Optimist International 1 TEAM BUILDING WELCOME!

Team Building Module PowerPoint

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Page 1: Team Building Module PowerPoint

Optimist International 1



Page 2: Team Building Module PowerPoint

Optimist International 2


Build and serve on high-performance, effective teams

Help meet our goals and objectives.

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WHAT WILL BE LEARNEDDynamics and skills involvedHow to effectively communicateHow to define rolesHow to recognize and use helpful behaviorHow to avoid and overcome destructive

behaviorSteps in team decision making and

problem solving

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WHAT IS A TEAM?A group organized

to work together.

A team is a group of individuals working together to solve a problem, meet an objective, or tackle an issue.

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SHORT HISTORY OF TEAM BUILDINGMayo: confirmed relationship between

human factors and productivityMaslow: linked motivation and

performanceTeam relationships importantBusiness demonstrated effectiveness

of teams and refined structure and use

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WHY DO TEAMS WORK?Whole is greater than

the sum of its partsIndividuals bring a

range of talents, knowledge, experience, contacts, etc.

Working together, a team can accomplish more

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INTANGIBLE BENEFITSSense of accomplishmentSelf-fulfillmentEsprit de corpsGet to know one anotherMore participation in

activitiesEnhance club/OI reputation

We know how to get things done for our kids!

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Get to know one anotherEstablish consensus as

to team’s purposeIdentify available

resourcesEstablish rules of


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ESTABLISH CONSENSUS FOR TEAM’S PURPOSEShort term team: once achieved,

team disbandsLong term team: on-going objective

Establish specific objectives Establish its authority Reach consensus on expected results Establish a completion date

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IDENTIFY RESOURCESWhat’s the budget?Special equipmentTime members can devote – get a

commitmentSpecial, relevant informationOther teams and/or individuals

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HELPFUL BEHAVIORBe optimisticBe on timeSupport one

anotherBe courteousBe open mindedBe honestParticipate

Be openListenStay on trackShare the workComplete your workPresent ideas,

comments clearlyBe prepared

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HARMFUL BEHAVIORConstantly criticalDominate/

monopolizeBe manipulativeBe judgmentalAct

bored/uninterestedDo unrelated things

Sub-conversationsSimply agree with

everythingAvoid decisionsGo off on tangentName-callingAttack


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“to make known”“to have an

interchange, as of ideas”

“to express oneself in such a way that one is readily and clearly understood

Behaviors affect communications!

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Keep each team member in the loopThank dominating members for their

contributions, but ask them to allow others to participate

Get all members to participateHelp members make their point clearly

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Ways to Involve Team Members

Pass a batonAsk open-ended

questionsCall directly on non-

participantsAssign specific tasksAsk for opinionRotate team roles

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Conflicts and BehaviorIndividuals attacking personalities or

ideasConstant criticism of other points of viewDisplaying angerShowing contemptUnwilling to share the workloadNon participationGossip

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Handling Team ConflictsIdentify/recognize

problemsAct quicklyFormal conflict

resolution an optionTeam needs to

reach consensusFire someone

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Providing RecognitionRecognize

individual team members informally and continually

Also provide formal recognition for special accomplishments

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Making Team Meetings Fun!

Basic amenities for a comfortable meeting

Appropriate equipmentGood lighting and ventilationQuiet and place that avoids outside


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Making Team Decisions and Solving Problems

Gathering informationAnalyzing information

Generating and analyzing ideas

Examining solution alternatives

Making decisions and gaining consensus

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Making Team Decisions and Solving Problems

Generating and analyzing ideas

Examining solution alternatives

Making decisions and gaining consensus

Gathering informationAnalyzing information

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Solution MatrixPossibleSolutions


Ease ofImplemen-tation



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Making Team Decisions and Solving ProblemsGathering informationAnalyzing informationGenerating and

analyzing ideasExamining solution


Making decisions and gaining consensus

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Summary Importance of effective teams in solving problems A team is only as good as its members make it Every team member brings attributes Establish rules of behavior Maintain good communications Each member needs to participate Identify problems and resolve conflicts Recognition is important Make your meetings enjoyable Steps involved in making team decisions and solving problems Ways to make decisions and gain consensus