UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT O F T H E INTERIOR MINERALS MANAGEMENT SERVICE OULF OP MEXICO OCS REGION IMPERIAL OFFICE B U M . . 3 3 0 1 N . CAUSEWAY BLVD. P O. WOU 7044 METAIRIE, LOUISIANA 70010 5O4-S37-4720 OCS-G 8026 DBGUiOM Offering Date 5/22/85 Rental * 17.280 Map Area and Block rumber NG 16-1 - 408 Balance of Bonua 1 820.000.00 Nama Exxon Corporation Post Offloe Box 4279 Houston, Texas 77210-4279 Elf Aqultalne, I Texas Gas Exploration Corporation LEASE FORMS TRANSMITTED POR EXECUTION Punuant to Section 8 of tbe Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (67 Stat. 462;43 U.S.C. 1337) aa aaiaedad (92 Stat. 629), tnd the regulttions pertaining thereto (30 CFR 2S6), your bid for the above block la accepted. Ac- cordingly, ia order to perfect yourrightshereunder, the following action miur be taken: I. Execute and return the three copies of atuched lease. (If leate a executed by an agent, t idenet mutt be furnltked •• tent's authoriiation.} GQ 2. Pay the balance of bonus tnd the fii. . s rental indicated above in accord- ance with the attached Instructions for tlectronic Funds Traasfer. Payment must be received by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York no later than noon, eaatern standard time, ou the 11th busineet day after receipt of thia decision .30 CFR 256.47). That day is JUfJ 2 5 1985 3. Comply with bonding requirenmu according to 30 CFR 2S6, Subpart I. Q 4 Comply with the affinnttive iction .-ompliance program requirements of 41 CFR section 60 1.40 within 120 days of the effective date of the lease. CompUance with reqjiraments t, 2, tnd 3 above mtut be made not later Ihan the i 1th busineas day tfter receipt of this decision. Failure to comply willresultin forfeiture of the 1,5 bonus deposit and your righti to acquire the lease. IMPORTANT: The leate form requiret the attcchment of the CORPORATE SEAL lo all leases executed by eorporaUoiu. Original Signed: John L. Rankin Rrgionai Director D ., e JUN 7 1985 Attachmenu

UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR · Q 4 Comply with the affinnttive iction .-ompliance program requirements of 41 CFR section 60 1.40 within 120 days of the effective date

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Page 1: UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR · Q 4 Comply with the affinnttive iction .-ompliance program requirements of 41 CFR section 60 1.40 within 120 days of the effective date



I M P E R I A L O F F I C E B U M . . 3301 N. C A U S E W A Y B L V D .

P O. WOU 7 0 4 4

METAIRIE , L O U I S I A N A 7 0 0 1 0


OCS-G 8026


Offering Date 5/22/85

Rental * 17.280

Map Area and Block rumber NG 16-1 - 408

Balance of Bonua

1 820.000.00

Nama Exxon Corporation Post Offloe Box 4279 Houston, Texas 77210-4279

Elf Aqultalne, I

Texas Gas Exploration Corporation


Punuant to Section 8 of tbe Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (67 Stat. 462;43 U.S.C. 1337) aa aaiaedad (92 Stat. 629), tnd the regulttions pertaining thereto (30 CFR 2S6), your bid for the above block la accepted. Ac­cordingly, ia order to perfect your rights hereunder, the following action miur be taken:

I. Execute and return the three copies of atuched lease. (If leate a executed by an agent, t idenet mutt be furnltked •• tent's authoriiation.}

GQ 2. Pay the balance of bonus tnd the f i i . . s rental indicated above in accord­ance with the attached Instructions for tlectronic Funds Traasfer. Payment must be received by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York no later than noon, eaatern standard time, ou the 11th busineet day after receipt of thia decision .30 CFR 256.47). That day is JUfJ 2 5 1985

• 3. Comply with bonding requirenmu according to 30 CFR 2S6, Subpart I .

Q 4 Comply with the affinnttive iction .-ompliance program requirements of 41 CFR section 60 1.40 within 120 days of the effective date of the lease.

CompUance with reqjiraments t, 2, tnd 3 above mtut be made not later Ihan the i 1th busineas day tfter receipt of this decision. Failure to comply will result in forfeiture of the 1,5 bonus deposit and your righti to acquire the lease.

IMPORTANT: The leate form requiret the attcchment of the CORPORATE SEAL lo all leases executed by eorporaUoiu.

Original Signed: John L. Rankin Rrgionai Director

D . , e JUN 7 1985 Attachmenu

Page 2: UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR · Q 4 Comply with the affinnttive iction .-ompliance program requirements of 41 CFR section 60 1.40 within 120 days of the effective date

Form MMS-am (August IMS) (funMr<> P o m 3300-1)




TKu f o r m dom net i ilUebm aa I Iif Ou Offir* of Ida

h u V S . c s n Ml -nd Hudgtl


Metairie, LA

Cuh bonus


StriaJ number

OCS-G 8026

Minimum roysity nte per new. h«<Ui» or fraction

"•"-'W.OO per acrtj Work commitment

or fraction theraof

$3.00 per acre Royalty rate

12 1/2 percent


ThislaMa iaallMttva u of mitisl period of . „ „ called the "Ls—op. by the


(hereinafUr called the 'Effective Date") and ehaU continue for aa year* (hereinafter called thr "Initial PeriotT. by and between the United Statea of Amenca (hereinafter

Se^a i t s a u t h o S S f S m ^ J d ^ ^ e C t 0 ^ , G u l f ^ , V 1 e j r i C 0 O C S R e K i o n

Exxon Corporation

Elf Aqui ta ine . Inc.

Texas Gas Exploration Corporation




(hereinafter called the 'I^-Mee*). In consderation of any caah payment heretofore made tn the Leaatc to the lessor and in conaiderattoo ot the promiaea, terma. conditior-v and covenants canttuncd herein, mcludinc the Supulabon 11 numbered attached her>*o. tha Leaaee ami Ltsaor afree aa follows: 1

1. •egalat Thia leaae ia iaaiwd p-vauant to the Uuter Continental Shelf Landa Act of August 7. IMS. 67 Stat 4«2: 43 U. S.C. 1S31 et aaq.. aa amended (92 But 629). (hereinafter called the ' A n y Thr leaae a isaued subject to the Act; aU ragnlaHni iuued pursuant to the statute and in existence upon the Effective Date of this leaae. all regulations issued pursuant to the statute in the future which provide for the prevention of waste and the conservation of the natural resourres of ti.e Outer Continental Self, and the protection of correlative lights therein; and all other applicable statutes and regulations.

Sec. 2. I M U l t i Leasee ve lop. and produce od and ,


The Leaaor hereby grants and leaaea to the 1.' - . . the esciuaivc nght and pnvilege t« drill Cor, de •souruet. except helium gaa. in the submerged landa of the Outer Continental Shelf containing approximately resor hectares (hereinafter referred tc as the "leased area*), dearnbed as foOowe:

All f f Block 408, Atwotcr Valley, OCS Olflcial Protraction Diagram, NG 16-1.

Page 3: UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR · Q 4 Comply with the affinnttive iction .-ompliance program requirements of 41 CFR section 60 1.40 within 120 days of the effective date

Thnu- n g h u inchitle. (a) i h r nonexclusive ngtit tn a induct within ihe leaned area

K f l m f i c a l and geophysical expioratiuna in accordance wiUi -ipplicable -<Kubuons:

(b) the nonexclusive nght U> drill w^ter wella wi th in the leaaed area, .nleaa tbe Meter ir. | « r t of gropressured grolhermai and auonated ••soum- . and to use Un- water prvduccai therefrom for operations

pursuant l o the Act free of coat, on the condition that the dnliing is i oruiurted in accordance with procedures approved In the Director of the Mincrmls Management Service or the Director'* delegate (hereinafter called t h t "Director"), and

| r ) the r igh t to construct or errrt and to maintain wi t lmi ihe leased area a r t i f i r m l islands, installations, and other devices permanently or temporanly attached lo tht seabed and other works and structures mnevsan to the full enjoyment " I the leaM-, subject lo compliance with •ppirabla laws and regulations.

Set. 3. T e n e This leam- shail omt nue t t t m the Effe<Uve Ilate >>f U M I'-use for the Initial I'eriul and so long thereafter as oil ur gas is produeed f r o m the leaiKil area in paying quantities, or drilling or well reworfcinu operations. *> approved by the Leaaor. are condu.led


See. 4. Kenta la Tbe Lesaee shall pay the Lessor, on or before the f-rst day i >f each lease year whirli cummences pnnr to a diactivery in paying quantitter< o f .x l or g-as oa the leased area, a rental as nhown on the face hereof

See. S. M i n i m u m Koyalt; The lessee shall j i y the Lesatir at die expiration o f each lease year which ommences af ter a discovery ol il and |fa> in |itt> int; q u a n l i l ^ , a mmimum myalty as shown on the fate hereol or, i f t hen ' is production, ihe difference between the actual royalty •-•juin- i to tx- pai-l with respect to such lease year and Ihe pn>«cnhed mininium royally, if the actual royalty paid is leas than tiie minimum myal ty

•pet. market for Uie nuyor portion of like quality products produced and sold f m m the field or area where the leaaed area is situated, will be coiuudervd to be a reasonable- value.

(c) lien paid in value, royalties on production shall be due and payable r i.-nthly ' in the last day of the month next following thr month in which the production is obtained, unlesa i f * Leaaor designates a later time. When paid in anmunt. such royalties shall he delivered at pipeline connections or in tanks provided by the Leasee. Such debvenes shall lie made al reaaonaitle Ume* and intervals and, at the Lesaor's opiton, shall be effected either (i) on or immediately adjacent to the leaaed an-a. without coat to the Lessor, or i i i ) at a more conven lent point closer Ul shore or un shore, in which event the Leasee shall be enUtled tu reimliursement for the reaaonaiile coal of transporting the myalty substance to surh delivery point The Leaaee shall not Le required to pnivide storage for royalty paid in amount in excess of tankage required when myalty is paid in value When royaltie. are paid m amount, the Lessee shidl not he held liable for the loas or destmction o i myalty oil or olher liquid pr<«luci-s in storage fmm causes over which the Lessee has M COOtral.

Sec. 7. Payaweta The Lessee sMll make all payments to the Leaaor by check, bank draft, or money order unless otherwise provided by regulaiion* or by direction of tite lessor Kentala. myaitiea. aad any uther paymenu m j u i m d by this lease shall be made payable to the Minerals Manatfemenl Service and tendered to the Ihrectur.

See. Bonds The Lessee sliall mairuun at all times thr bondls) required nyulaUon pnor in rhe hMawa • '. thv lease and shall fur nisV such addhiuaal secunty au. may be required by the Lessor if. u'ler operstioii nave r-egun. the l^-ss<irdeenui such additional secunty to be necessar-

See. 8. i'lans. Tl 1 esaM shall conduci all o|ierati<iru on the leased

area in iu nlaiue Ai'.h u|>prove<| exploration plans, and appmved development ;unl prt^luctMin plan* .i> are requiri l dv retnilatuns. The Leasee may U j iar l m m an appr<>>ed | 11 proaided by ap plicalile n-mlatSHi>

See. fi Keyail.'> on Production la) The U S M . shall pay a f u e i l my

ally as shotsn un the fat-e hereof in amount or vaJue of production • ! n nioved. or Mild fnun tiie leased area ( i ^ " l " all kinds (except

helumi) is sulijeet to myalty Ttie Lesaor shsll deierminr whether pr t duct ion royalty -hall lie |auil in an* Hint or value

(b) Tb.- value o f pmduction for i'.ir]ii.ke« of computing myalty on pro-ilui Uor. f n fn Ibis lease shall never lie less than the fa i r market value of the pniduction The value uf production sludl be the estimated reasonable value of the pn-lucts-n as iletermmi'd by the Lessor, due mnBadcratkm U-inK given to the hi|{ti<-«i pr.i-i- ; od for a | ian or for a nmp.ntv of pr<>«lui-tion of like quality in 'he same field or area, to the pTKl r. • ne . l l>v Hie Lessee. Uipisledpnces. t. regulated pnees. and In oilier n-li-vunt nuitter?. Kxcept when the Lenstir. in its discretion.

leiiToiim-fN tmt to ronsider special pncmif relief f m m otherwise a{> plicalile Federal regulatory requirements, the value of proiuctmn for the purposes uf oomputing royalty shall not tie dtvmed to lie less than the -> proeeeds areming to the I s-n-e fmm the sale thereof In the

ihaeni e ot k."-"l reason to the contrary, vaiut- t-omputed on the basis of the highesl price paid or o f l red at the time--f pnaiui-tion in a fairaisl

Sec. 10. Perfonaaace T l - I--see .-hall ogmpi) - i t h all regulations and onlers rel itinjr to exph ration, develoimienl. ai».l prisiuction. After due notn-e in wnting. ilie la^M-e stall dnll .•uch well* ami pronuce at sucn rales as the I . . --or in..> n-qum m onler th,, - xt.t- leaseil area ie any pan thereof lie pn-jwrlv aisl timely ileveloped and pr<>lucrd in accordance with sotiml ofierHlintr pnnciples

Sec. I I . Hire, tional Unl l ing A dinn tional well dnlled umler tin-leased area from a surface location on nearby land not covered by this leaw shall IM- deemed to have the same effect I ir ail purposes of the leaM- as a well drilled Iron, a •urfai-e location i Ihe leaseil area In those circumfctarK-es. dnlling shall be considered la htve been mm-menced oa the H-.L-- •! area when drilling is commenced on tiie neartiy land for the purpose directionally dnllmir umler ttie leaded area, ami pndurtion of ml or guh from HH- leased an-a thmugt. any dimetionsl well surfai'til on imuh) land <>r drilling or reworking of any such d.rec-imnal well sliall l»- considered production or drilling <>r reworking • iT-eration* un t iw leaseil area for ail puqioses of thi- leaae. Nothing con tained in 11, section shall U-construed as ifrai.tinif to the Lesaee any intereM, jicrnsc easement, nr "th«-r right m any nearby land

Page 4: UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR · Q 4 Comply with the affinnttive iction .-ompliance program requirements of 41 CFR section 60 1.40 within 120 days of the effective date

The dieU(e) m e i n u m all pUoM of empioyinent w i t h i n the leeeed anm in amipiiano* wi th ocnipetionei •Ar t * snd heal th s tanduds and. in eddiuon. free f rom recocmud hazards to employees of the Lessee or of any contractor or sufo-contractor opera t ing wi th in the leased araa,

(b) maintain a l l operations within the leased a r m in compliance with regulationa in tended to protect persons, property, and the environ-nwnt on the Ou ta r Continental Sheif. snd

(c) allow p romp t access, at the ate of any operation subject to safety retfulationa. t o any authorised Federal inspector and shall provide any documents and recorda which are pertinent to occupational or public health, safety, o r environmental protection ss may be requested

See. I I . S i m i a a aadCaaeellatiea (a)The Lesaor may suspender

cancel thia lease purauar- to Section 5 of the Act and compensation shall be paid when provided by the Act

(b) The .esaor may, upon recommendation of the Secretary of Defense, ' l u r ing a state of war or national emergency declared by Con gross or the President c f the United States, suspend operations under the lease, ae p rov ided in Section 12(c) of the Act. and just compensa tion shail be paid t o the Leasee for such suspension.

Sec. 14. I n d e m n i f i c a t i o a The Lessee shall indemnify the I .-esaor (or, and hold i t harmleae f rom, any claim, induding claims for loss or damage tc p roper ty o r injury to persons caused by ur resulting from say operation on the leaaed area a ndurted by or on behalf of the Leasee, However , the Lessee shsll not be held responsible to the Lesaor under th is section for any loas, damage, or injury caused by or resulting f rom:

(a) negligence o f the Lessor other than the commisroon or omission of s discr-nonary funct ion or duty on the part of a Federal agency whethi r no t t he discretion involved is abused; or

(b) U H I essee's compliance with sn order or directive of the Lessor against which an administrative sppeal by the Lessee is filed before the cause of act ion for the daim srises and is pursued diligently thereafter

Sec IS. D;isfaeit iosi a f Pradactiea. (a) As provided in Secuon Z7<a|(2| of the Act . the Leaaor shall have the right to purchase not more than IS-2/3 percent by vo lume of the oi! and gas produced pursuant to ihe lease at the regu la ted pnee ur if .io regulated pnee applies, at the Isir market value at the wellhead of the ml and g* aved. removed, or uAd. except that any od o r gas obtained by the Lessor as royalty or net K fit share shall be credi ted against the amount that may he purchased under this subsectinn.

(b) As prov ided i n SccUon 27(d) of the Act. the Lesaee shall take any Federal oi l o r gaa f o r which no acceptable bids are received, as deter ncne-l by the Lessor, and which is not transferred to j Federal agency pum .ant to Sect ion '/TiagS) of the Act. and shall pay to the Lessor s cas' imounf equal t o the regulated pnee. or if no regula ' t pnee ap plies, the fair market value of thr oil or gas so obtained

(c) As prov ided i r Section Wbjr7) of the Act. the Lesace shall offer 20 percent of the c rude o i l . condensate, snd natural gas liquids produced on the leaae, a t the market value and point of delivery as provided by regulations appl icable tn Federal royalty oil. to small or independent refiners as def ined in the hmer,-- • y Petmleum Allocation Act of 1973.

(d) In tune o f war . o r when the President of the United Sutes shall so ptesthbe. the Lessor shall have the right of first refusal to purrhsse at the market pr ice a l l o r any portion of the oil or gas produced from the leaaed area, aa r . o v i d e d in Snctwn 12(b) of the Act

Sec IC. U a t t i i a t i a a . Paailag. ead DrlUlag A g w sta Within

such time aa the Laaaor may preeenbe. th* Leeaee shail subscnu- to and operaU under a un i t , pooling, or drilling agreement embracing all or part of the landa subject to this lease as the Lessor may determine to be sppropnate or necessary. Where sny provision of a unit, pooling, or drilling agreement, approved by the Lessor, is mconsutent with s pro vision of thie leaae. the provision of the agreement shall govern.

Sec IY. B f — I u g f a r t a a i l j Claaae. During the performance of t M * laaae, the Lessee shall hilly comply with paragraphs (11 through (7) of Sectu n 202 of Executive Order 11246. as amended (reprinted in 41 r PR 6 0 - 1.4(a)). and the implemenung regulations, which ore for t h e 1

purpose of preventing employment discnmination againat persons on the basis of n e t , coior. religion, sex, or national origin. Paragraphs (1) through (7) of Section 202 of ExscuUve Order 11246. ee amended, ere incorporated in this leaae by reference.

See. l i . Ce i t i f l ca t iaa ef Nsasegregated Paeilitiee By entering into this lease, the Lessee certifies, as specified in 41 CFR 60-1 .8 . that i t does not and will not maintain or provide for iU employees sny Mgregaie<i facilities at any of its establishments, and that it does not snd will not mt i u employees to pertorm their services at any loca­tion under its control where segregated facilities are maintained As used in this ceruficauon. the larm segregated beditiee" means, but is. not limited to, any waiting rooms, work areas, restruoms and wash­rooms, restaurants and other eating areas, tunerlocks, locker rooms snd uther storage or dressing areas, parking lots, drinking fountains, recreation or entertainment areas, transportation, and housing facilities provided for employees which are segregated by explicit directive or are in fact segregated un the basis of race, color, religion, or national ongm. because of habit, local cust>. n, or otherwise. The Lesaee further agrees that it will obuin identical certifications from proposed cuntractors and subcontractors pnor tu award uf contracu ur subenntracu unless they are exempt under 41 CFR 60 I ;.

Sec, 19. B a w n a j j H M a leesar All r g h u in Ihe leaaed area not expressly granted to the Lesaee by the Act. the regulations, or thia lease sre hereby reserved to the Lessor '.Vithout linuling the generali­ty of the foregoing, reserved nghts include

(s) the right to outhurue geological and geophysical exploration in the leased srea which dues not unreasonably interfere w t h or en­danger actual uperatu-ns under tne leaae, and the nght to grant such eaaements or rights of way upon, tn rough, or in the leaaed area as m ;y be necessary or appr -pnau to the working of other lands or to the trestment and shipment of products thereof by or under authority of the Lessor,

(bi the nght to grant leases for any mii-erals olher than oil and gas within the leased area, except that operations under such leases shall not unnasonably interfere with or endanger oprratinns under this lease.

(cithe nght. as provided m Section 12(d)of the Act, to restnef opera-lions in thr leased area or any part thereof which may be designated by the Secretary' of Defense, with approval nf the President, as being withm an area needed for national defense, and so long as such designation remains m effect no operations may be co.iducted on the turfsce of the leased area or the part thereof .nelud<-d within the designation except with the concurrence of the Secretary of Defmsc If operatio; > or production under this lease within any designated araa are suspei, ! pursuant Ui this paragraph, any payments of rentals snd royali > presenbed by this lease likewise shall be suspended during such penod of suspension of opers''uPs and production, and the ter of this lease shall be extended by adding thereto any such suspension penod. snd the fessor ahall be liable to the Lesaee for such compenaa-Uun ss is required to be paid under the ConsUUiUor of the United States

Sec. 20. Traasfer of Lease The Lesaee shall file for spprov.\l with the appropnate field office of the Minerals Management Service any i n strument of assignment or other transfer of this lease, or sny mtereet therein, in accordance with applicable regulations

(Continued on reverse)

Page 5: UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR · Q 4 Comply with the affinnttive iction .-ompliance program requirements of 41 CFR section 60 1.40 within 120 days of the effective date

Sw. t l . Bmnmim id Lmm- Tiw U H M may •ummder this entire leaee or any offidaily dssignstsd subdivision of the leaaed area by fil­ing with the appropriate field office of the Minerala Management Ser­vice a written relinquishment, in triplicate, which ahall be effective aa of the date of filing. No surrender of this leas* or of any portion of the

araa shall reliev* the Lessee or its surety of the obligation to all accrued rentals, ruysltie*, and other financial ohUgatiuae or to

all wells on the srea to be surrendered in a manner satisfar tory to the Director.

Sec. 12. Bsweve: es' P t sg ly ea Tiwdnetlsn af Leaae. Within s period of one year after trrminauon of thia lease in whole or in part.

shall remove sll devices, works, and structures from thr no longer subject to the lease in accordance with applicable

> and orders of the Director However, the Leasee may. with the approval of the Director, euntinue to maintain devices, works, snd structures on the leased area for dri'Hng or prod"icing cm other leaaes.

dec. 23. Kemedies in Case of Defoalt. (a) Whenever the Lesaee fails to comply with sny of the provisions of thi' Act, the regulations isaued pursuant to the Act, or the terms of this lease, tt>e >case ahall be subject

to cancellation in accordance with the provisions of Section G»c) snd (d) of the Act and the Lessor may exercise any other remedies which the Lessor may have, induding the penalty provisions of Section 24 of the Act Furthermore, pursuant to Section 8(o) of the Act the Lessor may cancel the lease if it is obtained by fraud or misrepresentation.

(b) Nnnenfbneawnt by the Lessor of a remedy for sny particular violatioa cf tha provisions of tbe Art, the regulationa issued pursuant to the Act or the terms of this leaae shall not prevent the eanceilauon of this leaae nr the esemse o* any other remedies under paragraph (a) of this soction for any ither violation or for the same violation occur-nng at any other time

Ser. 24. Ualawfal lataroat. No member of. or Dtlspts to. Congress, r Kesident Commissioner after election or sppoinUnent or rHhsr

before or after they have qualified, and during their continuance in of­fice, and no officer, agent, u employee of the Department of the In­terior, except as provided in <' ('FR Part 7, shall be ndmitud to any share or part in thia I- derive any benefit that may ariaa therefrom The proviai' hcedon 3741 of the Revised Statutes, ss amended, 41 USC 22, and the Art uf June 25,1948,82 Stat. 703. aa amended. 18 U.S.C. 431-433, relating to ontracta made or entered into, ar accepted by ur un behvf of the United States, form a pert of thu lease insofar aa they may ba appUcabie.


(Signature of Authomed Officer) (Signature of Authorised Officer)

(Name of Signatory!

(Tit lei

(Name of Signatory) Regional Director Gulf of Mexico OCS Region Minerals Management Service


(Iialei (Date)

(Address of leaaee)

I f tkiti leaee ie executed by a corporati , it muet bear the corporate eeal.

Page 6: UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR · Q 4 Comply with the affinnttive iction .-ompliance program requirements of 41 CFR section 60 1.40 within 120 days of the effective date

( L M M ) (LMM*)

(Signature uf AuthonMd Oftatr) (Signature of Authomed offeer)

(Name of Signatory) (Name of Sigmtory)

(Titie) ffttJe)

(Dale) (DaU)

(Addrwie of L M M ) (Addreas of Leasee)

(LeuM) (LeMM)

(Sicnature of Authomed Officer) (Signature of Authomvd Officer)

(Name of Signatory) (Name of Sigiiatory)

(Titiei (Tide)

(Date) (Date)

(Addrna of l-esaeei (Addreaa of Leaaee)

//(Au (ease u exrrulnl tnt a rtif7»rruli"a. ll htiir thr rtirfumue tml


Page 7: UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR · Q 4 Comply with the affinnttive iction .-ompliance program requirements of 41 CFR section 60 1.40 within 120 days of the effective date

(Signttunof Authorta •d Officer) (Sigmtunof Authork ed Officer)

(NMMOfSigMl on) (Naimo<S%mi •no

mtw) (Tktk)

(Addwof LMMC) lAddre« of l ^ » e j ^


(Signature of Authomed Officer) (Signature of Authomed Officer)

(Name of Signatory) (Name of Signatory)

mtk) am

(Date) (Data)

(AddrMaof LMOMJ

//(Aw leoae u ewckiad 6y a eorponuvm. U mut kM' (Ae eorporaU mal

(Addrwarf LOMM)

Page 8: UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR · Q 4 Comply with the affinnttive iction .-ompliance program requirements of 41 CFR section 60 1.40 within 120 days of the effective date


Outer Conttomtjl Sh.H. Central Gulf ef Mexico on and CM L M M Sale (May 1985)


(a) "CuXtwrel reeoarca" M M S any site , atructure. or objsc of hletorlc et prthistoric are»«aoIoglcal algalfleaaee. "OperatloM" eeana ary dri l l ing, alnlng. or conatructlon or pl.c»»tnt of any otrvetare for exploration, davel-opaant. or production of the loess.

(b) If tha R.gionsl Dlrsetor (ID) belloese a cultural rsaourc* M Y aalst la the Issse srea, tha U) wil i notify tbe leasee ia vrltlng. Th* leeDM shsll than coaply with subparagrapha (1) through (3).

(I ) Prior to coMenclug aay operations, 'he lessee shsll pro­per* a report, as ipeclfl.d by tho ID, to esterain* the potential ssistmcs of eny cultarsl raaource that My be affected by eporetiens. Tha report, prepared by an arcb-aaologist and genphyaldst. shaM be baasd on sn ssssss-Mnt of data froa rsaott-senslng auresys aad other nertl-aeat cultural and ravlroiaMntel iaforaatioa. The ..». ahall aubalt thie report to th* ID for review.

(2^ I f tho evident suggssts that a cultural resource M I proeeat. tha loass* shell either:

(1) Locate the eit* of any operation M SS not to advaraaly aff*ct th* area win re th* cultural reaourc* My bt; or

(11) Eatabliah to th* sat lal act Ion of th* ID that s cultural rssourc* docs Mt aslst or wi l l Mt be advaraaly affecttd by opcrationa. This ahall ba done by furthtr archaaologlcal invostigstlon conducted by so archaeologist and a geophysiclet. Ming survey squlpacnt aad tocbnlqMS 4e*Md n*c*ssary by tb* ID. A report on th* Investlgs-*lon shall b* subaltted to th* ID for review.

(J) If th* ID deteratM* thst s cultural raaourc* Is llksly to b* prooont on th* lass* snd My be advaraaly effected by operatlona. tha ID will notify tbe lassaa iMMdiataly. The 1***** ahall taka ro action that My advaraaly affact th* cultural raaourca until th* ID he* told tha 1 M M * how to protect i t .

<e) If the leiae* dlacovars sny cultural raaourc* while conducting opera­tion, cn tb* l*sa* araa, th* UOOM ahall raport th* discovery laaedlately to th* RD. Th* leasee ahall Mk* every reasonable effort to pr***rv* th* cul­tural raaourc* unt i l th* RD haa told th* laaaae how to prottct I t .


Page 9: UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR · Q 4 Comply with the affinnttive iction .-ompliance program requirements of 41 CFR section 60 1.40 within 120 days of the effective date

E ^ O N COMPANY U.S.A • O S T O f U C C BOX 42 7 9 . HOUSTON U X A S 7 72 I D 42 70

August 2, 1985

1 a r t O M A T I O M O f P«R T M I N : O U K A l l A N I IC DIVISION Side-Scan and Magnetometer

Deep-water Waiver Request


„ " - J L A .

Hr. Jack Hendricks D i s t r i c t . Supervisor Me ta i r i e Distr ict (DO-5) Minera ls Management Service 3301 North Causeway Blvd. P. 0 . Box 7966 M e t a i r i e . Louisiana 70010

Dear Mr. Hendricks:

A geophysical contractor, working on the behalf of Exxon Company, U.S.A., w i l l soon begin a shallow hazards survey over the fol lowing blocks:

Atwater Valley Block 408 Mississippi Canyon Blocks 282. 755. 940. and 941

Due t o water depths ranging between 1800 and 5900 feet In these areas and the operat ional l imitations of the side-scan sonar and magnetometer systems. Exxon Is hereby requesting a deep-water waiver for side-scar and magnetometer data acqu i s i t i on over the aforementioned lease blocks. Accordingly, we would appreciate your consideration of th is waiver.

I f agreeable, please Indicate In the space below.


1 e. C=r. J . E. Corthay Geophysical Operations (713) 591-5163


Agreed and accepted th is ^ ^ day of / ^ t ^ u * / 1985.

By: C^Ai <5LJJJ& ftl4»era1s Manqement Service

Date: / ^ y u i r V, ^ g £ g [

* C • v ' l l U N O * i « « r 1 C O I P - S " * ' CN

Page 10: UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR · Q 4 Comply with the affinnttive iction .-ompliance program requirements of 41 CFR section 60 1.40 within 120 days of the effective date



The undemgntd is, oo the records cf the Minerals Msnsgement Service, header of lease

DmwcT LAND Omca: Metairie. Louisiana SIUAL No.: OCS-G-8026

•aJ heieby drtignsret

NAMI: Exxon Corporation ADDRESS P. 0. Box 4279

Houston, Texas 77210-4279 as hit operator snd local agrct, with full suthority tr. act in hit behalf in complying with the terms of the and regulstio.is applicable thereto end on whom the supervisor or hit (epresentative may serve whnen or o n l instrurtions in securing compliance with the Operating Regulations with respect to (describe acreage to which this designation is applicable):

All of Block 408, Atwater Valley, OCS Official Protraction Diagram, NG 16-

](is understood that th i : designation of operator does not relieve the lessee of responsibility for compliance • i t h icrms ot the lease snd the Operating Regulations. It is alto understood that this designation of operator doe» not constitute an issigcmcnt of any interest in tbe lease.

Io case of default on the part of (he designated operator, tbe lessee will make full ard prompt compliance with all regulations, lease terms, or orders of the Secretary of the Interior or his representative.

The lessee agrees promptly to notify the supervisor of any change in the designated operator



July 26, 1985

L. E. Baker, Vice President

P. 0. Box 4326, Houston, Texas 77210-4326

, ana mt-ott^-tu

i -

Page 11: UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR · Q 4 Comply with the affinnttive iction .-ompliance program requirements of 41 CFR section 60 1.40 within 120 days of the effective date


The undemgned is, on the records ofthe Mteenb Management Service, holder of leaae


Metair ie, Louisiana OCS-G-8026

and hereby Anipittti


i t s



Exxon Corporation

P.O. Box 4279; Houston. Texas 77210-4279

All of Block 408, Atwater Valley OCS Off ic ia l Protraction Diagram, NG 16-1


hi$ undemopd tba rim dewgnatwn of operator doe. not relieve tbe lewe of respoowbiiitv for compliance wth the tmn, of tbe lease and the Operating Regulation,. It is .ho undemoodTTtS ^ i Z C ^ J opmtor doe, not constitute ao assignment of any mterett in Ihe km. de«gnat.oo of

•id, * * * * * * * 0 0 ^ P** "f** opereto.-. the lessee will nuke full and prompt eomptonc. wdh regulafoos. leaM terms, or order, of tbe Secretary of .be Interior or ha repre^tat.vT ^

TT>cles« agree >mptly to notify the supervisor of any Junge in tbe derignaM operator.

Elf Aquitaine, Inc.

August 2, 1985 (Data)

By: /Vl4£%n? SMTZr^ "RTTT. Stwibafigipiii I ^ I ,—| Attorney-in-Fact A l l i ed Bank Plaza; 1000 Louisiana. Suite 3800 Houston, Texas 77002

IHMaM MMma crra iM-or«-M4


Page 12: UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR · Q 4 Comply with the affinnttive iction .-ompliance program requirements of 41 CFR section 60 1.40 within 120 days of the effective date

• United States Department of the Interior Ml NF RALS MANAGEMENT SERVICE



In Reply Refer Tot LE-3 -1 OCS-G 8026

Inst rument :

F i l ed i Executed i Approved : E f f e c t i v e :

Decemoer 17, 1985 Decemoor 12* 1985 Apri l 3* 1986 Novomber 5 . 1985

Ex ton Corporation Assignor

A* K O Product ion Company Assignee

mum Assifin^NT mmm Oil and Gas

The approval o f t h i s assignment I s r e s t r i c t e d t o r x o r d t i t l e I n t e r e s t on ly* tnd by v i r t u e of t h i s app rova l , t h s Assignee If. subjecw -:o> snd s h s l l f u l l y coaply w i t h * S l l Syp i l cab ls r e g u l a t i o n s nc. o r t o bo i s s u e j under ths Ou l^ r Cont inenta l She l f Lands Act* ss amended.

Assignor assigned unto Assignee ths undivided in te res t set oct below, to wit*

Amoco Production Company

Record t i t l e Interest I s now hold as fo^owsi

OCS-G 8026 All of Block 406. Atwater Valley


Exxon Corporation E1F Aquitaine, Inc. Tsxss Gas Exploration Corporation Amoco Production Company

27.5» 2b.'M 20.01 27.5*

Rogers Pearcy ^ Regional Director

c c i Assignor Assignee Par t ies In I n t e r e s t ««f \ "$ ;

CSM Flls ^ £ 0 V

• C ts IV £ D


Page 13: UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR · Q 4 Comply with the affinnttive iction .-ompliance program requirements of 41 CFR section 60 1.40 within 120 days of the effective date

(Submit tt Myttab « t r . ,»onri.j | . fcglMMi CM M»a O m • i M /v. ,• Bap . n w f )


The undenigned is. on the records of the Minerals Mir ••cement Service, holder of leas'

DISTRICT LAND Orna: Metairie, Louisiana SERIAL No.: OCS-G-8026

sod hereby designates CO o

NAMI: Exxon Corporation I ADDRESS;?. 0. Box 4279

Houston. Texas 77210-4279 : £ u his operator and local agent, with full authority to act in his behalf in complying with the terms of tbe'lcoe tnd regulations applicable thereto and on whom the supervisor or bis representative may serve written or oral •n; -unions in securing compliance with tbe Operating Regulations with respect to (describe acreage tu which B»j designation is applicable):

All of Block 408, Atwater Valley, OCS Of f i c ia l f ro t ract ion Diagram, NG 16-4, containing approximate!/ 5760 acres.

It ii understood that this designation of operatoi dot s not relieve L<e levee c r responsibility for compliance with the term* of tbe lease and tbe Operat-ng Regjlations. It it al:o undert'.-od d.a: this designation of opersicr does not COOIlitiiff an assignment of any interest in the lease.

In UK i default on the part of the designated operator, the lessee will makv iu - i prompt compliance wiih al. tr'ulations, lease terms, or orders of the Secretary of tbe Interior or bis rt preservative.

The leu .e igrees promptly to notify tht jupervisor of any change in tbe designate. operator.


' (MCMSMaf taaaal

A'.*. y-In-Fact C. Box 50&79

.New Qr.leans.a..iwi5j.a.n«...Z01 V l itov iber 5, 1535 OPMSi

I a n a I M - O - T . V I M

• I • sst

A ^ 2 9

Page 14: UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR · Q 4 Comply with the affinnttive iction .-ompliance program requirements of 41 CFR section 60 1.40 within 120 days of the effective date

United States Department of the Interior



Za Reply tsfsr To: LB-3-1 1.0. Misc. Ro. 070

DocMbsr 11. 19M

Cf»X O i l 4 Cat Corporation


Oil sad Caa

Horembtr 7, 19S6, there vos f i led i s this of f ice abidance of chaato of S M S troa TOSSS i M Exploration Corporation to CSX Oil & Gaa Corporation, offsctivo October 1. 1986.

I a connection vith this chaato, the following evidence vas recaivrd:

1. Certification reflecting that the Artic le of teeo4aoa» to the Articles of Incorporation of Tessa Caa Ex; 1 oration Corporation annexed thereto is s f r l l , true ot d correct copy, duly executed by Jia Brow, Secretary ot i t a t » of tho State of Looisiaaa, oa October 1, 19M. vith additi?.*: certification by D. L . Rogers, Aaai.t .r ; Secretary of •1? Oil 4 Gss Corporstion. oa October 1, Itt 6;

2. Certij Cacl* ^ef leer it . rhtt s eo*vy of sa Lasadasat t the. Articl< v ot « v orporalit a -.f Texas Gss Exploration Corporat. 4 ing the corporate asas to CSX Oil 4 Gas Corimsf&i^. \9 recorded aad f i led oa October 1, 1986, the date the A» aa. vat heceae effective, duly executed by J ia Brova, Becrotarr vt £<«te of the State of Loaitinaa. oa October 1, 19wC ;

3. Certificate raflactiaO; aons oth-cr ih iats , that tbe corporation* a nan*, vun r^aged to CSX Oi l i Gas Corporation oa Octobt.c 1, 198V», duly estcutsd by Dan I . kogsrs, Aaaiatant Secretary of Cl'Z Oi l 4 Go* Corporation, oa Cctober 20, 1986.

4. Stateaent ot CSX O i l 4 Gas Corporatio- k.»7 m l tl iiy D. L. Rogers, Assistsat Secretary of tbe corROca koa, m October 1, 1986, reflectiag the fol lming:


Page 15: UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR · Q 4 Comply with the affinnttive iction .-ompliance program requirements of 41 CFR section 60 1.40 within 120 days of the effective date

CST. Oil 4 Gaa Corporation N. Misc. Ro. 070




A. CSX Oil 4 Sta Corporatiou is incorporated in thi .cate of Louisions;

B. C H Oil 4 j Cor?orscion ia authorized to hold ni l snd (ss leaaes oo ths Outer Continental Shelf;

Cerrxi: ssts l i s t ing tbs o f i i cs t i ss v e i l ss t*«ir autl-oi Ity to bis'. CSX Oi l 4 Gsa Corporation, duly executed by Dan L . fiogera, Assiatsnt Secretary of tba corporstioo on October 20. 1986;

Rsaa Chang- EnUoraoMnt/Ridar to bo attached to and form part of OCS Mineral Laaaaa'• snl Operator's Bond Number 400 EB 3112, charging thr nana of ths principal froa Texas Gas Exploration Corp< rati^ti to CSX Oil 4 Gas Cvrpt r s t i r a , effective O"...©^ I , 1986;

L^a ;v g of tbe oi! in tor wrote ano,

aod gss lsssas to bo effected v tea change

In view of the criclenctf auteittsd, the change of ownersbip .M to the o i l gas lessss listed b'low is recegoitsd snd tbe records so not, d.

0C?H? B a fief -g jip. 0C3-C SO. OCS-C RO.

0795 1981 5419 6273 6979 0900 20S2 5448 6274 6980 0902 23y2 5449 6282 7161 0986 i393 5470 6332 7174 Mfl 2423 5471 6333 7180 992 272. 5i23 6347 7223

0994 v i - 5524 6348 7346 0995 :738 55t8 6357 7353 0997 2351 563) 6364 7358 1028 3*33 5669 6365 7364 029 3134 5670 6583 7451

1037 313« 5t97 6619 7466 103a 5703 6639 7605 1152 3/^> 6108 6678 7680 1153 44§1 6229 6694 7807

nn 4*91 6235 6696 3026^ 12'.6 '•702 6237 6721 U104 1217 5276 6259 6722 8132 1535 5356 4260 6777 8133 1977 5364 62*3 6813 8192

5401 6*06 6972 U13 5402 6272 6978

_ 1 _

Page 16: UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR · Q 4 Comply with the affinnttive iction .-ompliance program requirements of 41 CFR section 60 1.40 within 120 days of the effective date

CSX O i l A Gas Corporation V.O. Miac Ho. 070


.982 :»r0

I . Ro^erp Pea. :y io-j .•MMtl Director

cc: Loaaooa air Aaaociotoa C ^ s l U t M U M File (N. 0. Misc. No. 070) ?ooo Filet

- 3 -



Page 17: UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR · Q 4 Comply with the affinnttive iction .-ompliance program requirements of 41 CFR section 60 1.40 within 120 days of the effective date

United States Department of the Interior I .INCRALS MANAGEMENT SERVICE



N. O. Misc. No. 898



> 1988


Gn June 29, 1988, there was filed in this office for approval evidence of merger of CSX Oil 4 Gas Corporation, a Louisiana corporation (N. 0. Misc. No. 070), with and into TOTAL Minatone Corporation, a Delaware corporation, (N. 0. Misc. No. 898), effective April 27, 1988. The rune of the surviving corporation is TOTAL MINAICME CORPORATION (N. O. Misc. No. 898).

In connection with this merger, the following evidence was received:

1. Certificate of Ownership and Merger merging CSX Oil 4 Gas Covi ation into TOTAL MiNATCME 03RPCRATIGN, duly certified by the Sea atary of State of the State of Delaware on April 28, 1988, with additional certification by J . RitLy Barry, Assistant Secretary of TOTAL MINATCME CORPORATI CN on April 29, 1988;

2. Certificate reflecti-n that TOTAL MINATCME JORPORATION is incorporated under the Ism of the State ot Delaware aid that i t is authorized to hold mineral leases and rights-of-way on the Outer Continental Shelf, duly executed by J . Kirby Barry, Assistant Secretary of the corporation, on April 29, 1988;

3. Copy of the resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of TOTAL MINATCME OCRPCRKT'T? cn Decanter 14, 1987, duly certified by J . Kirby Barry, Assistant cecretery of the corporation, on April 29, 1988;

4. Incatency Certificate listing the officers of TCTAL MINATCME OORFCBATION, duly executed by J . Kirby Barry, Assistant Secretary of the- corpor.ition, en April 29, 1988;

5. Listing o£ the o i l and gas leases and pipeline right-of-way to be affected by the mer er.

Since the transf sr and vesting of property rights in the surviving corporation have been effected by State statute by operation of law and not by individual conveyances, the rcerger i s hereby approved insofar as i t affects leaaea under 30 CFR 256 ar*} pipeline rights-of-way under 30 CFR 250. The change in ownership as to the wi' sirxl gas leases and pipeline right-of-way listed below i s recognized and the records so noted:


Page 18: UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR · Q 4 Comply with the affinnttive iction .-ompliance program requirements of 41 CFR section 60 1.40 within 120 days of the effective date

N. O. Misc. No. 898 Page 2

ooijmmjmm S-G NO. PCS-G HQ.

0795 2392 0900 2393 0902 2423 0986 2721 0991 2722 0993 2738 0994 2757 0995 2833 0997 3134 1028 3135 1029 3323 1037 3485 1038 4401 1152 5401 1153 5402 1172 5470 1216 5471 1217 5568 1977 5639 1979 5669 1980 5670 1981 5697 2082 5703



Pearcy Regional Director

ocs Ummm and Aaaociatea Qualification File (N. 0. Misc. No. 898) Case Piles



Page 19: UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR · Q 4 Comply with the affinnttive iction .-ompliance program requirements of 41 CFR section 60 1.40 within 120 days of the effective date

N. O. Misc. No. 098 Page 3


Aa a raault of tha «ar%ar of CSX Oil k Gas Corporation with and i n t o TOTAL MIHATONB CORPORATION, TOTAL MINATOME CORPORATION now owns OPERATING RIGHTS in tha following o i l and gaa laaaat



Page 20: UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR · Q 4 Comply with the affinnttive iction .-ompliance program requirements of 41 CFR section 60 1.40 within 120 days of the effective date



DESIGNATION OF OPERATOR TSt term 009$ nr: eor$i*ui9 an i*on coiKflOfi ai i*An*abf 44 USC MM

Ths Isssss idsntiflsd bslow is. on ths record* of ths Minsrals Msnsgsmont Sorvfc*. t Isssohoidsr of:

Lssso Numbsr OCS-C 8026

Rsglonal OMSK Rev Orleans, Louisiana

Exxon Corporst Ion P, 0. Box 4279 Houaton, Tsxss 77210-4279

ss Ns oporator snd tocsl sgsnt. with M suthority to set in Nt bshslf in complying with ths tsrms of ths Isass snd rsguis-tions sppitcsWs thsrtto snd on whom ths Regional Dirsctor or Ni raprsssntatrvs may serve wrfctsn or orsl instructions in •scurtng oompfisncs with ths Opsrsling Regulations with respect to (describe block or aliquot portion to which Ms assigns-•on Is MpScsbfe):

A l l of B l o c k 4 0 8 . A twa te r V a l l e y , OCS O f f i c i a l P r o t r s c t l o n

Slssrs . , ac 16-1 i ) ^ ^ ^ ? ^ ,

^ W OfiriAflS Dm>h "

h Is understood fist thu dtsignstion ef operstor does not relieve the lessee of respontibOly for compiisnce with tf>s ts. iswi, rsgulsiions. snd Outer Com.nentai Shelf Orders applicable to ths area, ft n also understood thst of operator does not constitute an sssignment of sny interest in ths Isass.

dsfsuh on Ihs part of the oesignsted operstor. ths lessee will msks M snd prompt compliance with sll rsguls-wms. sr ordtrt of tht Secretary of the Interior or hit representative.

egress to notify tht Regions! Director promptly of sny change in ths designated operator.


In case of ns. lease t

The lessee

Jynt i l l UM

USOS r o r m S r a


TOTAL i m a n i m e n n a a T f i M (Na^a a« Leeeee)

1988 Mirer lis MsnagtflWfll Service


sflssesto J . P. Donnet, Pretidont end Chlsf Executive Officer Two Houston Center, Suits 2000 P. 0. Bos 4326 Houston, Tsxss 77210-4324 ' 5