Retained Placenta-OB Shock-uterine Inversion

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  • 5/13/2018 Retained Placenta-OB Shock-uterine Inversion


    Reta ined P lacenta I nvers ion of the U terus Obstetric Shock

    Course Title: NCMN - Care of Mother, Child and Family

  • 5/13/2018 Retained Placenta-OB Shock-uterine Inversion


    Object i \ / e sGiven the simulated conditions/situations, the students willbe able to: Describe the deviations from the normal in relation to

    the complications and its etiology. Identify the causes, signs and symptoms, possiblecomplications, and medical and nursing management

    of retained placenta, acute inversion of the uterus,Obstetric shock

    Differentiate the causes of postpartum complications. Identify expected outcomes of a postpartal woman

    experiencing any of the complications as discussed

  • 5/13/2018 Retained Placenta-OB Shock-uterine Inversion


    Object i \ / e sGiven the simulated conditions/situations, the students willbe able to: Assess a woman and her family for deviations from the

    normal during the puerperium. Write the pathophysiology of the disease Plan interventions that meet the special needs of the

    postpartum mother and her family with a postpartalcomplication, such as planning for an extendedhospitalization and home management.

  • 5/13/2018 Retained Placenta-OB Shock-uterine Inversion


    Object i \ / e sGiven the simulated conditions/situations, the students willbe able to: Express importance of knowing this disease Review understanding of the disease Relate the classroom discussion of disease to latest

    journal regarding the disease for personal reactionstatement

  • 5/13/2018 Retained Placenta-OB Shock-uterine Inversion


    PlacentaTh ick , d isk-sh aped o rgan .

    Two (2) components :1 . Materna l - a ttaches to the ute rus (Duncan)2 . Fe ta l - sm ooth, w ith b ranch ing vesse lscovering the m embrane-covered surface

    (Sch u Itze 's )

    Funct ions:1 . Metabol ic2 . T ransfe r3 . Endocrine

  • 5/13/2018 Retained Placenta-OB Shock-uterine Inversion


    Third Stage of Labor Begins with the birth of the baby and ends with the expulsion

    of the placenta. The shortest stage (ave. of 5 to 30 minutes) No difference in duration between nulliparas and parous


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  • 5/13/2018 Retained Placenta-OB Shock-uterine Inversion


    De live ry o f the baby~

    Ute rine cav ity becom es sm alle r & decrease placen ta l s ite~

    Placen ta l sepa ra te from u te rine w all

    S c hu ltz e me c ha nism D uncan m echan ism

    Expu ls io n o f P lacen ta

  • 5/13/2018 Retained Placenta-OB Shock-uterine Inversion


    Reta ined P lacen taA. Nonadherent retained

    PlacentaB. Adherent retained Placenta

  • 5/13/2018 Retained Placenta-OB Shock-uterine Inversion


    Nonadheren t R e ta ined P lacen taEtio logy: P a rtia l separa tion o f a no rma l p lacen ta En trapmen t o f the separa ted placen ta Mismanagement of the 3rd stage of labor Abno rma l adherence o f the p lacen ta Poo r separa tion (pre te rm b irths )

  • 5/13/2018 Retained Placenta-OB Shock-uterine Inversion


    Management Manual separation and removal Uterine exploration and placental removal(after administration of light anesthesia)

  • 5/13/2018 Retained Placenta-OB Shock-uterine Inversion


    Adherent Retained PlacentaEtiology: UnknownHypothesis: Zygotic implantation in area of defectiveendometrium

  • 5/13/2018 Retained Placenta-OB Shock-uterine Inversion


    Degrees of Attachment:Placenta Accreta - slight penetration ofmyometrium by placental trophoblast

  • 5/13/2018 Retained Placenta-OB Shock-uterine Inversion


    Degrees of Attachment:Placenta Increta deep penetration ofmyometrium by placenta


  • 5/13/2018 Retained Placenta-OB Shock-uterine Inversion


    Degrees of Attachment:Placenta Precreta perforation of uterus byplacenta


  • 5/13/2018 Retained Placenta-OB Shock-uterine Inversion


    Management M anua l rem ova l o f p la cen tao r p lacen ta l rem nan ts

    Us ing a la rge cu re tte , theu te rus is sc raped

  • 5/13/2018 Retained Placenta-OB Shock-uterine Inversion


    U terine P ro lapseversus

    U terine Invers ionAcu e Uterine Inversion


  • 5/13/2018 Retained Placenta-OB Shock-uterine Inversion


    Inversion of U terus

    Definition: eELSEVIER. NC - EnE MAGES.COMThe uterus is partly or completely turned inside out.

  • 5/13/2018 Retained Placenta-OB Shock-uterine Inversion


    Two types of Inversion:

    1. Partial inversion - inner surface of fundus isdrawn down into the uterine cavity.

  • 5/13/2018 Retained Placenta-OB Shock-uterine Inversion


    Two types of Inversion:

    2. Complete/Severeinversion - theinside of the fundusprotrudes throughthe cervix into the.vagina.

  • 5/13/2018 Retained Placenta-OB Shock-uterine Inversion


    Causes: Mismanagement of 3rd stage of labor Short umbilical cord Manual removal of placenta Spontaneous inversion

    ~Uterus turns inside out and appear outside

    the vulva (inversion)~

    Traction on the uterine supportive ligaments

    Severe painJ,

    Lossof balance between sympathetic andparasympathetic stimulation of vascular smooth muscleIt J, t

    Massive vasolidation Faint/ Co I I apse ~ HR/RR,Cold & sweating skin, dilated pupilsI I I


  • 5/13/2018 Retained Placenta-OB Shock-uterine Inversion


    I Massive vasolidation I I Faint/Col lapse I ~ HR/RR, C old & sw ea tin g skin , d ila ted pupilsI I ItIn cre as ed v as cu la r c omp artm e nt

    tHypovo lemia & decrease in s ys tem ic v as cu la r re sis ta nc e

    ~N eurog en ic shock


  • 5/13/2018 Retained Placenta-OB Shock-uterine Inversion


    Management: Immediate intravenouscrystalloids.

    Removal and attempt toreplace the uterus.

    IV nitroglycerin asordered to relax uterinemuscle.

    Oxytocin to contractuterine. Suturing of cervical.mcisron

  • 5/13/2018 Retained Placenta-OB Shock-uterine Inversion


    Obstetric ShockHypo tens ion w ithou ts ig n ifica n t exte rna Ib eed ing m ayoccas iona y deve lop inan obs te tric pa tien t.

  • 5/13/2018 Retained Placenta-OB Shock-uterine Inversion


    Shock in Obstetrics Cardiogenic Hypovolemic Neurogenic Anaphylactic Septic

  • 5/13/2018 Retained Placenta-OB Shock-uterine Inversion


    Cause: Concealed hemorrhage Uterine Inversion Amniotic Fluid Embolism

  • 5/13/2018 Retained Placenta-OB Shock-uterine Inversion


    ShockA condition in which thecardiovascu ar systemfails to perfuse the tissuesadequate y, resu ting inwidespread impairmentof cellu ar metabo ism.

    McCance & Huether (2001)

  • 5/13/2018 Retained Placenta-OB Shock-uterine Inversion


    C ard iovascu lar Function H eart Function : lossof the pump B lood Function : nothing to pump B lood P ressu re : no force in the pump

  • 5/13/2018 Retained Placenta-OB Shock-uterine Inversion


    Types of Shock and their immediatecauseTypeCardiogenicHypovolemicNeurogenicAnaphylactic


    CauseHeart FailureReduced blood volumeNeural alterations of smooth muscletone resulting in vasodilationImmune system pathology resultingin vasodilationResulting in cardiac depression anddilatation with vasodilation

  • 5/13/2018 Retained Placenta-OB Shock-uterine Inversion


    Pathophys io log ica l causes o f shock in ch ildbearingCard iogen icPulmonaryembolism

    Hypovo lemicHemorrahgeassociated withchildbearing

    Severe anemia Ruptured ectopicpregnancy

    Cardiac Ruptured uterusdisorders suchas valvular orcongenitalproblemsSeverehypertension

    Coagulopathyhypertensionfollowing amnioticfluid embolismDiabetic crisis

    Neurogen icAcute inversionof the uterus

    Aspiration ofacid gastriccontentsIntrauterinemanipulationswithoutadequateanesthesia

    Anaphylact icAdverse drugreactions

    Sept icInfection inseptic abortionand puerperalinfection

  • 5/13/2018 Retained Placenta-OB Shock-uterine Inversion


    Compensa to ry Mechan l s rnDecrease cardiac output Enhance cardiac performance. . . . but increased demand for.

    r oxygen and nutrientsRenin produced by kidneys rstimulates aldosterone releaser

    Tissue perfusion begins to fallRetain of sodium and water ,~Decrease of nutrient and

    ,, oXigen deliveri to cellsHypothalamic responses rcause catecholamine releasefrom adrenal glands Impaired cellular metabolism

    r rVasoconstriction occurs to Signs of shock will bemaintain blood pressure manifested

  • 5/13/2018 Retained Placenta-OB Shock-uterine Inversion


    How It appens

    Cycle ofdecomp nsation

    What to 100 for

  • 5/13/2018 Retained Placenta-OB Shock-uterine Inversion


    HYPOVOLEM IC SHOCKIn hypovolemic shock, reducedintravascular volume causes circulatorydysfunction and inadequate tissueperfusion.

    It's commonly caused by acute b loodloss.

  • 5/13/2018 Retained Placenta-OB Shock-uterine Inversion



  • 5/13/2018 Retained Placenta-OB Shock-uterine Inversion



  • 5/13/2018 Retained Placenta-OB Shock-uterine Inversion



  • 5/13/2018 Retained Placenta-OB Shock-uterine Inversion


    H Y f

    What to look for


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  • 5/13/2018 Retained Placenta-OB Shock-uterine Inversion


    S igns and Symptoms of ShockSigns: Nausea W eakness Fee ling of hot or co ld D izziness Confus ion Fear Anxie ty Thirs t Shortage of breath

    w ith a ir hunger

    Symptoms: Increased PR and RR Decreased BP and

    card iac output Co ld, c lammy skin Pa llo r Reduced core


  • 5/13/2018 Retained Placenta-OB Shock-uterine Inversion


    Iden tifica tion o f pa tien t a t risk . E s tab lish prophylac tic m easu res du ring labo r Labo ra to ry sc reen ing fo r anem ia and a typica lant ibodies

    IV in fus ion v ia la rge -bo re need le o r ca the te rprio r d e liv ery S tandby b lood fo r poss ib le b lood trans fus ion C lose m on ito ring o fVS IV c rys ta llo id s (No rm al sa line o r Lac ta tedR inge r's so l u tion ) in fused v ia IV .