The Effects of Al on Nodulation and Nitrogen Fixation in Casuarina

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  • 8/10/2019 The Effects of Al on Nodulation and Nitrogen Fixation in Casuarina


    Plant and Soil 190:4146, 1997. 41c

    1997Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.

    The effects of aluminium on nodulation and symbiotic nitrogen fixation inCasuarina cunninghamianaMiq.

    J.M. Igual1, C. Rodrguez-Barrueco and E. Cervantes

    Instituto de Recursos Naturales y Agrobiologia, C.S.I.C. Apdo 257, 37071 Salamanca, Spain. Present address:1Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences, 1025 Plant Sciences Lab., 1201 South Dorner

    Drive, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 61801-47783, USA

    Received 4 September 1996. Accepted in revised form 21 January 1997

    Key words:actinorhizal plants, aluminium toxicity,Casuarina cunninghamiana, Frankia,nitrogen fixation, nodu-



    In order to investigate the effects of Al on nodule formation and function in the Casuarina-Frankia symbiosis,inoculated plants were grown in sand culture at five nominal Al concentrations (0-880


    Al) at pH 4.0. There

    was an Al-free control at pH 6.0 to assess the effects of pH 4.0 treatments. Mean N concentration of nodules was

    significantly less at pH 4.0 (1.83%) than at pH 6.0 (2.01%). There were nodulated plants at all Al levels, though

    there were fewer nodulated plants at 440 and 880 M

    Al. Dry weights of nodules, shoots and roots were not

    reduced by Al concentrations at or below 220 M

    Al, but were decreased by Al concentrations at or above 440 M

    Al. Nodule weight expressed as a percentage of total weight did not differ significantly with respect to an Al-free

    control at pH 4. N concentrations of shoots and whole plants were significantly reduced at 440 M

    Al. Nodular

    specific acetylene reduction activity (ARA) did not differ significantly among Al treatments. However, N2-fixation

    efficiency was decreased from 0.20 to 0.10 mg N fixed mg nodule dry weight 1 at 880 M



    Acid soils occupy approximately 30% of the worlds

    ice free land area and occur mainly in two global belts:

    one in the humid northern temperate zone that is cov-

    ered predominantly by coniferous forests; another in

    the humid tropics occupied by savanna and tropical

    rainforest (Von Uexkull and Mutert, 1995). Further-

    more, human activity is increasing soil acidification

    throughout the world, especially in the developing

    countries. The poor fertility of acid soils is due in part

    to high H + concentrations and, especially below pH 5,

    to Al, Mn and Fe toxicity, and limited availability of

    Ca, Mg, K and P (Von Uexkull and Mutert, 1995).Aluminium is the third most abundant element in

    the earths crust after oxygen and silicon. It is found

    in soils predominantly as insoluble alumino-silicates

    or oxides (Martin, 1988). In acid soils, Al (primarily

    in the form of Al3+ ) is mobilized into soil solution

    FAX No:+12172443469. E-mail:[email protected]

    impairing the growth of most plant species (Foy et al.,

    1978; Kochian, 1995). Soluble Al reduces plant growthbecause its targeted action at the root apex (Ryan et al.,

    1993) inhibits root growth. Although not completely

    understood, several mechanisms have been proposed

    to explain Al toxicity (for reviews, see Delhaize and

    Ryan, 1995; Kochian, 1995). Aluminium can lower P

    availability and block the normal uptake of Ca2+ and

    Mg2+ causing an imbalance in plant mineral nutrition;

    Al produces rigidity in the actin cytoskeleton (Grab-

    ski and Schindler, 1995), and its binding to nucleic

    acids inhibits cell division (Matsumoto et al., 1977;

    Morimura et al., 1978). Certain plant species or geno-

    types show resistance to Al achieved in two differentways: Al exclusion or Al tolerance. In the process of

    exclusion, Al is immobilized outside the plant by com-

    plexation with organic acids, such as malic and citric

    acid, released from roots (Delhaize et al., 1993; Pellet

    et al., 1995; Ryan et al., 1995). In tolerant plants the

  • 8/10/2019 The Effects of Al on Nodulation and Nitrogen Fixation in Casuarina



    Al cation is tolerated within the symplasm (Kochian,


    With respect to the symbioses betweenRhizobium-

    Bradyrhizobiumand legumes, Al has been shown to

    adverselyaffect the processof nodulation throughinhi-

    bition of root hair formation and nodule initiation (Flis

    et al., 1993). The susceptibility of the symbiotic rela-tionshipsof actinorhizal plants to damageby Al has not

    been studied, though some research has been focused

    on the role of pH in nodulation (Dixon and Wheeler,


    Among the N2-fixing trees, members of the Casuar-

    inaceae family arerecognized as versatile species capa-

    ble of tolerating extreme environmental conditions

    such as waterlogging, variation in soil pH, salinity

    and drought. Some Casuarina species, such as C.

    deplancheana, thrive in soils so rich in Al and Fe that

    they are toxic to most plants (NRC, 1984). They pos-

    sess root nodules caused by the nitrogen-fixing acti-

    nomycete Frankia and hence are self-sufficient with

    regard to N nutrition. For these reasons, they are suc-

    cessfully used in the afforestation of unproductive soils

    (Subbarao and Rodrguez-Barrueco, 1995). Casuarina

    cunninghamiana is one of the largest of the casuarinas.

    Native to eastern and northern Australia, this species is

    adapted to climates varying fromtemperate to tropical,

    and it is able to tolerate up to 50 light frosts per year

    (NRC, 1984). Casuarina cunninghamiana is exten-

    sively planted in Argentina and neighboring countries

    for windbreaks and to protect stream bands. In Hawaii,

    it grows well on histosols (pH 5.0) developed over

    acidic lava (NRC, 1984).The present study was designed to determine the

    effects of Al on the symbiosis betweenFrankiaandC.

    cunninghamiana, and thereby to test its potential for

    the afforestation of acid soils.

    Materials and methods

    Plant material and stress treatments

    Seeds of Casuarina cunninghamiana obtained from

    native stands of trees in Queensland (Australia) weresurface-sterilized for 10 minutes using 5% sodium

    hypochlorite, and then repeatedly washed with ster-

    ile, distilled water. After sterilization, the seeds were

    sown in a plastic tray containing autoclaved perlite.

    Seeds were germinated in a growth chamber at 28 C,

    80% relative humidity, and with a day/nightcycle of 16

    h/8 h. One week after germination, the seedlings were

    transferred to 50 mL sterile plastic tubes (one seedling

    per tube) filled with acid washed sand. Each seedling

    was watered every two days with 5 mL of a solution

    containing ( M

    ): Ca 1000, Cl 2025, Mg 370, S 372,

    Na 455, P 330, EDTA 250, Fe 250, K 2520, N 2520,

    Mn 1.25, Cu 0.25, Zn 0.25, B 12.5, Mo 0.125.

    Three weeks after transfer, each tube was wateredwith 10 mL of sterile distilled water, in order to elim-

    inate nitrate, and the treatments were started with the

    application of 5 mL of the appropriate solution without

    combined nitrogen. The nutrient solution consisted of

    ( M

    ):Ca 400,Cl 1820, Mg148,S 149,Na 182,P 132,

    EDTA 100, Fe 100, K 1010, Mn 0.5, Cu 0.1, Zn 0.1,

    B 5, Mo 0.05. Aluminium was added as AlCl3 6H2O

    and the solutions were adjusted to pH 4.0 or 6.0 with

    HCl and NaOH.

    Inoculation and culture of plants

    Eighteen hours after the first Al application, the

    seedlings were inoculated with crushed nodule sus-

    pension. The suspension was prepared with fresh and

    healthy nodules less than 7 mm in diameter obtained

    directly from plants of C. cunninghamianagrown in

    a greenhouse for 3 years. Nodule material (6.5 g) was

    surface-sterilized in 5% sodium hypochlorite for 20

    minutes, rinsed repeatedly in sterile distilled water and

    then ground to a paste in a mortar and pestle with 5 mL

    sterile distilled water. The resultant suspension was

    made up to 300 mL with sterile distilled water, and 5

    mL of this suspension was added to each tube. For the

    uninoculated tubes, 5 mL of sterile distilled water wasapplied instead of the nodule suspension. The plants

    were kept unwatered for 3 days following inoculation

    to avoid loss of inoculum by watering, after which the

    treatments were renewed with a volume of solution to

    field capacity of the tubes. Twelve weeks after inocu-

    lation, individual plants were transferred to 2 L plastic

    pots containing acid-washed sand and kept in a growth

    room with a day/night cycle of 16 h/8 h (200 mE m 2

    s 1) at 23 C and 17 C, respectively. Nutrient solu-

    tions containing the different Al concentrations were

    applied in adequate volume to permit leaching of pots

    every day until harvest at 32 weeks after inoculation.At harvest, the plants were withdrawn from the pots

    and the roots carefully washed with distilled water.

    Roots were excised and used for the acetylene reduc-

    tion assay, after which, roots, nodules and shoots were

    dried at 80 C for 24 h and weighted. Samples of 50

    mg of ground and dried plant material were digest-

    ed using the Kjeldahl method, and total N determined

  • 8/10/2019 The Effects of Al on Nodulation and Nitrogen Fixation in Casuarina



    using an Orion Research Ioanalyzer 901 equipped with

    an ammonia electrode.

    Nitrogenase activity

    Nitrogenase activity was estimated by the acetylene

    reduction assay. Excised roots were incubated for 20min at 25 C in hermetically sealed flasks (310 mL)

    containing 10% v/v acetylene. A flask without acety-

    lene was also incubated for the assay of endogenous

    ethylene. Ethylene was quantified using a Varian Gas

    Chromatograph 2700 equipped with a hydrogen flame

    ionization detector and one alumina column. High

    purity N2 served as the carrier gas. The column tem-

    perature was 150 C. The endogenous production of

    ethylene was negligible.

    Statistical analysis

    There were eight replicates per treatment and the

    experiment was arranged in a completely randomized

    design. The results of each treatment were compared

    to the control (pH = 4,0 M

    Al, inoculated) using

    a Students t-test according to Snedecor and Cochran



    Although all plant mass and N concentration values

    tended to be higher at pH 6 than at pH 4, only the

    N concentration of the nodules differed significantly(



    5) between these two pH levels.

    Plant growth and nitrogen concentration

    Nitrogen fixation by the inoculated plants was reflect-

    ed in the dry weight of the plants (Table 1). Inoculat-

    ed control plants had about 43 times greater total dry

    weight than uninoculated plants.

    Only at Al concentrations at or above 440 M

    wasthere a significant reduction in C. cunninghamiana

    dry weight (Table 1). The total dry weight at 440 and

    880 M

    Al decreased to 19% and 5% of the control,


    At 440 M

    there was a significant reduction



    01) in shoot and whole plant N concentra-

    tions relative to the Al-free treatment. Shoot and total

    plant N concentrations were 78% and 84% of the con-

    trol, respectively (Table 2). The treatment of 880 M

    Al yielded mean N concentrations of shoot and whole

    plant less than those at the 440 M

    Al level (Table

    2). However, the reduction in N concentration relative

    to the control, according to Studentst

    -test, was not

    significant, probably because the degrees of freedom

    were lower than at 440 M


    Nodulation and N2-fixation

    There were nodulated plants at all Al levels, though

    the number of nodulated plants was reduced at 440

    and 880 M

    Al. Seven of eight plants nodulated at

    440 M

    Al, and only four at 880 M

    Al (Table 3).

    The mean nodule dry weight as a percentage of total

    dry weight was not significantly less (p


    05) than

    that of the Al-free, pH 4, control treatment (Table 1).

    Specific nitrogenase activity (Table 3) did not differ

    significantly (p


    05) between any treatment and the

    control, although at 220 M

    Al it was 54% greater

    than that of the control (p =


    062). At 880 M


    with only four nodulated plants, it decreased to 57%

    of the control (p =


    122). The acetylene reduction

    activity (ARA), considered on a per plant basis (


    C2H4 plant 1 h 1), was significantly reduced at the

    two highest Al concentrations (Table 3). At 440 M

    Al ARA was only 20% of the control, and was only

    6% that of the control at 880 M


    An additional estimation of N2-fixation was derived

    by calculating the mg N in the plants per mg of nod-

    ule dry weight (Table 3). N2-fixation estimated in this

    manner remained fairly constant with increasing Al

    concentrations up to 220 M

    Al. At 440 M

    Al and

    880 M

    Al, the estimated N2-fixation values were80% and 50% of the control, respectively.


    This is the first published report on the effect of Al on

    nodule formation and function in actinorhizal sym-

    bioses. There are numerous papers on this subject

    for thesymbiosesbetweenRhizobium-Bradyrhizobium

    and legumes.

    The Al concentrations mentioned in this article are

    nominal values. There could have been considerable

    precipitationof aluminium phosphate, as a result of the

    high P concentration in the nutrient solution. At 880


    Al, the summed concentration of Al monomers

    Al3+ , Al(OH)+2 and Al(OH)2+ was estimated to be

    279 M

    , according to the chemical speciationprogram

    GEOCHEM-PC (Parker et al., 1996).

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    Table 1. Effect of Al concentration on shoot, root, nodule and total dry weight of Casuarina cunninghamiana32 weeks after the

    commencement of Al treatment (values are means of 8 replicates S.E.)


    Treatment nonnodulated Dry weight (g plant 1 ) Nodule weight as

    pH M Al Inoculationa Ratio Shoot Root Total % of total weightb

    4 0 - 0 /8 0.05

    0.01** 0.04

    0.01** 0.09


    6 0 + 8 / 8 3.68 0.72 1.34 0.35 5.36 1.03 6.26 0.80

    4 0 + 8 / 8 2.39

    0.57 1.15

    0.28 3.83

    0.90 7.67


    4 110 + 8 / 8 3.10 0.44 1.25 0.16 4.72 0.60 8.07 0.89

    4 220 + 8 / 8 2.71

    0.47 1.31

    0.25 4.28

    0.73 6.46


    4 440 + 7 / 8 0.44 0.13* 0.21 0.07* 0.71 0.22* 7.18 0.53

    4 880 + 4 / 8 0.13

    0.05** 0.07

    0.01** 0.21

    0.07** 8.54


    a +inoculated, -uninoculated.b Nodulated plants only.

    *Significantly different from the inoculated control (pH 4; 0 M

    Al) atp

    005 according to Studentst


    **Significantly different from the inoculated control (pH 4; 0 M

    Al) atp

    001 according to Studentst


    Table 2. Effect of Al concentration on N concentration in shoot, root, nodules and total N content of Casuarina cunninghamiana

    32 weeks after the commencement of Al treatment (mean



    Treatment Nonnodulated N concentration (%)

    pH M

    Al Inoculationa Ration

    Shoot Root Nodules Total

    4 0 - 0 / 8 8 0.81

    0.06** 0.82

    0.07 0.81


    6 0 + 8 / 8 8 1.63

    0.11 1.01

    0.09 2.01

    0 .05* 1.49


    4 0 + 8 / 8 8 1.69

    0.07 0.94

    0.07 1. 83

    0.06 1.47


    4 110 + 8 / 8 8 1.74

    0.10 0.87

    0.04 1. 98

    0.09 1.53


    4 220 + 8 / 8 8 1.60 0.12 0.97 0.05 1. 88 0.16 1.43 0.08

    4 440 + 7 / 8 7 1.31

    0.06** 0.85

    0.05 2. 05

    0.09 1.23


    4 880 + 4 / 8 4 1.16 0.25 1.04 0.17 1. 66 0.15 1.15 0.22

    a +inoculated; -uninoculated.

    *Significantly different from the inoculated control (pH 4; 0 M Al) at p 005 according to Students t -test.

    **Significantly different from the inoculated control (pH 4; 0 M Al) at p 001 according to Students t -test.

    Table 3. Effect of Al concentration on N2fixation ofCasuarina cunninghamianaas estimated by three different methods (mean



    Treatment nonnodulated Estimated N fixedb ARA nodules ARA plant

    pH M

    Al Inoculationa Ration

    (mg N mg nodule d.wt 1) (

    mol C2H4 g d.wt 1 h 1) (

    mol C2H4 plant 1 h 1)

    4 0 - 0 / 8

    6 0 + 8 / 8 8 0.26

    0.02 40.38

    5.22 14.32


    4 0 + 8 / 8 8 0.20 0.02 39.20 4.15 11.23 2.72

    4 110 + 8 / 8 8 0.21

    0.03 37.11

    3.63 13.05


    4 220 + 8 / 8 8 0.23

    0.02 60.41

    9.16 17.99


    4 440 + 7 / 8 7 0.16

    0.02 38.23

    6.31 2.23


    4 880 + 4 / 8 4 0.10

    0.02** 22.48

    11.71 0.72


    a +inoculated; -uninoculatedb Estimated mg N fixed per mg nodule dry weight calculated as :total N content of inoculated plant - N content of uninoculated plant

    total nodule dry weight per plant

    *Significantly different from the inoculated control (pH4; 0 M Al) at p 005 according to Students t -test.

    **Significantly different from the inoculated control (pH4; 0 M Al) at p 001 according to Students t -test.

  • 8/10/2019 The Effects of Al on Nodulation and Nitrogen Fixation in Casuarina



    There was a significant difference (p


    05) in N

    concentrationof nodules between Al-free treatments at

    pH6 andpH 4 (Table2). The rateof N2-fixation (Table

    3) was higher and the nodule weight/total weight ratio

    (Table 1) was lower at pH 6 than pH 4. Although these

    differences were not statistically significant, they sug-

    gest that the nodule efficiency was higher at pH 6. Nofurther significant differences (



    05) were found

    between Al-free treatments at pH 6 and pH 4; thus,

    solutions as acid as pH 4 did not significantly impair

    growth, nodulation and nitrogen fixation in C. cun-

    ninghamiana. In the rhizosphere, it is known that the

    pH of the soil solution can be greatly altered to val-

    ues more suitable for plant growth (Marschner, 1995).

    The utilization of unbuffered solutions and sand as

    substrate could reflect more accurately what happens

    in the plant-soil system, and it can explain why there

    were not more appreciable differences due to pH.

    There were nodulated plants at all Al levels. This

    indicates that the growth ofFrankia in the rhizosphere,

    infection and nodule development occurred at low pH

    with Al concentrations up to 880 M

    Al. The presence

    of nodulated actinorhizal plants on acid soils (Dixon

    and Wheeler, 1983) indicates that Frankia can grow

    saprophytically on these soils; therefore, they may tol-

    erate some Al in the soil solution. When assayed in

    vitro, the optimum growth ofFrankia is achieved at

    pH values near to neutrality (Burggraaf and Shipton,

    1982; Murry et al., 1984). However, some Frankia

    strains can grow at pH 4.6, and a correlation apparent-

    ly exists between tolerance to acid pH and tolerance

    to free Al3+

    in the culture medium (Faure-Raynaud etal., 1986).

    Nodulation was noticeably reduced at 880 M


    where only 50% of the plants were nodulated (Table

    3). In legumes nodulation has often been shown to be

    affected by Al. In addition to its effects on molecular

    interactions between rhizobia and plants (Richardson

    et al., 1988a, 1988b) it has been suggested that the

    reduction caused by Al in root hair formation might

    lessen nodulation (Brady et al., 1993, 1994; Hecht-

    Buchholz et al., 1990). As do most actinorhizal plants,

    Frankia gains entry into Casuarina via root hairs (Sub-

    barao and Rodrguez-Barrueco, 1995). Therefore, apossible detrimental effect of Al on root hair devel-

    opment might explain how Al impairs nodulation in


    Two estimates of nodular nitrogenase activity

    (Table 3) were done in order to avoid the uncertain-

    ty associated with the closed acetylene reduction assay

    (Minchin et al., 1994; Vessey, 1994; Winship and Tjep-

    kema, 1990). Both methods showed similar trends, but

    ARA values were higher with respect to the control

    than was the N2-fixed per unit nodule mass estima-

    tion. A relatively high ARA value at 220 M

    Al (54%

    over the control) is at odds with plant dry weight and

    total nitrogen content. The estimation of N2-fixed had

    higher correlation coefficients with total dry weight (r= 0.62) and total nitrogen content (r = 0.60) than with

    nodular ARA (r = 0.45 and r = 0.41, respectively).

    Therefore, the estimation of N2-fixed per unit nodule

    mass is a better estimator of nitrogen fixed.

    An effective Casuarina-Frankia association is

    characterized by high nodule weight and high nitrogen

    fixation activity (Reddell and Bowen,1985). At moder-

    ate Al concentrations,the high noduledry weight (nod-

    ule weight as % of total dry weight, Table 1) and the

    efficiency of N2-fixation (Table 3) indicate that a highly

    effectiveC. cunninghamiana-Frankia association was

    achieved. It is therefore important for the successful

    introduction ofC. cunninghamiana to acid soils high in

    soluble Al that tolerant genotypes are inoculated with

    the most effective nitrogen-fixing Frankia. Casuari-

    na cunninghamianaappears to be a good species for

    the selection of Al resistant host and endosymbiont

    genotypes in order to obtain suitable combinations for

    reclamation of acid soils.


    The authors wish to thank M V Sevillano Gonzalez for

    technical assistance in pot experimentation and sampleanalyses, and Professor J O Dawson, University of

    Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, for manuscript reading

    and valuable discussions. We thank Dr D R Parker,

    University of California, Riverside for supplying the

    GEOCHEM-PC program. This research was supported

    by European Union (Program STD-II)


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    ogy of Frankia and Actinorhizal Plants. Eds. C R Schwintzerand J D Tjepkema. pp 263280. Academic Press, San Diego.

    Section editor: F R Minchin