SOCIETE DES NATIONS 1tecueil des Traitks et des Engagements internationaux enregistres par le Secretariat de la Socit des Nations. LEAGUE OF NATIONS Treaty Series Publication of Treaties and International Engagements registered with the Secretariat of the League of Nations.

SOCIETE DES NATIONS · SOCIETE DES NATIONS 1tecueil des Traitks et des Engagements internationaux enregistres par le Secretariat de la Socit des Nations. LEAGUE OF NATIONS Treaty

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    1tecueil des Traitks et des Engagementsinternationaux enregistres par le Secretariat

    de la Socit des Nations.


    Treaty Series

    Publication of Treaties and International Engagementsregistered with the Secretariat of the

    League of Nations.

  • SOCIETi DES NATIONSNecuei des Traitis

    el des Engagements internationaux enregistres par leSecretarial de la Societe des atahons

    VOLUME LXXXIX 1929 NUMEROS 1, 2, 3 et 4


    PagesNo 2001. - France et Saint-Marin

    Convention d'extradition. Sign6e h Paris, le 30 avril 1926 ........................ 9

    No 2002. - Finlande et Italie :

    Trait6 de conciliation et de r~glement judiciaire. Sign6 h Helsinki, le 21 aofit 1928 ......... 25

    No 2003. - Belgique et Pays-Bas :

    Accord relatif aux relations intellectuelles entre les deux pays. Sign6 h Bruxelles, le26 octobre 1927 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 37

    No 2004.- Union Sud-Africaine, Allemagne, Autriche, Belgique, Bulgarie, etc.:

    Arrangement relatif -h la d6livrance des certificats d'identit6 aux r6fugi6s russes et arm&-niens, compl6tant et amendant les Arrangements ant~rieurs du 5 juillet 1922 et du31 mai 1924. Sign6 h Genhve, le 12 mai 1926 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... 47

    No 2005.- Allemagne, Autriche, Belgique, Bulgarie, Estonie, etc.:

    Arrangement relatif an statut juridique des r6fugi6s russes et arm~niens. Sign6 k Gen~ve,le 30 juin 1928 .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... 53

    No 2006. - Allemagne, Belgique, Bulgarie, Estonie, France, etc.:

    Arrangement relatif kl'extension i d'autres categories de r6fugi~s de certaines mesuresprises en faveur des refugi6s russes et arm6niens. Sign6 k Gen~ve, le 30 juinI928 ... 63

    No 2007. - Autriche et Finlande

    Convention d'extradition et de cooperation judiciaire en mati~re de proc6dure p6nale.Sign6e k Stockholm, le 22 octobre 1928........................................... 69

  • LEAGUE OF NATIONSTreaty Series

    Publication of Treaties and International Engagementsregistered with the Secretarial of the League of Nations.

    VOLUME LXXXIX 1929 NUMBERS 1, 2, 3 and 4


    No. 2001. - France and San Marino Pages

    Extradition Convention. Signed at Paris, April 30, 1926 ........................ 9

    No. 2002. - Finland and Italy :

    Treaty of Conciliation and Judicial Settlement. Signed at Helsinki, August 21, 1928 ...... 25

    No. 2003. - Belgium and the Netherlands:

    Agreement regarding Intellectual Relations between the two Countries. Signed at Brussels,October 26, 1927 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 37

    No. 2004. - Union of South Africa, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, etc.:

    Arrangement relating to the Issue of Identity Certificates to Russian and ArmenianRefugees, supplementing and amending the previous Arrangements dated July 5,1922, and May 31, 1924. Signed at Geneva, May 12, 1926 ...................... 47

    No. 2005. - Germany, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Estonia, etc.:

    Arrangement relating to the Legal Status of Russian and Armenian Refugees. Signed atGeneva, June 30, 1928 .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 53;

    No. 2006. - Germany, Belgium, Bulgaria, Estonia, France, etc.:

    Arrangement concerning the Extension to other Categories of Refugees of certainMeasures taken in favour of Russian and Armenian Refugees. Signed at Geneva,June 30, 1928 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 63

    No. 2007. - Austria and Finland :

    Convention relating to Extradition and Judicial Assistance in Criminal Matters. Signed atStockholm, October 22, 1928 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... 69

  • 4 Socite' des Nations - Recuei des Traites. 1929

    PagesNo 2008. - Allemagne et Lithuanie

    Accord concernant l'assistance aux titulaires de pensions militaires r6sidant sur leterritoire de Memel, avec protocole final. Signis h Berlin, le 29 janvier 1928 ...... 83

    No 2009. - Allemagne et Lithuanie

    Trait6 portant r6glementation des questions de fronti6res, avec protocole final. Sign~s hBerlin, le 29 janvier 1928 .... .... ... .... .... ... .... ... .... .... ... .... ... 97

    No 2010. - Allemagne et Lithuanie

    Traits de commerce et de navigation, avec protocole final. Sign6s it Berlin, le 30 octobre 1928 127

    No 2011. - Lithuanie et Pologne :

    Arrangement provisoire relatif h l'octroi de facilit~s dans le petit trafic frontalier. Sign6 itKcenigsberg, le 7 novembre 1928 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... ... 171

    No 2012. - Allemagne et Lithuanie :

    Accord concernant l'assistance aux retrait~s r~sidant sur le territoire de Memel. Sign6 hBerlin, le 26 janvier 1929 ... ........... ....... ........ ........... ........ 181

    No 2013. - Belgique et Pays-Bas

    Echange de notes comportant un arrangement au sujet de l'6change des communicationsconcernant les cas de maladies contagieuses dans la r~gion fronti~re hollando-belge.La Haye, les 26 et 28 mars 1929 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 191

    No 2014. - Belgique et France

    Accord d6terminant les conditions de remploi des indemnit6s allou6es aux propri6taires debateaux par application de l'arrangement du 9 octobre 1919. Sign6 h Bruxelles, le27 m ars 1929 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 201

    N) 2015. - Belgique et Luxembourg

    Convention postale entre la Colonie du Congo belge et le Grand- Duch6 de Luxembourg.Sign~e -t Luxembourg, le 18 mai 1928 ... .... .... .... .... .... .... ............... 207

    No 2016. - Belgique et Luxembourg :

    Convention entre la Colonie du Congo belge et le Grand-Duch6 de Luxembourg pourl'6change des mandats-poste. Signfe h Luxembourg, le 18 mai 1928 ......... .... 213

    No 2017. - Etats-Unis d'Am6rique et Tchkcoslovaquie

    Trait6 de conciliation, sign6 t Washington, le 16 aofit 1928 .......................... 219

    No 2018. - ltats-Unis d'Am6rique et Tch6coslovaquie

    Trait6 d'arbitrage, sign6 h Washington, le I6 aofit 1928 ........................ 225

    No 2019. - Allemagne et Tch6coslovaquie :

    Accord concernant la navigation adrienne, avec protocole additionnel. Signds Lt Prague, le22 janvier 1927 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 231

  • 1929 League of Nations - Treaty Series. 5


    No. 2008. - Germany and Lithuania :

    Agreement concerning Relief for Army Pensioners residing in the Memel Territory, withFinal Protocol. Signed at Berlin, January 29, 1928 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 83

    No. 2009. - Germany and Lithuania :

    Treaty regarding the Settlement of Frontier Questions, with Final Protocol. Signed atBerlin, January 29, 1928 .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 97

    No. 2010. - Germany and Lithuania :

    Treaty of Commerce and Navigation, with Final Protocol. Signed at Berlin, October 30, 1928 127

    No. 2011. - Lithuania and Poland

    Provisional Agreement concerning the Granting of Facilities in Minor Frontier Traffic.Signed at Koenigsberg, November 7, 1928 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 171

    No. 2012. - Germany and Lithuania :

    Agreement concerning Relief for Retired Officials residing in the Memel Territory. Signedat Berlin, January 26, 1929 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 181

    No. 2013. - Belgium and the Netherlands :

    Exchange of Notes constituting an Arrangement with regard to the Exchange of Commu-nications concerning Cases of Contagious Diseases in the Belgo-Dutch Frontier District.The Hague, March 26 and 28,1929 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 91

    No. 2014. - Belgium and France :

    Agreement setting out the Conditions for the Reinvestment of Indemnities granted toOwners of Boats in application of the Agreement of October 9, 1919. Signed atBrussels, March 27, 1929 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 201

    No. 2015. - Belgium and Luxemburg

    Postal Convention between the Colony of the Belgian Congo and the Grand-Duchy ofLuxemburg. Signed at Luxemburg, May 18, 1928 ........................ 207

    No. 2016. - Belgium and Luxemburg :

    Convention between the Colony of the Belgian Congo and the Grand-Duchy of Luxemburgfor the Exchange of Money Orders. Signed at Luxemburg, May 18, 1928 .......... 213

    No. 2017. - United States of America and Czechoslovakia :

    Conciliation Treaty, signed at Washington, August 16, 1928 ...................... 219

    No. 2018. - United States of America and Czechoslovakia

    Arbitration Treaty, signed at Washington, August 16, 1928 ...................... 225

    No. 2019. - Germany and Czechoslovakia

    Agreement concerning Air Navigation, with Additional Protocol. Signed at Prague,January 22, 1927 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 231

  • 6 Socite' des Nations - Recuei des Traites. 1929


    NO 2020. - Allemagne et Tch6coslovaquie :

    Arrangement concernant '6tablissement et l'exploitation de lignes r6guli~res de transportsa6riens. Sign6 h Prague, le 22 janvier 1927 .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 261

    No 2021. - Autriche et Italie

    Convention pour l'entretien des bornes de la fronti~re austro-italienne. Sign6e h Vienne,le 22 f6vrier 1929 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 271

    No 2022. - Estonie et Suede :

    Echange de notes comportant un accord relatif h la communication r6ciproque des-actesd'6tat-civil. Tallinn, les 12 novembre 1928 et 23 avril 1929 ................ ... 277

    No 2023. - Hongrie et Suede

    Convention de commerce et de navigation. Sign6e t Budapest, le 8 novembre 1928 ...... 283

    No 2024. - Br6sil et Danemark

    Echange de notes comportant un accord relatif it l'6change de la correspondance officielleentre les deux pays au mnoyen de valises diplomatiques sp6ciales. Copenhague, le29 avril 1929 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... 295

    No 202 5. - Autriche et Estonie :

    Echange de notes comportant un accord relatif h l'abolition rdciproque des visas des passe-ports. Berlin, le 21 mars, et Vienne, le 22 mars 1929 ..................... 301

    No 2026. - Allemagne et Lithuanie :

    Convention concernant la pche dans le Kurische Haff, la Skirwieth, la Russ et la Memel, ,_ainsi que dans le lac de Wystit, dans la Lepone, la Schirwindt et la Scheschuppe, avecannexes. Sign6e h Berlin, le 29 janvier 1928 .............................. 309

    No 2027. - Allemagne et Lithuanie

    Convention relative h 1'entretien et . l'administration des eaux limitrophes, avec protocolefinal. Sign6s 4 Berlin, Ie 29 janvier 1928 .... .... ... .... ... ... .... ... .... ... 337

    No 2028. - Estonie, Lettonie, Pologne, Roumanie et Union des R6publiques sovi6tistessocialistes :

    Protocole pour la mise en vigueur, sans d~lai, du Trait6 de Paris du 27 aofit 1928, relatifh. la renonciation k la guerre en tant qu'instrument de politique nationale. Signs itMoscou, le 9 f6vrier 1929 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..... ...... ........ 369

    No 2029. - Estonie et France

    Convention de commerce, avec protocole de signature, sign6s h Paris, le 15 mars 1929, et6change de notes et d6claration de la mgme date ............................... 381

    No 2030. - Etats-Unis d'Am6rique et Espagne :

    Trait6 pour le r~glement des diff6rends entre les deux pays. Sign6 it Washington, le 15 sep-tem bre 1914 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 427

  • 1929 League of Nations - Treaty Series. 7

    PagesNo. 2020. - Germany and Czechoslovakia

    Agreement concerning th6 Establishment and Operation of Regular Airways. Signed atPrague, January 22, 1927 ....... ;............ ....................... 261

    No. 2021. - Austria and Italy :

    Convention for the Maintenance of the Boundary-Marks on the Austro-Italian Frontier.Signed at Vienna, February 22, 1929 ...... .......................... 271

    No. 2022. - Estonia and Sweden :

    Exchange of Notes constituting an Agreement regarding the reciprocal Communicationof Civil Status Records. Tallinn, November 12, 1928, and April 23, 1929 ........... 277

    No. 2023. - Hungary and Sweden

    Convention of Commerce and Navigation. Signed at Budapest, November 8, 1928 ....... 283

    No. 2024. - Brazil and Denmark :

    Exchange of Notes constituting an Agreement regarding the Exchange of Official Corres-pondence between the two Countries by special Diplomatic Bags. Copenhagen,April 29, 1929 .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 295

    No. 2025. - Austria and Estonia :

    Exchange of Notes constituting an Agreement regarding the reciprocal Abolition ofPassport Visas. Berlin, March 21 and Vienna, March 22, 1929 ............... 301

    No. 2026. - Germany and Lithuania :

    Convention relating to Fishing in the Kurische Haff, the Skirwieth, Russ and MemelRivers and in the Wystit Lake, the Lepone, Schirwindt and Scheschuppe Rivers, withAnnexes. Signed at Berlin, January 29, 1928 ........................... 309

    No. 2027. - Germany and Lithuania :

    Convention regarding the Maintenance and Administration of the Frontier Waterways,with Final Protocol. Signed at Berlin, January 29, 1928 ..................... 337

    No. 2028. - Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Roumania and Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

    Protocol for the immediate entry into force of the Treaty of Paris of August 27, 1928,regarding Renunciation of War as an Instrument of National Policy. Signed at Moscow,February 9, 1929 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... ............ 369

    No. 2029. - Estonia and France

    Commercial Agreement, with Protocol of Signature, signed at Paris, March 15, 1929, andExchange of Notes and Declaration of the same date ........................ 381

    No. 2030. - United States of America and Spain :

    Treaty for the Settlement of Disputes between the two Countries. Signed at Washington,September 15, 19 4 ... ... ... ... ... ............................ 427

  • N 0 ! .


    Convention d'extradition. Sign&eParis, le 3o avril 1926.


    Extradition Convention. Signed atParis, April 3o, 1926.

  • 10 Socite* des Nations - Recuedl des Traites. 1929


    Textes officiels frangais et italien communiquespar le ministre des Affaires itrangdres de laRipublique franpaise. L'enregistrement de cetteconvention a eu lieu le 25 avril 1929.

    LE GOUVERNEMENT DE LA RPPUBLIQUEFRAN AISE et LE GOUVERNEMENT DE LARtPUBLIQUE DE SAINT-MARIN, d~sirant r~glerau moyen d'une convention l'extradition r6ci-proque des malfaiteurs sont convenus desdispositions suivantes :

    Article premier.

    Chacune des Hautes Parties contractantess'engage h livrer r~ciproquement h l'autre dansles circonstances et conditions 6tablies par lapr~sente convention les individus poursuivis oucondamn~s comme auteurs ou complices pour1un des crimes ou d~lits indiqu~s h 1'article 2ci-apr~s, commis sur le territoire de l'un des deuxE tats contractants, qui 'se seraient r~fugi~s surle territoire de 'autre.

    N6anmoins lorsque le crime ou d6lit dormantlieu h l'extradition aura 6t6 commis hors duterritoire de la partie requ~rante, il pourra 6tredonn6 suite h ]a demande, lorsque la lgislationdu pays requis autorise la poursuite des m~mesinfractions commises hors de son territoire, htmoins quc ]'extradition ne soit demand~e pourles m~mes faits et puisse 6tre obtenue par legouvernement du pays ohi. les faits ont 6t6commis.

    I L'6change des ratifications a eu lieu le 5 avril1929.



    French and Italian official texts communicatedby the Minister for Foreign Affairs of theFrench Republic. The registration of thisConvention took place April 25, 1929.

    IL GOVERNO DELLA REPUBBLICA FRANCESE eIL GOVERNO DELLA REPUBLBICA DI SAN MARINOdesiderando regolare per mezzo di una conven-zione l'estradizione reciproca dei malfattori, sonoconvenuti nella stipulazione che segue

    Articolo I.

    Ognuna delle Alte Parti contraenti s'impegnaa consegnare reciprocamente all'altra, nellecirconstanze e condizioni stabilite dalla presenteconvenzione, gli individui inquisiti o condannaticome autori o complici per uno dei crimini odelitti indicati all'articolo 2 di cui appresso,commesso sul territorio di uno dei due Staticontraenti, chesi fossero rifugiati sul territoriodell'altro.

    Tuttavia allorch6 il crimine o delitto chedh luogo all'estradizione sarh stato commessofuori del territorio della parte richiedente, sipotr dar seguito alla domanda quando lalegislazione del paese richiesto autorizzi aprocedere per le stesse infrazioni commessefuori del suo territorio, a meno che l'estradizionenon sia domandata per gli stassi fatti e possaessere ottenuta dal Governo del paese dovei fatti sono stati commessi.

    1 The exchange of ratifications took placeApril 5, 1929.

  • 1929 League of Nations - Treaty Series. il

    L'extradition entre les deux pays sera touj ourssubordonnde h une autorisation de transitaccordde par le Gouvernement italien.

    Le terme ( territoire )) employ6 dans le prdsentarticle ddsigne, pour la France, le territoire m6tro-politain, celui des colonies et possessions etcelui oii s'exerce la juridiction consulaire.

    Article 2.

    Les crimes et ddlits h raison desquels l'extra-dition sera accordde sont les suivants

    i o Assassinat20 Parricide ;30 Infanticide40 Empoisonnement;50 Meurtre ;

    60 Avortement70 Viol ;

    80 Attentat h la pudeur consomm6 outent6 avec ou sans violence ;

    90 Attentat aux mceurs en excitant, favo-risant ou facilitant habituellement la d6-bauche ou la corruption de la jeunesse de1'un ou de l'autre sexe au-dessous de l'Agede vingt et un ans;

    io o Enl~vement de mineursIIO Exposition d'enfants;12 o Bigamie;130 Coups et blessures volontaires ayant

    occasionn6 soit la mort, soit une maladieou incapacit6 de travail personnel pendantplus de vingt jours, ou ayant 6t6 suivis demutilation, amputation ou privation del'usage d'un membre, ctcit6, perte d'unceil ou autres infirmitds permanentes ;coups et blessures volontaires commis avecprdmdditation, m~me s'ils n'ont entrain6qu'une incapacit6 de travail de moins devingt jours ;

    140 Castration;150 Coups et blessures envers des ma-

    gistrats dans l'exercice de leurs fonctions160 Association de malfaiteurs ;17o Menaces d'attentat contre les per-

    sonnes ou les propridtds avec ordre deddposer une somme d'argent on de remplirtoute autre condition;

    18o Extorsion;

    No. 2001

    L'estradizione fra i due paesi sarh sempresubordinata ad una autorizzazione di transitoaccordata dal Governo Italiano.

    II termine (( territorio )) impiegato nel presentearticolo designa per la Francia il territoriometropolitano, quello delle Colonie e Possedi-menti e quello in cui si esercita la giurisdizioneconsolare.

    Articolo 2.

    I crimini e delitti per i quali l'estradizionesarh accordata sono i seguenti

    I o Assassinio20 Parricidio30 Infanticidio40 Avvelenamento;50 Omicidio

    60 Aborto;70 Stupro;

    80 Attentato al pudore consumato otentato con o senza violenza ;

    90 Attentato ai costumi eccitando, favo-rendo o facilitando abitualmente la disso-lutezza o la corruziGne dei minorennidell'uno o dell'altro sesso al di sotto dell'ethdi anni ventuno ;

    i o Ratto di minorenni;IIo Espesizione di infanti12 o Bigamia;130 Percosse e ferite volontarie che

    abbiano causato o la morte o una malattiao una incapacith' al lavoro personaledurante pii di 20 giorni, o che sianoseguite da mutilazione, amputazione oprivazione dell'uso di un membro, cecith,perdita di un occhio o altre infermithtpermanenti ; percosse e ferite volontariecommesse con premeditazione anche senon abbiano causato una incapacith dilavoro di almeno 20 giorni;

    140 Castrazione ;150 Percosse e ferite verso magistrati

    nell'esercizio delle loro funzioni16o Associazione a delinquere;170 Minaccie di attentato contro le

    persone o le proprieth coll'ordine di depo-sitare une somma di denaro o di adempieread altre condizioni

    18o Estorsione ;

  • 12 Socidte' des Nations - Recuei des Traite's. 1929

    190 Sequestration ou d6tention ill~galede personnes ;

    200 Incendie volontaire210 Vol;

    220 Escroquerie230 Abus de confiance, soustraction, con-

    cussion,230 bis Corruption de fonctionnaires

    publics ;240 Falsification de monnaie, introduc-

    tion et 4mission frauduleuse de faussemonnaie, falsification frauduleuse de pa-pier monnaie ayant cours l6gal ;

    Contrefagon ou falsification d'effets pu-blics ou de billets de banque, de titrespublics ou privds, 6mission, mise en circu-lation on usage de ces effets, billets outitres contrefaits ou falsifids. Contrefagonou falsification d'actes 6manant du pouvoirsouverain. Contrefa~on ou falsification dessceaux de l'Etat et de tons timbres etpoin~ons autorisds par les gouvernementsrespectifs, alors m~me que la fabrication,contrefa~on on falsification aurait eu lieuen dehors de l'Etat qui r6clamerait l'extra-dition ;

    250 Faux en 6criture publique, ou authen-tique ou de commerce, on en 6criturepriv6e

    260 Usage des divers faux270 Faux t6moignage et fausse expertise;280 Subornation de tmoins, d'experts et

    d'interpr~tes ;290 Ddnonciation calomnieuse;30 Banqueroute frauduleuse ;310 Destruction ou ddrangement, dans

    une intention coupable, d'une voie ferrdeou de communications tdl~graphiques ;

    320 Toute destruction, ddgradation oudommage de la propridt6 mobflire onimmobili~re ;

    330 Baraterie340 La piraterie et les faits assimilds

    h ]a piraterie, h moins que l'Etat requis nesoit competent pour la rdpression et neprdf~re se la rdserver ;

    350 Insurrection d'un 6quipage d'unnavire;

    360 Recel d'objets et recel de malfaiteurs;

    190 Sequestro o detenzione illegale dipersone ;

    200 Incendio volontario;210 Furto220 Truffa;230 Abuso di fiducia, sottrazione, con-

    cussione ;230 bis. Corruzione di pubblici funzionari;

    240 Falsificazione di moneta, introdu-zione ed emissione fraudolenta di falsa.moneta, falsificazione fraudolenta di cartamoneta avente corso legale ;

    Contraffazione o falsificazione di effettipubblici o di biglietti di banca, di titolipubblici o privati, emissione, messa incircolazione o uso di tali effetti, biglietti otitoli contraffatti o falsificati. Contraffa-zione di atti emanati dal potere sovrano.Contraffazione o falsificazione dei sigilli diStato e di bolli e punzoni autorizzati dairispettivi Governi, anche quando la fabbri-cazione abbia avuto luogo fuori delloStato cbe reclama l'estradizione

    250 Falso in atto pubblico, o autentico,o di commercio, o in atto pfivato;

    260 Uso dei diversi falsi ;270 Falsa testimonianza e falsa perizia280 Subornazione di testimoni, di periti

    e di interpreti ;290 .Denuncia calunniosa:300 Bancarotta fraudolenta;

    31 o Distruzione o danneggiamento, conintento colpevole, di una strada ferratao di comunicazioni telegrafiche,

    320 Ogni altra distruzione, alterazioneo danno della proprietor mobiliare o immo-biliare ;

    330 Baratteria340 Pirateria ed i fatti assimilati alla

    pirateria, a meno che lo Stato richiesto nonsia competente per la repressione e nonpreferisca riservarsela ;

    350 Insurrezione di un equipaggio diuna nave;

    360 Ricettazione di oggetti e ricetta-zione di malfattori;

    No 2001

  • 1929 League of Nations - Treaty Series. 13

    370 R~bellion lorsque cette infractionest connexe h une autre infraction pr~vuepar la pr~sente convention.

    Sont comprises dans les qualifications pr6-c~dentes les tentatives de tous les faits puniscomme crime par la lgislation du pays r~cla-mant et celles des d~lits de vol, escroquerie etextorsion.

    L'extradition ne pourra dans tous les casavoir lieu :

    io Pour les condamn~s contradictoire-ment ou par ddfaut, que lorsque la peineprononcde sera au moins de deux moisd'emprisonnement ;

    20 Pour les prdvenus, que lorsque lemaximum de la peine applicable au faitincrimin6 sera d'apr~s la l6gislation desdeux pays d'au moins deux ans d'em-prisonnement.

    Dans tous les cas, l'extradition ne pourraavoir lieu que lorsque le fait motivant la demanded'extradition sera punissable d'apr~s la 16gis-lation du pays auquel la demande est adressde.

    Article 3.

    L'individu extrad6 ne pourra tre poursuiviou jug6 pour une infraction autre que celle quia motiv' l'extradition que dans les cas suivants :

    Io S'il a demand6 h tre jug6 ou h subirsa peine, auquel cas sa demande sera com-muniqu~e au gouvernement qui l'a livr6 ;

    20 S'il n'a pas quitt6 pendant le moisqui suit son dlargissement d~finitif le paysauquel il a 6t6 livr6 ;

    30 Si l'infraction est comprise dans ]aconvention et si le gouvernement auquelil a 6t6 livr6 a obtenu prdalablement l'adh6-sion du gouvernement qui a accord6l'extradition. Ce dernier pourra, s'il le.juge convenable, exiger la production desdocuments mentionn~s h l'article 8 ;

    L'extradition ne sera pas accord~e si l'infrac-tion pour laquelle est demandde l'extraditionest consid6r~e par la Partie requise comme unddlit politique ou un fait connexe h un semblableddlit.

    No. 2001

    370 Ribellione, allorquando questa infra-zione 6 connessa ad un'altra infrazioneprevista dalla presente convenzione.

    Nelle qualifiche precedenti sono compresii tentativi di tutti i fatti puniti.come criminedalla legislazione del paese che reclama equelli dei reati di furto, truffa ed estorsione.

    In ogni caso l'estradizione non potrh. averluogo :

    a) Per i condannati contraditoriamenteo in contumacia, che allorquando la penapronunziata sia almeno di due mesi diprigionia ;

    b) Per gli imputati, che allorquando ilmassimo della pena applicable al fatto,secondo la legislazione dei due paesi, siaalmeno di due anni di prigionia.

    In tutti i casi l'estradizione non potrh averluogo se non quando il fatto, che dh motivoalla domanda di estradizione, sia punibilesecondo la legislazione del paese al quale ladomanda di estradizione 6 stata indirizzata.

    Articolo 3.

    L'individuo estradato non potra' essere inqui-sito o giudicato per altra infrazione se non perquella che ha motivato l'estradizione, ad ecce-zione, dei casi seguenti :

    i o Se egli ha domandato di esseregiudicato o di subire la sua pena, nelqual caso la sua domanda sara comunicataal Governo che lo ha consegnato ;

    20 Se egli non ha lasciato, durante ilmese che segue il suo rilascio definitivo, ilpaese al quale 6 stato consegnato :

    30 Se l'infrazione & compresa nella con-venzione e se il Governo al quale 6 statoconsegnato ha ottenuto antecedentementel'adesione del Governo che ha accordatol'estradizione. Quest'ultimo potrh, se logiudica conveniente, esigere la produzionedei documenti di cui menzione nell'arti-colo 8.

    L'estradizione non sarh accordata se l'infra-zione, per la quale 6 domandata l'estradizione, 6considerata dalla parte richiesta come unreato politico o un fatto connesso ad un talereato.

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    Article 4.

    L'extradition ne pourra avoir lieu si, depuisles faits imputes, le dernier acte de poursuiteou la condamnation, la prescription de l'actionou de la peine est acquise, d'apr~s la l6gislationde 1'Ittat requis.

    Article 5.

    L'obligation de l'extradition ne s'6tend enaucun cas aux nationaux des deux pays.

    Toutefois les deux Hautes Parties contrac-tantes s'obligent h poursuivre et juger dans lesconditions fix~es par leurs lgislations, leursnationaux r6fugi6s sur leur territoire qui aurontcommis une infraction prdvue au present trait6sur le territoire de l'autre Partie.

    Dans le cas de reclamation du mme individude la part de deux Etats pour crimes on d6litsdistincts le gouvernement requis statuera enprenant pour base la gravit6 des faits incrimi-n~s; h gravit6 6gale, la preference sera donndeen premier lieu au gouvernement auquelappartient le fugitif, en second lieu h la demande]a plus ancienne en date.

    Article 6.

    Si l'individu rfclam6 est poursuivi ou con-damn6 dans l'ttat requis, son extraditionpourra 6tre diff~r6e jusqu h ce que les poursuitessoient abandonn~es, qu'il soit acquitt6 ouabsous, ou qu'il ait subi sa peine.

    Article 7.

    Dans le cas ohi l'individu r~clam6 serait pour-suivi ou ddtenu 5 raison d'obligations qu'ilaurait contract6es envers des particuliers, sonextradition aura lieu n~anmoins sous r~servepour ces particuliers, de faire valoir ensuiteleurs droits devant l'autorit6 comptente.

    Article 8.

    Les demandes d'extradition seront transmisessoit par la vole diplomatique ou h son d~fautpar la voie consulaire, soit directement du c6t6

    Articolo 4.

    L'estradizione non potrh aver luogo se dopoi fatti imputati, l'ultimo atto di procedura ola condanna, si & maturata la prescrizionedell'azione o della pena secondo la legislazionedello Stato richiesto.

    Articolo 5.

    In nessun caso l'obbligo della estradizionesi estende ai nazionali dei due paesi.

    Tuttavia le due Alte Parti contraenti siobbligano di inquisire e giudicare, alle condizionifissate dalle loro legislazioni, i nazionali rifugiatisul loro territorio, i quali abbiano commessoune infrazione prevista nel presente trattatosul territorio dell'altra Parte.

    Nel caso di richiesta d'estradizione di unostesso individuo da parte di due Stati percrimini o delitti distinti, il Governo richiestodelibererh prendendo per base la gravith deifatti imputati ; ed a gravith eguale ]a preferenzasarh data in primo luogo al Governo al qualeappartiene il fuggitivo, in secondo luogo alladomanda pifi vecchia di data.

    Articolo 6.

    Se l'individuo reclamato e' inquisito ocondannato nello Stato richiesto, la sua estra-dizione potrh essere differita fino a che le pro-cedure siano abbandonate o che egli sia liberatoo assolto o che egli abbia scontata le sua pena.

    Articolo 7.

    Nel caso in cui l'individuo reclamato fosseperseguito o detenuto, a causa di obbligazioniche egli avesse contratto verso dei privati, lasua estradizione avrii egualmente luogo masotto riserva per i privati in questione difar valere in seguito i loro diritti davantil'autorith competente.

    Articolo 8.

    Le domande d'estradizione saranno transmesesia per via diplomatica o, in mancanza, pervia consolare, sia direttamente da parte del

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    de la R6publique de Saint-Manin par le secrtaired'Itat pour les Affaires 6trangres, et du c6t6de la R~publique frangaise, par le ministre desAffaires trangres.

    L'extradition ne sera accord~e que sur laproduction des documents ci-apr~s d~sign6s:

    10 Une sentence de condamnation ou unacte de proc6dure d6cr6tant formellementou op6rant de plein droit le renvoi del'inculp6 devant la juridiction r~pressiveou bien un mandat d'arr6t, ou tout autreacte ayant la m~me force.

    20 Un expos6 precis des faits incrimin6s.

    Les documents visas dans les deux para-graphes ci-dessus seront produits en originalou en expedition authentique.

    30 Le signalement de l'individu r~clam6ou les signes particuliers pouvant servir h6tablir son identit6.

    40 Le texte de ]a loi ou des lois pdnalesapplicables au fait incrimin6.

    Article 9.

    Dans les cas urgents, l'arrestation provisoirede l'inculp6 sera effectude sur l'avis donn6 parla poste ou le t~lgraphe de I'existence d'unmandat d'arr~t, pourvu que cet avis soit transmisconform6ment au premier paragraphe de Far-ticle 8.

    Dans tous les cas l'6tranger sera mis en libert6,si, dans le ddtail de vingt et un jours apr~s sonarrestation, il ne re~oit communication de l'undes documents 6numdr~s au deuxi~me para-graphe de 'article 8.

    L'arrestation aura lieu selon les formes etles r~gles prescrites par la ldgislation du gou-vernement auquel elle est demandde.

    Article io.

    Les objets saisis pouvant servir de piecesh conviction ainsi que tous les objets pouvantprovenir du crime ou du d~lit h raison duquell'extradition est rclamde seront, suivant l'appr6-ciation de l'autorit6 comptente, remis angouvernement requdrant, m~me dans le cas oiil'extradition, apr~s avoir t accord~e, ne

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    Governo della Republica di San Marino permezzo del Segretario di Stato per gli AffariEsteri e, da parte del Governo della RepublicaFrancese, per mezzo del Ministro degli AffariEsteri.

    L'estradizione non sarhL accordata se nondopo la presentazione dei documenti qui sottodesignati :

    Io Una sentenza di condanna o un attodi procedura decretante, in modo formale,od operante, di pieno diritto, il rinvio dell'-imputato davanti la giurisdizione repressivao un mandato di cattura o qualsiasi altroatto avente la stessa forma ;

    20 Una esposizione precisa dei fattiimputati ;

    I documenti citati nei due paragrafi cheprecedono saranno presentati nei loro ori-ginali o in copia autentica ;

    30 I contrassegni personali dell'individuoreclamato o i segni particolari che possonoservire a stabilire la sua identith,

    40 I testo della legge o delle leggi penalida applicarsi al fatto incriminato.

    Articolo 9.

    Nei casi urgenti l'arresto provvisorio dell'-imputato sarh effettuato su avviso, dato perposta o per telegrafo, dell'esistenza di unmandato di cattura purch6 questo avviso siatransmesso in conformith al primo paragrafodell'articolo 8 ).

    In tutti i casi lo straniero sarh messo inliberth se, nel termine di 21 giorni dopo ilsuo arresto, egli non riceve communicazione diune dei documenti citati nel secondo paragrafodell'articolo 8.

    L'arresto avrh luogo seconde le forme e leregole prescritte dalla legislazione del Governoal quale esso 6 domandato.

    Articolo Io.

    Gli oggetti sequestrati che possono servirequale mezzo di prova, come pure tutti glioggetti che possono provenire dal crimine odal delitto a causa del quale l'estradizione 6reclamata, saranno consegnati, secondo I'apprez-zamento dell'autorith competente, al Governorichiedente, anche nel caso in cui l'estradizione,

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    pourrait avoir lieu par suite de la mort ou dela disparition ult~rieure de 1'individu r~clam6.

    Cette remise comprendra aussi tous objetsque l'inculp6 aurait caches ou d~posds dans lepays et qui seraient decouverts dans la suite.

    Sont ,cependant rdservds les droits que destiers non impliquds dans la poursuite auraientacquis sur les objets d~signds dans le pr6sentarticle.

    Article ii.

    Les frais d'arrestation, d'entretien et detransport de l'individu dont l'extradition aura6t6 accordde, ainsi que ceux de consignationet de transport des objets qui, aux termesde l'article prdcddent, doivent 6tre restitu6sou remis, resteront h la charge des deux Etats,clans ]a limite de leurs territoires respectifs.

    Article i2.

    I1 est formellement stipulI que l'extradition,par voie de transit sur les territoires respectifsdes P-tats contractants, d'un individu livr6 h'autre Partie, sera accordde sur la simple

    production en original ou en expedition authen-tique de Fun des actes de procddure mentionn~s,selon les cas, dans l'article 8, ci-dessus, pourvuque le fait servant de base h l'extradition soitcompris dans la. prdsente convention et nerentre pas dans les dispositions des articles 3,dernier paragraphe, 4 et 5 •

    Les frais de transit seront h la charge de IaPartie requ~rante.

    Article 13.

    Lorsque dans ]a poursuite d'une affairepenale non politique un des deux gouvernementsjugera necessaire l'audition de tdmoins domicilidsdans l'autre ttat ou tout autre acte d'instruc-tion judiciaire, une commission rogatoire seraenvoyde ht cet effet par Ia voie indiqude itl'article 8, paragraphe premier, et ii sera donn6suite en observant les lois du pays requis.

    Les commissions rogatoires 6man~es de l'au-torit6 comp~tente 6trangre et tendant i faireopdrer soit une visite domiciliaire soit unesaisie, ne pourront 6tre ex-cut~es que pour un

    dopo essere stata accordata, non potesse averluogo a seguito della morte o della ulteriorescomparsa dell'individuo reclamato.

    In tale consegna saranno compresi pure tuttigli oggetti che 1'imputato abbia nascosti odepositati nel paese e che fossero scoperti inseguito.

    Sono tuttavia riservati i diritti che, suglioggetti, indicati nel presente articolo, potesserovantare terze persone non coinvolte nel pro-cedimento.

    Articolo ii.

    Le spese di arresto, di mantenimento e ditransporto dell'individuo per il quale l'estra-dizione & stata accordata, come pure le spesedi consegna e di trasporto degli oggetti che,conformemente all'articolo precedente, devonoessere restituiti o consegnati, saranno a caricodei due Stati, nel limite dei loro territori ris-pettivi.

    Articolo 12.

    formalmente stipulato che l'estradizione,per via di transito sui rispettivi territori degliStati contraenti, dcll'individuo consegnato all'-altra Parte sara accordata dopo semplice presen,tazione, di uno degli atti di procedura citatisecondo i casi, nell'articolo 8, purch& il fattoche serve di base all'estradizione sia compresonella presente convenzione e non rientri nelledisposizioni degli articoli 3, ultimo paragrafo,4 e 5.

    Le spese di transito saranno a carico dellaParte richiedente.

    Articolo 13.

    Allorquando nella inquisizione di una causapenale non politica, uno dei due Governigiudicherh necessaria la deposizione di testimonidomiciliati nell'altro Stato o qualsiasi altroatto d'istruzione giudiziaria, una commissionerogatoria sara inviata a tal uopo, per mezzodella via indicata nell'articolo 8 paragrafoprimo, e ad essa sara dato seguito osservandole leggi del paese richiesto.

    Le commissioni rogatorie emanate dall'auto-rith competente straniera e tendenti a fareoperare o una visita domiciliare o un sequestro,non potranno essere eseguite che per i fatti

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    des faits 6numdr~s h l'article 2 et sous la reserveexprim~e au dernier paragraphe de l'article IO.

    Les gouvernements respectifs renoncent htoute reclamation ayant pour objet la restitutiondes frais resultant de 1'exdcution de la commis-sion rogatoire chaque fois qu'il ne s'agira pasd'expertise pouvant entrainer plusieurs vaca-tions.

    Article 14.

    En mati~re pinale non politique, lorsque ]anotification d'un acte de procedure ou d'unjugement h un individu rdsidant sur le territoirede l'autre pays paraitre n6cessaire au gouverne-ment de l'une des Parties, la piece transmise parla voie indiqu6e h l'article 8, paragraphe premier,sera signifi6e hL personne h la requte du com-missaire de la loi de la Rdpublique de Saint-Main et du Minist~re public du lieu de lar~sidence en France, par les soins d'un officiercomp6tent, et l'original constatant la notificationsera renvoy6 par la m~me voie au gouvernementrequerant, sans restitution des frais.

    Article 15.

    Lorsque, dans une cause p6nale non politique,instruite dans l'un des deux pays, la productionde pices h conviction ou documents se trouvantentre les mains des autoritds de 1'autre payssera jug~e utile, la demande en sera faite parla voie indiqu6e h l'article 8, paragraphe premier,et on y donnera suite h moins que des consid6-rations particulires ne s'y opposent et sousl'obligation de renvoyer les pikes.

    Les Gouvernements contractants renoncent htoute r~clamation des frais r~sultant dans leslimites de leur territoire respectif de l'envoiet de la restitution des pices h conviction etdocuments.

    Article 16.

    Les deux gouvernements s'engagent h secommuniquer reciproquement, sans restitutionde frais, les arr~ts de condamnation pour crimeset dWlits de toute espce qui auront 6te prononcespar les tribunaux de l'un des deux ttats contreles ressortissants de 'autre. Cette communica-tion sera effectude moyennant l'envoi par lavoie indiqu6e A l'article 8, paragraphe premier,

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    citati nell'articolo 2 e sotto la riserva espressanell'ultimo paragrafo dell'articolo IO.

    I rispettivi Governi rinunciano ad ognirichiesta avente per iscopo la restituzione dellespese derivanti dall'esecuzione della commis-sione rogatoria, sempre che non si tratti diperizia la quale possa richiedere piii vacazioni.

    Articolo 14.

    In materia penale non politica, allorquandola notifica di un atto di procedura o di unasentenza ad un individuo residente sul territoriodell'altro paese sarh giudicata necessaria dalGoverno dell'una delle Parti, il documento,trasmesso per la via indicata nell'articolo 8,paragrafo primo, sarh personalmente notificato,a richiesta del Commissario della Legge dellaRepubblica di San Marino e del PubblicoMinistero del luogo della residenza in Francia,per cura di un ufficiale competente e l'originaleconstatante l'avvenuta notifica sarh rinviatoper mezzo della stessa via al Governo richie-dente, senza restituzione di spese.

    Articolo 15.

    Allorquando in una causa penale non politica,istruita, in uno dei due paesi, la produzionedei mezzi di prova o dei documenti che sitrovano in mano delle autorith dell'altro paese,sar giudicata utile, la relativa domanda sarafatta per mezzo della via indicata nell'articolo 8paragrafo primo, e vi si darh seguito a menoche delle considerazioni particolari non vi sioppongano e sotto l'obbligo della restituzionedei documenti.

    I Governi contraenti rinunciano a ogni reclamodi spese derivanti nei limiti del loro territoriorispettivo dall'invio e dalla restituzione deimezzi di prova e documenti.

    Articolo 16.

    I due Governi s'impegnano a comunicarsireciprocamente, senza restituzione di spese,le sentenze di condanna per crimini e delittidi qualsiasi specie, che saranno pronunziatedai Tribunali dell'uno dei due Stati controicittadini dell'altro. Tale comunicazione sarhfatta mediante l'invio, per le vie indicate nell'-articolo 8 paragrafo primo, di un bollettino o

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    d'un bulletin ou extrait au gouvernement dupays auquel appartient le condamn&

    Chacun des deux gouvernements donnera hce sujet les instructions n~cessaires aux autorit&srespectives.

    Article 17.

    La pr~sente convention sera ratifi&e et lesratifications seront 6changes le plus t6t possible.Elle entrera en vigueur vingt jours apr~s l'6chan-ge des ratifications.

    Elle s'appliquera aux crimes et d~lits commisavant sa mise en vigueur. Chacune des HautesParties contractantes pourra en tout temps lad~noncer. Cette d~nonciation ne produira d'effetque six mois apr~s sa notification.

    En foi de quoi les pldnipotentiaires respectifsont sign6 la pr6sente convention et y ontappos6 leurs cachets.

    Fait, en double exemplaire, h Paris, le 3o avril1926.

    (L. S.) (Signi) A. BRIAND.

    estratto al Governo del paese al quale appartieneil condannato.

    Ognuno dei due Governi dark a tal oggettole istruzioni necessarie alle autorith rispettive

    Articolo 17.

    La presente convenzione sara ratificata e leratifiche saranno scambiate al pih presto pos-sibile. Essa entrerh in vigore 20 giorni dopo loscambio delle ratifiche.

    Essa si applicherh ai crimini e delitti commessiprima della sua entrata in vigore. Ognunadelle Alte Parti contraenti potrh denunciarlaquando vorrh. Questa denuncia non produrrheffetto, che sei mesi dopo ]a sua notifica.

    In fede di che i rispettivi Plenipotenziarihanno firmato la presente convenzione e vihanno apposto il loro sigillo.

    Fatta a Parigi, in doppio originale, il 30Aprile 1926.

    (L. S.) (Sign) E. GARDA.

    Copic certifi6e conforme :

    Le Ministre plinipotentiaireChef du Service du Protocole

    P. de Fouqui~re.



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    THE GOVERNMENT OF THE FRENCH REPUBLIC and THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OFSAN MARINO, desiring to regulate in agreement the reciprocal extradition of criminals, have agreedupon the following Articles :

    Article i.

    The High Contracting Parties undertake to deliver up to each other, in the circumstancesand conditions laid down by the present Convention, any persons who are being proceeded againstor who have been convicted for any of the crimes or offences specified in Article 2 below or forcomplicity therein, committed in the territory of one of the two Contracting Parties, and havetaken refuge in the territory of the other Party.

    Nevertheless, when the crime or offence forming the subject of a requisition for extraditionhas been committed outside the territory of the applicant country, the requisition may be grantedwhen the laws of the country applied to authorise prosecution for the same offences when committedoutside its territory, unless extradition for the same acts is requested, and can .be obtained, by theGovernment of the country in which the acts have been committed.

    Extradition between the two countries will always be subject to transit permission grantedby the Italian Government.

    The term " territory " employed in the present Article signifies, in the case of France, Franceherself, her colonies and possessions and territory coming under the jurisdiction of her consularofficers.

    Article 2.

    The crimes and offences for which extradition shall be granted are

    (i) Assassination(2) Parricide ;(3) Infanticide(4) Poisoning;(5) Murder ;(6) Abortion(7) Rape ;(8) Indecent assault committed or attempted, with or without violence(9) Offences against public morals by habitually encouraging or facilitating unlawful

    carnal knowledge or corruption of young persons of either sex under the age of twenty-one;(io) Abduction of minors;(ii) Exposing of children;(12) Bigamy ;

    1 Traduit par le Secretariat de la Soci~t6 des 'Translated by the Secretariat of the LeagueNations, h titre d'information. of Nations, for information.

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    (13) Assault causing death or illness or incapacity to work lasting more than twentydays, or followed by mutilation, amputation or loss of the use of a limb, blindness, lossof an eye, or other permanent injuries; assault with premeditation, even in cases wherethe disablement occasioned is of less than twenty days' duration.

    (14) Castration ;(15) Assaulting and causing bodily hurt to an officer of the law in the exercise of

    his duties ;(16) Conspiracy;(17) Threats against persons or property, with a view to obtaining money or the

    fulfilment of some other condition(18) Extortion ;(19) Detention or illegal confinement(2o) Arson ;(21) Larceny

    (22) Swindling(23) Breach of trust, embezzlement, malversation of public funds(23 b) Subornation of public officials ;(24) Counterfeiting money, circulation and fraudulent utterance of counterfeit

    money, forgery of notes which are legal tender ;Counterfeiting or falsification of public bills, banknotes, or public or private securities;

    utterance, circulation or use of such counterfeit or forged bills, notes or securities.Counterfeiting or forgery of documents emanating from the sovereign power. Counter-feiting or falsification of seals of State and all stamps and marks authorised by therespective Governments, even where such fabrication, counterfeiting or falsificationtakes place outside the State applying for extradition ;

    (25) Forgery of public documents (whether officially attested or of a commercialnature) or of private documents ;

    (26) Use of forged documents(27) False testimony, or false statements of experts(28) Subornation of witnesses, experts and interpreters(29) Malicious accusation ;(30) Fraudulent bankruptcy(31) Destruction of or interference with a railway line or telegraphic communications,

    with criminal intent ;(32) Any destruction of or malicious damage or injury to movable or immovable

    property ;(33) Barratry(34) Piracy and cognate offences, unless the applicant State is able to punish such

    offences and elects to do so ;(35) Mutiny by the crew of a ship(36) Receiving stolen goods and harbouring criminals(37) Resisting the police in connection with any other offence enumerated in the

    present Convention.The foregoing definitions include attempts to commit any acts punishable under the laws

    of the applicant country, and also attempts to commit the crimes of larceny, swindling andextortion.

    Extradition shall not be granted:(i) In the case of persons sentenced after trial or by default, unless the penalty

    is at least two months' imprisonmentN' 2001

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    (2) In the case of persons charged, unless the maximum penalty for the offencealleged is, under the laws of the two countries, at least two years' imprisonment.

    In all cases, extradition cannot be granted unless the offence for which extradition is demandedis punishable under the law of the country applied to.

    Article 3.

    The person surrendered may not be proceeded against or tried for any offence other than thatforming the subject of the requisition for extradition, save in the following cases :

    (I) If he has asked to be tried or to undergo his sentence, in which case this requestshall be communicated to the Government which surrendered him;

    (2) If he has not left the country to which he was surrendered within a monthof his final release ;

    (3) If the offence is included in the present Convention, and the Government to whichhe has been surrendered has previously obtained the assent of the Government whichgranted extradition, which may, if it thinks fit, demand the production of the documentsmentioned in Article 8.

    Extradition shall not be granted if the offence for which extradition is demanded is regardedby the Party applied to as a political offence or an act connected with such offence.

    Article 4.

    Extradition shall not take place if, subsequently to the commission of the offences alleged,the conclusion of the prosecution or the conviction, exemption from prosecution or punishment hasbeen acquired by lapse of time according to the laws of the State applied to.

    Article 5.

    Neither country shall be bound to surrender its own nationals.Nevertheless, the High Contracting Parties undertake to proceed against and try, according

    to their laws, any of their nationals who have taken refuge in their territory after committingin the territory of the other Party an offence specified in the present Treaty.

    If the same person is claimed by two States for separate crimes or offences, the Governmentapplied to shall decide the matter in the light of the relative gravity of the several offences alleged ;if the gravity is the same in each case, preference shall be given in the first place to the Governmentof the country of which the fugitive is a national, and, in the second place, to the Government whoseclaim is earliest in date.

    Article 6.

    If the person claimed is being proceeded against or has been convicted in the State appliedto, his extradition may be deferred until the prosecution is discontinued, or he is discharged oracquitted, or has served his sentence.

    Article 7.

    If the person claimed is being proceeded against or kept in custody in connection with obligationswhich he has entered into with private persons, his extradition shall take place, subject howeverto the right of such private persons' subsequently to establish their claims before the competentauthority.

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    Article 8.

    Requisitions for extradition shall be transmitted through the diplomatic channel (or failingthis, through the consular channel) or direct - in the case of the Republic of San Marino by theSecretary of State for Foreign Affairs, and, in the case of the French Republic, by the Ministerfor Foreign Affairs.

    Extradition shall be accorded only on production of the following documents

    (i) A sentence or a writ formally ordering, or amounting to an authoritativeorder, that the accused be sent for trial before the criminal courts, or a warrant of arrestor any other document having the same force.

    (2) A statement setting out in detail the acts alleged.The originals or certified copies of the documents enumerated in the two preceding

    paragraphs shall be produced.(3) The description of the person claimed or any distinguishing characteristics

    likely to be of use in establishing his identity.(4) The text of the law or penal provisions applicable to the offence alleged.

    Article 9.

    In urgent cases, the provisional arrest of the accused person shall be effected upon receiptof postal or telegraphic notice of the existence of a warrant of arrest, provided that such noticebe given in conformity with the first paragraph of Article 8.

    In all cases, the foreigner shall be set at liberty if, within twenty-one days after his arrest,one of the documents enumerated in the second paragraph of Article 8 is not communicated to him.

    Arrest shall be effected in the manner and according to the rules laid down by the laws ofthe Government applied to.

    Article io.

    Articles seized which may serve as proof of the crime, and all articles deriving from the crimeor offence in respect of which extradition is demanded shall, at the discretion of the competentauthority, be given up to the applicant Government even where extradition, after being granted,cannot actually take place owing to the death or subsequent disappearance of the person claimed.

    Such articles shall include all objects which the accused person may have hidden or depositedin the country and which are subsequently discovered.

    These stipulations however shall not affect the rights to the objects mentioned in the presentArticle acquired by third persons who are not involved in the proceedings.

    Article ii.

    Expenses occasioned by the arrest, custody and transport of the person whose extraditionhas been granted, and the cost of the despatch and transport of the articles to be restored or givenup under the terms of the preceding Article, shall remain a charge upon the two States, withinthe limits of their respective territories.

    Article 12.

    It is formally stipulated that extradition, by transit through the respective territories of theConctracting States, of a person surrendered to the other Party, shall be granted simply upon

    No 2oot

  • 1929 League of Nations - Treaty Series. 23

    production of the original or a certified copy of one of the writs etc., mentioned in Article 8 above(according to the particular case), provided that the offence giving rise to the requisition forextradition is included in the present Convention and does not come under the provisions of Article 3(last paragraph), Article 4 and Article 5.

    The cost of transit shall be borne by the applicant Party.

    Article 13.

    When, in any criminal case of a non-political character, one of the two Governments deemsit necessary for witnesses domiciled in the other State to be heard or any other judicial examinationto be held, a " commission rogatoire " shall be sent for this purpose through the channel specifiedin Article 8, first paragraph, and effect shall be given thereto subject to the laws of the Partyapplied to.

    " Commissions rogatoires " sent by the competent foreign authority to the end that a serachof premises or seizure may be effected shall not be executed except in the case of one of the offencesenumerated in Article 2 and subject to the reservation specified in the last paragraph of Articl! IO.

    The respective Governments agree not to submit any claim for restitution of expenses occasionedby the execution of a " commission rogatoire ", except in the case of expert opinion which mayinvolve a number of hearings.

    Article 14.

    In a criminal case of a non-political character, when the service of a writ or judgment upona person residing in the territory of the other country appears necessary to the Government of oneof the two Contracting Parties, the document transmitted through the channel specified in Article 8,first paragraph, shall be served personally, on the request of the Commissioner of Law of the Republicof San Marino and of the Public Prosecutions office of the place of residence in France, by a competentofficial, and the original document confirming such service shall be returned through the samechannel to the applicant Government, without repayment of costs.

    Article 15.

    When, in a criminal case of a non-political character brought in one, of the two countries,production of articles serving as proof of the crime or documents in the hands of the authoritiesof the other country is deemed advisable, application shall be made through the channel specifiedin Article 8, first paragraph, and effect shall be given thereto, unless there are any particularobjections and subject to the obligation to return the articles.

    The Contracting Parties undertake to make no claim in respect of expenses occasioned withinthe limits of their respective territory by the despatch and return of articles serving as proof ofthe crime, and documents.

    Article 16.

    The two Governments undertake to communicate to each other, without repayment of costs,records of sentence for crimes and offences of every kind pronounced by the courts of either of thetwo States against nationals of the other State. This shall be done by despatch to the Governmentof the country of which the convicted person is a national, of a bulletin or copy, through the channelspecified in Article 8, first paragraph.

    The two Governments shall issue the necessary instructions to their respective authorities.No. 2001

  • 24 Societe des Nations - Recueil des Traites. 1929

    Article 17.

    The present Convention shall be ratified and the ratifications shall be exchanged as soon aspossible. It shall come into force twenty days after the exchange of the ratifications.

    It shall apply to crimes and offences committed before it came into force. Either of the HighContracting Parties shall be entitled to terminate it at any time, after six months' notice has beengiven.

    In faith whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the present Convention and haveaffixed their seals thereto.

    Done in duplicate in Paris on April 30, 1926.

    (L. S.) (Signed) A. BRIAND. (L. S.) (Signed) E. GARDA.


  • No 2002.


    Traiti de conciliation et de rigle-ment judiciaire. Signe a Helsinki,le 21 aout 1928.


    Treaty of Conciliation and JudicialSettlement. Signed at Helsinki,August 21, 1928.

  • 26 Socie'td des Nations - Recuei des Traites. 1929


    Texte officiel Iranfais communiqui par les ministres des Affaires jtrang~res d'Italie et de Finlande.L'enregistrement de ce traiti a eu lieu le Ier mai 1929.


    SA MAJESTf LE RoI D'ITALIE et LE PR1tSIDENT DE LA RIPUBLIQUE DE FINLANDE, animusdu d~sir de resserrer toujours davantage les liens d'amiti6 qui unissent l'Italie et la Finlande, ontr6solu de conclure uti trait6 pour le r~glement amiable des diffrends qui pourraient s'6lever entreles deux pays et ont nomm6 h cet effet pour leurs pl~nipotentiaires, savoir:


    M. le Comte Emilio PAGLIANO, envoy6 extraordinaire et ministre plnipotentiaire d'Italieen Finlande ;


    M. Hj. J. PROCOPI, ministre des Affaires 6trangres

    Lesquels, apr~s s'ftre communiqu6 leurs pleins pouvoirs, reconnus en bonne et due forme,sont convenus des dispositions suivantes

    Article premier.

    Les Parties contractantes s'engagent it soumettre ht une procedure de conciliation, pr~alablementh toute procedure judiciaire, tous les diff~rends, de quelque nature qu'ils soient, qui viendraienth s'61lever entre elles et n'auraient pu 6tre rsolus par la voie diplomatique.

    Dans un dMlai raisonnable il appartiendra h chacune des Parties contractantes de d~ciderdu moment h partir duquel la procedure de conciliation pourra 6tre substitute aux ndgociationsdiplomatiques.

    Article 2.

    Lorsqu'il s'agit d'un litige qui, aux termes de la legislation de l'une des Parties, relve de lacompetence d'une autorit6 judiciaire, la Partie d6fenderesse pourra s'opposer h ce qu'il soit soumis

    une procedure de conciliation et, le cas 6ch~ant, h un r~glement judiciaire, tant qu'il n'aura pasfait l'objet d'une dcision d~finitive de la part de cette autorit6 judiciaire. Au cas ohi la Partiedemanderesse entendrait contester cette ddcision judiciaire, le litige devra tre soumis h la proc6durede conciliation une annie au plus tard h compter de cette d6cision.

    I L'6change des ratifications a eu lieu k Rome, le 26 avril 1929.

  • 1929 League of Nations - Treaty Series. 27



    French official text communicated by the Italian and Finnish Ministers for Foreign Affairs. Theregistration of this Treaty took place May 1, 1929.

    His MAJESTY THE KING OF ITALY and the PRESIDENT OF THE FINNISH REPUBLIC, being desirousof strengthening still further the ties of friendship which unite Italy and Finland, have decidedto conclude a treaty for the friendly settlement of disputes which may arise between the two countriesand have for this purpose appointed as their Plenipotentiaries


    Count Emilio PAGLIANO, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Italyin Finland ;


    M. Hj. J. PROCOPt, Minister for Foreign Affairs;

    Who, having communicated their full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed uponthe following provisions:

    Article I.

    The Contracting Parties undertake, before having recourse to judicial procedure, to submitto a procedure of conciliation all disputes of any nature whatsoever which may arise between themand which it may not have been possible to settle through the diplomatic channel.

    It shall be for each of the Contracting Parties to decide, within a reasonable time, at whatmoment the procedure of conciliation may be replaced by diplomatic negotiations.

    Article 2.

    In the case of a dispute which, according to the laws of one of the Parties, comes within thejurisdiction of a judicial authority, the defendant Party may oppose the submission of the disputeto a procedure of conciliation and, if necessary, to judicial settlement, so long as a final decisionthereon has not been given by the judicial authority in question. Should the plaintiff Party desireto contest this judicial decision, the dispute must be submitted to the procedure of conciliationwithin one year at most from the date of such decision.

    I Traduit par le Secrdtariat de la Socidt6 des 1 Translated by the Secretariat of the LeagueNations, h titre d'information. of Nations, for information.

    2 The exchange of ratifications took place at Rome, April 26, 1929.

  • 28 Socidit des Nations - Recuei des Traitds. 1929

    Article 3.

    Dans les six mois qui suivront I'6change des ratifications du present trait6, les Parties contrac-tantes institueront une Commission permanente de conciliation, compose de cinq membres.

    Les Parties nommeront chacune un membre h leur gr6 et d~signeront les trois autres d'uncommun accord. Ces trois membres ne devront, ni 8tre des ressortissants des Parties contractantes,ni avoir leur domicile sur leur territoire ou se trouver h leur service.

    Le pr6sident de la commission sera nomm6 d'un commun accord parmi les membres h d~signeren commun.

    Les membres de la commission seront nomm~s pour trois ans. Sauf accord contraire entreles Parties, les membres d~sign6s en commun ne pourront 6tre r6voqu6s pendant la dur&e de leurmandat.

    Article 4.

    En cas de d&c&s ou de retraite de Fun des membres de la commission de conciliation, il devratre pourvu h son remplacement pour le reste de la dur~e de son mandat, si possible dans les trois

    mois qui suivront, et, en tons cas, aussit6t qu'un diff6rend aura R6 soumis h la commission.

    Au cas oil Fun des membres de la commission de conciliation d~sign6s en commun par lesParties contractantes serait momentan~ment emp&h de prendre part aux travaux de la commissionpar suite de maladie ou de toute autre circonstance, les Parties s'entendront pour d~signer unsuppliant, qui si~gera temporairement h sa place. Si la designation de ce suppldant n'intervientpas dans un d6lai de trois mois h compter de la vacance temporaire du si~ge, il sera proc6d6 confor-m6ment 'article 5 du present trait6.

    Si, h l'expiration du mandat d'un membre de la commission, il n'est pas pourvu h son rempla-cement, son mandat est cens6 renouvel6 pour une p6riode de trois ans; les Parties se r~servent,toutefois, de transf~rer, h l'expiration du terme de trois ans, les fonctions du president h un autredes membres de la commission d~sign~s en commun.

    Un membre dont le mandat expire pendant la dur&e d'une procedure en cours continue Lprendre part h l'examen du diffdrend jusqu'h ce que la procedure soit termin&e, nonobstant lefait que son remplagant aurait t6 d6sign&

    Article 5.

    Si la d6signation des membres de la commission de conciliation designer en commun oudu president n'intervient pas dans le d6lai pr6vu de six mois ou, en cas de remplacement, dansles trois mois h compter de la vacance du siege, les nominations seront effectu~es, h la demanded'une seule des Parties, par le president de la Cour permanente de Justice internationale ou, sicelui-ci est ressortissant de l'un des Etats contractants, par le vice-president ou, si celui-ci se trouvedans le m~me cas, par le membre le plus &g de la Cour.

    Article 6.

    Dans un dMlai de quinze jours h compter de la date h laquelle 1'une des Parties contractantesaura port6 un diff6rend devant la commission de conciliation, chacune des Parties pourra, pourl'examen de ce diffdrend, remplacer le membre permanent d~sign6 par elle par une personne possddantune comp6tence sp~ciale dans la mati~re.

    La Partie qui voudrait user de ce droit en avertira imm~diatement l'autro Partie ; celle-ciaura, dans ce cas, la facult6 d'user du m~me droit dans un d6lai de quinze jours h partir du jouroii l'avertissement lui sera parvenu.

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  • 1929 League of Nations - Treaty Series. 29

    Article 3.

    The Contracting Parties shall establish a Permanent Conciliation Commission, composedof five members, within six months after the ratifications of the present Treaty have been exchanged.

    Each Party shall nominate one member of its own choosing, the other three being appointedby agreement between the Parties. These three members may not be nationals of the ContractingStates, nor be domiciled in their territory, nor be employed in their service.

    The President of the Commission shall be appointed by agreement between the Parties fromamong the jointly selected members.

    The members of the Commission shall be appointed for three years. Unless otherwise agreedbetween the Parties the appointments of the members jointly selected shall not be revoked duringtheir term of office.

    Article 4.

    Vacancies which may occur as a result of the death or retirement of any member of theConciliation Commission shall be filled for the remainder of the term of office of such member,if possible within the following three months, and in any case as soon as a dispute is submittedto the Commission.

    Should one of the members of the Conciliation Commission appointed by common agreementby the Contracting Parties be temporarily prevented by illness or any other cause from takingpart in the Commission's work, the Parties shall agree to appoint a substitute to take his placefor the time being. If the appointment of this substitute is not made within three months fromthe time when the seat became temporarily vacant, the procedure laid down in Article 5 of thepresent Treaty shall apply.

    If upon the expiry of the term of office of a member of the Commission, no arrangement hasbeen made for his replacement, his term of office shall be deemed to be renewed for a period ofthree years. Nevertheless, the Parties reserve the right to transfer, on the expiry of the termof three years, the functions of President to another of the members of the Commission appointedby common agreement.

    Any member whose term of office expires while a procedure is in progress shall continue totake part in the examination of the dispute until the close of the procedure, even if his successorhas been appointed.

    Article 5.

    If the appointment of the members of the Conciliation Commission who are to be nominatedjointly, or of the President, is not made within the prescribed period of six months or, in case ofreplacement, within three months after the vacancy occurs, the appointments shall be made, atthe request of one Party only, by the President of the Permanent Court of International Justiceor, should the latter be a national of one of the contracting States, by the Vice--President, or, shouldthe latter be in the same position, by the oldest member of the Court.

    Article 6.

    Within fifteen days from the date on which one of the Contracting Parties shall have broughta dispute before the Conciliation Commission, either Party may, for the examination of such dispute,replace the permanent member whom it has appointed by a person possessing special competencein the matter.

    The Party intending to make use of this right shall immediately inform the other Partyin this case the latter shall be entitled to avail itself of the same right within fifteen days from thedate on which it shall have received notification.

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  • 30 Socidt des Nations - Recuei des Trait s. 1929

    Chaque Partie se r~serve, cependant, de nommer imm~diatement un suppliant pour remplacertemporairement le membre permanent d~sign6 par elle qui, par suite de maladie ou de toute autrecirconstance, se trouverait momentan~ment emp&h de prendre part aux travaux de lacommission.

    Article 7.

    La commission de conciliation aura pour tAche de faciliter la solution du diffrend eneclaircissant, par un examen impartial et consciencieux, les questions de fait et en formulantdes propositions en vue du r~glement du litige, conformdment aux dispositions de l'article 12du present trait6.

    La commission sera saisie sur requete adressde h son president par l'une des Parties contrac-tantes. Notification de cette requete sera faite, en m~me temps, h la Partie adverse par la Partiequi demandera l'ouverture de la procddure de conciliation.

    Article 8.

    La commission de conciliation se r6unira, sauf accord contraire, au lieu d6sign6 par sonpresident.

    Article 9.

    La procedure devant la commission de conciliation sera contradictoire.La commission r~glera elle-m~me la procedure, en tenant compte, sauf d~cision contraire

    prise ht l'unanimit6, des dispositions contenues au titre III de la Convention I de La Haye, dui8 octobre 1907, pour le r6glement pacifique des conflits internationaux.

    Les d~lib6rations de la commission auront lieu hi huis clos, ht moins que la commission, d'accordavec les Parties, n'en ddcide autrement.

    Article IO.

    Sauf disposition contraire du present trait6, les dicisions de la commission de conciliationseront prises h la majorit6 des voix. Chaque membre disposera d'une voix.

    Article ii.

    Les Parties contractantes fourniront h la commission de conciliation toutes les informations,utiles et lui faciliteront, ht tous 6gards et dans toute ]a mesure du possible, l'accomplissement desa. ttche.

    Article 12.

    La commission de conciliation pr~sentera son rapport dans les six mois h compter du jouroii elle aura 6t6 saisie du diff6rend, h moins que les'Parties contractantes ne ddcident, d'un communaccord, de proroger ce d~lai.

    Le rapport comportera un projet de r~glement du diff6rend toutes les fois que les circonstancesle permettront.

    L'avis motiv6 des membres rests en minorit6 sera consign6 dans le rapport.

    Dr MARTENS, Nouveau Recueil gdndral de Traits, froisi~me s~rie, tome I1, page 360.No 2oo2

  • 1929 League of Nations - Treaty Series. 3 1

    Each Party, however, reserves the right to appoint immediately a deputy to replace temporarilya permanent member appointed by it who may be prevented by illness or any other cause fromtaking part in the Commission's work.

    Article 7.

    The task of the Conciliation Commission shall be to facilitate the settlement of the disputeby elucidating questions of fact by means of an impartial and conscientious enquiry andby formulating proposals for the settlement of the dispute, in conformity with the provisions ofArticle 12 of the present Treaty.

    The Commission shall be informed of a dispute by means of a request forwarded to the Presidentof the Commission by either of the Contracting Parties. Notification of such request shall atthe same time be made to the other Party by the Party which has asked for the opening of theconciliation procedure.

    Article 8.

    The Conciliation Commission shall, in the absence of agreement to the contrary, meet at theplace selected by its President.

    Article 9.

    In proceedings before the Commission both Parties shall be heard.The Commission shall draw up its own rules of procedure, regard being had, in the absence

    of a unanimous decision to the contrary, to the provisions of Part III of The Hague Convention 1of October 18th, 1907, for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes.

    The deliberations of the Commission shall be private unless the Commission, in agreementwith the Parties, decides otherwise.

    Article io.

    Unless otherwise provided in the present Treaty, the decisions of the Conciliation Commissionshall be 'taken by a majority vote. Each member shall have one vote.

    Article ii.

    The Contracting Parties shall supply the Conciliation Commission with all necessary informationand shall facilitate its work in every respect and to the greatest possible extent.

    Article 12.

    The Conciliation Commission shall submit its report within six months from the date on whichit is informed of the dispute, unless the Contracting Parties decide by common agreement to extendthis period.

    The report shall include, whenever circumstances permit, proposals for the settlement ofthe dispute.

    The opinion of the members who are in the minority, accompanied by a statement of reasons,shall be included in the report.

    I British and Foreign State Papers, Vol. ioo, page 298.No. 2002

  • 32 Socite' des Nations - Recuei des Traite's. 1929

    Un exemplaire du rapport, signd par le president, sera soumis h chacune des Parties.Lc rapport de la commission n'aura, ni en ce qui concerne 1'exposd des faits, ni en ce qui

    concerne les considerations juridiques, le caract~re d'une sentence arbitrale.

    Article 13.

    Les Parties porteront h leur connaissance r~ciproque, ainsi qu';k la connaissance du presidentde la commission de conciliation, dans un ddlai raisonnable, n'exc~dant toutefois pas la dur~ede trois mois, si elles acceptent les conclusions du rapport et les propositions qui y sont contenues.

    I1 appartiendra aux Parties de ddcider, d'un commun accord, si le rapport de la commission,et le proc~s-verbal des d~bats peuvent tre publi6s avant 1'expiration du d6lai dans lequel ellesdoivent se prononcer sur les propositions formul6es dans le rapport.

    Article 14.

    Pendant la durde effective de la proc6dure, les membres de la commission de conciliationrecevront une indemnit6 dont le montant sera arrt6 entre les Parties contractantes.

    Chaque Partie supportera ses propres frais et une part 6gale des frais de la commission.

    Article 15.

    Si l'une des Parties contractantes n'accepte pas les propositions de la commission de conciliationou ne se prononce pas dans le ddlai fix6 par son rapport, chacune d'entre elles pourra demanderque le litige soit soumis h la Cour permanente de Justice internationale 1.

    Dans le cas oii, de l'avis de la Cour, le litige ne serait pas d'ordre juridique, les Partiesconviennent qu'il sera tranch6 ex aequo et bono.

    Article 16.

    Les Parties contractantes 6tabliront, dans chaque cas particulier, un compromis spdcial dter-minant nettement l'objet du diff~rend, les comptences particuli~res qui pourraient 6tre d~voluesh la Cour permanente de Justice internationale, ainsi que toutes autres conditions arrtes entreelles.

    Le compromis sera 6tabli par echange de notes entre les gouvernements des Parties contrac-tantes.

    I1 sera interprt en tous points par la Cour de Justice.Si le compromis n'est pas arrt dans les trois mois h compter du jour oii l'une des Parties

    a dt6 saisie d'une demande aux fins de r~glement judiciaire, chaque Partie pourra saisir la Courde Justice par voie de simple requite.

    Article 17.

    Si la Cour permanente de Justice internationale 6tablissait qu'une ddcision d'une instancejudiciaire ou de toute autre autorit6 relevant de l'une des Parties contractantes se trouve entibrementou partiellement en opposition avec le droit des gens et si le droit constitutionnel de cette Partie

    Vol. VI, page 379; vol. XI, page 404; vol. XV, page 304; vol. XXIV, page 152; vol. XXVII,page 416; vol. XXXIX, page 165 ; vol. XLV, page 96; vol. L, page 159 ; vol. LIV, page 387 ; vol. LXIX,page 70; vol. LXXII, page 452: vol. LXXVIII, page 435 ; et vol. LXXXVIII, page 272,de ce recuel.

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  • 1929 League of Nations - Treaty Series. 33

    A copy of the report, signed by the President, shall be sent to each Party.The Commission's report shall not be in the nature of an arbitral award as regards either

    the statement of facts or the legal considerations.

    Article 13.

    The Parties shall inform each other and the President of the Conciliation Commission withina reasonable period, which shall not in any case exceed three months, whether they accept thefindings of the report and the proposals contained therein.

    It will be for the Parties to decide by agreement whether the report of the Commission andthe minutes of the discussions may be published before the expiration of the period during whichthey have to give their opinion on the proposals in the report.

    Article 14.

    For the actual duration of the procedure, the members of the Conciliation Commission shallreceive an allowance to be fixed by arrangement between the Contracting Parties.

    Each Party shall bear its own costs and half the costs of the Commission.

    Article 15.

    If one of the Contracting Parties does not accept the proposals of the Conciliation Commissionor does not announce its decision within the period prescribed in the report, either Party mayrequest that the dispute be submitted to the Permanent Court of International Justice'.

    If in the opinion of the Court the case is not of a juridical nature, the Parties shall agree toits being settled ex aequo et bono.

    Article 16.

    In each particular case the Contracting Parties shall draw up a special agreement (compromis)specifying clearly the subject of the dispute, the particular competence that might devolve uponthe Permanent Court of International Justice, and any other conditions fixed between themselves.

    The special agreement shall be constituted by an exchange of notes between the Governmentsof the Contracting Parties.

    All points contained therein shall be interpreted by the Court of Justice.If the special agreement is not drawn up within three months from the day on which one

    of the Parties was requested to submit the matter for judicial settlement, either Party may bringthe question before the Court of Justice by a simple application.

    Article 17.

    Should the Permanent Court of International Justice find that a decision of a court of lawor of any other authority of one of the Contracting Parties is wholly or partly at variance withinternational law, and should the constitutional law of that Party not allow, or only inadequately

    1 Vol. VI, page 379; Vol. XI, page 404; Vol. XV, page 304; Vol. XXIV, page 152 ; Vol. XXVII,page 416 ; Vol. XXXIX, page 165 ; Vol. XLV, page 96 ; Vol. L, page 159 ; Vol. LIV, page 387 ; Vol.LXIX, page 70; Vol. LXXII, page 452; Vol. LXXVIII, page 435; and Vol. LXXXVIII, page 272,of this Series.

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  • 34 Socite' des Nations - Recuei des Traitds. 1929

    ne permettait pas ou ne permettait qu'imparfaitement d'effacer par voie administrative lesconsequences de la d6cision dont il s'agit, il serait accord6 h la Partie ls~e une satisfaction 6quitabled'un autre ordre.

    Article 18.

    L'arr~t rendu par la Cour permanente de Justice internationale sera exdcut6 de bonne foipar les Parties.

    Les difficult6s auxquelles son interpretation pourrait donner lieu seront tranch~es par la Courde Justice, que chacune des Parties pourra saisir h cette fin par voie de simple requte.

    Article 19.

    Durant le cours de la proc6dure de conciliation ou de la procedure judiciaire, les Partiescontractantes s'abstiendront de toute mesure pouvant avoir une r6percussion, prdjudiciable sur'acceptation des propositions de la Commission de conciliation on sur 1'exdcution de 1'arrft de

    la Cour permanente de Justice internationale.

    Article 20.

    Les contestations qui surgiraient au sujet de l'interprdtation on de l'ex6cution du prdsenttrait6 seront, sauf convention contraire, soumises directement h la Cour permanente de Justiceinternationale par voie de simple requite.

    Article 21.

    Le present trait6 sera ratifi6. Les instruments de ratification en seront 6changds h Rome dansle plus bref d~lai possible.

    Le trait6 entrera en vigueur ds l'6change des ratifications. II est conclu pour la dur~e de dixans h compter de son entr6e en vigueur. S'il n'est pas d6nonc6 six mois avant 1'expiration de ccddlai, il sera cens6 6tre renouvel6 pour une nouvelle pdriode de cinq ans, et ainsi de suite.

    Si une proc6dure de conciliation ou une procddure judiciaire est pendante lors de l'expirationdu pr6sent trait6, elle suivra son cours conformdment aux dispositions du present trait6 on detoute autre convention que les Parties contractantes seraient convenues de lui substituer.

    En foi de quoi les pl~nipotentiaires ont sign6 le present trait6.

    Fait, en double exemplaire, h Helsinki, le 21 aofit 1928.


    Copie certifi~e conforme :Le Ministre des Affaires ftrang&res d'Italie,

    .Rome, le 26 avril 1929 (VIie).Grandi.

    No 2002

  • 1929 League of Nations - Treaty Series. 35

    allow, of the consequences of the decision in question being annulled by administrative procedure,the Party prejudiced shall be granted equitable satisfaction in some other form.

    Article 18.

    The judgment given by the Permanent Court of International justice shall be executed bythe Parties in good faith.

    Any difficulties to which the interpretation of the judgment may give rise shall be settledby the Court of Justice, which may be informed for this purpose by either Party by means of asimple application.

    Article 19.

    During the procedure of conciliation or the judicial procedure, the Contracting Parties shallabstain from any measure which might prejudicially affect the acceptance of the proposals ofthe Conciliation Commission or the execution of the judgment of the Permanent Court ofInternational justice.

    Article 20.

    Any disputes which may arise as to the interpretation or the execution of the present Treatyshall, in the absence of any agreement to the contrary, be submitted direct to the Permanent Courtof International Justice by a simple application.

    Article 21.

    The present Treaty shall be ratified. The instruments of ratifications shall be exchangedat Rome as soon as possible.

    The Treaty shall come into force immediately the ratifications have been exchenged. Itshall be concluded for a period of ten years from the date of its coming into force. Unless denouncedsix months before the expiration of this period it shall be deemed to have been renewed for a furtherperiod of five years, and similarly thereafter.

    If a procedure of conciliation or a judicial procedure is pending at the time of the expirationof the present Treaty, such procedure shall pursue its course in accordance with the provisionsof the present Treaty or any other convention which the Contracting Parties may have agreedto substitute therefor.

    In faith whereof the Plenipotentiaries have signed the present Treaty.

    Done in duplicate at Helsinki on August 21, 1928.


    No. 2002

  • No 2003.


    Accord relatif aux relations intellec-tuelles entre les deux pays. Signea Bruxelles, le 26 octobre 1927.


    Agreement regarding Intellectual Re-lations between the two Countries.Signed at Brussels, October 26,1927.

  • 38 Socijte des Nations - Recuei des Traits. 1929



    Textes officiels njerlandais et /ran~ais communi-quis par le ministre des Pays-Bas A Berne.L'enregistrement de cet accord a eu lieu le3 mai 1929.


    LANDEN, ter eenre, en ZIJNE MAJESTEIT DE.KONING DER BELGEN, ter andere, wenschendede intellectueele betrekkingen tusschen Neder-land en Belgie te begunstigen en te bevorderen,hebben besloten te dien einde een verdrag tesluiten en hebben tot iunne Gevolmachtigdenbenoemd, te weten :


    LANDEN :

    Zijne Excellentie Jonkheer VAN VREDEN-BURCH, Haren Buitengewonen Gezant enGevolmachtigden Minister te Brussel;


    Den Heer Emile VANDERVELDE, Staats-minister, Zijnen Minister van Buiten-landsche Zaken,

    die, na overlegging van hunne volmachten,zijn overeengekomen nopens de volgende bepa-lingen

    1 L'6change des ratifications a eu lieu h LaHaye, le 9 mars 1929.


    Dutch and French ogicial texts communicated bythe Netherlands Minister at Berne. The re-gistration ol this A greement took place May 3,1929.

    .SA MAJESTL LA REINE DES PAYS-BAS, d'unepart, et SA MAJESTt LE Roi DES BELGES,d'autre part, anims d'un 6gal ddsir de favoriseret de d~velopper les relations intellectuelles entreleurs pays, ont rdsolu de conclureun accordcet effet, et ont nomm6 pour leurs pl]nipoten-tiaires, h savoir :


    Son Excellence M.le Jonkheer VAN VRE-DENBURCH, son envoy6 extraordinaire etministre pl6nipotentiaire h Bruxelles


    M. Emile VANDERVELDE, ministre d'Etat,son ministre des Affaires 6trang~res ;

    Lesquels, apr~s s'6tre communiqu6 leurs pleinsDouvoirs respectifs, trouvds en bonne et dueforme, sont convenus des articles suivants :

    1 The exchange of ratifications took place atThe Hague, March 9, 1929.

  • 1929 League of Nations - Treaty Series. 39



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