Thinking globally Acting locally Strategic branding for local government

Thinking globally Acting locally - Al et al · Thinking globally Acting locally Strategic branding for local government. Branding for local government. “Creating a brand and a culture

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Page 1: Thinking globally Acting locally - Al et al · Thinking globally Acting locally Strategic branding for local government. Branding for local government. “Creating a brand and a culture

Thinking globally Acting locally

Strategic branding for local government

Page 2: Thinking globally Acting locally - Al et al · Thinking globally Acting locally Strategic branding for local government. Branding for local government. “Creating a brand and a culture

Branding for local government.“Creating a brand and a culture is the essence of every great organisation.”

As local governments around Australia are challenged to provide more services

and facilities to more communities—to be more accountable and accessible,

more efficient and responsive—strategic branding has an integral role to play.

Councils are invariably large organisations. They have multiple functions,

units, services and facilities. They employ many people. An effective,

integrated brand positively and comprehensively represents council, the place,

the community and the many and varied services and facilities they comprise.

Done right, the local government brand fosters our sense of place, and our

pride in our local community. It shapes and builds awareness for our region.

It promotes engagement, interaction and participation. It assists council in

managing resources, delivering services and communicating objectives.

It promotes investment, trade, tourism and growth. And it builds awareness

of the important role local government plays for our region and community.

The third tier of government needs a better sense of its own brand if it is to convince the public of its vital community role. Creating a brand and a culture is the essence of every great organisation. It is what makes them tick—it gives employees a sense of purpose, direction, worth and value, and communicates a vision to the broader public. That much is true of the private sector, but today’s governments are equally attuned to how they are portrayed.

Rob O’Brien Power of the Local Brand, Government News Magazine, June/July 2010

A strong brand for council services is essential to improve satisfaction, build relationships and trust with local people, and help people understand what the council tax pays for. And crucially, the formal expression of the brand should match customers’ actual experience of the council.

Local Government Improvement & Development, idea.gov.uk

Page 3: Thinking globally Acting locally - Al et al · Thinking globally Acting locally Strategic branding for local government. Branding for local government. “Creating a brand and a culture

Strategic branding for local government

A brand embodies an organisation’s perceptions and attitudes, values and beliefs, aspirations and objectives. The goal of strategic branding – and the role of the designer – is to create a visual language and style that articulate this. The visual style represents the brand, and deploys the logo, graphic devices, colour palettes, and style guides.

Depending on where your organisation is at, and where it needs to be, your brand development may address some or all of the elements we outline below.

A brand is more than a logo. A brand is the collective realisation of many influences, devices and applications:

values, objectives, vision, history, tradition, perceptions, beliefs, attitudes

logo, symbols, graphics, palettes, fonts, patterns, styles, templates, systems, procedures, style guide

communications, marketing, website, stationery, advertising, promotional material, signage

1. RevIew

Does your existing logo need refining, refreshing, revising, consolidating?

Review the organisation.

Define the operations and objectives.

Assess the current brand message.

Appreciate the corporate culture and community.

Research public perception.

2. PlAn

Does your organisation need a strategy for how various extensions of the brand are represented?

Audit the existing brand architecture.

Consolidate the extensions/applications.

Rationalise the look of the organisation.

Evolve the brand.

Align the brand across all extensions/applications.

3. COmmunICATe

Does your organisation need integrated communications and marketing collateral to carry your brand?

Create a unique visual style.

Empower staff to use the brand.

Rationalise communication material.

4. dOCumenT

Does your organisation need to establish clear guidelines for working with your brand?

Define the rules of the brand.

Maintain consistency and integrity.

Streamline processes.

Our strategic design approach. What is a brand?

Our four part process.

marketing brand >>

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Page 4: Thinking globally Acting locally - Al et al · Thinking globally Acting locally Strategic branding for local government. Branding for local government. “Creating a brand and a culture

Strategic branding for local government Mackay Entertainment and Convention Centre


Capturing the spirit of the local community and the confidence of the national convention sector.“We need to make a lasting impression on potential clients.”

The challenge for the new Mackay Entertainment Convention Centre was to transform a much-loved existing facility and highly recognised brand built up over 21 years. The new branding has helped springboard the transition of the facility to become universally known as “The MECC” – and the Mecca of entertainment and conventions in the region.

Local governments today are keen to take ownership of the facilities they provide, and make them work to their full potential. The MECC is a business unit

of Mackay Regional Council – and we mean business. It has the potential to enrich the local community, and boost the local economy. We need to appeal at a national level, and overcome the perceived challenges and limitations of working in a regional area. We need to make a lasting impression on potential clients. We need to stand out and look professional – in print or on screen, in colour or black and white.

Entica came up with an extremely bold and eye-catching brand. In fact, it was so different, I was a little worried about

whether I’d get it through council! But the design was so well considered and suited to its application, council uniformly endorsed it.

The brand has captured the imagination of the public and the potential of the project.

mark Fawcett managerConvention Precinct & Events

Page 5: Thinking globally Acting locally - Al et al · Thinking globally Acting locally Strategic branding for local government. Branding for local government. “Creating a brand and a culture

Strategic branding for local government Townsville City Council

Positioning council as an integral part of a dynamic community.“It’s about strategy and consistency.”

Townsville City Council faced a massive challenge – to bring its brand in line with the progressive and rapidly evolving city; to capture the spirit of the place and its people; to individually represent council’s many diverse operations.

From a branding perspective, we were a total shemozzle. We needed help to tidy up our act and develop an integrated and engaging brand. This involved extensive auditing, planning and training.

Entica’s first foray into brand development for Townsville City Council was back in 1997 with the launch of the $40 million Strand foreshore

redevelopment. The Strand launched to great acclaim, and Entica became synonymous with delivering innovative, value-added service.

The studio’s reputation is for targeted, nnovative concepts and effective delivery. It’s about strategy and consistency. It’s never just the process of doing a logo – it’s how it integrates nto every aspect of the business.

I believe their strength is that they isten very carefully to your brief, get to understand your product and then deliver. They’re not a consultancy that delivers five different options and says

‘pick one’. They understand what you need, and then deliver a superior product and service at a competitive price.

What Peter and his team deliver is exceptional value for money at a competitive price. And the mayor and the key people understand just how good they are.

dolan Hayes Former managerPublic Relations & Communications

Page 6: Thinking globally Acting locally - Al et al · Thinking globally Acting locally Strategic branding for local government. Branding for local government. “Creating a brand and a culture

Strategic branding for local government Tweed Shire Council

New image. New efficiencies. New growth.One council. One brand.

The development of the Tweed Shire Council brand came out of a major corporate relations and communications review. The overarching theme was to develop a unique identity that would make council’s image and communications more consistent and more cost effective and efficient to manage. This would unite all council services, facilities and initiatives under one banner, resulting in greater awareness and clear recognition.

Council’s new brand is much more than just a logo. It’s a whole package and system of procedures – detailed visual standards manual, coat of arms, positioning statement, visual devices, colour palettes and style guides. More than 20 applications.

Internally, it has made a huge difference in efficiency and consistency, streamlining the communications process. It has made our jobs easier and our publications better utilised and received. And it has fostered the sense that we’re all working for the one organisation with common goals and values.

Externally, it’s easier for the community to identify council services and facilities – what we’re doing, how we’re doing it, where their rates are going. It clearly defines value and benefits for the community.

It took time and effort to communicate the importance of the investment. But once the councillors saw the

potential of what we were doing, they were behind it. We did a lot of research with other councils, seeing how they managed the process and what it cost. We sought submissions from five companies. We didn’t have much room to move with the budget.

It has been a very worthwhile investment. And I know we received extremely good value for money.

Tiffany Stodart Communications & Marketing Unit

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13 May 2009Tweed Sh re Council

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13 May 2009Tweed Sh re Council

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Consectetur adipiscing l t

13 May 2009Tweed Shire Counc l

Lorem ipsum dolor

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“A brand is an important investment

for any large organisation. while council

works on behalf of the community, we

operate in a commercial environment.

every time we use our new corporate

identity, it is an opportunity to

communicate who we are, whether

we are negotiating with other tiers

of government or working with our

community and business groups.“

Councillor warren PolglaseMayor of Tweed Shire Council

Page 7: Thinking globally Acting locally - Al et al · Thinking globally Acting locally Strategic branding for local government. Branding for local government. “Creating a brand and a culture

Strategic branding for local government

Retaining the tradition and looking to the future of a rapidly developing region.“... it would have to stand the test of time.”

150 Wembley RoadLogan Cent a QLD 4114

PO Box 3226 Logan C ty DC QLD 4114

Council Enqui ies 07 3412 3412Ema l counci @ ogan q d gov auwww logan qld gov auABN 21 627 796 435
























Thursday 21 January 2010

Aus ralia Day Awards

On Wednesday Logan City

Counc l honoured seven amazing

community he oes at its Aus ralia

Day Awa ds dinner at the Beenleigh

Events Cent e

F iday 15 January 2010

Corporate Volun eers helping

o ‘g een’ Logan You’ve heard of

Greening Aust a ia but have you

heard that hey are Greening Logan?

F iday 10 January 2010

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MORE News from Logan >>









© 2010 Logan C ty Coun il | Web Des gn by www en ca com au | Web Deve opment by To Be Adv sed | Pr vacy Sta ement & Disc aimer

ACT VE LOGAN program is a great way to en oy our parks and

fac l t es meet people lea n something new and mprove your

health It is a low cost p ogram of act vit es for es dents of a l

abilities and fi tness levels

COMMUNITY CHAT On Friday 29 January Mayor Pam Pa ker

and Cr L sa Bradley w ll be at the Rochedale Commun ty Cent e

The Chat starts at 10am and s an oppo tun ty for D v sion 1

es dents to a se any ssues or concerns that they have n the

neighbourhood We look forward to seeing you here


The 2010 Logan City Austral a Day Awards winne s are now l sted

on the web site Congratulations to all the nom nees and winners!

Keep an eye out for EXPERIENCE LOGAN the o fi c al v sitor

guide for Logan for 2010 The publicat on w ll be ava lable soon

from Counc l Customer Service Centres librar es and the Visitor

Information Centre


We a e always looking for your input o help

make Logan City a bet er place to ive wo k

and play The fo lowing p ojects a e cur en ly

unde way and we would app eciate your

feedback on their p og ess

> Park Ridge Scheme Amendments

> Glenlogan Park Master Plan


Counc l s upcom ng kerbs de co ect on se v ce w ll

be under aken the week beg nning 1 Feb uary 2010

inc ud ng

> Bethan a

> Edens L nd ng

> Holmv ew

> Wa er ord


1 Beaudese t Shire Planning Scheme 2007

2 Amendment No 1 Pa t A Inclusion of Land

3 Road Closure Rochedale

4 Foo pa h Upgrade Jones St eet Daisy Hi l


Logan is a big city – in population and area. It’s one of the fastest developing regions in the country. Logan City Council’s branding was dated and inconsistent throughout the organisation. It was obvious we needed an update and change of direction.

We didn’t want to reinvent the wheel, but we did want to modernise and build on our original identity. We needed a framework for a consistent and comprehensive image. We were keen to retain the central image of the banksia, which traditionally has a strong link to council.

Quotes were sought from various design consultants to rebrand Logan City Council. Entica was successful. The brief was to create a modern brand that drew on the existing identity. It had to offer a uniform style that would be accepted across council. It had to provide a

foundation for building our corporate mage and brand. And it would have to stand the test of time.

Entica developed design concepts for a graphic device and new logo. These were reviewed and refined, until we had a design we were all proud of. The designs were submitted across council, and presented to the mayor, CEO and managers. Everyone was complimentary and excited about the ntroduction of the new brand. The design was rolled out progressively to minimise waste – as items ran out, they were replaced with the new style.

The new brand and style guide also provided the impetus and process to reduce duplication and streamline procedures. The new style has been nvaluable in our internal and external communications, from newsletters to annual reports. It’s adaptable, easy

to work with, and ensures quality and consistency. We don’t have to start from scratch every time. It’s given us a clear direction.

The new brand is now highly visible throughout the city. The feedback has been overwhelming – from the community and businesses alike. It’s amazing how many people not only notice it, but also compliment the change. The recognition of Logan City Council today is excellent.

You often don’t realise how inadequate something is until you try something new. People weren’t knocking down our doors criticising what we had. But when we had something new, everyone recognised what an improvement it was.

Richard O’leary Marketing Manager

Logan City Council

Page 8: Thinking globally Acting locally - Al et al · Thinking globally Acting locally Strategic branding for local government. Branding for local government. “Creating a brand and a culture

Western Downs Regional Council

Water Management Strategy

For any high prof le publications such as annual reports or promotional material we

recommend the use of Univers Condensed This font is not readily available however

we believe this to be the most appropriate font to be used wherever poss ble in order

to achieve the expectations outlined in the brief Univers will portray the Council

as contemporary & efficient while ensuring clear legibility of all type

material We believe Univers to be a visually aesthetic type face We also note that

Univers is currently used in the Community Update publication

Customer Se vice 1300 728 500

www westerndownsrc qld gov au


Western Downs became a large and diverse regional council with the amalgamation of six former councils. Originally, we were called Dalby Regional Council. However, as this name proved divisive, we did not progress corporate branding until Council had successfully obbied for a name change. Once we had a name that represented the entire region, we needed a brand that would start to build a new identity for the new council.

Western Downs is a region spanning over 38,000 kilometres and the Council represents many stakeholders. The challenge was to find a common ground. While our communities are distinctly different, we share the andscape. It’s the country and natural environment that connects the people, business and industry of our region.

This became the inspiration for the logo – the open spaces, big skies and fresh

air. As well as the natural resources that underpin local industry – from the traditional agricultural industries to the emerging energy sector.

With amalgamation came the need to merge different work cultures and systems where everyone did things slightly differently. The consistent application of the brand – internally and externally – helped everyone to identify with the new organisation, and continues to promote recognition and meaning.

The branding process is also a good catalyst for reviewing internal systems. It creates the opportunity and impetus to not only look at what we do, but also how we do it – streamlining and standardising systems and procedures.

To protect brand integrity we also developed quality control procedures. Once you have a corporate identity in place, you’re more careful with how

it’s used and where it’s portrayed. So the branding process is a catalyst for quality control and continual improvement.

Council’s vision as an organisation is to professionally represent ‘a proud region united by opportunity and lifestyle’. The Western Downs Regional Council corporate brand reflects this aspiration by creating a strong visual presence, both within our organisation and throughout our communities.

Our people – staff and constituents – have received the brand very well because they identify with its story and strong character.

Kerri Anderson Strategy and Communication Manager

A unified identity for a diverse range of communities.“Our communities. Our future.”

“The people responsible (within and without council) for the western downs logo should be congratulated … It is a clever piece of marketing to attract the eye of business, potential residents and tourists. It sends a very clear message that our region is uncomplicated, easy to do business with and somewhere welcoming to live or visit … I think the mayor is correct when he says it will unite our previous exceptionally good councils into one larger council, ready to meet the challenges of the amalgamation forced upon us. we are fortunate to be served by a council, elected members and staff who have professionally and expertly set about building a new entity to meet the challenges of the future. well done!”

Bruce Chalmers, dalby(Letters to the Editor, Dalby Herald)

Page 9: Thinking globally Acting locally - Al et al · Thinking globally Acting locally Strategic branding for local government. Branding for local government. “Creating a brand and a culture

Strategic branding for local government Glasshouse Arts, Conference & Entertainment Centre

Bringing the community together. Bringing events to the community. A brand for a community centrepiece.

Local government can be reticent to invest in marketing. Strategic branding has been undervalued by councils in the past. But a long-term vision will reveal the value of strategic marketing and branding. Whatever your business concept or model, it needs to be clearly portrayed to your market. And to do that you need a strong image and a coherent brand. You need to look professional and communicate effectively.

Creating a strong, professional brand was paramount in the development of Glasshouse. We formed a group of key stakeholders within council, and communicated the importance of strategic branding. We had to compete with other venues, both regional and metropolitan, around Australia.

We went to tender with an indicative budget and timeline, and called in the people we were keen to talk to. Entica was appointed, and we set about creating

the brand for Glasshouse. We evaluated all the different brands council had, then developed preliminary concepts. We worked through these, chose the concept we liked, and went into production.

We had the brand in place for 18 months before Glasshouse opened. This enabled us to secure forward business for our first three years of operation. In our first year, we took $1.1 million through the box office, and saw 200,000 people come through our doors. A considerable achievement for a regional facility with no history. This saw us through the worst of the financial crisis, and put us in a strong position.

It was important that we could effectively and efficiently produce our own marketing and communication materials locally. We needed to be self-sufficient and have quick turnaround. And we needed to have 100% confidence that

what we produced would support the brand we were seeking to build. We developed a style guide to pave the way.

Setting the tone and getting the brand right from the outset made the investment pay off for council and the community. We were able to show the value of having a professional facility in a regional area. If you’re in competition with other regions, or on a national level, you have to think outside your local area. You need a broad perspective, and you need to look at the big picture.

If you present a professional image and communicate clearly, business will follow.

Agris CelinskisFormer Director Glasshouse Arts, Conference & Entertainment Centre


Page 10: Thinking globally Acting locally - Al et al · Thinking globally Acting locally Strategic branding for local government. Branding for local government. “Creating a brand and a culture

Strategic branding for local government Mackay Regional Council

From amalgamation to unification. The whole is greater than the sum of the parts.“We needed to reflect a bold new vision and united approach”

The Mackay Regional Council brand came out of the 2008 amalgamations. We sought to develop a strong new brand that would unify the three previous councils. While we wanted to retain a certain flavour of the original entities, above all we needed to reflect a bold new vision and united approach. We were keen to develop something very different – vibrant and unique, but very simple.

Entica won the job and was enlisted to develop the new brand and visual standards guide. We rebranded everything, developing new standards, guidelines and templates – to maximise efficiency and preserve the integrity of the new brand. It was essential for

the new council, internally and externally, that we portray a consistent message and image.

While internally we may see ourselves as doing different things in different areas, to the community, council is one large organisation. Mackay Regional Council is the largest employer in the region, with many different business units, facilities and services. It is important that these are recognised as part of council. This was a strong direction in our design brief. While we maintain and develop strong individual sub-brands, these are all linked back to council.

While it took time to build acceptance and support, we now have a strong

foundation for council’s branding and communication. This has resulted in strong community recognition of council facilities and services, and a stronger understanding of the role council plays in the community.

We’re pretty passionate about our brand development and implementation. Other councils are now contacting us to see what we’ve done and how we’ve done it. We feel we’ve gone down the right path. We did it in a very cost effective and efficient way. We got the foundation right.

Ken Furdek manager Corporate Communications




Page 11: Thinking globally Acting locally - Al et al · Thinking globally Acting locally Strategic branding for local government. Branding for local government. “Creating a brand and a culture

Strategic branding for local government Ipswich City Council

A professional brand for a progressive and diverse council“Clarity and consistency … both internally and externally.”

Ipswich City Council sought to refine and update its brand to reflect a progressive vision for the future, and apply this consistently across an increasingly diverse range of activities. The offer of council today is so diverse, with so many applications of the brand, it is essential to have clarity and consistency in our communication, both internally and externally.

All communication and marketing materials now have a consistent look and feel. All the applications across many different departments are now aligned. There is a strong recognition of the services and facilities that council

provides. This has promoted awareness and understanding in the business community and general public.

The rebranding process has also assisted internal processes and procedures, promoting efficiency and consistency. It has helped to rationalise the many templates – written and visual – for various forms and documents, promoting clearer communication. The style guide and colour palettes enable differentiation, while maintaining the overall look and feel. Everyone has a clear style to work to.

The updating of the logo and corporate brand coincided with an effort toward

centralising marketing activity for council within one branch. This has also helped to make council’s marketing initiatives more effective and efficient.

Today, the Ipswich City Council brand and its many applications are cleaner, more contemporary and more consistent – in line with the vision and offering of a progressive and diverse council. Our brand looks professional and is an excellent representation of our council and the community we represent.

Carl wulff Chief Executive Officer Ipswich City Council




Page 12: Thinking globally Acting locally - Al et al · Thinking globally Acting locally Strategic branding for local government. Branding for local government. “Creating a brand and a culture

Strategic branding for local government

Our work has provided councils with a visible presence and strong voice in the community, industry and other government sectors …

Differentiating and distinguishing their services and


Communicating effectively, efficiently and consistently.

Building their brands.

As visual communicators, we appreciate the difference between being seen and being recognised.

As problem solvers, we identify key issues and challenges.

As strategists, we determine the key propositions and objectives.

As designers, we create effective brand solutions.

Entica offers the following services:

brand audit and reporting

brand architecture

brand tagline

development of visual identity

brand development and evolution

brand alignment and consolidation

brand extension and application

brand style and standards development and documentation

communication and training

brand performance review

To find out how Entica could work for your council and community, please contact Peter Lynch:

07 3254 2600 [email protected] www.entica.com.au

Building successful brands for local government

Entica is a design studio specialising in strategic branding. We have a long and successful history working with local government –

Brisbane City Council

Cairns Regional Council

Ipswich City Council

Logan City Council

Mackay Regional Council

Port Macquarie-Hastings Council

Townsville City Council

Tweed Shire Council

Western Downs Regional Council

Some of the brands we’ve helped build …

Page 13: Thinking globally Acting locally - Al et al · Thinking globally Acting locally Strategic branding for local government. Branding for local government. “Creating a brand and a culture

www.entica.com.au230 harcourt street

post office box 696

new farm qld 4005

3254 2600 phone

3254 2622 facsimile

[email protected]

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