Tantra -YONI

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  • 8/20/2019 Tantra -YONI


    The Yoni Tantra is a religious text from Bengal (11th century or earlier) mainlyconcerned with describing the Yoni Puja, or "ass of the !ula"# one of the secret and

    esoteric Tantric rituals dedicated to creating $ and consuming $ the sacred fluid whichis called yonitatta%

    &ccording to this text, sexual union (maithuna) is an indis'ensable 'art of Tantricritual and may be 'erformed by and with women between the age of twele and sixtyyears, married or not, exce't for a girl not yet menstruating% The text s'ecifies ninety'es of women (naaanya) who may 'erform sexual rituals, yet ex'licitly forbids anincestuous motherson constellation%

    *n general, howeer, this Tantra does not im'ose many restrictions on the 'ractitioner

    (sadhaa) who is dedicated to the Yoni Puja% *t adocates use of the fie maara andleaes the choice of 'artner, 'lace and time ery much u' to the 'ractitioner%

     +eertheless, the male sadhaa is ex'licitly admonished "neer to ridicule a yoni" andto treat all women well and neer to be offensie toward them%

    *n the accom'anying two uotes, it becomes clear just why the text bears its name,showing that the yoni is truly the center of worshi'% The text also outlines a s'ecificto'ogra'hy of the yoni with ten subdiisions, most of which are associated with oneof the ahaidyas, ten im'ortant *ndian goddesses%

    -t% .oddesshair'it yonimula$deifield yoni$naganandiniedge yonicara$ali /aliarch yonicara$tara Taragirdle yoniuntala$chinnamastaa 0hinnamastanodule yonisami'ato$agala Bhagalacleft yonisami'ato$matangi atangiwheel yonigarta$mahalashmi ashmi

    throne yonigarta$sodasi -odasiroot yonigarta$bhuanesari Bhuaneshari

    The Yoni Tantra,

    Part I

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    Translated by Sri Lokanath

    *ntroduction to the Yoni Tantra-oror 2iliae 0haosiae

    3earest 4nes,the Toni Tantra flew into my tem'le early one morning as * 'ractised my solo

    oblations% *t5s eight sweet 'atalas surrounded me and sang, successiely, their 'articular and 'ungent songs% The tune was so familiar% aybe you will find it to besweet as well% Printed here for your researching 'leasure is oanath5s introductionwhich is choc fall of tasty literary and 'ublishing reference% 6e will 'rint thetranslation of the Toni Tantra in it5s entirety oer the course of the next four issues ofthe -, which will be !ol% 7, one of my faorite one digit numbers (actually, they5reall good and much the same, but that issue has been adeuately coered elsewhere)and a remarably a''ro'riate one for this 'articular 'iece of wor% *f you just can5twait all year to read the Tantra, or if serialisation dries you to distraction, you cansend me 89:or better yet, something interesting to read 'ertaining to sex andimmortality and * will send you a co'y% -o it5s not free# but it is easy% 6hat *5m reallylooing for is source material, but sometimes those anecdotal accounts and magicalrecords mae for fascinating reading% -o send them along to me;


  • 8/20/2019 Tantra -YONI


     'ublished in &>oth aga>ine numbers 1?$1@% That translation used the -ansrit textof Yoni Tantra edited by A%-% -choeterman and 'ublished by anohar in 1@C%

    2or reasons 'robably of 5delicacy5 -choeterman did not issue a translation of the textwith his edition% But there is an excellent introduction dealing with the texts he used

    and other to'ics relating to /ulachara9%

    The statements by many 6estern commentators that the 5secret sadhana57 was hidden by an allusie style are com'letely ex'loded by Yoni Tantra% /aulasD were neer 'rone to mince words and the consum'tion of Yoni Tatta:the mixture of mensesand semen:is described in the clearest of terms in Yoni Tantra%

    6hile ritual sexual intercourse is often alluded to in /aula and -hri Tantras there areonly a few 'laces where the Yoni TattaE is referred to% The chief of these is YoniTantra, which could be described as a eulogy of the Yoni and the Yoni Tatta%

    The Yoni Tatta

    &s long ago as 1@17 some details relating to this matter were 'ublished by &rthur&alon in his 5Fymn to /ali5 (u>ac 1@17)% =nfortunately, it was obiously felt to betoo sensitie a matter and -ir Aohn left un$translated the crucial 'arts of thecommentary which deal with consum'tion of Yoni Tatta%

    The first reference to the consum'tion of menses and semen in Gnglish * hae come

    across is in the *ndian maga>ine !alues, !ol% H*H +o% E% *n an article called 5The4ccult 6orld of a Tantric .um5 by a liing re'resentatie of the =ttara /aula and&dinath -am'radayas, -hri .urudea ahendranath, this matter is discussed 'lainly%

    *n the course of research into this subject other Gnglish boos hae been discoeredwhich deal (with) this subject% The first of these is Gli>abeth -har'e5s -ecrets of the/aula 0ircle, (u>ac 1@7?), a factional IsicJ account which, while not s'elling outwhat was inoled in the 'rocess gae dar hints%

    The earliest references to Yoni Tatta in /aula Tantras seems to be in the /aula Anana

     +imay of atsyendranath (&44/4- 1@D)K

    "*n /aula &gama the E 'ure and eternal substances are ashes, wife5s nectar, semen,menstrual blood and ghee mixed together%%% *n occasional rites and in acts of /ama-iddhi the great discharge without doubt and most certainly is what one should do in/ula &gama%%% 4ne should always consume the 'hysical blood and semen% This, C3earest 4ne, is the oblation of the Yoginis and -iddhas" (0ha'ter )%

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    "3earest 4ne, a Brahmin goes to heaen by endless washing of the feet and mouth,whereas one who re'eatedly maes a forehead mar of /undagola or =dbhaamenses can destroy arious illnesses such as le'rosy and small'ox, and is free fromall disease in the same way that a se'ent sloughs its sin%" (*bid, 0ha'ter )%

    "Blood is the female (!ama) elixir:mixed with wine and semen it is the &bsoluteitself;" (*bid, 0ha'ter 1)%

    4ther /aula Tantras deal with the subject of menstrual blood in ery 'lain terms%atriahheda Tantra (Gnglish translation -othis$6eirdglow 1@L7) describes thedifferent ty'es of menstrual bloodK "-hri -hanara said:The first menses a''earingin a woman who has lost her irginity gies rise to -ayambhu blood% *n a maiden

     born of a married woman and begotten by another man, C &us'icious 4ne, that whicharises is /unda enses:the substance which causes any desire to be granted%3eeshi, the maiden begotten by a widow gies rise to .ola enses, which subduesgods% The menses arising in the first 'eriod after a irgin becomes a wife is the &llBewildering -a'ush'a%" (atriahheda Tantra, 0ha'ter E)%

    The ery first cha'ter of the Tantra deals with a substance called shambal, which isdescribed by the commentary as a wife5s menstrual discharge% This substance allowsthe Tantri ade't to 'erform arious sorts of alchemy%

    !ajrayana is a cult of Tibetan amaism% *n a tantra called 0handramaharoshana

    (Farard 4riental -eries, 1@L?) the ord 0handramaharoshana is made to sayK

    "4'tionally he (the yogin) may secrete or not secrete, haing his mind solely on 'leasure% *f he does, he should lic the otus, on the nees% &nd he should eat with histongue the white and red of the otus% &nd he should inhale it through a 'i'e in thenose, to increase his 'ower%" (0handramaharoshana, 0h%? %1EC%)

    There are many 'oints of contact between the !ajrayana and *ndian /aula cults%atsyendranath, alleged author of /aula Anana +irnay, is also by some accounts thefounder of both !ajrayana and /aula% Fe is also the human 'rogenitor of the +ath

    -iddha tradition%

    /aulaali +irnayah (&gamanusandhana -amiti, 0alcutta nd), edited by -ir Aohn6oodroffe, is a digest or com'endium of other /aula tantras% 4ne of the wors itdeals with is the -handramaharoshana Tantra (see aboe)% -ummarising 0ha'ter 1,6oodroffe uotes the Tantra as statingK

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    "%%%there are 'eo'le who regard semen and menstrual fluid with disgust, but they forgetthat the body by which they ho'e to attain iberation is com'osed of these two formsof matter, that the marrow, bone and tendons hae come from the father and the sin,flesh and blood from the mother% *t further says that there is no reason for man5sdisgust for excreta or urine, for these are nothing but food or drin which has

    undergone some change and contains liing creatures and the Brahman substance isnot absent therefrom%%%&ll things are 'ure% *t is one5s mentality which is eil%" (*bid,*ntroduction '' 1@$9C)%


    This -ansrit word means a s'iritual state in which an indiidual may act according toher or his own 6ill% &s she or he is -hia incarnate there can be no morality, onlyamorality:freedom from the rules of the Pashu or beast who is fettered by the mindK

    "Bhairaa said:isten !ira 0hamunda to the characteristics of essels and the wayof acting% 4ne may be a child, or a madman, or a ing, or lie one in a swoon, or liean inde'endent being, or a ord Fero, or lie one who teaches !eda for gain% The wayto be is to act howsoeer one 6ills, 3earest;" (/aula Anana +irnaya, 0ha'ter )%

    The Yoni Tantra adocates this course in 0ha'ter L, stating that the ordinary rules forworshi' are sus'ended for one who follows ahacina 'ractice% This word ahacinais often encountered in /aula tantras:it seems to refer to the the regions borderingTibet and 0hina% 4ne following this 'ath is free of all distinctions as she or he is one

    with -hia and -hati, and may act therefore according to 6ill%

    -eccacharya is the way of the &adhoot, that is to say a 'erson beyond anyualifications or distinctions% The ty'e and symbol of this way of acting is the .urufigure of *ndia, 3attatreya% The &adhoot is always in a blissful state, one with -hia%&ccording to 6oodroffe in his introduction to /aulaali +irnayahK

    "*t is ery difficult for any one to now his true nature% 6hen alone he is lie onemad, dumb or 'aralysed and when in the society of men he sometimes behaes lie agood man, sometimes lie a wiced one, and on occasions he behaes lie a demon%

    But the Yogi is always 'ure whateer he may do and by his touch eerything becomes 'ure%" (*ntroduction '% 99)

    These descri'tions of an &adhoot echo the ala or chain mantra of 3attatreya, inwhich he is described as "adman, 0hild, 3eil%"

    *n the &adhuta ='anishad (-annyasa ='anishads, &dyar 1@L) 3attatreya is

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    uestioned by -amritiK

    !enerable ord, who is an &adhootaM 6hat is his conditionM 6hat is hischaracteristicM 6hat is his worldly existenceM I3attatreya then re'liesJ The &adhootis so called as he has discarded worldly ties, and he is the essence of the sentence

    5Thou art That5%%%Fis worldly existence consists in moing about freely, with orwithout clothes% 2or them there is nothing righteous or unrighteous, nothing holy orunholy% (''l$7)%

    2or him there is no such thing as sin or irtue% The ethical system of sin and irtue isto 'rotect the minds of the worldly, since the mind is the measure of all things and allthings last only a moment% (0handramaharoshana 0h% % ?C)%

    &gain in the text of the +ath -iddhasK

    Bad smells and 'erfume one should sense as eual% Aust as a lotus 'etal in water iswithout stain, so a Yogi is unmarred by merit or sin% *n one in whom this mentaldis'osition has blossomed there is no difference between illing a Brahmin or the&shamedha sacrifice, nor is there any difference between bathing in all the sacredwaters or contact with barbarians (lecchas)% (/aula Anana +irnaya, 0ha'ter 11)%

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    6omen are heaen# women are 3harma# and women are the highest 'enance% 6omenare Buddha# women are the -angha# and women are the 'erfection of 6isdom%(50handamaharoshana5 0h% % 7C)


    &lthough the Yoni Tantra seems to hail from 0ooch Bihar (/ocha), many of the /aulaTantras are set at /amaru'a, a word which means 5Body of -exuality5% *n Puraniclegend this 'lace is the s'ot at which the Yoni of the .oddess fell to earth after it had

     been sliced u' into EC 'arts by the 3iscus of !ishnu%

    &ccording to legend, atsyendranath, founder of /aula and +atha traditions, 'ounded the /aula -hastra? at /amaru'a% The famous tem'le of /amahya in.auhati is illustrated below% I-r% 0%2% +ote :&ctually, not% *f you ha''en to be the

     'roud 'ossessor of this illustration, or one just lie it, why not send it along to me incare of the - and 'erha's *5ll send you a aluable 'ri>e%J This form of .oddess ishymned in the /alia Purana, and in ery many !arna or /aula tantrasK

    *t is said that female magicians nowing Yoga dwell at /amahya Pitha% *f one joinswith one of these one obtains Yogini -iddhi (/A+ 0h% 1?)

    The Ten ahaidyas

    These are enumerated in the third cha'ter of Yoni Tantra as /ali, Tara, -odashi0hinnamastaa, Bhagalamjhi, atangi, Bhuaneshari, ahalashmi and associatedwith the diffent 'arts of the female Yoni% This list is slightly different from that inTodala Tantra (/alia aga>ine +os%1$D)%

    & ahaidya is a .reat antra, and these ten seem to be mainly Bengali forms%-odashi is identical with Tri'urasundari% Tara has close affinities with the TibetanTara%

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     'articular stream of 'hilos'hy and 'ractice described in the ahanirana:sometimesalso referred to a 'ractitioner of same% Tatta:*n this context, sacrament%

    Part II

    The following are the first two of eight 'atalas of the Yoni Tantra% & loo at theahanirana Tantra (Tantra of the .reat iberation), edited and translated by &rthur&alon (-ir Aohn 6oodruffe) should 'roe aluable, as the introduction alone

     'roides both the context and definition of terms used in this text% :-or% 2ilae0haosiae


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    You should conceal this by eery effort% Parati, there is antra Pitha, Yantra Pithaand Yoni Pitha% &mongst these the foremost is certainly the Yoni Pitha, reealed toyou from affection%

    isten closely, +aganandini; Fari, Fara and Brahma:the .ods of 0reation,aintenance and 3estruction:all originate in the Yoni%

    & 'erson should not worshi' the Yoni if he has not the -hati antra% This initiationand antra is the 3elierer from Fell%

    * am rityunjaya, beloed of your Yoni, 4 3ei% 4 -urasundari, * always worshi'3urga in my heart lotus% This liberates the mind from distinctions such as 3iya and!ira% 4 ady .oddess, worshi''ing in this way iberation is 'laced within a 'erson5sgras'%

    The worshi''er of the Yoni should 're'are the -hati antra% Fe gains wealth, 'oesy,wisdom, omniscience% Fe becomes the D$faced Brahma for one hundred million&eons%

    6hat is the use of taling; To s'ea of this aails naught% IGd% +oteK Yes, indeedy;J *fa 'erson worshi's with menstrual flowers he also has 'ower oer 2ate% -imilarly,haing done much 'uja in this way he may become iberated%

    The deotee should 'lace a -hati in a circle who is wanton, beautiful, deoid ofshame and disgust, charming by nature, su'remely alluring or beautiful% 2inally, aftergiing her ijaya, the deotee should worshi' her with utmost deotion%

    4n his left he should 'lace her, and should worshi' her hair$adorned Yoni%

    4n the edges of the Yoni the deotee should 'lace sandal and beautiful blossoms%There, indrawing the .oddess, he should do Aia +yasa using mantra, haing gienher wine and drawing a half moon using ermilion% Faing 'ut sandal on her foreheadthe deotee should 'lace his hands on her breasts%

    Faing recited the mantra 1C times in her arms, oed 4ne, the deotee shouldcaress both breasts, haing 'reiously issed her on the chee% The mantra should berecited 1C or 1CC times in the Yoni mandala%

    &fter haing recited the mighty mantra he should recite the hymn of great deotion%

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    &t the time of worshi' the .uru should not be 'resent% * am the worshi''er% *f the.uru is 'resent there is no fruit, of this there is no doubt%

    The worshi''er, using great efforts, should mae the result of the 'uja oer to the.uru% Faing made three offerings with hands full of flowers he should bow again to

    his own .uru% The wise man should by eery means offer to his .uru, 'utting thehands together in the sign of obeisance%

    Faing done the Yoni Puja according to these methods the deotee attains whateer isdesired:of this there is no doubt% The fruit of this is life and enhanced itality, haingdone Puja to the .reat Yoni:which deliers one from the 4cean of isery%

    The following are the first two of eight 'atalas of the Yoni Tantra% This translation iscredited to -ri oanath aharaj% & loo at the ahanirana Tantra, (Tantra of the.reat iberation) edited and translated by &rthur &alon (-ir Aohn 6oodruffe) should

     'roe aluable, as the introduction alone 'roides both the context and definition ofterms used in this text% :-or% 2ilae 0haosiae


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    3urga in my heart lotus% This liberates the mind from distinctions such as 3iya and!ira% 4 ady .oddess, worshi''ing in this way iberation is 'laced within a 'erson5sgras'%

    The worshi''er of the Yoni should 're'are the -hati antra% Fe gains wealth, 'oesy,

    wisdom, omniscience% Fe becomes the D$faced Brahma for one hundred million&eons%

    6hat is the use of taling; To s'ea of this aails naught% IGd% +oteK Yes, indeedy;J *fa 'erson worshi's with menstrual flowers he also has 'ower oer 2ate% -imilarly,haing done much 'uja in this way he may become iberated%

    The deotee should 'lace a -hati in a circle who is wanton, beautiful, deoid ofshame and disgust, charming by nature, su'remely alluring or beautiful% 2inally, aftergiing her ijaya, the deotee should worshi' her with utmost deotion%

    4n his left he should 'lace her, and should worshi' her hair$adorned Yoni%

    4n the edges of the Yoni the deotee should 'lace sandal and beautiful blossoms%There, indrawing the .oddess, he should do Aia +yasa using mantra, haing gienher wine and drawing a half moon using ermilion% Faing 'ut sandal on her foreheadthe deotee should 'lace his hands on her breasts%

    Faing recited the mantra 1C times in her arms, oed 4ne, the deotee should

    caress both breasts, haing 'reiously issed her on the chee% The mantra should berecited 1C or 1CC times in the Yoni mandala%

    &fter haing recited the mighty mantra he should recite the hymn of great deotion%

    &t the time of worshi' the .uru should not be 'resent% * am the worshi''er% *f the.uru is 'resent there is no fruit, of this there is no doubt%

    The worshi''er, using great efforts, should mae the result of the 'uja oer to the.uru% Faing made three offerings with hands full of flowers he should bow again to

    his own .uru% The wise man should by eery means offer to his .uru, 'utting thehands together in the sign of obeisance%

    Faing done the Yoni Puja according to these methods the deotee attains whateer isdesired:of this there is no doubt% The fruit of this is life and enhanced itality, haingdone Puja to the .reat Yoni:which deliers one from the 4cean of isery%

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    -G04+3 P&T&&

    3ei said :.od of .ods, +atha of all the 0osmos, cause of 0reation, aintenance,and 3estruction, without you there is no 2ather just as without me there is no other%You hae declared the ultimate way of Yoni Puja through sexual intercourse% 6hich

    ty'es of Yonis should be worshi''ed, and which are aus'iciousM

    ahadea said :The &ctress, the /a'alia, the Prostitute, the 6asher .irl, thedaughter of a barber, the Brahmin girl, the daughter of a -hudra, the little cowsmaidand the flowergirl:these are the nine renowned aidens% 4therwise any maiden ifshe is artful with wanton eyes Iis suitableJ% The deotee should worshi' the mother5sYoni and should hae intercourse with all Yonis% Fe may hae intercourse with anywoman between the ages of twele and sixty%

    3aily he should worshi' the Yoni using the 2ie Tattas% Through the doctrine of-eeing the Yoni he gains the merit of bathing at 1C,CCC sacred sites%

    The forehead mar should be made from the Yoni Tatta and dress should be of the/ula ty'e% The ty'e of material used for sitting on and the worshi' should be of the/ula form%

    2irstly, in intercourse, the 'urified worshi''er should draw the -hati to himself byher hair, and should 'lace his lingam in her hand% The ingam Puja and the Yoni Pujashould be done according to the rules% Beloed 4ne, red 'owder and sandal should be

    smeared on the lingam%

    The ingam should be inserted into the Yoni and there should he igorous intercourse%Fe who em'loys this method attains the Fighest Gssence% The deotee would worshi'em'loying the Yoni Tatta, of the form of Yoni, the 3eluder of the 6orld, at nightwhen it is 2ull oon, at a crossroads, 4 3ei%

    Faing gone to a cremation ground, offering cooed fish, mil, food, and meat, he becomes lie /ubera, the .od of 6ealth%

    & yantra of yoni sha'e should be drawn on the ground and the mantra recited% Faingread the /aacha, 3ei, a 'erson should recite the 1CCC +ames% Fe becomes a son of/alia, and iberated% Faing offered meat$food in a deserted 'lace, and haingre'eated the mantra and hymns a man becomes a ord of Yoga%

    & 'erson becomes -hia on Garth haing seen the Yoni full of menses after haing bathed and haing recited the mantra 1C times% 4ne should recite the mantra haing

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    offered both one5s own semen and the Yoni flowers%

    0ooed fish, hen5s egg, mouse$flesh, buffalo$flesh, human$flesh, wine, meat, andground cereal should be offered at night%

    6hereer this great 'lace Iof offeringJ is, therein 'lays the Fighest Gssence% 4neshould be naed, with disheelled hair, sitting in a cross$legged 'osition% &t all timesand eerywhere the mantra should be recited when in the great Yoni% 4ne shouldworshi' the essence of 3ei, the -hati in the form of a -hati% 3oing this a manattains the four aims of manind:3harma, &rtha, /ama, and osha%

    -adhaas should together at night offer using wine and meat% By eery effort asadhaa should hae intercourse in the Yoni, haing 'reiously caressed the -hati5s


    The -hati becomes the .oddess, if loing is done in the !i'arita fashion% *nstantlythe sadhaa becomes regenerated and fully alie by using the water from washingYoni and ingam%

    Faing worshi''ed the .reat Yoni, according to rule, one should mae an offering%The water of the Yoni is of three inds, and one should offer it to the -hati% 4ahadei, haing mixed the water with wine the 'urified sadhaa should drin it%

    The -u'reme 6oman should be 'leased by offering clothes, 'erfumes and jewels%

    4ne should worshi' the !idya whilst in the Yoni and ingam, at nighttime, accordingto the ritual injunction%

    The highest sadhaa should mix in water the effusion from the Yoni and ingam, andsi''ing this &mrita, nourish himself with it%

    Part III

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    The following are the third and forth 'atalas of the eight that com'rise the YoniTantra% This translation is credited to -ri anath aharaj% -ee - !ol% **, no% D for hisintroduction to this material, which will a''ear in full oer the course of !ol% ***% &loo at the ahanirana Tantra, (Tantra of the .reat iberation) edited and translated

     by &rthur &alon (-ir Aohn 6oodruffe) should 'roe aluable, as the introduction

    alone 'roides both the context and definition of terms used in this text% :-or% 2iliae0haosiae

    Third Patala

     +ow * will s'ea, .reat ady% isten ery attentiely; By eery effort this should beconcealed, neer reeal it%

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    1C,CCC,CCC /ulas arise using the Yorn doctrine% *f one worshi's the Yoni there iseuialence to the -un and the oon% -hould one use Yoni Tatta oblation neeragain is one born on Garth% 4ne is born in due course in wondrous 3ei oa% There

    resides the 'owerful magician, the .reat ord, conjoined with his -hati% 4ne shoulddo all acts, ja'a and so forth, em'loying the excellent .reat 0onch

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    6hat use is there of many wordsM The Yoni which has bled is suitable for worshi'%4ne should not worshi' aYoni which has neer bled% 2rom worshi' of a Yoni whichhas neer bled there is loss of siddhi on eery occasion, C 3ei%

    2ourth Patala

    &ll ja'a and so forth is to be done according to the rules of ahachina% Thecharacteristics of Yoni worshi' are thus declared by me to you, C 3ei%

    &lthough to be e't secret, it is reealed from affection for you, ady of the .ods% *nthe country of /ocha near Yonigart on the west side of the .anges is the renownedadhai% Faing gone there one may gain the s'iritual ision of the Yoni, Caheshari%

    Fere, C 3ei, eery night * became exclusiely deoted to the worshi' of the Yoni%Practising religious mendicancy * go there always%

    There is no Yoni on Garth resembling the beautifully rounded Yoni of adhai, andthe firmness of her breasts%

    =sing this method when worshi''ing Fer causes -hio5ham% isten, Parati; /rishna,haing worshi''ed

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    =sing this reealed method one becomes accom'lished, there is no doubt% &ccordingto the s'eech of Pashus there exists only the sexual intercourse of beasts% *f 3aiasthere is exclusie deotion to the doctrine of the Yoni, .reat .oddess% aing aforehead mar of Yoni Tatta one becomes 'ure%

    *n this boo feeding /umaris and feeding /ulinas are the two chief things% 4 3urga,there is no doubt about this%

    6ithin a -hata, outwardly a -haia, in gatherings at !aishnaa:in arious forms the/aulas wander on Garth% &lone in the family lineage of a thousand generations is a/ulina 'ure, C +aganandini%

    6hosoeer washes the feet of a /ulina 'urifies his home and body, most certainly% *nwhicheer country a /ulina lusting after the Yoni is born:that 'lace is worshi''ed

     by the .ods Brahma,!ishnu, and -hia% .iing to a /ulina gies endless gifts inreturn% 4ffering into the hands of a Pashu is fruitless in eery way%

    *t is im'ossible for me to s'ea of the magnificence of the /ulina; 6hoeer satisfies a/ulina is liberated by 1C,CCC,CCC /ulas% * bestow .race only ia /ula Yoga, this iswithout doubt% 4f the four &shramas of an the state of being an &adhuta is thegreatest, C 3ei%

    * achieed the status of ahadea through /ula Yoga and by exclusie deotion to

    the worshi' of Yoni of a maiden or a beautiful woman one should worshi' the Yoni ofa sister or of a female 'u'il% 3aily one should worshi' the Yoni, otherwise one shouldutter the mantra% 6ithout Yoni Puja one should not do useless Puja, 3earest%4therwise one may worshi' on Garth by reciting (a mantra)%

    Part IV

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     +ow for the fifth and sixth 'atelas% 4h, slow as a turtle, soft as a hummingbird5stongue% This translation is credited to -ri oanath aharaj% -ee - !ol% **, no%D forhis introduction to this material, which will conclude with the fifth and finalinstallment in the next I-carlet etterJ% 2or more information about tantra, the worsof &rthur &alon (-ir Aohn 6oodruffe) and illian -ilburn form an excellent base ofinformation from the 'ers'ectie of the initiated westerner% *nformationally, the best

     bang for your boo buc right now has got to be Passionate GnlightenmentK 6omen *nTantric Buddhism by iranda -haw which is not only carefully researched ('rimarysources) and beautifully written but has the most com'rehensie modern bibliogra'hyon the subject that * hae eer seen% any syna'tic returns, dear ones :-or% 2iliae0haosiae

    2*2TF P&TG&

    The .uru is clearly -hia, and his 'artner is the true form of the .oddess% The

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    /aulia goes to hell if he has sexual intercourse with her% The best ind of magicianshould hae intercourse with all other female5s Yonis% 4n whosoeer5s forehead theYoni Tatta is isible there too cluster 3eas, 3emons, Yashas and the 1D 6orlds%

    *f the twice$born /ulina should do Fer mantra during the -hradda (rite) his ancestors

    dwelling in heaen gie him results, 4 -undari% *ntoxicated by bliss, they sing andhymn his 'raises%

    *n the mutual rubbing of the ingam and Yoni there is great magic% The highest thingin recitation (of mantra) and magic is the outflow of semen and feminine effusion%

    The mighty magician, the doer of the injunction, should offer the augmentedsubstance to the Yoni region haing mixed the semen and Yoni Tatta together%

    2rom the lotus feet of the woman the .race of the .oddess showers down% &t the timeof magic one should abandon any other method%

    The wise man, following the rules of /aula -hastra, should caress that Yoni% *f oneshould do 'uja of a mother5s Yoni one should 're'are it% Faing worshi''ed itaccording to rule one should not hae intercourse% 4ne should hae intercourse withthe Yoni that bleeds%

    *f by good fortune one is the 'artner of a Brahmin girl one should worshi' her YoniTatta, 3earest% 4therwise one may worshi' other Yonis%

    *n Pashu *nitiation without the 2ie Tattas all is fruitless% 4ne should resort to a/ulaguru initiating one into -hati by eery effort, 4 3urga%

    *f a magician should consume the Yoni Tatta while being Pashu *nitiated, hisinitiation and his rules cause blac magic%

    Therefore, by eery effort, one should resort to a /alina .uru% *f one wishes to doYoni 'uja one should resort to a /ulina .uru% 4nly then does a Yoni bestow grace:lie -ita5s agina for

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    Parati said:4cean of 0om'assion, by what method should one worshi' the Yoni,which is the essence of the 0osmosM *f you or a magician should worshi' the Yoni,how does it bestow graceM -'ea of this to me; * want to hear all of this because ofmy great curiosity%

    ahadea said:The magician who wishes to worshi' the Yoni, which is the form ofthe 0osmos, should cause an erection and should insert it into that thing which is-hati Ferself%

    The agina is ahamaya, and the 'enis is -adashia% 6orshi''ing these one becomesliberated whilst still liing, there is no doubt% 4ne should offer animal sacrifice,flowers, and so forth% *f one is inca'able of this one should worshi' with wine, 43urga%

    4ne should do 'ranayama and my ? limbed worshi' in the region of the Yoni, 3earest4ne% Faing recited the mantra 1CC times at the base of the Yoni one should rub theingam and the Yoni together%

    The manner of 'roceeding for all magicians is thus declared by me% 4 3eeshi, oneshould neer reeal this tantra; 4ne should not gie it to another5s disci'le, nor to theundeoted% The Yoni Tantra is reealed out of loe of you, 4 ahadei%

    -*HTF P&TG&

    *f one should ga>e at a Yoni at bathing time the life of a magician becomes fruitful%There is no doubt of this, 3eeshi;

    4ne should loo at one5s 'artner5s Yoni, at another woman5s Yoni, the Yoni of amaiden:or, in the absence of a maiden5s Yoni, one should loo reerentially at theYoni of a female 'u'il%

    4ne should neer worshi' the Yoni in front of Pashus% Gm'loying the Yoni agicmethod one definitely becomes lie !ishnu:of this there is no doubt%

    6hosoeer 'ractices this is 'raised by the .ods and 3emons in Feaen and the=nderworld% 4nly one who acts with !ira agic is liberated from sorrow%

    This well balanced magic is reealed from loe for you% *f one who worshi's the YoniTatta enters a dis'ute, haing conuered all his enemies becomes ultimatelyictorious, 4 3urga% 6hat is the 'oint of bathing in the .angesM 6hat need is there toresort to sacred 'lacesM There is nothing eual to deotion to the Yoni% &cting

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    otherwise is useless%

    4, 3eeshi, een with my fie mouths * am unable to s'ea of the magnificence ofthe Yoni;

    isten, +aganandini; By your Yoni5s grace * became ahadea;

    6hichsoeer magician would hae intercourse in a woman5s Yoni becomes liberatedfrom the great unha''iness which is the terrible ocean of -amsara% 6hat 'oint is thereof many words in this matterM isten, Parata$-undari; There is nothing to be 'raisedin the world more worthy of 'raise than the Yoni Tatta%

    6ithout it, 4 3ei, how is it 'ossible for -hia or !ishnu to s'eaM Fow could * beca'able of wicednessM Fow could * be ca'able of anything, 4 other 3urgaM Fowis it 'ossible for me to describe your great rece'tacle of richesM

    3ei said:ahadea, +atha of the whole 0osmos, 0ause of 0reation, aintenance,and 3estruction, the acts relating to !ira agic hae been heard from your mouth%The arious rules of the usual ind of magic hae been heard% Fow can one be anunbelieer if he has heard this declared by you, 4 3eaM -hare this sacred trustahadea;

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    defects of 1C million births, which are destroyed instantly%

    iberation is achieed ia enjoyment% Fa''iness is gained through enjoyment%Therefore, by eery effort, a magician should become an enjoyer% The wise manshould always aoid blame, disgust, or shame of the Yoni% =nless one worshi's the

    Yoni by the method of /ulachara, een 1CC,CCC acts of magic are useless%

    *f one should lic the elixir at the edge of the Yoni, eil in one5s body or in one5s houseis certainly destroyed% 6hat 'oint is there of bathing in the .anges or in other holywatersM *n this matter relating to the 'owerful magician who always worshi's theagina, what use is there of many words, 3earestM

    isten, 4 4ne$3ear$To$e$&s$ife$*tself% This magic of magicians is the best of allmethods% =nless one does magic with the 2ie Tattas (and not just 2our) all isfruitless% =nless one uses the 2ifth, one is not a -hata haing both ha''iness andliberation% =nless one uses the wine of -hati all becomes fruitless%

    4ne should drin the leftoers of both the -hati and the Fero% Faing done this, andhaing worshi''ed the ahayoni always, and haing enjoyed and haing drun, 4aheshani, one should eat inside the circle% 4ne should tae a rosary made of tulsiand do recitation in a tem'le of Fari%

    &fter reciting the mantra and arious narrations and lesser narrations one should thenrecite the best stories of -hri Fari% Fari is described as being the sum$total of all

     beings% 4ne should slay beasts in that 'lace IMJ%

    This is the uintessential secret of magic# by 'racticing it one becomes wealthy% 4neshould not do this most excellent magic in front of Pashus, 4 Parati%

    *f one should worshi' the Yoni bowing thrice with a flower, those offerings destroy allarmas, and there is nothing unattainable in the Three 6orlds%

    Part V

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    The -eenth Patala

     +ow * s'ea of the ultimate magic of heroes, C aheshani% 6hichsoeer magiciannows this becomes liberated whilst liing% The essence of the 3iya is diinity# thechief element in a !ira is strong$mindedness%

    *n whateer country a !ira resides that country is worshi''ed by the gods% 4ne maygain the fruit of bathing in 1C million sacred waters by seeing a !ira% Faing offeredwater into die hand of a !ira one becomes liberated by a host of /ulas%

    *f one should 'lease a !ira, what is there in the Three 6orlds which cannot beachieedM The time when !iras recite mantras is better than any other time%

    The master magicians (5best sadhaas5) should recite manta within the Yoni at a 'lacewhere there is a -hia inga, at the root of a Bila, in the cremation ground, in anisolated s'ot, or in a house% The best of all food one should worshi' with is that fillingone5s own (-hati5s) womb% =nless one uses wine and flesh one dies s'eedily, C 3ei%

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    Therefore, haing consumed and haing drun one should then consume (Yoni Tatta)on Garth% 4f all food one should worshi' this food fearlessly% 4 aheshani, sexualintercourse in eery ind of Yoni is widely 'raised%

    &lways one should smear on one5s forehead a line of menstrual blood or sandal 'asteor semen% 4 3urga, for !iras this is the core of true bliss%

     +ow * declare the magic which gies results aboe eery other ind of magic% 2or bathing and so forth, 'urification, summons, recitation, mental worshi', oblation: any time is good% There is no such thing as an inaus'icious time% There is nodifference as to whether it is day or night nor whether it is the 1Dth day of the waningoon nor whether it is the Twilight Time%

    *n the matter of robes, seat, 'lace, house, bodily contact and so forth one shouldmaintain internal 'urity:here one should not be dualistic%

    There are no rules relating to direction or time, nor rules relating to 'lace% &lso thereare no restrictions relating to the best time for recitations, nor for recitation of mantra,nor the time for worshi', nor rules relating to animal sacrifice%

    4ne should neer mae distinctions relating to women and should refrain fromdualism in the magic of women% The magician should go to a woman and shouldtouch and loo at her% Faing fed her one should recite the mantra and consume the

    substance according to one5s desire% Thus are declared the characteristics in acts of!ira agic according to one5s own True 6ill (-eccha)%

    6omen are diine, women are life, women are:truly:jewels% 4ne should alwayshae intercourse with a woman and should meditate, whether she is one5s own womanor not% This which has been s'oen of to you is the &ll -elf or Being Gssenceconcealed in all tantras% This injunction relating to !ira -iddhi has been reealed fromloe for you%

    &t the time of consuming the substance firstly one should offer it to one5s -hati%

    4therwise:at first one should cast water into the agina% Faing gone to a desertedcremation ground the magician and his -hati should hae sexual intercourse afterhaing enjoyed food and reciting the mantra%

     +ow listen to the time when the semen$menses is emitted, C Parati$-undari% *f oneshould worshi' the Yoni Tatta, maing a forehead mar of it, all defects and eils of1CC births are destroyed instantly%

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    The mantrin should recite in an old house, in a 'lace where ghosts abound, or in adeserted 'lace% &t the ris of one5s life one should not show it to Pashus;

    !ain is !ira agic without wine, useless is it without sexual intercourse% =nless

    em'loying the Pancha Tatta, C 3urga, a !ira fails on this 'lanet%

    2or this reason, haing consumed and haing drun, the mantrin should recite the.reat antra% This magic of !iras is the best of all magic, 3ear .oddess;

    6hat 'oint is there of 1CC,CCC acts of 3iya or !ira magicM 6hat 'oint to1CC,CCC,CCC recitations or 1CC ritual 're'arations of the mantraM 6hat use in going to1CC,CCC holy bathing 'lacesM 6hat 'oint to gifts or self$mortificationM

    3eoid of agina, all are eually fruitless, C aheshani; =sing the Yoni Pujatechniue one attains one5s share of all magic% 2rom oblation with Yoni Tatta, theancestors reside in heaen%

    4ne should always caress a nubile Yoni; *f one should diert oneself in the urgentdance, haing 're'ared the caity of the aha Yoni, then one is liberated from defectsand stains of all births by the hosts of /ulas%

    *f a deoted 'erson of a contem'latie mind should s'ecifically worshi' the maidenYoni of a beautiful female 'u'il with scent and flower# then haing enjoyed ha''iness

    here on Garth he comes to dwell in 3ei oa%

    *n the absence of scent and flower one should do the magic with wine% &t the time ofmagic, C 3eeshi, he would do !ishnu magic, !ishnu nyasa then recite 'raise%

    The Gighth Patala

    The /aulia +atha at the time of !ira$magic nows Fer (his -hati) to be =rashi,who is 6omanind in the Three 6orlds% =nless one em'loys sexual intercourse thereis neer liberation, whether from -hastras, -hrutis, -mriti, Puranas and so forth,

    created by e% isten, 4$4ne$&s$3ear$&s$ife of the destruction of the mentaldis'osition of Pashus% 4ne should worshi' a nubile Yoni in a highly ecstatic way%

    6hosoeer in the /ali Yuga should with su'reme deotion recite (the mantra)s'ecifically towards the Yoni:which is the 0ore of the 0osmos:for him isiberation within reach%

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    &mongst thousands of magicians and tens of millions of worshi''ers fortunate arethey who do /ali$magic%

    /ali is the other of the =nierse and of all -hastras, uite certainly% Byremembering /ali, one is liberated from the fetters of the Pashu%

    Faing recited the great mantra of /ali one becomes /ali5s son, there is no doubt%This is true, true, true without uestion;

    Aust as for /ali so for the !idyas and methods of Tri'ura, -odashi, Bhuaneshari,0hina$Tara, aha ashmi, atangi, -undari, Bhairai, 3ashina, and Tarini%-uccess cannot be achieed sae with the method of 0hina (&chara)%

    6hateer mantra one is initiated in, this is the best method% 6ithout this sacred trustone becomes unsuccessful and therefore is again reborn%

    That which is written here in the Yoni Tantra all sadhaas should do according to their own wills%

    4, ahashani, one should meditate on oneself as being absorbed in the Yoni 0hara,with Yoni on one5s mind, Yoni in one5s ears and one5s eyes% &ll magic is ain unlesswith the Yoni, 4 ighty ady; Therefore one should reject other magic and do YoniPuja% =nless deoted to the .uru there is no siddhi, 4 aheshani%

    Gnd $ Yoni Tantra