The Good Shepherd Roman Catholic Diocese of Leeds - Registered Charity No. 249404 Royal Fold, New Road, Mytholmroyd, HX7 5EA Parish Priest: Fr Larkin Telephone: 01422 832085 Website: www.thegoodshepherd.org.uk Email: Parish Priest: [email protected] Facebook: The Good Shepherd Halifax Deanery: www.halifax-deanery.org.uk Parish Safeguarding: Diocesan Office 0113 261 8069 Sunday 7 th June 2020 Trinity Sunday Year A REOPENING OF CHURCHES FOR PRIVATE PRAYER It is to be hoped that the government may soon lift the restrictions on places of worship, allowing us to open those buildings that are suitable and can fulfil whatever necessary measures need to be put in place. In the first instance this is likely to be for private prayer only. The parish priests of the deanery are meeting regularly via the internet to discuss and plan for this eventuality. As we are made aware of what needs to be done we will inform our parishioners and, no doubt, appeal for your help. GOOD SHEPHERD COMMUNITY - STAYING CONNECTED OUR SECOND ZOOM PRAYER NEXT WEEK We are continuing to hold a Good Shepherd Prayer Gathering WEDNESDAY 10 th JUNE @ 12.00 NOON. Thank you to those people who took part in the first Zoom Prayer Gathering. It was a very social and prayerful occasion. If you are interested in taking part in this initiative please express your interest and send your email address to: [email protected] UPDATE: LAST WEDNESDAY WE HAD 24 PEOPLE PARTICIPATING.

The Good Shepherd...GOOD SHEPHERD COMMUNITY - STAYING CONNECTED OUR SECOND ZOOM PRAYER NEXT WEEK We are continuing to hold a Good Shepherd Prayer Gathering WEDNESDAY 10th JUNE @ 12.00

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Page 1: The Good Shepherd...GOOD SHEPHERD COMMUNITY - STAYING CONNECTED OUR SECOND ZOOM PRAYER NEXT WEEK We are continuing to hold a Good Shepherd Prayer Gathering WEDNESDAY 10th JUNE @ 12.00

The Good Shepherd Roman Catholic Diocese of Leeds - Registered Charity No. 249404

Royal Fold, New Road, Mytholmroyd, HX7 5EA Parish Priest: Fr Larkin

Telephone: 01422 832085 Website: www.thegoodshepherd.org.uk

Email: Parish Priest: [email protected]

Facebook: The Good Shepherd Halifax Deanery: www.halifax-deanery.org.uk

Parish Safeguarding: Diocesan Office 0113 261 8069

Sunday 7th June 2020

Trinity Sunday Year A


It is to be hoped that the government may soon lift the restrictions on places of worship, allowing us to open those buildings that are suitable and can fulfil whatever necessary measures need to be put in place. In the first instance this is likely to be for private prayer only. The parish priests of the deanery are meeting regularly via the internet to discuss and plan for this eventuality. As we are made aware of what needs to be done we will inform our parishioners and, no doubt, appeal for your help.


We are continuing to hold a Good Shepherd Prayer Gathering


Thank you to those people who took part in the first Zoom Prayer Gathering. It was a

very social and prayerful occasion.

If you are interested in taking part in this initiative please express your interest and send

your email address to: [email protected]


Page 2: The Good Shepherd...GOOD SHEPHERD COMMUNITY - STAYING CONNECTED OUR SECOND ZOOM PRAYER NEXT WEEK We are continuing to hold a Good Shepherd Prayer Gathering WEDNESDAY 10th JUNE @ 12.00

READINGS AND PRAYERS FOR THIS SUNDAY’S MASS ENTRANCE ANTIPHON Wisdom 1:7 Blessed be God the Father, and the Only Begotten Son of God, And also the Holy Spirit, for he has shown us his merciful love. COLLECT God our Father, who by sending into the world the Word of truth and the Spirit of sanctification made known to the human race your wondrous mystery, grant us, we pray, that in professing the true faith, we may acknowledge the Trinity of eternal glory and adore your Unity, powerful in majesty. Through our Lord Jesus Christ your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. FIRST READING Exodus 34:4-6, 8-9 With the two tablets of stone in his hands, Moses went up the mountain of Sinai in the early morning as the Lord had commanded him. And the Lord descended in the form of a cloud, and Moses stood with him there. He called on the name of the Lord. The Lord passed before him and proclaimed, ‘The Lord, a God of tenderness and compassion, slow to anger, rich in kindness and faithfulness.’ And Moses bowed down to the ground at once and worshipped. ‘If I have indeed won your favour, Lord,’ he said ‘let my Lord come with us, I beg. True, they are a headstrong people, but forgive us our faults and our sins, and adopt us as your heritage.’ The word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. RESPONSORIAL PSALM Daniel 3:52-56

You are blest, Lord God of our fathers. To you glory and praise for evermore Blest your glorious holy name To you glory and praise for evermore You are blest, in the temple of your glory. To you glory and praise for evermore You are blest on the throne of your kingdom To you glory and praise for evermore You are blest, who gaze into the depths. To you glory and praise for evermore You are blest in the firmament of heaven. To you glory and praise for evermore

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SECOND READING 2 Corinthians 13:11-13

Sisters and brothers, we wish you happiness; try to grow perfect; help one another. Be united; live in peace, and the God of love and peace will be with you. Greet one another with the holy kiss. All the saints send you greetings. The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. The word of the Lord Thanks be to God

GOSPEL ACCLAMATION Alleluia, alleluia! Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, the God who is, who was, and who is to come. Alleluia!

GOSPEL John 3: 16-18

Jesus said to Nicodemus:

‘God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not be lost but may have eternal life. For God sent his Son into the world not to condemn the world, but so that through him the world might be saved. No one who believes in him will be condemned; but whoever refuses to believe is condemned already, because he has refused to believe in the name of God’s only Son.’

The Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

COMMUNION ANTIPHON Acts 2: 4,11 Since you are children of God, God has sent into your hears the Spirit of his Son, the Spirit who cries out: Abba, Father. AN ACT OF SPIRITUAL COMMUNION My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen.


May receiving this Sacrament, O Lord our God, bring us health of body and soul, as we confess your eternal holy Trinity and undivided Unity.. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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(I encourage you to visit universalis.com) Today we contemplate the first and last horizon of the universe and of history: the Love of God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. God not in solitude, but perfect communion. This Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, is outside the reach of time and beyond the grasp of human reasoning. It is a mystery of our faith. There, the figure three symbolises completeness and perfect symmetry, and re-appears at all the key moments of the story of our Lord and saviour. The life of Christ constantly reflected the Trinity. Three figures make up the nativity scene in Bethlehem — the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Their first visitors were the three wise men. Later, in the desert preparing to begin his public life, Jesus was tempted three times by the devil. A good story should have a beginning, a middle and an end. Christ was a storyteller par excellence and three figures prominently in his parables. The Prodigal Son is about a father and his two sons; the Good Samaritan tells of the three passers-by, the priest, the Levite and the Samaritan; the sower sowed his seed in three kinds of soil, yielding three kinds of harvest. The crucifixion scene has three figures, Christ between two thieves. Before his resurrection, he spent three days in the tomb. This Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity is rich in relationships, communication and love for all people. The quality of our Christian life is based on imitation of the interior life of the Trinity. The Trinity is the model of every human community, from the simplest and elemental, which is the family, to the universal Church. It shows how love creates unity out of diversity: unity of intentions, of thought, of will. Let us ask - how open we are to it: the mystery of why God created us to begin with; the mystery of God loving us, desiring to be part of our lives, to live in our hearts; to be one with us; the mystery of God inviting us to share in the life of the Trinity: Father, Son and Spirit; the mystery of a God who cares for us like a loving parent, who lays down his life for us like a best friend. How many times each day do we make the sign of the cross? It may be in our Morning Offering, at grace before meals, before we retire for the night. It may be when we pray the Liturgy of the Hours, or recite the Rosary. How often do we sign ourselves “In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”? How often do we think about the deep meaning of these words and this simple, profound gesture?

Prayer For all who have died: that they may behold the vision of God and rejoice forever. And to conclude – go to YouTube – Search for;

God, Beyond All Names by Bernadette Farrell

I Bind unto Myself Today - Hymn of St. Patrick It is good to be together…

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To keep us in touch with our Liturgy, the members of the Music Group will be giving

us one hymn each week which is tied in with the Sunday readings.

It is included for your personal reflection – you could even sing it to yourself if you

know the tune. This week’s hymn is chosen by Breda Allan.

Today’s chosen hymn to reflect on is:

“LEAD US, HEAVENLY FATHER, LEAD US.” Find it on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wqzau4v23m0


Today’s hymn sums up the main points made in the readings about the Holy Trinity. First,

the focus is on God the Father, our guide and guardian through all life’s difficulties. Out of

love for His creation, He gave His only son as the Saviour who died to redeem us from sin.

When we are in trouble we take comfort from the fact that Christ was on earth before us

and suffered on our behalf. The third verse celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit, bringing

us joy and eternal peace. Breda Allan

Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us

o'er the world's tempestuous sea;

guard us, guide us, keep us, feed us,

for we have no help but thee;

yet possessing every blessing,

if our God our Father be.

Saviour, breathe forgiveness o'er us:

all our weakness thou dost know;

thou didst tread this earth before us,

thou didst feel its keenest woe;

lone and dreary, faint and weary,

through the desert thou didst go.

Spirit of our God, descending,

fill our hearts with heavenly joy,

love with every passion blending,

pleasure that can never cloy:

thus provided, pardoned, guided,

nothing can our peace destroy.

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OUR SICK: Thomas Davis, Mary Harwood, Mary Howard, Edna Harwood, Rosa Maria Santos - in addition to those mentioned on the Prayer Tree.

CLERGY: Please remember to keep in your prayers those who are unwell at this time, especially, Fr Peter Smith, Canon Philip Fitzgerald, Fr Maurice Pearce, Deacon Patrick Kelly and Deacon Edwin Murphy.


Fr Michael Sullivan, Fr Anthony Pearson, Fr David Drake-Brockman, Carrie Schorah, Thomas

(Tom) Livesey, Patrick Murphy, Stefan & Nancy Eidson, Ian Robertson, Pam Shand, Desmond

Manahan, Maureen McMahon. May all who have died recently rest in peace and rise in glory.


Florence Pickering 1998, Wilfred Gott 1994, Michael Byrne 2004, Thomas T. Fawcett 1968, Peter O’Brien 2001, Mary Molloy 2009, Kathleen Neville 2016, Margaret Mary Howarth 2002, Dave Godfrey 2019, Ben Joseph Flanagan 2009, Mary Christine Moore 2017, Thomas Casey 1967, Paul Gerard Walsh 2010, Julie Mather 2012, Winifred Jean Saunders 2011, Rose Casey 1995, Vera Hartley 2010, Sr Catherine Kenny 1991, and all those whose anniversaries occur about this time. May they rest in peace and rise in glory.

MASSES (TO BE CELEBRATED IN PRIVATE) Fr Larkin will celebrate Mass every day.

Sun 7th June Fr Larkin (9.30am)

Fr John (5.00pm)

Trinity Sunday Anthony & Simon Alston

Kathleen Neville

Mon 8th June Fr Larkin (9.30am)

St William of York Maggie & Jim Larkin Family

Tues 9th June Fr Larkin (9.30am)

Fr John (10.30am)

St Columba Fergusson Family

Sonia Benfield

Wed 10th June Fr Larkin (9.30am)

Weekday in Ordinary Time November Dead List 2020

Thur 11th June Fr Larkin (9.30am)

Fr John (10.30am)

St Barnabas November Dead List 2020

Margaret Butcher

Fri 12th June Fr Larkin (9.30am) Weekday in Ordinary Time November Dead List 2020

Sat 13th June Fr Larkin (6.30pm) St Anthony of Padua November Dead List 2020

Sun 14th June Fr Larkin (9.30am)

Fr John (5.00pm)

The Most Holy Body and Blood of the Lord

Bernadette Henry [A]

Yorkshire Brethren


By phone calls, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, FaceTime, Text etc. Please provide me details of any parishioner who would welcome a telephone call I can be contacted on 01422 832085 Fr Larkin

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A parishioner’s reflection on this Sunday’s readings Trinity Sunday Cycle A

Holidays, away-days or retreats, did Moses invent them? For around 34 chapters of Exodus he’s been holding together 12 different clans of dis-united refugees. Seeking a break and affirmation whilst struggling to bring them together, he climbs Sinai, not once, but twice. God finally reveals his name and nature, in a supreme act of love, friendship and adoption. We know God’s name in translation as ‘Lord,’ or in Roman letters, Yahweh. For Orthodox Jews, God’s true name has always been too meaningful, too powerful to be spoken aloud, but I love the thought of, ‘I am who am.’ I can relate to that in terms of the Catholic Catechism and myself. It gives me confidence and reassurance that I personally am who I am and should never be afraid or despair. I’ve been given the confidence to know that God made me, to know him and to love him … In the second reading, St Paul is yet again addressing his diverse group of early Christians, seemingly prone to factionalism in terms of work, worship and practices. In his writings he constantly urges them to be united, just as Moses did. When I read this I always recall those traditional union marching banners that say, ‘Unity is Strength.’ Similarly, St John’s Gospel is a message of unity and reassurance, not to be afraid to leave old ways behind, given through a secret discourse between Jesus and Nicodemus, a Jewish leader. It’s definitely a ‘You-choose’ moment. We all have the unique human gift of free-will. In the text it’s almost like saying, do you believe in God’s only Son…`I’m standing here right in front of you At the time you could have forgiven him for being uncertain. Nicodemus saw Jesus in the flesh. Unlike Nicodemus, we are able to see him post resurrection through the unity of the Trinity Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and to know him through the evidence of the apostles, our own personal experiences and constantly through the New Testament legacy. I think it’s ok to be a little sceptical at times and to question. It’s a stage of maturing faith, just as long as your mind always remains open. However, as Jesus says, to reject him brings condemnation on yourself. He doesn’t say that you’re condemned by God, whose name and nature is constant regardless of time. God’s name implies love, friendship and adoption, just as it did in Moses’ day.


I am aware that quite a number of parishioners use the front section of the

newsletter for personal prayer and following online Mass on Sundays.

I wondered whether to separate the Mass Readings and reflections into a 2nd

attachment in your emails so that anyone who wished to print it out could do so.

This would avoid having to print the whole newsletter. What do you think?

Please send in your views.

Thank you for the many comments of appreciation on the content of the newsletter.

Feel free to keep sending articles, poems, thoughts etc. Gez Hodgson

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Louis Benoit's first illustrated e-book.

An uplifting re-telling of the Montgolfier's first balloon flight, narrated by a rooster. Vivacious illustrations enrich a story that will charm children and adults alike.

Available now, on Kindle & Books.

Amazon Kindle

Apple Books

That's not all...

...We're also publishing the animated e-book, with sound!

For now, enjoy this sneak-peak preview by going to the website above.

Many of you will know Louis and Moira as talented members of the GS community.

Check out this book. Go to Louis’ website: https://www.louis-








Page 9: The Good Shepherd...GOOD SHEPHERD COMMUNITY - STAYING CONNECTED OUR SECOND ZOOM PRAYER NEXT WEEK We are continuing to hold a Good Shepherd Prayer Gathering WEDNESDAY 10th JUNE @ 12.00

PRAYERS OF THE FAITHFUL These prayer petitions are taken from the Prayer Tree and parishioners requests sent in recently.

Of your mercy please pray for:

Carrie Schorah, Thomas (Tom) Livesey, Patrick Murphy, Stefan and Nancy Eidson, Ian

Robertson, Pam Shand, Desmond Manahan, who have recently died. Please pray for

the repose of their souls. May they rest in peace.

Please pray for a private intention. 3 / 5 / 20

For people working in Care Homes and in the community who are under tremendous

pressure and in some cases fear. May they know they are appreciated. 27 / 5 / 20

For children suffering at home during this time – we pray that they have food and

security of mind.

For all suffering the loss of loved ones to Covid 19 and those working to protect us.

For those who feel even more isolated at this time – that they can find inner strength.

Rosa - Please pray for Rosa, and her family, as she embarks upon treatment for

advanced cancer. 2/5/20

Ruth Hellawell (now in Overgate Hospice) and her family, are still in need of your

prayers. 27/5/20

Some petitions have been removed if they have been on the Prayer tree for over 6

weeks. If you wish a petition to be included again just let me know and we can

easily do this.

Please let Gez Hodgson know of any changes in circumstance.

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Saint William of York was born William Fitzherbert, a nephew of King Stephen. He was Treasurer of the York Chapter when elected archbishop in 1141. In 1147 he was superseded by Henry Murdac but was restored in 1153. He died in 1154. His shrine in York Minster became a centre of pilgrimage, and he was canonised in 1227 by Pope Honorius III. Saint Columba or Colum Cille was born in Donegal about 521 and died at Iona in 597. Before leaving Ireland as an “exile for Christ”, he had founded monasteries at Derry, Durrow and possibly Kells. His principal foundation was Iona, from where he converted much of western Scotland, and his followers took the Gospel to northern England. He was renowned as a poet and scribe as well as a spiritual guide. Saint Ephrem was born in Nisibis in present day Turkey in 306. He was famous as a writer of homilies, poems and many hymns for the liturgy. He died in 373. Saint Barnabas was born in Cyprus. He became a companion of Saint Paul in his journeys, before returning to Cyprus to peach the Gospel. His name means “Son of Encouragement”.

Saint Anthony of Padua was born in Lisbon in 1195. He joined the Canons regular of Saint Augustine, but after being inspired by the stories of Franciscan martyrdoms in Morocco, he joined the Friars Minor. In Italy he established a reputation as a great preacher and theologian. He died in Padua in 1231, aged 36.

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Picture showing some of last Wednesday’s participants. For some it was the first time

venturing into the technology of a Zoom Meeting – quite nerve-wracking!!! The theme

of the prayer was “The Work of the Holy Spirit” – following on from Pentecost Sunday.

The consensus was very positive and some who could not attend last week will be

joining us next Wednesday.

Thanks go to Janet Almond for supplying the photo. Next time we will all be smiling!

Many thanks

for today’s

gathering. It

was good to be


Thanking you, yes it all

went really well, lots

of lovely input. Good to

see everyone.

It was a very

positive experience,

and good to see

faces again.

Page 12: The Good Shepherd...GOOD SHEPHERD COMMUNITY - STAYING CONNECTED OUR SECOND ZOOM PRAYER NEXT WEEK We are continuing to hold a Good Shepherd Prayer Gathering WEDNESDAY 10th JUNE @ 12.00

CONSULTORS MEETINGS Consultors have met twice during the period of lockdown so that the functioning of the parish continues. Focus of meetings so far has been on staying connected and planning ahead. Consultors meeting: Tuesday 2nd June (via Zoom) Topics covered: Flood Defences for Good Shepherd Frank Flynn updated the meeting about progress:

B. Lawrence has spoken to Richard Sanderson – who is in overall charge of Flood Alleviation in the Calder Valley. BL expressed the feeling that Good Shepherd was still at risk despite works already completed in the area It was recommended we contact Calderdale Council and the Environment Agency. As yet we have no point of contact

J Midgley, B Lawrence D McMahon and myself met (2nd June) with a representative from Calder Valley Flood and we await the findings of the survey. We need to ascertain whether we received grants after the flooding in 2015 to prevent further damage to the property. If we didn't we could apply for grant funding of £5k for the Church and £5k for the Presbytery. N. Burchnall requested information last Thursday from the Leeds Diocesan office. As yet there has been no response.

Thanks to Brian Lawrence, James Midgeley, Paul Doherty, David McMahon and Frank Flynn for their efforts to date.

Parish Database Kay Pierce informed the meeting about the background work done to find information about possible contacts that GS might be missing since some records were lost during the flood. Many names have been passed on by members who have been in the parish for some years. Further work will now be done to establish whether these contacts are still valid. Some contacts have already been re-established eg; at least 4 people requesting email newsletters – who had had no news about GS for some time. Kay Pierce and Gez Hodgson to continue this work. Online Prayer Meeting (Zoom) Jean Marsh updated work done so far:

Structure of meeting has been designed by 3 parishioners

26 people so far had asked to attend – very positive response from the parish

A practice run has been held to check technology

Jean Marsh will lead the meeting

Opportunity to have input from attendees is important. Church re-opening Fr Larkin outlined Diocesan approach to any potential re-opening. Meetings have already taken place at diocesan level. Parish will be informed when more definite information is available. We are reliant on government guidance at the moment. A working group is to look at issues for GS as we approach reopening. They will report back when further information is available. Working group members are: Fr Larkin, Jo Woodhouse, Julie Talbot, Frank Flynn. No date was set for next meeting.

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Masses for the Sick, their Families, NHS and Social Care

Front-Line workers,

Recognising that the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting everyone, special Masses will

be celebrated for the sick, their families, care workers and NHS staff.

These will take place every Thursday at 7pm.

11 June Bishop Patrick McKinney St Barnabas Cathedral, Nottingham

Nottingham Cathedral on churchservices.tv

18 June Archbishop Bernard Longley St Chad’s Cathedral, Birmingham

St Chad’s on MCN Media

25 June Bishop Alan Hopes Cathedral of St John the Baptist, Norwich

YouTube Channel

2 July Archbishop John Wilson St George’s Cathedral, Southwark

YouTube Channel

9 July Bishop Tom Williams Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King, Liverpool

YouTube Channel Facebook

Visit the Bishops’ Conference page for further links. https://www.cbcew.org.uk/

FOOD BANK AND THE GOOD SHEPHERD CHURCH The foodbank are having to buy goods to replace the loss of

donations during this crisis. The weekly spend is now is between

£700 - £1000.

Good Shepherd parish have arranged to donate £500 per month

for 10 weeks during this difficult time.

Methods to donate money to the charity:

FACEBOOK - Details of how to do this are on the Facebook page :


There you will find a DONATE button which will allow you to donate.

CHEQUE - Alternatively you can send a cheque to:

The Gathering Place, 1 St James’ Road, Halifax HX1 1YS

Cheques should be made out to Christians Together Calderdale (on the back of the cheque

please write FOOD BANK HALIFAX)


Account number: 54222768 (this is the direct foodbank account)

Sort Code: 30 – 93 – 76

Reference: Christians Together Calderdale

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Good Shepherd Prayer Gathering WEDNESDAY 10TH JUNE @ 12.00 NOON.

(ZOOM is easy to set up if you have not done it before – contact Kay Pierce 01422 886676 or Nick Burchnall 01422 243394 for

advice). BY POST

SENDING A CARD / LETTER – Good to hear that several of us are doing this and it is much appreciated by parishioners. BULLETIN BY POST - We are now sending the bulletin to 16 parishioners so far. If you know of any people who would benefit from this service let Gez Hodgson know (text or email) – details at the end of this bulletin

BY PHONE Please keep regular contact with parishioners by phone if you suspect that they are isolating. Do not assume someone else is doing it. Fr Larkin is also in contact with parishioners throughout these weeks. Please do feel free contact Fr Larkin on 01422 832085


FACEBOOK – The parish Facebook group now has 146 membersand regularly features new articles and news. Thanks to Alex Stansfield for administering. EMAIL – Now sending to 114 households (4 new contacts this week) - bulletins and updates regularly. Remember to keep sending recommendations (and email addresses) of people who might want to receive these. Thank you.


Here are details of a Computer Specialist who might be able to help with any hitches. He can even set you up with Zoom remotely from his office. Contact [email protected] or 0774 550 4622 to find out more.

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There are various opportunities for joining in Mass online. DAILY MASS FROM LEEDS CATHEDRAL To participate online, please access the following new YouTube channel: www.leedscathedrallive.org.uk

ST MARY’S CHURCH, HALIFAX are live streaming Mass every morning. Go to stmaryshalifax.com for details of their service to the Halifax Deanery. The screen for Mass will come up for you. It is usually 9.30am. stmaryshalifax.com POPE FRANCIS CELEBRATES A TELEVISED DAILY MASS from his Santa Marta residence at 11.30 uk time. http://www.catholictv.org/shows/pope-francis-daily-mass

EWTN.com has a live Mass at 12 noon each day. Also often at 4pm. (and 4am for any insomniacs) their schedule here: https://www.ewtn.com/tv/schedule

MASS-ONLINE.ORG Many schedules for Masses across the world can be found here: Mass-online.org

NATIONAL SHRINE AT WALSINGHAM has a live streaming service for Mass and other services: www.walsingham.org.uk/live-stream/

FR DENIS MCBRIDE C.SS.R. Each Sunday service will be accessed through the website below so you can stay connected to your faith and church, during the difficult weeks ahead. www.rpbooks.co.uk/holy-mass-online

DIOCESE OF SOUTHWARK - Archbishop John Wilson celebrates Sunday Mass, in St George's Cathedral, Southwark. To participate online, please access the following YouTube channel by searching for - RC Southwark

GOOD SHEPHERD FACEBOOK GROUP Daily streaming is also here courtesy of

Patricia Newman’s posting – you will need to be a member of the group.

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Standing Orders: £454.00

Offertory cheques received:

April £247

May £210

June (to date) £100

Thank you for your support. Fr Larkin

LIVING OUT “LAUDATO SI” It is 5 years since Pope Francis wrote his encyclical letter “On Our Common Home” dealing with the issue of how we should regard

God’s Creation.

This week we are asked to focus on how we are doing as individuals and communities to be good stewards of our world.

LIVE SIMPLY CAMPAIGN REGULAR TIPS As we are in the Easter Season and celebrating New Life - these are our useful tips to suggest small or large additions that we can make which will help us to grow in awareness of what is possible. They follow the

three strands of the Cafod Live Simply Campaign. Any new ideas pass on to Janet Almond (our parish coordinator)










Articles and notices for the bulletin at this time are welcomed Please feel free to contribute to keep us all connected.

To submit newsletter notices contact:

[email protected] or text /phone 0774 550 4622


Fr John can be contacted on: 01422 648618

email: [email protected]