Jesuits and the Construction of Knowledge, 1540–1773 Exhibit Checklist Department of Special Collections 976 Memorial Library University of Wisconsin-Madison 728 State Street Madison, WI 53706 http://specialcollections.library.wisc.edu/ ©2011 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System

Reflections of Anglo-Saxon England · Other works by Athanasius Kircher (1602-1680 ) and his disciple, Gaspar Schott (1608-1666) are to be found elsewhere in this exhibit. Kircher

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Jesuits and the Construction of Knowledge, 1540–1773

Exhibit Checklist

Department of Special Collections 976 Memorial Library

University of Wisconsin-Madison 728 State Street

Madison, WI 53706


©2011 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System

Jesuits and the Construction of Knowledge, 1540–1773

As missionaries, scholars, teachers, authors, and members of learned academies, members of the Society of Jesus exerted great influence on the world of early modern European learning. Though such activities attracted critique both thoughtful and scurrilous, the wide scope of Jesuit contributions to scholarship in fields from astronomy to zoology, from history to linguistics, invites re-examination. This exhibit, drawing on extensive holdings in Special Collections of illustrated works by Jesuit authors, explores their role in the construction of knowledge from the establishment of the Society of Jesus in 1540 through its papal suppression in 1773. The books on display feature intriguing illustrations ranging from scientific diagrams and maps to natural history illustrations and ethnographic representations.

Through the generosity of the Library and Archives of the Wisconsin Historical Society, the exhibit also includes materials from their holdings pertaining to Reuben Gold Thwaites (1853-1913) and his scholarship on the so-called Jesuit Relations.

The exhibit, a collaboration undertaken by Florence Hsia, James Lattis, Robin Rider, and Meridith Beck Sayre, complements a digital humanities project underway in the Libraries aimed at constructing a searchable database of early modern Jesuit iconography pertaining to scholarship and travel. A prototype of the image database is available at http://uwdc.library.wisc.edu/collections/UWSpecColl/JesuitIcon (from which the image below is drawn); we welcome your comments. The exhibit also provided a focus point for the Mellon workshop on science and print culture in fall semester 2011, organized by Prof. Hsia through the UW-Madison Center for the Humanities.

Jesuits and the Construction of Knowledge, 1540–1773


Riccioli, Giovanni Battista, 1598-1671. Almagestum novum astronomiam veterem novamque complectens. [Bologna]: Ex Typographia Hæredis Victorij Benatij, 1651. LXCT R35 vol. 1, pt. 2 oversize.

Riccioli, Giovanni Battista, 1598-1671. Astronomiae reformatae tomi duo. Bologna: Ex Typographia Hæredis Victorij Benatij, 1665. 1308097 oversize. Shown above: Grimaldi’s selegraphic map.

Le Comte, Louis, 1655-1728. Nouveaux memoires sur l'etat present de la Chine [sic]. 2nded. Paris, J. Anisson, 1697– . DS708 L48 1697.

Boscovich, Ruggiero Giuseppe, 1711-1787. [Library of Congress prefers “Bosković, Roger Josef.”] De solis ac lunae defectibus libri V. “Editio Veneta prima.” Venice: Typis Antonii Zatta, 1761. 822189.

Boscovich, Ruggiero Giuseppe, 1711-1787. Memorie sulli cannocchiali diottrici. Milan: Nella Stamperia di Giuseppe Marelli, 1771. 848086.

Jesuits and the Construction of Knowledge, 1540–1773

China Ricci, Matteo, 1552-1610. De Christiana expeditione apud Sinas suscepta ab Societate Jesu e christiana expeditiona. Editio recens ab eodem auctore multis in locis aucta & recognita. Lyon: sumptibus Horatii Cardon, 1616. 1344742 noncurrent. Trigault’s translation from the Italian manuscript original of Ricci’s diary, to which Trigault added other Ricci materials and a description of Ricci’s death and burial.

Semedo, Alvaro, 1585-1658. Relatione della grande monarchia della Cina. Rome: Sumptibus H. Scheus, 1643. 1376922 non-current.

Schall von Bell, Johann Adam, 1592?-1666. Historica relation de ortu et progressu fidei orthodoxae in regno chinensi per missionarios Societatis Jesu ab anno 1581. Regensburg: Sumptibus Joan. Conradi Emmrich, civis & bibliopolae; typis A. Hanckwitz, 1672. CA 3543.

Du Cambout de Pontchateau, Sébastien-Joseph, 1624-1690. La morale pratique des Jesuites. [n.p., n.p.] 1682-1683. DMJE D85 Cutter. Published by G. Quentel in Cologne? Vol. 2: “Où l’on represente leur conduite dans la Chine, dans le Japon, dans l’Amerique, and dans l’Ethiopie.”

Le Comte, Louis, 1655-1728. Beschryvinge van het machtige keyserryk China. The Hague: by Engelbregt Boucquet [etc.], 1698. Tank G66 L46 Cutter. Translation of Nouveaux memoires sur l’état présent de la Chine.

Jesuits and the Construction of Knowledge, 1540–1773

Lettre à Madame de Lionne sur le libelle des Jésuites, contre M. l’Eve que de Rosalie, son fils. [n.p., n.p.], 1701. CA 6755. Artus de Lionne was bishop of Rosalie.

Noel, Francois, 1651-1729. Observationes mathematicæ, et physicæ in India et China. Prague: Typis Universit: Carolo Fernandeæ, in Collegio Soc. Jesu ad S. Clementem, per Joachimum Joannem Kamenicky factorem, 1710. 1376506 non-current

Attiret, Jean Denis, 1702-1768. A particular account of the Emperor of China’s gardens near Pekin. Trans. Joseph Spence [under the pseudonym Sir Harry Beaumont. London: Printed for R. Dodsley ... and sold by M. Cooper ... , 1752. Thordarson collection. T 2864.

Du Halde, J.-B. (Jean-Baptiste), 1674-1743. Ausfuhrliche Beschreibung des Chinesischen Reichs und der grossen Tartarey .... aus dem Franzo sischen mit fleiss u bersetztet nebst vielen kupfern; mit einer Vorrede Sr. Hochwurden, Herrn Abt. Mosheims, die neuesten Chinesischen Kirchengeschichte erza hlet werden. Rostock : verlegts J.C. Koppe, 1747-1749. 4 vols. in 2. G66 D88 G. Translation of Description géographique, historique, chronologique, politique, et physique de l’empire de la Chine et de la Tartarie chinoise. Shown on previous page: illustration of Matthaus Ricci, Adam Schall, and Ferdinand Verbiest.

Christoph Clavius

All works in this case are by Christoph[er] Clavius (1537/1538–1612), who joined the Jesuit order in 1555.

Gnomonices libri octo. Rome: Apud F. Zanettum, [1581]. 763683 noncurrent oversize. 763683 noncurrent oversize.

Aritmetica prattica. Trans. Lorenzo Castellano. Rome: D. Basa, 1586. CA 3572.

Astrolabium. Rome: Impensis Bartholomæi Grassi, Ex Typographia Gabiana, 1593. 773548 noncurrent.

Geometria practica. Mainz: Ex typographeo Joannis Albini, 1606. 788909 noncurrent.

Algebra. Apud Bartholomaeum Zannettum, 1608. 925534 noncurrent.

Jesuits and the Construction of Knowledge, 1540–1773


Torsellino, Orazio, 1545-1599. Nomenclator seu vocabularium ad usum gymnasii Societatis Jesu. Venice: Apud Petrum Dusinellum, 1614. CA 4001. Torsellino also wrote a life of St. Francis Xavier and a history of the Blessed Lady of Loreto.

Torres Rubio, Diego de, 1547-1638. Arte de la lengua aymara. Lima: Por Francisco del Canto, 1616. CA 400. Torres Rubio also published on the Quechua language and Chinchasuyu dialect.

[Bouhours, Dominique, 1628-1702.] Remarques nouvelles sur la langue françoise. Paris: Chez Sebastien Mabre-Cramoisy, 1675. PC 2070 B65. The house of Sébastien Mabre-Cramoisy published numerous titles by Jesuit authors. Another appears in the case entitled The Wisconsin Connection.

Le Comte, Louis, 1655-1728. Nouveaux memoires sur l’état present de la Chine. 2nd ed. Paris: Chez Jean Anisson, Directeur de l’Imprimerie Royale, 1697. DS 708 L48 1697 v. 2.

Mémoires concernant l’histoire, les sciences, les arts, les mœurs, les usages, &c. des Chinois, par les missionaires de Pe-kin. Vol. 1. Paris: Chez Nyon, 1776. DG 708 M53.

Mathematics In the Ratio studiorum, the rules established by the Society for the operation of its far-flung network of colleges, mathematics was given an uncharacteristically high status relative to that in the curriculum of contemporary university studies (see a late 16th-century edition of the Ratio displayed in the case entitled Teaching Mission). Mathematics was not merely an adjunct to other studies, but worthy for its own sake, and its teachers and students wereto be respected and honored for their accomplishments. Students were prescribed a defined series of mathematical courses. This investment in mathematics produced world-class scholars for nearly two centuries. Some figured in Giuseppe Biancani’s chronology (1615) of famous mathematicians, a work in Special Collections though not exhibited here, in which Biancani referred to himself as a student of Clavius.

Scheiner, Christoph, 1575-1650. Pantographice [etc.] Rome: Ex typographia Ludouici Grignani, 1631. 1029705 noncurrent.

Jesuits and the Construction of Knowledge, 1540–1773

Tacquet, André, 1612-1660. Cylindricorum et annularium libri IV. Antwerp: Apud Jacobum Meursium, 1651. CA 8702.

Mathesis Cæsarea, sive, Amussis Ferdinandea. 2nd ed. With additions by Gaspar Schott. Würzburg: Sumptibus Viduæ & Hæredum J.G. Scho nwetteri ... excudit J. Hertz, 1662. 898757 noncurrent.

Rabuel, Claude, 1669-1728. Commentaires sur La géométrie de M. Descartes. Lyon: Chez Marcellin Duplain, 1730. 810688 noncurrent.

Mémoires concernant l’histoire, les sciences, les arts, les mœurs, les usages, &c. des Chinois, par les missionaires de Pe-kin. Vol. 2. Paris: Chez Nyon, 1777. DG 708 M53 v. 2. Shown from this volume are odd and even numbers, the former associated with the heavens, the latter, with the earth.

Belgrado [or Bellagrado], Jacopo, 1704-1789. Theoria cochleae Archimedis ab observationibus, experimentis, et analyticis rationibus ducta. Parma: Excudebat Philippus Carmignani [etc.], 1767. 919740 noncurrent.


Schott, Gaspar, 1608-1666. Organum mathematicum librix ix. explicatum. Würzburg: Sumptibus Johannes Andreæ Endteri, & Wolfgangi Jun. Hæredum; excudebat Jobus Hertz, Typographus Herbipol.; prostant Norimbergæ apud dictos Endteros, 1668. 770537 noncurrent. Ownership marking on title page of Thomas Wentworth, 1711.

Kircher, Athanasius, 1602-1680. Musurgia universalis sive ars magna consoni et dissoni in X. libros digesta. Vol. 1 of 2. Rome: Ex Typographia Hæredum Francisci Corbelleti, 1650 [“anno iubilæi”]. 1055710 noncurrent oversize. Shown here: the frontispiece from one of the volumes. The 2nd volume is on display in the case entitled Polymaths.

Jesuits and the Construction of Knowledge, 1540–1773

Mémoires concernant l’histoire, les sciences, les arts, les mœurs, les usages, &c. des Chinois, par les missionaires de Pe-kin. Vol. 6. Paris: Chez Nyon, 1780. DG 708 M53.

Schott, Gaspar, 1608-1666. Magiæ universalis naturæ et artis pars II. Acustica, in VII. libros digesta [etc.] Würzburg: Excudebat Iobus Hertz Typographus Herbipolensis, 1657. The other volume of this work is on display in the case entitled Technologies.

Natural History Acosta, José de, 1540-1600. The naturall and morall historie of the East and West Indies. Trans. E. G. [Edward Grimestone?]. London: Printed by Val: Sims for Edward Blount and William Aspley, 1604. Thordarson Collection. T 19.

Tachard, Guy, 1651-1712. Voyage de Siam des peres jesuites, envoyés par le roy, aux Indes à la Chine [etc.] Amsterdam: Chez Pierre Mortier, Libraire sur le Vygen-dam, à l’Enseigne de la Ville de Paris, 1688. 775924 noncurrent. An improbable imprint.

Tachard, Guy, 1651-1712. Second voyage du pere Tachard et des jesuites envoyez par le roy au royaume de Siam. Contenant diverses remarques d’histoire, de physique, de geographie, & d’astronomie. Paris: Chez Daniel Horthemels, “par Ordre exprés de Sa Majesté,” 1689. G688 T11 Cutter. Shown here: the “vache marine” or sea cow. →

Schott, Gaspar, 1608-1666. Physica curiosa. Sive mirabilia naturæ et artis libris XII. comprehensa. Editio tertia [etc.] Würzburg: Excudit J. Hertz, sumptibus W. M. Endteri, 1697. 781069 noncurrent.

Lafitau, Joseph-Franc ois, 1681-1746. Mémoire … concernant la précieuse plante du gin seng [i.e., ginseng] ... découverte en Canada [etc.] Paris: Chez Joseph Mongé vis-à-vis le Collége de Louis le Grand [a Jesuit institution], 1718. LVG .G43 L13 Case L2 Cutter.

Jesuits and the Construction of Knowledge, 1540–1773

Mémoires concernant l’histoire, les sciences, les arts, les mœurs, les usages, &c. des Chinois, par les missionaires de Pe-kin [sic]. Vol. 4. Paris: Chez Nyon l’ainé, 1779. DG 708 M53.

Natural Philosophy & Experiments

Schott, Gaspar, 1608-1666. Mechanica hydraulico-pneumatica. Frankfurt am Main. Sumptu Heredum Joannis Godefridi Scho nwetteri Bibliopol. [etc.], 1657. 772833 noncurrent.

Fabri, Honoré, 1607-1688. Dialogi physici, in quibus de motu terrae disputatur, marini aestus nova causa proponitur, necnon aquarum & mercurij supra libellam elevatio examinatur. Lyon: Sumptibus Christophori Fovrmy, 1665. 769868 noncurrent.

Bartoli, Daniello, 1608-1685. La tensione, e la pressione disputanti qual di loro sostenga l’argentovivo ne’ cannelli dopo fattone il vuoto. Venice: Appresso Gio. Francesco Valuasense [Valvasense], 1678. 741697 noncurrent.

Sturm, Johann Christophorus, 1635-1703. Collegium experimentale, sive curiosum [etc.] In 3 parts. Nuremberg: Sumptibus Wolfgangi Mauritii Endteri, typis Johannis Ernesti Adelbulneri, 1685-1701. LA ST9 Cutter.

Ximenes, Leonardo, 1716-1786. Nuove sperienze idrauliche fatte ne’ canali, e ne’ fiumi per verificare le principali leggi e fenomeni delle acque correnti. Siena: Nella Stamperia di Luigi, e Benedetto Bindi, 1780. 1195594 noncurrent oversize.

Polymaths Other works by Athanasius Kircher (1602-1680 ) and his disciple, Gaspar Schott (1608-1666) are to be found elsewhere in this exhibit.

Kircher. Musurgia universalis sive ars magna consoni et dissoni in X. libros digesta. Vol. 2 of 2. Rome: Typis Ludovici Grignani, 1650 [“anno iubilæi”]. 1055711 noncurrent oversize. The first volume of this title is on display in the case entitled Music.

Jesuits and the Construction of Knowledge, 1540–1773

Kircher. Obeliscus pamphilius, hoc est interpretatio nova & hucusque intentata obelisci hieroglyphici [etc.] Rome: Typis Ludovici Grignani, 1650 [“anno iubelei”]. 781070 noncurrent oversize.

Schott. Pantometrum Kircherianum [etc.] Würzburg: Excudebat Jobus Hertz Typographus Herbipolensis, 1660. 809873 noncurrent. With holograph ownership marking dated 1687 for a Jesuit college.

Schott. Technica curiosa, sive mirabilia artis. Nuremberg: Sumptibus Johannis Andreæ Endteri, & Wolfgangi Junioris Hæredum, Prostant Norimbergæ apud dictos Endteros, 1664. Duveen Collection. D 1534.

Schott. Ioco-seriorum naturae et artis, sive Magiæ naturalis centuriæ tres. [Würzburg: s.n.,] 1666. CA 1475. First edition cited by Backer-Sommervogel. It is sometimes assigned an earlier date, but this may be due to a misreading of the chronogram.

Republic of Letters Kircher, Athanasius. Magneticum naturæ regnum [etc.] Amsterdam: Ex Officina Johannes Janssonii à Waesberge & Viduæ Elizei Weyerstraet, 1667. 852919.

Riccioli, Giovanni Battista, 1598-1671. Argomento fisicomattematico … contro il moto diurno della terra. Bologna: Per Emilio Maria, e Fratelli de’ Manolessi, 1668. CA 2885.

“Observations concerning the Comet that was seen in Brasil A. 1668 in March by P. Valentin Estance a Jesuite [etc.]” Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London, 9 (1674), 91-93.

“The Description of a Tartarian Plant, Call'd Gin-Seng; with an Account of Its Virtues. In a Letter from Father Jartoux [etc.], ibid., 28 (1713), 237-247.

Memoires pour l’histoire des sciences & des beaux arts [i.e., Mémoires de Trévoux], July 1714. AP .M5334 P87 1714 July-Sept.

Mairan, Dortous de. Lettres … au R. P. Parrenin .... Contenant diverse questions sur la Chine. Paris: Chez Desaint & Saillant, 1759. DS 708 M22.

Jesuits and the Construction of Knowledge, 1540–1773

Scientific Instruments

Bettini, Mario, 1582-1657. Ærarii philosophiæ mathematicæ tomus secundus [etc.] Bologna: Typis Io[.] Baptistæ Ferronii, 1648. 777816 noncurrent. Sundials in the shape of sandals (because one can), as shown here →

Bobynet, Pierre, 1593-1668. L’horographie ingenieuse. Contenant des connoissances, et des curiositez agreables, dans la composition des cadrans. Paris: Chez Jean du Puis, 1663. 773070 noncurrent.

Casati, Paolo, 1617-1707. Fabrica, et uso del compasso di proportione, doue insegna à gli artefici il modo di fare in esso le necessarie divisioni, e con varij problemi usuali mostra l’utilità di questo stromento. Bologna: Presso G.B. Ferroni, 1664. 761796 noncurrent.

Pardies, Ignace Gaston, 1636-1673. La statique, ou, La science des forces mouvantes. Paris: Chez Sebast. Mabre-Cramoisy, 1674. 769909 noncurrent.

Eschinardi, Francesco, 1623-1703. De impetu tractatus duplex: Primus de impetu in communi, de motu locali, et de machinis. Secundus, de fluidis in communi: de comparatione fluidorum cum solidis: et de mensura aquarum currentium. Additur in fine, quamplurium problematum, seu quæsitorum solutio ex doctrinis præcedentibus. Rome: Ex typographia Angeli Bernabò, 1674.

Ceneri, Angelo Maria. L’uso dello strumento geometrico detto la tavoletta pretoriana proposto, ed ampliato. Opera postuma del sig. Angelo Maria Cenneri geometra Bolognese [etc.] 2nd ed. Bologna: Nella stamperia di Lelio dalla Volpe, 1749. 755924 noncurrent.

Jesuits and the Construction of Knowledge, 1540–1773

Structures of Knowledge Romani collegii societatis Jesu Musæum celeberrimum. Amsterdam: Janssonio-Waesbergiana, 1678. 781071 noncurrent oversize. This copy bound with Kircher’s Sphinx mystagoga (1676). →

Kircher, Athanasius, 1602-1680. Ars magna sciendi: In XII libros digesta [etc.] 2 vols. in 1. Amsterdam: Apud Joannem Janssonium à Waesberge, & Viduam Elizei Aeyerstraet, 1669. 779040 noncurrent oversize.

Kircher, Athanasius, 1602-1680. Polygraphia nova et universalis ex combinatoria arte detecta. Rome: Ex Typographia Varesij, 1663. 1055267 noncurrent oversize.

Kircher, Athanasius, 1602-1680. Turris Babel, sive, Archontologia [etc.] Amsterdam: Ex officina Janssonio-Waesbergiana, 1679.

Teaching Mission Ratio atq. institutio studiorum Societatis Jesu. Naples, 1599. Lent by Jim Lattis, one of the co-curators of this exhibit. The Ratio studiorum was issued as a guide to the curriculum and operations of the entire Jesuit system of schools.

Jesuits and the Construction of Knowledge, 1540–1773

Clavius, Christoph, 1538-1612. In sphaeram Ioannis de Sacro Bosco commentarius. Venice: Apud Bernardum Basam [under the sign of the sun], 1596. 971626 noncurrent. For more of Clavius’s influence on Jesuit teaching and scholarship, see the case entitled Clavius.

Euclidis sex primi elementorum geometricorum libri cum parte undecimi. Ed. Christopher Grienberger (ca. 1561-1636), S.J., after Clavius. Graz: Apud Hæredes Ernesti Widmanstadtii, 1636. 992100 noncurrent. With arithmetic problems worked out on the cover.

Commentarii collegii conimbricensis societatis Jesu in libros de generatione et corruptione Aristotelis [etc.] Cologne: Sumptibus Hæredum Lazari Zetzneri, 1633. 1016552 noncurrent. One of numerous commentaries from the Jesuits in Coimbra, Portugal, bound together in this volume.

Lettres edifiantes et curieuses ecrites des missions etrangeres par quelques missionnaires de la Compagnie de Jesus. Vol. 8, Recueil. Paris: Chez Nicolas le Clerc, 1708. BV 2290 A2, v. 8. With ownership marking of a Jesuit college (also dated 1708) on the title page.


Schott, Gaspar, 1608-1666. Magia universalis naturæ et artis operis quadripartiti. Pars III. & IV. Würzburg: Excudebat Iobus Hertz, 1658. Q155 3 .S38 (t. 3-4).

Lana Terzi, Francesco, 1631–1687. Prodromo. Brescia: Per li Rizzardi, 1670. 1133299 noncurrent.

Mémoires concernant l’histoire, les sciences, les arts, les mœurs, les usages, &c. des Chinois, par les missionaires de Pe-kin [sic]. Tome 5e. Paris: Chez Nyon l’aîné, 1780. DG 708 M53.

Jesuits and the Construction of Knowledge, 1540–1773

Travels Diversi avisi particolari dall’Indie di Portogallo, ricevuti dall’anno 1551 fino al 1558 dalli reverendi padri della compagnia di Giesu. [Venice: Per Michele Tramezzino, 1565.] CA 1644.

Borri, Cristoforo, 1583-1632. Relatione della nuova missione delli PP. della Compagnia die Giesu, al regno della Cocincina. Rome: Per Francesco Corbelletii, 1631. CA 608.

Lobo, Jerónimo, 1596?-1678. A short relation of the river Nile [etc.] London: Printed for John Martyn, printer to the Royal Society [etc.], 1669. Thordarson Collection. T 2743.

Kircher, Athanasius, 1602-1680. Iter extaticum coeleste. 2nd ed. Würzburg: Sumptibus Joh. Andr. & Wolffg. Jun. Endterorum haeredibus [etc.], 1660. 769016 noncurrent. Engraved title page →

Lafitau, Joseph-Franc ois, 1681-1746. De zeden der wilden van Amerika. The Hague: By G. vander Poel, 1731. From his Mœurs des sauvages ameriquains. Tank F801 L16 oversize.

Le Comte, Louis, 1655-1728. Memoirs and remarks geographical, historical, topographical, physical, natural, astronomical, mechanical, military, mercantile, political, and ecclesiastical, made in above ten years travels through the empire of China. London: Printed by J. Hughes for O. Payne, 1737. “From the best Paris ed.” DS708 L47

Maire, Christopher, 1697-1767, and Ruggiero Giuseppe Boscovich, 1711-1787. De litteraria expeditione per pontificiam ditionem ad dimetiendos duos meridiani gradus et corrigendam mappam geographicam jussu. Rome: In typographio Palladis excudebant Nicolaus, et Marcus Palearini, 1755. CA 2883.

Jesuits and the Construction of Knowledge, 1540–1773


Clavius, Christoph, 1538-1612. Romani calendarii a Gregorio XIII P.M. restituti explicatio [etc.] Rome: Apud Aloysium Zannettum, 1603. CA 1272 oversize.

Petau, Denis, 1583-1652. The history of the vvorld ... together with A geographicall description of Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. London: Printed by J. Streater, and are to be sold by Humphrey Moseley [etc.],1659. CA 10076

Schott, Gaspar, 1608-1666. Cursus mathematicus in libris XXVIII. digesta [etc.] Frankfurt am Main: Sumptibus J.M. Scho nvvetteri, 1699. 759526 noncurrent oversize.

Riccioli, Giovanni Battista, 1598-1671. Chronologiae reformatae et ad certas conclusiones redactae. Bologna: Ex Typographia hæredis D. Barberij, 1669. 1491353 noncurrent oversize. Shown above: engraved frontispiece, with the figure of Chronologia on the leftmost pedestal.

Vision Aguilón, Francois de, 1567-1617. Opticorum libri sex: Philosophis juxtà ac mathematicis utiles. Antwerp: Ex officina Plantiniana, apud Viduam et filios J. Moreti, 1613. Daniel and Eleanor Albert Collection. RE26 O62 A38 F7 1613 oversize.

Jesuits and the Construction of Knowledge, 1540–1773

Scheiner, Christoph, 1575-1650. Oculus: Hoc est, fundamenta opticum [etc.] London: Excudebat J. Flesher, & prostant apud Cornelium Bee, 1652. 1234528 noncurrent.

Zucchi, Nicolò, 1586-1670. Optica philosophia experimentis et ratione [etc.] Pars altera. Lyon [Lugduni]: Apud Guilielmum Barbier, 1656. CA 4265.

Schott, Gaspar, 1608-1666. Magia universalis naturæ et artis. In 4 vols. Würzburg: Schönwetter, 1657–1659. Q155 3 (?)S38 v. 1 (tome I). The volume also features an elaborate engraved title page. →

Kircher, Athanasius, 1602-1680. Physiologia Kircheriana experimentalis [etc.] 1680. Amsterdam: Ex Officinâ Janssonio-Waesbergiana, 1680. 750490 noncurrent oversize.

Boscovich [Bos ković], Ruggiero Giuseppe, 1711-1787. Dissertationes quinque ad dioptricam. Vienna: Typis Joannis Thomæ Nob. de Trattern, 1767. 822161 noncurrent.

The Wisconsin Connection

Through the generosity of the Library and Archives of the Wisconsin Historical Society, the exhibit contains materials from their holdings pertaining to Reuben Gold Thwaites (1853-1913) and his scholarship on the so-called Jesuit Relations, specifically reports of the “travels and explorations of the Jesuit missionaries in New France” as sent to their superiors. Thwaites, secretary of the Wisconsin Historical Society, led the project to translate these narratives and documents into English and to provide copious notes and

Jesuits and the Construction of Knowledge, 1540–1773

cross-references for this impressive body of ethnographic material. “Thwaites gradually added antiquarians, bibliographers, transcribers, translators, and indexers to his staff, which he encouraged women to join; expanded the manuscript collections of the society, partly by personally persuading descendants of early French pioneers to donate family papers; and made everything more accessible to teachers and students from the nearby University of Wisconsin” [American national biography online].

Lallemant, Jéro me, 1593-1673. Relation de ce qui s’est passé de plus remarquable és missions des peres de la Compagnie de Jesus, en la Nouvelle France, es années 1645. & 1646 [sic]. Envoyée au r.p. provincial de la province de France. Par le superieur des missions de la mesme Compagnie. Paris: Chez Sebastien Cramoisy et Gabriel Cramoisy, 1647. F1030.7 .A32 1647. Wisconsin Historical Society Library Rare Book Collection.

A bound translation into English of a portion of the Jesuit Relations for New France. Jesuit relations papers, 1612-1900. U.S. Mss C, 1651. Wisconsin Historical Society Archives.

A pair of manuscripts: the first, a transcription of one of these narratives (in French, dated Oct. 1702), produced as part of Thwaites’ project, and the second, a translation into English of that transcription. Jesuit relations papers, 1612-1900. U.S. Mss C, 1690-1702. Wisconsin Historical Society Archives.

Promotional and sales materials for The Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents: Travels and Explorations of the Jesuit Missionaries in New France, 1610-1791, which ultimately ran to 73 volumes (1896-1901). Thwaites, Reuben Gold. Papers, 1843-1960, box 5, folder 4. Wisconsin Historical Society Archives.