Police Ethics Reviewer 1

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  • 5/24/2018 Police Ethics Reviewer 1


    Police Ethics Reviewer 1

    Reviewer Creating a free website Seventeen Board Exam Correction Correctional

    1. Known as the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for public officials and emploees.

    !. R.!. "o. #$%%

    B. R.!. "o. &'1$ C. R.!. "o. #(&(

    ). P.). "o. &*$

    (. +t is the transfer of title or disposal of interest in propert b

    voluntaril, completel, and actuall depriving or dispossessing

    oneself of his right or title to it in favor of a person or persons

    other than his spouse and relatives. !. Procurement

    B. )ivestment

    C. Enticement

    ). !ttainment

    $. ! -undamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a sstem of belief or behavior or for a chain of reasoning.

    !. Principle

    B. +deas C. Customs

    ). orals

    %. ! branch of Philosoph dealing with what are good and bad with moral dut and obligation.

    !. /ogic B. Epistemolog C. !esthetics

    ). Ethics

    0. !re Rules b which we mae decisions about right and wrong,

    should and shouldn2t, good and bad.

    !. orals

    B. Ethics C. 3alues

    ). Customs

    &. +s a Science that treats of the law enforcement.

    !. Police Code of Ethics

    B. ilitar Code of Ethics C. 4overnment 5fficials Code of Ethics

    ). Baranga 6anod2s Code of Ethics

    '. +t means long established practices common to a particular

  • 5/24/2018 Police Ethics Reviewer 1


    communit,class, or race.

    !. Practice

    B. 3alues C. Customs

    ). Ethics

    7. +t implies the repetition of the same action as to develop a

    natural, spontaneous or rooted tendenc or inclination

    to perform it. !. 6raditions

    B. Practices

    C. 3alues

    ). 8abits#. +t means a regularl followed procedure or pattern in conducting


    !. 6raditions

    B. Practice C. 3alues

    ). 8abits

    1*. +t means observance of social norms as re9uired b good

    breeding. !. Eti9uette

    B. Ethics

    C. 3alues

    ). Practice


    1. B

    (. B

    $. !%. ).

    0. C

    &. !

    '. C7. )

    #. B

    1*. !

    -amiliari;e is the misuse of authorit b a police officer in a

    manner designed to produce personal gain for himself or others?

    an impairment of integrit, virtue or moral principle? inducement

    @as an officialA b means of improper considerations @as briberA

  • 5/24/2018 Police Ethics Reviewer 1


    to commit a violation of dut.

    (. )8R)) > refers to the )irectorate for 8uman Resource and)octrine )evelopment? the primar training and education

    directorate in the P"P.

    $. Ethics is the capacit to determine right conduct and the

    nowledge of what is right from wrong? specific moral choices to

    be made b the individual in his relationship with others? themoral 9ualit of a course of action, fitness and propriet.

    %. Ethics and 3alues Counseling Center > ! facilit for spiritual and

    behavioral intervention established in ever Police Regional 5fficeto provide ade9uate counseling and assistance to police officers

    0. Ethics and 3alues -ormation Program 6his program contains

    policies,principles, guidelines and sanctions, all geared towards the internali;ation of moral values and service dedication through

    the implementation of a sstematic valuesintegration and intervention program.

    &. oral Recover Program 6he oral Recover Program is amovement which aims to mobili;e all -ilipinos for nationbuilding

    through the practical exercise of human values in our dail lives

    as citi;ens. +t is empowered through Executive 5rder $1# signed

    b President -idel 3 Ramos on !pril *$, 1##&, whichinstitutionali;es the RP in all government departments, offices,

    agencies, and governmentowned and controlled corporations

    '. orale > refers to a persons state of mind and emotions,

    affecting the personnelDemploee and the police force to perform

    assigned tass willingl and enthusiasticall with confidence,cheerfulness and discipline to wor, which in turn affects the

    individual performance and organi;ational goals and obectives.

    7. oralit > 9ualit of human acts that leads man to observeFmoral behaviorG, to be obedient to a sstem of moral rules,

    Frules of right conductG.

    #. Police )iscretion > the inherent abilit and privilege of a police

    officer to test and use the limits of his power in maing a choice

    among possible courses of action or inaction @i.e. to arrest or not to arrestA.

    1*. PR5 Police Regional 5ffice which constitute seventeen @1'A

    Regional 5ffices of the P"P to include !R, C!R and "CRP5

  • 5/24/2018 Police Ethics Reviewer 1


    11. Police 5fficer > a public servant who represents the disciplinar

    and discretionar power of the state to enforce laws

    1(. 3alues > are beliefs, principles and philosophies that are

    important,cherished, pri;ed, upheld and defended:

    1$. 3irtue > the 9ualit of moral excellence, righteousness, probit,

    responsibilit and goodness? conformit to standard moralit ormores @as b abstention from vices, rectitudeA? specific tpe of

    moral excellence or other exemplar 9ualit considered

    meritorious, a worth practice or ideal

    1%. Customs Established usage or social practices carried on b

    tradition that have obtained the force of law.

    10. 6raditions Bodies of beliefs, stories, customs and usages handed down from generation to generation with the effect of

    an unwritten law.

    1&. Courtes ! manifestation or expression of consideration and

    respect for others.

    1'. Ceremon ! formal act or set of formal acts established b

    customs or authorit as proper to special occasion.

    17. Social )ecorum ! set of norms and standards practiced b

    members during social and other functions.

    1#. Salute Salute is the usual greeting rendered b uniformed

    members upon meeting and recogni;ing person entitled to

    a salute.

    (*. 8abits Provide the basis for udgments about what is

    important for the organi;ation to succeed in its core business.