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RACOFI: A Rule-Applying Collaborative Filtering Systemcogprints.org/3166/1/racofi_nrc.pdf · RACOFI: A Rule-Applying Collaborative Filtering System Michelle Anderson Marcel Ball Harold

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Page 1: RACOFI: A Rule-Applying Collaborative Filtering Systemcogprints.org/3166/1/racofi_nrc.pdf · RACOFI: A Rule-Applying Collaborative Filtering System Michelle Anderson Marcel Ball Harold

RACOFI: A Rule-Applying Collaborative Filtering System

Michelle Anderson Marcel Ball Harold Boley Stephen Greene Nancy HowseDaniel Lemire

Internet Logic GroupInstitute for Information Technology e-Business

National Research Council of CanadaFredericton, NB E3B

Sean McGrath


In this paper1 we give an overview of the RACOFI (Rule-Applying Collaborative Filtering) multidimensional ratingsystem and its related technologies. This will be exemplifiedwith RACOFI Music, an implemented collaboration agentthat assists on-line users in the rating and recommendationof audio (Learning) Objects. It lets users rate contempo-rary Canadian music in the five dimensions of impression,lyrics, music, originality, and production. The collabora-tive filtering algorithmsSTI Pearson, STIN2, and thePer Item Average algorithms are then employed togetherwith RuleML-based rules to recommend music objects thatbest match user queries. RACOFI has been on-line sinceAugust 2003 at[http://racofi.elg.ca].

1. Introduction

Recent growth in the e-learning industry has prompteda demand for customized generation and filtered reuse oflearning objects. The definition of a Learning Object is quitebroad [6]: A learning object may be one of any number ofitems such as a map, a web page, an interactive applica-tion, an on-line video – any element that might be containedwithin a course.

There are presently countless Learning Objects avail-able for corporate and academic use. Despite the advantagesof having access to such ever-growing object libraries, e-learning now faces a more pressing challenge: how to findthe most appropriate object for a given user/purpose? Com-mon industry standards such as SCORM (Sharable ContentObject Reference Model) and IMS (Instructional Manage-ment System) facilitate the location of learning objects froma repository by extended search capabilities. For example,

1 Proc. IEEE/WIC COLA’03, Halifax, Canada, October 2003. NRC46507

the user can search by keyword, date, author, or any meta-data field. However, since SCORM defines approximately60 fields, average users are unlikely to completely specifytheir needs according to such a large number of attributes.As the granularity of the learning objects decreases and asthe size of repositories increases, there will also be a needfor much more fine-grained topic descriptions than eitherSCORM or IMS can provide. Even advanced searches canoverwhelmingly return hundreds of thousands of results [7].Still, this is an improvement from a simple query whichcould possibly return millions of results. Overall, the pro-cess may prove to be inadequate in a society that demandsimmediate, reliable results in order to meet the demands oftheir customers. We argue that software can work to alle-viate such problems by trying to collaboratively “predict”what users will want rather than expect them to completelydefine their needs.

As part of the Sifter project, a joint project by NRCand KnowledgePool Canada, we have developed therule-applying collaborative filtering systemRACOFI . ItsRACOFI Music implementation is a multi-dimensionalrecommender agent for Canadian music, on-line at[http://racofi.elg.ca]. This system proposes an alternative solu-tion to the data overload problem. Its philosophy is quitesimple: collaboratively share what users deem as valu-able objects. It differentiates itself from other rating sys-tems by being able to adapt dynamically to real-time ratingstreams, by its multidimensional structure of rating cate-gories, and by its rule-applying querying capabilities. Itworks by collecting ratings from a number of users andthen recommending items to each single user, based on cor-relations between ratings of the current user and other usersin the database. By assuming that if several users rate thesame way, they will most likely share an interest in vari-ous other objects as well. Upon request, the system returnsa calculated recommendation of items that might be of in-terest to that user.

The system is designed around Canadian music, but

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Predicted Ratings for

Unrated Items




Figure 1. RACOFI General Architecture

not limited to it. A major advantage to RACOFI’s flexibleobject-oriented framework is its capability to target the spe-cific needs of a business. The system’s music objects, forexample, could just as easily be movie, tourism, or mathobjects. We achieve this high flexibility for two reasons:the collaborative filtering algorithms are content-neutral,only using ratings and none of the meta-data, whereas thecontent-based filtering is handled by RuleML through load-ing of domain-specific rules. For example, with music, itmakes sense to attempt to determine whether a user likes agiven artist or not or to take into account the genre.

The purpose of RACOFI’s meta-data is to describe ev-erything of relevance and interest about the object. So, thereare mainly two types of meta-data: objective and subjec-tive. Most of the meta-data isobjective, which is often usedto describes bibliographical information, for example: thedate of the item, the author’s name or the name of the al-bum. Subjective meta-datadepends mainly on users; howthe users rated the object in attributes such as lyrics andoriginality. The recommendations must be based on boththe objective and the subjective meta-data. We handle theobjective meta-data using RuleML, whereas collaborativefiltering process the subjective meta-data.

After the user has logged into the system, he / she hasthe option of rating existing objects, browsing the avail-able items, or adding new ones. When the user chooses torate an item, a music album in this case, he / she is givena list of various rating categories with a zero-to-ten scale.The following categories are available to rate a music ob-ject: impression, lyrics, music, originality, and production.The more ratings a user enters into the system, the broaderthe basis for the collaborative filtering algorithms, hencethe more accurate his / her subsequent querying results(RACOFI’s COFI subsystem). Another interesting featureis the ability to allocate weights to the ratings (RACOFI’sRALOCA subsystem). In other words, the agent allows thepossibility of specifying if some categories will carry moreimportance in the recommendation. Although this is alsoon a zero-to-ten scale, they both have very different func-tions. It is possible to enter into the agent certain rules for

given circumstances that the user’s information will be eval-uated against. These are predefined entities and can easilybe added or removed. We also use rules to support content-based collaborative filtering: if a user has rated highly oneof Leonard Cohen’s albums, then we favor other LeonardCohen albums, and vice versa.

The main contribution of this paper is the joint use ofrules and collaborative filtering algorithms, which allowsthe application of collaborative filtering in a multidimen-sional setting. The software is innovative because it offersdynamic on-line personalized recommendations based onmultidimensional ratings with a pluggable architecture forboth rules and collaborative filtering algorithms. The sys-tem is designed so we can easily add or remove rules andalgorithms.

This paper is organized as follows. Section two intro-duces the background technologies; collaborative filtering,XML/XSLT technologies and RuleML. Section three de-scribes the RACOFI system components; information re-trieval, COFI and RALOCA. Section four gives an experi-ence report.

2. Technologies

2.1. Introduction to Collaborative Filtering

Internet changed the way we see the world in many ways.We now have access to a large amount of data on most top-ics in matters of seconds rather than hours or days. Ar-guably, the value of information has thus gone down, butwhat is now more valuable than ever is our ability to re-trieve quickly the most relevant information.

Information Retrieval offers very powerful tools exem-plified by google, the famous search engine. Alas, thesecontent-based tools make some assumptions that are not al-ways satisfied in practice.

1. We assume that the semantic content can be processedby software. Often, this means means that content mustbe made of text and numerical values.

2. The user can express his query in terms of text or spe-cific content-based criteria (e.g. size, date).

Other technologies attempt to address these two issuesby using meta-data and rule-based engines. Even if the se-mantic content cannot be parsed directly, human interven-tion can help bridge the gap. However, meta-data is expen-sive and generally incomplete.

Imagine that an e-Learning developer is preparing acourse on security at work. Using modern Internet tools,this developer can easily retrieve information about secu-rity in the form of text-based content. Making reasonableassumptions about what the client will prefer based on ex-

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perience and some research, the developer can design a for-mat for the course and submit it to the client.

However, in practice, it is likely that some of the time,the developer has had the ability to store in a database thepreferences of the current client, if it is a returning client,and of possibly many other clients that may, or may not berelated. Rightly so, the clients are expecting the developerto take into account their past feedback.

We argue that the software should support the developerin taking into account the clients’ preferences. This can bevery easily implemented as in the following example.

For thexth time these past years, the developer has hadto choose among a large database of background music orbackground images. As part of the feedback requested fromclients, ratings on these objects has been stored. From theseratings, it is quite easy to quickly sort the possible choicesfrom the most popular one, to the least popular. The devel-oper will naturally be tempted to choose the object that havereceived the highest ratings.

However, this non-personalized approach is generallyunsatisfying if the current client has already given us ratingsand if our clients have sometimes different tastes. Imag-ine for example that this same client has consistently ratedblack and white images poorly, but that the most popularbackground image is a black and white one. Would the de-veloper be wise to choose the black and white image?

It might look like all we need is to collect simplerules about user preferences. However, adapting to spe-cific clients might not be simple in general. Imagine thatwe have no ratings on background images coming fromthis client, and we cannot expect clients to give us com-plete ratings all the time, but that the client has rated musi-cal backgrounds several times. We know that the client hasrated very poorly classical music, and we also have a num-ber of clients rate poorly classical musicand black andwhite backgrounds. Would the developer be wise to choosethe black and white image?

In practice, of course, it is likely that the problem iseven more complex with many conflicting ratings to thepoint where we cannot express the preferences of the cur-rent client in terms of clear rules.

Collaborative Filtering was introduced in the mid eight-ies as a way to cope with such problems [12]. One of themost common technique is to view the ratings of each useras an incomplete vector and to use as a similarity mea-sure the Pearson correlation over their commonly rateditems. Using the similarity measure, one can then computea weighted average of all users in the database and presentthe result as apredictionto the current user. There are manyways to improve this generic scheme and it has been shownto consistently outperform [4]. in accuracy the naïve ap-proach which consist in predicting that the current user willrate items as anaverage user(using per item average). The

Pearson correlation scheme outperforms the naïve approachbecause it tries to leverage as much as possible the informa-tion known about the user instead of discarding it.

The accuracy of a collaborative filtering system can beeasily measured. It suffices tohide one of the rating fromeach evaluation and see how well we can predict it by com-puting the absolute error. By averaging over many such test,we get an objective measure of the accuracy calledAllBut1Mean Average Error.

2.2. Algorithms

For the purpose of this paper, we distinguish be-tween two types of schemes: lightweight or memory-based.Memory-based schemes, such as the Pearson scheme de-scribed above, require us to go through a large set of pref-erences each time a prediction is required. This task canquickly become expensive: doubling the number of users,roughly doubles the response time of the system. Ide-ally, one would want on-line constant time answers whileusing only a marginal amount of resources.

As a more scalable alternative, researchers have pro-posed using schemes such as the Bias From Mean algo-rithm [10]. Given u an incomplete vector of ratings, theBias From Mean scheme can be described by the formula

Pbias(u)i = u +1



wi − w (1)

whereu is the average of the incomplete vector andSi(χ) ={w ∈ χ : i ∈ S(w)} whereS(w) is the set of items ratedin w andχ is the set of all incomplete vectors available (allusers). It can be computed much faster, without accessingthe full database, and is only about10% less accurate. Itcan be quickly updated when new ratings are entered andwe only need to keep in fast storage a single vector of sizeproportional to the number of items in the database.

Other authors have proposed forcing the users to ratea standard set of items [9] before they can use the sys-tem. While these authors get good results, they haven’tyet outperformed similar schemes while they add a con-straint which might be problematic in practice. For exam-ple, e-Learning clients might not be interested in rating aset of items before they can do business with you. Thereader can test their joke recommender system on-line [8][http://shadow.ieor.berkeley.edu/humor/].

In [11], we proposed to modify both the Bias From Meanand Pearson scheme, two of the most state-of-the-art algo-rithms, to make themScale and Translation Invariant(STI).Doing so, we showed we could consistently outperform theoriginal schemes in accuracy byat least 3% which is sig-nificant in this context. In effect, our lightweight schemesbecome nearly as accurate as Pearson (within 4% ). Themain idea behind these schemes is that we must factor out

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the amplitude and the mean of the ratings of all users. In-deed, some users will tend to rate consistently high whereasothers will tend to rate consistently lower and we must ig-nore such differences since we assume that only the relativerating matters. Also, some users are moreshy, rarely giv-ing a very bad or a very good rating, whereas other usersare more extreme in their ratings. If we don’t factor out thisamplitude, more extreme raters are likely to count more inthe prediction while they may not be the best experts. In ef-fect, normalization is necessary so that the system can besomewhatdemocratic. Taken in this sense,democracyim-proves the accuracy of our prediction. It is still possible fora user to count more than others however: the more itemsone rate, the more one’s opinion will count in the system.We found that if we penalized frequent raters, the accuracywas generally diminished.

One of our most accurate lightweight scheme isSTIN2 (STI Non-Personalized 2 steps). The term Non-Personalized refers to the fact that the scheme matchesall users against a fixed set of vectors as we shall see. Asthe name suggest, it can be defined in as a two-step pro-cess. We begin by defining the arrayv(1) as

v(1)i =



u − u

‖u − u‖l2

where we define the normalized Lebesgue norml2 as

‖u − u‖l2 =

√√√√ ∑i∈S(u)

(ui − u)2


Then, given any evaluationu, we can match it againstv(1)

so as to minimize the residual energy‖u − α − βv(1)‖l2

whereα andβ can be solved for by regression. Once wehave solved forα andβ, the vectorα + βv(1) constitute afirst order prediction notedSTIN1. Given any evaluationu, note the remainderuSTIN1 = α + βv(1) whereα andβdepend onu. We found out empirically the we could furtheruse these remainders to improve the accuracy slightly. Weuse theseuSTIN1 to define the second-order vectorv(2) as

v(2)i =



u − uSTIN1

‖u − uSTIN1‖l∞

where we have

‖u − uSTIN1‖l∞ = maxi∈S(u)

|ui − uSTIN1,i|

with the convention thatuSTIN1,i = α+βv(1)i . Thus, given

any evaluationu, theSTIN2 scheme is defined by match-ing u against bothv(1) andv(2) using the formula

u − α − βv(1) − γv(2)

whereα, β, andγ can be determined by regression. Themost expensive component of this algorithm is the compu-tation ofv(1) andv(2), but this can be done offline. Once thesystem is running, we can show that the vectors can be up-dated in constant time as new ratings are entered in the sys-tem and we’ve implemented such fast updates in RACOFI.

Our most accurate memory-based isSTI Pearson.Given a database of evaluationsχ and a current eval-uation w, we compute asimilarity measurebetweenw and all evaluationsu ∈ χ using the scalar prod-uct

su,w =⟨

u − u

‖u − u‖l2

,w − w

‖w − w‖l2

⟩where the scalar product is defined as a sum over theproduct of common ratings〈u, w〉 =

∑i∈S(u)∩S(w) uiwi.

Clearly, it can be expensive to computes(u, w) if thedatabaseχ is large because the evaluationw is specific toeach user and thus, these results cannot be buffered. On theother hand, it is possible to precompute the valuesu and‖u − u‖l2 for all u ∈ χ and this is what we chose to im-plement in RACOFI. In order to ensure that the recommen-dations can always be done on-line, it is wise to bound thesize of the setχ as we have done. We found empirically thatraising the similarity measuressu,w to the power2.5 like sos2.5

u,w = su,w × |su,w|1.5, improved the results since it fa-vors higher similarity values. This has been found true ofother scheme and is referred to ascase amplification[4].Once thesu,w have been computed and raised to a power,we compute the vectorv as

vi =1



s(u, w)2.5 u − u

‖u − u‖l2

wherev depends onw as well as on the set of evaluationsχ. Finally, the prediction is given byα + βv whereα andβ are found by regression so as to minimize the remainderu − α − βv.

2.3. Implementations

Thus, we usedSTIN2 as a lightweight recommenderandSTI Pearson as a memory-based scheme (See Tab. 1)An implementation of these algorithms in Java is availablefrom the authors by correspondence. Further mathematicaldetails and motivation are given in in [11]. On two stan-dard data sets (MovieLens and Jester), we show that theycan outperform competitive collaborative filtering systems(Bias From Mean and Pearson). Tab. 1 also shows that rec-ommendations where we don’t leverage our knowledge ofthe current user into account (using the Per Item Averagescheme) are less accurate.

In the current system, if each object has many ratings ondifferent attribute, they are considered separately. For exam-

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(EachMovie) AllBut1 MAE query costPer Item Average 0.223 O(1)Bias From Mean 0.203 O(1)

STIN2 0.194 O(1)Pearson 0.187 O(m)

STI Pearson 0.166 O(m)(Jester) AllBut1 MAE query cost

Per Item Average 4.06 O(1)Bias From Mean 3.42 O(1)

STIN2 3.32 O(1)Pearson 3.24 O(m)

STI Pearson 3.05 O(m)

Table 1. AllBut1 Mean Absolute Error (MAE)of different recommender schemes the Each-Movie and Jester data sets. The complexityof the queries relative to the number of usersm is given. For EachMovie, ratings rangedfrom 0 to 1 in increments of 0.2 whereas forJester, the range of values is given to be -10.0 to 10.0. Average where computed over6 trials of at least 100,000 predictions eachwith training sets including at least 50,000ratings. Lesser values are better. The Pear-son and Bias From Mean scheme are compet-itive algorithms. Our implementation of thememory-based Pearson used case amplifica-tion with a power of 2.5 as with STI Pearson.

ple, when rating music albums, we treat separately the rat-ings for lyrics from the ratings for originality. We haven’tyet designed a truly multidimensional collaborative filteringsystem nor do we know of one in the literature, and this is asubject for future research. We believe a multidimensionalscheme could outperform our current one-dimensional ap-proach. However, one benefit of our orthogonal approachis that new dimensions can be added easily and we cancope automatically with dimensions that would not applyto the current object or with users who do not wish to ratea given dimension. These benefits are not fully leveraged inRACOFI since the web site doesn’t allow users not to rate agiven dimension, but this limitation is not algorithmic.

By design, our approach to collaborative filtering doesn’tleverage all meta-data and implicit ratings such as how of-ten or how long a user stayed on a page. For example, wedo not currently profile users to determine whether they areprofessional musicians or at least somewhat knowledgeableof Canadian Music. For that matter, we do not attempt totrack users to prevent abuses. We also did not consider manyof the psychological factors that will bias the results such as

how the various dimensions can be interpreted differentlyby some users despite our documentation.

2.4. XML Technologies (XSLT)

The extensibility of XML has given rise to its use notonly in data structuring, management, and processing, butalso as a metadata tagging language (e.g., RDF/XML).RACOFI uses XML and related technologies in the stor-ing and retrieval of user ratings as well as in their process-ing into recommendations.

By providing an infinitly expandable syntactic frame-work through the use of definable tags as well as the abilityto declare a finite subset of tags through Data Type Decla-rations (DTDs), XML has allowed developers to define newlanguages as XML ‘applications’. XML has thus become a“structural breeding ground” for new web based languagessuch as RuleML (see section 2.5), as used in RACOFI.

XML also provides an associated stylesheet language,XSLT (Exstensible Stylesheet Language for Transforma-tions), which allows the transformation of XML into otherASCII based languages. This allows XML documents tobe written to address a specific domain, and then be trans-formed to another XML subset or to an HTML rendering.

Within RACOFI, XSLT has been used to trans-form RuleML rules from the newer object-oriented form,to their earlier positional form, often still used for pro-cessing. This allows developers to take advantage ofobject-oriented concepts to support development whilemaintaining runtime advantages of processing a prede-fined positional rulebase.

2.5. RuleML

Semantic Web[http://www.w3.org/2001/sw]ontologiescanbe composed from the taxonomy-implementing descriptionlogic of OWL [5] and the rules-implementing Horn logic ofRuleML [3]. While the current RACOFI system has a fo-cus on rules, taxonomies will also become important in thefuture, e.g. for music “genre” classification.

Object-Oriented RuleML (OO RuleML) [2][http://www.ruleml.org/indoo] is an extension of the RuleMarkup Language that provides not only positional factsand rules but also clauses with unordered argument collec-tions keyed onroles, as also found in description logic andF-logic.

RuleML’s XML/RDF-integrating system syntax aug-ments ’type tags’ by ’role tags’ that represent the ’slots’,’features’, or “attributes” of type-tagged objects. OORuleML makes such role tags available as a user syn-tax in atomic formulas and complex terms: the atom andcterm elements – after their positional argument chil-dren – can now also contain non-positional argument chil-

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dren “_r” (for the metarole ’role’) with a required CDATAattribute ’n’ (for the user-defined role ’name’). This also al-lows for mixed positional and object-oriented represen-tations. OO RuleML has been extended by role weightsspecifying the relative importance of slots [1].

OO RuleML has been first implemented via an XSLTtranslator to the positional jDREW [13], and then directlyin the form of OO jDREW, the latter being used in theRACOFI system.


The RACOFI system is the result of two integrated sys-tems: COFI (collaborative filtering) and RALOCA (RuleApplying Learning Object Comparison Object). The di-agram below shows the interaction between the twocomponents. As the diagram show, they are fully inte-grated: all software runs in the same Java Virtual Machine(JVM), using the same Java objects through the Single-ton construct. At the same time, RALOCA focuses onthe objective meta-data whereas COFI processes the sub-jective meta-data. In order to provide the final recom-mendations, RALOCA combines both the predictionsgenerated by COFI and its own content-based process-ing.


COFI / User Information

COFI / Item Information

Info Exchange


User Singleton(will keep 5000 users in




Key: UserID#


Admin featuresData Import / ExportData Management

Import / Export of Data

Item Singleton(keeps all items in memory)





Amazon API






XML / RuleML

RuleML Rules

Rating Info

Passes UserIDvia query string


Figure 2. RACOFI, System Diagram

3.1. Information Retrieval

The first step in the information retrieval process was tocollect an extensive list of Canadian artists, whose commer-cial recordings we wanted to have available to be rated byusers. This involved the parsing of source code from twoCanadian music sites which listed popular Canadian artists.Artist names were extracted from the source and stored intoa text file, making sure that no duplicate entries were made.

Once the artist names were in place, it came time to har-vest a list of ASIN numbers (a unique number used by Ama-zon.com to identify a product in their store) from Ama-

zon.com using their external web API. A python script wasused to retrieve a complete list of albums from each artiststored in the text file. During this phase any imported al-bums and CD singles were removed to prevent any dupli-cate entries.

Another check was also performed to ensure that the al-bums returned from the amazon search were in fact fromthe artist that was searched for, and not from an artist witha similar name.

3.2. COFI (Collaborative Filtering)

COFI deals with the subjective aspect of the metadata.On the front end, its major function is to gather user rat-ings in each of the five dimensions via a servlet-based webinterface. To facilitate this process, COFI retains in mem-ory metadata for all items, as well as that for the five thou-sand most recently logged in users - both subjective and ob-jective. COFI’s back end manages the interaction betweenthe web interface, user and item metadata, and the collab-orative filtering algorithms used to predict user ratings forunrated items. It is important to note that within the con-text of COFI, the five dimensions to be rated are entirelyindependent. It is only when the ratings are introduced toRALOCA that the five dimensions are merged, thus pro-ducing even more personalized and meaningful results.

The back end of COFI can be divided into three sections:the singleton which manages the CollaborativeFilteringSys-tem Objects, the singletons which manage objective userand item metadata, and the servlets which process informa-tion collected from the html forms which comprise COFI’sfront end. The singleton which manages the Collaborative-FilteringSystem algorithms is known as CFSSingleton. TheCFSSingleton, along with the CFS class, permits COFI tomaintain the collaborative filtering information in memory.A CFS object consists of a CollaborativeFilteringSystemobject for each of the algorithms in use. The CFSSingle-ton keeps in memory a CFS object for each of the five rat-ing dimensions (impression, lyrics, music, originality, andproduction,) allowing COFI to update predictions in mem-ory rather than recalculating them every time a new ratingis entered. This results in improved speed and memory us-age.

The user metadata is read initially from the MySQLdatabase upon start up, and upheld by the UserSingleton.When COFI first connects with the database, the 5000 mostrecently logged in users (as listed by timestamp) are up-loaded into memory. Thereafter, the 5000 user maximumis sustained. Should a new user be created, the eldest userin memory is removed and the new user added. An exist-ing user who logs in and can be found in the database butnot in memory is treated in a similar manner. Should a useralready in memory log in, they are removed from their posi-

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tion in the queue, their timestamp is updated in the database,and they are re-added to the list as the most recent user.This queue of users is maintained using a LinkedHashMapdata structure. The Hash Map properties of this data struc-ture allow for quick access of information by keyed refer-ence, while the linked list aspect tracks the order by whichthe users were added to the list and allows for easy removalof the eldest element.

Moving toward the front end are the java servlets whichprocess information from the html forms. The servlets alsoserve as the bulk of the front end, dynamically creating htmlpages. The servlets act to create new users, process logins,and add new ratings. They also display lists of artists in thedatabase, albums already rated, top recommendations, andthe current top ten albums as rated by all users.

3.3. RALOCA (Rule Applying Learning ObjectComparison Agent)

RALOCA is a rule based tool for the selection and com-parison of objects (e.g., products) that are rated in multi-ple dimensions. This rule system – using OO jDREW andObject-Oriented RuleML[http://www.ruleml.org/indoo]– allowsfor high flexibility when selecting which objects to rank,and how to rank them. RALOCA lets us select objects basedupon search criteria that the objects’ metadata must meet,and permits rules that operate upon data (facts) about theobjects and the user of the system.

Rules can also be added to the system to perform dy-namic incremental modification of the product data, basedupon the product information and information about theuser. This functionality is currently used in two ways withinthe RACOFI system. The first is to add the appropriate taxesfor a user’s location to the cost of the objects; the second isto adjust the predicted ratings to better match the prefer-ences of the user.

A weaknesses of collaborative filtering systems whenused by themselves is that all objects are treated as thoughthey were independant. One advantage of using a rule basedsystem like RALOCA on top of a collaborative filtering sys-tem is that adjustments can be made to the predictions basedupon correlations between the objects, such as a commonartist/author or genre.

In general, “Users like and prefer to buy previously fa-miliar recommendations” [14]. Therefore, it is necessary totailor the results given by the collaborative filtering systemto the user, by giving preference to objects the user wouldhave familiarity with, reinforcing their trust in the system.

In our system this is done by adjusting the predicted rat-ings from the collaborative filtering system via rules. If theuser rates an album by a particular artist highly, the pre-dicted ratings for other albums by this artist are adjusted tobe higher. Similarily, if a user rates an album low, other al-

bums by this artist are adjusted to have a lower predictedrating. Currently, the amount of the adjustments to the pre-dicted rating is up to 1 rating unit. Further studies wouldneed to be done before trying higher adjustment values.

For example, in our system

If a user rates 9 the originality of an album byartist X then the predicted originality rating, forthis user, of all other albums by artist X is in-creased by a value of 0.5.

The system could be expanded so that similar correla-tions and adjustments are made based upon the genre ofthe albums. The entire adjustment rule set currently usedin RACOFI is included as appendix A.1.

RALOCA is able to exclude objects from the RACOFIresult listings using rules that process information knownabout the objects present in the database, and any informa-tion that is known about the RACOFI user. This functional-ity can be used to exclude objects from appearing to cer-tain users. For example, a set of rules can be defined sothat certain objects are only offered to those within certainprovinces or countries; or, so that objects that have prereq-uisite requirements are offered only to those users who meetall these requirements for the objects.

The scoring system combines into a single value (pre-dicted) rankings in multiple dimensions that are providedby COFI with weights representing the users’ preferences.This single value can then be used to sort the results into atotal order. The scoring system can be called in two modes,computing a normalized weighted sum either via a set ofrules or via a hardcoded Java program. The ‘rule’ mode per-mits the scoring system to be easily customized at runtime,without having to modify and recompile the Java code. The‘hardcoded’ mode permits to use a more efficient Java im-plementation if flexibility is not required.

The rule sets for RACOFI are included as appendix A.

4. Experience Report

During an informal opening on August 12th, 2003, theRACOFI system was presented and demoed to a selectedsubset of the New-Brunswick e-learning community. Thefeedback led us to improvements in the user interface, in-formation submission form, and the dimension definitions.

As stated earlier, the more ratings a user enters (and themore accounts created), the recommendation algorithms be-come more effective. Up to date, the system has been livefor two weeks. The database has already grown to approxi-mately a thousand ratings, with over a hundred users.

At the algorithm level, experience has shown us that itis necessary to verify whether a user has enough ratingsto attempt a personalized recommendation. Empirically, wefound that setting a threshold of 3 rated items before we use

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Figure 3. The RACOFI interface: users aregiven the option to give weights to the dif-ferent dimensions based on the level of im-portance. Users can also select various fieldsfrom which to select specific data and selectfrom three different algorithms: STIN2 (theone selected in this case), the STI Pearson,and the Per Item Average. The results andcomputational complexity varies dependingon the algorithm.

our algorithms worked well, and otherwise we fall back onthe the Per Item Average. We currently do not have enoughdata to measure the accuracy of our algorithms on our owndata set, but we expect the simpler algorithm (STIN2) tocurrently outperformSTI Pearson due the relative smallsize of our data set.

Figure 4. Results from the query in Fig.3.These personalized recommendations areoptimized for the current user.

5. Conclusion

As part of the completion of Phase II of the Sifter NRCproject, we are planning to transform RACOFI into a fullygeneric rating system beyond Canadian music. In theory,RACOFI can be molded to represent any given scenario, ifthe need for a recommender system arises even though weexpect challenges.

Among the interesting research questions is the abilityof RACOFI to scale as we plan to apply the system todatabases of over 30,000 learning objects with a large num-ber of possible attributes. It is likely that we will need toleverage the hierarchical nature of such databases in orderto keep the problem tractable.

A. RACOFI Rule Listing

Rules of the form

If condition1 & . . . & conditionn then action

are represented in our PR syntax2 as

action :- condition1, . . . , conditionn.

whereaction andconditioni use “-> ”-infixed role-> fillerslots and “?”-prefixed ?variables. Internally, this becomesXML based OO RuleML (see section 2.5). The sample ruleof section 3.3 is the firstmodify rule in appendix A.1.1.

A.1. Modification Rules

A.1.1. Adjustment rulesmodify(amount->"0.5";

comment->"Adjusting originality rating (by 0.5)for high ratings of other albumsby this artist.";



modify(amount->"1";comment->"Adjusting originality rating (by 1)

for high ratings of other albumsby this artist.";



modify(amount->"-0.5";comment->"Adjusting originality rating (by -0.5)

for low ratings of other albumsby this artist.";



2 http://www.ruleml.org/submission/ruleml-shortation.html

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modify(amount->"-1";comment->"Adjusting originality rating (by -1)

for low ratings of other albumsby this artist.";



modify(amount->"0.5";comment->"Adjusting impression rating (by 0.5)

for high ratings of other albumsby this artist.";



modify(amount->"1";comment->"Adjusting impression rating (by 1)

for high ratings of other albumsby this artist.";



modify(amount->"-0.5";comment->"Adjusting impression rating (by -0.5)

for low ratings of other albums bythis artist.";



modify(amount->"-1";comment->"Adjusting impression rating (by -1)

for low ratings of other albumsby this artist.";



modify(amount->"0.5";comment->"Adjusting lyrics rating (by 0.5)

for high ratings of other albumsby this artist.";



modify(amount->"1";comment->"Adjusting lyrics rating (by 1)

for high ratings of other albumsby this artist.";




modify(amount->"-0.5";comment->"Adjusting lyrics rating (by -0.5)

for low ratings of other albumsby this artist.";



modify(amount->"-1";comment->"Adjusting lyrics rating (by -1)

for low ratings of other albumsby this artist.";



modify(amount->"0.5";comment->"Adjusting music rating (by 0.5)

for high ratings of other albumsby this artist.";



modify(amount->"1";comment->"Adjusting music rating (by 1)

for high ratings of other albumsby this artist.";



modify(amount->"-0.5";comment->"Adjusting music rating (by -0.5)

for low ratings of other albumsby this artist.";



modify(amount->"-1";comment->"Adjusting music rating (by -1)

for low ratings of other albumsby this artist.";



modify(amount->"0.5";comment->"Adjusting performance rating (by 0.5)

for high ratings of other albumsby this artist.";



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modify(amount->"1";comment->"Adjusting performance rating (by 1)

for high ratings of other albumsby this artist.";



modify(amount->"-0.5";comment->"Adjusting performance rating (by -0.5)

for low ratings of other albumsby this artist.";



modify(amount->"-1";comment->"Adjusting performance rating (by -1)

for low ratings of other albumsby this artist.";



A.1.2. Tax Rules

tax(amount->"%15";comment->"15 percent HST")


tax(amount->"%15";comment->"15 percent HST")


tax(amount->"%15";comment->"15 percent HST")


tax(amount->"%7";comment->"7 percent GST")


tax(amount->"%10";comment->"10 percent PST")


tax(amount->"%0";comment->"Unknown taxes for people

located outside Canada."):-


comment->"7 percent GST"):-


comment->"7 percent GST"):-


comment->"7 percent PST"):-


comment->"7 percent GST"):-


comment->"7 percent PST"):-


tax(amount->"%7";comment->"7 percent GST")


tax(amount->"%7";comment->"7 percent GST")


tax(amount->"%7";comment->"7 percent GST")


tax(amount->"%8";comment->"8 percent PST")


tax(amount->"%7";comment->"7 percent TPS")


tax(amount->"%7.5";comment->"7.5 percent TVQ")


tax(amount->"%7";comment->"7 percent GST")


tax(amount->"%7";comment->"7 percent PST")


tax(amount->"%7";comment->"7 percent GST")






A.2. Elimination Rules











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Acknowledgments. Bruce Spencer has kindly supportedthe development of RACOFI as part of the Sifter project.We thank Jo Lumsden for her help with the web interfacereview, as part of the Human-Computer Interaction team ofthe National Research Council. Special thanks to RodrigueSavoie, Stephen Downes, Hélène Fournier, and ChaoukiRegoui, as well as to Luc Belliveau for his technical assis-tance with server set-up and maintenance. Our discussionswith Terry Matthews from KnowledgePool Canada helpedus jump-starting RACOFI. The authors would like to thankCompaq Research and professor Ken Goldberg for accessto the MovieLens and Jester data sets respectively.


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