18 1be eyes may have it Insulin delivery via eyedrops would be an appealing option for many patients with diabetes mellitus. and a study by researchers from the US brings this possibility a step closer. The researchers found that the ocular adminis· tration of certain alkylglycosides in combination with insulin enhanced the systemic absorption of the latter in a cal model. The most potent alkylglyco- sides in this respect were tridecyl-. tcttadecyl- and dodecylmaltoside. and dodccylsucrose. The rank ordcr of the alkylglycosides in enhancing the systemic absorption of insulin approximately paralleled that of the hydrophobicity of the reagents. This suggests that the mechanism of action of these reagents involves binding to, and increasing the penneability of. the lipid bilayer membrane of nasal epithelial cells, say the researchers. They add that alkylglycoside reagents that contain either sucrose or maltose groups are candidates for use in an insulin eyedrop formulation for humans. Based on further investigation, the researchers comment that the concentration of the alkylglycosides. as well as the amount of insulin administered, are among the limiting factors in the formulation of an effective eyedrop formulation for insulin delivery. Pillloa OJ, AIdIiaooJA, W.., R-X, Meuaa Eo nil. A1kylalyc:osldes adwoa: IYllemic absorpUon of inlulin appliocl topiQlly 10 the .. eye. JOIII1I&l of Pharmacology and E.qIcrimem.lI TbcnpcuticI271 : 1274-1280, Dec 1994 .... "111 AclIIII"...".1onII1 LI",,1Ied 11l115. All r ...... .--weI

The eyes may have it

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1be eyes may have it Insulin delivery via eyedrops would be an

appealing option for many patients with diabetes mellitus. and a study by researchers from the US brings this possibility a step closer.

The researchers found that the ocular adminis· tration of certain alkylglycosides in combination with insulin enhanced the systemic absorption of the latter in a cal model. The most potent alkylglyco­sides in this respect were tridecyl-. tcttadecyl-and dodecylmaltoside. and dodccylsucrose.

The rank ordcr of the alkylglycosides in enhancing the systemic absorption of insulin approximately paralleled that of the hydrophobicity of the reagents. This suggests that the mechanism of action of these reagents involves binding to, and increasing the penneability of. the lipid bilayer membrane of nasal epithelial cells, say the researchers. They add that alkylglycoside reagents that contain either sucrose or maltose groups are candidates for use in an insulin eyedrop formulation for humans.

Based on further investigation, the researchers comment that the concentration of the alkylglycosides. as well as the amount of insulin administered, are among the limiting factors in the formulation of an effective eyedrop formulation for insulin delivery.

Pillloa OJ, AIdIiaooJA, W.., R-X, Meuaa Eo nil. A1kylalyc:osldes adwoa: IYllemic absorpUon of inlulin appliocl topiQlly 10 the .. eye. JOIII1I&l of Pharmacology and E.qIcrimem.lI TbcnpcuticI271: 1274-1280, Dec 1994 .... "111

O'56-270319510972-OOO'~I .()(/' AclIIII"...".1onII1 LI",,1Ied 11l115. All r ...... .--weI