T.Y.BFM MONEY MARKET Introduction The financial system of any country is the backbone of the economy of that country. The financial systems of all economies are broadly sub-divided into money market, capital market, gilt-edged securities market and foreign exchange market. The money market, capital market and the gilt securities market provides avenues to the surplus sector such as household institutions in the economy to deploy their funds to the deficit sector such as corporate and government sectors to mobilize funds for their requirements. The operations in the money market are generally short-term (upto 1 year) in nature, in capital market short-term to long term and in gilt securities market generally long-term. However, in an integrated financial system, the occurrence of an event in one market of the financial system will have an impact on the other market system. The Indian money market is a market for short-term money and financial asset that are close substitutes for money, which are close substitute for money, with the short-term in the Indian context being for 1 year. The important feature of the money market instruments is that it is liquid and can be turned quickly at low cost. The money market is not a well-defined place where the business is transacted as in the case of capital markets where all business is transacted at a formal place, i.e. stock exchange. The money market is basically a telephone market and all the transactions are done through oral communication and are subsequently confirmed by written communication and exchange of relative instruments. The money market consist of many 1

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T.Y.BFM MONEY MARKETIntroductionThe financial system of any country is the backbone of the economy of that country. The financial systems of all economies are broadly subdi!ided into money market" ca#ital market" $ilted$ed securities market and forei$n e%chan$e market. The money market" ca#ital market and the $ilt securities market #ro!ides a!enues to the sur#lus sector such as household institutions in the economy to de#loy their funds to the deficit sector such as cor#orate and $o!ernment sectors to mobili&e funds for their re'uirements. The o#erations in the money market are $enerally shortterm (u#to ) year* in nature" in ca#ital market shortterm to lon$ term and in $ilt securities market $enerally lon$term. +o,e!er" in an inte$rated financial system" the occurrence of an e!ent in one market of the financial system ,ill ha!e an im#act on the other market system.The -ndianmoney market is a market forshorttermmoney andfinancial asset that areclosesubstitutesfor money" ,hichareclosesubstitutefor money" ,iththeshortterminthe-ndianconte%t bein$for )year. The im#ortant feature of the money market instruments is that it is li'uid and can be turned 'uickly at lo, cost.The money market is not a ,elldefined #lace ,here the business is transacted as in the case of ca#ital markets ,here all business is transacted at a formal #lace" i.e. stock e%chan$e. The money market is basically a tele#hone market and all the transactions are done throu$h oral communication and are subse'uently confirmed by ,ritten communication and e%chan$e ofrelati!einstruments. Themoneymarket consistof many )T.Y.BFM MONEY MARKETsubmarket suchas theinterbankcall money" bill discountin$" treasury bills" .ertificateofde#osits(./s*" .ommercial #a#er(.0s*" Re#urchase O#tions1Ready For,ard (RE0O or RF*" -nterBank #artici#ation certificates (-B0.s*" 2ecuritised /ebts" O#tions" Financial Futures" For,ard Rate A$reement (FRAs*" etc. ,hich collecti!ely constitute the money market.0artici#ants in money market Lenders: These are the entities ,ith sur#lus lendable funds likeBanks (.ommercial" .oo#erati!e 3 0ri!ate* Mutual Funds.or#orate Entities ,ith bulk lendable resources of minimum of Rs. 4 crores #er transactionFinancial -nstitutions Borrowers: These are entities ,ith deficit funds and includes the ones as abo!e. FEATURES OF MONEY MARKET). -t is a collectionof market for follo,in$instruments .all money" notice money" re#os" term money" treasury bills" commercial bills" certificate of de#osits" commercial #a#ers interbank #artici#ation certificates" intercor#orate de#osits" s,a#s" etc. 5T.Y.BFM MONEY MARKET5. The sub markets ha!e close inter relationshi# 3 free mo!ement of funds from one submarket to another. 4. A net,ork of lar$e number of #artici#ants e%ists ,hich ,ill add $reater de#th to the market. 6. Acti!ities inthemoneymarket tendtoconcentrateinsome centre" ,hich ser!es a re$ion or an area. The ,idth of such area may !ary de#endin$ u#on the si&e and needs of the market itself. 7. The relationshi# that characteri&es a money market is im#ersonal in character so that com#etition is relati!ely #ure. 8. 0ricedifferentials for assets of similar ty#e,ill tendtobe eliminated by the inter#lay of demand 3 su##ly. 9. Acertainde$ree of fle%ibilityinthe re$ulatoryframe,ork e%ists andthere areconstantendea!oursforintroducin$a ne, instruments 1 inno!ati!e dealin$ techni'ues. :. -t isa,holesalemarket 3the!olumeoffundsorfinancial assets traded are !ery lar$e i.e. in crores of ru#ees. The functions of mone m!r"et !re !s fo##ows:(a* 0ro!idin$ an e'uilibratin$ mechanism for le!elin$ out the shortterm sur#luses and deficits.(b* Offerin$ a focal #oint for the central bank inter!ention for influencin$ li'uidity in the economy. 4T.Y.BFM MONEY MARKET(c* .reatin$ an access to the user of shortterm money to meet their re'uirements at a realistic #rice6T.Y.BFM MONEY MARKET$% MONEY MARKET INSTRUMENTS$% &!## Mone.all1Notice money is an amount borro,ed or lent on demand for a !ery short #eriod. -f the #eriod is more than one day and u#to )6 days it iscalled;Noticemoney; other,isetheamount iskno,nas.all money;. -nter!enin$holidaysand1or 2undaysaree%cludedfor this #ur#ose. No collateral security is re'uired to co!er these transactionsFe!tures The call market enables the banks and institutions to e!en out their daytoday deficits and sur#luses of money. .ommercial banks" .oo#erati!e Banks and #rimary dealers are allo,edtoborro,andlendinthismarket forad= days../sareissuedbybanksandF-smainlytoau$ment fundsbyattractin$ de#osits from cor#orates" hi$h net ,orth indi!iduals" trusts" etc. the issue of ./s reachedahi$hinthelast t,oyearsasbanksfaced,ithreducin$ de#osit base secured funds by these means. The forei$n and #ri!ate banks" es#ecially" ,hichdonot ha!e lar$e branchnet,orks andhence lo,er de#osit base use this instrument to raise funds. The rates on these de#osits are determined by !arious factors. @o, call rates ,ould mean hi$her li'uidity in the market. Also the interest rate on oneyear bank de#osits acts as a lo,er barrier for the rates in the market.-% INTER)&OR,ORATE +E,OSITS MARKETA#artfrom .0s"cor#oratesalso ha!eaccess to anothermarket calledthe inter cor#orate de#osits (-./* market. An -./is an unsecured loan e%tended by one cor#orate to another. E%istin$ mainly as a refu$e for lo, rated cor#orates" this market allo,s funds sur#lus cor#orates to lend to other cor#orates. Alsothebetterratedcor#oratescanborro,fromthebankin$ system and lend in this market. As the cost of funds for a cor#orate in much hi$her than a bank" the rates in this market are hi$her than those in the other markets. -./s are unsecured" and hence the risk inherent in hi$h. The -./ >T.Y.BFM MONEY MARKETmarket is not ,ell or$anised ,ith !ery little information a!ailable #ublicly about transaction details8. &OMMER&IAL ,A,ER MARKET .0s are ne$otiable shorttermunsecured #romissory notes ,ith fi%ed maturities" issued by ,ell rated com#anies $enerally sold on discount basis. .om#anies can issue .0s either directly to the in!estors or throu$h banks 1 merchant banks (called dealers*. These are basically instruments e!idencin$ the liability of the issuer to #ay the holder in due course a fi%ed amount (face !alue of the instrument* on the s#ecified due date.These are issued for a fi%ed#eriodof timeat adiscount totheface!alueandmatureat #ar.-deally" the discount rates on .0s ou$ht to be determined by the demand and su##ly factors in the money market and the interest rates on the other handcom#etin$moneymarket instrumentssuchascertificateofde#osits (./s*" commercial billsandtreasurybills. -t hasbeennoticedthat ina com#arati!elystable andlo,rate conditions inthe moneymarket" the discount rates in the .0 markets do some,hat soften ,hereas in the ti$ht money market situation it may not be #ossible e!en for a best rated com#any to issue .0s at lo,er rates than the lendin$ rates on it;s banks lines of credit. This is #artly for the reason that banks could also firm u# the lendin$ rates durin$ such #eriods. The maturity mana$ement of .0s should also affect the .0 rates. -t has been obser!ed that in a #eriod of #rolon$ lo, and steady )=T.Y.BFM MONEY MARKETmoneymarketratesthereisnosi$nificantdifferent bet,eenthediscount rates if .0s for >= and ):= days. A+.ANYA/ES OF &,0sThe ad!anta$e of .0 lies in its sim#licity in!ol!in$ less #a#er ,ork as lar$e amounts can be raised ,ithout ha!in$ any underlyin$ transaction. -t $i!es fle%ibility to the com#any by #ro!idin$ an additional o#tion of raisin$ funds #articularly ,hen the conditions #re!ailin$ in the money market are fa!orable. -n a re$ime ,here there is a #rescri#tion of a minimum lendin$ rate for banks ad!ances" the raisin$ of funds by a com#any u#to 97C of its ,orkin$ ca#ital limit throu$h issue of .0s at some,hat lo,er interest rates" enables it to reduce the o!erall cost of shortterm funds. -t is" ho,e!er" to be reco$nisedthat under the cashcredit systemof lendin$" theborro,ers; effecti!e interest cost is lo,er than the #rescribed lendin$ rate as this system affords fle%ibilitytoborro,ers toreduce the outstandin$as and,hen sur#lusfundsaccruetothem. +ence" acom#any#ro#osin$toissue.0s should ha!e a clear #erce#tion as to its cash flo, durin$ the #eriod for ,hich .0sare#ro#osedtobeissuedandaccordin$lyfi%thediscount ratesat ,hich the instrument is to be issued.From the in!estor;s #oint of !ie," the in!estment in .0s $i!es com#arati!ely hi$her yieldsthanthoseobtainedonbankde#ositsof similar maturities. Althou$h .0 is an unsecured #romissory note" the a!ailability of standby facility by banks to the issuin$ com#anies makes it;s holders confident of ))T.Y.BFM MONEY MARKET$ettin$the#aymentonduedates. Thisa$reementalsofacilitated'uicker #aymentasacom#any;sbankerandmakethe#aymenttotheholderson their behalf andasthecom#anies#ermissible,orkin$ca#ital limit $ets reinstated to the e%tent of maturin$ .0s #ro!ided" ho,e!er" at the time of maturity of .0s" the com#anies ma%imum #ermissible bank finance has not been re!ised do,n,ards.1% REA+Y FOR2AR+ &ONTRA&T -t is a transaction in ,hich t,o #arties a$ree to sell and re#urchase the same security. Dnder such an a$reement the seller sells s#ecified securities ,ith an a$reement to re#urchase the same at a mutually decided future date and a #rice. 2imilarly" thebuyer #urchasesthesecurities,ithana$reement to resell the same to the seller on an a$reed date in future at a #redetermined #rice. 2uch a transaction is called a Re#o ,hen !ie,ed from the #ros#ecti!e of the seller of securities (the #arty ac'uirin$ fund* and Re!erse Re#o ,hen described from the #oint of !ie, of the su##lier of funds. Thus" ,hether a $i!en a$reement is termed as Re#o or a Re!erse Re#o de#ends on ,hich #arty initiated the transaction.The lender or buyer in a Re#o is entitled to recei!e com#ensation for use of funds#ro!idedtothecounter#arty. Effecti!elytheseller of thesecurity borro,smoneyfora#eriodoftime(Re#o#eriod*at a#articularrateof interest mutuallya$reed,iththebuyer of thesecurity,hohaslent the funds to the seller. The rate of interest a$reed u#on is called the Re#o rate. )5T.Y.BFM MONEY MARKETThe Re#orate is ne$otiatedbythe counter#arties inde#endentlyof the cou#on rate or rates of the underlyin$ securities and is influenced by o!erall money market conditions.The Re#o1Re!erse Re#o transaction can only be done at Mumbai bet,een #artiesa##ro!edbyRB-andinsecuritiesasa##ro!edbyRB-(Treasury Bills" .entral12tate Ao!ernment securities* Uses of RE,O0s -t hel#s banks to in!est sur#lus cash.-t hel#s in!estor achie!e money market returns ,ith so!erei$n risk. -t hel#s borro,er to raise funds at better rates.An 2@R sur#lus and .RR deficit bank can use the Re#o deals as a con!enient ,ay of ad76 to 5nd No!ember )>76 and form 8th A#ril )>78 to )st Au$ust )>7:. +o,e!er" since )>9=s" the treasury bills ,ere issued at a fi%ed rate of 6.8C and ,ere fortenureof>)days. +o,e!er" ,iththesettin$u#ofthe/iscount and Finance +ouse of -ndia (/F+-* in)>::" the secondarymarket for the treasury bills be$an to de!elo#. 6iii7 Other Sub-marketsTheother im#ortant submarketsthat ha!ecomeintoe%istenceinthe money market are the .ertificate of de#osits (./s* market and the .ommercial 0a#ers (.0s* market.Thesesubmarketsareofrecentori$in.?hilethe./smarketbecomes o#erational durin$ )>:>)>>=" the .0s market emer$ed in )>>=>).55T.Y.BFM MONEY MARKET&ertific!te of +e4osit 6&+s7The ./s are basically de#osit recei#ts issued by a bank to the de#ositor. -n -ndia the Tambe ?orkin$ $rou# in )>:5 ,as the first one to e!aluate the introductionof ./s inthemoneymarket. The$rou#" ho,e!er" didnot recommend introduction of ./s on the $round of inherent ,eakness !i&. (i* absence of secondary market" (ii* administered interest rate on bank de#osits" and (iii* dan$er of $i!in$ rise to fictitious transaction. The Ba$hul ?orkin$ Arou# in )>:9 also discussed at lar$e the desirability of launchin$ this instrument. The ,orkin$ $rou# ,as of the !ie, that de!elo#in$ ./s as moneymarket instrument ,ouldnot bemeanin$ful unlesstheshortterm de#osit rate are ali$ned ,ith other rates in the system. As such" it did not recommend introduction of ./s. The $rou#" ho,e!er" noted the im#ortance of ./s and recommended feasibility of introduction of ./s after a##ro#riate chan$es at a later date. &ommerci!# ,!4ers 6&,s7The .0s as an instrument are unsecured usance #romissory notes issued by the cor#orate borro,ers ,ith fi%ed maturity e!idencin$ their shortterm debt obli$ation. -n -ndia" Ba$hul ?orkin$ Arou# )>:9 ,as the first to recommend introduction of .0s in -ndian money market. -t noted that .0 market has a ad!anta$e of $i!in$ hi$hly rated cor#orate borro,ers chea#er funds ,hile #ro!idin$ in!estors hi$her interest earnin$s. Thou$h the banks ,ould loose some of their first rated borro,in$ clientele and conse'uently interest income they can su##lement their earnin$ by actin$ as issuers and 54T.Y.BFM MONEY MARKETdealers of commercial #a#ers. Accordin$ly the ,orkin$ $rou# recommended the launch of .0s and su$$ested a scheme for issue of .0s.6:7 The B!9!!r ,!rt-m#ortant co$s in the e!olution of the -ndian money market e!olution of the -ndian Money Market are the indi$enous institutions. Althou$h" nidhis and chit funds e%ist" they are not im#ortant or money market as such they absorb funds that mi$ht other,ise fed into bankin$ system. A more ob!ious money market institution ,as the Multani shroff. Formerly" and indeed into )>8=s and the early )>9=s" the Multani shroff lent money to customer by discountin$ahundi (,hich,asori$inallyin#romissorynoteform* and then" after endorsement and by arran$ement throu$h a hundi broker" rediscounted,itha schedule banku#tolimits a$reedu#on. Althou$h Multani shroffs ha!e sur!i!ed as a #art of the indi$enous sector" their clan is readily declinin$ and e%#ected to become e%tinct.+iscount !ndFin!nce ;ouseof Indi!6+;FI7AN+Securites Tr!din8 &or4or!tion of Indi! 6ST&I7A !ery si$nificant ste# in e!olution of the -ndian money market has been settin$ u# of the /+F- and the 2T.-. As a se'uel to the recommendations of the ?orkin$ Arou# of the money market" the /iscount and Finance +ouse of -ndia ,as set u# by the RB- 78,ithan 56T.Y.BFM MONEY MARKETautorisedshareca#ital of Rs. )==croressubscribedbytheRB- (Rs. 44 crores* and all-ndia financial institutions (Rs )8 crores*. /+F- 'uotes re$ular bid and offer rates for treasury bills and commercial bills rediscountin$. +o,e!er only bid #rices for ./s and .0s are normally 'uoted. /+F- isalsoautorisedtoundertakeIRE0OJtransactiona$ainst treasury bills and it #ro!ides daily buy back and sell back rates for treasury bills to suit their re'uirements of commercial banks.The 2T.- is of recent ori$n. Basically" setu# for dealin$ in $o!ernment securities market to broaden and dee#en this market" the 2T.- also has been allo,ed to deal in call money market and the treasury bills market.

*% Recommend!tion of 5!rious committees The -ndian money market has under$one metamor#hosis durin$ the last fe,years o,in$toaseriesof measure,hichincreasedthenumber of #artici#ants" introduced ne,er instrument and dere$ulated interest rate. The Reser!e Bank of -ndia (RB-* set u# a committee to re!ie, the functionin$ of monetarysystem" !i&." 2DK+MOY.+AKRABARTY.OMM-TTEEin )>:5" a,orkin$$rou#tore!ie,thefunctionin$ofmoneymarket" !i&." BAA+D@ ?ORK-NA AROD0 in )>:8 and the NARA2-+M+AM .OMM-TTEEtore!ie,thefunctionin$ofthefinancial systemin-ndia. ?hile the .hakra!arthy .ommittee recommended measures for im#ro!ement in the monetary system" the Ba$hul ?orkin$ Arou# recommended measures to acti!ate and !itali&e the money market and the 57T.Y.BFM MONEY MARKETNarasimham .ommittee recommended measures to streamline the functionin$ of the financial system. RB- a##ointed a ,orkin$ $rou# on Money market under the .hairmanshi# of N Ba$hul" ,hich su$$ested a number of measures to dee#en the money market. As a follo, u# the RB- took the follo,in$ initiati!esK Formationof /F+-" aninstitutionestablishedinMarch)>::" to #ro!ide li'uidity to money market instruments.K-ncreasin$ the ran$e of money market instrumentsF .0" ./ and -nterbank#artici#ation.ertificatesaresomeof theinstrumentsintroducedin )>:::>.KFreein$ of call money rates in sta$es from interest rate re$ulation to #rice disco!ery based on market forces.Today the Bank Rate has emer$ed as a reference rate and the call money rates $enerally o#erate in a corridor ,ith the Re#o rate actin$ as a floor and the Bank Rate as a ceilin$.At #resent the o!erni$ht money market rate is the only floatin$ rate benchmark. Themethodolo$yusedforcalculatin$theo!erni$ht inde%is trans#arent.Reuters M-BOR is the ,ei$hted a!era$e of call money transactions of 55 banks and other #layers.N2EM-BOR(Mumbai -nterbankOfferRate* istherates#olledfroma re#resentati!e #anel of 45banks1 institutions1 0/s.58T.Y.BFM MONEY MARKETThe other benchmark instruments are )6" >)" ):5 3 486 day T.bills. Also ,e ha!e the 2B-0@R rate.

Recommend!tion of N!r!simh!m &ommittee 6A4ri# $T.Y.BFM MONEY MARKET,rim!r +e!#ers-n order to make the $o!ernment securities market more !ibrant" li'uid and toensuremarket makin$ca#abilitiesoutsideRB- asystemof 0/Hs,as established. The0/sha!ebeenallo,edtoo#erateacurrentaccountand alon$ ,ith a 2A@ account. They also ha!e been allo,ed to o#en constituent 2A@ accounts. RB- has #ro!ided them li'uidity su##ort facility. -n order to facilitate their continued#resence inauctions the RB- in!ites bids for under,ritin$inres#ect of all auctions. Routin$of o#erationsinthecall moneymarket isallo,edthrou$h0/Hs. Theyareallo,edthefacilityof funds from one centre to another under RB-Hs Remittance facility scheme. The number of 0/s has been increased from 9 to )4. -nfact the introduction of 0/s has added to the li'uidity in the market. .!#u!tion of securitiesBanks ha!e been re'uired to mark 9=C of their #ortfolio to market from the year )>>:>> and 97C from )>>>5===.Forei8n Institution!# In5estors 6FIIs7F--s ha!e been allo,ed to trade in T. Bills ,ithin the o!erall debt ceilin$. They no, ha!e access to all ty#es debt instruments.+e5e#o4ments in the Mone M!r"ets&!##>Notice Mone M!r"et 4=T.Y.BFM MONEY MARKETAs#erthesu$$estionsoftheNarasimham.ommittee--" theRB-inthe MidTerm Re!ie, of October )>>: that it ,ould mo!e to,ards a #ure interbankcall1notice1term moneymarket"includin$ the 0/s.To,ards this end the nonbank #artici#ants can in!est their shortterm resources in the Re#o market and other money market instruments. Takin$ into consideration the transitional #roblems" it has also been decided to continue ,ith the #resent system of #ermittin$ F-s and MFs to lend in the call1notice money market. Thecor#oratescanroutetheircall1noticemoneytransactionsthrou$hthe 0/s.Term R!te-nterbank .RR" other then minimum 4C has been done a,ay ,ith. -n this directionthe-nterest Rate2,a#s(-R2* ha!ebeenintroducedforthe #artici#ants to hed$e their interest risks. For benchmarkin$ ,e ha!e the )6" >)3 486 T.Bills. Also ,e ha!e the .0s. No, it is to the #artici#ants to use this o##ortunity.Mone M!r"et Mutu!# Funds 6MMMFs7Many Mutual Funds ha!e started funds ,hich s#cifically focus on money market. They ha!e also been #ermitted to in!est in rated cor#orate bonds and debentures ,ith a residual maturity of u# to only one year" ,ithin the ceilin$ e%istin$ for .0.4)T.Y.BFM MONEY MARKETRe4os !nd Re5erse Re4osNonbank entities" ,hich are currently #ermitted to take Re#os" ha!e been #ermittedtoborro,moneythrou$hre!erseRe#osat#ar,ithbanksand 0/s. Thereisnorestrictionfor thedurationof aRe#o. All $o!ernment securitiesha!ebeenmadea!ailableforRe#o. TheRe#osha!ealsobeen #ermitted in 02D bonds and #ri!ate cor#orate debt securities #ro!ided they areheldindemat forminade#ositoryandthetransactionsaredonein reco$ni&ed stock e%chan$es.?%Needs for im:i:in8 de4th to the m!r"et+i5ersifin8 in5estor :!seActi!e #artici#ation by a number of in!estor se$ments" ,ith di!erse !ie,s and #rofiles" ,ould make the market more li'uid. -n order to attract retail in!estors there is need to e%em#t the interest income from income ta%. The mutual funds are e%#ected to take the markets in a bi$ ,ay.45T.Y.BFM MONEY MARKETSett#ement sstem reforms-n the settlement and transfer of ,holesale trades" thou$h /B0 settlement has been introduced" intercity settlement continues to be a #roblem. -t is not #ossible to buy and sell a security on the same day as transactions are settled on a $ross basis and short sellin$ is not allo,ed. The RB- #lans to introduce the Real Time Aross 2ettlement (RTA2*" ,hich ,ill add efficiency. Tr!ns4!renc/e!elo#ment of technolo$y is an inte$ral #art of reformin$ the debt market" es#ecially in the conte%t of #ro!idin$ a technolo$ically su#erior dealin$ and settlement system. +encetheRB- has embarkedu#onthetechnolo$ical u#$radation of the debt market. This includes screenbased trade re#ortin$ system ,ith the use of B2AT communication net,ork com#limented by a centrali&ed2A@accountin$system. -tshallalsofacilitatelo$$in$bidsin auctions of dated securities and T.Bills. This ,ill broaden the #artici#ation in the auction system.The#artici#ants,ouldbere'uiredto#ro!idet,o,ay'uotes. -t isalso belie!ed that the screen ,ould ha!e a chat line mode. The system ,ill be inte$rated ,ith the re$ional current account system. Nothin$ seems to ha!e been finali&ed as of no,. Any,aythissystemmaynot reallybeeffecti!eenou$htosubstitutethe tele#honicmodeof o#eration. Thesystemashasbeen#lanneddoesnot #ro!idefor a#artici#ant to,ithholdhisidentity. No,thisfactor alone 44T.Y.BFM MONEY MARKETcouldleadtoinefficienciesin0ricedisco!ery" asinthecaseofama Y X Floating rate borrowing Fixed rate borrowing 10.5% LIBOR + 0.25%T.Y.BFM MONEY MARKETAninterestin$-ndiane%am#leof an-R2isoneenteredintobyMaruti Ddyo$@imited(MD@*. On)8T+March" )>:6" MD@tooka syndicate forei$n loan of D2 M 97 million. The terms of the loan a$reement s#ecified that MD@,oulddra,M4=millionby)8T+March" )>:7" M6=millionby )8T+March" )>:8" andM7=millionby)8T+March" )>:9. Theloan,as re#ayable from March )>:: throu$h March )>>). The rate of interest on the loan ,as sti#ulated to be 41: #ercent o!er @-BOR till March )>:: and )1 5 #ercent o!er @-BOR thereafter. .oncerned about the dollar @-BOR fluctuation" MD@ in consultation ,ith the $o!ernment" the Reser!e Bank of -ndia" and the 2tate Bank of -ndia" decided to $o in for a -R2. On 4=th Nuly" )>:7" MD@enteredintoatransaction,ithBankofAmericaforan-R2. Dnder the deal" Bank of America a$reed to #ay Bank of Tokyo an interest of 41: #ercent o!er @-BOR on 5= million ,hile MD@ a$reed to #ay a fi%ed rate of interest of )=.7 #ercent to Bank of America. -t must benotedthat -R2aredifferent fromFor,ardRateA$reements (FRA*. ?hile in FRA" a certain interest rate a##lies for a certain #eriod of time in the futureF an -R2 is a #ortfolio of FRAHs. All -R2 can be decom#osed into se#arate FRAHs.6=T.Y.BFM MONEY MARKETIntroductionofForw!rdR!teA8reements!ndInterestR!te Sw!4sThe Indi!n scene 6Source: RBI /uide#ines7O:=ecti5e To further dee#en the money markets To enable banks" #rimary dealers and all -ndia financial institutions to hed$e interest rate risks.These $uidelines are intended to form the basis for de!elo#ment of Ru#ee deri!ati!e #roducts suchas FRAs1-R2inthe country. Theyha!e been formulated inconsultation ,ithmarket #artici#ants. The $uidelines are sub:>>H announced on Octo:er (DE $