Unit 1 Introductions and Greetings

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  • 8/12/2019 Unit 1 Introductions and Greetings



    Unit 1

    Introduction and Greetings

  • 8/12/2019 Unit 1 Introductions and Greetings


    Goals for this Unit:1. Students become familiar with what is special about a Bright Ideas classroom.2. Students will learn: the names of other students and the teacher; to greet each

    other; to ask and answer simple questions; to introduce themselves to othersoutside of class.

    Materials Needed for this Unitctivit! 1 " #otebook for each studentctivit! 2 " #ame tags for teacher and each studentctivit! $ " %lashcards &blank ' ( ) inch inde( cards* for each student.ctivit! ) + Ball, balloon, or stuffed to!.ctivit! - " op! of /ictation sheet for each student.ctivit! 11 " andles, birthda! card, overhead and paper copies of birthda! song.

    Technolog !"tions: Using the digital ca#era$Acti%it 1 & Ta'e a "icture of each student and create a "oster that sas (M

    na#e is )))))* or ha%e students #a'e indi%idual "icture ID cards +ith their"icture, first and last na#e$

    Acti%it -, ., / & Ta'e a "icture of t+o students de#onstrating these dialogues$Ma'e a docu#ent on the co#"uter +ith the "icture at the to" of the "age and the+ritten dialogue underneath it$ Distri0ute co"ies to students$ The can "ractice in"airs in class or refresh their #e#or at ho#e$

    Acti%it 11 & Ta'e a "icture of each student on their 0irthda as a #e#ento thatcan 0e added to their 0irthda card$

    Acti%it 1 & Introduction to the Bright Ideas lass

    0elcome the students. Introduce !ourself. /istribute a notebook to each student.(plain what is special about the class: his ma! need to be done with an interpreter tobe sure students understand. 3ere is what is special:

    1. here is no te(tbook for the class. he students will learn practical nglish thatcan be used in their own dail! lives. It is about listening and speaking, not aboutreading and writing.

    2. ach student is e(pected to speak nglish in ever! class. he class will oftenwork in pairs or small groups to give students more opportunities to talk innglish.

    - Sa!, 4It is oka! to make mistakes. ver!one makes mistakes. hat is howwe learn.5 (plain the class rule: we will not laugh at each other6smistakes.

    7nit 1 Introduction and 8reetings 9age 2

  • 8/12/2019 Unit 1 Introductions and Greetings


    - ell students the! will use nglish during class, but can use their nativelanguage at the beginning or end of the class, during the break and to askquestions or get more information. If the! are not read! to talk or sa!something in nglish, the! can ust listen for a while and participatesilentl! b! nodding their heads or pointing.

    '. he class will use a lot of pictures. he students will bring pictures, the teacherwill bring pictures, and we will take pictures with the digital camera.

    $. he class will take at least one field trip a month to practice nglish outside theclassroom. he field trip can be as simple as a walk around the neighborhood.

    ). he class will meet students from other Bright Ideas nglish classes.

    Acti%it 2: Greetings and 3elco#e

    1. sk students to tell !ou their names. 0hen the! do, sa! to them, welcome, &their

    name*; nice to meet !ou.

    9ut on !our own name tag and show students how it works. %rom the list ofstudents in !our class, read each name and give each student the name tag !ouhave prepared. >ou should familiari?e !ourself with the students6 names beforeclass. If !ou have difficult! pronouncing the names, ask a bi+lingual interpreter topronounce the names for !ou. /emonstrate several possible greetings as !ouaddress each student such as: 4hi, hello, nice to meet !ou, how are !ou@5 ollectthe name tags at the end of each class.

    2. 3ave the students stand up, walk around and greet ever!bod! in the classroom +

    including the teacher. s !ou greet students, ask their name again and tell them!our name.

    '. t the beginning of the ne(t class, put the name tags on a table. sk the studentsto pick up their name tags, so the! learn to recogni?e their names in nglish. Ancestudents can find their own names, give each one the name tag of another student.ell them the! must find the right student to give the name tag. epeat this at thebeginning of ever! class until the students learn each other6s names.

    Acti%it -: reate a Greeting Dialogue4Introducing dialogue5

    1. /emonstrate a greeting dialogue with a higher+level student. he teacher beginsthe conversation.

    3i &student6s name*, how are !ou@I am fine. 3ow about !ou@

    I am fine, thank !ou.It is nice to meet !ou.

    7nit 1 Introduction and 8reetings 9age '

  • 8/12/2019 Unit 1 Introductions and Greetings


    Be fle(ible with the dialogue. espond to the student6s ideas. /o not dictate what tosa!. his is a conversation, not a script. epeat the dialogue with the student acouple of times.

    2. 3ave two other students stand and demonstrate the same dialogue for the class.

    '. 0rite the dialogue on the board for ever!one to see. 7se 45 for the first speakerand 4B5 for the second.

    " 3i &student6s name*, how are !ou@B " I am fine. 3ow about !ou@

    $. 3ave the class repeat the conversation together with !ou. he teacher sa!s , theclass sa!s B.

    ). /ivide class in half: have the left side be the speaker and the right side be the Bspeaker. hen switch. epeat until !ou hear ever!one participating with some levelof confidence.

    -. 3ave the class practice in pairs. hen have them find another partner and repeat.

    C. llow students to cop! the dialogue into their notebooks.

    Acti%it 6 & 7lashcards

    1. 3and out five flashcards to each student. Sa!, 4hese are flashcards. he! will

    help !ou learn new words.5

    2. (plain how to use the flashcards: An the flashcards, students will write nglishwords and phrases from each lesson that the! want to remember. /emonstrate howthe! will write one word or phrase per card. An the opposite side should be apicture that represents the new nglish word or the translation in the student6snative language. ncourage them to use whichever method the! prefer.

    '. 0rite the greeting words on the board from toda! and have the students cop! themon their flash cards:

    3ello#ice to ou3ow re >ou

    %inehank >ou

    If students are not able to do this much writing, ust have them cop! hello and thank!ou.

    7nit 1 Introduction and 8reetings 9age $

  • 8/12/2019 Unit 1 Introductions and Greetings


    $. 3ave the class practice in pairs. Ane student should sa! the word in the nativelanguage &or show the picture* and the other student should sa! the nglish word.

    llow at least 1) minutes for this part of the activit!.

  • 8/12/2019 Unit 1 Introductions and Greetings


    ircle the correct name in each line. Sa! each letter out loud as !ou write thename. ncourage the students to spell with !ou. 4 B " " " 3.5

    C. /o dictation another da! with their last names and follow the same procedure.

    Acti%it & Ma'ing Introductions1. (plain the meaning of 4Introduce5: I tell !ou m! name and !ou tell me !ours.

    Introduce !ourself sa!ing,

    : 3ello,

    : #ice to meet !ou.B: #ice to meet !ou.

    2. /ivide the class into two groups. sk the first group to sa!

    '. #e(t, invite two students to stand in front of the class. urn to the first student andsa!, 43ello, &name of student*. I would like !ou to meet &name of second student*.5hen have them shake hands and sa!, 4#ice to meet !ou.5

    $. 3ave two other students come up. sk if one of them would like to be the

    introducer. epeat with another set of two students.

    ). /ivide the class into groups of three. 3ave them practice introductions. Ancestudents can do this, encourage them to use other nglish words the! ma! know.

    Acti%it . & Ho+ do ou s"ell our na#e;

    1. his activit! is intended to be a brief introduction to the alphabet.

    2. sk, 4an an!one sa! the alphabet in nglish@5 If an! students can, ask them tosa! it out loud. hen write each letter on the board or point to it if !ou have a

    poster of the alphabet. /o not go too fast. s !ou write each letter, sa! it andhave !our students repeat after !ou.

    '. sk !our students to cop! the letters into their notebooks. hen, ask if an!oneknows the alphabet song. hildren in merica learn the alphabet song to helpthem remember the alphabet. ell !our students !ou will sing the song and the!will listen. hen, ask !our students to sing the song with !ou. Sing it slowl! andpoint to each letter as !ou sa! it.

    7nit 1 Introduction and 8reetings 9age -

  • 8/12/2019 Unit 1 Introductions and Greetings


    $. Sa!, 4It is important to know letters so we can spell our names.5 8ive an e(ampleusing !our name: 4

    ). /ivide the class into pairs. he students should ask each other 40hat is !ourname@ 3ow do !ou spell it@5 and then write down what the! hear.

    Acti%it / & The Disa""earing House 4A s"elling ga#e5

    1. his is a fun wa! to practice spelling names or an! other words !ou would like toreview. /raw the scene of a house on the board. dd as man! details as possible.

    2. hoose a student6s name, but don6t tell an!bod! what it is. 0rite lines under thehouse for each letter of the person6s name. he e(ample below is for the name

  • 8/12/2019 Unit 1 Introductions and Greetings


    have been erased from the picture.

    0rong letters

    w v k l a

    # )) h # )) ))

    $. /ivide the class into two teams. he first team to guess the name wins the game.

    ). epeat the game another da! using another student6s name.

    Acti%it 1< & Meeting others outside of class

    1. ell the people in !our agenc! that !ou will be bringing the students around to meetpeople. Ar ask a staff person to come in ust for introductions. sk the staff to limittheir talk to what !ou have practiced in class.

    2. >ou should demonstrate the introduction first b! introducing !ourself to the otherstaff member.

    '. hen encourage students to introduce themselves to the staff member.

    $. epeat this activit! after a few weeks to see if students are able to sa! a little more.

    Acti%it 11 = ele0rating Birthdas

    1. sk each student 40hen is !our birthda!@5 0rite down each response. If studentsdon6t know their birthda!s, make a class list of birthda!s from registrationinformation. >ou do not need to include the !ear " ust the month and da!. If the

    students are from a culture that does not celebrate birthda!s, !ou do not need to dothis activit!. 3owever, man! students will have !ounger famil! members whocelebrate birthda!s and the! ma! wish to learn the 3app! Birthda! song.

    2. Begin a tradition in !our class of celebrating birthda!s.


  • 8/12/2019 Unit 1 Introductions and Greetings


    $. %or the first celebration, the teacher can bring in a small cake or something that canhave a candle on it &make sure there is enough to share with ever!one*. sk ifstudents would like to bring in the birthda! cake when it is their birthda!.

    ). each the 3app! Birthda! song. 3and out copies of the 3app! Birthda! song. 9ut acop! on the overhead proector. Sing it for the students first. /on6t assume that all!our students are familiar with the song. Sing the song ever! time !ou have abirthda!.

    Ha"" Birthda Song

    3app! Birthda! to !ou3app! Birthda! to !ou

    3app! Birthda! ame of Student*3app! Birthda! to !ou

    Teacher Re#inder: emember to write down three to five new words from eachclass on an overhead transparenc!. 0rite the date of the class at the top. eview thelist of words from the class at the beginning of the ne(t class.

    (ample: GH2H23ello#ameIntroduce

    Assign#ent: As' students to 0ring a "icture of their fa#il or friendsfor the ne>t class$

    E>a#"le of Student Na#e Dictation$

    Directions:?isten$ ircle the na#e I sa$


    7nit 1 Introduction and 8reetings 9age G

  • 8/12/2019 Unit 1 Introductions and Greetings


    Na#e )))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    1$ @ann Taiin Mar

    2$ Heng Binh Duc

    -$ Adila Mula Is#eta

    6$ hou Soon Ming

    8$ ?ee Hali#a Asha

    7nit 1 Introduction and 8reetings 9age 1