Railway goods Management System.docx

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  • 8/17/2019 Railway goods Management System.docx


  • 8/17/2019 Railway goods Management System.docx


    Railway goods


    (age 2

  • 8/17/2019 Railway goods Management System.docx


    Abstract ) is web application is de#eloped for t e need of

    transportation of railway goods in a systematic way. *n

    *ndian railway+ passenger and goods transport #olume

    grew signi,cantly. ) ere was a notable rise in t e

    transport of 'ey goods suc as coal. -arious transport

    indicators reac ed a new istorical ig . After t e si tupgrade of rail speed+ t e railway department added

    more ea#y goods trains and direct goods trains. ) is

    as furt er strengt ened t e ability of assuring t e

    transportation of 'ey goods relating to t e national

    economy and t e people/s li#eli ood. 0or t is purpose

    t e web application Railway goods management is

    de#eloped. ) e Railway 1oods management system

    contains t e tools for demand registration+ priority of

    loading goods+ loading order of t e same priority goods+

    railway Receipt generation and printing RR Railway

    Receipt . )o maintain t e secrecy of information

    contained in t e abo#e forms+ * D*A RA*56A S uses a

    special software named as 0"*S w ic means 0reig t

    "perating *nformation System.

    (age 3

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    Module DescriptionsModule Descriptions of 8Railway goods Management

    ieee matlab pro9ect. ) ese modules will be de#eloped

    in asp.net wit c: source code8

    & 5ogin2 ) is module contains t e registration of

    unaut ori;ed users from e administration of t e

    system.3 Demand master or demand registrations are

    processed in t is module. ) is module generates

    t e demand registration and re?ects it to t e

    0.notes. Also t e module 'ept t e list of Demand

    registrations in t e database.7 0orwarding otes Master! ) is module as t e input from demand

    registration @ will implement t e forwarding note

    process e%ecti#ely. ) e process of t e module

    (age 4

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    'eeps t e records of t e forwarding notes already

    e isted in t e database.$ Account Master

    & ) is module contains t e accounting details of t e railway

    goods management. ie. Details of accounts

    of deposits+ recei#ables+ and payables.

    && Demand Registration&2 Demand registration is t e sub module of t e


    master+ w ic are generated concurrently.

    &3 5oading 1oods&4 After t e completion of demand registration+

    t e 0. otes

    is forwarded to t is module as t e input. ) is

    module con,rms t e priority of t e goods to

    be loaded in t e list of forwarded notes.

    &= RR Reports&> ) is module generates and processes t e

    railway reports&7 details. ) e report contains t e records of

    goods and

    loaded goods details.

    &! Settings&$ ) is module contains t e settings to con,gure

    t e

    (age =

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    (age >

  • 8/17/2019 Railway goods Management System.docx


    Hardware Requirements•

    (rocessor B (entiumCi#• RAM B &1• Eard Dis' B 4 1• (rinter B E( 5aser Fet• Monitor B 51 Monitor

    Software Requirements

    • ac' end B MS e cess• 0ront Gnd B -isual asis >.• 6or' Station "Hs B 6indows I(• )ool B M. S. "Jce

    (age 7

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    Rail freight transportRail freig t transport is t e use of railroads and trains to

    transport cargo as opposed to uman passengers.

    A freig t train or goods train is a group of freig t cars

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    recei#er lac' direct rail access. ) ese costs may e ceed

    t at of operating t e train itself+ a factor t at practices

    suc as containeri;ation aim to minimi;e.

    Overview )raditionally+ large s ippers

    build factories and ware ouses near rail lines and a#ea section of trac' on t eir property called

    a siding w ere goods are loaded on to or unloaded from

    rail cars. "t er s ippers a#e t eir goods auled

    drayed by wagon or truc' to or from a goods

    station freig t station in

  • 8/17/2019 Railway goods Management System.docx


    single car mig t be reclassi,ed or switched in se#eral

    yards before reac ing its ,nal destination+ a process

    t at made rail freig t slow and increased costs. Many

    freig t rail operators are trying to reduce t ese costs by

    reducing or eliminating switc ing in classi,cation yards

    t roug tec niques suc as unit

    trains and containeri;ation .L2 *n many countries+

    railroads a#e been built to aul one commodity+ suc

    as coal or ore+ from an inland point to a port.

    Rail freig t uses many types of goods wagon

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    go#ernments are now trying to encourage more freig t

    onto trains+ because of t e en#ironmental bene,ts t at

    it would bringN rail transport is #ery energy eJcient.L3 Kompared tO road transport w PQ employs t u

    Of truc's+ rail transportation ensures t Tt goods t Tt

    QOuld Ot rwP b transported On T number Of truc's

    Tr transported Pn T single s ipment. ) P sa#es T lot T

    fTr T cost connected tO t transportation Tr

    concerned. L4

    *n Gurope particularly ritain many manufacturing

    towns de#eloped before t e railway. Many factories did

    not a#e direct rail access. ) is meant t at freig t ad

    to be s ipped t roug a goods station + sent by train

    and unloaded at anot er goods station for onwarddeli#ery to anot er factory. 6 en lorries truc's

    replaced orses it was often economic and faster to

    ma'e one mo#ement by road. *n t e

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    rail systems a#e turned to computeri;ed sc eduling

    and optimi;ation for trains w ic as reduced costs and

    elped add more train traJc to t e rails.

    0reig t railroads relations ip wit ot er modes of

    transportation #aries widely. ) ere is almost no

    interaction wit airfreig t + close cooperation wit

    oceanCgoing freig t and a mostly competiti#e

    relations ip wit long distance truc'ing and barge

    transport. Many businesses s ip t eir products by rail if

    t ey are s ipping long distance because it can be

    c eaper to s ip in large quantities by rail t an by truc'N

    owe#er barge s ipping remains a #iable competitor

    w ere water transport is a#ailable. L>

    0reig t trains are sometimes illegally boarded byindi#iduals w o do not wis + or do not a#e t e money+

    to tra#el by ordinary means+ a practice referred to as

    8 opping .8 Most oppers snea' into train yards and

    stow away in bo cars. older oppers will catc a train

    8on t e ?y+8 t at is+ as it is mo#ing+ leading to

    occasional fatalities+ some of w ic go unrecorded.

    Regional di erences

    (age &2


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    A map of t e world s owing regions by principal

    rail trac' gauge .

    Railroads are sub9ect to t e networ' e%ect B t e more

    points t ey connect to+ t e greater t e #alue of t e

    system as a w ole. Garly railroads were built to bring

    resources+ suc as coal+ ores and agricultural products

    from inland locations to ports for e port. *n many parts

    of t e world+ particularly t e sout ern emisp ere+ t at

    is still t e main use of freig t railroads. 1reater

    connecti#ity opens t e rail networ' to ot er freig tuses including nonCe port traJc. Rail networ'

    connecti#ity is limited by a number of factors+ including

    geograp ical barriers+ suc as oceans and mountains+

    tec nical incompatibilities+ particularly di%erent trac'

    gauges and railway couplers + and political con?icts. ) e

    largest rail networ's are located in ort America and

    (age &3


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    Gurasia. 5ong distance freig t trains are generally

    longer t an passenger trains+ wit greater lengt

    impro#ing eJciency. Ma imum lengt #aries widely by

    system. See longest trains for train lengt s in di%erent


    !orth America

    Mi ed freig t running down ill in Kaliente+ KaliforniaKanada +Me ico and t e

  • 8/17/2019 Railway goods Management System.docx


    Rail freig t is well standardi;ed in ort America+

    wit Uanney couplers and compatible air bra'es . ) e

    main #ariations are in loading gauge and ma imum car

    weig t. Most trac'age is owned by pri#ate companies

    t at also operate freig t trains on t ose trac's. Since

    t e Staggers Rail Act of &$! + t e freig t rail industry in

    t e

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    ) e 1uatemala railroad is currently inacti#e+ pre#enting

    rail s ipment sout of Me ico. (anama as freig t rail

    ser#ice+ recently con#erted to standard gauge+ t at

    parallels t e (anama Kanal . A few ot er rail systems in

    Kentral America are still in operation+ but most a#e

    closed. ) ere as ne#er been a rail line t roug Kentral

    America to Sout America+ but a connection+ 0GR*S)SA +

    from Me ico to (anama+ as been proposed in t e past.


    Koal awaiting s ipment to an electric generating plant

    in 1ermany

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    )rain station in )atarstan+ Russia wit container and

    tan' cars

    ) ere are four ma9or interconnecting rail networ's on

    t e Gurasian land mass+ along wit ot er smaller

    national networ's.

    • Most countries in t e Guropean

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    • ) e countries of t e former So#iet

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    0reig t train M1 new modi,ed goods for Automobile

    transportation in *ndia

    "I type freig t train in *ndia

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    mo#ement between networ's+ including a Gurasian

    5and ridge .

    South Americara;il as a large rail networ'+ mostly metre gauge+

    wit some broad gauge. *t runs some of t e ea#iest

    iron ore trains in t e world on its metre gauge networ'.

    K ile and Argentina a#e *ndian gauge networ's in t e

    sout and metre gauge networ's in t e nort . ) e

    metre gauge networ's are connected at one point+ but

    t ere as ne#er been a broad gauge connection. A

    metreCgauge connection between t e two broad gauge

    networ's+ t e )ransandine Railway was constructed but

    is not currently in ser#ice. See also Trans-Andean

    railways . Most ot er countries a#e few rail systems+ if



    (age 2&


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    *ron ore train in Mauritania

    ) e railways of Africa were mostly started by colonial

    powers to bring inland resources to port. ) ere was

    little regard for e#entual interconnection. As a result+

    t ere are a #ariety of gauge and coupler standards in

    use. A 3 ft > in &+ >7 mm gauge networ' wit Uanney

    couplers ser#es sout ern Africa. Gast Africa uses metre

    gauge . ort Africa uses standard gauge + but potential

    connection t e Guropean standard gauge networ' is

    bloc'ed by t e ArabC*sraeli con?ict .

    OceaniaMain article: Rail transport in Australia

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    Rail de#eloped independently in di%erent parts

    of Australia and+ as a result+ t ree ma9or rail gauges are

    in use. A standard gauge )ransCAustralian

    Railway spans t e continent.


    Rail freight by networ#$ billion tonne%#m

    &'(' L$

    !etwor# )t%#m Countriesort America 2!>3 7Guropean $ includes oli#ia &Sout Africa &&= includes Fimbabwe &.>Australia >4

    Uapan 2*n 2 &&+ ort American railroads operated &+47&+73>

    freig t cars and 3&+!7= locomoti#es+ wit 2&=+$!=

    employees+ ) ey originated 3$.=3 million carloads

    a#eraging >3 tons eac and generated X!&.7 billion in

    freig t re#enue. ) e largest Klass & .2Y of tonnage

    (age 23


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    originated and &2.>Y of re#enue. ) e largest

    commodities were coal+ c emicals+ farm products+

    nonmetallic minerals and intermodal. Koal alone was

    43.3Y of tonnage and 24.7Y of re#enue. ) e a#erage

    aul was $&7 miles. 6it in t e .4Y and inland

    waterways >.=Y


    ul' cargo constitutes t e ma9ority of tonnage carried

    by most freig t railroads. ul' cargo

    is commodity cargo t at is transported unpac'aged in

    large quantities. ) ese cargo are usually dropped or

    poured+ wit a spout or s o#el buc'et+ as a liquid or

    solid+ into a railroad car . 5iquids+ suc as petroleum andc emicals+ and compressed gases are carried by rail

    in tan' cars .L&4

    (age 24


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    ul' freig t car scales at t e MMAMac' (oint yard+ MG.

    Eopper cars are freig t cars used to transport dry bul'

    commodities suc as coal +ore +grain +trac' ballast + and

    t e li'e. ) is type of car is distinguis ed from

    a gondola car

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    coal+ w ic can get wet and dry out wit less armful

    e%ect. Eopper cars a#e been used by railways

    worldwide w ene#er automated cargo andling as

    been desired. Rotary car dumpers simply in#ert t e car

    to unload it+ and a#e become t e preferred unloading

    tec nology+ especially in ort AmericaN t ey permit

    t e use of simpler+ toug er+ and more compact

    because sloping ends are not required gondola

    cars instead of oppers.

    Heavy%duty ore tra+cMain article: Heaviest trains

    ) e ea#iest trains in t e world carry bul' traJc suc

    as iron ore and coal . 5oads can be &3 tonnes per

    wagon and tens of t ousands of tonnes per train. Daqin

    Railway transports more t an & million tonnes of coal to

    t e east sea s ore of K ina e#ery day and in 2 $ is

    t e busiest freig t line in t e world L&= Suc economies

    of scale dri#e down operating costs. Some freig t trainscan be o#er 7 'm long.


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    is mo#ed by containers stac'ed on transport s ipsNL&> 2>Y of all container transs ipment is carried out in

    K ina. L&7 As of 2 =+ some &! million total containers

    ma'e o#er 2 million trips per year.

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    )rain in Ari;ona+

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    (art of a

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    wagons on lines wit o#er ead electric wiring . K ina

    runs double stac' trains wit o#er ead wiring+ but does

    not allow two ma imum eig t containers to be

    stac'ed. L2

    *n t e

  • 8/17/2019 Railway goods Management System.docx


    its Riyad CDamman corridor. Double stac'ing is used in

    *ndia for selected freig tConly lines. L2

    Rolling highways and piggy bac#


    *n some countries rolling ig way + or rolling road+L2= trains are usedN truc's can dri#e straig t onto t e

    train and dri#e o% again w en t e end destination isreac ed. A system li'e t is is used on t e K annel

    )unnel between t e

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    References• www.google.com• www.wi'ipedia.com• Uump up Z 8Rail 0reig t S ipping8.•

    Uump up Z Armstrong+ Uo n E. &$7! . ) e RailroadC6 at *t *s+ 6 at *t Does. "ma a+ B SimmonsC

    oardman. pp. 7 %.• Uump up Z 1reene+ Scott. Komparati#e G#aluation

    of Rail and )ruc' 0uel GJciency on Kompetiti#e

    Korridors p4 0ederal Railroad Administration+ &$

    o#ember 2 $. AccessedB 4 "ctober 2 &&.• Uump up Z S efer+ Uon. Rail 0reig t )ransportationB

    Eow )o Sa#e ) ousands "f Dollars @ ) e

    Gn#ironment p4 + 3& o#ember 2 &=. AccessedB =

    December 2 &=.• Uump up Z Eollerit /s Glectric )abulating Mac ine

    Railroad 1a;ette+ April &$+ &!!=.

    (age 33


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    • Uump up Z 8*nformation Systems and *ndustry

    "perating (rocedures8. Railroad *ndustry "#er#iew

    Series. *RS. "ctober 2 7. Retrie#ed 3& May 2 &3.• Uump up Z Modes+ 6es. 8Eow )o Eop a 0reig t

    )rain+ by 6es Modes8. modes.io. Retrie#ed 2 &3C
