Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb Let’s thank a lot to Allah S.W.T for his blessing that we can gather here in this good occasion. Let’s also price and send greeting to our illuminator great prophet Muhammad SAW. Ladies and gentlemen, With all due the respect to the honorable Mr. Budi Hartono and to all the dearest students of X IPA 3 attending. How glad we? today we can celebrate the National Education Day that is taking place at the yard field of Bogor Palace on this May 2th 2007. By celebrating National Education Day, I wish that we can have more spirits on us and rise up to enhance and develop the education of our children so that they could be helpful and all-to-the good for the sake of people, nation, and religion. The rapid and great increase of school-age children and graduates from every level of education, but not followed with any increase of facilities and infrastructures that is immediate and adequate causing issues for government to provide “education and teaching” for all the citizens as said in the Constitution. This issue is quite crucial if we recall the variety of Indonesian geographical condition that is widespread and separated with different levels of social-economics-cultural developments. At that time, when the first time of execution of REPELITA/Rencana Pembangunan Lima Tahun (Five-Year Development Plan) with an emphasis on economical development that is perceived to be the basis of any other aspect regarding national development. In the renewal of education, the consideration is focused on attempts of betterment and enhancement for the quality of education as well as structuring of opportunity for everyone to get education. Talking about the last attempt, it is quite difficult to reach if it’s only performed by using conventional ways that is by making use of communication technology and television and radio information. In 2007, government has determined the APBN (National Budget) for education by 20 % for elementary school, middle school, and high school. Every program and activity performed is not so much based on the addition of total of school buildings, teachers, literatures, and others. The indentified alternatives include:

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Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb

Lets thank a lot to Allah S.W.T for his blessing that we can gather here in this good occasion. Lets also price and send greeting to our illuminator great prophetMuhammad SAW.Ladies and gentlemen,With all due the respect to the honorable Mr. Budi Hartono and to all the dearest students of X IPA 3 attending.How glad we? today we can celebrate the National Education Day that is taking place at the yard field of Bogor Palace on this May 2th 2007. By celebrating National Education Day, I wish that we can have more spirits on us and rise up to enhance and develop the education of our children so that they could be helpful and all-to-the good for the sake of people, nation, and religion.

The rapid and great increase of school-age children and graduates from every level of education, but not followed with any increase of facilities and infrastructures that is immediate and adequate causing issues for government to provide education and teaching for all the citizens as said in the Constitution.This issue is quite crucial if we recall the variety of Indonesian geographical condition that is widespread and separated with different levels of social-economics-cultural developments. At that time, when the first time of execution of REPELITA/Rencana Pembangunan Lima Tahun (Five-Year Development Plan) with an emphasis on economical development that is perceived to be the basis of any other aspect regarding national development. In the renewal of education, the consideration is focused on attempts of betterment and enhancement for the quality of education as well as structuring of opportunity for everyone to get education.Talking about the last attempt, it is quite difficult to reach if its only performed by using conventional ways that is by making use of communication technology and television and radio information. In 2007, government has determined the APBN (National Budget) for education by 20 % for elementary school, middle school, and high school. Every program and activity performed is not so much based on the addition of total of school buildings, teachers, literatures, and others.

The indentified alternatives include:1. The increase of accommodating capacity for Middle School students which is done by addition of new schools2. The increase of accommodating capacity for private schools3. The development of open-schools by the correspondence-medias, modules, radio broadcastings, television broadcastings, and others.4. The opening of practical skill courses outside the schools as a channelization method for people

Ki Hajar Dewantara (1889-1959) was a personage of Indonesian education who initiated the founding of educational institute named Taman Siswa. He is known more by his philosophy; tut wuri handayani, hing madya mangun karsa, hing ngarso sung tulada.Ki Hajar Dewantara classified the purpose of education in term tri-nga (three nga-nga is the last alphabet of Javanese Ajisak alphabet). The first Nga means Ngerti (To understand or intellectual aspect). The second Nga means Ngrasa (To feel or affection aspect), and the third Nga means Nglakonin (To teach or the psycomotoric aspect). He formulated the purpose of education that involves cognitive, affective, and psycomotoric aspect.According to Dewantara, its everybodys right to control themselves. For that reason, the teaching has to educate everyone to be human with independent soul, mind, and power. The teaching should not too prioritize the intellectuality because it could take apart the educated people from society.Thats all I could say. I wish Indonesia could improve and develop as well as create many productive, creative, and innovative people under education process that are all to the good and beneficial for people and nation, and create quality and independent human resources to meet the global needs.Please forgive me for all of my mistakes on my words. Thank you for the attention.Wassalamualaikum wr.wb.

Nama : Rafi Alfani / X IPA 3 / 28

Terjemahan Pidato Bahasa Inggris tentang Hari Pendidikan NasionalSaudara-saudara sekalian !Yang saya hormati Dosen Stai Darul Qalam Drs. Habibullah . Yang saya hormati mahasiswa/ mahasiswi Stai Darul Qalam .Alangkah bahagianya saya selaku menjabat sebagai ibu kepada Negara Indonesia, pada hari ini ! pada hari ini, kita merayakan hari pendidikan Nasional, yang bertempat dilapangan Istana Bogor pada tanggal 2 Mei 2007. Dengan memperingati Pendidikan Nasional semoga kita lebih semangat /bangkit untuk memajukan dan mencerdaskan pendidikan anak-anak bangsa agar berguna bagi bangsa, Negara dan Agama.Pertambahan anak umur sekolah yang cepat dan pertambahan lulusan tiap jenjang pendidikan yang besar, tapi tidak diikuti penambahan prasarana dan sarana pendidikan yang cepat dan memadai, menimbulkan masalah bagi pemerintah untuk memberikan pendidikan dan pengajaran pada semua warga Negara sebagaimana diamanatkan oleh undang- undang Dasar.Persoalan ini krusial mengingat beragamanya geografis nusantara yang luas dan terpencar dengan tingkat perkembangan sosial-ekonomi-kultural berbeda. Ketika itu untuk pertama kali pelaksanakan REPELITA dengan tekanan pada pembangunan ekonomi yang dipandang sebagai landasan bagi aspek- aspek lain dari pembangunan nasional. Dalam pembaruan pendidikan perhatiandifokuskan pada upaya-upaya perbaikan dan peningkatan kualitas serta penataan kesempatan mendapat pendidikan.Mengenai yang terakhir ini sulitlah dicapai bila hanya melalui cara-cara konvesial yaitu memanfaatkan teknologi komunikasi dan teknologi ,informasi radio dan televisi. Pada tahun 2007 pemerintah telah menetapkan APBN untuk pendidikan sebesar 20% bagi SD, SMP dan SMA. Program dan kegiatan yang dilakukan tidak semata-mata atas dasar pertambahan jumlah gedung sekolah, guru, buku dan lain-lain.Alternatif yang didentifikasikan adalah :1. Penambahan daya tampung SMP yang dilakukan baik dengan penambahan sekolah baru2. Peningkatan daya tampung sekolah- sekolah swasta3. Pengembangan sekolah terbuka dengan media korespodensi, modul, siaran radio, siaran televisi dan lain-lain4. Pembukaan kursus- kursus ketrampilan praktis diluar sekolah sebagai jalur penyaluran kemasyarkat..Ki Hajar Dewantara (1889-1959) seorang tokoh pendidikan Indonesia yang memprokarsai berdirinya lembaga pendidikan Taman siswa. Dia lebih terkenal dengan filsafat tut wuri handayani, hing madya mangun karsa, hing ngarso sung tulada.Ki Hajar Dewantara mengklasifikasikan tujuan pandidikan dengan istilah tri-nga(tiga nga-nga adalah huruf terakhir dalam abjad jawa ajisak). Nga pertama adalah ngerti (memahami /aspek intelektual). Nga kedua adalah ngrasa adalah (merasakan aspek afeksi), dan nga ketiga adalah nglakonin (mengajarkan atau aspek psikomotorik). Merumuskan tujuan pendidikan yang meliputi aspek kognitif, afektif, dan psikomotor.Menurut Dewantara, adalah hak tiap orang untuk mengatur diri sendiri, oleh karena itu pengajaran harus mendidik anak menjadi manusia yang merdeka batin, pikiran, dan tenaga. Pengajaran jangan terlampau mengutamakan kecerdasan pikiran karena hal itu dapat memisahkan orang tepelajar dengan rakyat.Akhir sampai disini, semoga bangsa Indonesia lebih meningkatkan dan mencerdaskan serta menciptakan anak-anak didik yang produktif, kreatif, dan inovatif yang berguna bagi bangsa dan Negara, Menciptakan sumberdaya manusia yang berkualitas dan mandiri yang dapat memenuhi kebutuhan global


1. Kentongan

2. Daun Lontar dari sebuah pohon

3. Lonceng yang mengeluarkan bunyi

4. Hewan yang bernama Merpati Pos

5. Telepon Kaleng yang terhubung dengan benang

6. Surat

7. Terompet yang bisa menghasilkan suara

8. Telegraf

9. Gong

10. Gamelan music


3. HandPhone atau Telepon genggam

4. Media massa yang bernama Koran

5. TelevisI

6. LCD Proyektor

7. PDA

10. Jaringan Internet

8. Faksimili

9. Radio

10. Komputer/ Laptop/ Tablet