303 EARLY RADIOACTIVELY LABELEDPROTEINS (P) IN DOG BILE (B). K. Weiqand Department of Clinical Pharmacology,University of Berne, Switzerland. It has been demonstrated that the quantitatively most important P in B, albumin and IgA,are derived from plasma.However,it is unknown whether hepatocytes can also secrete P directly into B.If P were exclusively tranferred from plasma into B radioactive P would not be detectable in B earlier than in plasma after injection of a radioactive precursor amino acid.To determine if hepatocytes "lose" newly formed P directly into B, we studied the secretion of radioactive P into B and plasma.ldentical experiments were performed in 2 unanesthetized female boxer dogs.A B duct catheter was placed through a Thomas cannula and B was collected at 2 min intervals. B flow was kept constant by infusion of 20 ~mol taurocholate per min.After i.v. injection of 250 ~Ci 1-14-C-leucine (59 mCi/mmol), a dose high enough for measurement of secretion time, plasi~,a samples were drawn every 2 min. Radioactively labeled P was detected in plasma 18 and 20 min resp.,after injection of 14-C-leucine (Mans+ Novelli).Thereafter it increased exponential]y. In contrast,radioactivel~ labeled P in B was detectable as early as 10 and 14 min after injec- tion with a first peak after 20 and 30 min (1700 and 950 dpm/ml) and a subsequent decrease. A rapid increase of radioactively labeled P in B,parallelling the rise in plasma,was observed af- ter 50 min. B flow,B salt concentration (enzymatic),and biliary P concentration (adapted Lowry- method) remained constant during the experimental period.The biphasic appearanceof radioacti- vely labeled P in B with a minor peak after about 12 min and a steep increase after 50 min in- dicates that most B proteins are derived from plasma,a small amount,however,is secreted by he- patocytes or biliary epithelium directly into B.An attempt to identify these P by SDS gel elec- trophoresis and fluorography was not successful owing to the very small amounts secreted. The secretion time for plasma P is 18 min,the transit time for P from plasma into 8 is about 30min. 304 THE RECURRENCE OF VARICES FOLLOWING INITIAL OBLITERATION BY SCLEROTHERAPY D Westaby# BRD MacDougall~ Roger Willi-ms The Liver Unit, King's College Hospital & School of Medicine & Dentistry Denmark Hill, London SE5 9HS To determine the incidence and signifle~nce of recurrence of varlces following oblitera- tion by sclerotherapy, 147 patients (99 cirrhosis, 48 non-clrrhosis) were prospectively followed for periods up to 6 years after initial obliteration had been achieved. Routine endoscopic examinations were undertaken at intervals of S - 4 months for the first year and 6 monthly thereafter. 'New' varioes developed in 99 oases (67%) although these were the cause of bleeding in only 28 patients of whom 3 died. Twenty-five of the 28 patients re- bleeding did so within 12 months of initial obliteration of varices. A median of 2 courses of sclerotherapy (range 1 - 4) were required to again achieve obliteration. In 20 patients a second recurrence of varioes occurred with bleeding in 8 cases but no associated deaths. There was no correlation between the aetiology of cirrhosis or the severity of the under- lying liver disease and the development of 'new' varioes. The high rate of recurrence of varices applied equally to those with a portal vein thrombosis. The results indicate that recurrenoe of varices can be expected in the majority of patients following initial obliteration by sclerotherspyo However, the frequency of bleed- ing may be minimised by regular follow up endoscopy, and injection of 'new' varices, particularly during the first 12 month period. S152

The recurrence of varices following initial obliteration by sclerotherapy

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K. Weiqand Department of Clinical Pharmacology, University of Berne, Switzerland.

I t has been demonstrated that the quantitatively most important P in B, albumin and IgA,are derived from plasma.However,it is unknown whether hepatocytes can also secrete P directly into B.If P were exclusively tranferred from plasma into B radioactive P would not be detectable in B earl ier than in plasma after injection of a radioactive precursor amino acid.To determine i f hepatocytes "lose" newly formed P directly into B, we studied the secretion of radioactive P into B and plasma.ldentical experiments were performed in 2 unanesthetized female boxer dogs.A B duct catheter was placed through a Thomas cannula and B was collected at 2 min intervals. B flow was kept constant by infusion of 20 ~mol taurocholate per min. After i .v. injection of 250 ~Ci 1-14-C-leucine (59 mCi/mmol), a dose high enough for measurement of secretion time, plasi~,a samples were drawn every 2 min. Radioactively labeled P was detected in plasma 18 and 20 min resp.,after injection of 14-C-leucine (Mans+ Novelli).Thereafter i t increased exponential]y. In contrast,radioactivel~ labeled P in B was detectable as early as 10 and 14 min after injec- tion with a f i r s t peak after 20 and 30 min (1700 and 950 dpm/ml) and a subsequent decrease. A rapid increase of radioactively labeled P in B,parallel l ing the rise in plasma,was observed af- ter 50 min. B flow,B salt concentration (enzymatic),and b i l ia ry P concentration (adapted Lowry- method) remained constant during the experimental period.The biphasic appearance of radioacti- vely labeled P in B with a minor peak after about 12 min and a steep increase after 50 min in- dicates that most B proteins are derived from plasma,a small amount,however,is secreted by he- patocytes or b i l i a ry epithelium directly into B.An attempt to identi fy these P by SDS gel elec- trophoresis and fluorography was not successful owing to the very small amounts secreted. The secretion time for plasma P is 18 min,the transit time for P from plasma into 8 is about 30min.


D Westaby# BRD MacDougall~ Roger Willi-ms

The Liver Unit, King's College Hospital & School of Medicine & Dentistry Denmark Hill, London SE5 9HS

To determine the incidence and signifle~nce of recurrence of varlces following oblitera- tion by sclerotherapy, 147 patients (99 cirrhosis, 48 non-clrrhosis) were prospectively followed for periods up to 6 years after initial obliteration had been achieved. Routine e n d o s c o p i c e x a m i n a t i o n s w e r e u n d e r t a k e n a t i n t e r v a l s o f S - 4 m o n t h s f o r t h e f i r s t y e a r a n d 6 m o n t h l y t h e r e a f t e r . ' N e w ' v a r i o e s d e v e l o p e d i n 99 o a s e s (67%) a l t h o u g h t h e s e w e r e t h e c a u s e o f b l e e d i n g i n o n l y 28 p a t i e n t s o f whom 3 d i e d . T w e n t y - f i v e o f t h e 28 p a t i e n t s r e - b l e e d i n g d i d so w i t h i n 12 m o n t h s o f i n i t i a l o b l i t e r a t i o n o f v a r i c e s . A m e d i a n o f 2 c o u r s e s o f s c l e r o t h e r a p y ( r a n g e 1 - 4) w e r e r e q u i r e d t o a g a i n a c h i e v e o b l i t e r a t i o n . I n 20 p a t i e n t s a s e c o n d r e c u r r e n c e o f v a r i o e s o c c u r r e d w i t h b l e e d i n g i n 8 c a s e s b u t no a s s o c i a t e d d e a t h s . T h e r e was no c o r r e l a t i o n b e t w e e n t h e a e t i o l o g y o f c i r r h o s i s o r t h e s e v e r i t y o f t h e u n d e r - l y i n g l i v e r d i s e a s e a n d t h e d e v e l o p m e n t o f ' n e w ' v a r i o e s . Th e h i g h r a t e o f r e c u r r e n c e o f v a r i c e s a p p l i e d e q u a l l y t o t h o s e w i t h a p o r t a l v e i n t h r o m b o s i s .

The r e s u l t s i n d i c a t e t h a t r e c u r r e n o e o f v a r i c e s c a n b e e x p e c t e d i n t h e m a j o r i t y o f p a t i e n t s f o l l o w i n g i n i t i a l o b l i t e r a t i o n b y s c l e r o t h e r s p y o H o w e v e r , t h e f r e q u e n c y o f b l e e d - i n g may b e m i n i m i s e d b y r e g u l a r f o l l o w up e n d o s c o p y , a n d i n j e c t i o n o f ' n e w ' v a r i c e s , p a r t i c u l a r l y d u r i n g t h e f i r s t 12 m o n t h p e r i o d .
