Spartan Strength

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  • 8/8/2019 Spartan Strength



    Spartan "3OO"By Ken Mannie, Head Strength/Conditioning Coach, MichiganState University, East Lansing. Ml

    ong before the release ofWarner Biollier's block-btistcr movie, 300. 1came across an articlethe extremely cballeiigingand brutally intense training regimentbe actors endu red prior to filming.

    Through six months of workout ses-sions conducted by Mark l'wight, anaccompHsbed mountain climber,autbor, and bigbly respected irainer,the movie's casi transformed tbeir bod-ies into tbe w arrior pbysiqties m andat-ed by director Zach Snyder.One training approach called for'lie exectition of a string of various

    exercises - some conventional, someextiemely unconventional - with tbegoal of cotiipieiing 300 total reps.Tbat's quite a feat, considering thaimost workout scripts call for aboul balf(and usually niucb less) of that grtiel-ing number.Always being a fan of good, old-fashioned hard work, I decided lo takeihat them e, modify it a bit, and rtui(lift, actually) with it.1 should styte here that tbese work-

    outs exceed tbe norm to a degree tbatrecjuiresyou to examine them closely.You may determine that the pariit ulariige group and/or the overall trainingexperience of your athletes dictateslluil you file ibese scripl.s for future useIn order to be judicioiLs and pru-dent, several important caveats are inorder:

    " Tbese scripts are for oldei atlileteswho have been training in earnestfor at least a couple of years. In(tther words, bigb scbool juniorswho have been indoctrinated, well-coached, and put tbrotigb the rig-ors of a year-round strength train-ing program since they were fresh-men, should be ready for some-thing of this nauire.

    These are extiemely challengingworkouts, and tberefore sbould beused witb con sideration given totbe appropriate lime.s on tbe liain-

    8 PTEMBEB 2007

  • 8/8/2019 Spartan Strength


    ing calendar. I would recoinnieiidperforming these routines in theoff-season per iod s only, as they willassuredly indut e some muscle sore-ness for al least a couple of days.These art- novel workouts thatsliuiild be used no more than onceper week, and followed with at leasta couple of recovery days beforeengaging in even so inucli as a con-ventional strength workout.These scripts are nol meant to beused for an indeliuJte |>eridtime. We use them as a motiva-tional tool on a limited basis inthe ofl-.sea.son only.A iitial suggestion for those whohl be a little wary of tlic high vol-ume in a single .session is to bre;ik-iipihe workouts in to two sepa rate !.>() reparrangements. The scripts could ihenbe performed on two non-tonsecutivedays. This amoun ts to 15 sets of 10reps in each workoul, which is closerlo a standard stien gth training session.Note: ,\11 of the workouts are pre-ceded with a live m inute dynamic

    warm-up peiiod, and followed with aijiief static and/or band stretchingsegment.With these stiggestious in m ind,here are two of oiir favorite Spartan"300" workouts, Michigan State style,complete with some coaching points.


    This is a total body workout thatincludes the use ol barbells, dtnnl)-bells, machines, sandbags, and severalbody weight exercises.Twenty exercises are performedfor on e set of 15 repetitions apiece,with the lower bodv movements per-formed first in the seqtience.[1 looks like this:1. Sanilbag Front Squats - 15 reps2. Hex Bar Dead Lifts - 15 reps3. Leg Press - I Tt reps4. Straight bar Rotnauian Dead Lifts

    (RDL's) - 15 reps (N ote: Theseare commonly referred to as stiff-legged dead lifts, but a slight bendshould be tiiaintained iti ihe ktieesthroughout the movement.)

    5. Bodyweight Squats while wearing a25 11). weight vest - 15 reps6. Bodyweight Lunges while wearing25 lb. weight vest - L5 reps (witheach leg)7. Dumhbell (DB) Incline Press- 15reps8. DB Bent-over Rows - 15 (for bothright and left sides if performedindependetitly)9. DB Seated Military P re ss - 15 reps10. DB Upright Rows - 15 reps11. Barbell Close Crip Bench Press -15 reps12. Front Lat Pulldowns - 15 teps13. Sandbag Standing Military Press-15 reps14. Hammer (machine) HorizontalRow 15 reps15. Hann ner Chest Press - 15 reps16. Hammer High Row-15 reps17. Bodyweiglit Cliin-nps- 15 teps(even ii dotie in ati all-negative, or

    lowering only, m anner)18. Bodyweiglit Dips- In reps (eveti ifdone in an all-negative tnatuier)19. Bodyweight Mid-Section exercise(several choices) - 15 leps20,Bod\'weight I'uslMtps- 15 teps

    Coaching Points: As dictated bythe high volume, tlie weight loadsrange from light to m oderate on all ofthe applicable exercises (i.e., thosetising an inipletneiu, rather than body-weight, of some type). The accumula-tive fatigue created by the high reptarget and sheer length of the scriptbecome the primary overload indices.

    "Heaw" weights simply cainiot (andshould not) be used because ol thosetwo factors, which may be con tradicto-ry to most mainstream plans, hut isnecessary for this particular approach.Another overload technique thatcan be easily applied is (ontrolling therecovery lx*tweeti sets. While the initial

    recovery period between sets is usually1 '/-2 m intttcs, our tiltimate goal forrecovery is 1 minnte between sets.

    Finally, tiote that we allow for "neg-ative-only" reps on the chin-nps anddips, due to the fact that a tretnen-dous amount of fatigite will be built-ttp in the musculature by that particu-lar point in the roittine. Good, posi-tive (raising) reps will be hatd-eariiedaud maybe even impossible for someof your larger athletes.WORKO UT I I : FIGHT IN TH ESHADE

    The second workout consists ofrotating through three cycles of fivedifferent bodyweight exercises andperforming 20 reps in each set.Here it is:1. Modified Rope Ptill-tips(described iti the April, '07 issue)20 reps

    2. Dips - 20 reps3. C;hin-ups - 20 reps4 . Bodyweight S(|iiats - 20 reps5. Step-ups (on to a 24" high box) -

    20 reps with each legCoaching Points: The firstsequence is performed at a fairlygood clip, with ahout 30 secondsrecttvery between exercises.After the step-ups, we allow for alonger respite of 60-90 seconds, andthen we get after it from tlic top ofthe ord er for ihe secotid cycle. A lit-tle more rest will be needed betweensets - probably up to one mintite.At the end of the second cycle, 60-

    90 more seconds ate issued for recov-ery, followed by tlie third and Hnalcycle. Again, we try to keep tlie lecov-ery period hetween sets to 60 seconds.FINAL REP

    These ate merely a couple of sam-ple workouts you can examine andtweak to your liking. If the volumeha.s you concerned -even though, asmentioned, these are infre(|uent!y


  • 8/8/2019 Spartan Strength


    Spartan "3OO" Trainingused routines - you can certainlymake adjiistnieiiLs as you see fit.Obviously, you can mix and matchany type or sequence of exercises youprefer to work in concert with yourcurrent approach.

    Other than that, "Come and getthem!"

    TIP FROM THETRENCHESSuper Foods for energy, recoveryfrom hard exercise, and a healthylifestyle: If you're iooking for a shortlist of hf althy, energy producing, andrecovery aiding foods that are easy toincorporate in the daily diet, hsten-upHoops: Sweet Potatoes - A real nutrition-al "all-star" lh;it is literally one ofthe veggies you can eat, try toincorporate this winner in yourdiet as often as possible. Thesebabies are loaded with Vitamin C,carotcnoids. potassi-um, andfiber.

    Some restaurants even offer themas a substitute for French Fries (atop-of-tlie-line artery dogger) andregular baked potatoes.Grape Tomatoes - Sweeter andfirmer than other types of toma-toes, these bite-size treats are per-fect for snacking, dipping, andplopping on salads. Packed withVitamin C and Vitamin A, these Ht-de health ntiggets also containsome fiber and those wonderfulphytochemicals you hear so muchabout.Fat Free (Skim) or 1% Milk -Check it out: Calcium, loads ofvitamins, and high-quality proteinwithout all the fat; need I saymore? Caution: Don't be fooledby 2% milk, which still has a con-siderable am ount of saturated fatin it.Blueberries - Rich in fiber.Vitamin C, and the highly sought-after antioxidant group, these littlesweeties are great on cereal, inyogurt, on low-fat ice cream, or allby themselves.

    Wild Salmon (not the "farm-raised" variety that has higherievels of dioxin contaminants) -One of our "heart healthy heroes,"wild salmon is chalk-full of thegood omega-3 fats, whose hea lthbenefits are continually beingunearthed, and qii;ility protein.Citrus Fruits -Juicy, great tasting,and oozing with Vilamiii C, folicacid, and fiber, tliese are muchhealthier snacks than candy barsthat are bloated with saturated fat.Pre-washed, Pre-cut Bags ofGreens (Kaie, Spinach, Hearts ofRomaine, etc.) - Convenient,ready-to-eat, and high in calcium,carotenoids. folate, potassium,fiber, and Vilaniin C, loss tlit-rn ina .salad bowl, sprinkle some blue-berries, grape tomatoes, greenpeppers, salmon chunks, a lightsalad dressing , and yoiu" favoritenuts on top, and you've got ahealthy meal in itself.

    Ken Mannie mann ie^'

    I you enjoyed reading this story, then why not ieg on to www.coachad.cemand watcl i it before your eyes.That s right! Beginning this month. Scholastic Coach& Mthletic Director s

    Web site wil l feature a virtual monthly version of Powerline, our highly suc-cessful and widely read strength and cenditioning column . Just took for thePoweriine ONLINE logo on the homepage.

    Hosted by our very own Powcriine guru and resident expert, Ken Mannie,the head strength & conditioning coach at Michigan State University, PoweriineONLINE wiii provide tips, suggestions, and recommendations from a whole bevyof strength and conditioning activities, ail in digital quaiity streaming video.

    Poweri ine ONLINE brings the pages of Coacb&MBio l i fe, offering an inter-active, visual depiction of each set and each exercise. You and your piayerswil l experience every grunt, groan, and grimace as Ken Mann ie and his s taffexplain, perform , and evaluate, step-by-step, al l of the m uscle-buiiding rou-tines that wil l help your athletes and your programs reach their maximumpotentiai in the weight room.

    This mon th, Coach Mannie and his graduate assistant, Joe Tate, a formerMSU offensive l ineman, who played briefly in the NFL and NFL Europe, wil l take you inside the Sp artans' weight room and perform 17exercises as depicted in th e September Poweri ine story. Spartan "300" Training, based on the movie blockbuster, 300.

    These specific exercises provide a new challenge and stimuius for the MSU athletes, particuiariy the football players. The segmentis nearly 40 minutes long and is time well spent.

    Also, each month Coach Mannie will answer your questions at the end of each Poweriine ONLINE segment.To ask Coach Mannie a question, just email him at: [email protected] tog on and get ready to feel the bu rn!- Kevin Newell, Editor, CoachA A thletic Birectw