Service Improvement Plan Template

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  • 8/14/2019 Service Improvement Plan Template


    Service Improvement Plan[Company Name]

    [Company Name][Street Address]

    [City, State Zip Code]

    [Creation ate]


    T"e #ollowin$ template is provided #or writin$ an ITIL Service Improvement Plan


    [Inside eac" section, te&t in $reen #ont 'etween 'rac(ets is incl%ded to provide

    $%idance to t"e a%t"or and s"o%ld 'e deleted 'e#ore p%'lis"in$ t"e #inaldoc%ment.]

    Inside eac" section, te&t in 'lac( #ont is incl%ded to provide a realistic e&ample.

    )o% are #ree to edit and %se t"is template and its contents wit"in yo%r

    or$ani*ation+ "owever, we do as( t"at yo% dont distri'%te t"is template on t"ewe' wit"o%t e&plicit permission #rom %s.

    Copyri$"ts! ITIL- is a e$istered Trade /ar( o# t"e 0##ice o# 1overnment Commerce in t"e2nited 3in$dom and ot"er co%ntries.
  • 8/14/2019 Service Improvement Plan Template

    2/13 Service Improvement Plan

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  • 8/14/2019 Service Improvement Plan Template

    3/13 Service Improvement Plan

    Ta'le o# Contents


    SERVICE IMPROVEMENT PLAN............................................................................1

    [Company Name].........................................................................................................................1

    [Company Name].........................................................................................................................1

    [Street Address]...........................................................................................................................1

    [City, State Zip Code]..................................................................................................................1

    [Creation Date].............................................................................................................................1

    Notes ..........................................................................................................................................1

    T!e "ollowin# template is pro$ided "or writin# an ITIL Ser$ice Impro$ement %lan doc&ment. . 1

    [Inside eac! section, te't in #reen "ont (etween (rac)ets is incl&ded to pro$ide #&idance to t!e

    a&t!or and s!o&ld (e deleted (e"ore p&(lis!in# t!e "inal doc&ment.] ...............................1

    Inside eac! section, te't in (lac) "ont is incl&ded to pro$ide a realistic e'ample.........................1

    *o& are "ree to edit and &se t!is template and its contents wit!in yo&r or#ani+ation !owe$er,

    we do as) t!at yo& don-t distri(&te t!is template on t!e we( wit!o&t e'plicit permission

    "rom &s...............................................................................................................................1

    Copyri#!ts ITIL is a /e#istered Trade 0ar) o" t!e ""ice o" 2o$ernment Commerce in t!e

    3nited 4in#dom and ot!er co&ntries.................................................................................1

    DOCUMENT CONTROL.............................................................................................2


    Distri(&tion List...........................................................................................................................5

    TABLE OF CONTENTS...............................................................................................3

    1. INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................6

    [T!is doc&ment comes as a res&lt o" a Ser$ice Impro$ement Initiati$e yo& !a$e &nderta)en as

    part o" t!e o$erall Contin&al Ser$ice Impro$ement in t!e or#ani+ation, as recommended

    (y ITIL. T!e Initiati$e s!o&ld #o t!ro! t!e "ollowin# steps o" t!e impro$ement cycle.6

    1.7!at is t!e $ision8....................................................................................................................6

    5.7!ere are we now8...................................................................................................................6

    9.7!ere do we want to (e8..........................................................................................................6

    :.;ow do we #et t!ere8................................................................................................................6




    [%ro$ide a (rie" description o" t!e p&rpose o" t!is doc&ment.].....................................................6

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    [%ro$ide a (ac)#ro&nd to t!e plan, approac! &sed, e'ternal re"erences, considerations, etc.]......6



    [Descri(e on w!ic! parts?areas?locations in t!e or#ani+ation t!is plan will (e applied.]..............6



    [@ision A description o" w!at t!e or#ani+ation intends to (ecome in t!e "&t&re. A $ision is

    created (y senior mana#ement and is &sed to !elp in"l&ence c&lt&re and strate#ic

    plannin#. T!e $ision s!o&ld ali#n t!e (&siness and IT strate#ies. Settin# t!e $ision m&st

    (e t!e startin# point. Bsta(lis! a $ision ali#ned wit! t!e (&siness $ision and o(ecti$es.

    B'press w!at is intended to (e in terms o" #rowt!, $al&es, employees, contri(&tions to

    society, etc.].......................................................................................................................0ission........................................................................................................................................


    [0ission A s!ort (&t complete description o" t!e o$erall p&rpose and intentions o" an

    or#ani+ation. It states w!at is to (e ac!ie$ed, (&t not !ow t!is s!o&ld (e done. It answers

    t!ree &estions w!at do we do, !ow do we do and "or w!om do we do. %&t to#et!er, t!e

    $ision and t!e mission #i$e directions "or t!e impro$ement process.]...............................



    [List !ere t!e o(ecti$es "or t!is plan. T!e list o" o(ecti$es comes as a res&lt o" t!e

    impro$ement assessment.].................................................................................................



    [Identi"y t!ose wit! t!e o$erall responsi(ility "or t!e w!ole initiati$e.].......................................E

    2. SERVICE IMPROVEMENT PLAN ACTIONS......................................................9

    [List !ere t!e actions t!at s!all (e made to "&l"ill t!e #oals o" t!e Ser$ice Impro$ement %lan. It

    is &p to yo& !ow it is (est to or#ani+e t!e plan (y o(ecti$e, (y ser$ice area, (y priority

    I, II, IIIGH, (y time"rame s!ort term, lon# termGH or any ot!er criteria.].......................

    (ecti$e I Increase Ser$ice A$aila(ility (y 0eans o" 7e( Access ..........................................

    (ecti$e I Increase Ser$ice A$aila(ility (y 0eans o" 7e( Access ..........................................

    (ecti$e II Decrease Time to Sol$e Incidents ..........................................................................

    (ecti$e II Decrease Time to Sol$e Incidents ..........................................................................

    (ecti$e III Impro$e C&stomer Satis"action wit! ;elp Des)....................................................

    (ecti$e III Impro$e C&stomer Satis"action wit! ;elp Des)....................................................

    (ecti$e I@ Increase Acc&racy o" Ser$ice %ro$ided...............................................................1J

    (ecti$e I@ Increase Acc&racy o" Ser$ice %ro$ided...............................................................1J

    3. MONITORING AND REPORTING......................................................................11



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    Time to sol$e incidents..............................................................................................................11

    Time to sol$e incidents..............................................................................................................11

    C&stomer satis"action.................................................................................................................15

    C&stomer satis"action.................................................................................................................15

    4. ANNEX.......................................................................................................................13

    List o" Ta(les.............................................................................................................................19

    List o" Ta(les.............................................................................................................................19

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  • 8/14/2019 Service Improvement Plan Template

    6/13 Service Improvement Plan

    !" Introduction

    [T"is doc%ment comes as a res%lt o# a Service Improvement Initiative yo% "ave

    %nderta(en as part o# t"e overall Contin%al Service Improvement in t"eor$ani*ation, as recommended 'y ITIL. T"e Initiative s"o%ld $o t"ro%$" t"e#ollowin$ steps o# t"e improvement cycle!

    8. 9"at is t"e vision:4. 9"ere are we now:5. 9"ere do we want to 'e:6. ;ow do we $et t"ere:7. id we $et t"ere:

  • 8/14/2019 Service Improvement Plan Template

    7/13 Service Improvement Plan

    T"is doc%ment applies to o%r line o# IT Service S%pport t"at is c%rrently provided

    to several maDor clients. T"is plan will 'e e##ective #rom Ean%ary 8, 4@84 to E%ne

    5@, 4@84.


    [ision! A description o# w"at t"e or$ani*ation intends to 'ecome in t"e #%t%re. Avision is created 'y senior mana$ement and is %sed to "elp in#l%ence c%lt%re andstrate$ic plannin$. T"e vision s"o%ld ali$n t"e '%siness and IT strate$ies. Settin$t"e vision m%st 'e t"e startin$ point.Gsta'lis" a vision ali$ned wit" t"e '%sinessvision and o'Dectives. G&press w"at is intended to 'e in terms o#$rowt", val%es,employees, contri'%tions to society, etc.]

    0%r vision is to 'e t"e %ndisp%ted provider o# IT services #or o%r clients, e&cellin$in H%ality o# service, a$ility and responsiveness to t"e c"an$in$ demands o# t"e'%siness.


    [/ission! A s"ort '%t complete description o# t"e overall p%rpose and intentions o#an or$ani*ation. It states w"at is to 'e ac"ieved, '%t not "ow t"is s"o%ld 'e done.It answers t"ree H%estions! w"at do we do, "ow do we do and #or w"om do wedo. P%t to$et"er, t"e vision and t"e mission $ive directions #or t"e improvementprocess.]

    0%r mission is to satis#y t"e needs t"at small and medi%m '%siness in t"e area"ave #or H%ality In#ormation Tec"nolo$y ITB services, in a way t"at is consistentwit" o%r val%es o# e&cellence, e##iciency, e##ectiveness and attention to details.


    [List "ere t"e o'Dectives #or t"is plan. T"e list o# o'Dectives comes as a res%lt o#t"e improvement assessment.]

    As a res%lt o# t"e Service Improvement Initiative Assessment, t"e #ollowin$o'Dectives "ave 'een identi#ied #or t"e Service Improvement Plan!

    I. Increase service availa'ility 'y means o# we' access.

    II. ecrease time to solve incidents.

    III. Improve c%stomer satis#action wit" ;elp es(.

    I. Increase acc%racy o# service provided.

  • 8/14/2019 Service Improvement Plan Template

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    [Identi#y t"ose wit" t"e overall responsi'ility #or t"e w"ole initiative.]

    T"e owners"ip o# t"e overall Service Improvement Initiative 'elon$s to t"eService 0wner.

    T"e Service Level /ana$er is acco%nta'le #or t"e s%ccess#%l e&ec%tion o# t"eoverall Service Improvement Initiative.

    esponsi'ilities #or eac" one o# t"e actions to 'e implemented as part o# t"epresent plan is listed in t"e section 2 Service Improvement Plan Actions'elow.

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    (" %er#ice Impro#ement Plan Actions

    [List "ere t"e actions t"at s"all 'e made to #%l#ill t"e $oals o# t"e ServiceImprovement Plan. It is %p to yo% "ow it is 'est to or$ani*e t"e plan! 'y o'Dective,'y service area, 'y priority I, II, IIIKB, 'y time#rame s"ort term, lon$ termKB orany ot"er criteria.]

    T"e Ta'le 8 Service Improvement Plan Actionss"ows t"e actions sc"ed%led to#%l#ill eac" o# t"e o'Dectives.

    Document: Service Improvement Plan From: 1-Jan-xx

    Organization: The Service Provider To: 1-Jun-xx

    Reponi!le: Service "evel #anager

    Ob'ecti#e I) Increase %er#ice A#ailabilit* b* &eans of +eb Access

    $ %ction Reponi!le Start &nd

    I.aAcquire Web licenses of the Service Desksystem Supply Manager 15!an"" #$!an""

    I.b %onfigure Web access for customersApplicationManager 1&eb"" 1Mar""

    I.c 'rain users an( )elp Desk personnel*no+le(geManager 1&eb"" ,-&eb""

    1.( Monitor availabilityAvailabilityManager 1!an"" #$!un""

    Result: Service availability increased through web access

    Measurement: Availability [%]

    Ob'ecti#e II) Decrease Time to %ol#e Incidents

    %ction Reponi!le Start &nd

    II.a Define an( implement autoresponses vent Manager 1$!an"" /Mar""

    II.b 0esolve (efine( recurrent inci(ents roblemManager 1$!an"" /Mar""

    II.c Monitor inci(entsInci(entManager 1!an"" #$!un""

    Result: Less time to solve incidents

    Measurement: Percent of incidents solved within the agreed times

    Ob'ecti#e III) Impro#e Customer %atisfaction $ith ,elp Desk

    %ction Reponi!le Start &nd

  • 8/14/2019 Service Improvement Plan Template

    10/13 Service Improvement Plan

    III.a Increase follo+up tasks for the )elp Desk %SI Manager 1&eb"" 2Mar""

    III.b 0e(esign surveys an( ho+ to apply them


    Manager 1!an"" 15!an""

    III.c Monitor customer satisfaction

    %ustomerSatisfactionManager 1!an"" #$!un""

    Reult: 'utomer ati(action increaed

    #eaurement: 'utomer ati(action urve)

    Ob'ecti#e IV) Increase Accurac* of %er#ice Pro#ided

    %ction Reponi!le Start &nd

    I3.aAcquire training for all the technical supportpersonnel

    *no+le(geManager 12!an"" #$May""

    I3.b Monitor customer satisfaction

    %ustomerSatisfactionManager 1!an"" #$!un""

    Reult: 'utomer receiving !etter ervice

    #eaurement: 'utomer ati(action urve)Table ! %er#ice Impro#ement Plan Actions

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    -" &onitoring and Reporting

    [An important part o# ens%rin$ t"e s%ccess o# t"e Plan is to de#ine "ow eac"

    o'Dective o# t"e Improvement Initiative s"all 'e meas%red and reported. T"eselection o# t"e proper 3ey Per#ormance Indicators 3PIB, metrics andmeas%rements is done as part o# t"e Initiative Assessment. P%t "ere t"oseselected alon$ wit" t"e sc"ed%le to 'e applied.]


    T"eTa'le 4 Availa'ility /eas%rin$ and eportin$s"ows "ow availa'ility s"all 'e

    meas%red and reported to c"ec( 0'Dective I.

    4bective Increase service availability by means of +eb access

    %ritical Success &actor 6%S&7 Increase service availability

    *ey erformance In(icator6*I7 Increase 1$8 in service availability implementing service +eb access

    Metrics Availability in the first month 6before improvement implementation7

    Availability in the last months 6after improvement implementation7

    Measurements Availability 98: ; 6Agree(Service'ime Do+ntime7 < Agree(Service'ime " 1$$

    &requency= Weekly

    0eports Availability 0eport

    &requency= MonthlyTable ( A#ailabilit* &easuring and Reporting

    Time to sol#e incidents

    T"eTa'le 5 Incident Time /eas%rin$ and eportin$s"ows "ow t"e time to

    solve incidents s"all 'e meas%red and reported to c"ec( 0'Dective II.

    4bective Decrease time to solve inci(ents

    %ritical Success &actor 6%S&7 Decrease time to solve inci(ents

    *ey erformance In(icator6*I7 Increase percent of inci(ents solve( +ithin agree( times to />8

    Metrics ercent of inci(ents solve( +ithin agree( times before improvement implementation

    ercent of inci(ents solve( +ithin agree( times after improvement implementation

    Measurements 'ime to solve each inci(ent compare( to the agree( time for each category ofinci(ents

    &requency= ?p(ate( (aily

    0eports Inci(ent 0eport

    &requency= MonthlyTable - Incident Time &easuring and Reporting

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    Customer satisfaction

    T"eTa'le 6 C%stomer Satis#action /eas%rin$ and eportin$s"ows "ow t"e

    time to solve incidents s"all 'e meas%red and reported to c"ec( 0'Dectives III

    and I.

    4bectives Improve customer satisfaction +ith )elp Desk

    Increase accuracy of service provi(e(

    %ritical Success &actor 6%S&7 Increase customer satisfaction +ith service receive(

    *ey erformance In(icators6*I7

    Increase customer satisfaction +ith ho+ )elp Desk han(le requests to -$ 8

    Increase customer satisfaction +ith the quality of solutions to 25 8

    Metrics %ustomer satisfaction score before improvement implementation

    %ustomer satisfaction score after improvement implementation

    Measurements %ustomer satisfaction survey +ith focal groups

    &requency= Monthly

    0eports Inci(ent 0eport

    &requency= MonthlyTable . Customer %atisfaction &easuring and Reporting

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    ." Anne/

    [Insert "ere anyt"in$ yo% may li(e to attac" to s%pport t"e doc%ment.]

    List of Tables

    TABLE 1 SERVICE IMPROVEMENT PLAN ACTIONS......................................10

    TABLE 2 AVAILABILITY MEASURING AND REPORTING.............................11

    TABLE 3 INCIDENT TIME MEASURING AND REPORTING...........................11


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