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The genetic basis of neuroticism

Jonathan Flint*

Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics, University of Oxford, Oxford OX3 7BN, UK


Gray has drawn upon genetic evidence to argue for the existence of rodent emotionality, a model of human neuroticism. With the advent of

molecular mapping techniques it has become possible to test this hypothesis. Here I review the progress that has been made, largely in animal

genetic studies, demonstrating that a common set of genes act pleiotropically on measures of emotionality. More recently, evidence has

emerged supporting the view that the same genes influence variation in both rodent and human phenotypes.

q 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Neuroticism; Open-field activity; Quantitative trait loci


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307

2. Identifying the genetic variants that contribute to rodent emotionality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309

3. Experimental evidence for pleiotropic action. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310

4. High resolution mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311

5. Mouse and human comparisons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312

References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315

1. Introduction

Attempts to measure personality variation in humans

have not always arrived at the same conclusions: there is

long, often disputatious, history of what the main factors

of personality are, and indeed if they exist at all. One

relatively robust measure that has achieved a modicum of

consensus is neuroticism, or emotional stability, a

measure that emerges from the most widely accepted

three and five-factor models of personality [7,21,63].

Neuroticism manifests at one extreme as anxiety,

depression, moodiness, low self-esteem and diffidence,

but the domain of neuroticism probably contains many

elements. Factor analysis of questionnaire data has been

the main tool for identifying neuroticism, a statistical

method that detects correlations between answers. What

those correlations mean is still a matter of debate, but the

finding that high neuroticism scores are, in some way,

related to depressive illness [18,36,37] has given impetus

to determine whether the personality measure has a

biological correlate.

My work on the genetic basis of the human

personality trait neuroticism and emotionality in rodents,

has been largely driven by Jeffrey Gray’s argument for a

congruence between animal models of trait anxiety and

human neuroticism [27–29]. To move from animal to

human biology using genetics is ambitious enough even

for a physiological phenotype. To perform the maneuver

for a personality trait appears at the least foolhardy,

particularly when there is dispute about how to measure

that trait in humans and when we could reasonably argue

that animals have no personality traits. One way of

dealing with this problem is to argue that emotionality

and neuroticism reflect activity of the same (or at least

similar) brain processes.

Gray put forward the view that there are two interrelated

but separable brain systems that subserve anxiety in both

humans and in rodents. The first system, which he terms the

fight/flight system (FFS), subserves flight, defensive

aggression, freezing and associated autonomic activity.

The second system, termed the behavioural inhibition

system (BIS), subserves the cognitive and information

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Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 28 (2004) 307–316


* Tel.: þ44-1865-287512; fax: þ44-1865-287501.

E-mail address: [email protected] (J. Flint).

Page 2: The genetic basis of neuroticism

processing aspects of anxiety. The systems differ anatomi-

cally, pharmacologically and in the behavioural responses

they mediate.

Anatomically, the FFS includes the amygdala and

hypothalamus, while the BIS includes the hippocampal

formation, septal area and related cortico-limbic structures.

Pharmacologically, the BIS is more sensitive to benzo-

diazepines than the FFS, which is in turn more sensitive to

opiates. The psychological characterization of the two

systems derives from Gray’s interpretation of a long series

of experiments into the nature of conditioning paradigms

and can be summarized as follows: fear responses, elicited

by secondary punishing stimuli, and conditioned frustration,

arising from secondary frustrative stimuli, are functionally

equivalent, partly because the BIS mediates both. Gray uses

anxiety to subsume both fear responses and conditioned

frustration. In addition, the BIS responds to novel stimuli, a

class of stimuli that feature predominantly in the exper-

iments described later in this chapter, and to innate fear

stimuli. By contrast, the FFS mediates the behavioural

effects of unconditioned punishment or non-reward. Despite

the allocation of anxiety responses to the BIS, Gray argues

that human anxiety disorders involve activity in both BIS

and FFS, so that successful animal models of human anxiety

should include measures of activity in both systems


How do these brain systems relate to personality

dimensions? In a sentence, neuroticism or emotional

stability is a measure of sensitivity to reinforcing events.

An ever-simpler explanation is to see neuroticism as a trait

measure of anxiety, which is in turn the consequence of

activity in the BIS. So a highly neurotic person has a

constitutionally overactive behavioural inhibition system.

This is an oversimplification, but it has the value of

emphasizing how theories about human personality arise

from consideration of animal experiments. The critical

insight is that if the same brain systems operate in both

humans and rodents, then the same genetic mechanisms are

also likely to operate in both organisms. This in turn means

that, potentially, we can carry out genetic experiments in

animals, which are relatively cheap and relatively easy, in

place of expensive and difficult human genetic


To demonstrate the existence of common brain processes

in animals and humans, we have to show first that the brain

processes exist, and then show that they are, in some way,

homologous between species. Genetic evidence could be

used to support both points if we could show that genetic

action is consistent with mediation by the expected, but

hypothetical, brain processes. Furthermore, if we find that

the same genes operate in the same manner in another

species, then we would have evidence for the existence of a

homologous biological process. Put in genetic terminology,

we need to demonstrate pleiotropic genetic action on a set of

phenotypes that we predict measure the same brain

processes. Much of my review deals with the search for

pleiotropic action.

Part of Gray’s argument rested on the results of a series

of artificial selection experiments, carried out in mice and

rats, which appeared to provide evidence for a common

genetic basis for a number of measures of emotionality. In

brief, artificial selection for one measure of emotionality

gives rise to correlated changes in another measure,

indicating that both measures have a common genetic, and

hence biological, basis.

Calvin Hall introduced the open-field apparatus, a

brightly lit arena, to measure emotional defecation and

activity [30,31]. The amount of open-field defecation (OFD)

and open-field activity (OFA) are indices of the animal’s

emotional state: a frightened rodent will tend to freeze and

to defecate. Hall then used artificial selection to show that

there was a genetic component to the individual variation in

emotional behaviour [32]. That was almost 30 years later,

Broadhurst continued the work genetically selecting rats

for differences in open-field defecation to generate the

Maudsley reactive and non-reactive strains [3,4]. Broad-

hurst pointed to another result from the selection

experiments: the change in activity in response to selection.

Animals that defecate more were found to be less active,

suggesting that the artificial selection had operated on a

something common to both activity and defecation, such as

emotionality. In short, he argued for a pleiotropic action

on both OFA and OFD.

The trouble with this argument is that correlated changes

can occur because for a number of genetic reasons, not all of

them reflecting the biology of the selected phenotype. When

there are a relatively small number of mating pairs in each

generation of selection, allele frequencies are more likely to

fluctuate widely by chance and occasionally go to fixation

(that is to say one allele is lost from the population).

Consequently a population under selection may show

phenotypic changes due to a stochastic alteration in alleles

compared to the founder population. Furthermore, alleles at

loci that are physically close to loci under selection will

themselves undergo a change in frequency, since recombi-

nation events are less likely to sever them from their

neighbours than will be the case for other, more distantly

situated loci (for example those on other chromosomes).

Correlated changes in allele frequencies could thus reflect

physical linkage rather than common biology.

One experiment that goes a long way to establishing a

genetic basis for the correlation between OFA and OFD was

carried out in mice by John DeFries and colleagues, again

using an artificial selection experiment, this time selecting

for OFA [11–13]. The experimental design included full

replication (two high and two low lines), the inclusion of

control lines (not subject to selection), and an extended

period of selection. After 30 generations, OFA scores of the

high lines were 30 times greater than those of the low lines,

consistent with Hall’s and Broadhurst’s rat findings that

OFA is under genetic control. DeFries estimated that about

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20% of the phenotypic variation could be attributed to

genetic variation, while Broadhurst’s estimate was some-

what larger (about 50%).

More importantly, DeFries also noted a correlated

response to defecation. His results are particularly impress-

ive because they almost rule out stochastic allele fluctuation

as a cause: the coincident results of the replicate experiment,

the size of the population maintained under selection and the

failure to see anything similar in the control lines argue

against genetic drift. Theoretically, we expect that the

selection process should have lost relatively little genetic

diversity. With 10 mating pairs in each of the closed lines

and within-litter selection, the expected increase in the co-

efficient of inbreeding is less than 1.5% per generation [22].

However, note that the DeFries selection does not refute

close linkage as an explanation for the correlated response.

DeFries’ experiments address some doubts about the

existence of a common set of genes acting on both open field

activity and defecation, but they do not deal with concerns

about what the open-field tests measure. For instance, could

it be that the negative correlation between defecation and

activity reflects a gut disorder, which both slows the rodents

and increases defecation? Another selection experiment

adds weight to the view that open-field measures do reflect

the presence of emotionality.

In the 1960s, a bidirectional selection of rat performance

in a shuttle box activity was carried out [1]. A shuttle box

has two compartments, each of which is equipped with a

light (the conditioned stimulus) and a floor that can be used

to deliver mildly aversive electric shocks. Animals are

trained to associate the light with the delivery of shock, and

also that to avoid the shock they must not freeze (a passive

avoidance response) but rather actively avoid shock by

moving into the adjoining compartment, where they will

again be presented with the conditional stimulus. Active

avoidance now consists of returning to the first compart-

ment, in which they previously had an aversive experience.

Note that the apparatus holds no safe areas. Animals that

learn the task, shuttle back and forth between the two

compartments in response to the light signal; they have to

learn both to avoid the shock and to suppress their fear of

returning to the places where they received a shock. Thus

the task requires more of the animal than learning one-way

active avoidance or passive avoidance.

Bignami established two strains of rat, known as Roman

high-avoidance (RHA) and Roman low-avoidance (RLA)

by selecting rats for their speed of acquisition in the shuttle

box: after only five generations of selection the high

avoidance strain were consistently better than the low

avoidance strain at escaping when shown the light [1]. If the

selection experiment had produced animals that differed in

emotionality, RHA rats should show high activity and low

defecation in the open field [5]. Several studies have shown

that indeed novelty induced defecation is higher in RLA

than RHA rats [16,24]. Conversely rodents that differ on the

open field measures of emotionality should differ in

the predicted fashion in tests of active and passive

avoidance. It has been shown that Broadhurst’s Maudsley

reactive rats are poorer at shuttle-box avoidance than their

non-reactive counterpart [27]. Additional evidence that the

Roman rats have been selected for emotional differences has

accumulated over the years, using a variety of behavioural

and physiological measures, reviewed in Ref. [17].

Thus, artificial selection experiments indicate that

genetic variants act pleiotropically on measures of emotion-

ality. However, a final demonstration of the validity of this

observation requires identification of the individual genes

and an assessment of their effect on each component

phenotype. I will next review the progress that has been

made towards this goal, and then return to the question of

the relationship between animal and human phenotypes.

2. Identifying the genetic variants that contribute

to rodent emotionality

Finding genes involved in complex traits like emotion-

ality and neuroticism has proved to be a far more difficult

enterprise than expected. Ironically, one of the best reasons

for arguing that the problem was tractable and worth

undertaking came out of rodent studies carried out over

10 years ago when it was demonstrated that a relatively

small number of loci contributed to most of the phenotypic

variance of hypertension in rats [35] and diabetes suscep-

tibility in the mouse [56]. Unfortunately, for a number of

reasons I will describe below, early studies gave a

deceptively simple picture of the genetic architecture of

complex traits.

The basic experimental design for dissecting the genetic

architecture of complex traits was, and largely remains, the

analysis of an experimental cross between two inbred lines.

There are two commonly used variants: either the offspring

of the cross (the F1 generation) are mated with each other to

produce an F2 intercross, or the offspring are backcrossed to

either of the parental strains. Molecular markers are then

used to determine which chromosomal segments segregate

with the trait. Inbred strain crosses contain just two alleles

(one from each F0 founder), so the simplest way of seeing if

any particular region in the genome contains a genetic

variant contributing to phenotypic variation, is to determine

whether there is a significant difference between the

phenotypic distributions associated with each genotype.

Analysis of variance does the job well, though there is now a

large literature on how to squeeze most information out of

the experiment [15]. Genetic loci that influence variation in

quantitative phenotypes (such as anxiety or emotionality)

are termed quantitative trait loci or QTL.

For our purposes, investigating the genetic basis of

emotionality, the critical point we wish to establish is

whether genetic action is indeed pleiotropic. It is critical

because, as I have argued above, concerted genetic action is

taken as evidence for the existence of common brain

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processes underlying different behavioural measures of

emotionality. Here the difficulty is two-fold, partly with the

phenotype and partly with the genetics.

The phenotypic problem is that the measures we use are

the outcome of many processes, not all of which are relevant

to our aims. For example, we can use changes of activity in a

novel, mildly aversive environment (the open-field arena) as

a measure of emotionality; we can also use the number of

entries into the open arms of the elevated plus maze (another

aversive environment). Unfortunately both measures rely on

the animal’s activity level: a more active animal will

therefore appear as less emotional in both the open-field test

and the elevated plus maze.

The genetic problem, to determine that a single genetic

variant operates on multiple phenotypes, arises from the

design of the inbred strain cross. Because observable

recombinations occur only in one generation, each chromo-

some has a limited number of recombinants (on average,

between one and two). In an experiment with a few hundred

animals searching a relatively small genetic effect (for

instance a locus that accounts for about 10% of the

variance), we obtain limited resolving power. Darvasi

provides an empirical formula for calculating the 95%

confidence interval of a QTL [9,10], the use of which allows

us to estimate that for genetic effects explaining less than

10% of the variance we will need well over 1000 animals to

reduce the interval to less than 10 centimorgans (or 20

megbases of DNA in the mouse). A region this large will

still contain hundreds, perhaps thousands of genes (and very

few studies have used as many as 1000 animals [25]).

Therefore just because two genetic effects map to the same

location in an inbred strain cross is no evidence that the

same genes influence variation in two phenotypes.

3. Experimental evidence for pleiotropic action

We can make some progress with the phenotypic

problem by choosing tests that measure the same underlying

trait from different perspectives. If we then map multiple

tests, we can expect QTL that influence more than one

measure (that act pleiotropically) in a way consistent with

our predictions, to be the loci that influence emotionality.

We would also expect such QTL to have no influence on

measures unrelated to the phenotype. Of course this

approach does not deal with the genetic difficulty, but I

will return to that later.

A simple solution is to control for confounds used in the

tests of emotionality. In an experiment using the DeFries

mouse strains, we asked whether the genetic effects are

specific to the aversive situation common to the ethological

tests of anxiety. We mapped behavioural variation in five

tests of emotionality: the open-field arena, the elevated plus

maze [48,49], square maze [53], the light dark box [8] and

the mirror chamber [57]. We included two controls. In one

case we measured activity in a non-threatening environment

(the home cage). In the second, to determine whether the

genetic effects were common to all aversive stimuli, we

included a tail suspension test in our battery. The tail

suspension induces stress in rodents, as assessed by tail

suspension induced immobility [58]. We also asked whether

the same genes influence behaviour after habituation to the

aversive situations (as measured by re-testing the animals).

Re-testing is expected to reduce the anxiogenic potential of

the apparatus, leading to a relative reduction in the effect of

the QTLs influencing anxiety [14,34,46]. Consequently, in

two tests, the open-field arena and light dark box, animals

were tested twice, on separate days.

Fig. 1 summarizes the mapping results. The QTL fall into

three groups. On chromosomes 1, 7, 12, 14, 15 and 18 are

QTL that influence only one or more of the five tests of

emotionality. Chromosomes 3, 5, 11 and 19 harbour loci

that influence the control measures. Finally there are three

loci, on chromosomes 4, and X, where QTL influence both

types of measure. Similar results emerged from the analysis

of repeated measures. We found a dramatic fall in the

importance of the chromosome 15 effect on emotionality

tests from day 1 to day 2. For example, the negative log

P values associated with the transitions in the light-dark

box, drop from 14, on day 1, to a non-significant value of

0.75 on day 2. These results demonstrate that it is possible to

separate out confounding effects genetically.

We were able to push the argument further still, using

multivariate analyses carried out on phenotypes collected

from a cross of the Roman High and Low Avoidance rats

[23]. Recall that these animals were derived by selection for

extremes of shuttle-box avoidance behaviour in the shuttle

box. As with the DeFries mice, we mapped a series of

measures of emotionality. In addition to the shuttle box, we

used the open-field arena, the elevated plus maze, an

acoustic startle paradigm, and fear conditioning to both cue

and context. The latter two tests measure variation in

passive avoidance. The rats were trained to associate a light

with a shock and we then measured freezing to the

conditioned stimulus and to the context in which the

association was learnt. As before, we included a measure of

home cage activity as a control for the activity components

of the emotionality tests.

We mapped the phenotypes jointly, and identified eight

QTL. We next determined the relative contribution of each

trait to the eight QTL. To estimate the significance of a

locus’s contribution for the detection of a QTL and to test

the significance of the QTL effect for each of the traits, we

used methods that combine multivariate analysis with

permutation techniques [39]. The test works by randomizing

the individual values of each phenotype, relative to the other

traits and genotypes and then re-analyzing the permuted

data set. When this is done many times, we can create a

distribution of results, and ask how often the experimental

result occurs by chance. Table 1 shows the P-values for

these analyses for all eight chromosomes bearing a QTL.

Two columns are shown for each chromosome: the first

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displays the results when all traits are included in the

analysis and the second when all but traits making a

significant contribution have been removed.

The multivariate analysis indicates that only three loci

(on chromosomes 5, 10 and 15) have broad effects across

different test measures. At other locations significant

contributions to the LOD scores derive from a single

(chromosome 19) or two phenotypes (chromosomes 1, 3

and 6). Both defecation and activity in a novel environment

contribute to the LOD score on the X chromosome, but there

is no significant contribution from the other measures of

fear. Of the three potential candidates as loci influencing

fear, that on chromosome 15 has the most circumscribed

effect. The evidence is strongest for an effect on grooming

and there is no significant contribution from shuttle box, fear

conditioning or elevated plus maze to the LOD score.

Having identified three candidate QTL for pleiotropic

action, we applied a multivariate regression method

developed by Knott and Haley [38]. We chose those traits

known to make a significant contribution to the LOD score

for loci on chromosomes 5, 10 and 15 (based on the previous

analyses), and compared the hypothesis that one QTL

influences each trait with the hypothesis that one QTL

influences all traits. The null hypothesis is a single

pleiotropic QTL. Again, we used replicate simulations to

obtain the distribution of the statistic and thereby arrive at a

significance threshold. We were then able to reject the

hypothesis of a single pleiotropic QTL on chromosome 10

at the 5% threshold [23].

4. High resolution mapping

Statistical analyses, while powerful, do not deal with the

problem of inadequate mapping resolution, which we need

to solve in order to identify the genes influencing variation

Fig. 1. Quantitative trait loci that influence behaviour in the DeFries strains of mice. Each panel. Chromosomes which harbour significant genetic effects are

shown as numbers on each panel. The top panel shows a genome scan for two measures that control for putative confounds (home cage activity and tail hang);

the lower three panels show genome scans for five measures of emotionality.

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in the trait. The approach we have adopted is mapping loci

in genetically heterogeneous stocks (HS) of mice. Because

mapping is carried out many generations after the stock was

founded from a set of inbred progenitor strains, the method

has the potential to map a QTL to a region containing a

small number of genes. There are eight progenitor strains in

the HS animals we use, so QTL analysis is not straightfor-

ward: alleles descended from different progenitor strains are

often identical. We developed a dynamic programming

method to estimate the probability that an allele descended

from each progenitor and showed, using OFA as a

phenotype, that the method could deliver high resolution

mapping [44,54].

We used high resolution mapping to ask whether a locus

on chromosome one contains a pleiotropic QTL. A number

of mapping studies, including our own, have identified a

locus on the distal region of mouse chromosome one that

influences emotionality. Both ethological measures (beha-

viour in the open-field arena and elevated plus maze, light

dark box) and conditioned freezing have been mapped. Each

study provides convincing evidence for the presence of a

genetic effect reporting P-values that meet stringent

thresholds of significance (see Table 2).

In order to determine whether there is a pleiotropic locus

on chromosome one, we mapped fear conditioning in the HS

and compared the results with an analysis of open-field

behaviours [55]. Fig. 2 shows the results: two peaks indicate

the locations of QTL influencing OFA, surrounding one

peak over the conditioned fear QTL. We were able to

determine that there was no overlap in the location estimates

using a permutation test.

High resolution mapping data therefore indicate that

QTL influencing variation in OFA and conditioned fear can

be separated, at least in the 20 cm region we examined on

chromosome 1. The results do not exclude the existence

elsewhere of pleiotropic loci, influencing both open-field

behaviours and fear conditioning; nor can we exclude a

small pleiotropic effect attributable to the loci we have

characterised. Nevertheless, the data indicate that the

genetic basis of emotionality is more complex than we

first appreciated. It should be pointed out that high

resolution studies of other phenotypes have also often

found that a single locus in the inbred strain cross consisted

of a number of smaller effect loci [2,41,50].

Unfortunately the HS mice do not provide sufficient

mapping resolution to identify the actual genes involved.

You can see in Fig. 2, that the QTL peaks cover a couple of

centimorgans, still containing about 4 megabases of DNA.

In some cases, there may be up to 100 genes in such an

interval. Methodologies to deal with the remaining

problems of gene identification are still under development

so this part of the story remains incomplete. However, if the

data from the current HS work is an indication of what we

will find, then we may expect an even more complex picture

to emerge as we dissect the genetic architecture at the

highest level of resolution.

5. Mouse and human comparisons

The last part of the story is also incomplete, but provides

a tantalizing glimpse of a possible coincidence between the

genetic basis of rodent emotionality and human neuroticism.

Over the last few years we have been attempting to map the

genetic basis of neuroticism in humans and we are now in

the position where we can begin to compare human and

mouse data. There are two problems with carrying out the

human studies: the first is to find a strategy to detect loci; the

second is to obtain high-resolution mapping. We have gone

Table 1

Permutation tests of significance of the contribution to a multitrait LOD score of individual measures


Shuttle box

Avoidances 0.662 0.888 0.021 0.000 0.561 0.000 0.000 0.747 0.765 0.621

Fear conditioning

Cue 0.800 0.731 0.121 0.000 0.732 0.471 0.562 0.881 0.881

Context 0.682 0.661 0.228 0.002 0.790 0.555 0.000 0.444 0.831 0.923

Elevated plus maze

Pct open arm time 0.552 0.551 0.203 0.000 0.832 0.647 0.447 0.518 0.921

Closed arm entries 0.202 0.981 0.711 0.411 0.522 0.161 0.759 0.929

Open field

Activity in periphery 0.842 0.222 0.000 0.129 0.000 0.953 0.059 0.645 0.800 0.038 0.000

Activity in centre 0.732 0.718 0.841 0.289 0.133 0.060 0.021 0.561 0.677

Acoustic startle response 0.478 0.732 0.879 0.154 0.027 0.000 0.412 0.011 0.627 0.621

Spontaneous activity 0.017 0.030 0.863 0.861 0.014 0.000 0.237 0.761 0.929 0.510 0.019

Grooming 0.427 0.232 0.093 0.000 0.143 0.521 0.000 0.000 0.033 0.000 1.000

Rearing 0.000 0.000 0.920 0.678 0.920 0.242 0.012 0.145 0.666 0.321

Defecation 0.118 0.000 0.000 0.456 0.000 0.000 0.027 0.000 0.432 0.479 0.000 0.000

Two columns are shown for each QTL. In the first, the probabilities of the contribution when all measures are included in the analysis are shown. The

second displays the probabilities after all non-significant contributors have been excluded in stepwise fashion, as explained in the text. The results are based on

10,000 permutations.

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some way now towards dealing with the first problem, but

we have yet no results that address the second issue.

Numerous studies have examined the genetic basis of

neuroticism in humans and have arrived at similar estimates

of the trait’s genetic basis: additive genetic variance is

estimated to be between 27 and 31% and non-additive

effects between 14 and 17% [20,40,43,52]. The heritability

of neuroticism is thus comparable to other complex traits

that have been subject to genome scans to identify

susceptibility loci.

One of the few clear messages to have emerged from

genetic studies of complex traits in humans is that the

majority of genetic loci contribute to only a very small

proportion of the phenotypic variance, perhaps on the

order of 5–10% of the total. In order to stand a good

chance of identifying loci that influence neuroticism in

humans the study design has to be able to detect loci of

small effect. In effect this means very large cohorts are

needed to identify susceptibility loci, which renders such

studies suitable for various phenotypic selection schemes

that reduce the genotyping burden while maintaining

statistical power [19,51].

Linkage analysis of sibling pairs uses deviation from an

expected value of allele sharing at a given point in the

genome as evidence for the presence of a QTL. At any

marker, a sibling pair will share one, two or no alleles. Once

we have this information across the genome (which means

genotyping with hundreds of markers) we can ask if there

are any regions where siblings who are phenotypically

similar (for example where both have high N scores) are

also genetically similar (that is, share two alleles). We

would also expect that phenotypically dissimilar sibling

pairs would be genetically dissimilar (share no alleles) at

these same locations. The expectation for those with one

allele in common depends on whether the genetic effect is

recessive or dominant. We can combine these expectations

into a linear model and then test for the presence of a genetic

effect, as is done in a regression analysis [33]. It turns out

that the amount of genotyping required to detect a QTL can

be considerably reduced by selecting the most genetically

Table 2

Genetic loci on mouse chromosome one that influence fear-related phenotypes

Phenotype Strains Method Number Pos. Log P %var Reference

EPM % open arm entries DeFries high and low F2 1636 80 15.4 5.6 [59]

LD latency DeFries high and low F2 1636 80 6.8 2.5 [59]

LD transitions (3 days) A/J C57BL/6 F2 518 67 2.5 2.5 [26]

OF activity (5 min) DeFries high and low F2 1636 74 27.4 9.9 [59]

OF activity (5 min) A/J C57BL/6 F2 518 100 7.1 6.3 [26]

OF Activity (last 5 min of the second 15 min trial) A/J C57BL/6 F2 518 69 3.1 4 [26]

OF centre time (day 1 first 5 min) A/J C57BL/6 F2 518 73 7.7 6.8 [26]

OF defecation DeFries high and low F2 1636 74 14.5 5.2 [59]

OF vertical movement T1 A/J C57BL/6 F2 518 79 4.5 5.9 [26]

OF vertical movement T2 A/J C57BL/6 F2 518 102 5.8 5.4 [26]

Fear conditioning: altered context C3H/HeJ C57BL/6 BC 473 70 3.4 [6]

Fear conditioning: altered context C3H/HeJ C57BL/6 BC 473 30 2.4 [6]

Fear conditioning: contextual C3H/HeJ C57BL/6 BC 473 30 5.1 6.2 [6]

Fear conditioning: contextual C3H/HeJ C57BL/6 BC 473 75 4.3 [6]

Fear conditioning: contextual C57BL/6 DBA/2 F2 479 75 3.8 4.8 [61]

Fear conditioning: cued C3H/HeJ C57BL/6 BC 473 75 2 [6]

Fear conditioning: cued C57BL/6 DBA/2 RI 25 .1 [47]

Fear conditioning: cued C57BL/6 DBA/2 F2 479 78 5.6 6.3 [61]

The columns contain the following information. Phenotype: the test used to measure a fear-related behaviour. Abbreviations are: OF, open-field arena;

EPM, elevated plus maze; LD, light dark box. Strains: the inbred strains used in the mapping experiment. DeFries high and low are inbred strains derived from

a cross between C57BL/6 and BALB/cJ (see Turri, et al., 2001b). Method: F2 for F2 intercross, BC for backcross and RI for recombinant inbred strain analysis.

Number: the number of animals used in the study, or the number of strains if the method is RI. Pos: gives the position in centimorgans for the locus on

chromosome 1. Log P: negative logarithm of the P-value for the analysis. In F2 studies this is identical to a LOD score. %var: percentage of the phenotypic

variances explained by the locus.

Fig. 2. High resolution mapping of open-field activity and contextual fear in

genetically heterogeneous mice. Two phenotypes are shown: open field

activity (OFA) and contextual fear (context).

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similar and dissimilar sibling pairs (those sharing either no

alleles or two alleles) [19,51]. The required pairs are

concordant for either extremely high or low scores or

discordant, with one member of the pair having an

extremely low and the other an extremely high score.

We have recently conducted a population-based study of

personality in Southwest England, in which over 88,000

individuals completed the EPQ. We identified more than

34,000 sibling pairs from whom we selected extreme pairs

for genotyping. To find evidence for linkage we used a

regression-based approach [60] and Fig. 3 shows the

regression results evaluated at every 5 cm across the

genome. The statistic shown is the negative logarithm

(base 10) of the P-value obtained from the regression

analysis. The figure shows loci on chromosomes 1, 4, 7 and

13 that exceed a 5% genome-wide significance threshold of

3.8, and one locus on chromosome 12 that exceeds a 1%

threshold of 4.7.

The locus on chromosome 1 is intriguing because it may

be syntenic with loci discovered in animal studies. The locus

in the middle of rat chromosome 5 [23], discussed above,

that influences behaviour in a number of tests of rodent

emotionality, is syntenic with chromosome 1p in humans,

but the low resolution of both human and rat mapping

studies makes it impossible to say whether the same genes

influence the trait in both species.

Mapping in the HS mice detected a number of loci that

influence emotionality in a region syntenic with human

chromosome 1q [44,54,55]. Association testing, using

candidate genes discovered in the 0.8 cm region containing

the mouse locus, will be able to determine whether the same

genes influence neuroticism in the human subjects and

variation in emotionality in the mouse. The congruence of

human and animal studies may at last provide a way of

determining whether there are a common set of genes that

contribute to susceptibility to neuroticism in humans and

emotionality in rodents.

However, genetic association studies of human

behaviour have often provided contradictory results.

There have been a considerable number of association

studies of personality, since the report in 1996 of an

association between variation in the serotonin transporter

gene (5HTT) [42]. When we analysed all publications

(almost 80) in a meta-analysis of genetic association

studies of personality reported, we were unable to find

convincing evidence that any of the loci examined had a

significant effect [45]. This result is perhaps not

surprising, given the small number of loci examined.

One of the main lessons is that the genetic effects on

individual variation in behaviour are small and that, in

consequence, sample sizes of many thousands of

individuals are needed [62]. Studies of human personality

published to date are not adequately powered to detect

small genetic effects unambiguously, but large studies,

currently in progress, are likely to do so in the near


Finally, we should stress that even when we have good

evidence that a molecular variant influences a behaviour,

interpreting how that variant has its effect will be

extremely difficult, requiring a greater approximation

between systems and molecular neuroscience than has so

far occurred. Pleiotropic action, which I have discussed at

length, could arise at a number of levels within the brain,

some of which will be much harder to work out than

others. For instance, following Gray’s arguments we would

expect that if a genetic effect operates on the anatomical

basis of emotionality then it would involve the hippocam-

pal formation, septal area and related cortico-limbic

structures. The large numbers of anatomical structures

involved and the complexity of their interaction could

make it impossible to identify how the genetic effect

operates. By contrast, if the genetic effect acts directly, via

the GABAergic system, to modulate anxiety, it will be

easier to detect the site of genetic action and thereby work

out the responsible physiology. Either way, advances in

genetic analysis and molecular neuroscience are soon

likely to provide new insights into the biological basis

of personality.

Fig. 3. A genome scan for neuroticism in human sibling pairs. The negative logarithm of the P-value is plotted on the vertical axis and the distance along the

genome (in centimorgans) on the horizontal axis. Vertical lines demarcate the boundaries of chromosomes, which are numbered along the top of the panel. The

5% genome-wide significance level is 3.8.

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