Clay Animation presents the 9th edition of its animation course taught by Iván Sarrión and David Caballer, which, just like in previous years, is mainly based on practical and individual exercises using foam latex puppets and John Wright armatures, digital reflex cameras and Dragonframe animation software. DURATION: Seven weeks SCHEDULE: From Monday to Friday, from 08:00 until 15:00 DATES: From June 15th until July 31st, 2020 VENUES : Barreira Arte y Diseño PRICE : 1.675 LIMITED PLACES : 15 students STOP MOTION ANIMATION COURSE

Stop Motion Animation Course 2020clayanimation.es/wp-content/.../2014/02/Stop_Motion... · 2. Stop Motion Animation Shooting Making different animations according to storyboard requirements,

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Page 1: Stop Motion Animation Course 2020clayanimation.es/wp-content/.../2014/02/Stop_Motion... · 2. Stop Motion Animation Shooting Making different animations according to storyboard requirements,

Clay Animation presents the 9th edit ion of i ts animation course taught by Iván Sarr ión and David Cabal ler, which, just l ike in previous years, is mainly based on pract ical and indiv idual exercises using foam latex puppets and John Wright armatures, digital ref lex cameras and Dragonframe animation software. D U R A T I O N : Seven weeks S C H E D U L E : From Monday to Fr iday, from 08:00 unt i l 15:00 D A T E S : From June 15th unt i l July 31st, 2020 V E N U E S : Barreira Arte y Diseño P R I C E : 1.675 € L I M I T E D P L A C E S : 15 students


Page 2: Stop Motion Animation Course 2020clayanimation.es/wp-content/.../2014/02/Stop_Motion... · 2. Stop Motion Animation Shooting Making different animations according to storyboard requirements,

S T O P M O T I O N : A G R O W I N G T R E N D W I T H I N T H E A U D I O V I S U A L I N D U S T R Y Stop Motion techniques are gaining a foothold in the animation industry, annual ly producing internat ional ly-acclaimed series and movies. Stop Motion is an animation technique that br ings stat ic objects, mainly art iculated puppets, to l i fe on screen by simulat ing movement through a ser ies of successive photographs. I ts inf luence can be seen in di f ferent media (cinema, televis ion, web, mobi le devices), as wel l as in i ts formats (opening credits, advert is ing, v ideo cl ips, headers, break- bumpers, trai lers, promos, ser ies, short f i lms and movies). Nowadays, Stop Motion is a growing trend within the audiovisual industry that uses its techniques for media and formats in an or iginal way that opens up more creat ive possibi l i t ies and employment opportunit ies. M A I N O B J E C T I V E S O F T H E C O U R S E Train animation professionals in order for them to work in Stop Motion shootings. Students wi l l learn about storyboard interpretat ion, as wel l as animating characters using Dragonframe animation software.

Page 3: Stop Motion Animation Course 2020clayanimation.es/wp-content/.../2014/02/Stop_Motion... · 2. Stop Motion Animation Shooting Making different animations according to storyboard requirements,

P R O G R A M M E 1 . P r i n c i p l e s o f A n i m a t i o n a n d P r e - p r o d u c t i o n Making simple animations T h e o r e t i c a l F r a m e w o r k : • Theory of movement • Divis ion of t ime • Pauses • Animation techniques • Anticipat ion, act ion and react ion. Basic pr inciples • Trajector ies. Lines of act ion • Silhouette and poses • Objects animation • Walking • Acting of the character P r a c t i c a l F r a m e w o r k : • Animating objects • Preparat ion of objects • Shooting of object animation

Page 4: Stop Motion Animation Course 2020clayanimation.es/wp-content/.../2014/02/Stop_Motion... · 2. Stop Motion Animation Shooting Making different animations according to storyboard requirements,

P R O G R A M M E 2 . S t o p M o t i o n A n i m a t i o n S h o o t i n g Making dif ferent animations according to storyboard requirements, the director's instruct ions and the interpretat ion/input of the animator. T h e o r e t i c a l F r a m e w o r k : • Digital capture systems: camera types, video assistance, f i le formats • Animation software • Motion control • Light ing, basic concepts. • Workf low in shooting and f i le management P r a c t i c a l F r a m e w o r k : • Preparat ion of the shooting schedule • Animation of simple act ions • Lip-sync • Expressions • Walking • Characters and objects animation on r igs. • Action shooting in separate layers • Animation of di f ferent act ings according to the character

Page 5: Stop Motion Animation Course 2020clayanimation.es/wp-content/.../2014/02/Stop_Motion... · 2. Stop Motion Animation Shooting Making different animations according to storyboard requirements,

SCHOLARSHIPS A scholarship wi l l be avai lable for those who pass the admissions test with the best marks. The scholarship comes with a 25% discount off the regular course pr ice and f inancing of the remaining 75%. In March we’ l l communicate the decision to the selected person. VENUES Barreira Arte y Disen ̃o, C/ San Jacinto n° 1-3 bajo (corner Gran Vi ́a Fernando el Cato ́ l ico) 46008 – Valencia – Spain. Phone +34 961 13 03 54 h t tps : / /goo.g l /maps/5s4z4uDKWa6SY7c49 ENROLMENT / REQUEST FOR INFORMATION Send CV and l inks of animation videos made by the appl icants using any animation technique to emai l address [email protected] The enrolment process is open, i t wi l l be closed when the 15 places wi l l be covered. You can download the appl icat ion enrolment form in http://clayanimation.es/careers

Organised by: In i t iat ive supported by Federación de

Productoras de Animación de España

www.clayanimation.es • T 961667731• [email protected] • Pol. Ind. El Oliveral, calle L, Nave 30, 46190 - Valencia

www.barreira.edu.es/ • T. 902 94 70 09 / 961 13 03 54 • [email protected] • C/ San Jacinto nº 1-3 bajo 46008 - Valencia