Praise for Righteousness - Ramchal

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  • 8/10/2019 Praise for Righteousness - Ramchal


  • 8/10/2019 Praise for Righteousness - Ramchal


    Cmvriaht 1915 yHER ERT S. GOLDSTEIN

  • 8/10/2019 Praise for Righteousness - Ramchal


    Dedicated to


    Harry and Jane Fiechel

    Morrin and Sarah Miriam Goldstein

  • 8/10/2019 Praise for Righteousness - Ramchal


    D R M T IS P E R S O N E

    PRAISE the daughter of Multitude

    MULTITUDE the father of PraiseRIGHTEOUSNESS the son of Truth

    PRIDE the son of Passion who is mistakingly taken for theson of Truth

    DECEIT the friend of Pride

    REASON the friend of RighteousnessFOOLISHNESS the slave of Multitude

    PATIENCE the nurse of Reason





    JUSTICE the King


  • 8/10/2019 Praise for Righteousness - Ramchal


    P R E F A C E .

    This book was t rans la ted by Miss Rebecca Fischelan d myself a s the resul t of a n ideal which w r setio r o urse lves , w hen f ir st we p ligh ted o u r t ro th , tha twe lvould joint ly prod uce so m e religious o r ethicalwork , a s a souven i r fo r ou r wedd ing .

    11-e ha vr decided tha t a t ranslat ion of Lu zzat to 'sLah-y ' -shaw-riem T'hielaw, d77? E ~ w +

    would be most appropr ia te for our purpose, s ince i t

    was or ig inal ly wr i t ten by Luzzat to on the occas ionof the m ar ria g e of a fr ien d of his .T h e p lay Lah-y ' - shaw-r iem T'h ie law is a n epith-

    a lamium wr i tt en in Am ste rd am , in 1743 I t i s a nallegory in thre e acts , in w hich P r id e a t tem pts to winf o r h imself P r a i se . w h o ha s been p romised to h im

    by he r fa th er , L4ulti tude. 1Yhen i t is discovered th a tP r id e has on ly been pos ing as t he son of T ru th , wh omM ult itude, the f a th er of P ra ise , has real ly in tendedher to ma r ry , P r ide is d i sg raced and cast ou t . P ra i s ef inal ly marr ies Righteousness , the real son of Truth .whose identi ty becomes established.

    This was Luzzat to ' s th i rd d rama, and though i t i sin fe r i o r in elegance to his previous w orks , it i s anevidence of a m uch r i pe r gen ius . I t is mo stly philo-sophical , and i s therefore d i ff icu l t to comprehend attimes.

  • 8/10/2019 Praise for Righteousness - Ramchal


    To insure a correct interpretation of Luzzatto'smeaning. u-e have attemy~ted o malie our translat ionas litera as possible, and we wish t o thank Mr . JuliusIiar~lan or his helpful suggestions in this direction.

    M-it11 a full consciol~sness f tlie many shortcomingso i this work, and with tlle hope that this, the firstHebrew play to be translated into English, will befollowed by many others, we humbly present this, ourwedding souvenir, to the public.


  • 8/10/2019 Praise for Righteousness - Ramchal


    P r a i s e l o n e n tlzc Ficld

    Praise-Oh, you sh ad e, sweet as honey-Oh, youspring s of water-together yo u a re d e a re r tome t h a nfine gold. O h , yo u quiet mountains-you rocks orrepose , res t fu l yo urs e l \~ es an d spreading rest-how I de ligh t in yo u H o w much I r e jo ice ove r you-plants that are ta lking, and over the lo\vly grass .

    delight m ore in the m , tha n in a l l the tum ui t o i mycities, because thru these I am only made miserable .

    h l y lot is bit ter I a m sated w ith it. L e t m -su fferin g be fore ve r bu ried in m ow n bre as t . L e tmy h ea r t not a llow my pain to become k now n. h l ylove is offered by force to the hand of the foolish

    man w ho ove rwhe lms me , t o the hand of the vu lga r,empty, shameless v illa in . T h e y deliver my ch arm sto a ba rba r i a n , so t ha t t h r u me a r r o ga n t me n ma ycrown themselves. I see i t c learly, and on that ac-count my vision is dimmed by g r i e f , a nd I w a n d e rdum bly a long as a lamb to the s laughter. 14-orld,a l a s O h , I l 'o r l d , how you h a v e b ro a dene d y ou rpa ths on ly fo r m at te rs of Dece it . H o w you havecaused only fa lsehood to s i t on the mos t e sh a l t edthrone

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    P r i d e a n d Dece i t

    Pride-U hen will I ever be ab le to repay you , andhow will I be able to compensate you, my brother,proport ionate ly to a l l the good, a l l the favors whichyou have show n to me. Behold . the s t rength of yo urhand has had enough power to g ran t my wish , an d

    to p resen t to m e th i s ma iden Pra i se , who mI so dea r lylove . F o r tha t reason you n lay dem and any th ingwi th in my power ; I will deny you nothing.

    Decei t-Pride , beloved of m y soul , yo u a lone an dno o the r, have obse rved the w ork which I have done .Only by the sweat of my brow, and the to i l o f mysoul. could I br ing yo u as fa r a s th is . A s the lion in thefores t roars , in h is fury, and in h is rage for the prey,wags his ta i l , and as his eyes red as blood. spreadte r ro r ; ju s t so stood my opponen t Reaso n , be fo re me ,to enl ighten the people , to m ake their hear ts judicious.

    and to open the i r eyes , tha t they should not des i rethee , and no t emb race thee . H a d I not then foughtwi th s t r a t egy, and had I not thrust h im aside bymeans of f la t ter ing w or ds , you w ould have been d r ivenout forever, f rom th is , h is her i tage .

    Pr ide -W hat is w rong abou t me , tha t he (R ea so n)

    shou ld seek to remove me and tha t you had to exer tyourself so much to he lp m e ?

    Deceit-Pride . my d ea r f r ie nd , if they had no thingelse to f ind faul t with in thee except that f rom thy

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    boyhood thou wert constantly brought up in the Houseof Imagination behold this alone would have beensufficient excuse for all the doctrines of Reason toabhor thy soul. Furthermore and this you do notknow as do if it were not for my intriguing designsand my many clever strokes all the glory of thybeauty as well as thy whole splendor would be con-

    sidered less than nought. Gold and silver gracehonor and beauty. would not last f o r a moment with-out Deceit. Abundant gold would tu rn into m u d ;beauty into plague; good grace into abhorrence soalso honor would turn into offense.

    Reason Righteousness and Patience.

    Reason addresses Righteousn~ss-My friend as

    dear to me as a brother you must indeed understandthat I am much grieved over the distress of yoursoul and that I feel your pain just as if it were Vown. Behold this is the covenant of friends thatthe law of brotherhood always exists between t h e mand that they are united as twins in the womb both

    being affected simultaneously by every occurrence andaccident. But what should I say for since the timewhen these bitter waters of perplexity have over-flooded this poor native city of ours my heart hasfound no rest. I t has no rest from the affliction over

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    everything that I must daily witness. Bu t that whichappears most strange in my eyes, which I do not

    understand. is how it can be said of the world to-day,that it is well ordered; for behold it is nothing butconfusion and chaos. Look to the right and to the

    left. \\- hat do you find established in its foundation,

    by right and just ice? Only this I have seen thatinjustice shoots forth its blossoms as though i t were

    budding, an d its rule as though it were ripened.

    Pr id e, an d scorn of the frivolous, dr ag along anumber o i people ait er their noise of falsehoo d; and

    men of ia it h ar e brought down to the ground. Th os e

    who walk u~)riglltly are not known in the streets.

    The pious and those wllo shun evil are even mocked.The innocent and the pure of heart they call a fool.To them immorality is \visdom. wickedness is intelli-gence, an d perversity is understand ing. But af te r Ihave seen all this. how can I 11-onder and be surpr ised,

    if not to you but to Pr id e they now give Praise. Be-

    hold, only then would I he surprised if they wouldhave given her to you, althougl~ she belongs to you.

    Bellold \vhen I saw Deceit coming to Multitude froma f a r , my heart already began to palpitate, and Iknew that not hing good lvould come about t hr oug l~ his

    lvicked one. I already knew Multitude and his atti-tude, that it can be turned to any side, as the bulrushmoves t o and fro ) in the water. Surely had wespoken at this time we would have only exert ed our-

    selves in vain; for the heart of Multitude was already

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    captured , and went fe t t e red in the cha ins o i th ismighty hunter, so that he could no longer bel ievew ords of t r u th , an d to a ll my w or ds he sh uts 11is ea rsl ike a s nak e, m ak ing it impossible to ret u rn i ron1er ro r. A s easy as i t is for h im to fo llow af te r fa lse -hood a n d de lusion , so ha rd does it ap pear fo r h im toleave them, in order to ca r ry the yoke of un der s t an d-

    ing in the pa ths of kno w ledge . T he re is no th ing be t te rio r me now than to des is t i r o m i t. les tI ma - yet beput to shame, wi thout having hope for the re turn ofwise counse l an d for the ins t ruc t ion o i fo lly.

    H e w aste s his w o rd s 1v11o spe ak s t i ] the e a r t h a tis sh u t by i ts folly, f o r it does not he ar. H e w h o

    offers correct ion to the scoffer. or counsel to thefool, is only affl ict ing himself , and is also committ ingviolence against knowledge.

    Righteousness-Oh Reason, l ight o i my eyes, mym aste r forever, -the s ighs of my he art ar e m an y.

    My blood within me is afire my sp i r i t is a f lame andwhatever my eyes see about me is fuel for pass ion,wi th which to consume my bones , and in order tobr ing m y soul on this f ireplace day a n d night . l \ *ou l dthat I might become as an o lv l I would then flyf r o m bra nc h to bra nc h in the th ickest par t of theforest . M y soul \vould safely repose in sol i tude up onthe h ighes t m ounta ins , am id shadow s. T h enI wouldnot go pin ing aw ay in s ighing am id the boisterous joyof the c ity, a n d am id the noise of the tow n. T h e r eis no be t te r por t ion on ea r t h th an the lo t of the lad

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    pasturing his ffock. All the thoughts of his heartare humble. His soul does not desire to exercise itselfin great matters, but to feed his flock by the watersof the fountain, and to take their milk for his ownrefreshment. H e looks at the red sun coming fromthe East. Ii7i th a joyous heart he beholds the ioun-tain whose waters are constant and do not iail. H esings and moves along according to the step of hissheep. As they feed, his eyes gaze upon the grass ofthe hills, and to their Creator his lips pronouncehymns. Oh, how happy is he, how beautiful and howsweet are all the days of his Iiie. How com1)lete ishis rest For no matter how many vicissitudes o i thisworld ma): confront him, he despises them, and neitherfeels nor knows trouble. H e rejoices in his poverty,because he does not covet wealth, and because jealousyand honor do not vex his heart. His hut is dearerto him than a palace of a king, his staff and bag, thangarments of the nobility. His heart completely re-

    joices in security in the maiden that falls to him ashis lot, and her heart in turn delights in him. oone is disturbing them. They know no evil. Full ofjoy they look and behold their children round abouttheir table. Always at every moment they give athousand thanks to their Benefactor for the portion

    of their lot. Xot SO is it with regard to the tumultand noise of the royal courts, and of those that rejoicein their territories. For all the splendor of their glor-ious wealth is vanity. Their joyous exultation is only

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    decei t fu l and fa lse . Thei r fo r tune i s l ike s tubb le tha ta whi r lwind car r ies aw ay. T h e tu m u lt o i thei r crowdsis of no account and thei r work a lso i s vain . T h e ys t r ive a f te r the E as t w ind , the i r h ea r t s f eed only onthe t rans i to ry th ings . T he y have become bru t i sh an dal together iool ish . T he y seek on ly af t e r \ -an itp a n dbecome vain. All tha t pu r sue honor, an d everyonetha t impat ien tly run s a f te r we al th , sows \-anit>- an d

    reap s t rouble . C . these s t r iv ings . they consume thei rs t r eng th , an d when they ob ta in w ha t they have t e e ns t r i l in g f o r , i t o nly he11,svanity an d no thingness.

    I cltiencr-Oh, R igh teo usn ess , my son, m ore pre-c ious tha n wisdom an d knowledge is tha t m an w hocan bear h is depress ion and t i le anxiety o ihis h ea r tcheer iu l lp . T h i s is t he law o i f a i t h , the rul e o i\ . h u e fo rever. Everyone shou ld p lan t h is foo t like anai l on the path of r ighteousness so that he shouldwalk only in the way o i jus tice a n d upr ightness. ona ll t he roads o i trut li . H e s l ~ o u ld l ing to h is v i rtue

    an d no t abandon i t ; a n d n -ha te \- er m ay befa ll h im,beho ld , he s l ~ o u ld t an d f irm likea p i l l a r o i i r o n an dbrass a n d no t be moved even fo r an ins tan t f ro m h isp lace . H e shou ld no t depar t i r o ln the pa th o i r igh t-eousness. H e shou ld r egard h imse l i ,as a ch i ld tha tis weaned . H e shou ld look an d no t ques tion, he ar an d

    no t answer. H e shou ld abh or to make himself over-wise , a n d should cease to seek m at te rs too great fo rh im. T ru ly , on the ivatch of the t ask en t rus ted toh im he s l ~ o u ld t an d like a l ion . Hv should bel ieve

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    16 P R A I S E F O R R I G H T E O U S N E S S

    and not speculate. He should obey and observe thecomm andm ent of h is God and not depar t i r o m i t.To his Pvlaker he should always offer righteousness.Submissively and humbly should he guard the boun-da ry of his desire so that he should not ov erstepitH e sllould keep the reins o i his desire firmly and notre las . H e shou ld i l l his mouth with thanks and

    quietly hope fo r his salvation fore\-er. F o r God H eis a God o t tru th there is no iniquity in him. Godis our Rock; His work i s per fec t ; He a l so de l igh tsin m ercy. Ind eed his ways are too exal ted fo r us.T h e \vise ar e backw ard in understanding them. H o wcan m a n who can see only that which the eyes behold

    explore and know the m ysterious secrets of the exa l tedheights of H ea ve n? H ow can a wor presume toly to the top of the skies?


    Alultitude and Foolishness.

    nlult itude-Please get up my m aid-serv ant.

    Foolishness-Sir here I am.

    Alultitude-Arise go quickly to m y da ug hte r an d

    in fo rm her tha t I have chosen Pr idefor her and thather m arr iage and wedding day are d raw ing near an dthat I have selected it to be on the day of the NewMoon . Xow I will go to prepare for the day of ourjoy an d tho u too m ake haste and Lep art .

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    (M ul t i tud e leazfes, and Foo l i shness rem ains a lone . )

    : Foolishness-Behold , th e da y fo r wh ich I havehoped has come. A h, I already see al l the desires oimy soul fulfil led. L e t Re ason come now w ith allhis wisdom and see i f he \ \ , i l l possess enough strengthto t ake Pra i se away f ro m Pr id e . Beho ld, my sou labh ors all these prouc ones bo rn in the co u rt s o iReason. L ik e an abominat ion are they all in my eyes.Cecause in thei r eyes , only they are men, and theyregard the rest of o u r kind as stubb le. while they them-'selves vainly spend d ay s an d nights in m at ters ofnothingness . T h ey do no t increase gold and si lverfor themselves. T h ey cann ot by the i r methods buy

    fo od fo r t h e ir h u n g e r. T h e y p re t en d to n ame t h ehost of the heavens as if they w ere God. T h e y tak eupon themselves to set a rule i o r the course of thesun o r moon . T he y consume the i r men ta l s t reng thmeasuring the length and breadth of a t r iangle , c i rc leor square , and f i l l the world wi th useless books, as

    num erous as the sand s of the sea. T h ey weary them-selves in investigating how a ga rden b r ings fo r th i t s-, plants in i t s season. how a cloud r ises, o r how va po rs

    produce ra in in all the en ds of the ear th . T h e ir h ea rtpresumes to weigh the wind in a balance and to mea-sure w ate r by ha nd fu ls , ye t in the i r house there i s no

    bread. \17ill they no t be asham ed n ow , and blush be-cause of thei r cou nse ls? I n spi te of th ei r bu rnin gan ge r, behold they will presen tly see Pr ai se in t he lap

    f r ide , t o sadden them. \Ye in o u r joy s ha l l surely

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    18 P R r l I S E F O R R I G H T EO U S N E SS

    rejoice and esult. \Ve shall be delighted at the tuneof the flute and over the taste of the spiced wine. 12:eshall eat to the fill of our stomachs. 11-e shall besatiated tvith jo?- to-day. \\-e shall laugh at iear forto-morrow we may all be dead. Rejoice. ye childrenof the world exult and be happy and while you liveforget death. Do not desire senility before ?.ou reachold age. This affliction of old age is had enough whenit comes in its time. Be not dismayed a t an evil whichis yet to come. Be proud and confident. Be happyy children of the world; rejoice and be happy.

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    A C T 11

    Reason and Ri lliteoz(sncss in thc F i c l d

    Reason-Kighteousness, beloved of my soul. may

    your heart e o i good courage. Gird yourse li withvigor, fo r, the fu rt he r salvation seems to be from us,the more suddenly does our rel iei come. \\711en inthe hot glow of the sun, in the drought o i summer,a darkness o i thick clouds co\.ers the heavens, and

    the roaring oi the thunder makes the earth beneath

    trenll,le, \\-hen the lightning flashes like an a rrow, andthe lvind shatters the mountains as i they were earthenvessels, and the noise of the rain deafens e v e n ear.all the beasts o i the forest s flock together . The pigeons

    fly to the ere\ ices o i the rocks for protection. Th en ,in a moment , behold, the sun shines forth in the

    splendor o i its light. I t pierces and scatters everycloud. The darkness and the whole storm pass awayas though they had ne\:er been. So. too, in regard tothe man \\-I10 appears crushed--in a moment the rulerof the world causes deliverance to sprout forth for

    him from affliction.

    Righteousness addresses Reason-Reason, joy ofmy h ea rt , your consolation tru ly relieves me. Everytime I listen to your words a door of hope seems to


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    2 P R A I S E F O R R I G H T E O U S N E S S .

    open fo r me . B u t now, p lease d o no t keep back f ro mm e an y good news wh ich you may have .

    Rcason-If I w ould h a ~ en y I would not keep i tf ro m you . Xev er the less , I hope to have some fo r yousoon el-en thou gh I hav e none a t p resen t because ther igh teous wo rker does no t a lways f a il , an d the hopeof those that s t r ive af ter r ighteousness shal l not be

    lost fo rever. Beho ld , P r id e ascends a n d reaches thec louds. H e r ides upon the he igh ts of the w or ld , suc -ceed s, a n d sp re ad s hirnself at. o ne v-110 is m ig hty a n ddom inan t . H e does no t cease f r om h is pas sion . n o rdoes he see t rouble , a n d he is ig no ran t of a ll thepangs of pover ty. B u t he will be b ro ug ht dow n totlie n eth er w or ld . T h er e all the pr id e of his he ar t xi11be humbled , and ins tead of haught iness he wi l l becov ered w ith sh am e as his app arel . I-Ie will alw aysreceive d isgrace ins tead of hono r. F o r a ll the troubleof y o u r soul tha t you es pe r ien ce, you wi ll find the

    f ru i t of yo u r fai th in i t s season, and be sat i s f ied for-e\-er. I l h en you will be re de em ed , you will g ivetha nk s fo r y o u r afflic tion. Al l the t roubles which youhave pas sed th ro ugh a r e joys on a happy day, fo rthey inc rease joy, w hene ver t hey a r e r ememb ered .

    Righteousness-Oh, I wish tha t I could possesss t reng th to bear the b i t t e rness o f my compla in t asIw ou ld l ike to . b ut th at is too difficult fo r m e, wh enmy eyes behold these two s tumbl ing-blocks , namelyDecei t and Foo l i shness , as they confer together tohecome tho rns in my s ides , a n d angu i sh fo r m y soul.

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    Deceit makes noise in the street with her shouting.Upon all the heights of the to\\-n she treads it11 he r

    audaciousness. She knows not iear . She does notrecognize shame. She breaks eve? covenant: andviolates every rule. She has not ia ith and he r oathis false. H e r trade is robben-, sxvearing. and falsehood.

    She is a sister to every evi l; a mother to all trans-gression and a deadly enemy to all the children o i

    reason. She sits and slanders them amidst bou-1s ofst rong drink. A11 the thoughts o i her hea rt concerningthem ar e onl j evil. I i she could she woul swallowthem like a fish. or iike a donkey she would bite them

    so tha t she 1 -ould break every one of their bones.

    Deceit also. y the smoothness o i her talk entraps the

    soul as i it were a bird. She gives poison and deathcoated ~ r i t h oney, as food to the errin g, ioollsh man.She bites when she kisses. \\-hen she relaxes her

    hands she smites. She does just as she pleases, and is


    Reason-Surely this is an erro r of our eyes, forour eyes are but human, and therefore they mistaketr ut h fo r falsehood. They make darkness into lightand light into darkness. Behold, even in those things

    which they really see they are led astray by everyslight accident and chance, how much more so then in

    regard to those things which are difficult to under-stand and hidden fr om them. Look a t the end of anoa r in the water. Behold it appears to you to becrooked and bent, while in your heart you know, of

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    course, that in reality it is straight. Sheshai and

    Thalmai (t he gian ts? appear only as pygmies, in amirror whose surface is concave, and when the mir-ror is conves , the reverse is true , making small objectsappear tall and large. KO\{- look at our Sp ir it Asthe sea in constant battle with the winds can nevercome to rest, and there is never a moment when its

    waves are not rolled and dashed hither and thither, sowe ar e not eseinpt from troubles forever; and just asthe waves change and influence the aspect of the sea,so our senses tvithin us undergo change and trans io r-mation from time to time. \\ e do not see exceptaccording to our desires, and ou r ears do not hear butaccording to what we long for, or have imagined.Should we have viewed the world clearly even once,we would have seen these our enemies, so afflicted,stricken and unhappy together that we tvould ha\-e said,"It is enough, we are sated with revenge." Behold,

    while your eyes perceive them, all full o i pleasure. andsatiated with comfort, their heels are held in a trap,from the grasp of which the - cannot extricate them-selves. All their steps take firr;~ hold on the nether-world. Th ei r feet shall slip. Th ey shall not be

    able to stand there. niow be of good courage. Gird

    yourself with strength, for I shall go and see, and Iwill tell you all that I hear when I return. Only becalm, and direct your designs and all the thoughts ofyour heart with your wisdom. Behold, there is nopower like the power of a man restraining his imagina-

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    P R 4 IS E F O R R I G H T E O U S N E S S 3

    tion by force and ruling over his spirit. Ch ly thatheart which is calm and quiet removes anger iromitself.

    Exit Reason; Righteousness meets Contemplationalone on the nzountain.

    Ri gh te~usn~ss- Ther e is nothing that enjoy morethan to turn and see these vegetations of the pasturesand the fields and the springs of water that flow irom

    the top of the rocks here. shall incline my ear tothe voice of the turtle dove or the bird. shall liedo\\-n in the grass under the palm tree and like thelaborer deeply illhale the cool breezes. So alsoshall cast my inmost thoughts and secrets behind m yback for a short \vhile so that might forget my bittercomplaint. Perhaps then may be relieved. Beholddo not see Contemplation over there? Ah. re-joice over him. am delighted that have found himnow for the speculations of his mind will be of usefor making me forget all my trouble and will make

    my soul also to rejoice.Righteousness addressing Contemplation-Peace be

    unto you Contemplation; whither are your thoughtsmoving now amidst these solitary mountains andstreams

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    24 P R A I S E F O R R I G H T E OU S N E S S

    Contemplation-Behold, I a m w a l k i n g a n d s e a r c h -ing the marve ls of wisdom w hich a re ia thom less . T h ecrea tor an d the m ak er of a ll ha s sho w n an d m adekn ow n to al l , wh ose eyes folly ha s not bl inded n orlaziness corrupted, the wonders of the plant-l ife ofa ll the ear th , ~ v h e th e r f field or fores t. H is thoughtsa re a l l e sceed ing1~-pro found . H o w grea t is eve ryone of h is w o rk s Al l of them are too exal ted inwisdom fo r any mind . P ra y , fix yo ur eyes upon theseroots. Ee hold , yo ur eyes perceived in them openmouths exceed ing ly numerous . T he y d ra w , and sucktogether f rom the breas t of th is ear th a l l i t s mois ture( s a p j which feeds them as long as they live. T hey

    conduct it in to the veins of thei r s tem, then, f r o m oneend to the o the r, t o eve ry bough and shoo t , t o be -come as nour i shnlen t fo r a ll of them toge ther. A n da lso ( t h is s a p ) w he n c oming ou t a s a c ompound f r omthe wo m b o i the ear th ' ) se t tl es , bu t w hen it is ana lysedit is found to be composed of e ar th a n d f a t o r su lph urand salt wit11 all the rest of the builders of the organ-isms. A s i ts ( th e sap 's ) mot ion increases an d as itrapidly t ravels w ithin the veins of the s te m i t melts l ikew s an d on acco unt of its t ravels i t is po ured fo rth l ikew at er in the place w here it rests . Becau se of t h evar ious periods of time th a t pass over i t , da ys a n dnights , co ld , hea t , a n d wind , i ts tas te changes a n dby the nam e o f the plant in to which it cam e it is nam edfo re v e r, because it is l ike it. N ow , see these f ibershere , th inner than the ha i r of the hea d , than the sp ider

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    threads, f i l l al l the surface of this leaf . F o r in t he mjuice c i rcu lates wi thou t res t ing an d wi thout re lax ing .

    W hil e i t is d a y , in the he at of the s u n , it boils, a n da

    l i t t le of i t condenses on account of the chilliness ofthe n ight . T h en the bees suck it wi th thei r m ou thsan d in thei r inw ard pa r ts it tu rn s in to honey thatf lows amids t wax.

    Behold the f lowers L oo k at thei r beauty Lo o k a t

    the i r appearance , a l so smel l the i r f ragran t odor f romthis cup-i ike bowl-shaped form that you see theyhave benea th the m . .Around the ir cup-l ike fo rm the irleaves f i r s t b lossom and al ter they dropoff, l r u i tappears . Lo ok at the f i lam ents s tanding erect likepi l lars , some wi th and some wi thout caps on thei rheads. All of the m , toge ther n- i th all that is upo n them

    th eir leave s) assis t each other. .4nd in their cha n-nels they prepare the juice, with which to cause theirf ru i t to g row , an d to sweeten it . T h is p ic tu re whichyou see resembles a nail , as i ts whiteness is presseddow n in i t s gar land . T h er e the bees depos it the honeywhich their m ou ths su ck as they f ind i t in the nigh t .N ow con templa te thi s again. Look and und ers tan dthe m arvels of o ur God. Con sider th is seed whichal l p lants , al l herbs , according to their k ind inclosew ithin them. A fetus coupled with i ts p lacenta ei the r

    larg e o r smal l , behold th is is i t s l ikeness . K a tu re ha sf i l led i t s numerous s tores wi th an abundanceo i f a twith which al l i ts substa nce b o n es ) , each f iber of itan d each vein of i t , a re s t rengthened. T og eth er a lso

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    they are sof tened by i t . I n it m oves a pene t ra tingw ind wh ich is sw i f t to fly b ris k a n d o i g r e a t p o w e r.I t ad jus ts a ll the ar ra ng em en ts of the p lan t every-th ing in i ts proper manner. everyth ing in i ts p lace.F ro m i t s t h i ck en ed f a t a f t e r t h e su n an d b lo w in gw ind s d n it u p. a co rsele t a co ve rin g p ro tec ti n g itag ain st e v e n evil an d acc id en t is p ro d u ced . O x y g en

    s t an d s u p in it a s a ~ v a r r io r g a in st l oa th so m e d ecay.A l so f ro m i t s f a t a l~ u n d an t n d po \v e rfu l s t r en g th isd r aw n an d poured fo r th . d iffus ion of sapstre tche s un de r it a n d a s if f ro m w indo\v la tt ices i tpeeps fo r th a l it tle he re a li ttle th er e f ro m ev erybreach an d hole ou twa rd . Th ese a r e some o f thew-ays of the H oly O n e an d like these there a re innum -erab le m arve ls forev er. .Anyone investigat ing themwill find them always in all animate beings. in allvegetat ive m at t er an d in a ll that hav e no spir i t ofl i i e in th e m ; ov er a ll the ea r th a nd in a ll tha t a re in

    water and in a l l tha t man wi l l d i rec t h is eyes to looka t. H a p p y is h e w h o h as fo u n d w i sd o m an d k n ow l -edge happ y is he wh o speak s to a l is ten ing ea r.

    R i g h t ~ o u s t ~ r s s - h l a y y o u Le b le sse d O h . C o n te m -p la tion f o r you have com for ted m e a t the time w he nthe pangs of sorrowT seized m y soul . F o r by th eswee tness of y ou r doc t r ine you m ak e m e fo rge t theb i tte rness of m y he ar t . you hav e a lso tu rn ed m ym o u rn in g in to jo y. A s t h e sh ad o w fo r th e w ea ry an das w a te r fo r the th i r sty so knowledge is swee t an ddelicious fo r th e soul . I t is joy fo r the he ar t ligh t

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    for the eyes. I t is a necklace f or the neck and a tur-ban fo r the head.

    Both Righteousness and Co?ntenzplation kazje.

    Praisc enters on thc field alone.

    Praise-Behold. here I stand now alone I raisemy heart. I iift up also m\- hands. I pour out mysoul and spirit i11 my anguish before my God forwithout H im there is no reiuge and protection forever.Maybe H e will see my affliction. Pe rhaps H e will

    extricate this terror-stricken person from the snaresput at he r feet \ ~ i t h o u t ause. Oh. Thou that rulestthe world with strength. Thou are the one Masterand King and there is no one besides Thee. OhOmnipotent whose mighty power has no limit ior-ever ; behold. there is none n-110 can deny thy wishnor lo is there a God like Thee in Heaven 1 1 ~ 7muchless then on the earth. IVho is he and where is hewho speaks and it comes to pass or whose plan isrealized unless Thou hads t so ordered. UTho is hethat can lift up or cause his hand and foot to rest

    unless Thou hadst known it. 1lT11o is quiet whomThou hast not made quiet. lqTho is afflicted whomThou hast not afflicted. I pray Thee favor and grantthe entreaty of the soul that apar t f rom thee does not

    know of any refuge. I pray thee be willing to do a

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    fav or t o a b i tte rly a fflic ted h ea r t , to a sp i r i t T h o u hascru she d. Calm , I beseech the e , the w aves of th y hotange r, and. like a fa th e r, be k ind aga in to the soultho u hast ch ast ised. Be wil ling, I pr ay thee, to del iverm y foo t f rom the ne t . Be wi lling to b reak thesnare in which , l ike a fowl , I have been ent rapped.IVhy should my soul become the por t ion of a wrong-

    d o e r ? U 7 h y sh o uld I b e t r o d d e n u po n by a man offa lsehood , w hom thou ha te s t? \ i rhy should the wickedjoyously shou t ov er m e, an d wh y a lso should thehaugh ty ones whom thou abhor res t abuse m e ? G ran tme the po r t ion of a r ighteou s person , an d not of thechi ldren of iniqui ty. L e t me be a se rv an t of R igh t-eousness, and not the mist ress of the house of Pr ide .Now, I sha l l d i rec t my s teps toward the h i l l , I sha l lwai t there by the spr ing, t i l l my maid-servant r th i the r I co m m anded he r to go , saying . M akehaste and go th i ther, for there you wi l l f ind me and

    we sha ll walk toge the r in t o the tow n a s the su n sets.B u t wh o m d o I see t h e r e f r o m a d is ta n c e wa l k i n g ?I s not th is R igh teo us ne ss? LYhat sl-tall I d o n o w ?W h a t sha ll I ch oo se W h a t w ill h ap pe n t o m e W h a twill be fa ll m e ? Sha l l I go f o r w ard , o r sha ll I t u rn

    b a c k w a r d ? My hear t indeed makes my s teps r i seand run fas te r than the roe o f the woods , and a l soflyl ike an eagle . Y et the ru le of m y beh avior, the lawof the d iscipline of m odesty tu rn s back m y fee t , a n dconfu ses my spi r i t . A las , f o r the por tion I possess .Alas , for the lo t of suffer ing tha t has fa l len unto me.

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    Why do you condemn me to abhor him for whomI have only love and why also do you iorce me to

    love him whom I despise? Behold I go irom hereyet my heart does not. I turn back yet my soul doesnot turn the same way. Righteousness my belovedif your eyes would see how- this afflicted person isrunning after and clinging to you while her feet fleefrom your shadow; how she is longing after yourlikeness; how eager she is to lick the dust of yourfeet; Oh how deeply moved you would be over herpain how- you would pity her in her affliction. But Ishall go quickly irom here before he will see me. Ishall flee and run away lest evil may befall me. Fromthe beloved of my soul I run away unto the one mysoul abhors to the bitterness of death. From theparadise whereto my feet led me I flee to hell and tothe valley of the shadow of death. Yet in spite ofall this I do not cease to hope. My soul does notdespair nor does it become discouraged.

    S ENE

    Foolishness and Pride.

    Foolishness-IVhat is the matter madam; where

    have you been till now? I have not been able to findyou.

    Praise-But I was here.

    Foolishness-Behold I came as you told me to the

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    top of the hil l, an d went to the s pr ing , bu t I did notfind you.

    Praise-TVhat did m y fath er say to you an d w hatd id he command concern ing me?

    Foolishness-He com m ande d m e to ann oun ce toyou joyful news.

    Praise-I wish it sh ou ld be so.

    Fo olis hn ~s s-T ru ly, it is so indeed.

    Praise-So m ay it be fo re ve r. Cut tell me the in-formation you possess.

    Foolishnfss-1-ou may know that the day of yo ur

    w edding h as been set io r th e day of the new moon.Praise-And with w h o m 2

    Foolishncss-l.17ith whom? Do you not know whoyour br idegroom is? I s it not P r id e?

    Praise-But w hy do you not call him by his realname

    Foolishness-i i7ho does not know him al re ad y ? I sthere a m an bet ter know n in the town than he is ?

    P ra ise apar t>- I wish I did not know him. T oFoolishness)-But have you met a m an an d a w om anup there by the water spr ing?

    Foolishness-Behold, I have seen there a crowd ofmen al l astounded, but as to what had befal len themI did not inquire.

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    P R A I S E F O R R I G H T E O U S K E S S .

    Praise-Indeed, you ac ted ioo l i s l~ ly . Go, now ,qu ick ly, r un , an d come back be lo r e t he da y ends an dknow bvhat is the mat ter.

    Foolish?zcss-I w ill d o so.

    Pruise-Run qaickly and come back soon. M yhe ar t leaps w ithin m e. XIy soul is pro ph esy ing ne w sto m e, b ut I h av e not the capacity to und ers tand i t .RIy spi r i t moves between hope and fear l ike a bul rushto an d f ro . h ly God . I p r ay t hee , open io r me thega tes o i thy mercy. Le t a b roken hea r t find re li e f.I t s \vound pra y thee cu re , a n d cause i ts pa ins to beended. (Echo-to e e n d e d voice is thismy ea rs h e a r ? \\-11o responds to my w ord s , thoughnot called by m e ? Fool i shness , a r e you s i tt ing therein a h id ing ~ j l ace o mock m e ? Ar i se , come qu ick ly,b ec au se h e r e f o r y o u , b eh o ld . w a it I . ( E c h o ) K o t I

    I f you a re no t Foo li shness , \vho a re you , then , whomocks my impotence and l aughs there a t my t roub le?( E c h o ) B u b b l e

    011 vo ice unknown to me . I w i sh you were i n myplace , an d then I would see u - li e ther you w ould n owlaugh o r re jo ice. (E c h o ) Re jo i ce

    should re jo ice , bu t over whom should I r e jo ice ,tell m e ? Sh ould I r e jo ice ove r P r id e , o r sha l l Ipossess R igh teousn ess? (E ch oj Righteousness

    I V h a t d o I i a n c y n ow, w h a t d o I d r e a m n o w o r w h a td o I hea r. Sha l l I obtain Righ teousness w ho m theH eav en ly W i l l keeps back f r o m me. W h e r e a r e m yr e v e r i e s w a n d e r i n g n o w ? ( E c h o ) Yo u r s h e i s n o w

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    3 P R A I S E F O R R I G H T E O U S N E S S

    UTill Righteousness be mine? Oh , what maiden inthe world will be happier than I , if the voice o f my

    vision will prove true. (Echo) \Till prove trueNay it be the will of my God, for only His power,

    only His mighty hand can do this now. And fromthe nudst of the abyss of darkness H e will cause lightto shine forth fo r us, as the morning star. \\'ith muchpoiver H e 1x411 bring forth unto the light our justice.(E ch o ) So it is

    Foolisizncss-Sow, madam, I have come back, andI will tell you marvels that dismayed me as I heardthem. Pr ide and Deceit were walking slowly in thewood, when suddenly a swarm of animals appeared

    ( O h , my heart palpitates as I speak), bears, leopardsand lions a s innumerable as the sand of the sea. Theyall rose together to tear them as i i they were sheep.

    Praise-Did they tear them?

    Foolishness-Xo, for they were rescued.

    Pr ai se (asid)-I am exceedingly sorry. o Fool

    ishness-Rut how were they rescued?

    Foolishness-The hill opposite them shook; the val-ley quaked. and all of them ran off, and fled far away.Pride and Deceit then escaped from them, made haste,

    and returned to the city.

    Praise (soliloquizes)-Behold the beasts in thewoods became enraged now over the violence of the

    children of men, over the injustice o f their deeds. I t

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    A C T 111

    Multitude Prai sr Pr idc and othcr u r s t s at thedlorning IZTeddir2g F t ~ a s t ~ ~ s tr f o r ~ h r Cerel~iony.

    Jlultitude-Eat and drink my brethren ; make ycurhearts happy to-day my friends tjecaustt I ho~be hatwe shall yet meet again and rejoice on thc joyiuloccasions of the offspring of these my children

    Deceit-Multitude as you ha\-e made your close

    friends rejoice to-day so \?-hen you shall be a hundredyears old yet fresh joyous and full of all happinessyou shall make them rejoice again.

    Pride-My father do you not see ho\3. suddenly thesky has darkened. Behold this terrible dark cloud

    standing opposite us as if it were spearding angeriand pouring forth wrath. Look I pray you at thisbelt red as blood that the sky has girded itself with.

    Afultitude-Yes indeed I also see this and I havenot ceased to wrorq- that to-day the day of our joysuch a thing as this should happen.

    Deceit-1fThy are you so disheartened Illulti tude?Are you not ashamed? W h y are you so esceedinglyaf ra id of a small cloud that you behold and of a lightthat is coming. Get up arise and leave these fears


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    alone now. Let me now drink of this glass in yourhono r. an d annou nce a toast tha t al l happiness be

    thine , and you, too, ar ise and drink wi th me and behappy forever.

    M ultitude-\\'hat is this. my s o n ? la y the All-Merciful save us . Oh what a s torm is coming upf rom the sou th .

    Pride-My he art trembles w ithinme from the roar-ing thunder.

    Praist--Oh, fa th er , look ho w this fire comes onearth .

    Pride-Look a t the w al l; beh old, i t is just ab out tofall.

    Guests-From heaven's heigh ts they ar e w arr ingagainst us,

    hlulti tude-Such a sto rm . I ha d nev er yet seen.

    Pride-I am pan ic stricken.

    Guests-011, w h e re sh ou ld we flee W h e r eDeceit-Why are you a f r a i d ? WThp are yo u so

    terr i f ied? \Tha t is th is ? I s it not merely a naturaloccurrence ( o r phenomenon) tha t has o ccurred ofyore, an d will occ ur again in every gen erat ion f orev er.When from the bowels of the ear th a mist goes up,absorbing sulphur, vapor, n i t re , i t bums l ike a f lam-ing fire. T h e l ightning flashes l ike a n ar ro w , i tthunders and cr ies . A flood and an explosion are

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    spread from it. \\-hen the wind is shut in betweenthe narrow passes and enclosed i rom beneath it strug-

    gles with its mighty power. Behold it shakes theworld. and scares i t Later i t bursts forth and comesout from it like a lion and makes the world desolate.\\.lien nature \vill become normal we shall again be

    con~ l~osed nd just as before we shall continue our joy.11-e shall dr in k our \vine with a happy heart. 11-e shall

    eat our bread jo?-fully. Let the mountaineer on thefield be airaid . Let those who walk in the way beterrified because they have no shelter. Bu t here underthe protection of the roof of a tower and castle why

    are you af ra id you faint-hearted ones. Be ashamedall of you rabbits of the rock.

    Multitude-Indeed my heart shakes my spirit istroubled. I am afraid. VThether this is fea r o r faint-heartedness I do not know. But the fact remainsthat I a m afraid.

    Deceit-Multitude you are surely fit to be a general

    of an army with no one to equal you. When you seethe glittering sword or when you hear a horse braybehold you will leave the camp forsaken. Beholdyou will hide yourself and you will conceal yourselfeither in a pit o r under the belly of you r cavalry-horse.

    illultitudc-Deceit there must be something thematter that the heavenly powers have set this dayagainst us. I do not know for what reason.

    Deceit-Stop fo r a short while stop I pray thee

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    PR ISE F O R R I G H T E O U S N E S S 37

    Multitude. Cease, because there is nothing the matter.Compose yourseli.

    Multitude-I cannot compose myself. The pangsof my heart are not lessened, because instead of beingassuaged, the storm prevails.

    Deceit-Behold, thousands of false notions likethese spread among men and turn their heads to believein them as in genuine prophesies. They originate in

    this way. An occurrence or an accident may befa11 aman as he leaves or enters his house, and people willrender a decision that the one occurred on accounto i the other, and they will connect things that ar edisconnected, and make one the origin of what is notits product. If a storm rose to-day which we so fre-quently w~tness , nd you happen to be rejoicing at ajoyous marriage ceremony, therefore you would imag-ine that the skies sto rm against this marriage. Ha dyou asked me, I would have said , Behold, I noticedthat this rainstorm began to rage just as your handput down the glass, because you did not want to drinkmore, as you said your head was feverish. Will yousay that therefore there is wrath against you becauseyou refused to drink and you sinned against the ex-cellency of the vine? Consider this intelligently, Mul-titude. pray you, consider it, why should you follownonsense. The rule and the laws of heaven and earthwork together according to their charge. Sowing andreaping ; cold and heat summer and winter ; night andalso day both light an d darkness dew and rain hail

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    and snow; hoar frost and ice; clouds, lightnings and

    thunders, disappearing and reappearing, they rotate

    upon the wheels of nature, each in its season, whet] +it is long or short, as it chances to be. Only the child-ish heart fears them, or the senseless, the ignorant,and the fools, for these even in their old age are stillchildish.

    dfzrltitzide-I wil not hearken to you, Deceit, con-cerning this matter. Xo o

    Deceit-I know. Llulti tude ; I know ; for I alreadyhave observed this many a time. An old notion, even

    if a false one, rules the heart of men tyran~lically.

    Servan t-Vaster, the middle pillar broke down

    n Old Illun-II-hat shall we espect now, whatshall we hope o r wait f o r ? Kea r death and burial westill do not fear death. Th is is a finger of God ; youshould understand, and take heed. Do not harden yourheart, do not walk contrariwise lest you fall into evil,

    and not be able to rise against it. Surely this is abad, painful, and stubborn disease which brings downman>- of the people of the earth into the grave. Dailythey a re crushed, and suffer pains on account of thei r

    many sins. Thei r strength is spent for no purpose.The locust and the cankerworm eat the fruit of theirtrees. Thei r wealth vanishes like a dream of the night,and. behold, it is no more. Thei r honor flys awayin a moment like a bird, and yet they do not learn to

    fear (you) ; they do not receive instruction. All that

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    occurs and befalls them they explain by their science,that questionable science of theirs, in order not tobreak their hearts nor to humble their spirits, andthe people walk wildly and do not return to the Onewho smites them. Therefor e, there is no end to theirchastisement. Disaster upon disaster. misfortune uponmisfortune. ,reach upon breach entwines itself andcomes up around their necks and yet they do not knowtheir significance. They do not receive any light.

    . l /~tl t i t~tdr-Eut what am I guilt\- of to-day, bro ther.and what have I do ne ? Tell me. please, my trans-gression and my sin that I might depart from them

    h e ld .2/an-bIy heart tells me and I almost re-collect it, that at the time when the hosts of Confusion.

    ma\- they perish forever, looted this royal, joyful cityI,ehold, they captured and carried off both the son ofT ru th , and the son of his female slave. IVhen Tr u th ,who w a s anxious about this matter. saw this, he hur-ried a nd \vent up to the gates, prostrated himself oppo-site the footstool o i our K i ~ g ustice. and said. M yKing live forever. Behold my eyes see into the futur eand far distant time, and I fear greatly that after acertain period \viH pass by. years will come when my

    son w-ill be confused fo r my slave. Th eref or e, beforethe throne of your glorious power I wish to point outa testimonial and positive means oi identification, by\vl~ich e may be known even after a long time. so thathe will then be easily recognized.

    Let us go now to examine and investigate the matter.

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    F oo lish ttes s g o es it1 seavc h of ReasolzFoolis lzncss t o h i l l ~ s e l j) - I f a w i n d h as n o t c a r r i ed

    h i m off o r a clou d h a s n ot s\vallo\ve d hi111I shall f indhim a t l as t . Lkh old , tlle fu r t h e r an ob jec t is a \vayf r o m u s , t h e m o r e w e l on g f o r i t . S u r e l y,1 see some-o ne \valking t i lere in the val ley. If I am no? mis -t ak en 111s fac e is l ike tha t o i R ea so n. T h a t s r ig ht ,I hav e no t been mis ta lcen . H e m ee t s Re ason andR igh teo us ne ss . ) R ea so n. \\-ill you not te ll m e \v llerey o u h i d y o u r se lf t o - d ay, f o r I t i r ed a horse seek ingyo u , bu t yet I d id no t f ind you . 1 \vent u ~ he hi l ls ,I ca m e d o ~ v no th e p lain an d va lleys , and even a longth e wel ls a nd s t rea m s, ye t I d id no t find )-ou and Iwould hav e d r e a d \ - desp a i r ed of it an d \\-ould haveceased t o s eek , h ad I not no \\- tho ug ht tha t I s a w y o u rim a g e f r o m a f a r.

    Reason- \ \That is i t a n d \vhy i s i t . Fool i shness . tha ty o u s eek m e ? \ \- h a t h av e y o u t o d o wit11 u s ?

    F o o l is h n ~ * ss -I h a v e n e w s o i a d r e a d i u i a n d m a r -velous o m en , of a t h i n g t h a t t h e ea r s o i ev er y o n e t h a thears i t shal l t ingle. 1 w ou ld no t t in\-e t )el ieved i th a d I not seen i t .

    Reason-\:-hat ha pp en ed sp ea k tell us.

    Foolishness IIy hear t paIpi ta tes . Iny mind is s t i l la b la n k , R e a s o n , a n d I d o not kno\v \v l le t l~ ermy eyessaw7 it o r I h av e d r eam t i t .

    Reaso n-Bu t sa y , tell u s \vllat h a s 11a1q)ened.

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  • 8/10/2019 Praise for Righteousness - Ramchal



    for he will cause salvation to sprout forth for usto-day.

    Righteousness-May it be the will of my God to doas you say. But I cannot understand what it is thathappened so suddenly among them, that all theirschemes were so overthrown.

    Reason-Righteousness, are you so stupid not to

    know tha t all the counsels and the wisdom of all men,behold they ar e like th e clay in the hands of the potter-in the hands of our Maker. For a moment theirGod speaks, and overthrows forever. They pass likea shadow, and are already forgotten. Her e one findstime to tell the tale. I t is vain, you know, Oh , men,

    to rejoice over the merriment or' the sounds of thedrum. I t is vain to wail bitterly on every occasion ofmourning. if one's heart (rea lly ) understands , or i

    one is wise enough to realize that whether it be hisgrief or his joy, his courage or his fear, both the oneand the other are together vanity, is mishaps and

    accidents, behold, they are for one moment but neverfo r the next.

    Multitude, Pride, the Old Man, and the other WeddingGuests before Justice, their King

    hlultitude-Thou. strength of the nation, protectthe people thou feedest. Oh . thou , ou r glorious praise,

  • 8/10/2019 Praise for Righteousness - Ramchal



    m ay the C rea to r of heaven e stab lis h thy K ingdomi o r e v e r a n d e v e r a n d t o a ll e t e r n i t y B e h o ld , G o d

    f rom on h igh r a i s ed thee to be o u r s h e p h e r d . t ou-a tch , to l ead , to j ud g e a n d t o s a v e . a n d u n d e r t h yp ro tec t ion we s a f e ly r e st in peace . N ow , a s w e a r ein dis t ress , we come to thee that thou shal t afforcre l i e f to thy f lock and the scep t re o f thy Kingdoms ha l l comfo r t u s .

    Jus tice-3Iy ch i ldre n , m y soul seeks yo u r sa lva t io?a n d I a n x i o u s l y l on g i o r y o u r p ea ce . B u t w h a t t ro u b le sv o u n o w

    I ~ t l t ~ t u d e - h l y K i n g . w h a t h ap pe ne d t o m e iss t r a ng e th ing tha t a s ton i shes eve rybody. I h a v e e n -