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the relevance of oxidative stress status in one week and one month

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Page 1: the relevance of oxidative stress status in one week and one month

J Med Biochem 2014; 33 (3) DOI: 10.2478/jomb-2014-0008

UDK 577.1 : 61 ISSN 1452-8258

J Med Biochem 3: 284–290, 2014 Original paperOriginalni nau~ni rad



Ovidiu Alexinschi1, Roxana Chirita1, Alin Ciobica2,3, Padurariu Manuela1, Romeo Dobrin1, Raluca Prepelita1,

Ionela Lacramioara Serban1, Vasile Chirita1

1»Grigore T. Popa« University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iasi, Romania2»Alexandru Ioan Cuza« University, Iasi, Romania

3Center of Biomedical Research of the Romanian Academy, Iasi Branch, Romania

Address for correspondence:Ionela Lacramioara Serban, MD, PhD»Gr. T. Popa« University of Medicine and Pharmacy Department of Physiology700115, Iasi, RomaniaTel: 0040741066760; Fax: 0040232211820e-mail: ilserban1ªyahoo.com

Summary Background: Although it is generally accepted that there isan increased oxidative stress status in alcoholics, the sepa-rate relevance of oxidative stress following alcohol withdraw-al is still not understood to this date. There are reports stat-ing that the increased oxidative stress status in alcoholicsmay persist independently of the constant presence of alco-hol intake, while on the other side, it was demonstrated thatthe antioxidant defense mechanism could significantlyincrease after alcohol withdrawal.Methods: In the present work, we were interested in study-ing the relevance of oxidative stress status in the alcoholwithdrawal processes, by determining some oxidative stressmarkers (two antioxidant enzymes: superoxide dismutase –SOD and glutathione peroxidase – GPX and a lipid peroxi-dation maker – MDA) after one week and one month ofabstinence, as compared to the baseline and a control groupof subjects.Results: Our data confirmed the increased oxidative stressstatus in alcoholic patients and, more importantly, we de m -onstrated here a significant decrease of the oxidative stressstatus one week and one month following the withdrawal, asshowed by a significant increase in the specific activity of

Kratak sadr`ajUvod: Iako je poznato da kod alkoholi~ara postoji stanje po -ja~anog oksidativnog stresa, do sada nije zasebno utvr|enava`nost oksidativnog statusa u apstinenciji. Neki izve{taji go -vo re da stanje povi{enog oksidativnog stresa kod alkoho li -~ara mo`e trajati nezavisno od stalnog unosa alkohola, dokje s druge strane pokazano da mehanizam antioksidantneodbrane mo`e zna~ajno oja~ati posle prestanka konzumira -nja alkohola. Metode: U ovom radu nas je zanimalo da prou~imo va`noststatusa oksidativnog stresa u procesima odvikavanja od alko-hola, putem odre|ivanja nekih od markera oksidativnog stre-sa (dva antioksidantna enzima: superoksid-dismutaze – SODi glutation-peroksidaze – GPX, kao i markera lipidne peroksi-dacije – MDA) posle nedelju dana i posle mesec dana apsti-nencije i pore|enja sa nivoima na po~etku studije i u kontrol-noj grupi ispitanika. Rezultati: Na{i podaci potvr|uju postojanje poja~anog oksi -dativnog stresa kod alkoholi~ara. [tavi{e, pokazali smo ovdeda posle nedelju i posle mesec dana apstinencije dolazi dozna~ajnog smanjenja oksidativnog stresa, koje se ogleda uzna~ajnom porastu specifi~ne aktivnosti SOD (p<0,003) kaoi sni`enju nivoa MDA (p<0,019). Ipak, u slu~aju tri markera

List of abbreviations: ANOVA, analysis of variance; DSM-IV-TR,Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders IV TextRevision; GPX, glutathione peroxidase; GR, glutathione re -ductase; GSH, glutathione; GSSG, oxidized glutathione; MDA,malondialdehyde; NAC, N-acetylcysteine; NMDA, N-methyl-D-aspartate; NO, nitric oxide; NOS, NO synthase; ROS, reac-tive oxygen species; SEM, standard error of the mean; SOD,superoxide dismutase; TBARS, thiobarbituric acid reactive sub-stances; WST-1, 2-(4-Iodophenyl)-3-(4-nitrophenyl)-5-(2,4-disulfophenyl)- 2H-tetrazolium, monosodium salt.

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Alcohol is the most widely consumed drug world -wide and its levels of mortality and morbidity areincreasing constantly, considering that alcohol abusehas been associated with a vast range of pathologicconditions (1–4).

Oxidative stress is the condition arising from theimbalance between toxic reactive oxygen species(ROS) and antioxidant systems (5), being also recog-nized as a very important mechanism in a variety ofpathologies (6) including neuropsychiatric disorders, asour group has previously demonstrated (7–11).

Although it is now generally accepted that thereis an increased oxidative stress status in alcoholics,mainly expressed through a reduction in the generalantioxidant activity (a distinct feature of chro nic alcoholexposure) (12) as well as by in creas ed levels of lipidperoxidation markers such as ma londialdehyde (MDA)in both cerebrospinal fluid or peripheral venous blood(13), the relevance of oxidative stress following alcoholwithdrawal is still not understood to this date. There arereports stating that the increased oxidative stress sta-tus from alcoholics may persist independently of theconstant presence of alcohol intake, perpetuating aprooxidative condition in the body even during absti-nence (14–16). On the other side, it was demonstrat-ed that the antioxidant defense mechanism (as repre-sented for example by superoxide dismutase – SOD,the first antioxidant en zyme in the way of the free rad-icals) could significantly increase after alcohol with-drawal (12, 17). In fact, for the specific activity ofSOD, there is a multitude of controversial studies,indicating an increase following alcohol withdrawal(as mentioned before), as well as a decrease (18, 19)or modifications, irrespective of alcohol ingestion orabstinence, or the kind of treatment administered(12, 15).

Thus, in the present report, we were interestedin studying the relevance of oxidative stress status inthe alcohol withdrawal processes, by determiningsome oxidative stress markers (two antioxidant enzy -mes – SOD and glutathione peroxidase and a lipidperoxidation maker – MDA) after one week and onemonth of abstinence, as compared to the baseline(oxidative stress status at the time of entry into thestudy) and a control group of subjects.


The study included 33 patients aged between26 and 79 years (average 45.2±3.58 years), all ofthem males. They fulfilled the Diagnostic andStatistical Manual of Mental Disorders IV TextRevision (DSM-IV-TR) diagnostic criteria of alcoholdependence and were scheduled to be admitted tothe alcohol detoxification ward (no. II B) for furtheralcohol dependence rehabilitation in the PsychiatryUniversity Hospital, Iasi, Romania. Alcohol consump-tion was stopped abruptly at admission.

Alcoholic patients without illicit drug use, chron-ic systemic disease or severe mental disorders wereselected. They were all treated with diaze pam orlorazepam and also supplemented with vitamins fromthe B group (B1+B6). The detoxification ward was arestricted environment for one week to one month forthe patients included in the study, who received iden-tical meals provided by the hospital. However, only 19from the initial 33 patients remained in the ward forone month, for the final blood collection, since mostof them decided to drop out of the study (withdrawalsymptoms ameliorated and discharge at patients’request or refusal to give another sample of blood).

The control group (n=18) included healthy age-and sex-matched subjects without known physical orpsychiatric illnesses which were identified by clinicalinterview and routine laboratory tests. They also didnot meet the diagnostic criteria of alcohol abuse ordependence in the past nor abusive alcohol con-sumption during the previous two months.

The study was conducted according to provi-sions of the Helsinki Declaration and the local ethicscommittee approved the study. All the patients ortheir families signed the consent for the participationin this study.

Biochemical estimations

Blood samples were collected at baseline(n=33), after one week (n=33) and after one month(n=19), in the morning, before breakfast, allowed toclot and centrifuged immediately. Serum was aliquot-ed into Eppendorf tubes and stored at −40 °C untilmeasurement.

SOD (p<0.003), as well as by a decrease in MDA levels(p<0.019). Still, in the case of all three markers of oxidativestress status which we determined, the levels after one weekor one month of abstinence were significantly altered whencompared to controls.Conclusions: This suggests that severe and prolonged defi-ciency in the oxidative stress marker levels needs longer thanone month of abstinence to normalize.

Keywords: alcohol, abstinence, oxidative stress

statusa oksidativnog stresa koje smo odredili, nivoi posle ne -delju i posle mesec dana apstinencije bili su zna~ajno iz me -njeni u pore|enju sa kontrolnom grupom. Zaklju~ak: Ovo ukazuje da je potrebno vi{e od mesec danaapstinencije kako bi se normalizovala ozbiljna i produ`enadeficijencija u nivoima markera oksidativnog stresa.

Klju~ne re~i: alkohol, apstinencija, oksidativni stres

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The classical biological markers of chronic alco-holism such as gamma-glutamyltransferase, aspartatetransaminase and alanine aminotransferase weredetermined, being significantly higher in alcoholicpatients at baseline, when compared to controls.Additionally, all these markers decreased significantlyafter 1 week and 1 month of detoxification (data notshown).

Superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity was mea -sured by the percentage reaction inhibition rate ofenzyme with WST-1 (2-(4-Iodophenyl)-3-(4-nitro-phenyl)-5-(2,4-disulfophenyl)- 2H-tetrazolium, mono -so dium salt) substrate (a water soluble dye) and xan-thine oxidase using an SOD Assay Kit (FLUKA,19160) according to the manufacturer’s instructions.Each endpoint assay was monitored by absorbance at450 nm (the absorbance wavelength for the coloredproduct of WST-1 reaction with superoxide anions)after 20 minutes of reaction time at 37 °C. The per-cent inhibition was normalized by mg protein andpresented as SOD activity units.

The glutathione peroxidase (GPX) activity wasmeasured using the GPX cellular activity assay kitCGP-1 (SIGMA). This kit uses an indirect method,based on the oxidation of glutathione (GSH) to oxi-dized glutathione (GSSG) catalyzed by GPX, which isthen coupled with recycling GSSG back to GSH utiliz-ing glutathione reductase (GR) and NADPH. The de -crease in NADPH at 340 nm during oxidation ofNADPH to NADP is indicative of GPX activity.

Malondialdehyde levels were determined bythio barbituric acid reactive substances (TBARs) assay.Two hundred mL of serum was added and brieflymixed with 1 mL of trichloroacetic acid at 50%, 0.9mL of TRIS-HCl (pH 7.4) and 1 mL of thiobarbituricacid 0.73%. After vortex mixing, samples were main-tained at 100 °C for 20 minutes. Afterwards, sampleswere centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 10 min and super-natant read at 532 nm. The signal was read againstan MDA standard curve, and the results wereexpressed as nmol/mL.

Data analysis

The levels of oxidative stress markers (SOD,GPX and MDA) were statistically analyzed by usingone-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). All results areexpressed as mean ± the standard error of the mean(SEM). Post hoc analyses were performed usingTukey’s honestly significant difference test in order tocompare baseline, one week and one month groups.F values for which p<0.05 were regarded as statisti-cally significant.


Regarding the specific activity of SOD, which isof course the first enzyme in the way of ROS, wereport here a significant decrease at both baselinetime (F(1.49)=54, p<0.0001), as well as in the caseof measurements that were taken after one week(F(1.49)=11, p=0.001) or one month (F(1.35)=17,p<0.0001) after withdrawal, when compared to ourset of control subjects (Figure 1).

Moreover, when we applied the post hoc analy-sis, we observed significant differences between thebaseline and one week (p<0.0001) or baseline vs.one month groups (p=0.003), as well as between oneweek and one month groups (p=0.003) (Figure 1).

Also, in the case of the other antioxidant enzymewe determined here, GPX, we observed a significantdecrease at the baseline time (F(1.49)=7, p=0.01),as well as after 1 week (F(1.49)=9, p=0.004) or onemonth (F(1.35)=17, p=0.01) after withdrawal, ascompared to the control group (Figure 2).






a bc

baseline 1 week 1 month







Figure 1 Superoxide dismutase (SOD) specific activity in theserum of control subjects, baseline and alcohol abstinentpatients after one week and one month. The values are mean± SEM (n=18 in control group, n= 33 in baseline and oneweek groups and n=19 in one month group). **p<0.001;***p<0.0001. For post hoc analysis – a (baseline vs. oneweek): p<0.0001; b (one week vs. one month): p=0.003;c (baseline vs. one month): p=0.003.





* ** *

baseline 1 week 1 month






Figure 2 Glutathione peroxidase (GPX) specific activity inthe serum of control subjects, baseline and alcohol abstinentpatients after one week and one month. The values are mean± SEM (n=18 in control group, n=33 in baseline and oneweek groups and n=19 in one month group). *p=0.01;**p=0.004.

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Additionally, in this case, the post hoc analysisshowed no significant differences between baselineand one week (p=0.27) or baseline vs. one monthgroups (p=0.98), as well as between one week andone month groups (p=0.28) (Figure 2).

When we determined the serum levels of MDA,as a fundamental parameter of the lipid peroxidationprocesses, we observed a very significant increasein the MDA levels at baseline (F(1.49)=13,p<0.0001), when compared to control subjects(Figure 3). Still, the levels of MDA were normal afterone week (F(1.49)=2, p=0.11) and one month(F(1.35)=1, p=0.2), since no significant differenceswere observed in these two groups (one month andone week), when compared to controls (Figure 3).

Additionally, the post hoc analysis for MDA lev-els showed significant differences between baselineand one week determinations (p=0.019), as well asbetween baseline and one month (p=0.004). How -ever, no significant differences regarding the concen-trations of MDA were found between one week andone month determinations (p=0.4) (Figure 3).


Our present data confirmed the increasedoxidative stress status in alcoholic patients and, moreimportantly, we demonstrated here a significantdecrease in the oxidative stress status one week andone month following the withdrawal, as showed by asignificant increase in the specific activity of SOD, aswell as by a decrease in MDA levels, when comparedto baseline. As mentioned, we demonstrated anincreased oxidative stress status in the patients withalcohol dependence, considering the reduced specif-ic activity of both SOD and GPX, completed by thesignificant increase in MDA, as a specific marker of

the lipid peroxidation processes, when compared toour age-matched subjects.

These aspects are consistent with previousreports stating that the antioxidant activity is lower inchronic alcoholics than in control subjects. This wasdemonstrated for the antioxidant enzymes such asSOD, GPX and CAT (12, 19, 20), but also for theclassic antioxidants such as glutathione (21). Also,the lipid peroxidation processes, as evaluated throughthe various levels of thiobarbituric acid reactive sub-stances (TBARS), were reported to be significantlydecreased in the CSF or blood of chronic alcohol con-sumers (16, 22, 23).

The mechanistics responsible for these effectsare mainly represented by the mobilization of Fe3+

ions, acetaldehyde, as well as an alcohol-inducedincrease in NADPH-oxidases (1, 24, 25). Also, thealco hol-inducible cytochrome P450 isoform 2E1(CYP2E1) seems to play a very important role inchro n ic alcohol consumers by generating an in -creased rate of ROS formation (19, 26, 27).

Regarding the withdrawal processes and rele-vance of oxidative stress in this matter, there are a lotof controversial results. In this way, as we previouslymentioned for SOD, the first antioxidant enzymeagainst reactive oxygen species, both increased (12,17) or decreased (16, 18) specific activity was report-ed following withdrawal.

Similarly, in the case of GPX, there are reportsdescribing a significant decrease in its specific activityfollowing withdrawal (12), while other authors failedto find any significant modification in GPX duringabstinence (28). Also, for MDA, the main marker ofthe lipid peroxidation processes, while several studieshave found elevated levels in the serum of patientsundergoing alcohol withdrawal (20, 22, 29), thereare also reports describing clear reductions in the var-ious markers lipid peroxidation following alcohol with-drawal (12, 30).

Regarding the results we obtained in the presentstudy, we report here a significant decrease in theoxidative stress status both one week and one monthfollowing the withdrawal, as showed by a significantincrease in the specific activity of SOD, as well as bya decrease in MDA levels, when compared with thoseat baseline. Still, no significant modifications betweenthe levels of GPX at baseline, one week and onemonth were observed. One possible explanation forthis could be the fact that SOD is the most sensitiveto and the primary defense against ROS damage (5),exhibiting prompt compensation pro cesses whenencountering or not heavy oxidative injury. Therefore,it is possible for the compensatory modifications ofGPX to be less sensible, as compared to SOD.

However, in the case of all three markers of theoxidative stress status we determined here, the levelsfrom one week or one month of abstinence were sig-



baseline 1 week 1 month


A (





Figure 3 The levels of malondialdehyde (MDA) in the serumof control subjects, baseline and alcohol abstinent patientsafter one week and one month. The values are mean ± SEM(n=18 in control group, n=33 in baseline and one weekgroups and n=19 in one month group). ***p<0.0001. Forpost hoc analysis – a (baseline vs. one week): p=0.019; b(baseline vs. one month): p=0.004.

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nificantly altered when compared to our age-matchedgroup of control subjects, suggesting that severe andprolonged deficiency in their specific activity and lev-els needs longer than one month of abstinence tonormalize. Therefore, additional experiments fromour group are underway regarding the oxidative stressstatus in patients with alcohol dependence following3, 6 or 12 months after withdrawal.

Also, despite some opinions that in fact the so-called detoxification of alcohol-dependent patientsstill leads eventually to a restoration of the prooxidantprocesses (16), it was also very recently demonstrat-ed that oxidative stress could be relevant for the ame-liorative processes that would actually appear after aperiod of abstinence in pathologies like alcoholic hep-atitis (31). In this way, the Wang group showed thatSOD, as well as glutathione levels, were increased inalcoholic hepatitis patients with abstinence, when com -pared to those without abstinence, while the levels ofMDA were significantly decreased (31).

It seems that glutamatergic neurotransmissioncould be extremely relevant for the oxidative stressmechanisms during alcohol abstinence (18). Hence,Tsai et al. demonstrated that the augmentation of thisexcitatory neurotransmission may lead to enhancedoxidative stress, which together with reduced inhibito-ry neurotransmission may contribute to the symptomsof ethanol withdrawal and be associated with its neu-rotoxicity (18).

Another important aspect could be representedby the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) toxicity, whichis known as an important mechanism in the alcoholwithdrawal symptoms, by increasing both ROS andnitric oxide (NO), through the upregulation of NOsynthase (NOS) (22, 32). This could be very impor-tant, considering that lately there is an increasedawareness regarding the interactions that might existbetween the oxidative and nitrosative stress status invarious cellular insults (33). Moreover, as it wasdemonstrated in some animal studies, NOS inhibitionresulted in an attenuation of alcohol withdrawalsymptoms (19, 34).

Of course, all the aforementioned aspects leadto the idea of using antioxidants in order to amelio-rate damage done by alcohol consumption and absti-nence. Thus, N-acetylcysteine (NAC) was proposedfor the improving of myocardial oxidative stress inalcoholic heart disease, an important pathologiccondition associated with alcoholism. The protectiveeffects of NAC could be also explained by the factthat it is required for glutathione biosynthesis, thusinhibiting ROS toxicity (35). Additionally, it was de m -on strated that alcohol-induced oxidative stress could be

inhibited by NAC administration (36, 37). More over,it was showed that in fact NAC intake and ethanolabstinence interact synergistically in order to improvethe hepatic antioxidant defenses and to decrease theserum lipids concentrations (37). It was also demon-strated relatively recently (38) that procysteine couldincrease alcohol-depleted glutathione stores in theplantaris muscle of some rat models, after a period ofabstinence, considering that chronic alcohol abusemay lead to a variety of skeletal muscle complica-tions, including atrophy, altered gait and impairedmobility (38).

There are, of course, several limitations of ourpresent study, including the lack of vigorous controlfor the diet, body mass index and alcohol concentra-tions consumed before withdrawal, as well as the lim-ited number of patients used and also the relativelyshort period of time chosen for the observation. Still,further studies regarding the aforementioned markersand their relevance in the present study are underwayright now by our group, as well as additional experi-ments regarding the oxidative stress status in patientswith alcohol dependence following 3, 6 or 12 monthsafter withdrawal.

Another aspect could be represented by the factthat the patients took antioxidants such as the Bgroup vitamins, but this could not be avoided since itrepresents a classical way to treat this kind of patients.Still, all the patients took without any exceptionsexactly the same combination of B1+B6 vitamins.


Our present study confirmed the increasedoxidative stress status in alcoholic patients (as showedby decreased antioxidant enzymes and increased lipidperoxidation). We also demonstrated here a signifi-cant decrease in the oxidative stress status one weekand one month following the withdrawal, as showedby a significant increase in the specific activity ofSOD, as well as by a decrease in MDA levels, whencompared to baseline. Still, in the case of all threemarkers of the oxidative stress status which we deter-mined (SOD, GX and MDA), the levels from oneweek or one month of abstinence were significantlyaltered when compared to controls, suggesting thatsevere and prolonged deficiency in their levels needslonger than one month of abstinence to normalize.

Conflict of interest statement

The authors stated that there are no conflicts ofinterest regarding the publication of this article.

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Received: June 13, 2013

Accepted: July 7, 2013