Chief EAST RUTHERFORD POLICE DEP RTMENT Telephone John R LaGreca 312 Grove Street 201-438=0165 East Rutherford New Jersey 07073 Fax 201-438-1821 CSRR 014157 Nature of incident Police Information Date 09/11/01 Incident location Rt-3E Day Tue Zone 4 Time 1556 A/T Nic Alt Location Service-Road Business Name/Apt Reported by Ln:Sgt Rivelli Fn: Dennis Dob: Sex: Address: Phone: How Reported: Tel 911 HQ On Scene x Received by:Ciravolo Weather:Clear Car :4 Officer Assigned:Rivelli T.Yannacone Yannacone Felten Hopkins Towing: MV's Impound ACTION T KEN General Report filed b y PO DeCarlo. Bergen County Bomb Squad Dispatched. 1856 - Bergen County PD requests ERES and ERFD to stand b y a t the ra.mp from the Sports Complex to the N J TRPKE. Investigated by:Sgt Rivelli Officer i n Charge:Po Ciravolo Reviewed by: -- .

SECT 1 Police Report

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  Chief EAST RUTHERFORD POLICE DEP RTMENT TelephoneJohn R LaGreca 312 Grove St r e e t 201-438=0165

Eas t Ruther fo rd New J e r s ey 07073 Fax 201-438-1821CSRR 014157

of inc iden t Pol i ce In fo rma t ion Date 09/11/01loca t ion Rt-3E Day Tue Zone 4A/T Nic

Location Service-RoadName/Aptby Ln:Sg t R ive l l i Fn: Dennis

Sex: Address :How Reported: Tel 911 HQ On Scene x

by:Ciravolo Weather :Clear Car :4T.Yannacone Yannacone F e l t en Hopkins


General Report f i l e d by PO DeCarlo.Bergen County Bomb Squad Dispatched .

1856 - Bergen County PD r eques t s ERES and ERFD to s t an d by a t the ra.mpthe Sports Complex to t he NJ TRPKE.

b y :S g t R iv e l l i O f f i c e r in Charge:Po Ci ravo lo

Reviewed by:

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312 Grove St r e e t

Chief of Pol ice Eas t Rutherford , New Je rsey 07073 TelephoneJohn R LaGreca 201-438-0165


CSRR D TE TIME D Y LOCATION014157 09/11/01 1556 Tue Rt-3 East

Service Rd. Mile 7.9Nature of Report

Pol ice In format ion

LN PO-DeCarlo FN Sco t t DOB


This o f f i c e r was on spec ia l d e t a i l a t the above l oc a t ion d iver t ing

from fu r t h e r t r ave l on Rt 3 eas t r e - rout ing the t r a f f i c nor th on Rt1203 west.

hile d iver t ing t r a f f i c , t h i s o f f i c e r was informed by d i spa tch Qf abroadcast r e l a t e d to the t e r r o r i s t a t t a c k e a r l i e r in the day. The

re layed was to be on the look out fo r a 2000 chevy van co lo r whiter eg i s t r a t i on JYJ13Y occupied wi th approximately 3 o r more ind iv idua l s

as to male o r female . A shor t t ime l a t e r t h i s o f f i c e r observed a vanqu i te slower than the r e s t of t r a f f i c e a s t towards me on the se rv ice

t ha t appeared to be a newer model chevy with a t l e a s t two occupants . Iinformed Sgt Ri ve l l i (The OIC a t the scene of the p o s s i b i l i t y of a

on the veh ic le . As t h i s of f i ce r approached the veh ic le I did not observef ron t l i cense p l a t e .

I went to the r e a r of the veh ic le and observed the l i cense p la t e (NJ

I f e l t t ha t the one l e t t e r d i f fe rence in the p l a t e could have been aand reques ted a conf i rmat ion . The r e tu rn t r ansmis s ion revealed the

on the van matched the broadcas t so a t t h i s t ime I r e tu rned to the

door and reques ted the dr ive r to s top the veh ic le and ex i t . The Drive r

not immediately e x i t the veh ic le and was asked severa l more t imes but heto be fumbling with a black l ea t he r fanny pouch type of bag. This

then phys ica l ly removed him. SGT Rive l l i removed the passenger and onepassenger from the passenger s ide of the van and with minor ass i s t ance

of f i ce r in t r a in ing T.Yannacone the o ther two occupants were removedon the gras s of f to the shoulder and t h i s o f f i c e r read a l l f ive

t h e i r miranda r igh t s . The van was secured and headquar te rs was

to immediate ly no t i fy the County Bomb Squad and FBI o f the

All occupants were t ranspor t ed to the s t a t e po l i ce f a c i l i t i e s i n s ide the

spor t s complex by Sta t e Troopers to awai t the a r r i v a l of the FBI.occupants were (Driver) Mr.Sivan Kurzberg w/m dob 02/02/78 addressess

100 Laurence Brooklyn NY and Pohtkua I s rae l wearing blue jeans t o rn

and a gray and black s h i r t . Yaron Shimuel w/m dob 11/21/75 1345 Drexel6 Miami Beach FI 33139 Wearing j ean ove ra l l s . Baul Kurzberg 02/24/74 no

given/ wearing a pink s h i r t and blue j eans . Oded El lne r w/m dobNo address given and uncer t a in of c lo th ing de s c r ip t i on but ind iv idua l

holding an American Express Card 375518092154895 Orner Gavrie l Marmari w/m

11/28/79 of 509 W212th St . Manhatten NY (917)529-2528 only persona l

were a pack o f C i g a re t t e s and black sung las ses . I am not sure to

pos i t ion of the o ther passenge rs .

of PO-DeCarlo Off ice r in Charge

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312 Grove St r e e t

of Pol ice East Rutherford , New Je rsey 07073 TelephoneR. LaGreca 201-438-0165



014157 0DATE

9/11/01TIME DAY

1556 Tue

Nature of Report

Pol ice - In fo rmat ion

LOCATIONRt-3South-Serv ice-Rd


LN Rive l l i -Sgt FN


While on a t r a f f i c d e t a i l d ive r t i ng t r a f f i c to Rt. 120 as Rt. 3 eas t waswe were informed by our desk o f f i c e r PO Ciravolo , t ha t t he re was a

fo r a 2000 white Chevy van, NJ reg . JYJ-13Y, occupied by a t3 people Afte r a shor t per iod o f t ime, PO DeCarlo, who was o n - t h e -  

de t a i l with me, advised me t ha t a van which was s lowly approaching ustha t desc r ip t ion of the broadcas t . PO DeCarlo approached the d r i v e r ' s

of the vehic le and I approached the passenger s ide . I was able to see a t

4 people in the van, two in the f ron t and two in the back. Off ice r

read the p l a t e number and I con tac t ed the desk fo r conf i rmat ion on the

number. PO DeCarlo advised me t ha t the p l a t e #, NJ r eg . JRJ-13Y i s oneof f . He then con tac ted Hq and then t was conf irmed t ha t the p l a t e on

veh ic le was in fac t the p l a t e t ha t the FBI had s t a t e d in the broadcas t .

PO DeCarlo was removing the dr ive r from the veh ic le , I removed the f ron tpassenger and one of the r e a r sea t passengers . As I was removing the

sea t passenger he s t a t e d "we 're I s r e a l i " . He was i den t i f i ed , v ia I s r e a las Oded El lne r , W/M Dob 12/06/75 o f I s r ea l . He advised me tha t they

on t h e i r way to Lawrence St . in Brooklyn where they are s tay ing with aHe did not have the exac t address . D/Capt Fel t en and Det .

a r r ived a t the scene. All f ive males were handcuffed and PO DeCarlothem t he i r miranda warnings. All f ive spoke and unders tood Engl i sh and

acknowledged t h e i r unders tanding o f miranda.Bergen County Bomb Squad, Sta te Pol ice and FBI no t i f i ed . The dr ive r o f

vehic le was Sivan Kurzberg W/M Dob 02/02/78 of 100 Laurence St , Brooklyn,The r e a r passengers were: Yaron Shimuel , W/M Dob 11/21/75 o f 1345 Drexel

Beach, FL (he was wearing blue j ean o v e r a l l s ) ; Baul Kurzberg, W/M

02/24/74 (no address g iven wearing a pink s h i r t and blue j eans ) ;

Orner Ellner , W/M Dob 11/28/79 of 509 W 212th S t . , Manhatten, NY.FBI agents responded and took over the scene. All f ive were se p e ra t e l y

to the Sta te Pol ice f a c i l i t i e s in the Meadowlands Sports ComplexSta te Troopers. Fur ther i nve s t i ga t ion by the FBI.

of Sgt -Rive l l i Off i ce r in Charge Sgt -R ive l l i

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312 Grove St r e e t

Chief of Pol ice * East Rutherford , New Je rsey 07073 TelephoneJohn R. LaGreca 201-438-0165


CSRR DATE TIME DAY LOCATION014157 09/11/01 1556 Tue Rt 3 East

Service Rd #7.9Nature of Report

Pol ice Informat ion

LN PO-DeCarlo FN Sco t t DOB


Pr io r to the t r a ns por t a t i on to the Sta te Pol ice f a c i l i t i e s t h i s o f f i c e rt o ld without ques t ion by the dr ive r We are I s r a e l i , We a re not your

Your problems are our problems, The Pa les t in ians are the problem." w s l so to ld by Mr. Yaron Shimuel  We w ere o n the west s ide h i h ~ y   d.u.riD.9--

inc ident ." The black bag t ha t the dr ive r was fumbl ing with conta ined a l l his b e lo n gi ng s ( se e a t t ached Receipt from the FBI fo r ts contents) .

Oded El lner was in posses s ion o f a white sock l i k e sack f i l l ed with $4,700cash   see a t tached r e c e ip t from FBI) .

o f f i c e r did not speak to the Spec ia l Agent in charge Kevin Donovan andwere many o ther agen t s invo lved in the i nve s t i ga t ion . Two of which were

O'Brien (973) 792-3389 and Rober t F Taylor J r . (973)792-3327.

of PO-DeCarlo Off ice r in Charge