reason, payback period calculation can be useful. If an investor is considering a foreign invesment in an underdeveloped country associated with high political instability and the investor cannot recover initial invesments within a year or two, he may elect to forego investing even though long-term invesment calculation results look very good. Similarly, a company in a tight financial situation and needing money to meet current obligations such as for operating expences and debt repayment may elect to invest in projects with short payback periods to help met short-term cash flow needs, even thougt these projects have much poorer economic potential invesments with longer payback periods. EXAMPLE 9-1 PAYBACK PERIOD CALCULATIONS If project “A” and “B” are mutually exclusive investments, which is indicated to be preferable using undiscounted payback period,NPV, PVR, and DCFROR. The minimum rate of returns is 12%. Solution : Assuming revenue is realized uniformly over year 4 : Project “A”, undiscounted payback = 3 + ( 100/ 285.6) = 3.35 years. If the project “A” revenue is assumed to be a lump sum revenue such as from the sale of real estate or common stock, then the project “A”, Undiscounted payback is 4 years.

Study Kelayakan

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Page 1: Study Kelayakan

reason, payback period calculation can be useful. If an investor is considering a

foreign invesment in an underdeveloped country associated with high political

instability and the investor cannot recover initial invesments within a year or two,

he may elect to forego investing even though long-term invesment calculation

results look very good. Similarly, a company in a tight financial situation and

needing money to meet current obligations such as for operating expences and

debt repayment may elect to invest in projects with short payback periods to help

met short-term cash flow needs, even thougt these projects have much poorer

economic potential invesments with longer payback periods.


If project “A” and “B” are mutually exclusive investments, which is

indicated to be preferable using undiscounted payback period,NPV, PVR, and

DCFROR. The minimum rate of returns is 12%.

Solution :

Assuming revenue is realized uniformly over year 4 :

Project “A”, undiscounted payback = 3 + ( 100/ 285.6) = 3.35 years. If the project

“A” revenue is assumed to be a lump sum revenue such as from the sale of real

estate or common stock, then the project “A”, Undiscounted payback is 4 years.

Project “B” undiscounted payback = 2 + ( 100-92.4) / 46.2 = 2.16 years

Undiscounted payback indicates select project “B” with the smaller payback

Diagram for discounted Cash Flow at 12%

Project A discounted payback = 3 + ( 100/ 181.5) = 3.55 years.

If the project A revenue is assumed to be lump sum revenue, then

discounted payback = 4 years.

Project B discounted payback = 2 + ( 100 – 78.08 ) / 32.88 = 2.67 years

Discounted payback indicates select project B, the smaller payback.

Net Present Value Analysis ( Mutually Exclusive Invesments)

NPVA = 285.6 (P / F 12% ,4) – 100 = + 81.5 select largest NPV, “A”

NPVB = 46.2 (P / A 12%, 4) – 100 = = + 40.3

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Present Value Ratio Analysis

PVRA = 81.5 / 100 = + 0.815

PVRB = 40.3 / 100 = + 0.403

Since both rations relate to the same invesment dollars, select “A”, wheter

the alternatives sare mutually exclusive or non – mutually exclusive or non

mutually exclusive.

Discounted Cash Flow Rate Of Return

Trial and error analysis gives DCFRORA = 30% and DCFRORB = 30%.

Because of differences in the distribution of positive cash flow on the project A

and B diagrams, these 30% DCFROR results have very different meaning after

the first year. Incremental analysis must be made for a valid economic decision

with DCFROR. Make the incremental analysis so that incremental cost ( negative

cahsh flow) is followed by revenue ( positive cash flow).

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Alasannya, perhitungan payback period dapat berguna. Jika seorang investor

sedang mempertimbangkan investasi asing di negara terbelakang terkait dengan

ketidakstabilan politik yang tinggi dan investor tidak dapat memulihkan

invesments awal dalam satu atau dua tahun, ia dapat memilih untuk

mengorbankan investasi meskipun hasil perhitungan investasi jangka panjang

terlihat sangat baik. Demikian pula, sebuah perusahaan dalam situasi keuangan

yang ketat dan membutuhkan uang untuk memenuhi kewajiban saat ini seperti

untuk expences operasi dan pembayaran utang dapat memilih untuk berinvestasi

dalam proyek-proyek dengan jangka waktu pengembalian pendek untuk

membantu memenuhi kebutuhan arus kas jangka pendek, bahkan thougt proyek-

proyek ini memiliki banyak invesments potensial miskin ekonomi dengan periode

pengembalian yang lebih lama.


Jika proyek "A" dan "B" adalah investasi yang saling eksklusif, yang

diindikasikan untuk menjadi lebih baik menggunakan payback period terdiskonto,

NPV, PVR, dan DCFROR. Minimum tingkat pengembalian adalah 12%.


Dengan asumsi pendapatan direalisasikan seragam lebih dari satu tahun 4:

Proyek "A", payback terdiskonto = 3 + (100 / 285,6) = 3,35 tahun. Jika proyek

"A" pendapatan diasumsikan pendapatan lump sum seperti dari penjualan real

estate atau saham biasa, maka proyek "A", payback Tak terdiskon adalah 4 tahun.

Proyek "B" payback terdiskonto = 2 + (100-92,4) / 46,2 = 2,16 tahun

Payback terdiskonto menunjukkan pilih proyek "B" dengan payback kecil

Diagram untuk Arus Kas diskon sebesar 12%

Proyek A diskon payback = 3 + (100 / 181,5) = 3,55 tahun.

Jika proyek pendapatan A diasumsikan pendapatan lump sum, maka diskon

payback = 4 tahun.

Proyek B payback diskon = 2 + (100 - 78,08) / 32,88 = 2,67 tahun

Diskon payback menunjukkan pilih proyek B, payback kecil.

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Hadir Net Analisis Nilai (Penanaman Modal Saling Eksklusif)

NPVA = 285,6 (P / F 12%, 4) - 100 = + 81,5 pilih NPV terbesar, "A"

NPVB = 46.2 (P / A 12%, 4) - 100 == + 40.3

Hadir Analisis Nilai Rasio

PVRA = 81,5 / 100 = 0.815 +

PVRB = 40,3 / 100 = 0,403 +

Karena kedua ransum berhubungan dengan dolar investasi yang sama, pilih "A",

wheter alternatif Sare saling eksklusif atau non - saling eksklusif atau non


Discounted Cash Alir Of Return

Trial and error analisis memberikan DCFRORA = 30% dan DCFRORB = 30%.

Karena perbedaan dalam distribusi arus kas positif pada diagram proyek A dan B,

hasil DCFROR 30% ini memiliki arti yang sangat berbeda setelah tahun pertama.

Analisis tambahan harus dilakukan untuk keputusan ekonomi berlaku dengan

DCFROR. Membuat analisis tambahan sehingga biaya tambahan (aliran cahsh

negatif) diikuti oleh pendapatan (aliran kas positif)