JOURNAL OF MEMORY AND LANGUAGE 27, 40-58 (1988) The Expectation-Violation Effect: Paradoxical Effects of Semantic Relatedness ELLIOT HIRSHMAN University of California, Los Angeles This paper reports an experimental effect, the expectation-violation effect, in which items from weakly related pairs are better recalled than items from strongly related pairs. This effect occurs when strength of relation is defined from associative norms. The experi- ments presented below define important boundary conditions for the expectation-violation effect. Type of Memory Test, Type of Experimental Design, and Number of Weakly Related Pairs in-the Study List all affect whether the expectation-violation effect will occur. The theoretical explanation of the expectation-violation effect presented herein claims that a failure to understand the relation between the items in a word pair can improve memory performance on that word pair. These failures, which are called blind-alley searches, occur when the items in word pairs represent unexpected or novel semantic combinations. The blind-alley search results in a memory representation, a blind-alley search cue, which can mediate the later retrieval of the word pairs on which the blind-alley search is committed. The expectation-violation effect occurs because weakly related pairs are more likely to represent unexpected or novel semantic combinations than are strongly related pairs. Sub- jects are thus more likely to commit blind-alley searches, with their attendant memory ben- efits, on weakly related pairs than on strongly related pairs. 0 1988 Academic PRSS, Inc. Highly familiar meaningful stimuli are compatible, by definition, with existing cognitive structures. Such stimuli . . will be processed to a deep level more rap- idly than less meaningful stimuli and will be well re- tained. -Fergus I. M. Craik and Robert Lockhart (1972) Semantic relationships among to-be-re- membered items facilitate memory for those items. The finding that strongly re- lated materials are better remembered than weakly related materials is ubiquitous. This result has been found in paired-associate and word-list learning (Deese, 1959; McGeoch, 1930; Underwood & Schulz, The research reported here is a part of a doctoral dissertation submitted to the University of California, Los Angeles. The author thanks Professors Rogers Albritton, Ralph E. Geiselman, Murray Glanzer, Eric Holman, Richard Schmidt, Thomas Wickens, and, particularly, Robert A. Bjork (committee chair) for helpful comments and suggestions throughout the course of the research. Reprint requests should be addressed to the author at the Department of Psy- chology, New York University, 6 Washington Place, 8th floor, New York, NY 10003. 1960; Wicklund, Palermo, & Jenkins, 1964); cued recall, free recall, and recogni- tion testing (Hall, 1972; Epstein & McGeoch, 1930; McCullers, 1961; Mandler & Huttenlocher, 1956; Platt, 1964; Turnage, 1963; Voss, 1967); and when nonsense syl- lables or words are the to-be recalled items (Postman, Adams, & Phillips, 1955; Rode- wald, 1969). Further, these results occur with many different definitions of semantic relatedness. These measures include asso- ciative strength as determined in free-asso- ciation norms, number of associates given to an individual item, frequency of items in the language, and experimenter-defined re- lations such as taxonomic category and congruity (Bousfield, 1953; Craik & Tulving, 1975; Hall, 1972; Moscovitch and Craik, 1976; Noble, 1952; Postman, 1961; Schulman, 1974; Underwood & Schulz, 1960). Theoretical explanations of the results center on the idea that semantic knowledge transfers to episodic tasks. Strongly related materials permit more positive transfer 40 0749-596x/88 $3 .OO Copyright 0 1988 by Academic Press, Inc. All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.

The expectation-violation effect: Paradoxical effects of semantic relatedness

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Page 1: The expectation-violation effect: Paradoxical effects of semantic relatedness


The Expectation-Violation Effect: Paradoxical Effects of Semantic Relatedness


University of California, Los Angeles

This paper reports an experimental effect, the expectation-violation effect, in which items from weakly related pairs are better recalled than items from strongly related pairs. This effect occurs when strength of relation is defined from associative norms. The experi- ments presented below define important boundary conditions for the expectation-violation effect. Type of Memory Test, Type of Experimental Design, and Number of Weakly Related Pairs in-the Study List all affect whether the expectation-violation effect will occur. The theoretical explanation of the expectation-violation effect presented herein claims that a failure to understand the relation between the items in a word pair can improve memory performance on that word pair. These failures, which are called blind-alley searches, occur when the items in word pairs represent unexpected or novel semantic combinations. The blind-alley search results in a memory representation, a blind-alley search cue, which can mediate the later retrieval of the word pairs on which the blind-alley search is committed. The expectation-violation effect occurs because weakly related pairs are more likely to represent unexpected or novel semantic combinations than are strongly related pairs. Sub- jects are thus more likely to commit blind-alley searches, with their attendant memory ben- efits, on weakly related pairs than on strongly related pairs. 0 1988 Academic PRSS, Inc.

Highly familiar meaningful stimuli are compatible, by definition, with existing cognitive structures. Such stimuli . . will be processed to a deep level more rap- idly than less meaningful stimuli and will be well re- tained.

-Fergus I. M. Craik and Robert Lockhart (1972)

Semantic relationships among to-be-re- membered items facilitate memory for those items. The finding that strongly re- lated materials are better remembered than weakly related materials is ubiquitous. This result has been found in paired-associate and word-list learning (Deese, 1959; McGeoch, 1930; Underwood & Schulz,

The research reported here is a part of a doctoral dissertation submitted to the University of California, Los Angeles. The author thanks Professors Rogers Albritton, Ralph E. Geiselman, Murray Glanzer, Eric Holman, Richard Schmidt, Thomas Wickens, and, particularly, Robert A. Bjork (committee chair) for helpful comments and suggestions throughout the course of the research. Reprint requests should be addressed to the author at the Department of Psy- chology, New York University, 6 Washington Place, 8th floor, New York, NY 10003.

1960; Wicklund, Palermo, & Jenkins, 1964); cued recall, free recall, and recogni- tion testing (Hall, 1972; Epstein & McGeoch, 1930; McCullers, 1961; Mandler & Huttenlocher, 1956; Platt, 1964; Turnage, 1963; Voss, 1967); and when nonsense syl- lables or words are the to-be recalled items (Postman, Adams, & Phillips, 1955; Rode- wald, 1969). Further, these results occur with many different definitions of semantic relatedness. These measures include asso- ciative strength as determined in free-asso- ciation norms, number of associates given to an individual item, frequency of items in the language, and experimenter-defined re- lations such as taxonomic category and congruity (Bousfield, 1953; Craik & Tulving, 1975; Hall, 1972; Moscovitch and Craik, 1976; Noble, 1952; Postman, 1961; Schulman, 1974; Underwood & Schulz, 1960).

Theoretical explanations of the results center on the idea that semantic knowledge transfers to episodic tasks. Strongly related materials permit more positive transfer

40 0749-596x/88 $3 .OO Copyright 0 1988 by Academic Press, Inc. All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.

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from previous learning than do weakly re- lated materials; this knowledge can be used at study to construct elaborations about the to-be-remembered material (Bradshaw & Anderson, 1982) and these elaborations can mediate later recall (Mandler & Hutten- lecher, 1956; Postman et al., 1955).

Despite this persuasive theoretical ratio- nale, there are reasons to expect that weakly related materials will be better re- membered than strongly related materials. Both humans and animals respond very strongly to unexpected or novel stimuli (Sokolov, 1968; Whitlow & Wagner, 1984) and weakly related materials often repre- sent unexpected or novel semantic combi- nations. If subjects respond to the unex- pected semantic combinations represented by weakly related materials as they do to other unexpected stimuli, weakly related materials may enjoy a memorial advantage over strongly related materials. There are two plausible ways in which this could occur. First, the response to unexpected stimuli may encourage a more elaborate encoding of weakly related materials, and, second, a memory of the response to unex- pected stimuli may mediate later recall of the weakly related materials.

Recently, and consistent with the pre- ceding speculations, Hirshman and Bjork (in press) reported an experiment in which weakly related word pairs were better re- membered than strongly related word pairs. Hirshman and Bjork presented sub- jects with lists of word pairs. These lists contained both strongly related and weakly related word pairs where strength of rela- tion was defined by the number of times a response was given to a stimulus in a free- association task. They found that re- sponses from weakly related pairs were better recalled than responses from strongly related pairs. This result occurred when subjects read or generated the re- sponse terms at study. It did not occur in cued recall; in cued recall, responses from strongly related pairs were better recalled than were responses from weakly related pairs.

The above experiment raises the central questions of this paper. Are there well-de- fined situations in which items from weakly related pairs are better recalled than items from strongly related pairs, and, if so, what are the theoretical implications of such a finding? To begin to investigate these ques- tions, a replication of the “Read” condi- tion of Hirshman and Bjork’s Experiment I was conducted. The experiment presented subjects with pairs of words that were ei- ther strongly related or weakly related as defined from free-association norms. After a 5-min retention interval, subjects freely recalled the response terms from the word pairs. Following this, they were given a stimulus-cued recall test for the re- sponses. This experiment attempts to repli- cate the results of Hirshman and Bjork with new materials. While Hirshman and Bjork counterbalanced stimulus terms across strongly related and weakly related pairs, this experiment counterbalances re- sponse terms across strongly related and weakly related word pairs. This was done to verify the generality of the Hirshman and Bjork results.



Subjects. The subjects were 24 introduc- tory psychology students at the University of California, Los Angeles. They partici- pated in the experiment in partial fulfill- ment of a research participation class re- quirement .

Design. A 2 x 2 within-subject factorial design was used with Associative Strength (strongly related pairs vs weakly related pairs) and Type of Test (free recall vs cued recall) as within-subject factors.

Materials. Two alternative lists each comprised of 19 word pairs served as the to-be-remembered materials. A third list comprised of 6 pairs served as a practice list. The 19 response words in each list were the same words presented in the same order, but if a given response word was a strong associate on one list, it was a weak associate on the other list. Strength of as-

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sociation was determined from published norms (Bilodeau & Howell, 1965; Palermo & Jenkins, 1964). Response words in strongly related pairs are the most fre- quently given associate of the stimulus word. Response words in weakly related pairs are generally very infrequently given associates of the stimulus word. If it was not possible to construct such a pair (i.e., if the response term was not a weak associate of any stimulus term in the norms) the stim- ulus term in the weakly related pair was chosen so that it was a weak associate of one of the members of the corresponding strongly related pairs. These materials are presented in Appendix A. Long-short is an example of a strongly related pair, while Quick-Short is an example of a weakly re- lated pair.

In one list the odd-numbered response words (in terms of list position) are strong associates and the even-numbered words are weak associates; in the other list the odd-numbered response words are weak associates and the even-numbered words are strong associates. Each of the two al- ternative lists was presented to half the subjects. Across subjects, therefore, as- signment of strong associates and weak as- sociates to list position was counterbal- anced. The practice list consisted of three strongly related pairs and three weakly re- lated pairs presented in alternation. For each list, slides were constructed with one word pair per slide. A cued-recall test was constructed for each list by randomly reor- dering the stimulus terms of the word pairs in the list. Subjects wrote the response word in a space provided to the right of the stimulus term.

Procedure. Subjects were tested in groups of three to five persons. Upon en- trance, subjects were seated and handed a note pad. The experimenter told them that they were going to be shown 19 pairs of words on a slide projector, and they were instructed to write each pair on a sheet in their note pad during the 10 s each pair was shown. A “turn” command, spoken by the experimenter, indicated to subjects that

they should turn the page in their note pads and write the new pair on the next page. Subjects were told that there would be a memory test, but the nature of the test was not specified.

A practice list of six items was presented prior to the presentation of the critical list. Subjects then received a l-min cued-recall test on this list. The critical list was then presented and the study phase ran as de- scribed above. Subjects then received a word-search puzzle for 5 min. Following the word-search task, they received a blank sheet and were asked to recall the response word members of the pairs of words they had studied. These sheets were collected after 3 min and the cued-recall test was given. On this test, the stimulus words were presented on a sheet and the subjects were asked to write the response words next to the stimulus words which had ac- companied them on the study list. Subjects were given 3 min for this test.


Table 1 shows the mean proportions of correct responses in free recall and cued recall for responses from strongly related and weakly related pairs. In computing the proportions, the number in the denomi- nator is eight in each case because the first two and the last one of the studied pairs were omitted from the analysis (they were considered primacy and recency items). This left eight strongly related pairs and eight weakly related pairs in the list.

As expected, the main effect of Type of Test was significant (F( 1,23) = 438.59, p < .OOOl). The finding of primary interest is that while recall of responses from strongly



Type of test

Free Recall Cued Recall

Strongly related Weakly related pairs pairs

.23 .34

.93 .73

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related pairs was superior to recall of re- sponses from weakly related pairs in cued recall (.93 vs .73), the recall of responses from weakly related pairs was superior to recall of responses from strongly related pairs in free recall (.34 vs .23). This interac- tion between Associative Strength and Type of Test was significant (F(1,23) = 34.05, p C .OOOl). Planned comparisons re- vealed that cued recall of responses from strongly related pairs was significantly greater than cued recall of responses from weakly related pairs (F( 1,23) = 24.3 1, p < .OOl), but free recall of responses from weakly related pairs was significantly greater than free recall of responses from strongly related pairs (F(1,23) = 5.28, p < .05). The latter effect-that items from weakly related word pairs are better free recalled than items from strongly related word pairs- will hereafter be termed an expectation-violation effect to denote that the unexpected (expectation violating) se- mantic combinations represented by weakly related pairs give weakly related pairs a memorial advantage over strongly related pairs.


The finding of an expectation-violation effect in Experiment 1 helps answer one of the questions this report posed. Consistent with the speculation presented in the intro- duction there are situations in which items from weakly related materials are better re- membered than items from strongly related materials. This finding is, apparently, re- stricted to free recall; in cued recall, the traditional advantage of strongly related material over weakly related material still holds. The importance of this interaction for theories of free and cued recall will be taken up in the general discussion. The re- maining experiments concentrate on deter- mining the boundary conditions for, and providing a theoretical explanation of, the above-reported expectation-violation ef- fect.

EXPERIMENTS 2,3,4 ANDS To test the generality of the expectation-

violation effect Experiments 2 through 5 included the manipulation of variables that are considered important in learning and memory, but for which there were no ex- pectations that they would affect the ex- pectation-violation effect. In Experiment 2, subjects free recalled the stimulus term in- stead of the response term. In Experiment 3 the retention interval was increased from 5 to 7 min. Experiment 4 used a generation encoding task (Slamecka & Graf, 1978) in- stead of a reading encoding task, and Ex- periment 5 used a new set of weakly related pairs, selected so that their average fre- quency (Thorndike & Lorge, 1944) was lower than the average frequency of the stimulus words from the strongly related pairs. This further constraint imposed on the weakly related pairs in Experiment 5 was designed to provide a dramatic demon- stration of the effect’s robustness.


Subjects. A total of 96 subjects (24 in each experiment) participated in Experi- ments 2-5 in partial fulfillment of an intro- ductory psychology course requirement.

Materials. In Experiments 2-4 the to-be-remembered materials and the coun- terbalancing scheme were the same as in Experiment 1, with the notable exception that no cued-recall test was given. Experi- ment 5 replaced the weakly related pairs of Experiment 1 with a similarly selected set of weakly related pairs. The stimulus terms of these pairs satisfied the above-stated fre- quency criterion. These materials are pre- sented in Appendix A. As in Experiments 2-4, no cued-recall test was given.

Procedures. With the exception of those changes noted above, the procedures in Experiments 2-5 were the same as in Ex- periment 1.


The results of Experiments 2 through 5

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uniformly demonstrate expectation-viola- tion effects. Experiment 2 demonstrated that expectation-violation effects also occur for the stimulus members of paired associates. Free recall of stimuli from weakly related pairs was superior to free recall of stimuli from strongly related pairs (.32 vs .24, (F(1,23) = 4.03,~ < .05).

Experiment 3 showed that expectation- violation effects occur at different retention intervals. Responses from weakly related pairs were better free recalled than re- sponses from strongly related pairs (.28 vs .I7 (F(1,23) = 4.83, p < .05). Further per- formance levels in Experiment 3 are lower than free-recall performance levels in Ex- periment 1 (.29 vs .23).

The large number of generation errors made at study complicate the results of Ex- periment 4. Almost all of these errors oc- curred when subjects were attempting to generate the responses from weakly related pairs. Of the 18 generation errors, 16 were of this type. When a large number of gener- ation errors occur at study there are two possible analyses, an analysis based on number of presented pairs and an analysis based on number of possible responses. An analysis based on number of presented pairs biases against finding an expectation- violation effect because there are fewer possible responses from weakly related pairs than from strongly related pairs. An analysis based on number of possible re- sponses may bias toward finding an expec- tation-violation effect because items that are difficult to generate may also be diffi- cult to remember. Both analyses yielded the same result; only the first is presented. Generated responses from weakly related pairs were better free recalled than gener- ated responses from strongly related pairs (.34 vs .20, (F(1,23) = 14.03,~ < .OOOl).

Experiment 5 replaced the weakly re- lated materials from Experiment 1 with a new set of weakly related materials. An ex- pectation-violation effect occurred with these new materials. Responses from

weakly related pairs were better free re- called than responses from strongly related pairs (.31 vs .22, (F(1,23) = 5.69,~ < .05>.


The results of Experiments l-5 indicate that items from weakly related pairs are better free recalled than items from strongly related pairs. The effect occurs for both stimuli and responses, at different re- tention intervals, with different encoding tasks, and with different sets of weakly re- lated materials. Further, the effect occurs even when the average frequency of the stimulus terms from the weakly related pairs is lower than the average frequency of the stimulus terms from the strongly re- lated pairs. This result is particularly dra- matic because, to the extent that stimulus recall mediates response recall, these fre- quency differences work against an expec- tation-violation effect. This is because the high frequency stimuli from strongly re- lated pairs should be better free recalled than the low frequency stimuli from the weakly related pairs.

The remainder of this paper will concen- trate on theoretical explanations of these findings. A first important question con- cerns the loci of the effect. Does the free- recall advantage of items from weakly re- lated pairs over items from strongly related pairs occur because weakly related pairs are better free recalled than strongly re- lated pairs or does it occur because indi- vidual items from weakly related pairs are better recalled as individual items than are individual items from strongly related pairs.

Hayes-Roth (1977) and Yekovich and Manelis (1980) provide a rationale for this latter hypothesis with their suggestion that the free recall of items from word pairs de- creases as the strength of the relations among items increases. This framework can explain the expectation-violation ef- fect by claiming that the relations between items in strongly related pairs actual

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hinders the free recall of items within those pairs, while the relations among items in weakly related pairs do not provide such a hindrance. This position predicts that the expectation-violation effect should di- minish if subjects are asked to freely recall word pairs. The same relational deficits which improve the free recall of individual items from weakly related pairs relative to the free recall of ‘individual items from strongly related pairs should hurt the free recall of intact weakly related word pairs relative to intact strongly related word pairs. This is because the lack of a relation between the items in weakly related pairs makes it less likely that they will be re- called as intact pairs. Experiment 6 was de- signed to test this prediction.



The method of Experiment 6 duplicated the free recall conditions of Experiment 1 with two exceptions. First, subjects were asked to recall the word pairs instead of the response terms in Experiment 6, and second, there were 32 instead of 24 sub- jects in Experiment 6.

Results and Discussion

The expectation-violation effect oc- curred when subjects were asked to recall the strongly related and weakly related word pairs. Weakly related word pairs were better recalled than strongly related word pairs (F(1,31) = 4.62, p < .05, .33 vs .2.5). This result is inconsistent with the above-stated claims that the expectation- violation effect occurs primarily because the semantic relation in strongly related pairs actually hinders the free recall of items from those pairs. It is, however, con- sistent with the assumption that will be adopted through the rest of this paper that the expectation-violation effect for indi- vidual items (stimuli and responses) is pri- marily a result of encoding and retrieval processes that affect the representation of

word pairs. The following sections attempt to determine which of these processes are responsible for the expectation-violation effect.

One general class of such processes that might be responsible for the expectation- violation effect are those in which the pro- cessing accorded one type of word pair changes when the other type of word pair is present in the study list. All explanations of this type claim that the expectation-viola- tion effect should not occur in a between- subjects design because there are no within-list interactions between strongly related and weakly related pairs in a be- tween-subjects design. To test this predic- tion, Experiment 7 replicated the free-re- call conditions of Experiment 1 with a be- tween-subjects design.



Subjects. The subjects were 48 introduc- tory psychology students at the University of California, Los Angeles. They partici- pated in the experiment in partial fulfill- ment of a course requirement.

Design. A one-factor between-subjects design was used with Associative Strength (strongly related vs weakly related pairs) as a between-subjects factor.

Materials. Two alternative lists each comprised of 19 word pairs served as the to-be-remembered materials. One list con- sisted of the strongly related pairs from Ex- periment 1, while the other list consisted of the weakly related pairs from Experiment 1. The order of the response words was the same as in Experiment 1 and each of the two lists was presented to half the subjects. All other materials were the same as in the free-recall conditions of Experiment 1.

Procedure. The procedure in Experiment 7 duplicated the procedure of the free-re- call conditions of Experiment 1 with one exception. In Experiment 7 subjects were randomly assigned to study either the list of strongly related pairs or the list of weakly related pairs.

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The primary result of Experiment 7 is that the expectation-violation effect does not occur in between-subjects designs. Type of Design critically affects whether an expectation-violation effect occurs. Re- sponses from strongly related pairs were recalled as well as responses from weakly related pairs. In fact, there was a nonsig- nificant numerical advantage of the strongly related pairs over the weakly re- lated pairs (.29 vs .24, p > .2).

There are two primary differences be- tween the free recall results of Experiment 1 and those of Experiment 7. First, the mean proportion of responses recalled from weakly related pairs is 10% lower in the between-subjects design (Experiment 7) than that in the within-subject design (Experiment 1). Second, the mean propor- tion of responses recalled from strongly re- lated pairs is 6% higher in the between-sub- jects design than that in the within-subject design. Weakly related pairs are hurt by a between-subjects design, while strongly re- lated pairs are helped by a between-sub- jects design. To evaluate the reliability of these findings, two separate analyses of variance were conducted on the scores of the strongly related and weakly related pairs in the two designs. One analysis com- pared subjects’ performance on weakly re- lated pairs in the within-subject design to their performance on these same pairs in the between-subjects design. A second analysis did the same thing for strongly re- lated pairs. Responses from weakly related pairs were better recalled in the within- subject design than in the between-subjects design (F(1,46) = 4.57, p c .05). While re- sponses from strongly related pairs were better recalled numerically in the between- subjects design than in the within-subject design, this effect did not reach statistical significance (.lO <p < .15). Discussion

The results of Experiment 7 and the anal- ysis of those results presented above sug-

gest two explanations of the expectation- violation effect and why Type of Design critically affects it. Both explanations rep- resent the general idea that the presence of one type of word pair in a study list affects the processing accorded the other type of word pair.

The first explanation focuses on the idea that the presence of the strongly related pairs in a list affects the encoding the weakly related pairs receive. The basis for this idea is that subjects have a criterion for how well encoded word pairs should be at the end of the study phase (Begg & Snider, in press). The presence of strongly related pairs in a list increases the criterion for how well encoded weakly related pairs in that same list should be following study. This encoding-criterion shift increases the amount of encoding subjects give to weakly related pairs which, in turn, increases later memory performance on those pairs. Thus, weakly related pairs are better remembered in the within-subject design than in the be- tween-subjects design and the expectation- violation effect occurs in within-subject de- signs, but not in between-subjects designs.

The second explanation centers on the idea of retrieval interference. Retrieval in- terference occurs when the retrieval of some items at test makes it impossible to retrieve other items that otherwise would have been retrieved (see Tblving and Ar- buckle (1963) and Smith (1973) for empir- ical evidence of retrieval interference.) This explanation claims that the retrieval of weakly related pairs in the within-subject design blocks the retrieval of strongly re- lated pairs that otherwise would have been retrieved. When a between-subjects design is used, and the blockage is removed, per- formance on strongly-related pairs in- creases. Theoretical explanations of re- trieval interference (Gillund & Shiffrin, 1984; Watkins & Watkins, 1975) claim that retrieval interference occurs because gen- eral contextual memory cues (i.e., environ- mental and temporal cues) become less ef- fective, or overloaded, as retrieval pro-

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ceeds. Experiments 8 and 9 were designed to test these explanations of the expecta- tion-violation effect and its variation with Type of Design.


Experiment 8 tests the encoding-crite- rion shift explanation of the expectation- violation effect. This explanation claims that subjects have a criterion that deter- mines how well encoded to-be-remembered word pairs should be following study and that the presence of strongly related word pairs in a study list increases the subject’s criterion for how well encoded weakly re- lated word pairs should be. Experiment 8 tests the encoding-criterion shift explana- tion of the expectation-violation effect by presenting the strongly related and weakly related pairs in separate blocks of word pairs in the study list and manipulating whether the block of weakly related pairs precedes the block of strongly related pairs. That is, Serial Position of block of weakly related word pairs, as well as Asso- ciative Strength, is a factor in Experiment 8. Some subjects receive the block of weakly related pairs before the block of strongly reIated pairs, whiIe other subjects receive the block of strongly related pairs before the block of weakly related pairs. If an encoding-criterion shift causes the ex- pectation-violation effect, the expectation- violation effect should be smaller for those subjects who receive the block of weakly related pairs before the block of strongly related pairs than for those subjects who receive the block of strongly related pairs before they receive the block of weakly re- lated pairs. This is because it is impossible for subjects who receive the weakly related pairs first to have an encoding-criterion shift. They do not even know that there are strongly related pairs in the list when they are encoding the weakly related pairs.


Subjects. The subjects were 48 introduc- tory psychology students at the University

of California, Los Angeles. They partici- pated in partial fulfillment of a course re- quirement .

Design. A two-factor mixed factorial de- sign was used with Associative Strength (strongly related vs weakly related pairs) as a within-subject factor and Serial Position of the block of weakly related pairs (first block vs second block) as a between-sub- jects factor.

Materials. Four alternative lists each comprised of 19 word pairs served as the to-be-remembered materials. Two of these four lists defined the “first block”(weakly related pairs first) condition of the be- tween-subjects factor, while the other two lists defined the “second block” (weakly related pairs second) condition of this factor. The word pairs used in these lists were the same as those used in the lists of Experiment 1. In two of the four lists used in Experiment 8, the response words were the same words presented in the same order as in the lists used in Experiment 1. These two lists differed, however, in that in one of these lists the first 10 word pairs were weakly related word pairs and the last 9 word pairs were strongly related word pairs, whiIe in the second of these Iists the first 10 word pairs were strongly related word pairs and the last 9 word pairs were weakly related word pairs. The other two lists were formed from these lists, one from each list, by switching the serial positions of the blocks of strongly related and weakly related pairs in the given list. Each of the four alternative lists was presented to one- quarter of the subjects. This procedure en- sured that a given response word was pre- sented equally often in all four experi- mental conditions. All other materials were the same as in the free-recall conditions of Experiment 1.

Procedure. The procedure of Experi- ment 8 duplicated the procedure of the free-recall conditions of Experiment 1 with one exception. Subjects in Experiment 8 were randomly assigned to conditions of the between-subjects factor.

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Serial position of block

Weakly related

Strongly related Weakly related pairs pairs

pairs first Weakly related

.22 .37

pairs second .29 .42

Results and Discussion

Table 2 reports the results of Experiment 8. As expected there was a main effect of Associative Strength (F(1,46) = 15.28, p < .OOl, .39 vs .25). The primary result of Ex- periment 8 is that the effect of Associative Strength does not interact with the Serial Position of the block of weakly related pairs (F < 1). Presenting weakly related pairs before strongly related pairs pro- duced an expectation-violation effect of the same size as when strongly related pairs were presented before weakly related pairs.

Apparently, a shift in the subject’s en- coding criterion is not responsible for the expectation-violation effect since the ex- pectation-violation effect is the same size whether or not subjects know strongly re- lated pairs are in the list when they are en- coding weakly related pairs. A secondary result is that there was not an effect of the Serial Position of the block of weakly re- lated pairs (p > .25). Incidentally, the re- sults of Experiment 8 also indicate that the alternating presentation used in Experi- ments l-5, and any attentional sharing be- tween strongly related and weakly related word pairs that may have resulted from this alternating presentation is not responsible for the expectation-violation effect.


Experiment 9 was designed to test the re- trieval-interference explanation of the ex- pectation-violation effect. The retrieval- interference explanation of the expecta- tion-violation effect claims that the

retrieval of weakly related pairs blocks the retrieval of strongly related pairs that would otherwise have been retrieved. This occurs because as retrieval proceeds, gen- eral contextual cues are “weakened” and become ineffective as retrieval cues for strongly related pairs. This means weakly related pairs are making more use of gen- eral contextual cues than are strongly re- lated pairs. If we assume that additional general contextual cues are more beneficial to pairs that are not currently using contex- tual cues than to pairs that are currently using these cues, then additional general contextual cues should aid the retrieval of strongly related pairs more than the re- trieval of weakly related pairs, which should reduce the expectation-violation effect.

The recent work of Glenberg and Swanson (1986) illustrates a way to provide additional general contextual-retrieval cues. Glenberg and Swanson demonstrated that temporal segregation can aid the re- trieval of items presented in specific time periods. A plausible interpretation of this finding is that temporal segregation creates additional general contextual-retrieval cues and these cues aid the retrieval of items presented in a given time period.

If temporal segregation creates addi- tional general contextual cues, then tem- poral segregation of strongly related and weakly related pairs in a given list will create additional general retrieval cues for strongly related and weakly related pairs. According to the foregoing arguments, this should increase performance on strongly related pairs and thus reduce the expecta- tion-violation effect. Experiment 9 tested these ideas by temporally segregating blocks of strongly related and weakly re- lated pairs. A 10-s blank slide was pre- sented between blocks of strongly related and weakly related word pairs to accom- plish this.


Subjects. The subjects were 24 introduc-

Page 10: The expectation-violation effect: Paradoxical effects of semantic relatedness


tory psychology students at the University of California, Los Angeles. They partici- pated in the experiment in partial fulfill- ment of a class requirement.

Design. A one-factor within-subject de- sign was used with Associative Strength (strongly related vs weakly related pairs) as a within-subject factor.

Materials. Two alternative lists each comprised of 19 word pairs served as the to-be-remembered materials. These lists used the same word pairs as those used in Experiment 1 and the order of response words was the same as in Experiment 1. These lists, however, differed from those used in Experiment 1 in two respects. First, the two lists of to-be-remembered word pairs used in Experiment 9 were comprised of blocks of strongly related and weakly related word pairs. In one list, the first 10 word pairs were weakly related pairs and the last 9 word pairs were strongly related pairs while in the second list, the first 10 word pairs were strongly related pairs and the last 9 word pairs were weakly related pairs. Second, a blank slide was presented for 10 s between the blocks of strongly related and those of weakly re- lated word pairs in both lists. This list con- struction ensured that any to-be-recalled response word which was a member of a strongly related pair in one list was a member of a weakly related pair in the other list, and since each of the two alter- native lists was presented to half the sub- jects, assignment of response words from strongly related and weakly related pairs to list position was counterbalanced across subjects. All other materials were the same as in the free-recall conditions of Experi- ment 1.

Procedure. The procedure in Experiment 9 duplicated the procedure in the free-recall conditions of Experiment 1 with three ex- ceptions. First, strongly related and weakly related pairs were presented in blocks, in- stead of alternately, and second a blank slide was presented for 10 s between the blocks of strongly related and weakly re- lated word pairs. Third, subjects were in-

formed prior to the study phase that a blank slide would appear for 10 s in the middle of the list and that the blank slide was in- cluded in the study list to provide a brief rest period during the study task.

Results and Discussion

The primary result of Experiment 9 was that there was no expectation-violation ef- fect (F < 1.05) because the manipulation employed in Experiment 9 increased per- formance on strongly related pairs. Perfor- mance on weakly related pairs was .32, similar to previous within-subject design experiments presented in this paper, while performance on strongly related pairs was .28, which is numerically greater than per- formance on strongly related pairs in other within-subject design experiments pre- sented in this paper. This result provides support for the retrieval-interference expla- nation of the expectation-violation effect. Assuming that additional general contex- tual cues are more helpful than the fewer general contextual cues a word pair pre- viously used, the increase in performance on strongly related pairs relative to perfor- mance on weakly related pairs in Experi- ment 9 implies strongly related pairs used fewer general contextual cues at test than did weakly related pairs in previous experi- ments. This implication is consistent with the retrieval-interference explanation of the expectation-violation effect.

One troubling aspect of the results of Ex- periment 9 is that the blank slide may act simply to segregate the strongly related and weakly related pairs into two separate lists. Thus, Experiment 9 might act simply as a replication of the between-subjects design used in Experiment 6. If the blank slide acts to segregate the list into two halves, responses from strongly related pairs im- mediately following the slide in Experiment 9 should be better recalled than responses from strongly related pairs in the corre- sponding serial positions in a control ex- periment in which there is no blank slide. This is because the strongly related word pairs following the blank slide in Experi-

Page 11: The expectation-violation effect: Paradoxical effects of semantic relatedness


ment 9 should benefit from primacy or “begin again” effects. A control experi- ment was run and the results of this experi- ment were compared to those of Experi- ment 9 to see if such “begin again” effects occurred in Experiment 9. The control ex- periment replicated Experiment 9 exactly, except there was no 10-s blank slide nor were there any instructions related to the slide. The control experiment produced a normal expectation-violation effect (F(1,23) = 8.03, p < .Ol, .32 vs .21) and, more importantly, while the responses from the first three strongly related pairs fol- lowing the blank slide constituted 37% of the strongly related items recalled in the control experiment, they only constituted 29% of the strongly related items recalled in Experiment 9. The results of Experiment 9 do not appear to be due to “begin again” effects.

In addition to explaining the results of Experiment 9, the retrieval-interference ex- planation of the expectation-violation ef- fect also explains why performance on strongly related pairs in between-subjects designs is larger numerically than perfor- mance on strongly related pairs in within- subject designs. In within-subject designs the retrieval of weakly related pairs blocks the retrieval of strongly related pairs that otherwise would have been retrieved. This retrieval interference is removed in the be- tween-subjects design and, consequently, performance on strongly related pairs in- creases in the between-subjects design. In- terestingly, performance on strongly re- lated pairs in Experiment 9 is almost equal to performance on strongly related pairs in Experiment 6 in which a between-subjects design is used.

The retrieval-interference explanation of the expectation-violation effect leaves two theoretical issues unresolved. First, while the construct of retrieval interference seems necessary to explain the expecta- tion-violation effect, it is not sufficient to explain the expectation-violation effect since it does not explain why weakly re- lated pairs have a retrieval advantage over

strongly related pairs in the first place. Second, the question of why performance on weakly related pairs is lower in the be- tween-subjects design than in the within- subject design is still unanswered. The next section turns to these issues.

Differential Encoding of Strongly Related and Weakly Related Pairs

The introduction to this paper presented the ideas that weakly related pairs repre- sented unexpected semantic combinations and subjects’ responses to these unex- pected semantic combinations could me- diate memory of weakly related pairs. This section elaborates and specifies this hy- pothesis by describing the encoding pro- cesses subjects perform on weakly related word pairs which are responsible for the re- trieval advantage weakly related pairs enjoy over strongly related pairs in the ex- periments presented above.

A primary assumption is that when sub- jects attempt to encode pairs of words for later recall, they attempt to semantically relate the items in the pair. This can be conceived of as an attempt to search the at- tributes of both items in semantic memory to find attributes common to both items (Collins and Quillian, 1969; Sternberg, 1966). When such attributes are found, these constitute a relation between the two items, and this relation is stored as part of an episodic memory. When subjects fail to find such a relation, a process hereafter re- ferred to as a blind-alley search, a response akin to a surprise or novelty response, occurs; expectations are violated.

Just as the discovery of a relation among items affects the memory system, so, it is claimed here, does the failure to discover a relation. There are two possible mecha- nisms for this effect. First, the blind-alley search may cause subjects to pursue a more extensive search in semantic memory to attempt to relate the items in the pair and the semantic elaborations which result from this attempt may mediate later memory. Second, a memory of the blind- alley search and the ensuing surprise re-

Page 12: The expectation-violation effect: Paradoxical effects of semantic relatedness


sponse could become associated to the epi- sodic trace of the to-be-remembered word pair and could act as a retrieval cue on a later test.

A second claim related to the foregoing discussion is that differences in the number of blind-alley searches committed on strongly related and weakly related word pairs are responsible for the retrieval ad- vantage weakly related pairs enjoy over strongly related pairs in the previous ex- periments in this paper. Subjects are more likely to commit blind-alley searches on weakly related pairs than on strongly re- lated pairs and the memory representations which result from these additional blind- alley searches give weakly related pairs a retrieval advantage over strongly related pairs. This is the effect of expectation vio- lation.

Experiments 10 and 11 provide empirical tests of the related ideas that blind-alley searches can improve memory perfor- mance and that such searches are respon- sible for the retrieval advantage weakly re- lated pairs enjoy over strongly related pairs in free recall in the above experiments. Ex- periment 10 compares performance on two types of word pairs for which the proba- bility of committing a blind-alley search differs, while Experiment 11 attempts to show that the expectation-violation effect disappears when the probability of commit- ting a blind-alley search on strongly related and weakly related pairs is equated.


As mentioned above, Experiment 10 compared performance on two types of word pairs for which the probability of committing a blind-alley search differs. The stimuli in these word pairs were homo- graphs. In one type of pair used in Experi- ment 10, the response word corresponded to the dominant sense of the homograph. In the other type of pair used in Experiment 10, the response word corresponded to the nondominant sense of the homograph. The two types of pairs, were, however, selected

to be of equal associative strength (Cramer, 1970). These pairs were presented in lists that contained some of the strongly related pairs from the previous experiments in this paper. This was done to bias processing so that subjects would focus on the dominant sense of any give homograph (Yates, 1978). Given such processing, subjects are more likely to commit blind-alley searches when the responses dictate nondominant senses of the homograph than when the responses dictate dominant senses of the homograph. This is because focusing on the dominant sense of the homograph is more likely to lead to the accessing of an inappropriate sense of the stimulus term (and a conse- quent blind-alley search) in the case of word pairs which represent nondominant senses of the homograph than in the case of word pairs which represent the dominant sense of the homograph. If blind-alley searches improve memory performance, then the stimuli from the word pairs which use a nondominant sense of the homograph should be better recalled than the stimuli from the word pairs which use a dominant sense of the homograph.


Subjects. The subjects were 24 introduc- tory psychology students at the University of California, Los Angeles. They partici- pated in the experiment in partial fulfill- ment of a research participation class re- quirement .

Design. A one-factor within-subject de- sign was used with Type of Homographic sense (dominant vs nondominant) as a within-subject factor.

Materials. Two alternative lists each comprised of 19 word pairs served as the to-be-remembered word pairs. In each list serial positions 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, and 19 were filled by the corresponding strongly related pairs from the list of strongly related pairs used in Experiment 6. The remaining 10 serial positions were filled with pairs with homographic stimuli. The stimuli of these pairs were the same in

Page 13: The expectation-violation effect: Paradoxical effects of semantic relatedness


both lists. However, if in one list a stimulus term was paired with a response word which biased its nondominant sense, in the other list it was paired with a response word which biased its dominant sense. For any given stimulus term, both responses were of exactly equal normative strength (Cramer, 1970). These materials are pre- sented in Appendix B. In one list the stim- ulus words in serial positions 4, 7, 10, 13, and 16 were biased to their dominant sense, while those in serial positions 5, 8, 11, 14, and 17 were biased to their nondom- inant senses. The reverse was true in the other list. Each of the two alternative lists was presented to half the subjects. Across subjects, therefore, assignment of word pairs that bias dominant and nondominant senses of the homograph to list position was counterbalanced. All other materials were the same as in the free-recall condi- tions of Experiment 1.

Procedure. The procedure of Experi- ment IO duplicated the procedure of the free-recall conditions of Experiment 1 with one exception: subjects were asked to freely recall the stimulus word instead of the response word in Experiment 10.

Results and Discussion

The primary result of Experiment 10 is that stimulus words that use a nondominant sense of a homograph are better remem- bered than stimulus words which use a dominant sense of a homograph (F(1,23) = 8.02, p < .Ol, .46 vs .28). A replication of Experiment 10 produced similar results (F(l,lS) = 7.15, p < .Ol, .39 vs .19). These dramatic results provide strong support for the idea that blind-alley searches improve later memory performance and establishes the blind-alley search hypothesis as a plau- sible explanation of the retrieval advantage weakly related pairs enjoy over strongly related pairs in free recall. Experiment 11 pursues this idea further by comparing per- formance on strongly related and weakly related pairs when the probability of com-

mitting a blind-alley search on these two types of pairs is equated.


Experiment 11 attempted to equate the number of blind-alley searches subjects commit on strongly related and weakly re- lated word pairs by using lists of word pairs in which the members of every word pair had the same general relation. Every word pair in Experiment 11, with the exception of the primacy and recency pairs, consisted of a noun and an adjective describing that noun. This should make it easier for sub- jects to determine how the items in the weakly related pairs are related, thus re- ducing the subject’s probability of com- mitting blind-alley searches on weakly re- lated pairs. As previously, Associative Strength was manipulated within-subject. In some pairs the adjective was strongly re- lated to the noun, while in other pairs the adjective was weakly related to the noun (e.g., knife-sharp, ice-sharp). Degree of Association was not, however, expected to be importad, because the effect of Asso- ciative Strength is presumed to depend on the subjects committing more blind-ahey searches on weakly related pairs than on strongly related pairs and the list structure of Experiment 11 is presumed to remove this difference.


Subjects. The subjects were 24 int&c- tory psychology students at the University of California, Los Angeles. They partici- pated in the experiment in partial fu&W ment of a research participation c&s re- quirement.

Design. A one-factor within-subject de- sign was used with Associative Strength (strongly related vs weakly related*pairs) as a within-subject variable.

Materials. Two alternative lists each comprised of 1~9 word pairs served as the to-be-remembered materials. Strongly re- lated and weakly related word pairs were selected from the Underwood and Bichard-

Page 14: The expectation-violation effect: Paradoxical effects of semantic relatedness


son (1958) adjective-noun pair norms by the same criteria as were the materials in Experiment 1. These materials are pre- sented in Appendix C. Strongly related and we&y related pairs were presented as in Experiment 1. All other materials were the same as in the free-recall conditions of Ex- periment 1.

Procedure. The procedure of Experi- ment 11 duplicated the procedure of the free-recall conditions of Experiment 1.

Results and Discussion

The primary result of Experiment 11 was that there was no difference between the recall of responses from strongly related pairs and the recall of responses from weakly related pairs when the number of blind-alley searches committed on weakly related pairs was reduced (F < 1). There is even a nonsignificant numerical advantage of responses from strongly related pairs over responses from weakly related pairs (.32 vs .30).

Together with the results of Experiment 10, the results of Experiment 11 provide strong evidence that blind-alley searches, in&id failures to understand the relation between the items in a pair, are responsible for @he retrieval advantage weakly related pairs enjoy over strongly related pairs in free recall. Thus, the results of Experiment 9 through Ii specify two necessary condi- tions for the occurrence of the expectation- violation effect, neither of which is suffi- cient to cause the effect by itself. First, subjects must commit more bli-nd-alley searches on weakly related pairs than on strongly related pairs and ehen the test con- ditions must be such that the retrieval of weakly related pairs can interfere with the retrieval of strongly related pairs.

Why do the blind-alley searches com- mitted on weakly related pairs at encoding give weakiy related pairs a retrieval advan- tage over strongly related pairs at retrieval? Two possibilities were presented earlier. The occurrence of blind-al,ley searches might encourage a more extensive en-

coding on those pairs on which the blind- alley searches were committed. Weakly re- lated pairs would then be more extensively elaborated than strongly related pairs at study and this would lead to a retrieval ad- vantage at subsequent testing. A second possibility is that a memory of the blind- alley search and the resultant surprise re- sponse could be saved, and this cue, here- after called a blind-alley search cue, could be used to aid the retrieval of the word pairs to which it was associated.

The second possible mechanism for the effects of the blind-alley search, that a blind-alley search cue can act as a retrieval cue to aid the retrieval of items associated with it, provides, in conjunction with the idea of cue overload (Watkins & Watkins, 1975), an answer to the previously unan- swered question of why performance on weakly related pairs is lower in the be- tween-subjects design than in the within- subject design. Subjects in the weakly re- lated pairs condition of the between-sub- jects design receive twice as many weakly related pairs as do subjects in the within- subject design. Consequently, the blind- alley search cue is, on average, associated to twice as many word pairs in the be- tween-subjects design as in the within-sub- ject design. The blind-alley search cue is, thus, more likely to be overloaded and less likely to be effective as a retrieval cue in the between-subjects design than in the within-subject design.

This description of the effects of the blind-alley search cue predicts that the ex- pectation-violation effect should, within certain ranges, be sensitive to the number of weakly related pairs in the study list be- cause performance on weakly related pairs should be an inverse function of the number of weakly related pairs in the study list. This is because as the number of weakly related pairs in the study lists in- creases so does the number of word pairs associated with the blind-alley search cue. This cue overload reduces the effectiveness of the blind-alley search cue and there is a

Page 15: The expectation-violation effect: Paradoxical effects of semantic relatedness


corresponding decrease in performance on weakly related pairs and in the size of the expectation-violation effect. Experiments 12 and 13 were designed to test these con- tentions.

EXPERIMENTS 12 AND 13 Experiment 12 and 13 were designed to

study the effect of the number of weakly related pairs in the study list on the size of the expectation-violation effect. Experi- ment 12 presented subjects with lists of word pairs containing 4 weakly related word pairs and 12 strongly related word pairs. Experiment 13 presented subjects with lists of word pairs containing 12 weakly related word pairs and 4 strongly related word pairs. If the blind-alley search cue acts as a retrieval cue it should be more effective in cueing the retrieval of weakly related pairs when there are 4 weakly re- lated pairs in the study list than when there are 12 weakly related pairs in the study list. This implies that the expectation-violation effect will be larger in Experiment 12 than in Experiment 13 because performance on weakly related pairs will be greater in Ex- periment 12 than in Experiment 13.


Subjects. Thirty-six subjects participated in each of Experiments 12 and 13. These subjects were introductory psychology stu- dents at the University of California, Los Angeles. They participated in the experi- ment in partial fulfillment of a research par- ticipation class requirement.

Design. Associative Strength (strongly related pairs vs weakly related pairs) was manipulated as a within-subject factor in Experiments 12 and 13.

Materials. Four lists were used in each of Experiments 12 and 13. The four lists used in Experiments 12 and 13 were of the same general form as those used in Experi- ment 1. They differed notably from pre- vious lists, however, in that each of the four lists used in Experiment 12 had 4 weakly related pairs and 12 strongly related

pairs as the to-be-scored pairs and each of the four lists used in Experiment 13 had 12 weakly related pairs and 4 strongly related pairs as the to-be-scored pairs. The four weakly related pairs were different pairs in different serial positions in each of the lists used in Experiment 12. In list 1 they were the weakly related pairs from serial posi- tions 3, 7, 11, and 15 from the lists used in Experiment 1. In list 2 they were the simi- larly selected pairs from serial positions 4, 8, 12, and 16 from the lists used in Experi- ment 1, and so on for the other two lists. This list construction ensured that the to-be-recalled items and the serial positions of those items were counterbalanced across strongly related and weakly related pairs in Experiment 12. The same counter- balancing scheme was used in Experiment 13 with the notable exception that it was the four strongly related pairs that were in serial positions 3, 7, 11, and 15 in list 1, in serial positions 4, 8, 12, and 16 in list 2, and so on for the other two lists. All other ma- terials used in Experiments 12 and 13 were identical to those used in the free-recall conditions of Experiment 1.


The procedures in Experiments 12 and 13 were identical to the procedures in the free-recall conditions of Experiment 1.

Results and Discussion

The mean proportions of responses cor- rectly recalled in Experiments 12 and 13 are presented in Table 3. In Experiment 12, where there were 4 weakly related pairs and 12 strongly related pairs in the study list, the expectation-violation effect oc- curred and was numerically larger than any of those found in previous experiments re- ported in this paper (F(1,35) = 14.43, p < .OOl, .40 vs .24). In Experiment 13 where there were 12 weakly related pairs and 4 strongly related pairs the expectation-vio- lation effect did not occur (F < 1, .29 vs .25). Across-experiment comparisons indi- cated that responses from weakly related

Page 16: The expectation-violation effect: Paradoxical effects of semantic relatedness



Experiment Strongly related pairs Weakly related pairs

Experiment 12 (4 weakly related pairs) .24 .40 Experiment 13 (12 weakly related pairs) .25 .29

pairs were better recalled in Experiment 12 than in Experiment 13 (F( 1,70) = 7.65, p < .Ol) but that recall of responses from strongly related pairs was the same in the two experiments (F < 1).

These results are consistent with the claim that the blind-alley search cue me- diates the retrieval of weakly related pairs and is responsible for the retrieval advan- tage that weakly related pairs enjoy over strongly related pairs. When the number of weakly related pairs in the study list in- creases, the blind-alley search cue is asso- ciated with more word pairs and is less ef- fective. When the number of weakly re- lated pairs in the study list decreases, the blind-alley search cue is associated with fewer word pairs and is more effective. These vicissitudes in the effectiveness of the blind-alley search cue affect perfor- mance on weakly related pairs and the size of the expectation-violation effect. Perfor- mance on strongly related pairs does not evidence such a pattern. This is presum- ably because no single type of cue mediates the recall of strongly related pairs.


The expectation-violation effect emerges from the preceding experiments as a large and replicable effect with well-defined boundary conditions. The expectation-vio- lation effect occurred 10 times in the pre- ceding experiments with an average size of 11.4%. Type of Test, Type of Experimental Design, and number of weakly related pairs in the study list all set boundary conditions on the effect. The expectation-violation ef- fect occurs in free recall, but not in cued recall and in within-subject designs and not in between-subjects designs. Further, the

expectation-violation effect will not occur if the number of weakly related pairs in the study list is too large.

The theoretical impetus for the initial ex- periments presented in this paper was the recognition that weakly related pairs repre- sented unexpected semantic combinations and that the subject’s responses to these semantic combinations could improve memory performance on weakly related pairs. These general ideas were specified by using the idea of the blind-alley search and its attendant memory representation, the blind-alley search cue. Differences in the number of blind-alley searches between strongly related and weakly related pairs is one of the necessary conditions of the ex- pectation-violation effect. Subjects must commit more blind-alley searches on weakly related pairs than on strongly re- lated pairs if the expectation-violation ef- fect is to occur. A second necessary condi- tion of the expectation-violation effect, which highlights its dependency on the factors of Type of Test and Type of Design, is that the retrieval of weakly related pairs must interfere with the retrieval of strongly related pairs that otherwise would have been retrieved. This retrieval advantage of weakly related pairs over strongly related pairs occurs because subjects can use a memory of the blind-alley search and the resultant surprise response (called a blind- alley search cue) to cue the retrieval of weakly related pairs that are associated with the blind-alley search cue.

This novel formulation of the role of blind-alley search cues in facilitating memory performance raises the question of whether the blind-alley search cue is sufft- cient to mediate the retrieval of word pairs.

Page 17: The expectation-violation effect: Paradoxical effects of semantic relatedness


Hunt and Elliott’s (1980) description of the roles of semantic and nonsemantic cues in retrieval claims that nonsemantic informa- tion is effective only when used in conjunc- tion with semantic information. This posi- tion predicts that the expectation-violation effect should disappear if the items in weakly related pairs are exceptionally weakly related. This is because subjects cannot semantically elaborate exception- ally weakly related pairs at study and the blind-alley search cue, a nonsemantic cue, is not sufficient to mediate the retrieval of exceptionally weakly related pairs in the absence of such elaborations. Consistent with these specuiations, a recently com- pleted experiment established that the ex- pectation-violation effect does not occur when the items in weakly related pairs are exceptionally weakly related.

The empirical findings presented in this report have theoretical implications in ad- dition to those presented above. First, these findings indicate that there is no simple relationship between associative strength and memory performance. This can be seen in two ways. First, the effects of associative strength are different on dif- ferent memory tests. Response terms from weakly related pairs were better free re- called than response terms from strongly related pairs, but the reverse was true in cued recall. Second, on a given test, the ef- fects of associative strength will be dif- ferent when a different experimental design is used. Responses from weakly related pairs were better free recalled than re- sponses from strongly related pairs when a within-subject design was used, but this was not true when a between-subjects de- sign was used.

A second implication of the above findings concerns the relationship between cued recall and free recall. In Experiment 1, as mentioned above, responses from weakly related pairs were better free re- called than responses from strongly related pairs, but the reverse was true in cued re-

call. This interaction of associative strength and type of test can only occur if cued recall of responses uses relational in- formation that is not used in free recall of responses. Spector and Laughery (1975) and Burke and Battig (1968) present evi- dence consistent with this claim, They show that associative pretraining manipula- tions which increase relational information increase cued recall of responses, but they do not increase free recall of responses. Two speculations are offered to explain the difference between the information used in free recall and that in cued recall. First, cued recall may be able to use information that is automatically encoded (Barsalou, 1982) while free recall may be more depen- dent on consciously constructed elabora- tions. Second, free recall may be more de- pendent on episodic information than cued recall. Subjects may be able to use general semantic information that was not episodi- cally encoded on a cued recall task (Bahrick, 1970).

A final issue concerns the ecological va- lidity of the current research and previous research. While the theory presented herein describes when associative strength will have positive or negative effects on memory performance it does not specify which set of experimental circumstances- those of this report or those of previous ex- perimenters- are more common outside the laboratory. While this issue is not easily resolvable there are strong reasons to ex- pect that the situation represented in the current experiments is fairly common out- side the laboratory. For each word there are many more words that are weakly re- lated to it than there are words that are strongly or intermediately related to it, and the complexity of linguistic processes en- sures that these weakly related pairs are often represented together in the context of other strongly related materials. An ex- ample suffices to close. Fairy tales in which step-daughters go to balls bring slippers and glass together.

Page 18: The expectation-violation effect: Paradoxical effects of semantic relatedness


Weakly related stimuli

Color Patch Couch Swift Glue Brave Bright Leaf Ruler Quick Blade Rabbit Pray Mate Glass Roll Head Worm Room

Lists of Word Pairs

Weakly related Strongly stimuli related

(Expt 5) stimuli

Color Grass Patch Cabbage Snore Bed Mule Fast Wicker Table Patient Strong Baboon Dumb Bright Stem Tyrant King Worm Long Hurt Scissors Wooly Lamb Hunger Want Spouse Man Head Soft Smelly Carpet Study Mind Flying Insect Room House


Green Lettuce Sleep Slow Chair Weak Stupid Flower Queen Short cut Sheep Need Woman Hard Rug Think Bug Home

Strongly related noun stimuli

Nail Crystal Crumb City Ape Sugar Knife Night Weight Garbage Milk

Weakly related noun stimuli

Head Diamond Tack Camel Cat Apple Ice Skunk Car Cabbage Fang

Adjective responses

- Hard Clear Small Big Hairy Sweet Sharp Dark Heavy Smelly White



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Homographic Word Pairs

BEGG, l., & SNIDER. A. (in press). The generation ef- fect: Evidence for generalized inhibition. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memo? and Cognition.


Mine Fine Date Plant Ground Spring Count Boil Sound Page

Dominant sense response

His Nice Car Garden Air Sun Math Heat Voice Sheet

Nondominant sense response

Cave Cop Raisin Factory Crush Steel Duke Sore Pang King

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Noun-Adjective Word Pairs

CRAIK, F. I. M. & TULVING. E. (1975). Depth of pro- cessing and the retention of words in episodic memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 104, 268-294.

Strongly related noun stimuli

Light Bed Frost Banana

Adjective responses

Shiny Soft Cold Yellow Round

CRAMER, P. (1970). A study of homographs. In L. Postman, &G. Keppel (Eds.), Norms ofWordA.\- sociation. New York: Academic Press.

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Weakly related noun stimuli

Eye Sheep Fish Grapefruit Snail

EPSTEIN, W., & PLATT, J. R. (1964). Free recall of paired associates as a function of meaningfulness.


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(Received February 10, 1987) (Revision received September 14, 1987)