Rangkuman Notes SD

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  • 8/19/2019 Rangkuman Notes SD


    `Company code --> COA --> General Ledger (coa dan GL assign uniqe)

    transaksi di save di level cocode

    1 cocode isa mempunyai eerapa !usiness Area (!A) as internal


    !A isa di s"are dengan cocode lain asal mempunyaimdeskripsi yg sama

    !usines Area si#atnya optional$ dapat digunakan untuk alance s"eet and%&L tidak "anya untuk cocode tapi untuk reporting internal (divisionrelated)

    !usiness area itu di assign untuk tiap order item

    Billing type :-'umer assignment - posting lock-partner - nter#ace to -te*t - imvoice list type-output - cancelation list type-reate - account determination

    As o# +elease ,$. ne/ 0elds "ave een included in t"e illing type.representing special #eatures o# t"e 23 inter#ace. suc" as document type. negative posting. ranc"3"ead o4ce and valuedated credit memos

     5ou can create one invoice #or goods (t"e carpet) and service (laying t"ecarpet). as long as t"e corresponding requirements #or comining t"e t/oare met (see t"e unit on 6ypes o# ettlements)$

    Special Billing

    illing lock dpt di con0g guna untuk release credit memo ato deit memorequest

    credit memo 3credit memo request dpt diuat re#er dr illing ato O

     6"e invoice correction request must e created /it" re#erence to t"ecorresponding illing document (no re#erence to order or inquiry)$

     6"e invoice correction request represents a comination o# credit anddeit memo requests

    %ricing 2i7erent and 8uantity 2i7erent di9alankan dari 2eit memo.sedangkan return dr Credit :emo +equest

    Return Scenario :

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     6"e credit memo is illed /it" re#erence to t"e order. /"ic" means itre#ers to t"e return request document. not to t"e return delivery andinvoice correction request$

     6"e invoice correction request must e created /it" re#erence to t"e

    corresponding illing document (no re#erence to order or inquiry)$; 2O (create re#er#rom pro#orma invoice)- nvoice pro#orma ? !illingCas" sales Con0guration -order-related illing-no output determination. as t"is "as already een carried out in t"e order-no ne/ price determination. as t"e pricing s"ould not di7er #rom t"eprinted invoice-posting in is made to a cas" settlement account. not to t"e customer-illing type @ is used #or cancellations in cas" sales

    Cas" sales "ave t"e #ollo/ing c"aracteristics; 6"e order and t"e delivery are created in one step. alt"oug" youreceive a document #or eac"$; Goods issue is posted at a later time as a separate transaction sot"e customer does not "ave to /ait$

    2ata lo/ ; illing types (#or e*ample. #or te*ts. partners); copying control t"e control options are as #ollo/s

    At "eader level; oreign trade data

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    ; Allocation numer; +e#erence numer; tem numer assignmentAt item level; 8uantity

    ; %ricing 5ou can also use data trans#er routines to inBuence t"e data Bo/

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    nvoice split automatic - eda term o# payment-"eader partner ato "eader 0eld tidak samaalternati# lain dengan cara copy control dr customiFing (routine) tu9uannyau memedakan pro0t center ato mat group

    ield @!+D-HD+ is used in t"e illing "eader to store t"ese additionalsplit criteria$

    tem 2ependent nvoice plit 6"e system administrator can also de0ne additional split requirements inCustomiFing #or copying control to prevent t"e system #rom cominingsales documents in a illing document$; I*ample eparation ased on material group or pro0t center$; ield @!+D-HD+ is used in t"e illing "eader to store t"eseadditional split criteria$; ields. /"ic" cause a split. are displayed in t"e split analysis$

    ndividual !illing 2oc 6o do t"is. select data trans#er routine J inCustomiFing #or copying control (t"e numer o# t"e re#erence document isset in 0eld @!+D-HD+)$

    nvoice list (Credit memo. deit memo. invoice); # you "ave agreed upon a #actoring discount. maintain conditiontype +L (#actoring discount) as /ell as condition type :

  • 8/19/2019 Rangkuman Notes SD


     6"ese "eader illing plans are assigned to sales document types

    %eriodic !illing %lan%eriodic illing can e used. #or e*ample. #or transactions involving rentalcontracts$

    ; 6"e contract data stored in t"e system can t"en e used as t"easis #or creating t"e illing plan$; 6"e start and end dates de0ne t"e duration o# t"e illing plan$ #possile. t"ey are taken #rom t"e contract data$ 5ou may decide not to setan end date (i# t"e duration is unlimited)$ n t"is case. ne/ dates can ee*tended to t"e "oriFon (t"e "oriFon speci0es t"e numer o# settlementperiods t"at are set in t"e illing plan)$; 5ou can create ne/ dates eit"er directly in t"e iliing plan. or usingt"e report +@%LA1$ 5ou s"ould sc"edule t"e report to run at regularintervals. since ne/ dates are not #ormed automatically /"en individualsettlement periods are illed$; 5ou can use t"e illing dates to determine /"en and "o/ o#tenilling is carried out. #or e*ample. on t"e 0rst day or t"e last day o# everymont"$

    2uring milestone illing. t"e total value to e illed is distriuted amongt"e individual dates according to certain rules$; 5ou can enter as many dates per illing plan as you require$; !illing plan dates can e locked #or illing$; C"anges t"at occur (#or e*ample. to t"e amounts) a#ter certainmilestone illing documents "ave een created are distriuted among t"e

    remaining illing plan dates$ 6"e amount remaining to e retro-illed #ort"e illing documents already created is included in t"e 0nal invoice$

    n t"e A% +3J ystem. milestones are stored in a net/ork along /it"planned and actual pro9ect data$ :ilestones are assigned to t"e illingplan dates and locked #or illing until t"e milestone is con0rmed ascompleted$$; n a milestone illing plan. you can no/ control /"et"er a illingdate is; a 0*ed date; al/ays needs to e updated /it" t"e actual date o# t"e milestone

    ; is updated /it" t"e actual date o# t"e milestone. i# production iscompleted e#ore t"e planned illing date

    2etermining !illing @alueA illing rule can e created #or eac" illing plan date$ 6"is ruledetermines "o/ t"e value to e illed on a particular date is determined$; 6"is allo/s you to de0ne. #or e*ample. /"et"er a 0*ed amount or apercentage o# t"e total amount is to e illed$; 6"e system can also determine /"et"er t"e amount to e illedcounts as a 0nal invoice #or /"ic" as yet unilled dates must also e

    taken into account$

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    ; 6"e allocation numer is in t"e customer line item and is used #orsorting line numers$n CustomiFing #or copying control in illing. you can de0ne /"ic"numers /ill e copied as re#erence or allocation numers; A - %urc"ase order numer

    ; ! - ales order numer; C - 2elivery numer; 2 - I*ternal delivery numer; I - !illing document numer; - I*ternal delivery numer i# availale. ot"er/ise delivery numer

    +e#erence 'umer ; 5ou must 0rst create illing documents and post t"em to inancialAccounting e#ore you comine t"em into an invoice list$ 6"e numer t"at/as saved as a re#erence numer in copying control is t"en trans#erred to$;

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    t"e credit memo t"en t"e 0eld @AL26 (value date) in t"e credit memorequest is 0lled /it" t"e aseline payment date #rom t"e originating illingdocument$; # t"e aseline date #or payment comes e#ore t"e current illingdate in t"e credit memo. "o/ever. t"en t"e illing date is not copied$

    !ecause t"is process is carried out using a secure payment guarantee#orm. it does not cause any increase in total commitments as de0ned/it"in credit management$

    sales representative groups and credit limits in CustomiFing #or t"e creditcontrol area$

    Clasi#ying Customer Credit limit  5ou can assign a risk category to a customer in order to classi#y and carryout credit c"ecks on customers according to t"e credit risk t"ey represent$; 6"e risk category determines /"ic" credit c"ecks are to e carriedout during order and delivery processing$ (see unit on Automatic CreditControl); Hsing t"e customer credit control group. you can group customersaccording to your company-speci0c requirements (e$g$ y industry or ycountry)$ Credit representatives can use t"ese groups to generate lockeddocuments #or revie/ and statistical analyses$; 6"e customer groupings are #reely de0nale and included inreporting$ n t"is /ay. t"e credit representative can group customers yindustry or product group$

     6otal Commitment in Credit :anagOpen order value 6"e open order value is t"e value o# all order items t"at "ave not yet eendelivered$ 6"e open order value is ased on con0rmed quantities (con0rmedquantities * credit price K open order value o# an order)$ An order t"at "aseen locked due to a credit c"eck does not contain con0rmed quantities$ 6"e open order value does not increase as long as t"e lock remains inplace$; Open delivery value

     6"e open delivery value is t"e value o# all delivery items t"at "ave not yeteen illed$; Open illing value 6"e open illing value is t"e value o# all illing items t"at "ave not yeteen trans#erred to Accounting$; +eceivales #rom sales are included in total commitments as long ast"ey "ave not een indicated as disputed items$ or more in#ormation. seeHnit %ayment 2i7erences and pecial Commitments$; +eceivales #rom special G3L transactions are trans#erred #romspecial commitments to total commitments i# t"ey are relevant to credit

    limit (#or e*ample. payments)$ or more in#ormation. see Hnit %ayment2i7erences and pecial Commitments$

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    ; 6"e system updates values ased on t"e payer$

    Central 2ata and 2ata CCA 6otal credit limit

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    ; 6"e Last nternal +evie/ date can e used #or selection and sortingin t"e credit overvie/ and in t"e credit master s"eet$; 6"e open order value comprises all partially delivered or undeliveredorders$ t is accumulated #or t"e material availaility date /it"in anin#ormation structure in #reely de0nale units o# time or periods (day.

    /eek. mont")$;

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    ;'ote'o determination logic is used #or payment cards and 0nancialdocuments$ n ot"er /ords. t"ese payment guarantee #orms must al/ayse entered manually in t"e document$ # t"e e*port credit insurance isentered in t"e payment guarantee procedure (e*ternal connection).

    "o/ever. t"en t"e system automatically attempts to determine a validcontract #or t"is order$

    proses 2O isa melalui delivery list --> online (manual) dan ackgroundsaat peak o7 prose %icking (6O) dan %G isa melalui collective procesing Mselect 2o dari /orklistilling due list to process outound deliveries (and i# required also orders)#or illing documents$

    %lanned ndep +eq - :6O; # an availaility c"eck is activated #or t"e requirements class. t"eavailale quantity is calculated #rom t"e stock. t"e planned incoming.in/ard movements o# goods and out/ard movement o# goods$ 6"eavailaility c"eck rule controls /"at is evaluated as in/ards movementand out/ard movement o# goods during t"e availaility c"eck$; # a planning assignment is made during transaction processing in alesand i# t"e availaility c"eck is deactivated via t"e requirements class.t"en an availaility c"eck is carried out against t"e production plan$ # t"eplanned independent requirements #or t"e material can not cover t"eorder quantity. t"en t"e planning assignment control screen appears in

    sales order$ 6"is screen is identical to t"e availaility control screen andt"e same rules are valid #or t"e adoption o# t"e results o# t"e c"eck (one-time delivery. delivery proposal. #ull delivery)$

    Dita dapat create invoice yg re#er dr order dan delivery (service & Good)dengan catatan requirement untuk comine cocok ( liat 6ype o#ettlement)

     6"ere are t/o types o# ackorder processing:anual /it" ackorder processing; 5ou can use ackorder processing to list sales documents #or

    materials and to process t"em manually /it" re#erence to t"econ0rmation$ 6"is means t"at A6% quantities can e reassigned and anys"ort#all can e cleared$@ia resc"eduling; 5ou can use t"e delivery priority (proposed #rom t"e customermaster record #or t"e sales order) as a sorting criteria in automaticresc"eduling$

    2uring trans#er o# requirements and t"e availaility c"eck. t"e systemdi7erentiates et/een order time and delivery time$

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    ; or ot" points in time. t"e availaility c"eck group #or t"e materialdetermines /"et"er individual or totals records are trans#erred to :+% asrequirements. i# trans#er o# requirements is carried out$ +equirementsrecords #or special stock are asically individual requirements$; 6"e system determines #or ot" points in time. /"ic" in/ard and

    out/ard movements o# goods /ill e taken into account during t"eavailaility c"eck$ 6ransactions involving special stock (consignment.returnale packaging. make-to-order stock) are controlled separately$

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    - CustomiFing- ard Code Control

    peredaan quantity di 6O dan 2O dapt dilakukan dengan klik 2eviationndicator

    s"ipping point t"roug" a comination o# delivering plant. loading group.and s"ipping condition

     6"e usiness data in a sales document is taken #rom t"e master datarecords #or t"e di7erent usiness partners$

    ; !ecause t"e s"ip-to party can e in a di7erent place to t"e sold-toparty. t"e delivery address and ta* in#ormation are taken #rom t"e s"ip-topartys master record$

    ; !ecause t"e payer is responsile #or paying your receivales. t"epayment conditions in t"e document come #rom t"e payers masterrecord$

    ; 6"e ill-to party contains t"e address to /"ic" t"e invoice s"ould esent$ 6"is address could e di7erent #rom t"at o# t"e payer$

     5ou can de0ne usiness data (suc" as payment conditions. ncoterms) att"e document "eader or #or eac" item$ 5ou can decide in CustomiFing #or t"e item category /"et"er t"e usiness

    data at item level can di7er to t"e usiness data at "eader level

    !ecause a sold-to party is al/ays required to create a sales document. ade#ault value must e set in t"e sold-to party 0eld$ 5ou can do t"is /it"your user-speci0c parameters or - depending on t"e sales document type -/it" a transaction variant$ 6"e incompleteness log o# t"e sales document ensures t"at t"e personresponsile replaces t"e de#ault customer value /it" t"e actual sold-toparty$

    ales 2ocument unction %6CO6A2

    -%ricing-6e*t-ales n#ormation ystem-Credit C"eck-Output-6rans#er o# requirement-Availaility C"eck-2elivery c"eduling

    As a rule t"e item can not e processed #urt"er /it"out a 2IL@I+'G

    %LA'6$ sistem tdk dpt menentukan-"ipping %oint

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    -6a* 2etermination-Availaility C"eck

    or/ard sc"eduling takes into consideration t"e time parallels o# t"e /orkBo/s #or transportation planning and retrieving and picking3packing o#

    materials$ 6"e longer o# t"e t/o periods is relevant #or sc"eduling$ 6"eselection date #or t"e outound delivery is t"e earlier o# t"e materialsstaging date or t"e transportation planning date$

    !e#ore you c"ange t"e sales document type in t"e sales document. c"eckt"at; 6"ere are no susequent documents; 6"e sales document is not a status-relevant susequent document; 6"e document "as not een created #rom a service noti0cation or#rom a contract; 6"e item category can e c"anged; 6"e ne/ document does not violate t"e material listing ande*clusion criteria

     5ou can use CustomiFing to de0ne /"ic" sales document types are valid in/"ic"; ales organiFations; 2istriution c"annels; 2ivisions

    ales 2ocument 6ype

    - 'umer Assignment-In"ance Contract- C"eck 2ivision. Open 8uotation. Contract. n#o +ecord-2e#ault @alue 2ate. !illing type. 2elivery 6ype. !lock- :nadatory +e#erence

    ales tem Category -Completion +ule- c"edule Line- eperate !usines data

    - %ricing- 2elivery +elevance-!illing +elevance- !O:

     6"e item category in t"e sales document is #ound using t"e salesdocument type and t"e item category group #rom t"e material master$ 6"e item category group is maintained in t"e material master on t"e salesand distriution ta page in t"e ales Org$ 2ata N$

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    !y making t"e appropriate settings in CustomiFing #or t"e item categoriesin t"e sales document. you can copy t"e components in t"e ill o# materialto a sales order

    !O: I*ploded

    ; 6"e individual item categories control /"at a ill o# material can doin a sales document$ n CustomiFing you de0ne and assign item categories#or t"e main and su-items in t"e !O: in t"e sales document$; A speci0c item category group assigned to t"e material masterrecord o# t"e main item de0nes /"ic" item categories are assigned to t"emain item$; 6o determine "o/ #ar t"e !O: s"ould e e*ploded in t"e salesdocument. you need to de0ne t"e e*tent o# t"e structure o# t"e itemcategory #or t"e main item$;

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    ; tem levelCopying requirement J1 c"ecks. #or instance. /"et"er t"e item t"at is toe used as a copy "as a reason #or re9ection or completed status$; c"edule line levelCopying requirement E1 ensures t"at only sc"edule lines /it" an open

    quantity greater t"an Fero are copied$

    Condition records are al/ays created using a speci0c key$; Hse tales #or "elp in de0ning t"e structure o# condition record keys$; 6"e most important 0elds used in pricing at "eader and item levelare availale in t"e standard system$; As o# +3J +elease ,$E. you can also add non-key 0elds to t"econdition tales$ 6"is is t"e case. #or e*ample. in condition tale 1,,./"ic" is used /it"in t"e price ook (condition type %!H2)$; 6"e key 0elds o# a condition tale must appear at t"e start o# t"etale. in ot"er /ords. non-key 0elds must not appear et/een any t/okey 0elds$

     6"e pricing procedure is determined according to; ales area; Customer pricing procedure 0eld in t"e customer master; 2ocument pricing procedure 0eld in t"e sales document type$

     6"e list layout is speci0ed y positioning and sorting t"e 0elds /"ic"appear in t"e selected tales in one o# t"ree report sections; %age "eader - a page reak occurs /"en a value c"anges$

    ; Group "eader - a ne/ line "eading is generated #or eac" taleanalyFed$; tems - detailed record in#ormation$

    Create Condition record /it" re#erence c"anges can e made to t"e rate. validity period. and additional salesdata #or t"e ne/ly created records

    Create /it" copy condition record

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    !e#ore you can use t"e CO'26O' '2IPI t"at are delivered in t"estandard version. you must 0rst activate t"em in CustomiFing #or sales$

    +elease %rocedure; D+6 +elease status as last key 0eld

    ; D!6A6 %rocessing status as a 0eld o# t"e variale data part (non-key 0eld) 6"e release status is prede0ned$ At present t"e #ollo/ing statuses arede0ned; released; locked; released #or price simulation (net price list); released #or planning and price simulation (planning in CO-%A)

     6"e calculation type #or a condition type

     5ou can maintain long te*ts in t"e condition records #or pricing andagreements (reates. sales deals. and promotions)$

    ; 6"ese provide in#ormation aout; Creating condition records; Approvals; nvalidity

    ; # required. long te*ts in t"e reate agreement can e copied to t"edocuments (#or e*ample. to t"e credit memo request #or reate paymentsand #rom t"ere to t"e reate credit memo)$

    ; o/ever. you cannot copy t"e pricing te*ts to t"e documents$; 6e*ts are not copied /"en you create condition records /it"re#erence$

    or group conditions /it" varying keys. item quantities are accumulated#or scale point determination purposes ut t"e rate #or eac" item is taken#rom its individual condition record$Control data Intry #or condition typeGroup condition PHnit o# measure #or accumulation. e$g$ piecesGrDey 'umer 1. N or J (see e*planation elo/)

    ; 1$ Complete documentAll quantities /it" t"e same condition type are accumulated$; N$ or all condition typesAll quantities are accumulated /"ic" elong to condition type routine N$; J$ :aterial pricing groupAll quantities /it" t"e same condition type and material pricing group areaccumulated$

    @alues can e accumulated in condition records and tested against limits$n t"is /ay. you can set a ma*imum condition value. condition ase value.

    or numer o# orders #or a condition$

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    Group several conditions toget"er in a condition supplement procedure i#you /ant t"ese conditions to e accessed toget"er during pricing$

     6"e t/o steps #or 2I6I+:''G and HI t"e data di7er in t"e /ay t"att"ey collect data. /"ic" means t"at a distinction must e made et/een

    t"ree data determination procedures; 2ata determination using t"e communication structure DO:%A2; 2ata determination using routines (condition NN. ase valuecalculation #ormula NN); 2ata determination #or sales deals (condition class )

    %rice ook re#er to price determination strategytep 1 ales 2eal 'Hmer (Cond type %!H) is determinedtep N Hsing t"e material group as a asis. #or e*ample. specialagreements are determined. /"ic" take%ricing datecale quantitytem price listinto account (condition type %!H2)$

     6a*es - 2eparture country- 2estination COuntry- Customer ta* classi0cation- :aterial 6a* Classi0c

     5ou can assign a rule (lank. A. !) at t"e sales organiFation level todetermine t"e sales ta* identi0cation numer in t"e order and illingdocument (t"e ta* classi0cation determination is linked to t"is)tatus A 6rans#er #rom old to %artytatus ! 6rans#er #rom %ayer

     6"e #ollo/ing #actors play a role in ta* determination; !usiness transaction - domestic or e*port3import; 6a* liaility o# t"e s"ip-to party; 6a* liaility o# t"e material

    %romotion -> sales deal (@alid period) -> 2iscount 6"e sales deal numer and promotion numer 0elds are in t"e detailscreen o# t"e illing item

    n order #or reates to #unction. reate processing must e activated #or; 6"e sales organiFation; 6"e payer master; 6"e illing document type

    tatus +eate Agreement

    ; tatus A re#ers to an open reate agreement$

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     6"e system generates a reate credit memo request #or t"e reatepayment amount speci0ed$; tatus ! means t"e reate is released #or settlement$; tatus C means you "ave actually e*ecuted t"e settlement$ 6"eystem creates a credit memo request #or t"e accrual amount$

    +etroactive reate agreements allo/ you to take into account illingdocuments created e#ore t"e reate agreement is created$

    %artial reate settlements can e limited #or eac" reate agreement typeas #ollo/s; up to t"e accumulated accrual amount; up to t"e calculated payment amount #or t"e current date; unlimited

    +eate yg mere#er ke material tertentu3 :aterial group ato customer"arus meru9uk ke ettlement material utk provide in#o terkait materialdan sumer penting untuk Credit memo sg master data conto" accountdetermination

     6"e standard system provides t"e #ollo/ing reate agreement types; :aterial reate; Customer reate; Customer "ierarc"y reate; :aterial group reate

    ; ndependent o# sales volume

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     6"e one-line display also "as several disadvantages. "o/ever; 6"e #ree goods quantity is not ovious during order entry; 6"e #ree goods quantities are not identi0ed in t"e statistics

     5ou maintain t"e #ree goods in t"e master records #or sales y

    ; Hsing a di7erent menu entry; Going to %rices and 2iscounts3surc"arges /"en maintaining t"emaster records

     5ou can de0ne master records #or #ree goods at any level. #or e*ample.material. customer 3 material. price list category 3 currency 3 material orcustomer "ierarc"y 3 material$

     5ou can restrict master records #or one level in many di7erent /ays; @alidity period 6"e condition is only valid /it"in t"is period; Lo/est quantity 6"e condition comes into a7ect /"en t"is quantity"as een e*ceeded; 2elivery control ee ne*t page; Calculation type ee #ollo/ing page; cales

    ree Good Calculation rulerule 1 pro ratarule N related to unitrule J /"ole unit 6"e #ree good quantity. additional qty. document qty

    #ree good determination procedure-sales area- cust det proc (cust master data)- doc det proc( sales doc type)

    te*t determination procedure --> 6e*t O9ect --> 6e*t typeIac" c"aracteristic in a te*t o9ect "as to e assigned to one o# t"ede0ned procedures$ 6"is means t"at /"en you create a customer master record. t"e system

    uses t"e te*t determination procedure t"at"as een assigned to t"at customers account group$ Or. in sales orderentry. t"e te*t determination procedure #ort"e sales document "eader is assigned to t"e sales document type andt"e procedure t"at elongs to t"e item category to t"e items$

     6e*t determination is #or creating te*ts automatically /"en you create ate*t o9ect$

     6"e te*t determination procedures contain all t"e te*t types in a te*t

    o9ect t"at can e maintained

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    setiap Access quence terdapat 6e*t O9ect -- restrict searc" language.partner #unction

    or document te*t determination procedures you can also speci#y/"et"er

    ; a te*t s"ould e oligatory (incompletion log); t"e te*t s"ould e determined automatically; t"e te*t s"ould e displayed in t"e document in t"e te*t 0eld(popup)

    Output can e sent #rom di7erent o9ects (#or e*ample. outound delivery.group o# outound deliveries. s"ipping unit)$ 6"e output to e sent is selected y a standard program (+'A6)time 1 program runtime N speci0ed y users"ip time J output online ato atc"s"ip time , automatic doc is posted

     6"e in#ormation #rom sales and distriution can e divided into #our mainareasLinking sales documents and master data to; !usiness transactions; 2isplaying all transactions relevant to a master record2isplaying all transactions. t"at "ave a speci0c status. #or e*ample; all orders ready #or s"ipping; all currently valid quotations

    2isplaying document Bo/. #or e*ample. to ans/er t"e #ollo/ing questions;

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    ; 2ocuments according to status (orders /it" active system status oruser status)

     6"e s"ipping point is directly under t"e client level

    2elivery 6ype '%26+++O

    -'umer Assignment-%artner-2elivery split in /are"ouse-6e*t-re#erence to order-route determination-relevan s"ipment delivery- output

    tipe delivery; L! 2elivery #or sucontract order; L2 2ecentraliFed s"ipping (used in decentraliFed s"ipping inconnection /it" +3N +@); L Outound delivery; LO 2elivery /it"out re#erence (no sales order necessary in order tocreate a delivery); L% 2elivery #rom pro9ect; L+ +eturns delivery; 'L +eplenis"ment delivery

    ; +L +eturns vendor

    tem Category 2elivery %6%ACA+C+- %icking location determination-6e*t- %acking control- availaility c"eck- c"eck minimum delivery quantity- automatic atc"- relevan #or %icking- c"eck #or overdelivery

    - relevan #or proo# delivery 6"e delivery item category controls "o/ delivery items are "andled andprocessed during t"e s"ipping process$ 6"e control elements availaleprovide a "ig" degree o# automatic determination and c"ecking

     6"e route can e used as a selection criterion #or delivery processing

    2elivery sc"ed dan 6ransport c"ed di maintain di sales document type

     6"e route is used to determine t"e transportation lead time$ %recise

    sc"eduling uses t"e /orking times o# t"e s"ipping point. and dailysc"eduling uses t"e #actory calendar o# t"e s"ipping point$

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    !ot" types o# sc"eduling use t"e #actory calendar o# t"e route todetermine /"en t"e route is taken$

    +oute c"edule -route

    -departure date and departure time-s"ip to parties-itinerary

     5ou can use route sc"edules in sales orders. stock trans#er orders. andoutound deliveries$

    n CustomiFing. you can de0ne /"et"er a route sc"edule s"ould eassigned per s"ipping point. order type. purc"asing document type (anddelivering plant). and delivery type

    n t"e standard system. a user role is assigned to eac" delivery scenario$ 5ou can maintain t"e user roles in CustomiFing$ 6"ey let you control t"e scope o# selection. t"e display o# t"e delivery list.t"e type o# delivery. and so on$

     6"e system determines t"e picking location ased on a rule de0ned in t"edelivery type$ 6"e #ollo/ing rules are s"ipped in t"e standard system

    ; :ALA 6"e picking location is determined ased on t"es"ipping point. t"e delivering plant. and t"e materials storage conditionde0ned in t"e material master$

    ; +I6A and :A+A 6"ese rules are mainly used in tradescenarios$; 5ou can also de0ne your o/n rules #or t"e picking location searc"$; 6"e picking location searc" is activated #or eac" delivery item type$

    Hse t"e atc" split #unction i# t"e delivery quantities o# an item are to etaken #rom di7erent atc"es$ 5ou can carry out atc" splits as #ollo/s; :anually in t"e atc" split screen o# t"e delivery item;

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    ; +eserve storage ins; trategies #or puta/ay and picking; +eplenis"ment; nventory at storage-in level


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    ; 2epending on t"e settings #or print control. t"e picking list is printedautomatically y t"e system or manually y t"e picker /"o calls up t"is#unction$

    n CustomiFing. you de0ne t"e con0rmation requirement #or eac" storage

    type$t /ill su4ce i# you set eit"er t"e Rstock removalR (picking) in t"e sourcestorage type or t"e Rstock placementR (puta/ay) in t"e destinationstorage type as requiring con0rmation

    "ipping material - s"ippng unit

    n t"e standard system. t/o output types are set up #or printing; packing list (at delivery level); s"ipping lael (at s"ipping unit level)

     6"e packing #unction is availale; in orders (as packing proposals); in t"e outound delivery; in t"e s"ipment document 6"e packing proposal in t"e order can e copied to t"e outound delivery$ 5ou control t"is at t"e "eader level in t"e copy control tale #or deliveries$

     5ou can make packing in t"e outound delivery su9ect to certainconditions$ 6o do t"is. you need to make settings in CustomiFing (standardsetting packing cannot e carried out /"en t"e delivery "as een locked

    y t"e credit c"eck)$

    or eac" s"ipping material type. you can de0ne controls in CustomiFing$ 5ou can use t"ese. #or e*ample. to speci#y t"e output determinationprocedure #or output #rom s"ipping units (suc" as s"ipping laels)$

     6o automatically generate items #or s"ipping materials; 5ou must set item category determination in CustomiFing$ n t"isconte*t. tale entries /it" %ACD usage are relevant$; 6"e delivering plant must e determined using t"e plantdetermination rule in t"e s"ipping material type or must e entered


    setting untuk illing - material master item cat grp @I+% . item cat 2L'- return material LI. 6ALO packaging pickup LA. 2O +I. O %ack issue L'

    Goods issue; reduces /are"ouse stock; posts t"e value c"ange to t"e stock accounts in inventory

    accounting; reduces delivery requirements

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    ; enters status in#ormation in t"e outound delivery; is stored in t"e document Bo/; creates a /ork list #or illing

    n addition to Cancelation t"e outound delivery numer. you can enter

    t"e s"ipping point. t"e route. t"e goods issue date. a group o# outounddeliveries and t"e s"ipment numer as selection criteria

    8: automatically creates an '%IC6O' LO6 #or t"e delivery items t"atare relevant #or inspection$ 6"e HAGI 2ICO' represents t"e completion o# a 8: inspection$ 6"isis /"ere t"e inspected goods are eit"er accepted #or #urt"er use or arere9ected

    !e#ore you can use t"e proo# o# delivery #unction. you need to de0ne/"ic" delivery item categories are relevant #or t"e %O! process$ 5ou alsoneed to de0ne reasons #or deviation. and in t"e customer master you areusing #or t"e %O! process. speci#y %O! relevance

     6"e indicator #or controlling complete3partial deliveries is proposed #romt"e customer master record$ 6"e proposal #or t"e item level comes #romt"e customer-material in#o. i# a customer and material agreement "aseen maintained t"ere$ 6"ese indicators can e manually c"anged duringsales order entry

     6"e #ollo/ing partial delivery agreements e*ist

    ; S %artial delivery permitted; A Inter a delivery /it" quantity not equal to ; ! Only create a delivery (also /it" quantity K ); C Only complete delivery can e carried out; 2 %re#erred susequent delivery

    Case 1 Con0rmation on +equired 2elivery 2ate 6"e system uses delivery sc"eduling to c"eck /"et"er t"e goods /ill eavailale #or t"e material availaility date$ 6"e availaility c"eck includes; Current stock

    ; %lanned in/ard movements (suc" as purc"ase orders. purc"aserequisitions. planned orders); %lanned out/ard movements (suc" as e*isting sales orders.deliveries)$Case N Con0rmation #or Later 2ateCase J %artial 2eliveryCase , C"eck /it" +eplenis"ment Lead 6ime

    # an availaility c"eck is activated #or t"e requirements class. t"eavailale quantity is calculated #rom t"e stock. t"e planned incoming.

    in/ard movements o# goods and out/ard movement o# goods$ 6"e

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    availaility c"eck rule controls /"at is evaluated as in/ards movementand out/ard movement o# goods during t"e availaility c"eck$# a planning assignment is made during transaction processing in alesand i# t"e availaility c"eck is deactivated via t"e requirements class.t"en an availaility c"eck is carried out against t"e production plan$ # t"e

    planned independent requirements #or t"e material can not cover t"eorder quantity. t"en t"e planning assignment control screen appears insales order$ 6"is screen is identical to t"e availaility control screen andt"e same rules are valid #or t"e adoption o# t"e results o# t"e c"eck (one-time delivery. delivery proposal. #ull delivery)$

     6"e account group speci0es;

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     Calculation type ee #ollo/ingpage




    8uestions1$ At /"ic" organiFational level is t"e availaility c"eck (A6%) per#ormed#or a sales orderQ%lease c"oose t"e correct ans/er$

    a) O Cross-company code) O

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    a) O Assign an invoicing date calendar in t"e sales area data o# t"ecustomer master$) O et up date proposal maintenance in CustomiFing /it" t"edesired percentages o# t"e amount to e invoiced periodically$c) O :aintain a illing plan type #or periodic illing$

    d) O Assign a illing plan type #or periodic illing to t"e item categoryo# t"e rental contract item$T$

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    a) O +equested delivery date) O 2e#ault s"ipping pointc) O 2elivery relevanced) O mmediate deliverye) O 2e#ault delivery type


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