- an ce o f a ten ted field. Jen n in g s1 S ix th Kegl- • . m ent B and played promonado iriuaic a t Inter- vais d u rin g the day. One of tho b id veter­a n s en joyed a sm oke from a pipe which G en; G rubb had m ade o f the las t shell throw n ag a in s t the brlgado while in the se rv ic e .. •' * ■

A ,m eeting was held-lo the m orning In which 260 of the veterans to o k p a rt . ' G en .^G rnbb ,. _ who-was c lad Ih-thtrsam e cPatrand h aV d llap * . Idated from the m any b a ttles in which he en- ' ' gaged, th a t ho woro d a rin g s jb ev w ar, was elected presiilbntlof th e AsBOclattb^v Among th e list of vic6*preflldenjs ,e lo c t^ w aa \D ^JJ . v D. Osborne, of N ew ark, welt IfljRwn a sum m er resldont o f A sbnry P ark .

Rldgway Pont, No. 31, G rand A rm y of the Republic, o f Beverly, o t w hich Gen. G m bb is a menihor^ did g u a rd d u ty a n d had charge o f th e arrangem ents on tho grounds. A U nited S tates s ilk flag, inscribed “ ,23d N. J . V olunteers, ♦ Yahoos,* ” th e reg im en t Col. G rubb com m anded, which w as faded an d b ad ly worn w ith ago, form ed a conspicuous ■ p a r t In tho decorations. Gen. G rubb alnO ex­h ibited^ a sw ord he carried .th roughou t th e Rebellion, whl^ch w aa a tru ck b y a ptepe o f _... shell a n d badly sbattered 'O n the hilt. . A t 4.15 a b rig ad e d ress p a ra d e w as given on th o Bpa- blons law n, the various regim ents being draw n In lin e o f b a ttlo an d com m anded by G eneraK . .■ G rubb, who Sblected a num ber o f the veter-- ana to represent h is staff. T his over, the - b rig ad e form ed a hollow square , and G eneral •-. G rubb gavo an In te res tin g , acco u n t o f the. battlo o f C rom pton’s Passvl in w hich ho , ; olalmod the t io tp ry w as gajuud b y tbo F irs t New Jeremy B rigade, althougji notcjfetjited in - th e h istory o f the Robolllon.

Tho n e x t reun ion Will b e .h e ld ^ t ' tb e io m e : p l tho lato Gon. K earn y ,.a t Beigrove, H udson o ounty , on Sept. 1,4^188,6. ' * , j

“ The o th er a f t e r h p d n f a i d a dow n-tow h m erch an t to a ro p o r te rp f th e Chicago Jler<Udt ° “ i t w as qu ite d u ll a t th e store, an d I Set^out V to m aketaveral^buslncas ca lls t h a t I h ad nog- . looted fo^som o days. W ent first to m y law ­yer’s. ' F o u n d on h is d oor a card saying th a t ‘ ho bad gone to co u rt fo r **ra baur. Then l — w ent to seo m y fam ily, physician^ H ls sla to ' boro a notlco to tho effect th a t h e w oald .‘ bo ‘ b ack a t 5,’ a s ho had gone to a tten d a sCrlons ' case. My coal m an le f t word w ith h la office boy th a t ho had gone ho m o fto look a fte r a .Biok ohlld, an d Ivconldn’t flnd any one’ in. _ h a ted to go. b ack to ,tho store, so, I, decided to tak e in th e afternoon baaebajl gam e. Iq theg ran d a tan d a t th e g tp u u d a I saw m y law yer yelling a t E w in g /m y d o e to t keeping -ecore on a p rescrip tion blank, a n d m y coal m aU sitting o v er in tho emokera’ soctlon. O yer b n w hat they ca ll tbe * bleaching bcaKls*' I saw , threo o f m y ow n c lerks who had gone hom e a t noon " w ith s ick bcadacbcs. B ut say I I t w as a g rea t

,me. Did you see th a t hom o-run o t K rock T \ t h a t f l i l l y V',, .r_*r7 . . . . . . ; ...... t *

■a m :

- \

Page 2: Vane, Calvert. & Co. - DigiFind-It


S i t e # I I I ! I I K

and M O N M O U TH R E PU B LIC A N .•lo'Hft't. COFFIN tMTOn.'

PUBU8HE0 WEEKLY ATTHE ASBUgY p a r k p r in t in g h o u s e ,

i. K. WAtUO*. : v . • I. L. COfflN.718 MATTISON AVENUE,


fE ntered cii second-class m i t e r a t the Asbury Park Post Office, February 7 , 1888.

— TERM8 QF 8UBSCRIPTIDH. ; -1 y e a r,In a d v a n o e . . . . . . ....... . . . I ; . . . , . , . ___*1 *o6 m o n th s ,in advance....... ....................... 75a m onths, in advanco,........................ 40Blnglo __ 1 r n

newB andoominunlMHoaa.B a »ul>j«otg <i( In toioot >o th lacom m unity.— -------~ T~ - — ......... -

_AU com m unications should bo accom panied byth e . f a i r na'Woi8 tta j'adah3Bii b fnoccsaarity^orTabllcatlDii-lratJ a* tvKnarantoe o f1 l° * i ™W^tAiAnonj3nDnay letters*: mrlliLinotnboillOtlCOd. . rV,Oit. Y ^ ? .a^ n,°JtiTetu rn reJootoa com m unications, b u t w ill hg /4 th p if l^ i; j,w»))ti)4)jwsilj|irqqqi»t<)d-

AlUottord j mf&ndwL ■ ftfr. th # loditdfial'br'h'oW }1

\ \m « Y■mih.,rnl I Mini! hriy.'ifitLM-i' T-m<~Ei;liniii

AU lottottjitntfendod'fofr.th'ftnoditdfiai'ir'h'o^ d ep a rtm o i,^ (iq n(d;|,P|^ |lFm?0^ <()ltl!|>,!„ |„ 1


F o r H resi4 .orit a f .t l ie > U n itb d S tn u te ,

- onihr.U o fltn ^V S tia ^U rm i-iyn n n j)iin ll’ihii*if|w ihH othIh f.

il« P b ^ v K te L i1i f « i a ’A'h<;"1'' T,T"' , iI:iik> »1hO!) fli.* ’ltd /HdhoJH oto

L B « W i i ! R * " M © R 3 P D N ' f*,‘'» 1

. *11 h(l:')«>l iilJilHf) HI mil pm*ii' Wmi v/m tvi'jy/ n;li>tvi) m l I J;.<»

S A T t n i D A I , S E K D E M B E R 2 0 |i l8 8 & .— .lniif iin'iti b a d a ja g a js ju li :uiiLi L x

» ,w j , i w j ^ j .l j j U a t f f a 1.1 ..1 v<r- i< ■^ / ovm fi'iliuiinrm oifi V ' mwjy s*il»

r o n n d• n b n c r l n l f t i i i : Wp l« M o . J S t t i y U » f ie W f to W (nW>',l f i

i ‘li 1,‘:1. :----- • 111,.7 * n l ' » d T •<;

■ill tic IW h i a m t h e , F i a to t > W l i l . B e t / >h

W ith ‘JV*tboo o r ta in ty ’iftfj .fllo^ tipg f ta riaeq Q u pihd;JMoi> t o n . Ifofchexeford \ boco toos- t sav m a t t e r i o f t t h e g rea te st* rfiom eA t'■ w hat' BhaUJIl j( li 'th d s ta in s

p g th b bene fits of n ij.,v- N ot tiie question-r an se s : W h a t \

P io h it

w i fi'C w m .'$ $ fo m .p jjfi. . i o ^ t p r . ffi!*? w j f t i t tw .t h r e a t >£ f6f> iauoit: w o n tp .i J a s v e in o . pjit' p_9 RBa )x t t c tu n d o n o t o c a n to ■tha ro ^n ili,p l ittlOnrdizo

s T q w ycn to w i^ tiQ .^iw J.R o ajU i i ^ ^ ^ ru o te m p ie ra jijo o mato/iWhat*

| i a s t ;ib6ui‘SG' o i- 'v o te ,’' fcd’‘■fifiatairii’ fro ja jc la ting fl 'vo tb Ith^t dtttt'dtt1 iio'jjJbssi-!

le feM jiBfi4 'WtiiiiaBa1<o£

n q ^ 'i i a ^ , , {l i i ' iff^o M 'io in q n B teo to d histoiy.vpf tUo past that amttjbcrttyi

i9iu w docirats: in ! both'i bi'aifoIiBS'. df tlid» I^ogifllf r tfo in s ' $o f f M ' ' ^ e m p ^ ^ o ; J ( u p ^ j i p m r t f i __ .( ^.'Dburo lucpiyj OROkOfa vfayiffttiilbasllqilcM ,^nt^re«ti. They m as t un ite to a m an to w ork h o a rta n d . fl'on>,i da<y an d itilghUifiorftbo Jccetei

M ^ 4 1 38 ft.B fqpeirilW B t^W » B to ,d o p ^ p o t n a t e ifehei®; v i lo tm f lio >ph b trk h o to

o a u ^ P ‘o H ib itio n is ta ' whd»->fi6feir<3ii,t O f flM)1 te m p e i a n W ' l a ^ v;^ 6 ':^ 6 t d '

, v iu volancL mg in Favor o f

ing can1

. p lu ra l i ty , ; fqr^.CUQvpIana 4 n f/J8 8 fe IT e v v , •Je rs ey b y 4 ,412 a n d iNiow b y l^OdTv A ll th o 'dnflaotooba’ t h t t t ‘■^k^^e^15 htJl * ^ lM , p r e s e n t ‘SkflW’to Wipe ? a fr| » M H K f from .«m a jo r ity in favbfl p^jtii^^UopnW icftU.QftUn didates.,iii<)‘) i * nihi yth-/.» ii'nt.T-n

j____A gentleman who has travelled exton-. s ively i d 'm w ’Ybrfr i n 't l id 'l i i to

- d ie trio ts gives assu rance th a t trd d e m essago,.pf R e s id e n t , Olevelam

' a n a i t o - S b l l l liro w orkii ...................... t ho R cpUMfctftf

sam e is tru tf 'l i

th r if ty .W csQ .nm ^nfpotwtiagitowns. There is .also 1*] b itte r Reeling! against iJIilli bpoauBO :o£l ■' Jiis i profligate couree aii^’dislibilkisli'tiifethblto bfji'fefeirtaiii1 public works. So muoh is th is thp ease

, wiU re fu se to ^ I, ^ q ^ n g i;! oi'- th o- ticket, o r w ill g o over. ■ en tire ly ( c J itl yo te

fo r H a rriso n , M orboa.ttnd Milifflbj •'> 'T h e P ro h ib itio n v o te w hich in 1884

w as 25,001, w ill boing-io the 'foci 'tiiai1 tiie pnlDiio begins to

• soo l la a Q h e ir i W W P e i W o rethan an Tp}oetioo«Qringi £cheme^; andi the g rea t body! > of jtim peranoe iBepubliaflfna will rettrtri th e ; hiit gtVdi’ ra ^ !

" ticalsideratioii's, ‘ wi'tli' th e ! $ $ '/ $ . W‘icurrent .0^ ^ ^ s ^ . ^ V . ^ t e o M y q e n /

/■01evelaniland\H U W hide ifcjaa!theyjmaj^ attem pt to —gives a decided jand strong p r e s u m R t j^ U j^ f f i 'K o rJq U ljg iy « ,ito

. BepubUQf^ ^cket a 1 and^oipej p lp r^ lj|^ ; f

- 0ratio to ^ e flp j,, JtoB.n ypsyAwgp jelcment : . “th a t iBjAntngoDiiied, to :ith e ifboe ^ tr id s

d ogm a Tair- tlio i:df)tniiiiin{;' p a r ty . '1 'ftifi S ta to is /i1 V^rtialJlb' :hdt^bjcf<3 lb f I r i ia h li to -tn r in g ifitB |eil|l i>r|j : t h e ^ e r a k f * ,D e m o o r n i j p 'y p ^ cpp'l W P .W n<P»

j li ttle thqu 8 » t[iP fj,thfli,«(foot i,!TbiB.JrfiaE th o ir b ro ad i a n d .liu tto t^ lilio • cU ittd ' id l' th e ir heortlis ' Wnd'.'hdmOff,' uM rtt BtAKP!1 a n d th o j f'ttjrb,,j^3Vfrig!iSllblli<tifef6i!t‘llTifeill-'

J r e i g h t e ^ . . ^ , ^ a j ^ t y p . r g p .q d n . jq f i t, so m u ch from th e m r ,on th e ir ,w o rk c u t d o w ic ic ! Btarvationi ipricesji lifeo

^ untolthafcifrotn1 h i o l l ' l n a l i y - b f f m V i o 'fled. T h ey a3 'lb r i^ 1 Hiie ' (b'f 'vartic tc^

, p laced b ^ t t^ f re ^ '^ j i 'f i i j iS o | ,S ^ ' rj^uoeci' t o ii m in p n u n ^ 'ita effect a t .th o poU/mi;<|. t;v ur4*ir»i

I n parfcyi diBaGaieippB i fchoreis oV enm b ro ; b i t t e r n e s s 4 etto th& ii 4 n v N e to 1 T h e ”o ld M o P liitr ti» iI'nilc( ^l)I)<4tt ilH tred 'fc

nndim inffijip^.iV iO pom t q n M iH M W 'b e sa id ^ (liiithp iiab tionsiiin i M o n n io n tlicoun ty , wl/ihvt^Vb o f .*thtid ia trio ts "titfa t i t llflftiM w!lU: SVar-':n n g fac lip n rf .,p e ra to th o ^ ’w U ibvtio n loadw p fo;iKild tlieuriOWUu.thero d a .a deoidod !fa lling offl in ithoimtiitobepl th d f '

- w il l s n p p d r t n ;th ir ( l ' 1 jv .irty n;icl

tho ro ia iK t le TeMtttiBtism’^Von'^ittVBji'oli'

h ea rtily j ) o s i f t o p ^ hbish o u ld bft,]i’.i -uii '(ii tuli

- . T h o aefiurattees ij»e«^aIftfo&t .bdyoritlva- d o u b t th a t th e se “tw o ^ l l^ d l1

► . iflto lino 'iitifl'fifi^e^b1 M d ' _f l l (o ttl ie |n ‘ coi>' n m n fo r 'iW p a rty 'kiitili 'fo s t< ^ ' f iip Jp j^eq T( tion o t A m e r ic a n in d u s tr ie s / . ..... -

■fCUtfi lOifJ1

I t oam e to .pass, ftrrfclifei ac tion o f th e P ro h il" tem p eraco o ;w o rk nqi

t o s o o n r o

m r.

ble to secure lawp a 2 lb o ^ g |) r re g u ^ t i t ig the sale of l iq u o ^ ,an^.;(i^ |il/ their vote fo r th ird pd^ty BepubUoan legislators a majority so • smdll th a t passed either fo r ^oQal i ^ ' license. J

L ost autum n, in the th ird party; enobglfT ^onijperan'i Republicans were eleoted to pads the bill,' even, oyer tiie Governor’s veto, andthp iflfiittmm hAnAmn n la tc-> antl.Q. ftanflti-

tA A

s\ j f u b < l i i s c l i o o l y ,

Vip T ^f% u i Vho r(_ ___ o f D a o rctfp» lti;t^e pub(lc*-^o^oDlB 'W| i ^ p o a t m '

::w C e H r O c tp |o r : ^ y j / | i f |

«V-cWp?A| I if

Clntontlcaln tb ............■ f V ' V ' L o R o y T ! R lA Prim ary .......................MIbs Carrlo N MiHor. G5B P rlm a ty .,.............M lB sL Izz fo Bonard:. 78

tu tio n a l bn^ deapitG th e G o verno r's cb - jootions—a n d now f o a t oonhtjoa o n t o f i i v a th u t- .h a v a - lio M -d e o tiio n i

OCEAN OBOVE.,B 'O ra tn p ja rM. . . . . . . . ..Prof J M' Ralston. . . 1C»urammar... ....... . .MlsaCarrloNoleon...A a ntermedlato............ ..Mlsa l^rc6ti "®lnK!ffflediaKi. . . . . . . . . . miss umoeC Interm ediate.......... . .M I» Jd a E,Dav_A P rlm iry ..JlIII*UU^M fafiakklfciPnaWB P rim a ry .; . . . . . .............M^ri8LldaDoton...^•. 64

tp ^ lm d ry i f{(j,t,nHi.'{w^lIlfl8iYetia>Ph?lp®ji;i!UEe3f n m flih I -f.inif'i’ ll:<pdhv) .i 1; A .1) m il iUilfdirt | p.h?/WSST(RARK^ BOHOOLit .0 in I m

I-■.tO.uirtWlBIH JohnKfti:I.WlrOt.

ra ii \ « -kentti'iii pI a m il Im r., - ■1 > ■ i j i - j fn lt r f ’KipaJ&i/l&yl.

: ' 7. r *iTi7:>iir iii.'xi[-n -i<>.■'(.ifii'.n!

Wont v.ehiiiriamsiia1' JsSbdWiWi' ’ S<fcW>‘

iii{a* ;tivat" *hit!h ;,a^Bcalbfcdt:itillT^y|,6r' a; boUife' fc(i 'Th'(iWidi«W,:,N tttl.'«yii,,'ffio'

lom leri lof th'd puilty iTfiril ilidni, ‘bU t't‘&o,6'/>llll‘ baolilnij i if ttio 'M lii i j i ' f ' a l l 1 fir tij d f 'tW

,tinor'robr^(lt;(itat.!vy 'bl'foVdttli i» « <i

a Chalrlm aa H obart, o t l t k RqittW fcaft s t e Gomruljtco,-cW ll*Jlh(! OfiTdilllbh td ‘'A w W tt' ndtffl, .ahdlSonittjtNtlVW S'W atf el«6W t* j sldo ovJrSrte ld6lltnSi®<lbtai..' r» b l i'Vi''1 'lvnrii' a l lEsaeit v I E t < ®. lA'BderePIJ,1 " b l■ MBrriSr,- 'htid Cbarlenj W op5ttfr,‘ o fyC[itaaoTV1,''to&6 ' kMectcd BccrpUrlwi^ .’with' 1ho 'ia t 'a a l ;cdrrlmUtwisr':Dti: rd^iloUpflS’ O i '^ v.iil fin jnyifflnHitrile follov«dfe>'felootAiHs"wbWlo'hd8(fti,J': AVU u a e . '^ a rd rio r R:>0o1by, o t 't i s « : l , :aml''Alck;:a n d q rf l . 'C itte ll , (Jt'OamaeAV"1" 1,1 ,.i J)lfltrtct1E le 6tb r6i£-lfitvDIW^ct,tMi(ldlikrfl‘lS .1 ixiaailpg. .C'a I>e M ay ; 3d, Gon. E. B ard (irubb , HmHntftoa W drttjf ,1 tlb iiM 1,i4tb,;01ijirlofe F o re^ fib m W M tt B;ttl,;,J k W is !:AV, ,Wobb, M oiH afM b, F rto il6 < M 'n tp h y ,'lEJ4bii; 7th, J a 0o b 'H lag te i'b t in'ndBori. ' !' i ■!' ' :l ■'• j »*u;~uuk.+i:ittr.htrt-tl J

T a k i n g - t l i e P i r e t i r t t i m s ! *■«» «<>

iP°Ri9*i iw iird'Ih ifl ii

o i r t o n d im p p r tia n ti fd a tiird a t t e n d 1 in g .a .ife tfflfti 'to ’tli'o 'f r e c 't r a a o WdHoy V) f 'rd a id i 'i l C le v e la n d a n d th o D e m p o ra tio

< # ,w1J- . m ^ /anA i i ^ tl^at, i m p o t ta '

p r o 4 u c e ^ m d m a n u f a c tu r e d g o o d a g i t d >; lo w J>riceS‘ i.to< cbrisum jew .fa r from b e in g tbo case, as m ay

• Mim V -.11 ..I* lljtbujH -v

'■"'SWO w o r a ^ n t jfjfl}, ^ s . p f l i j in ¥a n 8 ,i* im ,.

3 o n ly ■ o tiio ^ reaonroo- w b n ld b oJt'to x b K tfti 't fu ’W e y i r 'p t o n ' liaVift’rn jtafe 'd r !5n'6rsyiiiA '‘ ,pW )iifertj'.':: 'W in

orlK^ont, itv m«>:t UIIL- — 4 %8„l»R®ffin1TCb p B JO .w p ^ U tf iy o .a ,

p a id b y t b b fo l(e ig 4 ‘1itia*hUnbtnl‘& ‘whfliyjm ln h is g o o d a tb ' tliiHliiarlvOji iu 'co n i])!^

S y/tn ;i fr.iftiiiiuur *;u! Itm; j -.iuihii'w Ilf»Jt t e r a . f e s w i i m , ° h ° ? i ; f m

‘to!;H-i<r,7Mr. turid futtf uilv/ ,h::i v /A boli^ :t{w you frelievo for-v»ignoM from ,cdntrijto tib^ife^elsupport' o f our Gdvsdrntiiint and >at 'th(i flatfie1!titrie tftby aije 'd ^ v f^ ^ ' 'b^fibilt^ ’whilo'1 'th ^ ( b u f d e n ’ il^ x a iio n '' o n ^ u ^ o jp/p.! ^(Jranting for the rnogiei .W P H i e l j f t f ^ . ^ d s , ^ ^ afford'to drive our farmers and mochan- iM '6 n t | o ' f | » ^ ' ( J t i S i M ttip jri

E ^ p j t p l i a ^ -Islw R . ip j i ^ i t y . s h o u ld ; trb e g in i a t h om e.ii.iS c lf- .prpbegt^oniis th e if irs ti laWwof n d tu ro , rind ^thetftS^ctold'biB ' iiO! m ts t a k o i u lh i s - ta a t tb r , ’(ofe*f rta.ilptlTl^nb‘d i^ [ j] jy 1 AK'rjofr '

u w rofe- i t

SPP0£ W ieW (Wppfltttry-.u ,,!!,,.,

'OJImIJ.,1 1" T 'f '■■ i—-.- ,..7;;\ I'Mt; i-;."!.,T h e r e iis n o i p io re I Joyali iP robib ition iat ■

tlm n. S n to n i B ; i AntliODV. I n a h 'ltlir l\m {ten |.to tii6 ;‘lKlfrirt«*4'5(flFTiti<tr5,,,(ifaI6illdn. t a l t o b e r ’ar£ lin i(\n t fo r iionj]iartiuai’u|b1p.ff llb "^ s ': 'w ® S - p rd iS ^ ^ |jf tW 3 ,j i .

^ t .g ^ e 6 , f o r w h io h ..woinon h»vo woik- e4 «p rv lliaUtly, woro HoiiniTKl mainly by H epabiican’v'dtPii.’’ -’"WUrit b,a1vo,proHlif-i H6hlW om M *t^V^,'i f l'^o lil;'il''»l8iiii<ihl' f r d l n ^ u ^ ^ B dqroo^ 1 ' !,. ',' ■ ' ' ! " !'

nutaciurer employing,; (KW. TOop.; T. Barnnm that if.fjeo trade was

Ofl&ptpa ho w o ^ ^ h a v o ^ , g o p ^ . W ap. lnsEuropo, os he ;:o:ija have them manu-

m a ^ ip tu itp M fbn»ploySd~6hd»p"ld paid no datyv't f W o T<wl »'

.j] ■ ! I n i ^.tol :liS ln iiS ^ litc rcd b y H is Frl(-n<lH.

h u~,in;. " ' '..IWIJW'),!* n « i« ‘ flfnB: J i;

kfirtnoatt) |aftn^p(jf,u»llf;,;Iff|(l' / S y s w ^ y w t e s w i i i ^ i . W fc W » f e W M h - .. i i . . , . ini t w jjw i’ip inw iop .iiw -ffqw w vi^ .

— r.- - T7 ,9!V<s, i ,K).rP.i#,J 'W u i t f W if f lw p , /inii



s i i F n l t ,

^ . . ^ l b ) t h i 4 ) Ub(J|lr itbo G ttslitaaapf n d ^ tt il fn ir jvo8/c^atlon^\vaiS’«E?aeA

j ld ^ ip n ja ’ S t i f a a ^ g j

. - 1: on fi q cl m ii r)l a b lii: ^ o t i ’ U f p f l in ^ b c q tn r t j ’l

j S i ib ^ n W lj | p .Ifa r Tnr:Wicfl8^

jtify jn . noc^eu^, buE h f .'a a'arranefeljiotiftho oxlilbltocs^madd a

aod^dl^play. - ' ' ‘ ~Tho farm prodncta woro show n In a new

bullJIng , 'l^io oattlo and nhoop,' erab.rnajng a 'Or ofj Auo ha3,

’tfio’old qdartora, Which h a o t o bo^exionddd

Gowdy j& P itcher were th e heaviest dealers lu, f flrrtag ta li)itb().,<;f>!mlx apfl,icattla(l:Hi<(7P?r .beat,,arid Jorgca^.Btpclii,, o B a .^ rw a a ^ ia o ltfi)-,,

tM m o a c y |^ a p i^ p a 1ti)rpod.pat.fl|l.M r.;I’ltolJri v n . w s i , m a -WMflKatoA ttiaf,M l f j R . c ^ P W y ^ ^11, tbo ,, flitft, pwtplaipi! I«t.‘h i f i W 1' ' lTbW,JSCfl|ycft(lxrtfron)1fl#!on tbo |b^j!t,pohf;plSt,(|,ptl(l<>tfiP .WXjiibnggir,,

a n d a aj'bp.jo.i, j i r c m i^ „ o [ |ia . pajr. jb^ doablo drivVngj lines! ’E verjr exh ib it ,-tljejr.iPPtorQd

i.t o !?. PrRW h m - . ,11 .......... :'■ I,

jonts. .fiaiTho |^6l^^mTllot^^^fo^!'m^oa,i ^ k ' J 6 'fia, a ft1 oxhib itk^bid 'ittidJiiM 8t:»di^m y,' 1 B t3 m t i v .

rBoipd> bf tho pioeos wero o f onuBual m drlt, tohtartbk a rtis t to s k il l . , T li^ VonVij^a; S u itab le :gu1l o * f « * r » ' * & ‘H e r ’1 grhatfVlbawback, which .tha (d irecto rs prom ise I to f r^ d d y r ln fu tura/. ot.

thfc' eamojvoscoUenoo (waa> observed . - Q t ihdjiaawiilKi djlsplniy Q V iH A s W .W M in rf f id te ^ i :iR'TIt'duor, cttriloqiQff..thoi p rln o lp a ljtt j8t,pn)<' ibHdtrifl, tboafeh havln® bnfc^tfew^ioxbsttfts.1»11 tfh'ej i tl t t on d anc& »n> Tuesd&y * Was t ftirifti

b t>WorfflMday tho. crbw ds/w efa:«tlH i Ittcreastogj

o v it\‘ wttsi v tbo i'ffraat) dfty^i when; > every Wdd|J i tn m a a jm t (p mip rd fr’lm law ln ’a ballooa. OMenslon^' and*:hls: ittrcfc) ajtdt ' 1 fib'cioM fW iM alnod by a p 8n > c f t j j t p , . ' iil ''In id (to w w tlffP . iwAtKiA,,^tW!tor„l)q iStnled; i th a t thd A bsociattott Wotild ,go.to!wot,lC' la tji^ c tr ia t td 'o b t^ /f c Rpyfr lpfifttj9 n. a c d ’fcbtore iho/i a n n u a l exh ib ition noxfc^e&r,* thostiwCujd^h^yo .buddings, aijul&^ r ^ 'q p p V 'stroc t^ j.aU /ln 'thO 'lH isbordo ti i -'Y'-i'i

I b t t n ow PTflBfitwiioui \$ n \ n|>039e^, ‘ lost; w in -:

'a¥W b n d ^prffqiufiUyiihpVoniyi oltios in . w hich ifc d ^ a te s i^ 'T h f t 'd id 'liyts’ iii'A'A 'a n d .y.otora .tpuBtr,appcaVi \ n iporson an d iW ^ rtbplr n am esen tp rcd o r thtvy^T’^A"tfld ."llfi^1.’wore.- !» o ri: idDfectivo.i; 'li ■ .waa’i

aociv p9WQn.haavsiRer.Uvod; .others (aVl<^glnB^!iotiBea‘ ?et^ C f lr t lo d 'f t^ ffotii'ffiffo] t tf j^av lfo r,,t,bpf ^ p p sQ )jq ( iV 0 iip g 'nQn,rc3l'f M b. [ s ^ r a t ^ h o

h^vW iHo^Vftfc^Q w eri.fl lscUons, i *hutl ’Cddld h p t te ll 'tb b tf

ppqpdfiWTK jilnpprflni^yjt'^.JIv'uv^jiiMji

i S i i S E S B l E Y i l ;po atjimjnlstorpdiilnillie-iPreabstierlanG linroh'

W , ® « r i hwwp!9 * i .,<S!W»/. j u S J J i i l S S S J '

■>•■< . '• " ' '■ iM i jr e - 'W A I t i 'C h 'i ia t fo S . ' ' " "V: jiyiJvf f viuli*-.) Jrini.mf.H n u-ti. /*>l



r e a r _ ______

la b o r e r o ^ i i j g HJu 9( i : _________ ....ll y. iinpasedto.anppoit Uio,goi )»id Oov, --- _« 1r , na ^ L U , J , ^ i d . . . . m . l. . i ,H l ■ j te ^ a ^ A £ B a » u * 9 !g » W ^ g W o Si jM h e d k ^

wlmn llmto, h u nlirA U V a a . n . l n t . l n t l l . In .

, pPfffl'W n5ll)8iPO,M onday( iOob[.lt ! j | . B i a .,train , Jcavla*.A sbury. r a r t i £or New Yotk .at.

j>*« nnfl.,OJ:i>K»p'«trnlB.‘<ioavlDgi Nofc; ;X p jl^4 -a .l< l will bP. i w ithdraw n .,; T h is - jw|1I

, Uo .pftlinftlWroaopi axpresasfromiNeir B„B. <.20, a rriv in g atOiOGt-a

flflop .thoroi baa aW as« l» « o .;a ,.fast, tra in to r abo n i.tn w n s a t a b o n t 3.30 o r .4 a lc lo e t > Botb fl^ d fljfitra ln M p .ao d .f ro m iP b llad o liib la iw Ill riijOf(p;jl oirrlafili.trips,tq,n)Qrrair. j. A fiw rioon n a li |Jy r( ;a im le n sla.lToma KWor

vy » ljl^ a fo A sbptyijParlt Rt ?||U>| bdiI tlm mld- n,,in I 'h lladelph la loavi : sW B.a7*-um W llf fv . '. --.I.; nIcavlog .'Fblladelphia a t 11.30 will l '« rH at. 2,30. i f f N u l o f a .10. and

‘Ipu t ra lp v ia Tom a H 'ru riio ta bore a*

S i v W < ^ £ w & m r t v * m w * muTli,Dan ciI,, J : ,,i |. ,;-. ;M|i :,iinnii; I,in: l.i;

U!ill “!,C''X C'drfonpOTident o f ■ III# 1 N O w ark 'fM Vc/Ail-

vci'ftuj. Jn w ritin g Of tlm lifotitfnftm 'tbfe y ; I*. Tetliiife, Ocean Grcve^’sfda"'6f tbo viBit of** f f h , w M J '^ S t^ b W p h p . r o b ^ w ro , bncn 'tiijsi.'m w f bfiyo,ltftd|.vory(atitn.cpBgrega-i

« A 4 t 1»W J- i ' L-ot|8|i..<p,^pl(l„lRHll1ho,..pppp)6;.nowl In

Of BttCl

W po 'lji ............... I I1,

" " ,« W ■'fliluj KSUifW itMfifCDOrtMtWlib.Qnp.

, W * J , WflitW *®^A-flS(!tiW»iJli»i>«4-.iwtt-p m . w ■xtipseism iiU "#.« , *w w i * « fo . w » .

'f«0 i!n PJ(ft,PPi)g.i)Bgayic»p .a b a j td o je n m flflWWbls OT«ortWW»»l>;i at;j.|bo,

'p t e i i b , i bo^o, it mj}{ riEiiI itVid.'.

a |d M W .llw . fMVW«o.t fP i g iM Z W b J F m

2%l‘,W f/!0K B i ) W mllD.9wpro.Ucia,

j f lS U T 1 :r; MW 'BlV’flttiap no could defpat J o h n Kean, J r . ^ ^ lo m in a tin ’g convention ■was

Thur3l«(> tho s la te in the ,m ornipg , ho th a t tbo olf'rfiW ‘'^tocetk' dWd ‘c im ttu tyca^vM li' isiiii 'bjf ChH(rl6:a:.ilA |glii o n ‘

^bllbWi' jfe'd’tOb' tel80^ulibbs.,' ’iH Bf ftl^WgufaV co’nVor/tl^b.,;

* a n a b u s in g Incident occurred dur- recital o f G o n ,, n a ig h t’s speech. IA1'

^ p Wliti’^ ^ k ' l d ^ t t y tn ati’ t^aliT C rS t i t in a lotid voice demaft'dfeil' to,

W h a t , W PPM -.bpueftfc 1 . tb a ^ q b o r in g j nrian i f h e^v e flilG iip r .^ & jp e rk Jd n C J 'd n 'th ti] f e w fo re ig n f ,^dtt!dfe!hd,i i ^ y ,jd ti lfd lH ^ ^ iri iS ' l o s e 5 0 tM * c b f i t / 'd f ''t i l l ’"W agcs{i

n o o th o r . , f o n p ) t .L t lb o r i» u d l i f c i i .p a y ; w ill b o r o g u la k i M i y t h o i:icitiand.pTiil l in p p ly ...

•,• . '- m ih t i ; r . i i i i f ' M n - F N H - . S ’; ; t'. . -.. r ^ % ' , ’i ; f i ! a y i ® ;?! i.ni-:’.!

T h o ' j o r a e y W

p la c e do f a n y p K ’TOiPITOgn.' lOtal; « * » i

: 111010

liuiM nst hall

.iti! andl M i % m .

taa n o A m erican * Jlf^ tti '^o eb ijli!1”a "^y W^AtAizjct’ a ^ w H ‘ m s: a good onough'-tfo^u l!6r li im .

in tiy th e tita.ndard mfin^rfaBhcd froro.

I . . _____ ________ )pn,._!)ilJ iti Inn; KrJiil:i'

o s r ' i r s - i w f b a i ‘& a i\ m h i d t h 1} a t o ’fa 'iiiiib tto # M r *

^ ^ t hftifiJx u tlith e ______ *_____ _______ _t b i ^ r u t k ' ^ i v i ' m & i 1 d i t i o e m ]

t C i m r c l i n t H a m l l t o n J , ,, , f„ -ii.** I MMii

. a f f l i U 1 rJH W W baiO f'illS i f e lB . .CfcUKHHWi lUatjiUtoit.fltJH V piJaW .w ltbioppi»prin(ti,«fl|i ‘fli»» ,''th :(,A .iatjiip j(!'lo0iiai, ,nav/H a r in ’J i<>

"■ '.d lm ju i •r.lll )i(..ilitflBAl»|lB M W *

.....^Vo tlip jindcr&lgaed, m erch an ts do ldg b o s^

A pbufy il^arkj dot a g ree< to lo ldao .on r' ypm plaoesi.o^ibualnesa a t 8/o’c!o6ky g h ^ .c iq e p t ; Satnrdajf- n lg b t^ a u d ono

[r ivioua tQ.thQ.holtdfcyaiifrpm b a t i . l i ^ ^prH l^t,il889« vuj^ iV i.<:i (teiabaohm m .i Jo h n ilu 8chnoidor*.i

m t: c i w r t t b i M ____ .

, |JL .•,/*! li UM *1 • •‘-• W ill JitJlsil mimi:-. 1, -. i ,W■' Jljs.y9tfiW .ot,;NM>l!1“0jU |Wp8b lp m ot:a t tba KijpuWli iap.olnbuTOpiM iS a ta iy lay , a ftornoon,i b K r - J -------------- ------------- * ------------- - •■Ifio.l8j;at^|M tiyepU on nt,a'r«ntqn.7; .

m i k. iT n S to n t, cb a lrm an o f ,tbe lo n g er iead,,UlQ|Oai|.:.,(iOBt.J..MiUOtilT«B

:l)^;mAn/.an(J{.Wqi4 y „ le lfo y ,.aeo re^i |a r y . ," ,!S;il > .1 by/ Il-wJl W i m . il^fl tu iw n. | i O B t i i i a w T o f l i i i t h a t o f o n r idetogatea iho,

'J,’tioy :were o itieM oa foJIowo v l i j . B.. fc'. A*. U^ggott,. B. W.: Kirtibriito. ivrwl

I j j f f i i r t .WRWBnviia. n i liiw lu l lid/i Ji Ii iii-i tortm t«a,w ilnrfod ,« o fiiifl '.'!n . illorln


, W « ’V f l l m<m i m 1

■ '--‘ - A

7. Com n

afro Co

t e ;

In ihe ni

.o ta ^ ll lBoats


^WA^'-Ocb t ie t i t i i

Bo^tyAn, »tiy.©t*.i

ttM Rid$

’ QdW

o'* Mpjfai

ifjjjtt . «."Ti. *. , . . 7“*?#*r^T•fi'/f .K;l,iun Miwld jt HiUKM.M

urpoy^ ^ph jo tiD R .de lqgaioa tc ,.th o

•:n(i lit I -Ji Jh'i! >*11 ,b *if»! v nj Jt | on, pf jD w W j& vChrlattnd.'.tba 'dtilat rR if«n powered i t^fUhvaeafcclcs^ii T h e i tbqa ad jo u rn ed ^ n u ^ l Tu u.jinoO id :

iii:. . . . *»iii I'OWftln,onoln* oo^TiJftitrSHy 'tlife

Ne|Y/,Opira!Hons8,<tbo;{%(rioflfiStVatWtt1f iid i w lllJp r ia o b t 'tf • r tA i t^ 'W jiW A a W

pabm g'i w lttf i I” M« ir^DllisSdbl!'* 't a l i j i*«cf«nnisP•uacte,“* *’ThVttaJ

!btl y progm ttif tu to ’b f m v l i ' i j u M t ’ Ivdh Bofbrt oa'CB'JidrfohaWtltf i l i jk l >o.iOi(Gft,i'Sfr a tfd 11>0'ICIntnoath’fl'drog aLPre’.' W J.upn ii <>d

liUriiii^M ltt 1if| n -kii-u .•i:jVMV/<ut ,i

i1' 'Aw.-qfivct-w^ddjpg'EooK • placo' W ednesday httWddojn at 2 o’clock, a t1 l ^ V j ^ A ^ l i n ' i ’ath-

inn rirfonA I f . T> -ririll_Tl ......>an G fovp .; J i . W ilbur. Copper, tplftbacb'jUro8f,.jmofit'|*^raltfrtsalesv'

W^en,,'tb< kofor/UIs Ufa .'partner Miss! M a r / H1;Kflvf E*Hv S tokes o^eiatiD^.Bsslstiod-

i [Wallaoe,',(Of-thp I Jfakord, 7j^ftopfy« colla tlon iift\- fi^id iMrfi* iCooper’took :raj»-f q t ,f j '^ q p ti ionii f In Kpenrisy lya»i m W g by/ w ay o f/th a iD elij^a to iW ater -

. % eotnpany.iiOf'friefidd escorted i them ' m W J t lUo& nnd.filiowofedithemitvlMnriceiaff

5ta<XthsiQar.-yKit'iKifi o tn iv'.uv/.ftw^nu >1 rilil.jito

in ~ p(inTiVi/fii tin .fu ffr 5!'.ib <> fttoda^A toBraaktf III, ilcavd

Iilie*^b6 l in th e (S a tti^ ia j?^aa’tW Iocdt irtJ-homa, a rriv in g hdpfS abonfM on- idaw iO bl, 8 ib ^ fl!l(l0 JioowfMlifcl 'm .'h iinH I »u)

'tu' ttUt*i?J4fol:»<)

& « * « * < » 'itiHift .'fMv/'iffif

f M

w w p M ® f . k . '}ch6a|i6 l at:'tli9. Vxppno f6\


fa c t th i t ih d D o m c o rM ____Jot I r e , i f t d o r 'b i i t ’'W o • a t f tL , .

■mum A 'V 'M ' if, «UiB'b’W »'IpEltini

Sftj1iW iir p osi ® % l i i ilomUi I ’ Clevela n

eay/stfflA'WH ^jifimlrc

:Uc6t 'orfiapizodHltt. tho\,country,.; an d n tb e i

m ......................,, ivTbft , P resby terian •»Bynod'' * Of ■ > N ew JotHey;1: STlilcb libld.BU.op B .p l^ a n l iWWlptf ibora'laiit; .(all, .Trill »galn mooti In E dnbatloaab l la l l b n ITW fdaj. „P9tr, 1ft i | n ^ 4 braoesf^H tbo lvre8t>yl<Trles oF Now Jofsov^frd ] ithaV.o^ C’dris'ib, ifr'A friea .1 f •1''' %

^ '‘ nj'i'tjfiepdfliot i!iW ?jfe^an8iron''W e^nbs^ay,. HelJt& 'oir six th annual m ooting , a t

'S'ow York, ‘by iny ita tto n ofSi^.v Ai jRJ Bmlley,' 'tft© p roprie tor.' God:"<JWj[il^ 1 B. F la k ; ^fuj .flgalp AJlogtpd .p res id en t o f .VhVi Cod fere b co. . •1 Oenl1 W hi t'tieaC^ M pfqtary/.pti' ^ o w w l , 1q I i In d ian ' Ooram isaionbm ' o rio ited1! t M t !itiifctti‘ a w crtHoit fW* PftW. o w l tii ili g.con a w V ,<Wo#lotf a ' f l ig h t i increase'- ' T h p r e p o t s J6* ' ‘k n f-sd b p o ri a te 1 *yA vbjr^jivaaA ,l4sd}>')'are, ,:totfdWgsChdOl;'-J »:’i*ii. ft;mit% ut u ^ ‘IW iJ-yujari Ab^ot,t,f « ) 4 pq Ip ^ w tiD g p a p o i; ', 6 n tT W 'd eo d o faB iro if^ ro n d u c^ flo n t\I syettfrti; fo r Iudiknfehlll(ffori<,loiililHrHg whn't'iie'tfiougfii^ w ould lioitho bette rp la ti./^ f'if-'-i

^ fes id o n t F|a}{fU^arib9d '

^ ro n ?^ p ta iif^ ’Af1 th ei(qUE^|^. ! f injijr// .W I i >] K},s‘, “' 1

jhfTba.iNow 'X r a o y liVmopmUo^lionvlmtioBi m ataM frb ifto n ' b ii VVMWeiliiy' hbil1 A iiildti^' tb afo lltm lnao lO Q lpral UokiiCt ,,i jfiiiiinV/ .’V i

■■..VGBOist) d Gropf) a p 4 , CoJ, d tW h M g b n i to elpc to re ia t-la rge . - a m .(»•

j s i m & i g m Ma a a s K s s

,.Speeches f w?ro m ad o , by 9 p v fj Greqn ^ Gongrassm an_M oAdoo-, t Th^i Kflolutl ous pn-i ^ r s e d i ^ e y e l^ n d ir a d T h t^ a W ^ platform , an b donounced tiie Kqpnfe'jUwja rori

are^tfeibg ithdtdtfl t f j ^ r)u :

d a f a n d a w aru ed -to ( D ean<-& (W edtbtook itb e co d tra itj tW ] 'bollijl t i^ ih e ,.ne '# ',l t^ ^ ; ^ v eV ^a tk o r^a i, Croek >V for.. t toyi tbd! ngi i t t o ^ o s t ’ biddeW : ■ 'T his is'* th d 1 c o h 'tr '^ i t^ ^ ' IetUH|'fiqo how;manyithouaand}J.will b o a d d td !

The C ontract fo r a n adqUloij iStQ .tbciDoaPfc

(4,03d . I ^'.iiiidH »ii lntinl-'jul /mmi r3n"> J ' J' •j i P i W b * W B ill* iw rt'P iiiad a i'ilrfa lh’that- M ^ i r o n e r V anderveer, laid ovor<rom form er Wofitltfg CoanHOl Corforwi e a H -hlafo^iifldh

I f t y f a H ^ g y ^ a , „lill:,:n'.| ........»■/!« *< 11 ' f y wt ’V k " . I J j: XiijjuJ.tiiirii{lo.it.i | j / M T O i l P j w M T O a ,’(lla'iiiiil• Wraj iHotllii 't'-'V nnN ortW ldlt W d '^ o k h lW ^ '

t ld n ,P t/t|liy« ti< to iP alM lt.W a‘f«rl),;a,ij4!tmtiM ' o fW 'K lig C harles 8p a n (o l;! tta » M « ;l'J I t!was aVaW oil « ip ib !)iliiia ." lT hb‘ia< d»iiM ailityit iin i

« A Ort(jl»»ulT .Ji/. ",HiJmi ,qil I liimh: n<ii?i^-y>lill In Uiy4iis jtfitvn. . S o m e r v i l I o 'F a i f . ! i ,,K> . vim .odJ ,1 ii ytia}'. .iiid nv(ui^SiA .i'i l»|»i

&B k M i s f i - ■'ttiolr^i/rqauWa In io m e r^ l lo o n ^ u o s ^ d y ^ W ^ - '

arli5*' t e M S ABMSfctW^HOTWiiPRAM

•j i i;?H"-<)4rfk5*'ii Uil yc7*iW lii ( I1 1,1 « 11 <r-ia-.il I III i.Jaio j aTlUri!TniriT//To«lffi¥ ifl5 ,.il:>iju; ail

■nlTilliiitr -ihG enductor M ulford im proves hiii m oun ta iq I oxcurstoia'bVdr j* fy h i ty f . baW riAi! olasa o t P lftifsw i I , Wi1will b e a t t / j p W i ^ i A t ta in - lo a s jo g ''^ s b u a y ; rBarkvat 5.48/11 a n 'Which] adat^ 'm ay- b'e'fitfdtip&ii' dn*havarjcii iV ii\V 'd llltl^n a l 't&st' 'Y<iy“ ihB1 t | ^ Jloflflv'itT*----------retu rn^ i b ao b p lsiq Mi>dy/

T l i d t i;I bah n d

s s t e 5 f f i s « ' ® s f a :jt^p, /^hcplinud.iU iq onglnfliuamiibpCoro^othts! « t ^ l p d r f l a ‘bo'*HplJtt!I tTOBbiili B t ir f d W i® '

1 fSljtiijffi'iji ijbft/l)9qTiW<sfiaplrl|i,bj’(Uifl'pannillne. of tbo bg1b)vaad.tha.ioPtpIa^&sifHgfitdtlti2> l>dlC

^^td 'tf^a tu ll* drii/Jii f.i <ii»j»ITH Mlt»J;d > r ,

a t 'b e e t in '-‘poorly p a it t^ l lb th Q farm er tn u st got ciioapor shoes tho sh o o m ate r

'o r r 8 tKTlfftopni(ii,1-WOrklngmen o f

f © W nW P r,th pifMi,?otc

g o r in g th o ai

v « ry ir tliy d (^ u b ilp e > n re a s !a n B a tHoenl c iftha'^arlio j? l ia v o jm 'tib w p iH ife y a f lp dobsidtr i. atapr>ipiAittiiM8fUiffl{8 U;

W “?d| p rW d aplhW i)0nM W qfp«

C A ferfralfjjQ^Llho nfeto^-& a r y \ tu n % ^ h ^ f jt t "place o f holding pbblio rnco tings'fo r th a t parposo i t ^ qs prof/osed to

-hayo^m aH -BobBotiptlonrboQkn'propgrcd "^

^of tho thla co fabtrrtf ittaai^cr |C 0 ^ avorag » ,

nonifc* •fiotrts i

aothii« R ft 'Im m an

itarvatlof t J^ )9 f i t> J r q p p ^ : , ajp , l(i|/>; m try lost year in tbo-shapo o f m anq- Ig o o d a.idncodiby JCngllabiwophnv-'ffOrkltaa fow

less tha% |l£l5 and ,.w om en 'a t tft(Kpex)• M il:.j : HI .V J« j r H r i i f l i ’ •

.ni .r\ (S‘..d ,(*I.f ..m Jt Ut.W f<KLCj.,lui'*v<;Ijc;W «W r«oil.->'<flMniilan'"«f •ftB'lftL*

l?t&irn)inp')imlWoi^ipaya,!,.lta'baii)poiB:p a h y . w i . f r W t t o d ^ ^ ^ ' b ^ l ^ i a :,i[iTbQcniMapdrat;\!nhq,llain i)t,a i;flroei

tq i!pg ,a)itrifif8> jti)P !rlto i|l( io ilho .

t m ^ r d i'D om bdtets'i|!lrt t iw j»««* (

m arket

J1? '..I tie .fo :

.‘.I'iijl*WbttboaliaJ‘Mobt li

W V d llWAil .clitSpot.

‘U m :■II iiiM,

ii-O a S

m - .,lnff.onfhet.'flhbp a rtlytrtyrd,!]i i i W 'falelan'iSjq'riiqj'

acopo of tlio projoot. Mosara. E. fl. I la rfiaon

i W ^ 5 s c r I p i I d t i _ w lirH o~refa8od on

Itati CievdamSilncfbls ._ w . i’U ^ I caBsbnrcd p i lu n a c a e w a T y ^ a ^

ari l W kl^ tiavo rs froeiimpoctatiou>?iui: i. ju/ r.j»

a q W /reo tr^a iW W w rO p’/e o f o u r bpm o<»aU ^rH o(|fl^; ^ d tfl' tn im if iiaadod' wb^filpjfiqQ.'nea^li’j qno ■ [

o f - th e m ost Im p o rtan t a rticles o f , - J17;rr c d b a itlf li-M tf .lU t ^ * « b l A u « i> W «

i° bSslijfisa.,. „t („|,ffcT :«

' . wtjiw M btaeric in . goods sand p roducts, <.or'\Ebgtfflh> « xi d ti^V odbcts; drt^t'.pjp^o

. * Shall A m erican w agos o r iLnglisb

theV 'if itu rri W>d<«wl ?to»tfiblr>ft>en<fB-

W M i H M Hm otical progression, I t has w orkdd othor eaaea a p ^ ^ l » ( ^ # rft w g i j ja o

OC'BUCC 088.“ vJsSV?1 J oinx ^th o&^‘ *^40 •&u$tefr116-d 'io pifc7:


s a i < | i f t h . o

.-roohoid & J f p f l j T c f r i P i t t r w j : . ^0 r P l

\W .tJP 'pjQrtga fo bon^hplders, th e bonds am ounting



ircr o f th is conntry;toanBW 0c. il^h^s flifo Vo W v'o ti'n^piio tiio th jngs, rone ^heililest wlsTi 'ijrott*- td ljdb ." 'T h # 1

i M t i m m f»,AUo. tense th rd o s<■of -ln tdrt6t .h o p in g ’ th o

; iW- ' mcssa^P' * lA'i(4• i ^ q ’^ l j f ^ , ^lA Vfit, * “ 1 In th a .oomlHg:'Oloet)on;,uf

i(|ttd6!Ba/d, '4l S ibil Out' Wlidi shod lo h a y o y o u doi) T hen g o a n d id o

com pany .irfth tWO.'Iftdldd.'W ds^alk*

mo* a“'!6 oBo 'etone, : 'fl»d ' ad su e - was. I in ffld ^roaqdj .^poa^lng t b . ^ j .fefti

r, lost he r b a lance iadd*fo iP a b d d t

lastlly sum m onodt i.Vhoi prondufttddir l Q ^ ^ ; ^ ^ W i y . ( a ^ ! r'^ > p .b p ) if a

W/S-,W«d)>lli dlfld.'ftflpi iflbopli. o p ,t lm loliowioK Wetfi^of day m q rn ln ^J1»-• * yj ./)»»*1 ( 'J ‘ViUfiriBpftoringa; 1 Wore'tn{pri80 from 'tho AreV|


W'. l rSinclair, wqjin’craiV,'

romo1iyeara abo . A lways f ra il 'a n d '

il fea fK cc6ni^ii^et^ ^"-grp^’•penshiK tho bospftaUty-’ W'ii}e<''fatb6r ’Ai:L_..__ wutl1 ;eofdWsr ljfendl biio Vfl qufp.tj'ppd*



. ■~r5hTWi77jrr - itr frK l i t t U o l S o l I e i ^ l ^ I B i i t ’BtV'1 (r.KiJ/i Iiiiji vd J.'wyhiH Kbit no n-- Jngitoi obift/a dHvingbolt -ati the'olefe-

3 last Sai

. __ ".fiiliHui !»!>y.Idpri'l lii. Uid)A

was tho on^y dau g h ter,o f Jlr.. 'SgperVn>pnept .o t'O M nance'

a* Sand r 'l r d o k fo f d h o 'ye^T^,'''fib»'M ^ . b o ^ spjf^gfloki, from th j H igh Sch6o | Iq th a t p l^c^ a6'fln’e 6ir|^'

^''VemOVed1' i o 1! o o k y y n ^ ,w ^ e r^ '^ a i lb*vCa 4 large circle,.of frlendrf-'to 'ta q u rn 'h b r1

•ypd, f a u l t y ^ ^ ^ w t j n i ' n ad b l f q ^ j - f l l ^

'O u& te ttiitdg^ i'tn te in^n tJ |.a n d ‘;rbfl6 efl:,I' ,8ti^|' pi nvereo q f| fjpji a p b ^ c ^ d a p d r b e lp g a'

g o o d ro i§i,ciap.yery. .kindly,; oonacnied itoi a id ;)9$’$ r ib ir 'o t ' piiplld’irt,lm a 8ic,,'Wboi,aTl, teat{fy t o tc i f y pcth.j^p.dj paM on^ (fPfbowiug^PPlrlt^

.to th ij g qyft([iy ter.,,ip 1tb tti^gh a i longi Bloknosff. 'a s 1 'Only‘,' a 1lbv IP g '

;davgbtc rc&nV1 Thfe’fdV h^r^ i} ,-iiWv^ a ;h a n d feel^ that'hd rjjp ldoo 'yanno tj be^

rh o 'b y ^ w a s ^ iJ t^ 'h tf t^ B S to g lip i^ j.^ l'l^tdWne it, wliero fu n era l .adt^!fcto' ^o i|o lio ld ( flni£ri(i .y, an d four of bo^ Hb^eifne* (op^prly

» ll< r . i tv , fh 9/ . f t a;fllQops!i esido tho m other sh e -lo v cd eo well.

a fre q u o n t viflltbr!to^lKq;lrI ,Srkn *and jGraVo d iring itho labo camp*pm atlng.i v a:i . J . i i >

flt.f Or' f ..in j : «., 0( .«!V 7 '(lilil'i«il,ii;j *-- . . ..11 J*V c t» A j f a ln s t F ffeO T rad B J .1Hthlr I . •, ■ . _■ . . {

p t o a ^ s k d d a y 'fo f tbo - laboring 6 - p le o f .tl isicppntry.w eroifreo i trad e to iteeoirto

v o t ? i w * « p W J;.«a«ln pr iilopa,toiVl)p.pt«t«ileq,B(SiQj:rf», . bd['jjyjtt a Ropubl ican.^art^,^ t wh Jcj^ b a a ’doi}^ so.m nci tfii bpMdr’ip .W a i^ '.B lS o im ^

i-fi# .# !M mC8,r A m > 'M to tih W M W ^ n t^ ^ 'a r f d •Aom tort t o . t h f ^ f ^ H lS i ' . i i \•< inicy H anatrr a ' fiumBicfTCBrdentror . ^ ’iiury ’ark, »0bIHIdS361;5fMHS5Bm<n,#|

S S t » a « a »sfS1?1 < ^ a 1‘ ?9M3W.!Wl « ^ f tp.o^roipilii.^^bpnglitfuljy.,! m* S M S # mta'M tt.bW tt'i1 sbp«' niintdsbthiW' ^or.WBB -S S W )RH,fW)b|fll|R'f ftdmtl" RipWflnHHttiJm pofta oeitdin k lbds tQjmeobitbo-dotaandsOf.'

oplo who w an t a P a r is o r a Londori-1im a^W ii t h e ‘ " ,7,‘ ""^Oriytio is ho p ays 85 por c e n l‘, duty)

>m fo r l^ ^ ih a n ‘ft’Would e ib ak o -tl em. W hy f BocauBo tho labor, tho g tc& ^ r factor o f co s t o n a ll m an u fac tu red goods - ii 50 o r (JO jfer cont. less th a n : i t co sts bim-'ooct lie sam e g rad e o f gopds.•]/IMfiici of b is ^nw.orkod atook Is im ported w tU $8 \ >or ccnt.: d u ty , bacauw) evop a tife a t ’Kb c tin ’fi ot a btfttjof b f tjd ie fo r i j s s m qnW thkit 'Obif1 i Ah aers c5d t u r n . ^ u t Witb the h igher

T h is B tno thD ^joura^ustincw ou bavo ' o shoos a tr th e low ot-figure, o f w ages

.iu_W|Q <jl L country , b u t ho p refers to em ploy ■^wovifn no n a n d ' women- a t fa ir wagos. In ‘d&HP’Um so co n sidora tions thero ia food' for. ^ o u g t i . '• i ' *» ti - - Li' i

noro iraportah t fac t w a ss ta le d . o h oj&jii inatlon o f h is books recen tly ho was

i.L ^.-ngoif Qt tho v as t obaugo in w ages I 30 y^arfl- agor i o - tlio p r e s e n t

|rtjr ybars ago tho w a^oeronged{fm ni|3;5C l ^ a i eek, w orking 12 to 15 h o n w a ^ i

o f w ages now fo r 10 h o a rs Is $18 to

to tJlO p e r weok. Such f fy fa q a tl wakon w orking peoplo ' to a sonseV rtanco o f m aiofatQ ing^tbe syetom o t a n p ro tection .

W o in ti » hi if I fll.aij’jjl/!? / « 0 1 < l I l e s l d e i i t Ciciifldi '1

d°?*a rt> old* res id en t o f A sbury i&yfediP * W ednesday-; m orn ing , Sept. 20, tphaiad t f a re s t free from trial,, sorrow and

[!&: H is faco h as lo n g boon a fam iliar080 wbo fH q J ib sM ' A/bJi-iJbH ibti^v

fpaTilinn .F o r a - year^fc^iniTOhtH-JiQaltlrlii^: .■btidd'fal ingj giving uq hqj)0 th a t ho Would 1

, ii J 'iW B atu rdayr a t l i “e tctdok. Tiira-rtfiiBi'Il?i W>OM, • ■'*■ 'f t h M l pry.

a tx T o r D e s t i n y .

. sijif p e p p lia r ^ n d ; to som e n o..., dcfetrlno v t6 .:ad?a»pb \ tl^et& |6^ tj r ia f i f ia b ’ e n v iro n m en t lu $&isftrorld

j g m u o ^ a ^ ^ f l i ^ r p j ^ u ^

few q - W a j i t i n j ^ b n t iD ^ Off

^ ^ ^ J ^ . ' ^ ^ a f ^ ^ ^ B l o ^ b ^ ' B f e e t i • godd b u t 's p ^ r a s succosa

crjr {aijurolB ^ a ^ W p o i t a i a i n ^ to t^fiS Hfo a rc cd n e c ff ie d ^ o h/tvo oydry reaso n to believo th a t d ‘‘ iiiv ln lty shap es o u r ends., , M y ob-

pcrHon^ wlio wiji m t c i m . t m m a i y m m . ifiu V b rlo d in o c a iltlfe ' .Thoso books w ill havo a

iSjff . (1(tqpy h i vbM

i<mffs f tho

in a rltlw a

p a re ard'fcilj' u


m ong-te-Uid'Jai

y e a rs aa : nj

W D B H UT he c o m m itteo p f ladies w a a autboiv

MT o tllo friends o f m y fa th er, ’th e la te H enry T . perm it mo to express p iy tb an k s for

iiy rtftrtfw jfw * bffo^ed "ab d v^n hirov j his reslaonce in A sbnry P a rk . Espo-

totally mn I g ratefu l tq ;Mr.- Jam o a i^ / p rad loy , 'Who1 ’It s o ; m any W ays' con trlb n ted to ’ m y

, iP t# - ,Y i m > n w i t.

ono- o f tho d irectb ra of_ tho C entral liof>2i6^Jei}sey,Ijandl UidaleUpiJdecij'

C en tra l ro ad w ill ru n th e ro ad hero-

IcDta dg&tppt';itlje I’Tallwayif tb e j le b ta th u s .wiped o u t. of bx lstenco

-'■.ra* 1 «m 'ft w>.u{ihw®*a P a n t jchnothoca ( lim lte d j^ b ^ R g STbanks- g iv lng vook at.jEdqqaM pnsijIiM i*/ Key, jGpq. C. Mad lock vvlU^Uo- ploaaura-in ox lilaining

AlSI M bjnlng o f t ^ i ^ b q ^ e t^ ty ^ r- j <v |Jt j * j*

StEy, Hie buifiVer,

i dgm qnt fo£_aovqrnl th ousand dollarsi t < a r i s b a ^

i co by 'Miss A shm ore, _of .K agport, w hojo oy M tss A shm ore, o f K eyport, w ho ired bv m m . < W M f e W vqlfaV ih ^ci*a(ln^^

W p .W ^ . t e V t¥ s? :.d ? iita , HiHiSsvilbo purpbaaer. - I t la (itatod tb n t tho In ten tio n1

t b a r o a l oa;bO}.ond:Prooholdi-^i^ds(/r.i,'

i/.'a J n t i |> c H o i m c j j l ) i ( i ^ . ■

i s S i S r 11 •cop^ae£ ‘F d p n <3 kn llty and

(Bpp{, t20—N orm an '.Cailenicier'' waS -' iirrestetlrV O01cer~BmT£fi' o f X o n g Braucb,

p & 3 ® S S K M ® ( |jRflqWp Callondor and ho was discharged.

pept. y m ' x m t & z w M t m} jl lu l(o k fo r---------- ' ....................

lMrss*'^i(’ il^.^anQhad^and aos avIdence^iboIngiifDtmd 'oClllS gU«tbfrW ^.Ulfd^H^fl!"V/'*;f‘ »*:l.rl.V .Vpti:Ofllcdt I A fter

$ to n .was;]arr&sLed[iyn■

ab e a a m ln w o n iue/wasiheldjln ^ b a ll^ o r

_ t .ia tr rJ o h n C orjiaaiw aaarccstcd iby■ OCttn jcer'llbU ck fo r faat d riv in g ln A sbury Park, onj c o m p la in t-o f :Cbas. Kipp> - l i e ad m itted

It, an d was fined 25^-Ed’

lo r jprofi . , ” ^ ^ c c n t s an l

hja gntl|;, a trrgep t rh Su— »», res ted1 by Officer I was. I f led, convb■Woits.

>i a h m

S'fWysf i.il'-'opfS1)", y twl'~n in an y form er term , an d

h a ^ & fre W y b ^ d rifb r 'a th j ttw^on thom an d tho §qpbf

'•ffh b 'F resh m i ils mufib largor^

u s com llq^Q^U] irem acy jA t‘11^0 an n u a l ml /.b’rp^ft 't io lines of ■QrtpVaijtago.) A i iCO’! r ^ T g H lO ln ce 'somo"1 m em bers ol" the ^H Sshp m class conceived th e idea of. placing ,$ $ V y ta r , “ ’93,” in b ig figurps, a t tho ox- trem o tf p o f tho ' I M ^ ^ d - b a z a r d o H f ^ U t t . p i l l e d , and now it w{ll b o in o rd er for tho ;8 j ^ S t o p a in t i t over.-

tJorTatlmr-of-TnnTi-ntKftW iigB-form sny^enre- baa.so. urm ly c u u v iircp d -u iq o f ib ia fac t a s to dinbolden th is public annonncqm ent.w ith the* Q ^ iiU tttlQ iu iif tL flo m e ju Q rjila ilitep E U ^w lilarfso tuid endeavor to show tho fallacy o fBIIaIi ml I f T n a i. ill ^ A t F_.'l_ 11 S.such a bollof.

Vni^tf jEYAnjS./Ny V et) Sq^t1. : Zdtior o f t /u Journa l: ' .


M W 1ifash lo i e^ 'h a b its ,

V irg in


f f l s s r ’:W«I

i an i'1 ^ to cobyidtrdf^i l i ’--•D. II, WTOKOFF. ~Boarding-and-Pay-Soliool- lo r ¥oung -

k<t Ladiea and Ohil^r^zx^,., l. rrr.,,, A S B U

Elo\ QiUh^qtoiepenBiBeptomboria^lSSaji"'''l" ‘ '

M a :


yvoylrljpf i^cr(C( P 'r t W w o r r ,V - t jf , iipd h a v e n o m o re t im e f o r h o t w eath-

e v e ry s ta g e / t h a t !x a ttlea i o v e n th e

'giUbtontBM ^l ' A n j l ■ H i j j j l j j ; , ravclIo^V im fiy i,have- ,beon t o ' .get -ora W iu m in ^o trw irs in ireT ffsfE iiT ]

t m bltlou^ 'l^ .'■bJJrfcKttg ^a/IioL ^l.'tli, an d th e . i m o l t e n . noplial t th r e a t ­

e n e d t limy i t a v i

hnmplei|y yj4 A1*?15,llijrtte, t h l j r .oji^ Wco m e , ind hbm 'e ,<

H m .^The p re te n tio u s b o us9a , Fu7

TBm!r« id hunffife3^-df o tH ^ 'li t^ M srftj^ li__,1,1c, . a a i T ^ f t f i S A a s ^ i J f f l i i m_ inm ei. nbled {V'fo^ jpj&T.41;; ■

g iv e in illaitiona-nO f aw akenod-Jlifb i i T h e i l U a a t c r '$$M fo'f,#V «/A !flfop!»». 'tru n k a .q n , iW u s i ( l e w ^ 8 f). ap(;;ljic re |ised ^ n p iifb e r pf- e q u lp a ;e s ienllven/tiie» th o ro u g b fa reay i and

r^ fa c e a th a ^ '|ia v b ,b p e n ? ip iased a re 'reii|jpfe i r ln g ’on thfe s tr e e t 6 p u ik tlld m at-

' t i t a i a l n i f f f c ? :g e n e ra Brl^Ut w lip /e so n io n ess p .f^qxpres- 's^oa rn o f mb’i in ta lt t . W fj iifiW ^breezeSf m in e ra l w aters , rec rea tlo n ^ A -est,, lovq . o rsoVrt'e'o

A n d h e re , q isb in g . is th a t Congrefe^

if a n e|ir)


h e r p o te n t !P lf6once .m 4^i;era .H a d Q ongresa s till,

t t l l ^ d im h le d m tb 'p r6^> ect d f y to - The p o p u faH nmlGr^UuTilin^ 'u a^p

p . I s jtp |)« .n n 4 d jo iy n m q n to f „ „ m l ) y ju i^ tu o olcctioH r ^H o p 'es

. "di’isE e d , o nfaesdaV r i ^ l i ^ '^ ^ ^ 't l i ^ ; : ^capi­as v o t >d clo^wn' tlien p ro p o s it io n to fix a ay^for a3 ^o u rn m o n t, Siul~todfiTno fu r th e r

a c tio n m ehil b ad po^ii S e n a te h r lo g .f

w eek s, p rac tic i Jljllii fo r a j

' . : ! ^ " f ,(---------w ith bqth Gon. H arrison and Mr. M orton, fclald '’recen tly th a t ho d id n o t believe there

j ^ l ^ j r i m tholr politics, th an th e R epublican can d id a tes for P resid en t a n d Vlco^President. J fy ^ q v e ry bflalnags r o M Q ^ a j ^ D t t M P i

porta id l f ] g - f a 3 £ j» f o


Gen. H arriso n h a s always* show n a___ j t in teg rity an d con sid eratio n fo r

t t a t haa m arked b jm ,a s .a m a a /J f th e igroateitl worth. W hlio n o t Booking publlq ! m ^ tl ( p lo r prom lnenco, h e bqs_shown ab ility « 6 /ex trao rd in ary m erit in every s ta tio n toM ic h bf, W ^ f r c m c“ ?(w ,bertecB h ig h er in tbo .estim ation o f those w ho JUnojyt ||im an d areasao c ia ted -w ltb 'b lm r

. Jorton bo considers th e p ee r o f any w n m a j jn M te q ^ 'tir^ n iff ic rc lk t « j n e s t ^trngglo th ro u g h adverse com pllca-

su b je c t Sherm a]n las t, s e ll in g v e rs ie s

Bdbsequent eettlem ent of a ll c laim s,____ ... n o t obliged s o to g ran d

p h llan tliro p lo e iro rta a n d donations in beha lf . . . , •m e ta b s M ^ in b o tiy _ to th e m -

j S $ s £ 3 3 a r n o a a ) £uvr/k!

o r K a is in t j a t JLonu B r a n c h ,, . . ,H?K«i>a»nd

i ^Th/3 R epublican C lu b s, a t L ong Branoh,«d b;

featos from A sburylE arki bad> a« tree t,p d ra tfe / ^PVdcmffiday evening. A,s i^cteied theRopubliean hoadqnartors a flno H arrleo n a n d M orton j b an n er w aa nnfurled j which ^was salu ted w lth ' luud qbBere.

slo n .

'm it t ,d t lsithc

d ev elo p j ig a in s t fie ld o f 111


8opt. tip. was. Imp! Lane^ wf

(iVV«ffJa ^RTTVlnc mt, alaeFHTfoel Bortt to ; al fau lt of )ail,

Charles ColliosjT D .t f , o f PUlladol- «pbiaps*i 1 proaob in tW \R efo rm ed C hurch , ’bbrniit'b ! G rand an®^oW 3>|liV^bbfe,!db 8 afc-\ ’ ^ ^ o fu ln g 'a jT IO .S O , a n ^ O O p . m.

,bpry r ^ r t^ lo p f t t c ^ , , Jtho platform . Amo

- J i s t i c o l i o r d c n t o D o ick cA . rri > n 1 f t j jlTw i t * * 1 1 cSept. 24,—-Hearing or S. S . w h ite , cMargea

•y A nderson w ith keeping d lsordpr'y

25.—Jo h n B. CorKes1 an d E dw ard

it, * ^ a r g o ^ ' w lW M sadi^ ' 1 W arded'

, u k t SIcated In an a tte m p t to shoo t Isa ia h s ffrrcB tetr!n~N ow arir b y D eteetiw

: a w w~ fa u i4 f l tv $ m ftiil

u ompt adjournment.

P«W icifHK Mi b b w n g $100,000 fo r th e r e l ie f^ t i f th e yell ow f 6 v ^ 'lu f f d i^ A ; tfce^sii'n l tb 'lM ' q t t h e d isp o sa lo f- th^ 'F reB iU ont, n h d t d b e e x p e n d id b y M m .’ ' ' l' . . ”

The first p a ^ ^ J U I f ia / ia ia ^ a in T g ^ j gresa agalnstlFe enactment of a law tb■ ~tr~w. a*~tsrsit .erti*- f* tf v‘

u p o nf >r ih 'fflrrereift'taesSag& Qfi'tKe

of p ju ^ f .q ^ i^ tiq ^ ^ a s 4>Jf', ^eivibiri r r . n j v .

I t was conaeryat^ve ln7 t >ne,t coun- moderatlon ‘ adjusting contro- svljluCaflWlAH^nd, / i f i t f

c ra ts an cl l le p u b lic a n s . T h e ! irst trle ififiiii ‘t k i i fg f tk fa ArAei^if.ar^

its m,ly s u c c q s s fu ti ..« p e rt i! i iB IIJ a te d t f

‘y j{ c b i™ > b ™ iy - ;„ i jl e s . ' . 'n id

the.^lla bestv : that) l 8iknown< a n d th o u g h t

In tlie li v a rio u s bH h'cK eS 'jpf i h e ' 1 p ftife s . 1 1l5i:i5) Q ^ f ^ i ^ i d h ^ ^ j n o r a^tlian . a

w , w H S 3 * I « *p ra c tit io n e r . I t is th o a d v a n ce o f e x tre m e

jm o n t a \ ^ u jftuyj { iig r\f^ O I«& s» t lip > '^ te m p td to i :■ carry^ tiU e .tw ho le n e d ic a l and su rg ic a l1 p ra c tic e In a adt'-i '/n iW w 4a 'A t l f t f sb e ttt^ e u A h e 1

11 ,nd th e a d v an ced m e m b e rs Who,b y th e

them wore a n d th e tendency^ .© !' t h e m e o tin g 't f f ’tt___ J e q c y ^ o f ' th e ’ m e e tin g 'r tf rtliiB o f sp e c ia lis ts c a n n o t b u t lie ' to*

ft r f i t . ** *^b l?ti^!grR q^ 15 lo

. . . J s w e p s a ^ s s v sc iiie . I . T O D l i x i S b ' n . i • f o j n . i r

IggS nU oupe o f / tb la c lty iia ih ead ^ q u a rte rs ! fo r thei R o d OroflSj rtnd Ih o /sb c le ty

ts s leev es ro lle d iip 'tb f th b 1 Bhoul-

tio n ^ foi -thenv-ov^r to tb o p e rfe c t p rg ay

yeljovy. yfeveri suffpreygitufft/ t n e 'u o i Cross fee ling th a t

so c ie ty w ill

“fe e l in g am leq iiip n i.en tio fi

b e tte r th a n am ..........................1 |

Sept.o n obargpd M M M J P i M t y woa a rre ito d for

w ngjihrqM 81__|'iaed_^{iadLcQ at0>.fQr. gave.socurity

V . ./

s r ..

A ,i«»irtw n,6r,'6r'tW 8.ti]ne6J is«eSba

" JV© 0 ‘S IP i ? r , i , t o.?rj? P » f ¥ i^ m ® 5 W > v Votbe n ^ t- in te re s tin g :* In fofmaJtloti-i

uluBtratedvu/Eheibookiia-aBqda in**j fdr Abybt ^ ;li y.jm|hA t(.w.lMinU _,‘ * - / '..............- t i "

___ ___ __. , :.iy, r jlbW chattttbl^ tl/e4^1U ‘f w h ic h 1 f t

. . ? ' .« e x c e llen c e o f H a r p e r s Mftgapixe^

dfpr*'Octobcr Ia a p j ^ ' e ^ a y ^ I r ^ ^ i a s t y i ; g lh b cb th ro u g h Its p u c M - Jbp re '^aro fd i^ rt ’s to r ie s antl^R jng \flcblChvee,J “ p o e try ; cjncl U n k u r p a w i m « B tra |lo n si -T he a rt ic le s jniost ' f i t f l k ^ j ^ e r l ^ ^ ' a r e ^ ^ I f . '

Jl f t t r f f lw lp w m n j tJ p n , m ® , a v e d

'thef ld lllrfactq a re 8b, b re f io h \e f |. tb n t - tb ww * i ® % B w : , th «Jr»llB o f w e s t e r n e d ito rs w lH,,bi>8n?q.I S lW ® * « « « ^ i i /. wm i n

BARGAIN.Fully furni8bpd boarding house near the beaoh,

a lso co ttace and choice lo t very aheap. .'Address BOX 181, Asbury P a rk P . 0.

ForSsale o r Exchange.*A country sto re and ’ desirable dw elling is

rboina (suitable fo r sum m er d ^ e j ^ T)arn;"wa”' :“ gon bouse, &o» 7 acres M e garden land, 400 peach trees, 25 apple trees, 1 aero strawberriosand raspberries. P ark , N. J . /

Near I/>ng Branch and Asbury

Farm IS acres, 0)fi m iles ^rom Aabury Park , i N .J . Apply to \yM. B. BYItAM,

Postofflco Building. Room I,■ *■' ‘ ABbmxPark,.N .iL___


/»op; Tld tlonal II

a t 1 roast

i U K i i t i

e a - S id e H o m e ,

ddrori" ' '" " " :004 A abnry avo.. A f l b i u r j ; ^ ( i r i ( , ^ .11

■ /'(infi'ivA Y'IkIp A fur/; hiOitrt •rwrnH •

iJjrtel# ”&c: ■ "f.,r“i;rl .7TH'Tfinrf.<i.i'i.nr.'.n '>■ AJ.

‘ ' dl<»ri«i •I'liiiiiitrii.i1U iii ..Jtii/i Ni!

T H E _ ,*d ^venuor,. Sltliktdi.

. a ll Square. F all and Wt: [«dter, &o. • Excellent ta^l

Fam ily Considered. 'TFTuTTnrmvTT^

In te r termB 1 . .I'Pi ..9POR Wt l r e . i . U .

inti'RiJoniS' wfth: fiOoi;;,floard inablo prlcoH from" Oct. ’88 to ^ p r ^ l^ . , ,, • 400 FOURTH AVB., Anbury I'ark.

O T T H E IR V IN G ,- • Third avenue, near ocoan j N, vl u ,, K • ‘ ' V ‘U j

ASBUftY PABK, ~~ NEW JERSEY..nwiUsl* KlAnlhdl miw..t,ii, ..TTmiiJTt . ;■ •»->,{*« •> Vr > .OPSKUI THB- BNTiRE YEAR. .im r»*rb«Jiid.!; • F orfarthorpa^tlqU ]^^jjcJdit)^s

p- '• ' "m . L A U D B If^O ^a. v:«. |- ,r ‘ri

Piorieer;(>y steir HouseDealer in FOnETGN AND D O M l^T IO .n tm t'S . -

OYSTJSIW a speelalty. r ^ ^ ( d a w iP ^ l ! o d . :

704 CooKman AVoWu'b.'vffsfeiiry .Part M. J. ■

- - Durfng tho p as t yoar a numbor o f rtowConbeo*' ' '< i (^q n ah ay eb eo n 'm ad o ^ ltb ’ t\jp Hewpi$.t^Th!8 Jias ....... ~t V^ £ ^ ^ o e i t a M lo ^ e tto ^ '^ i i l j f jp ^ ^ r ^ q v ^ c o p i ' " - ^ |a l* k ta in in K th eiw oriw .ii,M ^be erectJort ^ ' t r i* i . • the-Bower W orks waB not at<xn^tter of.B iieciil^g^-'-'

^ i ^ b n t b e c a m e .^ ^ q e q ^ l> y ^ ^ )^ (p t>)t)ie «io^Vv. ' ecasful and rapiii grow th of the tow n,the ownor'a - -. fteiiWe'to keop tho annual ren t a t tftb'idwrfst!:i>l;;; J /

;p<«f^iib pbin t . 1 -j-tf. . I ff v J ? f 's—^:flotiue Is hereby, gtypOithpt.on al 11 sew er. ren te ;; : f iiv.,.;

for!888, which will bo'due.Jantlary’lsti l8W; fbr',,;r r r _ 'N-'* prepaym ent a deduction q f one per cqnt. a month w ill.bo a llow ed..- After .tho noxt jabiia'ry oh M

^ ' l ^ 'o n t a d u a th e ’foU ow iD g'Jandarytt doduc* v >,t(qn of tw o per c p n ^ lri,,ihdi)tW w ill fo r prepay- ni6nt bo all<W6f.v '6n tlfiW'th'ird.year, fo r pre­paym ent, th ree per cent-' a raoq)ty., rljl b q i ; > ; ■ \ a lfo ^ e d ; and on tho fourth year, for pre- . : : ^payment, f o u r 'p e r ’oenti ^a i;,tadnth vWift ,b d ‘' ,i',' ,l- ‘ ajiowpd. ’ rTWrt. j prqctkSaUy. reduces/ the (Bower • , : :

* ^ r ^0°I^ l)O l co'ir8° iL-i ' . ;i-furtherdiscoun^w in bb :a f l o w o d - o n j > r i ^ r /j.j */ fucoeejllng years, on account ofiltftoisSHOd num- . u * * b er qfconnectlotts; bu t'ttte l owners of-property .Wldiib. is -ConneotejL_wlth .ithe^Bewpjr p \ay -re s t- '.^ r ;^ .t ~, 'a48qqo(i th a t they wlll^eap every dtlviinfage pofl-. ' I ) slblo. Owners of • tho ■ wotk4 Only > desire,t a f te r * L ■

‘worktng expppepa are, p a l^ , pwd erato iateresti ;i f V. v/.n y - o n th e Investm ent : C. T. BATLBY, ^ . - _ ! ^ *3* • ' > Seo’yBowflrW dTka. / ' ' ; ‘ «j . |A f i |^ y Park, May 23dy1«»fe *2*1 S-3 O ....... . ■

. / . 'h I M i a .V M /i l i lA K O ii . H i \ ] fIs hereby given th a t Tyleo L.1 Emmons, 1 7 x

________ au, assignment to-tbo subscriber of/hla.,; »■*estate, for the equal benefit of his creditors* and ■: th a t HfU«LorodltQrajmjst-oxhUjlt th eir respective-— .--- ulatraa iinder o a th or afflraiftll^Q the torm - ] j f

flo fth re e months. Dated Sept<


O T IO E IS H E R E B Y Q IY E N . THAO?Charles II. porter, qf, Asbury Pack,, in tb o . .

' an ty o f ’Monmouth and ' '. Jwrishlp o f Nopturfo,'bounty Ol ______ ____State of Newt Jersey, h a th i tu ls day m ade a n _signm ent to the sub&eriber of-bis e s ta to rfo r th e — • • eoual benefit of b is creditors,/and th a t thqj aatd r creditors m ust exhib it tnoli’ rOspeotiVo ■ bialArs • dri le r ontli o r afllrmatlon, to tno subscriber,

« * j W y » '» i a s i w O f 5 4. 1

„ .B ^iA g^y^A yK pjA fpiepop-: ; : ..iv

I W O R D IN A N C E f r m j & K t M .T.O 'SlBWAXKs.

. l. Bo l t ordalrtfcd W W d lp M iffl^ Ip n o i^o f UibfiTT ) Borough o f ABbd^[l^A rtTiKt p ow nbr or_ ftw- i ’

S i f t I O i l.lujion t ' „ ipiwtrdctoa)*. ii

j ia iv a ik s a t least to u r roet wme m rron t ana on tho side o f his o r tllo lrlo t‘dr,lotSfacfqR 'anyprtb-11 ■ . 1 Uu s tre e t ' in this Borobgbi ‘ WhWh1 'fehaTl' be! oon- BttUuLed Of flag,' brl(jk, 00uitlli UKCOucrt)t«aVtbgf i • > *•;■ - ‘ . o p tlo n o f the aw netj, * .vmv y,.;; ,.l -n f l j f i e l t further ordainetlrthatrthe-B treet-eom -' - - .........*mltto6-df this lippohffh «)mlj havjo (thpippwornnd i ' ■? ‘ ‘t- au thority to cgmfemb any .bltlo<vaiK -'Within 'tbe ' • ' **■’ corporate limits; and to notify tho ow ner thereof . ' th a t tlio same mi&tfJO rcradyed /ind a now »fi(Co} S rf4 5 w alk U d d i9?M >6ikfit t ^ t T O f ^ f M i .Stbo ‘receipt o f a w y tto n o r printed notlco to that- ( (

8.. And bo It further ordairiod. th a t tho ow ner --■(■.**- orow m rM ofany lp to r lo taof.l^pd . i^ thlq.Ilor- i , - jjRffttshall, upon tw enty daVBl,nppcQ/l»nn>«d<- • .alblyilay, relay .or jopair,.according, to .the tciior..- - - - , o r sufd notloo ,.thp .cu rhh igvln ltro n ta n d on thp > j * f sidd o f his, hor fadlOsnon.aiiy piiblld H M«street In this Borough, w ith plank a t least ten inohea.^Ido and tw o thlokjUrmly nailed tojpun- i m :

ilatd by tbo Board osf.Owim^lpnprs.qfiithis,Horrti n i . ough, as tho case m ay require, a p d , tho expenso ." * * tJiereof Hhallbeimule a lien upoij jtbRlot}o*'lofS' i > UhW upon whlefrHmd lmprovomorit is mado.

H. Apd bo I t fu rther ordalnedl, thhc'h ll' ordi- tianbes an d • ■parts-of "•ordlnances-iuoonslBtont r :" '7

S A s a l t o i k t j A p d a •nah.eeshalliaK^fffipfc IminodiatOly., . . . •. *.

— ..............e a t : a T. BAILEY, Cloflt.

ini)nm:»rf.lf£:tfi W WIJj

A Work of Great lyierit. ■,..^ '••F rom rb lo to' Polb i ‘W ' i ’bursL Komid ^VorldJ” being.a^.Oraplpo Account of T h riu b ig ..., Adyontures,-'M ar^lDiiif'DlJfcbverloa. Straiigo ' ** ■'

l s E , ; a s s f # i » ° =_Jio moat IntoroBtln^landf ynlu’abld inform ation) i *| ) hU8 ju et:been ls^iiedby the liS tlo im l.l^b . C o . '' ■ The amazing dlscovorioSi pf jodrlgrbat, tJ^yebi ors. w ith tho exciting exiuoM fdiis; daring defcds‘.

s M f f iglowing colors and w ith rbsli_________________________ _

<■ ^.Srho Boc’ond jnfirt o f .th b ' /'1^6'^W Vl/ld1 i. V l j" ' « Boriptlon n fiC h ^ainoA J^ibun trit* xifc Bdrfipb, £'£ ’1 ^'“■TtrBPlondid bltlos. lino palapos; beau tifu l sconi ........ the^peoplo!^ 4 /IP^°^C ^ ,(1£.C;! J 1 fi H

* Tho th ird p a r t .of, th e hook pres on tg, a igraphki'.("-.v t ? panoram a of', tho* W eatom iillomlsphero.i11Tho-.(>i-,v«1!.{t.,r . fouhtrlfe's aod fPoopIostofj.SDutbiAmprlctti.tliat^i i- ni:-- •

vast contlponb :of( raanv.eloufl .sights, ^arotreatodni.vi .-.i .j.m With ia r^aBWrly -hand.-

Thoro-ls [still qnotl ^enslvabdok^ iWatoJPsj a n d '‘ Horai.bcautife&f-iijii ,dei»thB of tho sea.

The whole octavo von

tion only,*and, # lA.t q f l^ te r .m ^ h b tt fy Q U d G!.a

gss.’i a a i a ^

iiilfiiO-iMP* l^ i 'i '1■Dealer IqGeoi,

Teldfrraph poles.od a t s'

mI pr A 8BURjYiPAKKvNir.loId"ii’fiUu won

furnlflbed d

- r - • r - v - -

ila r t iiotlii«ii«u longtbs apd t u u j y i f . ' I a it

* ' v -i. . - * — — ■ ■■■•.,.j - -; -------^


■ v £ i&

Page 3: Vane, Calvert. & Co. - DigiFind-It

_i v.

■ »_. 100017 00 8800 8QM $ fiP|&5 OOltKjOq 1

conts por ltn o f 'T io yth e local columns!’ n t tha Ani Tin._'

—,.x ^ .local•tOfOtt/ thtijrptft o rn fteo n w ill be pl&ood a t ih o bot>

_ . , , i i , - ----- vw.^niTistotim and,tri(uBt-haveoap. a t tho end. W h en jc^ iim iod four, w eeks rJ[SI!Ker’ 5 discount of 25irtoftCott, in allowed.

„ r ®?1*?'’~Y oarly ndvortlpitrwAta nroT nayab in advance: aM ettlBFmdPtf fo r lo

^ a n t hrconionthgfoo 'oa^li

O n r A fce^lislS p ^ 'J g o ^ r e H & Co., {fc&rfruba Bt.v*Tow T o r t 5ft W . Sharp & Co.. 31 iM k.R tiw , Now York;

i /X * * ® n & Bro.,14|)ijWife9ati8t.vNo\ir York; and Cincinnati. ivi* <

Bates, 41 Park RowlMowjYork. | i 'K - M orAl 8on, T lm oB ^alldW P b lla’d.

P ro tt & Co., N inth andlAjtota.atP./phlla’d . "-fl - - .w i l l woelvo ftdvortlaom^ n f e f d r T a a Jobarrw-, a t regu lar published r a te a l . TfA .7 j I ■: . .• .In 5?J cases w e reserve t im rtira t tare jjoa t.ans:, advertlBomont th a t mav boiblodtlonahfo to n s .

, liO fffti aroM pps j ; { . -Our frionds will ploaeo. hftar’iti ro lnd tlra t Tirg

.JcronNALls a lo/rnl newspaper; arid assb o h Is tho p roper m edlam for all fe^al'noticoa. Soine.ad- vonl?omonts belonff to us' by lhw, iw p lto w lth m any o thers It in optional-, w ith Iho featty inter- oatod aa to w h a t paper sfctimmpubllsh thom.

« F r e eBy m utual agreem entJA nd. by TQtotnmEnda-

tion of tb o ^ o w Jorsoy EdStotfpl Association,' th o nowspapers of ABbury v«r1c Uovod6bldod-to

‘J“_ V^fnjr and ^ w & rrap ted cpatom,. ofany

isgoelatlon,’ ddbldod to

, ; ------- —— ..... ►‘an ted cto&,__ffmnf? froo local n o tIcea 't6 , ontcrtttlnpients o f any kina whioh havo as thoir. object-tlio raining o f m oney fo r th e bonoflt aooiotloa cir indfc Vlduals. Horoaftor wo nljaH tnapd ^ eliargo of

• flvo oonta p or lino to rosl^onts arid tdn conts por|iP Q ^tra^oU ngorootsld^< j< ^p& dogor porsonB

C liu rc ) . a n d L o e f ^ j to l r e c i o r jV *P iimt MC. B . Cannon, «oohiew of rirffif .a n d ’

G rand avcs.,R ev. G.C. MaidOak,baBtor.: Preach- Ing evory Sabbath a t 10 *>p.! m l and 7.80 p. n y Class mootfnfc. Sabbath oiottdnff a t 0.30. Bat? bath-aohool a t 2.30 p . m .. xpnng irooplo’H Weet- inR S abbath evening a t fctjori P rayer mooting on Friday evening a t 7.30. ’ Coojriunion on • tho flrat S abbath m orning of m tfplji,'

T n iN irr R E Cnuboit, (Jrabd and„iAsWiryato nuoa. Rev. J . D. Skene, r io te r . \Tho holy eom^ m union overy Lord’8 Dayt a t 5?.00 a. m. (oxcopt; flrat Sunday m overy m onth dt.ltkSo a. m.) Sun­days, 10.90 a. a n a 8.00 p # n t ;. fialnta’ days a t .0 aj m .. an d Fridays a t 7)30' p . m . Children’s olior tlBervlaa eoonnd 8 u n M ? lajovcry m onth at

,2.80 p . to. 8unday-Hohoqi; a t a00 p. m . Tho church ts freo and a ll aro cordjally Invited.

PanaaTTBBTAK Cuunon, io rn c n o f Scc6nd and. G rand avenues, Itov. F rank’Chandlor, D.D., pas­to r, Sorvlcoa a t 10.80.and/?i80f Sabbath-uohooV a t 3.80. P rayor m eeting pitl4ins-.ov<jn|lng. ■■ ^

KepoRmed Oiiunon, oofflor' o i jo ra n a - tn a Sew- ‘ ' ^ ta r . Her*-

M a t 2M:.ibatt

eohooim ngn

all avennes, - vioea a t 10,30 an d 7.Prayer-mooting FritfL,.. ,,TrT- „ y • •. Fxnar Bajptist CtHrRcaj c6 n \er o f Main etroet

an d Bangfl avenuo. Itov. iF.-fJ. Colby, pastot*.' Proaohlng sorvlooB at 10.30 an d 7.8<tr Sabbaths

iol a t 2.SO. Prayer itoeetiiig iM day eve- a t 7.80, Seats freo. pofd i^l \yoloome to an:

WEaTMiwsTKrt PaEflBTTBniANV CnSjoir, .old:' Opera lloune, Sewall avortti^.f near G rafld.. Set-.: ■vlooa a t 10.80 and 7.30; SabbaU^flohqoli a t 2.30.v Prayorm ooting Friday: ovenlngi -8..flWt'Xounfe^ M inister In charge. . J, <—>• S --

Cnuncn of the IIot.t Spinxn (QathollC.) oornef <if Sooond avenue and Bond street, Rev. M. I*<31onnon, pastor. *----------------------r*

A. M. E 'X ioh Cnnncii, Snrlngwood ’avohuo, W est Park , Iiov. W . T . Piddle, pastor. Ser­vices Sunday a t 11 a . m. ahd 8 p. m. Sunday- eohool a t 2.80. P rayer m eeting every Wedaes- d ay evening.

school a t 2.30. phiyoT*’pifleU „ ________ __ _n!"«- •:

Cotonjsn BAmM1 Mrtetiwrvafc-iPark ffall, eveW S anday a t VjSu a . t o t an4: B j .1 to. Rev. 8. Q. Kelley, pastor. f '.?£:'£■

,_Skcond B a p tis t /CSimncir,‘{colorod,) Bomces; held in bulldluir on^prlngw ood avonuo n o a rth e railroad, evory Stm day a t 10.80 a . m. a n d ,7^0 ^Sunday-«oi)ool-at2i3OTrTHr-HovrltrA7BOl0irr pastor.

Y. M. C. A. Sorrlco3~Rooi^ ovoj ih e l^sV Office. Every Sundayi' consecration- meeting, fr to 10 a. Public meeting, 410 5 p. jhJ Thorsuay o von Ing, workora’ tra ining cfyBB and Bible study,8 to 9 o 'clock. Satuiday evening, fo r young men only, 8 to 0 o’clock. ,

AsBtmr I-onofef p . J iiav ^ .M ^rn ee ts r3 ra t and th lfd^fticftaa^ovenlngfin^ iaoh month,- Cook’s Biiilfiing, Main fltreot and Cookman ave1' nao. Amos UpplucottVW .’W.; 'John D. Bbeglei-

3’y. ■ - *ConsoM Commandeuy, No. IS, K. T., meotfl sec­

ond Thursday ew nlpg iw (^ ‘sh -fliorrtn In Coqk'sf Bnildlng. J , AI.stwro./K / O.i Jos. L: Cllv^ri Jteoorder. , - ; ■{ / - * ■-j - f ~i

CoABf Citt CotJNnit., elJ; K o rit, AucAhTtmI tnoots in W hite’s H all first and third Thursday ■ovonlnge In tho m onth. Isidor Laali, llogoat; Wm. B. Cramer, Sooretary. . »

FmKBiDa PniBNnn, m ed tl sMortddlngs ih e a o ^ i r ^ t n , Ha!iT| W. II..Milos, Chief (dkfljfaalLOf r G t.n JL aae Juec^ra^r.

C. K. H ai.Ii P ost 41, G. A: TT', m eets in Wanning flail, Main s tree t, next to the postofflce, on the first and th ird W ednesday ov’hgp in eaob mont^i;

MowuouTn Lodots,. No. 107, k . op P., moots Friday evenings, a t W hlto's'Hall, on Main s tre e t It. Unlsart, C^XJ.; J . II. ^Slljson, K. o f ;lL.and, S.,

U bptuhb lonons, Nol 81, 1. 0 . 0 . P"., moots nesday evenings a t Manning H aW M aln street. I t Ilulflhart, N . GL; Dan Iol Brower, K. 8.

Atlantic E noampwbnt, No. 22, 1. O. O, F ., moots In Manning^ <m-second* and. fourth. Tnesday In oaoh m onth a t-7.30-p. in. > Wmi «.* Wiles, Cnfef Patriaroh. R. ffulsart. Scribe.

TEOirMHKir TnmKj^Nq.^CO, Impji^vkd OngEn or

W anning 1- Carsoni Chief Of;


S w ltchback escuralon iiex tT liu rsd ay .

T h is h a sn ’t been a good Week Tot fls!||p^; v

G nnnera a ro an x iously aw a itin g the first fro s t. • - .;y . .v 1

S ylvan L nU efaa jb ln ln ep fe j^B sf^rh as beeneniptffid. ; O H p M " ‘

_Q qr <irj'Bonablo d ress fabri.es.

r r‘tta p Ie ^ io r i i^ -8 e a ^

O ctober n ja ja z ln o a . an d Ught roadlng may bo bad a t Jen k ln sV 308 H ftin s tree t.'h. v ' "-t——.r : n i, .i ,.M— •

W illisford D oy a n d fam llyfAxpoct to spend a cpuple o f w eeks In 'th e CaU^Uls In October."

Ju d g e B, G. RobW tis.fltrai “ ‘■Par6 to-day jQ ^ h e f r yyjnteEl

Th)8 j5^ iillP :vs;eGk"fiktFr)O p a an d en terp ris in g me)

p r o b y .Bteff

wlc'-oti iV'edUDaday.rotucning-totlioit homoii n , N e w : t o i f e i . y « a y ^• ftL’ J : H : ■Riding: iE lqorM ooro mid th o eorneivston.. ii)r^ iv8 toh^

iver ^ e a lo ^ i ia k e ’ lit: I t ia; isxjkiitod; • tol ddipp i[loto.' th^mjf e f ^ r j p i y f . ; I -1 • !J .U -U U lL j

Visiting,(jaghar^ at] i ^ ^ B I d o V illa. i

| A t tlifi me^}(jgp^f the Td^a/ihl{rt?<unn {tteo on 'Monday,jtoWDshlp;p9lj^;fnQ ^ | _ .1 1 . i v 5 d g e | Woiir p o:chtoni>lQti!flB^Wjerf f l l i a ' ittalasBl s in ie .

of* the newbank, la be ing constrafeKed. Tho W ro n p it

J ro ti lOBtdo casings for tta^ v a u lts a re h e re oSd th e ^ ^ j i f l m m l n B s , so .th a t tho w o r la i ill geo o n ( i i '

Com panies A a n d C* o^ tho- R c ira b lI^ n X IpT O hderT C ap ia lns O rm c ro d a n d ^ohh>W o|,l [.^)ll!in6dt; Tor- 3r*iron i ^ d i y ev?to;! ] tw ran iijy Ili,: Cai)t.,I|A lkid^,^w |u m 86l

:: I v *?} ^MjF. ^ .^S taekhot^p*._w bo tianallyu ip a k e ra

:jongie jM ^ U ;tli< |i» 3 w v ^ [‘tot k h is famllyUo ph llahq l^h ia 'ic jn v ^ c d n e ^ a ^ . Mkel m ahy Loth«jte jhej^ft' h[s ^abBorlfdipnNATLbofOtQ loavTbg.U .' 2 .... ' | S

, ^ q c ^ ° hvW:ai'l{oft». .j

^ ^ ju iy l i i o e t lo n iw^a.a rcIauvo!<>f *Mr. |V ra .^ , f ,6n from ^ho fiou tlj to i g y

t. . .„j A■ i — . , 5 s s §v ’O a p tv g ^ n e r ^ B r o o k s , 'J > t j th e siefimsWp

xiiiy-wHiiDg sqasoB o t too u ro y o W jo en u t c lo s in g a n d ib ta . v eek ;w lll fiWalWoatAcWtsiv plbtc oxodua froitf 'thb '•cam p circ le andvjfrom.

: | J : > ^ a U j n g ; •.jiias iM nM ; thakcopore o f oleVen ho tels and Lasloon^-<jf I.^mg' Biunch_ tQ _ahoW‘ ,c ^ ^ ^ h y t th e l r ^ c l lp e u a mlelr^llpeua

M l h. J • A pjileby Will - £ a d . lft^_, v |jtkox-G oy. P ^ Ip ^ d u r i j is " th e wlnferT* t la r ry sho^ld-soon <3om o o u t a to ll-fle^g o d ^a^y ef in

‘i a favorable atrafcapheK. 2 j;

B ra ln e rd ; i Q a ti j^ t^ ia t^ r^ n b U iy ^ iKh- oponed1 Septpm T^tv0 ^ a e r th e direction .of l*rpf. V a n w b■ ro t J te ^ r P r . V an p y f e who ^ rjn e tiy i'b a^ itfroyeral^UV,: : .' V.'! i \

- •• Qlnce th o /c lo so o r ib o e 61em an .Mr.] 3.]'E,:: RalphvaJid Ily h av e t» eb ) pppijjp^JDg tijojK co ttage on^eV cnth avenue^;w herb tbeycwHV probably rem aiQ ^nrit}g the w lntor.j'-?.

iThe.Kogu^ll^ah cfeb . room s a re fordlsbe<t w ith a gY e^t^arie ty o f cam paign doeam ohts, giv ing a n i n t e r r i n g and valoablo w sn m ^ p f the d oc trines an d p latfo rm s ot ibo twd i)aftlek

J fr , Jo sep h L . Oliver,v^or eoveraKy^^ra <jon- nectedaW lth tho fu m lsh ln g boiteo of^VVain^ r lg h t^ s ^ r r l^ ts o n , b o th ' I n - th e ( lio v e *i\nd Park.sh.^s re tired ' {fir ft*mnch hoodc^yacatlo tt,

Mr*!ifbhn A . n ilhuua ' bought a t pubiro saW the a jB ount. books o f T . M ilton Sha'fto, th ro n g b R eceiver W ilUsford Deyv pay ing av littlojoyor eleven do lla rs for a alicifv nearly four foot high.. .

New fea tu res a re each y e a r bolng in tro ­duced a t the M ount Tlolly F a ir. $SJ5 fo r tho bost d isp lay o f grapes. $150 fo r th e bo£t dis­plays m ado b y agrlcnU ural aoeiottoaj f^jjpere*--------- ----------------

■ s S r ' , v mclubs an d granges.

WlIKe, th o b ld est so or o v ^ 0 f i t * ^ ^ h ' ^ ^ ^ I v S ; -

r ila M iitla ry A c a ^ o r ^ ^ ^ C . b ^ ^ c ^ ^ O ^ ; l l/a f a t i i^ a n ^ f n ^ t h c r '^ c w o m j ^ ^ ^ j ^ ftKd;;

f avir. tf i a ^ l io ^ ia

- ^ r e r ^ ' ^ f e fo lo s e d o ^ / w e ^ i m t on the elecirto r^lJ’way o n W ed d e s^ i^ ,Ja ’corrcspond- 1 ntf n nm bernp^ A - tr lp -a ro n nd-tbe-toW n-i& -npW : mado co m fo rta b le jn any w eather. ___j

k i ) n z s;Mr; jo M jrti C. G lth^na U build jag ratbdr % ,

urilque'co ttagojon Lakekltvoniio% TOO in to rlo r ' a s w Q l^^eifeW os.^ 'U l :flbow ^ i f i n o w t ^ a - tqrea, vthe>r«BpIt o | ^V«)8 cm do, BYfMr. J^,° G l tE e n i- i W hilo tb e y ’ajp^iaiS iei nibrked'obilt* t ra s t w ith otbora,-.there will be^a :vory:pleasi. ftig effect. - . . ^ :

, J l r . R o b ert P a rd y lW8 «tho pympflthyAof )tho .oon im unlti Ini tho lo sa^ if f h ts u au g b te r Adolo, who died ou .Teesdky], VFuaerkl kel- VIccs to o k placo a t tho houtfo on Thursday an d er the d irection o f Mrl Jam es II. Soxton. m o m e n t a t F a tp jln g ^ ili . *«ifr. Pn*ytS|M&#rf

hla nejflhbprs f ^ U lk r k in u ie ^ d p f f j n g .^ t f a lc k n e ^ j j f i i l i u a a ^ to r . i t x r

,r Wr. Geo. L. Jo ra lom on , superin tenden t o f Ih e Sflashb'revEiepirJb jla llw ^y frbtri liie begin-, h 1 ngv a'nd to 'whom m nch o f.the sncceasof tho

ltjerprltjo duo,. Jma ipyeredr hte- r*la}|oD^ W lth iho c o to p a n y ^ T h d S e 'who p S tronK e th e s tr e e tc a rs will b o -so rry to lose Mr. Jo rale- ra,on. l i e haa been a. falth^ul,_obllglng, hard,-*

com fort w hen i t has b een necessary t o keep on the g o io r flays an d n igh ts a t a tim e,

l > r e s S O C o d s , h j-U a n u ii^ i

Steinbaeh Bros, eaD _conadontly asaott-that-

will ?oonloda foant li?3 an . Uk hakern \ be boxod fo r th e winter.

Goes* a n d d o ck s a ro a y i t ^ s ^ u t^ W > r .l ^ n n fljeation of cooler li L

LoHt year’s o v erco a ts have been hrthled dift » | olosota and, cheats fo r.a nebded a iring^ ' >H' 1

Tho 'p|lolltlolaus a n d ofcherwleoi c a n bo seen n t tho_ M ount H olly F a ir . / tv * y - . t ,

D r. S to k es Is b*tck a g i ^ M t e r ftjr'eslhi th e n oun talna , and w lllaq o n finish i l i e '^ r a ^ o n

% a n n n a l r e p o r t. ''

H u n d re d a ^ |j^ Q ^ J q C t^ » . th e g ro at bridge it Pougbkoepsto, coming- from d is ta n t Smtes.v t Is ono o f t h i^ o n d o ra o f tho age.

P a rtr id g e is M lc |a rd a p n h ave oloeod ^helr >ranoh s to re t M l a ^ s avepue~and-rem oved he s tock o f gSods ^0 Ph iladelph ia , -

A g e n t le m o ir w } i t ln ^ je j- P 6stm M torfined^ iker from I o w a ^ r a i f e « s 4 ^ b ^ l p g homo to -oto fo r p ro t ew tom f^ppci!5 g©^6 nirpeiaf/ ; PMd larrlo o o a n d ^ t d ^ 4 ^ y ) r;

J a p a n e & in tferta I n m en t/annop need for ' veek, a t f j ^ ^ n ' t a r k ^

on E c c ''a n F o / -the A bsence b f’ttoe p reai-e n t o f th o Y . W . C , T. !

Ju d g e J o h n L , W h ^ e ^ * ainpalgn w o rk fo r tho RepnbjlcanB. Ills itesteffortwjfe?a.tl»tlfr- talk 'at^FIpahlng, U It','' [1 u s tra ted w^?:flterooptloon tab lea .i,ly..-N *vj^ 4

. 0 nfl n lshed u t r t h t f " S t a t e F tttf hTceseF"

F a irs noxt wo£k wlU bo hold a t Somerviiie,' lo to b er 2-5, an d a t [l’r o n t o ^ yuor -i», |------ S -T v ,.

i fa lr A ssociation o n -tf iS U ac ie

lpm lio^ sallod’lo r Xtolarid -last

b r » a a g « a » a .a voitnffer br6thfflf/»* * «•**.•««• «;► *»k a r^ o o f a younger brother/** •«*»•

tbelrs Is the leoding houee lq th ls ljne, T ^ e l^ '^ p s /f tr^ V .fp fj^ ep ^ . flfM iorroe.r.^eprs-V il^ ia ev iden tly i. because tb e lr ’fi^sdrti'neht' I i •’tfibli host.—Adtt. • ' ~ •„ ’ • ; ,

"Now SliUti.cry.'''1' 1

! R - * 8 i v i I t i w a i l S i f l k r t A ;

' 5,030lyprda a ll' WOoM'ricob,1 a t 1i0 c. pot yPrdi w o rth 1 feOdvJ flatttwdjf ali'd M onday, a t C. C.

. J>bean‘ a tf tc e , h a s ’j u s t received tn la week’ a ' nice asso rtm en t o f faU^mUiineryj} and: b aa ti good a rtto t ea trim*.-

'Woi,.!' t h d litjie s^ ^ fta ln lif 'e a iiti^ i,rfiplp,fce^WS/ ploaaedW ^Eioy^purchasejtheir bo n n ets at" th is

; |ji^ q fa r honael.Vjit^ . . ; : , ,n ! 4 ¥ ! v l : !' • f j 'p-* r i'trv. i i •« sr. f T •. id f p

L adles^F rench Kid Shoea, 25, w arranted . Stat’SfctKsStWU^itt.....

;fi5ii'.:i iV .V n < lo « '\ v e t t r . ,KMfi

H enry S telnbaoh, o f tho Brfok S to re^ h as j u s t rocolved the la rg e s t asaortm en t o f U nder­w ear fo r ladloa and gentlem en evefc show n in th ls septlpp of the co u n ty . Now Ip the'tim e, to m ake y o n r 8eleeUon.r-.4rfv.. t

^ /■■‘ ■ 'i ' 'K v '-V W fi r i t e a . .- ’ w '." '- .

A lo t e ltnatpdpark o r vlointty; - A ^ d r^ V

OGioe, P. d ^ a t t d l b g . ~ ‘

■ Ladles', D ongolaK M

s * S 5 f « s r ^ » 9 W R(lXOVe.-r-Atiu.itr. M-,,1 fl .-.-lit iuiTU) .yifWsMn-M

Tho Boot tim o to B a lll t^ q a ^ s D S ^ s t i e p a in t


iliMii fg'diirrff Inn.Flag poles an d flx tu res a t H . j>. C olom an’a

Tbo faiioral of J . Knox Morton, II . p ., father-in-law of Mr, W. D, Pennypaoker, tbok place on Monday at the reaidonce of tho la t­ter. Thp remalria woro taken to Phlladolj^ia forJntormenfc.^ T h o brickw ork fo r the

Arifoli* , an d hla filjjnd, Mr, It. J ^ O ^ t o , 3 > f ^ B rb o k l^ - f B j^ tp o m a l n a y s l a a f week wfth |M rirJa m e s-rf l^ n p ir 'Jn - flahlng^aqd i t ls lt lS g

j: : . f .

JamoB H jB itd r in id N. E . B ncbanon a tten d ed

T.r.Tho flo d e ty of thoJtefo rm edg b u t^ h ' t j ^ ^ t . - e d c i a b t o ^ I 1. tU p & i- poti - f J - m<fOTic6 j ,<>/» r * I C lark ‘if&iiey,

♦ g lfth ay e^u e ; ppboKd idopr cpall o f Bond rirofo, on \V o d p o e4 A y ^ex C Opt, 8.r, IcQ croabv ahd

u f . j , , j , iS . ‘ tv

BtOWM i tho^ ldolciiiab ' itlB> Sdm morrlnnIshed Ub his

Inv)tp tlo iw v'a jp ^ u tr a p h o l i t f o ln ^ tb | m ap ■rlage o l j i i r i j |n g h SJ K inm ont^ , p ( | 1il^pla<»; tb -M lW 'M and^S tap to jr^ , daugh ter o i Chpr) os j S tanford ; o t i Albany^ jT he? cerem ony :Wfft tokp pjpco in the; M adlpod A y e in e /

o f '-tiiB t,o lty bn~W ednesday pvonln^, O c td b e rlO th .'

T o n years a ^ b "®|okt Tuesday the B ank Qf Glasgow^fwlpcTfor; ^ io ,000,00(^ c rea tin g ©bn- a lo rna tio ritU rougbou t tho w o r ld . ' Several of th e -d ire c to rs1 w e re a rre s ted a n d im p riso n ed ^ n d U h o ir ;^ iropertj ^confiscated; T o d a y P& ;ih'<p o b liga tions o f ,tho b a n k have boen k b ^ a n d b y ineana o f ^ o p q la r anbacriptione those d irec to rs * w ho wore; r e g a r d ^ ] a s b lataeless have bepn asalflted ln beginning busin ess ovfi# a g a in . \ ; :- ^ - a ’J g"* '■■■' ' -A'-

C ^pt. \V, S . S n tfd p ^ o f* Sanford , F lo r id ^ Sijpcrlu t^ndont o f t l io lD p ia p jit Iver dlvlslph of th e J . T .^ feS r-A ^. R a llro a ^ Ja hom p o a leave ofyPbsonce fo r a muob-npedod recuper­ation . Ho le f t F lo r ld a .a tndn^h ago ; before th o fovor bad gained snoh ^Sa^w ay, and w ill p ro b ab ly reftmln a t Ited "Bank u n lll cold w eather.

^ few charred tim bers and brick p iers a re & C < & % ^ m a in o f Capt.* Ja c k CoUrell’s b ar- rpaw 't^V ^lpO ^< ^y?bo--w est^ )I--S bar k-Il I v e r

telling how m any lives lho bulldlng atoo^^^ now

^ j ^ y w J i l r t B i g h t l y , .b lackepea; ^ b a ^ .thb roinwiifer’a b n ^

W ronght byfbla’ ~ !^.iV3 '

I^p^yor S to n th afl a ihftndaom p realdonco.pti' th a 't h r r i p lk e . n ea r Broadw ay gates. The 'law ns, flowers an d fo u n ta in s aro adm ired by hnrt<!hreda*wtinr pa8p\daily^tITp'a^fRIgfc8 o r on ’o o t.l T i e in |erio^.^rran^Cm |n^ff'aT^ In har-

lO tW odera notidhs. ^Stoktn^fteat aup- w arm th , an d bean tifn l fu rn i­

tu re ahd ^ e w ^ t lo t ia | ff^k o vo

tiUtinij'ttvd ^ t f e '^ a r t 'o f ‘{to1 eutnm er som e Im aginative reporter w rote u p a sensational

fako” about a snako snddonly appearing in 'the m id it o f w o rrfilp o i^ Jn a ^gospel te n t which w a a ^ e re o tc ^ fe e L j j f t h f a l b l a p e :^ ' worked I n ^ d e ^ a t a p ^ f(wpm y i^ tp o g e j^ ^ l) u p ro ar j ind th e sh o u tin g of th e lead er to

bjru|«p le sa rp e p t,^^^^la4 J,, hoBam o h j t& ff T in

ijr eensatlonal new spapers, b u t was atjrauglei a ^ . t e n d o r age. T h is <wpok, ’way: from Lo 3d oni [with the i d e n t i c a l ! l k l ( | s » tM r ^ « t ! f |d 0 d|Oj $ laborloni J E ^ | i 8t r ,a fid H ,i ^ f f l ^ r f lro m rltr ^

A p J iJm fy ^ S rk .

M lMfli

^ r e agon s of Long B ranch Steiira L aundry. ^Try the r w o rk . o n ce . Y on w ill like It,

" ' m m5 cases II i

W S'-y“rJ'Cla^wpi’i Ooean Grovo.—Adv.

L a d le s , A t t e n t i o n I

[a ace, a fnll iW r'#! iter w<mr.~k'dft/.‘

b o ,., «S0 . S ta r S h o e ^ t ^ ^ l f t ^ p ^ y

lo t


Tho E i i f c a ^ m o n t l ^ ^ J K ip A i t lD O , F la ., will lu r ea lto r em piov colored .w aitcre . L a s t year 1 10 .w hU jjn^H to^ th o w S t they^JT ? ^ 3

a n d fftmily re turned f a

ya aw nomb on Sovonth avcnuo d p jlcg t

thp bo ise.

Mr. Jam es H an an an d Brook yp th is week, hero ft ly enicth e e la 5k boainoaa goMoni' .

- r ^ r S ^ ^ g t A - r i i y o r i i

ehallera’ lhtoreat.Vft(^9l«3f,7y if lB ^ l5 ^ 'g h f« f rom o n r largo atflpkA. o o r tm n n n l OtiV

i0 tQlub&dff ^ ro k lw Jd p i

O ur'tor. I cuaton m cnts

t a i n u r y / 0 urdnofi’ ^ 'ificp, Kneio^ef* Bros., iTattieon A voiiflti^lpneiy i^o*^

TtyoH all o \ e r th e p r o t ^ ^ m r n i r a f f f e e fe n ib g /O o t 2^ monts.dfllisflloaJBj;,free.—, t^er.

, ! , * W j ? 5 W n » P o W o w > l i n o .Btoln l a f . j l r w ' t i a ^ p ^ I f ^ ^ d y

y e a r to pMafife^pbft- ei h av e g l red olf a i lu re s fo r thabpaiaqa) presBlsr|for, th e ir ttwb^wJ& .*^ft».'<

A f t e r A H

g e t M a u l l l a ^ j i ^ i ^ jA o t l ^ i ^ and lines

you cat Tw ines D. Cofem an'se lae .-

J .S .■*-'A.dv>

D e c o r a t i v e t * a p b r - H a n r ^ n c t i n ^ L . t h o . i u ) ^ , r a

’ tatom aB, 0,0vm,am; ^ W M $ RCC0"dJVa'‘1'


Angol Paleor encea Cloth.


A Novol. A ttrac

a « b tfe& fi^jjj= Mr>Ui [ I_ fi»n nnU iur,ppniu.o irc il 1’itM 'uoIm oiT Tinit Ift'to Jt V i'iM IIwf

sssss ‘s m m ^ mx ■nulfiir.-r* | >tm-

o i i O j iI' l ,'}

ri idyll .v i .t«nlij^iwiyyj

H . 0 . A—sUlLJUold Mootfrtjto

(to. ' T

^ tS S S S te . » » ‘*W' ■ V • X y i ,>I m cI ?;

;hlDg an d gentlem en’s farn jsb in g sto re ry 1 PaRfrdbTng n ice b nsinesS - U ooff for se)lli Call on

010 M ai i s treet,


^Tfinfui((To<t<0fKflT-ij iw'Jtfwrt HtW>Vf o f «/; is 1880. ' = ” .J.*to')uu« bfilriy u «1

—- ■jA8i‘^;'W rtm fii'OHT^Viot>il*r^aent. 55i // uv*- ~~J Cashldf.tit doojl^ .bnji^ iiifjil jpj:o') ;>fui/iflA •

BETo o o . o o ,

pB sT OFFICE BOTLDING, MAI mn§Mvt%^4t Ren/i*al bsjiklng buelnof .

CoBoetlons carefully m ade aptfpgjmptljrpo«S< [ « » 0 0 0 , 0 0 1 1 ?.

Mba 'o.5jrt!itHir;";5 i U.S. Bniiia(joiiiK!“. m "iiak£ 'b .to w # * * * .- : >/;. 1

v iinMilJJ!?}/! J'Hr,

Jin> Ii imu^’io t.'ifJ fij;

■ (‘I'Wi tbVfi'ififjqo ,o7i:j£"Jf}y/.B(:iobj;'t'j{iu:ii ,yu n r i» tj Vfl isWo) nili in:.

AiNflTM^.'UP^Orti AVEtTOBiiioM n w lv n t

J0ldj» )Iy_y.yunthy/j ,u:wui! rjLfJWtJiilJwib. ,'Hl oy.n-/r.>-d -jlM>

itjiliw ' l o hyljfui «vnrl tilJiu .o$t«

M ^ v -

nnm oor of special, prizes,

f f i s f f i f f l a s w :I V r 4 p d(

M onday Ip tho . fifth an n iversary o f the r a te s fo r fitat-claaa

vorMirm m

i«{kA ’

,ry of. the low erin ie.o t the-rfatca%on th<k ,YorlSni6 i f tV l

:jirr*?>VA m m U o o l) tlL'Y D IE D .

DkITART.—At Asbury Park, N.- J ., Wednosday,

^ tnnJaym ornT ngaF ll; Jn te rm en ta tC ran l


BEHDHBLE.iiHa BOOKS.•K77T '"i tn7irrrrm IHTTTTiil ).


With SpioiaMloferenoe to the N o w * J e r s e y i . and th 3 Southern Shore o f ‘Ix>ng Island. By

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___ - $l-2i. Paper. 50oonta. „A val uable and pleasantlltt]f!htoui&tfo& -ill

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THE QUICK OS tHtOEAOf 'Am<31lo Iflvea’a Great Novel. ■ W ith al Portrait of-

tho Author. Published comploto In JApidHcott’sMagaz n< forA pril^888: SS^ehW. -liu lf--------80 oent 3.

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FROM 18 TO Zfl.By Ell2iaboth Jaudon Sol I ere. 12mo,

ive cloth bludlng. $1.00.“ Tho fove-story of tho book, Indeed, IS*man­

aged w ltb no llttlo skill, while th o 1 m ore Berioua scones a re w ritten w ith an excellent apprecia­tion of the finer Immunities, The work altogeth­e r!* ono 'that will address itself to the cordial likings of a m ultitude of readers.” —f'AUodf/jtAltt Evening '{I'degmjtfi.:

PICKED UP IN THE STREETS.A liomahco from the German o f II, SohobCrt. _.vBy Mra. A. L. Wister. 12ino. Extra cloth. Jl.25.

beautiful romancojwlll And jp ^ny read, •tsnl.'-Mr#.”\V'lfltornOvei‘ transTatea an unworthy novol. Sho givcfe.u8 tho best o f German Action, JtfOd th lsp to ry of Bchobort’a la a gennlnoly good one.’’—jV. O. IHtayune,


No. 2 of Tho Series of American Novels. By John Habboiton, au thor o f “ Helen’s B ablos/'jind Franccfe Hodgson Bnrnett, authofr of ‘‘That Laaa o ' Low ries.'• Complete in One Volume. Square l2mo. Extra, olotb. $1,00. papor. 60

tea book to p ut In the satchel for a rall- lp k>r ocoan voyago. Chicago Current.


CJjaWes King, au th o r of “The Colonel’s Haugh- [Altirlon’ft Faith ,T' ~

r a w p r al A r‘I ,u’I A X s W i i v PARiL r f l ^ / 3 ^ -

S e y m o i ^ r ^ ^ H ^ nBris8.Bpp.4and Orchestra, In a Cb^jco itepprtptn

J ■ o f Modern

“ I ro n K in g ,” “ T Ickot-of-L«f\vo M a n ,n B a w n ,” “ F anch^n.i* ^

TpHO^. tfc titi& tt: » A ^ ilr :Und A tW iT O »»'f08^. CHK8THA,....

7 1 Band r Concert' In frdrt t o f th e tW ora/H om iepchiOvcnlng at 7 o 'cloek. w - c . , •*•&*«»*•

: — ABMIHSION.-IO, W 80 and 00 Centar- Seats on aalo^at Klnm onth’s d rug store.Grand Ladles' and Children’s M atlneo Si

day afternoon a t 2 p. ro.


it fit .oiumlp oil t J.tio>^tv')MRno« vnn/n Jo^fc'jvU *.«IJ-at o-

ho-rfi'{.»f if o fill (t v; oj f/rft a Aoonlq odl lov-Ia fe JO /Iv /i) nn-{ Hiv/yri

.t«pi;y • V/ft'ioT. ^ •ft iif Jjm fMUqd ’i-pr/a <>,/ h

FALllA* lo no jf.ofJ5> f,|5* Tim |/l>n‘|.Of It I) | iio'/y^purKfi 11 )i ,1

f/dnhinriiftfn r>fiii .icJnlurf.np; v;tnr

IKKPV ffiiklflHlt fin

iitisfcl.-jyTJa -oblvf kd d.li « J'

n p v e ' r !: i r i K ’s ' ’

N E■ 4frkTTTi*]D^M4Htqil *tTI I m.Oust, r v.ifitwm <1 jiuin;;iH' f»j»o<>d

H'd>lwnI V.'j^»)i<^ ivi ”-ir.r>!/5 fit. iiroo’i-vyhol ft.

Ifintp-jtefj oil i tutiib.!iiof oYhii-V// - j/l.iitM yju 01.-K'Hnnsl-Iiii'iI!>» i/)i.iii iv.i f ‘y.i lo jh»utl

irsd darablo di) thoeO o fetring1 ?5.dr $0,and n « taiJk*: oripaSlaito^wtir the stocking, br. o,Ifppt.i anak;pa. them: aa Qomforthbta n od

........ .....M f ti , !q>: ii j5jnI,ljl'’M

i'iL‘l ' in'lJiA ii Filllji l/lj i In 'l’i( fj:11f ;Douglas $ 4 Shoo;'‘M f, - f t g ^ e < T s h o p , wblph egpa^s qus-.

.WiL^lyhand-aq>jve<rwolt,$4 shoo, which equals c

d0 /biioe6,l,tio>sflng' f rdfp -$0 tb'^O.--y

^ J « ? f 3 5 F i 0 f t r i - . h f / t .-rnui!,/. 'm<T .(

W. L Dbuqla8 $2 Shoe1 ^a n d is th e besfe school slic^ iff th tt WOrWi •'1 r V 1>- v.. .... , fna-Htfri miIT-. - Jii’.M Vfy.iV-1\ ill fUvu r*

AU thb a w ^ o gooda.are m ftdeln Cooktcsb. Bet- VV(^kenphpat, a t)d a re^or«alo fit

- ‘ ( /m.h-f. {•* •n*H.rJ«ju-ra i-• .Main 8 t , Opp. D .a p o W rn ^ S l l lU a i f P A R K .

e ^ C a H jfnd^oi* flttom iw prinij'ti'abi,' They re t lg h t 'm Weight^' Fttoi til Colorand Popular

M Q N M O V m ^

t - S a f e D e p o s i t C c^ 728 M attison Avo., opp. P i O.

A S B U R Y P A R K , N E W J E R S E Y ^

tlra.taoth. •81.00p*^>i a novela aro fith

etc. Sfjunro 12mo;.

w riter '«4io' steadily Increaaea both a t hbmo=and abroad."—j ,MJ(iUd//7H

Jicf” • ’

R e a d v

M p m i s i i PJ ’rom thd GeTman o f ^ . i l a r l l t f BjrlMi

WInter,!au thorn^ “ HWkod Ub in Ib is4 .^ io tjM kw aeju ’ ete^flam^Kj CI<|tkrfSINFIRS Aio- uauoLAS t i iik M i

)No. 3 of American Hotels. By Ju lian Bawthorpo, ' an th o rto f “ Archibald Malmalaon,” ote., and

Edgar Faw cett, au thor of “A Gentleman of Loisurei*' etc. Complete In Ono Volume. Square*0— " ’ ■* “* ““Cloth. $1.00. P o p e ry -^ eo n ts^

i pbtalnablo a t your Bookse]— __, tho Publlshora, who will f5Si*r»5d Uil sooks.iceo of postage, promptly 'o n rocelpt of

tho price.1 ‘

J. Bi 1 PPIKCOTT COBFAK?, Pnilislsrs,7151 nd 717 M arket St., rh lladelphla,

N O j t l


. .......... ,z!iu2 tniHenry f ieinbflcb,-of tbie Oorap Jj’dhic*, has

jnst put oil hia shelves an acfaitldnat stock of men’s, yo ith'a and children’fl dlothlng. also a full line >f Overcoats wo^sby: 6fI lhfc{>wyiotK

y$wairAlH v iiiu iii u m 1><I'»v/ vjudi: T —...... *

o f hnls, th a .V # » ? q « A e W m o .SfttJfipJn j bis vlplnlty, jnay bo found at the <7,W i6tan< ?of S t e i n b a e h ^ r f c e a

P A I a r c a l n fo i* H b i i l h i i j d i f l " ' '

M lltt) foot, at Oocaij/l.»rk’;/Alarf«JS&’iWisa> "Ifth avefiae, Aabury Park.

•7 )0 Stain atreot, A sb u r^P ark .—jldu.

In S ’w . i t s i ® 5K'tft-BoMmU.M 'iW fnlttlB) t m t o e a M * S M 9 . ■

.. Teifaos, K inm onth

w e t

a n d * o n d

c a n sa v e"y o u m oney. C lothing Bold f Tor c-°-n - - ft Va n e _o n .w a u u fa Q tu r irg ,

jrd ay and M onday a t C \a y lo u \

■ W p M S m W F

“ ] i d k B ttm bab^Jflaw ng^liod a ^ S c p la i

a lt^ i l te i^ i ih ^ B D e b 1 a l7 8 h o y 8 a ii ' jo Store.-^^lda. 1i.;‘»v.'t.l ■■■.t|i :tii yj'Sinr|> 1r»-

& C o ,!a .f lrU g ,a t0 re iirT T ^ tZ 9 J :» v n n i l |<|I Ii?iluij!ij*XfhrT+rw'l 'rhiH Jiin 1 'liiii)

'B rlen 's Qrocory,.i i t root .— ' . . I

ill nfjfjittil-P l i l l M ld i ia i I f l ' LJr .ir t« S B 1 i m r ’ i * 0

■ ■ (lifV/ rJfl'o'J

^fAty and country stores now gonorally roaulro th a t Soap m akers shall create a demand from

(Wn^uni/fr fbr thoir soop by advertising and dls- -•MlWhudTi 1 efope the stores w ill carry tho Boap Instook. T l — *-------- *--- --------*-glo cake o a small lot them extn cal

Tuav!a. an inducem ent for tria

: no wagons or omployt f diatrlw

’008 Oflapted to the business o f diatrmution,

_________JtJN O T O iv SO A I* has beon BoJd inflottio plaei a, whore i t was not introduced, by... . -------- — ------ ------------------------- u o u . tJf:

m ake a buslneaa of Belling poods to u t . l t will bo discontinued from the

i’ icrovor tho stores koop supplies for a art}. ; - , . .

I I l* r ic c t s F iv e C e n ts p e r C a k e o accounts bolng secured from points ithe soap has boon Introduced, notico

. _______ families who cannot obtain tho soap”from tbelrlG jooers, that, they can havo a box sen t frep,of express ohargo, fo r themselves an^

by rem itting f o u r U o U a ra to thom auufao tr------J O S E P H j 8 . A T H O M A S E L I I IN T O S ,

17 «<i i u n

F r o n t S t , , P h i l a d e l p h i a , P a ,

i s

.FISHING-TACKLE.Ml Qradoaand Varlotios of

Join: ed Rods from 15 cents to |10.

^ K ^ t o Crab Nets =00.« b|r needed, for Bea. o r Lakq. fishing,

r B A ^ B B A L L 'G O O D S /‘-----AT— ! . • . V -

D . C O L E M A N ’S. . . BARDWABE STORE,;< ^ |ie |;B oi d s tree t and Bangs avonuo,


SHOW LICENSES,B e lte p a )ted by tho c o f i m ^ ^ o f ' l h e T ^ \.- ip'qf.Nentuno, Thab^Sfcwnfte fe tn jf flftyXIOOjr llara ahful hereafter Ho charged paph jnonago-, 1, elroua. or show In tho na tu re tn^rboi', cxhib^

1,11*18 township*,, ,n tui'<y iltlngias aforesaid ig '^ td in o d . Bhallid prohibited from

shli dolllie , vuuvo. ltlngw lthl

Any pore on or w ithout siooh Hoi bepniiisho giving £ufllli •'.:»! r‘t.|i*»JBatedAug

^ • ^ 1 0 0 La rerence'Xvo.'.'ttcpan Grovo,


/ m x w ;

C a p i t a l , $ 1 0 0 ^ ) 0 0 .

Authorized by law to aOt as Executor, Admin­istrator, Guardian, Trustee. Assignee, Receiver. Agent, eto.. and for tbo faithful perfonnauoe or all Buoh duties its capital stock and surplus are llablo; a lso to Receive and Execute Trusts of every description, from the Courts, Corporations andJnatvtduals. *'■■ ‘- c ,

ATITTfust Funds and Investm ents aro Inscribed In tbo names of the ownors of the property hold In trust, and a re kept eoparato and ap a rt from the assets of the Company.

I n t e r e s t A l lo w e d o n D e p o s i t* .

tlon, corner Mattison avenuo an d Bond street.

f r t W D B t oGEO. F. KROEHL, Vice President. IlENRY O. WINBOR, Soorotary.

. — A iC. TWINING, Treasurer .-r

O c t . 8 , 9 , 1 0 , 1 1 , 1 2 .$ 2 0 , 0 0 0 in P r e m i u m s

f f i MKTlNC^RTOiHINa. a lii i

PAWNEE BILL’S WILD WEST. “ Send fo r Prem ium Books. Sont freo to any addres*. IIENRY I. BUDD, .

' Correaponding Reoretary.

John A. G i t t e & Go.. M anufacturers of, and wholesale and y

. re ta il dealers In .

J ««•*»*-:to). FEATHERS. Etc. ’I

FACTORY NO. 143 MAIN ST.. >■* "* -.Up'StaitH, •

R e n o v a t in g M n ttree se e a S p o o ia lty . Telophono Connection. ■

FALL. AND W IN T ER* M ILLINERY O PEN IN G *Mrs.' E. W. HowIandVHllllMfj Psrlorj

.. \MAJiLST., WEUXQROVE,0 earrio^d ofg le fchor Lakoj o^/qoptcmborjiff.tjL . 'C a tt^ n u soo noi - . . . . _at? popular, price*.

CifllenirsoQ now styles, I n n a te and trimm ings ic«. • •i>/7 'n;...i :• '

•jv/ '.'’A s b i i r y h t» d O c e a n < iro v e , - v

r<y0b c ^ ; ^ a i ^ v;Et%e%k.OflrcoYiamu(so!taver'Hat^facUonE^aTanteod.

b e atiovo cut represents the size p f tbo

. ; to be awarded to th e : ' -.-!• ia*•«•«: -lif».;:(i:>l -i. •’?}•-»! v/'i • -i- • *i FrshBrman for SHSTJH of Ugf.

a t . f ! W , ; ! •)


;L^V1HAC1 YHU9 2

J E R S E Y ,

aro oftori^ig g i,eai; Bargains, in all Pepai'tffientff t a reduce. th e ir Bargie ;;;© ^li! a nb o iir’s ins§^tionTwm ^sho'w~ you 1 2 ^ y o ^ e a n saye m a n y

H a i ^ & p . ap 'd usi€ iil ar- tides are^lsianteci to every pure t a ^ .-p f 'S p o e s . v;- ."•■


tlo u la ra^ n eu and oaii; *

t •■‘M b y v ,,<I *01 fl (flifl odi Hf>, •W f ^ h i «;io|» bofilptl lo bin

,hU«r.> .KKinilmid -aq a 'n ovlytftri *!lnirilit« mIT ; .^ jp il :nll flnlitR..ifflWoiflfA'; I -nqa'n ovl>j;)Vi *;ln

p s m s p s . iw . r ^ ■'

I lit Ill-iiji, ” Kn vallul 01IT[■b.w'jWcwj PianosviSold-on Installment'i',.iT„„Ap.if»|an Of $10 Per Mniifh ' ■' -

Inimoq p .ifsdl j otji'ifino'iiftii .."iFW t

fJ [ Jj!

■ " n u l f,?T<>Y tV/o?p~^jr^[>fin^i~n7mtT-^rTrt-|:~t*:i-ljr-i-i-J 1— 'ini* r V.aiLt ijfn-ni ■ «....m>.i..^i/ •:oTM-.ll,i7rTH{’f"vhif^hl“ jfi .iRnlf'.^n if/;fl iiwaA » O /> 11( j KVr 1 ]

| n n' (fill tfiq tH-SW



4; 'CQ-i


(d b'JilmtbV.. 1 • ... ------- — K J«b*U ' •--. .

i?hii {oiu j / iQwed for Ihflrit1,7 ,,,'>,|V ,,|” h3,i{' .MIC JiH in '{.Jillnr»t !'-iil M" II I • Ii;nu3iM .^|«of»rnltW iy/ '

T "(‘i ’(.IMod ‘ iHlfJVpfl . ‘ .

Iioil ll‘®:

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W niinom -JilOSfifnnv;..J t44i>!ffif!je>'>< > iii f>:

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f*-’(■'ri-tiiirji *jiI> L';O.Tj ;nl ?»r>iio uHvm? ,:.■<}!f.«i■ iHMfKqiitiV •

rods........ .....frtlfi -

•O.'.ll!'■» ''i ;>t! ..1JMf R/lV/ . ;i - • ■ ’ '■ K1’11 11J. I (!> /.: )‘f ' .

, .... . 5l 'V/;('•00.1 ijjiUnii \ . r+i-oziii-i’/}mi l.'jjji-oaiii-tY/.

f <r&’u p ; i - (nf 3sji;(- ,;{&{ Tdbdl'JoU

« « W » !. ;m(.I Kb'UIVn^ligi§ .. I ,,v’i ;uii¥. "*'

'p tj *?Ji'JII Intot>i ’}!iil '■’t: i unit Mnvrt-Ulv ■’ -'.ti'ff tr.ill hi '-iiriWLff*! a.*'

' f f m !A tSrtity. Ifr tfi \' Last- frt 1 J th o «dIto r of^tbJs vaporifio jittw lfid , wltft Mei

- ..........—* "■ --------------"‘ iMRli


'*$ & & & ? % % J $ & 2 z Laars i^ ff. A t ^pw ley & Co., <Sf tn fs° lacb stdvoa n t hls residence. F ireiiWQO. fo r'tf WWhclf *“ iUt!cai PAIaoh K ln g Vihcalqr/tO!

‘w ae 'aU rtM OttiKovi'Bi'188?, a n d ihati (n o t;,b p en , js ln c c p p n d 'tb o B lxT eg isto rstjav ek ep t:7,~~. noarM'lO.OOOPijbloifeet'of 8paeo:a tanp lfonn ,an .< l'P le fm »it.W afm ch , talght and day,i w itii b flt1! ! r p a ur) tre ov«t, OT]0Jh a lf th e b o a t pbevaonalyitisodiby foflrjstjoroajibnd w ith no m oro tro u b le th a n h X « p t . wiifctf y ^ n ^ 'b b '.n e o ^ 6a iy w ith ian/ordinary, se)f-feoddft' ^.Dnrlng ^Ue. la te oxtrem e ob^yli^iit,

loso'appllcatlonrtnd'jBtudy byl ;'<&; « I ( ' ‘ f ,

W i(^ |;lA ^ I= E Y ; COi • The oadingfj

’ * ‘ Excelsipr ’’ Tin

; ;y -: wi«fi;*ip-t j ,■ . The^l'iOadingJstovo.Oealersi’o ftlte. 11 V-! : : ,- i " VUiifvim ?>sts if».lU'n;»{||l» *n:l y.tvff

r ‘\ •b«:-f«‘ijiy.'jnli in'»\!/fyt

IIm i n t i v r /tttiiASBURY. PARK, N, J.„

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n-X' io -loh'jiiff J i l l i : 'V • -....v> 1 and holdand increase " • *‘' ji 'jiVI'I'mi: ' t i u s i n c s s i s q u i f c . I.

s ««'»'*>;,vte^’iUnotWr *phat - , .lri ib e e n , ; o u r ; s t e a d y . f ; U ; l V

tlaefee’- p a s t : 'f o u r - L -J- •.M(’ir-o.i 3fo.wmJ •- X j l i 'J fN.'- A»i i iijj.ni u rni biuiteen years, a i a.mt• is a •• y i ( y

ji uiii.sivi yii* > v ' jjtroucl. satisfaction < 1,1p to p ie still

t/M/kfhijtfo served front' 'V i j ; ' v-.nth^^Ception of our\

»ii li'.-ii.) ‘I1.•' iniil 1'rwr.' I i'll!-. /ilio.J

vS.’Uii bniV'. . > v. -.vb»h i.i’t/ijy/j v>i5 business.I j :II M A ' .t.r.j / •)«••.! bui.ofi! r vVjC want morecus- ;il l.j«.-! »lfl'{ I ,•. / rb / ’! , . < • , Ivi. t o m e r s . t'vnlr.-d-- '

t UJtl •Think

«''V.V-Rhiwy, ;l)ctte,r.;IVow;' t o . ;S t ' ' ^ W e ' t - V e ' t ' . U ' c ' n i ' . ' t h ' i i r i . ’eiSf^Jr, mw!It Ihw ■■■-. • = » •V K ’" " j T >'•if.n.. a,Mi” tieforeJ1 ■ I ne« feocd4 :“v'' « ^ »»«’.

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iflls1 fC w ’cilvK' -d ’u r’iV/'i!,1.!. ui.6 stores, lip 1’ arid

own to\vn, makc it“--- -—

,.i f.wl‘.jJij:.!rt4;jjr.//2I!eliMl'L a .

Hob (hhji-uUi ?1 Dq|v>) I; J V/' iil-- 1>i;.itIJJfMlsftv,

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(KrrtWh a s i o f l f Krts.SO tail] 310 m

withln le d ' f t^ i't tl1 ciebmi' at«Lue a n d •' . w ithin 100 yards of tho surf.

/ , ; - 1 • *' Tlid b o

aVccnac p— —bo.Woak aajolnlntf j L r , --------— -------r place for a fine summer residence, w ith

.room fo r atable and carriage houso.

! W i am M lK ten^4tn^i!o■''fciaaa<! :llfi,dpodd’lt the neighborhood. .M m 1/iK iiifttr•jilSi&p o t will b e sold a t a feasonpblo flgnro, as thftiOVi iera’ realdence-and interests aro else-a% 5 9 ; . . i : f ,V : v /> * Ihntiiiii ; * - . r n w i t f * ' * ,'1 1 ■«¥■■<' ■* ■■

» ! B row n « W . H. Pottor,ifou»?):?/*


:A sh m y ;: P a rk ,.

W i l l 5t. (OnffeAi 'Buildlng),H X 'X 'X * -

............... ill!' . sitAfilw ■•• •■..

' uuij.iul.LliiiJ.

- v T h e llh o m oved in th e foUowln o rder


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Page 4: Vane, Calvert. & Co. - DigiFind-It


w. * ,0KS groined for SiattcdUcfrOb t to Betgioa froA tle rsm itsg ling .w H K tW

S w o f-tra ined dogs la said to bo a flourishing business, C igars, jew elry a n d laces con- a tltu to th o t r a d e . , Tho an im als receive a Bps-* e ia l t ra in in g for th e ir profession. Tlio p r a c ­tice consists in -tfo v e lln g from ono placo In B elgium to an o th e r in F ranco ah d vloo versa, avo id ing tho h igh ro ad s and1 tho revenue m en.

r:Xho la t te r they* a re ta u g h t - ty f it te r 'O x p c rl- onco to avoid , fo r tho am ugglera w h o tr a ln th em koop a g W '^ a p p ly of uniform s o tro v - enuo ofllcera i u r h a n d . Theso uniform s are d o n n ed by con federates, whom th e dogs have. Hover Been, a n d theso follows h e a t a n d a tone th o dogs unm orelfally .. Tho resu lt is th a t tho

' d ogs ru n w henever they see a.i genuine officer, ^Whon the d o g Is s ta rted off o n h is jo u rn ey With his load tb e .Bumggler sots o u t fo r the

. sam e place; b a t ho tak es tho diroot ro u te , o r trav e ls boldly b y rail,' carry ing , o f coarse, n o th in g fo r any inspection of h is baggago-

T hero wnia a fam ous d o g 'o f th is k in d in M aabengo. H e m ado tho fo rtuno o f h la m as­te r by carry in g lacos across tho F rench fron­tier. I lls n a tu ra l co lo r y a a w hite, b a t ho

- w ore a ll so rts o f d isguises. . Som etim es ho was black , som etim es brow n ^ n d som etim es lie was a m igh ty thlok, shaggy follow. Eo W^s oalled C ute (M alln), an d h e was_ w ell w orthy o f th e n a m e .. A prloe w as p u t upon-; h is head , a n d all so rts o f tra p s and am b u s­c a d es w ere p rep a red for him-, v I t Is Bald th a t

jo n co he crossod the fro n tie r disguised a s an in n o cen t sheep dof£ traveling w ith a flock of shoo p. H is . d eath was q£ lt$ trag ic^ .,C ato

'd lo d in harness like a horo;—alo .. a s ceased, by tho revenue officers an d repea ted ly flred p p o n . In sw im m ing across tho E sc a u t ho w as m orta lly w ounded ; b i t he m anaged to reach th e shore, where ho died* L aces valued

. a t 15,000 fran cs wero found In h is rovorslblo o v erco a t.—Home Journal. ■■■ ■

.O -e o - ^77“m T m s s : fLicensed Auctioneer

SJ 00,000 to Loan oni 1st Mortgaged



Heal Estate and Insurance 'Agent,• 726 C ootm an Aveuap; Asbnry Pftrk, N . J .* W elnStoln--Sandniey8 l,, .I vos In luck.

— Sandm eyor—H ow v o s ^ o t i - f to j1 ^----------- -—W einstein-*-! h a f b in occep ted 'p y G nggen-

"he! oner's. w idow 1 M ose G uggenheiiner vos y u s t my^aljse, nn d yon know v o t a .w ard ro b o d o t feller had , Y akey. ^

Coal, Wood & Charcoali i n »■ 1 5 5

GEO. E. FARMER* P roprietor,

Wholesale and Retail.All m y Stock la of the best quality In th e m arket, and la now

kept constantly dry undor complete cover.„ I,

I w arran t everything*! sell. If n ot as represented th e money will bo refundod. - * • • . . - •


m mm mT H E S E are in every respect strictly first-

c lass P a in ts , com posed of pure linseed oil and the h ighest grade o f pigm ents. T h ey a re prepared ready for the brush, in 54 newest shades and standard colors, and , on account o f their p u rity ah d great covering properties,, we ofler them as the m o s t d u r a b l e and* ECONOMICAL' ever produced. O negallon w ill cover from 2 5 0 to 27 5 sq: f t . , tw o coats. ’ " '■ * ;Samples anil Descriptive P riceIJst/ree by matt.. H. W. JODNB MAHBPAOTDRllfa. COM PANT,

BOLK XlXUVACTUKKttS Q9I f . W* J o h n * ’ A sb e s to s Rooflna**

F i r e - P r o o f F a in ts , J ta t ld ln s F e l t , f tte am -P Ip e n n d l lo l le r C o v ert ago,

A obentos S te a m P a c ld n e i , G a sk e ts , e tc . . V u lcab esto n M oulded l t(pgB ,\ya»herB ,o te .87 KATDES LANE, WEWTOEK.

F c r S a le1 by N . E . Buchanon & O s.A snunY rA itk , n . j ,

ffrath!! lasMA T T IS ON

Opposite Ocean Grqjp Main Entrance.

BRANCH OFFICES—Bamman’s Grocery Store In the Park.• W ahirlght & Errlckaon’s Storo In tbo Grove.

Onlem hy mall promptly received and dellvored, Cotrtploto TeleD.hone Connection. . --


251 Pearl Street, near Fulton Street, New York,1 . Have occnplod tho same halldlng moro than a quarter of a century. Their goods aro shipped to all p a rts o f tho United States;


, AND LARGEST STOCK OF Oliyer H. Brown,■ h o u s e f u r ( i i8h in 6

■Before purchasing ojsewhoreeonsnlt your own interests by Inspecting o ur assot tnaont in

Parlor, Dining-room. and Chamber Suite,

Is th is picture a'rebuflY.nV^cU, yes, i t la to some,, bu t n o t to a live 'business m an. »Do yon notice that young jtoan runnlngoff with a great Mg dol­la r on h is back? Ho isg o in g to j la n t I t where it Will grow. Observe tho othof who Is re tu rn in g } gaze at bis aatlslled face and note particularly tho greenback he carries «iftder~hla o r a . Do you gmsp the allegory ? I t is th is : the persistent and judicious advertiser w ill reap five dollars profit for every dollar he BpendB w ith tho printer. Now- la th e time to sow the seed;’ thoro are 300 crops p e r year./

HEAD OF WESLEY LAKE, MAIN STREET,Tables, Sideboards, ChifTonlors, Rockers, Easy

Chaim.andDesks*. Desirable bargains In

Brussels and Ingrain Carpets,Matting, Oil Cloth and Llnolonm. Window

Shades all grades. Cornice poles, &o.• -**♦< Stoves, Tinware, Crockery 7 and Silverware, .......

\n fac t everything In the Ifousofurniahlng line. Quality and pjlco guaranteed. Contracts solic­ited for furnlshlng-Hotels and Cottages com­plete. -

Upholstering in all its branches-carried 01^ , also 'a full lino of Pictnre Frames' and M ouldings kept constantly on hand. Window"; C^raioes of all descriptions.

The Finest Stock ofOfllco open day and night.

to be found on the New Jersey Coast.

And they will last a long time.Ono Of the best places to And an assortm ent o f FrRST;CIiA81S BUILDING* MATERIAL, Is a t the

old established business placo of . * • . „ ^

Newest Designs in Furniture.USTIQUE OAK

In Badraam Suits Slda Boards, Ghtilrs, Titles, Etc.

ASBURY PARK, N. JCrawford’s Palace of iu sic ,

the loading ninslo store of the A tlantic coast. N. E. BUCHANON;^ CO,P R IN T IN G ■* - Southwest cornor of Main street an d ’Asbury avonuo, ‘v

Asbury Park, Now Jersey. ■' Tliousands of customers^who havo .patronized this house, t a n testify th a t there Is no better

placo to purchase everything whieh enters Into tho construction of a eottagg.pr a palaco,, Como along with yoUf orders for -y= '' ' ^ v' ••

L U B B E R , L IM E , I .A T I l , H A R D W A R E ,P I A S T E R , C E M E N T , H A I R . V A R N IS H ,O IL ,, T B B P E N T IN E , P A IN T , E T C ., E T « . .

-An d everything to complete your houso. Satlsfactlonguaranteed to a ir customers.

' . .Bnchnon. " . •/. IJiiaosi. ' v . Ceo. A. SmselliH or any and every pur-I' .... .... .... ............... ■*■—••^3

pose that inffy be re ­

qu ired—from a visiting,

card to a n'eWspaper o r jt

300-page book.L ia -1 4 5 IT lh lh S t . . A s b n r y X » ark , N . J .(White’s now brick building.) Bohr Broa.&Co.’s, MathiiBliok.. Sterling and MoE.won Flanos. Wil­cox & White and-wtorling Organs. Musical in- strutncnts, mnsio books, sh eet music. Plano, organ and tnblo covers. Scarfs, Htools, and sow­ing machine supplies. 3’lanos and organs fo r sale o r ront—cash o r 011 luBtaluionts. Doniesllo, Araorlcnnvand o th er flowing Machines f o r rent-

■orsalo—qash o r on .InHtalrnsnta, Ilopalrs jnailo to pianos, (ffgana and mowing machines. . ;

~ - * V 3). CpAWFORP.

Ponies Wanted.'Any, person having arnftll-Fonloa o r DonkoyS

’ . Bultablo jFOR CHILDBEN'B USE,

for sale very cheap, will find a,custom er in1 r . G.BNEBEKEH,

M attlson avenue, opposite Post OlUce.

G. J. SCHANCK & SON, Successors to 3F*It.3ES3D> 'JL»-

A-nfeury A ve. an d Malm S t., Anbury F a r k , ]^ .. l .BItANOIl OFFICES—Milan.Ross's, 120 Cookman Avenuo, Asbury Park, arid G. W. Martin’s, Pilgrim

. •if Pathway, Ocean Grove, whero all orders received will bo promptly tilled.

Preninihis have heen awarded for our excellont work.

# A a b u ry P a r k P r in tin g H o u s e , . ***

718 Mattlson Avenue, opposite Bank.

S ucccbsot to ORAVATT & TAYLOB, wholewilfl and retail d colored - ___

G O A L , . lime, lalh, flair, .

c h a r c o a l . Masons'Haioriais,$, % a t tho old established yard

IN BEA R OF LAHE VIEW^HOUBE.A full Stook of the above articles will be kept coDBtantly onhandamd satlsfnotlon guaranteed.

Branoh offloes a t Iioamos' Grocere, Asbnry I’a rk , and Matthews St Ballard’s Grocery, Ocoan Q ro w ‘ • ; TELEPHONE. ; ........... \

M an u f ao turors an d Doalors In all bran oh ca ofA n d S ew ing Mafchiiies,

F»HHAIiK«n RENT Wn (lAMMHCOtf m M U G .imItepidrlr.g an d Tuning. Cor. Bond streot and

M attlson aye., Ashuhr P ark . N. J.WM. B, DOUGLAS, Agent Main Street,, Munroe: Avenue jand Railroad,

s A S B U R Y P A R K , N . J . ^Window Frames. SaMb.BlIndM, Doors, noiddlDRN, B rnckolsand C s m d Wftrjjf,

J la r d and No It Wood BfnYttelN. Tnralojr nud Neroll flnwlnft » Hpfi*•v **■ - clalty. Defriffna find*JPrices l'urnlMbed on Application.

flsbur> Park Printing- House.Newest designsOo f typ o ; latest lmprovcd-jna-

Chlnory; skilled workm on; every dcaorlptlon of printing i call mates give ji. Bi>eclai premiums ftom the County Fair for flue prlutlug. '