Remedial Measures in Astrology by G S Kapoor

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Remedial Measures in Astrology by G S Kapoor

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    Dr. G.S. Kapoor



    16, Ansari Road, Darya Ganj, New Delhi-110002(lNDlA\


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  • At A Glance

    Remedial Measures to avert tragedies anddisasters-Preliminary knowledge of birth

    chart and planetary aftlictions-Naturalfunctions and characteristics of planets.

    and evil results of their afflictions-Propitiation of planets through rnantras,

    charity, fasting and blessings of eldersand preceptors-Benefi cial effects ofColour Therapy-Remedial merits of

    Gems-Gem Therapy based on cosmiccolours of planets and gems-Cheap

    and proven Totkas fr611 ftom'Lal

    Kitab' for propitiation of planets-Remedial Measures illustrated by

    horoscope s-Remedial Measures fordiseases caused by sinful deeds-

    Rudraksha a panacea for all ills and'

    other gifts of Nature wiuh remedialmerits-Yontros of the planets-Some

    remedial mnntras for day to dayproblems.


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  • From The Author

    Our life is always full of diffisulfisg, pmblems andstress and strains. Keeping in view the busy schedule ofpeople in present day life, this book contains easy andsimple measures for protection from the malevolence ofplanets such,as grving in charity things connected withsuch planets and prayers, recitation of mantras, fasting,wearing of gem stones etc.

    The very simple, cheap and easy to perform remedialmeasures as given in the famous urdu fuk'Lo,l Kitab',have also been included in this book.

    The diseases caused by the planets with referene toeach Ascendant have been discussed and illustrated byhoroscopes and remedial measunes suggested in eachcase. The natural functions and nature of Sun, Moonand other planets and the evil they

    ",rn cause if afnicted,

    has been described in sulficient detail to enableappropriate remedial measures being taken in time.

    In brief, the material compiled in this book forprotection from evil consequences of a{Iliction ofplanets,is not only simple but also easy for practical use.


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    INTRODUCTIONCHAPTER I - Preliminary knowledge aboutbirth chart and some aspects of astrolory-Birthchart, houses, signs, constellations, planets,Vimsottari Dasha and information as to howplanets get effected.

    CIIAPTER II - Nature, functions andcharacteristics of planets-effects of theiraftlictions.CHAPTER III - Propitiation of Malevolentplanets by prayers-ltrings which are to be givenin charity-significance and utility of mantrasfor propitiation of planets-Vak Shakti-montrosfor lhe-diferent planets -Correct procedure forreciting mantras-Procedure for fasting-Beneficeffects of blessings from the elders etc.-Vedicmantros of Planets.CIIAPTER IV - Propitiation of Planets andColours-Division of the light of the Sun-Originof seven colours-Relationship of colours withvarious planets-Importance of ColourTherapy-Practical use of Colour Therapy.

    CHAPTER V - Remedial merits ofGemstones-Gems and Dharma shastraSpeciality in gems - the Ruling stone Principlesfor using gem stones-suitability of gem stonesfor various Ascendants.

    CHAPTER VI-Gem Therapy lhe seven raysand colours of rainbow-Their signifrcance andimportance-Cosmic colours of planets and theirgems-Principles of Gem fherapy and a glimpseof t"lu-the"apy-Need of cosmic rays for curingdiseases-Rahu and Ketu and their gems havealso cosmic rays-How to prepare GemMedicines.








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  • CHAPTER VII - Propitiation of planets-Cheap,simple, effective and easy to perform rities forpropitation of planets as given in Lal Kitab-Theexplanation about such beliefs-Their remedialvalues and practical utility.CIIAPTER VIII - Various kinds of afflictions ofplanets and their consequences-What isDestiny? Compoundable and non-compoundablesinful deeds-Information about the nature ofSun, Moon and other planets and consequentialevil effects of their afflictions-Suitable remedialmeasures.

    CIIAPTER IX - Remedial Measures illustratedthrough Birth Charts.CHAPTER X - Consideration of the twelvehouses in the context of remedial measures.CHAPTER XI - Remedial Measures for diseasescaused by sinful deeds, as given in PrasnaMarga.CHAPTER XII - The panacea of all ills-Gift,s ofnature possessing remedial measures-Use ofroots of herbs and plants for propitiation ofplanets.

    CHAPTER XIII - Yantras of Sun and otherplanets and their utility.CHAPTER XIV - Some remedtal mantras forsolving day to day problems.










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    Astrologr ls not determintstfc and it Ls given to man tochange the course cf events to avert the nfsery' zgony ancdtsasterthreatened by evil inJluences of cenain inauspiciouscombi::ations or dispositions of planets by t aking appropriateremedial measures tn time. This approach is quite scientificand is ln accordance with the modern lir'.e of thinking. Manls, no doubt, a creature of destiny but he is not entirely orabsolutely its slave. Man has some freeoorn of will and actionalso. If man has no such freedom how can he overcome hiskarmaand attain salvation or how will his soul merge withunlversal soul. Thus it should be accepted that there is'noplace for fatalism in astrologr. Fate and free will are two bladesof a scissor and we still do not know which blade operatestn cutting a paper. It is man's supreme duty to do his mitelrrespective of results lilrc a Nishkama KarmaryogL It is truethat errors of judgement creep in when we are destined.Miscalculations occur and our reasoning faculty becomeslnoperative and ineffective. The rnost important utility ofastrologr irs to forewarn man to enable hirr t o forearm himselfto face troubles and calamities and to take steps inaccordance with remedial principles of astrolo$y to overcomeor at least minimise the evil effects expected. To illustrate, ifrain is inevitable and we cannot escape from it or avert it,either we don't go out or take steps to avoid getting wet bythe use of a rain-coat or an umbrella. This is the precise scopeand function of remedial measures in astrolory..

    'The law of karma is not stifling and one only gets what onesows, yet it provides options and allows room for the operationof free will. In other words it provides a system where actionof a kind, though in the process of bearing results, can bemanoeuvred into relatively less impactful effects. That is, acertain consequence, though bound to result out of a certainaction, can be suitably alrtended to lose its sting. Not allcauses attract the discount. Some do, some do not, yet otherscome partly under the relief. Remedial measures are aconcomitant of this system"


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  • 10 REMEDI,AL MEASURES IN ASTROI.OCY'As in larv where there are compoundable and non-

    compoundable offences, so also do we have planetaryalllictions (arrshtas or dosl:rrs) that are amenable to shanft(palliatives) and those that are not."

    In this material world it is dilficult to saythat there is evenone person who has no problems to worry him. A man maJtbe loaded with millions or even billidns but if he has no issues,or has no properly a


    untoward happened. It is believed that when'a Yqina tspaJumed the sasr[ftcia] oblatiorts and. tfie sound uauesprduced bg the rythmlc chanting oJVedic mantrrrs have abeneflcial effect on the psycho-physical environment.Recltatlon


    GemsqrFrsRi f*mr{ov, hcri gRTsit {m,fliqv q h6q r.fii *qs qrafr-+1 lleiqer gq


    personal experlence we can say that prayers, if offered withfaith and due reverence to the deity, act as a very effectiveremedial measure in everyday life.

    How does the prayer work as a remedy ? The question isanswered as under-

    'When one prays one puts one's Ego (which is synonymouswith duality) to rest and supplicates the Universal Self forgrace. It is, too, well known that all human ills are the resultof Ego. When the little self or Ego is subdued, it allows forour true nature to function. Our true nature is but Divinityand Divinity means the end of all problems springing fromduality. In practice, when most of us pray there still remaintraces of Ego which refuse to be subdued completely and inproportion do our afllictions fade away or remain"



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  • IPreliminary knousledge about someimportant aspects oJ astrologg

    In order to understand the implications of remedialmeasures in astrologr it will be very beneficial for the readers(particularly those who have no knowledge of astrolog) tohave some idea about Rasls (Signs), planets, their ownershipof Rcrsis and Nakshatras (constellations), aspects of planetsand also ingredients of a birth chart or horoscope.

    (1) The birth chart is a map of the heavens which at thetime of birth of an individual shows the Ascendant rising atthat time and the position of the planets in the twelve housesor signs of the horoscope.

    (2) Rasls (Signs):To lmow about signs it is first necessaryto know what is Zodiac .7-odtac is a broad belt in the heavensextending about 9 degrees on each side of the ecliptic. Eclipticts the path of the Sun which (path) passes exactly throughthe centre of the Zodlac.TheZodiac is an imaginary circle of36O degrees and our ancients divided this circle into twelveequal parts of3o dcgrees each. Each equal part of3O degreests known as a sign (Rasr,l. Thus we have twelve signs in the7-odiac, namely-Aries (MesM, Taurus (Vrishcbtl, Gemini(Mitfuno), Cancer (karka),I,eo (Sunha], Virgo (Karua), Libra(TuIa), Scorpio (Vrischik), Sagittarius (Dhal::u), Capricorn(Makdr), Aquarius (KunbM and Pisces (Meeno).

    (3) Aries is the first sign. In horoscopes it is written as 'l'and Taurus is written as '2' and so no.

    (a) The following table shows the lords of the various signs.The signs possess the nature and qualities of their lords.

    Srgn Indication oJ SlEn Lord oJ ttw Sign





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    l 5


    lot lL2


    (5) Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Moon are mutual friends.Similarly Saturn, Venus and Mercury are Mutual friends.Rahu and Ketu are friends of Saturn, Venus and Mercury.Actually in nature Rahu is like Saturn and Ketu is like Mais.Friendship amongst individuals depends on the friendshipamongst the lords of the acending (Iagna).

    (6) There are some signs in which a planet becomespowerful and auspicious. If a planet is exalted in a particularsign, he is debilitated in the sign seventh to it. As the resultsare very much dependent on the strength of the planets itls necessary to know the signs of exaltation and debilitationof the various planets. This information is given in thefoilowing table :-

    Ptanet Sign oJ exaltation Sign oJ debilitation


    There is lack of consensus amongst the ancientu about theourn signs and signs of exaltation and debiliation ofRahu andKetu. According to Porashara's 'Brihot parashara Hora',(which ls available in English also) Rahu and Ketu do not ownany signs. They represent the lord of the sign in which they





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    are placed. Accordlng to this view Rahu is exalted in Taurus.nd aeUititated ln Scorpio, Ketu ls exalted tn Scorpio and isdebilitated in Taurus. According to

    'saruarth chinto:mat'd'Rahu.s exaltation sign is c,emini and the sign of debilitationls Sagittarius. The opposite is the case with Ketu'

    (7) Planets are of two main categories-beneflcs andmalefics. The benefics promote the good of ihe person or+.hings on whom they exert their influence. Malefics destroythe lhings they inlluence and bring misery and troubles tothe pers6n who falls their prey. It is, therefore, essential tolorow which planets are benefics and which are malefics irta birth chart.

    (8) The Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are naturalmalefics. Jupiter andVenus are naturalbenefics' Moon, whenshe is powerful, becomes a benefic and she is a malefic whenweak. The Moon on the Amornsday (last day of the dark halfof the lunar month) is nearest to the Sun. As a result theMoon becomes l.ustreless and entirely weak. Later with thestart of Shukta Pakstn (the bright half of the lunar month),Moon moves rorward from the Sun. When the Moon is forwardW 72 degrees from the Sun, she begins to gain strength. Uptothat stage the Moon remains weak and functions as a maleflc.Such a Moon ls called kaning Moon'. When Moon ls 18Odegrees away from the Sun, she is fully strong (Full Moon)and a full beneflc. In otherwords' the Moon goes on acquirlngstrength after she ts 72 degrees frqm the Sun. After the FullMoon day (Parnamasi), the Moon starts losing its strengthbut she remains Vardng'and abenefic until she is 72 degreesnear the Sun. On the Amcucs day, it is without any strength.

    (9) Mercury ts qlmbolised as a young boy Kumar). Wh-en.he is conJoined with a malefic, he beqomes a malefic.'ConJoined

    with a benefic, he becomes a benefic. He ls also abenefic when he is alone. Rahu and Ketu are shadowy planetsand do not function independently. If they are influenced bybenfics, they give favourable result in their maJor andsub periods. Results are opposite if they fall under thetnJluence of malefics.

    (fO) tate ShriJ.N. Bhasul a noted famous and very learnedastrologer and author of sweral books on Astrologr, hasorpressed the vlew in almost all his books that Rahu andKetu, in addition to havtng the 7th house aspect, also aspect


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    the 5th and 9th houses fror4 them. In support of his view hehas quoted the following sloka from the Bombay Edition of'Briitrrt Parorshnra Hora' :-

    , "gd+.efi{rgfEfu6rv,gqRqnqtt qTtrEfu qqft 1"

    In maintaining that Rahu and Ketu have the 5th house'7th house and fth house aspects, ShriBhasitlhas expressedthe view that if those planets are under the in-fluence ofbenefics, they communicate the beneficial effects of thosebenefics with their aspects. Similarly they transport the evileffects of the malefics influencin$ them.

    (1I) The sign rising in the eastern horizon at the time ofthe birth is called the Ascendant (I-agna).. In a horoscope thegood and bad effects of the planets are dependent on the risin$sign (Ascendant) to a great extent.

    (12) There are dilferentforms adopted for thehoroscope in different partsof the country. It ts the formof the horoscope followed lrtNorthern Indla:-

    The horoscope has twelvehouses as shown tn this'cnart. It will be seen thatthe numbers move anti-cloclcwlse. In thts form of horoscope the house No. 1 ls alwaystheAscendarrt (Wna) whatever be the rising sign. If the risingsign is Cancer the number 4 of this sign will be put in theFirst House.

    It is the form of thehoroscope followed ln SouthIndia.

    In thls form of horoscopethe place of stgns are fixedand are not lndicated bytheir numbers. In thtsform the house which ismarked No. I is alwaysAriesand movlng clockwise the

    )cl LagnaI II UI

    XI v

    x v



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    other houses ar Taurus,Gmlnl, Cancer and so on.But the number of thehouses change wfth thertsing slgn. Suppose ln aparttcular case Llbra ls theAscendant, then that will bethe Ist house and movlngclockwtse there wlll behouses II. m. tV and so on.The horoscope will then look as shown above :-

    (13) Now suppose a person say Shnmatllndira Gandfuwasbom at a time when Cancer (sign No. 4) was rising in theeastern horizon. Then in the North Indian form of horoscopeNo. 4 will be put in the first house. But in the South Indianform of horoscope the l-agrworAscendant will be marked inthe sign Cancer and that will become the first house tn thehoroscope.

    ( l ) The horoscope of Sffinattlrd:irrr Gandldlsas under :-

    Jupiter Ketu


    Moon Mars



    In this horoscope there ts the sign Cancer in the lirst house.The lord of this house is the Moon. The sign of the secondhouse is l,eo and its lord is the Sun. The sign of the thirdhouse is Virgo whose lord is Mercury. The lord of the fourthhousewith the sign Libra isVenus. The lord of the fifth housewith the sign Scorpio is Mars. The lord of the sixth house with

    VI vII vIII IX

    v x

    tV XI

    UI II IagnaI XII


    10 Moon


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    the slgn Sagllttarlus tsJuptter. The lord of the serrenth housewlth the sign Capricorn ls Saturn. The lord of the eighthhouseAquarlus rs abo Saturn. Ttre lord of ntnth house wlththe stgn Plsces is Juptter. The lord of the tenth house withthe sgn Arles ls Mars. The lord of the eleventh house withthe stgnTaurus ls Venus. The lord of twelfth house with theslgn Ceminf ls Mercury.

    (15) In the horoscope of Shrtmatr Indtra Gandhi the lordof the first house orAscendant is the Moon and ls placed inthe 7th house. (Houses are counted from the Ist house andin the counttng the Ist house ls also taken into account). TheMoon is thus postted tn the stgn of Saturn, her enemy' Thelord of the 2nd house (sign l-eo) Sun is posited in the friendlysign Scorpto of Mars, in the Sth house. Mercury lord of the3rd and 12th is conJoined with Sun in that house. The lofdof the 4th and I lth houses Venus is located in the 6th housewtth Rahu, in the sign Sagittarius. The lord of the Sth andloth houses Mars is placed in the friendly sign of Sun. Thelord of the 9th and the 6th Jupiter is placed in l lth in thesign Taurqs belonging to Jupiter's enemy Venus. The lord ofthe 7th and 8th Saturn is placed in the Ascendant in the signCancer belonging to Moon, hls enemy.

    (16) It is tmportant to know that wery planet exerts hislnfluence not only on the house in which he is posited butalso on other houses. The Sun, Moon, Mercury and Venusaspect fully the 7th house from them and exert their inlluencefor good or evil on that house. Mars, in addition to aspectingthe 7th house, also aspects fully the 4th and the 8th housefrom him. Jupiter in addition to his 7th house aspect, alsoaspects the 5th and 9th houses from him. Saturn in additionto the 7th house aspect also aspects fully the 3rd and lothhouses from him. Rahu and Ketu aspect the 7th house fromthem (and according to ShriBhasurthe 5th and 9th housesalso).

    ( 16A) In the horoscope of Shrimati Indira Gandhi the lordof the Ascendant is posited in Capricorn in the 7th house.From there Saturn aspects Moon by hiq 7th house aspect andMoon frorn the 7th house aspects Saturn with his 7th houseaspect. The lord of 2nd Sun is located in the 5th house withMercury 0ord of the 3rd and l2th). They are aspected by Mars


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    by hls 4th house aspcct and by Juptter by hls 7th holTaipect. Sun and Mercury also aspect Juplterwlth thelr 7thhouse aspect. The lord ofthe 4th and the l lth Venus ls placedtn the slgn Saglttarlus tn the 6th house. Ketu aspects Venusfrom the f Ztfr trouse by hls 7th house aspect. Mars frorn the2nd house also aspects the slgnAquarlus ln the 8th houscby hls 7th house aspect and the slgn Pfsces tn the 9th houseUir t lr Sth house aspect. Rahu In the 6th house aspects thetith house (and also Mars ln the 2nd house by hts gth houseaspect). Juplter who ts placed tn the I lth house also aspectsthl sfnvlrgo ln the 3rd house by hrs Sth house aspect andbt'hls gth house aspect, he aspects the Moon and the slgnCaprlcorn ln the 7th house as well. Saturn poslted ln C,ancerln the Ascendant also aspects the slgn Vlrgo ln the 3rd houseandbyhts lOth house aspect, aspects the slgnArles and tfeloth irouse. Venus from the 6th house aspects Ketu ln thel2th house.

    (r7) The assessrrent of tlmlng of the effects of the planetsls made lrr thelr m4for and sub-periods. The maJor -pertod tscalculatecl according to the posltlon of Moon at the ttme ofblrth. The m4for perfoa of that planet prevails at the time ofblrth who ls lord of the constellatton (Nakshctra,l ln whtchMoon ts poslted at the trme of blrth. It [s, thereJae, essentlalJu those wlo twrr. soJar rwt acqrird- ong krowledge oJ-Asvdqg,

    totsrotD ttelords oJtle a nstellotlotts wlp are 27nrusntrer.The followtng tables gfve detatled tnformatton tnthls regarf

    Ftqn To DuratlonSIgn Deg. SW Deg. oJ MQU

    -Mttu MtL WId-


    Cmstellottqt Lod oJCnrnsteU'a-tlon






    181 619T 7



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    Cmstellatlmt Lud oJ Ftom&nstella- SUn tuq.

    t frort MItu

    To. DuratlonSign Deg. oJ Mo$or

    MtL period-aears

    MagtuP. phrrlgtntlU. PhalgurnHastaCttltaSuraflVlshnkhrrArturadhaJgestho







    Cmstellatlst Lud oJ FtqnCrrnstr,llo.- SIgn kg.tlon MtL

    To DurotlonSUn kg. oJ M@or

    MtL Wriod-aeqrs

    [email protected]. olshndaU. Ashad.rrShrauanDhflrdstrrSatnbhlsha.P. bhadroU. bhodraRersatl

    KetuVenusSunMoonMarsRahuJupiterSaturnMercury r.03.2011.16 .40 .40r2.oo.oo




    Total L20


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    (f8) This system of dtrectional firlluence is lorown asVlmstuttafiDasa Syste m. Vlmstottortmeans I 2O. Accordtngto this system, the total of the periods of all the planets comesto 12O years as shown below :-


    Planet Dwatlon oJDasa


    6 yearslO years7 years18 years16 years19 years17 years7 years2O years

    Total 12O years

    Note ::The maJor periods run in the order shown above.(19) For the sake of illustration let us suppose that at the

    time of birth of a certain individual, the longitude of the Moon{Chandra Spasfl was lO-6-42 (1.e. Aquarius 6 Degrees 42minutes). If we see the table in para 17, we find that Moonis in Satabhisha whlch stretches from 1O-6-40 to 1O-2O-O.Thus we would come to know at once that at the time of birththe person concerned was having the major period of Rahu.

    (2O) Now we will have to find how much of the maJor pertodwas to run at the time of birth. It will be seen that total stretchof Satabhishais I3-2O'(13 degrees and 2Omtnutes) i.e. from10-6-40 to IO-2O-O. Only 2 minutes of longitude have beentravelled by Rahu, and he has still to rr.n through 13 degreesand lSmtnutes. When 13 degrees and 2Omtreutes are equalto 18 years, 13 degrees and l8 minutes will be equal to 17years I I months and 2O days. This means that the remainingperiod of Rahu's maJor pertod would be 17 years I I monthsand 2O days. After the major period of Rahu will come themajor period ofJupiterwhich will last for,16years. Then willcome 19 years of Saturn and 17 years of Mercury and so onin the order given in para lB.


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    (2 f ) When we say that the maJor period of a planet remainslrr operatlon for 20. I B or I 6 years it does not mean that thatplanet ontywill rule for all these years. What actually happensls that the maJor period ls divided into sub-periods of all thenlne planets whose maJor period is in force and other sub-periods will belong to other planets in the order given inpara 18. The lord of the sub-period if strong will have hislnJluence durtng lord sub-period. We are sorry we cannot gotn further detail on thts subject for want of space.

    (22) In every horoscope there are twelve houses. Thehouses are known in Hindi as (l)Tanu, (2)Dhana, (3) Sahaj,(4) Sukha, (5) Suta, (6) Ripu, (7)Jaya. (8) Ayu, (9) Dharma,(IO) Karma, (l l) Labha and (r2) Vyaya.

    The significations of the twelve houses are as under :-Flrst House or Longa (Ascendan0-Body, complexion.

    longevity, wealth, fame, height, environments at the time ofbirth, infant stage, head, intelligence, character, constitution,health, vitality and vigiour, natural dispositions andtendencies, personality and struggle forlife, honour, dignity,prosperity, general well being, virtues, start in life and an ideaof the general trend of life.

    Second Housa-Money matters, fortune, profit, gain or loss,one's power and resources, worldly attainments, jewellery,precious stones, speech, visron, teeth, chin, family members.This is also house of death or ntarak stho,na.

    Third House-Mental inclination, ability, memory, courage,valour, youngerbrothers or sisters, cousin, neighbours, shorttravels, communications, correspondence, writings, signingcontracts or agreements, hands, throat, nervous system.

    Fourth House-Mother, minds, one's home (native place),residence,domestic environments, grains, private affairs,secret life, vehicles, fields, mines, buildings, ancestralproperty, hidden treasure, academic education, wells, water,milk, ponds, rivers, lakes.

    Flfth House-Progeny (children), inclinations, pleasure,artistic talents, competitive activities, love alfairs, lottery,ambassadors, good or bad morals, mantra tan/ra, highlearning and wisdom, enonnous riches, spiritual practice.


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    Sfxth House-Siclmess, disease, nurstng, food, servlce,employees, subordlnates or servants, debts, cattle, tenants,enemies, maternal uncle, miserliness, lntense anguish.

    Seuentft House-House of union or earthly ties, legalbondage, partner tn Me (wife or husband), partner inbusiness, conjugal ltfe, litigatton, lnlluence in foreigncountries and reputatton achleved there, danger to life,maroka stlnno (house of death).

    Ephth Hous+longeyity (also called house of death),lnheritance, legacies, wills, insurance, pension and gratu lty,accidents, fire, suiclde, death by drowning, misery,misfortune, sorrow, strife, worries, disgrace, delay,disappointment, defeat, loss, theft, robbery.

    Ninth House-Faith, wtsdom, divine worship, fortune(bhogVa), philosophy, religious beliefs, meditation,forethought, places of worship, charity, sacrifices, father,preceptor, teachlng, dlurma" longJourneys, sea and air travel,hlgher educatlon, foretgn travel, knees.

    Tenth House--Honour, dtgntty, public esteem, name andfame, power and prestige, credtt (for good work) and conduct,success and status, respect and reputation, ambition andauthority, worldly activittes, promotion, advancement,profession, gwernment, high posttions such asPresident andPrlrne Minister or Mlnister, ptlgrfmage to holy places.

    Eleuenth Hous*F)dends, favourttes, ambttlons, wtshes,desires and thetr fulfllment, gatns of wealth, success inundertaldngs, profits, prospertty, elder brother, dawn offortune, ankles.

    Tv:eIJth Hous*Loss and tmpediments, llmitations,extravagence, expenses, drudgery and deception,lnvestments, donations, separation from family, goirg to faraway places, poverty, imprisonment, secret enemies,disgrace, feet, left eye, comforts of bed, life in a foreign place.

    Formore details of preliminary and adequate knowledge ofastrologr readers are advised to read our book 'lzarnAstrolqg the Easy Wag'in English or'ailfrEftf in Hindi,both published by Ra4jan Publrcations, t 6 Ansan R oad, N ewDehi-11OOO2.


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    Planetary AfflictionsAs this bock deals with remedtal measures for evils caused

    by planetary aflllctlons tt u:{ll be oJ great use to lstow tt whatnvuvlrrr the planets and,tle var'tous houses oJtte laroscopeget qfJttcted

    A planet is sald to be alllicted in the followingclrcumstances-

    ( I) When the planet is combust :- on account of nearnessto the sun as indicated below:-

    to L2 degrees, . L7, , 13, , I I , ,, , 09 ,,, , 15

    In our opinion if a planet ls within 3 degrees of the Sun,he should be treated as really combust and without anystrength.

    (2) When the planet ls posited rn the 6th, 8th or l2th house(which are considered as inauspicious houses) and is deprivedof aspect of Jupiter, Venus or full Moon.

    (3) When a planet is in debilitation and debilitation ls notcancelled. (For principles of cancellation of debilitation, seeour book'Learn Astrologr the Easy WuyJ.

    (4) When a planet is conJotned wrth a malefic and fs notaspected by a benefic like Jupiter, Venus or full Moon.

    (5) When a planet is conJoined with lord of the 6th, 8th or12th house and ts bereft of aspect by a benelic.

    (6) When a planet is tn exaltation and is retrograde(retrograde : movit:tg in the reverse direction i.e. movingbaclnvards tnstead of direct motion).

    A house is said to be afflicted when it is aspected by amalefic, or a malefic is posited in it, or when the lord of thehouse is in any of the six circumstances mentioned above.The aspect of a benefic like Jupiter or Venus mitigates theaflliction to a great extent. A planet in the sign of an enemyloses some of its strength but is not to be treated as aIllicted.

    Moon upMarsMercury ,,Jupiter ,,VenusSaturn


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    We give below some lllustrative horoscopes showtngaffltction of planets.

    Rasl Chart No. I

    Lord of Lagna Venusthough conJoined wtth theSun is not allltcted becauseof the aspect of Jupiter. The2nd house is affllctedbecause lt is aspected bySaturn and tts lord lsconJoined with Rahu. Theresult is that the native oftenlncurs losses of money onaccount of deceptton by





    Juplter(R) Lagina Ketupeople (enemies). The sixth house is allllcted on account ofthe presence of malefics Mars and Rahu. The native alwayssulfers from some disease or other. The loth house and itslord are alllicted by the aspect of Saturn and there is no aspectof a beneftc on them. The result ls that the native alwaysremains worried for some reason of other and faces a numberof set backs in hls career. The 8th house ls afllicted by thepresence of Saturn in it and the 12th house is afftcted by thepresence of Ketu there and aspect of Mars and Rahu with theresult that the native has been put to financial loss very oftenand iulfers from eye troubles. The 4th House is afftctedbecause the lord of the 4th Saturn is in the 8th house. Onaccount of the alllictton of the 4th house. the nattue did notachiwe any dtstinctton tn the educatlonal lield and wasdeprtued of hts share lnthe ancestral property. His domesticItfe is also disturbed. Although the lord of the 5th houseSaturn is in the 8th, he aspects the 5th house( hts own house)wtth his lOth aspect. Therefore, this house is not alllicted.The native has not, therefore, been deprived of chlldren and


    Rasl Chart No. 2'The l-agna is alflicted because the lord of LagnaMercury

    is with malefics Mars and Sun in the 12th house. There isKetu present Xr Iognoand Iagnalord Mercury is the lord of


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    4th house also. Themitigating factors are thatthere is Venus in his ownsign in l2th and Jupiter isaspecting the 12th house.Though the native has badhealth at times there are nocritical problems. But his lifeand educational career havebeen full of struggles. Nowsee the Sth house. lnrd ofSth Venus is in the l2th. He is associated with Mars and Sun.Venus is combust beingvery nearto the Sun. Jupiter's aspectdid not help much because Jupiter is also a{Ilicted on accountof aspect of Saturn (loth aspect), Mars and Sun. Though thenative got children, none of them survived. The lord of thelOth house Jupiter is in the 6th house. As said above Jupiteris alllicted also, but the loth house is not very much afflictedbecause Jupiter aspects the lOth house (his own house). Thenative though started humbly is now well set up in hisprofession. Saturn as lord of 9th in gth has helped him a lot.The 7th house (house of married happiness) is also afflictedbecause of the evil inlluence of Rahu and Ketu. The lord ofthe 7th is in the 6th. Native's married life is not normal.

    We are in a position to produce hundreds of horoscopes butwe are unable to give anymore tllustrations for lack of space.The two above should suffice for the purpose we had in view.namely to show how the planets and houses get afllicted andbring troubles in the lives of the people-and this brings usto remedial measures which is the real subject matter of thlsbook.





    Rahu Juplter


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  • 2Nature, _functions o;nd charolcters

    oJ planets


    salvation, who is the soul of the sages (who lmow themselves)'who ls the obJect of worshlp among those who performsacrtfices, who is chief among the gods' planets and stars (thecentre of the unlverse), who is the author for destruction'creation and preservation of all the worlds, who is irrvokedirr the Vedas in various ways-may that Sun of variegatedrays, the light of three worlds, glve us speech.

    Sun stands to us as a symbol of spirit. Sun is the soul ofKalapunsho (The Moon is his mind, Mercury is his speech,Mars ishis strength, Jupiter is his lsrowledge and happiness'Venus is his desire and Satum is his misery, etc.)' It is saidthat the sweral constituents of Kalapunsho are either strongorweakaccordingto the strength of the planets representingthem, only Saturn is exempted. Whenever Saturn is weakmisery witt te much greater and will predominate' But ifSaturn is strong there will be less misery.

    For all human beings Sun represents the positive andprimal fount. Moon represents the negative inJluence. Sunls constructive and creative while Moon is preserving andformative. Sun is the father, Moon is the mother.

    The Sun offers us the power of resistance and vitality' Hegovernsthe inspiration and expiration, i.e' breath of life' Alsohe rules over our consciousness and denotes the individualitywhereas the form and personaliff are attributed to Moon' Sungives the force and self will and makes one determined anddecistve. According t o Br'tlti:;tJo;tak the Sun possesses a dark-red form. The Moon is whlte. Mars ts of pale red colour'Mercury has the dark green hue of Durua (grass). Jupiter hasa body of yellowish hue. Venus is neither very white nor veryblack. Saturn is dark in form. Rahu is of smolry colour andKetu is of variegated colours- The substances ascribed toplanets from Sun onwards are copper' gems, gold' alloy ofmetals, silver, Pearls and iron.

    We are sorry, we have created some confusionbybringitlgall the planets in our description. This is because they arementioned in this manner in the classical texts. Now we willconfine ourselves to the Sun.

    The Sun rules the heart, so also the sign l.eo (Sunhc)denotes the heart of the Kalapurusha. Sun also represents


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    the right eye rr men and left eye rn women. The mouth, throat,spleen and brain are also indicated by Sun.

    sun tohen qfflictedwnl cause defects in the heart or in theeye sight. Saturn alllicilng the Sun causes low bloodpreassure. Mars alllicting the Sun causes haemorrhage,cardiac thrombosis etc. The constitution wtll be overheaiedand bilious. Sun also denotes cerebral menengitis, eruptionsof the face, loss of speech as a result of cerebral alrection,sharp fevers, typhoid, polypus, epilepsy, bile complaints,sun-stroke, scorches and diseases in the head.


    Beneficial Sungives ambition, boldness, brilliance, capacityto command, dignity, energ/, elevation in rank, faith, fame,gr?ce, generosity, health, hope, happiness, individuality,influence, Joy, kind heart, l,ringly appearance, loydlty,magnanimity, nobility, optimism, power, respect to elders,reputation, royalty, regality, success in worldiy affairs, goodtemperarnent, vigour and vitality.

    Alllicted sun takes away all these good effects and makesone arrogant, a blulf, domineering, egoistical, faithless,vainglorious, haughty, jeaous, lavish, over_ambitious orambitionless, pompous and prou d, self- opinionated, irritable,angry and spiteful.

    MOON (Chandra)Sun ls satd to be the generator of power whereas Moon is

    considered to be the conductor of pbwer lent by the Sun.-

    The rays of the Sun reflected by the Moon dispel thepaltrnep of the night on earth iust in the same *"irr.. ""Itght reflected from a mirror pliced in the sun removes thedarloress in the house.

    Sun gives the sptrit and ltfe to all planets and the Moon issaid to rule over the lives of the beings on earth. Sunrepresents individuality whereas Moon shows one,spersonality. Moon also represents mother. sun is masculineand Moon is feminine. Hence the person born under therulership of Moon becomes timid, vicillating, receptive andconvertible. Sun is a fiery planet whereas Moon is a watervone.


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    Moongwernso\/erimpregnation'conception'b|rthofchild'the animat instinct, the unlon and the embryo' She also rulesthe tnfant sta$e of a person and has a powerful influence ontheir lives. Afllicted Moon at the time of birth causes ailmentsfrequent$ and does not allow the native to have properg.o*Ut. Siomach will be upset and frequent vomitUng reducesvitality.

    Moonisacoldplanet.AfnictedMoonoftencausescoldandfever. Her characteristic is changeability. Hence her influenceisunset t l ing . I fone is inserv ice ,h isdes i rewi l lbe tohavefrequent ctringes. He will often change his residence. Moon-olr."rr.ry fasi and is waxing and waning' The pers-ons bornwith Moon as their ruling planet (natives of CancerAscendant) will ever be unsettled, wavering and vacillating'

    A!flicted.Mooncausesindecision,lackofmentalbalanceanisuffering from over-anxiety. If Moon is afflicted by Mars'the person i^ritt U" impulsive, rash and reckless and willdeveiop strong attraction to the r:pposite sex, causing illhealt t r 'andbringingbadreputat ion.I fMoonisamictedbySaturn, the person will be depressed and funky' He will havefear and tnfeiiority complex. He will also become pessimistic.He will have weak concentration power. Allliction of Moon alsodisturbs familY life.

    The diseases causedby an alflicted Moon are: Eye diseases,lunacy, paralysis, hysteria' epilepsy, dropsy' Beri-beri' cold'cor-rgh, colic pains, worrns, intestinal disorders' catamenialdisorders, tumours, peritonites, throat troubles' asthma'eosonophilia, bronch it is, varicos veins, complicattons due todxcess of drinks' hydrocele, dysentry,scrofula' nervousdebility, gastric troubles' cancer, typhoid, etc'

    MARS (MangaL X4iclMars is one of the outer planets. It is nearer to the Earth

    than any of other outer planets like Jupiter or Saturn etc'

    Marsisredincolour.Soits l ight isreddishinappearance'Mars is a dry, fiery planet masculine by nature' Mars is

    significator of energy, both constructive and destructive'depending upon hi- position, aspects and location in thenoioscope. Mars has huch to do with one's ambitions and


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    desires. Mars q;mbolises the senses and rules over the animallnstincts in man. If Mars is not alllicted and receivesfavourable aspects, it olfersgood qualiUes as self-conlldence,endurance, sharp wit, faculty to argue, go ahead spirit etc.Mars bestows one wtth qulck mental acttvity and extra-ordinary muscular strength, great organising abiltty, powerfor practical executlon, independent sptrit, force of character,strong determlnation, ambition to come out successful in thematerial world tnspite of oppositlons and above all leadershipln all pursuits. Mars gives the chance to accomplishwerything which one deslres, tn a resourceful and ingeniousmanner.

    IJMars is weak and qlflictcdin a horoscope, the native willbe rough, wtll lose temper quickly and will be fool-hardy.A3Mars rules over contentlons and strife, one will be quarrel-some. If Mars is weak and alllicted all the good qualitiesmentioned above wtll be absent. Whenever there is anydillerence of opinion such a natlve wtll rely more in theapplicatton of brute force than to argue tntelligently and try

    ,to convlnce logically. He would always be ready for violence.He will not achieve success ln ltfe on account of lack ofambition and effort. He will become an extremist and a sexualpervert. Mars is the chlef governor for brothers and landedproperty. If Mars is alfucted the brothers will suffer and eitherthere will be no landed property or it wlll be destroyed by thenature of his reckless actions.

    Mars gorerns the external sex organs, muscular system,left ear, face, head, sense of taste, the bladder, nose, pelvisof lddney, prostrate gland, rectum, the colon, the testicles andbone marrow.

    If Mars ls allltcted the person concerned ts likety to sufferfrom the following dlseases-all acute fevers, plague, small-pox, chtcken-pox, mumps, inllammatory complaints, burns,ruptures of capillaries, ftstula, wounds, cuts, brain fwer,haemmorrhage, typhoid, ulcer ln the intesilnes, hernla,appendicitis, muscular rheumatism, boils, carbuncles.tumour, septic poisoning tetanus, etc.

    In the horoscopes of nations an afllicted Mars can causedffferences of opinion, disputes, difficu lt ies, misunderstand-



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    lrrgs and quarrels amongst leaders. He can also cause wars,restlessness in the state, revolution, violence, rlots'disturbances, murders, rapes, loot' bloodshed, etc. Accordingto the late Shri Kri.shnamurtL who gave birth to theKrlshnamurtiPaddfwti', a new system of astrolog5r' it would

    be "advantageous for the Flindu women to wear red stones,put on red kurnkum, use red clothes etc. Because from thetime of blrth till the end of llfe at every stage. it is Mars whohas to protect them e.g. (1) In infancy to have resistanceagainst diseases, not to suffer from liver complaints, to puton weight, not to touch fire and suffer from burns, not to diphands in boiling milk etc., and to avoid ailments from boils'(2) In youth to avoid fire accidents,wttich is common amonggirls when they light crackers or stand near stoves' etc' (3)io have proper menstruation and not to suffer from pains irtthe breast or belly. ( ) To be free from Mars dasa and havea pleasing partner, to have the marriage celebrated in properage without undue delay (for this purpose we would preferyetto* sapphire). (5) Not to suffer from abortion, bleeding etc'iO) tiot to ask for surgeon's help or aid to have easy deliverywithout even instruments and no blood transfusions' (7) Toown lands. (8) To avoid accidents while going by car' scooter'etc. (9)To own a house. (rO)To have good understandin$ withbrothers and receive help from them. (1f ) To feel that she isrespected by other-s. (12) To have no fears but to becourageous, to maintain health and be ever active ttll the endof life".

    MIJRCITRY lBuddtrsl

    Mercury is a variably, convertible, vactllating, neutral anddualistic planet.

    Mercury shows the type of mentality one is endowed withas he governs the reaction to one's sense and impressions'He rules cnrer the solar plems and the centraL nervous system'Being an intellectual planet' the Mercurian is highlyintel[gent, genious and ana\rtical. He will grasp the subjectsvery [uickly. He gives the native retentive power andreproductlve ability. Mercury with the aspect of Jupiter orVenus represents a subtle political brain and intellect and alogician with learnin$ and discretion- Mercury makes one a


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    sarcher lnto mystertes and learntng, sharp and wltty,learning almost anything wlthout a teacher and ambltionsof bexrg orqutsite in ervery sclence. He gtves curiostty to masteroccult sclence.

    Meratry u:twnoSltdd.makes the person phereneilc. fb wtlwrite nasty thtngs. He will become a great gambler, the worstliar, conceited,showy with vatn-glorlous statements extolltnghtmself. such an aJllicted Mercurian will be a cheat. He willbe talkative, pewerted, eccentrlc, unprincipled, inconstantand boastful.

    IJMercury A {flicted, the native is likely to suffer from thefollowing diseases-vertigo, lethargr, giddiness in the head,madness, diseases of the brain, tuberculosis, stammering aridimperfection of the tongue, defects of memory, dry coughs,abundance of spittie, gout of hands and feet, leprosy, carrcer,indigestion, disorders of the nervous s)Btem, nervous break_down, etc.

    If Mercury is alllicted by Mars, there wtll be disputes,Itttgation, loss through theft, ris\rventures, hasty decisionsleading to public scandal and criticism, loss through fraudand cheating and forgery or the native may himself commitsuch crlmes.

    If Mercury ls alftcted by Saturn, all the efforts ofthe nattuewill be delayed and he may be disappointed and depressed.It may cause dishan rony and dispute and lead to debts anddiseases. FIls education will be poor, memory poor, Iinancepoor, health poor and retentive power absolutely absent.

    , JIJPITER (BriFnspaL Guru)Jupiter and the 9th house in one's horoscope tndicate the

    extent to which one would have meritorious deeds in hispre\dous birth and also howmuch of success, honour. fortuneand glory one can have in this life. However much the otherplanets may be ill-posited and threaten difficulties to aperson, if Jupiter is strong and well posited in a chart, thenative will enjoy the providential help at least at the lastmoment to tide over the difficulties and rid of wil.


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    Juplter ts a flery, noble, benevolent, frultful. masculne,Jovral, buoyant, optimlsttc' expanstve, posittve and dlgnifledplanet.

    Jupiter gives a generous dtsposition. Those ruled by JuptterwlU be generous and candld. Jupiter olfers high reasoningabilfty attA ptop.r Judgment. The hlgher attributes of themlncl and the upltft of soul are governed by Jupiter. HenceJupiter rules educational interests' law, rellgion' philosophy'uanting and economics. Juplter also indicates that one willbe religious, study the religious scriptures and wtll respectthe elders and PrecePtors.

    Jupiter as a benefic by lordship also, gives geniality andgenerosity,Joy, jubilation andjwiality. oree cart expect respectana reprrlalion during his period. Jupiter is a significator forwealth and children. A $ood Jupiter in the horoscope blessesthe native with children and wealth. othergifts from a strongand favourable Jupiter are progress and prosperity in life,philosophic and philanthropic nature' good conduct andmorals, peace and prosperity, health and wealth'

    IJJupiterisqfllictedandownsevilhouses,thenativewillnot be moderate but an extremlst. He will be very liberal andextravagant. over-optimism, false hopes, carelessness, debts,disputei, failure in speculation' worry through children andfalJe prestige, loss by relyxr$ on others, donations beyondones capacity, cheap popularity, unusual girth'misJudgement and miscalculations are all attributed to analflicted Jupiter.

    Diseases caused by an afllicted Jupiter are tumours, livercomplaints, Jaundice, dropsy' diabetes' cancer in the liver'dyspepsia, abcess, hernia, cerebral congestion, catarrh'carbuncles, infirmity in the back arteries, inflammation of thelungs, flatulence, diseases of the respiratory organs, asthma,discolouration of the body, rheumatic fevers, troubles in theright ear etc.

    AsJupiter occupies an important place in a horoscope, wegive two horoscopeswhlch illustrate the effects of afavourableand unfavourable Jupiter Ix a nativtty.


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    No. I (Favourable Juplter)This isthe horoscope of late

    Stwi Moti Lal Netvu Jupiter,lord of the 9th ts exalted inLagna and aspects the Sthhouse and 9th house andlord of lagna posited there.There is exchange of stgnsbetween lord of 9th and thelord of l-agna He was one ofthe greatest lawyers Indiahas ever produced. He was aman of outstanding moral character, was very rich andhonoured. British Governors considered it a privilege to dinewith him at his house. Laterhe sacriftced all his luxuries anhcomforts and joined the Freedom Movement. His sonJawahnrlalNehruwas the lirst Prime Minlster of independentIndia and he occupied this position till hls death. His daughterV$ary LokshmtPandit occupied very high positions and wasthe first Indlan to become chairman of the U.N. GeneralAssembly. FIis grand daughter Shnmati Indira Gandhi hadbeen .ftnre Minister oJ Indin for a long time.

    No. 2 (Unfavourable Juplter)This person belonged to a well to do family but being the

    eldest son was pampered a lot. Inspite of all possible ellortsby his parents he could not go beyond the 9th class ineducation. FIis Jupiter is afflicted by Saturn, Rahu and Ketuand lord of the 4th Saturn (educatton) is in debilitation andassociated vrith Rahu. In his young and middle age he wasa sex maniac. He did notmind having relations evenwith servant maids andsweeper maids. He alwaysquarrelled with hts parentswho supported him and hisfamily and even attempted toassault his father a numberof times. He is suspected tohave poisoned his mother. He



    Mars Ketu





    SunVenus Moon


    Mars I agrv, JuplterKEtu


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    neverdtdanythirrgtoearnhislivelihood.Afterthedeathofhis parents he toot possession of all the property left by hisparents and deprived his brothers and sisters of their dueshare.ThankstoastrongandunafllictedJupiterirrhiswife'shoroscope he got ei$ht children' one of whom died in hisyoung age. Among"ioth.ts only two sons got educated-andiot ,"ari.d by gieir own efforts. The others are very llttleIducated. Three children between the age of 3O and 52-areunmarried and living asvagabonds' He has been living alonetn his thatched hut in hisvillage with hardly anybody exceptthe villagers to care for him in his old age' He receives- noiespect or regard from brothers, sisters or children' He hasthe reputatiJn of being a very dishonest person' It may benotedihat Jupiter is lold of the 2nd (wealth and family) andSth (children)and karorko'for the 9th house (dharmal in thishoroscope.

    vEnruS (Shukrq)

    Venus is considered to be the goddess of love' marriage'beauty and comforts. Venus is a feminine planet' It rules thesignsiaurus and Libra' the second and the swenth si$ns ofthe Zodiac. Being a feminine planet Venus rules the gentleand refined atributes. This is why people ruled byVenus arekind and sociable. By their pleasin$ personality' calmness'patient hearing to what others say, and refined nature' theyiitt *ft.n ttre rulllea feelings of others, change their attitudeand prove to be real peace-makers' Also Venus furnishes thebond between all members of the farrily' A strong Venus ina chart indicates that the native will have attraction to theother sex early in his life. He will also have attraction to aIImatterscontr ibut ingforamusementandgrat i f icat ionofsenses. Venus is for t-ok-Sukha and can bestow all comfortson one enabling him to lead a pleasant life in the world'

    IJVmus is affliced. the native is likely to suffer fhom thefoliowing diseases--Tfoubles in thb eyes' irregularity-in thecatemenia, diseases of the ovaries, gout' anaemia' and othercomplications due to over-indulgence in amusements' eatlng'arint

  • T.F,ql4er-


    Venus may also be the cause of inlurtes by an accidentthrough anyvehicle, car accident' plane accldent' etc' Injuries-.y it* be caused by antmals like panther' bull' cow'buffalo, goat etc.

    Venus is the chtef governor for marriage. If Venus is notalllicted one may be iait6ul ire love. If alllicted the marriedMe will be hell.

    Venus|sthechiefplanetforvehiclesVa}ranKaraka.Artalllicted venus will deprive the native of the comfort ofvehicles, conveyLnces etc.

    SATURN (shanr)Saturnlscal led'Yamc-'becauseheistheChiefgovernor

    for longwity. He is a barren' binding, cold' dry' defensive'hard, nervous and secretive planet'

    Saturn is considered to be very favourable for people bornlrrtheSignsownedbyVenus'whereasSaturniseviltothoseborn in the stgns owned bY Mercury'

    Saturn will cause delay. It can deny' It will disappoint'Dish armony, disput e, difficulty, despondency, dej ection, anddifferences-are the outcomes of an wil saturn. Plodding,persevedng, patiently worki:rg, prude nce, frugality' economy'

    ""nittg, endrrrance, industry' thrift' power to keep secrets'

    stability, self-control, sense of duty etc', are attributed toSaturn.

    I.azy,|ethargic' idle persons are born under the inlluenceof a malefic saturn or alflicted saturn. Never they will havemind towork. If theybeginto do anything some impediment'obstacle or hindrance dissuades or discourages them. Theybecome diffident; there is the fearwhether it would be possiblefor them to come out successful. saturn causes distrust.Saturnian will always miss the bus.

    The people born on Saturdays' or in Capricorn orAquariusas escindants (Lagnas) or in the constallations of Pushga,Anuradlw or Ilttara Btwdrawill take the role of saturn anddo good oI evil depending upon the favourable orunfavourable position of Saturn in the horoscope'


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    Saturn ls the chief signtftcator for longevtty and hisoccupation of the house of longevity, i.e., the 8th house givesa long span of life to the native. The principle 'KarakaBf'auoNasya'does not apply to Saturn.

    Saturn when beneflc, makes a person true, reliable, honest,sincere, faithful, chaste etc. Also it helps in'concentration,mediation and prayers etc.

    Stupidity, dullness, want of ortgltnality and dearth of tdeasare due to ill posited Saturn.

    Saturn gives such diseases which take a long time to becured. Saturn causes all impediments of the right ear andteeth, all agues from cold, leprosy, consumption, blackJaundice, palsy, gout, deafness, colic, paralysis, diseases ofthe spleen etc. All chronic ailments and those of the bonysystem are attributable to Saturn. Intoxication eczema andamputation are caused by Saturn. If Saturn is amicted byMars there may be falls, injuries bruises, operation,amputation, fracture, curvature of the spine, gall stone etc.

    Sun's aspect or association with Saturn may cause bloodpressure troubles, cerebral haemorrhage, cerebral anaemia,thrombosis, cardiac trouble, gout etc.

    RAHU AIIID I(ETURahu and Ketu llke other planets are not substanttal

    heavenly bodles with an obserwrble body, shape or mass. Theyhave been called chhogagrahas (shadowy planets). They arenot independent planets like the Sun, Moon, Mars etc. Theydo not have independent orbit and as two parts of one bodythier movement is interrelated orJoint. They are at all timesat opposite points of the Tndiac like the head and tail. Thoughthey are by nature evil andgenerally evtl in inlluence, but byassociation theybecome capable of doinggood hy associationwtth benefics they turn benefic).

    According to HinduAstrologr Rahu and Ketu lndicate onebom in a low caste, one who may intrigue with girls, onewhose thoughts and actions will be evil, one who will resortto outcastes and low born as well as ill-bred people. One whois dissatisfied, fond of travelling, finds pleasure in uttering


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    falsehood, contlnues to speak untruth loeowtng fulty well thathe utters a lie, one who will not mlnd to cohabitate withquadrupeds or llke the animals; one who ls harsh tn speech;one who wtll be looking downward while walking or talkingwlth others etc. (lJttorokalamrtl.

    Rahu and Ketu alfect the spleen, gas trouble' snakecatchers, ass, ram, wolf, camel, serpent, poisonous insects'a dark place, mosquitoes, bugs, insects, owl etc.' belong toRahu and Ketu (Ptuladeepikal.

    Rahu indicates paternal grand father whereas Keturepresents the maternal grand father. Both the nodes cancause imprisonment, sinking with the ship or drowining.Pleasure with diseased women. amputation' leprosy'giddiness, Me in a cave are attributed to Rahu. Fear complex,insanity, allerg5r, leprosy, injury, fire accident, punishm'entfrom Government. renunciation, Mokshct, wisdom aftersuffer'rng and bitter experience and wealaress to have pleasurewith other woman, are attributed to Ketu.

    As a result of our practical experience of several years wehave come to the conclusion that Rahu and Ketu give goodresults (if not alflicted by a malefic), if they occupy theupaclugohouses, i.e. the houses 3,6,fO and 11. They alsogive favourable results when they are conjoined with oraspected by lords of beneficial houses particularly yqgakarakaplanets i.e. those who own both a kendra (quadrant)or a tnkona {trine) even if such planets may be naturalbenefics or natural malefics. For example, for Cancer and l,eoAscendants Mars 7s a gqakaraka planet and if Rahu isassociated with or aspected by Mars and ls placed in anauspiclous house, he will $ive the results of a gogakarakaplanet. Otherwise Rahu and Ketu should be treated as evilplanets and expected to glve only evil results.

    The diseases caused by Rahu are rheumatism' cholera,dysentry and nasty diseases of mind and body, tendency tocommit suicide. Sometimes the diseases are dillicult todiagnose.

    The diseases ascribed to Ketu are-skin diseases, pimples,colic pains, dropsy, abcesses, paralysis, heart diseases (if Ketualllicts the Sun) hunger, ring worm, burns, injuries fromaccidents and fire, apoplocy and smallpox.


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  • 3Propitiqtion of maleuolentplanets

    The things which are to be given in charity-Singnificance and utility of mantras forp rop itiati.on of plane ts- V ak Shakti-Mantr as forthe different planets-Correct procedure forreciting of mantras-Procedure for fasting forthe propitiation of planets-Benefic effects ofblessings from the elders etc.-Vedtc mantras forplanets.

    With miraculous advances ln Science, man's entry intospace, landing of man on Moon and space survey of otherplanets there has developed a school of thought thatworshipireg them is nrere superstition or blind faith. Thosewho follow this view, may be many or few, but the imprssionthey have formed in this respect is due to the fact that theyhave not studied or correctly understood the vast materialcontained in our ancient religious scriptures on this subject.

    ftre fact is that God is Omnipotent and is present in allanimate and unanimate obJects in the universe as Rig Vedasays-

    Eq ffi qeomftqrg q1ftq: v: gvoil gaiq'r1 Iq'ai s'Efrrr: agw a-


    glven FIim the name Yamathe Regulator orAdministrator ofifme and some worship him as the great Guru' Whatevername may be ascribed to FIim He would remain the sameSupreme lord.

    God will remain Cod though Flindus may call Him Ishrlar'Muslims may call FIlm Rahman or Malkeyomlddin and theCh-istians worship FIim as Jesus Christ.

    When we see Him as the Creator of the universe He isBrahma- When we see Him as all pervading protector He isVishnu (\Rarq-rq qrq'lt h-{rsnq v gqai' )- when we see Hirnas annhilator of the universe He is Rudro or Mahesh' But Heis the same Lord Supreme in different forms'

    When we treat Him as the abode of our life, the life of theuniverse, we call Him Surya (Sun). We do so as we see all lifegiving qualities tangible itt s,rryo (qd 3IrFn wnKq${q)'Thus when we offer prayers to the Sun' we in factoller them to the supreme Lord describing His qualities asthe Sun's. The Suprime tnrd is present in the Sun also'Similarly when we offer our prayers to the Moon (Ctnndrol'what we actually do is to see the Supreme Lord with thequalities of the Moon. In the same way when we offer prayerst? uars, we actually offer them to the Supreme l-ord' The onlydillerence is that when we do so we see him as an afgressiveadministrator of regulations and one who has the power tokill (qr


    Moon:The things to be given tn charlty are pearl, shell,silver, conch, water, milk, rice etc. They should be offered incharity to a Valshya woman on a Monday evenlng.

    Mar#The related articles are coral, sweet bread preparedln a Tandoor, sweet preparatlons of white sesamum seedsgfrE ftq, batasfta (a preparatton of sugar white in colour),masoor dal, saunf Arry ofthese thingsmaybe given incharityto a person who observes celebracy (Brahmachar4 on thenoon of a Tiresday.

    Mercury-Emerald, unsplit moong, green pumpkin usedfor preparing sweet preparations (like fta1wa-6gw), goat,green coloured clothes etc. Any of these things may be givenin charity to a poor student on the noon of a Wednesday.

    Juplter:The articles to be given are yellow sapphire, topaz,saffron (+tr{), turmeric (ed;, u sapling of peepal tree,sugar, horse, yellow coloured flowers. These are to be ofleredto a Brahmin on the morning of a Thursday.

    Venus-Diamond, silken clothes, milk cream, sandal, cu rd,refined sugar, scents, perfumes, cow-fodder,

    -1war (wx),camphor etc. Any of these things are to be given to a needyyoung woman on the evening of a Friday.

    Saturn-Blue sapphire, lron, steel, leather, stone,agricullural land, cow,urdunsplit, orenforcooking (sirft&),tongs (fr'Tdr), cookingplate ofiron (r+r), buffaloe, mustard,wine, black sesamum seed (fuc), any of these things may begiven at dusk to a poor old man.

    Rahu-Comedft, coconut. radish, coal. old and counterfeitcoins are some of the things related to Rahu. Any of theseare to be given on a Thursday or Saturday to a leper.

    I(etu:The things to be given are a reddish brown cow withwhite spots, two coloured blanket, dogs, etc. Any of thesethings may be given to a poor and needy young man on aThursday.


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    Deltles to be worshlpped to propltl,ate the planets-

    Sun-Lord Vishnu should be worshipped and IlaribanshPuran should be recited or listened to.

    Moon-Lord Shiva.Mars-Ftranuman.

    Mercury-4oodness Durga should be worshipped andDurga Saptashafi should be read and recited regularly.

    Japlter-Brahma.Venus-Goddess LakshmiSaturn-Bharrava (trE)Rahu-Bhar7ava (frqq)Ketu-Lord Ganesha.In this connection it may also be mentioned what'Brrhaf

    Jatak has to say on the deities of the various planets.According to this authoritative book the presiding deities areflre, water, Kumar (Ganesha), Vishnu, Indra, Indrani andBrahma (a-gr) of the planets Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury,Jupiter, Venus and Saturn respectively. Varahamtfttr, theauthor of Brihat Jatak, has given no importance to Rahu andKetu.

    JatakPariJathas also e:cpressed the same view and has alsoomitted to mention the deities of Rahu and Ketu.

    Stgniltcancc and utlltty of Mantras forpropttlatlon of planets

    There are two main divistons of mantras. Under the firctdivision come Vedr'c mantras. To the other divtsion belong theTantrik mantras. Accordingly the word 'mantra' can beirrterpreted in two ways: According to Vedic destgn '!:fTrq

    Trqfr Eft riT:" that is mantra is that the devoted recltatlon orchantation of which frees the persons from all troubles andmiserles. The necessity for devotlon to mantras has beendescribed by Maharishi Patanjdi as follows-

    'ffirarrrq+r','tft{ gTqtF: rulEr:"'ft5.1q9q{qBnq"



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    Thls, means that mind can be controlled by dwotedlyworshipping the God or by constantly praying in the languageof God (frfi). His qlmbol is the holy monosyllable'OM'. It lsthis holy and divine word'OM'that should be recited and itsmeaning should be understood and well thought of.

    On the other hand the Tantrlkas have interpreted the word'Mantra'as follows :-'


  • PROPMIr'$ION OF MALEVOLENT PI.ANETS 47'Vak' or the 'word' was the very image of the lord Supreme

    from the'beginning of the creation of the vtstble world. Vakor word (vrq) is Brahmaor the Etemal Spirit. In other wordsthls whole world represents Vak or Shabda and it ts for thisreason that we can describe its constituents in words andformulate mantras.

    From the beginning of the creation of the world there wasWORD and this WORD was with the Supreme Lord. It is saidln the Bible. "In the beginning was the WORD and the WORDwas with God and WORD was God."

    The Sikh gurusand the promoters of the Radfiasoamisectformulated Surat Shabda (S


    'Radtwswmi sect's marTtro'qtq r+.R ( tt6r( all start wtththe word'Om'.

    In a mantra the flrst 'BiJa'word is'Om' and then comeother 'BiJa'words ltke t, Eff, {, fr, qT etc. Our anclentsages saw these words and their meanings tn thetr divinevlslon and bequeathed them to us for our use and beneftt.

    Generally there are many such manhas whlch can berectted by all, ltke mantras for Sun, Moon etc. They can befound tn almost all the Panchangas.

    Mahanvrqwlaga ets., mantr:ors (S 5{q6 qqqt gFH $i


    xfit df,ftqi 16r: I T{ERr qq+rwt qsq I dq..rq fi{rfr-ffqigq lsnf,rq qfrkrqi *qg tsffirt mrnn-+.


    frq{, d vrfo: {' mil+.a q{ @ qtRftqtT' | (o-(dFreTRnrTr+qqr 6rqt)fliIrFIT FfrKdtffir tqraqr Rrdf,\

    gc: rwe'5qv-

  • PROPITIATION OF IT4ALEVOLENT PTANEXS 5r0F rq-a61q1q;F.n{r Tq:Rr+sqrqrq'{qFrT{:Tqt-rtT{:qF4|aq; .qfu{-qfurtqrq rq:qqftqrqtq:{vnaw:Tq|-q'FiRf{f Tq: lo66rqqrq6rqotsqrq TT3a-gsqrqP{f,rqT{:hvqar+m:lEqtrtqt Tq:T1ilfffiqftfl-qrft$Efil-Aflzr;ffi:gtrq-(r{r Tq:qIT(TTq Tq:fifuqrq;fi;Q;ffi fi; 16ffiffiTfiTqun{r fi:Grfrdr{r;rq':qP{drfuqtsrq fi:sil-a

    etr qqkrq:vfimdrrdt qctc'q':*@rqlfti;rq:{t6qfttq:RffiflqTq:



    *qq t* srrq sE I Ttqpgqtffi ftniu: | (qr+{) fti Egw


    Chandrastottara Shat Namavali

    sF m;rq'{l!ftRrq;rrr:qqFrTq:ar


    d6qFF11-;[Fqr{f Trf:sfrqorq rq:qFrrtffirqrq:q?flniEtfi:'qRFrqr{r;frr:rr*Eqffiq+rq cT:qrrir+mfr-


    tfir, rpr srff-c6yqTqftEq{ qt RFdrr: | (6.(qrfi, 3rsr(fi.rqeFffiqi fi: I s{uftgdrq ilf,+qi rq: ltw{rst qqqqi rq: Ivrfur


    arrfrqts-{r$ qt Bffirr:l(qTr{) @tr(:WSfr frq{lfr Trqwra-{rgn: | (dwg fu{sq ajr6-dt qreE.ffi q-aorq

  • 58

    eiffiRtqlfurrrmfq;fq:6awft5q4ra;rT: YofrqRq;f$n


    Namaskar Mantra



    n-dRsrsqrcsr t{i qni ,?frlrq il (*-c-q{) gs: crg firtrld cfq: crg s snr+q I ttil+qq: .Trg,gft nfts-gr-


    Rttuale and essentlal formalltles for reclilng rnantmsOne is rewarded only when mantras are cited tn the

    prescribed manner. The first important and essentialrequirement is that the devotee should begin the task ofworship after taking bath etc. If one i:s unclean all efforts goinvain. It is said' ?l-* t4 Tfr{ that is, one has to becomelike a god to worship a god.

    Next essential requirement is that the place for therecltation of mantras should be lonely. A place in a templewould be the best. A lonely room in the house will also servethe purpose. The object is that while one is engaged inrecitation of mantras, his concentration should not bedisturbed in any manner. There should be incense (Dtaop orAgarbatt| burning in the room and it should be full of itsfragrance. Such an atmosphere keeps the mind peaceful anocheerful.

    It is also very necessary that an idol or picture of the deityor the planet, whom one intends to offer prayers, should bebefore him. He should face East while reciting mantras. TheAsona (3IrF{) on which he may be seated should be of deerskin ([rr+d) orffushc (gv). I[ should be on the floor and noton any kind of bed. A pitcher 1+cw) of water should be keptbefore him. The recitation of mantras should neither be inloud voice nor in a whisper. The mantras should be pronouncedcorrectly. For this a little practice will be necessary.

    It is also essential that the number of recitations of amantra should be the same every day until the prescribednumber is compldted. If one has time, one can increase thenumber of recitations but then the same increased numberwill have to be adhered to on subsequent days. Once thenumber is raised its reduction is not premissible.

    Once a mantra is started, the recitations have to be doneevery day without fail until the prescribed number iscompleted. If, for any reason, there is a break in this routine,the whole thing has to be started aiiesh.

    Anothervery important requirement is that the worshipperor one who has taken up a prescribed course of mantrasshould, during the whole period observe celibacy(Brahmaclnrya) and should not take, non-vegetarian food


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    Fastln! or observlng Vratn (ra) for the propltlatlon of theplanets

    There are a laqge number of persons who, for one reasonor another. cannot take up the arduous task of recitingmantras regularly ln the prescribed manner. For them fastingon the day ruled by the planet, causing them trouble' is theeasiest method of proplttatlon of that planet.ltre days ruledby the seven planets are as under :-Sun - SundaY JuPtterMoon - MondaY VenusMars - TuesdaY SaturnMercury - WednesdaY

    - Thursday- Friday- Saturday

    Rahu and Ketu tutse notbeenJumallg a\ocated ong oJthedags oJ tlw week. For thern tlw Jast could be obsensed onSaturdngs. Tte pocedure Jor Jasts Is as wldq :-

    (I) Fasttng on Sundays for the Sun-Fasting on Sundaysfor protectlon from maleflc effects of Sun should be observedduring his translt, maJor pertod or sub period. The tstilgshould be started from the first Sunday falli::g in ShuklaPakstto(bright half of the lunarmonth) of Jyestlto(*s)'Themadmum number of fasts to be observed is 3O and themlnlmum ts 12. On that day nothing should be eaten exceptchnpati of wheat flour wlth brown sugar or gur (1aggery) orHalwa(a sweet preparatlon made from wheat flour), ghee and

    Jaggery.No salt should be taken. Thls meal should be taken-beforesun-set. The fast would prove more effective if before

    breakrng tt, red clothes are worn' red Sondalpaste is appliedon the forehead and Bgia ot Tantik mantra of Sun may berecited lO8 x 5 times (Five rounds of a rosary of lO8 beads)'Oe the last day of the fast hauan mag be prJormed withPoomq'Ahutt (WGh) and food should be given to theBrahmins.

    (2) Fasttng on Monda5rs for Moon-The fasting strould bestarted frorn-the first Monday of the bright half of JgesthaShuklcPaksha. The maxlmum number of fasts ls 54 an'd theminimum is 1O. Before breaking the fast in the afternoon, theperson concerned should wear white clothes' apply whitelandotpaste on his forehead, offerwhite flowers to tlte Moonand reclte the Bya or Tan/:r'tk mantra of the Moon 1O8 x I Ior IOB x 3 times. The food to be taken should be without salt'


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    curd, rlce, ghee and Jaggery. On the last Monday Hansan.should be performed with Pooms-Ahuti and food bedistributed to the poor.

    (3) fastlng onTuesdays for Mar#Thts fast should bestarted on the ftrst Tlresday of Shukla Paksha of Jyeshtha.The number of fasts should be 2l or 45.If possible these fastsmay be continued for the whole Me. On the day of the fastonly Halwa ofjaggery should be eaten. It may also be offeredto the poor. Before breaking the fast, the person concernedshould dress himselfwith red coloured clothes and he shouldrecite the Bga or Tanfnk Manto of Mars IOB x I or IO8 x 5or IO8 x 7 times as may be possible. Jaggery may be offeredto a bull on that day. By observing this fast, a person becomesfree from debts, gets chtldren and conquers the enemies. Onthe last day of the fast Hovan and Pooma-Ahuti should beperformed and red coloured clothes, copper, Masoor, jaggerywheat or coconut may be given in charity to the poor.

    (4) fastfng on Wednesdays for Mercur5r:This fast shouldbe strated from the first Wednesday of Shukla Paksho ofJgesthn The number of fasts should be 2l or 45. On that dayafter taldng bath the person concerned should dress himselfin green coloured clothes and recite the Blja or TantrtkMantraof Mercury 3 x lO8 or 17 x 1O8 times. Thereafter he shouldoffer to the poor preparattons made from Jaggery or brownsugar and Mung Dal flour such as hohtsaor laddoos and eatthe same himself. On the last Wednesday of the fast, Hauanwith Poomc-Ahuti should be performed. By this fast, theperson concerned gains success in the educational sphereand buslness matters. It ls also believed that by keeping afast on the Amotuas day of the lunar month, the planetMercury is propitiated.

    (5) Fasttng on Thursdays for Juplter--The fastlng shouldbe started from the first Thursday of Shukla Paksha ofJyestho. The fasts should be observed for 3 years or on 16consecutive Thursdays. On that day after taking bath etc.,the person concerned should dress himself in yellow clothesandthenrecitetheByc orTantrikmantra3x IO8or II x IO8times. Yellow flowers should be offered to Jupiter. On that dayonly Besan (tm) r-addoosmade with brown sugar (uru-s) orJ"ggery, or sweet rice preparations coloured with turmeric orsaIlron maybe offered to the poor and then eaten. On the last


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    Thursday, Hauanwith Pnmo-Alutttshould be performed andfood $eliow coloured) should be offered to poor Brchmurs. Byobservhg this fast, the person becomes wise' good ineducatton and gains wealth. If unmarried girls keep this fast,thetr rnarriage is orPedited.

    Fasttng on Frldays for Venu#The fasting should bestarted from the flrst Flriday of shukla Pakstuof Jgestft,cr- Thenumber of fasts should be 2l or 31. On the fast day, aftertaking bath etc., thp person concerned should dress himselfln wh-ite clothes and the Biia or Tanfr'tk Mantr.a of Venusshould be recited by him 1O8 x 3 or IO8 x 2l times' On thatday only sweetened rtce or milk products strould be eaten' Thesame food amy be gtven to a one-eyed poor man or a whitecow. Oe the list day of the fast Hauant with Pooma-Ahutishould be performed. Then silver, white clothes, rice of milkproducts may be given in charity to the poor' By observingitrts fast ptanit Venus ts propittated and the person concernedgalns rtches and hts conJugal life becomes full of happiness'

    (7) Fasttng on Saturdays for Saturn:This fast should bestarted fromlhe first Saturday of Shukla Pakshaof Jgesthn.On the day of the fast, the person concerned, after taking bathetc.. should dress htmself in black clothes and recite the sgaor Tantrik manta of Saturn 3 x IO8 or 19 x 1O8 times'Thereafter clean water, black sesamum seed' black or bluecoloured flowers, lnrnrg, (wirr), Ganges water, sugar andsome milk should be put-ln a utensil and facing Est thesethings should be poured on the roots of a Peepalttee, on tftatday only preparations made fromlJrad' Dal and oil should beeaiett a.ta girrett in charity. On the last day of the fast Ha'anwith Poorna'Ahuti should be performed and preparationscooked in oil, blackclothes, leather shoes etc., may be givenin charity. This fast ensures success to the native in quarrels,litigation and brings success to him if he is a factory owneror deals in iron and steel'

    (8) Fasttng on Saturdays for Rahu and Ketu:The fastshould be started from the first saturday of shuklo Pakshaof Jgesttto.. The number of fasts is 18. On the day of the fast'the person concerned should, after taking bath etc', dresshimielf inblackclothes and recite the Bgaor Tantrikmantraof these planets 1O8 x 3 or 1O8 x 18 times as may be possible'


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    Thereafter some water, green grass and Kusha (gu) be putin a utensil and poured on the roots of a Peepaltree. On thatday only sweetened chopatishould be eaten and also gtvenin charity. At night aDeepak (ftq5) 5l6rrldbe placed onthefoot of a Peepal tree. 'the observance of thts fast gtvesconquest over enemles, favour from ktng or govemment andfreedom from diseases caused by Rohu and Ketu.

    Benellcial effects of blesslngs and good behavlour(f ) Though there ls no direct relationship between planets

    and blessings and good behaviour, it goes without saying thata person who takes pains and pleasure in being of service tohis parents and elders gets their sincere blessings which helphim to be long-lived, happy, contented and well to do in life.One who sewes hls parents, looks after them and gives themlove and cornfort in their old age, in turn receives the samitreatment from his own children. According to the Holy Qoranthere is heaven in the feet of father and mother.

    (2) Our Stnstras says that man gets the results accordingto his deeds (Karmal.If one does good deeds, he gets peaceof mind, happiness and wealth in his life. Ore who does baddeeds becomes the victim of all kinds of sufferings in hls life.

    (3) If one finds that Jupiter is alnicted in the I lth housein his horoscope, he should not live awayfrom his father andmother in their old age. His service and care of hts parentswill, by their blessings, give him happtness and wealth.

    (4) Another example may be given of a horoscope ln whtchthe Sun is posited ln the I lth house. The Sun is a Saturikplanet. Thereafter lf the native remains plous and takes onlySatu.rrkfood, hts spiritual powerwill conttnue to exist and asa result, Sun who aspects the 5th from the f lth will do htmless harm and may not harm his children. Normally Sun tnthis position will not allow any conceptions to mature.Vedlc Mantras

    Vedic mantras have also been prescribed for the Sun andother planets. Recitation of these mantras in the propernnnner also helps ln the propltlatton of planets. The numberof recitations should be determined according to convenience.For mantras refer to'qftq-qii', page 42-43.


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  • 4fropitiation oJ Plolnets and Colourc

    Dlvtslon of ltght of the Sun4gfn of sevencolours-Relatlon of colours wlth varlousptanets-Importance of colour therapy-Practical use of Colour TheraPY'

    If one wants to see an schibittonsf:all colours together' heshould see the rainbow which is formed by the rays of theSun passing through the drops of water in the sky. Rainborrhas Jeven colours and ls formed m the sky: in the form of aserni circle. It is so enchantlng a scene that one cannot helpgazlngat the slqy as long as the ratrrbow remains there. All[he set en colours of the rainbow canbe seen clear]ywtth theassistance of a prism. The colours thus seen are calledVIBGYOR-V-forviolet, I-for Indigo, B-for Blue, C-for Green,Y-for Yellow, Gfor Orange and R-for Red.

    rt would be easy to follow the effIcacy of the colour therapyafter we understand how we see the varlous colours tn theworld. Suppose we see the green grass durtnglrairry seasonwe see that the grass bears only the green colour- Why do wenot see any other colour in it ? The reason is that when therays of the Sirn fall on the grass, lt absorbs the six out of thes6ven colours of the rays of the Sun and emits out only thegreen colour. Thus the rays of the Sun after stnklng the grassenter our eyes, they carry only the green colour emitted bythe grass. Thus we see only the green colour in the grass. Thesame happens with red coloured roso tn a garden. When theSun's rays fall on the rose, it absorbs six out of the sevencolours of the rays of the Sun and emits out the red colouronly. Thus we see the rose as red. Similarly all objects absorball the colours except their own and emit that colour out sothat we see it only in its own colour.


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    The same principle appltes to the colours of the planets. Ourancient sages in their research and with thetr divine visionfound out that the Sun is of orange colour. This view issupported by the findfngs of the modern scientists. The colourof the Moon ts white, of Mars ts red, of Mercury ls green, ofJupiter is yellow, of Venus ls beautiful white, and colour ofSaturn is black. The black colour denotes absence of coloursand lack of Shaktl (Vilour). According to Fltndu AstrologrSaturn is a destitute and Meless planet. Fh does not emtt anycolour-he is miser. He only collects: but does not give. Hels selfish. Mars is a symbol ofviolent institutionsjust as RedSquare, Red Star, RedArmy etc. The association of red colourwith Mars is in consonance with the principle of creationbecause this colour is an extremely Rqjogwti (f*gfi). Vedosand Shatras have called the red colour as q,rmbol of passionfor love and pleasure (one of three constituent qualities ofliving beings which i:s the cause of vice- (


    so treated, wtll get tnstde hls body the qualities of Mars. Thisprocess translated tn astrological terminologr wlll mean thatwe have strengthened the posttion of Mars ttx the horoscopeof the lndtvldual.

    This prtnctple can also be appled to other planets andcolours. If there is need for strengthentng Mercury, the bottlewould be of green colour. To strengf,hen Jupiter the bottlewould be of yellow colour. Cenerally only these colours areused ln this system

    Now the question arises, what would be the circumstanceswhen there ts need for strentthening Jupiter and otherplanets ? We shall clari$r this polnt by giving somelllustration. Suppose in a boy's horoscope the Ascendant(i-aglnal ts Pisces and the lord of the Ascendant Jupiter isposited in efghth house conJoined with Mars, Saturn andRahu. In such situation, although Jupiter may be retrograde,he would be taken as weak, because not only he is in the mostlnauspictous house of the horoscope, he ts postted in hrsenemy's stgp Llbra and ts under the malevolent influence ofthree maleflcs also. A.s a result of thls affIction of Jupiter, thebratn power of the boy represented by the Ilrst house ownedby Jupiter will fail to develop. He may become an idiot. Inorder, therefore, to remedy this alllction, it would belmperatJve to strengthen Jptter so that the boy ts able to getthe proper dwelopment of hts bratnpower. For thls purposewhile medical treatment and use of an approprtate gem (inthts case yellow Sapphlre) would help. The drintring of watertreated by the Sun's rays ln a yellow bottle would alsostrengthen Jupiter in the horoscope.

    Iet us take another cas of Ieo Ascendant. In suchhoroscope althougih Jupiter may be posited ln the Ascendant,the Sth and the 9th houses and 9th lord Mars may be underthe malefic lnlluence of Saturn and Rahu. Juplter may alsobe under some evtl inlluence. Consequently the nattve willbe deprived of any issue. In such a situation if Jupiter isstrengthened, three benefictal consequences will follow.Firstly, the benefic aspect of the strengthened Jupiter will fallon the Sth house (the house of conception and progeny).Secondly, his benefic aspect will also fall on 9th house which


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    belng 5th from sth fs abo treated as a house of progeny andthfrdly' Jupiter as a signillcator for children tswtar-axiraxawhen strengthened will help the nadve to be blessed withchfldren. In such a case also the use of water treated by sun'srays in a yellow botile, by the