The Role of Constructivism in Teaching and Learning Chemistry

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  • 8/2/2019 The Role of Constructivism in Teaching and Learning Chemistry


    The Role of Constructivism in Teaching and Learning


    Posted April 14, 2008 by yulirahmawati inKuliah,Teaching and Learning in Science. Tagged:

    Constructivism.10 Comments


    Constructivism is one of theory of learning which well developed in the recent year and

    becomes most significant and dominant perspective in science education (Taber, 2006).

    According to Bodner (1986), constructivist model focus on constructing the knowledge in the

    learners mind. Every student has different experiences, therefore teacher has to be aware that

    knowledge is constructed differently in the learners mind. Students have their own preexisting

    knowledge based on their experiences that is constructed in their mind (Taber, 2006). Most

    studies show the advantages of using this theory of knowledge in the learning process regarding

    to recognize students alternative conceptions.

    Furthermore, research on the students alternative conceptions in chemistry has been

    developed to improve teaching and learning chemistry. The investigations show that the

    chemistry educators become realize that the importance of students alternative conceptions

    within the process of understanding the concepts in chemistry. According to Krishnan and Howe

    (1994), students difficulties to understand the concepts in science is because the teachers have

    lack of knowledge on students prior understanding of the concepts in the classroom. Moreover,

    according to Mulford & Robinson (2002), alternate conceptions play important role in learning

    chemistry than simply producing inadequate explanations to questions. Therefore, as chemistry

    educators, it is important to understand the role of students alternative conceptio ns in learning


    Moreover, since our department is part of pedagogical university in Indonesia who educate

    the chemistry teachers, it is important to emphasize the students alternative conceptions and

    constructivism view of learning for our pre-service teachers. Therefore, in this paper, I will

    discuss students alternative conceptions, the constructivist theory of learning, and also reflect on

    my own experiences on learning and teaching chemistry. I hope this paper will provide the

    powerful ideas to improve teaching and learning chemistry in our institution.
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    The Constructivism View

    Constructivism view of learning is developed based on Kellys work (1950s) on personal

    construct and Ausubel (1960s) on learning based on what the learner knows (Benner, 2003 as

    cited in Parkinson, 2004). Furthermore, the earlier psychologist who focus on childrens thinking

    process is Jean Piaget. According to Piaget (1970), knowledge is constructed in learners mind

    through their interaction with the environment. Piaget believes that there was a biological

    inevitability to how children developed (Marsh, 2000). Furthermore, according to Bodner

    (1986), there are three concepts of Piagets work which related to constructivist theory of

    knowledge which are assimilation, accommodation, and equilibration. Therefore, Piagets work

    had some insight (Marsh, 2000) which are (1) children think differently related to their stage of

    development, (2) learning requires active involvement between children and environment, (3)Children construct their own cognitive structures. Therefore, Piagets work is important in the

    constructivist theory of learning.

    Constructivist is different from the traditional view of learning in sense of the view of the

    real world. The traditional view of knowledge is based on the common-sense belief that a real

    world exists regardless of whether we take interest in it or even notice it (Bodner, 1986). The

    traditional knowledge implies that the knowledge is reality that will be replied in learners mind.

    Furthermore, traditional education view focused on instructional goals such as recalling facts,

    generalization, defining concepts and performing procedures (Almala, 2005). Therefore, this

    view ignores the difference of preexisting knowledge of individual. On the other hand,

    constructivist view learning as the product of interaction between existing understanding and

    new knowledge (Parkinson, 2004). Furthermore, according to Tyter (2002a), there are three

    types of constructivism which are personal constructivism, radical constructivism and social

    constructivism. Personal constructivism focuses on the prior knowledge of individual which can

    be constructed by individual. On the other hand, radical constructivism focuses on students

    knowledge based on their experiences which recognize students freedom to have their own

    ideas. Social constructivism focuses on individual construct the knowledge throughout the social

    process. However, in general, constructivist emphasize reasoning, critical thinking, social

    negotiation, self regulation and mindful reflection (Almala, 2005, p.9). Furthermore,

    constructivists view learning as an active process in which the learners actively construct

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    knowledge as they try to comprehend their reality world. According to Driver and Bell (1986) as

    cited in Parkinson (2004, p.90), there six characteristics of constructivist theory of learning:

    (1) learning is not only depend on the learning

    environment, but also the knowledge of the learners,

    (2) learning involves the construction of meaning,

    (3) the construction of meaning is a continuous and active


    (4) meaning, once constructed, are evaluated and can be

    accepted or rejected,

    (5) learners have the final responsibility for their learning,

    (6) students construct the meaning between the experience

    with the physical world through natural language.

    According to these six principles which are related to the Piagets work, teacher could use this

    information to apply the teaching strategies using the constructivist theory of learning.

    Constructivism learning succeed to lead the new and meaningful learning for the students.

    However, constructivism lacks a theory of agency which overemphasizes the role of social

    structures and norms at the expense of the agents who help create and change them in the first

    place (Finnemore, 1996, p.1). Moreover, constructivism remains a method more than anything

    else does. The central challenge is theory development. To accomplish this task, constructivists

    must integrate their insights and assumptions with middle-range theory (Finnemore, 1996).

    The constructivist as theory of learning is very useful to apply in the classroom. Oneimportant aspect that can be developed through constructivist approach is learners use active

    process to develop their own meaning and knowledge (Jonassen, Mayes, and McAleese,1993) .

    As a result, learning process will be the meaningful experiences for the students. However,

    according to Prawat (1992) as cited in Treagust, Duit, & Fraser, 1996), there are four beliefs

    which are chalengges and debates on constructivism , which are: 1) learner and content are

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    separated, 2) tendency to equate activity with learning, 3)limited research evidence, 4)curriculum

    is fixed. Moreover, in my opinion, there are several limitations of using constructivist theory.

    Firstly, it is time consuming, because it needs more time to use the strategies which can monitor

    the construction of each students knowledge. Secondly, some students could have difficulty to

    take responsibility for their own learning. For example, if the learners do not take responsibility

    for learning such as self management, they will find this approach is difficult. Thirdly, teachers

    need aware to assess every student as different and unique individual. Therefore, it is important

    for teachers to be motivated and creative to apply this approach in the classroom. Moreover,

    applying constructivist in the classroom also encourage the teachers to shift their paradigm from

    replicable the knowledge into the construction of individual knowledge.

    Students Alternative Conceptions in Chemistry

    According to Tytler (2002a), there are significant research studies in science which focus

    on students alternative conceptions which could influence the learning process in their mind. As

    a result, it becomes challenges for the teachers to recognize and guide these students alternative

    conceptions. Moreover, it is common perceptions that the teachers face the difficulties to explain

    the concepts in chemistry. Students could reject, accept, or assimilate the concepts or ideas

    which are given by the teacher, because they already have their own concepts which recognize as

    prior knowledge. These prior knowledge could be strongly hold by students and it is difficultto be changed ( Treagust, Duit, Fraser, 1996). According to Tytler (2002a), there are many terms

    that are used regarding to alternative conceptions, such as misconceptions, intuitive ideas,

    interpretive frameworks, childrens science, etc. Based on research study on An Inventory for

    Alternate Conceptions among First-Semester General Chemistry Students, Mulford and

    Robinson (2002) used the diagnostic instrument which develop by Treagust (1988) (as cited in

    Mulford and Robinson, 2002). They found that one of students alternate conceptions in

    chemistry on the conservation of mass, molecules, and atoms during a chemical reaction is the

    total number of molecules is also conserved in a chemical reaction (p.741). Moreover the other

    examples of students alternative conceptions in chemical bonding based on octet rule are: 1)

    Atom need filled shell, 2) A covalent bond holds atom together the bond is sharing electrons,

    3) molecul forms from isolated atoms (Robinson, 1993, p.1073). These examples are only few

    students alternative conceptions which influence the students to understand the chemistry

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    concepts. Teachers could use the information of students alternative conceptions to choose the

    best teaching strategies to guide these conceptions. As a result, students could engage with

    chemistry concepts through their existing ideas. Therefore, it is important for teacher to

    recognize students conceptions before introducing the new topics in chemistry.

    The Role of Constructivism on Teaching and Learning Chemistry

    The constructivist theory of learning has important implication on the teaching-learning

    process in the classroom. It is common that most science education focus on the scientific

    learning of the learners rather than the growth of learners knowledge as holistic individual

    (Taber, 2006). Using the constructivist theory of learning encourages the students to reflect their

    own knowledge which is important in the learning process (Bodner, 1986). The meaningful

    learning environment can be created if the students can relate their preexisting knowledge with

    the concepts that they are received (Novak & Gowin as cited in Bodner, 1986). This paper will

    discuss two roles of constructivism in chemistry education, which are:

    1) Improving Teaching and Learning in Chemistry

    In the classroom, teacher has to be aware that students held their perceptions on every

    topics and it can be influence or uninfluenced by teaching (Osborne, 1983). Constructivism

    requires significant a shift paradigms for teachers, parents, and students. For example, teachers

    would spend less time on lecturing, drilling the students on basic concepts, and rote learning

    (Andrew, 2007). Teachers can use the information of the students preexisting knowledge to

    create the instruction which can avoid the misunderstanding of concepts. Furthermore, according

    to Needham (1987) as cited in Parkinson (2004), there are five key phases to teach by

    constructivist view: (1) orientation, (2) elicitation of ideas, (3) reconstruction of ideas, (4)

    application of ideas, (5) review. In summary, teachers could use varied strategies which explore

    students experiences and stimulate them to reflect and think critically related to their

    experiences and the new knowledge.

    Moreover, according to Tytler (2002b), there are three learning models which apply the

    constructivist /conceptual change approach which are 1) generative learning model by Cosgove

    and Osborne (1985), 2) interactive approach by Biddulph (1990), and 3) Japanese science

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    activity structure by Linn, Lewis, Tsuchida & sanger (2000). Even though, these models are

    different in several ways, but the principle is the similar which is exploring and guiding students

    prior knowledge through class discussion and generate shared meaning. This table bellow is

    summary of these three learning models.

    Table 1. Three Learning Models Guided by Constructivism/

    Conceptual Change Approaches

    Principles PhaseGenerative Learning

    ModelInteractive Approach Japanese Science Activity

    StructureExplore students priorknowledge

    Planinvestigation (create thepredictions)

    Conduct Investigation

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    Table 3. Experience on Applying Metacognitive Approach in Laboratory

    Topic: The Qualitative Analysis of Copper

    Phase Teacher Activity Example

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    science in different aspects,7) link classroom program with the community, and 8) apply the

    technology for effectiveness. These 8 components can be applied through constructivism

    approaches. Therefore, it is important for teachers to apply the constructivist approach to help

    their students involve in active learning process through meaningful learning experiences.

    2. Developing the Research Areas

    Since constructivism approach focus on students conceptual change, the research areas in

    chemistry in our institution could be developed. Finding the alternative students conceptions can

    be explored to help the teacher recognize the existing students ideas in chemistry concepts.

    Moreover, the varied teaching strategies also can be explored to help students understand the

    chemistry concepts and to guide students alternative conceptions. There is large number of

    research studies in chemistry focus on students alternative conception which informed by

    constructivism approaches. For example:

    1. An Inventory for Alternate Conceptions among First-

    Semester General Chemistry Students (Mulford & Robinson, 2002). They found the several

    alternative students conceptions on atom, molecul, and chemical reactions concepts.

    2. An alternative framework for chemical bonding

    (Robinson, 1998). He pointed out several students alternative conceptions on chemical

    bonding based on octet rule.

    3. Commonsense Chemistry: A Model for Understanding

    Students Alternative Conceptions (Talanquer, V., 2006). He propose a model to investigate

    students alternative conceptions.

    4. A Phenomenographic Study: First Year Chemical

    Engineering Students Conceptions of Energy in Dissolution Processes(Lyle & Robinson,

    2002). They propose the Phenomenographic method to identify range of students alternative


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    5. Introducing dynamic equilibrium as an explanatory

    model (Driel, Vos, & Verloop, 1999). They work on teaching model to help students

    understand the concept of equilibrium.

    Moreover, it is also important for encouraging our pre-service teachers to explore this field of

    research. Even though, in Indonesia, research studies in constructivism have been started few

    years ago, but it still need to be developed, because this view of learning could solve problems

    on students understanding in chemistry concepts. Moreover, according to White (1998),

    teachers need to explore the research studies and theory of learning which appropriate to be

    applied in their classroom. As a result, the research will give contribution for improving teaching

    and learning in chemistry and developing theory of learning.


    First, in chemistry education, constructivism plays important role to improve teaching and

    learning in chemistry and develop the research area in chemistry education. The teaching

    strategies which informed by constructivism are powerful to create the meaningful learning

    process in chemistry. The meaningful learning process will help students to understand the

    chemistry concepts through the active learning process. Moreover the varied research areas can

    be developed through this view of learning. As a result, research studies could be applicable inthe classroom.

    Second, three learning models apply the constructivist /conceptual change approach: generative

    learning model , interactive approach and Japanese science activity structure which give

    opportunity to explore and guide students prior knowledge through class discussion and

    generate shared meaning. Moreover, my experience on metacognition approach is one example

    teaching approach under the theory of contructivism. Metacognitive skills allow students to

    reflect on their thinking process on understanding the concepts. As a result, students could

    monitor their learning progress, create the changes, and choose the strategies to get the best

    achievement. This approach also gives opportunities for teachers to create meaningful learning

    experiences for students.

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    Third, teachers need to be creative to apply varied teaching strategies to use the constructivist

    approaches. Teachers role is also important to deal with the challenges within this theory of

    learning such as learner and content are separated, 2) tendency to equate activity with learning,

    3) limited research evidence, 4) curriculum is fixed, 5) time management, 6) students learning

    responsibility, and 7) unique individual. As a result, the constructivism will be powerful to be

    applied in teaching and learning process.