Risk Assessment Template Sankey Valley

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  • 8/20/2019 Risk Assessment Template Sankey Valley


    RISK ASSESSMENT RECORDING FORMLocation orAddress: Sankey valley

    Date Assessent!ndertaken: "t# $an%ary

    Assessent %ndertaken&y: Do $%dson

    Activity orSit%ation a'a(ine )#otos#oot



    +,- .a(ard Risk +/- 0#o i'#t 1e #ared and #o*2 +3- 0#at controls e4ist to red%cerisk

    +5- 0#at action can 1e takento 6%rt#er red%ce risk2

    Tripping over a tree rootsSeverity 1 likelihood 2

    Raining and ruining the cameraSeverity 1 likelihood 4

    Slipping into the riverSeverity 1 likelihood 1




    The model and whoever is takingthe pictures

    Whoever is taking the photos

    The model and whoever is takingthe pictures

    Only walking down the paths notthrough the trees

    Bringing an umbrella to shield thecamera

    Only walking down the paths notnear the rivers

    Watching where you are watching

    hecking the weather be!oretaking the photos

    Being care!ul when walking nearthe rivers

    1" #ist ha$ards soet#in' *it# t#e )otential to ca%se #ar here%Seek to &uanti!y the level o! risk t#e likeli#ood o6 #ar arisin' based on the number o! persons a!!ected' how o!ten they are e(posed to the ha$ard and theseverity o! any conse&uence"

    2" #ist groups o! people who are especially at risk !rom the signi!icant ha$ards which you have identi!ied)" #ist e(isting controls here or note where the in!ormation may be !ound4" #ist the risks which are not ade&uately controlled and the action you will take" *ave regard !or the level o! risk' the cost o! any action and the bene!it you e(pect to


  • 8/20/2019 Risk Assessment Template Sankey Valley


    +,- .a(ard Risk +/- 0#o i'#t 1e #ared and #o*2 +3- 0#at controls e4ist to red%cerisk

    +"- 0#at action can 1e takento 6%rt#er red%ce risk2


    a SE7ERIT8 1 LIKELI.OOD c FINAL SCORE RATING: *#at needs to 1e done

    " Dyin' or 1ein' )eranently disa1led " 0ill alost certainly #a))en ,9/" Sto); Do not start activity a'ain %ntil risk iscontrolled

    5 Serio%s in," .i'# risk level? .i'# )riority@ Take actionstrai'#t a*ay to control t#e risk

    3 Te)orary disa1ility=3 days o66 sick 3 Not so likely 9 Medi% risk level@ Ti'#ten %) controls andake a )lan to do soet#in' a1o%t risk

    / 0ill need edical attention / Even less likely 3" Fairly lo* risk level@ Lo* )riority 1%t kee))ossi1le action in ind

    , Minor in