School Experience Documentation School Direct Primary PGCE

School Experience Documentation School Direct … · School Experience Documentation School Direct Primary PGCE . School Experience 1 (SE1) Pre-SE1 School Experience Tutorial Form

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Page 1: School Experience Documentation School Direct … · School Experience Documentation School Direct Primary PGCE . School Experience 1 (SE1) Pre-SE1 School Experience Tutorial Form


School Experience


School Direct

Primary PGCE

Page 2: School Experience Documentation School Direct … · School Experience Documentation School Direct Primary PGCE . School Experience 1 (SE1) Pre-SE1 School Experience Tutorial Form

School Experience 1


Page 3: School Experience Documentation School Direct … · School Experience Documentation School Direct Primary PGCE . School Experience 1 (SE1) Pre-SE1 School Experience Tutorial Form

Pre-SE1 School Experience Tutorial Form

School information and preparation for SE. To be completed by trainee prior to the pre-SE1 tutorial

Trainee teacher: Date:

PGCE/ School Direct / BA (Hons) SE Tutor:

School name/address/postcode:

Year group:

Head Teacher:

Lead Mentor: Class teacher:

Safeguarding policy Name of Safeguarding officer Timetable for week 1

Class groups (SEN, EAL etc.)

Behaviour management policy Details of other policies e.g. ethics,

British values

Health & Safety policy

Class list/numbers

School Experience (SE) file

Professional enquiry tasks Reflective Portfolio (RP)

PPA (when?)

Areas of discussion with SE tutor during pre-SE1 Tutorial

Personal Priorities/targets (based on prior experience) Dialogue with trainee during pre-SE1 tutorial (including planning, preparation, general

comments etc.)

Phonics Target from Subject Profile (UG)/ from interview targets (PGCE)

(To be completed by trainee prior to pre-SE1 tutorial )

Behaviour Management Target (to be taken from Behaviour Management Toolkit and

discussed during pre-SE1 Tutorial)

White copy for SE Tutor/Yellow copy for trainee

Page 4: School Experience Documentation School Direct … · School Experience Documentation School Direct Primary PGCE . School Experience 1 (SE1) Pre-SE1 School Experience Tutorial Form

Post-SE1 School Experience Tutorial Form

Trainee teacher:


Date: Year group:

Please use your SE1 Final Report to complete the grades for each Teachers’ Standard

Enter Emerging (E) OR Pass (P)

Overall SE grade (please circle)



(F, 3, 2, 1)

TS1 TS2 TS3 TS4 TS5 TS6 TS7 TS8 Part 2

x or

Trainee reflection of SE1 (A personal reflection of the School Experience completed by trainee prior to Post-SE1 Tutorial) e.g. Personal challenges, achievements etc.

Review of phonics target Review of Behaviour Management target (using toolkit)

Summary of strengths (SE1):

Teachers’ Standard

e.g. 5 a

Action Points: Teachers’ Standard

e.g. 5 a

Overall SE tutor comments e.g. achievements, challenges, Reflective Portfolio etc.

Trainee Evaluation: (tick if complete)

White copy for SE Tutor/Yellow copy for trainee

Page 5: School Experience Documentation School Direct … · School Experience Documentation School Direct Primary PGCE . School Experience 1 (SE1) Pre-SE1 School Experience Tutorial Form

Lesson Commentary

To be used by Class Teacher, Mentor and SE Tutor for all lesson observations (at least 1 per week). (Separate lesson observation forms available for Mathematics and Phonics).

Trainee Teacher: School: Year Group:

Date / Time: Lesson: SE Week ……of……..

SE Tutor: (Please circle) PGCE / SCHOOL DIRECT / BA (Hons) SE1 SE2 SE3

Class/Group Size:

Class Teacher: Joint observation:

Teachers’ Standards (see Meeting the Teachers’ Standards booklet)

1. Set high expectations which inspire, motivate and challenge pupils 5. Adapt teaching to respond to the strengths and needs of all 2. Promote good progress and outcomes by pupils 6. Make accurate and productive use of assessment 3. Demonstrate good subject and curriculum knowledge 7. Manage behaviour effectively to ensure a good and safe learning environment 4. Plan and teach well-structured lessons 8. Fulfil wider professional responsibilities

Observer’s comments / advice linked to the Teachers’ Standards.

Please print & sign below: Observer/s………………………………………………………… Trainee…………………………………………

White copy for SE Tutor/Yellow copy for trainee/Pink copy for Class Teacher

Page 6: School Experience Documentation School Direct … · School Experience Documentation School Direct Primary PGCE . School Experience 1 (SE1) Pre-SE1 School Experience Tutorial Form

Trainee Teacher: School: Year Group: Date:

SE Tutor: Class Teacher: PGCE / SCHOOL DIRECT / BA SE1 SE2 SE3

Group Size: Week:

Observer’s comments / advice linked to the Teachers’ Standards and the mathematics ‘prime five.’ Concrete – pictorial – abstract Problem solving and reasoning Language and talk Misconceptions Questioning

Evidence of Prime 5 seen in planning, teaching and


CPA (Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract)

How is conceptual understanding developed?

Do the representations help children to understand the mathematics?

Misconceptions Are potential errors and

misconceptions explored and discussed?

Are mistakes valued as a learning tool?

Are language/resources/ explanation used accurately?

Questioning How effective are questions in

promoting mathematical thinking? Are children encouraged to ask their

own questions?

Language and Talk Is correct and accurate mathematical vocabulary introduced and then used

by children? How and when?

Is focused mathematical talk promoted and developed?

Problem solving and reasoning

Are children encouraged to explain and justify their thinking?

Are children given opportunities to apply their mathematics to a range of

problems? Do children try out ideas, take risks

and learn from mistakes?

Prime five strengths: Prime five areas of development:

Please print & sign below: Observer/s………………………………………………..…………… Trainee……………………………………………

White copy for SE Tutor / Yellow copy for trainee / Pink copy for Class Teacher

Mathematics Observation To be completed by the Class Teacher/Mentor/SE Tutor observing a trainee during School Experience

Page 7: School Experience Documentation School Direct … · School Experience Documentation School Direct Primary PGCE . School Experience 1 (SE1) Pre-SE1 School Experience Tutorial Form

Phonics Lesson Observation Form To be completed by the Class Teacher/Mentor/SE Tutor observing a trainee during School Experience

Trainee Teacher: School: Year Group: Date:

SE Tutor: (Please circle) PGCE / SCHOOL DIRECT / BA (Hons)


SE Week ……of……..

Class Teacher: Class/Group Size:

CONTEXT & FOCUS: Joint observation:

White copy for SE Tutor/Yellow copy for trainee/Pink copy for Class Teacher

Prompts Notes Revisit: Does the trainee ensure that children practise phonemes already taught? Is it kept lively and fast-paced? Are all children encouraged to participate?

Teach: Is the articulation of phonemes correct? Are children required to articulate phonemes themselves? Are the children taught the name of the letter? Are the children shown clearly how to read and write the letter? Are the children being taught how to blend and/or segment? Is there evidence of new learning?

Practise: Do children have opportunities to practise saying the phoneme? Are they given opportunities to read the corresponding graphemes? Are they given opportunities to blend phonemes to read words? Are they given opportunities to segment words into phonemes/graphemes for spelling? Are they given opportunities to write the letter?

Apply: Is there evidence that children have opportunities to apply their phonic knowledge and skills in purposeful reading and writing activities? Do activities promote all four interdependent strands of language: speaking, listening, reading and writing?

Overall – throughout the session: Is the session multi-sensory but tightly focused on the learning goal? Is it kept fun and interactive? Are props used effectively? Is it kept short and focused? Is it appropriate to the principles of EYFS practice? Does the trainee observe carefully to assess individual children’s progress?

Fail Pass (3) Good (2) Outstanding (1)


Subject Knowledge


Points for development Key Strengths



Page 8: School Experience Documentation School Direct … · School Experience Documentation School Direct Primary PGCE . School Experience 1 (SE1) Pre-SE1 School Experience Tutorial Form

During the Weekly Review it is expected that students will work alongside their class teacher, utilising the Orange

‘Meeting the Standards’ booklet to gain an understanding of where strengths and areas for development lie. The

tripartite system of lesson observation, work scrutiny and professional discussion should be used at all times to

make judgements on progress towards the Teachers’ Standards.

Trainee Teacher:



Class Teacher: PGCE / SCHOOL DIRECT / BA (Hons) Year group:

Completed by: (please circle) Class teacher/ Mentor

Week of

….. ……

Review of previous targets: To be completed by trainee (How successful have you been? What has been the impact of

your teaching on pupil progress?) Use your Reflective Portfolio (RP) to provide evidence linked to the Teachers’ Standards.



e.g. 5 a

Key Strengths (To be completed by trainee)

Comments relating to RP/SE file and general comments on trainee progress (to be completed by Class




e.g. 5 a

Action points (3 maximum, to be completed by Class Teacher/Mentor).

White copy for SE Tutor/Yellow copy for trainee/Pink copy for Class Teacher

Trainee Progress- Weekly Review

Page 9: School Experience Documentation School Direct … · School Experience Documentation School Direct Primary PGCE . School Experience 1 (SE1) Pre-SE1 School Experience Tutorial Form

White copy for SE Tutor/Yellow copy for trainee/Pink copy for Class Teacher

Trainee Teacher: SE Tutor: Year Group:

PGCE / SCHOOL DIRECT / BA (Hons) Week: …….of……

School: Date:

Teachers’ Standards e.g. 5 a

Key Strengths

Comments relating to RP /SE file and general comments on trainee progress Teachers’ Standards e.g. 5 a

Action Points (3 maximum, to be completed by SE Tutor)

When grading please consider: Class Teacher/Mentor/Trainee/SE tutor discussions, observed lessons, scrutiny of RP and SE file, weekly reviews, discussions with pupils, pupils’ work and assessment evidence.

Enter a grading of Emerging (E) or Pass (P) for each Teachers’ Standard


Standard 1


Standard 2


Standard 3 Teachers’

Standard 4 Teachers’

Standard 5 Teachers’

Standard 6 Teachers’

Standard 7 Teachers’

Standard 8

SE Tutor (Print & Sign)


Trainee Teacher (Print & Sign)


Trainee Progress – SE Tutor Review SE1

(To be completed by SE tutor, alongside Lesson Commentary Form)

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The trainee will FAIL the placement if PART 2 of the Teachers’ Standards is not met.

Please contact the SE tutor immediately if you have any concerns.

Please email this SE report as a word processed document to [email protected]

Trainee Teacher:


Completed by:

Date: Year Group:

Reflective Portfolio (RP) contains some evidence for each Teachers’ Standard Please tick

Enter a grading of Emerging (E) or Pass (3) for each Teachers’ Standard for the attainment of the trainee at this point in their training. Grades are based on Class Teacher/Mentor/Trainee/SE Tutor discussions, scrutiny of RP and SE file, weekly reviews, teaching, evidence of assessment etc. Please use the Meeting the Standards Booklet.


Standard 1


Standard 2


Standard 3 Teachers’

Standard 4 Teachers’

Standard 5 Teachers’

Standard 6 Teachers’

Standard 7 Teachers’

Standard 8 PART 2

X or

It is acceptable that at this stage of training the trainee may be working at an Emerging standard for all Teachers’


The placement may be withdrawn if a trainee has not met Part 2 of the Teachers’ Standards.

If there are concerns regarding Part 2 or the progress of the trainee in general please contact the SE tutor.

Action Points for further development:

Mid-point Review Form: PGCE/SD School Experience 1 (not UG)

Please word process and complete in collaboration with SE Tutor and email to [email protected]

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Trainee Teacher:


Completed by:

SE Tutor:


Year Group: No. of days absent:

The trainee has met the expected requirements for attendance and punctuality (please highlight) Excellent Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

The trainee will FAIL the placement if PART 2 of the Teachers’ Standards is not met.

Please contact the SE tutor immediately if you have any concerns.

Based on evidence please report on the following Teachers’ Standards for your trainee. Teaching ability including: ability to inspire and motivate (TS1); promote good progress (TS2); demonstrate good subject knowledge (TS3); plan well-structured lessons (TS4) and adapt teaching (TS5):

Based on evidence please report on the following Teachers’ Standards for your trainee. Ability to assess and respond to pupils’ work (TS6); behaviour management (TS7); professional responsibilities (TS8), such as contribution to the life of the school, reliability, punctuality, organisation:

Enter a grading Emerging (E) or Pass (P) for each Teachers’ Standard for the attainment of the trainee. Grades based on Class Teacher/Mentor/Trainee/SE Tutor discussions, scrutiny of RP/SE file, weekly reviews, teaching,

evidence of assessment etc. Teachers’

Standard 1


Standard 2


Standard 3 Teachers’

Standard 4 Teachers’

Standard 5 Teachers’

Standard 6 Teachers’

Standard 7 Teachers’

Standard 8


X or

Overall grade (please highlight) Emerging/ Fail Pass (P)

For the identified Teachers’ Standards the trainee’s attainment is not a pass since it contains 6+ Emerging Teachers’ Standards.

For the identified Teachers’ Standards the trainee’s attainment is Pass (can feature up to 5 Emerging Teachers’


School Experience Report for PG/SD SE1

(To be completed by Class Teacher/Mentor in collaboration with SE Tutor) Please word process and email to [email protected]

Page 12: School Experience Documentation School Direct … · School Experience Documentation School Direct Primary PGCE . School Experience 1 (SE1) Pre-SE1 School Experience Tutorial Form

The trainees’ Reflective Portfolio contains some evidence for each Teachers’ Standard.

Trainees and class teachers are required to complete the online evaluation. Please email this SE report as a word processed document to [email protected]

Based on evidence from the Reflective Portfolio (RP) please report on PART 2 of the Teachers’ Standards for your trainee.

Please comment on ways in which the trainee’s professional practice has impacted upon pupil progress. Subject and curriculum knowledge Please grade the following subjects Emerging (E) , Pass (3) , Good (2) , Outstanding (1) , not taught (n/t)

KS1/2 Phonics English Mathematics Science

EYFS Phonics Literacy Mathematics

Expressive Art and Design Understanding the World Physical Development Personal, Social & Emotional Development Communication & Language

Summary of Strengths Teachers’ Standards

e.g. 5a

Action Points Teachers’ Standards

e.g. 5a



Trainee Teacher:

SE tutor:

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School Experience 2


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Pre-SE2 School Experience Tutorial Form

SE2 School information and preparation for SE To be completed by trainee prior to pre-SE2 tutorial

School name/address/postcode:

Year group:

Head Teacher: Lead Mentor:

Class teacher: SE Tutor:

Safeguarding policy Name of Safeguarding officer Timetable for week 1 Class groups (SEN, EAL etc.)

Behaviour management policy Details of other policies e.g. ethics,

British values

Health & Safety policy Class list/numbers

School Experience (SE) file Professional enquiry tasks Reflective Portfolio (RP) PPA (when?)

SE1 SUMMARY To be completed by trainee prior to SE tutorial

Trainee Teacher: SE Tutor:


PGCE/ School Direct/ BA (QTS) Year group: Date:


F, 3, 2, 1

TS1 TS2 TS3 TS4 TS5 TS6 TS7 TS8 Part 2

X or

Overall grade SE1 (please circle) Fail Pass Use your SE1 Final Report to enter the grades for each Teachers’ Standard. Emerging (E) or Pass (P)

Summary of strengths (taken from SE1 report):

Teachers’ Standard

e.g. 5 a

Action Points (taken from SE1 report):

Teachers’ Standard

e.g. 5 a

Areas of discussion with SE tutor during pre-SE2 tutorial

Behaviour Management Target (to be taken from Behaviour Management

Toolkit and discussed during pre-SE2 tutorial)

Phonics Target from Subject Profile (To be completed by trainee prior to pre-SE2 tutorial )

Dialogue with trainee during pre- SE tutorial (including planning, preparation, general comments etc.)

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Post-SE2 School Experience Tutorial Form

Trainee teacher:


Date: Year group:

Please use your SE2 Final Report to complete the grades for each Teachers’ Standard

Enter Emerging (E), Pass (3), Good (2), Outstanding (1)

Overall SE2 grade (please circle)

Fail Pass (3) Good (2) Outstanding (1)


(F, 3, 2, 1)

TS1 TS2 TS3 TS4 TS5 TS6 TS7 TS8 Part 2

x or

Trainee reflection of SE2 (A personal reflection of the School Experience completed by trainee prior to post-SE2 Tutorial) e.g. Personal challenges, achievements etc.

Review of phonics target Review of Behaviour Management target (using toolkit)

Summary of strengths (taken from SE2 report):

Teachers’ Standard

e.g. 5 a

Action Points (taken from SE2 report):

Teachers’ Standard

e.g. 5 a

Overall SE tutor comments e.g. achievements, challenges, Reflective Portfolio etc.

Trainee Evaluation: (tick if complete)

Page 16: School Experience Documentation School Direct … · School Experience Documentation School Direct Primary PGCE . School Experience 1 (SE1) Pre-SE1 School Experience Tutorial Form

During the Weekly Review it is expected that students will work alongside their class teacher, utilising the

Orange ‘Meeting the Standards’ booklet to gain an understanding of where strengths and areas for

development lie. The tripartite system of lesson observation, work scrutiny and professional discussion

should be used at all times to make judgements on progress towards the Teachers’ Standards.

Trainee Teacher:



Class Teacher: PGCE / SCHOOL DIRECT / BA (Hons) Year group:

Completed by: (please circle) Class teacher/ Mentor

Week of

….. ……

Review of previous targets: To be completed by trainee (How successful have you been? What has been the impact

of your teaching on pupil progress?) Use your Reflective Portfolio (RP) to provide evidence linked to the Teachers’




e.g. 5 a

Key Strengths (To be completed by trainee)

Comments relating to RP/SE file and general comments on trainee progress (to be completed by Class




e.g. 5 a

Action points (3 maximum, to be completed by Class Teacher/Mentor).

White copy for SE Tutor/Yellow copy for trainee/Pink copy for Class Teacher

Trainee Progress- Weekly Review

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Trainee Teacher:



Class Teacher: PGCE / SCHOOL DIRECT / BA (Hons) Year group:

Completed by: (please circle) SE Tutor

Week of

….. ……

Review of previous targets: To be completed with the trainee (How successful have you been? What has been the

impact of your teaching on pupil progress?) Use your Reflective Portfolio (RP) to provide evidence linked to the

Teachers’ Standards.

Teachers’ Standards

e.g. 5 a

Key Strengths (To be completed with the trainee)

Comments relating to RP/SE file and general comments on trainee progress (to be completed by SE tutor).

Teachers’ Standards

e.g. 5 a

Action points (3 maximum, to be completed by SE tutor).

When grading please consider: Class Teacher/Mentor/Trainee/SE tutor discussions, observed lessons, scrutiny of RP and SE file,

discussions with pupils, pupils’ work and assessment evidence.

(From the beginning of Week 3 onwards if a trainee receives 1 or more Emerging (E) Teachers’ Standards the SE Tutor/

[email protected] should be contacted and a Targeted Support Form issued)

Enter a grading of Emerging (E), Pass (3), Good (2), Outstanding(1) for each Teachers’ Standard


Standard 1


Standard 2


Standard 3


Standard 4


Standard 5


Standard 6


Standard 7


Standard 8

SE Tutor (Print & Sign)


Trainee Teacher (Print & Sign)

…………………………………………………………… White copy for SE Tutor/Yellow copy for trainee/Pink copy for Class Teacher

Trainee Progress – SE Tutor Review SE2 & SE3

(To be completed by SE tutor, alongside Lesson Commentary Form)

Page 18: School Experience Documentation School Direct … · School Experience Documentation School Direct Primary PGCE . School Experience 1 (SE1) Pre-SE1 School Experience Tutorial Form

Reflective Portfolio (RP) contains evidence for each Teachers’ Standard Please tick

Enter a grading of Emerging (E), Pass (3), Good (2), Outstanding (1) for each Teachers’ Standard for the attainment of the trainee at this point in their training. Grades are based on Class Teacher/Mentor/Trainee/SE Tutor discussions, scrutiny of RP and SE file, weekly reviews, teaching, evidence of assessment etc. Please use the Meeting the Standards Booklet.


Standard 1


Standard 2


Standard 3 Teachers’

Standard 4 Teachers’

Standard 5 Teachers’

Standard 6 Teachers’

Standard 7 Teachers’

Standard 8 PART 2

X or

The placement may be withdrawn if a trainee has not met PART 2 of the Teachers’ Standards.

Mid- point grade (please highlight, using individual Teachers’ Standards above to create overall grade)

Trainee is currently operating at:

Emerging (E) Pass (3) Good (2) Outstanding (1)

3 or more Emerging (E)

Teachers’ Standards

Targeted Support to be issued by

the Class Teacher.

Please contact the SE tutor


5 or more Teachers’ Standards

grades at Pass (3), can feature

elements of Good (2).

Can feature 2 Emerging (E)

Teachers’ Standards.

5 or more Teachers’

Standards graded at Good (2),

can feature elements of

Outstanding (1).

No Emerging (E) Standards

5 or more Teachers’

Standards graded at

Outstanding (1).

No Pass (3) or Emerging

(E) Teachers’ Standards.

Action points for further development:

Trainee Teacher: PGCE / SD / BA (Hons)

School: Completed by: Date:

Year Group:

UG/PGCE/SD Mid-point Review Form: School Experience 2

Please word process and complete in collaboration with SE Tutor and email to [email protected]

Page 19: School Experience Documentation School Direct … · School Experience Documentation School Direct Primary PGCE . School Experience 1 (SE1) Pre-SE1 School Experience Tutorial Form

Trainee Teacher:


Completed by:

SE Tutor: PGCE / SD / BA (Hons)


Year Group: No. of days absent:

The trainee has met the expected requirements for attendance and punctuality (please highlight) Excellent Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Overall grade (please highlight)

The trainee will FAIL the placement if PART 2 of the Teachers’ Standards is not met.

Please contact the SE tutor immediately if you have any concerns.

Based on evidence please report on the following Teachers’ Standards for your trainee. Teaching ability including: ability to inspire and motivate (TS1); promote good progress (TS2); demonstrate good subject knowledge (TS3); plan well-structured lessons (TS4) and adapt teaching (TS5):

Based on evidence please report on the following Teachers’ Standards for your trainee. Ability to assess and respond to pupils’ work (TS6); behaviour management (TS7); professional responsibilities (TS8), such as contribution to the life of the school, reliability, punctuality, organisation:

Enter a grading of Emerging (E), Pass (3), Good (2), Outstanding (1) for each Teachers’ Standard for the attainment of the trainee at this point in their training. Grades are based on Class Teacher/Mentor/Trainee/SE Tutor discussions, scrutiny of RP and SE file, weekly reviews, teaching, evidence of assessment etc. Please use the Meeting the Standards Booklet.


Standard 1


Standard 2


Standard 3 Teachers’

Standard 4 Teachers’

Standard 5 Teachers’

Standard 6 Teachers’

Standard 7 Teachers’

Standard 8 PART 2

X or

Emerging (E) / FAIL Pass (3) Good (2) Outstanding (1)

1 or more Emerging (E)

Teachers’ Standards

Please contact the SE tutor ASAP

5 or more Teachers’ Standards

grades at Pass (3), can feature

elements of Good (2).

No Emerging (E) Teachers’


5 or more Teachers’

Standards graded at Good (2),

can feature elements of

Outstanding (1).

No Emerging (E) Standards

5 or more Teachers’

Standards graded at

Outstanding (1).

No Pass (3) or Emerging (E)

Teachers’ Standards.

School Experience Report for SE2

(To be completed by Class Teacher/Mentor in collaboration with SE Tutor) Please word process and email to [email protected]

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The trainees’ Reflective Portfolio contains some evidence for each Teachers’ Standard.

Trainees and class teachers are required to complete the online evaluation. Please email this SE report as a word processed document to [email protected]

Based on evidence from the Reflective Portfolio (RP) please report on PART 2 of the Teachers’ Standards for

your trainee.

Please comment on ways in which the trainee’s professional practice has impacted upon pupil progress. Subject and curriculum knowledge Please grade the following subjects Emerging (E) , Pass (3) , Good (2) , Outstanding (1) , not taught (n/t)

KS1/2 Phonics English Mathematics Science

EYFS Phonics Literacy Mathematics

Expressive Art and Design Understanding the World Physical Development Personal, Social & Emotional Development Communication & Language

Summary of Strengths Teachers’ Standards

e.g. 5a

Action Points Teachers’ Standards

e.g. 5a



Trainee Teacher:

SE tutor:

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School Experience 3


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Pre-SE3 School Experience Tutorial Form

SE 3 School information and preparation for SE To be completed by trainee prior to pre-SE3 tutorial

School name/address/postcode:

Year group:

Head Teacher: Lead Mentor:

Class teacher: SE Tutor:

Safeguarding policy Name of Safeguarding officer Timetable for week 1 Class groups (SEN, EAL etc.)

Behaviour management policy Details of other policies e.g. ethics,

British values

Health & Safety policy Class list/numbers

School Experience (SE) file Professional enquiry tasks Reflective Portfolio (RP) PPA (when?)

SE2 SUMMARY To be completed by trainee prior to SE tutorial

Trainee Teacher: SE Tutor:


PGCE/ School Direct/ BA (QTS) Year group: Date:


F, 3, 2, 1

TS1 TS2 TS3 TS4 TS5 TS6 TS7 TS8 Part 2

X or

Overall grade SE2 (please circle)

Fail Pass (3) Good (2) Outstanding (1)

Use your SE2 Final Report to enter the grades for each Teachers’ Standard. (E, 3, 2, 1)

Summary of strengths (taken from SE2 report):

Teachers’ Standard

e.g. 5 a

Action Points (taken from SE2 report):

Teachers’ Standard

e.g. 5 a

Areas of discussion with SE tutor during pre-SE3 Tutorial

Behaviour Management Target (to be taken from Behaviour Management

Toolkit and discussed during pre-SE3 Tutorial)

Phonics Target from Subject Profile (To be completed by trainee prior to pre-SE3 tutorial )

Dialogue with trainee during pre-SE3 tutorial (including planning, preparation, general comments etc.)

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Post-SE3 School Experience Tutorial Form

Trainees should complete their UWCEP (University of Worcester Career Entry Profile) prior to the Post SE3 tutorial and bring for discussion with the SE Tutor

Trainee teacher:


Date: Year group:

Please use your SE3 Final Report to complete the grades for each Teachers’ Standard

Use your SE2 Final Report to enter the grades for each Teachers’ Standard. (E, 3, 2, 1)

Overall SE3 grade (please circle)

Fail Pass (3) Good (2) Outstanding (1)


(F, 3, 2, 1)

TS1 TS2 TS3 TS4 TS5 TS6 TS7 TS8 Part 2

x or

Trainee reflection of SE 3 (A personal reflection of the School Experience completed by trainee prior to post-SE3 Tutorial) e.g. Personal challenges, achievements etc.

Overall SE tutor comments e.g. achievements, challenges, Reflective Portfolio etc.

Please provide information for the NQT database regarding your first teaching position (if applicable) School name: School address/postcode Year group:

Trainee Evaluation: (tick if complete)

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Reflective Portfolio (RP) contains evidence for each Teachers’ Standard Please tick

Enter a grading of Emerging (E), Pass (3), Good (2), Outstanding (1) for each Teachers’ Standard for the

attainment of the trainee at this point in their training. Grades are based on Class Teacher/Mentor/Trainee/SE Tutor discussions, scrutiny of RP and SE file, weekly reviews, teaching, evidence of assessment etc. Please use the Meeting the Standards Booklet.


Standard 1


Standard 2


Standard 3 Teachers’

Standard 4 Teachers’

Standard 5 Teachers’

Standard 6 Teachers’

Standard 7 Teachers’

Standard 8 PART 2

X or

The placement may be withdrawn if a trainee has not met PART 2 of the Teachers’ Standards.

Mid- point grade (please highlight, using individual Teachers’ Standards above to create overall grade)

Trainee is currently operating at:

Emerging (E) Pass (3) Good (2) Outstanding (1)

1 or more Emerging (E)

Teachers’ Standards

Targeted Support to be issued

by the Class Teacher.

Please contact the SE tutor


5 or more Teachers’ Standards

grades at Pass (3), can feature

elements of Good (2).

No Emerging (E) Teachers’


5 or more Teachers’

Standards graded at Good (2),

can feature elements of

Outstanding (1).

No Emerging (E) Standards

5 or more Teachers’

Standards graded at

Outstanding (1).

No Pass (3) or Emerging (E)

Teachers’ Standards.

Action points for further developments:

Trainee Teacher: PGCE / SD / BA (Hons)

School: Completed by: Date:

Year Group:

UG/PGCE/SD Mid-point Review Form: School Experience 3

Please word process and complete in collaboration with SE Tutor and email to [email protected]

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Trainee Teacher:


Completed by:

SE Tutor: PGCE / SD / BA (Hons)


Year Group: No. of days absent:

The trainee has met the expected requirements for attendance and punctuality (please highlight) Excellent Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Overall grade (please highlight)

The trainee will FAIL the placement if PART 2 of the Teachers’ Standards is not met.

Please contact the SE tutor immediately if you have any concerns.

Based on evidence please report on the following Teachers’ Standards for your trainee. Teaching ability including: ability to inspire and motivate (TS1); promote good progress (TS2); demonstrate good subject knowledge (TS3); plan well-structured lessons (TS4) and adapt teaching (TS5):

Based on evidence please report on the following Teachers’ Standards for your trainee. Ability to assess and respond to pupils’ work (TS6); behaviour management (TS7); professional responsibilities (TS8), such as contribution to the life of the school, reliability, punctuality, organisation:

Enter a grading of Emerging (E), Pass (3), Good (2), Outstanding (1) for each Teachers’ Standard for the attainment of the trainee at this point in their training. Grades are based on Class Teacher/Mentor/Trainee/SE Tutor discussions, scrutiny of RP and SE file, weekly reviews, teaching, evidence of assessment etc. Please use the Meeting the Standards Booklet.

Teachers’ Standard



Standard 2


Standard 3 Teachers’

Standard 4 Teachers’

Standard 5 Teachers’

Standard 6 Teachers’

Standard 7 Teachers’

Standard 8 PART 2

X or

Emerging (E)/ FAIL Pass (3) Good (2) Outstanding (1)

1 or more Emerging (E)

Teachers’ Standards

Please contact the SE tutor


5 or more Teachers’ Standards

graded at Pass (3), can feature

elements of Good (2).

No Emerging (E) Teachers’


5 or more Teachers’ Standards

graded at Good (2), can feature

elements of Outstanding (1).

No Emerging (E) Standards

5 or more Teachers’ Standards

graded at Outstanding (1).

No Pass (3) or Emerging (E)

Teachers’ Standards.

School Experience Report for SE3

(To be completed by Class Teacher/Mentor in collaboration with SE Tutor) Please word process and email to [email protected]

Page 26: School Experience Documentation School Direct … · School Experience Documentation School Direct Primary PGCE . School Experience 1 (SE1) Pre-SE1 School Experience Tutorial Form

The trainees’ Reflective Portfolio contains some evidence for each Teachers’ Standard.

Trainees and class teachers are required to complete the online evaluation. Please email this SE report as a word processed document to [email protected]

Based on evidence from the Reflective Portfolio (RP) please report on PART 2 of the Teachers’ Standards for

your trainee.

Please comment on ways in which the trainee’s professional practice has impacted upon pupil progress. Subject and curriculum knowledge Please grade the following subjects Emerging (E) , Pass (3) , Good (2) , Outstanding (1) , not taught (n/t)

KS1/2 Phonics English Mathematics Science

EYFS Phonics Literacy Mathematics

Expressive Art and Design Understanding the World Physical Development Personal, Social & Emotional Development Communication & Language

Summary of Strengths Teachers’ Standards

e.g. 5a

Action Points Teachers’ Standards

e.g. 5a



Trainee Teacher:

SE tutor: