8/12/2019 Research Mister http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/research-mister 1/29 Research Proposal Research question: Should Mi Comisariato of Garzota enter online selling and home delivery to later expand this service to other subsidiaries?  Asconproy s.a necesita publicidad ya que Consultora en proyectos de ingeneria en caso de la compania asconproy s.a necesita hacerse conocer en primer lugar nacionalmente para luego que sea haga conocer internacionalmente? !" M"#$% #" &!'($C$#A# S")$A *AC+$'(" &A)A !" (A C%M&A,$A  ASC%M&)%- S.A S" #" A C%%C") AC$%A(M"+" - AS$ "/&A#$) S! S"0)$C$% Which advertising media the company "Asconproy S.A" should use to make it well known nationally and to later expand its service? Hoy en dia con el crecimiento po!lacional se necesitan de o!ras d mayor inraestructura y por ende es importante hacerse conocer consultoras de proyectos ur!anistico turisticos hoteleres viales portuarios #puertos$ etc. ya % desde alli inicia la etapa para cual%uier proyecto de construccion. Para esto ponemos el caso de una consultura en proyectos de ingeniera como es la compa&ia asconproy s.a %ue es una compa&ia nueva %ue se ormo en el a&o '()). Pero muy lentamente se esta dando a conocer pese a %ue el personal tecnico como en este caso es el gerente general tiene mas de '( a&os de experiencia en este tipo de tra!a*o. Sin em!argo hay ciertas limitaciones. +a primera limitacion seria como es una comp&ia nueva no tiene tantos ingresos ,omo todo compa&ia nueva no tiene muchos ingresos se tendria %ue hacer una inversion con inancimiamiento externo con un orgnanismo creditisio #%ue dan creditos como !anco$. Theoretical Framework: Today, with the population growth are needed major infrastructure works and therefore is important to get to know consulting projects: urbanistic, tourist, hotel, vials, port, ect. And from there starts the step for any construction project. For this we put for a consulting engineering project, such as the company Asconproy S.A that is a new company that was started years ago in !"##. $ut slowly this company is being making known, although the technical staff as in this case is the general manager has over !" years of e%perience in this type of work. &owever,

Research Mister

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Research Proposal

Research question:

Should Mi Comisariato of Garzota enter online selling and home delivery to laterexpand this service to other subsidiaries? Asconproy s.a necesita publicidad ya queConsultora en proyectos de ingeneriaen caso de la compania asconproy s.a necesita hacerse conocer en primer lugarnacionalmente para luego que sea haga conocer internacionalmente?!" M"#$% #" &!'($C$#A# S")$A *AC+$'(" &A)A !" (A C%M&A,$A

 ASC%M&)%- S.A S" #" A C%%C") AC$%A(M"+" - AS$ "/&A#$)S! S"0)$C$%

Which advertising media the company "Asconproy S.A" should use to make it wellknown nationally and to later expand its service?

Hoy en dia con el crecimiento po!lacional se necesitan de o!ras d mayor

inraestructura y por ende es importante hacerse conocer consultoras de proyectos

ur!anistico turisticos hoteleres viales portuarios #puertos$ etc. ya % desde alli

inicia la etapa para cual%uier proyecto de construccion. Para esto ponemos el

caso de una consultura en proyectos de ingeniera como es la compa&ia

asconproy s.a %ue es una compa&ia nueva %ue se ormo en el a&o '()).

Pero muy lentamente se esta dando a conocer pese a %ue el personal tecnico

como en este caso es el gerente general tiene mas de '( a&os de experiencia en

este tipo de tra!a*o. Sin em!argo hay ciertas limitaciones. +a primera limitacion

seria como es una comp&ia nueva no tiene tantos ingresos

,omo todo compa&ia nueva no tiene muchos ingresos se tendria %ue hacer una

inversion con inancimiamiento externo con un orgnanismo creditisio #%ue dan

creditos como !anco$.

Theoretical Framework:

Today, with the population growth are needed major infrastructure works and

therefore is important to get to know consulting projects: urbanistic, tourist, hotel,

vials, port, ect. And from there starts the step for any construction project. For this

we put for a consulting engineering project, such as the company Asconproy S.A

that is a new company that was started years ago in !"##. $ut slowly this

company is being making known, although the technical staff as in this case is the

general manager has over !" years of e%perience in this type of work. &owever,

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there are certain limitations. The first limitation, it would be that this is a new

company and like any new company does not have much income. $ut this

company has to make an investment with e%ternal financing with an organi'ation

that gives credits as a bank.

Theoretical Framework:

-oday people are !eing !usier on their *o!s that they do not have time to go to a grocery

store and !uy their necessities. As a result grocery stores should consider i they !egin to

retail online. -he target market is youngadults and adults that have a !usy work schedule

and do not have time or going to the grocery store. /i ,omisariato should consider

expanding its online since it will make them !e the pioneer compared its potential

competitor Supermaxi and it will gain !rand loyalty rom customers. 0n addition this type

o service will provide /i ,omisariato an extra revenue since the delivery service will !e

charged separately. However this pro*ect will act as a pilot pro*ect since i it !ecomes

successul it can !e applied to other /i ,omisariato1s su!sidiaries. 2evertheless there

are certain limitations. A ma*or limitation is that costs rom delivery service which include

gas sta and we!site maintenance can1t !e known with exact values. Another limitation is

that /i ,omisariato inancial sta does not want to provide the percentages o their

increase on sales during the last three years. -hese percentages are needed since it will

provide support to my pro*ect and credi!ility. A second limitation is that my survey will !e

limited since 0 will do it on /i ,omisariato 3ar4ota and /i ,omisariato 5rdesa. 6inally a

third potential limitation is the lack o internet access in 7cuador since only '89 has it. . 0n

addition the acceptance o online purchase has a low percentage since there is low trust

on this kind o service.


0 plan to analy4e a!out the advantages and disadvantages that /i ,omisariato will have

!y implementing the online and home delivery service. -he pro*ect includes costs as

creation o maintenance o we! page delivery service and credit card transaction costs.

-echni%ues as SW:- P7S- cost!eneit analysis and Anso /atrix are considered in

order to know the potential opportunities threats and easi!ility o pro*ect. P7S- analysis

is going to !e done in order to know the opportunities and threats rom the macro

environment. SW:- analysis is going to !e executed with the purpose o showing the

strengths and weaknesses rom the company /i ,omisariato. Anso /atrix is going to !emade to determine the type o strategies that should !e applied in order or the execution

o this pro*ect. 6inally cost!eneit analysis will complete all the analysis !y determining

the costs and !eneits /i ,omisariato will ace with the implementation o this new service.


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Primary research;

• Have an interview with /i ,omisariato1s Sale <epartment o 3uaya%uil in order to

get inormation a!out their annual sales strategies that can !e applied evaluate

costs and how much interest will develop this idea !etween consumers.

• Survey or /i ,omisariato1s customers in order to know i they are interested or not

on this service.

Secondary research;

• 0nvestigate a!out companies that provide cars with drivers in order to do the

delivery service to customers.

• Research how much will cost the creation and maintenance o the we! page

Possible Problems Solutions

Questions that may not beanswered by Mi Comisariato’sSales e!t because o"con"identiality#

Ask open and uncomplicated%uestions in order to get at leastestimate on annual sales.

$imited in"o since % will inter&iewonly one manager#

3et opinions a!out other /i,omisariato1s managers.

i""iculty to determine how manydeli&ers can be done !er day#

/ake accurate decisions on the%uestionnaire in order to have anexact estimate.

i""iculty on knowing e'actly Mi

Comisariato’s market share

3et ino rom internet related or

make a survey a!out /i,omisariato1s market share.

Table (# Problems encounted and !ossible solutions#


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ates )cti&ities Modi"ications

*une (+ <o a sample o roughdrat or my survey.

*une ,- ,all +ucy +a4o in orderto set an appointment

 with /i ,omisariato1sSales /anager

*uly ( Show i my survey iscorrect in order to do it.

*uly . Search ino a!out costso we! page

*uly ,/ 0nterview with /i,omisariato1s Sales/anager >runo Sadun

*uly ,. Surveys are done tocustomers

)ugust +0,1 /idterm !reak>eginning o irst drat

Se!tember ( 3ive /r. 7vans my irstrough drat

Se!tember + >eginning o seconddrat

Se!tember (( 3ive /r. 7vans mysecond drat

,orrect any mistake

Se!tember (2 6inal drat is done

Se!tember ,( -hree copies are giveno my inal researchproposal

3ctober 4 5o&ember Preparation or 0>exams and ResearchProposal Presentation

*anuary /0. -hesis presentation

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Table ,# )ction !lan "or my research !ro!osal

>usiness and /anagement

Higher +evel

Research Pro*ect

Should /i ,omisariato o 3ar4ota enter online

selling and home delivery to later expand this

service to other su!sidiaries?

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2ovem!er '((@

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-his pro*ect is dedicated to my amily riends and teachers who have helped me

on the execution o it.


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,ontents Page

PA37 C






/ethodology and 0normation


/ain Results and


Analysis and



,onclusions and




>i!liography and



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7xecutive Summary

-he goal o this study is to ind out i online selling can increase /i,omisariato1s revenues and i it will have a good receipt among customers. Any

company o this market has started to sell !y online and i /i ,omisariato does it

 will !e the pioneer.

-o start the pro*ect a survey was done to customers in order to ind i they

 will use it or not. -he survey contained %uestions a!out what they think a!out

online selling i they trust or no on the service or on how many days they will like to

receive their purchase. Also an interview with 7l Rosado1s /anager o Purchases

 was done in order to know what this corporation has thought a!out online service

and why they have not implemented yet on society.

:nce having the results mostly o the customers preer to choose the

product than !uying them !y online. Also there is a lack o security that customers

have a!out purchasing online. -hese two reasons are the main ones why

customers still preer to go to the grocery store and not !uying !y online.

-he recommendation or the company is that this type o selling should not

!e implemented until three or ive years. -he reason o this conclusion is !ecause

7cuadorian society is not prepared or this type o selling and there is a high risk

that the pro*ect may ail. Also the lack o access to internet gives disadvantage to

/i ,omisariato !ecause they might lose purchases !ecause customers do not

have access to it. 0n addition the uncertainly on the acceptance o this pro*ect on

society creates dou!t a!out investing or not. As a result in order to have a

successul pro*ect /i ,omisariato should implement it when perception among

society a!out this service changes.


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0n )@= Alredo ,4arninski opened a small !akery in 3uaya%uil1s downtown

called F7l RosadoF. As years passed he and his wie Ruth thought on changingtheir !akery into a restaurant. So they changed the appearance o the !akery and

made it into a restaurant. -he store had such success that /r. ,4arninski decided

to purchase in ront o its restaurant a store in order to have a grocery store.

>ecause the grocery store was having such a success /r. ,4arninski decided to

close the restaurant and *ust stay with its new successul !usiness. -his store was

the irst in 7cuador to oer the autoservice and was called F7l Rosado

SupermarketF. As the !usiness !egan to !e more successul /r. ,4arninski

opened other stores as toy stores movies retail stores and ironmongers. -hese

stores are part o 7+ R:SA<: ,:RP:RA-0:2 S.A. 0n )@B( the grocery store1s

name changed to /i ,omisariato. Actually there are more than E( /i ,omisariatostores in 7cuador.


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Procedure or method

:nline selling is a service which has not !een exploded !y local companies

and not oten used on society. 2one local grocery store has started to sell !y

online so it can !e concluded that the company that starts oering that service willhave a huge success or a total ailure. 0n order to determine i the online selling will

!eneit /i ,omisariato and create !rand loyalty as it is expected 0 had to make

some important research in order to have a speciic answer to my dou!t.

/y primary research is !ased on having an interview with /i ,omisariato1s

Sales /anager and a survey to /i ,omisariato1s customers. 6irst 0 have to set an

appointment with /i ,omisariato1s Sale /anager >runo Sadun. -his interview will

help me !y knowing i /i ,omisariato has ever thought to enter on the online

selling and i it yes why they have not done yet. -he survey will !e done to /i

,omisariato1s customer in order to know what they think a!out this pro*ect and ithey are willing to purchase online. 0n order to know how many surveys 0 had to

make 0 applied the sample si4e estimation ormula which result was 8) surveys to


Secondary inormation will include the all the costs #varia!le and ixed$ or

the implementation and operation o the pro*ect. :ne cost is the creation and

maintenance o the we! page which the values are provided !y a company that

 works at 3uaya%uil. Also the costs o the home delivery are given !y a company

that oers this type o service and will charge per each delivery they do. -he costs

o credit card transactions are also included since there will !e customers that may

preer to purchase online with credit card and that cost should !e known according

the !ank. +astly investigate a!out retail stores1 we!sites in order to know what

kind o strategies /i ,omisariato can apply or its we!page.


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/ain Results and 6indingsPrimary data obtained through sur&eys

 Figure (# )&erage income !er month

 Figure ,# 6ow "requently do customers !urchase at Mi Comisariato

Figure 1# Reasons why customers couldn’t sho! at Mi Comisariato


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Figure /# Customer’s willingness to !urchase online

Figure .#

Reasons why customers will not !urchase by online

Figure 7# Reasons why customers will !urchase by online






8hy you will not !urchase by

online92o complete knowledge

a!out 0nternet usage

2o trust on this type o"


Pre"er to choose the


0ncludes an extra value

to the purchase

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Figure +# ays customers desire their !urchase be deli&ered

  Figure 2# Reasons why customers will !urchase by online

Figure # )&erage o" bills when customers buy at Mi Comisariato


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Cost o" creation andmaintenance o" web



Creation o" web !age G)E(

Cost o" maintenance o" web !age !er month


Total cost o" web !age’smaintenance !er year


8eb !age descri!tion -he we! page will mainly include every singleproduct detailed with its ingredients or nutritionacts picture o it price and its manuacturer.Also it will have a !rie description o /i

,omisariato.Table (# Costs o" web !age’s creation and maintenance during one year#

Cost o" trans!ortation

Cost !er each motorcycle<sta"" and gas rented "or one homedeli&ery

G =.'

='!ected home deli&ery !er month>based on sur&eys?


Cost !er month o" home deli&eryser&ice


Table ,# Costs o" trans!ortation !er month


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Com!arison betweencost and !rice o"home deli&ery ser&ice

Cost Price ;ain@$ossA1#,. A,#.- 0>-#+.?

Table 1# Com!arison between cost and !rice o" each home deli&ery ser&ice

Table /# Macro B Micro scenario analysis

Analysis and discussion

Ater knowing what do /i ,omisariato1s clientele think a!out this pro*ect !y

the survey the next step is to analy4e the data collected in order to determine i

this pro*ect can !e executed.

-he irst analysis done was the P7S- analysis. A!out any political issuethere is no actual restriction on 7cuador that or!idden the online sale. So the

online sell !y /i ,omisariato may not have any political or legal issue. A!out the

economic scenario the opportunity cost that /i ,omisariato is huge since it will

have to oer a service which is not re%uently used !y society and hasn1t !een

explored !y 7cuadorian retail stores. As regards to social segmentation the pro*ect

is directed or customers o a medium to high social class !etween ages o '88(


SP=C%F%C Socio0Cultural Technological =conomical Political

Customers 7cuadorian societyis not used topurchase onlineand no trust onservice

:nly '89 o7cuador1spopulation hasaccess to internet

Purchasingpower hasincreasedthroughoutyears

-here is norestriction thator!idden theonline sell

Su!!liers >y home deliveringthe purchases they

should demonstratethat onlinepurchase is aneective service.

<eliver purchasesas ast as


2o issue 2o issue


-hey will demandor a sae service

2o issue 7ven thoughthey are groupsthey can1tdamage thepro*ect oneconomic terms

/ay includepoliticcharacters ithey have anyissue with theonline selling

3wners now that onlinesell is not used onalmost every retail

store in 7cuador

Have thenecessary tools toinitiate this pro*ect

Have theeconomic powerto invest on this

type o service

<eal with lawsto ensure theprotection o

customers1 data

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since they have higher incomes an active social liestyle and are in a re%uent use

o internet. -hereore this type o service will !eneit them since it will !e a

practical service or them. +ast !ut not least the technological scenario is a!out

comparing the advantages and disadvantages o ecommerce. -he main

advantage is that customers can purchase their goods rom the conorma!ility o

their houses. 2evertheless the issues that ecommerce may have are greater

compared to its !eneits. We! pages may !e hacked or get saturated rom

received sales so the service may turn ineicient and the customer satisaction

may !e at risk. However there is a holding truth that leads or none or ew usage

o ecommerce; only '89 o 7cuadorian population has reach o internet at their

houses. -his act will lead to a small acceptance o online selling since there will !e

not enough population to explore a!out this type o service.

-he second analysis executed was SW:- analysis. -he main strength is

that /i

,omisariato has the inancial power to start the pro*ect and !e the pioneer ooering this type o service on its market. Regards the weaknesses the most

important is the lack o knowledge that /i ,omisariato will have a!out this type

selling. 0 the we! site gets saturated o purchases then the delivery service or

each o it won1t reach the time limit o delivering. A!out the opportunities i /i

,omisariato makes this pro*ect successul this will let them expansion to other

stores on other cities. 6inally there some threats that should !e considered. -he

irst one is the lack o trust on online services rom customers. According to the

survey one third o the customers will not purchase online !ecause exists the

dou!t the credit card num!er may !e copied !y hackers. -he second important

threat is the limited internet diusion in 7cuador once the pro*ect is expanded toother cities. :nly '89 o 7cuadorian population has access to internet so the

purchases may !e aected negatively o it.

-he third analysis was !ased on Anso /atrix. -his pro*ect is categori4ed

as product development since it is oering new type o service on an existing

market. 0t is a medium risk pro*ect since /i ,omisariato will have to oer this

service on a market which is not used to purchase online. So /i ,omisariato will

have to set up strategies in order to show that this type o service is sae practical

and convenient. However these o!*ectives won1t !e easy to achieve since

7cuadorian society is not used to purchase online. So /i ,omisariato will have to

convince to its customers that this service will !e eective and saety. -he

implementation o strategies will re%uire a high investment rom /i ,omisariato

since practically they will have to change society1s perception a!out online selling.

As a inal analysis there is the cost!eneit. -his analysis was done in order

to determine i this pro*ect was convenient or not to /i ,omisariato to execute.

,oncerning the costs /i ,omisariato will have to ace a main ixed which is the

 we! page maintenance and the varia!le costs is the cost o home delivery plus


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since it is done according to the num!er o purchases done per month. So /i

,omisariato must have a continuous ollowing o online purchases in order to

provide an ontime home delivery service. Also /i ,omisariato will have to ace a

society which is not used to use the online media or purchasing. So the

purchases will !e aected on that manner since customers may preer to go to the

store and purchase !y themselves. 2evertheless the main cost that /i

,omisariato will ace is that they will lose almost (.B rom every home delivery

they do. 0n order to avoid this loss /i ,omisariato must !uy their own assets and

hire their own sta which represents a high cost o investment that /i ,omisariato

can aord. However there are some !eneits that /i ,omisariato will experience i

it executes the pro*ect. -he main !eneit is that will gain !rand loyalty rom its

customers !y !eing the irst retail store o its market !y oering this service.

,ustomers will perceive that /i ,omisariato has worried a!out its customers !y

providing them a practical and convenient service. Also i this pro*ect is successul

it can !e done on other /i ,omisariato retail stores o 3uaya%uil.

,onclusions and Recommendations

0mplementing the online selling and home delivery is a great idea or /i

,omisariato since it will oer them a service which is convenient and time saver.

2evertheless the cost o investment can !e aorded !y /i ,omisariato !ut there

is a ma*or dou!t. -he investment includes creation and maintenance o we! page

and home delivery service payment. However there is a main issue that can let to

ailure this pro*ect.

7cuadorian society is not prepared or the usage o online media. 0 /i

,omisariato decides to execute this pro*ect it will have to implement several

marketing strategies at least during a year in order to prove that online purchasing

is a practical service that must !e used. >ased on the survey customers think

a!out this service as untruthul and that there is preerence or choosing the

product in order to see its conditions. As a result /i ,omisariato will have to


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demonstrate that it service has a legal support that conirms its saety o usage.

-his legal documentation will represent an extra cost or /i ,omisariato since it will

have to hire legal companies that will have to ensure that its service is totally sae

in order to protect customer1s data.

However changing society1s perception is not the only pro!lem that

appears. :nly '89 o 7cuadorian population has access to internet. So /i

,omisariato online sells will !e aected !y this percentage since they can sell

more i more citi4ens have access to it. -his issue can1t !e handled !y /i

,omisariato since the lack o access is 7cuador1s government pro!lem since the

price o it on 7cuador is the highest against any +atinAmerican country.

0n addition there are some topics that should !e considered !eore

executing this pro*ect. -he main !eneit that /i ,omisariato might get is the

creation o !rand loyalty rom customers and will !e a platorm or implementing

this type o service on its other stores. So the dou!t is that all the investment will

!e worth it or getting !rand loyalty. Also i the pro*ect does not success what will/i ,omisariato decide to do when investment was already done? -hese dou!ts

are the ones that create more uncertainly on executing the pro*ect !ecause o the

risk o how well accepted will !e. A!out the goods that will !e !ought !y online the

ma*ority o them are or personal hygiene and home cleaning. -hese products have

higher prices compared to other goods so the !ills rom customers will !e higher.

So /i ,omisariato will !e having higher revenues. However the re%uency o

online purchase is once two weeks !ased on the survey. -his re%uency should

increase in order to cover the costs o investment.

As a conclusion /i ,omisariato should not implement the online selling andhome delivery service !ecause o several reasons. 6irst society is not used on the

usage o we! pages or online purchasing. /i ,omisariato will have to implement

some marketing strategies that will have to change the perception a!out this

service. -he strategies will deinitively represent a high cost since at least should

!e done or more than a year. Another !arrier or the success o this pro*ect is that

only '89 o 7cuadorian population has access to internet. -his lack o access may

lead to /i ,omisariato with a decrease o online sales since there might !e

customers that want to purchase online !ut they do not have the access. Also the

lack o knowledge rom /i ,omisariato o how does the online selling works will

aect the perormance o their pro*ect !ecause as they !eing the pioneer they will

have to deal with several legal and social issues.


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(# %nter&iew with =ng# runo Sadun< =l Rosado’s Manager o" Purchases

<ate; 6riday '8 Iuly '((@ 8;=( pm.

Address; /i ,omisariato1s head%uarters. Av. @ de :ctu!re B'@ y >oyacJ

/i ,omisariato has experienced any increase on their sales during the

last three years?

Kes /i ,omisariato has experienced a growth o sales !ut also it grew

as corporation. <uring last years the num!er o retail stores as

Hipermarket and /ini ,omisariato has increased.

Any percentage that shows the increase o sales?

Right now 0 don1t have the percentages. 0 can ask to a colleague and

then give it to you.


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<o you think online sales will aect on a great proportion /i 

,omisariato1s sales?

0 really !elieve that our society is not ready or online sales since there is

no culture o it.

0 the pro*ect has a good acceptance in 3uaya%uil /i ,omisariato is

economically capa!le o investing on it since costs as maintenance and

creation o a we! page transportation or gas will !e included?

Kes /i ,omisariato is working on this pro*ect !ut on a medium or long

term !ecause right now customers preer to chose and see what

products they are !uying.

What are the most sold products?

-he most sold products are vital goods as sugar milk !read and

vegeta!le oil.-hen the second most sold products are soaps tuna noodle and


What is your competitive advantage against your main competitor


/i ,omisariato has !etter prices and !etter reach on some areas that

Supermaxi is not located.

=ntre&ista con el %ng# runo Sadun 4 ;erente de Com!ras de %m!ortadora =lRosado

6echa; Liernes '8 Iulio '((@ 8;=( pm.

<irecciMn; /atri4 de /i ,omisariato Av. @ de :ctu!re B'@ y >oyacJ

N/i ,omisariato ha experimentado algOn incremento de ganancias

durante los Oltimos tres a&os?

S /i ,omisariato ha crecido pero tam!iQn como ,orporacion 7l

Rosado. 7l nOmero de tiendas de /i ,omisariato y /ini,omisariato

han incrementado durante el Oltimo a&o.

NAlgOn porcenta*e %ue demuestre ese incremento?

Por el momento no tengo porcenta*es. +e puedo preguntar a un

colega y te puedo dar los valores.


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N,ree %ue la venta por internet aectarJ en gran proporciMn a las

ganancias de /i ,omisariato?

,reo %ue no por%ue en nuestra sociedad no hay cultura acerca la

compra por internet.

Si el proyecto tuviese !uena acogida N/i ,omisariato se encontrara

#econMmicamente$ disponi!le para invertir en dicho proyecto pues

costos como creaciMn y mantenimiento de pagina we! transporte

gasolinas entre otros involucraran?

S /i ,omisariato si tiene la disponi!ilidad econMmica pero por el

momento tenemos ese proyecto de mediano a largo pla4o ya %ue

nuestros clientes preieren escoger y ver el producto.

N,uJles son los productos con mayor venta?

+os productos %ue mJs se venden son el aceite a4Ocar leche. <eah detergente *a!Mn ideo y atOn.

N,uJl es la venta*a competitiva %ue tiene so!re su mayor

competidor Supermaxi?

/i ,omisariato orece me*ores precios y tiene mayor alcance en

pue!los %ue Supermaxi no tiene tiendas.

Sur&ey done to Mi Comisariato’s customers#

<ate; Saturday ' Iuly '((@

+ocation; /i ,omisariato 3ar4ota 5rdesa

). 3ender;

o 6emenine

o /asculine

'. Age;

=. Kour average 0ncome per month is;

o G)E( G8((

o G8(( G'(


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o G'( GE8(

o GE8( G)((

o G)(( G)'E(

o G)'E( G)((

o /ayor a G)((

8. 5sually you purchase at;

o Supermaxi

o /i ,omisariato

o :ther #determine$

. How re%uent do you purchase at /i ,omisariato? ;

o :nce a week

o -wice per week

o :nce two weeks

o :nce three weeks

. Kou missed going to the grocery store !ecauseD;

o +ack o time

o Work events

o 5nexpected event happened

B. NAre you willing to purchase online?

o Kes

o 2o

%n case o" answering no< answer this last question

E. Why you will not purchase !y online?


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o 2o complete knowledge a!out 0nternet usage

o 2o trust on this type o service

o Preer to choose the product

o 0ncludes an extra value to the purchase

%n case o" answering yes< continue the sur&ey#

@. Why you will purchase !y online?

o Saves time

o /ore practical

o Agility o payment

)(. Kou will !e likely to receive your purchase !y...

o 0mmediately

o ) day

o ' days

o = days

o 8 days

)). How oten will you purchase online?

o :nce a week

o -wice per week

o :nce two weeks

o :nce three weeks

)'. How much your !ill does when you purchase at /i ,omisariato?

o G)( G'(

o G'( G=(

o G=( G8(

o G8( G(

o G( G(

o G( GB(


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o GB( GE(

o Higher than GE(

)=. How much do you usually pay or home delivery service?


G).(o G'.((

o G'.(

o G=.((

o G=.(

o G8.((

o /ore than G8

)8. Which products will you !uy online?

o 6irst necessity goods

o Personal Hygiene

o Home cleaning goods

o 6ruitsLegeta!leso /eatchicken

o <esserts

0ce creamso ,an good

). How will you preer to pay or this service?

o ,ash

o ,heck

o ,redit ,ard

=ncuestas a clientes de Mi Comisariato

6echa; SJ!ado ' Iulio '((@

+ugares; /i ,omisariato 3ar4ota 5rdesa

). Sexo;

o 6emenino

o /asculino

'. 7dad;

=. Su ingreso promedio por mes;

o G)E( G8((

o G8(( G'(

o G'( GE8(

o GE8( G)((


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o G)(( G)'E(

o G)'E( G)((

o /ayor a G)((

8. 5sted hace sus compras de hogar en;

o Supermaxi

o /i ,omisariato

o :tro #especii%ue$

. uQ tan recuente hace sus compras;

o 5na ve4 por semana

o <os veces por semana

o 5na ve4 cada dos semanas

o 5na ve4 cada tres semanas

. Hay casos en el %ue no logra ir al supermercado por%ue;

o 2o tuvo tiempo de ir

o AlgOn evento de tra!a*o

o AlgOn inconveniente

B. N7stara dispuesto a reali4ar sus compras por internet?

o Si

o 2o

=n caso de res!onder no< res!onder esta Dltima !regunta#

E. Ra4ones por las cuales no comprara por internet

o 2o tiene conocimiento completo acerca el mane*o de internet

o 2o cona en dicho tipo de servicio


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)=. ,uando hace pedidos a domicilio N,uJnto generalmente paga por ellos?

o G).(

o G'.((

o G'.(

o G=.((

o G=.(

o G8.((

o /Js de G8

)8. NuQ artculos comprara por internet?

o Productos de necesidad !Jsica

o Productos de higiene personal

o 5tensilios de limpie4a del hogar

o 6rutas y vegetales

o ,arnepolloem!utidos

o <ulcesHelados


). N,Mmo pagara por este servicio?

o 7ectivo

o ,he%ue

o -ar*eta de crQdito

>i!liography and Reerences

• 7l Rosado. FHistoriaF


• Hoang Paul. 'usiness and Management. 0>0< Press. Lictoria Australia. '(((B.