NO. 29 A DLUl LY YUDITTA. A "',,,aleh Ir ;;;;;I;iiuo llook. Ark., II Il1J ur dulo ot D loc"lUlx ' r 1:1, w llfl UII" Iltory I At thu lK'f.(i n n l n g ot LboIte- 1)lllHull, AlJr nhulU JI"II IiTUtl ln uno QI tim thlrlly ·atttUull Lorth,lr eountl ...... . grunt fft'tl lKur (""tU'1 1 nud u lnrN'o but nut cOII Uy rcehlencu, Ult IUIlI " lam· l.rL"t me u to bll IIlJutrnl. IIDII, whilu III" 11(" l{hllOt" wore IJllcklh lU' 01) t llll unu ur, Hall r lllll ll i u UtI til hcmu, 1 111. Il nll w,,,,. caHillI cm to tolllnwo r i JH 'ntl'!l th" tll llllll ll I fot "ul nntAfIfI. I'hl. ul<l IIlUIl IlIdd lu, I'rlltl'rrntll1"UUI . JI ll WIL li tllkl 'l l (rum t1w h UlI lI4' lA)" IIll lt. rnvlrln :"Ji III nwuI. n to lJCJ II1It "tullllll hl fl Iil'ck. UlII llllli UltuWn lIVI ' r n tri ll', U lll Hull WIIH Ilunin II llk, .. 1 tH t ' «'HUlllll. ,t Iiltl nrulwl'r, ' lil t tll' cJintlt l. WIH'rl,npun II., Willt Ilr llWI1 III' nntl lilt 11",,",11 .., U.octJvt'rinl( . hi' llKnili rl.fu"I·II. 1 11111 uUniu 1m W'lII .Iru wu Il l' . '1'ltl.. 1I 0tr lhl ll .Ct'lI 11 wu" (·o ul ill ll.tI 11111 11 th oyid llll c" nIH'l1 to !;!j ::,.,I: ;1 .. iWtir.: lAIr l Ill , tt"'tl",nlz,ltl ""l'rJ' nc tn t ill l luo l·t uul llfTfli ,. " ' hUll th u IUt·n foC"l . 1UI'.'II II\'o' /I)· Ill' tn ll fruI .II hi,. hldlUH' I'lit<: t, cut tlllWII th l! !llul IliIlK' IUH hII Il M"lt lIPOIl it. f l·u idh .tl ... 1flIl unUI t. .. "Ill)' 1U1l 11 wht, hud tukull Jlllrt IUhill fntl"' t'" til· lIt h . 'I'hu wur "uIII'l1 ulld ,)' IJlIllU Hnll 1 II II IH ' U'l otl III" (Iither'M 1 '1 \1 ,1 : 11 . .. 1I" iKIIIM lnt ''''til I'tnllk I' urlou'r, wh' l hot t til ... I,nlld II1IIt 1 11111'; JI"II In I hl10 'l' YI"ht)' milt," ' ·' VII. I I YI. tl ,John Rwl T licJlt lfl 11 t wo IJIltrul... ,f'M of Nll,I.1 I" 'r , 11017101, l' 0 Ufl U 11,,11 11"11,, 111" "i AtHnt .. II ' u .': r, r In furth"r 1 . 1t I' III U lltiull. Ii.· m... ullttlll II !Illf l'l " IIlld tlldl' " \\ I f ll )' nW JI,)' . All "' '' 11 i ll tllu 1'ur,l. "I 1;111111' It, ,U'k ) 'Ul l I illU lb nt Iii" l"Jlllld l'ItCli Illul lrolllJIH ,1 him "\1 '1 "i,II'.·. II nll UH It.Ut.l 111mIf hn \\ Il" IIn w '!.l. 111111 v.h.·u Iho "'"11 tltllW n 1'ifltul II lllJ d ill Ii ku wi tlu ,u lll limtl. th" J ulin "h ntootL hu Ifohut ,11·,,,1 1,111 th o O JJtUl l'rlurin, " flAJr .'xl ,I" hlit lH" hiMYi llil . 'n lulU'" MUll UHith Jl U't n ttlruilnr (ftt.. OU " "uhlio I: hu(' hi" I lItll1 ill n "ululJl1IIn ",1 ill Hun Allto lJiu B ,)' IlliMtilltH tllt l r,'umiu· il"l0( I'JI'IIIIlt'r lfo .,( tl iU IJlulel 1" .tCIUJlIt r: I .: (. (I II I tlllill U)t "l r I".tll illl.{ 1 ,.'1' u IWlIr11 IIf Ililll, ulul th t! "'lIrvivl uM' o h/ t'C'" o( Iii" Imt,. ..1 1 1O·.rlll1 tl J th Ulk 10 111,,1 JII·t i"t.' '1I, ,, 11"11 M IIIIII"lIly blJ rl '''p- .. :n j n ic u ll I..,n lt,r. A "tftot- t tiubt "'UlUf1l) uud I{ f ll"l ' WIUI Lill i'l l. (ullll ll.(' frum hi /lutl 11,)';'1" OIl th., HJl ut. ,,"hil t lIuli. th fllluh Yl ulI.ltlt..1 in t ll rl'l l III......., JIllt "'l' lIt li If' IJi.. ho.. nu ll I ""lulll lIWU)'. Tll u fr it'flll" f) ( Ilurllnt",1 IiiIII iut.. 'J'lJl.llli. Plltllult YlU" tilllllld (l.r tllrl 'l' tI " yti. thu Irh·n.l" 01 Ili lot f,)n uI'r \ i,·tlll1M j(,l u UlK In tlu I·h" ..... 11 1111 W 'lfI fit h.. t r UIl tI, CO"" ill Mh,ht t, ( Iii.. 1111ll U' , 1Il'll r lhl! M llIJ wlll'rl'. tlil.h ·I'1l ,)'1' 111"1'1 IJO·foTl·. hiMfu tl ll' r 1 11111 IIlI ,t with iii" .t.-nth. · )l1'rl t: .. ,' : Imlll,tIl. H ill 1·lllt",t "i"It'r w ,," n bur r illl '" I1Jlloctn w r I,f lilu tru/(ic uwl uf Ilt'r Ilrlllll ..r 'I'll., y"ur n flt .t "It II IDlJ t 11'111 tit th lt I'nrt)' III II IIt'i"hb lt iIiU tf, \\,n. Hit.· .... ni i ll '!CHIIPIUIY with I), f"IU IIII, frh'lIll, " 'Itl ch'tlllllAl thn Ull t n 'llIil," .. f IlI't l'I JlJI ,lnu in ll, ("fl lllMl Un ttll l'l ,r:i!cl il : " d UJI1Jlill IJ" Yl"t" ,,,,hI " 110, ... Ium t,u U UUI ,' III1H1 til' II) IlI'r , "yon hollH)! 1 kll III,)' Iltlllhur: ' nr ul llrl1wir lK' u ro"ol vMr Jirt'll 81 him. Uuvilt "n" IlCJrlUiUl ly w(,I llIl(ll o(l . 111111 In lh t, co n ( tLltio ll UUI Kirl t.tIC'IJlot l. Tlj l" nct " Ianunr l all wh u luul LJ, kl'n Jlllrt 111 tl u, dontlJ of iI ,)' uf 11,,11, lJf wlwm onl)' WI'r ll til t! 11,,11 hou..,.,hold WI\M Murr ou nt!f ...( I.,)· IIIRIIJ,wd inN.. Ihl, 116m..l Joo n tJcJwn IIl ullhu thnw. Kirl"rnl.·rcl l Ul"ft1y murtl l'rl "). TIIH aNl\lMliuli th on titNI tl u· h ou..., ,,1111 d ilUtl)[K 'llr"lIl. T ho lruga...ly ca UlK'l l fa ... mM ion, bu t Uln u-.plno"UoD ".1 inlttnwt.wl 1'&1' t il ... tlmt til .. Intlian- or K"uel'I bad ruur ll •• rud tho g irbl and tb at tl wl had 1,l u Dt lf.r lod t hu honr.u und ..·t It OD Un., " lUI ",'nt. tolly l\«fOJl lAod.arul on ), lalA.l y hu u th u f"ct... 1,... 1wtt out. MAIL. J)1·ft·llh -d lind ill dt ·llt.. (JuorK tI UIJlIt.y CJUII'. It ) SI 'W Yo,k. hlltl W lUl Klud to IIcc. 'I'l " 1'f('Curi ol1J1 dt ... k io tim u llil. 'n u IIJ" )'otlllK 1',,111111 " "t 'h it tlu llllhi " w(ouk, b Oln wh ich hn wor"l ... l h ifl waI in tbt , co uno of tim" tu .'iKht.1 IoU",.., th.-n to lI.n , U .... n to fUh"'n, UU'n UJ tWHlJ t, ··IlVt .. UIl .n to tblrt11tll"n UJ fltty , fln, l tinnily to Itt4lYI 'nt .y4tho. Hi" Inh or" 0 11 tim Cy· c )0 l't... lln yi l 'ldHd him II hUll Ilrt ..1 UIOUIII\IIII (lo l1n,.. . -- .... -- HEW OU.OUI'UJ rOK lH VOllCl;. A n 'lJlurk"IIII' d i\"Jrcl. (l1.ti titJll WII " IIII'll III II 1.'ll1iM \·iI! .,. 1\ )' .• ('ou rl ru CI' lll h b\' It (·I.I" r.·cl 11I1I1I1lI1I ' 1I·( l lt oli .,rt T il,· p l't it il" l 1I1I1 'Hl lt tlillt irl lHj lj. IlIh t ril 't ln " CIl II/lJl IIl1lfll.t1 ,'I, .. i•• 111 lil·\iIlU (n m. Ilt'r U \\ 1\ r" I IP '''t '; II''l illll IIUlI !'O h l' "'h"t n JIIulllUt,. II ., hnl1 "ilwi' Ili flCO\'t·rl..I, htl .... I.\ I·r. tl lllt " Ii.. ill h \\ lill.' "I HUUIl , nr lli. IJO·ifJK Ulh i rol·,t tl lllt l'h UII' Jt IUII""" r Ii,, · t.' J.I' "t1u·r .Ui liu,.1 1/1 1il1 hw l " 'lfl! \\i tli ollt n ·IlII.·ri' IU t1l,·.n h u lll Jihiliu to 11I1I1h-lIu wllt u"d..r th.' Illw. Ilf' ' Uo k" tlu,t th" lt ..uhr ri ll f.:" I,,· II., (· llIrl ... 1 u tili f1 ll d \old II I' ..It) ". furt lll't 111 IliOl I... ·tili.JIl. tlint Ilhtl lllI flU"IIt..'t,·d li.. r l() I... t/th" rwi.." thllfl 1111 1'l .' lr.... I.utl·d. II•• ,,", .,uld W It Im\ I'l lIhr t il..) h,·t. uu,l it t h l' .." wlm l,1 11. lrnlt h., \OI uIIIII ",Ill.! I)' l'UhliUlIlI t.o Ih·lt\Ol i ll ll ll'r. H' ''I'r,, 1 )1 '1 11"11 ' 1J{1I , wh. ·11 .1 11",i.. (hll)'ltllli \OI lllt 11 1.1)' 10 )1" 11 11 o( "W'. hl'r 1'"fl·lll'lt. \OI h" IIr,· 11., \\ IIl1kllU"lI . !l u t \\ h... ( 'UlJil ' Irtllil I h.· tnr llli h . ul"u IO I'Jlil"l l hl'r ill !. 'JIIin" iIJ hill. 111I ....iIlU Ih wll ub tilt. roi l)'. Ti m )flll llH girl tuil'-Il c'un ' (I( II)' " d lll,t l ,t , IIII III'I 1 J\ lIiUlit. Wli f, H U' ll Il1'r n fuir ''llllcntitJn. Aft.·r 1I 11. oIo (·t. lr·. l' lJ lr VlllIl uf til " (ulllih'. "t 'ut to BVIIwltll Ih l' JIlU ,'r , IUUIJIIK lIll' 1I1·",ru''II. ullll frulU Ilillt liullO 1 11 ,yt'r ntt,u"·llIlA·tl wit h "llilA·lt. hllt l IIII .... JII t., ("JII"idl 'r ll f' r KI· I ( n 1Il11lu U .. . AlJullt tl ll l1 HIIl I' :' l ll y l HJ lIlf't Iii" ·. (·tHlrt.'l1 ht·r. n lil l JJl fltt il'll llt'r , tlt l' CUllj,lll uoillU' lu J)1l 1."IIIt., .• to 11\1" II ' 1'1 ")'11 Ih"1 whilll IIviIJU t1J" flj Ilit! Ji\',. "'01 thr ",utt'lll'li III'YlI r,, 1 HUll... Ih hlK wilh n wh itt. WtHUJl II. n llli thllt Oil eJll I! 'H '('lllliu' I, ill IlU 1I1t 1 'rcntioll "I)lJllt till ' .....um 'll .. hi' Yl M OJUIIHJlIl'll lu " Ill)l)t " ro'll n tl 'l l 1Il . 111 11111111 '11 Jltlliuh Ifl .... Fur tlt hl hcl III' \UlI\ nC(lll itt t 'l l. IlIIII. "tlll tiUlI Ull y hy h i" IM OOJllfl "I .Il' , ul hi" It·t m h l' 'll ltJ IIpp ly f(lt " tli vurr t•. Tbn CIW I Ifl 1II,,·ly It ' bt fI ,ut UI..1 III hil4 f""ur. UocJ mado ' ''" l hilI all man ""nld nraIreWU lI'OnbW, u a . tart.. . &Irlo _ LuaLI_Z AIf D HER LOYJUL S IKIIII" Hl. I..;;;;j;"' Hl·nl.t·d hi tho l>n rlur of 1I1. ·r t"tllI'r'H IIIRU'lI lllcllllt rl .",11Ilu clIll.u rlin n Looee- ehnlr 611 uwI IlI her tnlM'r tlflJ(lJl"M to wRlllh'r itlly ovnr tho x"y" ul Ibn ChulU, un.l, uh' o.c. litJllt to Illtr tllillcnt o .. I·r.'n '. "Hillct, P" llll.'I'nru II I" Pun t•." AIl II UlI "hI' I1 llt tlll'rl', thu find rllll.'ct lul1 f1 tl' whleh th n mu ale gnvu ri llt ' J the d oor openc tl t4oft ly\ ulIII BI'n y(·k III.t)u.rillU 'lun Olltl 'Hot tim room. LurUlil', nil till. 1I1' IIt1t·" u( Ill' r IIM fllolIJltll numr u u1 JK1 1tl ll ocl In ti m iun eie, ('I,,,1IullI·cl tu IIllIv. IIlIt k now · III ).C tlmt IlIUII IIhn IllvIIlI. 111111 It' \\iu whu"u ' lIu'k" UHluk ill n .t ut u "h.· wun lll 1mVII hUHd.ot l nr tHlIltl with dn,U<I I·IlI Ilt·",tll l·t\H , W,, " I1tulltllnu Ily h l,r "i,II'. Hut ut hu,t IJI.r wynk I'hll'tld hi" IUlI ltl l{ ""tl )' 011 ht·t "Iullllllt'r. nllli t h llt h ult'lInnhl ll "t'n"l' tllllt tl·lI.. IIfI of /I hl ll llltlJ l'r ..... I. II(·I •• I1 lth CJllf.{h WI ' 111'l ' It lIut , ",h ,' J;;lIt 'W thut t,oll ll,I.Il' HI)· WII" "rtllll.. l. T lIrll iJIK ttlw Ilnw II I,t lll't irU .(ltlll, " 1 .1i,1 llI)t lcut,w wl'r u h l'r t' ," /'l Ilt. "lilli, U 111t1 1l11 t!all 1111 ' 11 :llll '.'t' '!I ',r "u ('1I11thl" litl)'," "CII II ' 11lI IlIIt fll\ l,r 1lI '1 " itla 1'101111' th lllJ.C Iw It" icl vi CI"\ I·t" 11"r "..;( I...... I .../'Ii ull. ullli IUOlk" I'll Ii II t II t(I pil" ", Ia:: " ,\ n ' ,)l1ll t-llru .Jf th i", L u r ll ll lO T" H.'r lto )·c k 1I11l- ,.. IH'IIl Ii ' IJ,CO\ t'r h l'r 111 II 1 00\ iUK \\' Il) '. "'I'I,lnk " .,11 1111 (" '" ) CJll hi' C" ll t IJII If·". "(1" CIlI )'lIllr 1l1l 1l"H' r c11 'J"'llll... th t, fUltln ' h.II'I' III.· .. 'I o( t lll'U > 'UIlIlIo(' 11\,,, '1 ." "J IIJlIllu it, . ,m r,, :' IIIII' II ll)·... '''J'llIl l1)'ut1l1lu llt lll 'lIl ) " It.·.·· Awl nil hll " 1"· ll k ... IIll'''I' \-lo llflill U.'r .... \'c·k U.·lh.·rilu"t.m·... fllc '" l ij.(h h ' IIJ1 " It) Iu rIll,luro lltt, C " lf n ll. "will' "1)1) ,) 'UII IU\t· IIII· Y ·' II" H_ ... k... For llu"w,'r "Ill' ht'r fl rrll ll Ilro ll ll d h il4li1·c ·k. ld ll'lI .... ltil lll·.,l lll y I" , hillrl llll' II,ft I 'li f . fllnl thl'lI " Hfi' 1I1 .. ri rol'" tu g il. " \'1111 \\ i ll ('0 1111' 1I1{11 11I IO IIlI,r n , w 1 ''' 'lI lIu( T '' ... hllll l1k ll. "r",.," hll rl'I,lil'"' " YcJ ll lllny til' till' ht I'lg lll." "AIIII J OII ....ill ' H,I " 'j.(p·t f'!1l) ic'"r" " :\ I'\I'r," hi' lo ll )' '' , ill (·II' nr. ... t" lulr 1 0 111 '11 . "I 11 11 \ .' wl/ I' ut ti ll. 1 1I·" t flf Ill)' 11(.. lUllklll 1-f (o r" ..rlrl " Ito ('uu lt! only lIfll' tll fll' I'll tltt. ,,111 110. .. . -- 1·llUCllI'r- - hV .,flno tbo word osct\· yo lA .: 1 HcholluhJt llllOliDIi to hoi· lo w ont T"ucL"r- j,OlDAtr nr.t n IIm to nce in wbich l1JH word i. pro) . url1 UAed." Hebolar- ·-Tho htth,. os ..,ateo wben II " ... borl.· T HE DEAD COM£ TO LIFE . W :i:,:l ll :;lc :I ';; ti pllI·rul .)( L" 1" II 'r 1:U' )·I't. 1 111 n luur Ilf i 'u' IHoct io ll. t", 1,1 IJIl ' U Chi llI) Lt, t·111II· t t IItrunull'll u rul IUIII ... t,il.l..t Iji. Inlld " luI'I h I' 1" 'llJI tl " lId T" •• :-;'''110' "'lIIr".·' ilt hi' \OI n .-t . hJilI th.· Ilulft lO WIi" "till lll'utiuul IIf' "' " 1i lh ut t/f til., h'lJIllllr,,1 IIrh'r)'. III LlI ""y li u ll) Ttll ) ", ,,rll IIhllt, IIIilI Ihl 'r., d id II fJt " 1'JlI'lit wh ip t.o th ., MolJ ll'lf'lo f t)1lItlll't. wl.iich.Jl" f\ t't,u l1l.·r·irritllllt. wUIII.l tt ,lh'vll tl ill lll'u.J it Ii(" Wlu t Ill,t 1.ll.lirICt. TI lt' dl'lLlllli un UVI·t lll'urd Ill", Upt'w'll lIiH ,,)·r·i . Bud W1klotl lor wIlu.·r. ··(l ull i" 'liI.tClful." " "i ll 11111 ('f)JnI,luiJll,tfl. "" lf d IUt" " 'lItor( '11 him I., lifl .... 'J'IlI' PlLfilm. IIOWt'vur, lA:Jf/k II IUC 'tl' mnttlll' .,f filet \ il'W o f th .. rn llt., ,ulI l tJn ll' f1'f1 tlll"lI til htl b Ullliruul l,. .I ; .... hill. til l" yuuIm.1 flJip ILWIl)'," Jt lllru", un· i111 llhttJ ucl IIrill ruJl un" . Jt "' Ui CIIlIij h 4 liow ut t'r. ,ulll t Ul·.,h' 'l1 Itfl Li '·IIr.) tim Int·ri ta fl f th u CU IlU I "lu i It "PI"' n utl !J 1lI1 ti m IUUIJ tllul n '"Uy 1 )1" '11 lII d l1tltl y tU"I I1Jt1""_ IOl.I Ity Ili tt IIILI 'yk• • t1mu",IJ ho b,ul tl tlJllullt it uti Yi" shlo tn . tr"lItel.l" .u IIi" rl UYI I,y RcM io J.; 1111 o rell Hlll on o( luu,..l "t tI) Ulln uf 1101",, 1111 ovi cti on - f Cun YI'n m li o u l IIUtt J f)urnu h,. THS SA.ILL Y A DUl t. In u recent U,'Orgu AUrtltl '!'owu,"1 1111"l)(J ku uf Adaml4 thUli1 .. (,nwytltH worv (IIWI und loulwtl down UJlOII III tl mt l' uritan 1I1)ChllYI weru tuntromuninl pt ill .... It 1 1nlku Fnrtnur Adu IUIi' hop l'" td fll,'1 t Iii.. KlHI envll 011 C " l villi " lIl nud W' to J,)in tlllltl nw)'lrlt clrelo, 111111 hlt III C )lIIl uht'r i flIJcil' t )' Hot It u cu llIII gut, li"'t'll at with hilt lJu>UH't. plokluK II)! III'lt v t Ilr llet jell till Ill! w on CIIIII ul t1lllHU IJrl·uchlll'H Illlll j.(ht 4lrrl, Ah lu lIlI HllIltlt, lUllI " 110 IJrulll(ht 111m ho ll t IJrHcli co Itllli lirultilt O( 1111 L11l ' ,\iv,," ur Pn lft iel lOllt" Hill! W illi t ltll (,uly : nor :. 11 fa I I. UIl' mt u n ' l I I.., 0111)' I' " ,lot lllu'lt',.. " if I' .... 1 11 ,..1 ' 1II11l. I I·lI r ll tl Illy 111·t IUII III, bll 1 '11 111 11 I.ill fut lal'r'" I'qu al, Til 111' r II" wrIJI.. : .. I Ii,l' " 1I/J (·UIW.' I'II un )'lJllr IIceou llt Illtt (ur YUill' 1 11 'ult h A WIHlIIl Il C' UU 11 11 ... ill ·llt .... 1111 fili i' Afll,r h,' btoclun" " U'l' l ' r t"d tl " 1 1 hI! \\rotu tv I lt' r:• " . ,"UII' " 'tl ..r" Hiv•• llil' Ul li n ' I'U tu tlliullIl'llt l illUi ull tim tll 'l'I'l, 'lit... 1 lIonr. T IU'n,"rl' luoII IH'lllll llwlIKlat". IhlU...truJ;; .·.. hl ld 1I11, 111. 'r .... it il l t11l' 1lI tllllll 1 111 '111 ' i ll n \\h IJIII w I'I.. k. Au OIIlIC" cJf J Ut ,tlll'r wit illwlJrlll III 11111 III I "f d ,.rHY' lIud 1 n 'Jtll.-u tl mt ullll uf Ill)' f'llIlclr l'll . lit h'l",l. Ii" .. nn " bU ll · •IUIl CI' ()( lIl .. t uIII)' IlIollll'r ",it 'lil t uf Iii" 11Il,t1I1'r' rt ", il If til l' I·Ualf UI. IIl LPI lilly (fllUlI)'I ,r itlll it ill 111 1,Ii·rl n .l fr ulIl tli.· lilIlUl' IIlJuret',t ,. For thllt wif" t ill". I hill fllrlll nI (l ll i fll · 'f i l!al'r" ..ItH II" n rt! Ihu ('Uh lllll1 l11 Bllnk'·r'.. H Ili lu u l .... I' ll. pu,.,·c1 II, nil thl ' 1 11' 1 ·11", o( til" \\ ur "hil., h,. Yo: hA !ll .... ·n t. I",.· tl'lI ft 'Ut" ", II" II/lW Ililu 1I(· llre', ·I,)' III ull . IIl1r n 'lI· ::i :::rtC :)f t Ihn .. r IlKkiul: It .. IIIU\ I' l ilt., UII. tun. IIlt d lilld " Ii.. 1,"1'11 1" lI l1 iJ lUIIIl him lik(· " hl'II'II'"'' \\ tm um .,r f" "l liu ll n ll ll!l" fool l ) ,·/lrll. f Jl' ('UIWI,l v" l&( )1.'r ,,,,1( to bll\ o 11l" ' 1l (·It!Ct , '!, 1 I'r,."lul'lIt, th i" h,ltl·t 1 11'1 "1 1 "" \ ur Im "I' IJI'I'II ",rilll 'lI It)· h im ht 1111' Ih' l \\ lIr : .' • I)l'ul' I'urtll"r, tllk., It putt '" il'l ' UI' IU t il l. Je ll II"" " IIIr nth' lItlun 101 tlill fumil)'; tim tltol'k. Iht, fU rllI , tlllll illir,)'. (,.·t ul'ticllJ I,f " .'I' IlII1IW \\ ll i<'l1 1'/1 11 )1 . ...."i ll l.r 1" ' Hl lllfl .,1 "" I I·t ll 'Ut'l l.. d. h l'I'1' til l! lilt url th'll tl' tl1l'il' 11I1 "i!il' ''lHlIud ll,t 1I 1l' JlII,,,t 1II IId" lIt IIll'HIIIII.' " 1..1 1'\1 'I"V l-illd Iltl llliulltl.'i.· .. ill ti ll! .. A. til l, CUllt l'lIt n,lv lll1cI'l 1 III' 1m cnmn Iltf' 11 011 of Ll ult·l",n tl.,rlclJ. n ot t\ r lit i:: II ; 11 1 "' 1 t I ri In l :tl 'I' IIr 1') '111, full ot th l. II11JrIIl" IlIIeI K tlll.ocrull or hill hllbj,'ci. lUi it h llol U'n, \\u ul"m lii l1 ... n'll l CO li ' b" r" hC JI.; '!ll Ill' hfl III tlCJ lIlIl I I" hrl'w ro.'1·r . :\ .) l,o,'t IIC Jr I h l' h 'rl l' lnJl ,JJll t IItlllI IIl,r ..tr i1t. 1I1 1{' Ulun. 110 .... it . Iitlt Il bold . " 1""1 a.: rtJ"i ' JIo( lJ,r Opl")ro ili CJ It. ",i lll l"IIII1 I1 I U' . lo hv JU ornl · it)· II II d \ .,llt'lJlI'lit l'u.·rJ.,"')·, fm IlhlU- lUi ,. ..1 iJllh' l' fOllIll'f1I '1I Ollt liku " h'Jtt-v .. III, ,, ' Jll till' 11U\il 'UI,I Ill,illot...l it 10 Ili fJ wllr hor,," " SOUND COBn lT III: W• • '1he Holt"n hl\ll fur hi.. 11_0" II nr. llIur... l oar fl lllC tf, 1I1l Uet Ilid lInn.nl t! l' ruu ' . T blrt •en Y.... .. find 11ft 10"" wllr" l'lfll III ... f\"ll,,,I" " ll lt. l,r.. lIotl ll t ' t"Ir. '1II...1II0 ..t ' UTllru .. torm ",vet kllo wn III (J r. "lion ocl·urr .... 1 o.I ll r lt l lt tli/j I l nllt I, wd ll . lI, 1O}t,' IlitlI II'II 01 fA. 1 1111111111111 t KhOIl,. . 01 Illll wo n It numher 01 . tllt. r" ulu eo n , tr llctll I t) lIu 11''' 11..,In J"tlllltr1, Il,. t o VI' r III' IIltl.. wuro 111 11,11, 'I'ue Ullnll.. It hi htll' ''"''u Ill" l'ronlA lHO 1I 111/IIlllr tl lIlIl ' uflu flt ly , 'l'wo «,1 1, 101" wero L/rOl ulll h . ...I tll IIIG ( Jll t l}I.I.1 .. .. rh.lI UrOl'I. '" ti ll' rll lll il f If :.lf, I,ur ultlM . 1I 110001l H" liln 1 11\ 11 " Hullht III (It.nrllo D. \\ IlI' nl oll u( Chlunll'), 'l it n O" lIll1rul'l f '''' .. l: 111 :.1 .:1" or " .·!h,r . Ad vlcl'lIl rulII HOllih Ald ell lilly tl ilit ( \ .!t,. :i llt I 1Ir1I1..h rt i l.lamt 1Illll lll tlh nry "l·tolln . 10Ulnlltll. wlll'ru III ' \t UI IJtI Ill. T llu Chllli lto (/1"v,\I" r.. (""I t IIII 1"I.:L '.I' 1I 1 IUI..h Ilto f ",lwIII. 1, lJ.II' ,'''. J11 11 .. 1" ,1 .. rtl I" ,rll, .. 1 , 11..11 ,,1. , Illlllh ll.1 W,ant ,oLl U Lu.hvl II )Wit 'Ill'). Or"ln In .1" hl 3I,OIJU,ln i bu_l h. Ko.·JljIWr h.1t IlIlr'M ,h <.'eol f\ 1 11 11 IUIVU...t , Iw lllll thu Ull wunt uf 111111 1111 war IllIlld .l ....Ul'li tu (]llllt <J rnl ll, .\. H. It,,-un· of I'hll [·rall d .-co ho ill. lIlo ..I I,( Ihl·lII. S lId U..I" , tll\a 1,. .. 11 tit HI I'.·h.r". hu rl/. I\lul IIrlUlollf ,. hll YII II till Nlnl.II.IIf'.1 1I1 .. IIn o1'I" . '1h,. Hl·erto t \I )' 01 UI6 T rtoll"'U)' Ill... "'I" IJIUH.,j tl lU " 'OIII11 I11 t'UoJlltll lll nf tI.,· Ht, Ii "'Uo r of 1" 11 '1 tl ua l till ' o lf", 1 · </IlI I'ro. 1111 .... ill ttt...1' ,,"" u( T. U. )i inu, IlJrfl lO' rl) (:••IIt-l·tor < ,I GII"I'Hn. 11. 1 Hlln Frllll.,i..c". I", III Ylew o ( t it ... _1__1111 ""1 11111... hi tI,u Alh it't:1 fr " m l'II'lIll1ll1l1l1f : 1.·lh 'r.. f rulII tllI'"'oIIlIlIr>l,"",I I"I... ,,... rll o ll ti l" 1, lfltl t l. t1u u.. hilT., nll llll..t. "mJ It I. 11111 ......1 111 " tu 1 'lIr) .. IdrIlJluI '/lllIl' llnlll'l lftuOll, IIIIi'dd . tlll'k" .1 Iuw I,rh . . ..hll·.. I•• III' .... crill' 'oli n_ bArf rt ll h ...l And lI,u r lll'll III, 0'1' /1_/0IIf lUllli n ll '11 11, r, (',·II't .. .. f \\ luI!.'t .. lulllI IInv",IIlcrull,oll. ,\ of OCJ Il..lfl H'l hfll l,lI l he 1 ·IUVIIIl 'oII lIr., .... lIl1lullld . 'J lUI I,w llot o fl·tot IIJ Il Il ' 1(1 (1'1 '1 Ilhlli. 'lhoJ .... 1111 1Ill' UulIIl'JCtlll U It n k lJl' ..." .m tilll I'll' dU e IIlill til" HUll•• ' HWIlI, It will IIt·l n) L ·.,nrlfl<.' t h)u lll t wl·... l1 tl lIJ " ••, r" ld" fllf " IIl Qu l h. Whl)n t!lu 11111 lur t it... rfi l.f IIf )o ·lt l... ' ul,ll I'l,Hcr i.. " "I ollln ll" th u H. u Il' " 1" '" " 1. - Ii) " I ,.1 ,:: t: , d id " ,,1 Ihluk (ir"nl w".. " n )· htrtl .. r Irlf''' I1\1..1 ubout tI,,,Cl!.1I t'l tl ilm tw, 1111 . 1, III nil ., f. ul .., l ill hlld 110 Yo hl 0 11 tI". plIll d l llll lJ1l1• .. IlIw o.I ... '11 11.1 IIf U I ... h ill I.. t., I,,, r m l t thu U.,Ard 0 ' I,...,r ll h thOJ Unhl'rllll) IIr Cliliront l,, 101 hl"I'I' It.. I'r•.c-J .. OJ ' III... ,,1IlOl 01 It ...lr IrUld... ,U•• ,... I.... 111,,11 In 11\1I ·l'u . •.,ut I101ld .., K. tllu ) IlW II IJW l,r IlTI,J..... It (.. IIt At e d ' li a l P. rf)' Ilflruont. 1II minin" Iii. Yt e'oll ll un U.. SIc.. a,,:ulllt ('"nlli. I ' I" ..-_ I h. ilI . 1l 'II bl.. f"t h... r, AlIlIlJ· ' 11 .,1, lII"ld. "' ho I' IIi.l AlllerJ<.' 41l 1"."1 "'f IL.. kut hlcLlld•• It IIPI "'''. Ihnl th. HO/lI ll c· MI,t.. illmmn t, III tli• • 11'11" ut II Ir lllll) 111 111 It .. III W II '" ollru luV"l tlll llh l In , Ill" cu lJu t r , . (J u[ll'f lll WlI1 ,," or, III tl lII eH IIlU" Ittilli tiu jlJd ..... 'luJ. r u t u l.olll' lI l. III!l II)lIr lll lll " lIle ll l •• r lI i11 uul"clufll . ·" In I we ll l)' "r Iblt l,rln,.II,,,1 <.' l1h·_, 1I1Io.hlll KIl!l t' ''lll cWf, '0 I,l.! Illu \1 :1" Ii, I lIt \It' ll"' .... nnJ d un'lIltl In tI ", hUIIIL.·r 01 IUIII,JlIl·ln l')t.I)uJ . 1'1 .&1 11 "'"I" Llil ellIlO. w l.loll vl"l. n tl)' .' 1'1" .... '. \fhlll 11CI, IIOI !I 1(l IIllter"II .,. Cllur,·Ie. ·l ld .. 1,.. ,1) I.. l' r lJllld lJl.lo\, .. r 111 JI"''"'I ,II K/IItlh , J r ., .1 ' hll ll " unt o wll' n" WlUltfOvIH, ltrd 111 1\11)' 11 ,lI lll tl." 1'1.0 K'dn l " 1t" _IIIUM .. l .... IIn'r) l'iUII J lt) III A IIll1ull r O"111 II' :tU M \A.h "' lII ..twI 'I. _ lilt'll . /11 .... >tI 1i ,J'IP III 0.It1\'1I1...J to, ti l.. t it lll,1 <, ( Vllrt.,UtI ,,,,, ur,,, ' I'" elt·lh·... T hll u rlll Ull) 1 11100 1" " '11 I" "k&la(ur t l.I' 1I'.JIl O" lI f" f ll l,\ 'u I,1 HIJWUIl Ittalh orul In tt," 'I I" J OIUIII V,ill l') , UII tlill M",lclln 1Ih1 11 lIt Iii.. llIo ut h, th.nce th fl)uwh KoJflIHl,V. tl "l lll llUl IIII, III Arll' .cllll\. e" l,(tftl (o r th " KJlIlIlrurlll.lll IIf "", fI ' til.., AwIiIIlWII, '1'.'1 '1111. " n'hl K. II\l1 VIII duck. T h.· Uulo n I' nclftc .. lur Bd uh. r .. '.. ltl. 811"in-l f l," 1": 1111 l url ,h" I". rll . IU",II• • IU, K"", l n l l .1 .' ...... 1041 441. 'I' ll. On ' ' fOn U1UIl ,11I toarui m .""1 ' 111,1l""l u, 1 11l,II Illr. l' acl Oe .fIUb., 0';1 :: (;",n letJ.rll te boudl h.r.to, 100t tl .. o.IulUlln,J1I OJ' Y.n "lIl h eIIl,lta h . '_ . fM-rtr.ll lwbr.,•• r. t.. bAA b.. .. n r"Ol'h lhK la rll. o,tI ,,. . ud III'" .. worth. Iii .. nrd. ,. .,. ' fflfD " _ '!: ./teCt a"'. I"'Mu!fln Lankina' t"'O"1 to wborn t ..t Ib ll 'I-J. 'llMt,. ar . 'Worth n'm .... W &0 , tJ r.J loer, U. ". lUllJ . 1. rlla bllHk brva" M W A dA' 0' ' wo .e. ON .... lor. wholl)' t:; ar. tM!. Th e ally o&lmltte..1 to I", du u to JlWI. turp in tho lIppnr air. II )( ontlgn y. In K [)Bl)flr pnh lu. l.j(\d in IA. hold.. in the nppt"r of til'l II.lroOl· ti e D. 01 an I'4I'J1 RJlIICar&nw 01 bod wonth"r, JI.tnca:II. Merchandise, :e. n.tI:.A.:E'l. T:I:N'. ---<>-- I'rOprlOtOfO of tho IN- Te> ,T R A DE PUGET CU:"l IlUTUIO A r rl.l. 1.I}1llr: or - <·o R .·LET a:. .Toell or- LA CONNE R, WASHINGTONT ERRITORY, SATURDAY, ,JAN UAR Y 13, 1888. - IU \'1:\4; OI'I ::U :/t A NT04'K 01' - OLOTHIER & ENGLISH, SCHRAM & CO., Oommoroi a.l Stroot. Soa.ttlo, W. T. .- Whoh',mlo ""11 H9wil D"al"r" in- Assorted F. W. WUSTHOFF' .S Harc hv al ', IroI-! u lid St,ee l. IIBOHAIlCS' TOOLS IIlJ Speolally : OUII.1IJ'La, ...-vOLTmUI and AII1IUJIITI0I ; n. Luveot ltook or Floblbf TukI. aad Iolne Twl......r broqlrt 10th. Torritorr; Glantaad all rrUeo or lportl.q P...... •• ulI' " __dr .. 1IaIId. P. W. WUeTHOPF Pront et. "'ttle W. T., .011 Funl .t Bradll J 8ulkoJ Ba k.. : Bull&rd Im pro.. d Hay Todd.n : Patont HaJ CarrI.n ; Harpoon Hone HaJ J'orluo : 8<buUler J'arm, Fro l,ht and Sprin &, Waaon. :.Oard. n CUJ Clipper Plo.1, from 6 to 1IO Incb... UUILDEIlH' lI An :nIAI" m UCK AND LUIK - Gr and Display of - Agricultural Implements! nl)(JKJ :n : HJ:I,r ,IUXUI-:ns. "lth or " 'Irl', Buokeye Self Rake Reaper. i Buokeye Jrew Mode Mower•• Thrt' Mllt'rM, ,, '1111 \'t'rth'lIl or lIorlZtJl IIlI1 l-:n"IUt'M . ---<>-- ar It II our QLJj.JC t to ",,11 OOOD UUODH fll l' riC('fl nnt! to C<Jn utry, Htoro, ull 01 "h leb wo " oulll IlAk your inHIHocUon lUul "ollcit a . b "ro of )' our JJfltroI IH&,o. COUNTRY General Merchandise AT PADILLA BAY For tho Aocommoda.tion of tho Settlors in that Soc· tion, wo would ask a.ll to Oall and. Ez· omino our Stook and Prioos boforo going further. n,. Proscriptions Oarofully Oompoundod.• ...., . - ,\ F UI.L 0 1'- - I) rll l:S III1l I 1'1111'111 . \l l'l lk irIl' S. Tulh'l , l' I'r fllIlH'r., 11 1 111 t'1lI1I:) ,\ rlh'It's, Illlllks. SllIliullt'r)', 1- :11 '" 1:11'., 1:11'., AJWIl ,V .... O Il I-Illlul III pnl C E :. ', Havln&, purchu .d Iha La COl1.ller Branch Dru&, Blare frem K. lIor&' & Anden on. we IcUcit a continuance o( the publio pal roDag. . The .t ore will cODtinue under of 8ophu. Jo ergeD IOD u b eCore. J. & CO. J .... U Il \\"U.U .ullKl lC. Solll AH'ftIl tHtor th o C ul uhru tfltl MEDALLION RANGE. OLD STANDARD BUCK STOVE. WE BTERN BIolP IRE . BISMARK, nnd • Larg. Vnrl. ty 01 Other Cooking nnd n.allng General Merchandise CROCERIES, HARDWARE, DRY COODS, BOOTS AND SHOES. --0-- Ihllll:l 'H , '1' 111 1I11t1 f;rullilc WlIn', 1'1I1111'S, 1'1111". SlIt'l'j·lrflll 111111 f 'ulIIll'r, II'P: CAll ll Y A HTOCK OF Lo ....l n.. O n:n:>.p 8u. p pllc &. And " Hp, oc inlty of f utui!thing' tbu Knllln 011 HU lUl ounbio 'l'urm•. OLOTHIER '" ENCLl8H . ·V U1'1l0 1l. t-41(Il ui t U h ·o JO. - - COIt. I_f llttJ tl, -- UH... nnd 0I.01' H IN(1' . "'\ end <JA I'H, IH:S'l'H' UOOU8. AOH IUULT UHAL IIAUDWAUt:. UHO<J J>III Ef:l and <J IlOOKE IIY nnd GLA 8!:lWAlIt:, TIN and AGATE m ON OIO AIIS nnd 1'OUACCO, H·\'A'l'IONlm ..., ,'<0. B. L. . MARTI N, LA. OO:N'NOEt., _ _ _ _ HM 0 latg ll and well·l olect.tltl It ock of J.WILLIAMSON & CO ., ( HIIC('t " Ofl 10 1 <r.J.l .c,O (j .-\ ANUl: IUj ON'. ) - - 0-- Alld 01 .0 tho UUFOIlIl l'I, O\\'!:l , &0., &0. I HELl. vmlY LO ll' FOn UA!:lIl, an.1 oblolly lor Cn. h or Uood Hu l.hlo () r uuu Il ltJoli nntl ]. C1CARS. Il F.ATTI. 1::. \t•• T. EN GRAVERS, WM.W ,T INKHAM, .l T T O R Jl B Y AT LA W, I,A (.'OS !'lf:U, W. T. FRUIT TR EES. C, H . HAN FORD , 4 TTO&NEY AlIfD OOUNIILOB AT LAW, w. T. W. olfer 10U .. Trad. a\ Ian Prl_ 80l e A.tn&.fu r Uae JI.m OAKe BOURBOI WHl SItY. Watohee, Oloake, Jewelry and 811verware of the aeet Quality. L. P. SMITH & SON , WATCHMAKERS, J EWELERS S. BAXTER & CO " rO UIOI AWD Do. a ·no WI MIS, liQUORS, TOBACCOS AND Ind 1IL1ler Om.lllenial -rteft4Alld Hhru hbar" JOliN BI::NNETT, Whl tCO lO, WII. loom Co., W.T. BELLINGHAM BAY N' U R. S :EJ:F\. JOHN BENNETT r Propr ietor. WlIIl 'rac\!t'e In an lb oCourt l cl WU h Jll/il_ Lun ·! . r Mln r,. llooml 1. 8 ,,,..1 L. en t Ih loOr, I' Otl lJalltllnwo, lie altl., W,l·. Appl. " PMrI, Plalll.. Cb ' nl .l, anel 0... 1', Jkl ly r ldalr o P. ... b. II II rt pe to t b. ertt o( " pt4mbtr. Tb. tr.. II br dyl uiS . "1 proUe•• 'rbew",le... I ¥,ue c.l o lf. f11 f or " 11ft '" Yer ) coll.d ce oolltp(' tj c.ID of • •. on , -- 10-• • ,.• --: ,1LA OONNER DRUG STORE. STRUVE, HAINES & LEARY, AT1 0lUU TI AT LAW. WIIII ,r ..eIlOt" In ..11Ulo C" tut ,. of ""·... h lnil. \on 1 errHo r, . Wool, HldN:and I"ure, r QtwhJeb •••111 pq ... _IJoL .. u.xUA 1100. IeeWeo W. or. W ,H . WHITE, ATTOR . BY AT L AW Hi:"rl'l.E. W.T. om••··oo ,... ootQtr ., Froat &D<J eolulbl.. .h ..t" ap .ut u. ELWODO EVANll, .l TTo nX S l' AT LAW. PTo..utlo, An-ora., Tbhel hdlel..t DIt ' r•• t, Nr::W'f AC 'IUtA , \V . 'f . - 'r P (JO E'I' so U 11 )1 All " WUl IU e 14ll,h e' erlll, o f 'heUI.. lur \\11U ()lJr D C1JQII I )'. 1., :C ,o n' o w,1 _ Ith Iho .\f ,,:S IUllhl I.:r.w 1' lrI u ul Sellult. VO L. X •• HAll" . A w, . !I,H.• , HALLER & ENCLE, 1\:'(1) C:OUNH50: I.n lti .\ T I..\W, 'BOCToal 11' ADlIllJiA LTY, W. T. om .. · 1, (lo1'lIlu ', Blooll: , tom ., K ill 104 Oommtrd., l 'rM"', lip thin. U.•• YUlll '/J IIT. •• r. " " f, I .r.l ile MA\: d HT, M 'NAUCHT, FERRY & M 'NAUCHT, AT" ro HSR\'" c'o US,U:I.oI Ut AT I.AW , Ot!lMl - Ifo•. I. I loaJ at Optf. n oun , COlUm n · al. l . t,.." ____ ,_ .• _ ====:e::r:: euaeORIPTION RATla , 0. . ! r, in Ad. 'UM a 00 I t.s . oatb 1 00 Thr •• X' al h. .••••••••••.••••••.•.• •••.•• •• &0 .• .•l 00 k4h nbttll lUlGI In..r\l olI ........ eo A lIb" . 1rfda' lIon to "ruin t.dnrU••n . I"RO ..... :N.. I. C,' n .... . I \ j j

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NO. 29



A "',,,aleh Ir;;;;;I;iiu o llook. Ark.,IIIl1Jur dulo ot D loc"lUlx ' r 1:1, w llfl UII"Iltory I At thu lK'f.(i n n ln g ot LboIte ­1)lllHull, AlJrnhulU JI"II IiTUtl ln uno QItim thlrlly ·atttUull Lorth,lr eountl.......

!)~n;;lnti I~ul~~n~ r..:~r'Otltl \ 6~:snl~;r.1grunt fft'tl lKur(""tU'11nud u lnrN'o butnut cOIIUy r cehl enc u, Ul t IUIlI " lam ·

I lrr l~ ft;~::; l.rL"t~~i~':I~, Y~::II:" fgl~ll~~'h ll me u c l n~nttd to bll IIlJutrnl. IIDII,whilu III"11(" l{hllOt" wore IJllcklh lU' 01)t llll unu ur, H all r lllll ll i u UtI til hcmu,

:~~lll~: ~,Jr 1!~'I~:iII~~ 1 1I~~~"~"II'J~;:~I ~11I~S :1111. Il nll w,,,,. caHillI cm to tollln wo r

i~J~~' lt~ :7:!~III::I~I P~~lli llll~U.','r~Il~'u I I~l~~r r~ .JH'ntl '!l th" tll llllll ll I fo t "ulnntA"·fIfI.I'h l. ul<l IIlUIl IlIdd lu, I'r lltl'r rntll1"UUI.JI ll WILli tllkl 'l l (rum t1w h UlI lI4' lA) "IIll lt. rnvlrln :"Ji III ~' Jl rt l ll nwuI. n to lJCJII1It "tullllll hl fl Iil'ck. UlII llllli UltuWnlIVI ' r n tri ll', Ulll Hull WIIH Ilunin IIllk,.. 1tH t ' «' HUlll l l. ,t Iil tlnrulwl'r, ' lil t tll' cJintlt l.WIH'rl,npun II., Wil lt Ilr llWI1 III' nntl lilt

11",,",11 ~ 11l 'll'lt' ".., U.octJvt'rinl( . hi'llKnili rl.fu"I·II. 111111 uUniu 1m W'lII.Iru wu Il l' . '1'ltl.. 1I0trlhl ll .Ct'lI11 wu"(·o ul ill ll.tI 11111 11 thoyidllll c" nIH'l 1 to

!;!j::,.,I: ;1:!; I ' l i f~iltfl ~~tlioH:;~~..iWtir.:1 : :~~;;~~I:~~~I,I,II~{I ~I ,t~i~'~~;:'hO(ll~:~~~:~lA Ir l Ill, t t"' tl",n lz,ltl " "l 'rJ' nc tn t illl luo l·t uul llfTfli , . " ' hUll th u IUt·n foC"l .1UI'.'II II\'o' /I)· Ill' tn ll fruI.II h i,. hldlUH'I'lit<: t, cut t lll WII thl! h. )! I~·. !llul IliIlK'IUH hIIIlM"lt lIPOIl it. f l·u idh.tl ...1flIlunUIt. .. "Ill)' t ' Yl ·t~· 1U1l 11 wht, hud tukull JlllrtIU h i ll fnt l"' t '" til· lIt h . 'I'hu wur "uIII'l1ulld ,)'IJlIllU Hnll 1IIIIIH'U'lotl III" (Iither'M

:;illt'.'~ i ' 1'1\1,1:11. I' r:\I::;~..~;I . t l ll~ II:" II~;;::~~1I" iKIIIMlnt ''''til I ' t nllk I'urlou'r, wh' lhot t til ... I,nlld II1IIt 1111 11'; JI " II In Ihl10'l'YI"ht )' milt," ' ·'VII. I I YI. tl ,John RwlT licJltlfl 11 :' l lI n tt~,llJ . t wo IJIltrul...,f'M o f

~~~;:t tlll:;~.~ 1'·11 1'; ~ : ~ t Nll,I.1H~~':::~irlt ~l; (~~;:I" 'r , 11017101, l'0 Ufl U 11,,11 11"11,, 111" "iAtHnt

~:;..~II '':~; :u.': r, :~;r ~,~,':~'.',~!~ In II:~J'~rtf!~~lll~fur t h"r 1.1tI'IIIUlltiull. Ii.· m...ullt tlll II

!Illf l'l" IIlld t lld l' " \\ I f ll) ' nWJI,)'. A ll

~~:; : : ~l kl ull'; ;;1 ~ : : ~ , ~l tl:i:'t lW')Il~~ Irl"':~ k ::~"' '' 11 i ll t llu 1'ur,l. " I 1;111111' It , ,U'k ) 'Ull

~:! ll:1 ~ ::11 ~,ln~'kll. :l;t;1 !:~t~:"~~::t~~~'ll,l I~li:iIillU lb nt Iii" l"Jlllld l'ItCliIllu l lrolllJIH,1him "\1'1 "i,II'.·. IInll UHIt.Ut.l 111m If hn\\ Il" IIn w '!.l. 111111 v.h.·u Iho "'"11 tl t llWn 1'ifltu l II lllJ d ill Ii kuwi tlu ,u lll limtl.

IJI'tl.~~~ :'r ~~1~.~I I~ ~~ t i l.'I ,,~JOI I:~nI~l~ilA~{th" ~ lullt tk,t II A J ulin "hntootL huIfohut ,11 ·,,,1 1,111 th o OJJtUl l'rlurin, "flAJr.'xl ,I" hlit lH" h iMYi llil . 'n lulU'" MUllUHith JlU't n ttlru il n r (ftt.. OU " "uhlio

: II~ ~ I:::~l;u 1~ ::;r'l:t': ' hl (J~I~i u~'jf;~,llll ,rk iil'hu(' hi" IlItll1 ill n "ululJl1 IIn ",1 ill HunAllto lJiu B ,)' IlliMtilltH tlltl r,'umiu·il"l0( I'JI'IIIIlt'r lfo ., ( tl iU IJlulel 1" .tCIUJlIt

jl,~' IIJ; ~~';~, r:I.:~ ~l(. (I,IJi:~lli;l:~ ~I;: IIIi:.(~;'~:~;~~tl llil l U)t"lr I".tll illl.{ I I/~ I 1,. '1'u IWlIr11IIf Ililll, ulul th t! "'lIrvivl uM' o h/ t'C'" o (Iii" Imt,. ..1 11O·.rlll1 tl J thUlk 10 111,,1JII·t i"t.' '1I, ,, 11"11 MIIIIII" lI ly blJ r l'''p-

\'i:;~~ :.-lf~ II}:~1 "t l :,i."~:I~I~~.."IJ~~~' :njII, ~n~I~;:\ , : ' ::' i i: ~i::r~Nt!.~.'.1 f)~ ~I~IIt~~rf~~ic u ll I..,n lt,r. A "t ftot- t tiubt "'UlUf1l)uud I{ f ll"l ' WIUI Lill i'l l. (ullllll.(' frum hiI I ' ''~ ' /lu tl 11,)';'1" OIl th., HJlut. ,,"hiltlI uli . th fllluh Yl ulI.ltlt..1in t llrl'l l III.......,JIllt "'l' lIt li If' IJi.. ho..~u nu ll I ""lullllIWU)'. Tll u fr it'flll" f ) ( J lt~o Ilurllnt",1IiiIII iu t.. 'J'lJl.llli. P lltllult YlU" COIJ ~

t i lllllld (l.r tllrl 'l' tI " yti. t hu Irh·n.l" 01Ililot f,)n uI'r \ i,·t lll1M j(,l u UlK In tluI·h" ..... 111111 W'lfI fit h.. t r UIl tI, CO""i ll Mh, ht t, ( Iii.. 1111ll U' , 1Il'll r lhl! MllIJwlll'rl'. tli l.h ·I'1l ,)'1'111"1'1 IJO·foTl·. hiMfutl ll' r 111111 IIlI ,t with ii i" .t.-nth. · )l1 'rl

:.~ : ~: I ,,~ : : ~llllf; ~ I ;:~ht:..,':~1,~l:~ilA:I~ ., I ";:itftImlll,tIl. H i ll 1·lll t", t " i" It' r w ,," n burrilll '" I1Jlloctnw r I, f lilu tr u/(ic uwl u fIlt'r Ilrlllll ..r 'I'll. , y"ur n flt .t " ItII IDlJt11'111 tit th lt I'nrt)' III II IIt' i"hb lt iIiUtf, \\,n. Hit .· .... ni i ll ' !CHIIPIUIY with I),

f"IU IIII, f r h ' lI l l, " 'I tl ch'tlllllAl thn Ulltn 'llI il," .. f IlI't l'IJlJI,lnu inll, ("fl lllMl Un

::I n:~,~:. t 1:;;r 'IJ ~~I I:f~il~~ !~. rttlll'l,r:i!clil:"d UJI1Jlill IJ"Yl"t" ,,,,hI "110, ...Ium t,uUUUI ,'III1H1 til' II) IlI'r , "y o n hollH)!1kllIII,)' Ilt l ll hur : ' nr ul llrl1wirlK' u ro"olvMrJirt 'll 81 him . U uvilt "n" IlCJrlUiUllyw(,IllIl(llo(l. 111111 In lh t, co n ( tLltio ll UUIKirl t.tIC'IJlot l. Tlj l" nct " Ianunr l allwhu luul LJ,kl'n Jlllrt 111tlu, don t lJ of

rll:tt,l~~~t~~~~~'II:~;'~I~ I:;(tl~:;~~~;~~1 t~~~:1iI ,)' uf 11,,11, lJf wlwm onl)' thrl~ WI'r ll

::;ti'~~UI)u~:~~'il',~t~I~'lIIlU'::~tII~~~~ttil t! 11,,11 hou..,.,hold WI\M Murr ount!f...(I.,)· IIIRIIJ,wd inN.. Ih l, 116m..l Joon"to~t' n tJcJwn IIlullhu thnw. Kirl"rnl.·rcllUl"ft1y murtll'rl "). TIIH aNl\lMliuli thontitNI tl u· hou..., ,,1111d ilUtl)[K'llr"lIl. T holruga...ly ca UlK'll fa ... mM ion, bu t Ulnu -.plno" UoD Jlu,dl~ ".1 inlttnwt.wl 1'&1't il ... t lmt til .. I ntlian- or K"uel'I badruur ll••rud t ho girb l and tb at tlwl had1,l u Dtlf.r lod t hu honr.u und ..·t It ODUn., " lUI ",'nt.tolly l\«fOJllAod.arul on ),lalA.ly huu th u f"ct...1,...1wttout.


J)1·ft ·llh -d lind ill dt ·llt.. (JuorK tIUIJlIt.y CJUII'. It ) SI 'W Yo,k. hlltl WlUlKlud to IIcc. 'I'l " 1'f('Curiol1J1 dt ...k iotim ullil.'n u IIJ" )'otlllK 1',,111111" "t'h it tlullllhi " w(ouk, b Oln wh ich hnwor"l ...l h ifl waI in tbt, couno o f tim"t u .' iKht.1 IoU",.. , th.-n to lI.n , U....n tofUh " 'n , UU'n UJ tWHlJt,··IlVt .. UIl .n tot b lr t1 1 t ll" n UJ fltty , fln, l tinnily toItt4lYI'nt .y4tho. Hi" Inhor" 011 tim Cy ·c)0 l't...lln yil'ldHd h im 1I~llrly II hUllIlrt ..1 UIOUIII\IIII (lo l1n,.. .

- - ..•.. - -HEW OU.OUI'UJ rOK lH VOllCl; .

A n 'lJlurk" IIII' d i\" Jr cl. (l1.ti t itJll WII"IIII'll III II 1.'ll1iM\·iI! .,. 1\ )' .• ('ou r l ruCI' lll h b \' It (·I.I" r.·cl 11I1I1I1lI1I ' 1I·( l ltoli.,rt ~ r h;· I I" . Til,· p l'tit i l" l 1I1I1 'Hl ltt lillt irl lHjlj. ~ lII~ bu IlIh t ril 't ln " CIlII/lJlII l1lfl l.t1,'I,.. i•• ( ~"I \ "'" I I . 111 l i l·\ i IlU (n m.Ilt'r U \\ 1\ r" I IP '''t ';II''l illll I IUlI !'O h l' "'h"t

n JIIulllUt,. II ., hnl1 "ilwi' Ili flCO\'t·rl..I,htl.... I.\ I·r . t l lllt " Ii.. ill h \\ lill . ' "IHUUIl ,nrlli. IJO·ifJK Ulh i rol·,t t llllt t h l '~' l ' h U II' JtIUII""" r Ii,,· t.' J.I'" t1u·r .Ui liu,.1 1/1 1il1 hw l" 'lfl! \\i tli ollt n ·IlII.·r i' IU t 1l,·.n hu lllJihiliu to 11I1I1h-lIu wllt u " d ..r t h.' Illw.Ilf' 'Uo k" tlu,t th" lt ..uhrri llf.:" I,,· II.,(· llIrl ...1 u tili f1 lld \old II I' ..It ) " .furt lll' t 111 IliOl I... ·t il i.JIl. t lint Ilhtl l llIflU"IIt..'t,·d li ..r l() I... t/th" rwi.." th llfl 11111'l.' lr....I.u tl ·d . II•• ,,", .,uld W It Im\ I'llIhrt il..) h,·t . uu,l th ,~ t it t h l' ' · I ~.." wlm l,111. lrnlt h., \OI uIIIII ",Ill.! I)' l'Uhl iUlIlI t.oIh·lt\Ol illllll'r.

H' ''I'r,,1 )1'111"11 ' 1J{1I , wh.·11 .111",i..(hll)'ltllli \OI lllt 11 1.1)' 10 )1" 11 11 o ( " W'.hl'r 1'" fl·lll'lt. \OI h" IIr,· 11 ., \\ IIl1kllU"lI .!l u t \\ h... ( 'UlJil ' Irtllil I h.· tnr llli h .ul"u IO I'Jlil"l l hl'r i ll !. 'JIIin" iIJ hill.111I....iIlU Ih wll ub ti lt. roil)' . Tim)flll llH gi rl WI~" tuil'-Il c'un ' ( I ( II)' "d lll,t l,t , IIII III'I1 J\ lIiUlit. Wli f, H U' ll Il1'rn fuir ' 'l l llcntitJn. Aft .·r 1I 11. oIo ( ·t. lr· .

~1; ~II\II~~ ~!t~:U~: :I~~ ' r~ l' lJlr 1::~C! 1 , I~:':.~: II~ ~_:\VlllIl uf til" (ulllih '. "t'ut to BVIIwltllIhl' JIlU ,'r , IUUIJIIK lIll' 1I1·",ru' 'II. ullllfrulU Ilillt l iullO 111 ,yt' r ntt,u " · llIlA ·tl wit h" llilA·lt. hllt l IIII....JII bl '~IL ' 1 t., ("JII" idl 'rll f'r KI·I( n 1Il11lu U.. . AlJullt tl ll l1 HIIl I':' l ll y lHJ lIlf't Iii" ·. (·tHlr t. 'l1 h t·r . n lil lJJlfltt il 'll llt'r , tlt l' CUllj,lll uo illU' luJ)1l 1."IIIt., I\ ~·.• to 11\1" II ' 1'1 " )'11 Ih"1whilll IIviIJU t1J" flj Ilit! Ji\ ',. " '01thr ",utt'l ll'li III'YlI r,, 1 HUll... (I ~ r Ih hlKwilh n wh itt. WtHUJl II. n llli thllt Oil eJll I!' H'('lllliu ' I, ill IlU 1I1t1'rcn tioll "I)lJllt till '.....um'll.. hi' Yl M OJUIIHJlIl'l l l u " Ill)l)t "ro'lln tl 'l l 1Il .111 11111111'11 Jltlliuh I f l....Fur tlt hl hcl III' \UlI\ nC(lll i tt t 'l l. IlIIII.

~ill~!,~I ~.:I: ~ ~ ~l,~:~ . i'I'::I;:;'~"I'~'~.'~ ~'!'~:;:::1"tllltiUlIUllyhy h i" IMOOJllfl "I .Il',ul hi"

~li~t~·I:;:t ~III\ : I~rU:·:t .~\ii~. ,~~c/i~ ~.iL::v:i~;.It·t m h l' 'll ltJ IIpp ly f ( l t " tli vurr t•.T bn CIW I Ifl 1II,,·ly It ' b t fI,ut UI..1 IIIhil4 f" " ur.

UocJ mado '''"l hilI all man "" nld O~~n r:~alWdnraIreWU lI'OnbW, u a .tart... &Irlo _


S IKIIII" Hl. I..;;;;j;"'Hl·nl.t·d hi th o l>n r lur o f 1I1.·r t"tllI'r'H

IIIRU'lI lllcllllt rl .",11Ilu clIll.u rlin n Looee­ehnl r 611uwIIlI her tnlM'r tlflJ(lJl"M towRlllh'r itlly ovnr tho x"y" ul IbnChulU, un.l, uh' o.c. litJllt to Illt r tllillcnt o

n l~l~l:: , ~111~1.~I~I:t~flt~i:,, ~O{..t'~II :~ J::{II .n~4~I·r.'n '. "Hillct, P" llll. 'I'nru II I" Pun t•."AIl II UlI "hI' I1 llt tlll'rl', 1I 1 )f~or1Jt.., 111I thufind rllll.'ct lul1f1 tl' whleh th n mu alegnvu ri llt'J t he door o pen ctl t4oft ly \ ulIIIBI'n y(·k II I.t )u.ri llU'lun Olltl 'Hot timroom. LurUlil', nil ti ll. 1I1' IIt1t ·" u( Ill' rIIM fllolIJltll numru u1 JK1 1tl llocl In ti miun eie, ('I, ,,1IullI·cl tu IIl lIv. IIlIt know ·III).C tlmt th~. IlIUII IIhn IllvIIlI. 111111 It'\\iu whu"u ' lIu'k" UHluk i ll n .t utu "h.·wun lll 1mVII hUHd.ot l nr tHlIltl withdn ,U<I I·IlI Ilt·",tll l·t\H, W,," I1tulltl lnu Ilyh l,r "i,II'. Hut ut hu,t IJI.r wynk I'hll 'tldhi" IUlI ltl l{""tl)' 011 ht·t " Iull lll lt' r. nllliI l ~' t h llt hult'lInnhl ll "t' n" l' tllllt tl·lI..IIfIo f /I hl ll llltlJ l 'r .....I. II(·I •• I1lthCJllf.{h WI'111'l' It lIut , ",h,' J;;lIt 'W thut t,oll ll ,I .Il'HI) ·WII" "rtllll.. l . T lIrll iJIK qtl ic kl~'. ttlwIlnw ~ rr. II I,t ll l' t irU.(lt ll l,

" 1 .1i,1 llI)t lcut,w ~'ou wl'r u h l'r t' ,"/'l Ilt. "lilli, U 111t11l11 1 1 00~ 1i 'I U t!all 1111' 11

:lllll'.'t'c~:ll~ : ~ '!I',r 11~IJI:'l llVI 'II ~:: .~' 1.(':\~": ~I I~;~:~c'l"u ('1I11thl" litl)',"

"CII II ' 11lI IlIIt fll\ l,r 1lI'1 " itla 1'1011 11'th lllJ.C JII~, tt ' Y" Iw It" icl

vi:1; !I"I1I~I~ ~h ft~:;iI l l,~~': ' I ~~':t n';:~ ' ~I::II I ~~ 'CI"\ I·t" 11" r "..;( I......I .../'Ii u ll. ullli IUOlk"

I~tIIli~I'll ~~Ii IIt~ i~'111 ~~IiII~i t II~t ~~~~ t(I~rJl~ IH~~~pil"

", Ia::III ':~~~: I I :~~11'~ ::;\i l )~:I~~ ' I ,1 ~ i :: :i ll ::~I;: " "" ,\ n ' ,)l1ll t-llru .Jf th i", L u r ll ll lO T"

H.'r lto )·ck 1I11l- ,.. IH' IIl Ii ' IJ,CO\ t'r hl'r 111 II100\ iUK \\' Il) '. " 'I'I,l nk " .,11 1111 ( " '" ) CJll" 11 ~' n k." hi' C" ll t IJII If·" . "(1" CIlI ) 'lIllr1l1l1l"H' r c11'J"'llll...th t, fUltln ' h.II'I'III.·..'I

o ( t lll'U >'UIlIlIo(' 11\, ,,'1 ."" J IIJlIllu it, . ,mr,,:' IIIII' II ll)·...

' ''J'llIl l1) 'u t1l1lu ll t lll 'lIl ) " It.·.·· Awlnil hll " 1"· ll k ... II l l' '' I' \-lo l l f l i ll U. 'r .... \'c·kU.·lh.·rilu"t.m·... fllc'" l ij.(h h ' IIJ1 " It) I urIl l ,luro lltt, Hchll~'I " r C " lf n ll. "w ill'" 1)1) ,)'UII IU\t· IIII· Y·' II" H_...k...

For llu"w,'r "Ill' 1' 1I~ ht'r fl rrll ll

Ilro ll lld hil4li1·c·k. ld ll'lI.... lt i l lll·.,lllly I" ,hillrl ll ll' II,ft I 'li f . fllnl t hl'lI " Hfi' 1I1

It i l r,II~: :~..~ :~II~: un:~I",~~ : :k ll ri ro l'" tu g il." \'1111 \\ i ll ('0 1111' 1I1{1111I IO IIlI,r n , w1''' 'lI lIu( T'' ...hlllll1k ll.

"r ",.," hl l rl' I,lil'"' " YcJll lllny til' till'do~ ht I'lg lll."

"AIIII J OI I ....il l 'H,I " ' j.(p ·t ~ U II I

f'!1l)ic'"r"" :\I ' \ I ' r ," hi' loll )' '' , ill (·I I 'nr. ...t" lulr

1 0 111'11. " I 11 11 \ .' wl/I' ut ti ll. 11I·"t ~' I 'fll'1l

fl f Ill)' 11(.. lUllklll 1-f (or" ..rlr l " Ito('uu lt! I J l n~' o nly lIfll' t ll fll' I'll t ltt.,,111110.

--- . ~...- -1·llUCllI'r- - hV.,flno tbo word osct\·

yo lA.: 1 Hchollu- · hJt llllOliDIi to hoi ·low ont!· T"ucL"r- j,OlDAtr nr.t nIIm to nce in wbich l1JH word i . pro) .url1 UAed." Hebolar- ·-Tho htth,. os..,ateo wben II " ... borl.·


' 1"'I~ i ~l'~~· 1'; :,': ift ll~I :~11':'" h;II~ . W:i:,:lll:;lc:I';;ti pllI·rul .)( L"1" II'r 1:U')·I 't. 1111 n luu rIlf i 'u' IHoct ioll. t", 1,1 IJIl ' U Chi llI) Lt, t·111II·

1 ~~::t ~l~t\II:,Ij"t J,:.~~;';I~ I:: ~i t t ~Jtl:ll:II ~;!~IItrunull'll urul IUIII ...t,il.l..t Iji. Inlld

~lr'~J i 'l: ~r.I::~~}i: t.~ Jj·I I ;~?I:~:~,~,I 'I ~~t~k .I.:I :" luI'I h I' 1" ' llJI tl " lId T" •• :-;'''110' "'lIIr".·'~,I,l::r f~:~ ~~J;d ilt 1!~Tlt~~'::':I~' hi'"~~lrl ;,~ !:\OI n .-t . hJilI th.· IlulftlO WIi" "ti ll lll'uti uulIIf' "' "1i lh ut t/f ti l., h 'lJIllllr,,1 IIrh' r )' .IIILlI " " y li u ll) c li"tr l t"l~tl Ttll) 1I~' (OM", ,,rl l IIh llt, IIIilI Ihl 'r ., d id II fJt " 1'JlI'lit

~:~:li~:Cran ~:~ ~i~Ii~~,~tH'lll(.:: i;JI~~ : J{~ ,r l;~~wh ip t.o th ., MolJ ll'lf'lo f t)1lItl ll ' t. wl.iich.Jl" f\t't,u l1l.·r ·ir ri tllllt. wUIII.l tt ,lh ' vll tl illl ll'u.J it Ii(" Wlut Ill,t 1.ll.l ir ICt. TI lt'dl 'lLlllliun UVI·t lll'urd Ill" , Upt'w 'll lIiH,,)·r·i . Bud W1klotl lor wIlu.·r . ··(l ull i"' liI.tClfu l." ""i ll 11111 ('f)JnI,luiJll,t fl. ""lfdIUt" " 'lItor( '11 him I., lifl .... 'J'IlI'PlLfilm. IIOWt'vur, lA:Jf/k II IUC'tl' mnttll l'.,f filet \ il'W of th .. rn llt., ,ulI l tJn ll'f1'f1tl ll"lI til htl b Ullliruul l,..I ; ....hill. til l"

;~~~)~~,:i~U\, : ~~wlI:r l1w~mH;~;~~ II~lUl~ ~t;yuuIm.1 h~t tA 'r flJip ILWIl)'," Jt lllru",un· i111 llhttJ ucl IIrill ruJl un". Jt "'UiCIIlIij h4 liow ut t'r. ,u lll t Ul·.,h''l1 Itfl

!:?~III~,IJ;;~:;~~II}I~~JI\ :;~II:::~~ tll},~tol~;i ~~Li'·IIr.) tim Int·ri ta fl f th u CUIlU I "lu i It"PI"' n utl !J 1lI1 tim IUUIJ tllul n '"Uy1)1" '11 lII d l1tltl y tU"II1Jt1"" _ IOl.I Ity Ili ttIIILI'yk• • t1mu",IJ ho b,ul tl tlJllullt it utiYi"shlo tn . tr"lItel.l" .u IIi" r lUYI I,y RcMio J.; 1111 o rellHll ll on o ( luu,..l "t tI) Ullnuf 1101",,1111 oviction - f Cun YI' n m li o u lIIUtt J f)urnu h,.


In u recent I l~ U,'Orgu AUrtltl'!'owu,"11111 "l)(J ku uf Adaml4 thUli1

.. (, nwytltH worv ( IIWI und loulwtldown UJlOII III tl mt l' urit a n 1I1)ChllYI

1 :~~'k~~r~I~) :1~rt;UlSl n~:::~n~I':~11 II~~~~weru tuntromuninl ptill .... It 1 1nlkuFnrtnur Adu IUIi' hop l '" t d fll,'1 t Ii i .. KlHIenvll 011 C" lvilli "lIl nud W' to J,)intlllltlnw)'lrlt clrelo, 111111 hlt IIIC)lIIl uht'r

1~:~~I: 1 . ~~,I:.t i~!lrl ~I:'r.~~",:II~t : ~',I;:::~VMt:':~fflIJcil' t )' Hot It u cullIII gut, li"' t'l l at(~ lI i n CJY with hilt lJu>UH't. plokluK II)!III'lt v t Ilr llet jell till Ill! w on CIIIII u lt1lllHU IJrl·uchlll'H Illlll j.(ht 4lr rl, AhlulIlIHllIltlt, lUllI " 110 IJrulll(ht 111m ho ll tIJrHclico Itllli lirultilt O( 1111 L11l ',\iv,," ur Pnlft iellOllt"Hill! Willi tltll (,uly

: ~i~'lt~ :nor~~lll' : ~:.11 fa IIC;~ ll:~I~ll~:i~ I ~ : : ~I.:ll~ :UIl'mt un ' l I I.., 0111)' I'" ,lot lllu' lt ',.." if I '

.... 111 ,..1 ' 1II11l. I I·lI r ll tl Illy 111·t IUII III, bll1'11 11111 I. ill fut lal'r'" I'qua l , T il 111' r II"wrIJI.. : .. I Ii,l' " 1I/J (·U IW.' I' II un )'lJllrIIceou llt Illtt (ur YUill' 111 ' ult h AWIHlIIl Il C'UU 1111 ...ill·l l t .... 111·11 fili i' ,~ III."

Afll,r h,' btoclun" " U'l' l ' r t"d tl" 11 hI!\\ rotu tv I lt'r : •

" . ,"UII' " 'tl ..r " Hiv•• llil' Ul li n ' I'Utu tlliullIl'llt l illUi ull tim tll 'l' I'l,' lit... 1lIonr. T IU'n,"rl' luoII IH'lllll l lwlIKlat" .IhlU...truJ;; .·.. hl ld 1I11,111.'r .... it ill t11l'1lIt llllll 1 111'111' i ll n \\h IJIII w I 'I..k. AuOIIlIC" cJf JUt ,t lll'r wit illwlJrlll III11111 IIII" f d ,.rHY' lIud 1 n 'Jtll.-u tl mt ullll u fIll)' f'llIlclr l'll . lit h'l", l. Ii" .. n n " bU ll ·•IUIl CI ' ()( lIl ..t uII I)' IlIollll' r ", it 'lil t u fIi i " 11Il,t1I1'r' rt ",il If til l' I·UalfUI. IIl LPIlilly (fllUlI)'I,r itlll it ill 111 1, Ii·rl n .l frulIlt li.· lilIlUl' IIlJuret',t

,. For ~ , ·nrfl t hllt wif" t ill".I hillfllrlll nI (l ll i fll·' f i l!al'r" ..ItH II"nrt! Ihu('Uh ll lll1 l11 Bllnk' ·r'.. H Ili lu u l .... ,~ I' ll.pu,.,·c1 II, nil thl ' 111' 1·11", o ( t il" \\ ur"hil. , h,. Yo: hA !ll ....·n t. I",.· t l' lI ft 'Ut"",II" II/lW Ililu 1I(·llre', ·I,)' III ull . IIl1rn 'lI·

:~I~:': ~~~ ' l ::ii:::rtC:)f t ~~: ;I I I:·; ~~.I I t'~I~':I I , :t ; ;;I~':Ihn .. r IlKkiul: It.. IIIU\ I' l ilt., UII. tun.IIlt d l il ld " Ii.. 1,"1'11 1"lIl1 iJ lUIIIl himli k(· " hl'II'II '"'' \\ tm um .,r f""l liu llnll ll!l"fool l ) , ·/lr ll. f Jl' ('UIWI,lv" l&( )1.'r ,,,,,1(to bll\ o 11l" ' 1l (·It!Ct, '!,1 I' r ,."lu l' lIt, th i"h,ltl ·t 111'1"1 1 "" \ ur Im "I' IJI'I' II ",rilll 'lIIt)· h im ht 1111' I l1l t "n~ li k H f Ih' l \\ lIr :

. ' • I) l' u l' I'urtl l"r, tllk., It put t '" il ' l' UI' I U till. ~ tq lj.fU I I'. Je ll II"" " IIIr\~Ilulll nth'lIt lun 101 tl ill fum il)'; timtltol'k. Iht,fU rllI , tlllll illir,)'. (, .·t u \( 'r~'

ul'ticllJ I,f " .'I' IlI I1IW \\ ll i<'l1 1'/111 ) 1. ...."i ll l.r1" ' Hl lllfl .,1 " " I I·tll 'Ut'l l ..d. h l 'I ' 1' til l!1 1I 1Ild ~ lilt url th'll t l ' tl1l'il' 11I1"i!il' ''lHlIudll,t 1I 1l' JlII,,,t 1II IId" lIt IIll'HIIIII.' " 1..11'\1 'I"V l-illd Iltl llliulltl.' i. · ..

1 11~' ~~rt~\I:;U:,IJt~~~.::;~ : I~~t .I~: : ~t llrt . " ill ti ll!

.. A. til l, CUllt l'lIt n,lv lll1cI'l 1 III' 1mcnmn Iltf' 11011 o f Llult·l",n tl.,rlclJ. n ot t\

1',I.lI~:·~~rliti::II;~~111"'1~I~ t ~~h I~,! ;i i~~; ' riInl:tl'I'IIr l u t ~ ' r 1') '111, full ot th l. II11JrIIl" IlIIeIKtlll.ocrull or hill hllbj ,'c i . lUi i t h llolU'n, \\u ul " m lii l1 I hull ~ ht... n'll l CO li '

r~:~~nth~ ( rll~ t~~~: ,,"~~!:: ' : li~r~::it~.l1l~~~~:~b" r" h CJI.; '!ll Ill' hfl III tlCJlIlIl I I" hrl 'wro.'1·r . :\ .) l,o,'t IICJr I h l' h 'rl l' lnJl , JJll t IItl llIIIl,r ..tri1t.1I11{' Ulun. 110 .... it . Iitlt Il bold ." 1""1 " 1 1O ·1l~ I · r. a.: rtJ"i ' JIo( lJ,r Opl")ro iliCJ It.",i lll t1 l l )rt ~ lI ~ h l"IIII1 I1 IU'. lo hv JUornl ·it)· II II d \ .,llt'lJlI'li t l'u.·rJ.,"')·, fm IlhlU­lUi,...1 iJllh' l'fO llIll'f1I'1I Ollt liku "h' Jtt-v ..III,,, 'Jll till' 11U\i l 'UI,I Ill, illot...l it10 IlifJ wllr hor ,," "


COBn lT III: W• •'1he Holt"nhl\llh~' fu r hi..11_0"II nr .

llIur ...l oar fl lllCtf, 1I1l Uet Ilid lInn.nl t! l' ruu ' .

U1~~?~tl tl'" (lJ:,II~i:':~~II:rJIO~:~~::;~~ ' j~'d:::j~T blrt•en Y....~ I .. find 11ft10"" wllr" l'lfll III

t l lO(II 'm~.ttlr,M""" . .. f\"ll,,,I"" ll lt. l,r.. lIotl ll t' t"I r.

'1II...1II0 ..t ' UTllru .. torm ",vet kllo wn III (J r."lion ocl·urr ....1 o.I ll r lt l lt tli/j I lnllt I, wd ll . lI,1O}t,'IlitlIII'II 01 fA. 1 1111111111111 tKhOIl,. .

01 Illll wo n It numher 01 . tllt . r" ulu eo n ,tr llctll It) lIu 11' '' 11..,In J"tlllltr1, Il,. t o VI' r III 'IIltl.. wuro 111 11,11, 'I'ue UUl 'nt ' lI1 ~ lI t Ullnll .. Ithi htll'''"''u Ill" l'ronlA lHO1I111/I Il llr tl lIlIl' uflu flt ly ,

'l'wo «,1 1,101" we ro L/rOlulll h....I tll IIIG ( Jll t l}I. I.1

l ~u~,~C: 1;1~ ..~~I '}::f'~ft all~'''·~I'IIJU, '.;" I I:I I ~I~t ..\~I~~rh.lI th ll l'H' ~l o.I ullt '. UrOl'I. '" ti ll' rll lll il f If :.lf,I,ur ultlM .

1I110001l H" liln 111\ 11 " Hullht III ( It.nrllo D.\\ I lI' nl oll u( Ch lunll' ), ' l it n O" lIll1rul'l f ''''~t~IIII,~ I;r..l: ~~~rINI1~~~r'~'IIII,\ :;:: :~r~~~:~:. ::I ;I" ~'r·,~t111:.1 .:1" o r " .·!h,r .

Ad vlcl'lIl rulII HOllih Ald e ll lilly tl ilit ( \ .!t,.

:illt ~~~'::rr~\~:IZ~ I~llil~I I~~~~ 1 ;ltlt:; ::~ :: ~.'r)l : " :~1Ir1I1..h rt i l.lamt 1Illll lll tl h n ry 1. ~ rt" l "l·tolln .~'~::ltl~I~< \~~~~ 10Ulnllt ll . wlll' ru III' \t UI IJtI Ill.

T llu Chllli lto (/1"v,\I" r .. (""I tI III 1"I.:L' .I' 1I 1IUI..h Ilto f ",lwIII . 1,lJ.II' ,'''. J1111 ..1",1..rtl I" ,rll,~'~~~~~:II,~~ : :·I~:I"..i:~,,~n~; I,~J~~~1 I~~:\': ~I:~~,'I~ , ~!; ;1,11..11,,1. , Illlllh ll.1 W,ant ,oLlU Lu.hvl II ) Wit'Ill'). Or" ln In . 1" hl 3 I,OIJU,ln i bu_l h .

Ko.·JljIWr ~llI lo r h.1t IlIlr'M,h <.'eol f\ 11111

~:t:~~!':ft.IIII::;:irti:l~a.~: ~::Ii~1 r4:~~': r)",~IUIVU....t , Iw lllll t hu Ullwunt u f 1111111111 w arIllIlld.l....Ul'li tu (]lll lt <J rnl ll, .\. H . It ,,- un ·1~. IUl I o f I'h ll [·rall d .-co ho ill. lIlo ..I I, ( Ihl·lII.

o ,A~L t'~ltli:r~ ~r~~:,~==~h~"t l~,~J.~ :I; ' ,~:'~~'~S lId U..I" , tll\a 1,. .. 11 lurlll~ tit HI I' .·h.r".hu rl/. I\lul IIrlUlollf,. hll YII II till Nllnl.II. IIf'.11I1:;~~IKu"~ :~~ ..~~~~.V iiu~:::~~I~ , :1~Jllc.~; I _~~v,: :IIn o1'I" .

'1h,. Hl·erto t \I )' 01 UI6 T rtoll"'U)' Ill... "'I"IJIUH.,j tl lU " ' OIII11 I11 t'UoJlltll lll n f tI.,·Ht, Ii"'Uo ro f 1" 11 '1 ,en~ tl r1 tlua l till ' o lf", ~ r 1·</IlI I'ro.1111 .... ill ttt...1',,"" u( T. U. )i inu , IlJrfllO' rl)(:••IIt-l· tor <,I GII" I'Hn. 11.1 Hlln Frllll ., i..c". I",1I1"·~ I ' t.o.oJ III Ylew o ( t it ... _1__1111 ""111111... h itI ,u C. I" ~, •

Alh it't:1 fr " m l 'II'lIll1ll1l1l1f : 1..·lh 'r.. f ru lII

~;~~~IJ"~iti ;\!~~ :~~I <l t:I.~: t l~ I:; 11:'~:',lll:~'~ III'~:'.:tllI'"'oIIlIlIr>l,"",I I" I...,,...rll o ll ti l" 1, lfltl t l. t1u u..hilT., nll l l ll ..t. "mJ It I. 11111 ......1111 " tu 1'lIr)~:~I:::h.. ~ Id~~ltll~~-:.h:;~I~·;:r Ij',~ r ~ i~~ ; r al~.I'IXIdrIlJluI '/lllIl' llnlll'l lftuOll,

) ~.~: ~~~~~~;~'~I:CI;II;~~: II: n~tlt~ ~~rl1~11~.l;~\: ·t: i:lJl;~~~~ :~. I:;~ WI:i~~:u~~US~:i:'~i~I;I ~l l "tit~f ll tll lll r ~ IIIIi'dd . t lll'k" .1 Iuw I,rh . . ..hll·.. I••III' .... c rill' 'olin_ b Arfrt ll h ...l And lI,u rlll'lll III,0 ' 1'/1_/0IIf lUlllin ll C rl l l "CIt ~ . '1111, r, (',·I I' t .. .. f\\ luI!.'t .. lulllI IInv",IIlc rull, oll .

,\ Lrld ~1I11l l , r"'Cl'~ o f OCJIl..lfl H'l hfll l,lI l he

~~~~:'~":I IIIII'~I~1f 1 ~~"~:~I ~~II",tl ~:" ,I.'kn::.~I'~~~i1·IUVIIIl 'oII lIr., ....lIl1lullld . 'J lUI I,w l loto ~ II ' :!:~ ,

fl·tot IIJ Il Il ' 1(1 (1'1'1 Ilhlli . 'lhoJ ....1111 1Ill'UulIIl'JCtlll U It n k lJl' ..." .m tilll ~11I t1 l1 · r ll I 'll 'dU e IIlill t il " HUll•• ' HWIlI, It will IIt·l n)L·.,n rlfl<.' t h)u lll t wl·...l1 tl lIJ " ••, r" ld" fllf IIll r~ 'lt

" IIlQu l h .

Whl)n t!lu 11111 l u r t it... rfi l.f IIf )o·lt l. .. ' ul,llI'l,Hcr i.. " "I ol lln ll" th u H. u Il' " 1" '" "1. - Ii) "

~II~'~ I~ ~I;~ I a7:'~~11~o:,h r:.. l~ ~~~. ,.1,::1~~l~l l.'tl~:i~:::; ltllnJI.~~I;~:;,~:~~ lir.~·f~~~ ~:~lI :-:::~e t:,d id " ,,1 Ih luk (i r" nl w".. " n)· htrtl .. r Irlf''' I1\1..1ubout tI,,,Cl!.1It'l tl ilm tw, 1111. 1, III nil ., f. ul ..,l ill hlld 110 Yo hl 0 11 tI". plIll d l ll ll lJ1l1•

Il l,\liI ' ~lJ'..I~::lt:,:~·rhl~,~~i~1I ~~t~':;~'x,!:: r~~

~1:l~j:fl;~I'~d! 1~~r}.~~~~u r:t: "Cl~ l1 l~:i~~r '~~~III':.~IlIw o.I ... '1111.1 o"~"ct IIf UI... h ill I.. t., I,,, r m l tthu U.,Ard 0 ' I, ...,r ll h I~ ( thOJ Unhl'r llll) IIrCliliro nt l,, 101hl " I' I ' I t.. I'r •.c-J.. OJ ' III... ,,1IlOl0 1 It ...lr IrUld...,U•• ,... I.... 111,,11 In 11\1I· l'u .•.,ut I10 1ld .., K. t llu ) IlW II IJW l ,r IlTI,J.....

It (.. IItAted ' lia l P . r f )' Ilf lru on t. 1II ~ 1I 1,.minin" Iii. Yte'oll ll un U.. SIc..a ,,:ulllt ( '" nll i .I ' I " ..-_ Ih. ilI.. 1l 'I I bl .. f"t h...r , AlIlIlJ· ' 11.,1,lII"ld. "' ho I' IIi.l AlllerJ<.'41l 1"."1 "'f IL..k u thlcLlld •• It IIPI"''''. Ihnl th. HO/lI ll c·MI,t..

~t~tl~I~~: It:.'l:~(; J1~::~~ll y,I::.~IIJ~, r.~lr~.h ~~. ,. ~illmmnt, III t li • • 11'11" ut II Ir lllll) 111111 It .. IIIW II '" ollru luV"l tlll llh l In , Ill" cu lJu t r , .

(Ju[ll'f lll WlI1,," or, III tl lI I eH IIlU" Ittilli tiujlJd ..... 'luJ. r u t u l.olll' lI l. I II!l II)lIr lll lll " lIle ll l ••rlIi11 uul"clufll.·" In I we ll l)' "r Ib lt l,rln,.II,,,1<.' l1h·_, 1I1Io.hlll KIl!l t '''lllcWf, '0 I,l.! Illu:~~~t1 tl~~ \1:1"=fa~:"I~~·t~ ,.i'l~ I~J~td~:illl~~~:~::I~~i.:; :!rl Ii, ~~r~~':r:::!£: ::r~~i~, 1 ~,~ a'~~I~~

I lIt \It' ll"'.... nnJ d un'lIltl In tI ", hUIIIL.·r 01IUIII,JlI l·ln l ' )t.I)uJ .

uo ~~I~ lI itl!~r~lltl~r~.~:1 ~~I ~ ~I:t llWl~Ii"tl:I~~",;~r:~I;1'1 .&1 11 "'"I" Llil ellIlO. wl.loll vl" l. n tl)' .'1'1"....'.\fhlll 11CI, IIOI !I 1(l II llter" II.,. Cllur,·Ie. ·l ld ..1,.. ,1) I.. l' r lJllld lJl.lo\, .. r 111 J I"' '"'I,II K/IItlh , J r .,"~ Il .1' hll ll " unto wll 'n" WlUltfO vIH, ltrd 111 1\11)'11,lI l ll tl." 1'1.0 ( ' '''~ '' IlU K'dn l " 1t" _IIIUM..l ....II·~' IIn' r) l'iU II J lt) III A IIll1ull r O"111 II' ~ . ,.

:tU M \A.h "' lII ..twI'I . _ lilt'll . /11 ....>tI 1i ,J'IP III0.It1 \'1I1...J to, ti l.. t it lll,1 <, ( Vllrt.,UtI ,,,,,ur,,,' I'"elt·lh·...

T hll u rlll Ull) 111 100 1"" '11 I" "k&la (ur t l.I' 1I'.JIlO" lI f" f ll l,\ 'u I,1 HIJWUIl Ittalh orul In tt," 'I I "J OIUIII V,ill l') , UII tli ll M",lclln 1Ih111 lIt Iii..

~~~~~ :I II :J~~':~I~ ~III~ ~~:1.~:~~1:1 !:.;~~~,,';11::~llIo ut h, th.nce th fl)uwh KoJflIHl,V.tl"llllllUlIIII,III Ar ll'.cllll\. e" l,(t ftl (o r th " KJlIlIl ru rlll.lll IIf

:l :~ :'~I~r~:':i.!:i:llli rli~i~~.:dl . ~rv'~~~l~ 'I"~;lli ~"", fI' til.., AwIiIIlWII, '1'.'1 '11 11." n 'h l K.II \l 1 VIIIduck.

T h.· Uulo n I' nclftc l'Il rlll n~ .. lu r Bd uh. r

~:;tJ~'rl,~';';:i.i "~i..;I ~~~~~~..!I'~~'I;' I. I~t ,J ::r~OI '..ltl. 8 11"i n- l f l," 1":1111~I l url ,h" I". rll .IU",II• • I ,U, j , !.r.J:~ IU, K"", l n l l .1 .' .......1041 441.'I' ll . On ' ' fOn U1UIl ,11I toarui m .""1' .U"UI~ , .

~~ 1:.: :'~tt~III(~r::~t,n~!I :o ~~r~:~~1OJ :::~'1 ~,~"I,;i. r.t r, 111,1l""l u, 1 '1:J,4 1 ~'rV.(J 11l,II Illr.

JJ~I~:':' t~~~:·7'::o4:li,::."'~::t ~~:.t:'~~~ I~~:;l ' aclOe .fIUb. ,

'\ I~el~~:~I~'::l[.~~~;I.ht,~:~~ =,,~~t~~:0';1::(;",n letJ.rll te boudl h.r.to, 100t tl .. o.IulUlln,J1IOJ' Y.n"lIlh eIIl,l ta h . '_ . fM-rtr.lllwbr.,•• r.

A1tI;=:I~I~I~~3"~.~'u~~e~"::·::ttt.. bAA b....n r"Ol'h lhK la rll. o,tI ,,. . ud III'"

~ott,.i:: r~:rd!~ r ,::.~" t;Ar:."~,~~f~Jl~~:~..~.o.lJn worth. Iii .. nrd.,. .,. ' fflfD " _'!:./teCta"'. I"'Mu!fln Lankina' t"'O"1 to wbornt ..t Ib ll 'I-J. 'llMt,. ar . 'Worth n'm .... W&0 ,tJ r.J loer, U. ". lUllJ . 1. rlla b llHk b rva " M~ W A dA' 0' ' wo .e. ON .... lor. wholl)'

t:;~:;~~i':::;ffn::~~: ac~:~~tleear.tM!.

Th e tWin"ling"~iii~i"f.(t.ru .r .ally o& lmltte ..1 to I", du u to JlWI. turpin tho lIppnr air. II )( ontlgny. In K[)Bl)flr pnh lu.l.j(\d in IA. )focl~ hold..

tC:t,,:a~rfnllJcu,..-::l~uto:W~:=IfJ~~in the nppt"r r(O~onli of til'l II.lroOl·

r.~r~iho:ro~ th~:~ J:n:ti~Ft'tllt;m~:~)'ttieD. 01 an I'4I'J1 RJlIICar&nw 01 bodwonth"r,



:e. ~. n.tI:.A.:E'l.T:I:N'.


I'rOprlOtOfO of tho

-1I~4 (.l JUI IN-

Te> T~:EJ

,T R A D E


CU:"l IlUTUIO lJY~ A r rl.l. 1.I}1llr: o r

- <·o R.·LET a:. .Toell or-


- IU \'1:\4; OI'I::U:/t A NT04'K 01' -


SCHRAM & CO.,Oommoroia.l Stroot. Soa.ttlo, W. T.

.- Whoh',mlo ""11 H9wil D"al"r " in -



Harchval ' , IroI-! u lid St,ee l.IIBOHAIlCS' TOOLS IIlJ Speolally: OUII.1IJ'La, ...-vOLTmUI and

AII1IUJIITI0I ; n. Luveot ltook or Floblbf TukI. aad Iolne Twl......rbroqlrt 10th. Torritorr; Glantaad all rrUeo or lportl.q P......~J;~:.T~:..mJ:.a~~ID8' II&clb1•• ulI' " __dr .. 1IaIId.

P. W. WUeTHOPF Pront et. "'ttle W. T., .011 I~.

Funl .t Bradll J 8ulkoJ Ba k..: Bull&rd Impro..d Hay Todd.n: Pat ontHaJ CarrI.n; Harpoon Hone HaJ J'orluo : 8<buUler J'arm, Frol,ht and Sprin &,Waaon. :.Oard. n CUJ Clipper Plo.1, from 6 to 1IO Incb...


- Gr a n d Display of-

Agricultural Implements!nl)(JKJ:n: HJ:I,r ,IUXUI-:ns. "lth T"hlt~ or " 'Irl',

Buokeye Self Rake Reaper.iBuokeye Jrew Mode Mower••

I'III~ Thrt'Mllt'rM, ,,'1111 \ 't 'rth'lIl or lIorlZtJl IIlI1 l-:n"IUt'M.

---<>--ar It II our QLJj.JC t to ",,11 OOOD UUODH fll I~ow l' r iC('fl nnt! to

(~~~:C~I~n~~~l.l:r": i;~I?I~: ~t t:::l:~~~e~I~I~A~{~ 1~~~%1~~~1'~C<Jnutry ,Htoro, ull 01 "hleb wo " oulll IlA k your inHIHocUon lUul "ollcit a. b"ro of )'our JJfltroIIH &,o.


General MerchandiseAT PADILLA BAY

For tho Aocommoda.tion of tho Settlors in that Soc·tion, wo would ask a.ll to Oall and.Ez·

omino our Stook and Prioosboforo going further.

n,. Proscriptions Oarofully Oompoundod. •...., .- ,\ F UI.L I.I~m 0 1'- -

I) rll l:S III1lI 1'1111'111 .\l l'l lk irIl' S.Tulh'l , l' I'r fllIlH'r., 11 1111 t'1lI1I:) ,\ rlh'It's,

Illl llks. SllIli ullt'r) ', 1-:11'" 1:11'., 1:11'.,AJWIl ,V.... O Il I-I ll lu l III ~ 1 ·.A.'r~I'LI': pnlC E :. ',

Havln&, purchu .d Iha La COl1.ller Branch Dru&, Blare frem K. lIor&' &Anden on. we IcUcit a continuance o( the publio pal roDag. . The .t ore willcODtinue under th.mD~ement of 8ophu. Jo ergeDIOD u beCore.

J . WILL I,UI ~()N & CO.

J ....U Il \\"U. U .ul lKl lC.

Solll AH'ftIl tH tor th o C uluhru tfltl


Cooking nnd n . allng Stov .~



SI U \'I'~, Ihllll:l 'H, '1'111 1I11t1 f;rullil c WlIn',1'1I1111'S, 1'1111" . SlIt'l' j· l rflll 111111 f 'ulIIll'r,

II'P: CAll ll Y A L.\1l01~ HTOC K OF

L o ....l n.. O n:n:>.p 8u.p pllc&.And 1I1 nlr: ~ " Hp, oc inlty o f f ut ui!thing' tbu Knllln 011 HUlUlounbio 'l' u r m • .

OLOTHIER '" ENCLl8H.~ l nlln t ·V U1'1l0 1l . t-41(Il ui t U h ·o JO.

- - COIt. I_f llttJ tl, --UH... OOO\)~ nnd 0I.01' HIN(1'

1l00T~ . "'\ HHOES,.HAT~ end <JA I'H,IH:S'l'H' I'U H"I~IIISO UOOU8.



<J IlOOKE IIY nnd GLA 8!:lWAlIt:,T IN and AGATE m ON \l'AIII~ ,

OIO AIIS nnd 1'OUACCO,H·\'A'l'IO Nlm ..., ,'<0.

B . L. . MARTI N,LA. OO:N'NOEt., _ _ _ _

HM 0 latg ll and well ·l olect.tltl It ock o f

J.WILLIAMSON & CO.,( HIIC('t " Ofl 10 1<r.J.l.c,O(j .-\ ANUl:IUj ON'. )

- - 0--

1 ·1r~~~"~Q~(ZJ ~}:\~~~~: ~iN~('fi:~.~o~~~t l~~f~~' [~~w\\;~~~(~'io~~~h}~:W~:)~Alld 01. 0 tho UUFOIlIl l ' I,O\\'!:l, &0., &0.

I HELl . vmlY LO ll' FOn UA!:lIl , an.1 oblolly lor Cn. h or Uood Hul.hlo¥~n~~.~'I}~~~k~~,,1 n'n~11:Jitj~'i~", Cb l o~~~~~:~I;,Ud () ruuu Il ltJoli nntl



Il F.ATTI. 1::.\t•• T .

EN G R A V E R S ,


I,A (.'OS !'lf:U, W. T .



8 1~A1'1·I .£. w. T.

W. olfer 10U.. Trad. a\ IanJ'~Prl_

80l e A.tn&.fu r Uae


Watohee, Oloake, Jewelryand 811verware of the

aeet Quality.



S. BAXTER & CO"hll~rt' fI () f

r OUIOI AWD Do. a ·no



rl~f:.~,\~e~~;;ocb~I:.tl rdrl~:~r::~~..uH~:~I nd 1IL1ler Om.lllenial -rteft4Alld Hhru hbar"

JOliN BI::NNETT,Whl tCOlO, WII. loom Co., W. T .


JOHN BENNETTrProprie to r.

WlIIl' rac \!t'e In an lb oCourt l c l WU hJll/il_Lun ·! . rMln r,. ll ooml 1. 8 ,,, ..1 L. ent IhloOr,I' Otl lJa ll tl ln wo, liealtl. , W,l·.

Appl. " PMr I, Plalll. . Cb' nl . l , anel 0... 1',Jklly r ldalr o P. ... b.. II II ~I.ay . rt pe

frtlll '~l m14.t IIOl AlIrea ' l to tb.ertt o( " pt4mbtr. Tb. t r..

II b rdyluiS . "1 proUe••

' r be w",le. ..I¥,uec.l olf. f11 for " 11ft '" Yer) coll.d ceoolltp(' tj c.ID of

• • . on , - - 10-• • , . • --:,1LA OONNER DRUG STORE.STRUVE, HAINES & LEARY,


WIIII ,r ..eIlOt" In ..11Ulo C"tut,. of ""·... h lnil.\on 1 errHo r, .

Wool, HldN:and I"ure,r QtwhJeb •••111 pq


.. u.xUA 1100.IeeWeo W. or.


Hi:"rl'l .E. W. T.

om••··oo , ... ootQtr ., Froat &D<J eolulbl... h ..t" ap .utu .

ELWODO EVANll,.l TTo nX S l' A T L A W .

PTo..utlo, An-ora., Tbhel hdlel..t DIt ' r•• t ,

Nr::W'f AC'IUtA , \V . 'f .

- 'r II ~ -

P (JO E'I' so U~ 11 )1 All"


WUl IU e 14ll,he'erlll, o f ' heUI..tr lc tC.~urtl u r \\11U ()lJr D C1JQII I )'.

1.,:C, o n'o w,1 _ Ith Ih o .\f ,,:S I Ullhl I.:r.w 1' lrIuu l Sellult .


• ••• HAll" . A w, . !I ,H .• ,

HALLER & ENCLE,Al~OHS KY K 1\:'(1) C:OUNH50: I.n lti .\ T I..\W,

' BOCToal 11' ADlIllJiA LTY,

tl ~A1"I'I .C. W. T.

om .. · 1, (lo1'lIlu ', Blooll: , tom ., Kill 104Oommtrd., l 'rM"', lip thin.

U . • • YUlll'/J IIT. • • r. " " f, I .r.l ile MA\: d HT,


Ot!lMl - Ifo•. I. I loaJatOptf. n oun , COlUmn ·

al. l . t,.."_ _ _ _ .:.;H:.:",:::\I~· I ~.~::._W_.,_.• _

====:e::r::euaeORIPTION RATla,

0.. ! r, in Ad.' U M a 00I t.s . oatb 1 00Thr • • X' al h. . ••••••••••.••••••. •.• •••.•• •• &0

oa.Ilt~~~lli.1:.~r,t~:~r~.•~~::.~ .I.•l 00k4h nbttll lUlGI In..r\lolI .. . .. . .. eo

A lIb" . 1rfda' lIon to "ruin t.dnrU ••n .

I"RO ..... :N.. ln~ .\ I. C ,' n .... .




rllB PUGBT SOUND MAILLa Conner. W . T.



=== -

- - 0--

G A C H E S,

-- 0--

FOil 10Un

r.-~oo TO

_4.. DREvV S

LA COXXI. Il , W r




L. K. G. SMITH,DlUNCH OF L K G SH ITH, Pon1eod, Orolloa.


Goods Sold a.t "holesale at Bottom Prices .


' V I "I O L E S A L E AND HhTA ILIl I.AI.UlS 1:S OEXI:8,\1,

Ag ents for nil L n. t.oltt I mpr o re d AOIU CCLT Un \L I mpleruen ....


The Lendi ng Cigar ~ Tobacco HonlMl IH th e



L . L .

J. & G.

______ ==:s:~


Goo,{ ~, !Sc., 1JooIIJ !5 8'IOC ~ , l/W,{/l'W C.



"Uv; III Ucccn o O rdvMl for nn) ) {on:h nthluc , :\lllch io cf\ , ,\0 , lu tho:URlk et , \\'ll1ch " 0 \\ 111 delhrr Rt n "m nll A,hn.nco 00 cit,. n,t t H \\ C InhnllulIIluli g tlJl» AU Iblilortnu t feuturo of uur uUKlu eKIi


\\ Illch 1M rtplCl1 iltllc,I uy E\ or~ Hh l\Dler

Ou r lJO u lO C \H Ilotnt ror SUl'e ll or Qu nllt, of Goodl Our comJl ct ltulII,l\.'t " ell nlj ClIKlll11lC1II, nck uo \\ lc l.I go t lill.

'w e hnve u nusual fnCIIIIIE'Hin th e llUrch A"} of our Good . nud wonckn owledge no equn l competltu r

Ha l. AIl."lo lor HCllt,TI L.,R " AIl OXlI, ~IOLIXE 00,1 COLI, I:SS1'1.0\\ H nnd DIl ~' '''UIl ' (I \lW!.X snuua

" 0 .. ,11 pn' the IllOH EHr l' nlCE lor ALL KI:SIJ H 01 1'1I0 DCe.:,o r take the 8R010 10 esc bRng &lor ~lu(;hout1I'c (lot market. rot.e l

--0- -Q 10K RAL1~ A~D L I OHT I)nOFI'l'

-- 0- -C \ Ll.Jnt L L Andr ewB lor VloC90ta Cus lom mall o Dools oud S ho os

bc Ileat In th o \YorltlL I.. ANDREWS La OOl1ll8r , W. T .

We \\ nil141 rcsllcctfllll J tillite the ut teut lon 0 1'th e l ' nhllc to 0 11I' I nnu cuso 11 1111 Comple te Stoek 0 1'Generul Jimchundtse jll~t Oil IIl1n4l , 111111 n hlch \\ 0 ure


I3:"Th o Hogbeot P ric. Po ul lor Marlot Prodoce, Fun, H id.. 'on,l 0 .1


.$:;:C" Our Oood " nrc " ell llt'lccted nod " c llo Dot h08ltRW 10 8n, t llcynrc \\ ti l uough t Cnll an,1 be COII \lI1cc tl

J lUY & RE L L ST HICT L Y FO B C AS H ,\\ 111('11 enn}'lf.'NU8 to DUJ CuullH Rlttl Hdl 1. 0'Hr tlmn nn, oth u )I OUIIO111 t hn l o 'lU



W o Corry a Lorgo Anti WolI·..lect.d 5100k 01


,/1 T T 11 E LOWB :; T C.1. 8 II P It I C E 8 •

JOIIK F llOW EY,It ,..t ,,I '' r of th. l.-nd om-

c 0 StEnnn ..o, StatUo W L STn"w111, " ' hntcom

W. L. STEINWEG & CO.,.:....:..::-'-'-'::.::.:...--- - - --1


n-.Sl-lOw _

Nane. or AJoPI.lO"'Tl OJf YO P UIlCHA...TUrlN M L "' . D

U n llOll " ,..... nt ..,11el lAnd OtBet'

lirw 1 ~lrl ftc ('ou.-! ~Iutr,

1"" In""" IIlll h·t1n l


- - - -----Loculi OM rue l · o RTER C"'IIE- Hem ­

olor Logao . 1lI1 ..I••r•• to hi. orlg i.nal ill.,. tb at IILllter wn.a j 1UtlJ con­.,Ioted and IDorcilully l eu teucotl, a lulh • • 110 o...,rIIl lhnl 1" 0 hl.nt L in­ooln d eem red 10 h il eon, Ibe tJreNcnt8ec:ln ta ry of " -ar , tha t tho OtTth l CO

of P orter wu II uno which wouldh. .. juILlnot' A1II0otouco of death 'Tb il rOlUfu ll by Logun "4Jf In nlJu t~t.I' of G, tAtetuent lJ,. P ort er .. frhmtl" ,tlJ'" L Incol n b ad rflpt' n ltll' of In..Ippnn ol of the filIlHuM" of th o tir"court DJRrtin1, end fu.voU'.1 " newtrial for P ort er In Log an '.. revlewe4 G ra uL'.. lIt..ltement of tho rebe l, ltuatlo D, he n mlntnl ned U1A' Clmntmia.pcreho mletl th e fAt..t H Oron tthou K It P ope II order td P ort er.. to attAck th e nght dnn k or rflBrl '

wa l nut. received h it AuA' HOlh,when In IBet. It WILlI rceetvod Bt. U JOo'c loc k p In I AURual 10lh , and Itrequlrutl P ar h r to mnreh to th e• Unck nt onc 0 clock t ho next mo rn­1111: T ho rend ',,\I n ino hillel, nndIt. WM ebuked with .!OUO \\ ng olt Mwhleh , all il oll ('getl , Perter req uea teclP apa to olonr lor bim I' ort.er had1.... ,000 men in bb comw atl , Bnd LIMfrittD.... "".ert Ihut tbe exeouu on 0 'th e ord er WAY nn impo".ILlhh, I~­CI\ UM Ul0 Iorcee be mUlt hav eenco uutercd und er Lon g tr oot uudJ nck. on more tha n doub led b i, ownDu t Logan ILo"" tbat a la rg e pnrtul Ihl. robol loren wno " Ireell yUJrc" lenlng t bo 8~,OOO man Dineroll ol o f!' u nder tbe co w mn utl ofP op e, end t~ol the whole obJe.1 01tb e ord er WlU to rellove IJ opo of Rp.r t of tbe NtnlfC'Jflo uy hnv loi' P e r­ter I trl ke tbe nltht tl" nk o r rear oftbe rebe l Grmy, and thnt t ho ordorwu reeeleed Iu full I1me lor ita es c-

i~~do to ~~~~~ ti':Ul:ff'e~~/tio~~u nder P ope WM ouldankod Rodbeate n, And t~. eecoed banle 01B ull R un " AI IOIt., like tlle OrAt, MLollOO . 1I.go. , b, I~ . I. ul l o f Poe­tor He kep t O eoer nl IJ"tkl rao ol rom ollo. killll nod hnld lng Btone­woll l ••kooo nl tb. Orol Dull Run,whereL1 J ..oluoll Wo,lII euebl ed 10

r&-enfo."e tb o rebel a Goll o\ertbrowMolJo " . II, Rod bo reluood 10 brioKhi. 0100 lorco 01 U ,OOO Inlo Ihoftgbt II ord. red . t t~o . ocond HullRun , tho r• •ull 01 it belllg obolhordl...l4lr 10 Ih. U0100 . ou••

E,. • • r ollce In l\ whllo lomotMogtH.dabout O eorgo ,\ Rshi oHtOIi tu rn..up. Th o other lillo', white tl!Mtil, JUgbe fore tlUt Bonato Committe~ onCo ruen , Mr Deschor, ovulo lltl.r h llv.lUll ill 1l,Iud '" old . Iory wbloh laDot At lin IIoutb l)ot lO, nntl wh ich hum,upon th o la nguago said to bave heenu...,,1 b,. tho } " the r of bill CuuubJin charno torlZ1oK Cha rloe L ee IIauti on Nt tb e bAttl e of ~Iunmou th

obMnMl that· Oonon' " a.hluRtunawore lik e G trooper " Tb o IJrobnbllll ' 10Ibnl ~ o did nolhl nll: ul l ~olIOn, altllOu~b th e lal o 1 bC0l1ore

~h:~ tll~~ :,:b.t ;':i~t~:aul:t':~~i~HAt ell o••nls, If Georg e Woohlng lonawore be did no t .. COoII"t, for 111 Dpup... l ord er glve D at hi" benll ~

'luar tv n 10 New York ou Augul t. ,J1776,110 ..'Utl II TLo Oenoml is 10rrJW be in forme,llh4t tbo fooliNh (111(\wioket) pracb ce of pro ftUlo cunlllgand awe anDg, DTICO heret oforo hUl ekno wn in Dn Americao a rmJ, IIJ!'Owlug ioto I•• h loo 11. bo[>o.the omeen, 1>,. tt:lamp1e lUI ~on MIDtluonee t "ill tndeAl' or to cbet'\( Il ,aDd ibnt bOt h thor Rnd th o blOD \,.111reOect Ihnl "0 ea. bon II tti. bop. 01the LleaalJll{ 01 be" nD l1pon o ur""1.110 if we anault It 1.1, ou r IIDpletJODd 10111 '

Ox. olsht ,ocaAily tb. Mnrqul. 01Lome a O(I t ho P ri llcel n LoullCat.tond od a ~1""On conet'lrt In annF m nciaco Tb e lo cnlllnp fn nro cU.·tea..ed becftlu,e tile mftURa (lr re fused

hu.lbe~~r':t.lt'~b~~: r:~r:~i~hp~~fift een Dlin ut O:lt . ftt"r tho proper ti me

., 1lneHIo CtJMt Ilalrl oh woro IllaootTond ed OOUUllO ~ 11,,"on nnd other

r;~:m::~ln~l;e(:o ~'ut~e l)i:II~C:n llDArk Otl Uu.t. Ille Aud leDce wasuuu lumU, oold IUld un"' ttmon llt l'l\h~ e ,

notw lt ..lltQD(lIoJ:: t ho flSeello uce ottb o I1IOGIOI: 'l he lt epo l1 I" IN tb " LtblH W Aif d Ub to tbe pr oNeoco of tboN yal , i"ltortl ~ 'Ibo IUl4,)lonco fr ltembl\l'1UIMtl , and did not knoW' Justhow to l..,lmvo undu Iho circum­ll taOOM Th o attention wa, eli...tnetlKllro m tho perto rmen, ,.utI , 00

:~; w::;o~~l::el~teuAii~~:eel'~u.;J:"NOCUICO ' 8 not DIMKI to Pnbeeuel

H un J~ilo!IT den ,,, ",,) •JIlQlll out.tlpokou allCl lIOCla1&..Uo "p"cb

: ~'~::o~"CI~:U~u ... ,T;~:D~~ l~\if.'fLu ou l, tr ou hle 'A'lt.b t he FrencbN'ol ut loO wa. whon th o l»CKJ plo (.:?t..... upp,:r bond Ibol . topped kIll­1011 n.. y ohoulll bov. k.pl 00. ""pl. ho.. rollat k,lI Tb" moolop811 bank. an,1 atone and helpd&e....YeII ., . ba&4yor 'Ib.y waraled.~ .... ..plloI.... mn.t be ..1.. _ OIl tIM _ Tb ....Ik

.... reoon ed. .lUl uproari.... " P""ploaM bl hi. ...d ,o_ The loet&hot IblO _ioIioUo ••pbood ...._ unolod .. . nother p_1 th otlIIfl Amenca a people .... the mtMtforbeanDg of aDy on th e faoe of&ho g lube _

NoUce o. 41,.,11. nllon '0 "ur­c:luue rID_her . ... nll.

Until I tl rtl~lhe (" ro belweou ReaUl a 01U ) Reholuo, nud alllntormedia te poluts , will bo

no ('<'Il l.Tho mte o n frltl uhL be t we en th o

Hllme point.. will benocfO nlli per te nC }; CI,A:;C E Y,

AI/oul 0 II & :; Co

S u n LC, w 'f, epeut tft OO,OOOon DOW bu lltllu J It BUll ' 00, 000 InIItred hUI)rov8Ino nl. d urioA' 1882'r ho val ue o f ol. l'0rLtt \YRJI . 7,703,7 :U- nea.rh d ou ble th l\t o f 1881.

TUI Hno~;·Eyo MIlJ' )1",J obo Go re .. of Vallejo, CBI , 11 Mut orof Mn ~r...t j n I/ilz lIJa un co. o fT utUctl, 11\ tb i. Count" ha" in threeJo un gwen birt h to ten ch iltlrou ­two palA of t winA nnd t wo l eta o ftrlp let.a Rho IIIyet a 'yo un g wo mnn ,nu ,1 tb e mothor or L' YfJ u tJ 000 cbll«.I ron 311 n (loro I, olJl.iU('() to th emcd al I

P II'::v - M n Olllllor o, "ile 01 ~t r"1m Gllmoro, ltw rokeopor nt ] ~(h a

80u,lhiN CouaLy «11(,'(1 at hor horneot tlmt pln.co on Ju,t 'rhundn,. the11th lnlt • al ter B b rie f ,1InIHI.

Dnw - !lIn VlLnRukeD, wl10 ofJrLCob Vanauk oD,'of UIO8. IUIMh , dieda l t ho :\[arIClltn H otel nt LA Co nno l0" 1aA~ Frhl.,. mOI. lnll . th o !Jlhlnl L, ha Ying 00100 to town n. fowda,.. "lI0 lUI madJoal Iroalw.ul

UO\T run TJI ~ S,n uu - l' nr llw, onthe HknU'I L III1\u purch Bltctl th eechoo nur 1'Iau h r , I\!l11 "Ill nt onceilL h er u p Olt R ligh t tl rn uu ht atenmur , _ ,.;.;.;..;,..;.;..... .:..:...:.:.;..;:,..:.;;..-;;;.. _Ol:c lUfll ych l u r th o ~kllult Hiver l 't rad o A cnolln et '\i m~ rece ufljeatered 11110 \\ it h th o \\ oflll1ugl u llIrou " enloM III HuaU lo fur t hon ee t' H8Il ry nmoh iue ry He r (lIKIIJ OItwlll lH.l , Is JUUhUH II I dtcuiet or UII U31~lnuh et roke I t 11 oxl'oeil I t tl lalt ho ftW'\11l0r ~11l be COlUl llote tl U.) thola t ter eU11 o f 311" roh

T ile vl. luahun of prop ",rty 111 thocity 01 I·u rtl and, Ort'gOIl, nl fuotoduf: on U,o elt v rl ll8 e11'ItOl f' n t roll. l it

• 3 .24t1,!211 Guud lud" o. eatlmateLbat tb18 repre... ou I1Uu UL OII O four tb, th o renl nJut.l of th e l)fOpc rt v,

.. breh woul d make. Intal ul J1:l,­000, 000 Th l. ill D 'ft1 rettpectu bJe~bofC:o':tbtty 01 :LG,OOO JUbAbltADIAI'''-'= = e-:.;",-

a rTil Y- :u \ 11 h .... Iln lC'n.,,1 tnln nrr" ,u,fknll'n llll w ll h l h t "'11" . " \l 1I' IIIf"O C U ll 'lilU I X' ...h r ,.. hy II I t .. r ib " ,.. IIU'y o"lnln l .lIlh I ' 11I'!r .

'"t II,. "I'''' I r '1


TII~ " ,'f, t ~/) ( 1I IUI ~It "

TilE l'mlET SOUN Il MAIl..

A M..uo.I C LOIl(l. ",.UI orgru llw tlund er DI.)M"DMhoD, nt La CO IiDoron Ju t Hat un ll" o'eumG', th o folln wIng hOlliS' tho office"" T homlUl ,JIt ewltne, Mr...,ter, J H Churc h, AW • WA H..... " •• J W , H " IIn oAl. H D, J A (1111,1."'<1 . r D .Ii J()t"rg~nIMm, TroUlur er, Aad L LAndrew". HOt:rc larJ' ., (}arHllhl1m, b OOD selecte d AI' the D RPl U of ti ll'Lt.k1Ko, in recllg ultlon o f tho htttnnd lMlnice. of the Into P residontOa rtlell1, wbo \f aa an eJ.owI )I"Q"IDumber o f t ho :&fMoJ1lc F t nt8ru lt yTh e b Oxt meeti ng of the Ledge w;Ubo Hat urdal . , unln" . J an :lOtb

/:'. T7c4j8el"nuulll

...~Inll of the ~'b"leom 0 ou,. recUDII,. tb e following oflloon werechoteD to P....ide over too d eatiui eaof that ofRaulu\iun for tho )Jost) ('or F or P res ldeu t , De ' on Zontta t ~alt1e, VICO P reeldenr, Huhl Mtiteornl, &C re tlll'), T C AUllhn , ofth o finn of Au,.tiu deOilmnD , late ofMenUlo , TrMlurer . J Colbne, roelected W W O"rdnor, L DFrank , E 11 Cudwort h , J 0 Mornsm l ' V H P entleld , J: B (' oll in. ,anti J H Yer aon, together with theofftoen abo Yo menti on ed. r-ompoeeIh. Board 01 Dlrectors '11.06n.uelel cond ition ot t bo Co lony 1" rc

L.:~d to 00 In good condition

I "DlAJf .tarted ouL 1U 0. tanoe01 P. d lllA lb. nlbor ,10' to .booldu ckl, nrmf'«J with lwo d ouhle b"r a

r(ll gUPR FreRen Uy b e hOTe inMlgb t of a flno flock of du ok", YobOilb e 1l1ck ed UJ> on e of tb o gu nK nuq

~~a::eed"hfrn c~:~ :~tna:n:~~e~:o~~Ullf'olting tbe craft, holb gunl RaUlgto tb e botttln' 'fbe Indian present-­ly ",U:~1D0(1 hi . pr eseDoc of lPlnd ,Iwnm back to the uh turO OI} caDDOrlgblacl and ro anlaced II , aDd thonpOddlcd homa Ua dJd pol bunlaD,. DlO'" &b.1da,y

"( .


lao co7003 coe 00




Life Scholarships, $70,, .,.... Hf-SD HUt( lit' UJ.A1l -'iI.

H r;liY~n-;;;-; in

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SAFES.Ilolld "'d Noto 0"...,

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Do 8. BROWN &, 00,:u; ( 'nIUm -nlu ~t , " ~. I'. , ( 'ul . ,

t\...!1!I' Allene. roll' l 'aeUle (J._I

THE.~.ca~:R' I~r:.rII: NT ·Bnrbed Fence Wi re

!tIl \ I H ""IIAm I I (Yri l IIII W I AOl !'l IIATTl ll r 1'4C 1\f.f,SH t :Yf".

H.... II. ~I. OIn:1t ... C'O..ISol to n :Cr Oll Reform ReOmA,

328 SUTTERST" SanFrancisco, Oal.

VicloYy I Viclnl'y ISo IIwrl' U) ""IU·._ !'I1 1lu r Intll uc!'I.lolI


h ',... tU S H \\ \I!t l \I t I,MVItl 2\ It.. Mhfltl ll"" U" " ,.. ~nl .. n . l l'Io nll..l 1111 .11

f'.~~r ,~: ~\t:I~f:r-6.~~~ri'p.1:,:7;':1..1 lin Ilt'~1 ~0'''' 1<1, ....

r LA T AND ROUND WI R E RO P E o r I to n nnd St oe l ,


O ftlco and Snleordb m . N o , 0 CALI FORNIA ST " San F ra no looo

eeo 0

~ ~~M

r3nll ~ Itf 11I(' IIIU "" ( 'u mfurl a h l l ' f. n r~

11111II !'Io r\ .or u lfl·rt·t\ In I.ull h·", ­t. I"" ) - t.rn~·I'~I) lI " h.

Oorio ........1 III pa" of 11'1101, ...dbV r."".v1~ th o Zl U II. III thoSh crold.r Sl rop. II ."" b o W ••ho1,

l·I ·Il ·..~:\ l H l l s1.\\lIF.'"III"" . ....

" ·h'\' . " "h 'c' UO III' \ -:'\' "\,~r', :,,,\ ..': ' " 'h'c' 4.lood N



- - ' III ..lIf,u lll ",... t loll l ll ,1 ... ln -

\ H II \l l lIlIi 1' , ...1,1 li t

NICO L L, T HE TAILOR,l'holan's Iluilding, :Ma.r~~~.?~., San Ji'.:~oi~o, Cal.

Gants' FurnishingGoods allli Nawast Stylas inNaokwaalo

-A~ ll \ 1•.-\11111 1'410t K tIP -

Cit'JlI:o; ' lind no~ :o; ' nUl\(I~.lIl\d(· flolhill/.:',M I\ UUr.l o lur .. lt by In nttfl r ti n . uw " t. 1\1'1)rnvlld Rlltl r c>T"'ou ..1, 1•• RUtt 1"'U"'''U .''

111111 w RrrAulf, u . hMIU k.

NfcOLL:THE TAILOR,h~r.t~~l lr,I~,~tlC;:e\~: I>;~!~ ~h."~~' II'~~~h~ t:~~,I: II~t ~r\"'n ~I!:I I~~," V'~~I~- ~~~:ttr::;:,t. ,

~;J: ' n:~l~~~~"nu~:! ~':;lltl,~:nl~1~~,i~17: 1:~1: ~~I :,~ 1" I~A~2fn W:~!&:Uu~~tI~aU~&~:"\" " 10""

'T c> C>:El. D :EJ :El. ,1'""t . !'rom I e 00) a 'llll!Do0 Z 1I0..,or 111It .Ovo....~t. trom 18 00 111&010 %looolWl1'''''to tromSl1It . !'rom 20 00 'WllIti Vu u fr om%lroll Coata !'rom 20 00 J'""oy v u ta !'rom

C UM'1i h (":0 1<1,.. 101 ' l Lu n t i rur.

"''' 111 1,1,'_. \lll h 1I,. I I,u,·tlu n- l UI' ""' lr,U"" - IlI'I'III,,nI • •" 11 1 ...n :t:- \l.l'l0 A ti M I lS I. ot -

'l'O~ 1C"


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II",," X.' /Pi' ''' _noatoo.. I•• ....-t IIkMl." tof )I ... I " d lll F. l'la tr

bam I t r ' IIh. )( .. _It .bu,.AlI " .r l ll"'.... I.. tn..III&, t. t",Uhtll, l"OlJ lrtlt.h. 1'"'4" ri~ n4 \O t \\ "nl"' '' ...... t<lmt of b. r .....tr-I~ " 1 1-1 I"... I " Alt I , p lib.It , HJ ouN1 d . voIolt1I0 1. , ,,. , iIl _l llbl. lto 01110:0""tot . U' '''1I11. "nl 14 otollJ· 1 , . "''''1'.1, 1.. 1,~t. to l . l ph.P IVl "'tln.. Iar t."Ur,....I"' <II1.....h1dl diIJl11 "' lIrolIIIul n II. , ' .. " ' lnll ll f"'l'11I1bol"I. 1I.tt' OI'<l lh , tnll 0' I'" al ....1._ lr o m It, II • •,.~IolIb"" C...IrlI...III"l lt .. "I,.U~ ln.. t~ r ..,.,.1 .....1 nol....II ~.,....-. 1 1I... . t ..""" ..111 h.h.llll".toN IIan.I.......ltW or Ul " u \lt h or l bl ..

....0.lrtl'=~~~~l::..':...:."r~~~~ ~Il ':T':::'~I~;1 t=: ~Oa. _ ,... , 11 " <l' 1u UIt. a fhlVt'U"nol "",, _ m " t h ~

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~,:::.':~w~~i..';"'.':IT~~~:::-~~~I::: ::,.1 c+0_ la e. l q 4Cl&1 _ . iIl-. an.1 1.l1 " t-"'f'W I,_la t>Wd t ..IM ClllIJ>C'fot Ut• •

" p.-r-I...U rr l"" UObor tbOl.,....."'1 "1 ..... Ut.aA.101~or It , ... t"' . I_ II..' '' ..,d«t 1 ' • • lI ~l"'\., n,r t"p " IlIn lll . lll1n U .tIo tl f l " • •t ", _ h " " " I l loOl lln ... U"""' .. I .....!<i rTou.I"roOIt ....l on U..n l'l t ... IUI' . I . I_" ....l>oll" - 1 ...nol lnoliol" l ion. TI .l f ...ll~ , f I""rin tl'"".. .. ro"dfltl' l .... .. ..101101 l u i 1_" .. 1. 11 ..1_ .. , .~..'~nll' l ured l'lI. lI-. II _ m . l . l llm. ndtl IlJ ... all ll'llTlllh.:.&Qt"lWo ... ,hlbaJ . ' I>,. I . U t. _I lI.It ll ·" "", l lw t",,""" . , "' ....

11", . U ..w ,. , II.,I.gII5e",.h t., ' 1111 ...141.,4N,.W'.ta, .l lll.J" aoI' _ n- l ll" .d lo 1ot.l ll' .,""1"" ••lP", tlllah,.. lIo l t.. ot" tlo!"'.f"'"bral l ll l,1 n . U . r l b.. , I.. l lo l .. m !"><lllol c .... " ..obl &t... . 1 t>' ..l ......ln>t lh... l ~ .. li b . &.>r..; tor l.pl1,.. t tn h"",a lnLT lllb

i "r Io': ldll. , C.. lIlr 1alll.1,r . 11" .... ttt K til . ........von"'tu. """,,-d.. " looI nt!. nt .....U........ .._

" X... l"lAkba", . U ' trl 'lU••• , •• 1.... ' ,•• , a,..'""' lo<." .. ,....~. f ' tl.t' II,. ...rC<>llOlI ..II......rtUI-._ anI t """.II1, I t II . lh .., Ih r 11-'Polrll'\o;' .. ..''' . . ..... 4_ 1'' I ' .I~ .:AI I . .. ...' ... h t&ll1.0010111111 I I.. o-ml o.>O r 11, 1 ,..- 'f

...11...... ..- . ... 1 ,"" t ..-,.... \,I II .. t. 1

) 110...1,,14. ... ..

..uf DDa1lUU .oUIIl l'mIKA­NEN'1' OVU for OOVOKll, OOIoIlS,AS'nDU., IlIt.ONOJIITIS, 01lOV1', m·n.vmfU, OA'1'AUK, LOllII OJ'VOIOZ,mO%nlCN'1'OONeVX1'T%ON,r.Il4 all %lll..... of tho '1'hro&t r.Il4L'ClIlQ'" .A.ok for th . CslIfOrlll& 1'nl­Il1O""'" II&l&&m, "". tooko IlO othor.rr KOLU Dr ALL U1(UOOltlTtl...a.

... R. GATE !'!&: C".", I· rol'·.....4 17 8&l1lIOmo St., a F . Oa.

PUREST RICE_ . ' !( l!-


A SUrB CUrt ror Mnlarl . nlld ror Dy"p.p tln In Every For..,

- Jr IH r lll· -

Finest Beverage Known,ASA~1fllWf~t{I~I~': Iu''tu ltt.liJr.~i~Vt an ,1

HENRY BISOHO" &i. CO •• N aw Yorka n d O h arl o.ton. S . 0 . , HOlle )I a llu

radu,.,,. and 1' ''' '1 n .t" l1l}o'ut.",I .. b, .11('rUC'l.'n "n, 1 Unl¥tII" c.

10HN T, CUTTI NO &: CO,407 Front S~. 5 F , Cal.

1:10 I. Allen" I'. d tie t " M I.

AN HONEST POUND"liIAH' t" ,btl o !( I 'I' 11 ' "1 t'11\.' 1 .,IHt ~ ~ <J

'li"t I II .U'A aTII I u t III' 110 til" l u t h ll I o li n Ir l u ll \,'o n'llnll,,11 'W II' lJII) I uLm , 'O I,)Ihuiliu ll \Will """" I" ' J OZII 0 11 ...a d l r1u.r~~I~~'~~~I·,It I~U~lIlC' ~.IJl llll~ ~~: I~~ : :~~i ,l' h lll • •• • • _

t"t;u ...n - U...t"tlt..1 "'I whoil ."l", (' ,h',. in

emU'~II~~tt2u r ~~~~III~I;iil . t' 11~~111J( I~~I~t,:;I I} 'I IIlIt lun•• ro t . 1 t llJ Hl:It, 1 fut 11 .1 n'OIlt'U lu ~HJ 1'0. t St • S • • l lli


l ..r :\b kll I Ullr 0111 thlu" . Iuo k 11"" II" "tI>n. llI", 1" \0 Ih' IIIUIIlIIJ)t " RIlII ) 011 " m l",lUll I')' \ 11)o r tl itl r,,_h lu lIl\hlfl r " lu r.. ro rltI t'l'Ilt ..

It Allu t b ...,,, .IIlt.Il,,wn h \...1 lilA. An,l l rob . h lyI b.. m .n popul ar mit" lu I'll. IInl' I. b" f .. an IJI ...\0 , tllf'wllh .... p...rhMl' If h,,~ 1 tn nl h i. ('o'n11O~ l hll l" lth Ih . u hl u r l"a". at ".n .lu" nl o11'1 .. !lu.. ll ml" (I, d t 11 1.1 l"UII ' I....II1.1 A' 1l, u n,1 11 , tl' l~ .. f 11'1 , r lt y II , "' Ill 1o" ' lult.. " II" ("ll lhl lluQ )( r " . ' I l ll b . 1. 1 \0 IInulIt'r1.. 1\ (' ....1 ",<!nlhmlllch I II t l\<' 1 hI' I. t h. , hl "~ 1

h...I..lth t k l n 1!I.. dly I I, .... In th .,,11 Ihll. .. tI . 1I" ,u . In I ...... AI I III ,I.., til .. 1 ..la nd. InIhl iO eehl .nt. ' II . h• • bll'..n (' ' nn ....h~ 1 wll h l h ll11tt 1ol.. llI , lh t'C'l lOI ul"lI lnol,II ,. II II I ,U" UlIhe'n " th7 ."" o t II I rlh) .1,.. " 111• • l ll'.'. 1.t.nl ,I.., k II I i 11,.., 1,. tI .. rhl , ' ' h " a rd. n ,1 t" I" " " h •• A U II"nlll ftll ltllll "n In h i• ••

~,:I ~~III~n;l nh:Y~:~ k~I~~AI~~~~' I~~· I;I~~ ~~\I ~k~trIlullOf' "" ..It LAk .. Cit, . Ih" E . h\ o ll<l n....lI• •I urllanol. I".. h ll.""tltll . 1 'f lr.cln l ll.l: h , . l h..\ , Ilnllt" ll " ",ltIa n .rb n l I b ~ 0 (d <1 " lIt 4111" t,,11I1

1'l.n l rAnd.c" ."d ... h ra l ' lh ..r h m.. . 1' 111" 110.In""I"' III", I, .1.. , JlI'U, rll't'OIIIII. ,..I . , " ,l nor"lIll.. b... tI ul hl 'llf tl l. .. ltllI " l ib nl" IlIlU ••UlthantitoUrll,I"I,..l oJ, ,, , m hlO..II .I· · l,rl nt u o tf1" nt" .U, ,. T h" cu. k I' a,,, l-l 'l' ll t "" ",nlsNAt . ,Ir.'./ tlt Ib.. ~"'(I" t./, tI an ol\ " v,llt, ..mu l..I'" ul 1407" , It bv l ' \l~ , lu r In Ih t' . rt u t Io n(oc t lh l: ..I'Pd lr lnll dl,h.... It It nn n«c: .. ..'y 10•a7 nl",.. l b.ll lb .., ht' b". " " ln t . rnIUlon. 1hlllt'

llr 1 ... r. " " h• • ,.I. ,, ",1 ,t'I .. 1ail hl.. ... I. Ul1h....l l h " I .~ I ..lvl ' l' I' Ib . lt dl n l''' f" , II..·I , \.,.I I't,.\lI II' In t"" , It nu ' ... IIt IlI" . I. t 1liN " 110"1 11I.. lIa \l\wln 'I't p..n. li n 1" Ur I •• r•"11 . ml n.ll . nl" 1I1

" La. I ".T l u lt !f .I"' "~' lC••111 . 1\ Ill ruAnd uIIlI" I tt.. n......" lI"l blt' a ,.llIn of (ulllI "I"bit'"''''.lI " r l l ' 10" ' lIt...t !'io Ullit h , ,, , t ilt- I t " , I>11,, 1" r I ll., 10 ,1,,1 ••nd h OW . " mt thu1iI abtlnt ' b.hul ll'llI_.. U Til .. bOlhI."nlt bulldlnil I. lautf'l.!un l h rk t l .tr",,1 . t,d h ..... r ,. ,nI A.' o f 1l'-1 t ....1un Ihll .cr . I I n r.....1 tin K<loly " ' '' . 1 N t l' '' 1 on1' .". ..11 .lro..1 and I r....l on Eilif ,t "",,1 T it"bll lkJlnlllo ut 11'1. " " hell ...nal""Ut t .lyl t' ofa« hlt ..t'hHe bul l' ll . 11 .tull. IlI eh..lIn~ I i'll'm..noard In ,II _ .o ,1... IlI" n . t1•• l u (' ..",Ill' .A t hba , w .. ..1m' I " JK I I" n . C'ulllll u cn. ... III III "UT he bcl llh\ . f l il t' m.ln d.. m.. II 1)01 ', " 1 I" ,m lil t'p. y..mt'n l Til..h ... . lII..nt ut ti lt, blllld ln" It . hI I, t l, o r lorl. 'II 1I 1I ~ l lru ll Tioa PIlI. I If Will . ba,t'I Ibh:k nt •• ur Ih,C'l.' t .'('1 t .. I Ineb ('. wllh r ,..1Inlf' h itI" , .. , .. I,ll' \ 11 (,n.. ..n l pa,lltlu ll"".11••nd IIIl rl , . 1II"lfh ''''1' n t I ,Irk lall InN OI.. nl ln I hn Inch t4. 1 1' 1 II hu " , .:o lumn . no....ovolwl rll ,,1U.II'V" hul llll' 11. ...1 In th l' blt' rl lII'lltThl' fln l . 1or, "r Ib, I u llt llllil!' ..uU, ..I,. u l l ru llTho rl'll ' Willi, u n.. " All . an I Willi. of a ll p..,IUllnl'n t .l h l, 1 n••,..or l r lek l..ld ln l "b1on t lU ll '

" e I ~y"t, ,, I"' In t llH I\' t'n l y " " ' Illch l't nll l)t ll h tl't'll Ind ,., 11'1 1.:11 t, unl t h' 11,. 1 ' l o' 7 l ttmIInl t l 1'111,., up" "" '" !-: Yt " ('oul rhllllt t' h itb l' ''l1 , ..lI r ll ttl \Il Il U il'~ If tn l H' t tl l1 iCllllf,I IIIl'.ln 'l1111.1 u t lll ill.1t nr.. I II th o t1rt llrolUt \/uIII .Itllll "lI iCln tr," ,nu lIu' ! lt lll l',1 UHI, IIrl'l ,uml _ t<lnrIn IInni llN I n lr p(' lI l ..nl I t ill" b<lU'1l ,ul'I,I,. 'Itpum p_ 11."""111I1' ('1I1l1. " • II fIIeh ,10" fl f 111..hut ..1 \'11111'. 1r... I "r hUl l . I rt 11I(.I..d In pu . 1Il ' " u t il c ' h1nu rld 411 " . u . tl f fil ch , Ill ry I nd• t.I ,wII , Un th " u\ll .lde uf Ill tl b ul hllnll ftttli n.. u r IIltlu lIlI ...1 wro llilb l !r"n Illpl' (,.lI"n ,1truln111.1'11'. ..1ut 11'1" ..l l nwal k U(l I ) . n~I'..'" 110 "roo r.. t U'" hulhllull'. an,1 III.... Iff ..n l ' lIli.,1 w jl "d rll'lIlu lI' an<l .. n th. lev" l .. f ".eh . 1.. " a n i 'mIhe ruut III" r. a r• • • I f_ 1 li t It.." a".tbed to l lf ol,.· .. 17 t "In ' lalll u...., Yrum Ihe pnlill" b"l ow ' lie..Ineh m" ln. til"" I 11 \1 t , and a lunlClb. ,...o f 10Ibe b u, ' " 11'1. olOIll... . th ..n u npw.nI In Ibel up bt'r. III I" ani ('.. nn..:IN "lIh a t upp . '~lndlAn.l :l I IH h pll''' " ne h d lni th" u u....n ti t".th .Iouu' Tit ... " pip•• ar" 1<, l"' , f" '.tll'oIl h"I.honl" .dre III' (' U '

TtU WII...I & al 11 1111.1" t: AIII•• 111I. III<1l1 b

Irl a 1'l omUII T ...... . " ....1.11 • • 11. u p.b lu " t1II(1"I,l n. 7I I» I "allvll • •1.11, • .,.. 111 11'1 . ba• .,.mmt T h... ... wU h . , • .,..",h willi a ( . p.t ll, u t()II rllJJ . allon . la t il.. b" ..t m' '' 1 .ntll.nk.. fla Ih .' Ullr bollia , It, 0 '., ialh,n.. rh. All Immt'dI.I.au p" l, o r "'~ l.lO a.lI"n. o t wal l" Th . Imble".,bull 11" 1." t'u n l l i n . 11'1", . eumpl..t •• I...at ouo r th.. I, t t r "hll'llI t..b! on Tb." ." ' "bI'¥l.I evom. u " ab lafl r a ccammoda ll llloC".II lt) ; 111'.1 ..In IIrol o('!1U1 '1 ,1 . Thl'J' a ,a III 11' 4, 1, ai IlHI' 1blnd.orn.l, tulnl.IIl'd. a llll .. nMtl, "p' • • po.. Ibl. no .., . h not a d ark , oom IA th e hou••111.., . '••11 .,,11 IIi'b t f'd u lllll a l ...1 .ud . Ir"dand. ('0 ' 7 b!)la f..ll n i' It up.rl.ntf'Ol b, ,11.,CUl'lll .. " OU Il a. 11..1111.. po" ..... I "I of b l. ' (' lImTb .laoU • • " I rlp" ' ff man ..l.. o r m "lIldt . nc"a ,, 1n'l"bll. ,,,.1.I n~:di"~~I~~::~.l b:n~,,:~~:~·r ~~n~::·'~I~~ 1-- - - - - - - - - - - -f ll, n l. II.. 1 Tbtlc. l llll lt'_ .,.. bC'aol lf IlU, r,u r Of'l I

11.. ~ It:lt ..h l'n I. Iln tlllnh t.. II" 0". of Ih.lInnl autl11"..1 t u ll " . " d .l,anolt'ut • • , '" alt~h.. 1 l u ah.. , ..1 Tb " bUlla'" rUllb l I. Ib, 1.1\101' l" ' l>lIla, InI h , t il,. a. II I. I ii . 1"""1 It " Ihll...1 nn l' te"..a'7 10 .", Iha ' unol.r)lr I',.r, " n I t""."'110In'' III . til., labl. ""III be au pplll'd wl lb . lI l h.11II~",I,. . o r 11'1 . ua"o n ....d llurur..' lI ql l,r. ' " ar 'l rom "1,l'('la l a r"' II,," lIl'n l Ibe "It,... u n ll' fru nl' I 10':1 M . d. , a nd ru, , .....un and bul'lrd h om' 1 tltl tOl~ W. , un.,.lul.t . N r ....'lUll . ...

w"II •• l b. 1'....lI nll l' lIbl lf'. "po u bl • • ,rl'~ ..I"n1'1Ii'll'cunln , l .. f Ib l. pupal., 1It1,..1....---

l 'uuLn1 AMD BooL-IMPd u.-a 10H. A


J:. J . IInhl" III Ih ·. Jr '·'" (rom t h e:'lnIU1K('IlII' 1l 1 unell .. "' "~ I' f"t' d r d

b ) II . II . 1· I IIr JII UII . u H Ull·u.er r ur T hlrl ) 1 ('n "'"

J::\lw r h ' lH I'.


A FEW POI NT! ABOUT THE LEADINO 1l1 ~ !I ~(oll lU \\ 1·11,. I'I t tliUIlt'11 H,.nr,)II OTEL OF SAN r RAlI'r.U CO count y, ( 0\\ ", nil. I h IJtlUllCIUl tlotUIIU'O

fer Ul'Cor,1ror' 1.. 1I" l<Iwll1 lI . t I t. 0l..11 r ~ 117 fl '("oI.(III . ..,1

,n ' ''' h , ll'" n", .. t I"~ 1..ll ltc 1/ II t I. In t li .. 1 nil, ,I141"1... tor fl~ . "n ~1 r ""t ,1 t ( I lilli , I\H MIt..1It 10, UII\ . I,I, nl lo 1111 \\ 11 11 11, 110" I ,.t ".... k, r. , . .. lml ' , IAni d llll ll 1"1' I.lt tn I h (l ".,.­11'",,1. II .. 1" " " " 11'111 Ill ' f lit AlI~lr. U , I JII I l<lwin Ih ll tlll ll" Ih llt hi . ,II ~ r h .. h.... 11IIIt h r 'II"~ I ,,,I (u n. loItfltll l J 1I1t"'1 t l"l I" .. d '( I 1t..1 I I

wit h Ir ll " rr~II' I ' h• •h • thll l 1 1I ~ . r . h i. n ll U,.u tl """,,t , hi . , a llt h lll lu nh \ ,, '" IU<l r l..,l .. d , l loit hll 11 10I' Ioul)"tI d \.-.llu IIl I. ' th " hull Ill ith Ihu bllrr .....1ll bllll,,1 t " n lllu bl ' ''lul' a l,,1t ll" I. II:'" ,1 111111 ' 11 II 1 ,1"",,, f..., tlt u )"u "II 10 u 'u l.,.1, ud1I, ,,tI ll", I .f1 I• • • u ...J ulI, n lU ll

t"r l li ~ tlr.t ''''Ift .1I. " to r Ih• •~t" lI oi , WUllll,""I rvr " ..r h " ' tb", t h r ~ .. _ I \t .. Il".,y . ..r.2H~ 1" 1\ . th o I"'" rl ll~ l , t IIIOJ I"" "'l ~ nl l' nl " I " hllt elh a . 1I111eh t" 'Iu .. I th I.. . " ., II wil l I, l" t(O r" U IIIi I" loll ,,,, . .. n" IIoII .. ' :lolr 1 ••" .II III ,lh l ,. u r" otIIUIIIlIi'

1 ('ritl'nl ny nJh'rliOOD, at tho <.:mIt'rClu b h01hlfl. Cl ny Cul ht r UiOD. Jt'rry1\.ll'rs tml, Alelnoll t>r Sta rb uck, and1: h \\ llh "'h r oolt' rtllll nto n Knmo 01wh ltll Ath'r th e lint baull hud bOl' Dplu) 1...1, ~(r \\ eUl4 ll.'r, \\ hollo tu r n ItWUd to tll'n., look t hu ~U"d, . I h"HIt 'dt1lOrn, II uti, nh l'r th£') hnd bt' t)n cutb) ~( r K H.' l'llWJ , d (tntb E nch play

:~'lIr~ ~~ .:rll~~~~I1M u~~~»'..o~A'~u DuMunl uJ.cihnn eol ~1r ClllLertHOUw1lQllo turn It wn. to pill y. Ilull ,"ho

~~~n l~:~~{ ~An T~h~ \)~b;~;~~rO)~iC~ll~(llnr until Mr li tnrbuck broke tb.omIUOU!!lulenco wh ich p rOVRlllltl byol.cluuui oH" h G entl emen , I hft\ o th o1II0Kt rNu nrkn hlo wind hUDd I ~ver

h .,hI I hoM th irh't'n honf ts " " ADdIt rom nrk od ~[r C nlw rlllon. ., hold8 q U IlUy U8 rl.'lunrknblll 0 banu I

~:;:ot~~~ll.~I~ II 8!1~dK :~'f14~~~tr~~lh;;:til t) thlrh,ol1 dlUlUond s " "Ot conrtll',I holll tho tb irh'oll h umps." ~U1cklychimod in tlw dl'n!llrl ~Ir. " ObKl(lr

~~t'~tt.~~cflhl~frl°Z:J.I~~~uo ;1~i~~11&n~:i;but It'ubl) oJ.Jl rl-~MQd th(llr montn lcoudill on nt tho tlmo '1'ho conv('....n·t lOn th"t olun1od rolnh vo to tbls 110·o:< pncl"tI O\ll.'u 1IO will I t umong tb tlpinyon nnd lIIomho1'8, rut thoyl1rop\lOll in llun ng t ho nth 'rooon\\ " 8 ( ocidNl lr UDllUfthd N o on o hnae,<,r luonnl 0 holllm g linc h bnndlt Inw h l ftt. A cnle :occurn'l.l in t\ JJ )lIlondub R yenr or 10 ago whore" plnyerhuld U1U~lrt('(On thn1b1p", nud nltN) R!u w llnr cruto in GNow 1:ork club, butn81tlo Irom th (lso tw o no 00 0 could ro­~rt KI'4'IOg finch hunda II.A th t.>80.-CJD·cm nilli Commorc inl



A PhllRdolph in C!onrt hM roconUyllllhi an ent'C\ U1Rlil doc)nrn tJOn ol in·tC'llh on to marry n C!llt'tnm penooglV('IfI that pt"non . nC!h an lutel'f'8t lDtb o I'ro l"'rty of th o oth. r pnr! y thnt" IIU}w:>quoUt r-onVE'yanC!o ot tb~

IlroP Ort,1 b, gltt to oth O" bolor o

~~:d~nj '~lOltD 1~I O R~~t:~:~ Ru~rR~~conrtR

A wltluw(Or. _ U1 chllmn. toM hIS

!:r~~,,~;~r r.'=tl~ t~.:e~~~:~~ .mon H(ltor o I\ctul\ Ur Iwlung' IlI.'rhond, hut nlh'r m"klnK UI6 abo vennn oullc('lIIeut . ho oonvoyt'd 11111 r t.al

~~::1~t~':~~t'~~~~~l1lotn~'~~Ii~Ir'-:i~~~ll~ll~t~~)~lI~l~~:t ~f"t:,Sdcl~~~th ", lIf\W Will', hu t to pro vHln bott nr

:~~~ ~}r"NI~~troh~:r~ll'l~h:l:Ot~: I~::munth" "t \.t'r III " I U ll rr l n t(tl, RDll lh oWillow ronr ul l", nu.J( Ilel lrlYll() of hor

;'~I:';lh~t,,: · t~llt~~I :~uJ:!;':Ut::n~~ ~~.I lrUl llt Tt )' Wit H YHltl lMJl'.lllltlUI t WlUI lDcolllpRll lllu w, tb tl ill IHllUtit.. of billrulad luol! With bl. Pl"OIIlJOOLI"e wil ...

C!)il;~,~~:a~~~C~l irs: ~bi~:ti R~;::8fKllt your lliMpt'IIIUJd nltojoft..thl·r withrt.rrt·llh ru",nhl nl th elr a neeuoon re­c.)Vtion. III o rd l r to Itl'(lp ou t R cro wd

~ ~~il:~~t "·t~ ~:UlN'E~q~~:~t~ o:I~~:~~~~e utt Ul"tt a ny person wllo <: nll" lit onaU t m oe n r cc cpt luu III un otl1cia)household to nil) ttVl'lIillK rcoC('llUonth llt 1110) LH, nfh 'rwo rl1 Y'lvon th eroln,"0 t hot nn, ,.h reYl II llornlRluhz er IU n)mokn th n ro unde ot Cab inet ree ep­tl olll' at h'lU4 t o neo d nri nu t ho l'o4 'nllo n.nnd 1111111 ob tuln n goull dN~1 ot M'rr\tnitou.. "lu tNu lDce 1 kuow n certuln-vomnn wh o trolT' moUn',. ot reO nOIU) ,Hvod ofl I1I11 Mh nrul milk In"t winter,

~;' t, .~:W~~~ 1~!:r'~fl f~fU:I!I~~~~1t n~t l~~IIL'tnet rlocll,lIon , Hho uudr rMtOOlI • th u

~~~~~:t h:~~~.1 ~:~llN'~~ ltllft':I.l1l~"~~~( ti~wh nt d t.h cut:>, I nch I U'Uh O \\ Ill't llotl'll

:I~~t ~~ II~~!,lt tM~~ ~~o~I:r~~\I~~) . \ ~;-n~MWit) il hult t(lrin pIIi tor ttll lJlll; r.· ' o r. " Itlo 10\ 0 to nltIIUISl UUt.H1> 1'- - '8 III

~~:t ;:lIIO ll tloIV t l: I ~(\~~~lk" mulct-It til", Ill"tWHY li E DI DN'T EXPLAl lf

So'u o UI Kht.O~Ullnt Il~O lI MlI·Yfll t) tou gul d ch ap wlto chllull.'ll ~o

bf' It fruit t rl'" "!l0llt H" lllt.l lt·d th~,tnrllh'r. or thl lfCO I1 t1 t~ III U II.hnfllllrulmnnnl"l" IIlid URn 11·lI. lllt·lIt of .s nn ldn\'f IUt 140 mOll nb ollt It that ho camn to0 1 t rolt , """rcht 'll t hl' rllgcnl O ll t.. ulllt

~It~:l'r I l: ::1~~ t \)h~~~::~l~fll~~v~l:k 1~~~~I~1th l! ff'llow th nl lw " ';>11 1\1 hJk hu nhUCl' 11Mhnd II hI' (" tlr put I') ( ~ onhhu ullnm. lind it \U\14 n lh rr nt to "0n 'm olllllt'r ('ti n ull nurrtflld AlxH1t

~~II~~ ~I~l;~~ '~~M~~~';;,~:I~~~I~~~I,l :11,'ll

h~. l':~l,t~,n[:~~~,j:~ R\~l~OH rt~ I~ l l~~~~"rR:1ll' IULI ~'t 1 th~' h lilt t rt'o il" ID,lIt'r tltatho hu lh'll nml cllllt'tl on t, " II....N ) 011urI> "Hmo, ) onr bnht facl' ,l rUl'+CIII "• Yl"'M. I' m ht'r~ " wo""th t' cnltu n 'l'l)" ' ,"ull, " 0 ' 01 I . nud I'nJ gOlllg tolack \ 0 11 n ott! yOIl cun' t hollor 1AUld 1'11 ,10 It. nnd l nl"", tI k(top lll)Yl or ll Clllu h d own i lll ro " Th o

: ~~~rc~~~~"h: ~u:~~r ~lt~l~l~\~I~kot~b~gr ou nd . nnd n HUht 1>I>K'1I1I I n aboutt\\ O lnlll lltt"" hn had. u!IJ ('d up t b(lrnrm t·r . nlill W IUt coollJ rl'pl aclllg b l~eont • :;l.'n IlllN " MIUd th o mnhfr om ~Imklll n~ h o \\I IJl 'l t hi " nOllt''nth n bur dock, • >0" Ilfoflt t lJt·Ul'l

~.h\\I~)1 )Tt~ll~~:~~ l'I~~~l il ~1:u~U) tl~~'~nllRlr " Hit \ 011 " .. Dlfll1' t I ""nllop" on III lront uf lh e Dt truliPo~t OtliCl' t.> tg ltl " l'nu Ub"OT' "~o,K1rl ' I WM 111 AUMtrnHn up to R ) (lnr1lJ.;'0 " .. Anll ) on IIf'V tof lin " Ill U l}l'tlrut ' .. ,s C'vl.·r l · " .t nd wn~ uO\lrIn NOll klll T" • ~t'\(' r l " . 1 " 'ull , III1.10 lHlngtld I Cornu to look nt ~ on Icon 111'1' thnl \ o n nfl' not ti lt' man'\ Vh) 011 ('nr th ~ tl hl' t ) ou t' :spi OlU , orIUt k 1I1l' to T You lIut1'o t hO\l ,though tmo miHtnkl' lI " I Oh. )t'!'t, 1 knl'\\:) on \Vl ro IUhltukl'n. Lut I hnll j11!I td hICO\il'n ,1 th nl I had tl n \il'n !ll'' ''nIUlloil 011 th u wr ong ro ml nnd \HUt

~:I~~ll\~~y:OIII~:1 o:~oo \\\~~t~j.. c~fn:n:~on~d id n't \\lIut un )· t's pluUl\tlo ll ltl HJut IlA rutt l'll It\\ I't t 111'1110 wil l I'u rl! th llthlock 1" 0 III tll r t'" or rour tin) "" nudt'ult Ill hl "ntH \\ 111 lIghtl'll ) OUft ront h"IJth It1 n \\ t>l·k or bO 1 tl'e llift ) pt.·r Cl"' n t 1.H. ttt'r. Rlill 1' 111 o'lerftO mUl'h ohllg •.) So 10uH' to vou '"[ l'n,'l.! P r l U ~



'1'10. fullowlng s IIgbt aketc h 01 th l.br uth vrh cod l" tl lkun froltl a wurk I yDr A 0 1'bolUJMOU 1

'''1 bu Church 0 1 lbu U ultuc.J Un-tll

~:~I ,,~: ~b~~\Q~~~l\t~~~~::, tblJl~~~~'I~ll~.WI'. lon llllt....1 al Km1 tb u lu hMl u 01 till'tllh.·('fltJl Cttnt n ry At thnt thu u t.hoJlro licr iI.t"\ loll oWI'l"lt or HutW l)('U'UIIto ca ll one enotbce hy th o tl t!o orbrethren, hut lUI thut RVIJt·l1dhvn

~~~K~~:I:~,~f:~~I~rt~~~rll r(\ ll~llll~t~~~~ltor Unit n. F'rntrum, which U RU lO

WM neeuuicd on tbe OCC!M IOII ot "tom ull un ion ( l ' t57 00) l}fltw('t' n MorUyiRUIt. Bo humlnn e, nud \\ a llien tolWtJDnrinK th o Dud cilutury t luoy WI rl'('&IJO IIOltto inh,rmi tll 'nt hilt ){l'udunll)

m~rlh:\~l~ ~:~,~tl~1:~ :~n~ I~~:~,I ~u.eo:l~:tIII till ' Vlllhlol,.. in P it elmont uud th uCnm lliArd l'l In southern Fruuc» Atth o tlnh' ot l~l1th ( r' lI M<'hhnu rou rh11l1l1rl't1 l'rtJh.·,.tont l'1111reht H wit h nluumb4'n hl ll tJ r ~OO.UOU, lll lMll't l inUoh l'llIlu Ilutl Mom vin A hmuJrt'tl,(Onr. lutof noofl) ul1 o t th o ovnngl .Hcul lllUltOrlJ hnll hu...n ( XP(.lluJnud nt th u P(\II('U ut \ \ 1I11tp hulin

~l~~do~t'to l:~ct,~~~R~l 14ll~~I:r:t illll\':i~,~'lion Invorublo to ttll'lr coretll"lcHlhllKin UolHmul\ ul1d ) Jornvln. hut uLnotinoml th l'll1 to ti ll ' llU'llcl1('KK intoh·r

11 ft DCO ot A'lI tru," 'lho rovh nl tJr Hit' ~I ornv lll n

bro tluorhOQ\l dnt~8 ( rum 1i :l'2, whullCount Zluzl'n,lo rt , n 8nx ou Dohh. fl'('f.IWtl n lunull un mu<or ot Protolftnn ~(,llilOft from ~ lorlwla null HoboDlill unb,I'I 1.lt tUtU Rl H ('IlTnhnt ZlIlzf'ndort1X.'CIIlIIl' .mon Rtt(, f A IU('UlhN ot th t'Ir nh r Ulty , nnll in 1737 y, n~ Orll" III('l1n 1)1"b op ot tho ~[orA\ Inn Churcb

;~: o, ~~:t ~~:::I'l.iPh;eoSII~~~. I~) li.~I~'Rna i" "nld to ho y" ro ml' tin ongh IIMmall brnn ch o f ti ll.' " "I..1I·nlli" nCbu rch, willch rorn ll'r l) l'XIMh'tl InAtultr in It WIUI IlttrlDK tho tlrttttWt'nt) ,eau ot Zlnz(O odorrl'l conol'Ct io n Wit h thl' ~(omVInD r" \avnlth li lthl,\ hr othN hoo'" lxoCOWfl m tf"Ctf'i.!With th o Rplrl\ ot rt.IIN'IOIU l·1trnvogAnC'('I - O moru hl. rnnwlCl l'lh Rlldml'mdh n f'onthmmtnhelll " Inch (IX

cltod much 1'(l'Jn (hc(' n"R III.tUIOJU , O prt'/Uth(,l" lIuhnpluly. "Iucho:shillt to t 11M day In limn,· q nnrtoJ'M., though tho t.:nltutl Un·thr t>n huvo lon wo Cl'Ml'll to th.·jo r vu tlw

~£[~i~!;n~ttl o~~Rg~:rl~tl~~tt~~I~i l lf~~ltUollnt i'.lIIl l1n ll or t "oo n re(''O\ l:'rt'lltr om tho rovl \'1l1 rl~ \ 1 I uutl (10 \ 014' (\hhUlu.•lf to th o CJrg-nJJ1zntloll or th ll~(oruvlllD Ch nrch, wl.llch rupull,mnl tl l' h....l th n llu.-.lK'r or 11ft C'omlUKDltlliti 111 J ~n rofJf' nlhl Ih l IIW UIIOIlnry IIta twnl in rort.'lg n p nrt lt " ·IHIIIIt" 0 yl'nrR, l!ltl t't ,tI. stlur Zmzontl orf IIobtallll ug h.·n\ o or ubse nct' from till'S UI. J D co tlr t in on llir to ~I\' ll him111011olltl rt' l) to tlw lu tore!'itlf o r th fOUnUns l'~r l\trllln. tOllr Imp or tAnt Inl""iOllor ) 1I10VOlOHilhi \\ 1'1£' mOlh, h)tl Ul bro thrtlll o u ti m Co nt lll£'1It ot

:;'t1L~\n~Ul~ t'~~;rkl~;l.t I::W,~o~~~"~I~iO fl.'Olnnd woro l>roP:Olil ll ~Ib·zOlulo rf itl npprollf l6tl'l y culh· tI b)Dr Tholllptmn. th u .John Hoy,UN ofO I'rmRn ovnDg ultrnl tJlTort. ror no(h'rmnn, D('itb ~ 'r Oro~Kner or Ul'rlmnor Hnrmll or Hf'rn lnu "lmrH'. hoslu.ml rort b 1111 u iounrlOH to "0 1lI1l1l)conntri p.il "



p ru r J nmt-~ Holl. th" SIDlthsOlliliD

I~~~~t~~~:i =ra~WII:; ~tl;~~I~~~ ~ ~l~u~8~i;t~U1;rh~t~:~f~~t~I~~k~ ~,~~t~~':l('rod in t1.l 0 wild rr lJf'J ou1 ot th oVt OOtl", wh(lro, I t tit £' fl'phlo " Ill notrlln , lbl ' rnon cnu l but the prot l'8!'10rkNJl18 hilt tlOulu," III th o roo w nntlnb ont tl ll' )ard . in 00.109 nnd crntt'fJ,iu a monn er n_ on('o carlt>1t8, l nrul h nr

~~~:~J~~lrlf;ll I~ c~b~~~~~r:: ~~~Ic~~ond WI\8 ro mndombly d lscornposedupon llntt-MuK Un' NOm nt 1I~lng "b ,~ r"tU""nuko throw hllnttelt rrom

bi:or=.J:.1A~~w111~1'1~~onl;I:~~;n:llix>~0~chair, tnll Wi th n loutllump UpOll thotlPor. glid t' mt o II corn\' r, COlI hun1I01t up ILgom, nDd. wnT1ng 111"hendto tro , llUKIDlho URCllDI1) buzz or till>tnU Ilread ntl o r \\(Jot.lHm(ln. wJulu th C'r oom \.H)cftlUO l){!rvalloJ " ith theh(luv, pt'rluu1 o o t th o rt 'phlo 8

IUUilk. "Url' lll 11" \Hwnx 1" oJ.clllhoOl..Itb u oM toniolhOl. vi"lt or uComo10 - - 1 nnd flll Ilown," cfll' dtho C!or tlml snoko h" rdor, hnndinN' hltt ViSitor tlw ch nlr Just \ncnt odbr tho r ntth'Kllnkl' "D on' t 1l11UUhUlit ho i" not lI,.e'" to Mtrons"'rH,thot·,. nil" T hUD odclr(l.."iou th oRUII ungry Hnnk.. ho crl etl o Ul iotoOl'" ot IUthgnnnl rl'1l10n 8trnncouYon l Im h 1 h u, h thnt IUlta l" 'fhoI't'l lhl o hmhOl..l, but kopt bl8 wentht'ruyo 0 0 th o "t r now' r nOll eVl·r)· tiUlOth o tlll OlU'ly vuu lo r movll(l tho tmnko

fJ~~lu Ull~1I:1~\~~h~llZ~otwit~~ttl;~n~~I rlor ldg 'f llut:>tI