The Power of Her in Him

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  • 7/25/2019 The Power of Her in Him


    The Power of Her in Him

    A mans success has a lot to do with the kind of woman he chooses to have in life.

    - Unknown

    I have always heard that In every mans success theres always a woman !ehind.

    The story of creation in the "i!le tells us that #ve re$resents everythin% a!out a

    woman a man should %uard a%ainst. In !oth form and sym!ol #ve is woman

    and !ecause of her the $revalent !elief in the &est has !een that all women are !y

    nature diso!edient %uileless weak-willed $rone to tem$tation and evil disloyal

    untrustworthy deceitful seductive and motivated in their thou%hts and !ehaviour

    $urely !y self-interest.

    Are women really dan%erous' (o they really re$resent weakness' Are they really


    I have read the e)$erience of *ac+ueline ,ennedy when her hus!and *ohn .,ennedy was assassinated. he was interviewed !y historian Arthur chlesin%er *r.

    months after her hus!and killin%. (urin% the entire interview *ac+ueline remained

    calm and truthful even durin% the times of her e)treme sorrow.

    I was reminded how im$ortant it is for a %reat man like *ohn to have a su$$ortive

    and con/dent wife like *ac+ueline.

    Thou%h its not a $re-re+uisite havin% a su$$ortive life $artner could $ush a man

    $rofessionally and make life more $roductive and $roductive.

    harin% to you these few thin%s that a woman can do to a mans life.

    H# 0A1 "# A 2U30# 2 021I(#10#

    A man who is consistently $raised !y his $artner can !low his $ersonality and !oost

    con/dence to succeed. A %reat love story in century like of 3onald 3ea%an and wife

    1ancy 3ea%an is an e)am$le4 where 3onald reco%ni5ed the value of his wife. (urin%

    his late years he e)$ressed his %ratitude to the woman she considered the source

    of his con/dence. In one of his !ook letters 3ea%an e)$ressed There are no words

    to descri!e the ha$$iness you have !rou%ht to the 6ov. It is no secret that he is the

    most married man in the world and would !e totally lost and desolate without you.7

    H# ##( A8"ITI21 A1( (3I9#

    &omen are turn-on to men who are driven and committed. The story of Hillary

    and "ill 0linton when they met at :aw chool is an e)am$le of how a smart $artner

    can hel$ hone and focus that drive. Hillary shared the visions he had for himself and

    his soundin% !oard in all of his $olitical as$irations.

    H# 6I9# 2:I( UPP23T

  • 7/25/2019 The Power of Her in Him
