Top 6 Diet Secrets For Six Pack Abs By Ricky West

Top 6 Diet Secrets For Six Pack Abs

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Eating habits that compliment your abs program will help you get your six-pack out of hidingmore effectively. Here is the list of preparation steps you need to implement.

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Page 1: Top 6 Diet Secrets For Six Pack Abs

Top 6 Diet Secrets For

Six Pack Abs

By Ricky West

Page 2: Top 6 Diet Secrets For Six Pack Abs

Quick Note From Ricky: My goal has been and always will be helping people that are in

situations just like yours. I have been there and felt the pain, confusion, and frustration of

having too much belly fat.

Now I want to share my knowledge and help YOU build your six pack abs.

If you know anyone who is currently in the same situation as you please feel free to pass

this guide along. Share it on Facebook, Email, Forums. Wherever you can to help spread

the message and help impact peoples’ lives for the better.

Thank You,

Ricky West

Page 3: Top 6 Diet Secrets For Six Pack Abs

A lot of people who want six pack abs ask this question: “Why can’t you just do routine

exercise and eat your usual meal?” Well, to build your six pack abs, it takes more than just a

workout program. Sure, you can train your ab muscles to get the perfect six pack you’ve

always dreamed about, but it won’t be visible if you still have layers of fat over your muscles.

For some people, there is a genetic factor that makes a little more fat that will always be

there over the muscle layers than they'd like. That's the way of nature and forcing your body

to lose more fat that can be very dangerous for your health. Many people also find their

abdominal muscles irregular, which show of 4 packs or even just 2 packs instead of the usual

6 packs. This depends on your genetics too, beside other factors like the thickness of your

abs, and the level of body fat.

Let’s start with your workout program. Do you have a planned workout program? It’s a good

start if you do. You may think that you only have to crunch your way everyday to get your

dream abs, but the truth is you need 72 hours to go through one metabolic cycle, which

includes healing of the muscles that was torn during your workouts. If you just train the

same ab muscles every day, your muscles won’t have enough time to recover. Intense

training without enough rest will lead to slow progress, more disappointment, and leaving

yourself prone to injury. If you’re a beginner, it would be much better to start training your

full body two to three times per week. You will have sore muscles at first, but once you can

do a workout with no soreness, train your upper body one day, your lower body another

day, and don’t forget to take a day off for recovery. Remember to set aside some time for

cardio training. You can have your muscular abs, but it is far from ready to show if there is a

layer of fat over them. Do some cardio workouts. You have to lose some extra fat over your

abs. Cardio workouts could be jogging, bike riding and rowing.

You get on the right start, you plan right and you follow your plan consistently. You waited

for one month, two months and more, but still you can’t see your dream abs. You do feel

stronger abs muscles due to your training. So why can’t you see those six packs in the

mirror? The problem lies in your diet. There is no point in training hard or even harder, if you

don’t supply your body with the right nutrition to support your fat loss. To get six packs abs,

you must flank your way to get your goal. Lose fat and build muscle; you get this done by

diet and exercise. This is the simple concept that will get you to your goal. It may sound

simple, but it can be quite challenging to do so consistently. You will need dedication, time

and patience to get your dream abs and you will not regret it.

Page 4: Top 6 Diet Secrets For Six Pack Abs

Eating habits that compliment your abs program will help you get your six-pack out of hiding

more effectively. Here is the list of preparation steps you need to implement before utilizing

the <best diet nutrition to get the six packs abs>:

1./ Never skip your breakfast

Make time for breakfast because skipping it

makes you eat a huge lunch. When you do

that you get drowsy which risk you to be

both unproductive and inactive. Cereals

should be considered for those who are busy

because they don't take much time to

prepare and consume. If you are extremely

pressed in the morning, consider breakfast

bars and stack some in your bag before you


If you work out early in the morning, start your day with a breakfast containing complex

carbohydrates. Carbohydrate is important to supply enough energy during your workout.

Choose complex carbohydrates that release energy slowly, to prevent you from getting

hungry quickly. You will still feel up for your workout sessions when it’s time to do it. Also,

complex carbohydrates of the low glycemic index variety help your body regulates your

blood-sugar levels, which will prevent you getting sugar-high, hunger and stop your body

storing fat reserves unnecessarily.

Recommended foods which contain complex carbohydrates to start your day to an ideal

start are cereals, porridge, wholegrain toast and fruits. A scientific study reveals that people

who ate wholegrain in addition to fruits and vegetables, low-fat dairy and lean meat, fish, or

poultry lost more belly fat than those who ate the same diet with refined grains. A diet rich

in wholegrain changes your body response by adjusting glucose and insulin level in your

body, this condition also speed up the process of losing your fat.

2./ Eat less, eat often

You should eat more to keep your

metabolism running. Avoid eating big meals

because it’s never good to make your

metabolism spike suddenly. Instead, you

should divide your meals into six to eight

times a day with smaller portions. Snacking is

fine as long as you opt for healthy snacks,

such as fruit, plain nuts, yoghurts or cottage

cheese. These snacks are low in calories and

will help keep your metabolism stable. These

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snacks also provide some valuable protein during your workout.

You should never drop your portion or increase your training intensity suddenly. You may

experience initial weight loss with this diet, but there are no signs of losing fat. This is

basically losing both water and lean muscle, which will sabotage your metabolism. As a

result, sooner or later you will lose it and get back to your old habit. You will surely gain body

fat back in the long run.

Keep your metabolism steady. Eating one small meal every three hours when you are awake

will not speed up your metabolism, rather, it will keep it going. Your metabolism goes and

slows with your food intake and eating something small every three hours will keep that

metabolism burning calories and will help you lose weight.

3./ Eat before, during, and after your workout

Keep your energy in storage before your workout session. You should consume some protein

and carbohydrates in readiness for your workout. A banana and some peanut butter would

be good. Remember to always maintain your intake of protein. Without a high protein diet,

there is no optimal muscle growth, muscle maintenance and workout recovery. An energy

drink right before working out would also help greatly without inflicting heavy burden for

your stomach. Look out for isotonic drinks which provide your body with the right amount of

sugars and salts to keep your performance high.

You also need to get some fast energy inside you to quickly replace lost glycogen, along with

fast-digesting protein to fuel your abs muscle growth. Antioxidant is good for proper

recovery. Whey protein is the best choice. You can pick trusted sports nutrition drink which

is handy. Read the label before you pick it. Supplements can be useful, but they are what

they call themselves; supplements. There is no magic that make six pack abs with no work.

Most supplements will not give you significant results considering they cost you a great deal

of money. Even if they help, all consumers must keep their basic plan to watch their diet and

increase their exercise. Actually, simple multivitamin or mineral tablet should be sufficient.

4./ Water

Don’t forget water. Human body consists mostly of water, which

means water would be crucial to build your abs. It will keep you

properly hydrated during workout session less than an hour. So,

make sure you also drink water regularly from a bottle

throughout your workout. Don’t wait till you’re thirsty or gasping

because that means you are already dehydrated and your

performance will drop.

To find out how much water you need to drink daily, measure

your weight in pounds and halve it. That figure in ounces is the amount of water you need to

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drink every day. It sounds absurd, but you also need to count the amount of water you get

from the food you eat, and you can also drink tea or healthy juices to make up for the quota.

Green tea extract when combined with caffeine, increases energy expenditure (calories

burned). Studies have also shown that habitual green tea consumers are better able to

maintain their weight.

You also need to notice that drinking much amount of water can be dangerous because it

dilutes certain salts and minerals. If you exercise heavily and sweat a lot, you will have to

replace your fluid as well as minerals. Beside your plain water, consider adding a sports drink

or potassium rich fruits as supplement. You can pick bananas or apples.

5./ Evening menu

Evening is the easiest time to pile up calories, so try to keep your portions smaller and

healthier. Avoid starchy carbohydrates such as pasta and potatoes, and increase the amount

of vegetables. Pick fresh ingredients to avoid unwanted calories especially if you usually eat

takeaways or ready meals. Wait for half an hour before taking more meals because it takes

that long for brain response to warn that your stomach is full.

Switch your usual beer with a small portion of wine. You will cut out a load of calories and

also get some useful body-repairing antioxidants. Of course, this will backfire on your

progress if you drink bottles of wine a night.

A little bit of extra long-digesting protein will help your ab muscles grow while you sleep. You

don’t need much because you don’t make that many movements on your bed. Have a small

piece of cottage cheese before you go to bed. The fact that you don't make many

movements when sleeping should be enough as a warning to prevent you from having big

dinners. You can alternatively eat a larger portion at lunch or healthy snacks before dinner.

6./ Complete diet

Many people don’t know what a complete diet really is. Your diet should include a wide

variety of lean meat, fruits, and vegetables. This is your source of a long list of different

nutrients. Your diet should be diverse and not focused on a few kinds. Do not hesitate to get

carbohydrate from regular sugar which comes from fruit, you should only reduce your intake

in order to lose fat. If you stop your carbohydrate intake, you will find yourself constantly

feeling tired, possibly bad mood and crave for even more carbohydrates. The essence of

complete dieting is to slightly reduce your intake of carbohydrates, not to stop consuming it.

If you deprive yourself of calorie, the diet will not get you your six packs abs; instead you will

ruin your metabolism cycle and may as well develop serious health issues.

I also created a free report about the 5 BEST foods for six pack abs <You can get it HERE>