Practical CLT

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  • 8/13/2019 Practical CLT



    1.1. Background and rationale

    The use of English has been gradually increasing in Vietnam. Also, it has a stable ground in

    the Vietnamese education system. English is introduced to the educational curriculum from

    primary education (optional) to tertiary education (compulsory). Like many other universities,

    teachers and students at V! "ere affected by the traditional philosophy of teaching and

    learning. They "ere sub#ect to many influences of !onfucianism as "ell as by $rench and

    %oviet education that focused on academic study of grammar and in&depth kno"ledge of

    literary te'ts. As a result, many students lack the ability to communicate in oral English after

    graduation from the university. This fact gives rise to the need of a more effective method that

    creates opportunities for the learners, the sub#ect and the centre of the teaching and learning

    process to bring full play their intelligence and creativeness.

    ver the past fe" years, the application of the !ommunicative Language Teaching method

    has been "idely adopted. This marked the beginning of a ma#or change in the language

    teaching and learning at V!. And students speaking skill as "ell as communicative ability

    has been improved remarkably.

    V! $aculty of English has been ne"ly established for t"o years. Almost all of the teachers "ere

    trained about !LT approach at the niversity and they fully understood the important role of

    speaking ability among students. Therefore, they made all their effort to apply many kinds of

    activities in speaking lesson to encourage students to engage in speaking activities in classroom.

    As a teacher of the $aculty of English at Vietnam niversity of !ommerce, from her o"n

    observations and e'perience, the present researcher has noticed that there are many speaking

    activities in the speaking lesson of *st+ year students, but group "ork + key features of learner

    + centered orientation + have received more emphasis. The researcher as "ell as other teachers

    at the niversity "as "ell a"are of the importance of using group "ork to energie the

    speaking lesson of the first&year students. -evertheless, both teachers and students have faced

    a lot of challenges in implementing and managing group "ork during speaking lessons. $or


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    instance, the organiation of group "ork is noisy, teachers sometimes lose control of the class

    or students tend to s"itch to use their mother tongue "hen not under the teachers eyes and so

    on. oreover, the teachers procedure in organiing group "ork in speaking lesson "as notvery effective.

    The above mentioned situation has urged the researcher to conduct a study to investigate

    teachers group "ork organiation procedure, teachers strategies to foster students English

    use and teachers and students difficulties / implementing group "ork, the researcher of this

    study has decided to carry out a research into How group work is used in speaking lesson of

    the 1st-year major students of English at Vietnam University of Commerce!This study is

    intended to make a modest contribution to an increased understanding of using group "ork inthe speaking lesson at V!.

    1.2. Ai! o" t#e !tud$

    The purpose of this study is to e'plore the reality of the use of group "ork in the speaking

    lesson of *st& year English ma#or students of English at V! "here the researcher is serving.

    ore specifically, this study attempts to clarify the procedures of organiing group "ork

    activity in the speaking lesson of *st&year ma#or students and to identify strategies used by

    teachers to stimulate students use of English in group "ork and the factors bringing about

    difficulties for the teachers and students in their application of group "ork. Another aim is to

    find out teachers solutions to the difficulties. ne additional aim is to compare teachers

    practice "ith students e'pectation. 0asing on the findings, the research further seeks to

    suggest practical recommendations for the possibility of group "ork in the speaking lesson of

    *st&year ma#or students at V!.

    1.%. T#e re!earc# &ue!tion!

    1n order to achieve the set goals, the research seeks to ans"er the follo"ing research


    1! "hat procedures do teachers follow in organi#ing group work during speaking lessons

    for the 1styear major students at University of Commerce$


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    %! "hat strategies do teachers use to stimulate and foster English language use &y the 1st

    year major students at University of Commerce in group work$

    '! "hat hinders teachers at (aculty of English of the University of Commerce inimplementing group work$

    )! "hat hinders the 1st-year major students at University of Commerce in participating in

    group work$

    1.'. (co)e o" t#e !tud$

    Though group "ork is applied in any of the four macro&skills, the present researcher has

    chosen to focus on speaking skill for the fact that mastering speaking is so central to language

    learning that "hen "e refer to speaking a language, "e often mean kno"ing a language(4arimmkhanlui, 5667). Among four language skills, namely listening, speaking, reading and

    "riting, group "ork is used the most fre2uently in the speaking lesson. Therefore, this

    research tends to investigate the use of group "ork activity in the speaking lesson. Also, due to

    the time constraints, this study only involves a small number of V! teachers and English&

    ma#or students in their first academic year.

    1.*. Bene"it! o" t#e re!earc#

    The research is hoped to be valuable to both teachers and students of $aculty of English at

    V!. $irstly, this study has been able to contribute to teachers kno"ledge of !LT approach

    in general and group "ork activity in particular. %econdly, from the findings of this study,

    teachers of English at V! can be provided "ith important kno"ledge and information "hich

    may be very valuable for their future lesson planning. ltimately, the teachers transformation

    in group "ork implementation "ill be beneficial to the students.

    1.+. Organi,ation o" t#e !tud$

    There are five chapters to the thesis. !hapter ne presents some background to the research

    2uestions pursued in the study. 1n chapter T"o, the literature on !ommunicative language

    teaching approach, the relation bet"een !LT and teaching speaking and group "ork in


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    teaching speaking are revie"ed. !hapter Three describes the methodology used in the research

    study. The findings of the procedures in organiing group "ork, strategies to foster and

    stimulate English language use in group "ork, difficulties teachers e'perienced "henimplementing group "ork and difficulties students e'perienced "hen "orking in group

    suggested by the participants of the study are reported and discussed in chapter $our. Then,

    !hapter $ive voices some suggestions for improving effectiveness of group "ork in speaking

    lesson and proposes areas for further research in the future. $inally, chapter %i' discusses

    conclusions that can be dra"n from the study.


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    This study investigates the process of group "ork implementation in speaking lesson. 1t aimsat finding out ho" group "ork is organied in speaking lesson of *st year students at

    niversity of !ommerce. 1t also aims to find out the strategies that teachers use to motivate

    and foster students use of English in group "ork. The study also aims to find out the

    difficulties that teachers and students encounter "hile implementing group "ork. This chapter

    revie"s the literature on some concepts, characteristics as "ell as teachers roles in

    communicative language teaching. 1n addition, the relation bet"een !LT and teaching

    speaking skill is also addressed in this chapter. And definitions, benefits of group "ork, and

    the implementation of group "ork in speaking lesson are mentioned at the end of the chapter.

    2.1. Counicati0e -anguage Teac#ing C-T

    2.1.1. (oe conce)t! o" C-T

    The arrival of !ommunicative Language Teaching "as in the late *876s and its origins "ere

    found in the changes in the 0ritish language teaching tradition. !ommunicative Language

    Teaching (!LT) marks the beginning of a ma#or innovation "ithin language teaching for its

    "idely accepted principles. !LT is no" regarded as an approach "hich aims to makecommunicative competence the goal of language teaching and to develop procedures for the

    teaching of four language skills that ackno"ledge the interdependence of language and

    communication (9ymes, *8:5).

    9ymess theory of communicative competence "as a definition of "hat a speaker needs to

    kno" in order to be communicatively competent in a speech community. 1n 9ymess vie", a

    person "ho ac2uires communicative competence ac2uires both kno"ledge and ability for

    language use "ith respect to3

    & "hether (and to "hat degree) something is formally possible

    & "hether (and to "hat degree) something is feasible in virtue of the means of

    implementation available


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    & "hether (and to "hat degree) something is appropriate (ade2uate, happy,

    successful) in relation to a conte't in "hich it is used and evaluated

    & "hether (and to "hat degree) something is in fact done, actually performed, and"hat its doing entails

    According to ;ichards and ;odgers (*8

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    & Efforts to make tasks and language relevant to a target group of learners through an

    analysis of genuine, realistic situations

    & The use of authentic, from&life materials

    & The use of group activities

    & The attempt to create a secure, non&threatening atmosphere

    !ommunication competence is the goal of !LT, therefore a focus on communicative function

    may be considered to be the most typical characteristics of !LT.

    2.2. Teac#ing !)eaking !kill in C-T

    2.2.1. Teac#ing !)eaking !kill.

    %peaking skill plays a significant role in teaching and learning a foreign language. 1t not only

    helps students kno" ho" to read, to "rite and to listen but also kno" ho" to communicate

    "ith English speaking people. 1t is undeniable that the speaking ability is a good source of

    motivation for most students. any students e2uate being able to speak a language to kno"ing

    the language. Therefore, they vie" learning the language as learning ho" to speak the

    language. According to -unan (*88*), success is measured in terms of the ability to carry out

    a conversation in the target language.

    Additionally, in the speaking class, if the right activities are taught in the right "ay, speaking

    can be a lot of fun, raising general learner motivation and making the English language

    classroom a nice and dynamic place to be.

    2.2.2. T$)e! o" cla!!roo !)eaking )er"orance

    0ro"n (*88?35:*&5:?) proposes si' categories applied to the kinds of oral production that

    students are e'pected to carry out in the classroom3

    & Imitative: takes a very limited portion of classroom speaking time "hen learners are

    practicing an intonation contour or trying to pinpoint a certain vo"el sound, etc.


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    &Intensive:includes any speaking performance that is designed to practice some phonological

    or grammatical aspect of language.

    & Responsive:is short replies to teachers or student initiated 2uestions or comments. These

    replies are usually sufficient and do not e'tend into dialogues.

    & Transactional (dialogue):is carried out for the purpose of conveying or e'changing specific

    information. !onversations, for instance, may have more of a negotiative nature to them than

    merely responsive speech. %uch conversations could readily be part of group "ork activity.

    & Interpersonal (dialogue): carries out more for the purpose of maintaining social

    relationships than for the transmission of facts and information. These conversations are alittle trickier for learners because they can involve some or all the follo"ing factors3 a casual

    register, collo2uial language, emotionally changed language, and slang, etc.

    & Extensive (monologue):students at intermediate or advanced levels are called on to give

    e'tended monologues in the form of oral reports, summaries, or perhaps short speeches. 9ere

    the register is more formal and deliberative.

    These above si' categories of 0ro"n are highly valuable in offering a guide in "orking out the

    types of classroom speaking performance. The teachers should consider these points "hen

    teaching speaking skill.

    2.2.%. ()eaking acti0itie!

    any researchers discuss classroom activities and a lot of activities are designed based on the

    theory and characteristics of !LT.

    ;ichards and ;odgers (*8

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    to focus on completing tasks that are mediated through language or involve negotiation of

    information and information sharing.

    $rom the theory on speaking activities above, teachers should kno" ho" to adopt appropriate

    speaking activities "hich can help learners develop speaking skill. roup "ork is one of the

    main "ays that the teacher can help students practice "hat they have learnt, find "ays to

    achieve communicative ob#ectives.

    2.%. 3rou) 4ork in !)eaking le!!on

    2.%.1. De"inition o" grou) 4ork

    There are some definitions discussing about group "ork3

    Boff (*8

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    different opinions. They feel more e2ual to participate in group "ork and free to e'periment

    and use the language. (0ro"n,566*).

    According to 0ro"n (566*), there are four typical benefits of group "ork3 Group wor generates interactive language

    The teacher talk is really dominant for a long time in so&called traditional language classes.

    The teacher lecture, e'plain grammar points, conducts drills and spend a little time for "hole&

    class discussions in "hich each student might have a fe" seconds of class period to talk. Dith

    traditional methods, the teacher tends to be the only person "ho initiates language in an

    artificial setting and the "hole&class becomes a =group interlocutor>. Thanks to group "ork,students opportunities for language practice as "ell as interaction are increased. 1n other

    "ords, students have more chances to speak English in the classroom. Group wor o!!ers a positive a!!ective climate

    The second important benefit offered by group "ork is to make learners feel secure "hen

    speaking on public. 1t is a nightmare for many students, especially the shy ones "hen being

    called to speak in front of the class and the teacher. Their mind becomes completely empty

    and even they cannot say a "ord. -evertheless, a small group of peers provides a relatively

    intimate setting and a more supportive environment in "hich they "ill find it much easier to

    share their points of vie" in a natural "ay. Group wor promotes learners" responsi#ilit$ and autonom$

    The "hole&class activities often give students a lot of time to rela' even in a small class of

    fifteen to t"enty students. 0ut "hen they participate in group "ork "hich places responsibility

    for action and progress upon each of the members of the group e2ually, it is difficult for them

    to =hide> in a small group. 1n addition, group "ork allo"s students to make their o"n

    decisions in the group "ithout being told "hat to do by the teacher.


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    2.3.2.%. Group wor is a step toward individuali&ing instruction

    Each student in a classroom has different language needs and ability. Therefore, the teachers

    have some difficulties in managing the class "ith students at different levels of language. 0ut

    small groups can help students "ith varying abilities to accomplish individual goals. 1n

    addition to variability in specific language abilities, another kind of individual difference

    among students are their age, se', attitude, motivation, aptitude, personality, interests and

    language learning e'perience "hich can also be solved by group "ork. Dhen organiing the

    class, the teacher can recognie and capitalie upon these differences by careful selection of

    small groups and by administering different tasks to different groups.

    2.%.%. T#e i)leentation o" grou) 4ork in t#e cla!!roo

    According to 0ro"n (566*), if group "ork is not carefully planned, "ell e'ecuted, monitored

    thoroughly and follo"ed up on in some "ays, it can go "rong. The follo"ing are practical

    steps suggested by him to take to carry out successful group "ork in the classroom.

    2.%.%.1. T#e !election o" a))ro)riate grou) tec#ni&ue!

    The first step in promoting successful group "ork is to select an appropriate task. Typical

    group tasks are defined and briefly characteried by 0ro"n (566*) as follo"s3 Game.

    A game could be any activities that formalie a techni2ue into units that can be score in some

    "ay. uessing games are common language classroom activities. $or e'ample, t"enty

    2uestions are easy adapted to a small group. ne member secretly decides that he or she is

    some famous person the rest of the group has to find out "ho, "ithin t"enty yesF no

    2uestions, "ith each member of the group taking turns asking 2uestions. The person "ho is

    =it> rotates around the group and points are scored.


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    12/42 Role'pla$ and simulations

    Role'pla$minimally involves giving a role to one or more members of a group and assigning

    an ob#ective or purpose that participants must accomplish. A group role&play might involve a

    discussion of a political issue, "ith each person assigned to represent a particular political

    point of vie".

    imulations usually involve a more comple' structure and often larger groups (of t"o or

    t"enty) "here the entire group is "orking through an imaginary situation as a social unit, the

    ob#ect of "hich is to solve some specific problem. rama

    Brama is a more formalied form of role&play and simulation, "ith a pre&planned story line

    and script. %ometimes small groups may prepare their o"n short dramatiation of some event,

    "riting the script and rehearsing the scene as a group. 0ut they are time consuming and rarely

    can form part of a typical school curriculum. *ro+ects

    ainly for young learners "ho can greatly benefit from hands&on approaches to language,

    certain pro#ects can be re"arding indeed. $or e'ample, the teacher choose a topic on

    environment, various small groups could each be doing different things3 roup A creates an

    environmental bulletin board for the rest of the school group 0 develops fact sheets group !

    make a three dimensional display group B puts out a ne"sletter for the rest of the school

    group E develop a skit, and so on.,. Interview

    A popular activity for pair "ork, but also suitable for group "ork, intervie"s are useful at all

    level of proficiency.


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    13/42 rainstorming

    0rainstorming is often put to e'cellent use in preparing students to discuss a comple' issue. 1t

    is a techni2ue "hose purpose is to initiate some sort of thinking process. 0rainstorming

    involves students in a rapid&fire, free&association listing of concepts or ideas or facts or

    feelings relevant to some topic or conte't. In!ormation gap

    This techni2ue is one of the easiest and most interesting forms of communicative activity in

    the speaking lesson. 1nformation&gap activities include a tremendous variety of techni2ues in

    "hich the ob#ectives is to convey or to re2uest information. The t"o main characteristics ofinformation&gap techni2ues are their primary attention to information and not to language

    forms and the necessity of communicative interaction in order to reach the ob#ective. The

    information that students must seek can range from very simple to comple'. *ro#lem solving and decision maing

    Groblem&solving is also popular in speaking lesson of ma#or students. Groblem& solving group

    techni2ues focus on the groups solution of a specified problem. The problem might be

    relatively simple (such as giving directions on a map), moderately comple' (such as "orking

    out an itinerary from train, plane, and bus schedules), or 2uite comple' (such as solving a

    mystery in a =crime story> or dealing "ith a political or moral dilemma).

    Becision&making techni2ues are simply one kind of problem&solving "here the ultimate goal

    is for students to make a decision. pinion excange

    pinion e'change is a difficult techni2ue for students to deal "ith at the beginning levels of

    proficiency, but by the intermediate level, certain techni2ues can effectively include the

    e'change of various opinions. %ometimes, opinions are appropriate sometimes they are not.


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    1n opinion e'changes, the teacher must assure all students in the class that, "hile there may be

    disagreement on issues, all opinions are to be valued, not scorned, and respected, not ridiculed.

    2.%.%.2. 3rou) 4ork )lanning

    There are some reasons for the breakdo"n of group "ork, but the most salient one is an

    inade2uate introduction and lead&in to the task. According to 0ro"n (566*), after "e have

    selected an appropriate type of activity, our group "ork planning should include the follo"ing

    seven rules for implementing a group techni2ue3 Introducing te tecni4ue

    According to 0ro"n (566*), the introduction of the techni2ue may simply be a brief

    e'planation but it can decide the success of group "orks results. The introduction should

    al"ays include a statement of the ultimate purpose so that students can apply all other

    directions to that ob#ective. 5usti!$ing te use o! small groups !or te tecni4ue.

    As "e said before, many students are reluctant to participate in group "ork, they do not

    understand "hy group "ork is used for this task. Therefore, in cases of necessity, the teacher

    should tell them e'plicitly "hy the small group is important for accomplishing the task. At the

    same time, the teacher should remind them that they "ill get an opportunity to practice certain

    language forms or functions, and that if they are not "illing to speak up in front of the "hole

    class, no" it is their chance to do so in the security of a small group. 6odeling te tecni4ue

    1t may not necessary to model simple techni2ues or the techni2ues that students have done

    before. 0ut for a ne" and comple' task, it is very useful to make sure students kno" "hat they

    are supposed to do.


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    15/42 Giving explicit detailed instructions

    Dhen students have understood the purpose of the task and ho" their discussion might

    proceed, teacher should give them specific instructions on "hat they are to do. They include3 a

    restatement of the purpose, rules they are to follo", a time frame (time needed to complete the

    task), assignment of roles to students (if necessary).,. ividing te class into groups

    There are many "ays to divide the class into groups. 1f "e "ant to ensure participation and

    control, "e can pre&assign groups in order to account for one or t"o of the follo"ing3

    proficiency levels age or gender differences personality types cognitive preferencesinterests prior learning e'perience target language goals. 7ecing !or clari!ication

    0efore students start moving into their groups, the teacher should check "hether students all

    understand their assignment by asking some of them to restate the purpose of this activity.

    2.%.%.% T#e teac#er5! role in grou) 4ork

    After completing the first t"o steps, the teacher plays the role of facilitator and resource. The

    teacher should be "illing to be a helper or a guide "ho al"ays lets students kno" she "ill be

    available for help and can make some suggestions to keep them on task. Dhen the time for

    group discussion is going to be over, it is very important to circulate even the teacher has

    nothing to say to a group, the teacher can listen to students and get a sense of the groups

    progress and of individuals language production. (0ro"n, 566*)

    According to 0ro"n (566*), the teacher should not do the follo"ing3

    & Bont sit at your desk and grade papers

    & Bont leave the room and take a break

    & Bont spend an undue amount of time "ith one group at the e'pense of others

    & Bont correct students errors unless asked to do so


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    & Bont assume a dominating or disruptive role "hile monitoring groups

    2.%.%.'. De6rie"ing

    Bebriefing is the "ay that the teacher and students sit together to give comments on the task

    they have done. 1t is an e'cellent time to encourage some "hole&class feedback "hich

    provides motivation for further group "ork and is useful for the teachers ne't group "ork


    1n conclusion, group "ork is one of the techni2ues that is no" popularly applied to language

    teaching and learning, especially, to speaking skill learning for its many advantages. Het, the

    teacher also need to a"are of some dra"backs that may arise in the process. bviously, the

    success of group "ork activity depends much on ho" "ell tasks are designed and ho" "ell

    the teacher prepares students for the tasks. Therefore, it is essentially prepare "hat students

    need. Buring the application of group "ork in speaking lesson, the teacher should "ork as an

    organier, controller, as "ell as participant to help students learn better.

    2.'. Pre0iou! re!earc# into grou) 4ork

    2.'.1. A )roduct a))roac#

    The use of group "ork in speaking lesson is not a totally ne" area to researchers. The

    effectiveness of group "ork in language teaching and learning "as investigated by some post&

    graduate students at 9anoi -ational niversity and other researchers.

    A number of studies have found that group "ork helps develop students speaking ability and

    increase the effectiveness of a speaking lesson. 9uong (5667) found that "hen applying group

    "ork activities in speaking lesson, ma#ority of the students are interested in discussion.

    Through group "ork, students have opportunities to help each other as "ell as e'change

    e'perience to find a good "ay to improve on their o"n communication problems. 0ac (566@)

    reports that the use of group "ork had good effect on students participation, for instance,

    student&initiated interactions increased and contributions by students "ho "ere shy increased.

    Bonough (566?) also reports clear positive effects that small group activities had on


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    improvement of production of the target forms. Long, Adams, cLean, and !astanos (*8:7

    cited in Long and Gorter, *8

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    instructions), monitoring (listening to the pairsF groups during the activity and guiding F giving

    supportF making notes) and "inding do"n (bring the activity to a close and providing


    9uong (5667) also took process of implementing pairs and group "ork in English speaking

    lesson into account. The results did sho" that the success of communicative pairs and group

    "ork activities is often determined by the "ork the teacher does before the students begins the

    activities itself. ;ob Datkins (566@) suggested that the effectiveness of group "ork depends

    on the types of motivation the teacher use in the class and the "ay they design group "ork


    These studies have touched upon a domain "hich has been much concerned lately3 the

    implementation process of group "ork. 9o"ever, these studies have focused on the process of

    group "ork implementation in speaking lesson of non&ma#or English students. A research into

    this area for English ma#ors is necessary in order to find out a better description and provide a

    deep understanding of group "ork implementation process in different teaching and learning


    2.'.%. (uar$

    1n summary, all of the studies mentioned above only considered the use of group "ork in

    language teaching of English non&ma#or students. Additionally, the current body of research

    mainly focuses on the product of group "ork implementation. Therefore, the researcher "ants

    to investigate the use of group "ork in teaching speaking of English ma#or students "ith a

    focus on the process of group "ork organiation in hope of finding information "hich is

    necessary for teachers and students to improve their practice.

    2.'.'. Re!earc# &ue!tion!

    The present study is inspired by !LT theory and past research paradigm on group "ork use in

    speaking lesson. 1t aims to e'amine the procedures in organiing group "ork and shed the

    light on the areas that previous researches has not considered ade2uately. 1t also aims to find


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    out any strategies that teachers use to encourage students to increase the English language use

    "hen carrying out a speaking task in groups. And difficulties that both teachers and students

    face in implementing group "ork "ere also addressed in this study. %pecifically, the studyaims to ans"er the follo"ing research 2uestions3

    *. Dhat procedures do teachers follo" in organiing group "ork during speaking lessons

    for the *styear students at niversity of !ommerceI

    5. Dhat strategies do teachers use to stimulate and foster English language use by the *st

    year students at niversity of !ommerce in group "orkI

    C. Dhat hinders teachers at $aculty of English of the niversity of !ommerce in

    implementing group "orkI?. Dhat hinders the *styear students at niversity of !ommerce in conducting group



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    This chapter gives a thorough description of ho" the research "as carried out. The first part isthe description of the research conte't. The second part looks at the sample and sampling

    procedure. The ne't part concerns the research methods used in the study. ;esearch materials

    are addressed in the forth part. The data collection procedure is follo"ed and the data analysis

    is in the last part. The details are going to be presented as follo"s.

    %.1. Re!earc# conte9t

    The study "as conducted at Vietnam niversity of !ommerce. The $aculty of English at

    niversity of !ommerce "as ne"ly established t"o years ago "ith more than ?@6 English

    ma#or students. 1n the past, it "as called the English Bivision "hich trained only English non&

    ma#or students for other faculties of the niversity. There are no" t"o main streams at V!3

    English non&ma#or classes and English ma#or classes. All students of the former are re2uired

    to complete si' semesters of English as part of their general education re2uirements. 1n the

    first three semesters, students finish the eneral English program, "hich accounts for :

    credits. The remaining semesters are reserved for the E%G program "ith a total number of 7

    credits. They follo" a curriculum "hich focuses mainly on developing reading and "riting

    skills. The students of English ma#or classes use a curriculum "hich lays great emphasis on

    four skills including listening, speaking, reading and "riting and other sub#ects related to

    English theoretical linguistics. The total time allocation and the training curriculum for these

    t"o streams are obviously different.

    The current teaching material for speaking skill in 7 classes of the first&year English ma#or

    students is =%peaking 1> collected by the t"o teachers "ho deliver speaking lessons and it is

    covered "ithin one semester "ith C credits. There are about @6 students in each class of "hich

    :@J comes from the countryside. 9o"ever, their English speaking ability is 2uite good and



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    %.2. (a)le and !a)ling )rocedure

    At the moment, the number of teachers "ho teach English speaking skill for the first&year

    students is 7. The number of the first&year English ma#or students is estimated at more than

    C66. They come from various parts of the country. Their levels of English proficiency differ,

    ranging from pre&intermediate, intermediate to advanced level. otivation in these classes is

    generally high, most of the students have a strong sense of deriving or clear purposes for

    studying English since it is their main and specialied sub#ect "hich helps much in their future

    #ob. -evertheless, the results of a recent study carried out by the present researcher sho" the

    English ma#or students have a lot of difficulties in learning the four language skills, of "hich

    speaking seems to be the most difficult. 9ence, it is very important that the staff at the $aculty

    of English of V! find out effective "ays and strategies to help these students overcome all

    of their difficulties in speaking classes.

    $ive female teachers and one male teacher of the Linguistic Gractice Bivision of the $aculty

    of English at V! "ere selected to take part in the study. They "ere selected as a convenient

    sample. The teacher participants age ranged from 5C to C< years old. T"o teachers have more

    than five years e'perience in teaching and the other four have teaching e'perience ranging

    from * to @ years. Three teachers are post&graduates, one is pursuing the post&graduate degree

    and t"o are graduates. All of the teachers have e'perience "ith group "ork activity "hen they

    "ere students. The group of sub#ects for the student 2uestionnaire included

  • 8/13/2019 Practical CLT


    randomly from the 2uestionnaire sample as intervie"ees to gain information about their

    e'pected procedure in organiing group "ork as "ell as their difficulties "hen "orking in

    group "ork. They aged from *< to 56 years old and had been studying English for at leastthree years.

    %.% Re!earc# et#od!

    -o"adays, it is increasingly common for researchers to report the study on both 2uantitative

    and 2ualitative findings, especially, in studies on English as %econd Language (E%L) (Adams,

    $u#ii and ackey, 566@). Thus, in consideration of the researchs purposes, this study "as

    done in the light of both 2ualitative and 2uantitative research in "hich the data is collected by

    means of 2uestionnaires, classroom observations and intervie"s of both teachers and students.

    %urvey 2uestionnaire is one of the most effective instruments for collecting data in social

    science. Advantages of using 2uestionnaires that illham (5666) highlights are3 less pressure

    on respondents, not under pressure of bias, and analysis of ans"ers is straightfor"ard.

    !lassroom observation is a useful "ay to investigate e'ternal factors in L5 learning. Through

    classroom observations, researchers can capture a "holistic picture of the natural setting. And

    classroom observations are often used to supplement data obtained from intervie"s and2uestionnaires. (Adams, $u#ii and ackey, 566@). Like 2uestionnaire, intervie"s can allo"

    researchers to investigate cognitive processes such as a"areness or constructs such as

    perceptions or attitudes that are not directly observable.

    The purpose of using 2uestionnaire, classroom observations and intervie"s as research

    materials to collect data in this study is to triangulate the data and to overcome the limitations

    or dra"backs of other methods because one can "ell support another "hich helps strengthen

    the research findings.

    %.'. Re!earc# aterial!

    %.'.1. ue!tionnaire!


  • 8/13/2019 Practical CLT


    The study employs t"o 2uestionnaires, one for teachers and the other for students.

    The 2uestionnaire for teachers, adapted from ueller (*88:), "ritten in English consisting of

    *6 2uestions "as delivered to 7 teachers "ho "ere teaching English speaking skill for the * st&

    year students at V!. The 2uestionnaire "as used to e'plore information about their attitudes

    to"ards group "ork use and their procedures in organiing group "ork during speaking lesson

    as "ell as the difficulties they have e'perienced "hen applying group "ork in speaking class.

    The survey 2uestionnaire administered to *66 students including < 2uestions "ith an aim to

    get information about students opinion on and students desires in leaning speaking skill

    through group "ork and difficulties students have e'perienced "hen "orking in group.

    %.'.2. Inter0ie4!

    Another research tool employed in this study "as semi&structured intervie"ing schedules. The

    follo"&up intervie"s "ith teachers and students "ere carried out (7 items for the teachers and

    7 items for students) to get more information about the procedures used in organiing group

    "ork in speaking lesson and difficulties they cope "ith. These 2uestions "ere open enough to

    allo" the intervie"ees to comfortably e'press their thoughts, feelings, or opinions. 0eforeofficially carrying out the intervie"s, the intervie" 2uestions "ere piloted "ith one teacher

    and three students to identify the potential problems.

    %.*. Data collection )rocedure

    1n the first phase, 2uestionnaires "ere administered to *66 V! English ma#or freshmen at

    the end of the first semester of the academic year 566

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    ease and at a time they suggested. The intervie"s "ere all tape&recorded to free the

    intervie"er to participate naturally in the discussion and to allo" the content to be revie"ed

    carefully. 1n addition, in order to capture the comple'ities of the respondents individualperceptions and e'perience, the ten intervie"s "ere conducted in Vietnamese. At the

    beginning of each intervie", the students "ere e'plained clearly, e'plicitly and

    unambiguously about the nature of the study. Buring the intervie", the researcher modified

    the 2uestions and procedures according to the sub#ects responses. The length of each

    intervie" "as from *6 to *@ minutes.

    0eside survey 2uestionnaires and intervie"s, classroom observations "ere also carried out to

    collect more information about the e'act procedures occurring in the real classes as "ell as

    difficulties the teachers coped "ith in practice. Each observation consisted of t"o steps3 before

    the lesson and during the lesson. 1n before&the&lessons step, the researcher met the teacher to

    kno" herF his aims in teaching the lesson, to read hisF her lesson plan. 1n the during&the&lesson

    step, the researcher observed and took note the students activities and participation "hen

    "orking in group and the teachers steps of group "ork implementation during speaking


    %.+. Data anal$!i!

    The data of the study "as analysed both 2uantitatively and 2ualitatively. As for 2uantitative

    analysis, "e used descriptive statistics to 2uantify the data in form of charts and figures. The

    2ualitative data "ere revie"ed carefully and repeatedly to identify patterns and information

    that helps to e'plain the 2uantitative findings. And at last, a comparison bet"een the teachers

    present procedures used in organiing group "ork in the speaking lesson and the students

    desires "hen "orking in group "as addressed.

    1n short, the chapter has described in details the research conte't, sample and sampling

    procedure, the research methods, the research materials and data collection procedures used in

    this study. a#or findings "ill be presented and discussed in chapter four.


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    This chapter is consisted of t"o sections of findings and discussion. 1t sho"s an attempt to

    ans"er the four research 2uestions posed at the beginning of the study.

    '.1. 3rou) 4ork organi,ation )rocedure

    %.1.1. Te organi&ation procedure o! group wor tat teacers o!ten used in speaing





    150%steps teachers followed in organizing group work

    8igure 1: teps teacers !ollowed in organi&ing group wor

    The data in $igure * sho"s clearly that, *66 J of the teachers chose the same 7 steps3 select

    the task carefully, state the ob#ectives of the activity, give clear instructions, organie groups

    of students, go around monitoring students performance and giving support and provide

    feedback in organiing group "ork in their speaking lesson. @6J of the teachers praise and

    encourage students. And providing the language students need to do the task accounted for

    only *7.7J.

    1t is found from the teacher 2uestionnaire that all of the teachers often used the same si' steps

    in organiing group "ork as these might be the basic steps needed for it. 1n the intervie",

    almost all of the teachers thought that providing the language students need to do the task is

    not very necessary, students can manage themselves "ith the needed ne" "ords for the task

    first. The teachers only provide students "ith the language in case they do not kno". 1t seems

    that half of the teachers forgot to give complements "hen students did "ell in group "ork to

    encourage them.


  • 8/13/2019 Practical CLT





    150%Activities teachers often selected for group work

    8igure 2: 9ctivities teacers o!ten selected !or group wor

    As for the kinds of activities used for group "ork, the given data in figure 5 implies that the

    most fre2uently&used activities among teachers (*66J) in the speaking lesson "ere

    intervie"ing, problem solving and decision&making and discussing. ames and ;ole&play and

    simulations "ere follo"ed by @6J and 86J respectively. %i'ty si' percent "as the choice for

    information gap activity. 0oth pro#ects and opinion e'change received the same percentage of

    CC.C J. And drama activity had the least choice of *7.7J.

    !oncerning the kinds of activities, the teachers all agreed that intervie"ing, problem solving

    and decision&making and discussing activities are useful for group "ork. They sa" the

    effectiveness of games and role&play and simulations in engaging students in group "ork but

    they "ere afraid of making noise. Therefore, some of them ignored these activities. %ome

    teachers also paid attention to the use of information gap or pro#ects or opinion e'change ifthey had much time. Brama seems to be the most difficult activities to apply for group "ork

    because it is time&consuming and needs a lot of efforts from students.





    Same Eproficiency

    Mixed Eproficiency







    sit ti n! nextto eac"




    Same a!e ifferenta!e

    Same sex ifferentsexes


    ways teachers often used to group students

    8igure 3: a$s teacers o!ten used to group students

    As can be seen in $igure C, the "ays of grouping students varied from options to options. All

    of the teachers (*66J) tended to group students sitting ne't to or near each other. And most of


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    the teachers (

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    of activities such as intervie"ing, discussing, and problem solving and decision&making

    because they "ere afraid of making noise.

    *n fact+ * want to create a funny and interesting atmosphere for students &y usinggames activity when they learn speaking skill+ * want my students to feel free to speak

    and speak English in a natural way &ut * rarely used it &ecause * did not want to &e

    complained a&out making noise in the lesson &y other teachers! ,.

    /y students have to learn English all day and night so * like to help them learn

    practice speaking English through some kinds of games which make them rela0ed and

    funny! However+ * can not! ,.

    All the intervie"ees (L, , G, 0, - and B) said that they grouped students sitting ne't to or

    near each other regularly for its convenience. 1t "as easy to ask students sitting ne't to each

    other to turn back and form a group, and it "as also not time&consuming. The second "ay that

    ma#ority of the teachers used "as grouping students of different English proficiency because

    students "ith lo" English proficiency could benefit a lot from students of higher one. All of

    the teachers also e'plained that it "as really difficult and took time to understand each

    students interests, personality, prior learning e'perience and ages. Therefore, it is not easy for

    them to group students by these "ays. T"o teachers chose other "ays to group students. They

    let students group themselves

    %.1.2. tudents" expected group wor organi&ation procedure.





    8igure %: teps students expected teacers to !ollow in organi&ing group wor

    The data in $igure ? sho"ed clearly that *66J of the students thought teachers should follo"

    7 steps in managing group "ork3 select the task carefully, state the ob#ectives of the activities,

    give clear instructions, organie groups of students, go around monitoring students

    performance and giving support, and provide feedback. Eighty percent of students find


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    =providing the language students need to do the task> an essential thing that teachers should

    do. ore than half of the students (@CJ) preferred the teacher to praise and encourage them

    "hen they "ere "ell&done in group "ork.The data from 2uestionnaire, the information collected from observations and intervie"s

    implied that all of the students hoped their teachers to use 7 steps in organiing group "ork3

    select the task carefully, state the ob#ectives of the activities, give clear instructions, organie

    groups of students, go around monitoring students performance and giving support, and

    provide feedback. Almost all of students thought providing ne" "ords or e'pressions related

    to the task should also be done by the teachers. $rom the researchers observations, the

    students sometimes had to interrupt their teachers to ask for ne" "ords. And @ among *6

    intervie"ees (9, !, -, A and ) said that about

  • 8/13/2019 Practical CLT





    Same Eproficiency

    Mixed Eproficiency







    sittin! next toeac" ot"er

    Samein terests


    Same a!e ifferenta!es

    Same sex ifferentsexes


    8igure ,: a$s students wanted teacers to put tem in group

    As can be seen in $igure @, students different opinions "ere given on the types of partners

    they "anted to "ork "ith. As regards students proficiency, 86J of the students responded

    that they preferred to "ork "ith students of mi'ed proficiency "hile only *6J ans"ered they

    "ould prefer students of the same proficiency. And ninety percent "anted to be grouped "ith

    students sitting ne't to or near them. Dorking "ith partners of the same interests "as the

    choice of @6J of the sample students. %urprisingly and interestingly,

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    $ames %ole&play 'nter(ie)in!'nformation !ap rama *ro+ects *ro,lem sol(in! isc-ssin!#pinion exc"an!e

    8igure -: 9ctivities students wised teacers to select !or group wor

    %tudents preferences for kind of activities for group "ork "ere indicated in $igure 7. All of

    the students (*66J) chose role&playing, games, information gap, discussing, intervie"ing and

    problem solving to be their favorite activities. pinion e'change "as the choice of 76J of the

    students. And Brama and pro#ects received only *6J and 56J of the students respectively.

    A variety of reasons "ere given to e'plain students high appreciation for teachers selection

    of games, role&playing, intervie"ing, information gap, problem solving and discussing for

    group "ork. $irst and foremost, they e'plained that these activities often create e'citing

    atmosphere, especially games and intervie"ing, and they are also not too difficult and time&

    consuming for them to prepare and make presentation. %tudents sometimes "anted to

    e'change opinion on some speaking topics, and almost of them did not like drama and pro#ect

    activities as they are actually difficult and need much efforts to do.

    %.1.3. 7omparison #etween teacers" group wor organi&ation procedure and students"





    150%teac"ers. ans)er st-dents. ans)er

    8igure /: 7omparison #etween teacers" steps in group wor organi&ation and students"


    !omparing the data from the teachers ans"er and students ans"er about the steps in

    organiing group "ork in $igure :, "e can see that all of the teachers and students (*66J)

    shared the same vie" on si' steps in organiing group "ork in speaking lesson3 select the task


  • 8/13/2019 Practical CLT


    carefully, state the ob#ectives of the activity, give clear instructions, organie groups of

    students, go around monitoring students performance and giving support and provide

    feedback. These numbers implies that both teachers and students have good understanding ofnecessary stages in implementing group "ork activity. Around half of the teachers and

    students (@6J and @CJ respectively) agreed that it "as important to praise and encourage

    students "hen students "orked effectively in group. 9o"ever, for the fourth step + provide the

    language students need to do the task + there "ere a big difference. Eighty percent (

  • 8/13/2019 Practical CLT


    activities. The number of students choices "as nearly t"ofold in comparison "ith teachers.

    The percentage for these activities "as *66J and @6J, *66J and 77.7J, and 76J and CC.CJ

    respectively. This implies that teachers need to "ork closely to students "hen organiinggroup "ork in speaking lesson so as to understand more about their desires in learning

    speaking through group "ork. $rom that, teachers can change their selection of activities for

    group "ork to make the speaking lesson much more efficient. -evertheless, teachers are more

    favored "ith the last t"o activities&drama and pro#ects&than students. *7.7J of the teachers

    adopted games activity and students choice "as *6J. And pro#ects activity "as selected by

    CC.CJ of the teachers and 56J of the students. These numbers indicated that drama and

    pro#ects "ere not both students and teachers favorite activities. They used these activities

    occasionally "hen they had much time and high motivation in learning speaking.








    /eac"ers. ans)er St-dents. ans)er

    8igure : 7omparison #etween teacers" grouping strategies and students" expectation

    rganiing students in groups is also an important factor to teaching speaking skill through

    group "ork. The comparison of teachers and students ans"er about "ays of grouping

    students is illustrated in $igure 8. The data in $igure 8 sho"s clearly that both students and

    teachers nearly shared the same opinions on t"o "ays of grouping. The first "ay =group

    students of different English proficiency levels> "as the choice of about

  • 8/13/2019 Practical CLT


    *66J of the teachers and 86J of the students. 9o"ever, almost all of the teachers and

    students had different vie" on the "ay of grouping students of the same or different se'es. $or

    the former,

  • 8/13/2019 Practical CLT


    "ork and establishing contracts "ith students in "hich they indicate ho" much English they

    are "illing to use accounted for *6J of the teachers.

    The findings indicate that the most regular strategy to foster students English use "as tohighlight the importance of using English to students. 1f students themselves have a full

    a"areness of using English, they "ill use it more often and more effectively because they have

    motivation and they "ill try their best to practice speaking English. 1n addition, almost all of

    the teachers also understand that their students can use more English in group "ork "hen they

    re2uired their students to increase the amount of English use day by day or "hen they

    reminded students not to use their mother tongue in group "ork. Asking students to self report

    on the percentage of L5 they use in group "ork and establishing contracts "ith students in

    "hich they indicate ho" much English they are "illing to use are the t"o strategies that

    almost all of the teachers found impossible to do.

    1n the intervie", all of the teachers said that in order to increase the amount of English

    language use among students in group "ork is a problem to teachers "ho teach speaking skill.

    They have tried to make all efforts to encourage students to use English "hen organiing

    group "ork. 0ut the teachers found that, at first, students often strictly follo"ed teachers rules

    about using English but after only some minutes they s"itched from using L5 to L*

    consciously or unconsciously. Therefore, it is necessary for teachers to find out some effective

    strategies to help students be more a"are the importance of speaking English and they "ill

    themselves use it in group "ork voluntarily "ithout teachers reminds and supervise.





    Increase L2 use

    requred by Ts

    Raise Sts' awareness Sts suggest strategies Sts self-r eport on L2


    Establish contract s

    with Sts

    Establish a warning



    8igure 11: trategies students expected teacers to use to !oster and stimulate teir Englis use in

    group wor

    As apparent from the above $igure, the students valued the strategies "hich should be used by

    teachers in the almost similar same "ay as the teachers. All of the students (*66J) "anted


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    their teachers to raise their a"areness of the importance of English use and give them the

    "arning signal to remind them to use English "hen they s"itched to use Vietnamese in group

    "ork unconsciously. Dhen being intervie"ed, they e'plained that they have good a"arenessof using English because they are English ma#or students and they al"ays tried to speak

    English in discussion through group "ork as much as they can. 0ut, they sometimes could not

    find the e2uivalent structures bet"een English and Vietnamese so they s"itched to use

    Vietnamese instead of English. They liked their teachers to remind them regularly about using

    English in group "ork. ore than

  • 8/13/2019 Practical CLT


    them lose control of the classes and lack of money for material and teaching aid development

    to be the biggest problem. A ma#ority of teachers (

  • 8/13/2019 Practical CLT


    grouping students, CC.CJ of the teachers said that they often used a variety of "ays to group

    students and they tried to give all the students e2ual chance to present the ideas. They

    supposed that these solutions "ere actually useful "hen they carried out group "ork activityin teaching speaking skills.

    '.'. Di""icultie! !tudent! e9)erienced 4#en 4orking in grou)!




    /s. lo) En!l is" proficiency Sts. lo) proficiency Sts. passi(e learnin! styles 0ac3 of mater ials and learnin! aids #t"ers

    8igure 1%: di!!iculties students experienced wen woring in groupsAn interesting fact dra"n from $igure *C "as that almost all of the students (86J) agreed that

    the factors causing the difficulties "ere due to their passive learning style. This is not hard to

    understand because Vietnamese students are strongly affected by !onfucianism that focuses

    on academic study of grammar and in&depth kno"ledge. T"o intervie"ees confessed that3

    * often come to class e0pecting my teachers to e0plain the whole lesson and wish the

    teacher would not ask me to do any thing! ,6.

    3ctually+ * am afraid of &eing called to answer the teachers4 7uestion or to present in

    front of my friends! *n my class+ the num&er of students who are active in participating

    in group discussion is small! "hen working in group * want to &e sit in silence and

    listen to my friends! ,8.

    !oncerning the factors that caused the difficulties,

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    is a matter of bigger concern. Thus, the teachers need to keep mastering their English

    proficiency and methodology to meet the students re2uirements.


    *.1. (uar$ o" t#e )a)er

    This study set three&fold purposes3 $irstly, it aimed to clarify the procedures used in

    organiing group "ork in speaking lesson of *st&year English ma#or students by the teachers of

    English at V!. %econdly, it aimed to identify teachers strategies to foster and stimulate

    students English language use in group "ork. $inally, it investigated difficulties teachers and

    students e'perienced "hen implementing group "ork. Thus, the population of this research

    study "as teachers and English&ma#or students at V!. 1n this study, 2uestionnaires,

    intervie"s and observations "ere used as research instruments.

    $rom their responses to the 2uestionnaires, intervie"s and observations, it is found that all the

    teachers fre2uently used group "ork in their speaking lesson because they understood the

    importance of group "ork in teaching speaking skill. And they all follo"ed the same basic

    steps in organiing group "ork activity. 1t is also interesting that games and role&play are

    favorite activities to all students mean"hile they "ere selected by only half of the teachers.

    9o"ever, the students and teachers share the same opinion on the "ays of grouping, almost of

    them chose to group students sitting ne't to or near each other and students of mi'ed

    proficiency. As for strategies used to foster English use in group "ork, both teachers and

    students thought it "as necessary to raise students a"areness of the importance of English

    use. 1n addition, increasing the amount of English use re2uired by the teacher and reminding

    students to s"itch back to English "hen they speak Vietnamese consciously and

    unconsciously are t"o strategies "hich almost all of the students and teachers highly

    appreciated. ;egarding the difficulties, three factors =students use too much Vietnamese>,=students make too much noise> and =there is a lack of money for material and teaching aid

    development> "ere considered to be the biggest problems to all the teachers. And for students,

    their biggest difficulties "ere due to their passive learning style, their lo" English proficiency

    and classroom conditions and learning aid.


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    0ased on the findings of the study, a number of suggestions "ere given to teachers and

    students of English $aculty at V!.

    *.2. Recoendation! "or teac#er!

    $rom the findings, it is clear that the application of group "ork in speaking lesson "as not

    totally efficient partly because of the teachers. Teachers play a very important role in

    organiing group "ork activity. A number of recommendations for teachers "ill be discussed


    a) Emplo$ a variet$ o! criteria to group students.

    Bepending on the difficulty of the assigned tasks, teachers might group students basing on

    some criteria such as same common preferences, same or mi'ed level of proficiency, their

    position in classroom, or random grouping (0ro"n, 566*). Teachers should be fle'ible to

    decide "hat strategies they follo".

    #) esign and select appropriate activities

    A variation of activities that are suitable for students life and interest can motivate students

    "ork in group in an effective "ay. Therefore, teachers should find out more about their

    students interest in order to kno" "hat their favorite activities are. $rom that, teachers can

    select appropriate activities for their students. oreover, they should spend a lot of time

    before lessons to prepare material and select suitable tasks and activities for mi'&ability


    c) Raise students" awareness o! te importance o! Englis use

    As students English use in speaking lesson comes from students self&consciousness, teacher

    can only encourage them to use English rather than to force them to. The first step to do this is

    to raise students a"areness of the importance of English use for their o"n learning. They

    should be advised that they are the ones "ho are responsible for their success and failure, not


  • 8/13/2019 Practical CLT


    the teachers or someone else. Then they "ill be "illing to speak English as much as possible

    for their o"n sake.

    d) Train students group wor sills.

    An effective group "ork needs good cooperation bet"een the teacher and students. Therefore,

    the teacher should train and instruct their students some skills to "ork in groups. Teachers

    should also train the students to obey some rules in group "ork, for instance3 start and stop

    "ork right after the teachers command be 2uick "hen moving to another activity be self

    discipline and listen carefully teachers instructions.

    *.%. Recoendation! "or !tudent!

    a) 7ooperate wit teir teacers

    As students in a learner&centered class are the ones "ho are responsible for their success or

    failure in their learning, they should be a"are of their active role in the process of learning by

    choosing good learning strategies, and more importantly, cooperating "ith their teachers to

    gain success.

    #) Train temselves to #e e!!ective students

    Each student should find a style of learning that suit himFher. Dhen he is in a learning

    situation that he find difficult or boring, he is able to adapt it to his personal needs. 1n addition,

    students should actively involve in the language learning process. And they must understand

    ho" to improve their learning by emphasiing their strengths.

    *.'. -iitation! o" t#e !tud$

    There are t"o limitations that need to be ackno"ledged and addressed regarding the present

    study. The first limitation has to do "ith the e'tent to "hich the findings can be generalied

    beyond the samples studied. The number of teacher and student participants in the study "as

    not big enough for broad generaliation. Though all the teachers "ere invited, there "ere only

    7 teachers teaching speaking skill for the first year English ma#ors. And only *66 * st year


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    English ma#ors "ere selected as sample "hile there "ere no students came from the second or

    the third year. The second limitation concerns the scope that this study could cover. Bue to the

    time constraints, many untouched issues on group "ork and the use of group "ork activity inother language skills such as listening, reading and "riting "ere not e'plored.

    *.*. (ugge!tion! "or "urt#er !tudie!

    As group "ork is a very common activity of !LT approach so that it "as applied "idely in

    many kinds of language classes. $uture researchers can further e'plore the untouched issues

    such as interaction process in group "ork, learner&learner interaction during small group

    activity, strategies to involve student in group "ork activity and so on. ;esearchers

    contemplating future studies in this area may "ish to e'plore the use of group "ork activity in

    other language skills, namely "riting, reading and listening.

    1n conclusion, by using a combination of methods, this study has been able to contribute to our

    kno"ledge of !LT approach in general and group "ork activity in particular in "ays that "ill

    benefit not only teachers but students of English as "ell. 9o"ever, due to the limitation of

    time and e'perience, shortcomings are unavoidable. All comments, are therefore, greatly

