Basics of Javascript: Unit-3 Prepared by, Divya Asst. Prof. ISE dept. VCET, Puttur

unit3-Basics of JavaScript ppt

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Basics of javaScript ppt for unit 3 as per VTU syllabus from programming the www - robert w sebesta

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Basics of Javascript: Unit-3

Prepared by,Divya

Asst. Prof. ISE dept.VCET, Puttur

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Overview of Javascript, Object orientation & Javascript, Syntactic characteristics, Primitives, operations, &expressions, Screen output and keyboard input, Control statements, Object creation and modification, Arrays, Functions, Constructors, Pattern matching using regular expressions, Errors in scripts, Examples.

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Origins The official name of the standard language is ECMAScript. JavaScript can be divided into three parts: ▪ the core, client side, and server side. ▪ The core is the heart of the language, including its operators,

expressions, statements, and subprograms. ▪ Client-side JavaScript is a collection of objects that support

the control of a browser and interactions with users. ▪ Server-side JavaScript is a collection of objects that make the

language useful on a Web server.

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OVERVIEW OF JAVASCRIPT Uses Of Javascript JavaScript is implemented at 2 ends:

Client end - is embedded in XHTML documents Server end

JavaScript support DOM [Document Object Model] which enables JavaScript to access and modify CSS properties and content of any element of a displayed XHTML document

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OVERVIEW OF JAVASCRIPT Event-driven Computation Of Javascript supports user interactions through the XHTML form elements

on the client display to check the values provided in forms by users perform input checks at the client side itself which saves both

server time and internet time.

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OVERVIEW OF JAVASCRIPT Browsers And Xhtml/Javascript Documents

When a JavaScript script is encountered in the document, the browser uses its JavaScript interpreter to “execute” the script.

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•JavaScript is an object-based language •Does not have classes- no class-based inheritance•JavaScript cannot support polymorphism. • It supports prototype-based inheritance

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Objects are collections of properties Each property is either a data property or a function or method property.

Data properties : primitive values and references to other objects

JavaScript uses non-object types for some of its simplest types; these non-object types : primitives.

Strings, Numbers, Booleans, null, undefined

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Objects are variables too. var car = "Fiat";

The objects are written as name:value pairs 

var car = {type:"Fiat", model:500, color:"white"};

The name : values pairs (in JavaScript objects) are called properties.

Object Properties Accessing :


Object Methods Methods are stored in properties as function definitions.


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Inline (embedded) JavaScript code:<input type="button" id="hello" value="Hello" onClick = "window.alert('Hello


Internal JavaScript code:<script language="JavaScript"> <!-- // hide from the older browsers [The actual script commands] //--> // stop

hiding </script>

External JavaScript code: <script language="JavaScript" src="examples/externaljs.js"></script>

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Comments: // or /* ….*/

Identifiers/names, must begin with a letter, an underscore ( _ ), or a dollar sign ($).

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1. primitive types JavaScript has five primitive types: Number, String, Boolean, Undefined, and


JavaScript includes predefined objects EG: Number, String, Boolean etc

var x = false;Boolean(x);  

var y = new String("John");

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2. Numeric And String Literals All numeric literals are values of type Number.

Integer literals :Integer literals are strings of digits.var x = 0xFF;             // x will be 255 hexadecimal

Floating-point literals var y = 123e-5;

string literal “You\’re the most lovely person I\’ve ever met‟


--------------------------------------------------------3. OTHER PRIMITIVE TYPES : Null :


var p=null;

var p1;

alert(p) //null

alert(p1) //undefined


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A variable that has been declared but not assigned a value, has the value undefined.


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Math.max(0, 150, 30, 20, -8) Math.round(5.3); //5 Math.sqrt(9);Write js program to accept 3 numbers using prompt and find the largest

of three using alert method. Use predefined function Math.max.

7. The Number Object

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<html><head><script language="JavaScript"> <!--//function sq() { var a=prompt( "Enter first number " , "" );a=parseInt(a);var b=prompt( "Enter first number " , "" );b=parseInt(b);var c=prompt( "Enter first number " , "" );b=parseInt(b);var max=Math.max(a,b,c);alert("largest of three input number:"+max);} //--></script></head><body><form><input type="button" value="sq" onclick="sq();"/></form></body></html>

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<html><head><script language="JavaScript"> <!--//var val = Number.MAX_VALUE;var smallestNum = Number.MIN_VALUE;var infiniteNum = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;var negInfiniteNum = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;document.write ("Value of Number.MAX_VALUE : " + val +"<br />");document.write ("Value of smallestNum : " + smallestNum+"<br />" );document.write ("Value of infiniteNum : " + infiniteNum +"<br />");document.write ("Value of negInfiniteNum : " + negInfiniteNum +"<br />");var dayOfMonth=231;if (dayOfMonth < 1 || dayOfMonth > 31) { dayOfMonth = Number.NaN alert("Day of Month must be between 1 and 31.") }//--></script></head><body></body></html>

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8. The String Catenation Operator : +

Example1: “August ” + 1977 // “August 1997” Example2: 7 * “3” // 21

To string conversion : String constructor string() , toString() The global method Number() can convert strings to numbers. The parseInt() function parses a string and returns an integer.

var e = parseInt("60") //60var g = parseInt("He was 40") //NAN

The parseFloat() function parses a string and returns a floating point number.

var c = parseFloat("10.33") //10.33parseFloat("He was 40") //NAN

10. Explicit Type Conversions :

9. Implicit Type Conversions :coercions

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11.String Properties And Methods

var str = “George”; var len = str.length; //now, len=6

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var str = “George”; str.charAt(2) is “o‟ str.indexOf(“r‟) is 3 str.substring(2, 4) is “org‟ str.toLowerCase() is “george‟

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12. THE typeof OPERATOR

The typeof operator returns the type of its single operandtypeof "john” //string

Var x; typeof(x) //undefined

13. Assignment Statements a += 7; means the same as a = a + 7; var x = 10;x /= 5; //2

14. THE Date OBJECT :var today = new Date();

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<html><head><script language="JavaScript"> <!--//function myFunction() {alert("Hello! I am an alert box!!"); var person = prompt("Please enter your name", "Harry Potter"); if (person != null) { document.write(person); }confirm("Do you want to continue this download?");}//--></script></head><body><form><button onclick="myFunction()">Try it</button></form></body></html>

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A table of numbers from 5-15 and their squares , cubes using alert

The quadratic equation is given by: ax2 + bx + c = 0 The expression inside the square root is called discriminant and is

denoted by Δ:▪ Δ = b2 - 4ac

When Δ>0, there are 2 real roots

▪ x1=(-b+√Δ)/(2a) and x2=(-b-√Δ)/(2a).

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Create an XHTML and JavaScript to compute the real roots of a given quadratic equation

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6. CONTROL STATEMENTS :1. Control Expressions : Relational operators

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2. Selection Statements

Write a javacript code:  To find reverse of a given number. ..\web_exercises\chapter4_js\4.14reverse.html Use if and if-else statement to check

number is prime or not ..\..\web_lab\js\prime_wrong.html


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N==1 //not prime N==2// primeFor(x=2; x<n;x++){If(n%x==0)Return not prime}Elseprime

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3. switch Statements

<html><head><script language="JavaScript"> <!--//var bs=prompt(" select border size");switch(bs) { case "1": document.write("<table>"); break; case "2": document.write("<table border='1'>"); break; Case "3": document.write("<table border='8'>"); break; default: document.write("invalid choice");break; }document.write("<caption>table1</caption>");document.write("<tr><th>A</th><th>B</th>");document.write("<tr><td>a</td><td>b</td></table>");//--></script></head><body></body></html>

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4. LOOP STATEMENTSwhilefor and do-while

1. Using document.write(), write code that displays the results of the 12 times table. Its output should be the results of the calculations.


2. To print factorial of a number


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new operator creates a blank object: no properties. constructor

var my_object = new Object(); The variable my_object references the new object

var my_car = {make: “Ford”, model: “Contour SVT”}; Properties can be accessed in two ways.

var prop1 = my_car.make; var prop2 = my_car[“make”];

the variables prop1 and prop2 both have the value ?. The number of properties in a JavaScript object is dynamic

delete my_car.model; loop statement, for-in, for listing the properties of an object.

for (var a in my_car )document.write(“Name:”, a, “value:” my_car[a]);

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8. ARRAYS 1. Array OBJECT CREATION a. Var a=new Array(1, 2, ”three”); Var b=new Array(100);b. var my_list_2 = [1, 2, “three”, “four”];

2. CHARACTERISTICS OF Array OBJECTSa[47] = 2222; the new length of my_list will be 48?

length property: my_list_2.length = 1002;

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Array example: This script has an array of names, which are in alphabetical order. It uses prompt to get new names, one at a time, and inserts them into the existing array

<html><head><script language="JavaScript"> <!--// var name_list = new Array("baby", “c-man", "Kasper“, "Michael", "Roberto"); var new_name, index, last;while (new_name = prompt("Please type a new name", "")) {last = name_list.length - 1;while (last >= 0 && name_list[last] > new_name) { name_list[last + 1] = name_list[last]; last--;}name_list[last + 1] = new_name;document.write("<p><b>The new name list is:</b> “, "<br />"); for (index = 0; index < name_list.length; index++) document.write(name_list[index], "<br />"); document.write("</p>");}//--></script></head><body></body></html>

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3. Array Methods Join Method

Reverse Method –no parameter Sort Method –arrange-no parameter Concat Method: to the end of the Array object

Slice Method : returns 4 and 6

Slice(2) //6, 8,10

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toString method: These strings are catenated, separated by commas. push, pop, unshift, and shift methods

shift and unshift methods var deer = list.shift(); // deer is now “Dasher”

list.unshift(“Dasher”); // This puts “Dasher” back on list

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To find number of zeros, negatives and positives in a given array using switch statement


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Return statement: returns control to the function caller.. One or more return statements in function bodyfunction fun(){Alert(“hi”)}

//no return or (doesnot include any expression) is undefined

LOCAL VARIABLES The scope of a variable is the range of statements over which it is visible. used only within a function ---have local scopeglobal variable scope—they are visible in the entire XHTML document. If a variable that is defined both --- local variable has precedence

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PARAMETERS ..\..\Web Notes by Divya .pdf

The parameter values that appear in a call to a function are called actual parameters.

The parameter names in calls to the function, are called formal parameters.

JavaScript uses the pass-by-value parameter-passing method. In the function, excess actual parameters that are passed are

ignored; excess formal parameters are set to undefined. arguments.length - can determine the number of actual

parameters that were passed.

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9 FUNCTIONS : Sort Method, Revisited

<html><head><script language="JavaScript"> <!--// var letters = ["Rs","Os","Fs","Ls"]; var numbers = [28,5,34];letters.sort(); numbers .sort();alert(letters); alert(numbers );

numbers .sort(function number_sort(a, b){ return a - b; });alert(numbers ); //ascending//--></script></head><body></body></html>

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10 Median of an array:

<html><head><script language="JavaScript"> <!--//function median(list) { list.sort(function (a, b) {return a - b;}); var list_len = list.length; //6 or 7 if ((list_len % 2) == 1) //0 or 1 return list[Math.floor(list_len / 2)]; else return Math.round((list[list_len / 2 - 1] + list[list_len / 2]) / 2); //even} var my_list_1 = [8, 3, 9, 1, 4, 7];var my_list_2 = [10, -2, 0, 5, 3, 1, 7];var med = median(my_list_1); document.write("Median of [", my_list_1, "] is: ", med, "<br />");med = median(my_list_2);document.write("Median of [", my_list_2, "] is: “, med, "<br />");//--></script></head><body></body></html>

Math.floor(1.6); //1Math.round(1.6) //2

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i) To print the position in the string of the leftmost vowel.


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..\web_exercises\chapter4_js\4.8_remove_zeros.html1. Given array must be modified to remove all zero values.

The splice() method adds/removes items to/from an array, and returns the removed item(s).

arr.splice(i, 1); Index: An integer that specifies at what position to

add/remove items howmany. The number of items to be removed. If set to 0,

no items will be removed

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Input: Array of numbers Output: average of each rows of matrix..\web_exercises\chapter4_js\4.13_matrix.html

1. input your sentence2. Sort based on user input(ascending or descending)

1. The split() method is used to split a string into an array of substrings, and returns the new array.

2. ..\web_exercises\chapter4_js\4.7_sort_userinput.html

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In JavaScript, almost "everything" is an object. Booleans, Strings ,Numbers can be objects (or primitive data treated as

objects) Dates are always objects Maths are always objects Arrays are always objects Functions are always objects....

Objects are variables too. But objects can contain many values.var person = "John Doe";var person = {firstName:"John", lastName:"Doe", age:50, eyeColor:"blue"}; The named values, in JavaScript objects, are called properties.

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var person = new Object();person.firstName = "John";person.lastName = "Doe";person.age = 50;person.eyeColor = "blue";

Above creates a single object.

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With JavaScript, you can define and create your own objects. create and initialize the properties of newly created objects.

When the constructor is called, this is a reference to the newly created object.

The this variable is used to construct and initialize the properties of the object.

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<html><head><script language="JavaScript"> <!--//var myFather = new person("John", "Doe", 50, "blue");var myMother = new person("Sally", "Rally", 48, "green");

myFather.display();myMother.display();function person(first, last, age, eye) { this.firstName = first; this.lastName = last; this.age = age; this.eyeColor = eye;


function display(){document.write("father is " + this.age + ". mother is " +

this.firstName+"<br>"); }//--></script></head><body></body></html>

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2 approaches: RegExp String object

search method returns the position in the String object (through which it is called) at which the pattern matched

The position of the first character in the string is 0. If there is no match, search returns –1.

Var str=“hi hello”;Var position=str.search(/hi/); //0

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Metacharacters are characters that have special meanings in some contexts in patterns.

The following are the pattern metacharacters: \ | ( ) [ ] { } ^ $ * + ? .

Metacharacters can themselves be matched by being immediately preceded by a backslash.

A period matches any character except newline.

Example: /snow./ matches “snowy”, “snowe”, and “snowd” Example: /3\.4/ matches 3.4. but /3.4/ would match 3.4 and 374, among

others. Example: [abc] matches ‘a’ , ‘b’ & ‘c’ Example: [a-h] matches any lowercase letter from ‘a’ to ‘h’ Example: [^aeiou] matches any lowercase letter except ‘a’, ‘e’, ‘i’, ‘o’ &


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/^pearl/ /gold$/

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Pattern Modifiers

The i modifier makes the letters in the pattern match either uppercase or lowercase letters in the string. /Apple/i matches ‘APPLE’, ‘apple’, ‘APPle’,

The x modifier allows white space to appear in the pattern.

OTHER PATTERN-MATCHING METHODS OF Stringvar str = “Fred, Freddie, and Frederica were siblings”;

str.replace(/Fre/g, “Boy”);

Matches returns array [4, 3].

var str = “grapes:apples:oranges”; var fruit = str.split(“:”);

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/^\w+/ [\.-]? ([\.-]?\w+)*

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Simple regular expression to validate email addresspersonal_info@domain

The personal_info part contains the following ASCII characters. Uppercase (A-Z) and lowercase (a-z) English letters. Digits (0-9). Characters ! # $ % & ' * + - / = ? ^ _ ` { | } ~ Character . ( period, dot or fullstop) provided that it is not the first or

last character and it will not come one after the other. domain name [for example com, org, net, in, us, info] part contains

letters, digits, hyphens and dots. [email protected] [email protected]

[email protected]

var reg =/^\w+([\.-]?\w+)*@\w+([\.-]?\w+)*(\.\w{2,3})+$/;\.\w{2,3}----------It matches a . followed by two or three word characters,

e.g., .edu, .org, .com, .uk, .us, .co etc.

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131. Write a Javascript that contains, a function named test_

phoneno_num, which tests the phone number of the format ddd – dddd <091 - 8256> and display whether the given number is valid or not using document.write.

2. ..\..\web_lab\js\phone_num_validate.html

3. Write a JavaScript to validate the name, the name should be entered using prompt. The first and last name should not be more than 10 characters and middle name must contain only initial. If so display validation corresponding name. The format is the first_name, second_name and third_name. There should be single white space between First_name, Second_name and third_name.

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Spot the error..

var userAge = prompt(“Please enter your age”);if (userAge = 0);{alert(“So you’re a baby!”);}else if ( userAge < 0 | userAge > 200)alert(“I think you may be lying about your age”);else{alert(“That’s a good age”);}

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Write XHTML document and java script code to implement the following :

i) To count the number of names in the given array that end in either "ie" or "y".

ii) ..\web_exercises\chapter4_js\4.9_ie_y.html

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True if the string has the form:string1, string2 letterstring1, string2-------must be lowercase except the first letterletter-------------must be uppercase


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Venkatesh Anant Naik, Prasanna Kumari M, Pavan K