The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian ... · The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 3 nla.obj-699305824 National Library of Australia

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The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 1nla.obj-699305565National Library of Australia


The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 2nla.obj-699305691National Library of Australia

F'riday1 J,',,.,br1.1cry rn.:!7. WlRELESS WEEltLY

Look Inside Any Ray-O-Vac Battery

The t-:x lu IVf' C(.HLStr11i.:Lwn pf Ru)-0-Yac 04B'' ba.ttnit>!l t ,mhu ~ :, 1nunbt r ~! chnrneteri~laa wha:h Nl d)' d1 tuigu1ah them DJ leudcra m Lh~ " U' Lall, t)' n, hJ ~ih1 f("lalllrH .ti.Tl,! (HI tandiug.-

1 l.1 MP C.fl 6f l"\dleii •bftl ow,k

• Wau r aod aelrf .,,._, 1!'1:1: .hl.lAt j•O.rt1lf h

J t,;ori-1-1iic win-a ..-c"',~ Jy IOW.,ed

I lru.ah.til'lc ""'1U-"'!o' J hl't-...n uU,1.

, Wat•riirour ,i..11 t t;iht-r

r.w I" t 'I rnuna.

mak• "'°"'''"' e,,;,nMir UOGa waJ. ...-IN .,,..111

r 1-..ie ,ouni,.-ct , n I o:tt'I" •• opy,9, .... Huo t!M a...a. r l>t' -· ~f w l I l•rm1i--'I 11111).)rrrd v.-: rrh tu In•

J,1.,kt I c-rll~

Note its umuuol Construction.

No. ~303.

So. 9303---'Thr l1cut.-r Ray-U-Vn.1: ~S Voll; ,luuhl th1 1n11wr·Ngt- 11( urdinary -15 ,,;o. 2301 16 volt. flat., wHh 7 t.app1ng!I •.•

ll hl 0 I 6 U I 4 II 0 16 ,, ~~: :~~:~_J:j v:!~l ~fr~g!~i°tt~~tbtn~prnp!m~

~o. 216:t ~.!i volt UjJtirht, 2 tc-rmin!5.: 0111 \'&IV~ ..•..•

~o. 5161-BP 221 volt mtodiun, ..... :'(o. 1151-22! volt (or p,,rtablo ••b! . . .

~P crully 11 r0




d f~; d~k~·t.u; ..... ., . 0 15 0

II 12 ,;

,o. :!31 R-H .. C" Luu,,ry. VolU,J.Te .sdftu.tnu 11l of I! ·t ~~fJi.volt;·c·a·~·btt0

used O IO ti .1!' A, ll, nr C bi,,ttt,ry _ • . 0 ,o.. li'II R U vuh Grid 8 1.2 "C" Batt.t:n • • • . . • .. . • II

Xu. 1211-11 \'nil "A"btttLt•r.)1-thebut ·u \111! 11 It.: u-11011 tlw mt1l'kt"t'lo,l.a,y 0 S ~. 11 J J. v .. Jt c 1·11 fnt radfo or td ·phnn, II ~ 1. 12:ll J cdl S., \'oil A bot,r-ry in one ,•u ....... _.......... O

4 11

•· ~ :I '.I ~

1~ 0


Solt" ~srt:nt,. £or Au•""tn.lla and .Ntw Zealand:

United Distributors Limited

·tts Qu«n St"9 :?7 ( hessu St., BRISBANE. AOF.J.AIOE.


72 Clarence Street, Sydney 26 Queen St., Cr. J en-oill Quay .t llarris

PER'111. !-:t., WF.Ll,ISGTON, N.Z. ij6 I Bourke St., MELBOURNE.

66 Chatl .. St., 1,AUNCESTO:-. Tu.

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 3nla.obj-699305824National Library of Australia

Frida)·, F,bru.ary 4, 1927 WIRELESS WEEKLY

RADIOTRONS bear the above seal

RADIOTRON UX 199 £quail, eerw ct..bleo aa a dct«.t.or or •" • h 1h effidf'ney

radto (If aud.1',) frcqu.encr amphfic-r.. Extremely cc.ocorn1cal in 9pcu.uou. \Japtable to drJ batten o~nted act.I

F,lam<at voll•1• 3. Cuneat Ooi amps. Price 13 6

RADIOTRON UX 201A Th,. 1tandard all round 6aibte •tonre battt-TY YJ.lvt­

ac•od 1n any d1MN:tot or a.mph6er orcuH-aure to a;1ve the beat re-uh1' 41, tht lowut opr.ra:UOI" c:•t

hla.ment ••lr.~ s CurreDl 25 ampa. Prlce 121.

RADIOTRON UX 120 ~cw dry cell Radiutrno for u1e In the llll •taae ol tddio

1mpiificat1on o.nJy. ~cr.ed1~l7h!Pbl1me..nttmi.u1on Volum11t ~qu,1l ta that a! two U\'199 a.

Filament ,olca.., 3. Current .12S ampa Price 17 6

JlADIOTRON UX 11Z A new power .-alve cmllar to the fanuhir OY2:01A. but

•ueral time.a n powe.rful. Desi,ntd for use: a, 1ht valve 1n accumulator Opttattd ,eta. -whv, it will dt lf't'U far fflOr'- tnUfY thin the ann1e loud 1piuker requiru. T wo ef th-e •&lwt ...U .,.., ....,...,u1 ,..uiu. Filament vo\112• 6. Currtnt .Sao>po,

AT ALL DEALERS Price u ,i ,o ~ted:;~ Wireless

'[A u,lro osioJ.fl_;r.; -P7 0- St., Syd..oy 16719 <2i- St,, Mclboun,e

JClas ...i 1tu11 O.-i-., Qi,..,. St., Drioba.N


Par Ont

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 4nla.obj-699305951National Library of Australia

WIRELESS WEltltLT Friday. Ftbruuy 4. 19:17

f" ........................................................... ~.J:/tl, ................................................................. .


! ~

! :

I I ! i i i i

! I I ;

I i l l

The " lmperia"

Price £4/-/-coMPLETE

i: \S\ 'TEll\f..:. U 1lo"n, 2 t, ,, r \hd,.

Neutrodyne Kit

Thr , t•ry latest in impro, ~ .'lieulro,hne h:Jt,.

Th<! ;\ ~ul rnformr'"" :u e rend, mnunted on t hi' (>1· I type of .0005 Stmight-I.111e F1reguQ11ry Condensers.

Th•l l',in,•I llnll,ng Tcmplnte ~up­phcd in th'" k1• um hP ,,astPd on the pnnel nnd the holc.s drill~,I.

When the C'onckn•cr$ m·e mnnnlftl the ~ua,•ofurm, r" w1U 1,c found to 1,u 111 l111 «>1 r,..:I an1rk• for ueutrnh:-1at1011.

'l\,o o! Jhe l:ilest nl(ll'O\l'd type ot :-1,•utrodon, are also <llpp1i~,1 l the k1\

Wiring Circuit and hints on the con~lruction and neub-alilatlon of a Neutrodyne are supplied

In ~ac:h Kit.

"IMl'EIU \" ;\cutrud1 ne Kits on• obtainabl~ al l~adini; RJ.tdiu llcnl~111. or

\\' holrsa.1.!r1 ond Het.ail«n Photo ami RaJio


6)11.t • 1 t (,,o,rf' !lt•t-"\ 'S,,..c:a " I&,.! Jl11&h•r lhf!'l'I l\al 11\l • tia •1,!N .. ., )tit I ~t • 2t.lio t::oU n• llll'Ht ~rl b~IIW t '11-t•a f.tr,.i

f ; ;1~,":t~. >:%. • 1!1 tt;~~= :~::t :

i A.KI •nil !\ ✓•• • UJ ~Iida. ~tn•t ! f ... ,,,._,,.,.,.,.,,..,_ ........ ,.,.,-.. .,,._,... ............ ,.,,,..,,_,,..,,,., .. ,.,,.,.,,,,., ............................. ~ ...................................... ,..,, .. .,_, ............ ,. ... ,",-• uA

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 5nla.obj-699306082National Library of Australia

I Ill.. 9, :'lo l~. mu, H, T t.O ,. 1~2,

Mor e Cou n t ry Licenses.

T Ill-. slump ft, rnd10 \\h1 h 1a111l' as the rt'll<hon tu the llr t l•1um 1s 111 nn en,! l\lc, t

11<1,·1,ltuis II hich alt, ,11 \\ id< read popularity die 1lurrng this pt'riod nnd the proof th, t rnd10 has ,om<! to la) 1s ,ho11 n IJ} the fa<"l that but for 11 mom~:itary pause, the slump d d r ol ,lfccl the stride of br,mct~asl do\ lop.. ment. 'The stendy ri " (lf rnd10 111

puhh< f.11·our 11hlch mn) be l'Xpedcd henceforth II ill be h Ip, d also b) 1m­Jll"O~Cd rec:qitlon, Cor the corn ng 11ln­ter will he lh flr~t durmg 11ti1ch 2F<' will hroadcnst on th hoi t IIR\I?• Jeng lb. 'fhe counu; d1 trl tB wh1, h 11 ill 1,cn .. lll from th allerntton arr• now du11 for tht 11t I, nt1011 r h• trndcrs tor th,. cas) , 11) mnrkd for r ,,Ho goods 1s almo t exhnu tro

There fg every 1nd1cnl1on thn n great rr 1·1Yal of intere~t in hroadc t r,ir ,HII tn.kc place if the natur11

l<•ndt!n<y In thL~ dirncl1 11 IS ll<tellPr a1ted illlCI nul re arded Onl} opl'rntion l>etween the lTatl r nr d th, broo,kasters can make a ,ice f rt-la) bro:id~asting tnt1oru1.

Th,, argum~nl, fact nre rath('r 11h,c11re. CJf counti; Ii lrnc•rll in mnnded relay

111 the country unles~ ther.i art· n·lay st11tion.,

In Switzerland and l)enlllllrk nn.r small tcmn ur hnmlt't having tilt<'" hundred ratlio ~et.s in its mid,! ha~ the r1!(lll to demand a small 101, pow,•r rein} ,t 1tiu11, ge11o'rally 01,.·r­,tt<d by the JJO.~tmn•h•r. Thi Ays­tem 11oul!.1 1101 IJe pnictic.abl<l in Aus­tralia, 11 hnd of long diqfanc,• and n seal ll,l"OO pop,1lntlon, l,ut lhctl' ,~ flfl •e.,son \I hy .i ~lmllar chPm" could not IJe adoptl'CI.

A•suming that c"n•ta11t. unint••r­r Jl!_led rnd10 recc·ption on modcrut"I> prircrl set.~ 1s ,in)) lo he Jrn,I ,11l11ln a hundred mill!.'! of ,t stnt1on, a ch>111 of three stntwn, ~•Y at Hu), TJubl>-0 and A, mlrl,d<-, would re.,cll nlmnsl ••1ery llstr.ner 111thrn two or 1hre• Jiundrnd nlile,; uf the coa t

Suppos~ lhc~c lhrre l!tatior,~ ,-11ch 11st f;{ 000 to ,-rcct and rnmntaln fur

nnc l r.ar 'l'o r,,lurn lhr. I road a,t. 11 • q,mprn:e, tJw1r oulln} e:11 h ,h,._

tr1, I I\ uuld ha\ e to J r,K!uce .1.000 """' licenses. It should nQt be tlillicull to ••II I hat numl,cr of ets "1thin :1.0011

st1uarc rn1Je,, r(Jughh I h" 11r<'n withiu rm h,rndr~tl m1l0 ~ nr the ~UH ion ,.,.r> , ,all> 8111,r, mll11.1 .,r fhc,, l\t1111<1 be CJ Y•ln1 5ets

Th, figurt' Kh tn hn,' nr, l,11sed on U1, ro rghe,t of ,;stlmnt~, but right or \\TC,ng lh~y scne to 111d1<"nll• !11111 th., rein) talion •• prncllCllbl•• Onl} 1111e ll1i11g i~ , erlalu, hu11Ner, 11oth111g will be <lone before rh Horn! I ummi,>u,n 1111 \\'il'eJ.-, nwl<t!S 11, r, p,,rt

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 6nla.obj-699306219National Library of Australia

Page F0ur Frida;-, February I. 192.'7.

Between You And Me And The Microphone

Conducted by Jack Plugge

THE! .\S!'. LAL DINSER uni! re Wlh.,11 of th~ \Vun•rlt) R::cJ1u Club \I.HI bt" 111 u't'" bl "..\lrnt.1t1l." \Ith: I 1rt"'Wti "-lr.-, t. \\ AH rlr~ on ~ ebru nry ii

L :-t Lr l:it:N S .. B<,ok ~• F""• lt,, d1:1',rhtf'ul , , lu.rwt fur k ii.I Hi"t1, , ln('h

..... ,. pru.lu~• J b) tht- Li·d•im1:- !;t<,r.1 tf'lhr1g ,tc.11 t IQ\•, h.a.\ mrt with • '-"Oftncrful rin1 poc,n. tuid the flr· t ,.Ji t1on h.:a. bllt-n +1lm0Ht F.ultl 1n1t ,.,.Jthlr, 1,1 \ \lo1•fl J1urlr1~ th,-, J 16:d fr\\ Wt'tks ,t !I 1•1tp.-.<t1·•J th.ii' the sec:omJ e<htion \\ ... la r ubl hl-'J

"k[TINt, n the J.anu.an· 1 ue f thv An eddu RilJi,, \",..\\ , \ft f .Mu 1-v,.,t•. ol :::5-;.u~ PhiN.• lahtorniu ll} "l b.av--i' been ! ... irh 1uccL>Sllul

dunn tt, '-' t s, ltBI Hi JJU: ktr.g uv q\J~te .a r,urr.l,.-1 f foft'lkC, tilt1ura" .My l,t l t 1..q.1l,on llf :m) fon-iin tatiOfl. aa h om ..J(Jt,;, Bruba.ne l

ti.l!l,.e, tani!.J " --'i,,ll, fur h,.~fit~ ~,,._.,1 con-,t!C 11\1.- 111 n11r1t • .aniJ 1t l o-... r , t tu, ,., tt-nt uf ~n, lc.,ri::1g-r, uuur1

~r.o J't'Ct-ntly bTl.)Dd<U-f't 1.n .1p:pr:1t fM· \'olJuher wt.II.ml{ W unl.J1.1go sm Op!i!IAf ft ru, nrn fu 1011 ul tJh11ld tu

d a 111lh~•1l m lh Alfll' I llo pil.ul v.ho WM utft 1"1111.• frvlll u 1053 vf th:.lt I r~IO\J tlu1d. 7.x.udlj fnu1 rn11tUlt• .,rt r ltu• llJ•flt-DI 8 \ohltttf'et h411J

\1 i11,N fo,·wnrd nn1t !ht opent1on ha l b1 11 t nh ,eJ upvn, Tlll'n- f

fiOnu:-lhu g 11 111tn1 t'l!n\. Qf ~hy l, , ·k1

JK,und uf t\ h t,,·n-, Y.itl1 .u wondt.rful tl1th.:I\ r11..• 111 iL hum::mi•rnc tc,uch.

"l ).;CJ.I•. <,f.UilC.:I ,'' of ~111., i• cun 1i , ,1h17 n tll'OlA.!i.d for n1tn1ls11t let a111m.d L longnue to Iii )uUthl\.ll 11 t~tu,n. TI1 l'luldn 11 w, lt" h;i him llttd muk•· .,ti 1111~ ot tc.(1Ut• t. Thlii Wt"Pk a br1~ ~kr.J lJ ndc G orge ti) ru1m-., lu" tw-. tortol tta. Thi 11 rn,"'~ iJt.· tow U uµurt lhl J VI r t'r• 1ture'I \\~rt' •·t 'Kht11i1ut11

fl~h.l "\\ ndbuSoP" Two kllt I b 11 n u11 Boling Dn} h• l'.O.llL•J Uuxe.r .111d Mit1·>·: ,r:.r~. "'' lJ lJm:ll GL uri!r, th,) wffr of ~flhlM ( lau~. h I r 111 n HIii hL'lflJ;'" MIU-)' C,1 rr I 'hr I 111:11, ____ ....,._. ....................... ..,.. ........... _ ..................... -~ ............ ---------••"W..'--~~..-. ....... ,_,_ ..... __ _

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 7nla.obj-699306340National Library of Australia

f rufa.y Feht \.i:tt') i, 1 ~ 7 WIRELESS WEEKLY

lmgak, and the Rock

Th.rovgh 1re1,c.rati1J1 f uuY."ht atlD\ • famH t', la.cup , uta~ fk ms. <lmgmit to ti f• rO<'k \~ hnt11 1 t It ftcJY.~r Llc111111t>d 11 ht 1 .. t tt p h of 111unhghl trnd w'1~re JUA.tun Ii 1•t-J1JJ with tht'tt. holding thf'm ,!t)wn c.-1 n {UfV afh•r C.t•nlUf'} tu il Ni.lion f • LIO i:ruuls.

1 be ht.It- auk e<wr,Tmt.:d up with tt t Ir hruik th.a ,\:f'rE like t l1(' l fll'k o( m,ulmen. I h•Y tilled th, l y •w1rhnR A c ac-k 11h.ttr~1 t 1.a1 thunder , n 1pll1hi due- ~·rnl-\ &i1ch n nnt1 c.( lht> Kud mi.tbL 1,wl:P. 1f hr. •n1vh \\ lt}1 a11 ax,•. t'<tnll'J tu rend lht 1tr1•) ttk)'. l.tttl~ l n11tnk e1,ranv. l1J1 hl I ol"k But it "'•• to , illt,, . . . ....

Jn .\. ~'tral111 • ) 1u_ng man Ir 1.hnt • 1H"\ 1 looked down PB~ t t l ~ frond.is nf " p1lm •• d 11<ure briffly •t the


A story, strar.gar than fiction, of an incident which took place in Greenland,

and was heard in Sydney.

htrt. l-'t>\t" fl Uti \\ J11d

that Split

----------------·---------------------------· ... , 1 ht World's Fl) ers curried liUl'IJe.sa.

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 8nla.obj-699306473National Library of Australia


Bush Wireless By REV. JOHN FLYNN

(Suprrinlt-n1tt•QI of AUAl-raU:m 1.ttl.o,.nd Mldiou.)

How Radio is penetrating millions of square miles in Central Australia, as the bushman's S.0.S.

1'1111 t'U-" \ uu nencr Mfd gul!Ri."

R,u. J11lrn Flun.u, t11tr


The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 9nla.obj-699306602National Library of Australia

Frldny, Fobruary 1 1927.

our c,1llection o! wii~lr.11 u-~u.r. AmaJ~ ~11mJ1ted \\lrrl,-ss Ollklnl•, U1e Oov­t<rnment Hudio fl~p• t'tmtnt, arid nmatfu:rs o! SyJn~r. i\fPJbourne, and A,folatdt!, huve K•ven u11 mrn·h tL &lilt um.~ fn'lm the i)Ut ~t, inalud!ns: •oml! girts of app,u-atll!'.

aut bu h com11tlon• created mnuy npt?da.l prolJ!..:m!', t1nd \\ottfos tlra,c-1Ct"d us about -:ruclJy Lefore we (onnd hllr feet. At. In t \\~ had n. t,lc.rnl1lt.1d A car out.Lil (8z\..C.), 1;11 we ,.tarted dllt fur dnul n~hl tt-?tt!l Ht Bt•lt:uw, 1~\·pr UO\l mil,•• north of Au•l•i~ •• tht•II iirn,l!l'ded 10 lnnanltnekn, Uonllllo Ilown•. BlrdAvlli•, lhen,o hack lo Marro,, "h•nce we truclced 1ho enc lo Oodnad.ttt!rt.

At th.u out1:1:t WI: 1ta..d 8 d,r,nhe uLJ~c-tlH•, \'lZ,, tu 1n-.~sth:att:!' thro ditlirulL,e~ of \\in!l!.!11 1h lhe- bur,h Uumbh "c rna, l!la[m to hove at• t.uhu.•d llatl oltjt1L'liVC!! Still, w• Uhl pru,·e tha1 11 wa, praoUcubl• fur ono to k•ep iu tuUt'h "llh 11laru up to H>rlH rultt;•)i ilWDY, U&Ul.g morl-t", a.nd to 11honl- ovc.:r ~ D.J..r up li> :{t!IJ mile -with n cn:r n.nJ ll Ions;- pur:u.• to .. 1i1t. We ute<I to jock 11p 01 , bark whHt, 011 ,,ltlrh a IIJH:cinl 11ulley hutl been mounted: Lhu, we drO\'l'• th,· 1Jt-!l !or .1 gtrn~rntor tnuuotc I on tlw i,,.prd .. oily 1trnr11r ffpMh~,,ord \lh1ch hud wen ,uh,tltut,-,i f»r th• 1·dlnaty mudguurd1 nr.J r--curN.I ampl~ h11rh• uu~fou 1.·urrtnt for to~!'' U.V,:to~ ttilit- In our trnnamitte.r. We ciurl~d extrn .o.~eum:JL:ito~. lw1;J ahorC. wo,.-e tffcl\"era. a.n.,j a lour-~.uh e l.,r•,a•k-.u t rr-ce1vrr Thi• Ju~ lri:st.rum,•nt JOH• U!I: hens,, or ~nr.·tmras: mtnt. amJ mnny 1•rt.M IIIIJ..

frl)rn Oudnadotl11 we- pro"ccdeJ to Alir-e Sprln ?'I "he.re l h~ nur mg hume wu unJc•:r -:on trocUun. \\-t!' had hoptd t, w,, the el.-tlr ••I •4·1lp­mt1nt u! itus homt', a.n I a. r,11-w1.1U lr=em[ller kfndly i,r,,,,,,111,,d I u, b)' \.~.A., fn rnorr •·dtu1lod t" .. i,.• Lui in lhRt. pr.rt nr th(>, \, <irld nuu, 111enls 11f11pO.i;tt> ? ,1r. ruwns• dme to.Jt>ir1.--d limy: bt1iore tho l'&tCA, rear coulu b,, rn tull,d, anJ m; aiuntlon


hAJ tu be C'1nr•tntri:a.tcJ c,m dA)'•tO•dD)' dll)ieuille• in t.uildtmr. ~Ii:.

~cantl!Tl#". 1owevt1·, ,~·e \',we 11roa~ l'mlu~ our t'Arch t,,r lhl! hlttal lr l11 .. mlttirit. !lift C 1r h111h u t•, f.t.,. tJffit'•

thlr,,• lod•p,1•11UN\t of a cat, lind 11 • f-x1,ondv~ but ln this u~ttd1 \\u were fnr Cron, atl llerl, I• mnlly, I <it c-fdl'•l Lo tr:i,· 1 cumproUi. l', \'i.L. cruJt "'I C':. ,r •• trnn.nn1tt.M11, tApubh~ o( mone e gnflh 0111)0 , !ur ,ur buah trurnds r, und ubo,u. a tt:nlrt , hid1 wuul1J l1ti ,,qulpJ1ed \nth 11, :f• 1 ly powl'rful •1•ho11l ~tot t 11,lt•r thh1 nr r11.111:-rnrnnt. all outtt 1h,g nw ~• l''' 1hl lw "-u11t h~ , ok-e, obd,1 ~ang ony dllh 11ty ,n ft't.t"Jl\h1n h)• mtoxp rl t nct:U 1J h 1nr.N1 · th,, l,u h folk \: c,ul1l huh· tu nh,r e mward mef. :lJ: , tHa tl1c e c,,uld t.1 1.".ulh••l litt<-k IJy '\'(1lc1: for lhcna tu check. \\ bfoh •cii-mcJ to P~•n1i .- 1·caaqrm\.Je ftt I Jurn (roan trrm

1he "I r:w~ 1,.,,.m,tl,r ,Ira" It~ hir:h•tens.1, 11 1. tlrri.-Ul fr urn Ii 11pu.rk t11al Jltu\'idod wlU1 t11~ u ugJ 1: 1\(11.o

nn•l•bn•nk I ho W'U\'e i 21ut truly

'ffu, louh t,ml, Jtr,~, .,ltrvp!u ,u41 ltt'11 w,antJ 11'1,1 flucl,n l/ 4,J t., u rd i tli ;.,, 11·,.

PHlLCO-"You never need ruess.''

Par e S.\'tl\

a.·<,t1Unuo\1 -lu•uce the nem•. Eh->rt for .., lt H1JJ1hd cont U1U111,U, Wll\'P.or-:&nd t11 ,1 Jlo u t for ti 1 pho, o pu:rpo11e.a U,1t th, 1dun1~g• of drl\'lni; th• whol 1, on mHW from n 1ix volt hatter)' 1111 1rn I table. I now 11et uul lo tu,J u 1<1 tat.I• 1 rhnM)' t,attery ~rrd dcddt,J cvcntu111ly W loot oui I· ,h un f II• e• u ~rl ~2w11alvelv [n Auturr.i.tl,r- rathu•;: 1 1n Ill •~ The- , haTe a lo\'f voltage, nly U!i•vo1t p<>r ct,IJ, hut th Ir duraU,ir C ,,10 amp.• hour•. with Iii oh.1t.e •--r- • when not octwill.\ u1 u , muli.a th m m st D.lUhctiv;i,

Ttu-~ Rotl1<, ne-pnJ Lm nt l.1n l y t'I. .. l t,,I, ri lh, rll,!lnnl ~ t , · s I lo ru.e, t1.t1.1L la l Ot:tnhtr. I ,um1,t11iv wall ltr. \, •rreni:tr, or \,folnlde, I aet out AKaln rroi.1 Clu-h duua r ir a u•t ul bu1h w1r•l~ s uu ,lho\·..: I ner.

\\ e w P~ now abh to makf! our-•IY<! .: ,m I' rtnLI 1 r1 ti t ,,rh1~ 1 oom

or th r,ur11111g h1.1me- ,t At l'O !-iprmg 10 WC! a t up t.hn u hnr 1 1 owaI LLit r •n.r111c, and ~-;oh huUh•hghlin~ outfit, ilu,J a t 1 ,t,h:,I the- 1iO~WRtl trzu, rnltt r 1.m lla• 01 l1u He t]tJ If the n,um (I .J x tfi. arnJ,1"" :for an ax• pt1im~11nl \.\ 1 rtltt11i atfonl ,\It r \'101ous h:-1i , tho r,o '\\Utter wu11 1nnl'd to 89 mPtro•, cm ~ h1eh '.'I.tr Hnl'1'1, Kru.q,tr (nur \ddnld \\'tr(!lCt!i r othtr•Catht-r) WUli :ihlt, to hear dtttrl;: b th \ le:• u1J i1iu 1,. /\ epa .. n1 1_park ... ~ w~, ~m iJ lo ''t!l Jnt•U•t•ii for U t! ln (Ill o( II h1ti·h. :i~1iJ anuihrr 1uudl t ranam1tt(l..r, tuned t" ~u 1m•t1·e1, nnd ".th fparate aertul, wao proVhlsd for wotk with drrrtant amntours. Tb~t Ji A H, "\'&I born,

One o1 th• cru,le "!ialu" tran. mil• t1:1ra Wllif LnsllllhuJ nL Jh. nn1111r11bln'!', 811 trllle• \1<11 18 A.ll.), the alh•r nt A1•1lun1111. ~u tnile Ph l 18 A 1-:) l-ron1 the I 1tter, we \\urketl tli,• furn1~r ti1rt1ct. on lJvth morning• \\. h1lo Wf wor11 hi tulHn;; tn ata.tion, A. Lhiru hau b~n Int ndrd for n rt..tion

• Ill

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MR £ J \ A:-, PE \'ELI)!; TIii V ru t I l'r t u! ha 1,·1-r::,.3.

ulitr Ly d~'-'t' nr rn• o. IJ"rrr; huuw1 1.•11 Thurtd•y raigbt, February IV

Tiff S\\'E l•;T TO'.\:ED nt;J.CI-Tu~J- Ult.Able f0 r btoadt-nsl ni:,

~l~J ~nttaM~. tw:r~1~h .. ,,~.i~r~~ a It" t numlH-rJ p,'<' ally eu1tabl" for thb df'l tu.teh ti nitJ n trumnit, will prov1d A arroup u( ., l t Junni tht! a.ftrrn programm~.

XEW ARTISTS at 2B!. indu<k M I t-! I) I 1..tclr- b, ~uubr,•ttt-. thu Tr1pol I >ao Steel GuttAn; R. t,;lwood \.r('!), 7en1,r; LIie\. \1~l"h13w, ConH·• d an, Uavi I !--mlth. Borit.c-n~: Her• n an 1 r, tnll)"na B.uso, ,,nd S!Jln 1 h.1 hon r~n~H~h Light Cotnt-Jnan

A ; ;; \ Tl' RE of th• pl'Of!r•mmo al 28L c,n ~und.a~~. 1-'ebruary ti, wi11 Ltt lht' l11:on1k.ulinir u( Uie Ri.ilwn)'~ and Tramwaya l 'n •cJ Choir, from Manly n, a h, 1n runnN t iun wll.h the M11nl)· .Jub1J, ~ r 1rniu,l Thr TIU:ht JlTO• r-rarnmr wall ,1r1 n wuh the bro.a.dcut­H:g of the Hf\'ict nl th<f B11pti~l Churrh, J'c.•terah•m.

IX (.'OXHJNCTIO:-- with Yi,, \ntJie- Hugh~. !t,·C iJ prqlAMfll' D

h\lmo u !!kt•tch dralin~ w1t.h the trinls and trihulu.tions of Mary, wh, vhdts Par . Ht•r 1:td\'f•nturta will he r1,·,·rt on S.aturda)· night • .Jo~cbru.n.ry lZ, whtt1 ht r t>XJ•-.±rkru:cs In a Fren4:h nt! .. tnur,mt will hf" d,...,crihi•<l. 1\~•d.$t mi: ::irtl11ts will he Mr JamL't. Don• ndl)', ~IJlle. Morie Soirur, \Ir. f:wart ChKJlplt• • 1d th8 2FC Dan« Sand.

r'ridA)·, F~hru,u·. J. 1927

\1 I: W f," JACK~ll~, H4.!adnu,v:~t>r oi Sydn•')' Grn.u-tna1 &hut1l i t.on• tinulnc- b crws f talks cum,nrm·f'd 1ai-t )'Nlr 1it'3lln1t with R11m~ the, hr<'ffllll l '1ty, '

A SEIi IJAl>n BA\ll wlll lw i,t•:-rtl hnm .!FC lirt Tul d.aj. f'tbr-u IJ \ b, \\) 1 n Alf Tr+• llillll •ill 1,rmit ti , mu.a 1,; mo.kt n to ·hl· St ,J,, UP ~ ill u!,q plu) ,,11 Thund.o.y n1a-h:, f rhruury 1 (j •

C:t.F.,lf:'.\:T \f.\ Y, tho will known Dkktn • th.arDchr til'1or, J>0i,uhu klike ""11 h th~atre JtOt.!N au.J lt1t~nera, 1:1 lu :,:;,-,lrir} ,L tf1 .. 1nottuut, ~od .,m apri1: :ir ,t the :-;rudio un '.\l,1t1dalo J, •·LrU!!rf i.

2FC l!OSP[TAL ( \JXCERT PART\' will ,is11 th, N.S.W. Ind.,.. tr1DJ Bhn,t !n,otutl II on Thund»y l"i;l,rUJU'y JU. Xo"· that all tho ho.t• p1Lal hint- rlldio set,i,. tho i! J•iHi1•nts who c-a.nm>t e:cme to the- wnrJ wh'-'fl"' th cx,nct'rt b bf lug ht.!h.l, cca.r1 lL tl!n in and t-njo}' 1t, £rum tfn•iJ l,.-ds.

RACES PESCRIB.ED IX RUN• ~TS(; Thf' :!l·T Ru1:1n1t Cumml~1,mn will de1cnbe Canterbury flarlc tace.s o.n thti .lilftt<rnt)Oh bf f1 ~hruu.rr 5. Thrre will l.ir a ,·cry full • tortiq; pr<•· :a:ramm~ tran!lmjtted, from the tud,0


intt>r•pt-ra-eJ with mw:lt.11 h1Jm• u~~ l'ween racea.

ARTHL'R MASSEY, the well kno" n Sydnt'y rK"ani""t :.nd 111u111ci 1n, hu Mt!n SflVlllg N:i:u.111,r onmn rt""• dt.ll't from SL Cl,•m~nt' , M°"11uan..

!!FC ha\·t• n.r-rnug"e,f to hrnodc:-ast ht t1,;•e1tal on Monda.y a\"1.:ning, Februurr i A111)('1attd \\'ilb him will be- 'lr • .Bryson Tn)·lor, the- w~n known teni:.r, .ond Mr,. A. ~ewton, 1nohnl1,t.

Tl!f: MUSICAL GARl)l:S:ERS '!'ho <'-nc-11.1rcment vf thr. ".Mu kal linr .. t.lirue.r,," who are 1honh to broad .. e,n:,l frutn 3LO, wifl 1nt.rnJµct­lincncn to n lhlt!.nt1 d fttmll),·, and to •(1filt' llln.lll.UA! ln5trun10nt111 H.l.t.•ct .. hms. Ea~h tnembc•r or lht> fanuly i, • fin• uh!'d performrr on ht, p4rtic:uln.r m• strurmml, and quartettes and duet• fig-u~ larii~li· u_pon their p.rogramm~ .

PHlLCO--" You never need irues,.."

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F riday Fe- 1nn· t. 1027

Lively Jack l<ookaburra wh o will broadcast from 2FC ot1 February 8.

H !: lnug!,s b t who laughs I• I, accor,hng- .. , an old proverb, but "Ahcn .Jack Kookaburra, a

, t-'\\ ar.tUJt al 2FC, norl Corporal Ph1!1111<, I he fomoua h,nl lm11alor, ,:,-t t i:eth• r At Lh~ :-itudio n,•xt Tuf'!I• day r bruury n. not e-v"n the ,\ 1sf t t ~e "·1l1 be abh tr t"ll who lau~h11 but. le: r 11 iw wlll he know whll l•uirhs b•t •

This nov 1• y rrnr-rnmm•• hn1 n:1-1"1"1,Jy bHn Tl hf:Crs.ed, •• o ir tO\'f"r piclure hov. , anJ tt pronu "-' '"n be uni'." or th1..• moet 11.mu,~n~ hto11- le.A: t from that tat on (c r l11nJ: tlmf'". Mr Oiwald Andtrcc-1, n,JtmLJZ'f'r ,r ~Ff', having h•,inl both Ja k and lm to, deh • any I t1.:t1tr•ln to tl'1 I one from th c.thtr onr tho rur A contc.:.t bct\\'.ecn the two ,Hll t.:ik r'ac.- xnd 1i1tr-ners will ~ m\ it-t'd to g,. :ti whtth is '-\l ·ch. Pri1. ~ w 11 •l!

gn ~11 for c-oTT t anav. rs 11-'1!1 wtll nnl ho tho first time th~

bush ur o Kookaburra has b,...,n n;.i.adcatt, th t h1"•nor h lnn • to 4QC

b 1• ,, will bt"- tb fir..._ rr• that tt.

Kooki\burrn ha.s been m, n om i it th.e: proRTarnm JI as an 11rt11t echt!<lul-,J to ht on.den t o.t a. ctrt.ntn tinw Tl at la the rr-ul , i.:r, t of t h rrogr amrn • the 11 n, r" of n r, a1 L n! th l v. 11 lau;i:h to 11r1I r

The find • d 1e l Mr Thom•• flolm.5, ct I~ ttl J.;t.av.,<"k Strt"N Grft'n\lr,eh ~-.,.ho, rc.odm~ 1 ··,\,n!l'e W, ekly" that 211'<' "" look ,: i~r a Kocik 1burra, \Hot tXJJ1a. n r ~ thnt h1 rieu htf>r hnd a ('H:"t b,n.t that \\(1t1


The \\ orld's f'h en. carrie<I llurge,;a.

Pago Nine

!ti YIAt f

5!rt!:at .,o)•

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rn11• 'r,n WIRELESS WEEltLY

The Safety Valve A department in which readers ore inviled lo reUevc their feelings by commendation or c-ondemnatiou of broadcadlng statfon~ o nd their J)rogramme<. All letters must be oddre.~~ed to " The Safety Volr!e/' Wireleu

Weekly, 51 Castlcreag/1 S t., Sydney.

Exeter. ",I l t.

II \ 1'.TS IV\ LT7. ,,rs1r Dtar Su.-The vogue of the wa.t~

htt i,ven to 'U1 mnny ca{lth-atJns: r ,m • nod made &Oma c.nViablt rcr,u-1 nt lom,. 0111• rre.at 111u11i1:inn J1;u l");.

!>ft d th opinion lhot ho woulJ b, tar p~ udrr l htn 1: gn·en t,, th~ w d !-ilr U! • "[!': ~ Oanuhe \\'alt1"' lhar1 h1 '.fflTI m ,r p('hdr.1111C' ~onrt(,. Ilona. A wdt .. r who l1:1 t(1J1pPd tn ram,. liy mrdrnm I tbr walt1 • \\ aldt.m,fcl. \\ h; d ...., n t hoar

r hi , • \ ur , rte .•



l:'HILCO-'·\ou ne.-er need cuess.·•

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Melba's Views on Radio, She May Broadcast Thii; u•eek our 3LO corresponchmt ana-1 y s es the views of Dame Nellie Melbu on the subject of Broad-


It is almost certain that she inlends to sing <Iller the air, he

says .

..... .. -~ ... The World"._ f"l~crs rnrrrNI Hurgc:ss,

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AIR Coming Features in the Broadcasting Programs

Friday Februiu·y J., 192i.

1/d/ t S jJi1·0 ..trnot, 10,f~ of /tUA(m• ,l ,trn1 ,,,, puu1l8t, O'tllia,m Jamf'I,

Jt htgl fr,w, ,11,0.

RADIO C\RTUOXS AS A -.;oq;J,TY l'rF." On IJond•y ~•b• I'll.Ur} 7, K.t!tw1n M 1t'11r,di'J;, th1;.­• 1111g ,\Jolt.JJe c:artO( nl t. "ho hu ll cc ufullj d ,,\ n n numb~t' o1 rndto penonaltlt~ a '\t-ll ,H~ commL'rc ,11 pe 11 h in S~dm r will u.th mpt to get ,,,r th._. air '¼Ith humorou• n.dm

cortoons.. Th11 dn-elc prnent v. IJl be­\ II hHI wnh mtaul, Xcnn To,4

t- l. tht' wrll known '"Pu irr King/' nucrrWull)' hl'ld the- fr1Lc·r{' t or h,1t:r11•1 for lt-n •n.,ck!I "·Uh po!tcr dra.•1ng-,.

llHS. BU~:-IY'S TRAVUOGt:f:i;: Tb· army or rhild liuc.m:r:s to aLo •1t at rresrut lMc"lng cun.fue~d on 11

to\Jr t1> Lni:?IAnd und back thruugh tht'. n,t fiu1n of 8111;- Bunny'• ~und.sy n rht t.o.lk11. 7'1r.s. Billy Bunny (:\1r llur•ce U6uk) it ••n hf!r wa)i '11 J,.j,n. dqn, and irom e\l!r}' po1·t 1.ht.1 writtt a lt t, r d,,t",.,.:rlblns thf' \o)'tti,:t ar1J

t mctdcn: 1 CO'l'tther with ,n~u·u-cr.h:e dt>lkript iuru: of thv \"UdOUi plncu '\"l.••ntt-d. All th1 ktter._, "re i11ldn, .. ~t1J to tbc 3LO cbllJrtn, to whom Lhe:-,· art> d~IJvrrPd ,LU in on~ breJtth by lJ,:)Jy Bunny at tht coridu-,,.i,,n ,o.( hh1 h1rthd.ay mC!i.!19.A't.>21 And etori\'!1.

BA:S:lll' \!ORF. POPULAR TJiAN E\"ER:. ~\ rf"r,I f" •'ntQt1,:~ u( 2F'C tla\ft lltnR' thiuugh ,·ariou. d1nrti.:t, of ~ ' \~.., 111 oYe<l ~"1itt h.01d item'§ a.re

1·u1 f!l,nrit~. ·nw i::tudio nurnt1.gr­r1u nt nl l?FC. w1,:-.rtt \\"nnd{tfin~ wheth@r

ntl 11111 1c- 'I.' .. ,.. tw ni: c,,·1•rdunt. IJut whi u IIDt'h combtnatmnc na. the Munly H"htl. C'Ul1 I t ng 11! (ram thfrt) to 1 r y h1sL C'IA " n111-..ici1rn,;, the, N.S W. Sttlt \\1h r) Hand. LMthhnrdt Bnnd 1 ,~hllUllll n of N.-s.w for J9:.!6}. the .)J, tr ,r itnn Uttn,1, and tht- C' 1 1~pt·-" l::m~,r 1u·e h UJ"fl over the a ir. it 1 r -:.], • ,-1: th 1t the 1tit11lc Crom th~t.• b:in,b ,. ,.r lle'h • hrrh ortl"r· t.h••,\' ur<" • t;"r\' "nlrum~ In hroudt:.a un,: rrn• T' '" rn,

.,«i .... , ...................... .,..,.....,.,., ...................................... ,,..._...., __ ._¥ _____ .,. _ _._....., ................. ...., ......................... ..... l'IIIL( 0--" \ uu ""'•r need g-ue,.,,:•

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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N)\\' whaL w gone. wrong­wab my •tL?"

Thi• Is • ttUt!';t1011 v. htc~h one uk:, onE-.:!ttlt at tlme.... lt Ja db:conctt-rttng m th& •l<lh>me wh•n a radio receiver -,;hkh ha; h<>en !unctiunin1r Htiaraetc.rity. aud • denty rcfllff.S to work, 01· perbo.p11 lof-e6 volume or d,. ,·elops mushine,s. Thine! l!ko th•• ul• way~ happt•n wht.-h ) 1)U havir:1 ln,·1tt:J »onu• friend- tfi 1.·1.1n11-•

1&r11f listen In. IL putt on,,, In an ""k"urJ &:*~~':;J, but 1t must

On~ of the moat duncult foult• to tratr b l~,e, tolht nb:;.t-n1.:i:- ,,t HJ,?nah wht-n thP "-et 1 put on for tht- t1rst tJm~. If the rcce1\er ho~ b••n purrhas•d ready built from • reliabto tra,kr you may d.tpcnd on 1t ha vi n i: bern thorou~hl!' te,,led before wine •tht to )OU, 10 the !autt will mvorlobl> b<• tound fn the external c-onn1c-t1on1. Chc~k over till th" battery te1~ • ,,•rong connection will be fowid. Oft.en this "r-:>ns cunt.ct hon t.akr,s tho form ol t.ho B. t,alt«>· minua bdnlf counoct,,l lo th• B batttry po,1tivc. ttirm1no.l.

Adiu•t thu external {ault and try again It nolltln1< happt-M, mokc i1.1rc that the Iota) at.:tt1on it broad­e•llil\g, lfany r, fru11l,:s,i half hour ha.s bfen •P'-nt. in fnr11it-d e-lT rt1 to tune- in a station. wh1C"h 11 n H on the 11ir. We la.urh-after•:.rJ

P"rbop1, in tr11n11t, •onie Wlte- ,r.. !cide m• y have. b("C'Gme J1 onnec-tcJ, ln a can M,r thin. r ... ru bad to tht dealtr \\ho :sold }OU th~ ..if HP. will fix it.

But tho per,on who bu bu.it h1a own '.'ft-l wJlt haw• to check O\ u all ronnctt1oru. It 11 • ver1· -twi) matter to miss one wJn:-. Jn a Xflutrod)•nei, for ezampl!!, i c( rnrn n fault- J.~,: in rorgNung to conned the mJvi~ plKte.s of the t.leh"Ctor ('0 I condtnttr to the po11tlve .\. bott,ry, Still after c:becluog anr! offer b<>fng ant •lled that the w1tin1(' hn been c .. lrr1e-,I out ~tidactorlly, look to the \·nhre. Sr<~ that r\·c-ry \ alt.-e hghla up corrcct!y, or 1f of th~ cold ttnitter typr (1Wch a 8-Wti and f~au..r Pcunt 0111. v .h-11 "\

"hi,h ,Jon't !,~ht up I te h flu..


menu for continuity. rr a 13 IM voh • hnk a pair o( pboo.-A or.ti a L , ,It C. battery in st'!'rl1 , and tut Now und""r.ta.nd thl1 cl~!}• Pl.ni:-t• " c hatu-rr Nl the taht~ 11nd ronntt-t or t' phon tlp t<> ~no t• rrocnal of the Lat. tu;, aa)· th~ p ltJ\ tcirmina.1, ft r Dl'll"Umont'a a.okc Th nec-at.1,e ter• minnl of 1h11 buttery •hould hn,e a length of t'cxable wire, ""> d 1r h~• fonJr. cc-m ect,~ I t, it To tt t thr. vtduo. atta"h to ne ·••g of ~he ,Dh, tilame-nt l ln th11 rt·in h l g end ot the ftexible \\ re, ,and · p the rcrnD n i112 ftlamer,t pin w th the ronuinlni: phon ''t· ff thr iUam~nt i1 nta t

~-h~~~hll ·.~~!~~. ~"::t~~ ~~: 1:ho•x~ click, of counc,. u1d tAtt'!I I hn.t the, fila.m<"nt ii Lroken nr d thr , •hf •houf,J be di~rn,·drd.

A.nothtr c,,mmon !a ult H tn ti• ntamtnt n! rh~ \:UIVt' I, hQIO" on tt. .. irrld. Tr r I , thi• hy ronne< t na:: u11 na mtntioneJ in thti nhO\"f! pnr-n graph, but lh,. Um, touci, tho ••• moinins: phc,ne hp to th" ,£rnd pin of 1ha v:dvl'. H ~ d1('k 1s hri1ril lu,­cnrd tho ,·ahe. IL b 1ir, f th ,t ti, ftlumc1 t ts 1nm r·i.: nn the rl,J, thu~ rtnd dnit th Vl\lv, 11! elou.. Of t'C>UJ"tif, 1r n J d1ek hi h,,.1r,il. t.hP Y8l\'t-t

hnuld be quite •ln~ht .\noth ann<l; ir11,: tro 1blP 1 , und

ln ~h re-c t\t-r -.nrkirH:: \ r ,cPl.

rag~ Thirtt!r 11

for a fey, moments._ then &omg on alto. r.i ht•r Thlo f • oft. n produced by th• iila­nu·rit whtn bcatrJ (Allina: ih:.I' Jir.l LI.

grid II will ••I~""'

~;:, dd!:~:~~ /?~ ~~: prcc-ecJ1ng rnra--1:rapb.

____ ...,. _____ ..... _____ ...,. ____ ~-----------------------The World's Fl)('r~ carried Bu.ri.,"e:ili.

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maim~• Ill the end of th• jac.k or • drop of aolder may be 1hart1or all. In the !Jatt.er event, ths B. battt•ry wtll flow I.O tho vah-• nlrirhL, but frum the potot. o! view ol httt!'nin& rn on th• t partitul• r Jatk It "'iJl be uW01s.

RuvNtinr buC'k, r.:mcn:ibcr if thr ~ pl nk" ta he.rd v.-hf'u Lhe r,horh:. or puaktr la conntttcJ. thf!I. faull IiP~

in t.he wlrfn¥. A brohn connectwn. c,r n fnulty tnm1>0nent, may I • t~, o.w <-~ Look for the brokt-n con• r-t'Ctf, n, tht:n i! thfl U-oublo is n, ,t. urcd, &f ck th~ fa.ulL n a com1•01ll'nt

H nu,Jlo frt-rtu~ncy t'tiltl!f rm ra art W.P.d. It ma) be that the trouL11:1 h hf:ro. l1crh.tt11 a pnmary hu brok•·:a ,fown, Tult foT contlnu1Lr. < onr f!<t th~ phe>nea a.n.J C ~ttl'r)" aa d

~ 1H•d earher m th1a nrl.11 Ir, an I connecl one Id~ of the tlcxab1 'Wire to U11 P term mat of I h uTJd-111 tr-c­f11.h:ney t.nns!otmtt and t uch tht I~ term na. C thlt t.ranaformer with ~ ha r rua.1nin1: rh Atf t.fr,, H thi pr1rnAr)' la 1r:lllcl. a Jo 1d cloek Wlll I>• hunl. Lut 011 the ether hand if u. is CauJt> < nlJ " #a r a-rrakhlng II t • will br hMrd on th pb•n• IC th I, k • rr• nt th.,. J rimary n dms: 1 o K N l«-AY hi' th n xH,I .. w r n '<'l~J tn tho P trrm,nal o! th rr , arr tir the- phon t p 011 one of th < ,nd al')" lt-rm1rua.l • e thr,. ti <, r Ji It a tUtk • now heurd t1 tr ,u In


.4.ff ,,t; hon, 11 attd u torrh lamp toiU hr /,,. 1k1 u.,uf d /(J• tr t 1'.D t nal,, u, ff.ud ,d~ ,.,,.

l'fl ll.CO-"You never n~ed i::ue,,..._·•

l"rldoy, F•bruorr •, l027

1 lvti :man> • vroblttm Frrqtt nll) a hanh tt<'rapmg no1sr > I l't't'Pt•tlnn Th.ls i11 2lpt>atN>nt

the r-nnrfo;1-.er arr titrof"ff ""rt 111 / m th( tr,i,vms: ttl.ult·.t iaQ('h

Ad rntnv 1h: th,, fix.rd phalN, J rovr thi! h3, ,I t.a1mn1r a l ,rch lamr ,( 1.5 \1{ IL&. and a C .. hu.tte'7i Con n~t on ,udn or lht- Wreh l• MfJ to

l tmlnal nf t.t,,. (' lu1.t!try, lllld 1 hnrt r n11Lh of fl.cxibl.t.- "i.-t,"' t11

tn.11 nmr tt:n,111111 11f Uut l1Nt .. Th b.h~r <"ml ot lh11 flex J,111

tn Vlrljt pJ~tt, of tht COIi r n q '<"ftU n. .,~ront th~ N"m,1in. Id nf th~ lamp jom an<tthrr lrnrt h ur wil'f' and c-on.n.r!d: w

th ft.:r: lll dC"~ o! th~ cti1nd•·nt..-r ... I " • rot.it._.. +-he diul. ond i.! t.ht' la 111 I l1t.s 1r thi, plalf'S oC t.hn con •l"n rr are t 1Jd11ng ot" •h,,mnr R,,ct Irr thl with t.ht' u.ao uf • tablr kruf+• I,) 1tt-par.tt.ing lh,n, OCl.t!. two .-,r thr-c r-1o"f1JU: rlat('S. as the C"Rt,f" mil') l • r in th llx"'d ,,1at~. SimpJp to

u l, y, t tr 11hh n f! ...,h,.u n<Jt .,J. u lcJ

("f i,~ or Ii u ,I . Wf't' \, )

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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Fr1de~· f, rbruary 4, Jj:!7.

Wavelength Watch­dog for 2LO.

C'h,•rl I .,mp I.it bl \\ a,t,, Lnrru

I \\ U, allowed a prM]egod poop re!'Ct""ntl): .at tht! wave.met, r re-­gulatnrl?;' ~LO'• WtiV<'leng-ih uud\TI"

tht! nl':'·, Europ<'• I Khtirue, whicl1 tum~ 11 to oi1 t.: rn.tion I hia mon h (wr1t o Lond n wtreJn t: ,rJ t" p,1n.J. •nt ), It U on• o( tl,e llnt to be d•­lh,·rr.d from 8rU!"'t"L"o\. th, techni~I tt'!nU·t" In aortir g out the el Ir, rmil It ,-, nr"~t• Urn rnost 1·fN't. 1n ru mrnt <•! pr~J 1111 \l:hu h rn.liw aeo, t1~1? can product.>. <!ApL1m Etklenioy. •,1,:h,Jm I !ound alm01-l ,::lontmit over it. ,a11l th d, 1::-nrra " re to l,e con• ,rrntul.ated rin thdr work.

Thft 'l\'&Vc•metrr. the t:a e or whirh Is abo it bii: •nnttgh to enl'los n tjJ'l' "r lter1 \I, 1 J•rought t I ,nilnn with RnmA C1lr1. It hns btf.n f~~ I fn po -Ur.11 in 21.Cl ii trnn1m11t Jn ro,,m, nnd "Jll n t bo m1>,•ed .\ II I ho olher trttl h 11.nd t•ont1nrntAI tntrons arc to rudvt aim lar \HiYt':·Dlt er d • 1i:ned tor than: particular \liavr

k ,cth. "It ls fn, p 1 ~uhle to mn.k1 A rnd r

Y-h11 I Vin ilii 1 ar.;uuu, (1\t'r n1 ro lh:11, ft ban,J of a fow 1 1, e, " < ap n F.,kf•n,fe)' exrl•ln,,d. "Th ono In• bttn a,JJu•t d l the vlbrnl on of D lumng-fork, •·ho•~ mc,\-oni• nu were checked hr the d,.,k It "1 de 1,:110<1 tor rc~!tcnnc: Lc.ni:to11'1 wa, t.:lc11~th uC 1(;.J l metre~ wh.tch 1 ••tpJ Y:tl r:t. to 830,000 ,ihrall "" aeconu I~ i. uriahle to the ext•nt of tfl kll•K~ 1., ~llh•r wai. 10 that "~ ea~ rh k a at.At1,,n wJ ish 111 1; ho int •rt, ring ~ Ith 21.n.

"'Also Jt. rrov1d~J (nr any ,nail t.hanKe af v.• ,·e \\·hkh mny be friun t nece,pary· 141: J ,cd t 1 19 we cn111l11t ,:o and mamtam exacutud~. If we flt d thut Gra'z. ()f nrl:'-t!JIALI 1ft inf.rrfe K \\1th ,.,. w~ rAn htCc.,rn, th<! Jnte.rn • t.fonal Burt1au .it ft•·ne\A ,1f It 1•xHrt t1rTOr. And. , r •·ourse. tt~>· ran tl11 th.a e:Mmf'I 'With u1, ln I ht, w,n- thn IUCC:dl!ful worldn.: of thf!' plan l"ian M lar1toli, al!ured b)' e•·ory 1uit1cn co• npf'ra.ling.

"The wavei•mde:r 1hi,w11 by the almn~ ,Jr • tin)' l:i.tnp, or nl1, rn.,­\ivt•I)! the laatiug cf lwt1 trny wlrt".s arut the m, u,..in« -r a c n, 11t. set up hi· their ton lad "1th tw , ,,11 w1r~-. ('-Xactly h w A trans mitt, r t bPhnr.ng with rqar,l to 111 wavu l<•ngth. Th" lamp or tho "fre11 ar., hcatPd hr the rnergy •• t fn," tn th• transmitUng rc,c,m. and tha forracr burns moat bric-hth·. or tie latt"r !lives tho b1~ t 1utliru: t n a. rru.•ZL­a l"rin~ d,1'ke v.hl'u l •. drc-u t in whirh t i , on"lttt.-,t I tunt-tl to th uocL w1i\d•ngth bell!¥ 111111 n11tl.ed •

WIRELESS WEl!!ltLT l'age Fi ftff n

We Put It Squarely Up To You ! Ar<' ~ '"t It indhng nn radio prndu, t o,c<cptmg thoN r,t \\t'll I bh•ht I. ltnn1 ;i(h tr,1 ~ mnnufncturers·!

'' ,\re \'OU

\\ 1th ul

J'l:?i ,~ , ,.1 only Hadio , ear.

uln, ut

nd in ttc

r " 11 \\ h ,1

lh11 k J u c11n

I}\\ t rr,,I i:ood

01 Hl'ltoUl('IIO~ llEf,," I RO'I Ol'S\I.E:-.

That Proves It! Ill R GOOlJf \Im m1:11'1.


Ol H

1'01,H, I:- IUC,H1.

l'HH ~~ \ IU,: IW,ll'J.

l'l'T \Cl RWll'l ()'\; 1 l'l!Ol l l'\lll.F: l'IU>l'OSll 10'.\.

~ !

I i . I

! . .............................................................................................................. i

! ~!~!~!.'.~!'.~~~~~!.~!.t~~~- l l s, n,1:,. I

L .. - ,R••dfrm '.1.21-F.tclnr~. ~,,; ~lma.Slrcel, .l>nhn!!'fon. """".J

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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WIR E LE S S WEEKLY Frufay Frbruan ,1 1~?7

•••• .. m .......... •••••• .. -••-•=-,. .. • .. •••• .. •• ...... _ ................... .., ......... -, .. ------••• .. •• ................................ -• .. ,• .. ,.. ... ,..._ ••"






, .. dt>fliuit, din 1h1 tt:-.U(' or "\\1rdr: "- \\rt"ld\."

l'\lll-, l!r<!I IIHl1 £ 0 ~

,, I " 0 I ,, 0

" " 0



t \c an)' of thf following ~r•1 t1 td l

II 05 0 Ill R 0



6 6

' • t " 0 U :l


II 1 ti u u JO o I II O I 7 (l :?

Total £4 15 5 gu:ara.ntt'f"tl p:-irta.J

rt: .,.. :Jt J rfrc 1ALldAct1on: -

l •· d. \ a.lYt' Sor.kC't", t'nr :!(IJA or •bindard

\.m r :u1b:. ,.,h. P:S t 11,2 7, .I-and O 5 0

\ ~.t~~~;~~l1~~r~r~~• .• J:~r~ar~~. 4-l~ 17 ~! 0 8 6 R,,di .. Tubin~. 31n. duun poli hC'-d, ,,._,r m. f) 0 10

GUA R ANTEE D H EA D SE T Of Estre:mclr Sc-ru.1t1Ye Colllt.rvc.llon for 12/6 Pair


1 J1 1 tU \ al :?Ol.\ \ .a.Ive.a. Ec-onotron :?01.A .••••••

a.c.-1 w II r . II h w you haH hffn " 1 L ug Wt! 1tuck i.ll the gnml makN, Philip;;., Mutlard, Cosgur, lt.atlfotron1 etc. rnon )' 1 n t'XJ)Cn J\i! -. ,t,.·es..,

all \\ c- pD)' nrnage on ult urders of JO/- and o,·er, ,,sc: 11l on 8Hlll'r t>-.., .St•i•,1J..rn. rabinetl, and

\'uJue l'a.yablt P o :. Parcels.

"\ Ol RS t OR LOWFR PRlf'llS." ( \\ ritt:' 10 Orpl ~.)

The Economic Radio Stores

~ i i ! !

~ i ! E

25 New Royal A r cade, Sydney. Pho n e M 3049 j IJn.nrht"II:- ,1-;\\C \~1LE: :t69 ltuntu Strt-et "est. 'Ph,mt: Xew. 1622.

I' \RR \)1.\.rf.\: Ciirn.-r Church and '1•o,ao• r-i..- S,re~t.• . i i

Ph&m.t1 I. W ffOl i _ ............................................ ,. ..... ,...................................................................... . ......... , ____ ................ -..... _~

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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F'r day, Fobruary l, 19:?7.

The Marvel Reflex

Set WJTHl1' ho!! nn hou, or the

1..·t.1mJJidlon uf tl,. 'l r\:t!) rr­i~x. nil tte 1....-,1 ~- und B t.roadcaJtting 1tatJnn.s ~er,

tun•,d u on a loud 11:penker. )l:irvtl inifo d, ,1nd thl-5, mnrk rou. \\'ah nnly 15 ,. ,Ii. t,n thr pl1ta cf n JHoi6 \'lllV<>.

J'he volume of 1011nd wu 10th.: ent n ,t onl>• r r tha TD(.lm, Lut fvr the, \\ ho1~ house. n:nd when :10 \·orta ,,rrc Jp11ht> i l(I tht• plate, wH,h 7 volt on

he rr1d, sou W"OllM h.o.,·I"! d~tlareci tluH ,t thr~e nlve re«- vtr wtu opt<rl­lmtr \Ve are E-ntlrn :. tu -w hard

, and w~ know that once ) , u bulld Jnd he0:r )·our , )'oil oho ,, 11 he, en­th HliitlC'.

Liki: all 1-d~ eq_u1PJ1.-d \,ith a C'l"}"'Stal dt:tfl<"tor, tht' q11nllty uf mu1ic \\fl,1, or :t vrry high or<l+.t SwPetrw.n ,f toni- 11 one of lls i;pl"nd1d (eAlur~ :'\"o botkgroui·J, no whistl~•, no grumblings, onl)• good dt·u.r w1r,lr..ss rl"t'~ption. on the spl'n.ker and with tim.• \'alvt on!;-. "c CAUnot com :i. word "i~h 1111ut!k·icnl superlaUvo tu d~nhi· 1t. But w~ ,;1, ill leo.\'~ ,L lo yvu.

C'lrnill•. Let mi: nnalJ e the circuit dUlirram

to !!tt JuB,: ~hrn thi "onJcrluf volume cvm-..-s (rom. Thr tnrrC"r from tht- aeriit..l,...arth f:l ~ltm Lt c 1n,·tJ t"d frun, Ll lo L2 .. and r ... tunt·J LJ n,11an! or C'l and 1mpr~-.,'(f on the K'"l'lcl ,,r thei ,u.h.-. S•> far wt• have radio frt-• quenc}. Th, \'Rlvflo smptmea i:d thf, freq~enr1;, and tM l'f1Prgy ia pu2(!d 4'11 \'18 tba plnte to .L:3, which. lH!ing lnductiv•I,' cuupfod to LI, t.ran l<·r• Its energy th~. Condcmu C2 tun~ lb.~ cirowt ( U, C:!) and th~ O!«·tllu• lions are pu..._.d ta tht"- cryz,t~I dt."­tector, where; tlu~y ar~ J..i«tt."U \(fld altar in !Jlelr ch...,.ckrt,tla from riu'n cm t,.., au,Jio frf'UQ,.n<"~. A!tN dflt"Ctiou, tht' i'llti-rqy i• n&>c p.n.i ed ln the, primary of thfl ., u,t10 {r{I quPney tran former . The pnm.rary he1ng 1nductinty e<HIJ.ilf'd to th~ s.etondary oC tha tra.nsformer. and • • the tranrlormtt has lrom 9 tu

WIRELESS WEEltLY Page Sovenl.c<'n

L----•---------•" ·'

TM eirru t d•10,·cm..

6 , me the win,linie on lhu socondary thl• <:till, 1m,J , I , od lhAt alth uirh u 1.11 on lh,e primary, tbt volt.;a,re, une ,nhe 11.1nly LI rmpfo)~d, wo hAH'I plui1 r.nCf1;'f, 11 • t"pped op In the ono radio, a drtHLor nnd one auJ10 econdn.ry and J nase,I un to lht• ,olve ata,:e t>f unplifiauon- surely en ugh.

A ~ it d tin, • th.i.~ lune- ;at 11udlo lre• Look now at t.hc fron.t pur11:I i; 1cw qnenci Th, \Bln t nr~ agnm a:nph.. a.nd ,'lt"W then tnesa o! Wyout. The n · It, but b.'11,11: at audio rr,qu nej, ho bic dt l atr• for tho vnri,l,I tt won't actUAto tho rrr t.al ilt't1-ctor , ndt.:r ,rn. wl. le thr L n )11:1:t n ,1 •aln, but h sent atra ght throueh to ll<le<l r Is ..,.-n b<=tw ,·n th• dial tho Jnek for th• loud epuk,r, Tht• 1 bat knob belu" th Mutone 1, tho

ti::r:,~J t·onrl n.tr<'n nrror1 th~ pr1mz.r1.-anJ rheostat. wh1rh <'Dntrull thu \'llllr.-tcondn.r> (Ir the audio irequenl!")· ~an filament l•J<'f'P' ng the juk for tht

forml'r play 1,1 most important 1111.rt loud ,pea'ktr. nothmg ~ls U on ti bu~ ,-. wont dlocu11 th,· t.lu,•l'} oC pun•I, 1111 the tcrm1~al1 bein~ beh1J1d

.u1d on the baH"bo11rJ. Tbu.1. we h:n t't UST OF PART:=; FOR THE O)mmeiry and ncatn , which i& ~r

''MARVt:L Rf:Fl,F,X • inlcr~,t to numy

1-Pa,,r-l, f>ilrcfu or Rad,ott.. J!m. :r 1Hi. z :, IGin. 01' 1111.

!-.O<Jv5 Ad ,rnc:r S.1,.1-•. Cot1dn ,tra ~ .... ,,K. DKtt.. 1 A u.r 40 ohm,. 1!h,o,la1. t-Liu11 .lla,,:tonr Cr¥•tul Dda.tor. t~<i.f', Jark. I 4ll-Amrn'.Nn l-'al,,, ~o.:J...til. 1-Ad1•nnc, Nn,._traluing C01'1dtn1.1f'r J-...tt,d10 Tra.:,uformf'r . ~-l>•bilirr .lla.ubru/9,, I mfd.

Cu111V,,-1rr8. 1-T•·rm m.Jl Rt~rd -..1tlt C tfnnrnal,. J .. T,.r,,,lnill Hoord 1dt1, • ttrmir.al,. J V1let:'to Tul,~. 61,11, l()Jlg b11 :t,n.

u1 d1u 111itr<1'.

1 Dii~eto Tubt, :ti11. long b~ tl(n. 111 dm,tttttr.

1-.(>fJtl:J f~izt~t C'o,ad;,-n.e,,.. 1 JI()(}$ f i.tnl C'ondrun-. I .mJJ J- ,ztd CeindnuC"r. 1 Baatb!l<lrd, 1Jin_ -,r, lot . .c ti11. Qµ«nlitw of F'ort (Btld,11um,IJ

W1rin11 n•,,.,. Sui dry Sert'U'•• ,tr. ,l 0:1. o; No, to /J.(.' C. U'trr. , •=•· of No. ~4 JJ.C.C. ll'iro. l .,;. of Sa. 30 to SB D.C.C. Wirt,

( on trudion. Now tl e cc,n1tn.1ct n or thl rt­

l't"'lVC'r "Ul Jlru,~ Vt!ry ipl l,._ro .. cum the- lt1t. , ! part ai,t'< 1fitd and hult.l lhi I llle ~Mand."" The au,J u l n r: fam11 r 1hou J l,"-~ a K'OOtl un, , pr~.fcrzLLly on f a w"U kn~v,n brt1nJ, aui.:b o. H:inla.n J L3oric, Emmro, Jeirerson or Cre•ct"nt, u quit~ a loi. dt•penJ~ on tht • If 1-8 of AU uith Jittnt"l h1 ust'd. don't forgt!l to obta.n ti w.a,hers or 1-ff:-lnrh thick (11 tlt bl•t\\t-e11 lllt1- pant-! and tht l"t,tuh•n 1 • Ill th,·» cond• n.: t•.s '1.t"e n ade rvr a li.11; wrh i,nm: L Or 1! pr~erretJ, C'Ct. otf euch rbung srrnv a ,mall pcrt1<iu, ~ppruumutely 1-, o! un mtL I.II kngth.

l'ull"-CH win tr us an en J auJ mhr-

1· lutll' jol,. IJ.•1 1'8 tie 11wclfication Ir lhi-' two C ,tb wt-..'d u thr Mant1-I. .\.if 11l-s:, 1,l ('0 J f r.1 ind L.!l

"1.~nJ:u•)• ";•J turns u!' Sv. 2U lJ CC. W)f~.

Pnma.r;-1:! turna W So. 25 D.C.C. \1otre.

Primmy wound o~n tt i•fiJament"' tclld or CC\lUJa.r)·.

\'ah-Ci;-.tol transfam,er (L3 011d U)-

• , Tbe World'a Flyera carried Bura-ess.

! '"T

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 20nla.obj-699308046National Library of Australia

Pa~• Eighte.n



· hr- l~nn•h(tt-- ror the conJ~m1n awl full, \dng 1h1' dir, ct.Jon• gi\L'fl In th•· box u1ntaioh:g tho Maxtor, ... r-ry,.fl•I cJt lrtto1"' to 1ltlermln1• Uu~ bull!'s for this plmdul arUd~. Orill tlie punel. tnkin1r ram .. th.ht tho dr1U {J ,.-1n't !'hJl nnd, llrovidrnar thrt'i• h<,fo~ fur fh:ini?

:~,t-fa;:!~~~o!!~~.~~;•~~-l \~c:~1;~,}:~ to th., h~t"boarJ. l•)'1'Ul.

Ba..ehoard Layout. The plnn view and the baek ot PIM-I

w ring diagram wm u111st the rnri­Ftruttion i're&LI}~ In th.la mAttcn·, SUJJ. n \\arJ of explanation ..,.()n't he Out ot ord, t ht•tt-.

Tt!mp9rllnl; fix the pant•I ln th• lm:-eb1mrd. aruJ •• t.loae a.a r,o:•_<ijbJ~ t.o lhl first tOnllPflk•r (Ct) plflcc tb1 at-r ul-l:n:d cail (Ll, L!!), with ih•· \'i1rc TIJnnrng horiiontBll)~. thnt i~. l\"lth the Cit'1..-UT11t 11orl.wu t1f thQ JJ-rim nry tonJ t•n \.he bnsc-bonrd. Cut a ,-ma)I filld or .l-im:h \H.lu.d, jn'lt bll' rnourh to flt tiJ:htly l111ldtt tht dlll!tto, 1ant1 tac-}( thll nlll•l fn. po,iliDn nn thi!! ~-1 ,.-bu .rJ 1rntl th tl1t11 l!-01! o,·1u· lt ih pa11itlon, Al II dht.am·1• ,,( U inchl!I. AlW,1)' lit:,hlnd from lhe rhM}atnt, :oi~n,w d1i\1.·1 1 h~ -.a.lu 25cx•ket with the fila .. mtnt termimtb hc:10g Lh" pah..-J. rr,,,,, bt'hind cunderud" l"! fl1. in pruii­tum thfl ra,lio fr(o11u,-nev lran.-!vrmer LI. IA, this llmc:" rnou.ntmar it at right 11 nQ'Tea lo tn1t ntrh,, l s:rr1d toil. Kaisr It ulf thr- bawbu•rd with thort pillan m.i.,Je from. lw. 11Lrr tubinc or 1nu1.ll Llo<kl of ""vd .. y. Hn. hlrh. Ar. nrni:e thia t·oil 111 •UC'h n WQ)' lb.kt thfl prin,.ary l ut the end dos-e 10 th<' 1. 1h i 1otkH. Immcidiatel}' bt!bltid

TA• hr• ,.. fl/ po,. .. / rr•1rino c/ilJgram.

l'AJLCO-"You neHr need &'UCSII,"

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 21nla.obj-699308189National Library of Australia

Friclar, J-'ebtUlr) I, 1927

th,1 ,ah, 11oe~et rix lh,. th'utrhlliing r"Ondi!ni;t,r with the pl=.tl\11 C.t-irtlt' the .-uJve oockot and th,, knob behind Room for th11 nuJio trm~N mt!r w111 ~ foand behind tho n,·rull gnd <01~ behlnd, Yfl do><, to th, neutn1h•ing condnll.51.rt. Ouc of the Vubehcr ~nMbtidge cond•n••u will be con­' ,ni~ntly •itu•lN at thu botk of I lio 11.ttJal .. nirl co1l-brtwL't!H it and 1 ne ••rial and •arth l•rrninab. The ~•­malning 1-m!d. oond•n••·• ahould Le pla<"d ,n front of the bl,tt,·r)' IJ'r­minal b<lvd.

Fix nll these paru to th,· ba ,,l,c .ml DtHf tlum prontid lo wirL" up. Rtldt 11 i,·ort lnsulu.Lt•d wire ,, ill pro,·e ,tr 11-tP!ut m thUI dfr~tmu, a, tt at1ft 'IIG pliable, :uid l•ndt •~••If .1d1n1r abll' to polnL to J><11nt 'w-!rfoi:, Th• b!lt'k. ot pnnl'l wiring dingrllm1 to


1 t'thi'r w lh tin \\ui~ t111l ueuun , wdl bt• 1110 t, JI ,·a !lnbJr. Ml wirl! up :{r1,m th Ca h1 i1rh1c lit fll nd thAl j h1· urcul~ di.ngrnrn h1 uld bt 11•<·une1l,-d WltJl brth

• L\ • i.(C:, ..

"lit n :ill tl,t w1nn1t haa betu rom pJ, t, d. d1ttk o,;er tr nirt•rU.dn tlwt • Vt"r)'thinu- In J,l•rfett ord r, th1·11 hook vn ihe ariiul noo ,•orth, AR

Th ,rnt fin,,.

The Wotld'i, fl~er,. carried Bur1ress,

Paa-e Nin~t., .. ,,,.

.111,I (' bult.erl••· plug ,·al~o inlo •ock~t ond ott11cl1 Lhe loud apeaker. Tht, rhcutiil:\l whmt Lurncd on , uppli~ the fi ln.mliJlt wit.h llw JlO'Wl!r Qf cnuF­sfon. On t urnlnir both dl:,ls of lh~ varla tilo cond••ns•r. CL w 62 Mitre.,, on n JOU gradulltA'<l ,llal, •n~ C2 to t11 dcg-,Ma on a t,im1l11r tliul. 2.BJ abould tH• hcnr,d Thrsc FPtlinsr ,H' ... tiJlJ-lroximurc. F nrmer11 :.!PC 11houltl ,u rpri,,, vou m ,·alum•. All oLhrr lui•:d r.i.alion"J a.re- of parti~ulA.r m .. t,r< .. t, 11-• will l,., proved.

Th~ nflUlr11lil\ln1t: cund .. •np,i:-r i1 or sontt! tool.I 11 .. ,,. AJjuBt 1.hia if u.n nMC.1 ll1ntio11 1, rir,•:1'-f•nt. A ,light TIIO\'t'­m,·nl wUl t,, (lo n.11 Ow 11'1UI nl8 .1ml wul• tlea, and oncn til:"t tt n,-\.'d nf>v1•r 11 truuhlo<l aJrAIO~ But H! lnclu loo i, , uent.1al. Tho crystol d('tN!'lor i trouhff': pr"°f~ a. ,llR'ht ndjuat.numl -wlnJt re,~u.ln-J now untl n,:,a.in. 'l'M-tNJ Al bfaerki<> Ill•·. the TC!!Ull• m!'ntlonr<l •t t1 ,~ heo-&-1nnlng of tlih1 o.rliclt! ""Mc l"t•1.i>l\t!1l. sr,1+ 111l11i ll1• y Y.,~rf', wd Wt' ore r,•rtljJn lhal all v.ho build•lhi• will /Ind th<·l' po...,., and wonder. It Is worlh owning. ----4(lC IN C' \ '- \ D.\ .

t.ach Aou,r1can mail l,riur,t doitn u lcttf'n to HJli tt'nc-.rtln~ ,--,:.eellt.:nt rect-ption. Mr. l'. ,;, ('ox of Cur,, Uarnfteld. f aruula ... -r1W .:11 fullo\1.,.-

... \ t th•-- r k t»C bf'tnmrnU' a :n111 .. tiut·t•. I mtJ t :..n•nlo wrh ... lo l1•l ,•ou

know how mud I no, cnJr,ym.c )nur n1~hU,: "r g:ramnttJ, and a.t tl1,. 1no1>wnt r1f "- rit uu; an, h tf':nm-K 1,, " rar1 1·ul11rl).' good oru-. J hat ia vf th1• nli,)\:" 1l&tt! ttt 3 •.m .• lb.al 11. t• p.m 1ta111l rlatt 1nth you. \ ou 11r1· Jlfl'\· ba 11y Le-mi;: flQOd~d \\1th uot.ir,•.11 of n, r•ril c:,n frofll thu1 c."'<tN--0\l b) thll umc. ,.. J rAfi:hlr ,,uhlitl , it no Hll.JH>t1t-11Ct!" u1 th•. ••1J~tll Cole,ni11t•· etf \ n·t n-111 f'.S1;nzulaJ, zrn1I nntfr,, m 1tn1 ft:IJff"r'

thllt ff\'1•tal otht.,r lt11t,·ntr• urt: now 111cluru: you up. In rofrre-nc~ to ) hur 1,rngran,tm • hu" t'\'t!r. l v. ould 11at• thr nwn- I ht·nr tlwm Lht" h~ n,,r I likr tlw111 In fa,•t, 1 h,) an th,, ~•n w, , gd hou U') lulH)fL Mo. 1 1or <.,nr ~ta11 •Jllll flr11 ,J th~ 11 r .,, 1U Jfi nnd It ll u pie \tlU'i; to lct1PW "(' nrth' Jo);a\·1- to w111t n tr\\ h1111t• to ,1.·t " Pall; \¥.,J1 t,alunet•d, l nJ1>yuL.lt prn ..

u-rurnme trorn vou. t corun1i1 r :•llU't" nnd• ti'~ tl t hr,.t 1 hu.,,,, ht ard on

or 1,tT t ht nir ld'I" \'try 1tllln)' )'e&l'e unr1 I noti("f" \'blJr C::•lrtwl .-,1,r~,-r~ a,1 p,-q u ut 1lri11J,, lunJ!U nt,'

"" I 11 1n tudnftin1t O~t• 1•t11Kn1t11111~ ,,f •1t--rt1•ht • ,ontt-11 fi.1 1 r•&t'..-lvt>d h. It \\ j1J h, nhllCht thttt ah hough r mi.lttt•1l rnan} r,C ihu n.antt"a ,,r lht itPnu1 nnd tht.1ir !ti rfortt1£1?"!1, I did t1€'1l mln a_ny a111~e iteni. nntnrn11y, thl· nnn-lUl'l'e• nwrit lfil har•lc-r tu lwu1 lhntt UJI' ,-clt•.c tJ11n 1l ,·If, aiul I om ''Lokrn,,. ii. ,••sy" ,.,.rr, .. Huh• wa) fu1m th.- lou1l '~t-nhtt ln fact. J nm lllt••ninR' t{1 and enjov .. hur a 2ood f(1ncert. nut •~tuininr r 1r TIX"' with h•adpbon ..... "

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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"' ... ., .......... " WI R E L ESS WEEELY

------ -~•~•~•.,.,._,.,,~, V• V• -----......... - •- . ~•~•~-~-~---• ---~•~•~•~•~•~;~,V•-------_.....•~--•-

¥@.u,r f erial Thlt photograph 1.h ,nv1 ncrry cl•:Jr J11 thr c ompo1itlot1 of a tlumdrr1to rm. Th .. • a d 1·,m cln .r d u Ir C"u m u 'u t njmfu• c l0tul.1 on road ~ wlth rout

and occom pan 11tng • toiic i., ,crvcr--.

,1r...,.1 Ar,«rt from th• fact lhat A 1h01 t ll""rrn.l 111 not 1w n11t to ab:\ijrb •uch a qu11nt1ty ol atm00,ph1mcs, it bu ~ the quallt)' of iclccnnty-.:i, Ce.it.Jrv rt Ul'h Jt ir..,J b} all

T ~ cry tnl •ct. on t lt" other ha11.J'. raunH work on a .e..m.ull aerial unJeu 1l t \.l•r: th, e tu lht tr.on.i-tnittmg

lRti n. ·rnu" 13 ri(.J boostina: or l.,:n,p11f)'mg (J-,v1c~ in a cry•tal aet., Th 1 • (a1rl> largt- u,rLal ~y,.tem ill uoa"t",uJo.bte. Uut it J1.huuld nut bf' too l.targt". Thur~ ii no n.e.td to ha ve n wt' tl u, ,11e wu·e in th.co neria.1, and ,t kns:th 1b\luld 1101 ntrrmAlly tx.ceed llH)Ul ne hundred ft"el. Thl' cry11ta l d ow nl"r ri,u t rJtpt:~l ;Softlf trouble

trom ntmos-rht1:ria. Foru.anatl!l) * th, re la only a small

JJ rt' nt.nar-... of r r y lul 1H own1.21'!fi in \uJtr.o...hn crrtu.1n.ty not nparly •o ut:.in} o t.hrri.: are n Grent. Britaln. In l,,;rt:'ll.l Brn,11.in Ct')"tt.lll rect1vers art: \:t!t)' muth Ira ~\,dtn1:1•., Lut ,ta.tic 11 m.it s.o prt•,·alrnt 111 th.at. counl-ry •~ It i hcru..

Owrw.-- ,f \1ak1,; reciflvera who a r e c • ,11.~ 1 l(J u ll'r~~,., rett-Jlti.on In

outumn .ind wwt~t will rinll ,om~ Ir iliJ.• In utuf!J.er, unll'.s• lhey • l• t, 11r1 tn t ht' n.~r1al and ttie- t~. TJ1l'r.­tl! om1• mt:lhoJs of minlmhnn1 ,·m

Im i tunl r th..-, L(lti t.• truublet. ~u, lt r" bl" t. thlht tu ,iu realh ; ._

l 1"'.o.' th~ rnt.er :icau it.atjorrs &!one irnJ. 1 l1Ct-nl1 lilt 1111 r~·6'1Vl l1R'. tbt:' Jo1,,•al taton J~ !.t•n-n-l"- v.iJI· l,~ good

, 11ttugh w uu:, c-11.:U:!, •nd • aood deal bHtt>r, lh1111 1lie ,n u iL-~Uto-hoh.t:i rt-­f'i,•J trorn th~ 1"1:Ult1on m th~ ulher

.-up1tal lie s:af'.'ttrnd with ;-our local ,.mt10 r 1 •iivlli. YGu Ju n il p.,i)' tor a11\ mo. t , anJrha"'lli . 'flth~n \ou. ? t!t

l 1r lu: .. n .._ fr III th~ Po.st Oftic~; th* '" Dt')" p,i:,a:I ivr lh• lint11.:.- ~Pt, tu Lh ~ Jveal l.iit1on <tr utfan, 1,1.nly -----------------~--... ....... ~ ..... ------------.. ~-------­Pli1Lt;U \uu flt'\Cl Ut!l1d tll"U.."

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F"ntla, Frht u• ry I . 19'.!7 WIRELESS WEE ltLY



• d (101 3 0

.P!Y.! n (I

.nor. a ti

.0006 .... ~

,00025 .. ~ , • 000:?5 with

~lip• ... _2 9

Pit.OT CO.',' DF"'SFRS

Scr• irhl I.In• WA1tlrnir1h

!\o. 5113, 13 plot•, £11 11 ~

:--:o, t\l I,, lo J lllto, 0 IJ 0 :So. 6123, 23 plot•. 0 13 0

Strai1ht Llne Frequf'ntJ, Alun1in1.um Pl&te.

:So. ,113, 13 plate, ..:o 12 0 No. i117, 17' pb.ttt, 0 13 •i ~o. 7H!3, 23 plate, 0 1-J 3

J \C'RS. Pilot Sinrlt.• Cu·ru1t

Jork, :-o. l 161 • .tO P1lut Oouble Clrtu1l

Jacl<, 1'.o. li62 .• u Pilut Smrl• Fila-

me.nt. Control Jack, Xo. 1103 •. u

Pilot Doub!• Filo-me,u, Conttu: Jaek, Ko 116-l •• 0

2 . i ~

2 8

2 B

Tho P loc Kilo. croJ v~rn r.r •hal -hbratod b~t tlocl,;"t,• and Anti-dock"\\ i!lf' tl~1

thP one d nl rnoulJt"d In Jn11 c L.-k•htc - \\It rr,dlon t"Onlr l - abaolut•lr no b&c~lo•h, an J 01 I} •••••••

:,.. :--:o ~o

Th th<\ d Con ter • r b 111t1,1u", h 1t l .as ai.w hol<! fer mo Jr tin;

r ·\,. np!lrt rr-om the- u u11I holt­

mrn ih atJd t1Hlt ttlor

\Ji!,thoJ or {,0 011:ft\ll("l or

~TIUIUIT l.l'-P J'REQl'L.'on DR\SS


~113. 18 rl•t• £(1 14 n RU, 17 platt",. 0 16 ~

~123 2a plato, 0 I, s :-o 811,-2, 7 rlate

d uble Cocdt "· 14 0

l\o. hll'i'-3 Ii J•lall triplo Condc!n er, ~ 3

l'\Lffl llHEO:SI \lS .

.Su. 1100, ti CJhm H:heoita.t "\o ~10. 10 ohm Rhl'o1tal ~ u. 920. 20 uhlll RbeQ.!11.:tt.

llJ 3 ~

U 3 I

u t 14

Rhl'O tat c,l,m J'oU':ntlou .. ll'r

,_,,o cl m l'ot••r t.io1 etf'r

n urh ns b) wood for fn•

" :i !; u 6 .; u t. G

United Distributors Limited

~: Che u Sr., BRISBANE.

; Qo , n t ,DE.l.A.IDI,..


7 2 Clarence Street, SYD NEY .hi. Queen !:,t

l'LRIH tr Jcnuj Qu.;H &. Harri ~t

I\ l:.LLI ,i.; IO:>,, .,.L t.11 l harlN St .•

l \l NLl:.:.10~. l a•

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Page TwtnL,--Two w1aEL£SS WltllltL'f Friday, F'"M"Dary .&, 1027.

Astounding Results .'\n• ubtnined wi lh 1hr famnu~


I DETECTOR I j '"" ,.;11 loe 11.•lcund!"d .,1 llw n•,ult, uhl:iin,-d if ,uu u,e llnt• or lht• ··T.tO:\" ft1mily. ~o ! , matlt·r whrth,·r ""' u,,. it on 11 ('r,,lul s,,, or \nhc R,-n,,, St-I. lt.·uJ lht• .\rtide in ' l I h,~ \\ l"l0I.•~ "\\ lrl'les, Weekh ·• on I he "'lnr> cl HeOe:t" Onr• \'uh~ Set, using I h~ fammi- j i "l.10'\ \I \XTO'\f;" Uetcdor. t::=:::--::::::;:::;::;:: [

! ::•~ :.:: ::~.:"•'. 6::i=~!:==== '::=~= ":~= ::~, ~::, ":~, ":~, ::~;::i::im::e,Jd' ::: ';;;::.::,:: i

I l] ... "'"". ···-- m.,,: ,:.::):~:~;:~;: .. : ·.:.::· ·11·• ••• , .... - ,b • I

l ncJ,, etl II l',1li h c nrlo cl. for inside ';·:


I ! !

l ! ! j i i ! i i

c I •~ a ill l'bor ,tr I an I ~lounting,

7 /6 !

'""" "' ... ,,,,., '"·"" £5 /5/5''" ,.,., ''" ,.,, ! !

Wiles· Wonderful Wireless ! and Electrical Stores

6 /6 8 /6 ,,:, l:H\ llt:TIWl'OH (,I' \R,\N I n:n

Pitt and Goulburn Streets, Sydney. Branch '.!J Pill '>I , ~ear L,rcul,u ()u3y Branch: 384 l'itl St. :\ear Goulbum Street.

\1311 Order I >rr~rlmenl 1,0 Coulburn !-lr~d, SyJney. ' . , ................ , ................ ,., ........................... , .. -........................................................ --............................... _.,, ........................ _ .... , .......... :

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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Friday, February 4

2FC, SYDNEY Farmer's Hroad,s8llng Sen 1<'•'

1' ••• I <n&'lh, 412 llulrr •


I 11 & ._ Tl.- h1me1 pf Ifie )I • • 11'.9• from ,i., 51-dh)

1' am.. ll r Uc-•"' aad •nnouru::-,...,1• U • m ,_.,., 'R71ln~ M wn nr H1t1ral J ..



.... PTlil !IO p,m. ~-•lm ftNil t..-iet 1t o pm. liun A 1Mlna,a Z. Plan t. It,,,.,.. FltoM 1K~ l l'CJ. I .M TII• i\Tt 11

Hl'l1NF:\' l(nrn J 1' IN or-chtt U.., u ... , IJ L• "- ,f M F.ma11,~•I Aa ronL

10 Ii It NI fkU'4 1'10 GH.A U OM RA JIOUIIE. SYDNEY ltttru f""3ffl th• h• u:1m-. llf rh• l ar•Mntffl'9 AI..AOltlN ,.,.l,n n• Xiii• lk•rot.li• l ~na and 11.r llrue GfffU.

\ll'SIOA1 NI Mf ER:

11r \\altlflS t ttw- \t bd

~•,. 11vnr JCon1 llr•"" '• \ ,... 111

8,ol(I Dane- &ila.. Manrt'II ff Fr-.1 M i\&1 an4 KaU~1

ut-ll~ht lb Drwottu- 1.-na •nil r1 1n- lll!'"9

Ji. • t Mt1nrN lttv,th.n p,..L,i)U, S Hau bu•

Kc ~Ht H•••llan ,..,u·11b l.hrot)ly U,. a.rd CMN

hi o,:apat:17

The World',. Fcyers tarried Buree..a.

2BL, SYDNEY Bro:,dcast.er·s. T ,td.

w.,r Leucth, alS ll•irf!ll.

ro Clodl .. 1.t ct: ~ !'.I ,cal p,.,..nauna fr,ffll •t~I • Pia ,!,ca.I U.ID n1 ah bHIUI u.a,,.

.. ' .. ""i:,

• ul


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I'nT ' ......

Mrla ... P • f Nill. • •1 lhrH t , ..... •U' O• ... hra.•n. 1-iJIU •nil Owl .-1 r

£7: 'l: 0


. "-••"•••-O•H•-•-••• ----



An lll>-to-,lnle ct i~ never the ttam t\\ )e:11'11 running Radio <'O trurtton clu,nges \\tth e\ery 1mp1 °' e111ent 1u bro:ldcasting. Emmco follow11 the trend o! the ttm l'rt nt co111.htlon5 cnll for th" " ,r-Het - po\\erful HUIJ<r• se t1H, and harp!\· re~pon l\t1 -the 1.Jc:il of e\Cry listener-in • Th t:mmro kit, d,•1gned and n11prn,"'I b~ ~x11erts, wmbmtng mntch ,I 1111il elllciency \.Ith

mp k ty, par up-to-date re­<•·ptwn "1thtn re:i, h ul ~,ery fotener- 1 It I eaa) to build, and, tinl•h<!d, n,. '" u • 111 h~ proud to own.

, ~uno 1,1,SUht • 1•• t'r. 11-•'1' t ... ...,-. T,.. lit

""' .... ., ....

• Uf• .. -..,.


The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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F rida .... F ebr u,-r1> .J, 1f\?7 WIRELESS W E EKLY

4 &I) m ,tt., ,n r 1rM.1Jt :n .rb'"' .-,,.11,. ~ -:\1 1 r, '1111 >It '" ., ( _ p ru OaJ'• r•elnc ~ t'lfl ,.... ,ia,a.,

.a 1,11, p'" ~,...., frOffl th• .S n ' !\ 1 t11 Rt'fl mt" o( ,::bl •Nll,"T.ll'llm<' I p pi C.P l Cod. •ml dtlffl411 flmi'" dn-...11

EARLY 1-~ \"E.SlSQ SESBlOS J p; pm ·- • po f~itk ,1114 rhfm.-, • H pm l 11cl~ r, "' • ~nd th• iuddtH I-. pm M I'• I ol M • )/I ,ntt11 $el1 7

"'I .,t,t f't11ln 'h•• l<il tdW'!I I. It 1',nL )l.u.Ja.l &iet•IRmr fnft thr, ttl1lha,



twl't'n I th~

Traac Broad1 ft t ,u: Fl'.l., on

2GB, SYDNEY Th ' rhfc.a ~ Oilrl t , ll "'<"rvf t"

\\QV(I IA-ngt.h 311.i, .)ltrr

The World's Hyers carried bur,cs..

Pag• T,vrnty-Five

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 28nla.obj-699309106National Library of Australia

WIRELESS WBEllLT Frirt..,y, Febru ,:-•.• If. IDZ7.

Radio Distributors

Having decided lo concentrate entirely ot1 Radio Seti;, we arc S<'lllng off our Radio Part~ at

COST PRICE ,\II the parts, including Headphones, Trans­formers, Vah•es, Sockets, Bakelite Rheostats, Pott'ntiom('ters, are shott·n in the window of our l\'o. 2 Branch, situated at

29 Royal Arcade l • t Shop from Pitt Street

Opp. Lyceum Theatre. Don't forget the name


The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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1 ..,,

Frbruary 4 1927



't.:AltOICA?li ..

llr II K UU:



4QG, BRISBANE q eer sra, ii R.uiw Ser, icr

\luvr r,,.n th. ~ Ile ro.

Paire Tw,r,ty.S,, n

SCL, ADELAIDE (. •ni Broadcr,st~r,;, l,ld.

\\ a t.,,!\!!th, :!!JS M tr•


--------------------... -~--~~-----·---------------J'he \\ orld',. I ly~rs carri~d Huri:e.,.

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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I i ! i I

W llU£LES5 WEEltL'l




r,·ndurt~ \ olt·c,

CLARITY OF TONE AND VOLU1\11E Ort datanl •l•hon,, 1n cnn1uncltnn with the f,,-1,t lwn qu•hllt!•, "'"' lo he ohtam~d with r.uc '"' the ael you b,11ld younf'!r by UilDR

!OOZ•i ~: ce)~1@

Superlicterodyne Kits, £8 / 1 0 /-

1un INfflf'T""'

l:.Allo • I .112 '6

H•11 .. , I ••• •• lt:\ -

i l•< p,,,on., l..oad " \Int ion l de L'r , • Oil l 7 , 0 ta·,.

rt o , aft.er a low

! :--1t<'a\rn, Co - -:

00 _:;,

01:tainahk from all 1,k<'n~l.'d Radin 0<'ole rs. I : i

I British General Electric Co., Ltd.,

Magnet House, 154-6 Clarence Street, Sydney. i

! :.---· ... ··-----··-·--·····--· ... --···-----..... -·. ·------····--·-·-·- ·-·-··-

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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721 , HOBART T.i -.i: ,, n P.roac!, a~t"l' , I td

Sat., February 5 2FC, SYDNEY ;:,\RL\· 1.fr RST ., ~E IUN

• D a"' ll111r m Y.

t111I •n"' • •~t.


----------------------·~----~-~-------.... ~--· ........... .,..,...., ..... __ 'fht \\ orld'~ Fl~ er,, carritd Burgtbs.

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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I'•~• Thirty

18/6 Ratio :

3.75 to l


lllllllll \I 11!\II\Llllll~II•"'•

,., 411-R.allu l 7 .. t,, I

Ht 1;;-n1d for t1iu-ra11r,rn "llh a.11 1rJhd1rd luhf'•

G O.t' Re,1u.mnce f "1nduu: : Pr1mat) JOwl obm capproI) ~Qnd n, ,,>oo hu ! a ppr -x I

oconflar wound

, It

<t111,111nAhf,. rrom .di Ill Jrnl tblr l{acl1,1 UUlC'r~.

rndaJ rthruary l. IOZ7.

18/6 Ratio: :l.75 to 1

l<' nl ry and

"• t•,

: !


I ' I !

Fox & MacGillycuddy Ltd. I Daily Telegraph Buil<linj.\s, Kin~ Street !

iuu•-•--HU••-•••••M-UOf••H-O"!UOM••••• .. •• .. ••-•• .... •• ...... ••••• .. •••••-••••••••• .. ••- ••-•••••••• .. ••••••• .. •••••••••••• .... ••••• .. •••••••• ........................... ,.,,,..,J

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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Friday, February 4, 1921.

I J, •• ,-G P 0, ("l<Jt>k ••· clwn• llr,...&a. ,,,.._ Tot1lr•l Chon.. t, 11.m .....;..x.1n1 • Man4~in Orrti .. 1n

fl lO ~.-J,t, fh'11nt. Hlru:.b(]Uf•. badtci,c._ I 21 p I'll ~,. Olde Maui-., 1h,:hl haritoaL 111 Z& pm,, "ft .. Muh,ri• t,lilil, 1 l:·AOO.

: ;; :.: ~r 1";~~:!'t"~ .. l:.i11:~.~:; t U p l'ft,- "4b• lt. •~ U&rklt.. Mlltrlllt\,. I ::t p .._.o...t_ M.-,n, 8. Clllett, at. ll

H1nrhdtff'111. '-" a,.111 -n.-1un"' "1 fo~ft,s 4n'11 ~ro­

.,.rnn:i& W•th.r ~ ••41 foflNl._,l '" OOIH1.w, et Mr C. I, Marn, OoH,. M"Wrv--­lnabl

I ft·"' -G r O CJ.o1,1c en,; Chl111• , J p nt. Kl•s • Mantlolltt Orthnlra. I.I p fll, ~,. H ll1nr.bl'ltfl'r IJI r,i,na, ,Dr,r11a will ra k M lJa. At.ori&tau. t.11 p.ni-~r fl It, Cit." JU: p.ra.--hk,.._l t CT p"' 'ML11 lb1'jor .. lldll I.H Jl.at.-lo!r O!tk )htUw.-a t 0.1 SI ,111. :t.14-, ~aial• f4•ru~ Jn• fl.J!l.-)lr \Ul Utlkt'1-. Ift.U r, trt Th.• nuncttwan Xud,m D•nt.41

Hand hn:nvl~ut fr,_ 11• eaiH.Nt Tl,• Dllft '"''"• )tanb' INrtnr '"• lnt,rralll ~ ... ,, ds,,t . .u oinr, "l>O""- hy r rt, y tJt Uc ·-sun' •ill h broa,rr.._

11 at'1tn1sht.--OrtJ Cklt:ii. •IW CtlJna h••l•'Ta.l A111tli,m


T ~••;!,';r;:!r.',:J r·u '::, Mr :m'i!:~i,.,:.ii 'I.II p,m Ntw• t .-1 •ntl tu• •r,onl:11• ,._ ..... ~-~: ~ ;r•~1~~ M.1:. ~: ~1~':: ~, •~ ( r-,,... !i.lll D m - v u, •1 batA, lv44 f•l•t!! arl m

Dane. On.Jl•.Knl: n01, Jl.om•!iit- Le:d11r ,.,,, kll\~ """'-'°• or G l"tns)

I e pm nrctW Mr. &b t:.cw1Ma t U 11 1111 Lalaor L,sla.lat oa IM,S... )tr J

C. IU4rad.re-l lO • m.--l11otlfna f•lutt, Fro• Ow tu.tli:

4:!.u.'f:.: .~~~": ,!'3.a1 nrf~rlp-t " nd SI O r- rn lli,iittat"OU odda • 4 rnda, )Ir

Ht>r1Nrt Tl•~tt

!,•; :: ~i.~"' ~~O:hr~~~. Dtlb Jtc.m.atM i....,._, n, lin4 ffftl n1c , •I r.- C 1"itl4f)

10-lO • w.--<'. las Anaooct,Hnt,• ..


11 .___ ~.-U;.-1( ORCRF.&'TR \ 5..-l""1. o-n 1 ... Judy l"•rrot." S 1'>'16 tfirlll)

U 10 a.m..-TM •~ PKF.~tt;ll f'Ul"ft ''Tba.l1, Wh, J L, ~ \w. • • ~o!l,vr O' l110# •

n.~~;-~.';~~A,Lr•K~~~I ··y \(6j a. U 14 a11n TIU- l!STUI.I:) NARK TRIO,.

& M1rli • n , N,rcrrn ~r, •it al )( 6her!J• 11, pl•MI• l'ut ,h ti""°" • (Shit.r • .. ,, .... } MHti;, •~nino. It I u~ • Y°OY I MM-t 1'{41, ..

<' Kil,foft. VtoUn, "'IA -nprldr-o_..,_ .. JI 411 • ,n STl!l•IO Olu HJ ISTltA

''S-oldit'r"' ' I rw•" l""llUal ll;~~.i;-;;ttc !JlE f'RFJ'1lER J'OLR.

',hatt. • Sans at f•II whL ' 1 ... ttaon Tirri'"' Sis"• n t. h omci.1 ",r,..

1, .. "'"'' hOffl Ki,wt.,. I ~ •. lfl"II aed ,..._,. 4.\Utralta• 1 nu A--.orl•l n ~..at,\ Arru•,. •ml' H,rratit"' n...-. 1tr,1cn ~til;pt11s ln, \,alllJf'ftf'C.

1 I& 11Jft. -8Tt':D!O (lRr JO:STkA klrttllJfl. ""'Tbe VkttlflJ'.. (lf•thtt'I

l~.tQ ,-.lft.-TUE_ KOYAt~ @CQTS, ''&tuftl!I "J'ta J'n,rac-11. • ~.,.., r Arri,h • I.art ~••


t:..U ~m w,.•H•r r~r1• •"• II 1,. rlMl•.-r Int rmatlon

I " .. ...-rulHO nae HOTll.A 'La "1n-.: If <'l"t\e fl l"'lt l'I)

I• pm OR.. M:sou, 11ARTPI.J)lt ........ IQM•

Haeblt11I (T to r•tdulAmuh .. IT"liiftl)

111 ,..., " a1r11•n11 , 111 a,. , •• 'hrttL llt-n "' lfu~"tl ( lanl1.

1.t1 ''"' 11u; Jt<l\'At~ 1oora-~1~~!:u:J r~r;_hl the MITL.,_ ·r!a11::1r ,aw• ",.."

1,.1 P"' II lllO OR IH·;TRA lit.I.Kt ft, "'Thtt I rhm1d n• ' lht! ~tl

S.,U r,m l IL ARNUJ.JJI ll,\nTOLtNI bat ne

lltiK11a.,. (T•t1f .. Arla ftomi liar~"' c\'«

SH ,. IQ ---aTl DIO OflC1f~TRA "'Jl ll•ri~n-.t In NO't"ICaft.d.• UarO;•rO

: ts'" l.liNer-ipUon ot S tnmet H~tq-,._ 'A1!Ja.m•1tn1-11 Rae. t--, v krl f U.. t:rNI n• fl t... C ltgwn

u~ i;l:'::i11 "9:'1C. ~7C.. r, c,,r I A,"";._ J;DC>Tl r.r .t ht, ' • dt,• r,.,.... f!ietirN •U1 ti. 1 • ot hr, C L Malc:h Vk1o-na • Q.1anda1rt. a P.nab • u \h•7 ~ • hatvt.

rrnrlr:• t "~ l"UI '7 J R

i'ai,, Thirty-011•

1&,S pra-ru ... , nrn-rtl I.IS f>-IL--Uht npor\.l lt7 ,..,_ ~,11

J ro4...,.n" ~,.. ,., (' ttl. lta,ri.,.,ullrt •~-i> aa1..., r '-"'• r.n111 r' t••"· 11., SIN• Jyt t. ry J t'IMIUt'41' r .. o.i.e. •fld. Ofllou )f;6r •• ,,,.,.._ of ut•nr• • n• ,,. h \I(; ;-1A C trua ,._ •Qtjal " I'


----------------------.,.._-~,-----------------~-~-~-------... ThP World'i. 1·1)~r~ c;1rril.'d llur~r=

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Pace Thi rt,.. Two WlllBLEII WBIUtLT


Friday, F•l>ruary 1 1927

For the Latest Single Control Sets

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Fridal' F~bruary 4, 1927


\f''U.R~OO~ H~SIO!,:,

cm.~rn s•~uvin:.. n~ Cl1fflPwtr ,-...w •ill k , .. tnted f'ront

•t-A" ~'-ft.,.n1h lta)> Arh·t>n t ( butth •t 8 ,nq f•

'.>Ill ~.m. 0{M!Jlh'llf ti,rn('I, Wr Wou1I SM J11 u11.. Bal""'"!, 111~,,eatlml l'•rtCJt -\ , ( ht,;11ttr. f\11' rt. ry •n• '1fil111R :51 I, Scri(ottirr rw-adln.:, 1 .. ~Lb 1'1ahn, b1mt1, 'lit! Lrad~h )1t"' lDffl,1 JrJ' R'TlllC>ft, "H•n· n,, .. fl)t thr N .. w i ... , .. Pa ,., :\ C I"~ ~,mn., 'V\innhu: l'NCSo.t.1 Su.... ll ,tf an• .,.,Jo.. •l•iet.t b,mri, .. Ja..t • Ra,- of S1;11uh1n• .. trut.o-r-n, t ~ '111 Cft

-I.Iii p.rr1 f"k»i!- dowo E..\.RLl. J.,\·1':;.;ING Sl:SBION

Cl:~ r,m. TD"I• in Ill.Ji pm < t,.ll,!fTtl'• f., ~ Oft- n \IMP tork<I

Iii,- t.:'l'Clto IH-n" nnll Unde Jim," T l!i.- pm ...SPflrttn "-• 't.4' 1• m .Somdaird f nw fi1ni•t

Nh,HT SF~~ION, ~ .u r.m z.-1 ff leullm \ o,u,k.nill~

T.11.ll.. Wtl\\Clf f lo"' rn 11 .;\1uuaala -h7 " T.-:om11 ...

GATE"f\ 'iJUi~TR :SATtn~Al. Sf"t J:D\\ Al'

~ r,.,n. fttrn th f;• rt1 1hnt,.. 'foo'Wttfta: 01't'tn•i,t-r•I MLIOt

)t,. 1$ Jl,.ffl,. 'F,om tb Salter al ·pned••Y: Mut<1r C7C"I"' ft&l!fl

L•~ p.m From th• \i,a,6,itJ' , r,,:,.,,... T,vo,. ""0081 tltt"l'l ... traal 'MrJ ~

I r m.-•·ua the N•Llitn.al FJ Nd~•>' M .... t.or C)<1J• R•cn.

ta J'.m. tr••1u Lrnncn'1 811lltnrm: Da""' ,\lu1i,,r

f,U p rn - f t,1,n 1hr N•tlima.l Sr"""'•n MJ.lt,,. c,, .. 1. fLaf.fl..

1,1 p ,n Frnm thit !ltu1Un lhf" "S 1"4•r \1 I f\<"' Yr h I C


HI.JO a.m. -GP n, c-h me-t. lt21 .. '"~' tiro o,c1,~1r• fh·,.,or ,,.

QW'f'II ,,t II Ht.i"1n , ~ •It.a So1hitt,r ide!I 1hr: ••"-.. ,.,... tf'Dt nrilinc .. V8.. m1tp ·cc,b-h ,.,wo• tH''t'Nl1"'1T"' , .. ..,. j.a.-J'liln.e.. con,u. auJo. •11 liattlo Ml«I " "Mt.>&• "'>l11l"fl\"nt1 mu. "•1 '. final• l ~•' l11C"II

U "'' a. n:i \\ N4 a.nd. Co. ,,u,it-\ ,~.,eru -- ti.-r ,,,,., "•"d •at "•ru,ounc,rm•n

U noon t; , n C'hl•H"'I •"' I C'I-MI> d,,wn. AF'TT.RNOO~ si; 111N

1 • i'o ~1111lay frtffl'I \ ,,_ Park R r>•

"'""' ,.,,. . r11•tk 11 a! r.cq b1 lt Ara t Tr•IQar

I p,n.. 1:iror,rta:) •at! n anr.1 1r.N"ITIPflla

ai,d •" ,1 twr

_., 111 r "' -{., l n l,"hhnf';I t l.l p.1 l.. t..eli: D1.1u An nqmh,,r 4 !4; p ft\ ( !'11',tr~l'l Jf ,t R~tJJIIII • rW T Jtl p ni -Mu~ .. l "1)11 1n i.411) p.111 St n. •>I: rt!!llllt Ii pro --',PO lhr,on -1 t•"' ..f-• rt&:, )Ir 8r.1<1rl uuJ 1?1 I, lli..5 pm ltnt.nlni,l,ntal tff'ftl }h 1 l..,ctr.1ball II 1 ,.,_ )M,11~. ~"' H iho<irt Jar,u,c • 111 p. m C"'4!!1,o fl-f )fr r_. C".oltl.'llt n'fly. '-.IT p ...._ fkm!=". \1..,.. \d-11 Sr•l:tn. ~21 p ,n. f"~Ur, •oio MP t.. <ifll w, rt!,,, l :!~ 11 m. f loa.t.mc ra.t..u. .D•'1<- Otthfltra

fta,,e., r~r•m,,, .. • ao r, m s.onc '4,. ltn,11,tl,uwJ t.:.tot•i.,. f.14 n J 111 n'..al n" lff M.,.- ,T 1.ett1 •


11 S pm ......g, nc J.1,. Jfbbt-n J m.­t I -..-G.1 .0. d1 • r t.l JI ,a. Thlhretv • .-h..-at ""'Z''"'t 9..1 f!,fJl k•laJ' from l 'b11n1r l'a!a,._ UI I m -8uns:- )ha /\ilt II N'••b'll. I U 1•.111 'Cdl ...- Mr 1: t:oltl..-ort\·7, • :w~ p.111 ~ns :\-Ir Hr h11Uand flqrl<r rt. 4- ~•.a.-- Ile.lay f'tOl!l fluauns rata"-10 I Br --t; l' 0 Ch rnn 10 1 1.111 -lk"h.)' from n..iat tll l'.&lall U\.11 r-.. purlias rraalu.. Hl.Jt fl m $ din toftCU\ and dil~ N

I Fll.ftUl\fl

Jl r 1TI G,J"'.{l t:b1m1:11 Natioti&J AnthnJ:1 arta ('I,. J ""'"



r:vt·s11m SWION 1 ~ti\ CHII J•ki-N'l' nJU.iH .. h~

A~\Mr NI • t hi pa Ill

NtrilIT t;t;SJOS

8 n-,, ~ P f1 f l('k C ho"N 'rh1111 ll •"R r, RY• •SJN"i•I T,u.matil.an tin•• .,nkto R,ul~•Y aut'tl n !f,....,,, n ulft '?i-"e&•l, .. r ritrorma1 ll 1,n,f ,l'tJ,- f'Wftll

ii- & fl.m.-ll,;,but !l:'ods. 'F"--.c.ha:nt• qvotatio11-t l:. pm -IJatlff !-lurahrn frt1m t.btr Studi,o

I 4,1, l' m Br I •I~ ufflr.lat wlt'lttna fttWI • .c~» ..... di~t rttm lt..,ib1 Ly w, crtm u~UIJ', W,-•t~, .,n 1 •• Stat11Jn ani,ntJflrclM"fl"­Sh • wil hln wnrlf".!!~ nnr1'. l.;1.r s .. ," th lill'i,:.

Sunday, February 6 2FC, SYDNEY

'NO N •• t SJON.

JO ...._ A,. u t t. from the 6tud1e. 11 IJ • ,a. f 110M TU£ r \"Ci:t.! M HAU...

I ITT .. TIU T •. nmr., ih )I :il' la.« SnvU from lhe Central 1i1.- t-. i I ~l••Ml>G. condul"'t.il 117 tlw R.fy ! JI n ... ,.,._

11.U ~ m. Utu.M THE g·rt.rDIO. b:ewa .. ,.. ,tc,

tU ,._ CION tkiwa.


The World';, ~' l>er,, c.arril'C! Burgei.s.

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P•r• Thirty-Fan, WIRELESS WEEltLY



Sepancr; cermuu ls for deuictor and Low Frc- I qucncy circuu:,, w,ch a Rheo1tn on each circuit.

A Real"B"Battery Eliminator

THIS unit will eliminate"B"battery worries entirely. No more faulty

reception - no more disappoinanent or spoilt programmes. Philips Unit gives an ample supply of High Ten­sion Current direct from your A.C. house lighting circuit at an infinitesi­mal cost. PHILIPS is

"The Lifetime Unit" Ask. your cbler foe- a


Obtainable at all Radio Dealer•.

LAM P-.S; AND RA,..D 1.0

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• O,fllo---0.P.0, CJoek ud Ch 1111.et 11 ~.--lb. 0,. V•• • llair•ftl. ptalle MM• I U p "'-~•t.,• Trio t.111 p.m MiM ,._.. C.. il'0 eonlralt.o. tlSr• limors,a.. ,.n r ,,,.,--.,,.ac1am11 il'h7\tY11 tf11W ,.11, p III Drou ,Jca t,m Trio. 9,41 pm -'4r 114-rid ~nuU f.M pn,... MIA, Dt'WI .. Cooia.e. 10.S pm.., , ..... aol I O D OL-N• AM ,1, ! tl:l,it•

2GB, SYDNEY I OY-c~n M ,- A ball• 19 · -• Jtl, talnr S.-r¥"1~ I 11 A hut1

1,Jb,tral C,M.IIQJu, ft, 1nh < h-l ratlCHl f hr Holy l; c harlal C.kbrall dw Jolt. Ji:, J Talwttner,

II Qil(llft. l J,_,. ,O•a ........ - ~tlll

7 t- ,,,.. LCICml'I' '"°"' \,bar H• i t\.tn Mi.aak: a.n ,- tn Gn .. om C'ON'('UlT 8\

Tt:kbl RY IJISTRI 14..\~U J M lh•ff\Nll

t 4o ».ta,.-Clc.. 4f9a.

3LO, MELBOURNE B,IUIL."i: R-:'G u;&llO ~

lt-10 a 1rt- ' l"H • ~thr,,lr-.1 fk .1.0 ,1, ,i III t";t.Jof'Off Tral• I f1Jn11aUOII llrll II

Uffic:llll \\ 1,..ar- ...... fnm R•ab.Y 11 a'" t kVlcE frum SCOTS CIICR I

Cc,l!iaa St,oat, iV• lbcau'u Pnac:bar IU V ftr. BOUI.A.~1) l'vl111 Md.rial \~enlOII I H till T'n.nr r,,... mini H .. t) !Irr 1n1 Ott

twtw t!lflC 1 !Id 'Tfllaffl•r.l t,ruoa l.7,nri. t4 l't••-- ,.. J,.,i nJL ?,'~tr Tdb.ffll'S\ l.,el,a!l. Pr:aff?' t>f liiterccsaton AS11tf:M "Th .. t,,,rw,d"• Pra.,.r l;t!RltO~ • 'A-..•raHa Fe.lb Pra,..r lntlmaLio-t1.., Ofl'atfll' Ut!n-t('rJ U1aui. IU Mt4. •hd• t t • au.d all

•~ l'rw, 8f :Sl 1>1(,-MO!li

l~.li p.lD Clote tl'tWa..

.AF'fEB.'-:00~ f,USJUS

I 111 P1.L\~U•7' fl:l!'-DA\ ,H >M,.11us !'ool-JlVl'- (fCI"\ 1\'t:SLEY tHl RCB I

1.&Jc Strr,et. M~ M111rn11 ba,mi•• tit:\ J 1f CAI!\ o,ri-...uaJ S•J•c•kin (Colldlld4: .w, t;; )l • WOUa.maL Hymn "N' .. 1,r MT f;od lo Tbtt J'ny~ Rt·Y J. 11, C;\IS 1bmt1 • Mut·n ••••It Thy 8,t"aftl b t• 1111 tiol • MIM Nl'ftlt. t I lit t; nn heltral 8eMC':'ton .txla .M• )11!JlfJ:I ClfUt.: No1Jrrl t ll'frttQ and Or.->."' a r Addtf'SI ProliNIOr H A WOODR 'Ft

.SOME DlPR.E&?>.IONS o• TJIJ; lo It ll }l.A l

N •\IOU~ Anl.t- ra 8):SHDICrtO!'l

t.act tttn.---C:lnM- 411 ,.,.

Y.\ >Xr,,,o .,I ,:,:

ll<Jt C Hr•• h

;.t.uy of \lw> 1-"rff '' ..., J rlnr



Tw- Al!li I • itl'lt "'L1chtlp Ar.lw "I J..ci ... tit!!' f.bmm«r1.bat •

s.r_.: "'Tb• C11d-.oo Ofticrli • C>u:tn -SJ~.,.p,, N Darll

ttl p..m, ,,,..._.. &n lc-t •t .a I l'Nlhlt. ly ill 1y I MlY •

in tic M. ll•>r• •t.out • U"YW r ll"i M


l"hc \\ orld ·,. Fl> cr s curril'd llurgc,'<.

F'u • rhat) ,Fn"



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l'•;:c rblrt -Su<

.,. 'tit. '•• ,,__.4'11 flutrro11

\\Mh , ,. ' •IWI "• t ... 1 . .......

W IR2LES5 WEEltLT f" .. 1d• I t"hruat t !92'; . ,.,,."""""'.,.,

Made Broadcasting Popular 1n Great Britain

1·1111 t 2"

111 t \ti, l'I••


t rctrrn·on

c ~ 1:;:ih., pr n..J,.-d l-ll f 1 rr.

I 11, I Rll'< ,, IRI R!ll",r,s \\ IRI' '~ nu RI \0 !I flf FH 1, HI J'li

It \1mh h~ In uJaJnr.- tr Prn•1 ot"Pia f ml1•~r t, \~hahf'~ l\h,t1 ff ~H '1011 , t, \ 1Jnf1,-ht1!! Rrnf'"-al"i II Rr'nt"1 h· ul1•

• rM1f-Prnnf Stn~-f•r-110(-t rnuhf,-.f'r,u,f

1111 I I I I I 1"1<11 f:O', I ll I Tfl ,

\lnt1"'~" lfl1" t nit) Il:a ldtns:: ... lfl-,., El i1a h•th ~ ... $.\ i"\r'\ 'l'h1111r \fA 11'.il


It '"" I nn,fort l•.lf"('tr11n \\ uri...., I.HI. I n-fnn, l .. ,"" J.

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Mon., February 7 • 2FC, SYDNEY

,,.. ,, -

ft"' \h ' n '-' iUI 01n\ l11fl.r /ltl'Adc 1 r, 1t1 Plane•• .ala 1hf> f'4-h 1~•• 1'1111!>-f'r Pi•nC1

,I.I.,! 11"' ~r ft.-= «.r • .,.,c•l hartt n• 1 IA r, n, ~hrrhlT>C l'lll,t 1«!' II r .ttull"I f'h d,.

E.\.RLY .KY:EN tSG S&.--S1U:,...:

It• P.ffl ~ t Ii m,.. t tFC. ,.,_.. T1 th- 1.. \I• '" 'f111L 1r u,e


lhe \\ orld's Flyers rorried Burges,.,

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ii ! Warneford & Son I j RADIO ENGI NEERS

I i,.·

! ~ j ! !

l i ! i i i


i i

! i i ! ! i i


Hr1nc \ 01.u IL1dH1 I roubk~ lo 11


bu I a ro

lh•wnchu:: h1LJafa1Jy c• rrJrd our •t n·•!Jl~nabfti ,..,.,.

HrnW""l1r [tnal.1i , an I 1':t"ulro dyne , ATC n~t f lly efficlc.nt un ~ th,y a co re nr tral

ltod \\t haYo b n y, tt n c ltndi hnc, and have had

11 r f'nt'e w th lhr ~ Hla and &.-. nl!Utrll , ~hl;I' •

lbe M,w1kx we h..-, bull and we lmow ttl capl'lh Lia• \\ • will build rou O!IC,

1.-<H u tnn-. .. rt your r,r .. nt r ver \\e ,.,II d> L ell' entlJ

and ch(l..A111J.

Coun'1J" dltnt1 r:one:?~n aeb to u, •l Potrnham Railway St• tlon anrl adYlt< us nt• ~••patch

Be1t Wor kmanship Be1t Service B~t Material

= i \\' nh~ or Rmi,r,

i,,, !~~1~~f ~~~1~ s~ .~ •t•hun'": 1'1 t 10 r1 .~ \: ti t!f.

L .............................................................. i


Farmer's Standard

FIVE-VAL VE RECEIVER Complete with all accessories ready for immediate operation.

,\11 1d al rccc1,.,r for Au lr1111an eond1t1on.s! Re. ccpt1on 18 dcnr nnrl d1atmd, anrt !ts i;clwu\;t~· 1s equally rcmnrkablt~thcrc Is absolutely rm mtl.'r• fcrcn from out id llllllio, All Auslmlian tnlion "Ith 1hr <'X ~t1on of l'crth, nr<' t•· .,;ve,I

al loud peaker ~lrengt.h- Sydn y, \JPll,c,urne, Brlst anc 1111d Adclnalc.

The rtr:el•er la llttod II a cobm of Taunl1llilllr l>lltekwood a \tr.,' fine, p cc~ or workmanallip- ...-ittd la Nla.•Jv for lmmf..'d1 atr opcratfort. n d c-a adJu t ml ta h 11c :..H}

I It.- aecouonet 1U.,pl1ed xlu ~ the follo..-tng 6 .. Radiotron" \ ah J f11!to and Radford Ace alator 2 ••E•rr-rndy 60 "ff Battffl I A111pUon Junr do Luxo" Sr<a or. Wllh C rd

t o! a r al NJ'J rmoul, 1 <lud!na: 1011! ,f a n I ,. ,; lnaulatnra :? fr Jud -wire. l Lclld-!n (ube llghtnlftll arreotcr


~..:t" ii rn opi'ratlou irt lh~ ffiird~ . .ttt D<parfrncnt. Gruund Floor.


! ~ i : :


I !

f,'nrntt'r•• Jo no! pt.lfl C'IH'Tiaq~ on l\'ir~leH Guud• :

. i

................. ,.".,_.,, •• ,.,,.,,.._,, ......................... ,-............................... ,, •• _ , , ... u .. , ... ,, ..

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• · n 1 ... , ll r O dork anrl rhltn-. -4 JI N•w• lrrou th• ··t,1111

t U J•.m -'11.uI•l 1,11,..Tn.n.rae ftan1 th« 5tudl1l.

f -t1'1 r1.11L Pr~net1"" Df,,tritutltic- 8«1c{l'"• 1 l:'U:"tab/,o ,mrt fr..ilt -"u-lttl ~tKJrt. •

• 11,,1 i' m.-.•H1lpp 11,: 1nturm1ul11n •11.-r. anlJ. •Mt!.

,1.t,~ tlJJJ o.,.•, hi In.~ n.u~ ir, ,.,e t.h.,·, • iv. "111- ~••• ,,.m, 1t1• 1 lu11 ° • I•

R1N1m1,. ot ri1ib1, r~mm• I pr I cJ r O .. , ,el an,I dlhh!"t. ChJ9e -£.Ull.Y f.\E.N lSt'I SP: "10N'.

I, .u J\oll o.r.o. i.:.lodi. atul citlm•L It & t qcJI"! r;ft>rc• an.t th .. JC[ddtl':L

C..J.i1 1,11n M,,a1citf Jir'1.rramm• fnim t.h• HJ•lio.

!;f't;('!UL COl'S1 lO t:SS:lOS T r, m ...J; I' r1, dork r.nrl dtfmQ.

Ati•tratla.ll hbtG.111tUI•• l.anJ an-ii P'tun,t C<,.. ff·l'Qf"t.

W11a19trr ~portt an4 fhff!CSJ:t 11' n,11.riNr ,,, f'~trUtlt'fl\. l,!rtf'llft,)11\1 •

f,to k r.:r. haafn ~-f" r l'rods,ec-r J1l.1trUi11t111, 8m: lflt• h1u1 •nil

n1l!'labl~ ,u.rli:"t ffttrrt'l 1,r~r. an·t f~ r,r,o,1 m' ~. r,.ctr,,

ur,'>lfQ ... - ,..,, rt. t 'S J•rll'ftAJ1 I f'l'J,I c r' fti!!W npu N'lfOrl

Lan•fon ••ttn marhl

IU' ,UUM'4 p p.m. q,P.0 r r,ck Hid f')um•

-.-..-,unn r,,,1•m1 and ftJMlllu! br eoqrt, y f Mr ~ J :\1...n., G, \t'f'WI , t lkt~i::,t•-­

l•Jat I IJI f\ln Mt M•ne.1111), '\\ JM 11 h.u,o,. o.tl'I rm Mt I· f, Wn.t.lOA, CU:fllroi.u lll'i" 11.m, 1-ira·t • I lt11r11t 11.ll, 1, m. \11 l.;la.J H.1rt •1:un.o._ t11i 1,m ~C' 1-bllJ. OJ.

11 r.;1 p.m. ~n .. Uilli. t/,qv1•. D M l,l.m. M:1• Ma~ Jf1•1mrieh 111 & 1, m.-)lr UoM, \\' •Uur,, M 11 r,.m.-Jrlr. M'1r:rn1l7 \\ IIIJ(lft. 1.U:} J ui,-Th• Arr.1, .... -i-c , .. ,. 011n,: n. 1

bn11det'1, fut1 lhtl t...llf'IICtM • t 1• Aiu hia~trttra.. Uurm• ti'(' r tar t 1°1 t9ii 1 "•nM, t1•tri1 ,r,,p,.tru hY t11n'1tt1)' "' lh ••.-.11n•• .. 111 he hr1•rlf'.&$

1' •111 h 11h• 1,,1' 0. ,1 to, •' J a:hf • u.1• I • ntliffll.

2KY, SYDNEY l NI 1n·o~ H<IL'Jt u::;:-aus-

lf I l' • 1att1t h1 111 1bt1 11'1 nt I thlt durl

U.l I'M I' r,qlnr fox tn:i• 'l•rph1 1 ' l itafflJlph ,i,-

1!.l?:"i I• m, J.t I 1••.11,I 111 rh,Jt• II. i<J ,, m N-• It m• l,i> , ,n V~•I hr1,1• 11-;; 11 m n, ..... 1lan 8t11~1 n lt•r ti I , m• U1 Jin). I hln lll"Wl an! n~I ClL l!P r-m 1.t In l ,I I ft! p t1 \\'ht<fw ,,. ntahl I ('i 11 f;I f"I I n• .\An N:IDHft!-ratA,.

CIIIUHtl )I. tto,·a 111~1.1 ,. m rt,• 1 ,r,ff".ari Mr T , ntfl '1

t\'F .. o.;rr,,;1, ~ t·.S.S.ON .. .10 p . .fl\, "Tullt' Ia \o the UdUlll" t l,-' elurL. t 1:1 , n1.-1 .. t ftl!l:Wlf r 111


., '~ r ni 1nrhn1J":l.l an1I pnlhlcal ,..n11t.r. >1 r l ti: C'.J&t•ll!fl

i , . r,.m ..fih•rrrsin~ Jq. 11.0 11 111.-Jil•aw :i"••J,1ta1111 IIOloa, lili.N N(llll•

c~v,to. r, p.m -'Mnpn1f'l«uf! "-I•• Affl:$ R""'11-J,J

!lf1 p.rn.-"11,lr"I 1nt• t lHr., fila.el.• rhun [111nt'fl Orth u. H:lly f( m•rn~ ,,..11,l~r 11, 'lilhd 1wr111 'lk n cf ,m lrwlnr)

r.6 J.• m IJunlr.lto 11U1 .., J I , \"'J -Ru,uJJ. l p.tn 'l'"'"'"" ~· In,, Mr 'lt1J·l"r.

1 12 11.- Rt,1,tatm ,tJlrtfl", M 'Md H111J, t, ::o l ' 11 t~n 11 1111 • nl• , Mr II \'t I Irr '' ·l(l I n1 -/ti 1•i ::1 n1'l'f'h.1tF,. fl"(lf'1'1 J,,. ~tu•Hl'I

'-1111c' Ndu•I:.- )Lakt·n.. \\ J M.t:.11111';4 11.Aad~rl

l ,lJ,1! "•"' ("11 hi.t A nt10lilll'JUS1.-ola. lKY

2GB, SYDNEY N O~Nl!<G 81:SlllCl:I,

''Chwrlo ll<mr, .. rnn ltt!td J.y tb11 ·t·1,.ee.-1ri" Man

I n • 'f~i ~r, a..m l,b,in• ( 11•1

1,11$0 11 111.-Mu It" 11\ • 1· JI· m• lit i rmml T m,.. 1 I\ • re ~ l'I

I) I a.-m .J, !'ti )I UI .-11h t.11 I h M« ., Ho •

v III ff'I A llf11Uf11Tl1 nll cl~ ,11 •n

3LO, MELBOURNE l'liE -r 1,1, un,·m• t'fB,

)l'Jcica thr t r ltl-'Jlff\.\t.ti UR-\t>J,l'Y J•f:Ht'IIUNI fsO!,HllL\

,1ACK lJlJ:,:n .. l.i-.tiw f!

Al•l' IJ: IN'M \N, ntt1n t l ri•. :\itU&H .\I, f, \JU 1l)'11 M T HY.: E8TELU; llAli.li TRIO,

~:/~tl:i:~~ 1 "{~!~:JI ~•~~~!~~• "A M l.1:rlt ·Alt ~Al.AD.·•

1 n~ , - ' rn, :,. r.,.J Hrl c111t .~. Wlr,

Page Thlrf.y-nln•

1.-a 11,q l11 "' h 1.t1tbr Jtru~,,.. 11tirf 1t,1 .A1n1r• l 111n Pl'Ht Aaoc~­tu 1, Cabla " ft.tyUII • fld "'11.-ratd" nuta Mfl l l'n

12.J 11 Mt -Ji •k'k }:t:t'h"rlrf' lnh1J'1,taUGn. ' t• 1 m .St'l'ETIPnONlt1 6HJNOR.,\ UC. l'tT,\f

1: :i I p.1n -6Tlmu, nnrll~TM 1 "J\J.to I C:httrttJre • (l .~t V Wetirr

IJ.~\I p n1 JAi i\ IH1f'Ol"-", i'n1"1011"' 0 f ['<111 ,.. r11ualon ttf J C.. Wll!ian,,uu t.hl. I 1

H, r,.,- lfuUuw TL!lk'.'1 ( l(q,wla) J t tt w • n-111 '"" , u'"' 011....i,

I "j t-,.n, T IU \IL11Ht"\l .. C:.\IU1tt-.DtS H11r•J1t •'14 Jl•n<I 1l111 Uuola/'

tr,-nrh Jl>W ~11!,• l!tc,:-1 U itu. h«n 11 U')fn, ar:d 1'1•utd 1111\..

~~\ ~!Ina" Sc-ltrl n,i l 1, n JttllPIO 0HC-JIESTit \ 1

Jl•lk • f th..- r~, r. l'art I I lfaitl,iJ') I U fl n, )\•~kit'! :it tnt,•l'rtl•t 0'9 t<hlp.

p ~It i II i:•tle8' Wntl111r I trl'• t 1 .r \'\o,, tarl11 'r• ••nW., l4auth A.111•nli• u 1rl :-;...­'ff1JU•h w.,.,.. Or""' (~ne.,t. Rhtr ,.t ,c::r"' ..

I ~n~l1r .. ~r~u· \l~/,'J!'!{;.~·~:":!.n1 A-I 11nt-. I~ fj":11111

1 'NJ r,tn TSTI::LLl .!ttAflh. TtUOt t~ilt L '~AltK , r•n.o-

tk>ttir• rnr ;\ICHh«-r ltlna M.t\ ROOT &RJ:RIOAN, rl.ru,

v,1.,. 8111,.-. (t~u•l a,-l'lf) I 'r)".f I I!: ~Uni~.• NM tlte S••"'° .. 1 t It I A KILt>Ur F •kllln Hlr,,

I&: ~rn JAC'K Dt Ji:,i;J, Nlrtl in• T ll~h\ I my nishC. •Ith P11,y1'

1 I 'llt.o.muW-M 117 A••.. 1.-.l•hl I 1 $J111tl0 ()Hr.HY.!ITRAI

• fl.Nit Qa,<Jo1" (Ard1110 1 • "' l;;.f'W I f Cr1ekd, \'1Cl'HRJA " ·

Ul r.:~nt..A:o.ir, •• nrW-ue JAnchtaa ..t~irAni , r 1r r•~

i 1• 111 C~t dtwu,


The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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Pap Fort:,

fJati&l i 111 i i I :

i , I I ; 1 T.C.C. 4 Mfd 1

! Condensers I I For B11tery Elim· n 1t ors i ! ~NM• laa ,_ • i i

! ! i : .-.......,,..

I I QU,'J'mct,Hott501t I l L ~ U~ i L u TOh snr.n nn,•n:.._J

I i l I ! I


\\ rlt• '"" I• K•unl•

.a.•, Ou !w"'" • t lkNt C IJ lrtn•

.... ~ .... I • at ... ""',,. ,.~ I ~ tiq r::•;:: .. lbt •'1

i TRY.: LARt,f:S"T ... ~,, OLn• r i lt>.1110 Jllll f Of JIU! M>K H I L-,_,. ____ ,. ____ .. _ .. , __

w1as1.s•• WBBltt.T

GuoranJ« J lf"ork,,.00Jh1p 0 Clant, o/ R,p,odart,on

The ·D.].

Alnoatr1Compltt,£25 \ o ulros lo bu

This J>01\1·1!ul and his;hl> ~hcll\·e Sd '"almplirird lo the grc.,t~t po.s1bl1• ~x t1•nt, lh1•rn llrt' no mvvinll' c. 1ls lo change or l,"ct out ut nrth~-nnly [\\O diuls, o

mr !, th.'ll anyone can n-irulatc the tunrng Ihm· tuned ID th "'DJ. :,<tandar,I ~" renrnrns etabl~. There t no d fti ully 1n p1ck111g up \\h1che~er sl!itlon )oU 11'lUll II nll."J'-Stale Stut1on, al l,01111 $J11!8k• r Strength (ex, ll\ Perth).

H ere is what you ,{!el f or your £25

4 R l(ll, !'h11l JI \'nl\'e,. l-\'Olt, 3o-amf' f'p(n-Radford .\c,umulat,,,, :! Inn:~ ,·a11;1lllY Vultun "B" .Batteries. l Trimm EntC'rt11inrr :-I)(' 1krr, 1 I' ,Ir Trimm Dciwml• ab e 'Ph n , .! '!'hone l'IUl:l'. IOfl f.,,.t of ,\enal \\ tr~. 30 fre or In u aled I.end-In \\ ire, 4 l1111ulator,, Ii ftot:t l-1e..x \\'tr, for conncctini: Baturi , I Lil!htmni:­Arre•• r Th,· who! rmn rel m hanrl ome ,·uLmN o! polishetl maple

'Bus ii on 'Def erred Pasmenls You ran now· h.wl' thl' p!l'a urc of r<,uranir th,. "Tl .I " Stand~rd-4 .. drlh,·n-d antn your own home on t he rkpo it or .l:~ !fl -: ba la11r11 to l,e puitl 1<t th~ rat~ o f !l 6 rwr ... , 0 k, to h<> omplct,•d within I'' month~ •


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Frida. , Fehl"J&r l, I ••7.

1 t. INO 81 10,-i

I t p • H.tLl>IO N IIOt.: R.. A.UWHI ta ktkrt •Dd IJ rU111&1 C.l'N\111n ..,. ~ •• ~.,,._ "• \: IC,,:,HIA WTl..£0!-, NJIR • I

i r.- I•• S. ..in., tor Qt' di o,1, .. " l.t p 111 "'LJt"l'Lt.: ~1$1 KOOM.IH HllA

•Ill ••II • ltlilm..,,W4 tfll O&I 1\atJ, ,n~u.J 'Tb• AJv.rmi.ns ot four 111.d bO:•• •

t II p.,a ZOE •W GWEN B.A.alUSON' • II st.. V ~ P•D;> S-0::.0.

t..u p.a. v1 roaLA. WlLIOJli k• • r•• -littlo--• ._. _ Lln;. )I ... li:M.Ulbcttn • U W • ......., aur, aboul Ju I A..rtlmr lliatdl Old t111 • --• .. ri&I ttc.r,, taU er gJ6.1"t a.JIii ..... tur•

I H P.tll Arc••'' aftd •lferatd'" ,.,.. • ..,.. '¥'kH '\\,atNr &af J.erlAI Mad lllf#lha~lua Irr lt,e A"•U-aUu A.,.Y $,rnle•. Lld

I U pm -Stau. Su~ ... laf.waatla Onr. HU tb.1111tns

to•• ,.Im ll&lbt: 1,ports, '7 I :a. hf. "''- LIL

I l p • -llh•f' ""'°" 114 p-..-Jit.rut n,pqru tr, ti. V1ct lalil

l"r-.- t.1«'n c....,..11.,. Co.. Ltd u., . .. ,i...-: •I\NP NIH 1'oultr)'. Gn. II ( half 11.ay Stn"• Jell•, l>al,J, 11-fllJ\IOI I Gt,ari:,,n alld <,,dom

1 • ~ Jilll.l'krt trlcn et' Oraria• •Dli a...-on.. ti,. d1• v,n.,&aa c..tn.J uua AUocia~ Pc;r. J.w

NICIIT &ESSlOlf lp.abn Dt- COa001'-• JI ADA IC E.



JACE' Dt'S"SF., t.r totw MAGCtt: JOSTl!il •..i..m IU.SU: BATCHl:.tA.lR. a1itn WM Al..FO)l'SO ZELAYA piaao. THI: llt.iSJCAL f.AaDl:,-i&R$. 808 XOLTh'l:UX. lo&-

O'NE ACT PL"l A,_paniat • • A.GS-ES FORTUNT.: A111u1~ac,tt ~AUIUCt: t,t J1U Y

JOI AJtON"SO~ anti JIUl liYSCOPAflSt Sl .YUO!il TS.

T.U J)a.-U~ ~ •~ •t ,,._ lle7 _,_. -.u.._ Dr C GOIU>US x.ADA.~

"-ni. er-, PrtadpPI , ... Aealt .... -, ....... £.CH TAn~a

...._, 1 t• • ad &ebaoJ ;,o,L T U, i, n Ubdtt u.- • 11,pket ur th,. ll•t•rt

• .,., or A• ,-11111 ....... , F la CASTEi t.A \'JUtull11rilit1 hll,- Gni,.a ..

'l'AIB.IES ANO PHA."i1·ASJU • • psi \ ll'TORIAN lU.lLWAYI .ll[Ll

TART BAND 0-rtuw •an... T•IJ" (&m.abal

I 11 • •_.JACK DUNNt:., •r1totw •1 pe,­ala•loa .t I C. ft la~ Lt4 t

NJ ~~ 'Wade,,.. fW'oodlCINl~TIN->a ~"' •~ Jh..,.._ In , • pan" 1 WoodtQNt. • frti\l••'

t 1•0:.:'r~A~f:, t OS r.rR, •lull• 1 . Liff• Alla ......

I.Ji P • - ✓£5$11: BATCttC.Olt. •:..•,alto -Cod Twr~ 1k K,oi .. -Tu. c,..n. eca .. u

'""lAAY~~R.lAS &All.W.tYI MIU.. -.:t<.11 lslaillll C••ra" M•du..

I U s,m..-O~E Af::T Pl-4Y1 ... \ HONEYMOON KlS..C\ ...

Mn, <:,ws. "-Ir MAUIUC£ DUDLJ:Y 11.r Oo!ll""' • .., ctu ... k bYJkJN

"4 ,.a DON AU'ONJO Z.ltLAlA ra__. Soll1'Ata.-rb .......

.on. ... Spa!IIOl6.,. Gn~J'). "ti~ i: J?at'" 1c--..,.,

I ll 11.-.-.l "hlli _,., 1M • ....,._ 41t Ue l•Uh.u- ul Pad& r.-la0.-1, .Mr )( H 11.AJLJi:\' 1 ... T•lill' -, Ote Pa.dfle•--wt­llr.u,, U.rW DaYla ,.,.,,_. an<i w itll

'iJl{A..';_Y ~~RIAN RAlLWA\'8 1'11.J,

~~~~.~;~~'-(&. 1 L



AJ'TU so, N F.111011 I so • fl'I .. ,_ IJ.W Ca, IOtll Alb-tnoora

T,.. X M ,1a .. ~ lietd Cu i.. 87 .. ·--,..1.a •• ___._ the a.& )I.wt 8-nb RIJ,,p.l... •• -r~ T~

•H p.m, -..0-. Dotr-11..

r.,l<LY I.\ £.._'ISO s:J:UIOS .., U.•

Tht World'1 Fl,yers carried Burce-.

P~e Fort7°0oe


The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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l . ,,.,,.. •• j_,_,., .............. :

i i I ;

l Use Your Head I ! ,------------------------ ~ ! l • l·u1 Prircli, :--landH, llear•a~. Habil. m11) cause )OU lo buy i

olh,·r \':th,•,, B{'T- I for 1hr sakr or your ,mnil) 11nd he..l re.suit• I

Buy I !

De Forest Valves i and ha H n11 rt•i,:rcls. !


::?a :amp. 12 ' -

Sale Everywhere I

D.VJI F'flunontB YOlta

.OG amp

13 '

I De Forest Valves 1·

I'\ PL II.\ S Tal,,s , 'nllU At !-amp .n fi!Jun,nt 11.,- ut!i j l'lal~1~talr""• l)otoclor, 18-Z:I i I late \ vltAcu. An,pliJlor, tl{i.J oQ I

1'0lla, •

i I

TH'l•: II I .!I-Till< .. 8 volt., al .OG of an amp, on tllam,nt.

-JS/I cuh

l'IAt« \'ol~, l D·22l volt.,, i ll<M<tor j

Plate \olt...-e, ,;o.120 volt>, ; med u an Ampllfitr, j

U.,tb Type. 11 Mandard Amorican Sodol.

i I

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International Radio Co. i i i


200 Ca&tlere:tgh Street, Sydney. 91·93 Courtenay Place, Wdlinglon. N.Z.

(Fnctory Representatives)

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i ________________ ...._......,.......,.. .... _ .. _,.J

l'rl,la:; F•bruar, I 11!27

-----............................... -... .. The Moving Block

Cannot Fall Tht! vurra•r muvrmcnt t rn• i,;-i A lhno~ uh uf ~ndoa .J. prl••

(;t•Ic.in ni,;i.( lun~ut g1~n, a.nd , ... ~~ice• thti fJUtl c;t tht 11,ov.ni: hlock b, • .,.bl limn. ::;Ide plale4, coll L tock•. •nd knQUs I nrtrs·le Lol•lil• mouldint•• A met.al putt hea\rih" rnc-ktl pbtcd. Made for ldt u W<ll •• rlsht hood.

1•~ N

" l'Y,/lJ '1''1''11•

l Uf' l• s,a••~ m 1.tu1J 1.-0,.-.y u •ml 1h,.....••1 a -. a('l\ hh•l·• twv-'lllaf, U ... aall ll:ilrt--111'lll 11-.

Jr!i1r1ors VERNIER

COIL HOLDERS )I odo by the niakttt or th• bmou1 t.uu.11 lluoyancy \'oh•


Carnot!, WWtaloy a Co. Ltrl. Lotus \\ orkJ, Broadcreen Rd,.

Lhcrpool, 8n&land.

John .~Id, PO. 801: B71, l.Jr,:ran; Dulhlin~•. Dcrrw,vu

St=t, Melbourne.

_._..,,._,_,,.., .. ••••••-H"_.._.u_• .. ••• .. -

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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Fnday, P,bl'llllry 4 I - -

6WF, PERTH HH p,a. ,._ne la. l Up.a Fl .,..,

Mar\lrt N'oartl,. CAL•a.

I 11 m t ln,11 •l•nlll t,,,.w lb. IWII , ... a I µ.m, 1\ .,.lll r ~O!

lilri.-crul'I' at :a:u

l'!,.,,-D i.,cin

Tues., February 8 2FC, SYDNEY


2BL, SYDNEY EJ.m 1' M1 tuns. )Oli


11 u .. a..Jth. a.m. l"ll &cal tralalns au bu lb u , .. -.

.. tA a..n1 (, 1' 0 dl'C'k ancl rti1me,.. TU \halhc-r npan attd (OP'TCMI

u .... """' .. mi .... O a..a. llr~• ..,,,.,_. 1111we Mnltt

I •----<l.J"O dtd. adcblmfl. CliiMdaw

MOL'ffi:C I !:

It • • r n dock and 11hua-. 10.1 We.1.he'r ~ aa, ti.r.cut

I a Ltll a&ukA1 prgsra-• t, m tlli• - . H..tl a.-..-N.-.a .aTl:e tna th.- -0. T .,,..i,_-

1 I a -.--Mufnl »:f'8ST&m.. IH111 th• a....i ...

U am. C.t"O doc:li aq,1 •1'~ JI I N.,_.. fr,llll "Patb Tdesr111, h.,

I • ._ Jla\li l -.ukat npn-t.. 11 r; Ft.II t-.a.rkei HP.-1.

IUI a.a. \ CV"..SW. marbt ""POr~ U..Jl f'ndtaaru\ ffPQrt.

11 ------a,.pa.rt oa '1..1,a&. •.a.lJT faf"m ffr • nd roaltn .. a,11.ft

11 U &.lft.-1.A!ldofi llin&I 111mi.tJA1 I l •o a..m.--ebl In ca.'l ttJ' •Irr.,._. 11 SI a.ta. JAi~ H lalenta~ a • ........... u • .. PPta. iftforaat.lct,-UTba'•

• d lkila ru n.n a..m.. 1r. en l"pc;n,_ ti, Milill C \ a.rJ•1

llr.aak.qta .... WOl!teft I IPOl'U A"1,horilJ' JIA'> al'll. Wocnn.'1 S..•lotl, teru.,J~.l'.'.J 1,

_,.,,._ Jttl.an .BH141 Nat-. 11 am. Mn .lcrbn l'flll wi. t.o rorrr -._-CPO.cl'° and. dnet I .J P Talk ci, JI~. ti,, Mn. I .,,

"" l!.11 1t.m.-Nnw fr,,m tha •'lkn • II .S IJ r.o. ~lock • ,I c:hl.mM

JIAl IXffl ,Sydney S"toek. t.1--bn•.. tall._ 1::11 Hnra (I ... -Sil.ti..•

r, , Fort)-Thri

I,.~- l II Hill In I · . rilal '-l•lllTf"t lt.rwUoifl I ar,I t• .t 1 •

lit p.111..-(iPII «l¥rt. ••· chlm• .. 11 pa °""'htt ...,,m-t • fu,r«•.C.. I U II m tdfK'7 Stal I 1dt6•P Hila. It• ...,111 ~••• f,<1111 t.t,w n I 4

M 111k'al PtuVr• '91tntt fr,,ru 11100 I .,. ltl. 1; JI II kwk 1111 1 ,i. 1,,.,.., f le d,1w1\

At It n .• ~OON F. !lJp~

a-lft,s Inf ntta NI W.iieMI r,oqrt.-q f .... I p..m.. t 1'0 •1or.J; anti •h!mf'tl II ¥.,.._,.,,:r

r•V •tL , p ln ~,..l•I Ni,tt-c fron, .,,. •• I.le

N1-w fr liw Sun P--lll <"I I a-nkr &l.urft Tr• I 0

:-: ... , f the ... -pai:a :JII ~-- fn:m lM ..

.. -.en .cro ,, .... ••~ 4.I ,.,.. c.rrn lif-nke fitiiffi• Trio I U SUn. rla1t lutf, • p ra M lit•l 1 ~JcTamrM ltv#I lh•

,tioo 4 U , ... I-Nill_.... DW.llhtUn&' $tN&.tJ'•

..-riaWe &.IUI fDK ..tt.-t N'1lffl1,. • • "' !hi Al" • r:nu,hia -~ .... ,,_

ab!, 4 I fl..lD. no • ,..., "-• hNlij,_... "" n • •-,"'-

1.u ,-:.,.. tr-om ... '11\m •• 4 II 11 111.- a.tuDII t cklu. • PNC'f&ftlff\1

I II a C.P O dad aad ch...,_ Ct.. .,_L

uar,Y awi.:i.1Nc 1u:s:nos.

I• ,_..,. CPO d•li •"4 e-hl•n G.11 I nrh• f ,er,rirt1 aft1t tJw· 1'1ddlM

1.40 1•----ult'al :Jtoc"t'Ull._• fh• 1h• ·-l!Pt:CIAL COUNTllT ICIIIOJf

a Cr.lJ .-Joel. ... •bMn. .A.u.d.ra..han. M.ft'ftarUM", Lu4 a I FlJLHN

C:C,..,ttpl V. •&lhr't ~PQr1 an.II( (~rqairt. fi.l«lll I «NM• ~ t~ l>'-U l•tJ&a: a-J,,u"a trtll aa• ~ ...... ma.rut ~

l>&"7 _. .._, I....., Onla at:d r~"'"" ,.._..""' ',. pm.~•trr ...... tr.-. o ..... loll. -

!O 11.m.-A &..di; C1t1. tb, .... , t6t C:ar." Irr ),fr; )hrt.ln ' p.-- I'll••·,, ... di.. .......

1 ._.---e.. .. o,tMli. ar,J .-W... -..-T .. lcalC-....

t I p.a.-U,,.,~cn• llirJa=r. Otcics::rs 111DMI' tht dtr-.(U.g;n tit Mr. ,I. ~•1 i •ni.U.

• 1'1 p 211 )Ir DaYLI .flm.ld11, ._,lll'la. II I! I l-1 Dl It• )f• hr Ra,am· «.-~n• • : p.a. )Uu Jh,.,. ~,,.I, MN.lo Nnlralt.. 1..1-& 11,m.. IIIIM U...lle 1>111"111 ....,Id. , n p.a .. -M, l&a.D ~ East.WI Uctit

<=ediao LU--•• J ~-­...i... I.U L' m ltr.t•nH c,f tuUo• lt1• da,'1 1r1-..

l(t!IIQ,... •m. -0 P.O .,_Jr ad dUDN • I • m.-h,.._u-n• M.lc!aturti 0J'C111iat1"11.. • u p -- ·- <2:ab• , • .,... ........ 1-11 p.,a.-la....-.J. I U p._ni Mr Da..-lJ Smit&.. t Cl Jll,m ltrtia.dta .. d.•:n• MialalltN Or~ •. II p.--.Ml.-a Jilnltp lta)·nOI' l°'pn:i.-01 0 rlod; aa.l ,k,.,-.. 10.l p..!1· Ml.a MU7 lha.L 10.1 .. 111- M1 l&aall..ad.oa.. lt. . .U ......... 1T'lltl Alllba.uadar-l DHN Bad ·~ t_,.. \M a.lU"PDftl ttf ........ ......._ l~rf•r U.- tnM'nak ~ ~ ~• r,tpUr'Ut 117 NMrtN7 t,f tbt "'Sun'" ,ruJ t. broadGAIU.,

U 1aWnl.-hc.-<..P 0. -1~11 u.d Qi-. NaUooal AD'-MIII.

The ;world's Flyers cai:ried Jt1q1111,.

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Page 46nla.obj-699311535National Library of Australia



A tru. tm1,; rf.'o-dn of .. Wlr, 1• \\.: le " ~•mt.A ,e to , ttlit l cL h)' tntmac: \\ h,c 1 hl' world' be- bnl

er) 1

!olJ dur bar I, u1.1r .;c.i.hen.t!! ng l ,

nr ,¥itt !:.Jt:'h :, que l nn • lit!SW t.hcre ire ao many 'kind of b tlrr -".\, ·B," ""C,'" dry llnd rtth1r~11.'ble, ate.

B~t 1( 1 niu:;:t l't\l! you omr 111, v;e,. th•n I advlM thai If yuu are p I amt t pay f r a ftr t dau battt't)·• <1!1e

\\ hkh w11l lu: for y.-ar 1 u unri t ~ wrong ln boylnr the 1,ew "'3x l'hilco P.«harg,ahlo B RaU<rf

11 re an • ftw r on.1 wh~ I M•• the Philco:

In 1h• flnl p!Ae,, l will &he tr ublt! frt!e Hr,fco f r Jtan wl·h nrons pure rt'«'Vtion, ban hl~e hun1, buu end crackle.

lnsw...i of 1hr w: <t th• h•ll••r a!A"ay ,rl:11 t dOH run ,1~n- •Y tr. hree to four n nUi11 ~ w r"ked !!

bu n n clay,--nn:i, tanur• w ll H· rh:irre Jt for • c-ouplo {Jr alul~lrtl.' nr thr, n..w Xoinle.u CbnrJt.:r will d'> 1t l l h mo for ;ou fr m - d to 6d.

Thl1 hat';ry II dry amlc ••-th•t I It uiru IU I! ly •h ~ the d~alor p ura In Lh rloctrol ~o. Thu JOU ir,,t an ab,olut<IY fnsb t,,. bat• tn,

Th• r la • .. 11, ha \t • ld-U,ht e.uled co\:'"" wbach makf'I the Philco t:lfl" 111r11 h ,. n thP. home~ antl lh roahorany.ftrmbed c1b1n1t i ~u1lful and de,eorative.

An ei clu,h-e Philco r .. tu.tt I tt:n ,!,Ihle Char11• Ind caton. n.u show th" ~.xac• cond11 011 of the battl'rJ at •nr moment withoul both ~ nti to wt t ho olJ-f.uhlone-d hrd rorril t

I'hi: P}nk(I 63X M D t rcmendou c,padt1--doubl that of a ll .,rJtn•rf ''8 .. b l tl'l')"

U I \\t"t'I!' writing a 1t.ra1g-l,t --c,ut 111,,l \'eJ 111t-m t (01 mv friend Philc I uld 11du I • to thl I II but Y u an l(et any (u 1 11 r J rt la {r1"•

N .. w .::> t n1 Ttl fl wot" Pt:, .. LtJ. 2-!:iO c"& ruib i.;ttt! l. :-.)dt , 111 u fi\ Metbournt .. ,.,1 \ del11itle

'.lay I b p,, n <I !lo.g thst n, pura t cornrsi-,oruknt v-; J l not dra"

m" .i.r.t o tro..,1blt w lb th ~.1111a,inC' Edll(,r I, p. k I' hnY mlirr leadm)f q,J• tor ( th srru! k 1,11' I m.li,. i'H "'"'• witl ,1 th t i e bu•-


: • .,.,.,, ............ , ,,,,, .......... , ......... •,nnu•"• •ouu•n11•u~, ·"•""~•• •• • .................. ~,oo• •to•u•• nuoo



I '

Does this answer your question ?

Owne r : Person.,lly I prefer th,. Phiko "A' ®d •·B" A ccumulator Batteries, but a smart sale,-man persuaded me to bu)' an Eliminator 1\ow n1y re•ult. ""' not as good, )'<'l my yearly

I u~,., cosb arr h1ghe1 \'' hy ? l:.liminntora a1e .,lwa ys more or less noi1y, and tl IS often cliffiu1lt io c ut out the A.c.· hum, with roar and buzz Buyers. too, are frequently d,sappomtcd because F.hmmator~. csp<'oally the cheaprr sort, do not deliv-,r sufficiently ~

! i !

l !

high vo ltage. Owner : What about Philco batteries? Expert : There you have absolutely pure D.C. current

without variation, giving the finest reception ) ou can be c;e1tain of Life. Distance, Volume and Clanty,

\ ::::: That wa,i my own experience with Philcos. Now get on to the costs. In using an Eliminator you are working with clectric light c urrent, which fluctunt.-: Fluc tu­ating cu rrent plays havoe with valves and you cannot blow out costly valves and look pleasant. Of cour6e Eliminators which use l

the new Raytheon tube for ,ec t,fication are more econom1cal than E limmators employing ordinary valves.

Owner : Tha t's a good tip anyhow. Now what about o savmg m charging ?

Expert : Even with an Eliminator you have to buy a Ch11rgtr for your .\ battery. \Vi1h 1he A and B Philco Batteries you also need a Charger, but the cost al recharging •• only a few pence every chree or lour mo ntb,i \\'here d oes the Elimin­ator save anything >

Owner . Well. if by using the A and B Phileas I can get better results and sav.e money as well, why on earth did I buy an expensive Elimmator ?

Expert : Ask that smar t salesman I I can"t tell you. ! j i

All High-cla.u Dealers aell Philco &tteriea. i Wholeaale Di1Jtributors · I

New System Telephones Pty. Ltd. i 2$0 Catil•rnsb Ser .. , , 5Jd.n.,-. i

1 27 Qll1te.n'• Bridf• S t. M~.U>oW'n• • Charle• ~t., A.d~laide S B i

i- - ,•- -•-•·•••......., .... ,,.,,,.,. ......... ,rn.-.••n:n-un1, .. ,oot--.-na ~u~u,u"~•-•.-uu .. • .. •••••••""'..,..._

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 47nla.obj-699311664National Library of Australia

Frl<!ar r , .,.,. 4 1 _ --2KY, SYDNEY

' ., , 1'n

... 1 .. .. P.ffl

• 0 , • .,,



1 Ile \\ u,hl II I I) ~II carn.-J J:IUT¥

Pap, P nr-F"•

HF. Ill 11 At (l,\JtWNEfl!, lOIE'A A.NU ftO)IAIS Tw l,cJ- a'lC-d •

Mr l k 11,.RBrnr


The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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:· .... ·······•··· .. · ....................... :

! p!:i-::':::·~i'.·;:d. I (~f P.)

<II ) ti "l'Gth'O)

l h•lH• Hou~. Martin Pb.;r ,\l>~H'

hl l •\ IUI

-.,~ "'•"1 ''"•ti." .... t1f Jt-41• .,...,, ..

I ' t.- ti ... 11. . .. i i i i !i •

! ! i . !

l "• ,.,uua II ,..,.,, a .. ,. I ,,. ••• ,.,1.,.,. I

\\ , .. '"' ,,_. •• l-1,M i .. i. ........... 1., ...... .

i _______ "_ ....... ·

l{adiokcs ,id:nowled~cd

a~ the World's Best

.U. % •t all Hralf'rl,

Dr Yi 1 s:. l>u.ke of U, "n ld ord

1ldncmot Had kN§ b

, h o I) g.:· 111. tt B'ro" ntn,: flrn\u~-~ on t'it rrnrkf-t.

'lclropolilan Electric Co. L!J z;-~g Kmr Street, ~lD~EY.

WIRELESS WEEltLT Frid.Ay, F<-brua.ry t lt•'.!i

The Conservation

R ADION PM•I• far ~-1 an:,.• other 1nsul•t1n~

mat~na.J 1n the con~rvtlion of both rhV9K-al .. nd electncal rne.ray.

Rad,on can be ua1ly uwod, drilled, machined and oth••rw1Se wor1'ed ,v1th mini­mom ofl'ort and wothout th" sllj:htNI d.m1t•r of c:h1pJ'tnK, croc:kln& ,,r broaktn&-

1 n lho cons.rv~oonof elf.IC• tnatl enercr, Rad1on i!, au. rr•m~. du~ to 1Ls estubllllh..ct r.ur,cnout) c,ver any oth<!'r tmuerial n1 the four 1na,n

of Energy ·chara1:te-ri1tic• required .. namir:ly!

1-Lo• anet• pW• rfilfe,.ne• 2.-Low d1elM'.'\ru:- conl\ant. J-lJicla tNia.tin[J • -Low •blorptioa cf moianu·•

Do not j,oparwe the value of your receivina; set by u~ina; inlMior mate.rials. Save tirru­llnd eoo<1y in the makina; aDd loss or PoWC'r in theop,ralioo of your 1t<l byelwayalnaist­lna; upon genuine Radlon Paorl• ,u,d r•rt•. Look for tho n:an1e stampf'd pn every plCCII!'.

SF.NO FOR FREE BOOKLET 'B111ld1ni Your Own Sd"

Our n•• bookht, "801Wwa: Y ur ~u bt-1 •, ,1.-1 ~ .,. in c .dtacr•ma. boot and , • .,. Yi••~ h111 01 r11.:u and di1 c-etion9 fot bulldi.r ~ tb• motit pl1palU(:HCUha, will N acnL fn• apon nqu.nt to

"(,, (. ... ·tr~


RADION PANEC~»IALS ~socKE"!~, ... KNbllS

. -

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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hldal·, Febt uary 4, 1927

4QG, BRISBANE ,.,JODA\'" S t :,I

ti ~ r· ., .,, .• 111. 11.M p.m I lmr I-ii 1• ! 1.0 run, \ l ak•l ff.,1,11r1.lf \\',stt, r fvthl••

1km; lti 1111,1 N.aU' atMt II• 1>• 111 fltandli.rd' D<Y•

'PIii f-ro!II H from 0. i..ttns H tar ., .. ..., Ir, No1trl ~rt S>-.plloa U ~--

1 ti 1 -DL- F'~ ffl tbl! Obnn',a•ur,- 1atldar,J T,l"!lle 6ls1 a.I

t IJ p ffl.-t'w,&41 Down

EARi Y t::Vll::<INC

It lo In- l\•U1 St•ndarr ~- I _,IL

01n "·"' IS. i•ln• &tori• "1 a11J T.'r,f'I• J ist "

"~ i:_,,:•::•~ a.::uc 'act Gr!~ A U

,~s~~ 'llfnHwr N~•••

'f 41 r.-. -St.adarJ Tim•



I i,lhi!!J L1 ........

Wed., February 9 2FC, SYDNEY

.._J'Tl!RNODN Sl:BSION, 1 IO p;,m n,. Chim• et uc u 1 anrhxtnt..,. ..,."t,

.. ----------------------------~----..... -------------~ 1·he World's f l) crs carried Bur,:csa.

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 50nla.obj-699312059National Library of Australia

WlllELESS WBE~L\- Friday, Fchruar\· l 19:!7

f,,,,<Nh..r•••ul"' nu P"-fl Hf THl!PM.tl l.H.t l'K. hwcr)

01.uq, u,~ 0 UDP II 6




It's a limpet \Ve can 11• only this about a P. & R. Batter). It s:1ck to its JOb. There ore mwy re:uons why. Herc are a lcw :

The P. & R \ cisc 15 "D:igenite'' lthc sc rct ot P. & R. acid-proof and hcat-proot, which looks like ebomte, but 1s tou,,hcr and not ,o lmttlc) l'.a,rc i5 "keved" in placc by a <pcci~I grid ~cction. You don't need :iny expensive, :iJwa>s rotting crate. Terminals are pro[cctcd b1 ,pee .,I petro­leum • jelly i:lan -!,. \'cnts are ,p,ll•l'fO ,r l\a.l pra1· proof. Carry­ng l,an 11,1 o.rr 1wl f 1ho batlery. ~nd-aho e nf n t~ th1-. the. .s tated '-aft,l'-"1t., u ,~al :,;u,,J,, ,luchar.i~, t;afrt burm1is:. u"OtkwA capacil,

Here'sn b.1tt,iywor1bU11nklDw about. Since u msts no more th11n tbeatbe.r km,!, It"• wi,r1h a.skme about. Ask you, d!!~1tt.


ACCUMULATORS ,Ti,. bcgmn,ng and V.c end • - •


The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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Fnd , . 1-"rbruary 1. 111~7

- T' Oak u.u C ~a ., Dl -8tud Mua

' 11 pm nm\l > A..RJtER I T&.\ ff(IOM a,f t\U...n ~ar f' r ~r,r. lb

• l pra Siudl ~u •~ 4 I p.tu ClOM d')Wa,.

E\l(L\" HE!l'IMi ~i; ,roi;, I~ ra nw Chimu of :tr I.AO m Th-r lI k\ Ahn' TaJb tt1t

H f ~ '-"" \ S..rtal torr t th~ • r- oua Ii~ JI.ID D !!Dir ){IJ.lk

I , na "1 .• ,uns :N••• 61lllf ae.-. Mnl«-w --•kr 111\• ~~

.!5 p.m. Dalen,-• li..r-. ~ ho• !<..•otb) f rul •"4 \ l•lp,a li~n.

,m; HT s tsstos

TJIA. TUDl .\Ir Tta

EliklU:. tcrta rar rrt r • 1t 1ts:11

l.l r.- J"Rfl~ fH HA.\'MAfO;F:1·

l~t!T,~ oi1:: m rn~~ •:~":'ti:tN °f;nJi~c

St.utl•Y' J"'Oricr

f O 11.m FHOIC TIU STUDIO .Yr Jtw Cal'IIIL t,nktU. Mt"

I.JO JI tl'l. Ma,i,,m• l.mtl1 M• rb., t r,f'• .n-. i; ,U fl In Mb• l.t-1!~ F. IHllt., F.n1trt• in«rt

1.1 1,. 1" t r Har,s,lntti U I ~u P. It 1 111, r.t r Tun Lanae.rid, ,.uu. .. t.i rm FROM "I H [; H\.YMARX£"r'

TH,.A1"R1'.,.....\'onl >.rt tr.S IU'il.-U ano Rf'IJ' it~u. t!lc" •• l•lt -n Cocrwd • •

121rrn f'RO)I lllll SllUto A1rt1...a f.? 1r1 1.alt ftS 1,,,..,,..,.. In an IJ!Oa£ 11a,, ,,.., ,,n 11n or-a11 liiwr ft ,m S,dtw1 t J...,nJ:i:a.. n,.. :..rudii, na•1 et 26 '""'"'-" --tu "11t tlM- url J1m't en mu~ and•t,t..- um.01-o uhtt111 .. ,.i .to,, .r ,ti1,, ,r~ will tot 1,1111• mi1"1'il'd Th .. ~Kf' will t,.. rroJ l"fll h7 )Ir ~,)11 J\lll".nndrr •fliJ ii!." l.ll.JNDff Hart.rt. Chanic!rr S-1.eb. hl' M•• "-rink llucMII Tb,,• l:1' 011nt'9 1-1.a.tul,. eonchu·r.r"I Irr Mr f.r1, l'nnc, wl!h .Mr I.An ~ .. urkiw,. , .)Ular bll1itilint Mr Tom lAnMnll ff'l!!tir ~ada.mA J::afilt \h,r~ Nltf'allO

I a1'!1 not ta,r' 1T..-.t 1 )UNI U· i~ ~JIMCC. ,tMat rl!\.1..-:

t• •'At t.be Fa.n.tJ..dfl!III &...11 Pa.rack,. n:n n1

lb ·••11u·" l ~rs for tb. Douma• tt

(WMtoft. ~). (,e., •"ft,""' l,1t1 H• h••• flh:irt:14-1"\

\fr l>n 'l•ia.rtc., t r tiOC&l•r numkr• Mr Ji# C.ahlll. E.n rl•1ncr \1r Rt n h.NtN, \lohnid. A r~lbUe e\utm flt H1'. will t.. lftfl, t«t hi. th.- .-if«h TIMI ruty •I I larttf at M•"• I lt1t. ra t,1 train t l'cria •nd lhene. lt7 •.-t( r>lan• ui tendon At • Lltl"r dal# •~• f'ttblt'" '"'1 wl I t. ~roa,t. ea.ti IUld fullUWlnJI' Ofl lbe, •vat- r u, .. 'U'lru;tmu Ntt"hl In Uhllhft."' tran-.,,•,.,

b,.- :f'C •Jfl Cl M nt f~ Bi,• l II _, s.w.,ij •hat 1-.,t.-rif'n w U J-er1"1.' e,,,.n Dlt.re sr,lel&,,1n, fmns, rhj1 1marf11u7 trip.

II $i1t P.tu ur 1 t ROM TIJlt WL"'lT• WORTH CA} E.--- TM !'ifw W ntworU: ~)Ul•

11ho11tc l.tar,u ""'"" 1,-. undn' th• twton of -...r. SJd ~ 8unr • ''l wiU pJa1 Ufttll mkl­rucbt.

1 -fflidnt•ht.. ·' l;ilr J\.rn • ~• tlot.al An•},"Ul, Cl ••••


2BL, SYDNEY l:;,\RL \ffl ft,,,;l ~ 'SIi !'..

, JI --0 n > cJ1,~k L'"'Jd c-huns 1, IQIM cal pr-usnmm• rnttn ~ iJ Io

11a a m. N, K• ,,. ta •n•t lw.a 1h f'

~• ..In.tin onbNlth. - I\ Lm. i'lu.-tcat ra I' • nd hN I

Rn 1 r 1nfann 1 on I roa,J.t .. ....


11 A.JIii <..ro d«lt ad c.hltti Ill Wai.hr Nf"oOl'1

ll • 1n M 3 pr i:nun... fro1n UlP .,4

II I • nL -S,d.ll(!J JI• 1,

I tt O • m

Non I I

I .,.-., J:l!IJlm\ hmal,.

Fruit ll11U'lc t ,.,., rt. 12 p.m L ur, f•"" •rr • 4

poul r, mar\itt ,..port. 1%.!! p tu r...,ndon met.al 4'.Jotatlona. t.:.JO pa GI' f) -tlo,rla ud rhlnr.u. JUI p"' I~~ In 1u.tl "7 •!Ni.,-. ti .. •'I

wrath..-r r.JW'lrt.. ILH """ t lppl.Q' lnt«m.et O.tr •tr •alt

illl'ld ,Jf1MirtUrn.. 11.ll p;.111 .S)',IMJ" Stori F.ullanco call• )2 ,. Pl'II ~l"Wt ..-nite l.,. eourtHT rir UM

.,._ n .. I p.r,, GPO ~totk and d1 19ft 1 1 p.,a. l lan dcrt.e lin::tuff rwltal h lll r. R

A M"t• fl.A b""" ~d Ir m Uur f I Art r;• IJl",Y, •\Mll nr U r ""'•

1 irt p.m \\n, r N'i,l..•rL 1, ,~,. rocl F..l.l"fu~ .. e&lla.

l U r,.m.. ll :::al rirll'ISJ'anun• tr- tM itt14w.

t r r1; -C. P O rloc;'c: •Ml th mn : I llal:: fll' tN.llme..

U pm "--• fr,.'llft lbr 'Bin."" :..Z0 ~ ral Ir :icr.-nune frCUQ 8-b:uilo.

I (0 JI Ill \!•'-tMr "1'('rt ai,<i f~ l 41 pm Soctal " tn. from tb, .. Sta ' • c•

N•w• rr:aro the •·"'11n." I 1 -. -ClP.O <t~ an<l diltrlcs.. l l Ra.c Ill' -.\.:'i r /1', \1 111kal tit• n"'!"f'I'" trM\ ti,• iituJ l.10 r, na -.~.wt frw.rn tM Su•• I co M tJ.

C'.J pr~tntt from ~ tlo. • I lb. a J' 0 ckad: a -t chbnU. CJ flu! • ,M ..... CJ pm z.;,... trAII ttt. "Sn• cs &lf'ial

l\1"17 C.1/1 p.a. l"t'Odue1n•' D tr LuUn.e Sot~ •

tr11r and ~•loJ• aarJ..• ~th'tt't,

t 1!i. p "" lt-c 11r rt"nm,e C • M k•I rr,llft'•mmfl from fitij U

• 11. P rn .fih pp r w latinm• t ;• •bt-tt • J1,J., ahlr

C U p rn. Rarml' rruunr ,t ., 1tnufflt1 at nish•'• r,rncnmm.._

IS, I m r, 1'0. c*k •u.4 rt11nM'tl. 1.1 Rf'tlm1' of day 1 .ra•fn,: - p,m CJ.-. t!o•n.

EA.ALY !:\·Est:,;r, g_~ JOS'

I U P tn -C"..,r tl dock and rl 1111"- I Cl C'iuJ .. roec,rir" •• d lhc Klol,,h~ ..

f U r" Ill M.i W'.&1 1!'i'>N0ff'll'l!.11' fl"<'IB l1,fl ~t•td

The World's Flyers carried Burges,,.

Pas:c Fon,-'1m1

2GB, SYDNEY ~tl8'- ,.,_ .oE. ll'l.._.

hHTla U r t ii L b,t Che'frlit Mn.

tJO•.m !iii tk-11 a • ftftaf'bti1 ' ... ~. 10 •.-. ltcme ~t.\Cnnfllt IOrka 111.-enMk. JO 1 • m •~ mtnut~ witlill dulonn: Id

Htlfflt-Jt.U a.m. Aal!Mln.«rtr.i-'1lb- ClOll'! id ••

WO)IF.:s s :.-.;ws SF.SStON

>lu ( p.m,.. !i...-1 frNII ll'WUl"bH.- fo, •~• ,1np.111 M.i • • "' -00.• di1w"n f ' PM l lw C'h. I lrtn ii ffffloD.. C"OllduC"M lip

that ChNrlo \la Q ""' ,, .,

U pm \ ittlm ..,,n. l'lJ' ,M,,rura lfor41tr ii.I p 1n ,Addrru b)" I J \:ah d"1' Ll',r1,1w

I Ill. ll,uta for t"o 1,j llnt ti,,. 0.A SC'!&lt., •rul M-.iAN'A 11(,'Mff

!II U p ni ,np b7 (. !'1'1.-nl Haa•lri~ 3,.. I'"' \:loin ..,,a• l!'/ 11:tJ't: 0.'t'lnL ,a p,.m CG.B Y !('al ~Mn • Eltn-1 J,m~, Sfh,.-1 B4wu thomlt., Hall C1nrinl Uoek• . ..

~..60 p.n A111n,, •lftl'nl.L I 1· • \ lol!n tot. I Ucn Scan,. I p,n .Ji.Sirna,, PMt. J .. "-CMid-• I r-m ii rta f, r tw" .-1ohn• •itt, pw.tte ~ pi1n1n ""' [Ian k lty ilon.!h. Hor,i,,.r Ad.a l11"00L

, .. H PD Tai w r•dJo..

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Urid'"' C«ntnl Sbtilfflt ill l'ITT S11U:Er

m£ awr-.1-,.1 .KT tiUNc. £\: a at ,_c ( .\:\ 11SLJ 1:0' JllallU US

1H& .e:Jll'l:Jll'U~l:. Calf ad !:.ft Ou 5pc,rlal $-\al" 11 .. 1

at 4;JJ/U -. c ... lf1•

~•i..ssu II .... ,n:r ~ ll4 TTE.IIT. .c•lll­

p;fffl•I .Aua1111•latun,. IO A~ Ad.ca1., 22/- CWT I •ltlt et- ..0 Am~ Aetlh 1t1- swr t •till u r ... rn ftuek at 11.t.i.m•a B. lbttnia.

Ii on 'ft r• :14. ,-r1L

Hf\. SJ,cU r t~qd,i_ •11 ••-· S.b "'....,,.. •• an, drn;IL

WIRELESS WZEltLT Friday, Febrn•ry t 19?7

45/- Each

The Table-Talker makes a friend of cbc elcccricaJ impul,o Acouwu is the ac,cnce ol &OUnd Radio acoust1ca u the ec.encc of tnnslormmc the clccmal unpulsc into • ud,ble 50unJ The clccme;i! unpulse u a 1olly l11tlc fello v ...,ho 11~eJ1 to be coruultal ,J you ue to act the be~ out of him we·vc been ma.km~ fnend, 1w1th hun. for sc,entccn years and the T<IM,-T~llur u but one l"C$U!t of our elforu. The 11:oosc-neck hom pneans clcar~r and mart rounded ton"-', and the patent matcn.il of winch ot a construct.:d clu:unatu any sut.~toon of h; rshncss or metallic rc.onan<c Fitted "1th ,m ad uot.ble di,phuam, 11 ,, hn,>hcJ rn ~ plca~nt 1mJc 01 neutnl. brown, llc111ht 18', bcll 10'.

Al• "°"' D,aJei Jc,,_ B,tv1Jo,

Now 45/- Each r,\Cl'ORY Rl-'.T'RF.SE'\'T.\TITES:

International Radio Company Ltd. ~00 CASTLERE,\GII STREET, SYDKl'.)Y, X.S.W.

Also at 91-!:'3 COt.:RTE~AY PLACE, WELLINGTm,·. N.Z.

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Frida;·, Februnry 4. 19:.?'i

11 . .:4" pm Jlll'I' \ i,ra) ij 1art"'1~t1 bt Juu Sibrl tt,rv••• Trmri..a H•U C rnr1 I tt,~ 11n-.

t f' p.111 'CIUNrrlu Ta!lL " •·r.n-a, llll'ln•ht• tn,", r,N'at ,\tln,l God ~-~ Ill,. J(u e.

3LO, MELBOURNE \I..ID-DA \" $1: JOl'l

&OJ"fjt(i'JtO~C ,o..~OlL\ RF.CIT AL JQJ-~ ARONSON" •n-r1 Hf;, l~ri1PA1'1S

~Y»rHONt.~ aon \fOt.\~NEl':\ b,,rih 11,0

•R.A!'<it.:'t:.; l.f-' •r>1,. AOC(•rn1w1n• I • ;\f,;-.~ l'OR:l UNe i\hlllllfflC'r AU-'Hl n A~•mnt \\

'.AN lWIJlt t,1 Mt"I tJI)~ l! noMtc -T11lM 1i1£rlW ttcutt-r• and tM

\u11tnaJh1'P l1rrtt A -orlau,m Calil :\l'r\,lb alld Tln•1d'' IJt'fH ri->IL'f' •11

ff.<11r. 1ni,,U1grnoc, 1:: h 11 '"'- ~tot1<. !i:x tuanu:.I 111r11n11 lttn l~I P.J1J l rml•no~,c QStJftA

CITAI .. t~U t, tn..-JOt: \RO:'-.. nN 1U if tu.

('0PAT1'SU ffnJPJION'l.SN ·111. m, )1'-" :\1,n-m' 1~11r1 tnM II 'YU\! ;:,., I \•ltl~ttlC' ld ,~ ((II.Mi

lt 'I} f1 r, ROB \lOl,\'N.- ux t.-r1um• ~inlra' Ar,.1111'1.

"O!d M•t~" u (':' Jt na, JOI- .uio>Jso1, ud Hl'.'i g\ x

(:Of"A11Sli l'-\J.tf•lfOSL'IT:11 ··~)ffllP nth I" Hird, \: h1•LINi a T1111111" ••Tb•t'1 \\-h~ I l,olhP Y ft.I., (I A ft

tz..r;, p,m rn.A.SCEB LE.\ i. J)r!ll • 'l Wat1t \, 1 14• Wont M""" Jaa.t-..,n

••c)o,t~ YN1r ls,) .. ," f\/lnN:nt I I p ffl J(Hl.: Atl(,St;i,O!>. arid JllS , \·:,.

\OrATINO snU•HflN!:-i'l 1 lt1 • {htUJ

• I W •nl II l arJ•1., ( , !>aJJ., l 14 p "f"IJ'l"ITTOIJJ(WA int nn•1 11

1'',-.1f1~t ff:r<r.q, Lf for \ i I rfa. Tau nlu )lot.uh ..\u IP"& la and !'<law Sci1uh W•, .Rr~('t' 1'"1ltU

l .!i JI.at ,o~ AftONSOS a.bd ma \ N rntt \Tt~t• SVMPffUNlST!'.-.

:~~i. ~•g_:~lrird· lni1.t1u U~l,n ni

1 U a; m. HOI MUI Y'.'1:f, 1r,;, baruo...­·~tiod,--. 1.,cmrl,. • 'tim,rn1>-

J .ti p.m. .!flY. ARON~C)N' •ttd HI l N COT1A.TING SYMl'nOliI-!Jn;.

''8i<fm1k 11111...- ! '110rtttf'I I •-&Jmnu Sblvt'r,"' {h,·er:111}

I :U fT.trL rR..\NCES LEA ~,.no, • I.Jttl,t lhll•" <O!f'd,,n ••r:rs,- Ocan .. tJuluaonL

I ' t m -I tlrl\Ol't,r. A4J<>t.1rr11a.tnt •• <!l lfl1u-f M..u:I \ lr''Tn1t1 .\ ., QI ti l- ?\;-, f.,\N'f) pl1-,~l •t Brirhant'

! p.ffl.,-H,...1•r-ip!Jbn. at HI 'J.Wl.f 1-l.&( ~~fn.-~. l,y •·Jtwlt,t of Ill•

.. •• ,, m..-f•-kr;11inn ,t tiU([}Jn, 1 l'fJ T!i. :rcor~~,.~r:a. "' ··11uu.tt.,' "' !h" •ctfi','t!

A}1'f-:flSOO'!f ~ ... i.tSrrrn

m.E STUD(O nrc.crJEIITJIAi !,{rt,b1 1>1~r. kJiXi(SA&,U HUA11J t~\·

\.O.f.11.(, .. f"NHAll. tw11,,.no. t• It \ltRY WO't'T(JN. hilnt•,,,.. TIU, ~UN"ll!AJ .. 1;AJUJrNt:.ILS WAI.TJi;.li S!lrml COf'Dt!L TH•; t.;:;;rt."I,Lt4 "'"'KK ·rn11 ~rt.,1-111Joerr •• ••• AM'llf,lt ANlJJ !' \ At'11!10mpa:.n11>t • -~- .• A< .... "i'U f'"OhTl ~

"6tuo.:tc-1;u. I.ANGJlAM·: (111 'T'HE ANG!ST,S.•

t fl m -6TUDJO ORCf11:.q'nt& r •·in J..an-" <•rimn.

Ir, ;,,.m AIJn.l'. l~"'M..&5". atftc:• .a.a. ..,.,.nM"1'~'" rTnnH. .. UoO'udib. !!'1111'1 :it1 (;41'Cf Jt"'

tCll(b •• l,.i,-u.ua.~• I lJ tt.m · O~a.,d1tn c,f Ht16l'ITAI. HAS-

lJl(".Xf', lff"!Ull•o Jllln, ttV rnl•'l. · 1)1.. .. !'' [WIT't.111,: h!olN •


I' "' ....

1IJ!'.. It S:C ~ l~ \fWIJ'.. Rt-

t•J. ,,

~I l<JJ MAit\~ MAK\ •Ill ,II • :,ito.ry al.S.r than Ci"d•r"U.. •11tll-1, .. n l")"nmiih•

i I, P.rt •• ,.1'1(U •nd n~ni.11"" l\('W• 1 r tlet• t4-u r'• ,i.,uJ ilu, Aia.lrJ11llan Ir-.. .A,111•1 .. t t al, :Kh N It "'°"'"fMhV' lJ\ r t>1 " tbrt l11t.JrmJal111f

, • rm. '"•'If' uh .-11 1nr rmatinn 9 i: 1• 11 r h M.u,r:t. r.J>( th 1t1 I tl tL;t.:

fttt, Ud. I .AA I' 11 IU,rr tl'J•flrtt ,1~ 1,112. )111,tbl l'IJ rf11 Ir O, Vkst1rlar

Pnwt•wl"tll f r,-,)pl'l'athrf C' Ltd. H•J fll-•rit.-t llb"Pt •• ,... I' 'l try fi!'SIII ( f,;arf ti•,,.. tra•, Jur, Oaur Pru.I er ruta l9t antJ U•im:..

& P mr l1htli•t 1•r - Orar.i:• •n 14'0ffl(>I • t-r he Vi tc rlaa 1. "ntr•I l'ltf'II lt .. aatlor

'-;lGll J SC:lSJON

,:'Jl'• "llhN ~r l! i J.:F,;1',O~I I lhu 11 IU!Al,Nf:\" C.:..ft1. .., rt tt

·ru~ rooJo ,,ncrrt:STil" M,n,u•t,I Pll'ttlM, urr:t!-f\(.0 11.RAl>l.~. Y ,11t:t..l' f',.;\)AS. WIJlnn~. J.Ac·i-. Ul.i~.fNt bat1tt,u llA•~ If., l· llFtTP:H.. •In 111 l1TE "I~· L.J ).! ~11a-: nuu

IINJ. ACT f'f AT TU). \Jf-,.HUY 'lllF.\TfU IHU Ill IRA Jo~ ,Ute) rn ., )JUI '" )i{'U~A'J•lhi,

!li"r'.ll..l'JIU~J T A.ullOUll&r M \t'lf.Il 1' IJt~LI:l:

.At:"m' •• ..liiN"rn l:ORTOS-E

l'hc \\ orld's FlrCTi;. cnrried Uurgc5S,

l'ag Fift)· -On•

tu t n1lr. th Jlll~llk- Of 11 1Jf"fl , It ftkO ut "' •ulllu-v Mr, E. A l<t.!'i h \1 1 rhlul \.'~~rrlnaf'")" l~rlOI'

.,t'fllku tt,11HOtll"!' I Lt Ill Vmlrr U1 •u 1•"11111 c.f tlifl ln.tit.iu

11t l 11,•1tl.e H•l1111~1t1 •IIN M IIEACN~'I W 111"" 4 l'rul,ll'IJl\lt ltl l'A 1rlc l n1

••" rt•n tnr•t. l 11'7fUt.: · f", b 11tl-f'I u1d fth••r1i11""

N,11'~ A!.f• . !J-\T U.'.11"


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4QG, BRISBANE "' I 't ;MOC)i;C-,40 ~JO:,.

~ !1(1 •·m ri,,n nl 01 ltJn S~t u.. 1G•.t1alh,.,Jk,w11-

»on :n.:c. •• IA.ti I tt \N!il11SSICJN k.• t 11 llQN iii IIISJfnl' flf J J1NO(t!-i l"l'l, I'll ,,,...

~11tin11 I r,df'nd !o 1h., lt.Jarht. ITOhoruLI n1 I filpl I H.i!-Tu,-n1I "fb~ l.1,rJ lit .tw1• , f

LouJu11 f A.. J • \'I, hunrhq lrtc am rt I) f' •• viii t. tt1• rrtf

ill AP,l FtrJlll llf" T,1'11111 Ifill f ,1 1Ce,,

l l rj'fit.;'~ G ,,_ Oo"n

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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P age, Flfty•twn WIRELESS WEEltLY Friday1 F,ihruary 4 1.927.



Produced b}




Eleclrique, Paris

-5 0

Insist On !~aring One.


Controlled by

La Campagnie

Cenerale De Telegraphie,

Sans F'ils. France


The •SFF.R-\VO~." bt'.nt dnignel on a nu,,.I pnnri(1lt and ha,;1ng • diaphra~m nf an rnt nls nt·w lYJH', wHI riYt' th,1 utnu,"11 .,,-n.vtnitr •nd irrt"prouh• hte- fahhful­nPu of reprodattlon.

In mo,• existing ln lttJmu1tJI of a tm Jur- nature- t.he dc~ign 11 soch t.hat «Jiuor­tion cannot hf' a\ o Jr-d, Dnd an this re.,p"ct we would ttfcr p11rUrula.rly to tht d11Ter fl'rths .Qri ir g tn 1.h()< fti cot &Cllll.lJ ~1tht!r I y cttrai:-t1on orb) kpuhion 1n the m•1rn~tic

n-utt, llt: I th ma.a"n t..a1t f the rurrent nqu1rtd to ohtnin ~utt tlf't1t Yo1ume, lllt1rh thf-Jer-enccs rttiuhmg- in -very unf:n<•r1t 1 tondlt1ons f ,r the valn-1 11nJ tho !ow-fnquene}' lr1rnd rmf"t of u e r~ 1h·• r f'urth"rmorr-, ,h:11 brag 111- or 1111 1•xce> Ir\' 1111.e lnrlutr ,:iand rtvrrfi-:rau n • • d thuJ tO0J'!I d w1th tt1~ rnu!es (fU ,1ed abo·rP. art! all contrib•.J•

tc,ry to d.i • Jrtion 11,n-! disacrtt11blc Lona reproductkin, lhe ••,-J'D! ·\ \ O\~ Lend S11<ak,r I.I an xampl• of how the,• d11licult10 hav, h<!<n

Jr onablP to obl;i,in aup-pUM from rout rfl!u1ar d,a1er •rHe or c11mmunka1c- with U"I dirPf"(,

Australasian Representatives:



! i !

! ! i ~ l i ! i ;

i ~ ! ; ;

i ! i

! i

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WIRELESS WEEKLY P•ir• Fi!ty-Thr • ,.,,._..,......., ___ .,.._,_,.. _ .. "'""""' ______ ...,....,. ................. -------------------------

t.JltJOAV -.b,;,!,.hJ.'li

J"·· ,.m 1 .. m,e I.a. lllt1 p,- Tnw ".-n•l 11!1 1,1...tn .\.• 1..itt Hc-1'l,Jl'tll. W~r 1"turm••

11-oo. · h• l11uly li{atf' 1:.-w. 1'hc- Oa11Y :, a1J"'r,1 n.w

l .• t i, n f'r m Hotel ("arluu1. J.uncb )Jl.l•lt rrom 11"~ I 11 I• H lel CarlliHI p;.,.,ffld l.., 1-t ~.,J lul r, b11\11 hl.1jl1lf Or bm,r._

l I pm tr •n bt- db nat ,r, ,Man •~t 1un ~1muJ

• II r,n1 l: @' D 1o.n

.\.Ffl:m..:oo:: 10~~ I di 11 m l n Ii t.l t.atJwn .\tlt1tt n

·r .. .Y,UU fr I th" )..q,;snltlJ: Uotrl C'uhu pl .. ,.r,d by ll•Mt Carl101 tiiJ .. rhuctY Ordae.tr•

t ).1 rm.. lrorri, th.!':>• dtt> Jlw l ..,._;,h ... , " pna c1 ..... l>u•n.

5CL, ADELAIDE u.11 • "'O hm 1111 s· "' v ,,.. uf'lllt. 11 U a ni A<h ..... r n"w II.ti~ •m.. \OQ.I 111 nu.mMr u tlo(•I G ro. rl.inlt'a. 121 ~.m :\4w.ttrMr'" N Ice ll!Oa•

tl,i 1•d.. ILi• r.m ~••<-k 0.... \ rt " "1llff l ... lo p.n. ~\ ,f , Ot'tbl ra :, '"'1,

..,f11,a t ,_ l 1>l, "'ll11tn"1bu.t1th ,cih

.,JuH b,,_.wH t'~i, rtw111' Air Jo t.1111.c.• rllflf'ln' IJ,J tlf thl, ra.. ' ........ '4 ..

f".Arm.-t1i" .,, n64to l• dl11" lnni r"' .... 1 ...,, Vih.t moun.. 1h11 H t. Jl-b

S rm- \\•~ and C.o.' :-.hw f' ·kan,< .-.. I""~ Lidie' .. ,-r11.th•r 11)1 ·~- 1r:11: IUlll\t •ubULI 1<'.l'thC' t,.

~ V M -L-.1-".O. c~ a.i.J c.lo.t dt1ow11

ATTEUNOON SESSION. I pm-Li !'.II C'hlrnn.. 3 1 pm Jtel1.) tfuftl Ma, ... , 1.111! Ultt--Or­

c1ui.tra1 hlffllN'u .. I ,.. I n,n, th• 811.u!10. 1 ,.., t'>uo An

.,,"n,bt-t-. ' Jltu GPO dlt11" • I w..lay fr,aa) A1, A.J , t·at._ Oreb ul

""'" Wn. s.i.lu1 1 J,tr Ur..a, l11~d tlOC\11oot p 01 ---8 uck t..J.dJ4_1 ... UP,lfb Cfllf',.J

,., Jta t I ar,4 ata11Qa a aquiic•.n,.,,n14 I pn1 .:CPO di tt• ud: doea .k.°!\·n

EY.£..'(!SQ !it:. SIU:-.!

• Jl,rn..-G I 11 h m ":: J.t.. s,~i.. lJuu ., ftit.d r ti, pm J!-tl.'!1• al -.

I m .)lultt!l 1"11 ru b1 ¥ " S. , \\a1,S aal.1 C A Hall •a• C , A \\, S...n1UIA'J. •nJ Co. Dalt4=°tJ' ar d o S. ,\ far '""'". C:0,(IJ141t•t ... I.: ,M>O

• tQ I m R<tiy 1-ctJurt ('IITMT'

" t1 an. I• l t cit f'JII fk !a.U.. Jilli .(, f' (} th ft!;

IJ I n lay fr~m W", dncupb llpc-ntW (•r• ,h "'-ts I' Ill Mr • io ,J tMI.

e 11 v,n a,.c~tatl:1111 Jitr C'h•tlft I ukr • -• p,.ai. l<eli.. frc,ni WHI! r,nph t;•r• lia

OrthNtra Ii II pm &:n.,r .)tll.\M 11 lllart:: t ... , p.m --keJJiJ trum \\ GhdffV'l'llph o, nt

Otrht:llitu .• t p ,u,.-C I" 0 ~b.lllV• ,t l'-Ml- ¥-•·M, ~tt t I I m Ualat>t • • hat ,-pc: r. I.I ~m. ~'-"-'. )Ir Llctflcl C•ru, ,. JI.IL P~lUllllJf\ Wr ('haa,. Cuttt ii 15 fl m n"l•F from ,, a,111.-ra·npli C•r-4T•1"'

Ottlntn t.M p m.-&,na )It i.t II D4n••h"" l,H pm R~i.. Uoo. Mr (.AO C.-rwr t IJ ti.Ill Rda:, fr m 1' •fMl..rirrtiph 0.....,.1 ...

Ur h .,,_

111 I' 111.-G P.0 blmn. 11.1 p.'Jl- Advmt..r n"" Mn~ It 15 .,_.. Jt111-l•1 from Woad.c-r1rer,b Opaa. e

Ou·bntn. It 10 fl ID. (IIPPl'ff) --~"Ill Ill' Li0 ... .-1


to.H Ii m.. ll«ltallcm. lib C"bu. Cartin • ,, r,m-P1anof1>rto .cl~ to u f!'-l't! - ~Ob. ,. ... M u •. m.,h-u• 11 • .f.'I pm, -R.1: ts1 Mr t h•11 l"'"at\., lCil ,H o.m -fit)nit Mr LioMI Clatlr. 10 ~• p.m. -Statlun anntmhNmfllla. J1 p 111 ~ P t m, •t " \ ?~1'1111 anit

cln .-.Pl-

GWF, PERTH 1:.\0 11, TI.UI. 111, t:u ra tir-• ralunniN,. .._

JIH"lclft f"P(,~

lables I pm Ttm. •lf'I.Ai tr th:i f'ttbt O

1~,,, I l r'" w .. t ~H !iol,t• •• , rll...S .,,. lh•

>1 ,t'f>T"Olot1tal ltu..,.au ef \.\ trtr,. :\ r• ha

I'! P.hl. 8ll1l>IO 6E:X.ETT'U. .. 1•rn Cloe,r, ....... $..Jl s, n1 Tun,. m

II p.m !'ol• lei.I l:l'flST"amm~ , pm. !-Tl lllU TRW .f.&,l Pm Clo.,e 1.11.1 ... 1

Im.. Tu,u, 1t

.A Pffl \ 1llllff'1t• fir 1/itl J...1irl1r J;7 Untie riwrr1 11-Uh Aijn\lh K••· •rd 1:·\ .. 1 n an.Ill l ,ut~ Het11tJ 1 'I• l',-ro ._ i !Juffy a, p 111 lO<'"la an4 Share: n1•r 11:ct"ntt, )111rii t rrpurt I al,1 !ti.:,., aun lioM. itw l'ulrtftl' fff Th-

" t l •1111 ' • • r C

• fl' ~ m 11rr,•l r•UT< tbe l ~r•b Ob••n• '•'7

• 1 , .. m.-W111alhc-f Svt.a MIM•l!Ml 1.,, U11, Mt,Wur f<Jr1:11;al Buru1,1 of Wei..lA:ra Au nl a. , ...

• J ,.m -"U.1Slt.AL PROQRAlOU!. So,ttltcne b>' Tbr StLiJti) :H.tlD&' Trlol

ll.n I: 1' lllt•• A llC:at, P'-•• }tr- JI <: Bu~ 'ffllo. )h ff l' }i1'W\ D •lc.l1n. MI • ln·a11 Siand t'!"f • J ran

I Pih Secoal ,IClll ,. ..... bull•I ti. ,uprU....i Lt r 01irln.) Df "TM lJaU7 :,.w " S••apap.,r , ..

1 IU ~ ,n -t:

Thur., February 10 2FC, SYDNEY

m.lftlftc l AN

IL.ff• N.Uketa. t11•r'.• lL Hn~hl H••

a.,- ll a 0-0.. Studio 11111&k. 1 lS • 111 ~ flowD

IIIO!l~"lh-C SUSIOS, Lm TM -cktma t UC, llalc froa

, "'4a a.m..-~ m~ ~,- ICbou cll.C4-

,.-n 1 • a-1.Nt mlli•te ,ioc-tJ:ia- Wormau.. k:r tu lt-C kac!::a.1 Coaam~

11,1 .._.m.- IHr 9ffl amt •1w.ou:eannt,.. IO..& • ....,__t.,,w -S7dnq X.mln.c Jllftld•

., ....... rvtc .. ltl am. $ 11UWC. J ' • m A mor• lnr ,-•,{1Ar 11-7 llr A a.

(,0 tr&M. I) ..... II • BC lie-a" A;11,t.n1.tt.n Pr«M A•

"' • aad tc.1tU1ff'1 Cabt. SffTka.. II IO a.m 6t.udJo Mu.ale.. 11.SQ • ... lilan:h1~ .. atlUICI !or .d.oo! du.14,, ... II f •.an.--t'loN i!o•L



'l he World', Fb er-. earr ied B1uge~"•

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Pra ... f, 1/h Fo1.u·

rl r 1 r , ~tr

2BL, SYDNEY •..A~I ,in 1 - ~lll)I

f l• GI ,, Ul.thWI M ""'' rt'ffJ"ADl•rut [~ t,i,J.

T.Jt • • Phi I lntrl r.• ,uwl Ii•• LI . '-111 .,._nmt• • 1,ttJ:tb

., _,..,. ,,. tJ Ill "' d .. uJLh


E XAMINE! lhlt ew Oldla , at your loc.ir1 W m•1c:U abop Com

p.tre its hand$0rllt:' aPl, 1 ~ ~1.!I • , ,,! qll&WJ Not t.hc tram;arcncy and si.ou1ra-es1 ol us eel i1oid ttie-ib b ge colourf'd tcmunnb lb -=:rcw mo5t t\0!1 1pb5h Vt"flt--1 t • gt:'MfDtd JI p And (i:all1 comp.1re 1U plntu FnH 111:ie. atout. budtle-pcoof tu ph::ltibrt•

~~e0J:lion:'~ of h~!~: :r~"!::u:-iZ :~l=deU::,.j~~ J~ ta raJJo1.bl of ,._ tonD1.h I u t au c:xdutrn:: Oldbnm ltatutt. Yoo u ~t tt u1 110 c,th<"t A• vn1af;Sl(Jt lt wu


d1 Yclopr:d ottf a lrm.t" period of yun Junng wtr.eh Oldham acciamul.Aton h&Yc now • tuuquc: ~puQtlon for txtrcme: dl:pendability in cOrAI nu.O'-t,. •

\Vhrn you thOOI~ an Oldham: yo• obt.ainan A .1~ul.tLor wluc.h fDf li-ngth or life and ability to rmrn a th&rge has yM to H oquall<'d 8t 111.rr your nca\ Ar um l4to, 1,5 an Oldham-a11d ycm'II ttrt Sol\' nc mouc-y 1t1 n<har'"m'


BROS. 1SYDNEY1 LTD. Slll'l:, 'l:111 \ II ~ llRISHA'.'iL

(MELBOURNE> PTY. LTD. '11-:l lllll m, t l~:i llour~• St, \l>J• I \lilt.. U,ut t1r Hmldi11c

Jl(IH \I( I 1-4.; M11t4Ullrl(l St,

r, m .I 11 \I. < ard11m, l'LRl U.,

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Friday, Febr11nr; I, I ~37 WIRELE~S WEEltLY Pa,:-• Fifty-Fi•• --------------------- ......................................... .__ ________ __ 1 " • . iu -0.r.o 111«"- •lt!J 1,1...._

......... thct-r l"fNn. 1, • m -·SM1n11 ~ 11,fonnatCD'I,, ~II u m..-1ir1J11r•tt.-n' "Pt'l'lt1I 11••• .,1orwt<!P

• a.m,__., t•.o ckc:k and .-h,rn•• l lrni1111: ihf• , MORNING S&.~SION

to • m G 11.0. dvck • IHl rlrua 10..l W J'kr.r fflK1r._

lt I am M· 11e11T r,o.nrnrn-.. f'1'ffffl 11'19 t-1 11,

10...:v a.to --:-; .. ~u .-i:n1.1·t fnim 1lw- ll•Hit T1lr11raa.k."

JO.I$ 11,.111. 'M.:uieal llt'"1ltam.m..l (rwn llu: 1-tu,llu.

lb &O am.. -J'M rnm"1Q' Uik •u11plll"•1 i•) lh11

11 ~~.!;:~, l t,. doeta au,1 h. niu. 11 I ~' • t'nu11 tr.• "Pa!IJ 'l.,.IQ'TIDll '*

11.tl •n1 f[.1!lt11I mar.lat\. tt",,rL 11 n "'"' F!.h via,., t npc,r! 11 IJ •m -V~hl rnrhi f1'Mfi. 11:J

Ji n111 rnarh1- rt Plllt't 11.2! 11.rh -1 1:1 lm1 ,lul")', t• m,.. "'ff uuJ

lh 1ltey -.n•t~P"t l'rktfl 11..!:!l a.m. 1,,.)111,Jon IN'ial cauotat11>1 11,

11 ... 11 "--" 5htr- in all I) -... r.laa. II J\1 111-llt h1f ;1111~ ff ll1i•'l'11!111~ •1111

" i r~ .1 rr111llll. ll l!-'I a.tn-4.lhi1,1rl11s lflfo.tm•tl 1n ur ll'll

1uo1J 41:p,htfq. JI 1'i • ru. &ti rt.Ins uba t,, JII u '••itn

\"~rlr,y 11 U ,1 ,n. \\'cm;on•a d'.ltl. « rahacud '7

M !'L Jf>ntrrn f;pru! l\;Mt11o I l.,11 ./i tn.-Mr. J11N1llh l'c'l>lt«" lo eiH'rfl,,

&u !J Ill&

l! n11,1n -r .. r.n 1or·k •od d1 Ill .. Ij:,l 11 ,u T•TI, nh ',\rt.a an l C aft ," hy

lil .. MeJ . .,, •n. t U It m s,. •• lrt>m th• ''Svn " I l() ,.ti\ ,, r· 0 d,..-k aniJ eb1r'n""" 1:1 ;u

:,,'Jll'lt t>:/ tOd. J:: httrl t-111L 1!.~I s,.11 ~ 1u0 N'• 1li frl'Jlr' 1:! u; ,~m. lllll r·• Jh,U-Jmrnr•J Q•1•rt

,forci.uto (".ar,, f'l•1UUlc 1111 1• t11 -0.P O clod, •l'IJ dltme., I.J

\linth4r ri,p.,rt I ..U l •u --S. ,tft"'y .!ilod: t::..:t.b&ftl'f t'lltit 1 4

\l k.111 l'fQQrtmm• frnm t:.dl • p rn r 1' .o c 1

,~ and c-t,1m no,,. ,fown AITt:RNOON Jlp,:.ssws

P.ar1ar lt1farn,..,1,m 1,1 l&dcul l 1 111,,utt f,r th, "!iUll •

.. pna,..-(,,1'.fl rfoclc •tid .-l·tmiet. 3 I \\'f!att,n rtt,11rt tll ! fortttt.t

a & 1,.m.-, iAI ?.n•~Ji. fr 1t- "~un Ut Nr•111 tram lh.o •"$ •• "

:t J" p.rn "if,1, al "'~•mm ftrun tM 81udl

a n ~ GP o rind: •n I rl:.loiu.. ;u1 L t )Uh!I")' \\ ffUfft ii ~ ~

I • ""' ;\\ l(AI pr IT&11"1llf tu,,n tt-~ f;!wdlct.

• p tti -G-r O docl ant c.'ilin • J _t;<11n r,-r,,-n tt. .. Hou."

,t 11 r, -n S"rial ~IOTJ' .f.JIQ Mu fu.1 fir"" irramru. rrom ,h .. 8.~1.1!!1n

4 l$ a,.11. rr.,J,,_,,. • IJI •r b 1tln11 $(1r1"17'• ·u·'(rrt.a't.!'-e •rid fr1,111 marlt,t ,,.,,1 n.

I ·o p.m. Shh.-PlnC ln!'•.•rt1111t 1 ..,t, n at11ll,. at.Ji,,

• st fl m 0.1'• nt"l.r\S reaumc- on race datt. ,a~ nm flttin frr-m the 'fl1 tt.•• t .. l! Flfl'­

• ,t11tt '11 o.!l'tn.'• PNl"fatnm,. A r,,rr. · -..f;.1- n d r~ •nd rh1m.,,._ Clnn• clo.-n..

'EARU1· f.\'E~ING 8t.:5Stos. r..u .run.. (: 1• O e!..-e.\ "nil rtilnu1.._ I ti

l'nf'I io ,r~ tn •I l:iiJd)U. 6-40 l"·m M-:1•i••J I r"Olt'lln1m11 lt~1 lb~

S11 lo. ,,;prnAL IOIJ!-iTR\' st:.. .... tt(Q~

1 J m.. 1; r O t•rw:k u,d <-hlr,,i-!I Au.at.nmrn l1rtr.atr lie. l..uid •nd Fl~• 1"'•

C'!l."• f'll':t,!:rt.. w.,11,tw·r r11>-t,rt an,J lt,r.,.;:.1,11 lay ( 1:,0,rt,.

j£ tl-,c, UOl'trTlfflr.f\l \ft-1.""'1'1.1JOIJU I t-,,.,.1; J< otrh•rnn'! ,.., , rt l'r'1'11.II!' ra' ni ,,. liudnr S11M11.7111 ""'""l•h.le

&hJ fndt tnari,. r,,i, 1 G"-hl •lhl fWJ=- NTIJorl •~ n,.J barry

1•rnd•u:ia N'pqrt I Bull ..

........ ••n•••U•••••• .. •••• .. •• .. •••••••• ........... ,••••••••••• ............. ••••••••• .. ••• .... •• .. •• .. •••••• .. •• .. •••••• .. •• .. •••~ ' .


/ Resco Neutrodyne I ! I I ~ i !

This exc"ell,:,111 r~t<Clvi,r has hcon tesle1! h,· the Ted1mcal St:tff of• \\'1r, lc~s \\'e,•kh·," nncl lh, J'Pfltll'l

I f,11111rJ , l~t:'wh,•r, in I hh 1~, ,., \\'t· 1wcd nnl ,,Id to thi, fn :111~ 11 ,, b~>ot1tl •1t11>! 111g pric,:.,1,

.£19 IO

Flo1Jr ,\I ode I £2j JO (l'nh,hed ?11.JplP or 1lnlc)

I ! ! j i

I I ~ :

I i i I

! I Flnor ~lorlrl " •• , • • , , ... , £29 to - . ( roll,hctl ltn~C\\ 001I,) i I 'or~pl~!t, excepting Loud Spo•nkrr. l

• \\ t '\1(!1 ~; l'OltT \BU; RM't..:J\'ER. I l\"c h, , huill the nc~ro ~culrOfb·nc i111n a ,,•r~ j

rn1np,1ct p11rtnbli• r,· 1•1,1•1· Th, fr,,nw 1ll'ri11) 1s e!J-::,: ;,:'


=,,_: \ll11t.111Jt•tf. ns nrt: ult tht• Hattcr1, s nlld the Loud H1wnlirr PrcJ\ ,ton b m 1d~ for i:hnnp;c o,er from fr11mu ti) 11u1door ncnul 111 one op,•mtinn,

! !

I " ,:;.~;:,'. •~:'.~:.,:•re m, h" 100 " h 1, h m ,. ,,, r mmrl I ; ""' •~,. Teom, ,:::::'.:~;,,.,.L,bl, i, ,~,,.,. !_.

Come 11long and see us.

Radio & Electrical Co. : : ._I 40 PITT STREET -- (near Quay) - SYDNEY i_.'

Phone 81817 i ! lu-111nuu1u1u1u1uou1u.,u111nauo1u111111uootr11nn,1111nnn1n1••1t•nrnnuo,,uo1u•Hot1hol""-'111ou11t"ft•1


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User. ''"

Jone hlo: itM

FTiday, Pt"brua n · 4, 1 n-27.

• 1~ St r; --C-t11,11 ti,, ••.-. 11 r~ lltt> II\ 00

,.. ,,.,,,_-(; po d...-J.. • ,, tll rr,r-U r, 1,J Htllh T.-.Pl<'•I ( b ru

II.I p.m. Tb_,r fr,110h O•JO, •t""" l'OMlt,-. , J., •-111.. Mi~:. l,10> .. niletlh1t' r,.,_..., ""'",,.._"'11.,. )( I 51 m.· ··••hlt•l'I ati•t S,1,dal ~01 ... ..,.,,-«ka,,I

fl'Oftl thfl Mlllnootl .. , IM' Afflb11 1Mf n. w ~: p.,.,- "0• An,;-, 011tntaa «int.rah t', :t r; rrt.. Mr. lh1•aslu t..t"all.111. $t.0ttW.

.. .,.....-J1an • J( I'm. l#C'i IP by 1l 'tjft"1hllr or th.- Au ...

tra..la.lt.a MltOICII'" ('al A.Nt')("lllll&n '& 11 p . .a. The It rk- M..J« Qwart<tt. ' I !II ,, I n d«\. an I fh,fl", ,

Rf'!lum• ,r f1,l\ '"' •• daJ II f'l"til't• mlfl" \1-'('ia-tlu r "l'f'lrt ant.I C 'tfflllll l,J t'f><, r t•"'f ot

M:r l' J ldu..-a. f,o-rn1u:n.tt11 lil~MI.-.., , • p.n1 Mr Pt1orr ht•~J"land. ~ .. II IJ p'" ~, rn k N,1.ttJww•. lc: .. t b1Htt1m.-. 1 U fl rr t a...hl r aii:d ~II s, • f,-1 hi t1'1~

t.llr<11m1 tit tb• A.l'llflol.•11dr,n;. TIU ILID Tlr lt,1 tl1 °"'7. I,! I I' 1111 \lit• Gfrl•~J-,l.h1., 1'11"rJ 'I ~ f'"' D11•l ,.ai- ,\M) 0 Ur••· ... ni Mr.

l'(•l•r ...,1,11Mlr aml "U Ji 1111- 'dr. J)uo.Jifhu Grs1, .. II~ IM )(,..,.A,.,\ 0"1 :!ltl.. !I., rm »r 1.-hrli,ttw-rt•ti•I IO pm.. iA I' o. c-J,.,..1,r •-"'d <"him.., 10.l J .m ]!Ir 1hcl,. M..atthC'"lftS rn • "n1 Tk' 1,-f'k M.i.l~ q,lN'1.1!1.. I u llffi Th Am ',_.,s,,,. fl•iM:P ~ .. nl

l-ro• W\JJl Ii:- m 11-t, ha lrtx<M o( 111• ""1, b,& ... dOh Pu.ro,c lhc, Ultl'l''o'cal1 b- :,,,.,., r1

da..,_... , .-ws l'TP>M b,- lta'Artc., f lw­· :- • - ~- l~~n 1'11 toll' l,r.••l~•t.

1 l'I• •iu .. J'I' t. J• it a r ~\ rd chi!1>1t11 S mog, .\n1h,:n1.

3LO, MELBOURNE M IPr>A 'f F.fi.•;in~

A '1lCSICAL TftRAT rttF. :,,"tl 1fJIO ORClU--~TRA.

JY.S8,.11' llATc.Ht 1,0ft Mntr•ltn,

Tilt. M\!~f<""At. GAROlNEft..""! HAnn,· wtrrros Nr-n.:one. 11;un1.u-. rrnrru1:. ~11\lta Sl't•1.Ri'UO~h ~OSOP.A Rf 1'rrAf At n1>W1ci-r • •• ALl>'HUI '\.l'loUkf;W ~ -m1•"'-'l ,c:~1:!-1 .-·oRTt:~E:

I~ aw~ A 1 n.• ~lat, al Jlr,1 h ~l11 "'"it"• ,_ ~fl•, frNn R-ucbY

R,•Jlt-t'• •nd tbc I\\Ulra.ll•n PN"u ,\1-,u:1a,. lllA C"falci,, >\r•41 ar1 r H,n,14" nr•• •••nkt--~

1: 11 pm St,v~ f.•~h•l"III'" Inf, rm•tt•)ft t .20 11-m -~t•r..:Rl'HONH.>SO!'I.OKA KP'-

~ITAI 11 0 p ,n.. .gn_•rno ()RC'I-IE!I.TllA.

M, ,,_,... ,1.w1.m 11~t1••rP1v' 1P1;i1·r n • J_ 1r v.a.i. JtsSI.E UA.Tt.:IO..LOR. t"rJ11tralto1

··1.-.r1, .... t11lJ' .. -0.1\",idll C , d ..

I .. 1; l 'I'- 'TIH. :Wl~f '1 (,ARf•lS"F,RS ..,.IJJ t!ll~rta ft YO\l ..-uh ., l- 1'..lld du"1: ,on n1irn.-r. ,...,., u 'Utkal IU\tll.-.Ula.

l 2 1• • 1,., IIARRY WCiTT(lS l u rnn.tt \b7 .,.-rm1utc,l'I ,,t J C \\"Ill "*'' Lt-<I)

• Ou n1 tu ,-,• • lJ«i• \t,-11, .. t • ' lh1n•ar.-.1:1 .le-1 s"' 4 Korrl.•1

1.9 n hl ST\Tlil) n1u:11~.srn., : "'fh "bl- •I'll u .. C'1k'Ji." Wbltri,:-)·I 8fflct ll l. .,,.... tfttiumnmi•• 1T1lt,nO.

11r. pm... ~,...-•r('l"lftrr11I lfl1 l?l"f'at1r,n

1.U r, m. J~IE OATCIJ.E.LOR. octntral0;,1 l14'1111"11 H'"t • lltul'l...-n ...

1.1;: p rn MAG(HJ~ fO:,"Tf. It v,n.10: Hu,n,.,..i..f'• n .. Qtalt I \I Rlari ~ti ,, ....

C"·-··-·-i For Sale.

I On~ Dul.ho HO ,oh H Accuwnhtor good order. Tr1al £:3.

R ing 8 11 61118 •-·-·-••-•· .. 0-00 ... IN•••••••N

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F a J27


• ,,. a.- .....

E\: £."lINC ESSIG~.

8 41 rt M- OIIU>RO. ... HOL---a. Ana._.,.. le 1,-H~n and t, t1hota)' srwtmn

I II p.r,i "•rr 1, lf\lffr" po11nu Y.hJFfd.i·••• ll06'4.

on.. AJann Ckc'-tory '°" dw I tllftl mM11 -n.. EIMf t ,._, THdf IJ.ra,

• I p-. -nu: TEl.l.F. MARK TIU • sa1a,an4 • sfrU..c•4J'ffl.Ju thP ~I'• .... I J« .. tlw, le,,,~ 19 M&r

• o "'"" .,..,,. r.-.111.JMr ••on- ,.,. o. Mn iuid tlr&. Oar...-.. J,.trlot. • ho • ,r.,. ... _ ..

I II PJb.. AITIU atld Ru.U MW• wr-, '\' .rft. '\\'Mt.bin 1)"11 .... MI. A. »Pills ....... ......

I 4 .,._-.s&od. l::uha .,. la.torma.1•



"WIRELESS WEEKLY" D.-ln<rt·d l'U!:-"J I !ti I. lor llo,• \ < 1r lor

13/-\, oicl drla~ ur 11!• 1111w1nl m1•n:

h) f11rn ,u·dini:: I ht• fo!IU\, In•

SUBSCRIPTION FORM l'lcu e ton, rd "\\ 1r \\

11 11 I rvh"<'t Jour T'&IVf:1'

I :, j J~1f1Uf S '--.. ·--·--·-···--- I YALVE HOLDE~

Jo .. ArMW, l'.0 11n ft!I 0..,-

Gamett, Whitele\' & Co. Ltd., Li\'erpool, Eng.

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r· ......................... 1 •••• , ........... ...... ..... ............ .............. .............. u .. , ... , ......... . 1 i ___________ I

r TI• mu nAn:lo~'~ o; t ~::ho Cisu~7r: d • 1,.1! I!',,,•

1 mpt;· ttr.th C't P•rt1 i thii1. ht. f,, ;,, · 1- WIC't- -11

mur..h ";1tt,r A tm,11) U, ,-.lu111l'c ti ,,viuK" Jt1J\·to1i11ti IJ.) t ll 1 (If Lht' 1,·p tall the clslr-111

:a. vnttn:,·, n..nU thl: nmuunt u1 w11!l r t.h1 n lcr I hour, th,•n ·,o wiil Ptufc-r 111 l •tu1t ll -fi \: 11 bu• : trey wluc-h I t\\ 1r tli~ v.:~ rht m , l' n' A a.•l'ond ~ i:'.~l:u, 1wl th UC 11 hn twloe ti" 1"'"1<• I

Does your set draw heavily on current-- ,_1.~

more than 20 rnilliamps? Then the over-size 14 lb. 45 volt Burgess B 1

Battery will last longer than any other I made. Insist on having the !

Burgess B 10308 I

Thir C!OI r nt cAn C!& fly bOc lnt!'4 \Jl'!d b) U!fll r. J\11 m rru "'t-r v. hleh Nltl Iii thouuudth1 <tl iu, bruJM'r u1d I tht!'telutr. cull d ., mtlllaim ,er

Ob~m.1blt unh rrom 1T1tth•da,~ ll,•.ult•rfit, ur \ \ hol~sa1._. frorh-

NeW System Telephones 2sn l",Ml_..,N . .. st-. Siolne). :!7 (!Ull'hl llr1d1tt SI., Melbuurn• .

t'l}',, Lt d... < hnrlr!i Sl n.Tt, ·\dt'l • idr.


' ~-In- n .. 11 n111, 1, .. i N'JII r( ... l1)1' J TI J!urrrn, 1.~J

I t,' a• tn Hlh t trl•ttrU, 'h f! M .lil11Nltt rn><Jf'U ly thr ,•-,.h'1ill'1

J'rQn,umn Ci,,-1, 1 •~i¥ r,1,, Lul., IJ•r· rn.rlut lu,11 liil.,.. 1·,,.1tu-, 1n1,ln. tJ·•w tua.y 111l• lau-, 1 M'Q_..., JrC,tatoe9 an1I , , .. t i,.m. l l 1r\ .. 1 1 ril!t'_. r or-,11e" arwt k,110t.•

tht> \II. rl& C 11tal t:ilfU'I A ... i.rlal•~tl,

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t 1da J cLt,uu·y 4, I ,..,;,

i l

WlllELESS WEEKLY l'ai, r .

"''" lllng


j t 1111mi,.,r ftr nvn Lt! o If ) 11 woulrt • ),.. a Rf:~1-\RKAlll,Y <'lf:~R "1,,lttr hl a 1,r,- !

than t a <ha ,.J f r h Ad r av•r , ~!AC 10,cr j i orJ r w, h • deloy. :

i I

l_l,i Standard ,~~IR~~~::.::~~1~nd Cables !:_:,,,:

\\~e-,leru Cl~ch·it Compaov (Au1lralul.u.) Ltd 11>I•~ (',\!, I u:RF.AC,H SrRP.f:T, <;YD1'F.\

ii :

! ;_,,Nou,.,_,.,.,_,,,_,_H_.._ ............. -IUU.UlHll-·--•u .. ,,,,_,_pU.,u. ___ ....j

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A Radio Bargain 3 Valve Set in handsome

cabinet, co,uplete in every detail, includin~ -

Loud Speaker

Bxide Accumulator 8/~ Volt B Battery

4 \oil C. Battery

LPrge Valves (the best)

Aerial Gear

,-\ guarantee with every Se/

Two Prices:

Price -£16 17 6 Price £19 17 6 Deposit Weelcly



6 Depoliit 9 Weekly





\V~ charl-!e no inte re,;t for U1ese easy term s

Tht.> easy terms also apply to cow,try customers.

Take one home to-nigl1t !

Radio• W'Less Mfg. Co. Ltd. ;$ 17 George Street :: SYDNEY

Td11phon11: B 5747

.............. "····· ......................... , .................... .


I Stocktaking

i SALE l. !,.

M I Specials. Specials. i ; Three Valve I I RECEIVER I [ ( OL"\10 \ O'- Three.rah• I [, Se t. ~•mplelc "ith :- !

:l L'x;!Ol ti Had10t ron , 'uh e, ! 1.5 rnlt "A" Butth, ! ~ I \'olt " H" liatte.-;• ! l!i;u1Jt1s Tu~le Talki..1 1

SJlrnl,er i .-\,·rial Equ1prn,·11 t

1 rl l 10 - . !

[A'II\\.\ IElt K E r-.1• lhree. l \ 'uh~ S~,. sullahiL for'

, 1·01•nlr. , cnm11le1~ "ith i ', U\ ·i lJ~ l•or~-1 \ 'all , ! 1 ;; \'Oil ".\ · Buti,.•r., i i'-l , ult .. ll" flatl 1)

' Bn1mlcs Tul,l, Tulkr-r ' Spe>aker .. !,, A••ri.-tl g qu1prr11.mt

1:1 2 10 -.

j Thc•c ,~ts :.re the bcsl \'I\IUl! i i ewr ,.rfer~rl to the Aust rali1111 f ! ['UlJli,. Pcly " l1111 ih.-cl uum- ! j l,,·r 11( ,cl,

1~~~,~lalilf. at th1R I

Colville Moore Wireless I Supplies Limited l


:',:,_; 111 ROIi f; STT!EE1' C:>.e:1.t i ·:,,,•. Hotel .\u8ln1li:.1 ),


! "Phone• ll 2261. i.

~ : i 10:ouOM .. ut_..,.,,,,u ......... ,,u,, .. , ... ,_,..,..._,..,. .. ,,,

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W IRELESS WEEKL' r•aacc- Sixty On1l

All Readers'

...... <, ~ ti II t.::l.TU:,,.) -l'•C1•1 futw .. +d

I rf-.';":'\r1\!'u~C~:>~~: .::.•P•I '!f"'•N::. at\wlt- K••~• rtin l>I t,.,,- .- ara t~

81:t.HSNU:t •ARSCLIIJ"EI I t •t4 c.r yog.- Nt ,o i can'I aw p , Wt111

m i,,.H 1hf, •• wr ., hu -14 1t. IQ oa Am•r aa ran I tiot..e -.r.- diff•ffllt to kata1 .-and I 1 11t ti v11 •ht 1.1hi hl.N> • ,rt.a flf'11 lt,AI \tor 1~'"' •a& i& C•P& kt Grwt t.af'cu-- l,IW tP'IA•lnr Vi irhlillrt • ..,mir 1t1i11 r111t.-l •t• I hA 1J1,11 MJ1A11 _. 9',rr,

"' Ii Q f UHJ . .E'TON j It. &Uftltt 11 N:11n• t...tl tJ .lL l Jn LT l.11.• ftlamel Hat •• • 1lu- 1uhn 10o:'""• u-,. .,.,~ .,..,._ c,;;i•ia« -.utj U1• ur tu

• i 111•\\flt 11,lllTHf \lK)-V\,~> worr, l.tJt 1 ltt;rlli'u.ioJ ~I

i"t 1.M\\Fh.LlJ1 H ..,_, t mal1 r "' tt ..... I HJ\ •.K\ a~ " I ... la ' •

&t,;1 > •f c .itli. Ill 1i,•aAcati1,,t1• & ci itli'n )011 • \U C• l r •11-1

tlll' 8AJtlU.t-:T .Iii lllHla'tiUAh J.... abcwt i:6 m,un, .o .... o.a .. , .-m r.­

pqn,1 tQ r •• ..t•r; "11\ 'l'kai rtlTG& liJd .. .,.,.11, 11, of who btua.dQ: INI A • i•ar ... or •un,.-thil\# I h 11,•\ a\ - a'" l1 •11it1nly ti,,1 f. aw I M H'\ UJ Id« uf ..-,-. IN .. 5

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..\ I~ M OA.,l.£1Clt J, lhn y9 r -.t<0nd tr••ur11rn,u I br,...L.•ri du•,. D U,. 1111111.ill')' ..,, th• .\ P Ju •Ir. t.. et.t'.-t! ••

\. J' tiOUl•US I 11,,,.,. b ~ twr a pm ,·11n11~ n 11\. n.lam ... t 111 , u f-..J of Ii• • Jw or a tit, k .. '11 dow• 1,-.n~f ,,,,..,. •11 . 6'11.t I • ll IIUt.)I 'Cw tU1h., 4't 00. u,[ thr w111..I, 111a1 lo. •r•rh11• • IM!i. a. ti.Jamn,\ J••clr,,: OD f Nllf.

RC f 1NA&lAC Tu cry.ial \ktceWI' 1-fa Jt,-

1 \\ lo ~"1fl rtOU.LU - S.. 'Wrtol...-W,.l1)'.. 1 ~1. J'urvt-t a.l.oQUt Uia uu• ·u•h•

lo R.. ~T P~d lll'St tn•l J dkJD I 1W.-ar •"• .>our ll bau.-r-. S"w ,11 I 1, .-..... 11:i, reJi,Ji.u:1, I ran • iaO i.. :tlf'QOllil! tr.a I h• u· bntr-r ~•nnrra. Wl" Uon I

)bk rea.i •t.• art.,IC'lr neln thr.:,...i•h anJ ••n , ..., lirl<H\'ality 011 und,,nt•ndht&' lt. lri •• ••' .,, belac !an-tiaus. Yuu 11ttaut~ty at.ta i kno• thJ' drfffl'f'•ru·• ._.,tw•rn 1tw ~->ltaa"to o1 U.S.A • J UMI' ""'·1•1• ot Al 1ralia w 111 f-f'l'arJ 1n A l maitu. FotS"1 -.rr-.. 1110 "JJ tnan. a.nd l11• rP1 to hf' 'lll'lM I am too Scotch to ptlJ' tf~ "•.-i• i,rir-o a• ru, fQr t .. l'"rh•-. I hau• t.ui l tb• 4U,.,:u.,nulat.or 8. t..• llffJ. anJ II baa ,.,,d•r•d r ND'I•· MMIU. '"'' fo~r J1'9N A1'14 h ~ It har •HI o~ a wuk. It I• h1>t ll"

Queries Answered Here In ct1n Ju11ctlon u.:UI, Furtrh~.,-•~ Bl'vad<:luliny ... ,.,rl'lt:fl th~ I ttfh

nlclJI F.dllur uf u 1r1r.-:, i.,., IVt·, ldii'' brodtkwf-s omu:er• fo ull lut.:n a·.­

qu.:rll"t lrom :.!l-'C l'.t.l:c-11 rhurWufl

t(:1..t- ••r \' 0 All[JCDI:LNJ 'f t- ur1 1H HIS•

1'9i' ahooW t. au taU• In.ii n II a NUr t..,._ ~ IN..-d ( •n .. nL.

f T 1r<Ot KU.A.LI:: ... k. IN> ~ •• , nt• D L.ur;-,- 4-c.rlb.d In · \\ urlau W('dly • 1 " "::G la 1, &o•t•..,.,. to thurQiitbb' ir ,an It.,. ar11.... •r&IIPllfl' ' llw ON \ff• .. rfn.lrl( •

A. Clt.a1 olf u miKb aa $ 1 ~ l,# .1 U w an 1 .. .,II whn • u1 ra15on

wud I• kfl ti!"d ,... th UM •l«awuo~ ~ A lJ .-ih• a, mocb u IUllfflGal. u •~•

\lo• H •1 J •beorb Tl111n r,Ollr df' tk• Htrlr• •tcid "l'•ln Nhteftl ani1 dua.rJ 1h• cr,o,tA.J, ,-.a,,aJn,r.• • 1 tha btrttC>JQ of tl:• ;.ti;r \"u1n rrlrnd dldn'l fo h w lo.dn.r \k1 • PNoitrb'.

U I t

IIOM H.J \\ 1?."'E:UTUI 1 A\) I lll:I at,.. d

b,, tU(t ~-~ to llLL. Jot ,MANL\ 1 1 am iarraid ,, \Ir a••

•1'1 w ~ Iii N1'i lr• too m11tb al ,nl 11 t (l 1"1 IHUR$lVJLU j l,l ti J ha.H

, ,-,,«eod lJ" Jo• •• '" fft• ••r 4!,;o, I OC W r,, \\ ...... lf • :10 I :")• anJ 1ti. tlla

i!MIII •--• t••> Ii batt•r.H .,,. r.,qu,....._ J ana 111111c e,~ "&1• .... ._.ha1, i. Lh4 .,,...,ci we&.lta!N'I ~

A Vt• IWO 111•.u .. n. «uc:"7 ... •~

T Iie World'1, l•l) el'!I ca.rril-d Burifes&..

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WIRELESS WEEK.LY Fr ,1,o• P"l• 1, 1ry • Jfti!i -------------------------.................................... __ __

- • PHILCO-"\ ou nner need &uess.·•

lJ.Ty ,r , JAi lt•r I"'"

Io~ ft, ,...,JI

......... " ............. ioR ... mc:·· .................. i Complete ,\ppan&tus lur 250 i

W~tt Tr;;;~tting Suition., .'..!

\lH U1xo,, ,; O.tlley St., City • .,, .... ,-·•·•• ................. ._., ... , ..... , . .. lt.ll.UolUU.11010

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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Friday, T-'•liruury ,. 1!'27

GWF, PERTH l.Uf,) om. Tu-n• n. 11.a~ P·"' l lnr local D"'1 b~ll•tUn.

\b.rlc~l n'-"lf'b.. CAbl~

1 p.UI •Tim• •'ir n•l ftfn'I\ th hrth Ob"" ... \flf'T.

l t 11 m,-Wnth11r N;,t" •utiplllht 1.., I.II!! J44"t.rvrolot,kltl than au "' '\\' 8!•1 in \ ,1 I~· ll!i.

1.!! pm. "STUDIO QIH~••u.1"tJ:. a pm ,1 .. ~wn. 3.81 Ji.tu.-Tull• h1 1.M .. ftl.-)1.u.skaJ l!fi ,rn.rutt1"~ fbt1 Ir

SIIA.I\OfOJW ••1-,:ti.in• h1 111 • .: x,,-1,--a WJtln, "11.0.M,

ii ii m.----..i.i-rc 010 TRIO. , •o 1-1,m.-r.:to.,r r.luwn, "; p.trl. Tl.lb• UL, ~ l 11 'tl,-~turkil: t~ th .. T"u,,- rut lrf A~tl,.

1(111•. ;.,!O P,m,-UncM' Dully wUJ talk IO the

l:hld1n. i.16 11 m -Stork• a-nd Shan lnt• Jllp-n,i-.

-»•rk:"1 r,pon,, Qli.hlea. )I.e.,. aui,i;Ul'J t, ,ou,tesp at "Thi!

W•t A.uu.ra!Mlln"' !-:.,..•Jl&t•"J Co. ._ p..rn.-Thu., ••etuL1 tu r1' tti"' J••'nb O!MNrn'•• ,.,,, ~.J r, T11 -Wf'1t,..., ::Ofot,n Rlf'TIIW by tM

ltft4"tlrv1 1•1eal Du,011 ~, WISkfl\ Aun,-, Ila.

OR0ltFJI rl!.AL SJC,IIT t.l ""' 1\\'P11 :-it.alll'\. Onhnttllt tUf,J1,1!,

l}t Mr. U.-,T111M ,:: M01l.-, A.T t' l .. ),fr l>awi-1 J 1.tl•. 1•11oir-

"TIT11 M,>rtl ... uf IhutL--1CJU1'' (WOOL!t•~tJ,... f'lnh•t11h

.. )b,ikr, Minfl I r..-nn.-u) •'Th• )l~ld f M11lat.ai-- (,'dantat • L.w"'°• Va)lq • U>orr H11 rl""IJlt"r)

)fl i,.m ~end 111,ws l.oulh;u11 • r,plloit b; f'l.ltlrlNJ" 11r -rll• D• 1y Ne-wa'• SnwJJ,a.Jl"l'r

"' 1(1!1.U m..---('1. "tJ wn.


1k1Llt f'l'.oi 'fr~n lta.r.k. P11t,1i,}I~ b7 Arlhu:- Willl•m Wt1.tt f

"'1'"11U1""t trP • La-vttl'l!J,,,- ·rr••t. Wnrul.rr 8a.t for tM l~µ_tifMlt111-._ Y.11t,l11U N""'"''•,.,: 1.urnt«i i1 C..u1LfrNUm Mr•t S)11.itt"l', •n•I pn,pf,,,1 tr, l'lta,-rrtu:nt. • Co, Ltd.'. lb <ioulb 1rn 8tr·"rt .• M),IQ~ •

Th .. E,l,tut .-Ill bt •la4 to ron.t.1.d('r Tn·b· pi,.., u1t1 tflr$ .. •I Art11:l,a l1f fr.1HNI t-.t A1a1T•h•1 t •l!nhn11nt11"n Al ,1a,n1tn111, •ni.1 lllttttr111fou.a ur ,~m. 111,l lh4, •~tb r • l'V,\, &flll &ltft<thirh th• rrtrv.h·~• r-..&r" will l,,. ,., .. ,,, t,u rPf11rn m1~\t11.til11 m•u•r (1f 'lf"C'Otn• .-,ri1""1 b7 1tump1). r.b. Ed.ttut tanflot &t1'.-pt nttPof1-td.1l1~ fm- lta .._t., , .. tin-.,

~ulleit:rtp1 lc1h r• l.,. -l••l.-4 fflGt!P• UI id.l.tdl1 1t PIIII' .fftt.. Rb lliCJJIIIII., fh lllllll'Plll l 'I POIII tMC. Siria-t.e •oJ;I~ 1u. N-1.·h., t llOlt fr,H-, ·hl. S1.1t.u,-1ptlon1 t hGtthl bit aJ.drf'Ulld lo \\'irelua Ne~p•oe-ta Ltd. 61 C'aa1Uir••11h ~t.--t SJdnrr

.Adu,rtu111.e: :--Our ad~,.nillh& nr.:;1'15fnl.Ji­tl~~ k-p, 111 duoei Luucb with •d~t!t1W.r­a11,) h .. " ruttv a, 1110 ,1"',. tlil 1u-prlr mt .. r'. mat,i,-n r-o, -r.ittt1inr lld, 11t1l• o•

11.t.nl.a iq 0,-1 lfritaln -Th• C'vlurnnf 1"N"hnw:-al I rn• t~d, 11,,.ll•>' Huuti,. t:i..u\b· A1111-1lun ~u-t !ih•111I, \\ C.t.

"Wini... Waul)''' H rutq l)hl«w,I 1,,. COPJTirrht, amt nu1t'in1u: thal •• l'-SDfll {!\ j. m•> lM ,.,p,ln1otJ. wtiulty ur n J!&tl ,..,,twin 1s,.,1!1,I pn-mlu.lvr-i.. 'l'ti. &&t• ir::it our ar\Jch o"lt q11QT-1ill,qnw trPIII tlwln t ··r anJ i,urpoaa ,rhtilt,1UM"\'*r 11 11...Ve:r r~naU"'d •IU.Uul 0-.lt W '1ll,u, • u\ho-ribr~


WIRELESS WEEKLY Puira Sixty-Thee,,

•uouoou.u.u.>•"••• .. ••••••• ... uo1o,uuouuuoH•••uoo,1Huuu• .... •••• .... 1••••• .. •• .. • .. •••••••"'"'"u11111,.,11nll...,._,4

l !

I Annual j

i Stocktaking Sale I I i I 10% Reduction I

off all lines in stock! 1

Behn, IH ,. J,isl or n l~c,1 11( Our Bar~ridn Lines:

Ux'.!0111 Genuino Hndlo1ron \'ulvcs • • • ••..••••••••• 8 11 Pearl S L.F. l,ow Loss Conden~t'rs, .ft0035 11nd .0005, 8/6 Unnermor Dl.:il , S.L.F., for Lhnngluit your old co11-

<lc11•~r tu a modl!tu atrnighL lln,• Frequenc) c11111leo5,,r ••..•••••••.•.•••••.•••.•....•.••.

lI. II< ll. Simi Automatic Plugs ....•.•..........••• Filko ta t!I • • •••••••••••••• , ••••••.••••. , , •••••

9 3 1/9 9/S

I I j

i I i

Approved J.ighlnlng Arresters . . . . . • • . • • • . . • . . . . . . 1/6 ! ; Cr,>ssl"~ '.\I uskont S1.1•.1kers ...•.•••••.•••••••••• .£·1 a 6 ! i Raytheon Tuhes fo, •'Il" B:lllL•ry F.limianf.l1t·s ••••• .£1 9 G i l. li, Colmovox "A"' Batt n- Chnrg~r, 2i•amps ...•..•• .£4/17 6 i Colmo~ox ",\"" 11111 B" Bntlcry Cl!at"ier ......... ,£;; 6/- ; i :llulltfolnt S" fiches, 5.7.:J.ll powt ..•..•.•...••••... 3)8 i l 1.oud Spellker L'u,1 , .u1t.alilt! !or making cone SpeakerH.

4 11

I,,,,',,,, 1 Atl:n ............. 15 9 Baldwin . , ..•..•••• 19/9 !.:_ Be.stone 0002u Condensers .•••..•.••.•••••.•.• , • , •• 6/-

No\\ IS I hl' time lo erl'd ll pi:r-fccl neri11l-j i :!2 I•:nnm,•1 p, r 100-ft. .. . . . . . . • . . . . . • . •. ! A l11r£e r1u1111tlty of H.adion in 11~sortcd sizes. best I i qu111ity-J1er ~quarll inch , . , . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . ,id. j j C'ryetal Dctc-clors, mounted on cnrd, complete with \ j terminals ••...•••••..••• , . • . . . . . . . . . . • • • . . 1/- )

i!'.:;:::. A Quunt.ly r,[ !'\ho1,.9ollerl Sets, \\ ith !llld without Cabinets. !,',,,_

No Heasono.ble Offer Refused.

1.. Colville Moore Wireless Supplies Ltd. ! 1 10 Rowe Street (Next Hotel Australia) Sydney i ' l'hone: B 2261. i I l.-u-u•u ... ,n,oNU ... JtN••-llnnn...-.0-. ... -..... ........... _ .. , ................ , .. HHllffUf .. nH_,

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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P~ Sixty-Four WIRELESS WEEltLY Friday, February •. 1927.

r•--•""•"• .. n•o .. ,. .. ., ..... ,., ... ,. ................. ., ... , ... --•-_,. .. ., ..................... •----.. -•-••OHH••-mHOH ___ .,1 i i I Definitely Reduces Static I i II ! r ~h~i~t:!u~ ::~:c:d T::o~=:~:~e!':n::~~

Uthe wiring of )lour receiver. Yet, once fitted, the result.I' ! are entirely dlffeTent. The tinny nasal tone& so often beard , from some radio sets will be TeodeYed full and round, i whilst even tone that is already good will be impToved co.wderably. The Tone Purifier also makes it possible to reduce to a great degree static and o ther extraneous noises


AT ALL oeALEas ------ Price 21/- ------AT ALL o&AJ.ERS j . I

I ManQ:ured by _,_~~~:_.~ER MFG. c~:o·_ s=-N~.w~_I

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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WIRELESS WEEKLY Friday, l"cl>ruRl'}' -1. 19!!7

................................................ $............................................................... ........... . ................................... ___ .. _ .................. .

BEN7AMIN RADIO PRODUCTS G?u-st ·in Quality a.nd Peiformanee,


BEN7~N CLE-RA-TONE Push T4pe Socket.

Some o! Lhe outsuinding fe:tlure.s of lhis ~ockul nre: 1. lt is compact nnd neat nppenrinl{. 2. Side wiping contacts, insure perfect electrical connec­

tion to the tube prong~. 3. Su!!)leJ)sion spring and. conta.ct member nre m,ncle in

one piece, thereb)· ehmbmling lhl' high resi~tance joints.

4. AU met.al parts are heavily n.ickel~>d.

By replnclng the old type of socket in your set with the Ben­jamin Cle-Ra-To11e "Push" T)'pe Socket, you positively eliminale tube jur nnd resultant microphonic nob~~.

No. 9049 is without lower mounting bnse and Lq intended for direct pnnel mounting. They include a drilling template rrnd rour m11d1ine l'Crt'ws with nulJ! for attaching.


No. 90-10 with mo•:~ting base_ Price 6/­No. !104!1 without mounting base

(for direct mow1ti11g lo l 8 inch p1mel). Price . 3/6

BENJAMIN SELF SUPPORTING BRACKET The Benjamin Self Supporting .Bracket, are designed !or

use with sub-panel~ and are of such deplh lhat all wiring and mounting of ~mall radio parts can be done und1:rncuth lhe sub­panel, thereby decreasing the hazards or 8bort circuiting and blowing of tubes. Brackets nre i.Dtended to be attached to the Ironl panel.


I i ! !

i i

I i I

! i

! I I

I I ' I i s

I i I ~

I ~ ; i

i I I

PRICE ............•.•. , ... . .... 4/6 !

··-... - I 16°'"•9 Qur.n Scttu.



Qu.-.n St,.,,, Rn>ban, I • 97 Cl""'nu s,.,.,, S~d••Y ! ;., .............................................. lttHIHOo .......................................... ,o .. 1onulltolUOllhlHH .. ,11,u1u1~ .. , .. ~ ............ - .. ,u .... ,1, tllllllMMltMtHUOiUljOHtlollH01 .. ,1u, 1:111,o, .. , .. , ..... ;

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Rt~l\li~I ; he~ aturar.:o~e

Loud Speaker DRITISI I A~D A U$'rR.AUA.N MA.Ot-:.

FROM £6 10. 10 . .£11

AMPLlON GUARANTEE 11• 41111pli•• 1 •• u.d foip..,.11.u It wuua,, 1 t:alr t 11ot,.-111r1 D'I.Ahri4.I ur •"rk111,ll,,.b I•

a f .,. di t. r ;..4lln~l ,,r aJJUllt'J lrrr , t barn 1•ru•ld,nc It WI-• lll•f ... • n Ullt,I rN' l

\with Alftl)liu ~"IN' Dotol~ ar. u "' ,-.,tal,h1'"'1f In llii.- Drlnt:.ip•I A .. 0111l••t.11 rlU.-1, an,t $p,.--ahr-.. lll•.t br relllilrft(d fer atltn.Uaa ,.,_

AMAl.,CAMATE'D WIJCF,-U;S', (A SI.A) LTD. 07 CLan!a~~ s ~ c.1, s.,Jn~y

AJ.... v{ A\,P/ /rJ.\: ,A.,,,.,,.,,,.> LTD. 36 \loipfl!t 'itrttt, fi11J..-,

,n1<>renr there is dis­crimination. refinement, . . . lhc,re you find the ltadiolux Amplion. T he beller the ~el. th~ wo1·Lhier it il! of the best loud speaker. I!$ den r. full volume, its life-like tone~. atltls good t·adin ~~proih1ction lo good radio rec~plion. And th,· lt.S. l metal, mrnh•I slrik-111gly hrtnds()l1w in ltlut~ :111d g,,ld. mJ1b a L,•uutiful and dislin<·Live lo111·h lu n ruom.

The Famous AMPLION Loud Speakers are obtain­able from all Radio Manu­facturen and De ale rs throughout Australia.