Procedural Justice and Trust

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  • 8/7/2019 Procedural Justice and Trust


    Case Study Title:

    Procedural Justice and Trust

    Case Authors:

    Oliver E.NgodoDr. Jamshed H.Khan

    Submitted by:

    Malik Tariq (L) (* 129 )

    Muhammad Bilal (* 104 )

    Shehzad Ahmed (* 105 )

    Submitted to:

    Sir, Saeed Liaqat

    Department of Public Administration

    Government College University


  • 8/7/2019 Procedural Justice and Trust


    Case Summary:

    This summary is related to procedural justice & trust with the

    link in the transformation leadership & organization out comes relationship. In this

    way from transformation leadership to positive out comes in the organization s

    specially organization citizenship behavior organization commitment & job

    satisfaction through the mediation inflation of procedural justice and trust because

    trust policy an important role in the relationship between procedural justices and

    organization commitment & organization citizenship behavior & also in job

    satisfaction.Procedural justice is an essential component in the process of

    establishing and sustains trust between the leader and the subordinates. Trust has

    been shown consistently to positive impact on group problem solving and decision


    Trust play a central role in the work of the transformational leader, this

    would imply that for a Train formulation leader to succeed translating his vision if

    performance behind all expectations into complete reality. There is a need to build

    and sustain and attitude of trust among members of organization can group and in

    practical term this mean that as for as the individual member of the organization

    can sustain an attitude of trust in the long term fairness ties with the organization

    and its leadership and he must be will to go extra work in the rendering self

    sacrificing service in order to achieve the goals of the organization due to this future

    research efforts to be focused more on the trust process in the organization and trust

    also treat due to relationship between subordinate.

    At the end trust flowing directly form transfer national leadership as well as

    mediator of the relationship between transfer natural leadership and trust.


  • 8/7/2019 Procedural Justice and Trust


    1. Transformational leaders motivates his followers a part of shared vision in

    the organization.

    2. This type of behavior to the new approaches develops innovative and

    proactive ways of dealing with issues in the organization.

    3. Procedural justice would affect trust in the leader which would dedicate the

    positive outcomes in the organization.

    4. There is a positive relationship between transformational leadership and

    procedural justice.

    5. The consequences of trust include organizational citizenship behavior and

    job satisfaction

    6. Trust has been shown positive impact on group problem showing and

    decision making

    7. Due to job satisfaction the employee more productive

    Problems and Suggestions

    Sr. No. Problems Suggestions

    1 Less trusted leader. More trusted leader.

    2 With out trust. With trust positive.

    3 Without trust less job satisfaction. With trust more job satisfaction.

    4 Less conscious efforts can not build

    trust in the leader and organization.

    More conscious efforts can build

    trust in the leader and organization .

    5 Less job satisfaction less product. More job satisfaction more product.

    6 Leadership research process. More satisfaction

    More productive.

    7 Making more complex. Making less complex.

  • 8/7/2019 Procedural Justice and Trust



    These conclusions are consistent with the findings that satisfaction,

    commitment and organizational citizenship behavior all emerge from

    fairness of procedures which in turn influence trust.

    Transformational leadership needs to operate by instituting a regime of fair

    rules and procedures, inspiring trust on the part of the subordinates.

    Finally, a new perspective is opening up in leadership research following the

    recent study of the interacting effects of leadership, societal culture and

    organizational culture.

    Crux/Conclusion/Findings./Nutshell:Leadership depends on trust.