PHYSICAL REVIEW D VOLUME 23, NUMBER 5 1 MARCH 1981 Properties of scalar gluonium A. Salomone, J. Schechter, and T. Tudron Physics Department, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York 13210 (Received 27 October 1980) We examine the properties of a scalar glueball in a simple effective-Lagrangian model which satisfies both the axial-vector and trace anomaly equations of quantum chromodynamics. The scalar-glueball decay pattern can be predicted if its mass is specified and may present some unusual features. In this approach a characteristic mass scale is directly related to the vacuum energy density which automatically comes out to be of a nonperturbative type. Recently there has been a great fascination for the putative glueballsl of quantum chromodynamics (QCD). Most dynamical approximation schemes lead one to expect a complete spectrum of these objects but it seems very difficult to predict their proper- ties in a quantitative way. In addition, there is no convincing experimental evidence for thew ex- istence. In the present paper we shall not attempt to prove that a glueball is present in the QCD spec- trum, but shall assume that a J ~ ~ = O++ glueball field plays a major role in the low-energy effective QCD Lagrangian and examine its properties. The Lagrangian is a generalization of a linear a model (which accounts reasonably for low-energy chiral dynamics) to include a 0" glueball field H and a 0-+ glueball field G. For convenience these are normalized so that (la) (lb) where JE is the U(1) axial-vector current and O,, is the energy-momentum tensor. We are assum- ing, for simplicity, that the quark mass terms are negligible and we are living in a world of three flavors. The "matter" fields are described by a 3 x 3 matrix which transforms as the (3,3*) representation of ~(3) x U(3). S contains a scalar nonet and $ a pseudoscalar nonet. A Lagrangian containing just G and M which satisfies (la) automatically by virtue of the equa- tions of motion has recently received some atten- tion. It may be written2 as where V, is a U(3) x U(3) - invariant function of M and M~ and k is apositive constant. (We have omitted "quark mass" terms and set the vacuum angle 0 equal to zero.) The interest in (3) derives from the fact that it provides a way to give the 7' meson (which dominates the quantity 1ndetM - In detMt in lowest order) a mass even without quark mass terms. This is closely related to Witten's idea3 that the 77' behaves a s a Goldstone boson in the large N, (= number of colors) limit with squared mass of order 1/~,. A crucial feature of (3) is that no kinetic term is present for G. Thus the equation of motion for G leads to its elimina- tion in terms of 77'. For this to happen the pres- ence of the k~' term is vital; it will also be seen to play an important role in what follows. The Om+ glueball field which seems to be important at low (- 1 Gev) energies in fact becomes identical to the (mathematical) 7'. This mechanism is very differ- ent from a situation in which there are two separ- ate states which mix with each other and in which two states of different mass must remain. It has recently been formulated as a kind of Higgs mech- anism4 for the topological gauge field A,,, to which G is related and this may lead to some further in- sights. Note that we do not wish to rule out the possibility of some other 0-+ physical glueball ex- citations, but we expect them to be analogous to quark radial excitations or exotics and perhaps not relevant at low energies. In order to extend this Lagrangian so that (lb) is satisfied automatically it was shown5 that the second and third terms of (3) should be modified to be scale invariant (the fourth term is already scale invariant) and the additional terms should be added. Here the R, are homogeneous functions of dimension m of the fields and the C, are arbitrary constants. A is a constant of dim- ension mass. One immediate question is whether the 0" glueball H should have a "kinetic term" 1143 0 1981 The American Physical Society

Properties of scalar gluonium

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P H Y S I C A L R E V I E W D V O L U M E 2 3 , N U M B E R 5 1 M A R C H 1 9 8 1

Properties of scalar gluonium

A. Salomone, J. Schechter, and T. Tudron Physics Department, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York 13210

(Received 27 October 1980)

We examine the properties of a scalar glueball in a simple effective-Lagrangian model which satisfies both the axial-vector and trace anomaly equations of quantum chromodynamics. The scalar-glueball decay pattern can be predicted if its mass is specified and may present some unusual features. In this approach a characteristic mass scale is directly related to the vacuum energy density which automatically comes out to be of a nonperturbative type.

Recently there has been a great fascination for the putative glueballsl of quantum chromodynamics (QCD). Most dynamical approximation schemes lead one to expect a complete spectrum of these objects but it seems very difficult to predict their proper- t ies in a quantitative way. In addition, there is no convincing experimental evidence for thew ex- istence.

In the present paper we shall not attempt to prove that a glueball is present in the QCD spec- trum, but shall assume that a J ~ ~ = O++ glueball field plays a major role in the low-energy effective QCD Lagrangian and examine i ts properties. The Lagrangian i s a generalization of a linear a model (which accounts reasonably for low-energy chiral dynamics) to include a 0" glueball field H and a 0-+ glueball field G. Fo r convenience these a re normalized so that

( l a )

( lb)

where JE i s the U(1) axial-vector current and O , , i s the energy-momentum tensor. We a r e assum- ing, for simplicity, that the quark mass te rms a r e negligible and we a r e living in a world of three flavors. The "matter" fields a r e described by a 3 x 3 matrix

which transforms a s the (3,3*) representation of ~ ( 3 ) x U(3). S contains a scalar nonet and $ a pseudoscalar nonet.

A Lagrangian containing just G and M which satisfies ( la ) automatically by virtue of the equa- tions of motion has recently received some atten- tion. It may be written2 a s

where V , i s a U(3) x U(3) - invariant function of M and M~ and k is aposit ive constant. (We have omitted "quark mass" te rms and se t the vacuum

angle 0 equal to zero.) The interest in (3) derives from the fact that it provides a way to give the 7' meson (which dominates the quantity 1ndetM - In detMt in lowest order) a mass even without quark mass terms. This is closely related to Witten's idea3 that the 77' behaves a s a Goldstone boson in the large N, (= number of colors) limit with squared m a s s of order 1/~,. A crucial feature of (3) i s that no kinetic te rm is present for G. Thus the equation of motion for G leads to i t s elimina- tion in t e rms of 77'. For this to happen the pres- ence of the k ~ ' te rm i s vital; it will also be seen to play an important role in what follows. The Om+ glueball field which seems to be important a t low (- 1 Gev) energies in fact becomes identical to the (mathematical) 7' . This mechanism is very differ- ent from a situation in which there a r e two separ- ate states which mix with each other and in which two states of different mass must remain. It has recently been formulated a s a kind of Higgs mech- anism4 for the topological gauge field A,,, to which G i s related and this may lead to some further in- sights. Note that we do not wish to rule out the possibility of some other 0-+ physical glueball ex- citations, but we expect them to be analogous to quark radial excitations o r exotics and perhaps not relevant a t low energies.

In order to extend this Lagrangian so that ( lb) i s satisfied automatically it was shown5 that the second and third te rms of (3) should be modified to be scale invariant (the fourth te rm i s already scale invariant) and the additional t e rms

should be added. Here the R , a r e homogeneous functions of dimension m of the fields and the C, a r e arbitrary constants. A i s a constant of dim- ension mass. One immediate question is whether the 0" glueball H should have a "kinetic term"

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and remain in the theory or should get eliminated a s is the case for G. We expect that H should re- main because, unlike G, it i s not needed to sac- rifice itself to give mass to a scalar SU(3) singlet (which already has mass after spontaneous break- down of chiral symmetry). Furthermore, accord- ing to the I/N, approximation method, the 0" chan- nel is not expected to have any unusual features s o the corresponding meson-glueball mixing should vanish to leading order. In any event, the assump- tion that H remains i s the assumption with the most interesting experimental consequences. Then, putting together the modified (3), (4), and a scale-invariant kinetic te rm for 8, we have our desired effective Lagrangian which satisfies both ( l a ) and (lb). Rather than trying to analyze it al l a t once we shall break the model up into two stages:

Stage I . Only a single glueball field H is present. This is expected to give a dominant contribution to the vacuum amplitude and should determine the vacuum structure of the theory. (We a r e neglecting 0 dependence of the vacuum.)

Stage 2. The glueball field G and the matter field M a r e added so a s to be consistent with (la). It i s assumed that only the minimal necessary modi- fication of the stage 1 model i s to be made.

Clearly additional degrees of freedom-both of gluonic and quark type-can be added in an attempt to get a more accurate portrayal of low-energy phenomena.

It i s interesting that the stage 1 Lagrangian satisfying (4) i s unique:

Here a i s a dimensionless constant and it i s rea- sonable to identify A a s a particular kind of QCD scale parameter (although we will not make here the connection with the phenomenological value). The unusual form of the f irst te rm a r i se s from the need to keep it scale invariant. A Lagrangian similar to just our second term alone has been discussed by a number of au thom6 However, they have considered7 the relevant degrees of free- dom to be the usual Yang-Mills field strengths F, related to Ii by

where P i s the renormalization-group function of QCD. In contrast, we have assumed only one scalar glueball degree of freedom to be most im- portant and have, in addition, subsumed possible complicated low-energy behavior of P(g) in H it- self. In order for (5) to be reasonable it must lead to a negative vacuum energy density which should be equated to the negative of the bag pres-

This would enforce a situation where the "bag-bub- ble" inside vacuum (perturbative) with zero energy lies higher in energy than the outside vac- uum which our effective Lagrangian should de- scribe. It i s easy to verify that the "potential" in (5) does have a negative minimumg a t

s o the f i r s t consistency test i s passed. Combining (6) and (7) predicts that A should be 245 MeV. The effect of adding light quark fields will be seen to push it higher. Note that our prediction of a non- trivial "outside" vacuum follows almost immedi- ately from (lb).

The field h, representing a possible scalar parti- cle, is defined in te rms of the "fluctuation" around (H) a s

where Z i s a constant determined so the kinetic te rm of h i s precisely -$(a,h)2. Substituting (8) into (5) and expanding in a power ser ies in Zh gives a mass term for h a s well a s self-couplings of a l l orders. The various quantities a r e related a s

Thus specifying the mass of h, m, determines 6: completely since (H) i s related to the bag pres- sure by (6). The terms trilinear in h , for ex- ample, a r e

It is seen that since r n , / ( ~ ) ' ' ~ is probably in the range 5-10, the h self-couplings will be rather strong. There is no immediate physical relevance since we have not yet coupled in matter fields. One might conceivably attempt to identify h with the Pomeron and regard (10) a s the triple-Pomer- on interaction in some approximation, but we shall not pursue this approach here. It seems most reasonable to go to stage 2 and investigate h decay modes.

Our stage-2 Lagrangian i s a modified sum of (3) and (5):

The ? term in (11) i s now to be considered scale

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invariant (actually this te rm is irrelevant if we use a nonlinear realization for M). The crucial kG2 term in Eq. (3) has also been modified to be scale invariant. There a r e two characteristically different ways of doing this, dividing either by a dimension-four glue field o r by a dimension-four combination of matter fields. The rat io (kW/k') of these contributions has an important effect on the gluonium decay modes, a s we shall see. Finally the job of satisfying the trace anomaly i s now being distributed between the last two terms; the ratio of matter to glue contribution i s given by b/(l - b) which in lowest-order perturbation theory i s

Note that the last te rm in (11) i s chiral ~ ( 3 ) x U(3) invariant and using lndet = T r In can be seen1' to be the leading-order-in-N H-matter coupling term of suitable type.

As a s tar t consider the shift in the vacuum due to the new terms. Note that (G) = 0 by parity in- variance. Minimizing the potential in (11) with re- spect to H now gives'' instead of (7)

Here the pion decay constant F, enters from (M) - (~ , /2 )1 . Since ( H ) i s still fixed in te rms of the bag constant by (6) let u s ask what values of b cor- respond to various values of A. Using (12) to de- fine (for vividness) an effective number of flavors N,, we find from (13) the chart

It i s amusing that the effect of increasing the relative matter-field contribution increases A , in reasonable agreement with our expectation. Note that A -m a s N, - 16.5, which i s the critical value for asymptotic freedom.

The coupling of the glueball field h to matter has two characteristic pieces. The most direct is from the last term of (11) which yields, on expan- sion in powers of @ and 3 = S - ds) - S - ( ~ , / 2 ) 1 ,

Here Z i s slightly changed (Z,,," 0.9Zold) from its value in (9) but this i s not very significant for our present purposes. Another coupling of h to matter

a r i s e s when we use the equation of motion for G to eliminate G in t e rms of the dynamical fields of the model. This results in a te rm

x (In dethl - In det M ')' , (15)

where I ,=T~(MM~MM'). Note that the last factor in (15) may be expanded a s

Defining the mathematical [SU(3) - singlet] g1 a s T~@/J?;, we identify the q' squared mass

and then the h interaction terms

The only two-body decay modes which result from (16) a re (when account is taken of g - 77' mixing) gq, qq', and q'g'. In contrast Eq. (14)-allows the qg and g'g' modes a s well a s n.ir and KK final states. The decay pattern resulting from (14) i s in fact just about what one usually expects for the decay of an SU(3)-singlet scalar into two pseudo- scalars. This is modified by (16) which gives special treatment to 17-like decays. How large a modification is determined by the ratio1'.

Eq. (16) 3 F 2 m , 2

Eq. (14) =4b(HJ

[The dimensionless constants k' and k" a r e defined in ( l l ) ] . In the limiting case k"= 0, there would be an enormous width for the decays into gg', as- suming that m , 2 1500 MeV. Such a situation would make h extremely broad and indistinguishable from the background. This i s a conceivable explanation of the puzzle that no scalar glueball has yet been clearly identified. On the other hand, in the limit- ing case kt = 0, there would be no modification of the amplitudes for g-like final particles. What is perhaps most reasonable i s the situation when k" i s of the same order but slightly smaller (on the grounds that we expect pure glue te rms to domin- ate) than k t . Then we would expect the amplitude for h -ggl to be magnified by several times over other final states and this would be a convenient experimental signature. Fo r definiteness we pre-

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A . S A L O M O N E , J . S C H E C H T E R , A N D T . T U D R O N

TABLE I. Partial widths of scalar gluonium h to decay into two pseudoscalar particles. The mass of h , mh, and the partial widths l? (h -2 pseudoscalars) are given in units of MeV.

sent explicit formulas for the decay widths of h into two pseudoscalars (making reasonable approx- imations suitable for a f i r s t analysis):

r I. (1 + 20kfl/k')-l.

Here the kinematical factor i s

In deriving (17) we took b from (12) with N,= 3 (the exact value of b i s really not crucial for our discussion) and neglected to modify Eq. (9) to take the smal l b dependence of m, and Z into account. Furthermore, we neglected the contributions from a virtual sca lar matter SU(3) singlet, which from (14) is seen to mix with h by an angle 1/, satisfying

(m, i s the isoscalar mass). Of course we also turned on the pseudoscalar-meson masses and

mixings for kinematics. Once the value of m, (which we a r e unable to predict) i s specified, ev- erything i s determined (for a given r) . The r e - sul ts a r e shown in Table I corresponding to a typ- ical qq' mixing angle 6 , il. - 15". We have taken r = 1 s o the predictions for r (qql ) and r (q tq l ) a r e upper bounds. Clearly h i s predicted to be rather narrow if i ts mass i s less than 1520 MeV (qql threshold) but above this the interesting situation just discussed i s in effect. Incidentally, note that the contributions to the qq mode from (14) and (16) oppose each other.

To summarize, although the construction of a complete low-energy effective QCD Lagrangian i s s t i l l in an exploratory stage, two reasonable and partially interlocking features have been seen to emerge.

(i) A nontrivial vacuum energy density of the cor- rec t type for bag confinement follows rather di- rectly from the trace anomaly equation. The ef- fect of adding mass less quark fields seems to be in the "right direction."

(ii) The decay properties of scalar gluonium h can be predicted if i t s mass i s specified. For m, < 1520 MeV the decay pattern i s about a s expected. However, i f m,> 1520 MeV one expects relatively large part ial widths for h - qgf. The special status of the decay modes into 7-like particles i s a direct result of modifying the pseudoscalar Lagrangian in which the (mathematical) 7' plays the dual role of a matter a s well a s glue field. Symmetry breaking, of course, causes the mathematical q t to acquire a piece of the physical g.

Further discussion of this model will be given elsewhere.

We a r e happy to thank Car l Rosenzweig for help- ful discussions.

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'Very recent reviews a r e given by J. Bjorken, Stanford Report No. SLAC-PUB-2372, 1979 (unpublished); J. Donoghue, MIT Report No. CTP 854, 1980 (unpub- lished); J. Coyne, P. Fishbane, and S. Meshkov, Phys. Lett. E, 259 (1980).

'c. Rosenzweig, J. Schechter, and G. Trahern, Phys. Rev. D 21, 3388 (1980); P. Di Vecchia and G. Vene- ziano, Nucl. Phys. m, 253 (1980); P. Nath and R. Arnowitt, Phys. Rev. D g , 473 (1981); E. Witten, Harvard Report No. ~ ~ ~ P - 8 0 / ~ 0 0 5 , 1980 (unpub- lished).

3 ~ . Witten, Nucl. Phys. B156, 269 (1979); G. Veneziano, ibid. M, 213 (1979); P. Di Vecchia, Phys. Lett. 85B, 357 (1979).

4 ~ T u r i l i a , Y. Takahashi, and P. Townsend, Phys. Lett. E, 265 (1980).

5 ~ . Schechter, Phys. Rev. D 21, 3393 (1980). More - references a r e given here.

or example, I. A. Batalin, S. G. Matinyan, and G. Sawidi, Yad. Fiz. 2, 407 (1977) [Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 26, 214 (1977)l; N. K. Nielsen and P. Olesen, Nucl.Phys.=, 376 (1978); H. PagelsandE.Tomboulis, e'bid.=, 485 (1978); R. Fukuda, Phys. Rev. D z , 485 (1980); R. Fukuda and Y. Kazama, Phys. Rev. Lett. 45, 1142 (1980).

l ~ y a consistency check we can derive the Pagels- Tomboulis Lagrangian (see Ref. 6) by our method. This shows that it follows from scaling arguments alone. Here we wish to explicitly display the function

p(g)=dg/dt, where t =f L ~ F ~ / A ~ . We would like to satisfy the anomaly equation O,, =- [p(g)/2g3]F2. (For comparison we have rescaled A, -A, / g ) . Noting that - ( p / 2 g 3 ) F 2 = F 4 ( d / d F 2 ) ( l / g Z ) we must find a V satisfy- ing & E I V / B F ~ - 4 ~ = F ~ ( d / d F ~ ) ( l / g ~ ) . The solution to this i s v=F2/4g2 (which i s their result) plus an arbitrary multiple of F2.

8 ~ y our method of construction O,, = H = 4V aV/aH - 4V. Since (aV/8H)= 0 we immediately have (H)= -4 ( V ) = (O,,). Cur value of B i s taken from J. Donoghue, Ref. 1.

'see also H. B. Nielsen, Phys. Lett. E, 133 (1978). 'OS. Coleman and E. Witten, Phys. Rev. Lett. 45, 100

(1980). " ~ o t e that we a re neglecting the contributions to the

vacuum energy density from quark terms in the La- grangian. It has been argued by Shifman, Vainshtein, and Zakharov (see Ref. 13) that the heavy-quark con- tributions to @,, can be subsumed in H if P i s modi- fied. Thus we a re left withClight ,,UaPI18 WI ( q q ) . The u- and d-quark terms a r e completely negligible but the s-quark piece i s not. Perhaps the s quark should be considered heavy for discussing vacuum properties but otherwise light,

l 2 ~ o t e that (H)/ (Iz) = 4~/(3~:/16) - 20. This i s con- sistent with the idea of the 1 / ~ , approximation, since we expect (H) = 0 (N,) while (I2) = 0 (N,-I).

1 3 ~ . Shifman, A. Vainshtein, and V. Zakharov, Phys. Lett. E, 443 (1978).