Book Reviews 209 glands; the int genes and proto-oncogenes; regulation of tissue specific casein gene expression; H23 breast tumor antigen; epithelial mucins); breast cancer detection and therapy (radiation therapy; surgical strategies; chemother- apy; anticancer drug resistance; multi drug resistance); laboratory and clinical research interface (mammary carcinogenesis; steroid receptors; estrogen induced cathep- sin D; pre-invasive carcinoma; role of diet; breast cancer vaccine; monoclonal antibody therapy). explanations taking a page or half a page; these include items on AIDS; active transport; assimilation; through to tetanus toxin; thymus. These help the volume become more like a concise encyclopedia. Human Drug Kinetics; A Course of Simnlnted Experiments--- Edited by L. Saunders, D. Ingram and S. H. D. Jackson. 261 pp. 1989. IRL/Oxford University Press, Oxford. Paper $35. Lecfins--N. Sharon and H. Lis. 127pp. 1989. Chapman and Hall, London. $51. Lectins are a group of proteins that bind to carbohydrates and can agglutinate cells or precipitate polysaccharides and glycoproteins. These agglutinating and precipitating proper- ties are very similar to those of antibodies. Lectins are not of immune origin and are found in most forms from viruses, bacteria, plants and animals. This book deals with lectin history; occurrence and isolation; biological activities; carbohydrate specificity; molecular properties; three dimen- sional structures; biosynthesis; applications; lectin resistant cells; functions in nature. Textbook of Hemodialysis for Patient Care Personnel-- M. A. Newberry. 593pp. 1989. Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, IL. $80.75. Hemodialysis (H) produces profound physiological changes in the patient and this book provides the background to understand these changes. The chapters are on; history of H; end stage renal disease; body water and electrolytes; renal anatomy and physiology; acute renal failure; chronic renal failure; principles of H; H systems and technology; water and dialysate standards and chemistry; vascular access; H technique; maintenance H. The book will be very useful to all those involved in H or wish to know more about H. This is the text for a course on Personal Computer exper- iments on; drug kinetic theory; single intravenous dose experiments; single oral and intramuscular dose exper- iments; continuous or multiple dose experiments; sustained release; capacity limited metabolism; pharmakokinetics in diseased states; doses, responses and regimes with different subjects. There are appendices on; mathematical supplement to drug kinetic theory; properties of drugs; subject factors; mathematical models; drug files; subject files. The required software for an IBM-PC system is available, at an extra cost, to run these experiments. Students working through this course will certainly have a greater understanding of the subject especially since they can also do the "what if?" experiment that would not be too ethical on a human subject. Analytical Profiles of Drug Substances. Vol. 18--Edited by K. Florey. 646 pp. 1989. Academic Press, San Diego. $69.95. This series of volumes gives drug profiles. Each drug is described; name; formulae; chemical abstract registry num- ber; physical appearance; crystal appearance; spectra; syn- thesis; pharmacology; toxicity; pharmacokinetics; methods of analysis. This volume deals with azintamide, chloro- thiazide, clioquinol, clofazamine, etoposide, furosamide, nalorphine, nifedipine, physostigmine, prazocin, tetra- caine, thiamine, thioridazine, thiothixene, cyloserine, and fluorouracil. Pulmonary Physiology; Fetus, Newborn, Child, Adolescent, 2nd Edn--Edited by E. M. Scarpelli. 500pp. 1989. Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia. $89.50. The chapters in this book deal with; respiration before birth; lung cells from embryo to maturity; extracellular matrix in developing lung; developmental biochemistry of alveoli; developmental immunology of the lung; pulmonary molecu- lar biology; metabolic activity of vascular endothelium; mechanical defence mechanisms; pulmonary solute and liquid balance; normal pulmonary circulation; pulmonary mechanics and ventilation; oxygen diffusion and transport; NMR of the lung; pulmonary renal relationship and acid base balance; respiratory regulation in the newborn; devel- opmental physiology of respiratory control; micromechan- its of onset of air breathing at birth; pulmonary physiology of newborn infant; pulmonary function from infancy through adolescence; pulmonary function testing; lung de- velopment and subsequent function in the adult. The ma- terial has been brought up to date in this new edition, and there is greater emphasis on the molecular biology of the lung. An excellent text on pediatric pulmonary physiology. Leukotrienes and Lipoxygenases; Chemical, Biological and Clinical Aspect~Edited by J. Rokach. 518 pp. 1989. Elsevier, Amsterdam. D.FI 360, $189.50. Who would have thought that Feldberg and Krayer's work in 1939 on the slow releasing substance (SRS) that appeared from lungs perfused with cobra venom, and which could cause smooth muscle to contract, would lead to the prosta- glandins, thromboxanes, and prostacyclin?. Later work showed that SRS-A was released during allergic reactions and that it was a series of metabolites of arachidonic acid. The enzymes carrying out this metabolism were lipoxyge- nases which insert molecular oxygen at different sites on arachidonic acid. This volume has chapters on the chemistry of leukotrienes (L); biochemistry of the L pathways; assay methods for L products; pharmacology and pathophysiol- ogy of L; L in diseased states; enzyme inhibitors and L receptor antagonists. The action of L on the respiratory system, cardiovascular system, skin, eyes and GI tract, and inflammation make them key chemicals in modern medicine and their role is well described in this volume. Leukotrienes and Prostanoids in Health and Diseases-- Edited by U. Zor, Z. Naor and A, Danon. 345 pp. 1989. Karger, Basel. S.Fr 329 $213.50. Chambers Biology Dictionary--Edited by P. C. M. B. Walker. 324pp. 1989. Chambers/Cambridge University Press. Cloth $34.50; Paper $14.95. The book defines 10,000 terms, and has many entries on molecular biology, genetics, immunology, ecology, radi- ology and statistics. There are over a hundred longer The metabolities of arachidonic acid, leukotrienes (L) and prostanoids (P) are implicated as mediators in allergic and inflammatory responses, asthma, anaphylaxis, shock myocardial infarction, and stroke. Research on the cyclo- oxygenase, lipoxygenase and phospholipase A2 regulation by protein kinase C has led to the development of drugs that inhibit the biosynthesis of L and P and so can be used in the

Pulmonary physiology; fetus, newborn, child, adolescent, 2nd edn

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Book Reviews 209

glands; the int genes and proto-oncogenes; regulation of tissue specific casein gene expression; H23 breast tumor antigen; epithelial mucins); breast cancer detection and therapy (radiation therapy; surgical strategies; chemother- apy; anticancer drug resistance; multi drug resistance); laboratory and clinical research interface (mammary carcinogenesis; steroid receptors; estrogen induced cathep- sin D; pre-invasive carcinoma; role of diet; breast cancer vaccine; monoclonal antibody therapy).

explanations taking a page or half a page; these include items on AIDS; active transport; assimilation; through to tetanus toxin; thymus. These help the volume become more like a concise encyclopedia.

Human Drug Kinetics; A Course of Simnlnted Experiments--- Edited by L. Saunders, D. Ingram and S. H. D. Jackson. 261 pp. 1989. IRL/Oxford University Press, Oxford. Paper $35.

Lecfins--N. Sharon and H. Lis. 127pp. 1989. Chapman and Hall, London. $51.

Lectins are a group of proteins that bind to carbohydrates and can agglutinate cells or precipitate polysaccharides and glycoproteins. These agglutinating and precipitating proper- ties are very similar to those of antibodies. Lectins are not of immune origin and are found in most forms from viruses, bacteria, plants and animals. This book deals with lectin history; occurrence and isolation; biological activities; carbohydrate specificity; molecular properties; three dimen- sional structures; biosynthesis; applications; lectin resistant cells; functions in nature.

Textbook of Hemodialysis for Patient Care Personnel-- M. A. Newberry. 593pp. 1989. Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, IL. $80.75.

Hemodialysis (H) produces profound physiological changes in the patient and this book provides the background to understand these changes. The chapters are on; history of H; end stage renal disease; body water and electrolytes; renal anatomy and physiology; acute renal failure; chronic renal failure; principles of H; H systems and technology; water and dialysate standards and chemistry; vascular access; H technique; maintenance H. The book will be very useful to all those involved in H or wish to know more about H.

This is the text for a course on Personal Computer exper- iments on; drug kinetic theory; single intravenous dose experiments; single oral and intramuscular dose exper- iments; continuous or multiple dose experiments; sustained release; capacity limited metabolism; pharmakokinetics in diseased states; doses, responses and regimes with different subjects. There are appendices on; mathematical supplement to drug kinetic theory; properties of drugs; subject factors; mathematical models; drug files; subject files. The required software for an IBM-PC system is available, at an extra cost, to run these experiments. Students working through this course will certainly have a greater understanding of the subject especially since they can also do the "what if?" experiment that would not be too ethical on a human subject.

Analytical Profiles of Drug Substances. Vol. 18--Edited by K. Florey. 646 pp. 1989. Academic Press, San Diego. $69.95.

This series of volumes gives drug profiles. Each drug is described; name; formulae; chemical abstract registry num- ber; physical appearance; crystal appearance; spectra; syn- thesis; pharmacology; toxicity; pharmacokinetics; methods of analysis. This volume deals with azintamide, chloro- thiazide, clioquinol, clofazamine, etoposide, furosamide, nalorphine, nifedipine, physostigmine, prazocin, tetra- caine, thiamine, thioridazine, thiothixene, cyloserine, and fluorouracil.

Pulmonary Physiology; Fetus, Newborn, Child, Adolescent, 2nd Edn--Edited by E. M. Scarpelli. 500pp. 1989. Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia. $89.50.

The chapters in this book deal with; respiration before birth; lung cells from embryo to maturity; extracellular matrix in developing lung; developmental biochemistry of alveoli; developmental immunology of the lung; pulmonary molecu- lar biology; metabolic activity of vascular endothelium; mechanical defence mechanisms; pulmonary solute and liquid balance; normal pulmonary circulation; pulmonary mechanics and ventilation; oxygen diffusion and transport; NMR of the lung; pulmonary renal relationship and acid base balance; respiratory regulation in the newborn; devel- opmental physiology of respiratory control; micromechan- its of onset of air breathing at birth; pulmonary physiology of newborn infant; pulmonary function from infancy through adolescence; pulmonary function testing; lung de- velopment and subsequent function in the adult. The ma- terial has been brought up to date in this new edition, and there is greater emphasis on the molecular biology of the lung. An excellent text on pediatric pulmonary physiology.

Leukotrienes and Lipoxygenases; Chemical, Biological and Clinical Aspect~Edited by J. Rokach. 518 pp. 1989. Elsevier, Amsterdam. D.FI 360, $189.50.

Who would have thought that Feldberg and Krayer's work in 1939 on the slow releasing substance (SRS) that appeared from lungs perfused with cobra venom, and which could cause smooth muscle to contract, would lead to the prosta- glandins, thromboxanes, and prostacyclin?. Later work showed that SRS-A was released during allergic reactions and that it was a series of metabolites of arachidonic acid. The enzymes carrying out this metabolism were lipoxyge- nases which insert molecular oxygen at different sites on arachidonic acid. This volume has chapters on the chemistry of leukotrienes (L); biochemistry of the L pathways; assay methods for L products; pharmacology and pathophysiol- ogy of L; L in diseased states; enzyme inhibitors and L receptor antagonists. The action of L on the respiratory system, cardiovascular system, skin, eyes and GI tract, and inflammation make them key chemicals in modern medicine and their role is well described in this volume.

Leukotrienes and Prostanoids in Health and Diseases-- Edited by U. Zor, Z. Naor and A, Danon. 345 pp. 1989. Karger, Basel. S.Fr 329 $213.50.

Chambers Biology Dictionary--Edited by P. C. M. B. Walker. 324pp. 1989. Chambers/Cambridge University Press. Cloth $34.50; Paper $14.95.

The book defines 10,000 terms, and has many entries on molecular biology, genetics, immunology, ecology, radi- ology and statistics. There are over a hundred longer

The metabolities of arachidonic acid, leukotrienes (L) and prostanoids (P) are implicated as mediators in allergic and inflammatory responses, asthma, anaphylaxis, shock myocardial infarction, and stroke. Research on the cyclo- oxygenase, lipoxygenase and phospholipase A2 regulation by protein kinase C has led to the development of drugs that inhibit the biosynthesis of L and P and so can be used in the