REPATRIATION Á.GR.EEMENT The FRN sonsÍders that the Setfling Parties eomrBtly receivcd money and olher bene-fits during" the period when Gcneral Sani Ab¿oha, GCFR rvas the Hcad of State of the Federal Re¡ublic ofNigeria, and that they h,ave oo-nçealed the,proceeds of such eonuption, These allegations æe denied by the gettling pa,rfies. THIS AGREEMENT is enrered into betwaen: I' The Federal Republic of Nigula represented by the Honourable .A,rtorney Genpr¿l pf the Federation and Mjnister of Justice, Mr; Mohammed Bello .t'A'dolçe SAN, CFR hav,ing boenduly authorized by tl¡e Presldent of ttre Fcderal Republic of Nigeria(rhe FRN); and 2, Mohammed sani Abacha (MsA) and Abba Abaoha (AA) each on his o'rm behalf and on bchalf of thaffiliates (together with MSA and AA, the Settling Parties) RECIT'ALS The FRN hÊs itself eariEd out investigations and has sough1 intemational .iudieial assistance tO asSÍst i rrg allegations against the Setfling paft¡es, and has obtained. (îtself or al judicial assisranèe) civil anJ oriminal ordçrs to freeze asrets that it suspects to h¿ve been çorr¡¡ptly obtained with a view to their ssizure as the prosceds of oorruption. c. MSA, "A,A 4r¡dthe FRN _n-oril agtr.ee thaf it is appropriate th¿t alt the proBerty in qucstion, in respecl of whlch thc FRN,has (alone or with intcr¡atío-nal judicîat a$sistance or 'by participatirlg as plaintiff.in erirninat proceedíngs conducted by fureign auúhoritíes) bee.n carr¡ring out investlgations of has obtsinsd scizures or fteezes, repatriared to thç jurisdictio-n of NÍgeria and all disputes, claims and A. B. siould be between flr_e definitively Ênded,

Repatriation Agreement

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Confidential agreement between the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Mohammed Sani Abacha and Abba Abacha

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    The FRN sonsders that the Setfling Parties eomrBtly receivcd money andolher bene-fits during" the period when Gcneral Sani Aboha, GCFR rvas the Hcad ofState of the Federal Reublic ofNigeria, and that they h,ave oo-nealed the,proceeds ofsuch eonuption, These allegations e denied by the gettling pa,rfies.

    THIS AGREEMENT is enrered into betwaen:

    I' The Federal Republic of Nigula represented by the Honourable .A,rtorneyGenprl pf the Federation and Mjnister of Justice, Mr; Mohammed Bello.t'A'dole SAN, CFR hav,ing boenduly authorized by tle Presldent of ttre FcderalRepublic of Nigeria(rhe FRN); and

    2, Mohammed sani Abacha (MsA) and Abba Abaoha (AA) each on his o'rmbehalf and on bchalf of th affiliates (together with MSA and AA, theSettling Parties)


    The FRN hs itself eariEd out investigations and has sough1 intemational.iudieial assistance tO asSst i rrg allegations against the Setfling paftes,and has obtained. (tself or al judicial assisrane) civil anJ oriminalordrs to freeze asrets that it suspects to hve been orrptly obtained with a view totheir ssizure as the prosceds of oorruption.


    MSA, "A,A 4rdthe FRN _n-oril agtr.ee thaf it is appropriate tht alt the proBerty inqucstion, in respecl of whlch thc FRN,has (alone or with intcrato-nal judicata$sistance or 'by participatirlg as plaintiff.in erirninat proceedngs conducted by fureignauhorites) bee.n carrring out investlgations of has obtsinsd scizures or fteezes,

    repatriared to th jurisdictio-n of Ngeria and all disputes, claims and



    siould bebetween flr_e definitively nded,

  • IFRN'

    'Legal F'oes!!

    'Cntou of Goneva Account' rnan$ an acount under the control of the AttornoyGenral of th Canton of Geneva ftom whichpymnt will be made in accordane withSchedul. 3.

    'Fatnlly' mans any ond all of the desendan$ of Gene.ralSani Abasha and any prson who is or ,ever has,been maried to the latter or to sueh a deseendaut,

    moansithe Federal Republic of Nigeria.

    ,lneans the p.aymnts to be nlade unde thisagfeeillnt

    rneas Mohanmd -SanI Abaha.

    ;fneans the panies to this Agreenent and Parfymans any ae ofthen,

    means the.asrets dentficd as such $ghdulc I tofhis agreement,

    rnan. any ,and all matters that havc aro ofoorld ,bc in dispute bc-tweo le, Farties. TlrcRosolved Matteru include (but are not llmited ro)lall ovil elalms, all administrative clais, atl claimsariqing oui ofl dorivng fr.on or sooiatd withcriminalproocedingp'(iueludingrostraln!forfetureor conffscation pfoceedings), the claims made bydrs fRN in relation to $otrfty:v,o.tp$ (London HiglrCogrt, No 1,I0J CO3:26CI) (rhe ,$ecuri VotesProceedings), Ajaokuta (London Hlgh Court, IgggFolio No 831), Ferrostaal, vaccnes, lhe Imo Riveldredging oetract and othor goverrunent gontracts.

    means the proceedings brought b-y the 'RN,agenstMp+ and oths in the- English Ftrig Corrt, No.HC0t co3620,

    *Residual London Monies'

    'Rgsolvod Maffels'

    '8 ecuri Yote Proceedln gs:t

    'Setfllng Patles'rUS Claim Assets'

    rneans,MSA, AA,aRd the A.ffiliates.

    rris tho assefs identified as srh ln Schedule I t'o


  • ' Warburg Lltiga tion':; meaRs acton for damages against MM W'arbur-gand Cp -ux-embourg SA and othe poiontTaldefendants- in conneptlon. of a portfolio loss ofapproxirnafely .EU.R I25 Mitlion incuried by thsLuxombourg,Fimls, as definedin Shedul l:to this.Agr-e,smerrt, in ol befoe 9001.

    Altcle 2


    (l) This Agrepmert frnally resolves and rleass all clqins, allegations andtiabilities sf any kind that exist or might cxist a$ainst flre $ettting Partles infavorr of or at tho suit of any or-g4n of governrnent of the FRN in relatipn tothoResplv-ed Mqtters

    This ,{greement also reolvos ad rcleass all civil clams, allegatlons andtiabiltties,of any kind that exist or rnight exist against the FRN n favour of or atthe suit of the Settling Parties.

    (3) No Pa,rty ,will brihg ar/ nerv proceedihgs nor pursue fithef' anr ,existiagBreeedngS in relalon ts tho Resolved Matters save a0'rieco-Bsa$, to cnfotcethis Agreo-me,n,t.

    (4) Tc FRN :snfrrm lbat,forn the date s.f thl$ Agreement it will.reoogniso all, , righte of MSA, AA and tlre Family as citins under the corgtitutipn of the

    ee;Repblic of Ngeria tncludirrg to- f-toedom offiovement to and from andwithin Nigola ad right$ to property,

    (5) ln entering nto this Agreement tron,of the Parties has- rolied on disclosutesrnadc'oduties to mak disclosu by any Faty,

    ,Arteie 3


    (l) The Parfies wjll aoopert and each witl do (or refran from doing) all thingsnecs$a{y o cx$Dro that all th Assets are transfened to tbo jurisdiction ofNigeia in acsordanp with the terfflsof this Agreemont as soon as pQssihle,;whetherby fiansfcr y foreign Stas qr authorities, in cash or n kiqd, or by the


    agremefrt qf the Prties'

  • (ul To the exerlf p-ermissile under any d qlN Court Orders thet rnay resiotdealings wth the S Claim A-ssfs, the Settllng Parties hereby transfer tothc RN ,sriy agd all clalms or entitlemcnt to thc US CJalm Ametb. TheSettting Partles wtl not,assrt any claims in relation to thc US ClalmAssefs aontrafy to'the intrests of the FIRN and will provde such thirdparty oonfirmatien of thc FRNt intcrst as is necessar'y to bring thetransfer Bf the US Clain Assets 1o the,FRN,into cffoct, including bringingapplicationu,to seck Cortapproval if.such ours is agq,eed with th fRN.

    (b) All clairns in the Security Votes Proceedings wtl be ended by entering anorder by ,consent in thg, terms of Schedule, 4 immdately qfrer thisAgr'eernent enters into fore, wereby the proceedings are disconfinuedagainst all the remainng Defendartts to thole proceedngs'with no order asto oosts (to,whieh,M$A, AA and defndanls 12-14, 17 and 18 in thoseproceedings wll also consnt) and wtth provinon that the ResidunlLotdon Monies wlll be transferred in accqrdancc wth tho ternts of thcoonsent order,(the Settling Parties shall tike ll reasonable steps to informthe FRIII one r'neelc in dvanc of,.the exact amouqt in U8D and value dtesf the tranofers toft Bf .{ccount, so as to ailow ih FRN,to instruct BtrStoaceept the transfers); and'

    (o) The Parfies' will do all things i'recesary for th trinsfr of thcIxembourg Assefs as dsscribed n Schedule I to ths Agreemcirt fo eCanton of Gneva .A.ccount, their applieation thceafter in gccordance

    . withlovisions- sf Schedule 3 of ths,Agreement and-, slbqquntly, to theending sfthe crimnalprosecution of AApending in the Canton of Genwa(prosc.edles F/12983{L 99) without a c-o.nvition,

    ,4rcle 4,

    (l) On recoipt of thc Assefs (oxcepting the US Ctaim Assetq) to the BI8 Aosount"the X,B,N w-ilf end any and all legal proedihgs and invgstigations aginst theetding Fa,fiies, includir,g but not.Umi!d,to fhe,followingi

    (a) Wifhd,ralral of any "and all requsls,f.be FRI\I h made of foreign $tar forinterlrational arrest, warrants"'againpt any or all of the .settltng Prrtles,requests. for mutual assistano in c-riminal mattcrs ifi connetion with any oral-l 'of tle, Setfling Pa-rtes, eriminal complants against;'any ot ,all ,of theSettling Partis and clainrs for cornpensation agpinsT an) gr all of theSettling Paities (inciuding clams by, ivay of oonfissation o forfeihrre), if

    maintain its rnutual,assistrp fquest of 28


    any, H the

  • August 2i,12 to the USA to the extet neasrary to achieve roovsry of theUS Ctaim ssets, in oash or in kind,

    (b) Th IRN must uso its best'ende4vpxr,s to effet such utithdrawal as.sgon,aspractisable, oonsistent with thi$ Agree,ment.

    (o) The FRN rryill wirhdaw qny and cll,civll proceedings against any or all ofthe Settling Parties.

    ,(d) The fBN will end any assis{anpe lt has provlded or agreed to prov.ide toforeign States ln relation to any or all of fhe Settltng Partios, arid ,ill notprovide 6aJi$$istnqe of any kid to 'forclgn States seokiqg suah- as"sistancein the fiture n rplation t fho Rcsolved l\la,tters any or all of the SettlingPartics or their assets, save in relation,to the proceedings brought by theUnted States Depaffnent ofJustce'in proedings idsnti-fied.as Case 1,:13.cv-Ol832JD,B" in ,respeot, of whih as.sistaqce may be provded tn thte-xfent ,flees,sary fo aoive the repaiation of thc US Clim Atsets toNiger'- in cash or in ttind.

    () The ilBI{ will potitvely assef in all legal proceedings in relation to theResolved Matters that any or all ofthe $eftling Parties face outside oftheFN that such proceedings sould be cnde.d with neither coavlotion norany findrlg of labilty oT any kiud against, aRy or all of the SefflingPaltlss,

    (D T!re, F.lRltl witl entl, wthout any finding of liability or guilt, any, and atlprocedtngs ,of, ruhatev.er lciod ind'luding cirnnl, ojvil or adrninishativeprogeedings contemplaled ,or pending ln ,a.qy oouf in Niee-ria (iac]udine inielation to forftiturc aud or resgain relating to ,or arising, out. of anJ,investiga.tions nto the itesolved Matters, ncludig in pr,licular therSeewity Votes allegations.

    (g) The X'Rl{ will prsvide to 4ny.geys.roErnfa authority or orgauisafio,q'r,"gtenessal,:f,! lnformationo clearango or sch ofhe-r doumentatign or Sltpportlas. rnay ,,required by any o atl ,sf the Settig Partiss ts e,ns'ure anduafahtGe urirestrioted hrovEme$ in and out ofNigeri;oritr any other Sfateol orllrJ.

    (2) Thp Fartlps will us their bcst endo4r'ouEto Agrel in adv,ance,the terns of thewithdrawal leftefi$ oi ther


    m entioned .in, paragri4ph {Z),fu oue.

  • Artcle,5

    PAY]!ENT OF PROI'ESTONAL -FEES(X) It is hero agreedthat;

    (a) the FRN shall Fay Mr. Enrico Monini of Mbnftini, Crpttol &Associet, fout (4) pgrcnt, of thc sums rccovcred a.nd to berepatriated to, or ftansferred to Nigeria, whether paid to thp BI$ccout 0r allqentd, in ,ash, in kind, or any fom, to, er.for thebencfit of, the F.RN or its,'peopie;

    ( thc FRN shall pay Christian Luscher of CMS Von Erlach PonceJ Ltd,two pont eight (2,8) psrcent (subjectto a cap of USD28,miton)" ofthe sufns rocovercd and to bo reparriatcd to_f, o,.r trans-ftlred tol.ligeria, whcthr paid to lhe BIS Acount o allocared" in ch, inkind, sf,ag fonn, to, or for ttre benefit of, the FRN or lts people;aud

    () the FRN shall pay to the raeount of h{. ERrico Monftini of Monfrlne{tol & dsosies [h surn of U8D5 Mijlio] be.ing opy onaceount for expenses n rcs.pcct sf the'IVerburg Litigfion,


    (D Subjoet to ,fhe eNeptionq se.t out ,in paugraph (2), this Agreement isconfidutial,

    (7) Ihe excoptions toaragraph (l) areas folloWs() this agreerneut may b disclosed y any FerrJ t9. any law ,eRforoemcnt,

    bodJr ourL Stae officlal, or govemmntal or ihternationat nsfutlsns forthep-urposes of gving ff,qct to Arliele 2- o.Articlc 3 or Articl-e,4;

    {b) , thts.4tre-ementmay be disclosed by anr Party if its dscloswe ,s requiredby !aw;

    (b) ths Agreement may be disolosd b,). urry perty to legal adyisors oapoountaRts or'professional f:nancial advsers, provj{ed thesubject equivalenl


    confidentialityrecipienl s

  • (d) this rA.greem-snt may be displo-sed by any Party with the writtcn eonsnt ofall the othrs;

    (e) any Party may discloss to nJ prsort that the Partles have agrsed torepatiate to theJurisdiction ofNigerla all asset$ in dlspUte b'etween thcnn.

    (l) Eah of'ft Perfios wqr-r-qnt$ tat'tbisslgnatties he1to lvarrrrts thatheTs duly

    Agreement is Seotiv.o. Each o"f thequthorid to sign this.A.groemert,

    (2) Fach Partr waives any riglrtto avoid this Ageenen;f'or Io pl:ahn any damagesfor rr-rlsrepresentation or non-dlsclosure (otlrer fhan frqudulentmisprccpntaticn),

    (l) Nothlng in this Agrcerp4t oonstitutes o w.llt berelio u,po-n.as afr adtnssion byany Fartf of any"civil or riminat libitif), or wsljgdoing,

    (2) Ihe 'RN waives any right,to olour sorre-reigp o State immunity in relafio.u to, r-ocoedings,atlsiag out sf this Agreerheiit'and fo thc enforcemnt sf gny oder

    or Judgment,made ih ruoh proceEdin,



    (t) This Agr+enenf is govemed by Englishlaw; Tfii Agrem,pnt iq rsubjeet to tlre exelusivejurisdiconof tlio English Oourts of

    England and weg cxqp{ tbat dre Parties may Eise anif rely on thisAgropient'n afiy trit.urral by'way of a,defence o a claim bruugh.t


  • (1) his Agreement ls effeetivg on exe-glion unless it is elecuted in counrpart inwhih ,Bse it wll tn'k cf"ft on mutual cxohang of o'xeputd coies

    of this

    ( Ttris A,greE.rnent s effgctiv-e an$ is to be onstrued without rofcrene o' or effpton, nw previou. .agte.rnent ot draft agreernent n relatio4 t the



    (2) ThorF'RN Will provide the Family with an executod lottcr in thtpn-Trs prescribedbY $chedule 2.

    (4) essaty for dtails te 'inof thls Agreerreu, ttY'in good faith to r 0n anY

    ush dereils based on r?I ov*niding prmJip of giving of this,Agreement- For these PurPosesl

    1; ttle FRN inevooab appoints Enioo Monini;'and

    ii, the Settling Parfips lncvocab$ apoint Nioola'Boulton

    to,xecuts subsidiary doeepts''rnd necss$.flry stePs- to giveffecf tc ths ;;u;tti provided th al of the' Partis s firstsought and obuined'

    will be no sf fhis, may 'be rati qirentlY


    (6) /iny c.ommunication under this Agreement will emade:i. to the FRN, b'Y send'ing the c




  • i, to the Settling Partirs, by seding the communication by ernail, fax and byfirst olass Bost to Njcola Boulton of Byrne and Fa-$ers, I Plough Place,London EC4A lDE, United Kingdom, ernailNicola.Boulton@bymeandpartners;ron, fr rumber +44 gO V84Z 1617,

    (7) Thc FRN hereby appoints Euico Monfrin sf Monfiini Crettol & Associs ofPlace'du ,Molard 3, r2fr4 Genrrq, switzertaqd,. as its gnt for srvices of anyprosedings ising from or n connetion witl this grcenrtnt and delivery totho Ngerian Fligh Cornmission in London wlth a copy by cnait or fax to MrMsnftini wlll be effective service.

    (8) The $ettliug,Parties'hereby gppoint Nisola Boulto of Byrne and Parrners, IPiough Place, London EC4A lDE, Uniterd Kqgdom, as its agent for servoes ofany p-rOeeedings ising from or in connection with this greemnt analdelivery to the o,ffice of Byne and Parfirers with a copy by email or fax will beef,fctive,serviee,

    (9) IfNicola B-oulton or her s.uqcpsor dies, resig4s ot beoornes inca,paeila$d fo:ariy feuon the Parties agrec that th $ettlinu Partie,q may ap,point a panner ofEyrne & Pa.r-trrr,,londqn (orrits successor)., in her ..tead, trfEnrico Monini ohls sucessot diss, reoigns or becomes incapacitated fo any reasen th,,Frheqgrce ffiat thc FN may appoinr a par{Fr of Monini cronot & Associ.s,Genpva (or its successor) in his stead,



    on his own cha.l.f and on behalf of the Afliates

    oa o[ his own behalf and on behalf of the.Affitiates



    Propsrfy t be repatriated

    Asse in which,MSA and/or A.A have or are alleged to have an interest in the'foilowingjursdictions:


    l, All asseti hcld ir acount$ at HSBC Bank Plc includirig seoifically Nos,. 3'120-5331,38,175076 and 3-8928864 inth name ofMohammed Abaoha,

    2" All sets held in accounts at SJandard Bank Plc, tnctuding specifioatfy No, 100110946in the nflrne of Standd Altiaga Goporaliodl4eosta Secqritiru Ine4peatsd, Itesspts,':tsgther with thpqs held ,by I{SBC,,q Englqr-rd and Jersey,,bcrng the US CtslmAssets,

    3. A,ll'assts (bclng th,c.Lpndon Residual Asef helil in accounts at Ctibank Privte,B,d ,iueJuding secicay Nos, 9058202't,,30538-2/019, 305382/843,,30538_2/0511 inthcnamp of'Navanio andNo. 305625 n.the name of Morgan Pr,ecwcmRf Oo.rporation,J:orsey. being

    l, .Jl asst held in acoount$ al Deuche Bank Interntjonal Ltd, inoluging s-ecfioollVNo. 392850.,in the Narre of Doraville Frgperte,Inc,,

    2, All sts hcld in aoounts et HStsCFrpnca. beF,:

    t Alt as-sets, h-Id in acoouffs at Banque SBA SA includlng:spec"if,roa Nos..22340588_rd 25,I000OOO in the,name of Rayvitle Interntional SA, No.,,223,40589 in the nanrc ofHrbour Engineerng and Consftuction I,td, and No. 2214065l iu tlrc name of:standardAlllane Go4poration,

    Luxernbourg, beins:

    1. All aspets currontly held under thc confol of the Caisse de C.onsignation.of the andDucy of ,used to be hpld in the following b_k ascsrrnrs: No


  • 73gttg6 in'rhe name rof Rlllce ttd, No, 778826 in the name of \t/rnbck Holdings Ltd,77gg34 in the name of Anuood Overseas Ltd, No. ?78542 in the name of L'arbridgeTrsding Ltd, No. ?78850 in, the narn of, Veulord Investrnents [-tQ, No. 7?8869 ih thenatne lf Sava.d Intf-national Ltd, No. ??S87? in the nlm of Junin Financs Lrd, No,77926I n thc ilarne of Rew,Matral Development arld'Trading Company Ltcl and No''1:tg.121 iu th ,,n$$ of Slcon dluminiuol ProduJs Ltd, 'at MM 'TVautg & CoLttxembo,ufg-$r-{,Luxcmbo-ulg(th'LuxnnbourgF'unds-')

    Z, ThesharCI of the follo,.wing Gornpans, eunently held by the Caisse de Gonp",ijon.Rilke Ltdo Wambeet l{oldings Ltd, Arwopt Overse Ltd,

    .tarbridge TrfliHiie LId}Vnford lnve Tments, Junin Fir,ranc,L-td and Savtud Internadonal Ltd (the 'Lx.emourg8aresl).

    Linchnstein hemg;

    zuR ?'56?2p8.64 r\'hi$h uscd to be on e'bank csotrnts treld y- Itaw Matodal.Developrnnt & Trading 8"4. ,and N-alim Anstalf conrrer-ted to USD10''380'011'11,rnlnUS coU1buton to llechtenotenas o(penses,of USD 259'5028, tralrsferred to theBI$ AccountOn'23 Deeernb-er 2013.

    EUR Ill':57gt495.03' whtch used lq, be on, tho bank ccountr held rby GltrFellota, Esablish$rent Kurita Establishulenl" KRH Capital Estalstment,

    coverted tq USD 232'I98il3'0.61', mnus a conlibution to Lohtenstjn's expenses' oTUSD tslh-e BI$ AcoFt',eu 25h fune 2014-



    Presidenfial Letter

    [ ] July 2014


    I hercby confirm that the Honourable Attomey Genral of thc Federation andMnister of Justiog M. Mohamuqad Eello ddoke SAI-{, e.F& has flll authority toconact in that capaoity in relation to the Repatiation Agrement between the FederalRepublic ofNigera snd Alhaji Mohanmed S.ani Abacha and Alhqii Atrb'oi{bacha.

    2. This authority includes the exesution of any dooument entered into, andforming part of tbe arrangenrents between th.e pqrties, inoluding sid letters ad letters ofwithdrawal of requests for assisfqnce.

    Dr Goodlck Eple lonalhan GFRPresident, Fpdedl ReBulio ef Nigeria


  • SC.I{EDIJLE 3The cffet of.,the Canlgn of Geneva Account

    It s grd amo. ng the Farties. who havc reoBived oonsent fro]n the Attorney Gneil of

    Geneva in.thet fgard that thc canton ofc.ene a Accounl will o-s'effctivc to'

    s) uke receipt of rnds rcleased from theLuxembourg Fundsi

    b) pay an amrount of CtIF3.Milllon ts the Canton of G'enela 'in respeet of i9$ettses;

    i) pay an afnount sf u$D750,000 in sottlemcnt ofthe fees of HBK Investment$"d) pay to the accoulrt ofMr, Empo Monftini ofMonfrini crettol & 'associts the sum'

    f usps Mllon being mony onaccount fsr epenscs in respect of the ltvarburg;itigation;

    ) pay in CIF,, Mr. Enrico Monfiini s & percpnt of the surns recovered o-rn L ' bgrepatf.iated to Nigeria,Undor -thiS agrpernent as profesSo-n.al fes;

    pey in ctxF, christian Lusoher of cMS vsn:Brlaoh Poncet Lfd, trruo point eighi-(2.8) per asses that t'ensteJn aqdLurembo repartriated professiorlalfces; and

    s) pay in US'dollrs (uSD) thc balunge sf rnds iheld on thc Canto of Genv

    agqu$t to BIS Aecotti.






    CLAIMNO. HCol C03260

    Form of Order








  • II



    UPON the Claimant and the 15rh & l6tltDefendant having agreed to the terms set out ln tho Schsdulehereto



    Further proceedings in this acton are stayed aganst defendants l2-18 and 25-95 (collectively theSettling efendants) upon the terms set out n the scheduled Agreemen$

    The Claimant and the Settling Defendants have leave to apply in order to carry the Agreementlnto effectl

    rThe Freezing Order of Mr Justice Hart dated 26 July 2001, 25 September 2001 and 30 October200l,theFreezingOrderofMrJustlceBlackburnedated 15August200l,andtheFreezingOriferof Mr Justice Lghtman dated 4 September 2001 (colleetively the Freezing Orders) shall bedscharged as against the Settllng Defendans.on paynent in.aqcordance with clause 4. of tlisOrder. Pending such payment any liquidation of .assets or trgirsfen .required to implement thescheduled agreement or the payments required by clause 4. of'this Oder shall be permitted.

    Payments shall be made forthwith of all amounts held at Gitibank Private Bank, 6tl' Floor,Citigroup Cente, 33 Canada Square, Canary lVharf, London EI4 sLE in the names of:

    a, Navanio; and

    b. Morgan Procurement Corporation

    As follows:

    a. An amount of 41 0,000 to the acoount of CMS Von Erlach Poncet Ltd; andb, An amount of f590,000 to the acsount of Mr Enrlco Monfrini of Monfrini Crettol &


    c, The remainder to acoount'F3. Reoovered Fu.ndst' in the name of the Ccnhal Bank ofNigeria with tte Banh fol Interational Settlemgnts, Basle (EICI BIBCHBB).

    5. Tlere shall be no order as to costs ofthis application or action.Dated this day of 20r4



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    CLAIMNO. HCol C03260



    Byrnc andPartrers

    I Plough Placc


    BC4A IDE

    Ref: NJB

    Tel:0?0 78421659


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