?Qcent Studies in the Gghh 7@aissatice Thc forinat and cnunicrative standards of ELR "Rcceiit Studies" surveys are gmcrally con- sistciit with those uscd iii the forthcoining Rccrrit Stirdies hi EqIlsIi Rcnuiss.mce Draria, cd. Tcrcncc P. Logan and Dciizcll S. Smith (University of Ncbraska Press). Scholarship is organized by authors or titlcs of aiioriymoiis works. Itcnis included represent the conibincd entries listcd in tlic aniiunl bibliographies publirhcd by PAlW, SP, YWES, and MIfRA from 1945 tlirnugli, in tlic present instance. 19(9. supplcriiciited by additiorial annual bib- liograpliics. This niatcrial, at tlic discrction of thc iiidividual contributor, has been either in- cliidcd iii the prose coniiiicntary or listed in the Sre also sections. The scries is hitcndcd to combine a topical rcvicw of rcscarclt with a reasonably coiiipktc bibliography. ELR bibliograpliicrl articlcs will cxpand tlic Ncbraska scrics to include nondramatic au- thors and. when appropriatc, bring the draniatic surveys up to date. Preliiiiinary cnuniera- tivc bibliography and cditoriol wnrk are done at the Renaissance English Bibliography Ccn- tcr, University of New Hainpshirc. Jotinid title abbreviations used arc Corn tlic "Master List and Tablc of Abbrcviatioiis" iii the most rccciit issue of the PMLA bibliography. with full titles given for jourrinls tint iiicluded t1icre.-Tcrciicc P. Logan, Director; Rcnaimncc English Dibliogriphy Cciitcr; Uiiivcrsity of New klanipshirc, Durham RECENT STUDIES IN WYATT AND SURREY DURTON FISHMAN GENERAL LITIIRARY HISTORY. PROSODY, lNTELLFiCTUAL HISTORY (sceterfive) N C. S. Lcwis' Eiy/idr Li/m/irrc iri die Si.xtrcrrt/i Cc*rttrrry (1954) arc essays on both authors. In spitc of his clitnffcctioii for thc plain stylc ("drab vcrsc"), Lewis' ana- lyscs of Tudor poctics. Ivrticiilarly of scaiisioii, arc iiavalurblc. Hiznbctharr Portry 1 (1952, rpt. 1968) by Ihllctt Siiiitli proviclcs an introdtiction to Rcnaisraiicc literary thcory. gcnres, stylcs, and prosody. A corrcctivc to Lcwis is offcred by Douglas Peterson iii 7%~ Erlglidi Lyricjnrrr lVyn/t /o Dnririr (19~i). liifluciiccd by Yvor Wintcrs, it traccs "thc cnicrgciicc of tlic plaiii srylc as (lomitiant," .and Surrcy and otlicr iiiorc aurcatc pocts get short shrift. Wyatt. nii tlic otlicr Iiaiid. is givcii a clctrilcd cxaiiiination, especially liis tinvcl adaptation of tlic I'ctrarclinit coiiccit, Of usc for both Wyatt and Surrcy is The E/izn/v//rori Low Snrrirc/ (1956) by J.W. Lcvcr. Giving stroiig criipliasis to the influciicc of I'ctrarcli, Lcvcr provitlcs bnckgrociiid to die iiitcllcctiinl cross-fcrtiliwtioii wliicli niarkcd Ikiiaissniicc poctty so deeply. Jolm Ihuctoii's A 7'rn~i~iorr ./ Poetry (r967) invcstigatcs social traditions arid poctry aid claiiiit tlint in Wyatt tlic pcrsoiialitics of the coiirtly poet and tlic lintivc lyricist "niiraculoiisly fuse arid coiiiliiiic." Surrcy is x c n as bcing"iiot1iing of die nativc" riicl "all c1;lssical gracc mid polisti." Works dcaliiig witti tlic iiifliiciicc of Pctrarcli arid otlicr Italian writcrs arc listcd iuidcr Wyatt (1,C).


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?Qcent Studies in the G g h h 7@aissatice

Thc forinat and cnunicrative standards of ELR "Rcceiit Studies" surveys are gmcrally con- sistciit with those uscd iii the forthcoining Rccrrit Stirdies hi EqIlsIi Rcnuiss.mce Draria, cd. Tcrcncc P. Logan and Dciizcll S. Smith (University of Ncbraska Press). Scholarship i s organized by authors or titlcs of aiioriymoiis works. Itcnis included represent the conibincd entries listcd in tlic aniiunl bibliographies publirhcd by PAlW, SP, YWES, and MIfRA from 1945 tlirnugli, in tlic present instance. 19(9. supplcriiciited by additiorial annual bib- liograpliics. This niatcrial, a t tlic discrction of thc iiidividual contributor, has been either in- cliidcd iii the prose coniiiicntary or listed in the Sre also sections. The scries is hitcndcd to combine a topical rcvicw of rcscarclt with a reasonably coiiipktc bibliography.

ELR bibliograpliicrl articlcs will cxpand tlic Ncbraska scrics to include nondramatic au- thors and. when appropriatc, bring the draniatic surveys up to date. Preliiiiinary cnuniera- tivc bibliography and cditoriol wnrk are done at the Renaissance English Bibliography Ccn- tcr, University of New Hainpshirc. Jotinid title abbreviations used arc Corn tlic "Master List and Tablc of Abbrcviatioiis" iii the most rccciit issue of the PMLA bibliography. with full titles given for jourrinls tint iiicluded t1icre.-Tcrciicc P. Logan, Director; Rcnaimncc English Dibliogriphy Cciitcr; Uiiivcrsity of New klanipshirc, Durham




N C. S. Lcwis' Eiy/idr Li/m/irrc iri die Si.xtrcrrt/i Cc*rttrrry (1954) arc essays on both authors. I n spitc of his clitnffcctioii for thc plain stylc ("drab vcrsc"), Lewis' ana- lyscs of Tudor poctics. Ivrticiilarly of scaiisioii, arc iiavalurblc. Hiznbctharr Portry 1 (1952, rpt. 1968) by Ihllctt Siiiitli proviclcs an introdtiction to Rcnaisraiicc literary

thcory. gcnres, stylcs, and prosody. A corrcctivc to Lcwis is offcred by Douglas Peterson ii i 7 % ~ Erlglidi Lyricjnrrr lVyn/t /o Dnririr (19~i) . liifluciiccd by Yvor Wintcrs, it traccs "thc cnicrgciicc of tlic plaiii srylc as (lomitiant," .and Surrcy and otlicr iiiorc aurcatc pocts get short shrift. Wyatt. nii tlic otlicr Iiaiid. is givcii a clctrilcd cxaiiiination, especially liis tinvcl adaptation of tlic I'ctrarclinit coiiccit, Of usc for both Wyatt and Surrcy is The E/izn/v//rori Low Snrrirc/ (1956) by J.W. Lcvcr. Giving stroiig criipliasis to the influciicc of I'ctrarcli, Lcvcr provitlcs bnckgrociiid to die iiitcllcctiinl cross-fcrtiliwtioii wliicli niarkcd Ikiiaissniicc poctty so deeply. Jolm Ihuctoii's A 7'rn~i~ iorr ./ Poetry (r967) invcstigatcs social traditions arid poctry a i d claiiiit tlint in Wyatt tlic pcrsoiialitics of the coiirtly poet and tlic lintivc lyricist "niiraculoiisly fuse arid coiiiliiiic." Surrcy is xcn as bcing"iiot1iing of die nativc" riicl "all c1;lssical gracc mid polisti."

Works dcaliiig witti tlic iiifliiciicc of Pctrarcli arid otlicr Italian writcrs arc listcd iuidcr Wyatt (1,C).


Birrtori Fislrrrrnrr I79

see ulso

Allcn, Don Caincron. Iritagc orid Mcarriirg: Mciaphorir Truditioiu in Rcnoissuncc Pociry

narncs, T. R . Er!p/ish Vcrsc: Voirc: clad Mov~rrrn~r/ron~ Wyatt to Yeurs (1967). Batesorr. F. W . Etrglish Poetry: A Criticcll bitrdiiriioit (1g6j). Berdan, J. M. &r/y Tirdor Poetry (1920. rpt. 1961). Droadbent. J. B. Poetic Lnw (1964). Dush. Douglas. Classical b$itrnccs iri Rrriaismiire Literohire (1950). -. Mythology orrd Rrriaissorice Troditiori ( 1963 ). -. ?Re Rcimissaticc orrl Bg/is / i N i r i i o ~ t i ~ ~ t i (196)). Cruttwrll, Patrick. The EItgkk Sottiref (rm). Evans, Mauricc. Errg/idi Poetry in the Si.utrcitt/i Criiiiiry (1955. rev. ed. 1967). Greaves, Margarct. The Blutori o/lfniiortr (1963). Guitli, Agosto, cd. Lirira Elisabcttiatia, Collana di Lctteraturc Mdcrnc, XII (I*). thrdison, 0. n., Jr. The Etiditritlg hfortrtrrtair (1962). Hcrrinan, Robert. La Clioritl de I’kgQlisc dcs scs Origities d i ios~oitrs (1961). Licvsa y. Jolur L. The Sixieeiitli Ccrrtitry: Skcliort T/rroirgh Hooltn (1968) (selected bibliog-

Scaton, Ethel. Sir RicLnrd Roos. Lairrusiriun Pod (c. J410-~~82) (1961). Syphcr, Wylic. Four Stales o/Rrrroissarice Style (1955). Taylcr, Edward. Name nit4 Art in RrtiairJniric Liieroturc (1964). Tl~ornpson. John. Tlic Foittidirrg ./Eilg/ish hktcr (1962). Tillyard, E. M. W. The Eqlish Rermi~~ncec: Fart or Fictioti? (1952). Willims, l’cnry. L.9 iir Tiidor Etiglaird (ig64).




EN N ETH M UIR and Patricia Tl~oiiisori have cocdited the standard edition, 7hc Colfcrtrd Pnciiis . /Sir Thoitms Wyatt (I g6j) . The U/( cl~d Ltftnr 4 Sir 7%nriias Ii’yuit (1963) by Kcnncth Muir is thc standard for letters, nicmoruida, and spccchcs. Thcrc is A Coticordorirr in ilrr Corriplrie Pnrtical W o r k c$ Sir

?‘/iottids Il’ynii by Eva Catlicrine Hangcn (194 I ) which is b a d on A. K. Foxwell’s edi- tion (1914. rpt. 1964).


A. Iliqrqdtirol. Kcimcth Muir’s Tlrc Li/r acid LCitcrs ?[Sir 7%otiios Wyatt (1963) ic the hcat of the gcncrally wvcak hiograplrial sarvcys. It ofim no new dixovcrics and Icavcs soiiic old qiicriiciir iiiisuwcrcd. A picturc of Wyatt is h i l t tip from contemporary socirccs, inclutling lcttcrt to and about Wyatt. ?.his is J dificctlt task, since there is often iiiorc gossip than bcr, cspccially on thc iswc of AIIIIC Ilolcyn. The first two chapters take W y a t t froin his birth in 1503 throtigli h i s carly life. Will im Wiatt, in a review (JEGP, LXIII (1964),770-72),finds that Muir accrpts too i i iany cvrnts in Wyatt’s life without chal- Iciigc a i d is cuiiriforincd on other biographical data.