SPRAYERS FOR APPLYING CONDUCTIVE COATINGS V. P. Malashenko and I. P. Goneharov UDC 666.1.056 For articles with heating elements used for fitting glass to viewing cabins of machines and apparatus of complex shape there are rigid specifications regarding uniformity of their heating and transperency of the conductive coating. The quality of transparent heating elements depends not onIy on the degree of dispersion of the film- forming solution that is applied to the glass and conditions of working of the sprayer but also on the mate- rial of which the sprayer is made. The sprayers made of rod copper, titanium alloys, and other materials that are used for spraying film-forming solutions do not fully meet the specifications. This is due to the fact that the film-forming solution for applying the coating contains fluorine compounds, acids, and other chemical reactives, which, after oxidizing and corroding the material of construction of the sprayers, contaminate the conductive coating with oxidation products. The authors of the paper have suggested and introduced to the industry a sprayer which is devoid of the above defects. The sprayer (Fig. 1) consists of a case 1, a nozzle 2 made of fluoroplastic, a nipple 3 made of alloy OT4, a brass nut 4 and a rubber packing 5. A flexible tubing is attached to the tail of nozzle 2. The film-forming solution is fed through the tubing for applying the coating. Another flexible piping is fixed to nipple 3 for compressed air under a pressure of about, 0.8 MPa. Due to the condition of election created at the head of the casing the film-forming solution is sucked and applied through the ori- fice of nozzle 2 on heated glass in the form of aerosols. The control of the process of applying the conduc- tive coating on glass is automatic in accordance with a given programme. The application of the sprayer of the above design ensures a better quality of film, which is not con- taminated by the oxidation products of the material of construction of the sprayer because of the fact that the sprayer components (case and nozzle) having contact with the aggressive solution for applying the con- ductive coating are made of fluoroplastic, which is not wetted by the solution and is not oxidized by its action. A f2 3- Fig. 1 A-A D Translated from Steklo i Keramika, No. 1, p. 35, January, 1976. Plenum Publishing Corporation, 22 7 West 17th Street, New York, N. Y. 10011. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, microfilming, recording or otherwise, without written permission of the publisher. A copy of this article is available from the publisher for $15.00. 58

Sprayers for applying conductive coatings

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V. P . M a l a s h e n k o a n d I . P . G o n e h a r o v UDC 666.1.056

For a r t i c l e s with heating e lements used for fitting g lass to viewing cabins of machines and appara tus of complex shape the re a r e r ig id speci f ica t ions r ega rd ing uni formi ty of the i r heating and t r a n s p e r e n c y of the conductive coating.

The quality of t r a n s p a r e n t heating e lements depends not onIy on the degree of d i spe r s ion of the f i lm- forming solution that is applied to the g lass and conditions of working of the s p r a y e r but a l so on the m a t e - r i a l of which the s p r a y e r is made.

The s p r a y e r s made of rod copper , t i tanium al loys , and other m a t e r i a l s that a r e used for spray ing f i lm- fo rming solutions do not fully mee t the speci f ica t ions . This is due to the fact that the f i lm- fo rming solution for applying the coating contains f luorine compounds, ac ids , and other chemical r e ac t i ve s , which, a f t e r oxidizing and cor roding the m a t e r i a l of cons t ruc t ion of the s p r a y e r s , contaminate the conductive coating with oxidation produc ts .

The authors of the pape r have sugges ted and introduced to the indust ry a s p r a y e r which is devoid of the above defec ts . The s p r a y e r (Fig. 1) cons is t s of a case 1, a nozzle 2 made of f luoroplas t ic , a nipple 3 made of alloy OT4, a b r a s s nut 4 and a r ubb e r packing 5. A flexible tubing is a t tached to the tai l of nozzle 2. The f i lm- fo rming solution is fed through the tubing for applying the coating. Another f lexible piping is fixed to nipple 3 for c o m p r e s s e d a i r under a p r e s s u r e of about, 0.8 MPa. Due to the condition of e lect ion c rea ted at the head of the cas ing the f i lm- fo rming solution is sucked and applied through the o r i - fice of nozzle 2 on heated g lass in the f o r m of a e r o s o l s . The control of the p r o c e s s of applying the conduc- t ive coating on g lass is au tomat ic in accordance with a given p r o g r a m m e .

The appl ica t ion of the s p r a y e r of the above des ign ensu re s a be t t e r quality of fi lm, which is not con- t amina ted by the oxidation products of the m a t e r i a l of cons t ruc t ion of the s p r a y e r because of the fact that the s p r a y e r components (case and nozzle) having contact with the a g g r e s s i v e solut ion for applying the con- ductive coating a r e made of f luoroplas t ic , which is not wetted by the solution and is not oxidized by i ts act ion.

A f 2

3 -

Fig. 1


D Trans l a t ed f r o m Steklo i Keramika , No. 1, p. 35, January , 1976.

�9 Plenum Publishing Corporation, 22 7 West 17th Street, New York, N. Y. 10011. No part o f this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, microfilming, recording or otherwise, without written permission o f the publisher. A copy of this article is available from the publisher for $15.00.