Strange nonchaotic attractors in Harper maps Àlex Haro and Joaquim Puig Citation: Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 16, 033127 (2006); doi: 10.1063/1.2259821 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.2259821 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/chaos/16/3?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Applicability of 0-1 test for strange nonchaotic attractors Chaos 23, 023123 (2013); 10.1063/1.4808254 Strange attractors and their periodic repetition Chaos 21, 013128 (2011); 10.1063/1.3567009 Design strategies for the creation of aperiodic nonchaotic attractors Chaos 19, 033116 (2009); 10.1063/1.3194250 Experimental study on the blowout bifurcation route to strange nonchaotic attractor AIP Conf. Proc. 501, 333 (2000); 10.1063/1.59961 Characterizing strange nonchaotic attractors Chaos 5, 253 (1995); 10.1063/1.166074 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 01:23:51

Strange nonchaotic attractors in Harper maps

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Page 1: Strange nonchaotic attractors in Harper maps

Strange nonchaotic attractors in Harper mapsÀlex Haro and Joaquim Puig Citation: Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 16, 033127 (2006); doi: 10.1063/1.2259821 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.2259821 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/chaos/16/3?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Applicability of 0-1 test for strange nonchaotic attractors Chaos 23, 023123 (2013); 10.1063/1.4808254 Strange attractors and their periodic repetition Chaos 21, 013128 (2011); 10.1063/1.3567009 Design strategies for the creation of aperiodic nonchaotic attractors Chaos 19, 033116 (2009); 10.1063/1.3194250 Experimental study on the blowout bifurcation route to strange nonchaotic attractor AIP Conf. Proc. 501, 333 (2000); 10.1063/1.59961 Characterizing strange nonchaotic attractors Chaos 5, 253 (1995); 10.1063/1.166074

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Page 2: Strange nonchaotic attractors in Harper maps

Strange nonchaotic attractors in Harper mapsÀlex HaroDepartament de Matemàtica Aplicada i Anàlisi, Universitat de Barcelona, Gran Via 585,Barcelona 08007, Spain

Joaquim PuigDepartament de Matemàtica Aplicada I, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Diagonal 647,Barcelona 08028, Spain

�Received 24 April 2006; accepted 8 July 2006; published online 27 September 2006�

We study the existence of strange nonchaotic attractors �SNA� in the family of Harper maps. Weprove that for a set of parameters of positive measure, the map possesses a SNA. However, the setis nowhere dense. By changing the parameter arbitrarily small amounts, the attractor is a smoothcurve and not a SNA. © 2006 American Institute of Physics. �DOI: 10.1063/1.2259821�

In the last two decades there has been an enormous in-terest in the so-called strange nonchaotic attractors(SNA). These attracting invariant objects of dynamicalsystems capture the evolution of a large subset of thephase space and are very relevant for their description.In particular, SNA are geometrically complicated (theyare strange) and their dynamics is regular (in most of theexamples, quasiperiodic). SNA are typically observed insystems where there is a coupling between different dy-namics. In contrast to the vast amount of numerical andexperimental work in the area, there are only few rigor-ous proofs. The goal of this paper is to prove the existenceand abundance of SNA in the family of Harper maps.This family arises from a model in mathematical physicsand it is a paradigm of a 1D quasiperiodically forcedmap. Our approach connects the spectral theory ofSchrödinger operators and the theory of nonuniformlyhyperbolic systems. So, even if the proof is made for aconcrete family, many of the arguments apply to otherfamilies.


The study of the attractors of a dynamical system is atopic of great interest, because these invariant sets capturethe asymptotic behavior of the system. It has been known fora long time that attractors can be strange,1 i.e., geometricallycomplicated. The first examples of strange attractors werechaotic, i.e., with sensitive dependence on initial conditions.2

In many physically relevant situations, one has to considersystems subject to external forcing, which may depend onseveral frequencies in a quasiperiodic way. In such dissipa-tive systems, one expects attractors which retain part of thequasiperiodicity. This was observed in Ref. 3 where strangeattractors that are nonchaotic were found, and it has stimu-lated much numerical experimentation �see the review inRef. 4� as well as rigorous analysis of some particularmodels.5–9

Our goal in this paper is to prove the existence and abun-dance of strange nonchaotic attractors �SNA� in the family ofHarper maps. This is a family of 1D quasiperiodically forcedmaps that many authors have suggested, based on numerical

experiments and heuristic arguments, as a scenario in whichSNA appear,10–15 but proofs are scarce. This equation alsoarises naturally from problems in mathematical physics andit is a paradigm of a 1D quasiperiodically forced map.

In plain words, by SNA we mean in this paper an invari-ant set which is the graph of a measurable and nowherecontinuous function �it is strange�, that carries a quasiperi-odic dynamics �it is nonchaotic� and it attracts exponentiallyfast almost every orbit in phase space �it is an attractor�. Amore precise definition will be given later, see Definition 1.

We prove that these SNA are typical but not robust in thefamily of Harper maps, in the sense that they exist for apositive measure Cantor set of the parameter space. That isto say, SNA are abundant, but an arbitrarily small perturba-tion can make them continuous �in fact analytic� attractinginvariant curves.

In our analysis, we exploit the connections between �a�the dynamical properties of the Harper map �a 1D quasiperi-odically forced map�; �b� the spectral properties of theHarper operator �an example of a quasiperiodic Schrödingeroperator�; �c� the geometrical properties of the Harper linearskew product �a 2D quasiperiodically forced linear map�.

In recent years our knowledge of the spectral propertiesof the Harper operator, also known as the almost Mathieuoperator, and related quasiperiodic Schrödinger operators hasadvanced spectacularly.

In particular, the connections between �b� and �c� havebeen successfully applied to solve the “Ten MartiniProblem”16–18 on the Cantor structure of the spectrum of theHarper operator. The connection between �a� and �c� in simi-lar models has been used to study the linearized dynamicsaround invariant tori in quasiperiodic systems.19 Specifically,the formation of SNA in this linearized dynamics is sug-gested to be a mechanism of breakdown of invariant tori.20

Even if we deal with one-dimensional quasiperiodicallyforced systems, many of the techniques that we use in thispaper also apply to higher dimensional or less regular set-tings, including other types of dynamics on the externalforcing.

CHAOS 16, 033127 �2006�

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Page 3: Strange nonchaotic attractors in Harper maps

A consequence of our approach is that neither the arith-metic properties of the frequency of the quasiperiodic forc-ing nor the localization properties of the Harper operator arecrucial for the existence of SNA. These two hypotheses lie atthe heart of many heuristic arguments for establishing theexistence of SNA in Harper maps.10,11,14,21,22


The family of quasiperiodically forced dynamical sys-tems under investigation in this paper is the family of Harpermaps


where y� R̄= �−� , +�� and ��T=R /Z are the phase spacevariables, a, b are the parameters, and � is the frequency �itis assumed to be irrational�. Notice that a Harper map is askew product map Fa,b,��yn ,�n�= �fa,b�yn ,�n� ,�n+��, defin-

ing a dynamical system in R̄�T whose evolution from aninitial condition �y0 ,�0� is described by the Nth powerFa,b,�

�N� �y0 ,�0�= �fa,b�N��y0 ,�0� ,�0+N��, for N�Z.

In a Harper map the parameter a is called the energy orthe spectral parameter because after writing yn=xn−1 /xn thisfamily is equivalent to the family of Harper equations, whichare second-order difference equations

xn+1 + xn−1 + b cos�2���0 + n���xn = axn. �2�

These equations are physically relevant because theyshow up as eigenvalue equations of Harper operators �alsoknown as almost Mathieu operators�,

�Hb,�,�0x�n = xn+1 + xn−1 + b cos�2���0 + n���xn. �3�

These are bounded and self-adjoint operators on �2�Z� whosespectrum �b,�, that does not depend on �0, describes theenergy spectrum of an electron in a rectangular lattice sub-ject to a perpendicular magnetic flux.23,24 Their study is rel-evant for the explanation of phenomena such as the quantumHall effect.25

The formulation of the second-order difference equation�2� as a first-order system is the Harper linear skew product


whose evolution is given by the Harper cocycle

Ma,b,��N� ��0� = �Ma,b��N−1� . . . Ma,b��0� if N � 0,

I if N = 0,

Ma,b−1 ��N� . . . Ma,b

−1 ��−1� if N � 0.� �5�

Note that �1� describes the evolution of the slope yn ofvectors vn evolving under the action of the linear skew prod-

uct �4�. That is, �1� is the projectivization of �4�. In polarcoordinates, =arctan y�P��−� /2 ,� /2�, this projectiv-ization becomes


This polar Harper map is a skew product map

F̃a,b,��n ,�n�= � f̃ a,b�n ,�n� ,�n+��, defining a dynamicalsystem in P�T whose evolution from an initialcondition �0 ,�0� is described by the Nth power

F̃a,b,��N� �0 ,�0�= � f̃ a,b

�N��0 ,�0� ,�0+N��, for N�Z. The projec-tive and the polar formulations are equivalent, but we willmostly use the polar one for simplicity.


In this section we establish the main result of this paper,on existence and abundance of SNA in Harper maps. Let usstart with some generalities.

A �continuous, smooth, analytic� skew product map inP�T of the form

n+1 = f̃�n,�n�, �n+1 = �n + � �mod 1� , �7�

where � is irrational, defines a quasiperiodically forced sys-tem in P. In both T and P we consider the Lebesgue mea-sure, and in P�T the corresponding product measure.

In this setting, we consider the following working defi-nition of SNA. We emphasize that the definition itself ofSNA is a subject of much debate and the definition givenhere may not be suitable for other models.

Definition 1: Let �P�T be a subset of the phasespace of the form

= �����,��,� � � �8�

where ��T is a full measure set and :�→P is a measur-able function. That is, is the graph of a measurable func-tion. Then

• We say that is strange if cannot be extended to a graphof a continuous function in T.

• We say that is invariant under �7� if for all ��� we

have �+��� and f̃���� ,��=��+��. Moreover, is anonchaotic invariant set because its dynamics is quasiperi-odic.

• We say that is an attractor of �7� if it is invariant and foralmost all initial condition � ,���P�T,


f̃ a,b,��N� �,�� − ��N�P = 0, �9�

where · P denotes the distance of two angles in P.

We say that is a strange nonchaotic attractor if satisfiesthe three properties above.

The main result of this paper is

033127-2 À. Haro and J. Puig Chaos 16, 033127 �2006�

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Page 4: Strange nonchaotic attractors in Harper maps

Main Theorem: For b�2, the Harper map �6� has aSNA for all the values a in a Cantor set of measure4−2b�0.


In this section we prove the Main Theorem. The proof isbased on the relation among the hyperbolicity properties ofHarper linear skew products �4�, the dynamics of �polar�Harper maps �6� and the spectral properties of Harper opera-tors �3�.

A. Lyapunov exponents and hyperbolicity

To understand the dynamics of Harper linear skew prod-ucts it is important to know the growth properties of thesolutions. The exponential growth is measured by theLyapunov exponents which we now define. Given any non-trivial initial condition of the skew product �4�, �v0 ,�0� withv0�0, the �forward� Lyapunov exponent for �v0 ,�0� is thelimit

�a,b,��v0,�0� = limN→+�


NlogvN = lim




�N� ��0�v0


whenever the limit exists �in which case it is finite�.If v0= �x−1 ,x0� and 0=arctan�x−1 /x0�, then one can also

define the �forward� Lyapunov exponent of the Harper map�6� for the initial condition �0 ,�0� by

a,b,��0,�0� = limN→+�


Nlog� �N


= limN→+�



�N� �0,�0� �11�


ma,b,��N� �0,�0� =

� f̃ a,b

��N−1,�N−1� . . .

� f̃ a,b

��0,�0� .

An easy computation shows the relation

a,b,��0,�0� = − 2�a,b,��v0,�0� .

Backward Lyapunov exponents are defined by replacinglimN→+� with limN→−� in the above formulation.

Oseledec26 showed that for almost every initial condition�v0 ,�0� the Lyapunov exponent exists and it is almost every-where a constant value. This value is precisely the averagedLyapunov exponent

�̄a,b,� = limN→+�




�N� ���d� ,

which is non-negative and exists by Kingman’s subadditiveergodic theorem.27

The case of the nonzero averaged Lyapunov exponent

��̄�0� which we call hyperbolic, is important for our pur-poses. In this case, there exists a full measure set ��T suchthat for every ��� one has a splitting

R2 = Ws��� � Wu��� �12�

characterized by, for v�0,

v � Ws��� ⇔ limN→±�


NlogM�N����v = − �̄ �13�


v � Wu��� ⇔ limN→±�


NlogM�N����v = + �̄ . �14�

Ws��� and Wu��� are the stable and unstable subspaces at �,respectively.26 The elements of the set � are referred to asthe Lyapunov regular points.

In the phase space R2�T, one can form the product setsWs and Wu whose elements are pairs �v ,�� with v�Ws���and Wu��� respectively �whenever these subspaces are de-fined�. These are the stable and unstable subbundles. ByOseledec26 the � dependence of the decomposition is mea-surable but not necessarily continuous.

B. Nonuniform hyperbolicity and SNA

The property of hyperbolicity of the Harper cocycle �4�transfers to the dynamics of the Harper map �6�, which re-flects how the linear skew product �4� changes directions ofvectors. So, if we define s��� and u��� as the angles of thesubbundles Ws��� and Wu���, respectively, that is, they arethe elements of P such �cos s��� , sin s����T and�cos u��� , sin u����T belong to Ws��� and Wu���, respec-tively, the product sets

s = ��s���,��,� � � and u = ��u���,��,� � �

are invariant under the Harper map and have quasiperiodicdynamics. Thus s and u are nonchaotic invariant sets.

Moreover, the decomposition of R2 into the direct sumof Ws��� and Wu���, for ���, implies that every initial con-dition �v ,�� not lying on the stable subbundle is attracted tothe unstable subbundle and grows exponentially in norm un-der the evolution given by �4�. Looking at directions �whichis what the polar Harper map �6� retains�, forward orbits withinitial condition � ,�� �other than �s��� ,��� are exponen-tially attracted to u, that is

�,�� = limN→+�


Nlog f̃ a,b,�

�N� �,�� − u��N�P = − 2�̄ � 0,


while backward orbits other than �u��� ,��� are exponen-tially attracted to s. Thus u is a nonchaotic attractor forthe Harper map: for almost every initial condition, orbits areexponentially attracted to it. Similarly s is a nonchaoticrepellor.

Remark 1: The notation u for an attractor and s for arepellor may look paradoxical, but it is kept for consistency.u is the projectivization of Wu and s is the projectivizationof Ws.

The regularity properties of the invariant subbundlesWs ,Wu of the Harper linear skew product are inherited by theinvariant curves s ,u of the Harper map.

033127-3 SNA in Harper maps Chaos 16, 033127 �2006�

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Page 5: Strange nonchaotic attractors in Harper maps

When the splitting �12� is defined for all �, that is �=T, the linear skew product is said to be uniformly hyper-bolic and the subbundles are continuous.28,29 In such a case,the projectivizations s ,u are continuous invariant curvesof the Harper map.

Remark 2: Johnson and Sell30,31 prove that in the uni-formly hyperbolic case the stable and unstable subbundlesare as smooth as the original system, and so are their projec-tivizations. See also Refs. 32 and 33. This follows from thefact that the dynamics on the base torus is a rotation. In thecase of a Harper linear skew product, when it is uniformlyhyperbolic, the stable and unstable subbundles are analytic.As a result, the projectivizations of the stable and the un-stable subbundles are analytic invariant curves of the Harpermap.

In contrast, if the skew product is nonuniformly hyper-bolic, then the invariant subbundles are measurable but notcontinuous and their projectivizations u and s are measur-able but not continuous functions of �. Moreover, disconti-nuities are propagated by the quasiperiodic dynamics and theinvariance property of the attractor: if u is discontinuous ata single �0 then the same happens for �N=�0+N� for all N�Z, so that the function u is nowhere continuous. The sameresult holds for s.

In summary, when the skew product �4� is nonuniformlyhyperbolic, u is a strange nonchaotic attractor �SNA� of theHarper map �6�, see Definition 1. Moreover, almost everyorbit in phase space is attracted to u at an exponential rate.

Remark 3: In principle one could look for SNA withoutexponential rate of attraction �for instance given by a powerlaw�. A candidate for such objects would be a Harper map atcritical coupling b=2 and energies in the spectrum, as dis-cussed in Ref. 34. For definiteness, we focus on the expo-nential case.

C. SNA and spectrum

In the Harper map, we can determine whether hyperbo-licity is uniform or not by looking at the spectral problem of�3�. Indeed, an energy a is in the spectrum of the Harperoperator �3� if, and only if, the corresponding linear skewproduct �4� is not uniformly hyperbolic.35,36

We will use an implication of this result if a is in thespectrum of the Harper operator and the averaged Lyapunovexponent is nonzero at a, then the linear skew product isnonuniformly hyperbolic.

This is the key point in our approach and it is based inthe following dichotomy for the linear quasiperiodic skewproduct:28,29 either the skew product has a nontrivialbounded solution for some � or the invariant subbundles ex-ist for all � and are as regular as the system.

The existence of nonuniformly hyperbolic linear skewproducts was already shown by Herman,37 who proved that

�̄a,b,� � max 0,logb2� �16�

as long as � is irrational. Moreover, Bourgain andJitomirskaya38 proved that the equality in �16� holds if, andonly if, a is in the spectrum of the almost Mathieu operator.

Therefore, we have shown that for b �2 and � irratio-nal, a Harper map has a SNA for every value a in the spec-trum �b,� of the Harper operator �3�, which is not empty �seenext section�.

In fact, we have even seen the following alternative: inthe Harper map with b �2 and irrational frequency, eitherthere is a SNA or an attracting analytic invariant curve.These SNA provide a rich class of examples where manyproperties conjectured for SNA can be rigorously proved.

D. The last step: Spectrum of Harper operator

Using the characterization in the previous section, it iseasy to derive properties on the persistence of the SNA withrespect to perturbations in the parameters a and b.

It is known that the measure of the spectrum �b,� isgiven by the formula 4−2 b ,39 which shows that, whenb �2, SNA occupy a set of parameters a of positive mea-sure. However, �b,� has also been shown to be a Cantor set�this is the “Ten Martini problem”16–18� for irrational � andb�0, and thus it contains no open intervals. Thus, althoughthe set �b,� of parameters a for which SNA exists is large inthe measure-theoretic sense, it is small in the topologicalsense. In summary, SNA are typical but not robust in thefamily of Harper maps.

With these arguments we are done with the proof of theMain Theorem.

Remark 4: Note that, although the spectrum is a Cantorset for each b, one can find analytic curves in the �a ,b� planewhere SNA exist for all values in these curves. A trivialexample is a=0 and b �2, � irrational, due to the symme-try of the spectrum. Indeed, as it was proved in Ref. 40, thereexist analytic curves when � is Diophantine which lie en-tirely in the spectrum for b large enough.

Remark 5: One may wonder about the existence of fami-lies of linear skew products with persistent nonuniformlyhyperbolic behavior. This would imply that the correspond-ing projectivizations have robust SNA. This question wasanswered positively by Herman,37 considering homotopicallynontrivial linear skew products and using simple topologicalarguments. Other robust SNA have been proved toexist in homotopically nontrivial systems using similararguments.3,41


A. Some numerical examples

As an illustration of the above rigorous results, we per-formed several numerical computations. In the following, wechoose the irrational frequency �=e /4, b=3, and we consid-ered a as a moving parameter. The averaged Lyapunov ex-ponent as a function of a is displayed in Fig. 1. Notice that

�16� implies that �̄a� log 3/2, so that the Harper cocycle ishyperbolic for all the values a. Moreover, the equality holdsonly if the cocycle is nonuniformly hyperbolic. As a result,the values of a for which u is a SNA of the Harper mapcorrespond to the “flat pieces” of the graph in Fig. 1, whichlie in a Cantor set of measure 2. The “bumps” appear in gapsof the spectrum, that is energies a in the resolvent set, for

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Page 6: Strange nonchaotic attractors in Harper maps

which u is a continuous attracting invariant curve. We alsoselected several values of a and computed the attractor u

and the repellor s of the Harper map for several values of a.The results are displayed in Figs. 2 and 3.

Remark 6: Most of the authors in the literature choosethe golden mean 1

2 ��5−1� as the frequency, which has veryspecific arithmetical properties. In particular it has a periodic�in fact, constant� continuous fraction expansion whichmakes it convenient for renormalization procedures. Therelative distance of �=e /4 to the golden mean is less than10%, but their arithmetical properties are very different. Ourchoice aims to emphasize that the results presented hereare independent of the arithmetical properties of thefrequency.19,20

B. A topological argument for the existence of SNA

When u is a continuous attracting invariant curve, andthus a is in a gap of the spectrum, there is a topological indexwhich counts its winding around P, which must coincidewith that of s. This winding number changes from gap to

FIG. 1. The averaged Lyapunov exponent �̄ of the Harper linear skewproduct for b=3. The Lyapunov exponent of the corresponding attractor of

the Harper map is =−2�̄, hence negative. In the spectrum the Lyapunovexponent takes the constant value log 3/2. When a approaches the endpointof a gap, the Lyapunov exponent behaves as a square root, see Ref. 46. Thisscaling of the Lyapunov exponent seems to be universal �Ref. 20� and hasalso been observed in the linearization around an attracting invariant curveof a quasiperiodically forced Hénon map.

FIG. 2. �Color� The attractor u and the repellor s of the Harper map for a=0.3,0.5 �SNA� and a=0.4,0.6 �continuous invariant curves�. Notice that a=0.4 and a=0.6 correspond to different gaps labelled by the indices of the continuous curves 8 and 5, respectively.

033127-5 SNA in Harper maps Chaos 16, 033127 �2006�

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Page 7: Strange nonchaotic attractors in Harper maps

gap, as it can be seen in Figs. 2 and 3 and can be related tothe rotation number of �4�.42 This implies that a continuousattracting invariant curve cannot be continuously deformedfrom one gap to another, and this shows that in between theremust be values of a for which there is no continuous attract-ing invariant curve. In combination with the positivity of theLyapunov exponent, this provides another argument for theexistence of SNA, although the spectral argument in the pre-vious section yields to quantitative arguments on their abun-dance.

Inside the gap, the invariant curves u and s cannottouch due to the uniform hyperbolicity. However, as thespectral parameter a approaches the endpoint of the gap, theyseem to touch, see Fig. 4 which displays the distance be-tween the curves inside the gaps. However, u��� for a.e. �,converges to the strange nonchaotic attractor formed at theendpoint of a gap.43 To see why this happens, it is worth-while to recall that inside the gap the elements u��� and

s���, for each fixed �, move monotonically in opposite di-rections as the spectral parameter increases.44

C. SNA and localization

In this paper we have proved the existence of SNA inHarper maps with � irrational, b �2 and a in the spectrumwithout resorting to the possible localization properties ofthe spectral problem. Recall that a is a point eigenvalue of aHarper operator Hb,�,�0

if the corresponding eigenvalue�Harper� equation has a nontrivial localized solution �= ��n�n�Z which is square integrable or even decays expo-nentially with n. If the set of localized eigenvectors of aHarper operator forms a complete orthogonal basis of �2�Z�then the spectrum is pure point.

In previous work on the existence of SNA in Harpermaps, localization was seen as a justification for the strange-ness of SNA, in the regime of nonzero Lyapunovexponents.10,11,14,21,22 As we have seen, we do not use local-ization to prove the existence of SNA. Besides, localizationmay not hold in all the Harper maps considered here, be-cause an energy a in the spectrum with nonzero Lyapunovexponent �for which the Harper map has a SNA� may not bean eigenvalue of the operator. Indeed, if � is not Diophan-tine, localization may only hold for b �2 large enough �de-pending on ��.18 Even in the Diophantine case, the spectrumalso contains a residual set of energies which are not pointeigenvalues.45,46

Nevertheless, exponentially localized solutions, when-ever they exist, are useful for the description of many prop-erties of SNA in Harper maps, since they can be seen asheteroclinic solutions which connect s �when n→−�� andu �when n→ +��. Moreover, whenever an exponentiallylocalized solution exists at the endpoint of a gap �this hap-pens, for instance, when � is Diophantine and b is large�,simple duality arguments46 show that the SNA must be dis-continuous at the points �=k�, with k�Z. For an illustra-tion, see Fig. 3.

FIG. 3. The attractor u and the repellor s of the Harper map for a=3.47030 �SNA, left� and a=3.47031 �continuous invariant curves, right�. Notice thedramatic change in the dynamics with a very small perturbation of a. The value a=3.47031 belongs to the right-most gap, whose index is 0 �see Fig. 1�. Whena reaches the endpoint of the gap, a localized solution exists and it is supported on the points �=k�, indicated by vertical lines in the figure. Immediatelybefore the collapse �see the picture on the right�, we observe that the distance between the two invariant curves attains its minimal value at these vertical lines.

FIG. 4. The minimal distance � between the stable and unstable curves inthe Harper map with b=3. In the spectrum, the distance is zero. Inside thegaps, the two curves are separated one from each other and the distance isstrictly positive. When a approaches the endpoint of a gap, the distanceseems to tend to zero in a linear way �Ref. 20�.

033127-6 À. Haro and J. Puig Chaos 16, 033127 �2006�

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Page 8: Strange nonchaotic attractors in Harper maps

D. Extension to other families of maps

We would like to emphasize that the arguments pre-sented in this paper are based on the theory of nonuniformlyhyperbolic dynamical systems �Pesin theory� and thus theyprovide a fertile ground for extensions to other interestingmodels. Here we present two systems where the generaliza-tion is straightforward.

In combination results in the spectral theory of quasip-eriodic Schrödinger operators, we can also show the exis-tence and abundance of SNA in several families of Harper-type maps

yn+1 =1

a − bV�2��n� − yn,

�17��n+1 = �n + � �mod 1� ,

where V :T→R is a nonconstant real analytic function and �is an irrational number. All the arguments of nonuniformhyperbolicity also apply to this case and to show the exis-tence of SNA one only needs positivity of the Lyapunovexponent in the spectrum. This is granted by Ref. 47, whereit is shown that the Lyapunov exponent is positive for all a�R as long as b is greater than some constant dependingonly on V. Extensions to more frequencies also hold �seeRef. 48, and references therein� for different results on posi-tivity of the Lyapunov exponent in other models, that are notnecessarily quasiperiodic.

Another easy translation of our results is in the followingclass of differential equations, where virtually all the sametechniques apply �see Ref. 15 for a very similar equation�.Consider the flow on T�T2 given by the equations

� = �a + b�cos �1 + cos �2��sin2 + cos2 ,

�18��1� = 1, �2� = � ,

where � is an irrational number and �1, �2�T. Since this isthe projectivization of the equation

x� + �a + b�cos �1 + cos �2��x = 0, �1� = 1, �2� = � ,

expressed in polar coordinates �the eigenvalue equation of acontinuous quasiperiodic Schrödinger operator�, all the argu-ments can be used to derive the existence of SNA if we areable to prove positivity of the Lyapunov exponent in thespectrum. This was done again, in Ref. 47, where it wasshown that the Lyapunov exponent is positive when b islarge enough in an open set at the bottom of the spectrum.For these values of a, there will be a SNA in Eq. �18�.


The authors thank R. de la Llave for encouragement andadvice which largely improved the manuscript. A.H. was par-

tially supported by MCyT/FEDER Grant No. BFM2003-07521-C02-01 and CIRIT Grant No. 2001SGR-70. J.P. waspartially supported by MCyT/FEDER Grant No. BFM2003-09504-C02-01 and CIRIT Grant No. 2001SGR-70.

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