Should Firecrackers Be Banned

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  • 8/10/2019 Should Firecrackers Be Banned



    Ramos, Danah Bianca Q.


    Air pollution is a worldwid pro!l m. "t is th introduction into th atmosph r o# ch micals, particulat s, and

    !iolo$ical matt r that caus harm to humans, oth r li%in$ or$anisms, or caus dama$ to th natural n%ironm nt. "t

    caus s h alth pro!l ms includin$ r spirator& in# ctions, h art dis as , C'(D, stro) and lun$ canc r. Th h alth ## cts

    caus d !& air pollution ma& includ di##icult& in !r athin$, wh *in$, cou$hin$, asthma and wors nin$ o# +istin$

    r spirator& and cardiac conditions. Air pollution ar caus d !& +haust #rom a #actori s, th !urnin$ o# #ossil #u ls,

    %olcanic ruptions, wild#ir s, and also #ir crac) rs.

    ir crac) rs ar #r u ntl& us d h r in our countr& and % n around th world wh th r it s #or c l !ratin$ a

    national holida&, n r$i*in$ a local # sti%al, or /ust th stran$ +cit and amus m nt o# s in$ thin$s !lown up, ilipinos

    s t o## #ir wor)s ran$in$ #rom th ch ap dri% wa& roc) t #ir crac) rs, s)&roc) ts, Roman candl s and & s % n thos so-

    call d harml ss spar)l rs to th si+-#i$ur ci%ic show. "n cr atin$ a sp ctacular and stunnin$ #ir wor) displa&s, 1ou

    mi$ht not )now that all thos m sm ri*in$, stunnin$ ,color#ul and +tra%a$ant +plosi% s us d to c l !rat sp cial

    occasions pos a s rious n%ironm ntal and h alth dan$ r #rom h a%& m tals and oth r to+ic #ir wor) #allout. o th n +t

    tim &ou ar a!out to s t o## or !u& som ch ap #ir wor)s or % n att nd an outdoor #ir wor)s displa&, as) &ours l# is this

    #ir wor)s do som thin$ $ood to our n%ironm nt3, is this a r sult o# an n%ironm ntall& irr sponsi!l #orm o#

    nt rtainm nt.

    Alon$ with th loud !an$s and si**lin$ crac)l s o# #ir wor)s, p opl s m to n/o& th arra& o# colors -!old r ds,

    !ri$ht whit s, shoc)in$ !lu s, and mor . But this di% rsit& o# #ir wor)s colors m ans mor than /ust %isual stimulation it

    also m ans that a mi+ o# m tals ar r l as d into th atmosph r with % r& sin$l +plosion. To ma) thos r d, whit ,

    and !lu #ir wor)s, manu#actur rs pac) th +plosi% s with thin$s li) strontium compounds, ma$n sium, and dio+in-

    lad n copp r mi+tur s. And th n th r s to+ic !arium #or $r n, sodium nitrat #or & llow, and a mi+ o# #or calcium

    compounds #or oran$ . Th s ar /ust a hand#ul o# th ch micals r l as d into th air !& #ir wor)s displa&s and !r ath d

    !& p opl in att ndanc , % n in n i$h!orhood s ttin$s wh r indi%idual consum rs li$ht !ac)&ard #ir wor)s /ust # t

    awa& #rom #ri nds and #amil&. As i# th !lac) powd r r uir d to !last #ir wor)s into th air do sn t constitut nou$h

    pollution, th s m tal salts - man& o# which ar trul& no+ious - spr ad throu$h our air and % n into our wat r.

    Asid #rom th wid spr ad air pollution caus d !& #ir wor)s, th r is ph&sical litt r cr at d !& th +plosions.

    5hil not as n%ironm ntall& harm#ul as th particulat matt r r l as d into th air #rom #ir wor)s, this on-th -$round

    trash is a t rror, d tractin$ #rom th landscap and r uirin$ +tra tim and mon & to cl an up. (hilippin s citi s sam asoth r countr& alr ad& stru$$l with litt r #rom th usual human sourc s, and #ir wor)s onl& add to th pro!l m, usuall&

    durin$ th s ason wh n p opl ar most li) l& to ! outdoors.

    Anoth r pro!l m caus d !& #ir crac) rs ar th continuous incr as o# in/ur& r lat d to #ir wor)s, mor than hal#

    w r !urns. or than 70 p rc nt o# th p opl in/ur d su## r d th ir accid nts durin$ th month o# D c m! r. Th !od&

    parts most o#t n in/ur d in th s accid nts w r hands and #in$ rs, l $s and & s. Two o# % r& #i% p opl in/ur d !&

    #ir wor)s w r und r th a$ o# 89, curiosit& and +p rim ntation is ma& ! th r ason #or most o# th accid nts occurr d.
  • 8/10/2019 Should Firecrackers Be Banned


    And also improp r usa$ o# #ir crac) r or d # cti% #ir crac) rs can l ad to dama$ o# prop rt&. par)s that land

    on &our roo#s ma& start a #ir in &our communit&. Durin$ summ r months, simpl hand-h ld spar)l r #ir wor)s ma& !urn

    at t mp ratur s in +c ss o# 2,000 d $r s wh n dir ctl& +pos d to sunli$ht. Th s spar) producin$ #ir wor)s pos a

    $r at thr at to dr& and #lamma!l ar as.

    " am in #a%or o# th #ir crac) r !an this is th lon$ tim wait d solution to minimi* or d cr as th rat o# air

    pollution in th (hilippin s and as th $rowth population o# in/ur& and pr % nt loss o# li% s caus d !& #ir crac) rs and

    dama$ s to prop rti s. or th manu#actur rs and trad rs o# #ir crac) r who ar a## ct d o# th !annin$ sp ciall& thos

    who ar in Bocau , Bulacan, th cit& is )nown as th : ir crac) r Capital o# th (hilippin s; ma& ! th & must #ocus on

    nrichm nt o# th ir a$ricultural products, so th ris) o# producin$ harm#ul ## cts in th n%ironm nt and p opl

  • 8/10/2019 Should Firecrackers Be Banned


    p&rot chnics should not ! allow d to pr %ail o% r th sa# t& and h alth o# th $ n ral population.

    " #ull& support th proposal to prohi!it th indi%idual us o# #ir wor)s #ir crac) rs and inst ad ncoura$ th holdin$ o#

    communit& #ir wor)s displa&s prop rl& sup r%is d !& authoriti s to r duc , i# not liminat , in/uri s #rom p&rot chnic

    d %ic s.

    5 should w lcom th n w & ar with # sti%iti s and %arious #orms o# nois -ma)in$, and put a stop to th lon$-

    standin$ !ut dan$ rous tradition o# $r tin$ it with #ir crac) rs that ha% onl& caus d $ri # and sorrow to man& o# its

    un#ortunat %ictims.

    hould #ir crac) rs ! !ann d3

    om p opl sa& #ir crac) rs ar a wast o# mon &. Th & caus s rious air pollution, produc a lot o# $ar!a$ and nois ,

    and ar a hu$ distur!anc #or childr n and old p opl and also % n !rou$ht trauma to animals . 5hat do &ou thin)3

    S % ral #ir wor)s incid nts in r c nt & ars ha% rais d conc rns a!out sa# t&, Th r ar mor r strictions on

    producin$ #ir wor)s toda&, particularl& a#t r som #ir wor)s +plosions occurr d o% r th past & ars. >owada&s

    l ctronic #ir wor)s ha% ! com popular with p opl who wish to c l !rat th holida& without th crac)in$ sounds o#

    #ir crac) rs ! caus th & ar h sitant to purchas traditional #ir wor)s, so that th & ma& a%oid possi!l accid nts.

    5hil it s tru that #ir wor)s caus #ar l ss o% rall pollution than industr& and % hicl missions, air pollution, particularl&

    associat d with lar$ #ir wor)s displa&s, cannot ! i$nor d, it s also tru that #ir wor)s ar m r l& nt rtainm nt - /ust

    som short-li% d & ar cand& whos cultural %alu is u stiona!l compar d to its n $ati% n%ironm ntal impact. th

    sa# t& ris) pos d !& #ir wor)s du to th us , should not ! und r stimat d. Th sa# t& r $ulations and r comm ndations

    r $ardin$ r tail and us o# #ir wor)s ar su##ici nt to o!tain an acc pta!l sa# t& l % l. Th r is still som scop #or

    impro% m nt pot ntial li in th pro%ision o# in#ormation, to rais consum r awar n ss o# th ris) o# accid nts. Childr n

    and adol sc nts should ! th primar& tar$ t $roup, sinc th & ar usuall& in%ol% d in accid nts., " thin) w could # asi!l&

    cut out #ir wor)s and still n/o& our holida&s, # sti%als, and oth r sp cial % nts with oth r m ans o# c l !ration. 5

    mi$ht % n !r ath a littl asi r #or it. Don